Paisito (2008) Movie Script

As in all works of fiction,
this story is related to the past
but the events, names,
dates and faces in this film
are figments
of the writers imagination.
No. In the hoteI Iater, pIease.
In the hoteI Iater.
Thank you.
In the hoteI.
And now the sports section.
Javier GaIdeano, alias Xavi,
fIew in from Montevideo today.
He's just signed up with Osasuna
for the 1996-97 season.
The 33-year-oId forward from Uruguay
has Spanish nationality
and is Osasuna's big hope for
promotion to the first division.
He was presented
to the press at his new ground.
Yes, I've played
in Spain a few times.
Even here in PampIona.
A summer tournament with Penarol.
I was thriIIed.
I was onIy a kid
and pIaying in
my foIks' country was fantastic.
So is it true to say that Osasuna
is very cIose to your heart?
Pro footbaIIers
have very big hearts.
But you've aIways been
with the same team.
That's true and I'm sure
it'II feeI strange
to wear a shirt without stripes.
Hey, Bagheera!
How are you, Pedro Rocha?
Rocha unmarked in mid-fieId.
He heads
the baII to Caetano...
He Iooks for Caetano again.
CubiIIa intercepts and takes it
around the defence,
he's ready to pass.
Here comes Rocha.
He's going to score.
A goaI by ''Hangman'' Rocha.
For Uruguay! Fantastic!
WeII, we won.
-Pedro, fantastic as aIways.
-Thanks a Iot.
-Great game.
-WeII done, Pedro.
Thanks very much.
Thank you.
Weren't we great?
He wants to meet you.
Be nice to him for me.
I can't come with you.
I have to have dinner at home.
Here, a present for you.
-Know who I am?
-Pedro Rocha.
This was today's baII.
Want it? It's yours
but on one condition...
Train hard.
The captain says you're reaIIy good.
What position do you pIay?
Anyway, be good.
On the wing
but I'd prefer mid-fieId.
Winger, eh?
Like me at your age.
What's your name?
-Javier, but they caII me Xavi.
That doesn't sound Spanish.
How come?
My dad started caIIing me it.
Then that's okay.
He's a genius
at making shoes.
Got a girIfriend?
But Ieave some for us, huh!
So, between you and me,
are you a Penarol or Nacional fan?
Penarol, like you.
It's the onIy team!
Anyway, see you, Xavi.
The winger.
I'm Bagheera, the panther.
What about me?
I don't want to be the snake.
Put your coat on properIy.
You must be happy, Agustin.
You missed the footbaII.
Yes, and the fiIm was fantastic.
But what shaII I say at schooI
tomorrow? We don't even know who won
They won.
They're ecstatic.
We won.
It was an internationaI match.
Sure, I forget
the country's honour was at stake.
Don't be mean.
Pocha Iikes footbaII.
You onIy taIk Iike that
because Roberto isn't here.
I'm surrounded by weirdos
who don't Iike footbaII.
Get a move on, DanieIa!
Where did we Ieave the car?
-Right, I'II caII you next week.
Bye, darIing.
-Yes, darIing?
Buy me a pie?
AbsoIuteIy not.
They'II be here in a minute.
But I'm hungry!
No. SiIva!
I thought you'd gone.
Sorry, madam. I was watching the
match through the window at SoIer's.
We won.
That's aII right.
Severgnini was picking us up anyway.
AII the TVs were on.
-Yes, darIing?
Sorry about that.
WouId you go
with Rosana to get some pies?
Of course, madam.
PIease get
a dozen meat pies
and get a faina for Severgnini.
He Iikes them.
-Get them to wrap them.
-I want mine now!
Don't argue.
Don't take any notice.
-Oh, Mum!
-You heard. Wrapped.
Did they sign it?
It's the actuaI baII
they pIayed with.
Pedro Rocha himseIf gave it to me.
-Then it's unique.
-DanieI, a kid in my cIass
has got a shirt
signed by Pedro Rocha.
Though Rocha didn't give it to him.
-His dad got it. He's a miIIionaire.
-DanieI who?
-The paediatrician?
-And miIIionaire.
Right, that too.
Did you Iike the game?
To teII the truth,
they were much better than us.
What do you mean?
Two shots bounced off the post.
That offside that wasn't offside.
That wouId have been a goaI.
That handbaII by Montero.
Camargo, say something.
''Some men fiII
their heads with knowIedge,
wise men there are of aII kinds,
and though I'm no expert, I say
that rather than
Iearning much, the best way
is to put the right things
in the mind.'' The boy's right,
Captain. If Rocha
hadn't been everywhere,
with that cooI head of his,
we'd have been compIeteIy
But we won!
We scored two, they scored one.
We won.
PIay weII?
Who gives a shit about that?
-Make room for me?
-Of course.
Why the Iong faces?
-Didn't they win?
-You see?
That is the question.
-How was the fiIm?
-It was in the jungIe.
It was IoveIy.
So cute.
The tiger wanted to kiII MowgIi.
Pocha and Agustin said to say heIIo.
Some of the monkeys were bad.
-What about the viper?
-It wasn't a viper.
It was a boa and you didn't see it.
I heard about it.
Rocha gave me a baII.
I'm Bagheera.
It was Rosana who saw the fiIm,
so she shouId teII us about it.
Go on.
Pocha's a bit worried about Agustin.
The way he taIks,
he'II get in troubIe one day.
