Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014) Movie Script

But this isn't a time
of endings. No.
This is a time of new beginnings,
a time of transformation, change.
I know change isn't always easy
but change is what's going to
allow us to grow as individuals
and embrace our destiny.
To become the persons
that we were meant to become.
Hey, Jesse!
One of my personal favorites,
William Arthur Ward...
"...a blessing or a curse,
"a dawn or a dusk."
It's time for us to embrace
the next chapter of our lives.
And I know we're ready.
Thank you, class of 2012.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So, 5 bucks, your
brother fell asleep.
My brother did fall asleep,
I bet with the babas. Exactly. Yes.
'Cause that principal was drunk.
Jesse! Jesse!
Congratulations, brother.
- What are you wearing?
- Shut up.
Show the love.
- Hey, look who's here.
- My number one right here.
- Get a picture.
- You two.
- Get a picture, Hector.
- Show the diploma.
Two, three...
Take one real quick.
- All the best friends?
- All the players.
Oh, oh...
Ah. Look good, fools.
- Hey, what's up, Oscar?
- You good?
- Yeah, congratulations.
- Great speech, man.
This is my mom
- and he's my brother, Arturo.
- Hola.
You guys have a nice summer,
all right. Take care.
What? That's his brother?
Man, this camera's nice.
- Si. How much is it?
- It was about $300.
You think I could like,
you know, record and stuff,
mess around with it?
I won't drop it.
I like this camera, Dad.
I'm serious.
All right. Just be careful with it.
Hey, Chavo! You hear that?
Daddy graduated.
Yeah, barely.
- Don't hate, appreciate.
- Hmm.
- Seriously, though...
- What?
Mom would have been really
proud to see you graduate.
- I wish she would've been here.
- Oh.
Thank you. That's like the
nicest thing you've ever said.
Oh, do not get used to it.
You actually got a turnout.
Right? People actually care
about me. Hey, Marisol!
- Hey! How are you?
- Where were you today?
I told you I couldn't get off of work.
But I made you some salsa.
- Hey...
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
- How does it feel?
- I feel like a man now.
Hey, give me the camera, dude.
Did you see that?
Chug it!
Yeah, Grandma!
Newspaper all over the window?
That's weirdass Ana.
Yeah, my crazy neighbor Ana
lives there. She lives right under me.
And so, in my dad's room, there's
a vent that connects to her room.
And sometimes
in the middle of the night...
I'm talking about like,
weird sounds, dude.
I hear like, wailing, moaning.
Jess! Jesse! Listen!
We got to go, man! Come on.
Nice! All right!
All right, let's go.
Yeah, that's nice.
It is high definition.
How much is it then?
- Two-fifty?
- Two hundred, that's it.
That's it, 200.
I'll just go somewhere else then.
I think 250 for that is cheap.
I can knock it down.
- So, 200, it's the most I can...
- One-fifty?
You know what?
What about... Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Come!
So you're not gonna
give it to me for 150?
No, no.
I'll give you for 200.
But, I'll give you this for free.
Welcome to my neighborhood.
That's my mansion, right there.
It's actually cochinero, but...
Fuck it.
- What's up, little man?
- Hola.
Right up there,
to the top on the left.
That's my best friend, Hector.
He lives right there.
And then, straight to the back...
Fuck, where's the zoom, man?
Shit, it's good.
That's crazy Ana's apartment.
She lives right under me.
She covers her windows so
nobody sees what she's doing.
I'm gonna take you
up to my pad right now.
Oh, shit!
Who's that sexy man?
Sexy... Oh, fuck!
My hair's crazy right now.
This is the pad, right here.
Anybody... Hey, Chavo!
Hey, boy!
Look at you!
- You in here?
- Yeah.
What are you doing?
What do you think I'm doing?
This is my room, right here.
Oh, you gotta check this out.
This is what you call ghetto.
Barn! That's my side of
the room, right here.
The other side's
where my dad lives.
What's that?
It's cool, right? I just got it.
I just got it at the pawn shop.
The pawn shop?
- Look for a job.
- I will.
I'll see you. Bye.
- All right.
- Love you.
Come here, Chavo.
Hey, let's go look for Grandma.
Oh, I can hear her.
Probably doing her prayers.
What the fuck is that?
Este es el Chake Weight.
- Mmm-kay.
- Chake Weight.
Oh, Shake Weight.
Shake Weight. Shake Weight.
Feels like a Shake Dick
or something.
Nada. Ten.
- Nada.
- Es Chake Weight.
Chavo. Did you hear that one?
Shake Weight.
Got you. Look at this dumb-ass.
What the fuck is he doing?
Oh, shake it, shake it.
Oh, man, I would not
let this guy work for me.
What's up?
Yeah, yeah. I'll go over there.
I finally got this shit, dawg!
- It looks ill, right?
- Yeah, that's dope.
- Don't drop my shit.
- I'm not gonna drop it.
- Sick, man.
- You'll get fired.
I bet I can work better
than your dumb ass anyways.
Dude, look at this zoom, man!
This zooms in hella deep.
- Come check this out!
- Oh, shit!
What the fuck are you doing?
Oh, fuck. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
What the fuck are you guys doing?
Nothing, man.
Nothing, nothing, nothing.
What do you mean nothing?
You got a fucking camera!
It's not even
recording, man, I swear.
Bullshit! It's not even on, huh?
- Fuck you!
- Hey, come on!
Give me the fucking camera!
Fuck! Go!
Fucking idiot, man!
Go! Run, run, run!
Yo, What is that?
It's a GoPro.
I got it with my camera.
What the fuck are you doing?
It's gonna be dope.
Watch. All right.
Look, this is the way you move it.
Oh. Hell, no. You won't...
I'm not getting in that shit.
I'm not eating all your food,
I'm eating a fucking
tortilla right now
'cause you didn't have
chips or anything!
I'm not getting in that shit.
I'm not getting in...
