Phantom Fun-World (2023) Movie Script
Welcome to Phantom Fun-World.
Hey, there all you little monster.
Come on over to Phantom Fun-World.
To meet all of our creepy characters.
Oh, yeah.
Try a found to putt-putt golf.
Test your skills in the
Escape From Phantomland maze
or try your mind in the arcade.
Here at Phantom Fun-World,
we have the blue ghost water race.
Test your aim at Chainsaw
Charlie's shootout,
see you there.
We even have bumper cars.
Grab some tasty treats
in Voody Judy's kitchen.
Oh, yeah, son of a gun,
you might even meet the Phantom himself.
I'm having a phantom fun time.
We're having
a phantom fun time.
Phantom Fun-World,
it's to die for
A local fun park
is dominating headlines recently,
but not for the reason one would hope.
Phantom freak, phantom freak.
horrific tragedy unfolding
in Queen City tonight.
Phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak.
I warn you, what you're
about to see may disturb you.
It defies explanation-
- At exactly 3 p.m.
Several employees of Phantom Fun-World
have been found-
- Moreover, Phantom
Fun-World is not for family.
Beware of the
phantom, he's still there.
Hungry? I could make you something.
I'm good.
I'm surprised she even remembered.
She seems to be doing better.
We've been talking.
I wouldn't hold my breath, Cole.
She's always been highly skilled
at disappointing her kids.
I gotta bounce.
I'm gonna be late for this interview.
Phantom Fun-World?
Yeah, just this local place.
They're reopening soon.
I think so.
I'm not sure, but I guess
I'll find out today.
Collins works there, so she's my in.
Are you sure you're gonna like working
at an indoor amusement park?
I mean, it doesn't really
seem like your thing.
No, but I need the money like stat.
Trying to feed my teenage
brother's not easy.
Hold down the fort, bub.
Get your tickets,
snag some sick prizes today.
Visit in the 10 minutes
and receive a free chocolate-
- I didn't think you were gonna make it.
I know I could use some work
in the punctuality department.
God, Andi, I really admire
your self-deprecation.
I mean, you're almost as miserable as I am.
Was that a compliment, Collins,
because, if so, that's
totally against your nature.
No, but it's as close to
one as you're gonna get.
So, welcome to the hell hole,
known as Phantom Fun-World.
Things are kinda crazy around here
with the reopening happening.
Doesn't seem too bad.
Oh, you should've saw
it before we started.
Anything I should know?
Well, the facilities are outdated
and the bathrooms are hit or miss.
The characters around here, questionable,
but the pay's decent and
you don't really have
to deal with people other than
the lowly degenerates
that work here like me.
Thank you for this.
Don't thank me yet.
You still have to meet Mr. Djanko
and he's a walking walnut.
Okay, one, two, three, four.
Ladies and
gentlemen, boys and girls,
entities of all ages,
sing along to the anthem of the phantom.
Turn that frown upside down
and gather around his home town.
What in the actual shit was that?
How and why am I so cursed
with these uncoordinated mascots?
Charlie, you are supposed
to be able to control where
you're swinging that chainsaw.
Come on, DeJerko, you can't expect us
to get this so fast.
This costume is way too long.
I just keep tripping all over it.
You're the blue ghost,
you should be flowing like water, flow.
A little less pelvic thrust maybe.
Learn to flow like water, idiot.
And you, you should be
doing an island dance
that's gonna summon the spirits.
Yeah, I don't think we
should summon anything.
But let me tell you this.
If you don't get this dance,
I'm gonna summon your
uncoordinated ass a pink slip.
You're wearing a tribal dress,
how hard can it be.
Just as hard as flowing
like water, dick weed.
Oh, you wanna keep pushing me?
Hey, chill.
He's an angry elf.
You know what,
you little lollipop guild
looking little jerk?
I've really had it right up to about here
with your crap which, guess what,
that's about the same height as you.
Hey, I don't know what you two muppets
are bitching about.
I'm up here, gotta swing this chainsaw
and yee haw my way through this thing.
All you gotta do is say boo.
Yeah, but we gotta make it scary, though.
How's it gonna be scary?
You're a water ghost.
Good sound effect, good sound effect.
Yeah, and I'm a combination
of like culturally insensitive
and deeply racist tropes.
So, just get a tan.
And you, you are the Phantom.
That's what this whole place is about,
Phantom Fun-World.
Learn the dance.
Hey, yo, Mr. Djanko.
Andi's here for her interview.
God, a reason to leave
these fumbling buffoons.
Stay at it, everyone, asses and elbows.
Good luck.
When you sing, make sure you're loud
To make the Phantom oh so proud
This position is not for everyone, Mandy.
It's Andi.
That's what I said.
So, what exactly do you
know about the position?
Just that it's nice, slow and quiet.
And slow, quiet nights
interest a girl like you?
My nights have been slow and quiet
for a while now, so I'm
sure I'm acclimate fine.
I'm usually not around
or available most evenings,
so you'll be relying on yourself
and the rag tag group
that we have working here with you
and there are a few security guards
on site should any tweakers
or thrill seekers cause any problems.
Any questions?
None that I can think of at the moment.
Well, welcome to the team.
Shift starts tomorrow.
Thank you.
Can you maybe show her around
and introduce her to
her co-workers, please?
Got it.
Okay, uh, let's go meet the cool kids.
So, I'm just gonna spit ball,
I'm a just throw it out here,
tell me something, Noah, do you, uh,
why don't they give you a gun?
I mean, you are like a cop
on training wheels, right?
It's a fun park, Simon.
It's not open to the public yet.
Why would I need a gun?
So, what are you supposed to use?
Your harsh language.
No, you idiot. This.
That's it?
For Christ's sake, I have
a pink .22 in my car.
For the record, I would love
to see your pink .22, Paige.
Everyone sexual harassment,
sexual harassment, everyone.
Okay, but she likes it.
Anyway, I know it doesn't look like much,
but this thing will knock a
rhino flat on its ass, okay.
50,000 volts for anyone
who gets out of line.
Ooh, I wouldn't wanna see you
in a back alley there, Noey.
Hi, guys.