Don't worry.
He's oId enough
to take care of himseIf.
How did the fiIm end?
MowgIi gets saved but Bagheera,
the panther,
the one I Iiked best,
saves MowgIi
and then MowgIi heIps them
and his famiIy of woIves.
There's Dad.
Here they are, thank God.
Semaphore, good dog!
Thank you.
-How are you?
-Fine, sir.
-AII weII, Luisa?
-Yes, madam.
Thank you, Camargo.
-For supper.
-Thank you.
-How are you, DoIores?
-A Iot better, thank you.
It's these changes in the weather...
-I'm sure. Take care.
-I've a coupIe of pheasants for you.
We're got too many.
They're deIicious pickIed.
I don't know how to prepare them.
Thank you, anyway.
I'm sure Luisa knows how.
Thank you.
-Looks Iike it was a good hunt.
Or did they die of fright?
Right, boys, I'm off.
They're waiting for me at home.
-Bye, Tabare.
-Be seeing you.
Have you seen my new gun?
It's marveIIous, ManueI.
An antique.
Worth a Iot of money.
WeII, it's my onIy vice.
ActuaIIy I...
bought it off the youngest
of the Bengoechea brothers.
Good peopIe, the Bengoecheas.
Didn't they buy some Iand
at Sarandi Grande?
From the stream to the road. A Iot.
Though I don't know if it's any good.
Those Basques have made money.
Don't compIain.
I wanted to ask you
about the area where
their house is.
On the way here, there was
a Iot of troop movement...
It seemed unusuaI.
The firing range is nearby.
ProbabIy manoeuvres.
No, I don't think so.
UsuaIIy from the road
you can't hear them firing
and they seemed...
Don't Iet your imagination
run away with you.
Look, Severgnini, you know me.
I've got a business
and can't be associated with
any poIiticaI party.
Then there's my famiIy.
I don't want to get
caught up again...
War aIways brings suffering.
We're friends, right?
I'm not in on anything.
If I knew something
I couIdn't teII you,
I'd say stay inside
your house but...
as far as I know,
nothing's going on
at Sarandi. If it was Pando,
that'd be different.
There were a Iot of them.
More reason to think
they were on manoeuvres.
It's aII right.
You can sIeep easy.
I'II teII LoIa to send you
-some pickIed partridges.
-Right. Don't forget.
Come on, Xavi, Iet's go inside.
What a stupid dog he was!
And he had a soft spot for you.
We couId have one as Iong as
it stays off the bed.
I don't Iike dogs that jump up.
He was my dad's dog.
He used to take him hunting.
-You're serious, aren't you?
Which part do you mean?
How can you not...?
I shouIdn't be here
as if nothing had happened.
I do have a Iife, you know.
And I've Iived without you
for the past 20 years.
I run a chiIdren's books firm.
And you'II Iaugh but...
the star's a mongreI
caIIed Semaphore.
What became of Bagheera?
He became a dream.
Another firm pubIishes
''The JungIe Book''
and Bagheera didn't do
as weII as Pedro Rocha.
Nobody ever gave me anything. It was
mostIy sacrifice and a IittIe Iuck.
Xavi, this isn't a press conference.
So what shouId I say?
Faina! DeIicious!
Who's eaten my mozzareIIa?
Don't compIain, my dear.
You shouId have come to the tabIe
instead of taIking shop
when the famiIy's together.
Here's your mozzareIIa.
That's my girI!
Who were you taIking to?
Pass me some.
Have you had some?
Yes, two pieces.
You have to eat.
Otherwise you'II stay smaII
-Iike Snow White's dwarves.
-I don't Iike faina.
ReaIIy? It's deIicious
with saIt and pepper.
It makes me sneeze.
Then don't eat it with your nose.
-Eat it with your mouth.
-TeII me who.
I'm fuII.
Some cocoa then.
Right, Rosana, bedtime.
-I was taIking to Maidana.
-What did he want?
It was nothing.
Doesn't he know
this isn't headquarters?
Yes, but you know what he's Iike.
And don't bIame him.
It was me who rang him.
Some are martinetas.
More meat on them
but they're tougher.
What were you taIking
to the neighbour about?
I'm not stupid, you know.
It was nothing, LoIa.
We saw some soIdiers, Severgnini
said they were on manoeuvres.
What eIse couId it be?
He says he doesn't know.
As the boss, he must know
what he's taIking about.
I don't know if he does or not.
Things are getting hot.
Hot? How?
What's going on?
What's going on?
Sometimes you do
seem stupid.
What's everybody taIking about?
And the chief of poIice says
he doesn't know what's going on?
I knew it.
I knew this wouId happen.
When's the coup to be?
You onIy hear what you want to hear.
Who said anything about a coup?
And how the heII shouId I know?
You've got a son to take care of.
If they find out about
your repubIican sympathies...
For God's sake, LoIa!
Shut up!
-I knew something was going on.
-You did?
It's part of my job, not yours.
I'm not stupid, you know.
It was him who rang you.
I heard the phone ring.
And it must have been important
for him to ring so Iate.
it must be very important
for you to Iie to me, Roberto.
The Tupamaros kiIIed
an officer in MeIo.
His name was AranzabaI.
And a coupIe of hours ago, CoIoneI
Texeira raided his mother's house
and arrested his brother and nephew.
A young kid
of 1 7.
The Texeira who married
one of the Miranda sisters?
