Paranormal Xperience 3D (2011) Movie Script

Fear moves the world.
Fear of death, of failure.
You're here to learn
how to control it.
Try to keep calm.
First of all: Thank you all
for volunteering.
The 5 of you are the bravest of all.
I'm sure you'll remember
this experience.
Your participation will obviously
contribute to improving
my concept of you.
Do we have to be tied down?
It's so tight.
Please, try to relax.
If this leaves any marks on me...
You look kind of sexy
all tied up.
Shut up and concentrate.
You shouldn't take this as
an easy way to satisfy my whims.
Many of my explanations will start
to make sense in this test.
What's that?
A little first-aid kit.
Just in case.
"Just in case" what?
I need a volunteer.
Are you going to ask us to dance?
Jose, shut up a while, dude.
You'll do.
- No, thanks, I'm good.
- Come on, you wimp.
Who the fuck asked you,
you freak?
OK, fine.
Fuck... is that a scalpel?
Wait a minute...
- What's that for?
- Angela, what's going on?
Chill. He told me it's
a psychological test with no risks.
And it is.
And now, young man, you're going
to experience for yourself
the influence of mind
over the somatic.
He cut me...
He cut me. Son of a bitch.
He cut me. Untie me.
He cut him!
This is a joke, right?
Before you lose your cool,
I'll explain the object of all this.
The situation is this:
your friend is bleeding.
Starting from this premise,
besides his ability to bleed,
your friend also has the ability
to stop bleeding.
That doesn't make sense.
OK, chill! Listen, asshole.
I'll kill you if you touch me.
Stop bleeding?
How the fuck can I?
You just need to concentrate
and want it.
You know who my dad is? You're up
the legal shit creek! This is wrong!
It's impossible to stop it!
Impossible... no. Just hard.
It depends on your friend's will.
It's the placebo effect principle.
Mind controls body.
Behind a scientific facade,
western medicine
is based on any illness
being cured with a drug.
But the mind is stronger
than any drug.
Just believe it's possible.
OK, Jose, you can do it,
What the fuck? He can stop
bleeding 'cause he wants to?
I cut his radial artery.
If he can't, he'll pass out
soon and then he'll die.
We'll try not to let it happen.
So let us go, fucking whacko!
That's impossible.
Dude, drop it. I get
what this is about. Just let me go?
Jesus, he's lost his mind! Help!
Miss, no one can hear you.
Shit! Shit.
He wants to kill us!
Untie me, I feel awful. Please!
I'm starting to see spots everywhere.
Son of a bitch!
Please! Untie him or he'll die.
Jose, look at me. It's important
you don't pass out. You hear me?
I want to go home!
Let us out of here!
Here you have
the power of the psyche.
If it can relieve a symptom,
it can also generate one.
Your friend, convinced that
he was bleeding to death,
passed out.
Some scary stuff, wasn't it?
And the blood?
Pig's blood...
You should have seen your faces.
You knew all about it!
Toni was an infiltrator in the group.
He had to cause panic.
Create a climate of tension.
As future doctors,
you can't let panic paralyze you.
Being overcome by fear
can mean a patient's death.
Don't forget it.
I hope this whole exercise helps you
pass next week's exam.
Carlos, cut it out.
What exam?!
Let me remind you that most of those
present are about to fail my class.
"Most" means all except
this suck-up, right?
You said this experiment
would help us pass.
And it will. Didn't you
learn something new?
I'm surprised you had
the guts to volunteer.
OK... I'll talk to him.
Guys, you're such gentlemen...
Going to help me or not?
Yes, young lady?
So exactly how is this experiment
going to help our grades?
Always straight to the point!
I convinced my friends to participate
to get us out of the final exam.
It looks like that won't be possible.
Why not? That was the deal.
I mean there are administrative
questions, papers, red tape...
You clearly said the experiment
would help us pass.
You lied to me.
Calm down, miss. Keep using that tone
and you'll lose your grant.
