Palindromes (2004) Movie Script

Dawn had many phases
in her short life,
but her love of music
never changed...
...even when she was told
she had no real talent.
Last night, rummaging
in her closet, I found this tape,
a recording of a piece
for a school talent contest.
She lost in the first round.
Personally, I think
the judges made a mistake.
It's OK. It's OK, honey.
Sh! It's OK, it's OK, it's OK.
I don't want to be like Dawn.
I don't want to be like her,
or end up like her.
Aviva, no. Sh!
Don't worry. You and Dawn
are completely different.
Your cousin was a troubled child -
a middle child.
Her parents didn't love her the way
your father and I love you.
Why not?
- I don't know.
Maybe if she hadn't grown obese.
If she'd gone to a dermatologist...
Is it true she never washed her hair?
Dawn was a very special person,
with very special needs.
Oh, God!
There's so much
I'd have done for her, if only...
Missy told me after the funeral
that Dawn was pregnant
from a date rape
and that's the real reason
she killed herself.
She hated the idea of bringing
another Dawn into the world,
and then she said
that I was just like Dawn.
Don't listen to what Missy says
just because she's popular.
I know, because if I were pregnant,
I would never kill myself.
That would be killing the baby.
You would talk to me first, right?
Yes, because I want to have
lots and lots of babies.
As many babies as possible,
because that way,
I'll always have someone to love.
Oh, honey...
I love you so much.
So I'm really not like her?
No, Aviva.
You are the cutest bundle of love
in the whole wide world.
No matter what anyone says,
you'll always be you.
My baby.
You made it!
- Hi!
Come on in. This is the laundry room.
- Bruce, the Victors are here.
Anyway, this is it.
- How are you? Bruce.
- I'm coming!
It only took us about three months.
We had to raise the ceiling.
You know, Bruce was getting
paint in his hair.
Christ, I was in the bathroom.
- OK.
Joyce, Steve-my son, Judah.
- Nice to meet you.
And this is Aviva.
- Hey.
Let's go out to the deck. The lake
is gorgeous. I'd love you to see it.
It's so beautiful.
What are you listening to?
A self-esteem lecture,
part of a series.
Judah, show Aviva the lake.
Will you shut the fuck up!
You want to come up?
- Oh, OK.
I'm trying to put together a feature,
a mix of genres.
I'm worried people will think
it's like Jackass.
It's nothing like it. It's original.
It's hard, though.
In the beginning, nobody
believes in you or wants to help.
It's hard getting someone
to be in it. No one makes an effort.
I asked my mum, she said no.
My dad, he's too busy.
People are unreliable.
They have no faith.
I know.
Is that you?
- Yeah.
You were so cute.
- Yeah.
Too bad you had to grow up.
Yeah, I know.
I was so happy then,
only I didn't know it.
Maybe you're happy now.
You just don't know it.
Oh, yes.!
Oh, Ron.! Ron.!
Ron Gerard.! Harder.! Harder.! Harder.!
Yes.! Oh, Ron.!
That guy...
- Yeah?
He lives nearby. I'm going to see
if he'll do a cameo in my feature.
I need a professional actor
for marketing purposes.
But it'll be family rated.
Touch my titties.! It feels
so good.! That's right, touch them.!
Please take it off.
Let's get under the covers.
- OK.
Do you think about sex a lot?
I don't know. I guess.
I never think about it.
I just think about having a baby.
I don't know. They're cute.
I want one.
OK, then. Are you ready?
OK. Here goes.
I thought you'd done this before.
I did. You should have
moved your hips more.
- Just forget it.
Oh. Is that it, then?
What? Do you want a tissue?
Is that what you mean?
Could you try it again,
like Ron Gerard?
Right now?
- Yeah.
I don't know.
Aviva, are you OK?
Who did this to you?
Who the fuck did this to you?
It was that Wallace boy!
That ugly, fat little bastard!
Aviva, did he rape you?
He's going to pay!
That fucking shitface!
He'll pay big time!
What will you do?
Talk to his parents?
Fucking sue? She doesn't
need any more humiliation.
We'll find a doctor
and that'll be that.
Honey, can we talk for a bit now?
- Oh, OK.
I'm sorry I was so upset
at you before.
It wasn't your fault and I apologise.