-Sabrina's uncIe, Coco Texeira?
-Yes. Coco Texeira.
But his brother's an officer too.
What's going on?
-Have they aII gone mad?
-Some have.
-What are you going to do?
-That is the question.
Just answer me!
What am I supposed to do, Ana?
And I can't discuss
poIice matters with you.
I'm not asking you about that.
What about the famiIy?
ShouId we be scared?
No. WeII, I don't think so.
Come here, sweetie.
Put some on here.
So the thing about SiIva
and the others,
it wasn't just to make them
work harder as you said?
It was to make them work harder.
Some activity keeps
them fit and protects us.
You never know what
the subversives are up to.
ShouId we be scared?
You do go on, don't you?
ShouId I read you
what the book says?
In a situation Iike this
you aIways have to be carefuI.
You know I'm important
and not important.
Coco Texeira reaIIy
went over the top.
But the communists have
to be rooted out, don't they?
Not aII the Tupamaros
are communists.
Not aII? You say that as if
there were a miIIion of them.
How many are there?
That's nothing
to do with the famiIy.
AII right, aII right.
A coup d'Etat in Uruguay,
the SwitzerIand of South America?
No, that's not possibIe.
Think, sweetie,
this isn't BoIivia.
The poIiticaI parties
are firmIy estabIished here.
Bordaberry isn't exactIy AIIende.
And your peopIe wouIdn't act
without the government's consent.
-My peopIe?
The poIice and the army
are together in this, aren't they?
Just wait and see.
That F.A. party and the Tupas
won't Iast 5 minutes.
Give me 5 minutes and...
BIack humour tonight, huh?
What are you Iooking for down there?
Hidden treasure.
And I hope to find it before this
IittIe country goes to the dogs.
Goodness me!
It's aII the opposite here.
Is that a question reaIIy?
No, I mean it.
Here it's summer,
there it's winter.
There we drink mate
and I'm an icon.
Here they drink coffee and I'm...
an oId footbaIIer,
and cheap at that,
who's come to end his career
with a minor team.
There I Iost you,
here I found you.
I found you.
-Same thing.
-No, it's the other way round.
If you want me to pay for the past,
I'm broke.
As I said, I'm a cheap pIayer.
What a pity.
I wouIdn't have had cash fIow
probIems with the great Pedro Rocha.
So Iet's have a coIIection.
Afew coins and notes
for oId times' sake...
Maybe we'II get enough.
Wake up.
Wake up or you'II be Iate.
Come on.
Xavi, you'II be Iate.
Xavi, come on!
Oh, that boy!
Come on, kids, Iine up!
Quick, get into Iine.
In we go.
Come on!
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
That satcheI?
Come on, kids.
-I can't see it.
-There it is.
You didn't see anything.
You'II end up saying
I cIosed my eyes.
I was 11 years oId, Rosana.
With that baII from
the greatest pIayer...
I was fantastic at dribbIing.
And you stiII are.
Is that some kind of hint?
If you stood around,
you went to jaiI.
Cover yourseIf up.
Have you no shame?
You're so unfair.
Look what happened to my oId man.
Do you...?
Do you remember Moreira?
Your Uruguayan accent
came out there.
I remember Camargo better.
It's that way, Camargo.
Do as I say.
And quick.
I haven't got aII day.
Yes, Captain.
There are the signs, Captain.
You were right, as aIways.
Don't suck up to me.
I can't get you a pay rise.
''Never Ieave a good friend
in the Iurch,
nor ask him for anything,
nor deny him aII.
One's truest friend
is honourabIe behaviour.''
However do you remember
aII that poetry?
I onIy remember things
that mean something to me.
''Weapons are necessary
but no-one knows for when.
So if you go waIking,
especiaIIy at night,
carry one in such a way that
it wiII come out sharp.''
Rosana's just the same.
What a memory she has!
Eight, CoIoneI!
A bit Iow but one to the Ieft,
another at the top
and one miss,
-I think.
-WeII, don't think, Cardona.
-I never miss.
-Sorry. I probabIy didn't see it.
That's better. You're beginning
to Iearn not to disrespect me.
Wherever CoIoneI AIcides Moreira
sets his sights, the buIIet goes.
Tito, what a surprise!
Just in time for mate
and some target practice.
I'II have the mate,
but guns make a Iot of noise.
The perfect cop!
Where's my favourite god-daughter?
They kidnapped her!
Those Tupas! MobiIize the battaIion!
We must find her right away!
Is that an order, sir?
Your name's Pratt, isn't it?
Francisco Pratt Sosa, sir.
-It suits you.
-Thank you.
My goodness,
what a big girI you are!
-How's schooI?
-Top marks in everything.
Fantastic. Have you taught
the teacher aII you know?
You say everything
the other way around.
The things I couId
teII you, darIing.
TeII me now.
Later, darIing.
And how are you, boy?
What's your godfather got here?
Let's see.
Take it. Take it.
As beautifuI as ever.
Sometimes it scares me
how marveIIous she is.
Don't be stupid, Tito.
Good vines yieId good wines.
Though you have
to trampIe the grapes weII.
With big feet and in the right
pIace. Know what I mean?
You came to taIk to me
about that, right?
You know me. I'm aIways
the Iast to hear anything.
This is an easy match.
lt's not Penarol or Nacional
this time. It's Uruguay.
-It's cIear as crystaI.
-Drop the metaphors.
I want to know who the manager is.
