Photographing Fairies (1997) Movie Script
But there is an important
person missing.
Where is the groom?
It's our anniversary.
We've been married one day.
We should head back.
The weather's turning.
I see a light!
The ground looks unsafe.
I should go first.
Not a chance, Herr Castle.
I'm so sorry.
She is in the best possible place.
- Where's that?
- The next world.
I want her in this world.
The more I think about it the more
I realize you're the only one for me.
We are bound together by strands
as slight as silk...
but strong as steel.
- Steady on, sir.
"The only woman for me",
That's what Elsie understands...
but "strands of silk" don't sound
quite right.
- "Ish ka bibble!"
- "Ca ne fait rien!"
It's a Mine!
Down boys, it's a Mine!
Come bloody on, sir.
It's live.
Look after those plates, Roy.
For the love of God!
What the...?
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson?
Please come in.
Do you know the procedure?
My colleague
explained everything to you?
Very thorough he was.
It's just that, some people...
Here we are.
Roy, I think we're ready for you now.
Sergeant he was.
You got that right.
Where would you like your son to stand?
How about between you?
A lot of fuss just for a picture.
You strike me as an army man yourself,
Mr. Dawson.
20 years ago.
Spion Kop.
14th Lancers, Mr. Castle.
- Are you done?
- Just one more.
He could have his arm around me,
if that didn't disarrange you.
And around you, dad.
That's the sort of boy he was.
That's much better.
A lot of mistakes, at Spion Kop,
from what I read.
It depends who you were reading.
The most recent photograph
would be ideal.
Facing the camera.
A negative if you have one.
Don't worry.
I'll take the utmost care with it.
You've been so understanding.
- Life goes on.
- It most certainly does.
Are you there?
I can't see you.
There's too much light it dazzles me.
Are you there, Raymond?
I can hear you, Florence.
Would you like some of my wine?
Everyone of you here,
ladies and gentlemen...
has something in common...
something that links you to your neighbour.
We're all here searching...
for a clue that shows us what life...
surely promises us.
For a way of seeing what lies...
under the simple surface of things.
Recently, we've had continued
messages at seances...
indicating that a visible sign
was coming through.
Ladies and Gentlemen...
that sign is here.
People talk about the miracle of photography.
I'll show you a photograph of a miracle.
A waterfall near the village of Cottingley.
Not an ordinary waterfall.
It's home to one of the oldest
myths of mankind.
We humans are not alone.
We share our planet
with a quite different order of life.
They're spoken of in every culture in the world.
From New Zealand to the New Hebrides.
The handmaidens of nature,
according to some...
assisting in propagation and growth.
Another theory...
exiles from heaven.
God's orphans straddling
this world and the next.
Messenger between the two worlds.
Mr. Gardner...
I'd like to make
an observation, if I may.
- And who might you be, sir?
- My name is Charles Castle.
I'm a photographer.
And like yourself...
a seeker of the truth.
Watch closely, please.
Observe the waterfall.
It's blurred. The water moved too
quickly for the camera to capture.
Now look at the fairy.
As perfect as a studio portrait.
The wings are still,
not a trace of a blur.
And the "creature" itself
has a most unusual look.
Some might call it, flat.
As if it had been cut out
of a fashion page.
And what's this?
A fairy that wears earrings?
Not only does this new order
of life share our world...
it also makes regular trips
to Swan and Edgar.
Ladies and Gentlemen...
the miracle of photography.
Thank you for your attention.
Charles Castle, photographer.
14 Temple Lane.
Portraits, family groups...
reasonable rates.
Trick work a specialty.
- No weddings.
- Mr. Castle.
Your detective work puts
Sherlock Holmes to shame.
- Congratulations, Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Charles Castle.
Thank you.
Don't look so glum, Edward.
I myself was
convinced by this picture.
We're travelling in the dark.
We must expect to
bark our shins now and again.
Perhaps this does
seem to be a fake.
These are dark times.
We must cultivate hope
like a precious flower.
We are pioneers,
exploring the borderland...
between this world
and a better one.
There are no maps
of this territory. Sometimes...
we stray from the path.
- Is that a crime?
- It is a crime...
to offer people hope
when there is none.
Does death, and what comes after,
hold no mystery for you?
As the tree falls,
so does it lie.
It is no more mysterious than the
full stop at the end of a sentence.
So life is a preparation
for something that never happens?
Seems a very pointless arrangement.
I have had occasion
to think so.
I lost a son to the war...
and my wife before it.
Yet I believe we shall be together
again and I rejoice in it.
Have you lost anyone, Mr. Castle?
I didn't come here
to be converted.
I believe you came here
for the same reason as everyone else.
I believe you are
a seeker after the truth.
"For I am the life...
and the resurrection".
So many we've brought back
from the dead, Roy.
With a little sodium sulphite
and some Ilford grade A paper.
Trick work, but honest trick work.
There's someone to see you, sir.
I can see why
you don't do weddings.
What can I do for you?
- I don't have an appointment.
- I don't have an engagement.
The great tree
in Burkinwell Woods.
Five photographs exposed
in natural light.
Taken on a roll-film Ensign.
Who are the girls?
My daughters.
What do you want of me?
I want you
to solve a puzzle.
I want you to look at
a photograph of a fairy.
Surely Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
is more your man?
No, Mr. Castle.
You're my man.
Fairies is their
favourite game.
They play it non-stop.
I played it too
when I was a child...
but not the way Ana and Clara do.
One afternoon they asked me
to take a picture.
Clara was very particular.
One fairy, she said...
would stand on tip-a-toe
at the end of her hand.
I indulged her.
I would take the photograph.
But you'll have to be quick,
she said.
Slightly over-exposed.
Otherwise it is a straight, open-air,
single exposure shot.
- Agreed?
- Agreed.
It's incredible.
There's so much detail.
Blur cause by reflected light.
Sunlight in the lens.
Perhaps even a tiny imperfection
in the glass of the lens itself.
By why is it at the end of her hand,
exactly where she said it would be?
You can see the shape.
Trick of the light. You could see
any shape you wanted to in that.
Look again. It's all here
in your enlargement.
The outline of an arm.
And down there, the curve of a leg.
The thickness of a knee, here.
And now, the swell of a thigh.
Muscles raised like shadows
pushing through the flesh.