This is Andi. Andi, this is everyone.
Baywatch over here is Paige.
The mouthy one is Simon.
And shaggy dog over here is Noah.
What up new girl?
Holly from hell is coming.
Cue the rants about how
this place is cursed and shit.
Well, this place is cursed and shit.
Hey, Noah, I saw someone messing
around the pavilion.
I need you to come with
me and check it out.
Maybe it was a ghost.
And maybe you're a whore.
Both are up in the air.
I'm gonna go do my job.
But it was really nice to
meet you, though, Andi.
Yeah, likewise.
Back here is where I saw him.
Figured I'd bring you along
in case I get attacked by
a tweaker or some shit.
Are you sure it wasn't a ghost?
I'm sorry, it was just a joke.
You know, if you'd do some research
of your own on this place,
you wouldn't be trying to
bust my balls like that.
Bad shit happened here, right?
It's more than that.
This place just gives off really-
- Bad vibes.
have a phantom fun time
at Phantom Fun-World.
Hey, Andi, hey.
- Hey.
- Wait up.
We were just in there talking
about grabbing some drinks
or something tonight
if you're not busy and you wanna tag along.
I can't.
It's okay, you don't have
to if you don't want to.
No, I'd love to, it's
just, it's my brother.
I kind of gotta get home to him.
I understand, I have a sibling also.
- Really?
- Yeah.
A brother or a sister?
A brother actually.
- Gotta love 'em.
- Yeah.
Well, hey, I will see you tomorrow.
- See you then.
- Okay.
Hey, Andi, where's your car?
Oh, I walked.
I just live a couple blocks away.
Well, do you want a ride?
- A ride?
- Yeah.
It's the least I can do.
No, no, no! I don't have insurance.
Hey, maggot heads,
leave that long-haired
skinny sissy boy alone.
You're a little late.
What are you doing in my room?
Your bed's comfier than mine.
- Seriously?
- What, it's a classic.
Who's that?
It's no one.
Why are you so into movies like this?
Are you kidding?
Dick Karloff is like horror royalty.
Hey, zombie, let me ask you a question.
Get your kick.
All zombie movies are the same.
Mm, they were mom's favorite.
Remember when me, you and mom
used to have movie nights?
Sorry, just being sentimental.
I know you don't like talking about it.
It's not that I don't
like talking about it.
It's just it's not how things are now.
Just miss those days
when it was us three against the world?
What do you think happened to her.
Like I know she struggled
since she was young.
I don't really know.
She never talked about it,
but whatever it was, it doesn't excuse her
not being able to get her
shit together for you or me.
You know, I'll always be
here for you, right, though?
I just hope that one day things
will be like they used to.
Oh, my God.
What the fuck is this place?
Who are you?
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck are you doing, man?
What are you doing?
Oh, God, no.
Oh, what are you doing?
Oh, hey, my shift just ended.
I figured I'd swing by and see you.
Cole said it was okay to come in.
Is this a bad time?
No, it's fine.
I tried calling a few times,
but I'm having a hard time reaching you.
Are you still in your pajamas.
Yeah, I just started
a new job last night.
Oh, that's great.
Where at?
Just a local place here in town,
- Phantom Fun-World.
- Oh.
It's not as bad as it sounds.
It's better than sitting
around thinking about things.
Hey, Mom.
Oh, hey, baby.
Do you really think it's good
for Cole to be at home
alone at night like that?
I mean-
- Do I really have another choice.
He has a mother.
I mean, you both do.
We're aware.
Look, I really don't like
the idea of you both being alone.
We've been alone since
you checked out from being
a responsible parent.
I'm sorry, I didn't come here to argue.
I just stopped by to see
if you wanted to go grab a bite to eat
for your birthday.
I can't.
I have work.
It's fine, I'll go.
- It sounds fun.
- Really?
Okay, well, I'll pick you
up tonight, if that's okay.
You know what, Andi?
I'm really doing my best here.
I'm getting better.
12 steps, therapy, a steady job.
What else do you want from me?
I just wanna be a part of y'all's lives.
I'm sorry, I'm just not there yet.
See you tonight, I love you, Cole.
Love you, too, Mom.
Take care of yourself, Andi.
If you need anything, I'm here.
You feel better?
I'm not fighting with you, Cole.
She deserves a chance.
I've given her plenty of chances.
She's still your mom.
Happy birthday to me, right?
Damn, I'm so like
unbelievably good looking,
like why I'm working here
and not at Disney just blows my mind.
Oh, there he is, the dancing king,
live and in person.
Hey, you've not seen Blue, have you,
because he left his keys here
and I swear to God like,
if his head wasn't attached
to him, he'd lose it.
Bro, what is this?
Is this a head?
Oh, my God, bro, is this Blue's head.
Hey, you think the DeJerkoff's
gonna like this dance?
Look at me, I'm Chainsaw Charlie.
What happened?
What happened to him?
Man, what'd you do?
What'd you, what'd you-
Holy shit.
Oh, man.
You scared me.
Where's you get this old thing?
Oh, come on, let me check it.
Fuckin's what I do.
I'm getting ready to head to work.
Okay, cool.
Be careful.
All right, Cole, I know
that you're mad at me.
Yo, can you chill for just one second?
You're making me exhausted
just watching you.
I know I hasn't been easy, none of it.
But I'm doing the best that I can
and I know that I hurt our mom.
It's just that she had one
job and she screwed it up.
Yeah, I get it.
You didn't ask for this,
especially being responsible
for a 16-year-old brother.
Must be a pretty heavy burden.
Hey, brat, you are not a burden.
Look at me.
You are not a burden.
I'll always be responsible for you.
That's what being a big sister's about.
You go have fun with her tonight.
Eat lots of cake
and maybe she can drop you off
at the fun park later.
You can try out the new arcade?
For real, you'd do that?
For you, duh.
Won't you get in trouble, though?
I work the graveyard shift, bro.
The place is dead.
All right, kiddo.
I'm heading to Phantom Fun-World.
- See you later.
- See you.
California, mm-mm, Florida? No.
God, I despise Ted
Ed's man's park promos.
