Piglet (2025) Movie Script
(intense music)
- What's going on?
Why have we stopped?
- [Driver] Guys I'm
just going for a piss.
- Oh, for fuck's sake.
You're kidding me.
- [Driver] I'll
only be a minute.
(intense music)
- Billy, why don't you take
a photo? It lasts longer.
- I'm sorry.
I just, is it true what
they say about him?
About the experiment
and his family?
- Well, you know about
Dr. Bickley, right?
I mean he's the bastard
that turned this thing
into the monster it is now.
Weren't you briefed?
- No, I just heard
what the others said.
- Sick fuck. He killed
his entire fucking family.
- What did he do that for?
- Don't know.
Don't wanna know.
What I do know is when this
thing was the smallest man,
thinnest, skinniest man
in that entire prison.
So of course it jumped
to the chance to be part
of Dr. Bickley's experiment.
Why wouldn't it?
Dr. Bickley done him a favor.
Getting outta there was the best
thing that could have
happened to him. (indistinct)
- Well, what did Dr. Bickley do?
- He injected him.
Injected him with some
sort of toxic growth serums
or some shit like that.
Look at it. It grew, expanded.
Looks like some weird
professional wrestler.
Did you not know about
the mass (indistinct)?
That thing spread for about
12 different cell books.
I mean, this thing murdered
about half the inmates,
almost half the prison wardens.
Even murdered Mike's mother.
Didn't you?
Didn't you, sick fuck?
That's why we're here.
We're here to stamp
out this evil.
We should get rid of it.
Lethal injection. How does
that sound, you sick fuck?
You ready to die?
- Wh, what's he doing?
- The fuck is wrong with you?
(prisoner panting)
(officer grunting)
- (screaming) Gage!
(vehicle thudding and squeaking)
(dramatic music)
(officer grunting)
(officer screaming)
(vehicle squeaking)
(dramatic music)
(officer screaming)
(officer whimpering)
(officer screaming)
(officer choking)
(stairs creak)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps thud)
(intense music)
(door creaks)
(chains rattle)
(intense music continues)
(prisoner growls)
(brakes screech)
(passengers grunt)
- Shit, Kate.
- Well, it's not my fault
little miss birthday
girl can't hold her soda.
- Fuck you, Judy.
- Right back at you.
- Hey, hey, hey.
(Kate retching)
That's okay.
- [Judy] Okay girls, let's
have a look around. Hmm?
Shall we?
- Yeah, let's go.
(doors thud)
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
I think I might skip out on
the, you know, drinking tonight.
- Kate, it's your 21st.
Look, if it's Judith's driving
or the pig person shit,
I'll understand.
But I
- No, it's not that.
(dramatic music)
- God I hope Kate's okay.
She looks so pale.
- Maybe someone should stop
talking about these dumb stories
that don't even exist.
- Hey, how the heck do you know?
I haven't even gotten
close to the good part
of the pig person legend, dude.
- Whatever.
- I just thought I saw
his car five miles back.
- Kate, that wasn't his car.
- Look, he would be
insane if he showed up.
- But he is insane, Susie.
- I know, I know.
- Well, you know, I
just find it fascinating
that we are going to
be in the same place
where it all supposedly
happened all those years ago.
Are you guys getting scared
of being eaten or what?
Not a fan of a killer pork. Huh?
- Is she always this annoying?
I see we're not afraid
getting rear ended.
- Bite me, little miss
where we're going.
I haven't seen a car
in like five miles.
- Oh, do you? Look,
just gimme a map, okay?
- Hey, it's either me
or birthday girl who
gets to use the map.
Not you.
- What about your best friend?
Uh huh huh huh, you joined the
dark side, little miss lesbo.
You touch my map, you die.
- That's not even funny,
Judy. Like at all.
- It's okay. It's okay.
It's just how we
talk to each other.
Look, I'm not leaving this camp
until yous two are best friends.
- (chuckles) Looks like we're
gonna die in this county, huh?
- Happy. Can't wait.
- Can already tell This
is gonna go so well,
but girls, I think we
should start getting back,
just check Kate's okay.
- Okay.
- [Judy] Good idea.
- But that's over now. Okay?