And that...
the cleft of the buttocks.
- And that?
Where the ribs sweep down to the belly.
- Even hair.
- Hair?
Around the pudenda.
A speck of dust.
A smidgen of grease.
The thumb of an over hasty developer.
In the exact place
where Clara said it would be?
Look, I can't help you.
I cannot believe that this is anything more...
than a glitch in the emulsion.
You've helped me more than I can say.
There's nothing there.
You're fooling yourself.
You're seeing what you want to see.
Yes, I am.
Thank you for making it so clear.
Christ on a bicycle!
What the bloody hell
have you been up to?
I used a condenserless enlarger...
with a 150 watt light source.
The print was made on collodion
self-toning paper.
At maximum enlargement
there was no sign of tampering.
No brush strokes...
or disturbance of the emulsion.
That's amazing, sir. You know
the partners are due at any minute?
Comparisons of the outlines...
show that the blur is laterally
not vertically inverted.
A true reflection, in other words.
- The partners, Charles!
- You follow me, Roy? Look at her eye.
The image, the blur is reflected
in the girl's eye.
The largest commission of the month
and you go barmy.
There really was something
in her hand.
Something moving too fast
for the shutter speed.
Give us some sort
of a hand then.
I wonder what she used?
Double exposure?
Muslin cut-outs?
Or did she do it
in the developing tank?
Don't you see, Roy? She would have
had to have been a master, an artist.
But she didn't know
anything about photography.
Perhaps she's bloody queen
of the fairies. Who knows!
I'll tell you one thing
I do know...
three Freemasons with
more money than sense...
are expecting Charles Castle
to take a picture of them that...
they can hang on their wall without
giving their customers nightmares.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
We're ready.
Walk on, lass.
Walk on.
Excuse me.
Mr. Castle...
- I didn't expect to see you again.
- I'm sorry I came at a bad time.
It looks as though you've come
in something of a hurry.
- It's about that photograph...
- A nice cup of tea?
Yes, thank you.
I've found something in it
that I can't explain.
It doesn't matter about
the photograph any more.
Do have one of my angel cakes.
I make them specially for the Reverend.
You should see his face light up.
Thank you.
- The Reverend is coming, isn't he?
- Yes.
Well, where is Mrs. Hoopdriver hiding?
I see you.
I have you.
Mrs. Hoopdriver.
You always spoil me.
Friend of yours?
Now, tell me your plans
for this year's festival.
My husband.
This isn't the right moment.
The village children will be singing
a special song for you.
Tomorrow. By the great tree.
I'll show you.
- Where?
- Follow the stream back to its source.
- Show me what?
- I've seen them.
There's nobody there.
I want a room.
Mrs. Templeton!
- What are you doing here?
- Are you still following us?
We'll need you to sign this, please.
Have you done a crime then?
Are you notorious?
- I'm not even famous.
- So why are you here?
come to me.
She'll need to keep beautiful.
And she'll need to take notes
so she can tell us all about it.
She'll need to pay her way.
She'll want to take pictures.
"This cup is the new testament
in my blood:...
this do ye, as oft as ye drink it,
in remembrance of me".
"Take, eat,
this do in remembrance of me".
Looking for fairies, Mr. Castle?
You've come to the right place.
You're in fairyland.
- Have you a match?
- I don't smoke.
A sophisticated London
photographer like you?
- I'm sorry, I don't know your name.
- What were you going to do?
Take a photograph of the girls
and sell their story?
"Mother of two
in tragic death?"
Did you remember to take a picture
of the corpse when you found it?
I'm not a newspaper photographer.
Mrs. Templeton
asked me to help.
That ridiculous thing!
She brought it to my studio.
Don't tell me, she thought
she saw something in it.
She was a dreamer, Beatrice.
I was all part of her fantasy world.
Look where her fantasies led her.
A broken neck.
- Did you work for her long?
- Too long.
I'd be gone from here
if it wasn't for the girls.
It's the last time
I let them play here.
That grim tree.
Still, they have to say goodbye.
Ana, Clara. Since he's still here,
this is Mr. Castle.
Did you come
about the picture?
What can you tell me
about it?
- We should be getting back.
- Yes, we should.
Is this where they live?
But you're not to know.
- Do they like music?
- Might do.
- Who is this lady?
- Did you all play together here?
- Is she Mrs. Castle?
- Yes, that's right.
It's a very good picture
of the both of you.
It must have been
very difficult to take.
She's very pretty.
Has she come with you?
She isn't here any more.
Did she die?
- Yes she did.
- Come along. We should go now.
What was she like?
Well, I'd only started
to know her.
We had such a short time, you see.
Silly, isn't it.
I don't even know her favourite colour.
She's all right, you know.
We must go
or we'll be late back.
How long are you staying?
A day or two.
I'm Linda.
Sorry about what I said before.
I wasn't fair to you.
This is not a dream.
- That flower, where does it come from?
- We're going to church now.
To say goodbye to mummy.
Look at you.
What have you done to yourself?
Excuse me.
People of Burkinwell Parish.
We are all of us here,
a footfall all away from death.
Do not think of death
as a distant country...
for it is as quickly found
as the blink of a man's eye.
Do not suppose death
to be a stranger...
for it is as familiar
as the beat of a man's heart.
We come here...
to mourn Beatrice Templeton...
my wife...
known affectionately
to us all as Bea.
We come here to mourn...
and we come to rejoice.
We mourn at the passing
of her physical shell...
and we rejoice...
at the flowering of her
immortal soul.
She has awoken from a dream...
and we,
who are left behind...
are the dream.
This death touches us all.
It stretches and strains our faith.
That is as it should be.
This is a time
when all about us...
seek signs and wonders.
But it is faith we need.
Faith that test...
faith that hurts.
For faith guarantees nothing...
and demands everything.
Hymn number 272.
He who would valiant be...
against all disaster.
Where can I find the flower?
Tell me where it grows.
We are trying
to bury the dead!
There's no discouragement...
shall make him once relent.
His first avowed intent...
to be a pilgrim.
What a lovely, lovely sermon.
Absolutely perfect.
I'm quite overcome.
- Tell me.
- It's a secret.
Right, let's see to you properly.
- I'm fine.
- That's one thing you're not. Come.
This'll hurt.
What happened to you
out there?
I don't know.