I'm not really sure how Djanko thinks
this snake oil salesman here
is gonna attract people to this place.
It's probably because
Djanko is sleeping with him.
We have leading edge
arcade games, the fastest-
- Speaking of Ted, have you
seen him the last few days?
Come to think of it, I haven't.
You know, I haven't see Djanko
or his mascots either today.
That's strange.
Mascot mouses.
- And unheard of.
- Yeah.
He's been here every day for months.
Are we doing this?
Nothing. It just went to voicemail.
I, for one, am not gonna
complain about his absence.
I'm not complaining, I'm
just saying it's strange.
Hey, I'm gonna go check on Andi.
I don't smoke.
Well, you should. Lighten up.
Are you okay?
I'm fine, why?
I don't know, you just seem off.
I'm good.
Dude, we've been best
friends since first grade.
I know when something's wrong with you.
It's just the usual stuff.
Family drama, mom, Cole.
Maybe you need a distraction.
What did you have in mind?
How about a security guard
that drools every time you enter the room.
The security guard I just met yesterday?
Spontaneity Andi, come on.
Sometimes the best things happen
when you, I don't know, dive head first,
throw caution to the wind.
Mm-mm, the last thing I
need right now is a boyfriend.
Ew, don't label it.
Is that not what you were suggesting?
No, I mean, for fuck's
sake, meet new people,
bump new booty, get drunk
like most people our age.
I wish it were as simple as you say.
It is that simple.
Now's your chance.
Here comes Romeo.
Hey, what's up, ladies?
Hey, Noah.
Yo! Anybody game for a little escape
from Phantom Fun Land?
The boss would literally shit a brick.
He's not here.
Apparently he hasn't been here all day.
- Really?
- Yeah?
Bring it.
So, are you game to play the game?
Doesn't really sound
like I have a choice.
Happy birthday to you
All right, I'm digging in.
Thanks for doing this, it's really cool.
It's no problem at all.
It's not every day that my baby turns 16.
It's good seeing you like this,
you seem better.
Much better.
How's everything going?
It's good.
Been working on my karate.
Still watching horror movies?
Of course.
Chainsaw Boogaloo.
That's my favorite.
How's Andi doing?
She's okay.
Just, you know, still trying
to figure out the whole being responsible
for a teenager thing.
Hopefully it won't be for much longer.
Then we can be a family again.
I'd like that.
How is it fair that I draw this card
and I have to move backwards.
This game sucks on so many levels.
You turn, new girl.
Blow me.
She says blow me.
You say that's my line.
Dude, you're impossible.
I'm not gonna say that.
Oh, do you, uh, know
that this is the second Phantom Fun Park.
No, dude?
Wait, what's the story?
All right, listen.
All right, Phantom Fun-World
may today seem like
a fun-filled kiddie park,
but the very first one was
created by August Ambers.
So, listen, August, he
created the characters.
He created the spooky Scooby-Doo vibes.
He was a showman in
every sense of the world.
He enjoyed putting smiles on kids' faces.
But August had a son.
The son's name was Arthur.
Dun, dun, dun.
There was something
odd about young Arthur.
Something was off.
He kept to himself, never spoke much,
but was obsessed with the park,
in particular the character of the Phantom.
As Arthur grew into a teenager,
his father let him portray
the character of the Phantom at the park,
but the other workers
there constantly hazed
and picked on him.
Phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak.
Little bitch phantom mute.
Oh, what are you gonna
do, cry to your daddy?
Bro, he's already fuckin' cryin'.
Where's the fuckin' mask?
Let's just go.
Leave him alone.
We're gonna
stick him in the toilet.
Yeah, that's a good idea
and I'm gonna take a shit on his head.
You got a big ass head
for no fuckin' reason.
There's nothing in it,
loser, loser, loser, loser.
We're gonna pop your head like a balloon.
Oh, you understand sign language,
that means fuck you.
Yeah, read between the lines.
You fuckin' can't 'cause you're dyslexic.
Get the fuck off of me.
Phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak.
Those boys, however,
didn't know what they were dealing with.
When his father, August,
discovered the massacre
his son committed... They're all dead!
No, question, he knew this would be
the end of Phantom Fun-World.
- Janice.
- How'd he do this?
Arthur, Arthur.
Only one lucky
girl managed to get away.
Jesus Christ, girl,
what happened to you?
He's dead. They're all dead.
There was something
dark inside of Arthur.
What have you done?
So he did.
What have I done?
What he felt was right.
Why? Why, why, son?
It's okay.
Give me the knife.
Daddy's gonna make it better.
It's gonna be okay, stay here.
- Stay here.
- What are you doing?
It's gonna be okay.
August, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Judith, Judith... No.
Stay here.
Mr. Ambrose.
Officers, I can, I-
- Where's the boy?
My son.
My son.
You're gonna have to come with us.
We know what you did.
Not my son!
Not my son!
Not my son!
It was a media circus, a lot of lawsuits.
And the Ambrose family,
they lost control of the park.
What happened to the boy?
Exactly. He disappeared.
Authorities couldn't find him.
But some people say that he walked away
with the others.
Some people say just his
parents hid him away.
Other people say he still
haunts this property.
What? It's documented facts.
Oh, please.
That is a sensationalized story used
to gain revenue for the park.
That's all.
I mean, it's the great American way, right,
to capitalize on tragedy.
They're probably gonna
make a movie out of it.
This place is haunted.
Dude, everywhere is haunted.
Big freakin' deal.
You have marginalized groups of people.
Victims of violence, right,
for their sexual preference,
their skin color.
Little whack white boys
get no sympathy from me.
He was evil, not whack.
He's lame is what he is.
Wow, Simon, what a storyteller you are.
And here I've always just thought
you were a dick with ears.
Not that I care, but are you gonna continue
to sit here doing nothing,
getting paid for it,
like the rest of your generation?
You live alone, don't you?
You got a lot of cats?
A lot.
Just three.
All right, I'm gonna get back to work.
Thank you for the story game, though, guys.
Way to go.
Thanks for doing this, Mom.
It means a lot.
Anytime, kiddo.
Happy birthday, Cole.