It's just... It was such a shock.
I want you to know that
your father and I stand behind you.
We're not going to let anyone
find out about this.
We don't want you any more hurt
than you already have been.
And we'll find a doctor
who'll be able to take care
of everything for you.
I won't let your life
be ruined by this.
I'm keeping it.
- Oh, honey.
It's mine.
I know. I know this is difficult.
But really,
you're still just a child.
There's so much
you have to live for and experience.
You don't want to be
tied down by... by a baby.
You have a future,
college, boyfriends...
I won't have any boyfriends!
Of course you'll have boyfriends.
- I don't want any boyfriends!
What do you mean?
- I mean I don't want any!
Are you trying
to tell me something? Aviva?
It's OK. You can talk to me.
Are you a...
- No!
Aviva, it's OK. It's OK if you are.
There's nothing to feel bad about.
You know that I'll always
accept you, no matter what.
You know that you're my one and only.
My sweetie-pie.
You know I'm on your side.
But really...
Be reasonable.
The baby has to go.
What happens
if it turns out deformed?
If it's missing a leg or an arm
or a nose or an eye?
If it's brain-damaged
or mentally retarded?
Children of very young mothers often
turn out that way and then what?
Then you're stuck.
Your life is ruined forever!
You end up on food stamps, alone!
But it's my baby!
- But it's not a baby! Not yet!
Really, it's just...
It's like it's just a tumour!
I'm keeping it.
No, you're not.
Yes, I am.
Then you find another home.
- You can't take my baby away!
Too late. I already made
the appointment.
Honey, I know you're upset.
I spoke with your mum.
I understand. She's very upset also.
But could you please open the door
so just the two of us can talk?
Honey, please.
You have to come
out of there sooner or later.
Can't stay in there forever.
You have to eat sometime,
go to the bathroom.
Honey, you've been
locked in there too long,
and I'm afraid if you don't open up,
I'll have to force it open.
Please, honey.
Please don't make me force it open.
You're not making
this easy for either of us,
so just open the door and
we can discuss this like adults, OK?
Open up! I'm not kidding around!
Open the goddamn door!
We'll take care
of it tomorrow.
She's not coming out.
She's got no choice.
Come on, let's go to bed.
Baby, I know how hard
this all has been.
And I'm so sorry, really.
But now I'll tell you something
that I've never told you before,
but I think
you're old enough now, so...
Well, when you were just
a little girl, about three or four...
...I was pregnant.
And at first I was all happy
and excited.
"A new friend for you," I thought.
"A baby brother."
I thought I'd call him Henry
after my grandfather Henrik,
who never cared about money.
But, well, then your father and I
had a long talk,
and I began to realise
there were other things
to think about.
Your father was out of work.
My paintings weren't selling.
I was blocked.
I started smoking again.
There were bills,
a mortgage, a lawsuit.
If I'd had another child...
...I wouldn't have been able
to give you all that I have.
All the time we spend together,
just you and me,
and the little treats
your father and I pick up for you -
the 'N Sync tickets, the Gap account,
hand-packed quarts
of Ben and Jerry's.
We couldn't have afforded it.
It would have been a real strain
and we all would have been miserable.
I admit I was a little nervous
about the whole idea.
I was scared, just like you.
But it was the right choice,
and it was my choice.
So I grit my teeth,
thought of the future,
and once I came out
of that doctor's office,
well, honey, let me tell you,
I have never felt so relieved,
so good in all my life, as I did
after I took care of little Henry.
And I have never regretted it since.
Honey...'ve got to be brave and do it.
Just like Mum.
Do it for me.
Shit. Nutcases.
Ignore them.
Don't do it! Don't do it!
Don't do it! Don't do it!
Don't do it! Don't do it!
Don't do it!
Don't do it! Don't do it!
Everything will be alright.
Doctor Fleischer's the best.
Very gentle.
Just like he was with me.
My baby girl.
Dr Fleischer, is she OK?
I'm sorry.
There was extreme haemorrhaging.
I... I don't...
You mean that there's no...
In rare cases,
with very young...
the uterus...
the wall of the uterus can tear...
Joyce, what's happened?
We had to perform a hysterectomy.
But I thought...
I'm sorry.
God! No! No!