I had a dream...
more vivid than any dream
I've ever had.
What did you dream about?
The past.
Your wife?
You can make a sound
if you like. It is allowed.
She was so...
I better just go
and see to the girls.
Ana! Clara!
I was touched by your presence
at the service, Mr. Castle.
- What do you make of it?
- I'm not a religious man.
I didn't suppose you were.
What you said impressed me.
I met your wife.
I'm very sorry.
- Why did she die like that?
- An accident.
In the very place where
her children played.
It's beyond all reason.
What possessed her?
Mr. Castle again!
It seems you've come to know
all my household except me.
Stay for dinner.
- I'm very sorry.
- Stay for dinner.
The oddest thing.
I found myself fallen to wondering
where Beatrice had got to.
Was she on her way?
Had she been delayed?
Would she be here any moment?
I'm quite all right.
It was a trick of the mind.
Seeing a shape
when it was only a shadow.
You should give yourself
a break from your duties.
Give yourself time to recover.
On the contrary.
I shall re-double my zeal.
If I stopped to recover, I doubt
I should ever start again.
You need building up.
You've been in the wars.
- I haven't your appetite.
- I burn it up.
We shall have to find ourselves
a new routine.
What will I be without her?
You have your memories
and your children.
You had a marriage.
And people recover...
and heal and find love again.
Thank you.
I shall take the air.
Clear my head.
Generally, I prefer to be alone,
but tonight I'd appreciate company.
What size shoes do you take?
Speak in French when you can't
think of the English word.
- Turn out your toes when you walk.
- And remember who you are!
What happened to Mr. Castle?
He had an accident.
A bang on the head.
- Did he go to the tree?
- Why would he go there?
Like mummy.
Will he be all right?
- He won't die, will he?
- He'll be fine.
He's just a little
mixed up inside.
- Was it the bang that did it?
- Will he get better?
Of course he will.
Time you went to sleep.
Plain sailing from here on.
Are you coming?
Go on.
Take my hand.
Have faith.
What interest did you have in my wife?
She brought me a photograph.
She claimed it was a photograph of fairies.
And you came to Burkinwell
to help her search for them?
That was selfless of you.
Did you look for them in your studio, too?
You and she together?
I thought your wife was over-imaginative...
and foolish.
I thought she was gullible.
I had no interest in her as a woman.
- This is the way back.
- I'm going this way.
What was your favourite colour?
What was your favourite poem?
What would our children have been like?
Where would our lives have taken us?
Why can't I let you go?
I need an extra room.
Over there by the doors, lads.
- Something wrong with your room?
- I need more space.
Well, there's city folk for you.
There's another room opposite,
it's a bit bigger.
And then there's the old attic room,
and the box room.
- I'll take them all.
- All?
Could you move the furniture
into the box room...
and can you find me
a couple of trestle tables?
Over here, Roy.
What the bloody hell happened to you?
Welcome to the countryside.
Bless us all today...
this successful end to the harvest.
- What now, a sermon?
- Let us remember all those...
not with us who were
once with us on this day.
God, strengthen our sinews
and make us tireless.
And remember...
God only helps those who shift their arses!
Will you join our number, Mr. Castle?
Nine men now...
where once there were
twice that number.
Are you going to turn
our woods into a laboratory?
You can't capture God with a camera.
It's not God I'm looking for.
It's not proof you need, it's faith.
Tell me about your faith.
is what a man must live by.
Sometimes a man can hide behind it.
Good morning, Padre.
Taking a photograph of the dance?
I don't know what we're taking
a photograph of. I'm the hired help.
Everyone will be at the Harvest Dance.
Might make a bob or two.
Strictly non profit making, that's us.
Did you remember everything?
I'll just nip back to London
and check if you like.
- You seem annoyed with me.
- Not at all, sir.
We've lost two day's business...
and the partners
were not amused, I might add.
I've been dragged down here
without so much as a what's it...
and you still haven't said a word
about what we're supposed to do.
"Ish ka bibble".
"Ca ne fait rien".
We're going to take a photograph of...
Don't tell me.
Something beginning with "F".
That's right.
Something fast moving.
Hence the special emulsions and lenses.
We'll be using fast shutter speeds
and flashes throughout.
- Did you bring the Voigtlander?
- Yeah, there.
Hired for three days. Cost enough,
too, what with the insurance and all.
Do you hear that, Roy?
That music?
I can hear that all right.
What's got into you?
I saw something.
I felt something.
I can't escape it.
Help me with this experiment so I can
prove whether it's out there or not.
How strange...
very strange.
What has got into you?
I had a taste of heaven.
Look, what do you see?
I see thousands
of different worlds.
Some of them like this one,
with people like us in them.
Doing the same things we do.
It's all right.
The past is over.
Time to stop looking at shadows...
see what's right in front of you.
It is allowed.
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
You've got all the time you want, Charles.
I'm not going to disappear.
- Everything all right, Roy?
- Marvellous, yeah.
Carry on setting up then.
I'll be back shortly.
What are you doing here?
I was looking for you.
Well, I'll just settle the girls.
- I'll be ready in 15 minutes.
- Right.
I'll wait downstairs.
Powder on the paper,
then on to the tray...
then immediately replace the lid.
I've made it through
one world war, thanks.
Have you set up
the Voigtlander?
Give us a chance!
Be careful with that,
there's a bit of a trick to that.
Is that how it goes?
Excuse me, please.
Right, this should take
a photograph...
every 30 seconds
for the next day.
What of?
If there's anything out there,
this equipment will find it.
Look, I've put my heart and soul...
not to mention a lot of hard earned
cash into this business of ours.
I think I deserve more of
an explanation than that.
If only I could show you.
Please try and keep
an open mind.
If I'm wrong and it was in me
all the time, then that's the end.
But if I'm right, these pictures
could open people's eyes.
Mine are wide open, thanks.
You're beginning to believe
in all this, aren't you?
Just one clear picture.
- Are we ready?
- Tell us when.
- What's happening?
- I don't know.
- Now.
- Now!
Roy, now!
They're there.
They're out there now.
They're real.
I know you didn't see what I did
in the woods last night.
Normally, our senses aren't fast
enough to register these creatures.
So difficult to capture...
even with this equipment.
Yet, there they are.
You do see, don't you?
A clear motion trail.