Cash in your arcade tickets
and snag some sick prizes today.
Who's out there.
What are you doing?
- Shit.
- Easy there, new girl.
You trying to watch
someone take a piss or what?
No, I heard something and I thought someone
might be out there.
Excuse me.
Hey, can you skip to the chapter
where you actually help?
No, you're fine.
What is it? Bring your pet to work day?
- Hey, Collins.
- Hey, Fabio.
Hey, happy birthday, by the way.
Thank you.
Oh, uh, this is Noah, Noah, Cole.
It's nice to meet you, Cole.
How are your arcade skills?
Oh, far above average.
You wanna check out the games?
Hell, yeah.
You kids have fun.
I'm just gonna spend a little alone time.
Ride the carousel,
battle with the bumper cars
or hip hop on the prop drop.
Experience our killer cars
and Voody Judy's... Hey!
Here at Phantom Fun-World.
have a phantom fun time
at Phantom Fun-World.
Beware of the Phantom,
who lurks within this fun world.
You never known when he'll show
his ghastly face.
What's up!
God, fuck, Paige.
What kind of scream was that?
Oh, my gosh, you are cruel.
No, I'm funny.
No, you're totally not funny.
- No?
- No.
What am I?
I mean, you're cold, you're heartless,
you're, you're, you're, oh,
you're beautiful, you're seductive
and you're the light of my life.
- Wow.
- Mm-hmm.
You deserve a prize for that one.
- Oh, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
We have a winner.
What kind of fun that was.
What the fuck are you doing, peeping Tom.
You trying to catch a show?
Oh, my God, it's
one of the mascot guys.
You fuckin' pervert.
Kick rocks before I kick your ass.
Oh, God!
What is, ooh, good score.
Can I help you, Phantom freak?
Do I have to leave the room
so you can practice your Magic Mike moves?
That's cute, yeah.
I've got one, too, yeah.
Simon, seriously, this whole killer
and theme park shit,
it's getting old, okay.
The joke is well seasoned, trust me.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
You're a fucking psycho, help me!
Get away from me!
Get away from me!
Get away from me!
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
No, no, no.
Please, please.
No, no!
Oh, shit.
Is this some sort of prank?
You guys go chill in the back.
I'm gonna take a look around.
Yeah, terrible idea.
It's probably Simon.
You know, he's trying to freak Holly out
for giving him shit earlier.
Just go wait in the lounge
and I'll come get you.
No, I'm gonna go with you.
I promise.
Okay, be careful.
Looks real to me.
Where is everyone?
Good question.
I honestly think I'm done
with the birthday shenanigans
and ready to go home.
Calm down, we don't know what-
- Um, I know I don't wanna be here.
I'll be right back.
You can't leave me here.
Please just stay there.
Just go sit over there
and I'm gonna go see what's up.
You can't be serious.
That's new.
Ow, ow, ow, Andi.
It's true.
What's true?
The Phantom is real.
Who did this to you?
The Phantom, it's true, Andi.
- You have to go.
- No.
You have to go.
I'm not leaving with
you, come on, Collins.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
Go, go, go, go.
What, what happened?
We have to go now.
What, Andi, what happened?
Where's Noah?
I don't know, I thought he was with you.
Where are your friends?
She's gone.
- They're all gone.
- What?
No way.
He's real.
The Phantom's real and he took Cole.
Why are you smiling?
I have a sibling also.
A brother or sister?
Uh, brother, actually.
I'm almost done.
Just gotta cover that
nasty bruise on your face.
What do you think?
Personally, I think you could be
the newest mascot at
Phantom Fun-World.
You wanna know why?
Well, see I couldn't very well
met them reopen this place,
not after what they did to my family.
Your family?
My last name is Ambrose.
See, after the massacre
at the original park,
my parents couldn't bear the thought
of losing my brother,
but the darkness that was in his soul
was too much for them to contend with,
so they left him.
They hid him away.
They came back here only once
when I was a kid to say goodbye for good.
- Arthur.
- Noah, wait!
It's okay, son.
Goodbye, son.
But Arthur was gone.
He had fully embraced the
persona of the Phantom.
See, my parents forbid I ever come back
to Phantom Fun-World.
I didn't till I was older.
Go ahead.
He showed me what it
felt like to take a life.
We had a bond. A bond!
I took care of him.
You can relate to that, right, Andi.
I brought him what he needed
and that bitch, Djanko, decided
to reopen this place.
I had to intervene.
So, I applied for a job
and the next thing you know,
get this, I was hired as a
fucking security guard, me!
What did you do with my brother?
Arthur has him.
Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Andi, listen.
You and I have so much in common, you know.
You know, like you love
your brother, I love mine.
You have parent issues,
we have parent issues.
But as tragic as that is,
you sealed his fate.
You brought him to Phantom Fun-World,
the happiest place on earth.
And now, well, guess I'm just gonna have
to slit his throat.
Cole, look at me.
Wake up, Cole.
Come on.
I'm gonna get
you out of here, come on.
I'm gonna get you down.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry.
What do I do?
Get your brother out of here.
Take care of here.
I need, I need you to finish this.
- No. I can't.
- Please.
Please, don't leave me here
to suffer, Andi, please.
Cole, turn around.
Turn around and don't fucking watch.
You and your
brother are the one thing
that I got right.
Don't look.
Don't look.
I'm gonna get you outta here, come on.
No, I'm not gonna lose you, too.
Must be living in the walls.
I got you, I got you.
Oh, we did it.
We made it out.
Son of a bitch.
Andi, no.
- What?
- Get out.
No, what are you doing?
Hey, did you guys find Mommy.
I'll fucking kill you.
Atta boy, looks like
your balls finally dropped.
Looks like your phantom
freak brother is dead.
Burned that piece of shit to ash.
You think you can get away?
You think you know this
park better than me, huh?
What the fuck are you
supposed to be, Karate Kid?
Man, fuck that guy.
We really need to get out of here.
Oh, shit.
Told you guys this place
was 60 kinds of fucked up.
Come on.
Holly? Holly?
Did you get him?
Yeah, it's over.
Do me a favor, make sure.
Let me see him, please?
Park's closed, asshole.
