Pallotty 90's Kids (2023) Movie Script

-Thank you so much.
Sir, why did you choose this old model
when there were many new versions?
Because this is the one I wanted.
Sir, why do you prefer this one?
Something special?
Of course, it's something special.
And a more special reason behind it.
-Yeah, okay.
-Welcome to the Harley family!
-Thank you.
"Hey dreams, wake up!"
"Listen to the heartfelt song of the sky"
"Throughout the path, let the light"
"Shine brightly"
"Elegance pours out from the body"
"I spread my wings and soar high"
"My dreams are as vast as the ocean"
"Entire shore gets covered in sea foams"
"Wandering around the sky"
"A light breeze gently whispered to you"
"Your homeland is your fortune"
"This sunny path is full of blossom trees"
"Won't you accompany me till the shade?"
-One more?
-No, thanks.
The real unniyappam (a sweet) is the
one you get in Kulangara.
-Is it?
-This is trash.
Got the payment?
-Unni Damodaran?
"I spread my wings and soar high"
"My dreams are as vast as the ocean"
"Entire shore gets covered in sea foams"
"Hey dreams, wake up!"
"Listen to the heartfelt song of the sky"
"Throughout the path, let the light"
"Shine brightly"
"Elegance pours out from the body
"I spread my wings and soar high"
"My dreams are as vast as the ocean"
"Entire shore gets covered in sea foams"
These pictures will tell you a story.
If you're a 90's kid, this is your story.
If you're not a 90's kid, you
should definitely hear this story.
Though it's an old story...
It's still young despite the years.
This story happened long back.
Long back means eons ago...
When it used to rain during the monsoon.
When colocasia leaves
were used as umbrellas.
When rainbows reflected on our scale.
When we believed peacock feathers give
birth if kept inside the notebook.
When only one channel was
available on television.
Well, long back when kids
played and ran outdoors.
PALOTTY (Sweet Candy)
Run fast!
Vinu! Vinu!
Kannan! Kannan!
Kannan! Kannan! Kannan!
Kannan Chettan won!
It's all because of Antony.
He got burned out from all the running.
-There he is.
-Make it fast, Vinu.
Okay, bye.
Antony, didn't you say Vinu runs well?
And what happened now?
Oh no! It snapped.
I'll fix it.
Is it possible?
Wear it and see.
-Kannan Chetta, you're so brilliant.
Let's ask those kids.
Stop! Stop!
Hey, just a minute.
Do you know Sukumaran's house?
-Look at that silencer.
-He was a mechanic.
The one who committed suicide.
-I'm asking you.
-Do you know Sukumaran's house?
Yes, I know.
I'll show it.
Can you take us on the scooter?
-Both of you?
They are little kids. Let them come.
Come on, Kannan Chetta.
Hey, slowly.
-Don't push me down.
-He's sweating.
Go straight.
What a waste of time!
I'd told my dad there was no
need to invite them in person.
It'll be midnight by the
time we get back home.
-Come on...
It was he who saved your dad's workshop.
Your dad will always have that gratitude.
Whats the use?
If one can't identify a vehicle's
problem by simply riding it,
how can one be a good mechanic?
That's why he got drowned
in debts and ended his life.
What a pity!
Stop! Stop!
That's the house.
-It took very little time.
This is the house.
-Come on.
-Are you sure?
Yes, this is the house. Come inside.
They belong here.
-Don't you want cold water?
-I'm not thirsty anymore.
-Oh no! He's Sukumaran's son.
-What happened?
Son, who are they?
-Father used to work for them.
-Is it?
-We came to invite my marriage.
-Is it?
Come inside.
Come on in.
It's roasted rice.
Have tea.
His wife is working at a textile shop.
As a salesgirl.
She'll get home soon.
But my son...
Why did he act so stupidly?
My son is gone...
He didn't have the courage to
ask for the money he deserved...
Right in this courtyard, he....
She's struggling to make both ends meet.
We got to get going.
Do tell his wife when she comes.
I couldn't bear to see his still body.
That's why we didn't come for the funeral.
Dont feel bad.
You should definitely come for the wedding.
Son, do come.
-Let's go.
-Go safe.
-Where are we going next?
-To get you roasted rice.
Get going.
I'm going to Unni's.
I'll get something to eat from there.
What are you looking for?
-Didn't you buy the bag?
-But I bought something else.
You can wear it to school from tomorrow.
Is it uniform?
Last year's uniform is still fresh.
-Did you like it?
Where are you?
Is there anything to eat?
Did you darn it?
I'd told you!
It's not that bad.
You can wear it for one more year.
Even if I get you a new one,
by the time you get back
from school, it'll be filthy.
As if you're going to work in the fields.
-My books?
This box is full of trash.
Can't find anything here.
Is it because I dirty my shirt
that you didn't buy me a new one?
Have that tea and get going.
Mom! Is it just tea today also?
Can't you make some breakfast?
Yes, I will prepare all
sorts of food for breakfast.
How about I open a cafe?
Kanna, why don't you understand anything?
It's just tea everyday.
You'll get your favourite meals
at school from tomorrow, right?
Can't you comb your hair neatly?
-Look at you!
-This is enough.
Listen... Unni will be coming with
you to school from today.
Don't get into any mischief.
Please look after him.
He's full of doubts.
But that's fine. Poor chap!
His mother has given me
something for his Kannan Chettan.
Sweet candy?
-Liked it?
Take it.
-Go safe.
See you, grandma.
Alright, go and study something.
'Something' is enough?
Don't move.
Kannan Chettan has come.
Unni, let's go.
Put the collar properly.
Can you... keep this in your bag?
Yeah, sure.
Let me open it.
Give it.
You can ride it.
-Go carefully.
-Why worry when Kannan Chettan is there?
Fish! Fish!
Fish! Fresh Fish!
-Does this light work?
This is dynamo light, man!
It's so bright.
Don't spoil my shirt.
As if it's a new shirt.
My hands got dirty from touching it.
-Get lost!
-Is it chewing gum?
