Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid (1973) Movie Script

.1973 Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
Thought I told you not to run|them sheep on my land!
It's my land, Garrett.
It became mine when|we signed that lease.
He's right, Mr. Garrett.
I'm paying you off when we get back,|and I'm breaking that goddamn lease.
- I don't allow the law would agree to that.|- What law is that?
Santa Fe Ring law?
- Goddamn law is ruining the country.|- Ain't you still a part of that law?
Something wrong with that harness.
I believe they elected you and paid you|good wages for killing the Kid, huh?
You rotten son of a bitch.
- You try your luck, Eno.|- You miss more than anybody else does.
I'll bet on it.
You want the breast or the thigh?
What he always gets.
I want a breast and a thigh.
Jesus Christ!
- Who is it?|- Get down!
Goddamn, that's Garrett.
Hello, Bill.
- It's fair shooting for an old married man.|- Lucky, I guess. How are you, Kid?
- Good to see you.|- Good seeing you.
- Hey, Billy!|- Who's this you got with you?
- Looking good.|- Having some kind of fiesta? Hello, Black.
We always live like this.|You ought to visit us more often.
I reckon the whole damn territory's|gonna be one big open jug for us now.
- Is that right, Pat?|- Ain't that right, Pat?
Take a two-day ride from Lincoln just to pay|me back the 2 dollars you owe me, Pat?
You'd better collect it now, Black.
We ain't gonna be seeing much|of Pat these days.
Say, I understand those Mexican seoritas|are still pretty as ever down there.
I know one's waiting on you, hoss,|with a knife.
- Remember them sisters?|- No. Which ones were they?
That one you got up and asked|how much you owed.
And she said,|"Whatever you think it's worth."
You threw a dime on her pillow.
Glrl said, " If that's all it's worth,|I might as well sew it up."
Son of a bitch.|Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
You don't figure he's too good|to drink with us, do you?
Maybe it's the other way around.
Jesus, don't you get stale|around here, Bill?
Maybe a year or so down in Mexico|will do you some good.
I didn't figure you'd bother|to make a ride out here.
Shit, you know me better than that.
You heard about Eben?
He drowned in the Rio Grande.
Trying to get to that old Mex|you're talking about.
He took two of the posse with him.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I always liked old Eben.
At least he knew when it was|the right time to leave.
We did have some times, didn't we?
It's gotta be pretty hard|to turn your back on all that.
You want it straight?
If that's what you're here for.
The electorate...
...wants you gone.
Out of the country.
But are they telling me,|or are they asking me?
I'm asking you.
But in five days, I'm making you.
Because I might take over sheriff|of Lincoln County.
Old Pat.
Sheriff Pat Garrett.
Sold out to the Santa Fe Rlng.
How does it feel?
...feels like times have changed.
Tlmes maybe.
Not me.
Hey, why don't you stick around.
We got a few days left, ain't we?
No, I gotta get back.
Adis, Pat.
Adis, Bill.
Don't press your luck.
I ain't worried about my luck.
Why don't you kill him.
He's my friend.
Get on up, Billy.|You hear what I'm saying?
I ain't making no money|watching you boys sleep.
You like to waste the best part|of the damn day.
Let that squirrel loose!|You'll shake it to death.
- I'm just scratching.|- Chisum's cattle is waiting.
Oh, let them wait.
I hate a son of a bitch that gets up|noisy and full of himself.
I ain't in this for my health, hateful.
That's awful.
- Pat ain't gonna like this.|- What?
Coming down hard on him|the day after he got his new badge.
Hell, there ain't no way|he's gonna know.
I ain't afraid of Pat Garrett.
Well, all right, a little bit.
I'd best go get them horses watered.
Goddamn Chisum.
How'd he know we was here?
- Hell, that's Garrett.|- Goddamn him too.
Now he's got Bell and half the town|of Lincoln out there with him.
Hold your fire!
Hold your fire!
Hold it!
Come on out!|You don't have a chance!
What are you taking me in for?
Which one was that?
Buckshot Roberts.
For the killing of Buckshot Roberts!
Hell, that was a year ago.
I shot him straight up.
Come on in, Pat!
I'll warm your breakfast!
Guess he ate.
They're closing down|the store on us for sure.
Why not?
Maybe it's time you took a walk.
Hell, yes.
Why not?
I can still hold a gun.
We gotta move. I'm going fast.
I'm going now, so, by God,|let's get on with it.