You're a bit sIow
on the uptake, aren't you?
If you want detaiIs,
better stay on your toes.
Why don't you two run off and pIay?
But don't touch anything.
Off you go!
We're aII ready. At Ieast
aII those who shouId be ready.
Question of common sense, Tito.
-Go and see if it's raining.
-Yes, sir.
Leave the mate.
Yes, yes, just go.
If things get compIicated,
and I don't mean the fighting
or the Russians
but the press and the British
and aII that shit...
If things get compIicated,
there'II be a IegaI coup.
Don't Iook at me Iike that.
We couId do it if we wanted.
And dissoIve parIiament
Iike fruit saIts in water.
And there's no ''count me out''.
It's not Iike Rivera and Santa Ana
where you can put one foot in BraziI
and the other in Uruguay.
Look, Tito.
You need to do what
we've aII done... take sides.
Because we're the ones
who'II soIve the big probIems.
The army's going
to take over the show.
An army generaI's
going to be your boss.
Don't ask me who
because I don't know yet.
Erramuspe, De Gregorio,
maybe DanieI Gomez.
I reaIIy don't know.
Ajunta wiII take over
and we'II come out
and get aII the bastards.
You know we soIdiers don't Iike
getting invoIved in poIitics.
But we've no aIternative
if we don't want to end up
dancing Russian dances.
Or drinking vodka instead of mate.
That's right.
Go ahead and Iaugh.
But you know what?
Go and Iaugh in
AranzabaI's widow's face.
I've got a famiIy too.
I Iove my daughter more than
anything in the worId.
I suffer for our dead too, you know.
Interesting choice of word.
You sound Iike an oId woman.
It's time for action.
Don't get me wrong.
What I mean is that
if we've come to this,
then either someone's gone crazy
or I'm not doing my job right.
My famiIy's going
to need bodyguards, damn it!
Keep your temper
and don't pretend to be stupid.
You're doing aII you can.
Those peopIe pIay by ruIes
they themseIves don't keep to.
SuddenIy shooting an army officer
in the back's a revoIutionary act.
Interrogating a suspect
or doing a coupIe of courses...
a coupIe of shitty courses in Miami,
they caII that dirty war, Tito.
You know, I used
to think Iike you.
I didn't beIieve in
any BoIshevik invasion.
''The gringos made that up.''
But they are coming, Tito.
The thing with Mitrione
was a fuck-up from the start.
Then there was that squad...
that was no way!
You know, with aII this shooting
practice I'm starting to go deaf.
Forget about bodyguards.
As Iong as they don't start
squeaIing, everything's fine.
There's a difference between
a bodyguard who's there
to protect you and one who's there
to inform on you.
So Iook, Tito, be carefuI
about the company you keep.
You can't just kick
the baII bIindIy.
You might score a home goaI.
Don't just stand there.
The mate's getting coId.
Come on!
-Give it to me.
-I can't, you're covered.
Don't Iet them get it.
HoId on to it!
-Better go inside.
-Of course.
I didn't know they were coming here.
Where's Gordo going?
Gordo! Gordo!
They're not here.
They must be at the farm...
What do you want?
The baII.
Are you a friend of the Tupamaros?
Didn't you hear what I said?
Do you know those dissidents?
Are you famiIy of theirs?
I work over there
at the undertaker's.
Where's the daughter?
-Where is she?
-I don't know.
I think she's in Buenos Aires.
It's the son who comes.
We've got him aIready.
Carry on, CorporaI!
Go ahead!
Xavi! Xavi!
Thanks, Severgnini.
I don't feeI so worried now.
Everything wiII be okay.
Cheer up.
Looks Iike rain.
I'd better get an umbreIIa.
You'd better stay inside.
UmbreIIa's are no good
in storms Iike these.
Are you sure?
You can't be sure of anything.
Best to Iisten to the weathermen.
We'II aII get wet otherwise.
AII right.
I'II teII the dead not to come out.
Thanks for the mate.
Sometime I'II show you
how to make it properIy.
Sure! After 500 years you stiII
don't know what coIour mate is.
Rosana can go to the country
with GaIdeano's boy.
That's a mistake.
Just do your job, Severgnini.
-They won't Iet me.
-What do you mean?
Ask for heIp. The Tupas
aren't just common thieves.
I don't mind Iiving aIongside
peopIe of humbIe origins
as Iong as they're hard-working
and poIite, of course.
GaIdeano's onIy a cobbIer,
but I never say anything.
Even when they're simpIe
Iike DoIores. Or Luisa,
who beIieves in the eviI eye.
Yet here she is with us.
But there's a difference
between that
and turning things upside down.
Or wouId you prefer to Iive
in the sIums or have
your daughter eat fiIth?
That's not how it is, Ana.
Can't you just be
an ordinary soIdier?
Why don't you speak up?
SoIdiers maintain order,
not depravity.
Don't be stupid.
I'm not a soIdier.
Oh, yes.
Now who's acting stupid?
my famiIy had to fight hard
to make a Iife in this country.
They aIways stayed out of poIitics,
yet they aIways chose
a side to support.
It's simpIe enough, sweetie.
Get in the middIe
and they'II screw you.
Support one side and you onIy
have one enemy... the other haIf.
Stay in the middIe
and you Iose everything.
I got my mother to teII me
what happened 3 years ago.
She toId me
her side, of course.
But who am I to judge her?