You aren't big enough to eat it.
If you're not careful, it'll get
stuck in your throat and you'll die.
-What are you holding?
-Sweet candy.
Sweet candy? What a pity!
Kanna, move from there.
Brother, go fast.
They are going on cycle!
Give me one candy.
Have you tried chewing gum?
Yeah, it's not that good.
After a while, it becomes like rubber.
-I like sweet candy more.
-Me too.
Are we going to go by this ghost house?
Don't worry. Come on.
Aren't you afraid to go this way?
I don't go alone.
Saw that girl?... She's Rema.
She's in my class.
She goes to school on her dad's scooter.
It'd be fun to go on a scooter.
With the wind blowing... watching everything...
What's the fun in that?
Here's a matchbox.
See, will they get such things?
They go to school in auto-rickshaws.
That's no fun.
Walking to school is the best.
We could pluck mangoes...
Catch fish from the
Come on, man!
"It's getting late...mend the ways"
"Schools verse lessons, learn them fast"
"A hundred words echoes in the yard"
"Which are the mantras to
be uttered fearlessly?"
"Dashed across the ground
under the scorching sun"
"The duo, buzzing like a dragonfly"
"Digging into things in front of us"
"You see what's in my eyes"
"Gets into mischief causing
trouble at the village"
"I don't have answers
to your quizzing, I quit"
"Hangs on to coconut
leaves, swings to and fro"
"Climbs the tree covertly"
"Comes behind running, carrying a stick"
"Crosses the fields one by one together"
What's this?
-Are you looking for this?
-You found it?
It's of no use without this.
I'll show you.
It's nice.
My dad's friend got it for me.
Your neighbour...
-Good morning, teacher.
-Good morning.
Sit down.
I'm your new Malayalam teacher.
My name is Devi.
Let's get to know one another.
Come on.
-What's your name?
-Where is your house?
Go back to your seat.
Who's next?
See, Kannan Chettan is roaming outside.
It was not me.
It was Kannan who hit me.
Sir, he's lying.
He hit me first.
He smeared tamarind on my shirt.
I didn't do it. Tamarind juice splashed
on his shirt when I was eating it.
Do you know why I hit him?
We were all playing.
And he called me 'chewing gum Subi'.
I've got a nice name. P P Subish.
These boys!
Have you guys started already?
Sir, please move.
-Sir, give them a thrashing.
-There's no use.
-Come here.
-No, sir.
-Come here.
-Please sir...
-Please hit on my hand.
-Hand? Turn around.
Go to your class.
Aren't you happy? Go to class.
Can I have a snack?
Your trousers will fall off now.
Wear it properly.
Such brats! Why are kids like this?
Sir, have a tea.
It'd be nice if we could go home
in the afternoon everyday.
Vacation got over in a jiffy.
I like going to school.
Well, school is nice if there were
no exams or thrashings from teachers.
It's hell otherwise.
What are you saying, Kannan Chetta?
It's easy for you, right?
I saw you walking in the
corridor with Subhi Chettan today.
You can also do it.
When you're in the higher classes,
teachers will start calling you.
-You'll understand it then.
-I hope I grow up soon.
Kids, are you coming?
Why didn't she stop then?
Since we had lunch from your dad's hotel...
there's no space for
unniyappam in my stomach.
This unniyappam is so tasty.
Smells good. I'll try one.
-This is so good.
-Mother made it.
Why don't you sell it in your hotel?
It's not good enough for that.
We can't serve people
like we do at home, right?
If it's bad, they will make fun of us.
It'd be embarrassing.
No, it's very tasty.
This is for your mom and granny.
You can have it with evening tea.
-Why is your uniform dirty?
-When did it happen?
Change it before your mom comes, if you
don't want to get scoldings from her.
Let me check on the unniyappam.
Son, what are you doing there?
Can't you study something?
This is for studies only.
Your father was also like this.
He used to make things like this.
But there was no use.
He spent his life fixing things.
Finally he had nothing with him.
Oh God!
Mother, how's your leg?
It's still the same.
Why did you come in the dark?
You could have given it tomorrow.
-Where's Kannan Chettan?
-He's sitting inside.
Kannan Chetta... what are you doing?
I'll bag first prize in the
science expo tomorrow.
-What's this?
-It's a vacuum cleaner.
I saw this at my mother's shop.
It sucks dust.
-Wanna see?
See, it's sucking dust.
Awesome! How did you learn to make this?
I'll show you.
Puffed rice?
-See, it's easy.
-Let me try.
You'll get first prize for sure.
-Kannan Chetta!
-Don't worry.
Light the lantern.
When water falls on this wheel, it rotates.
Thus, electricity is produced.
From there, electricity flows to the post.
I know that. I've seen this before.
-Electricity is produced and the bulb glows.
How is electricity produced?
Do you know about energy changes?
See, he doesn't know!
Go back to your seat.
Either you bought it or
someone made it for you.
Tell me the truth! Who made it?
I know how to make it.
But I don't know how to explain.
If you know how to make it, you
should be able to explain it too.
Got it?
If you bring something made by others,
you won't be able to explain it.
Look what this scientist has brought!
I'd informed you before the holidays there
would be a science expo when school reopens.
And everyone should make something.
There isn't even one decent exhibit.
I feel pity!
Any more exhibits?
Don't show it unless you made it yourself.
-Sir, I've got something.
Bring it.
Nice. It's a new item.
-Can you explain its functions?
-Yes, sir.
Explain it to them.
The apple he eats gets mixed with his saliva.
After that, it reaches his esophagus.
From there, it moves to his stomach.
The apple is mashed in his stomach.
It travels to the small
intestine from there.
Small intestine absorbs all
the nutrients from the apple.
After that, it moves to the large intestine.
Large intestine absorbs water
from the left-over residue.
Finally it reaches the
closet through the rectum.
So, the prize goes to
Subish's digestive system.
Kannan Chetta, Manu brought a
laser light to class today.
Laser light? If you point it at
your eyes, it'll cause eye injury.