Welcome to Phantom Fun-World.
Hey, there all you little monster.
Come on over to Phantom Fun-World.
To meet all of our creepy characters.
Oh, yeah.
Try a found to putt-putt golf.
Test your skills in the
Escape From Phantomland maze
or try your mind in the arcade.
Here at Phantom Fun-World,
we have the blue ghost water race.
Test your aim at Chainsaw
Charlie's shootout,
see you there.
We even have bumper cars.
Grab some tasty treats
in Voody Judy's kitchen.
Oh, yeah, son of a gun,
you might even meet the Phantom himself.
I'm having a phantom fun time.
We're having
a phantom fun time.
Phantom Fun-World,
it's to die for
A local fun park
is dominating headlines recently,
but not for the reason one would hope.
Phantom freak, phantom freak.
horrific tragedy unfolding
in Queen City tonight.
Phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak.
I warn you, what you're
about to see may disturb you.
It defies explanation-
- At exactly 3 p.m.
Several employees of Phantom Fun-World
have been found-
- Moreover, Phantom
Fun-World is not for family.
Beware of the
phantom, he's still there.
Hungry? I could make you something.
I'm good.
I'm surprised she even remembered.
She seems to be doing better.
We've been talking.
I wouldn't hold my breath, Cole.
She's always been highly skilled
at disappointing her kids.
I gotta bounce.
I'm gonna be late for this interview.
Phantom Fun-World?
Yeah, just this local place.
They're reopening soon.
I think so.
I'm not sure, but I guess
I'll find out today.
Collins works there, so she's my in.
Are you sure you're gonna like working
at an indoor amusement park?
I mean, it doesn't really
seem like your thing.
No, but I need the money like stat.
Trying to feed my teenage
brother's not easy.
Hold down the fort, bub.
Get your tickets,
snag some sick prizes today.
Visit in the 10 minutes
and receive a free chocolate-
- I didn't think you were gonna make it.
I know I could use some work
in the punctuality department.
God, Andi, I really admire
your self-deprecation.
I mean, you're almost as miserable as I am.
Was that a compliment, Collins,
because, if so, that's
totally against your nature.
No, but it's as close to
one as you're gonna get.
So, welcome to the hell hole,
known as Phantom Fun-World.
Things are kinda crazy around here
with the reopening happening.
Doesn't seem too bad.
Oh, you should've saw
it before we started.
Anything I should know?
Well, the facilities are outdated
and the bathrooms are hit or miss.
The characters around here, questionable,
but the pay's decent and
you don't really have
to deal with people other than
the lowly degenerates
that work here like me.
Thank you for this.
Don't thank me yet.
You still have to meet Mr. Djanko
and he's a walking walnut.
Okay, one, two, three, four.
Ladies and
gentlemen, boys and girls,
entities of all ages,
sing along to the anthem of the phantom.
Turn that frown upside down
and gather around his home town.
What in the actual shit was that?
How and why am I so cursed
with these uncoordinated mascots?
Charlie, you are supposed
to be able to control where
you're swinging that chainsaw.
Come on, DeJerko, you can't expect us
to get this so fast.
This costume is way too long.
I just keep tripping all over it.
You're the blue ghost,
you should be flowing like water, flow.
A little less pelvic thrust maybe.
Learn to flow like water, idiot.
And you, you should be
doing an island dance
that's gonna summon the spirits.
Yeah, I don't think we
should summon anything.
But let me tell you this.
If you don't get this dance,
I'm gonna summon your
uncoordinated ass a pink slip.
You're wearing a tribal dress,
how hard can it be.
Just as hard as flowing
like water, dick weed.
Oh, you wanna keep pushing me?
Hey, chill.
He's an angry elf.
You know what,
you little lollipop guild
looking little jerk?
I've really had it right up to about here
with your crap which, guess what,
that's about the same height as you.
Hey, I don't know what you two muppets
are bitching about.
I'm up here, gotta swing this chainsaw
and yee haw my way through this thing.
All you gotta do is say boo.
Yeah, but we gotta make it scary, though.
How's it gonna be scary?
You're a water ghost.
Good sound effect, good sound effect.
Yeah, and I'm a combination
of like culturally insensitive
and deeply racist tropes.
So, just get a tan.
And you, you are the Phantom.
That's what this whole place is about,
Phantom Fun-World.
Learn the dance.
Hey, yo, Mr. Djanko.
Andi's here for her interview.
God, a reason to leave
these fumbling buffoons.
Stay at it, everyone, asses and elbows.
Good luck.
When you sing, make sure you're loud
To make the Phantom oh so proud
This position is not for everyone, Mandy.
It's Andi.
That's what I said.
So, what exactly do you
know about the position?
Just that it's nice, slow and quiet.
And slow, quiet nights
interest a girl like you?
My nights have been slow and quiet
for a while now, so I'm
sure I'm acclimate fine.
I'm usually not around
or available most evenings,
so you'll be relying on yourself
and the rag tag group
that we have working here with you
and there are a few security guards
on site should any tweakers
or thrill seekers cause any problems.
Any questions?
None that I can think of at the moment.
Well, welcome to the team.
Shift starts tomorrow.
Thank you.
Can you maybe show her around
and introduce her to
her co-workers, please?
Got it.
Okay, uh, let's go meet the cool kids.
So, I'm just gonna spit ball,
I'm a just throw it out here,
tell me something, Noah, do you, uh,
why don't they give you a gun?
I mean, you are like a cop
on training wheels, right?
It's a fun park, Simon.
It's not open to the public yet.
Why would I need a gun?
So, what are you supposed to use?
Your harsh language.
No, you idiot. This.
That's it?
For Christ's sake, I have
a pink .22 in my car.
For the record, I would love
to see your pink .22, Paige.
Everyone sexual harassment,
sexual harassment, everyone.
Okay, but she likes it.
Anyway, I know it doesn't look like much,
but this thing will knock a
rhino flat on its ass, okay.
50,000 volts for anyone
who gets out of line.
Ooh, I wouldn't wanna see you
in a back alley there, Noey.
Hi, guys.
This is Andi. Andi, this is everyone.