We've both spent haIf our Iives
trying to work it out.
How couId we have Iost
if our side won?
Don Agustin the teacher
fiIIed me in on the rest.
Remember him?
Mum gave me his phone number.
When I asked her where
she'd got it from, she said,
''Don't be naive.''
Uruguay's a shitty piece of Iand.
A IittIe country.
Everyone knows everyone eIse...
the good, the bad,
the ones inside, the exiIes.
That was the onIy time
I ever heard her say that word.
Whenever they'd asked us before,
we'd aIways changed the subject.
Look, Xavi.
From now on you must be a man.
What I'm going to teII you...
onIy aduIts can understand.
Are you a man
-or a boy?
-A man.
That's what I Iike to hear.
Are you going to teII me the truth?
The truth?
What do you mean?
You aIways say that and then
you don't said anything.
You're onIy 11 years oId.
Don't expect miracIes of me.
WeII, the thing is...
Things are bad between
the army and the Tupamaros.
Like that fiIm the other day.
The Indians came
too cIose to the fort and GeneraI
Custer got annoyed. Remember?
If we're sending you...
away with the Severgnini's girI
it's to keep you both safe.
You are our future.
-What's the matter now?
-Mum's crying.
For goodness sake, LoIa.
That's enough.
My IittIe boy.
Where's your uniform?
I'II teII you Iater, if you don't
mind, Captain. TroubIe...
at home.
Here, and hurry up.
Yes, sir.
Xavi! Hurry up, son.
-Got your print?
This is a bit heavy.
Have a good time.
-Don't say I didn't offer to heIp.
-No, Don ManueI.
I appreciate it but
it's others who need heIp today.
Did you say goodbye to Mum?
put this in Rosana's bag.
It's a print of Jesus.
It'II keep her safe.
AII right, thank you.
You and your damn prints!
Bye, champ.
-Right. Be good.
''You were aIways good
to me, boss, but I have to go.
I hope we meet again
some day in better circumstances.
This is a very IittIe country.
Maybe that's why
they won't share it.''
OfficiaI communique
from the joint forces,
number 28/73. In accordance with
emergency security measures,
CoIoneI AIcides Moreira
has been appointed
new chief of poIice,
further to the miIitarization
of the poIice force.
Upon his appointment,
CoIoneI Moreira
said that the joint forces are
working for the democratic ideaIs
of Uruguayans to prevent the
infiItration of foIIowers
of the Marxist-Leninist doctrines
that are incompatibIe
with our traditionaI way of Iife
and to further an aspiration
to the mysticism of Uruguayanism
and the recovery
of the great moraI vaIues
of those who, Iike Artigas,
founded our country.
Stand at attention!
-Permission to carry on, sir.
Carry on!
Oh, ManueI. What did you do?
They're IoveIy.
I added some middIe soIes
and some pads around the counters.
You'II get a Iifetime
of dancing out of them now.
And to think I'd decided
on the white ones instead.
They're reaIIy IoveIy.
Got any shoe poIish?
Yes, I've got cIear poIish.
-How much is it?
-HoId on a minute.
I'II just serve this Iady first.
So shaII we stiII try them
with the dress on Thursday?
Of course. 12 o'cIock
on Thursday at ''Brides OnIy''.
-Thank you. See you on Thursday.
Right, I'II get your poIish.
If you stiII need it.
Thank you.
Are you sure?
No, I didn't actuaIIy ask him.
But I'm sure he's
one of your peopIe.
Hey! Poor kid.
Come on, Agustin, I'm not bIind.
AII right.
He is. And he's aIive and weII.
You got him out of a fix.
And you shouId
start saying ''our peopIe''.
No, I'm not a miIitant.
You're right.
But you're caught up in the middIe.
I'm where I have to be.
Though I must admit
I don't particuIarIy Iike that.
Have you forgotten Camargo?
Of course not.
But Camargo got away, didn't he?
No, I don't think so.
Did Severgnini say anything?
No. Did he say anything to you?
He'd never teII me. They won't admit
there are Tupamaros in the army.
Shut up and keep pIaying!
Take it easy.
You can taIk freeIy here.
Maybe we shouIdn't have met today.
I bet they're watching us. Innocent
peopIe get arrested aII the time.
You and I have pIayed dominos
here for 15 years.
We're not on any bIackIist.
At the moment.
Maybe we are.
I know we're friends
of the chief of poIice, but...
The first thing you do is saIute!
Yes, Captain.
And don't even breathe
without permission.
Yes, Captain.
Did you taIk to CoIoneI Moreira?
Permission to speak, sir.
I have to be back
at barracks by 1700 hours, sir.
The CoIoneI toId me not
to come back without the prisoner
or he'd have me arrested.
Hand him over.
Ready, Captain.
Tear up the report and the sheet
with his arrest...
throw it away or rather burn it.
That Tupa was never here.
Of course I'm worried.
I know he's in there.
In there!
You must sort this out.
Camargo's mother's here.
Have you got any famiIy, Ortega?
Kids, I mean.
Not yet, sir.
But I've got brothers and sisters.
I'm ''UncIe Ricardo''.
-Not the same thing.
-My wife says that.
It's not the same thing.
Go out and try and persuade her
her son's not here.
Because that's true, isn't it?
And teII that idiot
if he Iets any more
oId women through,
I'II have him thrown in jaiI.
Yes, Captain.
-Yes, dear?
What happened Iast night, in bed...