Go for it!
Man... Shut up, man.
Get your ass up here, then.
Fuck, no.
I ain't going up there.
I don't even got insurance.
You're gonna pay for...
Stop being a pussy!
Three... Two... One... Go!
Ah! Fuck! Shit!
Ah... Fell on my nuts!
Oh, my God, my dick, man!
My God, dude, like,
I can't believe you actually
went through with it!
Man, you get your ass
up there and do it!
I'm not gonna do...
I'm not the stupid one.
That was high, dude. Holy shit.
That's not cool, man. You're
always making me do dumb shit.
Hey, when you were going
down, like, how did it feel?
What the fuck is this?
Yo, is that coming
from Ana's apartment?
Yeah, dude, that's Ana.
Holy shit! Dude, that's Oscar.
Yo! Oscar!
Hi, Jesse.
What are you doing here, man?
Yo! What the fuck?
That's the dude from your school?
- Yeah, man.
- Arturo's brother?
- That's the same dude?
- Yeah.
What the hell was he doing here?
What the fuck was he doing
in Ana's apartment?
Yo, that lady's
fucking weird, dude.
- I don't know what he was doing here.
- So, how does he know Ana?
What you cooking?
No cooking.
Irm, want some tequila?
I got a surprise for you.
What are you talking about?
Oh! You don't?
Only half.
You'll get a good night's sleep.
- Whoa!
- Fucking...
Look at that!
Look at that!
- For your grandma Irma.
- Yeah!
Oh, yeah! One more round.
Come on. Please.
Wait up.
Did you guys hear that?
What is that?
Someone's getting fucked.
Oh, fuck!
What the fuck?
What the fuck is that?
I don't know.
Didn't sound good though.
I wish we could just
see down there.
Get your little GoPro thingy.
We'll just tie it down,
and we'll put it down there.
With What?
You got it?
Yeah, dude, I found
these little ropes.
- You just tie this shit on there.
- Holy shit.
And I got the Hedmi cables
that my uncle got.
Fool, it's an HDMI cable.
Got it! Got it! Got it!
Check it out.
Come on!
- Go check over there.
- All right.
Keep going. It's still dark.
It's still going down the vent.
On, shit. Hey! Holy shit!
No, no, no, yeah...
Wait, wait, that's it.
I see something. I just saw
something. Half of some shit.
Oh, shit!
There's a fucking...
There's a naked girl!
There's a naked girl!
Look at her! She's fucking fine!
Are you serious?
No, no, no, stay right there!
Stay right there! Oh, fuck.
I want to see. Turn the TV.
Dude, what...
She got bigass titties. Oh, shit.
- Come get this shit.
- No, just stay there!
No. This is the
best day of my life.
You should fucking stay
in there. You shut the door.
- Turn the TV.
- You stay there.
What... All right.
All right, hold on.
Dude, she's buck naked!
Oh, fuck! Oh, shit!
No, no, no, it's okay!
You can do your laundry later!
Lock the door, idiot!
What the fuck, dude?
- She's just standing there, man.
- She look good?
Yeah, hell, yeah, she looks good.
- Fuck!
- She got good titties or what?
- Oh, shit!
- What?
- She got a dick?
- Dude. Fucking... No!
Ana... Ana's fucking...
Ah, dude!
What do you mean, "Ana"?
She's fucking naked, man!
What the fuck?
Holy shit, dude!
I just lost my boner, man.
My dick's...
...soft, like, forever. What
the fuck, dude?
Turn the TV. I can't see shit.
What is she doing?
No, she's...
- She's, like, fingerpainting on the...
- What?
She's fingerpainting her?
Painting with her fingers.
She's painting some red circle
shit on that girl's stomach.
Turn the fucking TV.
I can't see shit.
Dude, I... I...
Oh, fuck, dude,
pull it up, pull it up!
I think she heard you, so shut up,
don't say anything. Pull it up.
- Did she hear me?
- Shut up.
Hold on.
What the fuck was that?
That was pretty fucking funny.
Dude, no, but... Maybe
your grandma's right, dude.
Maybe that bitch is a bruja.
Well, hello, ladies.
Oh, man... Let's stop
messing with Chavo.
You're scaring him!
He doesn't like your Spanish music.
...drawing some
symbol right on the girl.
- Yeah.
- With blood, I think.
It was like some red shit. We don't
know if it was blood or anything.
It looked like a
ritual or something.
And the girl was... I'm talking
about... She was gone.
She's probably a pimp.
Like, you know,
she's running a whorehouse.
How's she gonna run a whorehouse?
- What about that one girl...
- That sounds stupid.
...who was, like, nine months
pregnant? She was about to pop.
Well, eventually,
if you work at a whorehouse,
you will eventually get pregnant!
You know what everybody
says around the hood, like,
that she's some bruja
or witch or whatever.
I mean, I believe it now.
And tell her about Oscar.
Remember how he...
- Oh, yeah, yeah...
- How does he know Ana?
I don't know.
That's what's weird to me.
- Eber!
- Come here.
Hey, listen, you want
to do us a favor?
You know Ana, right?
This is gonna be priceless.
Hey, Eber.
Knock on her door loud.
Call her name.
Scream her name.
Oh, my God. What the fuck!
She said we don't know
what's gonna happen to me.
Hey, where'd you get the
firecracker from, anyways?
From my uncle, when he goes
to Mexico, he gets them in TJ.
That shit looks dope.
Back up a little bit more.
That shit's about to pop.
- Or not.
- Did that shit go out?
What the fuck!
Don't do that shit, man!
It's just not funny, man!
What if that shit would've...
What the fuck?
Holy shit! Dude, that was Oscar!
Whoa.... Whoa!
Holy shit!
- Oh, shit, look!
- Oh, fuck!
Oh, shit.
Look at all those people, man.
Please get back
to your apartments.
You two, please. Inside, now.
Holy shit, dude.