And, I'm not gonna
let anyone hurt you.
(dramatic music)
- Promise?
- I promise.
(skin ripping)
(blood squishing)
(pig person panting)
- What the fuck are you doing?
I ought to ration your food
for losing that other man.
What if he finds
people, huh? Then what?
I've got us some girls renting
the camp for the weekend.
You choose whichever you want
and we'll put the
rest in the freezer
and ration til we get
more in (indistinct).
How's that sound? Good.
They'll be here soon.
(dramatic music)
And quit playing with your food.
(birds chirping)
- Come on.
I don't have all
day and, you know,
we still don't
know where we are.
- Look. Over there.
Maybe they could help us?
- You think so?
- Hey. Hi.
Hello. Excuse me.
Do you know how to
get to Camp Festoon?
- Hi, we're not from around
here and we rented some cabins
and we're wondering
if maybe you-
- Don't go up to Camp Festoon.
- So you know where it is.
- Bad things happen to
people who visit that camp.
It's not safe.
If he finds you, he
will want you forever.
- Hey, hey. I just got signal.
Apparently we just
need to go up the road
for half a mile and make a left.
Let's go.
- Oh, well, thank you.
(dramatic music)
- Least you didn't
(indistinct) nothing.
(intense music)
(doors thudding)
- Holy shit.
This piece is beautiful.
- Speaking of beautiful.
- Look what I've got.
Like in high school, yeah?
Hell yeah.
Diane, you wanna?
Maybe later?
- You guys, I can't
believe we beat them here.
- I know. It's
like only a tenner.
(group laughing)
- Is it weird that they
didn't get here yet, though?
- Don't you think they got
stopped by that weird guy
with the riffle and
maybe he shot them
and skinned them alive
and was wearing their skin
and feeding their remains
to the pig person?
- Hey, well you're
a freak. Okay?
Can you please control her?
- Hey.
- Well we all started talking
about the pig person, right?
Who's to say?
- Okay, let's just take
the pleasant things
for now and save the scary
stories and shit for school.
- I just had a really nice
scary story for you guys.
- Oh, let me guess.
Is it about a pig?
- Maybe.
- Okay, easy on the horn.
Thank you. For me, please.
- [Judy] Okay.
(Kate gasps)
oh my gosh. I'm sorry.
- Okay, let's go explore and
see if we can find Mr. Hobarth.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go.
(intense music)
- God, they're still here.
Can you believe it's been 10
years since we've been here?
- Mm, and I see they still
don't have any locks.
- Hey, you're fine. I mean it.
And once you meet Mr. Hogarth,
your mind will be
put at ease, okay?
- (knocking) Hello? Mr.
Hogarth, it's me, Susie Danzik.
We rented the cabins
for the weekend.
(Judy knocks)
Okay, well my guess is
we must have missed him
on the way up.
Let's check the
parking lot? Come on.
(dramatic music)
- Hello there.
- Oh my God.
- Oh my God.
- I'm sorry if I frightened you.
- Oh, are...
- I'm Mr. Hogarth.
Are you the girl I
spoke to earlier?
- Yeah, I'm Susie.
These are my friends and
that's my sister Kate.
- The girl. I just
frightened. Your name's Kate?
I'm sorry to frighten you Kate.
I'll try not to do it again.
(dramatic music)
So, are you girls ready
for the grand tour?
(engine knocking)
(door thuds)
- Oh Christ.
(hood thuds)
- Damn it. I really wanted
to beat them to the camp.
- Yeah, we still might.
Look, check it.
We're here and the camp,
it's literally through
those woods over there.
- We can't do that.
- What other choice do we have?
When was the last time you
saw another car besides ours
Travel past this way?
- Okay. I guess we
don't have a choice.
- Great. So you gonna
tell your sister or am I?
- Hey.
- We're not gonna be
able to drive anymore.
We'll need to walk through
the forest to go to the camp.
Okay, we can do that.
(dramatic music)
- Great. It'll be fun.
- And this right
here is the jacuzzi.
- Jacuzzi!
- Ah. Why is it cold?
- I need to fill it up.
- I think we can do that later.
We should set the
celebration for Kate.
(group cheerfully exclaims)
- What's the occasion?