We pointed it only at the walls.
But Johnson sir confiscated it.
-Kannan Chetta! It's ice stick...
-It's going to rain.
We'll get wet.
Okay, let's get drenched.
-This shouldn't get wet.
-What's it?
I'll tell you. Let's sit there first.
Here? What if there are ghosts?
No, man! Go inside.
Why is it raining although there is sun?
Today is the fox's wedding.
I'll show you something.
-What's it?
-See this.
I won against Subish.
There are so many cards!
Poor Subi Chettan!
-What happened to the Sci...
-Science club?
How did Subi Chettan get first prize in that?
I let him win.
I didn't show my vacuum cleaner.
Else he would have cried his eyes out.
Also, Granny has told me not to make anyone cry.
And it's the weekend.
But his cards are with me.
-Door is opening.
-Just shut up.
I had warned you.
It's the ghost!
Hello Kanna...
Manjulan Chettan!
When did you arrive from Dubai?
-Isn't this Damodaran's son Unni?
You've become a big boy.
Do you remember him?
He lives near the well.
Why are you here?
To keep this from being soaked.
-What's that?
-He made it for the science club.
But he didn't show it.
If not, he would have gotten the first prize.
-I couldn't show.
Hey! It's nice.
-Why didn't you show it?
If he had shown this, Subi Chettan
would have cried his eyes out.
And his grandma has told
him not to hurt anyone.
That's why.
What are you doing at this tatty house?
-This has become tatty, right?
I bought this house.
-When I was your age I lived here.
It has stopped raining. We're going.
Else his mom would beat him to a pulp.
Take this.
Bye, Unni.
Didn't I tell you there's no ghost?
Was Subi Chettan lying
about the ghosts then?
I'm doing it despite being sick.
It's an age-old custom.
Don't step on it before it dries.
It's full of sand.
What did you do?
My slipper is full of cow dung.
It's just cow dung.
It won't damage your slippers.
We people don't walk around wearing slippers.
New fashion!
Do whatever you want!
I'm going.
That's better.
Kanna, call your grandma.
-Sanal's mom has come.
-What happened, dear?
Auntie, can you pluck his tooth?
It's aching badly.
Come here.
Go to her.
Come here, darling.
I had scrubbed it earlier.
To hell with her cow dung!
Kanna, why didn't you come to watch
Friday medley on TV yesterday?
I scored your cards yesterday, right?
I was playing with it.
-You've got really nice cards.
-I know it.
Come on, let's play a game.
What's happening there?
Isn't that Sanal?
-Whats in his mouth?
-Shes plucking his tooth.
See, my grandma plucks it without hurting.
It's almost over!
Is this how she plucks without hurting?
-What do you do with these teeth?
-We throw it up to the roof.
Idiot! It should be given to mongoose.
If we give our teeth to mongoose,
it gives its teeth in return.
Mongoose might give.
But don't expect it from me.
Those cards are mine.
You want to be defeated again?
How will you know that without playing?
Are you afraid?
I don't have time.
You please leave.
We can play at school.
Bye, auntie. He didn't sleep yesterday.
Sanal, there's blood in your mouth.
It didn't hurt much.
But it tastes of cow dung.
When did you eat cow dung?
Wash your mouth properly.
Bhasakaran is not coming to pluck coconuts.
-Walk fast.
-There's only one coconut.
What will I do with it?
-Kanna Chetta, there's a problem.
-New top?
-What's the matter?
Well, I've to write a big
'R' on this chart paper.
Write 'R'? We can do it.
No! It's not as easy as you think.
It's very complicated.
That's what I've got to draw.
There is a girl in my class.
She draws 'R' very well.
She had drawn it once.
Rema.. Her name is Rema.
She draws 'R' well.
She brought it to class once.
Do you know her house?
-That house with the scooter.
-That one!
-The one which is tilted to kickstart?
-Yes, let's go.
Let me get dressed.
Nice song. It must be Rema.
Rema sings?
Here is the scooter.
-Ask her.
-Is this Rema's house?
What's she going to do?
Ask her. Come on, ask.
I'm Rema's classmate.
Unni... Unni Damodaran.
Song stopped.
Stopped? So Rema will come now.
Aren't you Nanni's son Sukumaran's...
I'm Sukumaran's son Kannan.
That's what!
You look exactly like Sukumaran.
Is Nanni still alive?
Yes, she's there at home.
We used to be good friends.
Please ask her to come and
meet me if she can walk.
I wish to see her.
Tell her it's Karthyani from Pulikathara
House, next to the temple pond.
She'll definitely come.
Karthyani from Pulikathara house, right?
-I'll tell her.
We used to be best friends.
Don't know if she still remembers me.
Rema and I are just like that.
We're also close friends. Please call her.
But who are you, son?
-I'm Rema's...
-Hi Unni!
There she is.
Your granny and Kannan Chettan's
grandma are close friends.
She would be simply saying.
She has memory loss.
She easily forgets things.
She's a bit crazy.
Is it?
Listen, can you draw a 'R'
neatly on this chart paper?
Didnt you draw it when
we were in second grade?
You've got a good memory.
Yes. Can you draw on this too?
But it wasn't me.
Please don't tell anyone at school.
It was my neighbour Fathi.
She draws very well.
This goat, Sundari is hers.
"Look carefully the swinging
letter on the first page"
"Let's run together and hop on, come on"
"Grab that letter dancing on the ivys"
"Let's run together and hop on, come on"
Grandma, don't you want it?
Fathima... Nah!
Fathi, you sang very well.
Unni is your little brother?
Yes, he's my little brother.
We'll come tomorrow. Bye.
Just a minute.
Fathi, you'll surely get
first prize for this song.
See you, grandma.
Don't forget to tell your granny.
"Tie the end of the kite
string around the courtyard"
"Wind it around me like a circle"
Pathummayude Aadu (FATHIMA'S GOAT)
"Heaps of fried local pappad,
breaks easily if touched"
"Kids humming songs play with money"
"Get on the other side of the field,
roam in the city, visit theatre"
"Found out how it's
swigged from lunch boxes?"