Come on, guys.
Everyone upstairs.
Get that camera out.
- Did someone die?
- It's crazy.
I don't know...
I don't know what happened.
- Hide the shit.
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
- Yo, Hector!
- Yo!
Yo! I think he jumped
from Ana's apartment.
Look. They're taking the
body out! Look.
Holy shit! That's Ana's body.
Be quiet.
That's so messed up.
I can't believe that's Ana.
They still haven't caught him?
I guess not.
That's so scary.
I just don't get
why Oscar would kill her.
I mean, he just graduated
- You guys talk to the cops?
- No.
- I ain't talking to the cops.
- Why would we talk to the cops?
And plus, his brother is,
like, the main head of 805.
I'm not messing with
that gang stuff.
Snitches get stitches.
I don't even think he knew
the camera was there.
That's how fast it was.
You don't know that.
- You can't even tell it's him.
- You guys better erase it.
You saw him
coming out of her apartment!
Stop tripping!
He didn't see the camera!
We're not gonna be showing people.
We haven't even shown anyone.
We're not gonna show people.
You better hope that I'm tripping.
- You're so stupid, dude.
- What?
Blow it out, fool.
Dude, blow that shit out!
Stop fucking spraying me!
That was crazy. Someone died
right underneath you, man.
Don't think about it.
She probably sleeps,
like, right under me.
So we're like this.
Come on. Don't choke.
Blaze one for the nation.
- Rasta!
- Rastafari!
Dude, man, I'm still tripping
about fucking Oscar.
Tell me about it.
Whatever the hell
was going on down there,
I wish I knew, dude.
She was probably doing
weirdass shit down there.
I had an idea.
Let's go check that shit out, man.
What, the...
- Downstairs. Ana.
- For real?
Yeah, man.
Dude, I bet you could find,
like, clues and shit.
What do you think you are?
Sherlock Holmes? What the fuck?
Sherlock Homes!
You're Sherlock Homes!
Here, let me try to open the door.
Oh, it's sealed.
Hold it open.
Probably it's gonna be locked.
See, what did I tell you?
It won't open.
I got an idea.
Don't make noise!
Hand me the camera.
- Oh, it's fuckin' open, man.
- Oh, shit.
Give it to me, hurry up.
Here, give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
Watch your step. Watch your step.
Turn on the light for me.
All right.
Oh, shit.
Shut the fuck up!
I know. My bad.
Why would she lock her fridge?
Fuck, what is this?
I don't know.
For old people peeing?
Hector, stop touching everything.
Hmm. It's garlic.
Stop touching everything.
- What is this thing?
- Okay, don't listen.
Hey, look.
There's Chavo with
a grenade in his mouth.
It's corn.
I think that shit just moved.
- Go check it out.
- No, man. You go.
- Just go check it out.
- Dude, just fuck...
What is it?
What is it?
Stop being such a dick, dawg.
She never took a
shower either, fuck.
Oh, there's a spider right there.
Baby, it's all right.
What the fuck?
You hear that shit?
Yeah, be quiet.
Oh, shit.
Did she have a baby?
No. I don't think so.
Here, Hector. Get your phone.
Oh, fuck!
Scared the shit out of me.
What the fuck?
All that shit?
- Don't touch it, fool.
- Why?
Just don't touch it, man.
You don't know the shit she...
A bunch of old-school tapes.
See this? Dude.
"Katie and Kristi, 1988."
Let's just go check
out that last room.
Dude, it fucking stinks.
Oh, fuck!
Oh, shit, dude.
What is that? Is that blood?
Yes, "vive."
- Check this shit...
- Don't get close to that shit.
Holy fuck!
There's blood everywhere.
Hold on.
What is it?
Some type of journal or something.
Come on, dude,
let's just fucking go already.
All right, let's go.
- Holy shit!
- Oh, fuck!
What you guys doing here?
You heard that he did this shit.
That wasn't my little brother.
What about that bitch that used to
stay right here? You know about her?
Honestly, we don't know shit, man.
We don't know anything.
Get the fuck out of here.
- Oh, fuck.
- Come on.
I can't believe you guys
stole this from her house.
Look, she has a whole
bunch of pictures.
What's that?
This looks dope.
What language is that?
They're basically saying
that if you build this door,
it's like, you could
travel through time.
Man, if she could
travel through time,
why the hell is she staying
in this shitty-ass apartment?
I'd timeportal my ass to
the Bahamas or something.
No, it says destinos profanos.
Like, you could only go to
unholy places through this door.
- Unholy places.
- Oh, shit.
What's an unholy place?
How am I supposed to know?
I'm trying to get up into Marisol's
friend Espi's unholy place.
- Oh, you're so nasty, man.
- Dude, that's her cousin.
- Look at this.
- Can I see it?
Looks like some medieval
looking type of shit.
What is that?
It's a map. Scavenger hunt.
This is like what Ana was
painting on that naked chick.
That is.
Oh, shit.
Maybe this is the ritual
she was doing to her.
What's the incubo?
It's like a demon.
A demon?
Why couldn't we just
buy a black mirror?
Where the hell can you buy
a black mirror at?
That doesn't even make any sense.
- That's my boy.
- Man, shut up.
It's supposed to be like a doorway.
Like a portal.
Like a port?
Yeah, to the spirit world.
I better not fall off this shit.
The spirit world, what...
- Yeah.
- How do you even know this shit?
I looked it up, fool.
Grandma said we shouldn't
be fucking with that shit.
- Don't even worry about that.
- Oh, my gosh!
Just let it go.
We're just gonna fuck
around and then, you know...
Nothing's gonna happen.
Don't trip. You tie your shoes?
Why can't we just do this
at your apartment?
If my abuelita saw this shit...
She would flip out. You know
how superstitious she is.
Here, go in fast, but be quiet.
Are you sure nobody's
gonna catch us in here?
Yeah, I'm sure. Go through
this door right here.