I ain't afraid of him now.
Hold your fire! We're coming out!
Hold it!
- You go left. I'll go right.|- Mlght be they ain't circled us.
Might be the dog would've caught|the rabbit if he hadn't thought to shit.
Where are the goddamn horses?
- That's enough!|- Hold it! Hold it!
All right, Kid!
Come on out if you're still alive!
Game's over!
Coming out, Pat!
You're in poor company, Pat.
Yeah, I'm alive, though.
So am I.
I never figured to hear you brag|on being a working man.
Well, I never figured you|for the law either.
It's just a way of staying alive.
No matter what side you're on,|you're always right.
And I aim to live to be rich,|old and gray.
That's a fine ambition, Pat.
You keep thinking like that.|I'll think on how I'll spend your money.
Only thing you've got|to think about...
...Is when you stand before|the highest court there is.
May it sit in judgment|on your rotten soul.
Now, you listen. Listen to me good.
Before that rope snaps,|It'll hit you like a bolt of lightning...
...that what I've been telling you|Is the truth!
You'll learn to believe|before I'm finished.
That's 3 to you.
What do you believe in, Bell?
I do believe I'm gonna|have to see that bet...
...and raise you 5.|- Billy...
...somewhere in the Good Book,|it says there's a time for everything.
A time to love, a time to hate...
...a time to kill.
But now it's time|you got close to God, boy.
I heard God's fast...
...but I have to go up in front of him|myself before I'd bet on it.
You will.
Well, that puts me on my way.
I got to go collect a few more taxes.|He's all yours.
Two days, boys.
I count eight days till dawn, Billy.
You'd best be on your knees and making|the acquaintance of your Lord and master.
Pat, keep that mule's asshole away from me|before I have to break him.
I surely wish you'd try, son.
I got my shotgun full of 16 thin dimes.
Enough to spread you out|like a crazy woman's quilt.
- Bob.|- Why don't you sing a song of Jesus...
...while there's still a way.|- Bob. Bob.
Damn it.
You mess around with him one more time,|I'll send your ass back to Texas.
I think I'd like to keep him here a while.
I fold, Billy.
Folding three queens, now, are you?
You must be afraid|I'll go out a loser, Bell.
- I guess I just ain't seeing them.|- Well, I'll tell you what... long as I'm breathing,|let's play it straight.
I ain't sold my saddle like you|and the rest of the town boys, Bell.
Or it's just Bob that smells|like street shit over there.
On your knees!
Kiss my ass.
Repent, you son of a bitch!
Sweet Jesus, I repent.
Leave off, Bob! You've gone loco!
I'm going across the street|and have a drink.
I'm thirsty as hell.
I wanna tell you one last thing|personal, Kid.
It's gonna be a loose rope|and a long drop.
That last thump got my guts going.
I need to go to the outhouse.
My horse locoed on me once|coming back from Pacheco.
I cut the second bar in his mouth|and bleed him.
He died on me,|and I ended up walking 40 miles.
I never was much for walking.
Well, I ain't never walked a mile since.
Fell in with a bunch of Mescaleros.
They was just off the reservation,|and I was "suspicioned" of them.
But I had some biscuit on me.|I give it to them, and they just rode off.
That's a hell of a story, Bell.
You know, I believe old Pat's|lost his sand.
He won't come on a man.
You ought not to talk about him that way.|You and him used to be pretty close.
He ain't the same man.
He signed himself over to Chisum|and every other landowner...
...that's trying to put a fence|around this country.
That's what you been doing, ain't it?
Selling us out and getting fat.
Ain't that easy, Billy.
You was a friend of Carlyle's,|wasn't you, Bell?
You know I was.
I don't mean to be contrary,|but did I ever tell you how he died?
I shot him three times in the back,|blew his goddamn head off.
I don't wanna kill you, Bell.
Well, I sure hope you don't, Billy.
Then just move toward me.
Don't. Don't do it, please.
You wouldn't shoot me in the back, Billy.
- What the hell was that?|- There's been a shooting.
Get in the house!
- My God, he's got a shotgun.|- Somebody get the sheriff!
How does Jesus look to you now, Bob?
Bonney's killed Bell!
Yeah, and he's killed me too.
Keep the change, Bob.
Bring me an ax.
Get back, I don't wanna kill you.
Go over to that livery stable,|get me the best horse you've got.
Caught your horse, Billy.
Try him again.