- It's her 21st birthday.
What the occasion, huh?
- That's right. Susie
told me on the phone.
Well, that's me done.
Have fun, girls.
Any other questions
before I get back to it?
- Oh, actually, yeah. Do
you have cell service here?
- Sadly, no. It's
very remote here.
There's a landline in my office.
You're welcome to use it
anytime. Just let me know.
I'm usually in there if I'm
not chopping wood or painting.
(group laughs)
- Thank you for the
hospitality, Mr. Hogarth.
- Anytime. Oh, and
one more thing.
There are only five of you.
I thought you said
there'd be eight.
- Yeah, we have
more friends coming.
They're just in a separate car.
- Yeah, we beat their
asses on the here,
so we're gonna rub it in.
- [Alex] God, please.
- Well, that's all I needed
to know. Take care, girls.
- Anyone get a really
weird vibe from that guy?
- Oh no. He was nice.
Don't be like that.
He was looking at your ass.
- Who wouldn't?
- Come on guys, let's get
ready to give Kate here a day.
she will never forget.
(dramatic music)
- Courtney. What's wrong?
- Shit.
- Courtney please, not now.
- Think it's kind of sweet
that she's in her
own little world.
- That's one of the reasons
why I worry about her so much.
- She'll be fine.
- Courtney?
- What's wrong?
- Looks like we're gonna
be here for a while.
She want to stay here until
she finishes her drawing.
- Damn it.
How how long is we gonna take
her to finish her drawing?
- I dunno. Anywhere from
30 minutes to an hour.
- Well, it does give
us plenty of time.
- Ever done it in the woods?
- No, but it sounds fun.
- Well, what are we waiting for?
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(Riley moaning softly)
(both moaning)
- Wait, what? What's that?
- There's nothing come on.
- Wait, wait Bruce.
I don't dunno.
- Okay. We'll try
something else.
- Okay. (moaning)
(dramatic music)
(Bruce grunts)
(intense music)
- Help! Help!
(blood squishes)
- [All] Cheers.
(group grunting)
(group coughing)
- I can't.
- Oh, come on, party pooper.
It tastes great.
- I can drink it for you.
- Hey. No, that's Kate's shot.
Come on. One shot's
not gonna kill you.
You're in good company.
- [Group] (chanting)
Katie, Katie, Katie,
Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie!
- Dribble much?
- Okay?
- Wanna do another one?
- Um, yeah.
I, I just gotta go to
the bathroom first.
- Okay.
- Do you want me
to come with you?
- [Kate] No, I won't be long.
- I think you should stop
mothering her that much.
- Hey, after what she
just went through.
I'm trying to help.
- Looks like Judy's gonna
save the day yet again.
- What the hell are you
going to do to help her?
- You're gonna see it later.
- A toast.
- To Kate?
I hope she'll find
someone who loves her
as much as I love Alex.
- Oh geez. I'm gonna
barf after that shot.
(dramatic music)
- [Group] To Kate. To Kate.
(Kate retching and gasping)
- Please don't be Spencer.
Please. Don't be Spencer.
(dramatic music continues)
(floor creaking)
(intense music)
- So, lemme get this straight.
You believe the
man to be homeless,
say he was attacked by a bear,
after which he tried to hide
out in one of your cabins.
- Yes, we have
bears and wild boar
occasionally coming
up these parts.
Must have attacked him.
- Yeah, but why would he
be saying the word pig?
- Heaven knows. I really don't.
- [Judy] Was it the pig person?
- Who?
- I mean,
the big person, have you heard?
- Yeah. Let me deal with this.
Please, don't shut
down the camp officer.
It's nothing but a coincidence.
I really had no idea
he'd entered the camp.
- Well, he seems to
have calmed down now.
Are you okay ma'am?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Right.
Well look, I'm not gonna
close the camp down,
but please if you see
anything else suspicious,
do call the local station.
As for our friend out there,
I'll take him down the hospital.
Whatever beast did this to him
left him with some gnarly marks.
You folks have a good one.
(dramatic music)
- I am so sorry
about all of this.
- [Alex] Is there anything
that we should be afraid of?
- Is the pig person
coming to get us?
- Please stop
talking about that.
- No, no.