"Hey kids! Come on"
"The sky has turned red"
"Hey kids! Come on."
"Folios weave words together"
"Chalks whitewash slates"
"You were hiding, I
found you after counting"
"I climbed down a flowered mango tree"
"You arrived like a breeze on the
bough of a firecracker flower"
"Every week like an oblation"
"This hubbub is driving me crazy"
"Next to the lake, where the boat passes"
"Come behind me under the scorching sun"
"The ground is filled with dust and grime"
"Heaps of fried local pappad,
breaks easily if touched"
"Kids humming songs play with money"
"Get on the other side of the field,
roam in the city, visit theatre"
"Found out how it's
swigged from lunch boxes?"
"Hey kids! Come on"
"The sky has turned red"
"Hey kids! Come on"
-Kannan Chetta...
-What's it?
I kissed Rema.
But Subi Chettan saw that.
Kannan Chetta, he is coming.
I haven't got everything.
Rest is at home.
-We can play tomorrow.
Please don't tell anyone.
See you.
Unni, now that you kissed her,
you'll definitely have kids now.
-Kannan Chetta!
Will I really have kids now?
Why did you kiss her?
-Can you repair it?
-Of course.
It used to start even without petrol.
Dont destroy it.
It's already damaged.
Manjulan Chetta, do you
know to repair vehicles?
-Of course. I even build vehicles.
What made you come this way?
Yes, what happened?
It started.
Where did you guys go?
J... Junction
There... cycle's tyre...
-We were playing with the tyre...
-With this stick?
Shall we go?
-Oh no!
Devi teacher!
Don't be scared.
She's your teacher only at school.
Don't worry.
Are these the people you hang out with?
Go home instead of sitting here.
Didn't you hear her? Go home.
-Kanna, ask him.
Manjulan Chetta...
-Can I ask a question?
-Sure. You're our future scientist.
Come on, ask him.
-Do babies born by kissing?
It's a serious doubt.
I still haven't...
Tell me the truth.
Did you kiss anyone?
-Someone said so.
-Su... Subi... Chewing gum..
-Subi? Chewing gum Subi!
-Then it's fine.
Listen, one kiss is fine.
But more than one can cause problems.
-I told you, right?
Thank God!
He knows everything.
-Are babies really born by kissing?
-You don't know that?
No, I failed in 10th grade.
-Looks like Unni kissed someone.
-For sure.
What happened? Why are you upset?
-Did you fight with anyone?
Then what?
Tell me.
I'm not going to school tomorrow.
-I'm not going!
Did you get into mischief?
Unni is going for temple
festival with his uncle.
-I'll have to go to school alone.
-So what?
Weren't you going alone all this time?
Weren't you?
Are you following your dad's steps?
Why do you drag him to everything?
What do you expect me to say?
I'm not going to school.
You were waiting for me to leave, right?
I won't let you eat alone. Give it.
This boy!
Stop it!
Don't ruin it.
This shirt is terrible.
-You look so handsome.
-It's long.
No, it's short.
It's a nice color too.
You call this short?
-Everyone will look at you.
-Is it?
Didn't he go?
Hey Kannan Chetta...
I'm going for the festival with my uncle.
We could have taken him also.
-Kanna, 'chewing gum' is coming.
Can't he take some other route?
Are you alone? Where's Unni?
Hey! Hop on.
I learned to ride doubles.
I also know.
Can I ride doubles with you?
No need. I will ride.
You won't be able to pedal.
I'm very strong.
Come on.
Yuck! Your lunch box is leaking.
Give it.
It won't leak anymore.
-It's beef.
-Oh God! What a lie!
Isn't it potato curry?
Stupid! It's beef curry with potatoes.
Hold on to me.
I'll be going at a high speed.
-I'll get you to school now.
-It was better to walk.
This is not how I asked
you to change the bulb.
-You're troubling us instead of helping.
-Just shut up!
An electrician who doesn't
even know how to change a bulb.
-Looks like he knows his job well.
-Teacher, let's go.
She comes in an old scooter and
talks like she comes in a Benz!
Sundari teacher is like that.
What do we do now?
Is it for dropping this old bulb that
you chided me in front of those teachers?
Don't go overboard.
-Pick it up.
Where is Fathima?
Fathima, why didn't you join them?
Devu is singing, right?
You sang very well at Rema's.
Well... Devu doesn't have stage fright.
-Are you scared?
-You're scared indeed!
-Be quiet.
-What's this? Group song?
Kanna, I was talking to you.
Are you scared to play with me?
You can't stand here and talk.
Go elsewhere.
-No way!
-Come on, man!
They can sing songs loudly.
But we can't talk.
What a game!
Aren't you hungry?
You distracted me.
Mother, get me dinner.
Grandma didn't give me
anything in the evening.
Have this.
Flattened rice?
I've added jaggery and coconut.
Who eats flattened rice for dinner?
There is no rice.
I didn't notice it earlier.
-We can buy it tomorrow.
-You could have told granny to buy.
Or I would have gone.
Granny is sick.
-Why is she sick?
Didn't you pray to God to give you fever?
Well, she got it instead.
-Where's she?
-In her room.
Please eat this.
-Have this first.
-I don't want it.
I'm not well...
Don't touch me. Leave.
It'll spread.
I'm not well.
Manjulan brother had given a balm.
Where's it?
It was here somewhere.
-There it is.
-I'll take it myself. You leave.
Apply this. You'll recover fast.
-Did you eat anything?
-I'll eat.
-Have this.
-Mother, shall I wash these clothes again?
Give him something to eat.
Kannan Chetta...
You got back?
See this. My uncle got it for me.
Police bike.
See, it's got light.
I've seen this.
It's Undertaker's bike.
-Who's Undertaker?
-A wrestler.
He's got a brother named Kane.
Someone poured acid on his face.
So he always wears a mask.
Their wrestling is simply awesome.
-How do you know this?
-I've seen it at Vinu's house.