Why are you looking at me like that?
We're just trying to keep up with you.
These cameras...
don't see things...
they record what is there.
Where the hell are you going?
Ana! Clara!
- She's gone too high.
- What's she doing?
- What possessed her?
- She's in slow time.
Clara, are you all right?
It's all right.
I'm here.
Where do they come from?
Why are they here?
Calm yourself, Mr. Castle.
I've seen them.
I thought I was seeing things,
then I proved it by taking a photograph.
They're not as you described them,
nothing like.
- What do they mean?
- You have proof?
The conditions weren't properly controlled.
I'd choose some of my equipment
differently now, of course.
May I see them?
Sheer speed of motion
is the main problem.
And the internal illumination.
The light...
burns you without harming you.
Fills you with bliss.
The creatures themselves, humanoid
but not human, another race.
Just as you and Gardner say.
But there's more to it than that.
These photographs...
- they're not conclusive.
- They're all that I need.
Tell me again.
You and Gardner said it before.
What did you say?
For some scholars, the fairies
are the handmaidens...
of nature.
- No.
God's orphans...
the angels that were
expelled from heaven.
- Go on.
- Messengers.
Between this world and the next.
They stand on the boundary.
Touch them and that's what you feel.
You see the physical reality
of the next world.
A Taste of heaven.
A place where all wounds are healed...
all fractures mended.
Where people are made complete.
Is this your wife?
I try to keep her memory alive.
- Perhaps she's not far away.
- I hope we shall be reunited.
You can.
Believe it.
The touch of her lips on yours.
The warmth of her breath.
- The feel of her skin.
- You go too far.
Heaven is not a physical place.
You can't measure it.
It's a spiritual condition we can aspire to,
no more.
What if the next world is a place
as real as Clacton-on-Sea?
You're not the man you were.
What you say intrigues me.
Let's put our different faiths to the test,
you and I.
Within a month, if you're game.
A debate at the Theosophical Society.
Two views of the next world,
yours and mine.
Gardner in the chair.
Show your photographs, by all means.
A debate?
It'll be an evening to remember.
I must go, Sir Arthur.
Thank you for your time.
Young bones.
She'll mend in no time.
But no more tree climbing.
Tell me what happened again.
Tell me
about the special flower.
Tell me how I came to find this...
in the tree.
Tell me everything,
and all will be well.
I'll touch the leaves and
come back faster than you.
You'll break your arm again.
I want you to tell me
where the flower grows.
- We mustn't say.
- It's a secret.
Does it grow on the tree?
Not on the tree.
Not exactly.
Where does it grow then?
I'll give you something
if you tell me where it is.
It's a big secret,
it's precious.
Then I shall give you the most
precious thing that I have.
- Help me up.
- Oh, my God!
Help me up.
I'll get help.
A doctor.
Help me up!
I need no doctors.
But, it killed my wife,
nearly killed my child.
Now, you've killed me for it.
Listen to me.
I want you to see what I saw.
I don't care what you saw.
Take it.
And see what she saw.
I'd be grateful if
you'd take me into custody.
You haven't got long, miss.
You didn't murder him, did you?
We fought.
His death was
a terrible accident.
You wouldn't see me
when I asked before.
I wasn't ready.
We've found a counsel,
Roy and I. Sir Edward Carson.
He's the best.
He wants to take your case.
He's confident he can turn the
murder charge to manslaughter.
Roy's a good man.
You could be free in two years.
Five at most.
I won't be needing
Sir Edward Carson, Linda.
- There's no one better.
- I shall speak on my own behalf.
You can't do that.
You need proper counsel.
I don't want them to hang you,
Charles Castle.
Proper counsel?
He wouldn't know
what to say.
What has happened to you?
I was baffled by a mystery.
But there was no mystery.
The truth was right in front
of me all along.
Out there,
it's the real world.
With trams and tea dances...
and bills to pay
and children to raise.
Where real live people fall in love
with other real live people.
It's my world,
I want you in it.
But it isn't the only world.
It's time, miss.
Just a few more minutes, please.
Be quick then.
Hardly a trace of a scar.
Completely healed,
thanks to you.
Please, miss.
We're transporting the prisoner.
Mr. Castle, how do you plead?
Mr. Castle...
are you still sure you wish
to represent yourself?
You are entitled
to counsel by right.
Quite sure, thank you.
I must ask you then to offer up
any submission you might make...
that could affect the nature
of my sentence on you.
Mr. Castle?
What I found when I went
to Burkinwell...
is bigger than this trial
and more important than my life.
There is another world...
as close to this one
as I am to you.
I have seen it...
and I have felt its force.
As, in the end, did
Reverend Nicholas Templeton.
The man you killed.
Death is a small thing, my Lord.
Pray continue, Mr. Castle.
Death is merely
a change of state.
The soul is a fresh
expression of the self.
The dead are not dust.
They really are only
a footfall all away.
"Ish ka bloody bibble".
"a ne sodding fairy Anne!"
I don't know how we'd have
managed without you, Roy.
Knowing you,
you'd have managed fine.
Your gas is on and
your water is working.
I'll go and make a fire.
It's a nice area you've chosen.
A bit different from your
Burkinwell countryside, though.
Thank God for that.
There's no chance of anything,
you know.
I know.
Wouldn't even bloody lift a finger
to defend himself.
What's bloody?
It's a word you use...
It's a word you shouldn't use.
It's a word that grown-ups use
when they're upset.
Are you upset about Mr. Castle?
we're all sorry, aren't we,
about Mr. Castle?
But we'll get over it.
You can get over anything if you try.
You know what people will say
about you three, don't you?
You've landed on your feet.
Posh bit of London. Heath outside.
Nice neighbours.
You show me the view from upstairs...
I'll point out all the sights to you.
You all right, then?
I'm fine, Roy.
There'll be others, you know...
a girl like you, no shortage.
I've turned into a very choosy girl though.
You'll have hundreds to choose from.
You'll be fighting them off.
There's only one man I want.
Don't worry.
The man I want is...
the man who will love me
as much as he loved her.
I'll get upstairs then.
- Sleep all right?
- Like a child, thank you.
- It's time.
- Already?
I am the resurrection...
and the life.
He that believeth in me...
though he be dead...
yet shall he live...
and whosoever liveth...
and believeth in me...
shall never die.