Baywatch over here is Paige.
The mouthy one is Simon.
And shaggy dog over here is Noah.
What up new girl?
Holly from hell is coming.
Cue the rants about how
this place is cursed and shit.
Well, this place is cursed and shit.
Hey, Noah, I saw someone messing
around the pavilion.
I need you to come with
me and check it out.
Maybe it was a ghost.
And maybe you're a whore.
Both are up in the air.
I'm gonna go do my job.
But it was really nice to
meet you, though, Andi.
Yeah, likewise.
Back here is where I saw him.
Figured I'd bring you along
in case I get attacked by
a tweaker or some shit.
Are you sure it wasn't a ghost?
I'm sorry, it was just a joke.
You know, if you'd do some research
of your own on this place,
you wouldn't be trying to
bust my balls like that.
Bad shit happened here, right?
It's more than that.
This place just gives off really-
- Bad vibes.
have a phantom fun time
at Phantom Fun-World.
Hey, Andi, hey.
- Hey.
- Wait up.
We were just in there talking
about grabbing some drinks
or something tonight
if you're not busy and you wanna tag along.
I can't.
It's okay, you don't have
to if you don't want to.
No, I'd love to, it's
just, it's my brother.
I kind of gotta get home to him.
I understand, I have a sibling also.
- Really?
- Yeah.
A brother or a sister?
A brother actually.
- Gotta love 'em.
- Yeah.
Well, hey, I will see you tomorrow.
- See you then.
- Okay.
Hey, Andi, where's your car?
Oh, I walked.
I just live a couple blocks away.
Well, do you want a ride?
- A ride?
- Yeah.
It's the least I can do.
No, no, no! I don't have insurance.
Hey, maggot heads,
leave that long-haired
skinny sissy boy alone.
You're a little late.
What are you doing in my room?
Your bed's comfier than mine.
- Seriously?
- What, it's a classic.
Who's that?
It's no one.
Why are you so into movies like this?
Are you kidding?
Dick Karloff is like horror royalty.
Hey, zombie, let me ask you a question.
Get your kick.
All zombie movies are the same.
Mm, they were mom's favorite.
Remember when me, you and mom
used to have movie nights?
Sorry, just being sentimental.
I know you don't like talking about it.
It's not that I don't
like talking about it.
It's just it's not how things are now.
Just miss those days
when it was us three against the world?
What do you think happened to her.
Like I know she struggled
since she was young.
I don't really know.
She never talked about it,
but whatever it was, it doesn't excuse her
not being able to get her
shit together for you or me.
You know, I'll always be
here for you, right, though?
I just hope that one day things
will be like they used to.
Oh, my God.
What the fuck is this place?
Who are you?
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck are you doing, man?
What are you doing?
Oh, God, no.
Oh, what are you doing?
Oh, hey, my shift just ended.
I figured I'd swing by and see you.
Cole said it was okay to come in.
Is this a bad time?
No, it's fine.
I tried calling a few times,
but I'm having a hard time reaching you.
Are you still in your pajamas.
Yeah, I just started
a new job last night.
Oh, that's great.
Where at?
Just a local place here in town,
- Phantom Fun-World.
- Oh.
It's not as bad as it sounds.
It's better than sitting
around thinking about things.
Hey, Mom.
Oh, hey, baby.
Do you really think it's good
for Cole to be at home
alone at night like that?
I mean-
- Do I really have another choice.
He has a mother.
I mean, you both do.
We're aware.
Look, I really don't like
the idea of you both being alone.
We've been alone since
you checked out from being
a responsible parent.
I'm sorry, I didn't come here to argue.
I just stopped by to see
if you wanted to go grab a bite to eat
for your birthday.
I can't.
I have work.
It's fine, I'll go.
- It sounds fun.
- Really?
Okay, well, I'll pick you
up tonight, if that's okay.
You know what, Andi?
I'm really doing my best here.
I'm getting better.
12 steps, therapy, a steady job.
What else do you want from me?
I just wanna be a part of y'all's lives.
I'm sorry, I'm just not there yet.
See you tonight, I love you, Cole.
Love you, too, Mom.
Take care of yourself, Andi.
If you need anything, I'm here.
You feel better?
I'm not fighting with you, Cole.
She deserves a chance.
I've given her plenty of chances.
She's still your mom.
Happy birthday to me, right?
Damn, I'm so like
unbelievably good looking,
like why I'm working here
and not at Disney just blows my mind.
Oh, there he is, the dancing king,
live and in person.
Hey, you've not seen Blue, have you,
because he left his keys here
and I swear to God like,
if his head wasn't attached
to him, he'd lose it.
Bro, what is this?
Is this a head?
Oh, my God, bro, is this Blue's head.
Hey, you think the DeJerkoff's
gonna like this dance?
Look at me, I'm Chainsaw Charlie.
What happened?
What happened to him?
Man, what'd you do?
What'd you, what'd you-
Holy shit.
Oh, man.
You scared me.
Where's you get this old thing?
Oh, come on, let me check it.
Fuckin's what I do.
I'm getting ready to head to work.
Okay, cool.
Be careful.
All right, Cole, I know
that you're mad at me.
Yo, can you chill for just one second?
You're making me exhausted
just watching you.
I know I hasn't been easy, none of it.
But I'm doing the best that I can
and I know that I hurt our mom.
It's just that she had one
job and she screwed it up.
Yeah, I get it.
You didn't ask for this,
especially being responsible
for a 16-year-old brother.
Must be a pretty heavy burden.
Hey, brat, you are not a burden.
Look at me.
You are not a burden.
I'll always be responsible for you.
That's what being a big sister's about.
You go have fun with her tonight.
Eat lots of cake
and maybe she can drop you off
at the fun park later.
You can try out the new arcade?
For real, you'd do that?
For you, duh.
Won't you get in trouble, though?
I work the graveyard shift, bro.
The place is dead.
All right, kiddo.
I'm heading to Phantom Fun-World.
- See you later.
- See you.
California, mm-mm, Florida? No.
God, I despise Ted
Ed's man's park promos.
I'm not really sure how Djanko thinks
this snake oil salesman here
is gonna attract people to this place.