Don't worry, dear.
That's normaI.
It was onIy a few drops.
-Yes, dear?
Why did we come here?
Because your Mummy
and Daddy sent you, dear.
No, come on, teII me reaIIy.
Your mother said they'd cIosed
the schooIs in Montevideo.
When I toId CeciIia,
guess what she said.
''They never do that here!
They're so Iucky there.''
My dad's
going to wipe out aII the Tupas.
What do you bet?
He'II get some of them, not aII.
Rocha's an ace but he doesn't score
every time he shoots.
She peed the bed!
She's a IittIe baby!
Lying Spaniard!
Your dad's onIy a cobbIer!
I'm Uruguayan.
Wait tiII I catch you!
It's so coId.
That's better.
ShaII I take my pants off?
Xavi, your thing's moving!
Because I'm a man.
Now we're much more than friends.
What if it was sinfuI?
We'd have been struck by Iightning.
I'm sure it wasn't.
Come on in. The dance has started.
It's wine, women and song!
In you go.
-Are you awake?
Don't, my Iove!
It's aII right! Don't!
Nobody touches my girIfriend!
Put a ''soId'' sign on her.
-Damn soIdiers!
-Get back to your barracks,
-damned soIdier!
-Shut your face, sIut!
Shut yours, fucker!
Come here and shut it
for me, gaucho!
Tupamaro! Communist!
Make the most of your money, paIs!
Go on in,
the party's stiII on!
What are you doing?
Get out.
I want to sIeep with you.
What? No!
I thought we were sweethearts.
Yes, but sIeeping
together's for grown-ups.
Why wait to grow up?
I'II be yours forever.
Do you want me to go?
I'm not sure about something.
Did we screw?
I mean, technicaIIy we didn't.
But I remember
those kisses were so...
As beautifuI as making Iove now.
I'm serious, Xavi.
This is important to me.
I'm serious too.
I'm happy now we're together.
And I won't get intense.
Yes, but you're forgetting me.
AII I do is think of you.
I mean what matters to me.
You matter to me. I matter to you.
AII the rest is in the past.
That's what I mean.
But you never stop hiding.
I'm not asking for some kind of
ShamefuI Amnesty.
I'm taIking about us.
I'm taIking about us too but we're
an important part of what happened.
But nobody wants to taIk
about it back there.
Okay, I know justice
shouId be done and...
remembering's important but there's
no need to keep going over it.
I'm not taIking about what happened.
I know about that...
I'm taIking about...
what happened here inside me.
Isn't it enough that
I want to be with you?
That I Iove you?
Why are you doing this to me?
Because I can't take any more.
I don't get it.
We started off fine.
I need to know who I am.
I need to know who Rosana
Severgnini is. Do you get it now?
Remember what we taIked about?
We need Roberto, Spaniard.
We can't do it in Montevideo.
The organization's waiting
for the day of the match.
Oh, come on!
How many of you are there?
You can't have it aII pIanned out.
There are a Iot of us
and it's aII pIanned out.
Come on, where's
that repubIican spirit?
In Spanish ditches, dammit!
Your turn.
And anyway, my name's ManueI
and I've got a famiIy!
But you Iive here.
What I'm asking...
What we're asking...
we know it's not easy.
But you're our onIy hope in this.
I don't beIong to
any poIiticaI party or ceII!
Or to any revoIutionary
commando group, as you caII it.
AII I do is Iend ideaIists
who run away from despots a hand.
So Iend us a hand in this.
You once said you'd Iike
to meet him.
Nobody's asking you to risk
your Iife.
We just need you to give
Severgnini a IittIe push for us.
If you can get
Severgnini to go away
for a few hours,
everything wiII work out.
It's an act
of propaganda, Span... ManueI.
Just ask him to take you
out to the country.
The day of the match?
-That's not possibIe.
-It's what we need.
So that he'II come back aIone.
What wiII you do to him?
It's okay.
He'II be aII right.
We won't kiII him or ransom him.
Dead bodies are a burden.
But you have to heIp us.
-I don't know.
-Come on, comrade.
You want them in power
for 30 years here too?
-We aIready taIked about that.
-Now is the time.
He's a democrat
and a friend of mine too.
He'II be aII right.
You won't Iike the aIternative.
But there are priorities.
I know it's hard for you.
But otherwise we'II have to go out
and get his IittIe girI.
Rosana, isn't it?
And that might be difficuIt.
We hear your boy's with her.
One more IittIe favour, ManueI.
We need your heIp in two ways.
The first is what we just said.
The second is to caII us
when Severgnini Ieaves the viIIage.
AII you have to do
is teII us if he's on his own.
I've written down
the number on your newspaper.
This is more important
than his feeIings.
Go on in.
A sacrifice few are up to.
And I am proud to inform you that
you are to become part of a force
weII-known for its fideIity
to the constitutionaI Iaws
and the states of the RepubIic,
and aIso for its hard work,
its sense of discipIine
and its independence
in the fight against sedition.
From this moment on,
you represent the RepubIic
of Uruguay PoIice Force.
CongratuIations and weIcome.
Long Iive Uruguay!
Long Iive Uruguay!
-Very nice speech, Tito.
AIthough that word ''independence''
is for faggots.
How are things at home?
Fine. A bit IoneIy, perhaps...
Yes, I heard you sent her
out to the country.
You did the right thing.
Mine are here.
I want them to have a front seat
when we get those bastards.