But there is an important
person missing.
Where is the groom?
It's our anniversary.
We've been married one day.
We should head back.
The weather's turning.
I see a light!
The ground looks unsafe.
I should go first.
Not a chance, Herr Castle.
I'm so sorry.
She is in the best possible place.
- Where's that?
- The next world.
I want her in this world.
The more I think about it the more
I realize you're the only one for me.
We are bound together by strands
as slight as silk...
but strong as steel.
- Steady on, sir.
"The only woman for me",
That's what Elsie understands...
but "strands of silk" don't sound
quite right.
- "Ish ka bibble!"
- "Ca ne fait rien!"
It's a Mine!
Down boys, it's a Mine!
Come bloody on, sir.
It's live.
Look after those plates, Roy.
For the love of God!
What the...?
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson?
Please come in.
Do you know the procedure?
My colleague
explained everything to you?
Very thorough he was.
It's just that, some people...
Here we are.
Roy, I think we're ready for you now.
Sergeant he was.
You got that right.
Where would you like your son to stand?
How about between you?
A lot of fuss just for a picture.
You strike me as an army man yourself,
Mr. Dawson.
20 years ago.
Spion Kop.
14th Lancers, Mr. Castle.
- Are you done?
- Just one more.
He could have his arm around me,
if that didn't disarrange you.
And around you, dad.
That's the sort of boy he was.
That's much better.
A lot of mistakes, at Spion Kop,
from what I read.
It depends who you were reading.
The most recent photograph
would be ideal.
Facing the camera.
A negative if you have one.
Don't worry.
I'll take the utmost care with it.
You've been so understanding.
- Life goes on.
- It most certainly does.
Are you there?
I can't see you.
There's too much light it dazzles me.
Are you there, Raymond?
I can hear you, Florence.
Would you like some of my wine?
Everyone of you here,
ladies and gentlemen...
has something in common...
something that links you to your neighbour.
We're all here searching...
for a clue that shows us what life...
surely promises us.
For a way of seeing what lies...
under the simple surface of things.
Recently, we've had continued
messages at seances...
indicating that a visible sign
was coming through.
Ladies and Gentlemen...
that sign is here.
People talk about the miracle of photography.
I'll show you a photograph of a miracle.
A waterfall near the village of Cottingley.
Not an ordinary waterfall.
It's home to one of the oldest
myths of mankind.
We humans are not alone.
We share our planet
with a quite different order of life.
They're spoken of in every culture in the world.
From New Zealand to the New Hebrides.
The handmaidens of nature,
according to some...
assisting in propagation and growth.
Another theory...
exiles from heaven.
God's orphans straddling
this world and the next.
Messenger between the two worlds.
Mr. Gardner...
I'd like to make
an observation, if I may.
- And who might you be, sir?
- My name is Charles Castle.
I'm a photographer.
And like yourself...
a seeker of the truth.
Watch closely, please.
Observe the waterfall.
It's blurred. The water moved too
quickly for the camera to capture.
Now look at the fairy.
As perfect as a studio portrait.
The wings are still,
not a trace of a blur.
And the "creature" itself
has a most unusual look.
Some might call it, flat.
As if it had been cut out
of a fashion page.
And what's this?
A fairy that wears earrings?
Not only does this new order
of life share our world...
it also makes regular trips
to Swan and Edgar.
Ladies and Gentlemen...
the miracle of photography.
Thank you for your attention.
Charles Castle, photographer.
14 Temple Lane.
Portraits, family groups...
reasonable rates.
Trick work a specialty.
- No weddings.
- Mr. Castle.
Your detective work puts
Sherlock Holmes to shame.
- Congratulations, Arthur Conan Doyle.
- Charles Castle.
Thank you.
Don't look so glum, Edward.
I myself was
convinced by this picture.
We're travelling in the dark.
We must expect to
bark our shins now and again.
Perhaps this does
seem to be a fake.
These are dark times.
We must cultivate hope
like a precious flower.
We are pioneers,
exploring the borderland...
between this world
and a better one.
There are no maps
of this territory. Sometimes...
we stray from the path.
- Is that a crime?
- It is a crime...
to offer people hope
when there is none.
Does death, and what comes after,
hold no mystery for you?
As the tree falls,
so does it lie.
It is no more mysterious than the
full stop at the end of a sentence.
So life is a preparation
for something that never happens?
Seems a very pointless arrangement.
I have had occasion
to think so.
I lost a son to the war...
and my wife before it.
Yet I believe we shall be together
again and I rejoice in it.
Have you lost anyone, Mr. Castle?
I didn't come here
to be converted.
I believe you came here
for the same reason as everyone else.
I believe you are
a seeker after the truth.
"For I am the life...
and the resurrection".
So many we've brought back
from the dead, Roy.
With a little sodium sulphite
and some Ilford grade A paper.
Trick work, but honest trick work.
There's someone to see you, sir.
I can see why
you don't do weddings.
What can I do for you?
- I don't have an appointment.
- I don't have an engagement.
The great tree
in Burkinwell Woods.
Five photographs exposed
in natural light.
Taken on a roll-film Ensign.
Who are the girls?
My daughters.
What do you want of me?
I want you
to solve a puzzle.
I want you to look at
a photograph of a fairy.
Surely Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
is more your man?
No, Mr. Castle.
You're my man.
Fairies is their
favourite game.
They play it non-stop.
I played it too
when I was a child...
but not the way Ana and Clara do.
One afternoon they asked me
to take a picture.
Clara was very particular.
One fairy, she said...
would stand on tip-a-toe
at the end of her hand.
I indulged her.
I would take the photograph.
But you'll have to be quick,
she said.
Slightly over-exposed.
Otherwise it is a straight, open-air,
single exposure shot.
- Agreed?
- Agreed.
It's incredible.
There's so much detail.
Blur cause by reflected light.
Sunlight in the lens.
Perhaps even a tiny imperfection
in the glass of the lens itself.
By why is it at the end of her hand,
exactly where she said it would be?
You can see the shape.
Trick of the light. You could see
any shape you wanted to in that.
Look again. It's all here
in your enlargement.
The outline of an arm.
And down there, the curve of a leg.
The thickness of a knee, here.
And now, the swell of a thigh.
Muscles raised like shadows
pushing through the flesh.