Are you interested in
paranormal studies?
Not very much.
What's this?
I doubt it'll interest you.
It's a cursed town. Called Susurro.
Aren't you here
to talk about grades?
A cursed town?
A mining company reopened
the old Susurro mines in '63.
A few months later they left,
claiming a presence was stalking them.
They found five miners mutilated,
appallingly tortured.
There's a legend about the events.
Dr. Matarga's sinister spirit.
Dr. Matarga's sinister spirit?
The town doctor. After the war
he tortured and killed over 20 people.
But there's nothing
paranormal about that.
And if I told you he went on
killing after his death?
I'd say you're lying.
Once again.
Can you scientifically define
a paranormal phenomenon?
You believe in ghosts,
you want to see and hear ghosts.
A shiver or a draft gets interpreted
as more than what it really is.
Obsession creates the symptom.
I saw you didn't get scared
during the experiment.
I knew it was a bluff.
And if there was proof that
Dr. Matarga's ghost is still in Susurro?
Is there?
No. No one has dared investigate it.
And if we do a study and I prove
to you it's all superstition?
Prove how our mind can trick us.
Go right ahead. You have until
exam day to hand in your conclusions.
Then we'll talk about your grades.
Look what I took.
You're so childish.
OK, let's see if I got this straight.
How will we spend the night?
In one of those bags you sleep in?
You can sleep with us,
you'll be warmer.
You're going to do
paranormal research?
Why don't you stick it up your ass,
you fucking freak.
You need me.
What, so now you want friends?
Why do you think we need you?
I know what equipment to use.
Infrared night vision cameras,
digital recorders,
and other stuff you don't even know
how to use, but I do.
Right, beat it, loser.
Wait, we actually might need him.
How do we take all the equipment?
We don't fit in my Mini.
Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
We're closed.
She's my sister.
Back in an hour.
How are you?
Good, good. And you?
Not bad.
Dad's watch.
I see you still wear it.
It's all I have to remember him by.
It shouldn't bother you.
There's nothing to remember.
So tell my why you're here.
What? Can't I just come
to see my sister?
Always to ask for something.
The van.
I can't lend it to you,
I need it.
For what? All you do is work.
You don't go out, you have no friends.
What do you know?
- I'm not criticizing you.
- It sounds like it.
I need it for a University project.
It's important.
What's the project about?
Paranormal research.
Those things always interested you.
Why don't you come?
Think about it.
But if you do, bring the van.
Do you think about the future?
What about the future?
One day you'll tell me
how that happened.
It's nothing, I told you.
I was ten and I can't remember.
You never tell me anything about
your past. You never tell me a thing.
Weren't you supposed to go
home 2 months ago?
I can see our future:
a long dark night you won't be able
to escape from.
It's my sister.
Your sister's kind of hot.
Too bad she's nuts.
But you need to understand
we're not going camping.
We have things to do
and you'll have to help.
OK... see you there.
- So we've got transportation.
- Yeah?
Then hop on, I'll drive.
- So where were we?
- Well... right about here?
What an asshole.
- What's up, kids?
- Come on...
- Are we ready?
- Sure.
Guys, this is my sister, Diana.
You already know Carlos.
Toni. Our expert in the supernatural.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Nothing more interesting
than a bookworm, right?
And this is Jose.
The loudmouth.
You don't look at all
like your sister.
- Ah... I'm sorry?
- No way... it's a compliment.
Try to ignore him.
You'll live longer.
Come on, guys, guys, hang on.
The whole trip in this?
I doubt anyone can get me
into this heap of scrap.
Mom, are we there yet?
Why don't we stop and leave him?
No one will notice.
Shut up, I want to sleep.
Mom, are we there yet?
Hey, should we wake Carlos up?
No, he always wakes up pissed.
What's the plan?
Let's camp out in the church and take
all the stuff to the mine entrance.
So I filled the tank.