By God, I think I'm just gonna trade you|that fine brown horse for your buckskin.
What the hell, Billy?
I'll thrown in about $1.60 worth of change|If you can dig it out of old Bob there.
Would some of you people|get him up off the ground and into it?
Anything you say, sheriff.
Hell of a mess, Pat.
Shot Bell and Ollinger and rode on out.
Yeah. Do me up good this time, Zeppy.
And leave the mustache on it.
- Is the boy around?|- Boy.
Speak to Mr. Garrett.
Yes, sir?
I want you to run all the way down|to my house.
Tell Mrs. Garrett that I'm gonna|be home for dinner.
And then I want you to stampede|over to the courthouse...
...find John Neully and the others|standing around there...
...and tell them to come over here|and pay me a visit. Got that?
John Neully, courthouse. Yes, sir.
Who are you?
That's a good question.
I believe you know of me.
Bill Kermit.
Wanted for horse-thieving|down in Seven Rlvers, ain't you?
That'd be me, sheriff.
Killed old C.B. Denning last year|at Sllver Clty...
...for calling you at cheating at Monte.
That'd be me. Alamosa Bill.
Well, Bill, I'm gonna make you|my deputy.
Listen, Bill, why don't you go out back...
...find us a couple of steaks|and a mess of eggs.
And get one of them good bottles|they got behind the bar there.
I wanna have me a bath.
It should take you about two weeks|to make the circle.
- They say William Bonney's escaped.|- He has.
And he's in Mexico, I hope.
Where we should be if I had any sense.
If not...
...I'll go after him.|Got too much riding on it not to.
I figure that's why they elected me.
Anyways, I don't give a damn.
Brought him in once, I can do it again...
...lf I have to.
You might say that|you are glad to see me.
It's been over a week you've been gone.
I'm sorry.
I gotta go down to the saloon,|there's a...
...drunk down there causing a lot of trouble.|Goes by the name of Alamosa Bill.
Said he rode with the Kid|down in west Texas.
Will you be blessing this house|with your presence for dinner?
Looks like it's gonna be a long night.
- It's been a long year.|- Not now.
My people don't talk to me.
They say you are getting to be too much|of a gringo since you've been sheriff.
That you make deals wlth Chisum.
You don't touch me.
You are dead inside.
- I wish you'd never put on that badge.|- Not now.
Or I won't be here when you get back!
We'll deal with this...
...when it's over.
I hope he gets away.
Well, he won't.
There's too much play in him.
And not enough in you.
You're late, Pat.
More cognac, please.
- Good of you to come, sheriff.|- Thank you, Your Honor.
- It's a pleasure to see you.|- Thank you, sir.
May I offer you some supper?
Oh, no. No, I think I might have|a little of that brandy, though.
Of course. Some brandy.
I do hope you enjoy|these rainy New Mexican evenings.
They have a fabulous melancholy|to them.
They bring us closer|to some greater design.
At least I hope so.
Allow me to introduce|Mr. Lewellyn Howland.
And this man Is Norris.
These gentlemen are very concerned|about the escape of William Bonney.
- A concern I'm sure you also share.|- He escaped from my jail.
This territory Is vast and primitive.
There Is money here, growing investments|and political interests.
We must protect these investments... that the area can continue|to prosper and grow.
- I believe you rode with the Kid, didn't you?|- I did.
- Then you must be aware of his moves.|- Well, I know Billy.
- And he ain't exactly predictable.|- Oh, come now, sheriff.
For a man who's half outlaw himself|and still smart enough... be elected sheriff by Chisum and|the big ranchers, I expect better than that.
Can you bring him in,|or should we look elsewhere?
Oh, I can bring him in.
If you and the big peckerheads don't mess|things up by starting another cattle war.
I assure you, Chisum and the others have|been advised to recognize their position.
And in this particular game,|there are only a few plays left.
I'd advise you to grab on to a winning hand|while you have a chance.
We're offering a reward of $1000|for the Kid's capture.
You can have 500 now.
Well, I aim to bring the Kid in.
But until I do...
...better take your $500|and shove it up your ass and set fire to it.
Commendable notion, sheriff.
Well, now.
I'm gonna blow the top of your|cow-humping head off, you son of a bitch.
How's it going, Luke?
You are a son of a bitch.
I thought they's getting ready|to trim you.
There's a whole bunch of us|just fixing to ride in.
Well, I saved you all a trip.
Or somebody did.