But I understand. That god-daughter
of mine's a IittIe sweetie.
Look, you'd better stay
in Montevideo tomorrow.
I've got a IittIe job for you.
I know that
you're a pro and I don't need to
teII you how to do your job but...
the match tomorrow
is an important one.
do it any way you Iike...
Just make sure
that nothing whatever goes wrong.
AII right, Captain?
Tomorrow's an important day for us.
We can't afford mistakes.
The top brass wanted
to make changes.
But I spoke up for you.
You know?
That business with the chauffeur...
Tito, you reaIIy shouId
have reaIized.
You fucked up there.
Big time.
So tomorrow, you can't Iet me down.
And to make sure,
you can do things
with ''independence''.
Now that's the right way
to use that word.
But as we generaIs kicked the cops
out of their box at the stadium,
you're Ieft with nowhere to sit.
So you'II have
to watch the match on TV.
That's what I intended...
Going out to the country
to see Rosana
and watch the match on TV.
It might be better
to send her mother out.
I know Ana's
not very fond of the countryside
but the change wouId do her good.
She can even take her Spanish
friends aIong with her.
I happened to hear.
I went to take some cigarettes
to that chauffeur friend of yours...
-That's right.
He didn't smoke.
WeII, he does now.
For his nerves.
Come now, Tito,
you know how it is.
You know the boys
don't Iike traitors among them.
ActuaIIy I went aIong
to make sure he got some sIeep.
You don't know the damage
that those who don't know
which side they're on do.
-Good evening, GaIdeano.
Cheer up. Your team's
got a good chance tomorrow.
Cut the crap, Severgnini. Kids
are disappearing, ours are in danger.
Where did you hear that?
I'm going to get mine.
You shouId do the same.
It's on the radio, in the papers...
You don't want to beIieve aII that.
Are they eating kids now?
How can you be so naive?
Another one...
They take them to Russia for
indoctrination, but not my Xavi.
Over my dead body!
Look, if you'd taIked
about death squads,
I might not have denied it.
But you said it yourseIf.
-Did you hear him?
-I heard you.
What you're saying
doesn't make sense.
-You've got it compIeteIy wrong.
-Oh, reaIIy?
Know what our kids
were forced to watch Iast night?
A knife fight in the street
between a civiIian and a soIdier.
History's repeating itseIf.
-Are you coming with me?
-No, I can't tomorrow.
That's the troubIe.
AII right.
I'II ask Gordo Morey
to Iend me his vehicIe.
-But you can't drive!
-Then get me a chauffeur!
HoId on, I'II see what I can do.
We'II aII go. You can come back
tomorrow night after the match.
-HoId on, Ana.
-I want to see Rosana.
AII right.
We'II aII go tomorrow morning,
first thing.
-First thing.
-Goodnight, ManueI.
Now go to bed and get
that stuff out of your head.
-Listen, Severgnini...
-I don't need to Iisten.
Are we friends or not?
-How's the NacionaI supporter?
-I'm going to the country
-to see the match on TV.
NacionaI wiII thrash
Penarol tomorrow.
I thought NacionaI
were afraid to pIay.
We'II see what happens on the pitch.
On the ''fieId''.
We say ''fieId''.
-HeIIo, boss. How was the trip?
-Where's Xavi?
-I'II get them. ProbabIy on the farm.
Hey, kids!
Come on.
You've got visitors.
Hurry up!
I know you better
than you think, sweetie.
AIways compIaining about my
''bourgeois ways'', as you caII them.
But they're what make peopIe see us
as we want them to see us.
But if you'd been more Iike me, that
wouIdn't be written on the waII!
-Here's the water.
-Thank you.
HeIIo, darIing!
Look how happy he is.
How are you?
Look what we've brought you.
Don't tear the paper
and we can use it again.
I aImost didn't bring it.
You know I don't Iike stripes but...
Like it?
You can be so damned stupid,
No, I shouIdn't swear.
And you wouIdn't report
those subversives.
How often was Camargo
aIone with Rosana?
When she went swimming, when...
He was a Tupa
and you never reaIized.
-The bastard.
-You haven't a cIue what's going on.
You're the one
who hasn't got a cIue.
Are you mixed up in something...?
There's a secret war going on
and that affects my famiIy.
What about Rosana?
-And me?
You're making a big mistake.
-You're being seIfish.
-Don't say that!
-Yes, yes.
-I may have my fauIts
but I onIy think
of you and Rosana.
So why didn't you
report Camargo before?
We'd been miIitarized.
I was given orders.
You Iet us down
and I'II never forgive you for that.
What's up?
Go away.
Get out of here.
I said go away.
Go on.
It was sinfuI.
God's going to punish us.
Wait and see.
Where's the baII?
Five minutes.
The resuIts so far favour NacionaI.
They may not have been
too Iucky sometimes
but they've aIways pIayed
with a cooI head.
They're on the way.
But they took fuII advantage
of the few chances they had
to score, as against River.
Dammit! Dammit!
Come on, Penarol, come on!
No reIigion or footbaII
with me, PeIo.
We've got them!
It's NacionaI with Manga in goaI.
Defenders BruneII,
Masnik, Ubina and Blanco.
Mid-fieId there's Maneiro,
Montero CastiIIo and Victor
Esparrago. On the front Iine CubiIIa
Artime and JuIio Cesar MoraIes.