I'll never have any grandchildren!
Oh, my God!
Hey there, sweetie.
Is it all over?
Yes, and you're all OK.
100% OK.
Everything's OK.
Dr Fleischer said
good as new.
- Mm-hmm.
That's right, honey.
Yes, sweetie?
Was it a boy or a girl?
It doesn't matter.
But I want to know.
- No, you don't.
Tell me...
It was a girl.
Do you need a lift?
I'll take you home.
- I'm not going home.
Yeah, right.
You'd rather be raped
by a serial killer? Go on, get in.
Do you know your name's a palindrome?
What's that?
A word. Spell it backwards
or forwards and it stays the same.
It never changes. Like Anna, or Ulu.
Or "Sums are not set
as a test on Erasmus."
I've got a file of them on my G4.
Please don't take me home.
Can you wait for five minutes?
I must pick up some zip disks.
Take me please now
Help me please
Get me please
Far, far away
To a place
Any place, any place
I'm far away
Got to find some
Need to find
Better find some other way...
Hey, you want to play Geography?
Can you still get pregnant
when it goes in there?
What's your name?
Joe. You?
I'm... I'm Henrietta.
Hello, Henrietta.
Hello, Joe.
I had a good time last night.
I mean, I never knew
it was so beautiful.
Me, too.
Do you think next time
you could try coming inside me?
I mean, the regular way?
Sure. Yeah, I can do that.
I'll meet you in the coffee shop.
Are you OK?
What are you doing here?
I got lost.
Huh... What's your name?
Hi, Henrietta. I'm Peter Paul.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Want some Nerds?
Thank you.
Would you like to come with me?
I'll take you to my house.
- Here, take my hand.
Come on. We're almost there.
Hi, Trixie. Hi, Barbara.
Hi, Peter Paul.
- Who's your new friend?
Henrietta. She was by the brook.
- Nice to meet you.
Hi. Nice to meet you, too.
- Need any help?
We're OK. Take Henrietta inside
to Mama Sunshine.
She looks a little tired.
- OK, we'll see you later.
Hey, Shazaam.
- Hey, Double P.
How's it going? Catch any fish?
- You bet I did.
What's the matter?
Don't you worry about a thing.
Everyone loves Mama Sunshine.
Mama Sunshine!
- Peter Paul, is that you?
Look, I have a new friend.
Her name is Henrietta.
Hi, Henrietta.
Can I get you something to eat?
You look like you need
some home cooking.
That would be very nice, but...
- No 'but-but's here, Henrietta.
Jesus tears!
- Can I please have a glass of Evian?
We don't drink fancy delancey here.
How about some cola?
OK. Thank you.
Here, try one. She makes
the best Jesus tears in the state!
Hi, there.
Feeling better?
Where am I?
- At the Sunshine's.
You want to sit up
and have some tea?
Don't worry.
I put your stuff in the wash.
I have fresh clothes for when
you feel better tomorrow
laid out there, all nice and clean.
Thank you.
Your parents must be
worried about you.
They're not.
- How can you say such a thing?
You know, when you were
all sleepy-bye,
our neighbour Dr Dan
came by and examined you.
He said you've had some adventures.
What do you mean? Who's Dr Dan?
Don't worry. He's an old
family friend and a very fine doctor.
You'd like Dr Dan. He's the nicest!
Everything will be fine.
He said you're a little dehydrated.
That means you must drink
lots of liquids, so drink the tea!
you want to tell me
about what happened?
Did you run away from home?
Open your heart.
This is a house of love and faith.
The Lord is merciful.
- The Lord?
Jesus Christ.
My parents are dead.
They died in
the September 11th attacks.
Vaporised. Burned to ashes.
Their bodies never recovered.
I loved them very much.
It's OK. Go on.
So then, my grandmother
took care of me for a while.
She was very loving
and she liked giving me presents.
She surprised me with one
every day after school.
But then she died.
Brain cancer.
I miss her so much.
- Here.
Thank you.
So then I had no other relatives,
so they put me in a foster home.
It was horrible.
The father, he was an alcoholic,
and he tried to...
I can't talk any more!
Hush, don't cry. Oh, honey!
Mama Sunshine, can she stay with us?
Can she, Mama Sunshine?
Can she, please?