I figured I'd lay back a few days.|Maybe more.
Well, it sure Is pleasurable|seeing you back again, Kid.
- You glad I'm back?|- Welcome home, Billy.
And did you miss me?
So much you had to take up|with that low-down piece, old Hyatt.
Cmo ests, Silva?
Buenos dias, Billy.
Now, you're uglier than me.|How's it going, Beaver?
Eno, I thought you boys would be out|In the Nueces or Colorado by now.
Well, I figured to watch you get stretched|but might have knowed you'd show up.
Good thing somebody did.
These four rode in here this morning.
What's your name, boy?
- Alias.|- Alias what?
Alias anything you please.
What do we call you?
- Hell, let's call hlm Alias.|- That's what I'd do.
Alias it Is.
Thank you.
My, my.
You boys hungry?
- I didn't catch your name.|- I didn't give it out.
Well, I guess that's why I didn't catch it.
But I know yours.
And that's enough.
Hey, Silva. Do you remember that meeting|with John Jones...
...and that old man they called|U.S. Christmas, down near El Rito?
- That old man they called U.S. Christmas?|- Rlght. See?
Seems John stepped on one of U.S.'s|boots one night they was both in town.
Old U.S., he'd been out hunting buffalo|for six months.
Now, he was mean and testy|and damn near blind drunk.
He had on a pair of these flat-heeled,|about half-length Wellington boots.
Them boots was the only thing he owned|he put any store in.
And John stepped on one of them.
That old man just stepped back and said:
"Let's get to it."
So John said to U. S:
"If you're gonna get that riled...
...over a pair of foreign,|lady-looking boots...
...we just might as well|get the ball rolling."
So they went in the middle|of the street.
And they took the 10 steps.
And John put three holes|right through that old man's chest.
I must have known them|from somewhere.
It's too soon for bounty hunters.
What the hell?
I thought you was in Lincoln.
- What the hell you doing?
... hell you doing?
- You get your ass over there, Gate.
Howdy, Cullen.
How do you do, yourself?
What are you doing|with that piece of sheep dip?
I'd like to blow his thieving head off|just for riding through my town.
I ain't paid nobody no never mind.|Been staying in my own good hole.
Fact Is, I'm thinking about|going to Texas.
Kid broke out.
Killed Ollinger and Bell.
I thought maybe Gate and some of the boys|might have a sign on him.
Well, I still want him for that train robbery|up at Springer.
Gate's been holed up outside of town here|with Black Harris and Sut Cole, that bunch.
Been meaning to roust them|out of here...
...but somehow or other|I just can't get around to it.
I don't know nothing about the boys,|I don't know nothing about the Kid.
Understand you've been riding for Chisum.
I'd rather be on the outside of the law...
...than packing a badge for that town of|Lincoln and them that's a-running it.
It's a job.
Comes an age in a man's life when...
...he don't wanna spend time|figuring what comes next.
Well, it's gonna cost you some change.
I got to the point where|I don't do nothing for nobody...
...unless there's a piece of gold|attached to it.
One of these days,|when I get my boat built...
...I'm gonna drift out of|this damn territory.
This town's got no hat size nohow.
Where'd you put my badge?
I don't like it, Cullen.
This town Is not worth it.
Tell you the truth, Mama,|I don't take a shine to it myself.
Anytime you're ready.
Company's coming.
Sheriff Baker.
Hey, Black Harris!
I wanna talk to you!
Whoa, boys.
I ain't seen the Kid,|If that's what you're sniffing after.
But if it's straight-up one-to-one you want,|then I'm your man.
I'm looking for sign, Black.
Us old boys ought not to be doing this|to each other.
Ain't that many of us left.
Remember?|You and me rode into this county together.
How long ago was that, Pat?
Oh, hell, about 15 years ago.
Pat, I know where the Kid's at.
I'll tell you...
...when you're lying proper|on the ground.
It'll be the last words you ever hear.
Hey, look at that. Look at them turkeys.
Hey, hold them critters, Silva.
Go on, kid, let's get them.
Watch this.
Get in there. Watch this.
Come on, Billy.
- Get out of the way, you son of a bitch.|- Grab him!
Move, Billy.
That's the way. Do it!
Got mine.
Both hands, man.
- What you got there?|- I got me a turkey.
Let me see that bird.
Oh, I could have roped four or five|of them in if it wasn't for you.
Them is Mr. Chisum's cattle.
And this is Chisum's land.