And that...
the cleft of the buttocks.
- And that?
Where the ribs sweep down to the belly.
- Even hair.
- Hair?
Around the pudenda.
A speck of dust.
A smidgen of grease.
The thumb of an over hasty developer.
In the exact place
where Clara said it would be?
Look, I can't help you.
I cannot believe that this is anything more...
than a glitch in the emulsion.
You've helped me more than I can say.
There's nothing there.
You're fooling yourself.
You're seeing what you want to see.
Yes, I am.
Thank you for making it so clear.
Christ on a bicycle!
What the bloody hell
have you been up to?
I used a condenserless enlarger...
with a 150 watt light source.
The print was made on collodion
self-toning paper.
At maximum enlargement
there was no sign of tampering.
No brush strokes...
or disturbance of the emulsion.
That's amazing, sir. You know
the partners are due at any minute?
Comparisons of the outlines...
show that the blur is laterally
not vertically inverted.
A true reflection, in other words.
- The partners, Charles!
- You follow me, Roy? Look at her eye.
The image, the blur is reflected
in the girl's eye.
The largest commission of the month
and you go barmy.
There really was something
in her hand.
Something moving too fast
for the shutter speed.
Give us some sort
of a hand then.
I wonder what she used?
Double exposure?
Muslin cut-outs?
Or did she do it
in the developing tank?
Don't you see, Roy? She would have
had to have been a master, an artist.
But she didn't know
anything about photography.
Perhaps she's bloody queen
of the fairies. Who knows!
I'll tell you one thing
I do know...
three Freemasons with
more money than sense...
are expecting Charles Castle
to take a picture of them that...
they can hang on their wall without
giving their customers nightmares.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
We're ready.
Walk on, lass.
Walk on.
Excuse me.
Mr. Castle...
- I didn't expect to see you again.
- I'm sorry I came at a bad time.
It looks as though you've come
in something of a hurry.
- It's about that photograph...
- A nice cup of tea?
Yes, thank you.
I've found something in it
that I can't explain.
It doesn't matter about
the photograph any more.
Do have one of my angel cakes.
I make them specially for the Reverend.
You should see his face light up.
Thank you.
- The Reverend is coming, isn't he?
- Yes.
Well, where is Mrs. Hoopdriver hiding?
I see you.
I have you.
Mrs. Hoopdriver.
You always spoil me.
Friend of yours?
Now, tell me your plans
for this year's festival.
My husband.
This isn't the right moment.
The village children will be singing
a special song for you.
Tomorrow. By the great tree.
I'll show you.
- Where?
- Follow the stream back to its source.
- Show me what?
- I've seen them.
There's nobody there.
I want a room.
Mrs. Templeton!
- What are you doing here?
- Are you still following us?
We'll need you to sign this, please.
Have you done a crime then?
Are you notorious?
- I'm not even famous.
- So why are you here?
come to me.
She'll need to keep beautiful.
And she'll need to take notes
so she can tell us all about it.
She'll need to pay her way.
She'll want to take pictures.
"This cup is the new testament
in my blood:...
this do ye, as oft as ye drink it,
in remembrance of me".
"Take, eat,
this do in remembrance of me".
Looking for fairies, Mr. Castle?
You've come to the right place.
You're in fairyland.
- Have you a match?
- I don't smoke.
A sophisticated London
photographer like you?
- I'm sorry, I don't know your name.
- What were you going to do?
Take a photograph of the girls
and sell their story?
"Mother of two
in tragic death?"
Did you remember to take a picture
of the corpse when you found it?
I'm not a newspaper photographer.
Mrs. Templeton
asked me to help.
That ridiculous thing!
She brought it to my studio.
Don't tell me, she thought
she saw something in it.
She was a dreamer, Beatrice.
I was all part of her fantasy world.
Look where her fantasies led her.
A broken neck.
- Did you work for her long?
- Too long.
I'd be gone from here
if it wasn't for the girls.
It's the last time
I let them play here.
That grim tree.
Still, they have to say goodbye.
Ana, Clara. Since he's still here,
this is Mr. Castle.
Did you come
about the picture?
What can you tell me
about it?
- We should be getting back.
- Yes, we should.
Is this where they live?
But you're not to know.
- Do they like music?
- Might do.
- Who is this lady?
- Did you all play together here?
- Is she Mrs. Castle?
- Yes, that's right.
It's a very good picture
of the both of you.
It must have been
very difficult to take.
She's very pretty.
Has she come with you?
She isn't here any more.
Did she die?
- Yes she did.
- Come along. We should go now.
What was she like?
Well, I'd only started
to know her.
We had such a short time, you see.
Silly, isn't it.
I don't even know her favourite colour.
She's all right, you know.
We must go
or we'll be late back.
How long are you staying?
A day or two.
I'm Linda.
Sorry about what I said before.
I wasn't fair to you.
This is not a dream.
- That flower, where does it come from?
- We're going to church now.
To say goodbye to mummy.
Look at you.
What have you done to yourself?
Excuse me.
People of Burkinwell Parish.
We are all of us here,
a footfall all away from death.
Do not think of death
as a distant country...
for it is as quickly found
as the blink of a man's eye.
Do not suppose death
to be a stranger...
for it is as familiar
as the beat of a man's heart.
We come here...
to mourn Beatrice Templeton...
my wife...
known affectionately
to us all as Bea.
We come here to mourn...
and we come to rejoice.
We mourn at the passing
of her physical shell...
and we rejoice...
at the flowering of her
immortal soul.
She has awoken from a dream...
and we,
who are left behind...
are the dream.
This death touches us all.
It stretches and strains our faith.
That is as it should be.
This is a time
when all about us...
seek signs and wonders.
But it is faith we need.
Faith that test...
faith that hurts.
For faith guarantees nothing...
and demands everything.
Hymn number 272.
He who would valiant be...
against all disaster.
Where can I find the flower?
Tell me where it grows.
We are trying
to bury the dead!
There's no discouragement...
shall make him once relent.
His first avowed intent...
to be a pilgrim.
What a lovely, lovely sermon.
Absolutely perfect.
I'm quite overcome.
- Tell me.
- It's a secret.
Right, let's see to you properly.
- I'm fine.
- That's one thing you're not. Come.
This'll hurt.
What happened to you
out there?
I don't know.