For Penarol there's
LadisIao Mazurkiewicz in goaI,
ForIan, Figueroa,
Matosa and Caetano in defence,
with GonzaIves, Pedro Rocha
and Nelson Acuna midfield...
Stay where you are.
Take it easy, Captain,
the kid's a bit jumpy.
We wouIdn't want his gun
to go off. Let's go.
And the 22 giants of footbaII
are on the fieId.
The ref's Amadeo Casas... scary.
His coin's ready,
he taIks to the captains...
Penarol wins the toss.
The referee bIows his whistIe
for the start of the match.
-Sit down?
-No, thank you.
...Moreiro keeps it...
Esparrago in possession of the baII,
looking to Ubina.
The goaIkeeper Manga
comes out to the edge of the area...
Manga Iooking for an opening,
Montero CastiIIo
with space to come out.
Montero moves forward sIowIy
aImost at a stroII.
Ortega reaIizing he has to
intercept. A Iong throw to MoraIes.
Caetano runs up
and the baII goes out.
And the Iinesman signaIs
a throw-in for NacionaI.
NacionaI's defence pIaying with more
and more confidence in repeIIing
Penarol's attacks.
Montero CastiIIo with
a short pass to Ubina...
So what's it to be, paI?
KiII him?
Make up your mind.
There's a man's Iife in your hands.
And he's not just any man.
We'II put a buIIet in you,
this guy and your boss.
Take no notice.
We'II Iet you Iive
but these two are dead ducks.
Then you'd have two men's Iives
on your conscience.
-WouIdn't you?
-Drop the gun, you fooI.
Drop it!
Drop your gun, paI.
-Drop your gun, you fooI!
-This one's nervous.
Drop your gun.
SIowIy now.
That's right.
Are you the sound technician?
We'II be needing you.
Come on, inside.
AII the worId's
been turned upside-down.
Communique number 1 7 of the Tupamaro
NationaI Liberation Movement.
Of the peopIe and for
the peopIe, our organization,
the NationaI Liberation Movement,
cannot cIose its ears,
eyes and mouth
to the piIIage
taking pIace in the country.
The press has stubbornIy
denied the facts
of the poverty
and feudaI expIoitation
and the suffering of the workers
under oId power structures.
The economic pressure
brought to bear by groups backed by
Yankee imperiaIism
makes it impossibIe
to reestabIished sociaI justice
where the peopIe decided their own
destiny at the baIIots boxes,
as our brothers in ChiIe did.
But we are not aIone.
The peopIes of the American
continent have risen up against
the Iies and injustice...
They're Iike the miIitary.
They're everywhere.
FinaIIy, the Tupamaros wish
to make it cIear to aII Uruguayans
and aII comrades
in other countries who sympathize
with this piece of Iand
we are Iiberating
that, though under
the orders of corrupt Ieaders
and a miIitary at the service
of Yankee imperiaIism,
the boys of Penarol and Nacional,
Iike any other workers
in the country,
wiII aIways represent the essence
of the garra Charrua fighting spirit.
Everybody into the trucks
in fifteen seconds!
It wasn't easy and stiII isn't.
The first few years were...
I hated you.
Body and souI.
I hated your name, those prints
of your mother's,
the food,
the cows, the streams,
the mate...
This is what I used to do.
I'd torture the Iips
that had kissed you.
I hated the demonstrations
for the Uruguayans jaiIed.
I hated your father
and the whoIe IittIe country.
But above aII...
I hated Xavi GaIdeano,
who pIayed for the Uruguay team,
and kissed his shirt
as if nothing had happened.
As if when I asked you
to stay with me
you'd never said we'd be together
for the rest of our Iives.
They took you away
and you never came back for me.
I hardIy remember
your father's face.
That reaIIy annoys me.
It wasn't easy for anybody, Rosana.
I aIways feIt guiIty but never knew
I never stopped feeIing I had
something to do with that disaster.
My mother never managed to get me
to visit my dad in jaiI.
She couIdn't even drag me there.
And now you come aIong saying you've
made a reconstruction of the facts
because you needed
to know who you are.
You want to know why
I never came back for you.
Have you ever thought in that
officiaI story that it was me
who screwed up again?
''Into time's maiIbox
disconsoIate passion,
the pIeasure trembIing,
and there awaits its destiny...
an invoIuntary peace of chiIdhood.''
And you recite a poem?
They've surrendered, CoIoneI.
What the heII
are you taIking about?
Are you stupid or something?
Didn't I teII you what to do?
-Yes, CoIoneI.
-Then do it!
Yes, CoIoneI.
With the dissoIution
of parIiament ordered,
the joint forces impIemented
the second part of the operation,
Ieading to the first arrests.
In a simpIe ceremony,
in the capitaI's cemetery
the chief of poIice
of Montevideo, Captain
Roberto Severgnini, murdered
by a Tupamaro commando group
during the seizure of the centraI
radio and TV station, was buried.
After this, the names
of those arrested
as a resuIt of the investigation
were announced.
They are ManueI GaIdeano Sanchez,
Spanish, 52 years oId,
RodoIfo Rivas Latuada, Uruguayan,
24, and CIaudia IsabeI
Martinez MagdaIena,
Uruguayan, 19 years of age.
ConsequentIy, the joint forces deem
the cooperation of aII Uruguayans
who Iove their country
necessary and request them to report
any suspicious
or subversive activity
in their neighbourhoods
or pIaces of work.
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