- Where you going with it, Silva?
- Get your rifle.
You'll make a good living cow-thieving.
Give him a good laugh.
You want some coffee?
I could use some.
Name is Poe.
John W. Poe out of Fort Griffin, Texas.
Maybe you saw me last month|in Santa Fe at Governor Wallace's.
The governor made me a deputy.|I figure he probably told you.
Already got me a deputy.
Two's better than one.
I answer only to the governor,|Mr. Norris and Mr. Howland.
I heard talk on the trail|the Kid's in Mexico.
Don't figure to me.
Most likely, he's trying to get|his old bunch together again.
- Which way we going?|- I'm going southwest.
That would be the Chisum ranch.
Chisum is a fine man.
Country's gotta make a choice.
Time's over for drifters and outlaws|and those who got no backbone.
I'm gonna tell you this once.
I don't wanna have to say it again.
This country's getting old,|I aim to get old with it.
Now, the Kid don't want it that way.
He might be a better man for it.|I ain't judging.
But I don't want you explaining|nothing to me.
And I don't want you saying nothing about|the Kid and nobody else in my damn county.
Garrett to see you, Mr. Chisum.
- All right. Somebody else try him.|- Yes, sir, Mr. Chisum.
Mescaleros stole 40 head of horses|last week.
Yeah, I heard they was|off the reservation.
And Bonney tried to steal a few head|a couple of weeks ago.
Well, he says you owe him|$500 back salary.
He rode for me.|I treated him just like any other man.
Sheriff, tell me something.|Why did you ride all the way out here?
- We thought maybe you'd heard something.|- I'll tell you what I heard.
Billy the Kid is in Tascosa.|Billy the Kid is in Tombstone.
Billy the Kid is in Mexico, Tularosa,|Socorro, White Oaks.
And Billy the Kid is at my table|right at this moment...
...eating tacos and green chili peppers|with my niece, just like old times.
- You staying for supper?|- No, thanks.
Mr. Poe?
I... Yeah, yes, I could eat.
Fine. Bunkhouse is right behind|the large barn.
Men usually eat|when the cook lets them.
Interesting meeting you, Mr. Poe.|Perhaps I'll see you again some time.
Glad to be of service, Garrett.
But don't overuse it.
I appreciate the loan.
You gonna get him?
My friend.
Buena suerte until I see you.
Come to Mexico, Billy.
People know you're here.
I say this as a friend.
In old Mex he ain't gonna be nothing|but another drunken gringo...
...shitting out chili peppers|and waiting for nothing.
It's got a good edge.
There's a lot of land between here|and the border.
And it's all Chisum's.
Better keep those sheep moving,|or they're gonna end up on his table.
I have no quarrel with Chisum.
It is an old war that is over.
Let him alone...
...and he will let you alone.
Don't you believe it, my friend.
I must believe it.
Adis, Paco.
You could leave, you could live in Mexico.
- Could you?|- Yeah.
I could live anywhere.
I could leave anywhere too.
- Have you ever been to California?|- Not yet.
I ain't either.
But they're sure pushing on me|to go somewhere.
Yeah, your leaving would sure|give Garrett some size.
I reckon he's given me|about all the time he can.
Mexico might not be bad|for a couple of months.
Depends on who you are.
I reckon.
There's a lot of us who'd ride with you.
Mexico won't be so bad|for a few months.
I guess that depends who you are.
But if I was y'all...
...I'd be clearing out of here.
Gonna be some hard times|coming down.
Remember me to whoever rides by.
Boy, get some water for these horses.
- All right about the goddamn...|- Hello there, Lemuel.
Well, if it ain't the limb|of the law, Patrick J. Garrett.
Your booze is under the bar,|where I always keep it.
Shake it up, it's got a little oil on it.
That's the fairest drink of whiskey|you'll ever throw lip over, boy.
Know you around these parts?
I ain't ever rode through here before.
Don't seem the best way|to be tracking a man down.
They're already talking about you|in Lincoln.
I calculate you ain't been there|in more than seven weeks.
Well, when I want somebody|to keep time for me, I'll ask you.
I'll stay here the night.
You take that trail east, then south.|I'll pick you up in Roswell. Five days...
...six at the most.
You might be able to find something|out there alone.
Are you getting tired, Garrett?
Looks like you only got|a couple more days left in you.
Yeah, well... adis.
You want yourself a woman?