Are we almost there?
Fuck, Jose, what a pain in the ass.
So Angela, are we almost there?
Almost, kids, nearly there...
Toni, what's this?
A suppository if you keep
touching my stuff.
Jose Aguas, here, with an account
of a trip to beyond.
Going to piss off
with that the whole trip?
Why the mine entrance? Shouldn't
we go straight to the cemetery?
The words of Belen, our lovely
and intelligent paranormal researcher.
The Dr. killed his victims and
kept them in the mines.
The salt preserved their bodies.
Like codfish...
He didn't just kill them.
He tortured them.
The town doctor. He lost control
and started to torture his patients.
I'm sure it's all an exaggeration.
That could explain why the ghost
is killing again, no?
But I've never had an actual
supernatural experience.
I have...
I don't mean anything extraordinary.
But sometimes I feel
a strange presence or energy...
I prefer to be respectful of all that.
Fuck. You're really out there.
The human ear only picks up sounds
between 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz.
It doesn't mean others don't exist.
How'd the doctor die?
People were disappearing.
They found dozens of mutilated bodies
and worse in the Dr. 's house.
Then the town took revenge.
They left him in the mine tunnels,
to die of hunger, thirst
and asphyxia.
Months later when the doctor's
dying screams faded away,
they opened the mines and...
They couldn't find his body
or any trace of him.
Listen. We are before
an awkward silence.
Careful, that camera's really good.
Chill, dude, I'll be careful with it.
You see? You better
be careful with it or...
Or what?
Please, I beg you. I beg you...
Incredible. Someone
who can actually shut you up.
We're in Susurro. Just a bar away
from being a tourist attraction.
God it's hot!
It looks inhabited still.
Do you hear that?
It's the wind.
Or not...
It's like crying...
Is there anyone there?
Doctor Matarga?
Now that's efficiency, Toni!
Please take your time.
This place gives me real good vibes.
Can someone tell me
why we're staying here?
It's in the center of town.
And it'll protect us
from evil spirits.
Then what are you doing here?
Look, Belen, there's tonight's dinner.
Aren't we going to explore a little?
We should split up into couples.
Carlos and I
can go to the mine entrance.
Shouldn't someone stay and
watch the stuff?
You've got some nerve, Belen.
Hey, what's up between you
and your sister?
What do you mean?
It's like you can't stand each other.
We're sisters...
To me she's egotistical,
to her I'm too weak, that's why.
That's no enough.
My dad committed suicide,
shot himself according to the police.
Later we went from one
foster family to another.
it's not as tragic as it sounds...
I was so young I don't remember.
And Angela won't discuss it.
So that's us, each to her own.
Yeah, I imagine it can't be easy.
I try not to complain.
Well don't worry about that.
If you want to complain
I won't tell anyone.
And if someone asks me, well...
I'll just say you...
let off some steam.
How'd we wind up together?
I guess because
no one likes you either.
Excuse me?
- Where'd you learn to do that?
- In jail.
The mine entrance.
They locked the Dr. up here.
Guys, you need to come see this.
Bring the lights and cameras.
And me in these shoes!
What's Up?
It's locked, I can't open it.
Let's see...
- Here, OK...
- On 3.
Come on.
It's enormous!
Jeez, I wouldn't want to get
lost in here.
There's the door.
How awful.
All cellphones off.
There might be interferences.
Fuck, Carlos. You know
these mines are over 100 years old?
Even twice as smart
you'd be dumb!
Give it here.
Here's where they chained him up.
Are those fucking fingernails?
the temperature
just suddenly dropped 5 degrees.
Everything OK?
You didn't hear screaming?
What screaming?
I think I have something.
Is your sister alright?
It's nothing.
Listen to this.
I cleaned up the audio.
How could you possibly hear that?
Some people are more receptive
to certain forces.
Your sister has a highly
developed 6th sense.
It's something you're born with,
or very common in people
with childhood traumas, junkies...