See the chandelier?
That is dope.
It looks crazy in the dark.
- It's so quiet.
- Let's do it right here.
Okay, I'm gonna put this down.
Did you hear that?
I swear to God.
You're tripping.
So what are we supposed to do?
Make a triangle.
I'm gonna make it right here.
And then put a circle in the
middle and put the mirror...
Damn, that looks good.
- Yeah?
- It looks just like the drawing.
Over here.
After we say the spell,
then the portal's
supposed to open up.
I don't know.
Is something supposed
to come through?
I don't know.
Is it gonna be floating
around and shit?
Yo, that's gonna be dope.
Let's just do it...
I'm gonna go, man.
- Nothing's happening.
- Why?
You're not giving it enough time.
- Just sit back down.
- Man, I'm hungry, man.
You guys have been...
You've been here forever.
You're being serious right now?
Totally. Later.
I'm leaving.
You'll never guess.
I'm never gonna guess?
Lemme see.
I promise you there's
no point of, like, going on.
Like, you're not gonna guess who.
Why do you say that?
I'm just sayin'.
You think it's Hector?
I don't know.
- Are you ready?
- Yeah.
Be quiet. Be quiet.
Where do you think he went?
I don't know.
Hey, Hector.
We know you're here.
Come out.
What the fuck was that?
Come on.
Anybody in here?
Oh, shit.
Anyone there?
Here, come here, come here.
Give me the light.
There's no one in there.
Go. go, go. Go!
Wait, wait, wait.
We're really just gonna leave
our stuff there?
Fuck that. I'm not
going back in there.
That was fucking crazy.
My heart is beating so fast.
Oh, shit.
Get up, fool. It's noon!
I'm too tired.
Get your lazy ass up.
Come on. You gotta go
show the world your face.
Dude, I had the craziest
fucking dream last night.
I was at some farm with,
like, all these women.
Sounds like a good dream.
No, but they were old.
Like real old.
I don't know.
It's just weird though.
Oh, dude... Hey. You bleeding?
- What the...
- What?
Did you get your period last night?
What are you talking...
There's blood on your bed, fool.
Oh, What is that?
It looks like a...
Like a bite or something.
Did you bite yourself?
Why the fuck would I bite myself?
Dude, what's wrong with Chavo, man?
He's growling at you.
He don't like you anymore, man.
Are you kidding? He loves me.
Chavo? You love daddy.
What the...
What was that, man?
I don't know. Chavo!
He ain't feelin' you today, man.
They're hiring at my job
if you want to apply.
I'm not gonna flip signs like you.
Why not, man? It takes skill, man!
- I've been practicing this whole time.
- Skill.
I've been getting better.
I'm hungry.
You have a dick on your face, fool.
You have a dick on your cheek.
Saw how I drew pubes
and everything?
- You're nasty...
- Hector, you asshole!
How long you guys had this?
I don't know. Since,
like, I was a little kid.
This is older... This is ancient.
Watch a pro do it now.
I'm like the master of this game.
All right. Here we go.
- Turn it on.
- It is on.
Are you gonna work or not?
- Oh. There you go!
- Oh, there you go!
That was funny, you said,
"Are you gonna work or not?"
And it went "toot."
Man, you broke it, Hector.
I really think, like,
it thought you were so stupid
that it stopped working.
Shut up, man.
Do you think Hector is stupid?
Oh, do you think Hector is stupid?
Wait a sec. Is that a yes?
I think that's a yes.
It's not broken. Now it's my turn.
It's probably just coming
on every 30 seconds.
I'm gonna speak in the third
person. Is Jesse handsome?
Ask it something that
you know it'll say "no,"
to see if it only
does green or what.
Okay. Um...
I can't believe we're actually like,
talking to this thing.
Is Hector black?
This is crazy!
Now, watch it.
Am I holding the ace of hearts?
Holy shit!
- That's great!
- I could make money with this.
Do something else.
Show your grandma.
You think it understands
Spanish? No.
Okay. Um...
Oh, shit.
Dude, why did she trip?
She thinks it's bad or something.
What the hell?
What's going on, Chavo?
Oh, shit.
- Jesse, take that off.
- Dad?
Yes, take the chain off.
What's going on?
- Were you here just like a minute ago?
- No.
How could I get in when you
have the chain on the door?
Getting home from work right now.
- You sure?
- Yes!
Put that away. I don't
want you waking up abuela.
- Come on. You know the bet.
- Shut up, man.
You are not seriously
gonna eat that.
It's not even that bad.
- That's so nasty.
- No, not those.
You gotta put the habanero.
How does it taste?
- He's loving...
- I told you. A bet's a bet.
For real?
- Wait for it.
- There it is. There it is.
Do you have water? No agua?
Why are you talking like that?
Shut up, dick. It burns.
That's why. it burns my tongue.
Here you go.
Two? Where's the rest of the money?
- I said two. I didn't say 20.
- What?
So, I walked over and then he was
staring right out the front door.
And it was wide open.
The front door to the apartment?
Yeah. And everybody was asleep.
And my dad was at work, too.
Maybe it was Oscar.
- Would you stop saying that?
- You think?
Yeah, he's still out there.
No, don't say that, man.
What if he saw you guys tape him
and he's coming back for it?
Or trying to look for
it or something?
But it didn't feel like
it could have been Oscar.
It feels like
something's around me.
Like something's in my house.
- Like el cucuy?
- El cucuy?
No, I'm serious.
Is el cucuy there?
Like, have you ever felt like
something was watching you?
Oh, shit.
Please tell me that was not real.
- That is so...
- Oh, my God. Oh, fuck.
- What?
- Oh, shit.
- Oh! Are you serious?
- Are you serious?
I think I sharted. I swear
to God. I think I just sharted.
- No!
- Oh, my God.
Go, cochino! Get away from me.
Wait, did it go through?
- Oh, I think I can see it.