Smiler and Jeljo watch it.
It's fun.
But my uncle said this is a police bike.
Let me see.
Are you eating flattened rice for dinner?
Having flattened rice for
dinner makes you strong.
See, I'm strong.
Okay, I'll also try.
But I'm not hungry.
When I went for the fest...
Come on...
I had chicken curry.
My stomach is full.
So I'll start eating it tomorrow.
Don't have it daily.
Brother, have you got Nizam
paak (mouth freshner)?
The one that comes in the ad.
Please go home!
-Simply bothering me.
-Look, there is Subi Chettan.
What, man?
-Your sweet candy customer is here.
-One chewing gum.
Uncle, what's the score?
Chewing gum?
-Why are you praying?
-To get a good card.
Here is Sachin Tendulkar.
God heard your prayer.
You're not used to chewing gums, right?
Be careful when you eat it.
Hey Subi!
See this.
"The little owl goes hither and thither"
"Did you see it glowing in your dreams?"
"Oceans of it, in search of sea blooms"
"Did you see it flying this way?"
"Hurray! We hit the jackpot"
"Hurray! We hit the jackpot"
Stay there. Watch this.
Didn't you kiss anyone today?
I'm gonna tell this to your father.
Kannan Chetta...
It went inside.
-Chewing gum.
-Chewing gum?
-You swallowed it?
If you sleep tonight, you'll die.
Kannan Chetta!
-Shut up.
-Don't play with Subish!
-Will I die?
-No, you won't. Don't worry.
Let me take a look.
Open it.
-It's alright.
-Kannan Chetta...
-You had sardine for lunch?
-Am I going to die?
You know Subish, right?
He must be bluffing.
He eats it daily.
And the shop owner also warned us.
I don't think he was bluffing.
Youre right.
He knows about digestion.
Don't fall asleep.
You'll die only if you sleep.
Don't tell your parents.
You'll get thrashings.
If I die, I won't be able to see our baby.
I won't be able to see you or Rema.
Please help me.
Okay, I'll help.
Drink lots of water.
And pray to God.
I'll find a solution by then.
Will he die?
That day, Subi Chettan ruled.
-I was in a jam.
-Some days are like that.
Just like today.
You guys lost to Subi Chettan again?
It was terrible.
Although you and Kannan Chettan lose all
the time, your guys are simply awesome.
That's what I initially thought.
-Then I got to know about the wheel.
Yes. Front wheel and back wheel.
I'll explain it.
Fix it properly.
-What happened after you swallowed...
He's a vlogger.
-What happened after you swallowed the gum?
- I prayed to God.
I prayed with all my heart.
[Unni praying]
How come you are being a good boy today?
Kannan Chetta, can you save me?
Come with me.
What are they up to?
Kannan Chetta, you can take this bike.
Take whatever you want from this room.
Oh no!
My bike...
Why are you applying oil?
So that the jack fruit gum
doesn't stick to my hands.
-It won't stick?
Just apply it on your palm.
-Did you understand anything?
-No, look here.
It broke.
We can fix it later, stupid.
Drink a little coconut oil.
It would lose its gum.
-Is it?
I'll fix this police bike.
Go, take a sneaky sip of coconut oil.
But you should fix it today.
Sure. Give it to me.
Well, try not to sleep.
You'll only die if you fall asleep.
Don't worry.
Son, have this payasam (pudding).
What happened, Kanna?
Why did you throw it away?
-Was it payasam?
-Yes, come in.
-Why did you waste it?
-Today is my b'day.
Is it?
A cockroach fell into it.
Damn! Did you cut the cake?
Cake? We can cut it.
Brother, this is Unni's bike.
Can you fix it?
Let me see.
It's nice, man!
Dear Kannan Chetta, this letter is from Unni.
I drank coconut oil like you said.
I don't feel good.
My stomach is aching.
I think I'm going to die.
If I die, you can take my
fish and superhero stickers.
I have got that pen pencil with me.
I'm writing this letter with that.
It's Rema's.
Please return it to her.
And do tell her that I died
from swallowing chewing gum.
Will that make her cry?
Mom will cry for sure. My dad also.
Please console them.
Our baby will arrive in a few days.
Will they forget me then?
Will you forget me? Please don't.
You should tell everyone not to forget me.
Bye... Yours Unni Damodaran.
Isn't there a sound when
this coconut shell burns?
Stop asking doubts like
Unni and put this out.
-Is this enough for ironing?
-Yes, put it out.
-Are there any clothes to iron?
-Isn't Unni up?
Is it?
Shall I wake him up?
It has gotten late, right?
Yeah, true.
He always gets up early.
Please go call him.
-Are you up?
Kannan Chetta...
-Nothing happened.
-Come here.
Come on.
Didn't you sleep?
-Was there any problem?
-Kannan Chetta!
Give pressure, man!
Give pressure. It'll come out.
Yes, it went.
-It went.
-Is it?
It's because of you that I'm still alive.
Or else I would have died.
-Is it?
So did you fix that bike?
I went to Manjulan Chettan's house yesterday.
He's not just any ordinary guy.
He invents things.
His house is full of
tools to repair vehicles.
There is a fan which rotates using fire.
Did he fix the bike?
That alone he doesn't know.
What do we do now?
-How are we gonna fix it?
Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
What happened?
Oh no! I've to go again.
Why is this chewing gum not coming out?
Where's this boy?
-Did you see Kannan?
-He was here somewhere.
He did not wash his mouth after brushing.
He didnt sleep a wink yesterday.
Wonder what happened.
-What happened to your mother?
-She's down with a fever.
Have to take her to the govt.
hospital if she doesn't get better.
I felt something was not right.
-I've been wanting to give you this since yesterday.
Why do you have to do
it when youre not well?
-It's alright.
-Please talk some sense into her.
Kanna, where have you been?
What happened?
-Brushed your teeth?
-Keep this. Take her to a doctor.
-No need.
-No need.
-Keep this.
-I've got money.
-Keep it with you.
We aren't strangers, right?