OK, guys, I'm going home.
I'll study for the exam, I don't care.
You can't, we only have 1 car.
Bet I'm not the only one
that wants to go.
Well I vote for staying.
I don't think that's a good idea.
What's the worst
that can happen to us?
Her vote should count more.
After all, it's her van.
Well... I say we stay.
Your sister's into this stuff.
Well then we'll stay.
So now what?
If there's really a ghost in this town,
then let's prove it, right?
Yeah. But how? With a Ouija board?
I have something better.
A program that synchs different
trance-inducing methods.
Where'd you get it?
I came prepared.
What are all the symbols?
Sumerian, Hebrew ideograms,
some Latin, Enochian...
primeval words and symbols that can
alter the brain's "programming".
That's the theory.
In practice, it puts you
in a hypnotic trance
making you receptive
to the invisible.
Sure. Like ghosts, right?
OK, so who's getting in front of it?
I'll do it.
I don't want you under his control.
I want to do it.
I don't think it's a good idea.
Why not? I'm the only one
who heard the screaming.
Great, now the weirdo
thinks she's psychic.
- Shut the fuck up.
- No, why don't you shut up!
Well, now that we all
like each other a little less...
Let's do the job?
Is it dangerous?
Of course not.
Sure you want to do it?
Don't worry, OK?
Exactly what are you going to put on?
A recording of ancient rituals
to help her into a trance.
You're all a bunch of freaks.
A little.
So why are you letting her do it?
She's old enough to know.
Don't pretend to be nice.
You're using her as a guinea pig.
Can you see the screen OK?
You'll see things coming out of it.
Don't look away and try
to keep your mind blank.
That's easy.
You just have to watch Carlos.
That's it.
Let's see what's behind these scars.
Do you really want to remember?
If you open that door,
there's no turning back.
Diana, Diana, Diana!
Diana, are you OK?
What happened?
There was someone here.
- You said it wasn't dangerous.
- It's not!
Really? She's hallucinating!
I'm not hallucinating!
Angela, listen to me.
There was a man...
big and tall.
And he wanted to hurt you.
Fuck, Diana!
Was he like the guy in this photo?
It was the doctor.
That doesn't prove anything.
She's suggestible. You made her
see stuff that isn't here.
How could she hallucinate with
the Dr. without seeing the photo?
Diana says she saw him.
Why not trust her a little more?
Belen, you don't need to get
so dramatic, OK?
So a kid comes home saying:
"Mom, at school they call me orphan".
They call him orphan...
Diana, are you OK?
Tell me exactly what you saw.
Like I said, there was a man.
Yeah, but you're sure
the man was the doctor?
Who else?
He was like the guy in the photo.
- Diana, what did you do to yourself?
- Nothing.
Why do you do this?
- Now you're worried about me?
- Of course.
- You're my sister.
- No, Angela, don't psychoanalyze me.
Diana, this is serious. Trust me.
I know it seems like I don't worry
about you, but I do.
I have...
an emptiness inside
it's always with me.
I don't know why.
Is that why you cut yourself?
To substitute that pain with another
you can see and understand?
I guess.
Diana, you saw dad kill himself
and that scarred you.
Our childhood was hard, but...
we have to move on.
but I can't stop thinking about dad.
I can't remember that day at all.
Be thankful you can't remember it.
Listen to me.
I want to help you.
And I'd like us to spend
more time together.
Are we going?
Then come on.
That's the doctor's house.
We're entering the doctor's house.
Belen, it's just a rat.
Come on.
Be careful and don't touch anything.
Yes, mommy.
Fuck, Carlos, you scared me!
Didn't you hear me calling you?
Your sister asked me to come get you.
Did you see all this?
And what the fuck is it?
It must be where
he tortured his victims.
I like how you smell.
I don't like how you smell, Carlos.
Would you like to...?
Are you sick?
Carlos, hands off, OK?
Your sister likes it.