It's probably because
Djanko is sleeping with him.
We have leading edge
arcade games, the fastest-
- Speaking of Ted, have you
seen him the last few days?
Come to think of it, I haven't.
You know, I haven't see Djanko
or his mascots either today.
That's strange.
Mascot mouses.
- And unheard of.
- Yeah.
He's been here every day for months.
Are we doing this?
Nothing. It just went to voicemail.
I, for one, am not gonna
complain about his absence.
I'm not complaining, I'm
just saying it's strange.
Hey, I'm gonna go check on Andi.
I don't smoke.
Well, you should. Lighten up.
Are you okay?
I'm fine, why?
I don't know, you just seem off.
I'm good.
Dude, we've been best
friends since first grade.
I know when something's wrong with you.
It's just the usual stuff.
Family drama, mom, Cole.
Maybe you need a distraction.
What did you have in mind?
How about a security guard
that drools every time you enter the room.
The security guard I just met yesterday?
Spontaneity Andi, come on.
Sometimes the best things happen
when you, I don't know, dive head first,
throw caution to the wind.
Mm-mm, the last thing I
need right now is a boyfriend.
Ew, don't label it.
Is that not what you were suggesting?
No, I mean, for fuck's
sake, meet new people,
bump new booty, get drunk
like most people our age.
I wish it were as simple as you say.
It is that simple.
Now's your chance.
Here comes Romeo.
Hey, what's up, ladies?
Hey, Noah.
Yo! Anybody game for a little escape
from Phantom Fun Land?
The boss would literally shit a brick.
He's not here.
Apparently he hasn't been here all day.
- Really?
- Yeah?
Bring it.
So, are you game to play the game?
Doesn't really sound
like I have a choice.
Happy birthday to you
All right, I'm digging in.
Thanks for doing this, it's really cool.
It's no problem at all.
It's not every day that my baby turns 16.
It's good seeing you like this,
you seem better.
Much better.
How's everything going?
It's good.
Been working on my karate.
Still watching horror movies?
Of course.
Chainsaw Boogaloo.
That's my favorite.
How's Andi doing?
She's okay.
Just, you know, still trying
to figure out the whole being responsible
for a teenager thing.
Hopefully it won't be for much longer.
Then we can be a family again.
I'd like that.
How is it fair that I draw this card
and I have to move backwards.
This game sucks on so many levels.
You turn, new girl.
Blow me.
She says blow me.
You say that's my line.
Dude, you're impossible.
I'm not gonna say that.
Oh, do you, uh, know
that this is the second Phantom Fun Park.
No, dude?
Wait, what's the story?
All right, listen.
All right, Phantom Fun-World
may today seem like
a fun-filled kiddie park,
but the very first one was
created by August Ambers.
So, listen, August, he
created the characters.
He created the spooky Scooby-Doo vibes.
He was a showman in
every sense of the world.
He enjoyed putting smiles on kids' faces.
But August had a son.
The son's name was Arthur.
Dun, dun, dun.
There was something
odd about young Arthur.
Something was off.
He kept to himself, never spoke much,
but was obsessed with the park,
in particular the character of the Phantom.
As Arthur grew into a teenager,
his father let him portray
the character of the Phantom at the park,
but the other workers
there constantly hazed
and picked on him.
Phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak.
Little bitch phantom mute.
Oh, what are you gonna
do, cry to your daddy?
Bro, he's already fuckin' cryin'.
Where's the fuckin' mask?
Let's just go.
Leave him alone.
We're gonna
stick him in the toilet.
Yeah, that's a good idea
and I'm gonna take a shit on his head.
You got a big ass head
for no fuckin' reason.
There's nothing in it,
loser, loser, loser, loser.
We're gonna pop your head like a balloon.
Oh, you understand sign language,
that means fuck you.
Yeah, read between the lines.
You fuckin' can't 'cause you're dyslexic.
Get the fuck off of me.
Phantom freak,
phantom freak, phantom freak.
Those boys, however,
didn't know what they were dealing with.
When his father, August,
discovered the massacre
his son committed... They're all dead!
No, question, he knew this would be
the end of Phantom Fun-World.
- Janice.
- How'd he do this?
Arthur, Arthur.
Only one lucky
girl managed to get away.
Jesus Christ, girl,
what happened to you?
He's dead. They're all dead.
There was something
dark inside of Arthur.
What have you done?
So he did.
What have I done?
What he felt was right.
Why? Why, why, son?
It's okay.
Give me the knife.
Daddy's gonna make it better.
It's gonna be okay, stay here.
- Stay here.
- What are you doing?
It's gonna be okay.
August, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Judith, Judith... No.
Stay here.
Mr. Ambrose.
Officers, I can, I-
- Where's the boy?
My son.
My son.
You're gonna have to come with us.
We know what you did.
Not my son!
Not my son!
Not my son!
It was a media circus, a lot of lawsuits.
And the Ambrose family,
they lost control of the park.
What happened to the boy?
Exactly. He disappeared.
Authorities couldn't find him.
But some people say that he walked away
with the others.
Some people say just his
parents hid him away.
Other people say he still
haunts this property.
What? It's documented facts.
Oh, please.
That is a sensationalized story used
to gain revenue for the park.
That's all.
I mean, it's the great American way, right,
to capitalize on tragedy.
They're probably gonna
make a movie out of it.
This place is haunted.
Dude, everywhere is haunted.
Big freakin' deal.
You have marginalized groups of people.
Victims of violence, right,
for their sexual preference,
their skin color.
Little whack white boys
get no sympathy from me.
He was evil, not whack.
He's lame is what he is.
Wow, Simon, what a storyteller you are.
And here I've always just thought
you were a dick with ears.
Not that I care, but are you gonna continue
to sit here doing nothing,
getting paid for it,
like the rest of your generation?
You live alone, don't you?
You got a lot of cats?
A lot.
Just three.
All right, I'm gonna get back to work.
Thank you for the story game, though, guys.
Way to go.
Thanks for doing this, Mom.
It means a lot.
Anytime, kiddo.
Happy birthday, Cole.
Cash in your arcade tickets
and snag some sick prizes today.