- Fuck.
Mirasol, come. Help me.
- No! What do you want me to do?
- I have to clean laundry.
Is this all over the house?
Oh, man.
She's trying to protect the house.
It smells really bad, though.
- What?
- She's getting it all over my room, too.
There is no bad spirit.
What did she do in your room?
She put all the vinegar
all over the bureau.
And you're encouraging her.
I'm not encouraging anything.
You're following her,
filming her doing everything.
Just let her do her thing.
Just let her do it.
Right here, about to play
some basketball.
I'm gonna show you
how I ball 'em up.
See how my knee locked up?
Stop making excuses.
I'm not. This shit locks up, man.
It affects my jump shot
'cause there's a whole flow.
- How you like losing, again?
- Man, shut up!
I'm just tired 'cause I haven't
eaten since, like, lunchtime.
And it's not even fair, dawg.
You know I have scoliosis.
- You got change?
- Oh, I think I left it.
Yo. You have money on you?
No, fool. I'm not gonna
give you shit, either.
You still owe me 6 bucks
from when I bought you tacos.
- Just, like, give me $2.
- Hey. Oh, shit, dude.
- Let's go. Hurry up, dude.
- Stop tripping.
- Let's just go.
- Oh, fuck.
Careful. Don't point
the camera at them.
- What's up?
- What's up, man?
You guys want to run twos?
No, we were just leaving.
What you got in the backpack?
What you got in the backpack?
Nothing, man.
I don't have anything.
Come on. Just chill,
dawg. Just chill, man.
Let me check the backpack.
I don't have anything, man.
Can you just leave us alone?
- Give me the backpack!
- Hey!
Hey, man. Give me my backpack!
Dude, leave him alone!
What the fuck, man?
Shit! Hey!
Stop! Get the fuck
off him, man! Stop it!
Oh, shit! Oh, fuck!
Jesse! Jesse! Come on!
Get up, Jesse! Get up, dawg!
What the shit? What the fuck?
Dude, let's go! Let's get
the fuck out of here, man.
Jesse! Come on, dude,
let's fucking go!
- Hey, the bike!
- What?
Fuck the bike, dude!
Hurry up, man!
- You all right, dude?
- What happened?
Dude, let's fucking go. Shit!
What the fuck was that, man?
How the hell did you do that?
I don't know.
- I mean, I barely touched him.
- What happened?
Man, what are you talking about?
They flew through the air!
- That was crazy.
- They flew, dawg.
It wasn't even a knockout.
They fuckin' flew...
Yeah, but I just don't remember.
Ask it.
Anybody there?
Oh, shit! Oh, shit.
Did you mess those
guys up at the park?
- That's crazy!
- Oh, shit!
Are you my guardian angel?
Are you good?
Are you good?
Dude! All right.
Here. Just get the camera!
All right, fool. Hold on.
Are you ready?
All right, watch this shit.
Just watch! Here. You got me?
Yeah, I got you. What...
What are you doing?
What the fuck?
Oh, shit! What the fuck?
- Do it again! Do it again!
- Check this shit out.
Go, go, go.
Oh, shit! Fucking shit!
That is fucking...
Dawg, are you sure you
want to do this, man?
Oh, my God!
Fuck, dude! My turn, my turn!
- One...
- All right, wait.
Just do it! Two...
Three! Go!
- Yo, you okay?
- Shit!
- You all right?
- Oh, no. Not cool, man.
- Want me to lift you up?
- Why the fuck didn't it catch me?
All right, watch.
Oh, shit, dude.
Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
- That was incredible!
- Oh, my God!
That was amazing!
You flew over me, dawg!
- How did you do that?
- You see how much air I got?
One, two, three.
Oh, shit! What the fuck?
You got to breathe
in and breathe out.
What? That's insane, Jesse!
Oh, shit! Oh, my God!
- We almost got 400 views.
- Let me see.
Look, people are commenting on it.
"Oh, so fake." Man, what the...
"Wow, this looks totally real.
"Good job, dude.
What effects program..."
All the people who leave comments
are always so negative on this shit.
"This is just an illusion by someone
obviously seeking attention."
- Stupid.
- This is stupid, man.
They just sit in their basements
jacking off to R. Kelly videos all day.
I feel like, right now, if I want
to go do something, I can do it.
- Yeah...
- Like, do you get me?
- Yeah, it's all adrenaline.
- You saw how badass that was.
- How I just fell and, like...
- I know, man.
Okay, but that's what I'm saying.
I don't even know...
I don't even know, dude.
I just feel like I could
do anything right now.
Why do you have
a bat in the backseat?
Dude, in this hood,
you never know, man.
Remember, I told you about that
crazy-ass bum at the gas station?
So you're gonna
carry a bat on you?
- Oh, hey, check it out.
- What?
- Back up. Back up. Back up.
- What, the car?
Yes, the car, dude! What else?
Dude, we're definitely
going inside.
Hell, yeah. Here.
Take my camera. Just follow me.
They're gonna know
we're not invited.
You can't just walk up to...
I'm serious, man.
Some of these fools look
like criminals and shit...
- What?
- Not you, man.
Look at those girls.
Damn, she got
a Kim Kardashian ass.
I just wanna ask you if I
could have a kiss on my cheek.
I made a bet with my friend, so...
A kiss on your cheek?
You mother...
Can I get a kiss on the cheek
- if I make you laugh?
- No.
The thing is, my cheek
is right above my testicles.
Oh, my God! Leave some for me!
We're taking them home!
Home, to my mom's!
My mom don't get back... My mom
falls asleep at 10 p.m., for real.
Hey, whoa, whoa.
This is my building.
Let's go.
Are you insane? I need my purse!
Hey, right here,
you have to be quiet, please.
Oh, shit. Okay, be quiet.
She's so cute!
Hey, why don't we
just go to your spot?
Hell, no, man. There's like 50
people that live up in there.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah.