I had a dream...
more vivid than any dream
I've ever had.
What did you dream about?
The past.
Your wife?
You can make a sound
if you like. It is allowed.
She was so...
I better just go
and see to the girls.
Ana! Clara!
I was touched by your presence
at the service, Mr. Castle.
- What do you make of it?
- I'm not a religious man.
I didn't suppose you were.
What you said impressed me.
I met your wife.
I'm very sorry.
- Why did she die like that?
- An accident.
In the very place where
her children played.
It's beyond all reason.
What possessed her?
Mr. Castle again!
It seems you've come to know
all my household except me.
Stay for dinner.
- I'm very sorry.
- Stay for dinner.
The oddest thing.
I found myself fallen to wondering
where Beatrice had got to.
Was she on her way?
Had she been delayed?
Would she be here any moment?
I'm quite all right.
It was a trick of the mind.
Seeing a shape
when it was only a shadow.
You should give yourself
a break from your duties.
Give yourself time to recover.
On the contrary.
I shall re-double my zeal.
If I stopped to recover, I doubt
I should ever start again.
You need building up.
You've been in the wars.
- I haven't your appetite.
- I burn it up.
We shall have to find ourselves
a new routine.
What will I be without her?
You have your memories
and your children.
You had a marriage.
And people recover...
and heal and find love again.
Thank you.
I shall take the air.
Clear my head.
Generally, I prefer to be alone,
but tonight I'd appreciate company.
What size shoes do you take?
Speak in French when you can't
think of the English word.
- Turn out your toes when you walk.
- And remember who you are!
What happened to Mr. Castle?
He had an accident.
A bang on the head.
- Did he go to the tree?
- Why would he go there?
Like mummy.
Will he be all right?
- He won't die, will he?
- He'll be fine.
He's just a little
mixed up inside.
- Was it the bang that did it?
- Will he get better?
Of course he will.
Time you went to sleep.
Plain sailing from here on.
Are you coming?
Go on.
Take my hand.
Have faith.
What interest did you have in my wife?
She brought me a photograph.
She claimed it was a photograph of fairies.
And you came to Burkinwell
to help her search for them?
That was selfless of you.
Did you look for them in your studio, too?
You and she together?
I thought your wife was over-imaginative...
and foolish.
I thought she was gullible.
I had no interest in her as a woman.
- This is the way back.
- I'm going this way.
What was your favourite colour?
What was your favourite poem?
What would our children have been like?
Where would our lives have taken us?
Why can't I let you go?
I need an extra room.
Over there by the doors, lads.
- Something wrong with your room?
- I need more space.
Well, there's city folk for you.
There's another room opposite,
it's a bit bigger.
And then there's the old attic room,
and the box room.
- I'll take them all.
- All?
Could you move the furniture
into the box room...
and can you find me
a couple of trestle tables?
Over here, Roy.
What the bloody hell happened to you?
Welcome to the countryside.
Bless us all today...
this successful end to the harvest.
- What now, a sermon?
- Let us remember all those...
not with us who were
once with us on this day.
God, strengthen our sinews
and make us tireless.
And remember...
God only helps those who shift their arses!
Will you join our number, Mr. Castle?
Nine men now...
where once there were
twice that number.
Are you going to turn
our woods into a laboratory?
You can't capture God with a camera.
It's not God I'm looking for.
It's not proof you need, it's faith.
Tell me about your faith.
is what a man must live by.
Sometimes a man can hide behind it.
Good morning, Padre.
Taking a photograph of the dance?
I don't know what we're taking
a photograph of. I'm the hired help.
Everyone will be at the Harvest Dance.
Might make a bob or two.
Strictly non profit making, that's us.
Did you remember everything?
I'll just nip back to London
and check if you like.
- You seem annoyed with me.
- Not at all, sir.
We've lost two day's business...
and the partners
were not amused, I might add.
I've been dragged down here
without so much as a what's it...
and you still haven't said a word
about what we're supposed to do.
"Ish ka bibble".
"Ca ne fait rien".
We're going to take a photograph of...
Don't tell me.
Something beginning with "F".
That's right.
Something fast moving.
Hence the special emulsions and lenses.
We'll be using fast shutter speeds
and flashes throughout.
- Did you bring the Voigtlander?
- Yeah, there.
Hired for three days. Cost enough,
too, what with the insurance and all.
Do you hear that, Roy?
That music?
I can hear that all right.
What's got into you?
I saw something.
I felt something.
I can't escape it.
Help me with this experiment so I can
prove whether it's out there or not.
How strange...
very strange.
What has got into you?
I had a taste of heaven.
Look, what do you see?
I see thousands
of different worlds.
Some of them like this one,
with people like us in them.
Doing the same things we do.
It's all right.
The past is over.
Time to stop looking at shadows...
see what's right in front of you.
It is allowed.
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
You've got all the time you want, Charles.
I'm not going to disappear.
- Everything all right, Roy?
- Marvellous, yeah.
Carry on setting up then.
I'll be back shortly.
What are you doing here?
I was looking for you.
Well, I'll just settle the girls.
- I'll be ready in 15 minutes.
- Right.
I'll wait downstairs.
Powder on the paper,
then on to the tray...
then immediately replace the lid.
I've made it through
one world war, thanks.
Have you set up
the Voigtlander?
Give us a chance!
Be careful with that,
there's a bit of a trick to that.
Is that how it goes?
Excuse me, please.
Right, this should take
a photograph...
every 30 seconds
for the next day.
What of?
If there's anything out there,
this equipment will find it.
Look, I've put my heart and soul...
not to mention a lot of hard earned
cash into this business of ours.
I think I deserve more of
an explanation than that.
If only I could show you.
Please try and keep
an open mind.
If I'm wrong and it was in me
all the time, then that's the end.
But if I'm right, these pictures
could open people's eyes.
Mine are wide open, thanks.
You're beginning to believe
in all this, aren't you?
Just one clear picture.
- Are we ready?
- Tell us when.
- What's happening?
- I don't know.
- Now.
- Now!
Roy, now!
They're there.
They're out there now.
They're real.
I know you didn't see what I did
in the woods last night.
Normally, our senses aren't fast
enough to register these creatures.
So difficult to capture...
even with this equipment.
Yet, there they are.
You do see, don't you?
A clear motion trail.