Who's out there.
What are you doing?
- Shit.
- Easy there, new girl.
You trying to watch
someone take a piss or what?
No, I heard something and I thought someone
might be out there.
Excuse me.
Hey, can you skip to the chapter
where you actually help?
No, you're fine.
What is it? Bring your pet to work day?
- Hey, Collins.
- Hey, Fabio.
Hey, happy birthday, by the way.
Thank you.
Oh, uh, this is Noah, Noah, Cole.
It's nice to meet you, Cole.
How are your arcade skills?
Oh, far above average.
You wanna check out the games?
Hell, yeah.
You kids have fun.
I'm just gonna spend a little alone time.
Ride the carousel,
battle with the bumper cars
or hip hop on the prop drop.
Experience our killer cars
and Voody Judy's... Hey!
Here at Phantom Fun-World.
have a phantom fun time
at Phantom Fun-World.
Beware of the Phantom,
who lurks within this fun world.
You never known when he'll show
his ghastly face.
What's up!
God, fuck, Paige.
What kind of scream was that?
Oh, my gosh, you are cruel.
No, I'm funny.
No, you're totally not funny.
- No?
- No.
What am I?
I mean, you're cold, you're heartless,
you're, you're, you're, oh,
you're beautiful, you're seductive
and you're the light of my life.
- Wow.
- Mm-hmm.
You deserve a prize for that one.
- Oh, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
We have a winner.
What kind of fun that was.
What the fuck are you doing, peeping Tom.
You trying to catch a show?
Oh, my God, it's
one of the mascot guys.
You fuckin' pervert.
Kick rocks before I kick your ass.
Oh, God!
What is, ooh, good score.
Can I help you, Phantom freak?
Do I have to leave the room
so you can practice your Magic Mike moves?
That's cute, yeah.
I've got one, too, yeah.
Simon, seriously, this whole killer
and theme park shit,
it's getting old, okay.
The joke is well seasoned, trust me.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
You're a fucking psycho, help me!
Get away from me!
Get away from me!
Get away from me!
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
No, no, no.
Please, please.
No, no!
Oh, shit.
Is this some sort of prank?
You guys go chill in the back.
I'm gonna take a look around.
Yeah, terrible idea.
It's probably Simon.
You know, he's trying to freak Holly out
for giving him shit earlier.
Just go wait in the lounge
and I'll come get you.
No, I'm gonna go with you.
I promise.
Okay, be careful.
Looks real to me.
Where is everyone?
Good question.
I honestly think I'm done
with the birthday shenanigans
and ready to go home.
Calm down, we don't know what-
- Um, I know I don't wanna be here.
I'll be right back.
You can't leave me here.
Please just stay there.
Just go sit over there
and I'm gonna go see what's up.
You can't be serious.
That's new.
Ow, ow, ow, Andi.
It's true.
What's true?
The Phantom is real.
Who did this to you?
The Phantom, it's true, Andi.
- You have to go.
- No.
You have to go.
I'm not leaving with
you, come on, Collins.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
Go, go, go, go.
What, what happened?
We have to go now.
What, Andi, what happened?
Where's Noah?
I don't know, I thought he was with you.
Where are your friends?
She's gone.
- They're all gone.
- What?
No way.
He's real.
The Phantom's real and he took Cole.
Why are you smiling?
I have a sibling also.
A brother or sister?
Uh, brother, actually.
I'm almost done.
Just gotta cover that
nasty bruise on your face.
What do you think?
Personally, I think you could be
the newest mascot at
Phantom Fun-World.
You wanna know why?
Well, see I couldn't very well
met them reopen this place,
not after what they did to my family.
Your family?
My last name is Ambrose.
See, after the massacre
at the original park,
my parents couldn't bear the thought
of losing my brother,
but the darkness that was in his soul
was too much for them to contend with,
so they left him.
They hid him away.
They came back here only once
when I was a kid to say goodbye for good.
- Arthur.
- Noah, wait!
It's okay, son.
Goodbye, son.
But Arthur was gone.
He had fully embraced the
persona of the Phantom.
See, my parents forbid I ever come back
to Phantom Fun-World.
I didn't till I was older.
Go ahead.
He showed me what it
felt like to take a life.
We had a bond. A bond!
I took care of him.
You can relate to that, right, Andi.
I brought him what he needed
and that bitch, Djanko, decided
to reopen this place.
I had to intervene.
So, I applied for a job
and the next thing you know,
get this, I was hired as a
fucking security guard, me!
What did you do with my brother?
Arthur has him.
Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Andi, listen.
You and I have so much in common, you know.
You know, like you love
your brother, I love mine.
You have parent issues,
we have parent issues.
But as tragic as that is,
you sealed his fate.
You brought him to Phantom Fun-World,
the happiest place on earth.
And now, well, guess I'm just gonna have
to slit his throat.
Cole, look at me.
Wake up, Cole.
Come on.
I'm gonna get
you out of here, come on.
I'm gonna get you down.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry.
What do I do?
Get your brother out of here.
Take care of here.
I need, I need you to finish this.
- No. I can't.
- Please.
Please, don't leave me here
to suffer, Andi, please.
Cole, turn around.
Turn around and don't fucking watch.
You and your
brother are the one thing
that I got right.
Don't look.
Don't look.
I'm gonna get you outta here, come on.
No, I'm not gonna lose you, too.
Must be living in the walls.
I got you, I got you.
Oh, we did it.
We made it out.
Son of a bitch.
Andi, no.
- What?
- Get out.
No, what are you doing?
Hey, did you guys find Mommy.
I'll fucking kill you.
Atta boy, looks like
your balls finally dropped.
Looks like your phantom
freak brother is dead.
Burned that piece of shit to ash.
You think you can get away?
You think you know this
park better than me, huh?
What the fuck are you
supposed to be, Karate Kid?
Man, fuck that guy.
We really need to get out of here.
Oh, shit.
Told you guys this place
was 60 kinds of fucked up.
Come on.
Holly? Holly?
Did you get him?
Yeah, it's over.
Do me a favor, make sure.
Let me see him, please?
Park's closed, asshole.