Could I? Just for a little while.
I'm so scared of going back.
Of course, sweetie, of course.
Mama Sunshine could never
turn away a needy child.
It's true.
Still, I have to discuss it
with the man of the house.
But don't you worry.
I can hear God in your little heart.
Jesus cares.
Now, you drink up the rest of
this tea and you go back to sleep.
We'll see you bright and early, OK?
Thank you, Mama Sunshine.
Sweet dreams.
Rise and shine! Rise and shine!
Good morning, Henrietta.
- Good morning.
Good morning!
Oh, well, don't you look nice today?
Come here and sit down. I've got
a nice cosy corner seat for you.
I'll introduce you to everybody,
starting with the head
of the household, my husband Bo.
That's right. You just call me Bo.
- And I'm Barbara. Remember me?
She's blind.
- Hush now!
Jiminy here.
- I'm Crystal.
I'm Skippy, like the peanut butter!
And my name's Ali.
- He was a heathen. He's been saved.
Peter Paul!
- You know me, I'm Shazaam.
And I'm Trixie, remember?
I'm Ellen, but everyone here
calls me 'EII'.
For leukaemia.
- Now, Peter Paul!
Ell is in remission, thank the Lord.
And I'm Carlito. I'm epileptic.
- Oh you! You're just fine.
He's under medication, too.
And that's Cuddles!
And you, forgive me, you're...
- Welcome, Henrietta.
Welcome to the family.
- Welcome, Henrietta!
Thank you.
Thank you for having me. I...
- Ahh!
Well, I think it's about time
we all say grace.
Bless us, O Lord, and these gifts,
which we receive
from thy bounty,
through Christ our Lord.
- Amen.
We believe in
a healthy start to a day.
Pass the freedom toast, please.
The bacon is good today.
- It's fat and greasy!
Barbara helped.
- I watched the flame.
You did more than that.
You cut open the package by yourself.
I guess that's true.
Henrietta, tell us about yourself.
You like cooking or sewing?
I've never really cooked before.
- Never cooked?
We take turns with everything.
- Teamwork!
We all learn.
- You never learned to cook?
Not even to microwave?
My mum didn't believe
in microwaves. She was organic.
That's OK, honey.
With Jesus's help,
you'll learn fast here.
I can teach you how to microwave.
- Last time, you almost blew us up!
You know, it's all thanks to Jesus
that we could save all these lives.
Each one here has a story,
you know that?
Every little one of us, it's true.
Barbara, why don't you share yours?
Is Henrietta going to
join our singing group?
Not now, Carlito. Let's listen
to Barbara first. Go on, honey.
Well, my mother
was a drug addict, living in sin.
She didn't believe in God.
When she got pregnant,
she took more drugs.
I was born blind as a result of
the drugs, but my mother didn't care.
She didn't want me from the start.
She even tried to kill me inside her
with a coat hanger, but I survived.
She was so angry, she never spoke
to me for my first three years.
She just hit me and beat me
and cursed me every day.
I don't remember any of this,
but this is what I found out
when she overdosed
choking on her vomit.
I was sent to institutions
and had psychological evaluations.
But I wouldn't speak,
until one day, Bo and Mama Sunshine
came to help a child in need.
They introduced me
to the Saviour, Jesus Christ.
They saved me from perdition.
Jesus saved me.
Thanks, Barbara.
- Please pass the syrup.
Oh, Peter Paul, you're so nice.
And your family, they're all so nice.
It makes me sad. I mean...
Don't be, Henrietta,
because what's mine is yours.
You're a member of this family, too.
Come on, I've still got some time
before music practice.
Let me show you something.
Gee, that place looks kind of scary.
You think anybody lives there?
That's our neighbour Earl's house.
It's not scary at all.
Earl lives alone. He moved here
just a few years ago.
He was arrested in Wyoming once
for something terrible,
but he's paid his debt to society
and has been reborn.
Now, he's the nicest guy you can
imagine. You want to go say hi?
Maybe later. Let's keep walking.
- OK.
Peter Paul?
- Yes, Henrietta?
I was wondering,
after meeting your family and all...
Well, do you have,
like, a disability?
Oh, me? I'm fine.
I just have to clean the mucus
out of my lungs before I go to bed.
Hey! See this?