You're disgusting.
We're not alone.
Chill. There's nothing
to worry about...
Tell me something.
Do you like being tied up?
I know what you're thinking.
You think you can get out of this?
The pain isn't letting you
think clearly.
You're going to love this.
What's wrong?
Don't you like the food?
I wish your mom was still with us.
Now she knew how to cook.
I fucking told you to eat!
Diana? Wake up.
Diana, what happened?
And Carlos? Where's Carlos?
We're in danger.
- Angela.
- What?
Diana, are you OK? Hey.
What happened?
Where's Carlos?
He was here.
He appeared out of nowhere.
Who did? Who did?
And this blood? Is it Carlos?
It was the doctor.
He's here. I told you
but you wouldn't listen to me!
Diana, that doesn't make sense
Stop it, OK!?
There's nobody else here but us.
I saw him.
He took him away.
- Where? Where'd he take him?
- I don't know!
He hit me and I passed out.
It looks like he was dragged.
This is a joke.
Carlos is messing with us.
Please, if it's someone's joke,
just say so.
Because it's not funny. Toni?
Don't look at me.
Angela, I can't deal with jokes.
I want to go home now!
This tunnel must lead
to the salt mines.
Then we'll have to go in,
won't we?
But this time please
don't split up.
Do you hear that?
Be quiet!
I hear him.
It's Carlos.
One see things and the other
hears them. Great.
- Must be in their genes.
- Shut up!
What did they do to you?
What did they do to you?
What did they do to him?
Toni, we have to get this off him.
Diana, take the van
and go get help.
Diana, now! Come on, go get the van!
Move it!
It's OK, it's OK...
- Don't worry, Carlos.
- Come on...
- How do we get him out of here?
- However we can.
Fuck. Someone punctured the tire.
It could be just a blowout.
Who cares?
There's obviously
some psycho on the loose.
We'll have to try like this, Belen.
Great, Diana. Just perfect!
I'm going to see what's up
with your van.
My dad used to race
and my brothers do too.
I was the fucking
junior karts champ, get it?
Here, this is a mess.
Come to me.
- What are you doing?
- There's someone there.
What do you mean, Diana?
- Belen, we have to go. Come on!
- Stop!
Diana, there's no one there!
Be careful.
It's OK, I'm here.
Can you hear me?
Diana was the last
to see him before this.
What's your point?
Maybe someone else in town
wants to kill us.
This is an orbitoclast.
An instrument that was used
for frontal lobotomies.
Fuck, Belen!
Angela, your sister's
out of her fucking mind.
You didn't go for help?
The van had a flat tire.
And then it died.
I tried to fix it but Diana
took off running like crazy.
Saying there was someone
behind us but there wasn't.
Where'd she go?
You left her alone?
Fuck, Belen!
I'll go find her.
Jose Aguas, here.
I don't know what's up
or if this will ever be seen...
Mom, dad, sis, I love you.
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone!
This is just the beginning.
Soon...'ll feel a pain
so asphyxiating...
...that you won't ever feel
anything else again.
Shut up. Shut up! Shut up!
He's here.
There's nobody here, Diana.
They say I should "cut it out",
but I don't think they mean this.
Please go.
You're not safe.
I don't know what you're
thinking now, but...
Come back to the church with me?
It's dangerous, he's after me!
I think I'm losing my mind.
Angela's worried.
Let's go?
Hey... if I don't come back
with you your sister will kill me.
That's scarier to me
than any killer who...
Don't you ever shut up?
I'll show you to shut your mouth.
I'll show you to shut your mouth.
Run, hide!
I'll be right back.
- Belen, stay here.
- No, I'm going with you.
Please. I trust you and can't be
in two places at the same time.
I'm going to get help, OK?
I'm going to fix the van.
I'll find help and be back.
I swear.
Don't you worry.
Good God.
What's your rush?
You don't look so well, princess.
Nice ass.
- Where'd she go?