One come in here from Albuquerque,|run a cathouse over there. Name is Bertha.
Got an ass on her like a $40 cow, and a tit.
I'd like to see that thing filled|full of tequila.
Say, you know something,|you can't beat that, can you?
Howdy, ma'am.
Mr. Horrell.
- Hey, Tommy.|- Billy.
Didn't think we'd be getting to see you.
I felt obliged to come and pay my respects|before moving on.
Sit down, Bill.
You picked a fine time to come, Billy.
I sure never figured on you|taking on the badge.
Didn't figure on it myself.|I was just in town being sociable.
Rode in from Seven Rivers|to watch you hang.
- Garrett swore me in when you lit out.|- Won't be having no ill talk at my table.
Fill yourself, Billy.
Another fried pie?
Don't mind if I do.
Never tasted anything so good.
Thank you, ma'am.
I don't suppose you ran into|old Pat, did you, Billy?
Can't say I did.
He'll track you down, Billy, and get you.
Pat Garrett's got more sand than most.
Yeah, I'm outlawed, for sure.
Old Alamosa here will see to that.
It wasn't long ago, I was the law,|riding for Chisum.
And old Pat was an outlaw.
The law is a funny thing, ain't it?
Well, we best get to it.
Just got through putting up|that new cottonwood door.
Used the old one for my son, John.
He got into a shooting with Olin Carroll.
He's buried out yonder there.
I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Horrell.
John was a good hand.
Couldn't shoot, though.
Harley, you and Lee give me a hand|with this door.
I don't suppose there's any other|way we could work this out?
Well, let's get to it.
Ten steps?
Suits me.
You count them.
You ain't thought of another way,|have you?
No, I can't come up with nothing.
Get to it.
One, two, three, four, five...
...six, seven, eight...
That wasn't 10, hoss.
I never could count.
At least I'll be remembered.
Howdy, old-timer.
You're wasting the best part of your day.
Hello, Holly.
- Bit off your graze, ain't you?|- A bit.
Hell, everybody knows|he's looking for the Kid.
Everybody knows the Kid|ain't in this territory.
Nobody's seen him.
Maybe he be outside there.|I wish he'd come get a drink.
Get himself a drink?
Yeah. Well, I had mine.
No need to run off, Holly.
He ain't out there, Pat.
You boys shuck them gun belts.|Let them lay where they fall.
- You boys carrying wages?|- What kind of wages do you mean?
Well, any kind of wages.|Thought maybe we'd just have a few...
...sociable hands.
Ain't no harm in being sociable.
Ain't no harm in being sociable.
...go over there to Lemuel|and get that shotgun...
...he's got his fingers wrapped around|and bring it over to me, stock first.
Do it!
It ain't no use, you getting mad.|I wasn't set on using that.
But those boys have been|patronizing me real well.
No use getting him mad, old Pat.|We been patronizing him real well.
Now, I want you to stand over|behind breed here.
I want you to take the stock of that gun and|rap him smartly on the back of the head.
You do it, or this bullet|that's going through his chest... liable to come out the other side|and tickle your private parts.
Private parts?
- Lemuel.|- Yeah?
I want you to drag your fat ass over here|so we can all see you.
You're crazier than a mule-humping goat.
Sitting there with all that law crammed|inside of you, busting to get out.
I wouldn't give a sweet jerk in hell|if the Kid did lay you out.
You used to be just like a daddy|to that boy.
Come over here.
I want you to take Lemuel's hat|and stuff it down over his eyes, gentle-like.
Those eyes ain't seen nothing but bad|since he's been in this territory.
And I'm looking right smack-dab at it.
Now, I want you to go over there|to that shelf of airtights...
...and give us a nice read,|loud enough for us all to hear.
Let's hear it!
"Beans. Beans.
Eastern plums.
Beans. Beef stew. Salmon."
- Two is a better game.|- "Pears."
Listen, Pat, we haven't done nothing.
All we did was come in|and wet ourselves down.
- "Spinach."|- Take it right from the bottle, Holly.
"Beef stew."
No need to stand on manners|around here.
No, no, no.|Go ahead, have another one there.
"Climax tobacco."
Just keep on going there.
"AMK fine quality tomatoes."
He's trying to drown you. That's what.|Trying to get his bark back on him.
Thinks it's going to make him young,|like the Kid.
"AMK salmon.
Beans. Spinach and beans.
Baked beans.
- Boy, this sure lights up and kill you.|- "Baked beans.