Take it. Consider it a loan.
Vinu, what's happening here?
Keep quiet.
-Please be quiet.
-Aren't you playing cricket?
Where's everyone?
-Are you playing hit-ball?
-Shut up. He'll see me.
It's because of you that I got hit!
Why are you blaming me? You are not
supposed to hide while playing hit-ball.
I asked you to be quiet.
[children fighting]
What's happening there?
Come here. I've got something.
Brother, you didn't give me.
This is for those kids.
You ask Manju.
Manju, give me some dates.
Come on. Take a seat.
Take it.
Don't drop it.
Please move. Let me also sit.
Did everyone get it?
If you swallow the seed,
it'll grow inside you.
Hey, don't talk nonsense.
-Why didn't you play cricket today?
-Our ball broke.
Then play hit-ball with it.
We were playing it.
But they picked up a fight.
-Shall we beat him?
-Yes, please.
No need.
Brother, it was Vinu who started the fight.
He's very annoying.
Come on.
-Vinu Chettan is a nice boy.
-Take one more.
Show me the ball.
This is full of rock salt.
Check properly before buying balls.
Can you give us some money?
We'll check properly and buy.
Of course.
When did people start buying balls?
We used to make balls.
You know how?
We'd cut the cycle tube into strips.
Those strips are tied
together and made into a ball.
-Will that bounce?
It bounces so high.
It flies through the air in a single strike.
You should learn to make things like this.
-Have you made anything?
-Of course.
What exactly do you do?
I'm an accountant in a big company abroad.
Boring job!
Pays me well.
But it's a dull job.
-Aren't you a mechanic?
-That's my passion.
This is my fate.
Can I ask a question?
Is it possible to find out how
many times we will be married... counting the swirls on our heads?
Of course.
Show me your head.
There is only one.
So you'll have only one marriage.
I've got three.
Not three. It's thirty.
It's the blotches from fungal infection.
-Shut up.
-You too.
What a shame!
My grandma said your father
used to write stories.
Yes, he used to write plays.
So we never ran out of stories.
Since we can't play with this ball,
why don't you tell us a story?
No fake stories please.
A true story?
What should I say?
Okay, I'll tell you the story of a demon.
I'm familiar with that demon story.
This is a story that you
are not familiar with.
-What a shame, Subi!
-Shut up, man!
Once upon a time, on the banks
of a river, there was a house.
A demon was travelling on
a small boat on that river.
It saw two kids playing by the riverside.
A little girl and a little boy.
Kids got scared by seeing the demon.
They ran towards their mother.
Demon went after them.
It anchored the boat and walked towards
the kids who stood hugging their mother.
Rattling the anklets, it
walked towards the house.
Paying no heed to their sick
father who was lying nearby,
Demon took out a red
pouch from its waist band.
And he called the kids towards him.
But the little boy was confident that their
mom wouldn't give them to any demon.
He stood closer to his mother.
The demon didn't give up.
The Mother was stunned to see
the gold coins in front of her.
Suddenly, the demon grabbed
the boy's hand and yanked him.
Frightened, the boy moved closer to his mother.
The mother sobbed.
But the demon didn't budge.
Demon decided he wouldn't leave
without one child at least.
The boy's hand slowly came
loose from his mother's.
The boy got trapped in the demon's hand.
Still, his mother didn't budge
from where she was sitting.
With one hand on the coins and the other
holding her daughter, she sat and cried.
The boy was shocked to see it.
The demon pulled him forcefully
and put him on the boat.
Still, his mother didn't run after him.
Doesn't his mother want him?
That's what hurt him the most.
Not being informed of his father's death...
His mother hid it from him...
He went away with the demon.
To the land of demons.
-So the boy's father died?
-Died and he was burnt.
Didn't you understand anything?
Stupid story.
-I'm going.
-Vinu Chetta, let's go.
We're also going.
Vinu Chetta, wait for me.
I liked it. Is it a true story?
Give her space, Unni.
Didn't the demon take that girl?
A handsome rich prince
came and married that girl.
His name is Suresh.
Kids and their doubts!
We'll come back in two days.
I'm taking this watch...
-See you.
-Bye, kids.
Don't they have to go home?
Wait a minute.
Bye, see you.
Is his brother-in-law the demon?
Go to your class.
Have you tried chewing gum?
Yes, a couple of times.
My dad doesn't like it.
It can cause death.
There's no truth in that.
But you'd get a stomach ache.
How do you know?
I've tried it many times.
It loses its sweetness after a while.
And starts to taste like rubber.
Sticks to our mouths.
Oh no!
-I'll help you.
-It's alright.
I also feel like trying one.
Dad might buy it for me this Friday.
-What's special about this Friday?
-It's my b'day.
-Is it? My b'day is also on the same day.
-Yes. Coming Friday, right?
-Same pinch.
-Devu, here is your Balarama (children's magazine).
-It was with you?
-Hey, flirt!
-Do you like 'Mayavi'?
Mayavi? We support 'Magic Malu'.
Kannan likes 'Jamaban Thumban'
since they have got bikes.
Jeljo, here is your bag.
I like 'Shuppandi'. He's so funny.
Did anyone ask you?
Aren't you guys coming?
I'm going home.
-This ruled-notebook has blank pages.
Is this your first time on a bike?
Isn't that Devi teacher and Biju Chettan?
Will they make fun of you tomorrow?
Please don't tell this to Manjulan.
It's Rema's b'day this Friday.
-Please make a gift for her.
Hey! Arent you coming
to run with me tomorrow?
Kannan Chettan will come first for sure.
Do you know the rules of running?
There are many rules.
Learn that first.
He's making it up.
Oh God! Better go home fast.
-Child kidnappers have come.
Saw that car?
I've seen it in action films.
There are kidnappers inside it.
Go home if you don't want to be caught.
Stop bluffing, man!
Alright, don't believe it.
They are selling ayurvedic oil.
What a liar!
His bag is full of lies.
Dear, this basket is made of bamboo.