- Yeah.
Smells, doesn't it?
- Uh-huh.
It's not just a regular garbage heap.
This is where they throw out
unborn babies.
Every so often, a truck from
some baby killers dumps this stuff.
If you look, you might find some
dead babies wrapped up in plastic.
Mama Sunshine comes here
once a week looking for them.
She gives them a proper Christian
burial so they don't fry in Hell.
Hey, look. There's one!
I'm sorry, Henrietta!
I didn't mean to upset you.
I just thought you wanted to see.
I'm sorry.
It's OK. I should have known better.
Most girls don't really like it here.
I just was thinking about
what Jesus said in the Bible.
"Fear not... It is your Father's good
pleasure to give you the Kingdom."
Luke 12, verse 32.
Come, let's get down
on our knees and pray.
Now repeat after me - "Lord Jesus".
Lord Jesus.
Take care of the unborn babies.
Make sure they're happy in Heaven.
Even those
that aren't in plastic bags.
Even the ones that were strangled,
suffocated, drowned or incinerated.
Even the ones whose bodies
were pulled apart limb by limb -
head cut off, eyes plucked out.
Even the ones
who had no fingers or toes,
missing ears and noses,
no brain or heart.
- Amen.
Nobody else
Could ever love me this way
Nobody, Jesus, but you
Ain't nobody
Nobody else
Could ever get me to feel
The way that you always do
Hey, hey, yeah
We're going to Heaven
And we're so excited
Cos there's a party
And we're all invited
Nobody else
Could ever love me this way
Nobody, Jesus, but you
We praise your name
And all of the things that you do
Sweet, sweet Jesus
Hallelujah, we praise your name
Nobody, Jesus, but you!
Wow! You guys are great.
You're all so talented.
You should go on MTV.
- Thanks.
We do gospel tours every spring.
- Want to hear our CD?
We were on The 700 Club.
- Twice.
Remember we are celebrating Jesus,
not profiting from Him.
Do you want to join the group?
- Could I?
What would I do?
I don't play any instruments.
You can join in on
the Hallelujah chorus. I'll show you.
Go on, sweetie.
- Gee, thanks, but where should I go?
You just stand here,
right next to me.
Shazaam, give us a beat!
One, two, three!
Nobody else
Could ever love me this way
Nobody, Jesus, but you...
Peter Paul, treatment!
- Sorry.
Henrietta, can you help me
with the folding?
Sure, Mama Sunshine.
"Sunshine Sin"?
"Sunshine Singers"!
- Oh, thank goodness!
I hate to bother you, honey.
I've got so much ironing,
and I wanted to talk to you, too.
You've been so busy today.
Are you feeling comfortable here?
- Sure.
I know it's your first day.
- I'm comfortable.
It's important to feel comfortable.
You've been through so much.
Is there something...
- No. It's just...
You don't want me
in the Sunshine Singers.
Henrietta, of course I'd love you
to be a Sunshine Singer.
But I was just a little concerned,
because, well...
Peter Paul told me
where he took you today.
It was a terrible mistake.
He shouldn't have shown you
without telling me.
If it weren't for his... condition,
Oh, Henrietta,
there are evil things
out there in the world...
...and you're such an innocent... pure and untarnished,
like a little angel.
Well, I hope you can forgive us,
forgive me.
I'd just go to pieces
if you had nightmares now,
or decided to leave us,
run away so soon.
Last year, our special daughter
Nainika ran away,
and... she didn't even have any legs.
She wanted to return
to her birthplace in India.
Poor child. She didn't even make it
as far as India, Tennessee.
I was a child runaway.
That's why children
are just... everything to me.
All God's children.
And so long as I'm here,
I'll do whatever it takes,
come what may, to protect them.
Of course, I'll understand
if you feel you have to leave.
It's all my fault.
- Mama Sunshine, don't cry.
I pledge allegiance
to the flag of
the United States of America
and to the republic for which
it stands, one nation, under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice
for all... born and unborn.
You've got to fight
For the children
You know they would fight for you
Every baby has a right to be born
Listen people,
There's a role we can play
Every baby has a right to be born
Don't turn your back now
They're crying out today
You got to fight for the children
Tell me what would Jesus do?
You got to fight for the children
You know
They would fight for you.