"Beef stew."
Tell me, Pat.
Are you afraid to take it|to the Kid, or what?
Ever since you and the Kid|have been together...'ve just been a little short|of supplies, you know what I mean?
"Lima beans."
Oh, hell.
I don't care about either one of you.
"Lard. Quality... Quality salmon."
"Plums. Beans. Tomatoes."
You just made me have a bowel|movement in my britches, Garrett.
I ain't gonna never forgive you for this.
"Succotash. Beets.
When you see Billy...
...tell him we had a little drink together.
No. No.
It's ready.
Jesus Christ!
You working for Chisum?
Yeah. We're working for him.
Hello, Paco.
I will tell you about a house|that I want to build.
No, not here.
For us, amigo.
It will be on the other side.
In old Mex.
I will sell my sheep.
And I will build the adobe bridge myself.
You know, Billy...
...I'll put a vine...
...a grapevine out on the veranda...
...and I will have three chairs...
...and I will sit in the middle one.
And anyone who doesn't do right...
...according to nature and my mother...
...I will blow his head off.
Cmo te sientes t, Billy?
Well, that ties it.
I'm going back.
Look who's here.
Hey, look who's here!
I was hoping that was you|as soon as I seen your dust.
Well, I was hoping that was you.
I ain't shut of this country yet.
I should have knowed better.
Goddamn glad to see you, buddy.
You boys look grim. You need somebody|back here to spur your flanks, don't you?
You just give us the word.|There's enough of us left.
Nobody's running us off.
Not Garrett...
...or that goddamn governor.
Chisum killed Paco.
Come on in. The door's not locked.
Well, where's he at?
Fort Sumner.
Yeah, well, I don't wanna hear about that.
If you don't get him, I'm going to.
Go down to the sheriff's office|and find Kip McKinney.
Tell him to meet me downstairs.
Don't say nothing about nothing.
Thank you, Rupert.
Your jail empty?
I recollect that it is.
- Who's your deputy?|- Sack Oliver.
Well, I got the girls upstairs.
Locked up.
Take the girls over to see old Sack Oliver.
Give him the key.
Go on, give him the key.
And then bring Mr. McKinney's horse back.|All right, Poe?
Where are we going anyway?
Fort Sumner.
There ain't nothing out there|but some old cattle thieves.
Well, there's a couple|of young ones there too.
No, I ain't going.
You owe it to me.
I do? For what?
For not killing you over at Rosewater...
...for getting you this job...
...and not seeing you run out of here.
For pulling you out of that snowdrift|up at Chamas.
For coldcocking you over at|Stillwater's saloon last fall...
...and saving you from Rabbit Owen's|biting off your ear and from just...
...putting up with you for a hell of a lot|longer than I ought to.
...I hope they spell my name right|in the papers.
Cut the dust.
He's coming in, Billy.
Yeah, I reckon.
Maybe he wants to have a drink with me.
Hell, I don't have nothing|against the Kid...
...saving maybe he killed J.W. Bell.
I sure did like J.W.
We'll meet up on the other side of the fort,|at old Pete Maxwell's place.
I know old Pete.
Hello, Pete.
Heard you were back.
We'd like to bed down|in your extra bunk.
No reason not to. I got no need for it.
Been on any drives?
I recollect the time...
...Toddy Sparks got his horse stole.
Jace Summers stole it.
Just up and stole it.
It was up by Del Rio.
Old Toddy got even, though.
He sure did.
Put a rattler in Jace's blanket.
Bit him through the neck.
Buried him in a thunderstorm.
Summer of '71 it was.
Man, what are you,|some kind of frog-watcher?
Take it easy. Wrong room.
You're goddamn right|you got the wrong room.
- Who in the hell you looking for?|- Somebody else.
What somebody else?
It's cold.
It's cold.
Hello, Will.
Hello, sheriff.
You finally figured it out, huh?
Go on, get it over with.
I'm hungry.
I'll get you something.
No, I'll just see what Pete's got out|in the cooler.
That's the Kid, Tex. Right there.
Go on, shoot him. Go on, shoot him.
Go on, shoot him.
Who's that?
Who the hell are you?
Hello, Pete.
Evening, Pat.
Easy. We come to see Pete Maxwell.
You chickenshit bastard.
Hey, Pete, who's that out there?
I want his trigger finger!
I want it cut off! I want it nailed to a post!|Then I want him taken back to Lincoln!