Bhaskaran, where are
you off to with mangoes?
Let me see. These mangoes...
I'm a little busy.
You won't stop once you start.
Rema, why are you here?
Where's Fathima?
-She went with Devu.
-Where's your scooter?
It broke down?
I bought that scooter from Manjulan.
It belonged to his father.
He sold it to me when he went abroad.
Whenever he sees me, he
goes for a ride on it.
He's gone for a ride now.
Is that a bike?
Kannan Chettan made this.
Is it? It's nice.
You guys are amazing.
-Tomorrow is Sports Day, right?
-Who's the star in sports? Is it Unni?
-No, it's Kannan Chettan.
He's participating in the running race.
He'll surely come first.
Is it? You're awesome.
I also used to be like this.
I was a sports champion
during my school days.
To win the race, you need to be confident.
I was very confident.
That's how I became a champion.
I'm confident.
Then it's fine.
Or else tiger would become a hyena.
Dad, their parents must be waiting.
Let them go.
Is it? Okay, go.
Listen, it's good to remember
what Martin Luther King said.
It's good.
If you can't fly, then run...
If you can't run, then walk; if
you can't walk, then crawl...
Just keep moving forward.
So take things forward.
Walk towards home.
-Where does he work?
-Life insurance company.
Why are we keeping the
trophies on the stage?
Every time there's an event, we should
keep these trophies on the stage.
But don't give it to anyone.
-Sir, please come there.
-Shall I keep it there?
Handle these with care.
Johnson sir, please come to the mic point.
Where's Kannan?
They are calling you.
Those who have given their names
for running, report to Johnson sir.
-Call chest number 16.
-Chest number 16, come here.
Don't step over that line.
Those who are not participating
should move away from the track.
Those who have given names for long
jump, report to Lilly teacher.
Kanna, this is not like
running against Vinu.
If you don't stick to the rules,
you'll get thrashed by Johnson sir.
Running race for girls will commence after lunch.
Children, please cheer for them.
What happened?
Why do you guys appear so drab?
Kannan Chettan came in last
in today's running race.
He had defeated Vinu Chettan the other day.
But he lost to Subi Chettan today.
Even if you suffer
defeat, you should smile.
To smile when you're defeated means
your defeat is already defeated.
What's this?
Leave that. How did you lose?
-Got frightened?
-No. His trousers fell off.
It was so embarrassing. And...
He lost.
That's alright.
Kannan Chetta, that herbal plant hurts.
You hurt your toe too?
It's a chain of injuries.
Fresh fish! Fresh fish!
Want fish?
Some children lack confidence.
Even if they are talented, there's no use.
Not being able to showcase
their talents, such people go crazy.
Go crazy?
Can you tell me a way to tackle this issue?
You're asking me?
It doesn't happen overnight.
Fear is similar to learning to cycle or swim.
If you experience it once, you'll never forget.
I didn't understand.
How do I explain it?
Whatever you've understood is enough.
Please don't say so.
Haven't you seen bikes and scooters?
Its front wheel turns first because
its rear wheel turns with such force.
Similarly, if someone stands behind us
and supports us, we can succeed.
Whether you are scared
or not, you can succeed.
Stand behind and... what was it?
Well, you just need a good friend.
If he's there to support us, we can succeed.
Come, let's go.
-See you.
-Kannan Chetta, should I walk behind you?
As you wish.
Mother, what are you doing?
Are you not ill?
-Get up. I'll do it.
-No, it's almost done.
Why are you doing it when you're unwell?
Get up. Get up, mom.
Where is this urad bean from?
There was some money
left after buying medicine.
I bought it with that.
I've worked so hard.
But I'm unable to do anything now.
I felt bad seeing him eat
just porridge and green grams.
I bought it to make something for my child.
Come and lie down.
I've kept coconut chutney too.
-Got it?
Someone plucked our rose flower.
It was very beautiful. Sad!
We're leaving.
-Wasn't it you?
-Don't turn back. Keep walking.
What exactly did you forget?
-It's my dictation notebook.
-If you lie, your head will explode.
There is...
...a letter inside it. For Rema.
You're mad. Come on.
-Don't take meals from school today.
Granny has made dosa and chutney today.
I've got a boiled egg.
Let's sit outside and eat.
Look at that decorated car.
Look, it's a wedding car.
Kanna, why are you
loitering outside at night?
Isnt it Unni's birthday tomorrow?
I've brought a gift for him.
You could have given it in the morning.
No, I want to surprise him.
-You made this?
It's nice.
Okay, bye.
Don't go that way.
There might be snakes. Come on.
Don't loiter outside at night.
-Had dinner?
-What did you have with rice?
Go to bed early.
Let's surprise him tomorrow.
Wait, I'll comb myself.
The shirt you wore to the
fest was better than this.
-That one?
That was long. This is the right fit.
This one is nice.
I'm leaving.
-The other shirt was better.
-Stop it, mom.
Kanna, shall we go for the temple fest?
I'll pick you both up from school.
I will take you.
Unni, is that a new shirt?
You look so nice.
For you.
-Don't you want your gift?
-Where's it?
Over there.
It made his day.
He's usually reluctant to go to
school during the temple festival.
Look at his happiness.
Let's go.
-His dad will come in the afternoon.
Kannan Chetta, when do they
teach us to drive buses?
Learn to drive this properly first.
We can think about the bus later.
Oh no!
What's it?
- Give it. I'll fix it.
-I'll do it myself.
-I'll fix it.
-No, thanks.
-You know to fix it?
-Of course.
Let me see.
Take it.
It's the demon from
Manjulan brother's story.
Oh God! Will it take me with him?
Don't worry.
I'll protect you.
Kannan Chetta, I'm scared.
Go, man!
Go and study!
We could have also bunked
school had it not been my b'day.
See, pumpkin balloons.
Those are apple balloons.
You want it?
-How much is it?
-1.80 rupees.
-Do you want one?
Sweet candy?
Which one?
Red one.
Not this. Red.
Isn't this red?
Let's rock the festival.