Hey, it's Dr Dan!
- And Earl too!
Hey, let's sing the Dr Dan song!
Go, Dr Dan
Go, Dr Dan
Go! Go!
It's time for you to get down
Go, Dr Dan
Go, Dr Dan
Go! Go!
Shake it down to the ground
When you put your feet in motion
In motion
Everybody knows you're the man
Who's the man
Dancing for the love of the Lord
My Dr Dan
Ooh, Dr Dan
Go, go, go, Dr Dan...
You children are wonderful,
like a choir of angels!
Creamsicles for everybody!
Earl, Earl. Go, go, go, go, go.
Go, go, go, go, my Dr Dan!
And behold -
Jesus walked on the water.
And when they saw Him walking
on top of the sea,
they turned white and gasped,
"It is a ghost.!"
But Jesus spoke
to them calmly, saying,
"Be of good cheer,
and fear not, for it is I. "
Peter turned to Him and shouted,
"Lord, if it is you,
let me come to you in the water. "
"Come, " said Jesus.
So Peter tried walking on the water,
but he became afraid
and began to sink.
"Lord, save me.!" Peter cried.
And Jesus bent over the water,
stretched forth His hand
and saved him.
"O ye of little faith.
Why did you doubt?"
And when they returned to the boat...
Fleischer. Fleischer.
You know what 'Fleischer' means?
- 'Butcher'.
Oh, good God!
Now, I've got all the details
on this Fleischer in this envelope -
home and work address,
licence plate number,
golf club, maps etc.
It should take
about three days of driving
for you to get out there
and take care of him.
Call me as soon
as the job's done, OK?
Earl? Earl!
Are you sure you're ready
to go through with this?
Because you seem a little...
I don't know...
a little preoccupied tonight.
No, sorry. Just...
I'm tired, that's all. Work.
- Yeah?
One more thing
before we say goodnight.
What's on your mind?
That new girl of yours...
What about her?
I don't know how to say this, Bo,
but when I examined her yesterday...
- That girl's a child whore.
You should know that much
before you go any further
with making her part of the family.
You mean you checked her?
Does Mama Sunshine know about this?
No, I thought you should know first.
I wasn't sure she could handle this.
I never had a slut
in my house before.
Well, maybe she's not a slut.
It's worse than that, Earl.
I took some pictures.
Just got them developed.
- Let me see those.
Oh, dear Lord!
Oh, sweet Jesus!
I've got all your favourites!
Here we go!
Goodbye, Peter Paul. I'll miss you.
Harlot! Harlot!
No! No! Get away! Get away from here!
Get away from me! Get away.
Why did you leave me?
How did you get here?
You have to go. Go home.
No, I want to be with you.
I feel comfortable with you.
You're too young.
- No, you know I'm not.
I don't know you.
You know me.
You know you know me.
I can't know you.
- But you do. You do. You do!
I know Dr Fleischer.
Time to take now
Time to make
Time to make
Right out of wrong
Got to be, try to be
Have to be, need to be strong
Then I'll be, want to be
Going to be up on a cloud
Love is near, love is here
Love is here, up on a cloud.
Have you ever been in love?
What do you mean?
I don't know.
I was just wondering because...
...well... I think we should talk
about our relationship.
Women basically don't like me.
Is that why you're not married?
I don't know.
I guess maybe
I don't like women, either.
Well... what about me?
You're not a woman.
Not yet.
What am l, then?
Earl... you think you could
make love to me tonight?
Even if it's not the regular way.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
I was moving too fast.
I'm sorry.
It's OK. It's OK, I understand.
Relationships take time.
We need a story.
- What do you mean?
Just in case.
Oh. Yeah.
You're my daughter.
No, my half-sister.
No... No.
Maybe you could be
one of my teachers.
What subject?
- Math?
No good. I can't fake that.
- History?
Maybe you're an undercover policeman,
returning me to my parents.
Maybe I just set up an undercover
sting operation for paedophiles.
And I'm the decoy!
I could pass for Mexican.
Maybe I could be your driver.
Do you speak Spanish?
- No.
Why can't we just be friends?
I think you'll have to be
my daughter...
...but adopted.
Can't I be your wife? Please?
I really think I could pass.
No. It wouldn't be legal.