Oh, she's sleeping, dude.
Can't we just...
Oh, I got an idea.
Take them to the courtyard.
Yes! Just take them
to the courtyard.
What are we waiting for?
- Come.
- What?
Jesse. Dude,
are you serious right now?
Are you sure we can be here?
We're good.
The lady moved out.
The lady that used to live
here, she got murdered.
- Shut up.
- Right here. I swear to God.
Come here, come here...
No, don't take the light away!
Just chill.
All right, dude.
Listen. I want to take
Penelope and I want to...
What am I gonna
do with the other one?
- The other one's not into me.
- She is.
Dude, at the party, she kept
staring at you. I swear.
She's trying to get away from me.
It's all right, dude. Fuck.
- Just do me a favor.
- What?
I don't know. Take her somewhere.
- Just give it to me.
- Okay, I'm gonna...
- I'm gonna take it... I'm hot.
- Are you serious?
- What are you wearing?
- I was hot.
He's trying to get sexy for you.
- Okay, goodbye. Mmm-hmm.
- You want to come?
Yes, okay, she's leading it.
You see what I'm talking about?
- Have fun!
- Bye-bye.
Oh, my God.
I want you to fuck
the shit out of me, okay?
I'm serious.
- You're serious?
- Yes!
I'm serious. I want you to
fuck me really, really hard.
All right.
You have a condom, right?
Yeah. I'll be right back.
What do you mean, you'll be...
It's upstairs. Don't worry.
I'll be back.
What the fuck is she talking about?
Hector, stop messing around, man.
She put it inside me.
That's why I killed Ana.
She changed me.
And it's inside you,
too, isn't it, Jesse?
You have the same mark.
The only way to stop it
is to kill yourself.
Kill yourself before you
hurt someone, Jesse.
Oh, Jesse, he is here!
Oh, shit.
- What's going on?
- Where are the girls?
- They're inside.
- Call 911!
Where the fuck are you?
What the fuck's going on?
He was in Ana's!
- Who?
- Oscar!
Oh, my God!
- Oh, fuck! Fuck!
- Holy shit!
Oh, my God! Oh, shit!
Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
- You don't see his eyes? Look.
- Yeah.
- Go back.
- His eyes look all...
Look at his eyes. They're
all cracked out looking.
He died last night, man.
Ana got killed in there.
I'm not gonna go
down there anymore.
Okay, well, he had
the same mark that I do.
He said whatever happened
to him is happening to me.
It's right there, you can see it.
I got it. Watch out.
Oh, shit.
Follow me.
- I'm gonna go in.
- Watch your step.
- I can't see shit.
- Close the door.
We're not supposed to
be down here. Just close it.
I can't see shit.
Here. Give me your phone.
Come on. Follow me.
What is this place?
I don't know.
Check it out.
- Jesse.
- What?
This is you.
What the fuck?
She had pictures of you.
This is me when I was a baby.
Oh, my God.
My dad's been looking
all over the place for this.
- This is my mom.
- What?
This is when she
was pregnant with me.
- Shut up. That's Ana!
- No, it's not.
Yes, that is. That's Ana!
Who's this white lady?
"Lois. November 3rd, 1994."
Oh, my God.
What's my mom doing with Ana?
And Oscar, too?
This shit's crazy!
Dude, what is all this?
There's somebody in here.
They're in here.
Look at me.
I'm scared.
Do you think they
know we're down here?
Come on.
Back up, back up.
I think they're gone.
Yeah, okay.
Let's go.
Yeah, come on.
Go ahead, Hector.
What do you see?
- She's still here?
- Yeah.
It's a lady.
- What?
- It's a lady.
- It's a lady?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- What is she doing here?
- I don't know.
Oh, shit.
- You think she's gone?
- I think she left.
- She's gone?
- I think she left.
- You sure she's gone?
- Yeah, she just closed the door.
What did she look like?
She was dressed in black,
and she was like this tall,
just a white lady.
- Is this Ana with Mom?
- Yeah.
Where did you get this?
It doesn't matter.
I just wanna how Ana knew Mom.
Check out the picture. Mom
was pregnant there, with me.
I mean, I heard stuff
from people saying that, like,
Ana, like, she was doing
all this weird witch stuff,
like, rituals on pregnant
women and stuff.
How did Mom die? Having me, right?
So what if Ana did
something to Mom?
You're tripping, dude.
Are you serious right now?
Do you hear yourself?
You're just rambling on.
You don't sleep, you don't eat.
I hear you get up at night.
- What are you talking about?
- Mijo, I'm worried about you.
What is that?
What the fuck?
What the hell?
What the fuck?
Jesse. You okay, mijo?
Yeah, Dad. I'm fine.
What the hell is happening to me?
Arturo's a serious gangster.
What is he gonna do?
He's gotta know something.
- It's Oscar's brother.
- Why is he taking so long?
Oh, shit, is that him?
He's calling us.
Don't touch nothing when
you get in there, all right?
Mom's having a hard time
dealing with all this shit.
She doesn't want nobody
moving his stuff.
I noticed Oscar started acting
different about a month ago.
He got real quiet.
Stayed in his room all night.
Then he started even
acting crazy with my mom,
started breaking shit in the house.
- Then I found this.
- Oh, shit.
- Oh, fuck.
- Can we take a look at this?
The last time I seen my brother,
he said there was others like him.
He said they were all marked.
He said these witches were trying
to build an army or some shit.
An army for what?
These are all in
different languages.
From all over the world.
It's all little kids?
All little boys. First-born boys.
Like you.
- I'm the first-born.
- That's why...
But Oscar was adopted.
So what happened with his mom?
She died at birth.
My mom and dad took him.
That's like your mom, Jesse.
Your mom?
His mom died while
she was giving...
Who's this girl?
All these are boys,
and then there's this...
Isn't Carlsbad near here?
Yes, it's pretty close.
"Ali Rey was..."