-You dropped this.
-Is it?
Good boys!
As if you're good at your work.
Have you both got bikes now?
Kannan Chettan made this.
It's his b'day gift for me.
-It's brand new.
-Is it?
It's Unni's birthday today.
Happy Birthday, Unni Damodaran!
Well, aren't there b'day special kisses?
Look, he's blushing.
Thank you. Happy birthday!
-We saw.
-Married Devi teacher, right?
-Who me?
We saw...
Don't learn from us.
Oh no!
Hey, don't be sad.
Let's fix it in the evening.
Hey, we can buy another
one at the temple fest.
When balloons burst, it breaks our hearts.
-Isn't it true?
Kannan Chetta!
Are you okay?
Biju... did you see this?
Would you do something like this for me?
You're only concerned about yourself.
Hey, am I not your friend?
What do you expect me to do?
Do you want me to give up love like you?
How long has it been?
It's because of his love for Unni
that Kannan sacrificed his slippers.
If Unni sees it as a sacrifice or obligation,
their friendship will come to an end.
He'll also become like you.
It's of no use.
Have you ever noticed your mother's slippers?
No, right?
When you get time...
Take a look.
You've carried this demon
around for a very long time.
It's time to release it.
There are people out there who love
us more than we love ourselves.
"O Mother flower, wither not"
"You gave me my sky, didn't you?"
"When darkness envelops, you glow"
"In the sweltering heat, you provide shade"
"My mother is an ache"
"My mother is teardrops"
"My heart is brimming
with never-ending sorrow"
"My eyes searched for you, for your kisses"
"You are overflowing..."
"And showering like honey"
"The suffering wraps around me"
"Darkness envelops night"
"Moonlight comes in opening the front door"
"In this scorching heat,
you're my parasol of shade"
"On cold nights, you're my lantern"
"My mother is an ache"
"My mother is teardrops"
"O flower, dance around
spreading your petals"
I was angry with my mother for
borrowing money to get me a visa.
3 days after I reached Dubai, my father
passed away and she didn't inform me.
And my grief turned into hatred.
Haven't spoken to her since.
Just like what Biju said
about Kannan and Unni today...
Consider everything as an act of
love rather than duty or a sacrifice.
There are people who love
us more than we love ourselves.
You'll notice that they walked
for us in their worn-out slippers.
My dear Rema... this letter is from Unni.
I've got a secret to tell you.
Don't tell anyone. Promise me.
If you tell someone,
your head will explode.
Our Kannan Chettan is apparently a superhero.
He climbs big trees to pluck mangoes.
Makes bikes out of slippers.
He has even made a vacuum cleaner.
Also he has saved people who
swallowed chewing gum from death.
He's very intelligent.
But he lost out. Failed to win.
He had come first for the
race at the field once.
He'd defeated Vinu. But still...
He lost during the sports day. Poor guy.
It's because he was frightened.
Didn't your father say it the other day?
My Kannan is afraid.
He's afraid of other people.
Just like your Fathima, who didn't
participate in the group song.
Like my mom, who's afraid to sell unniyapam.
Kannan Chettan lacks confidence.
But like Manjulan Chettan said,
if someone pushes him from behind,
he'll become a superhero again.
Let's support him, right?
He's our friend, after all.
Yours, Unni Damodaran.
-Kannan Chetta, did you repair it?
It's savage!
I'll get God's wrath for repairing this.
You'd only get, right?
So we're safe.
Smart boy!
Give it. We'll come back
when it crashes again.
It won't crash anymore.
Can't you go out and play instead
of playing these video games?
It's so hot outside.
We'll get tanned.
Girls won't pay heed then.
Let's go.
-We don't even get time to play video games.
-Go, man!
-He happened to be Suku uncle's friend.
-Shut up.
-Kannan Chetta...
-Hey Fathi!
What happened?
We've a guest at home.
His bike broke down.
It's not starting.
Can you please check it?
I'm busy, dear.
Ask him to bring it here.
He's coming from far away.
My mom said you'd repair it.
Please come, Kannan Chetta.
Come on.
Shall we go?
We've been walking for some time now.
Where's the bike?
Come on.
There it is.
Oh my God!
What a bike!
I never thought I'd get to see
this, not even in my wildest dreams.
God is real.
It's brand new.
-It looks like Undertaker's bike.
-Who's that?
-Don't you know Undertaker?
-There's such a guy.
-Is it?
He was flying on this.
Where's the key? How do I start...
What's its problem?
It's working well.
Which idiot said it's not starting?
I'm that idiot.
Unni... when did you arrive?
-Why didn't you call me?
-I wanted to surprise you.
Bro, take it.
Chocolates are not enough for today's kids.
Keep it.
Try giving them a sweet candy.
No child will be able to resist it.
Is it?
Is this your bike?
Kannan Chetta...
Haven't you heard that we don't get to
choose our land, language, or parents?
We only get to choose our friends.
That's not true.
That's also given by God.
I couldn't do anything for you.
This is for you.
For me? Are you crazy?
Why do I need such an
expensive bike to ride here?
Come on!
It's not as costly as the bike
you made out of your slippers.
Shall we take off on this?
But will girls like it?
Should we give this to Rema?
This is your favourite bike, right?
Manjulan Chettan has said that we should offer the
things we value the most to the people we love.
-Is it?
"Buddy, this is sticky"
"This sweet candy"
"This is staining whatever I touch"
"Under the peepal tree, my
pals wander around me"
"The names written on the
wall with slaked lime"
"Who is it jeering from behind?"
"Who's it walking with me evading rain?"
"Who accompanied me without the umbrella?"
"Smashed the betel leaf,
where the path ends"
"Sat alone, at the edge of the mango tree"
"Swayed like a golden shower tree"
"Wandered like a wild calf"
"Caught a glimpse of you on
a moonlit night, furtively"
"At the time river goes awry"
"Ball flies, friends
in the audience cheer"
"Like a furnace, sand storms in summer"
"The time when plantain trees flowers"
"Come near me"
End Beep