You're my... daughter.
What do we do now?
We'll lay low,
then come back after dark.
You stay here.
- No, I want to come.
It's no good if you come.
I need you as a lookout.
Honk once, I come back, we go.
No. I'm coming.
- Don't make me mad.
I'm coming. I have to.
You don't know him. I do.! Baby, It's You!
OK, it's my turn. My turn, right?
Do it.
Do it!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!
I'm going straight to Hell!
Calm down! Stop speeding!
- I'll get caught!
They'll fry me!
I don't want to die!
Stop it! Please stop it!
- Oh, God, it's over! I'm dead meat!
Stop it!
Earl, get a hold of yourself!
Is she your daughter?
- Half-daughter.
Feel better?
I did the wrong thing.
No, no. You did the right thing.
He deserved it.
He was a terrible person. Terrible.
- But the girl!
It was an accident.
- Oh, the girl, the girl.
Maybe she's OK.
- God hates me.
No, God loves you!
- I'm going to fry.
No! No, you're innocent like a baby.
You did what you had to do.
You did it for me
and the other little babies.
Babies that want to live.
- I want to live, too.
I want to start a new life,
a good life,
with no mistakes this time.
We could have children.
I promise. Lots.
I'd be a dad and you'd be a mum
and there'd be so much love and
tenderness for every living creature.
I could change,
but now I'm going to die!
No, no! I'll tell them I did it.
That I pulled the trigger.
Would you do that?
- Yes, I'd do anything for you.
But you can't!
You're too young and innocent!
No, but I love you.
- Oh, God, I want to die!
I want to die!
How many more times
can I be born again?
Uh-huh. OK.
Yeah... OK.
Who was that?
- The cops are here.
We're surrounded.
What are you doing?
I'm going to say goodbye.
- Oh, God.
Oh, God, I hate this world!
Don't say that. God created it.
Oh, Earl, Earl, Earl!
- My real name's Bob.
My real name's Aviva.
OK, who else?
We've got the Paskows...
the Santolas, the Weisses, the Wongs.
What about the Wieners?
Well, we have Harv and Marj
and Missy and Vlad and little Di.
What about Mark?
- Steve...
She's old enough. Tell her.
Your cousin Mark is a child molester.
An accused child molester.
Missy had him arrested.
She said that her baby Diana...
- Princess Diana.
Little Di was molested, when
Mark was alone with her babysitting.
Nobody's proven it.
It hasn't gone to court.
Poor Marj.
She's been through so much.
And Missy was kidnapped by
a child molester when she was little.
It's been in the papers,
but there's no evidence.
Mark was always a little weird.
- He seemed pretty regular to me.
So you see my situation?
I don't know what I should do.
I think you should invite him.
OK. It's your party.
Jesus Christ!
Mum, are you OK?
Sometimes it's so hard
to be a good mother.
God knows, I tried.
Then I was so scared, Aviva.
Am I a terrible mother?
Everybody makes mistakes.
I'm going to change now.
I did some real soul-searching.
And I'm going to be a better mother.
I promise.
So, that's it? No one else?
I think you should invite
Mama Sunshine and her family also.
Honey, they live so far away.
wasn't the father indicted?
I want them to come.
OK, I could
send them an invitation.
Marj wouldn't come, you know.
She says she's just too upset.
Nobody feels for Marj like I do.
Well, it's out of proportion.
You know Missy.
I don't know what she's saying.
Is she making it up?
Mark's a good kid.
- Hey, sweetie.
Teriyaki soy dog?
They're your favourite... OK.
They'll be here.
Welcome home, Aviva!
Don't look.
Mark Wiener is looking at you.
Let's get out of here.
- I'm glad you came.
I had to. Not coming
would be an admission of guilt.
I have to hold onto
some shred of dignity.
So, how's it feel being back home?
Dawn tried to do the same thing
at your age.
It's always a mistake.
It never works.
Do I remind you of Dawn?
Yeah, a little.
But of course different.
She was she. You're you.
X is not equal to Y.
Do you think I'll end up like her?
People always end up
the way they start out.
No one ever changes.
They think they do, but they don't.
If you're the depressed type,
that's how you'll always be.
If you're the happy type,
that's how you'll always be.