- Wait, that's her!
- What is?
That's her. It's Ali Rey.
It says "Ali Rey" in the article.
Was he talking to her?
- Do you know her?
- I have no idea.
Thanks. We appreciate it, man.
We got to go.
What are you doing? We should
check this stuff out, man.
Come on. Let's just go. Thanks.
- Jesse, what's wrong?
- Jesse...
What's up with your boy, man?
No, he's just going
through a lot right now.
- Yo! Let's roll.
- Yeah. Sure.
So what's up, dude?
What's wrong with you?
Nothing, man.
What do you mean, nothing?
Why'd you take off like that?
I said, nothing, man. I'm fine.
Was it the thing about the mom?
Dude, Jesse, all that shit's exactly
what's been happening to you.
All that stuff that
Oscar was saying.
No, it's not.
Then how do you explain
all the crazy shit
- that's been happening?
- Just back up, Hector.
No shit, man. You're the one
who told us to go to Arturo's.
You don't want to
talk about it now?
What's wrong?
Dude, Jesse.
Is this guy bothering you?
What? No. This is Pablo.
- Is this your boyfriend?
- He's a friend from high school.
Jesse, what's up?
- Jesse, what's wrong with you?
- Yeah, what's...
- What's your problem, man?
- Jesse.
Jesse, calm down.
- Just chill out.
- Dude, calm down.
Did you not fucking hear me?
I said get out of here!
Dude, Jesse. What the fuck, dude?
He's not doing anything to me.
Just calm down.
What the fuck you looking
at me like that for, huh?
Jesse, dude... Hey!
- Jesse, don't...
- Dude, calm the fuck down.
Are you serious right now?
Yeah, I'm serious. Do I look
like I'm fuckin' playing?
Jesse, dude, let's fucking go.
What are you doing, man?
Hey, Jesse, what the fuck, dude?
Just leave him alone!
- Back up, all right?
- You, get out of here!
- What are you doing?
- What are you gonna do, huh?
You all right, man?
Hey, Jesse, what the fuck?
Get out of here, now!
What the fuck are
you gonna do, huh?
- Jesse!
- Back up, I said!
Why don't you fucking hit me right
here if you're gonna fucking hit me?
Leave, now!
Marisol, what the fuck's he doing?
- Hey!
- Jesse, stop it!
- Come on, let's go! He's got a bat!
- Jesse!
Come on, man! Jesse!
Jesse! What the fuck!
What are you doing? Jesse!
Hey, man!
What the fuck's wrong with you?
- Come out, motherfucker!
- Let's go home!
- Why don't you come out?
- Jesse! Jesse!
He's gonna call the
fucking cops! Go!
Yeah, I'm getting the cops!
Jesse, let's go. Come on.
I've been texting you
all morning, man. What's up?
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Like last night.
I couldn't control myself.
And a lot of times I feel like
I'm losing time. I can't...
I don't know what I'm doing.
All the stuff before, man...
It was fun, you know?
I felt like maybe I was
special or something.
But not anymore.
I'm telling you,
it's not gonna work again.
You can just try it.
Ask it something.
- It worked last time, right?
- Yeah.
What makes you think
it's gonna work twice?
Are you there?
I said, are you there?
I told you.
Dude, try something else, man.
Is there something
you want from me?
I want you to leave me alone!
I said, leave me alone!
Just leave me alone! Now!
You think it's gone?
What the hell?
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit.
Okay, Chavo, I'm coming.
I better turn on my light.
Oh, fuck!
Oh, shit!
He's ready for you.
What the fuck is that?
What the fuck?
What's wrong with you? And what
the fuck is that on your wall?
Dude, Jesse, why are
you ignoring me, man?
You're my best friend.
We're not best friends.
Okay? Do you get it?
- Give me my camera.
- Dude...
Just give me my camera.
What's wrong with you?
What are you doing, man?
Just stop, dude.
Say something interesting.
- Get this shit out of my face.
- What, you don't like this?
Stop, man.
- What the fuck's wrong?
- I don't need that anyway.
Maybe that could be
your best friend.
What did he tell
you when you saw him?
I told you, he didn't say anything.
He didn't even act like I was there.
He just walked out and left.
I don't know.
I'm worried about him.
Who are you calling?
You took this?
- What are you gonna say?
- Hello?
You think that's her?
I don't know.
- Ali?
- Hi! Nice to meet you.
Hey! I'm Hector.
Do you guys recognize that?
Yeah, that was in Oscar's room.
That's the sign of The Midwives.
- They're a coven.
- What?
- A coven?
- Yeah.
Like of...
- That mark right there...
- Mmm-hmm.
The Midwives will mark
an unborn male in utero.
And then they wait
for the baby to mature
until he's ready to be possessed.
But why now?
Like, if Jesse, our friend,
was marked at birth,
why would the demon come now
and try to possess him?
Okay, you ready? Your friend,
Jesse, I'm assuming he's 18?
And the other kid? Your friend?
Oscar? I think so.
Add them up.
This transformation, it's like...
It's like when you have
an infection in your body.
So he's fighting it off.
They'll perform a final ritual,
and then he'll go back to normal.
But he won't...
He won't be Jesse anymore.
What? Slow down.
I don't understand you.
Dude? Jesse!
What are you doing, man?
What the... Jesse!
Jesse, stop! Jesse! Stop!
Put him down, man!
You're gonna hurt him!
Dude, what the fuck are you doing?
Let him go, Jesse! Stop!
Shit, you're hurting him, man!
What the fuck you doing?
Jesse! Stop it, man!
She's telling him?
She's talking about Jesse.
That he has a bad spirit in him.
And she needs his help.
- What'd he say?
- He said, "Cleansing."
- Should we...
- Let's go. Come.
Dude, this place is a trip.
Jesus Christ.
Eggs are supposed to help him.
Jesse! What the fuck? Shit!
What the fuck? Jesse!