- She said she wanted to leave.
Relax. Don't talk, OK?
Your wounds will open.
I almost have it.
Shut, up, shut up!
I don't know what you're
thinking now, but...
Come back to the church with me?
It's dangerous, he's after me!
Hey... if I don't come back
with you your sister will kill me.
That's scarier to me
than any killer who...
Don't you ever shut up?
That can't be.
It's impossible.
My sister's not a murderer.
I don't think the judges
will agree with you.
I want to be a shrink and didn't even
see how sick my sister was.
This isn't your fault.
I was always so worried about moving
forward that I left her behind.
Angela, there could be
another explanation.
I think your sister's
possessed by the doctor.
That's a shitty explanation.
What other ones are there?
The hallucinations
could be a symptom.
But her illness appears by chance
when we're in this town?
She can do a frontal lobotomy?
She's strong enough to do that
to Jose? Or Carlos?
- An adrenaline rush could explain...
- Fuck adrenaline!
If this evil force exists,
but can't manifest itself physically,
it needs a host to act...
A ghost is like a scar, Angela.
A mark left by a trauma.
A being of pure emotion
feeding on pain.
That's enough, Toni, stop it!
I'm tired of your bullshit.
This is all your fault.
- What? No, listen...
- Manipulating her.
With your hypnosis
and absurd obsessions.
- Listen!
- You tricked me.
You said hypnosis was safe.
I trusted you, Toni.
I'm tired of all this ghost
and possession bullshit.
All that matters is finding Diana.
I'll get her, you stay with Carlos.
What? No. I've waited all my life
to see this and I won't stay.
I'll start looking in the Dr. 's house.
You wanted me? Here I am.
Come on! Come and get me!
What are you waiting for?
Show yourself.
Your pain allows me
to continue to exist.
I offer you what you're looking for.
But be careful
what you wish for.
I just want the truth.
Soon you will remember.
That is my gift.
A unique torture for you.
You will go on suffering
with nothing but your memories.
What do you mean?
Your crimes.
How your mother died
giving birth to you.
And your father...
remember what happened that day.
My father killed himself.
Did you see him put
the gun in his mouth and fire it?
They lied to you.
My sister would never do that.
I saw it.
Who are you talking to?
He's here, isn't he?
How does he come to you?
Diana, talk to me...
Looking for me?
No, no!
Be careful what you wish for.
You just might find it.
Oh my God, Diana...
I didn't...
Get out.
Don't come any closer.
It's OK, it's me.
It's me. Drop the knife. Drop it.
It's not real, don't look.
It's not your fault,
it's not our fault.
It's not real.
It's not real. It's not real.
You're not a murderer.
All this will pass over.
Diana, you're innocent.
Belen's dead.
I'm responsible for all of it.
For Jose, for Carlos...
No, it's this town, the hypnosis...
I remember, I remember everything.
I remember...
Angela, I killed dad.
It was me, I killed dad.
The police said it was suicide.
You had nothing to do with it.
Let's get out of here, Diana. Come on.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm a killer.
Don't you hear?
You're in danger, I killed dad!
Dad was an animal!
Why didn't you ever tell me?
Why didn't you tell me
how he really treated us?
You only had good memories of him.
What right did
I have to take them away?
I only wanted to protect you.
And now I won't leave you
behind again.
Now you'll know what real pain is.
No! Stop!
A torture that will stay with you
the rest of your life.
You won't get away with it.
And what are you going to do?
You can't escape me!
Forgive me.
I spoke to the police and...
All evidence indicates
your sister was the culprit.
There's no sign of a third person.
She wasn't guilty.
Then what explanation is there?
I've learned there are things
I can't explain.
And doors better remain closed.
I hope you continue
your studies one day.
I almost forgot.
They also gave me this.
There are wounds that are
much harder to cure.
Those scars that you can't see.
Being condemned to remember
situations like that...
I can't imagine a worse torture.