You may lose weight,
your face might clear up,
get a body tan, a breast enlargement,
a sex change-makes no difference.
Essentially, from in front,
from behind,
whether you're 13 or 50,
you'll always be the same.
Are you the same?
- Are you glad you're the same?
It doesn't matter if I'm glad.
There's no free will.
I have no choice
but to choose what I choose,
to do what I do, to live as I live.
Ultimately, we're all just robots,
programmed arbitrarily
by nature's genetic code.
But isn't there any hope?
For what?
We hope or despair because of our
programming. Genes and randomness.
That's all, and none of it matters.
Does that mean you're never going
to get married and have children?
I have no desire
to marry or have kids,
but that's beyond my control.
It makes no difference, as the planet
is running out of resources,
and we won't survive
to the next century.
But what if you're wrong?
What if there is a God?
If that makes you feel better.
Look, Mummy, look!
Gwyneth, no!
Do you think Dawn was ever
any happier when she was older?
Yeah. There were moments.
Moments... here and there...
Maybe when she got in to Rutgers,
I guess. I don't know.
Aviva, come over here.
I want to introduce you to somebody.
I have to go.
Thanks for coming over to talk to me.
I appreciate it.
I'm not a paedophile.
I know.
I believe you,
because paedophiles love children.
- Hey.
How's it going?
- OK.
It only took three and a half hours.
There was no traffic.
How do you like the car?
It's nice.
It's a Corvette C5.
It gets really good miles per gallon.
Did your dad buy it for you?
- Er... yeah.
But... I'm going to pay him back.
The radio doesn't work.
I don't know what happened.
I've got built-in speakers.
But I have to get it fixed.
You know, Judah,
you look a little different.
I changed my name.
- Really? To what?
Otto. It's my middle name.
I think it sounds a lot cooler.
So from now on,
I tell everyone to call me Otto.
I'm really glad you called me.
Me, too.
Your parents hung up
whenever I tried calling.
I know.
I was worried about you.
Your parents must have been
totally freaked out.
The cops asked me some questions.
They thought maybe I was involved.
I didn't tell them anything.
Are you seeing anyone?
A couple of girls are interested
in me, but I don't know...
I like to play it cool, you know.
- Yeah.
I mean, I'm not interested
in just sex. I'm not like that.
I know.
How's your feature coming along?
I stopped working on it.
I decided my whole idea sucked.
I guess it's better
to know it sucks now,
than working on it for two years
and then realising it sucks.
Aviva, I think I've kind of...
...matured a lot
since I last saw you.
Really changed.
One second.
- No, it was good! Much better!
But then it slipped out!
- Part of it got inside.
Yeah, but the timing
was off. Fuck!
God, no! It was really good!
And a lot of it
really did get inside me.
You're just saying that.
- No, I mean it.
Really? You mean, like...
Yes, Otto, and I have a feeling,
though it's just a feeling,
that this time...
I'm going to be a mum.
Everybody's different
In this great big world
That's what life is all about
Oh yeah
There is something special
In every boy and girl
Don't hide it away
Let it out
Let it out
This is the way that Jesus made us
This is the way we're meant to be
This is the way that Jesus made us
So let's celebrate for all to see
This is the way
This is the way
Come on
Every single person
Has a role to play
Written by the Lord above
Everything we do
And every word we say
Oh, He guides us
From Heaven with love
Yeah, yeah
This is the way that Jesus made us
This is the way we're meant to be
This is the way that Jesus made us
So let's celebrate for all to see
Let's celebrate
Oh, yeah
So if you're feeling discouraged
And you think
Your heart's going to break
Remember this is the way
That Jesus made you
And he'd never make a mistake
We got Shazaam on drums
Go, Crystal
Oh yeah
Sweet, sweet, sweet Jesus, yeah
Now, Jiminy
This is the way that Jesus made us
Oh yeah
Sweet, sweet Jesus
Home at last
One, two
This is the way that Jesus made us
This is the way we're meant to be
This is the way that Jesus made us
So let's celebrate for all to see
This is the way that Jesus made us
This is the way we're meant to be
This is the way that Jesus made us
So let's celebrate for all to see
This is the way that Jesus made us
This is the way we're meant to be
This is the way that Jesus
Jesus made us
So let's celebrate for all to see
This is the way.