Why are you looking at me like that?
We're just trying to keep up with you.
These cameras...
don't see things...
they record what is there.
Where the hell are you going?
Ana! Clara!
- She's gone too high.
- What's she doing?
- What possessed her?
- She's in slow time.
Clara, are you all right?
It's all right.
I'm here.
Where do they come from?
Why are they here?
Calm yourself, Mr. Castle.
I've seen them.
I thought I was seeing things,
then I proved it by taking a photograph.
They're not as you described them,
nothing like.
- What do they mean?
- You have proof?
The conditions weren't properly controlled.
I'd choose some of my equipment
differently now, of course.
May I see them?
Sheer speed of motion
is the main problem.
And the internal illumination.
The light...
burns you without harming you.
Fills you with bliss.
The creatures themselves, humanoid
but not human, another race.
Just as you and Gardner say.
But there's more to it than that.
These photographs...
- they're not conclusive.
- They're all that I need.
Tell me again.
You and Gardner said it before.
What did you say?
For some scholars, the fairies
are the handmaidens...
of nature.
- No.
God's orphans...
the angels that were
expelled from heaven.
- Go on.
- Messengers.
Between this world and the next.
They stand on the boundary.
Touch them and that's what you feel.
You see the physical reality
of the next world.
A Taste of heaven.
A place where all wounds are healed...
all fractures mended.
Where people are made complete.
Is this your wife?
I try to keep her memory alive.
- Perhaps she's not far away.
- I hope we shall be reunited.
You can.
Believe it.
The touch of her lips on yours.
The warmth of her breath.
- The feel of her skin.
- You go too far.
Heaven is not a physical place.
You can't measure it.
It's a spiritual condition we can aspire to,
no more.
What if the next world is a place
as real as Clacton-on-Sea?
You're not the man you were.
What you say intrigues me.
Let's put our different faiths to the test,
you and I.
Within a month, if you're game.
A debate at the Theosophical Society.
Two views of the next world,
yours and mine.
Gardner in the chair.
Show your photographs, by all means.
A debate?
It'll be an evening to remember.
I must go, Sir Arthur.
Thank you for your time.
Young bones.
She'll mend in no time.
But no more tree climbing.
Tell me what happened again.
Tell me
about the special flower.
Tell me how I came to find this...
in the tree.
Tell me everything,
and all will be well.
I'll touch the leaves and
come back faster than you.
You'll break your arm again.
I want you to tell me
where the flower grows.
- We mustn't say.
- It's a secret.
Does it grow on the tree?
Not on the tree.
Not exactly.
Where does it grow then?
I'll give you something
if you tell me where it is.
It's a big secret,
it's precious.
Then I shall give you the most
precious thing that I have.
- Help me up.
- Oh, my God!
Help me up.
I'll get help.
A doctor.
Help me up!
I need no doctors.
But, it killed my wife,
nearly killed my child.
Now, you've killed me for it.
Listen to me.
I want you to see what I saw.
I don't care what you saw.
Take it.
And see what she saw.
I'd be grateful if
you'd take me into custody.
You haven't got long, miss.
You didn't murder him, did you?
We fought.
His death was
a terrible accident.
You wouldn't see me
when I asked before.
I wasn't ready.
We've found a counsel,
Roy and I. Sir Edward Carson.
He's the best.
He wants to take your case.
He's confident he can turn the
murder charge to manslaughter.
Roy's a good man.
You could be free in two years.
Five at most.
I won't be needing
Sir Edward Carson, Linda.
- There's no one better.
- I shall speak on my own behalf.
You can't do that.
You need proper counsel.
I don't want them to hang you,
Charles Castle.
Proper counsel?
He wouldn't know
what to say.
What has happened to you?
I was baffled by a mystery.
But there was no mystery.
The truth was right in front
of me all along.
Out there,
it's the real world.
With trams and tea dances...
and bills to pay
and children to raise.
Where real live people fall in love
with other real live people.
It's my world,
I want you in it.
But it isn't the only world.
It's time, miss.
Just a few more minutes, please.
Be quick then.
Hardly a trace of a scar.
Completely healed,
thanks to you.
Please, miss.
We're transporting the prisoner.
Mr. Castle, how do you plead?
Mr. Castle...
are you still sure you wish
to represent yourself?
You are entitled
to counsel by right.
Quite sure, thank you.
I must ask you then to offer up
any submission you might make...
that could affect the nature
of my sentence on you.
Mr. Castle?
What I found when I went
to Burkinwell...
is bigger than this trial
and more important than my life.
There is another world...
as close to this one
as I am to you.
I have seen it...
and I have felt its force.
As, in the end, did
Reverend Nicholas Templeton.
The man you killed.
Death is a small thing, my Lord.
Pray continue, Mr. Castle.
Death is merely
a change of state.
The soul is a fresh
expression of the self.
The dead are not dust.
They really are only
a footfall all away.
"Ish ka bloody bibble".
"a ne sodding fairy Anne!"
I don't know how we'd have
managed without you, Roy.
Knowing you,
you'd have managed fine.
Your gas is on and
your water is working.
I'll go and make a fire.
It's a nice area you've chosen.
A bit different from your
Burkinwell countryside, though.
Thank God for that.
There's no chance of anything,
you know.
I know.
Wouldn't even bloody lift a finger
to defend himself.
What's bloody?
It's a word you use...
It's a word you shouldn't use.
It's a word that grown-ups use
when they're upset.
Are you upset about Mr. Castle?
we're all sorry, aren't we,
about Mr. Castle?
But we'll get over it.
You can get over anything if you try.
You know what people will say
about you three, don't you?
You've landed on your feet.
Posh bit of London. Heath outside.
Nice neighbours.
You show me the view from upstairs...
I'll point out all the sights to you.
You all right, then?
I'm fine, Roy.
There'll be others, you know...
a girl like you, no shortage.
I've turned into a very choosy girl though.
You'll have hundreds to choose from.
You'll be fighting them off.
There's only one man I want.
Don't worry.
The man I want is...
the man who will love me
as much as he loved her.
I'll get upstairs then.
- Sleep all right?
- Like a child, thank you.
- It's time.
- Already?
I am the resurrection...
and the life.
He that believeth in me...
though he be dead...
yet shall he live...
and whosoever liveth...
and believeth in me...
shall never die.