What's wrong, Jesse?
Are you okay?
Jesse, what the fuck
is happening, man?
Fucking shit! What the fuck?
Jesse, are you all right?
Damn it! Stand back! Get back!
What happened to the lights?
Just shut up!
I can't see anything.
Just stay back, all right?
Just stay right there.
Oh, shit!
Oh, my God, what happened?
- What was that?
- I don't know. Fuck.
Jesus Christ. Oh, shit.
Fuck. What the fuck was that?
Just hold on.
Just stay right there.
- Is he okay?
- Yeah.
What happened?
I thought it worked.
He's gonna be
okay, though, right?
Hey, I think your grandma's
running the tub, man.
I think she's gonna
put you in there.
It'll cool you down, all right?
All right, don't worry about it.
Everything's gonna be cool.
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck!
What the fuck?
Jesse, you all right, man?
Oh, fuck! Irma! Irma!
Someone call 911! Call 911!
- Where did he go?
- I don't know.
I went to go call 911,
and when I came back, he was gone.
He didn't call or text you?
No, I've been looking
everywhere. He's gone.
They just moved her to the ICU.
So I'm gonna go to the
hospital to be with my dad.
Okay, but...
I don't know. He just disappeared.
- She said this is where Jesse is.
- What?
Ali said this is a house where
they do a final ritual,
and that's where he's gonna be.
Is she sure?
We should call the cops.
Call the cops and tell
them what, Hector?
They're not gonna believe us.
We can't just fucking show
up at this house, Marisol!
We're gonna go walk in? These people
are dangerous. They kill people.
- Are you crazy?
- Well, I don't know.
We'll get help or something!
We can't just leave him there!
We can't just leave our friend,
Hector! We have to go!
Stop. All right, look.
We're going to the hospital, all right?
I'm gonna tell his dad everything.
I'm gonna show him the footage.
So are we not gonna
talk about this?
What's there to talk
about, Marisol?
- What are we gonna do?
- I'm gonna... I'm telling his dad.
What is his dad gonna do?
Well, what are we doing? We don't
even know what the fuck we're doing.
I'm just saying...
What the fuck is
wrong with the car?
Are you fucking kidding me?
- Are you serious?
- I just fixed this.
What's wrong with it?
I just got this shit fixed.
What the fuck! Turn that
thing off! Turn it off.
Jesus Christ, Hector!
What the fuck was that?
I don't know! It just
turned on by itself!
What the fuck, Hector?
The fuck?
Oh, my God.
Is that Jesse?
Now start the car.
- Shit, he's coming this way.
- Oh, shit.
Come on, let's just get out.
Let's just get out.
- The door is stuck.
- What's this guy doing?
What the fuck...
What the fuck is happening?
- Shit!
- Oh, this is insane!
Where the fuck...
Where the fuck did he go?
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Where'd he go?
Where'd he go?
Hector! Hector! Oh, my God!
Stop, Jesse!
No, Jesse, stop it!
Oh, my God!
He's not moving, Hector!
He's not moving!
- Stop yelling right now!
- What are we gonna do?
No, he's fine. He'll be fine.
His eyes were all black and shit!
I don't know if he's breathing!
Hector, what the fuck
are we gonna do?
He's not moving!
Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
- You okay?
Oh, my God! Oh, shit!
- What?
- They took him!
- They took him!
- Jesse!
Hector, they took Jesse!
They took Jesse and they're gone!
They took Jesse!
- Get in the car!
- Shit!
Oh, fuck.
Arturo! Arturo!
Are they home?
- Hey, is Arturo here?
- Hey, what the fuck...
We need to talk to him.
Tell him it's an emergency.
- We need your help, man.
- What do you mean?
They took Jesse!
Jesse... Jesse... What do
you mean, they took him?
They took Jesse!
The women! They took him!
This is a bad idea.
I can't believe we're doing this.
Slow down. I think this is it.
You sure this is the place?
Yeah. Yeah. This is it.
Let's go smoke these bitches.
Crack that shit open, Santo.
Where the fuck we at?
That was me. That was me.
- What was that?
- What?
I thought I just saw something.
It's locked.
- It's locked?
- Yeah.
This way.
- Down this side, something.
- All right.
Think anyone's here?
- You see anything?
- Nah.
This shit's locked, too.
Let me try this shit, homes.
Just give me a minute.
Oh, fuck.
- Do you see anything?
- No.
Santo. Santo.
I almost got it.
Let's go.
What the fuck?
What is it?
Looks like some food or something.
Are they cooking shit?
Think there's, like,
squatters in there?
I don't know.
You see anything?
I don't think anybody's here.
- You have to help me!
- Holy shit!
Help me, please!
Fuck! Oh, shit!
Watch out!
Oh, my God!
Get the fuck out of here! Go! Go!
Get out of here! Run!
- Oh, shit!
- Run! Go, go, go!
Go, go, go! Shit! Holy shit, Santo!
Help me move him!
Help me move him!
Go! Close the door! Go!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
They're fucking
everywhere! Oh, shit!
- What the fuck is that?
- What?
Just stay there, all right?
Oh, my God.
Oh, God!
Hector. Right here.
- Help me.
- Is that Arturo?
What the fuck is that?
Oh, God! Fuck, fuck!
Marisol! Where are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Oh, shit!
Where the fuck are you?
Marisol! Oh, my God!
Oh, Oh, shit!
Oh, God!
Oh, fuck! Shit!
Fuck! Fuck!
What the fuck?
What the fuck is that?
Hector, please open the door.
Go away!
Get the fuck out of here!
Hector, I'm scared, man.
Please open the door.
Fuck you!
I'm not opening this door!
Jesse! Stop! Jesse!
Where the fuck am I? Oh, shit.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me, lady, please.
I don't know where I am. Please!
Excuse me.
I need your help, please.
Micah! Micah!
What's the matter?
Where are you?
What the fuck?