Like I told the officer,
the animals don't dare
to come into camp.
We have bayonets and other
safety measures to protect us.
You really have
nothing to worry about.
- Maybe we shouldn't stay.
- Guys.
I spent like a month's
paycheck on this weekend
and besides, this
Kate's 21st birthday.
We have to stay.
- I assure you all,
everything is fine.
Please, I'd really like you
to stay and enjoy yourselves.
- [Susie] See?
- Well, I think the
most interesting thing
that happened since we got here.
I'm staying.
- Plus, there's
a Jacuzzi outside
and none of us have
been in there yet, so.
- I don't know.
- Hey, I still have
your birthday present
and I'm not trying to bribe you,
but I would like to
give it to you here.
- Alright, fine. I'll stay.
(group cheering)
- You girls are going
to have the best time.
You know what? Why don't I
go and warm up the jacuzzi.
- Heck yeah. Woo!
- [Judy] Come on,
let's have some fun.
There she is.
(group laughs)
- What, what games
are we gonna play?
- Ring of fire.
- Lame-o. (laughing)
(birds chirping)
- Riley?
(dramatic music)
Guys, where are you?
(intense music)
(pig person growls)
(Courtney screams)
(Courtney screaming and crying)
(intense music continues)
(Courtney screaming)
(dramatic music)
(blood squishes)
- That's you, girl.
We like to give Katie
'cause Katie's our mate
And when we drink with Katie,
she gets it down in eight
(Kate grunts)
(group laughing)
- I think I'm going to
take a little breather.
- I love the sound of a little
breather. Everyone gather.
Mama Judith has a story for you.
- You guys, I wanna keep going.
- Consider it an
intermission, a little story
for the birthday girl.
- I bet you a million dollars
I know what it's about.
- I know. It's about
friends, right?
Coming together, sharing
the love, all of that jazz.
- Yeah.
Well, if you haven't
noticed it already,
I've been obsessed
with it lately.
And yeah, this story
is about a pig person,
but I have my own version of it.
- Your version?
What the hell's that mean?
- It means shut up,
little miss big mouth.
- Hey.
- Whatever. It's fine.
- Well, anyway, there are lots
of stories if you
look up online,
but I picked my favorite one.
So, once there was
a runt of a man.
He was a youngest and
scrawniest of six.
Beaten by his father and
mother, rejected by his family.
He was affectionately
called the Piglet.
- Piglet? What kind
of name is that?
- Sh, this is getting good.
- Anyway, like in
every good story,
Piglet fell in
love with a woman.
And the woman's
name was Katherine.
- [Alex] Like Kate's real name?
- Yeah. Like Kate.
So Kate, I mean Katherine,
she, she loved Piglet.
She adored him and
they went out together,
and at some point Piglets
started working out.
And he got really big and
buff and Katherine loved it.
And, also he were the first man
who ever told her
that he loved her.
But, one day
Piglet got really angry
and he beat Katherine
to, to get his pain out.
- How fucking dare you?
- Hey!
- You really wanna
go there? Huh?
- Susie? Susie!
- I told you not
to mention that!
- I haven't finished the story.
Haven't finished my story.
- No, stop, stop, stop.
- I haven't finished the story.
Like in, in my, in my story,
I had a different ending.
And Katherine, she,
she beat the piglet.
I mean, Spencer.
- That wasn't cool, Jude.
I mean, haven't-
- [Kate] What the fuck?
- I haven't finished it.
Well anyway, I got some kush.
Do you want, do you wanna smoke?
- You better not, Alex.
- Will you shut up?
You little miss freak control.
She's an adult. She
can decide it herself.
- Will you shut the fuck up?
Little miss this,
little miss that.
Do you think that cute?
It's annoying as fuck.
And you know what? You are the
saddest person I've ever met.
Why don't you just shut the
fuck up, little miss burnout?
- [Alex] Jude, she
didn't mean it.
You didn't mean it.
- Sure. Just gonna go.
- No.
- Yeah, thank you.
- Fuck.
- Was I wrong?
- I've never seen you
get that angry before.
- I'm sorry, I
just lost my cool.
- No, that's fine.
It was kind of hot.
- I wasn't expecting that.
- I just wanna
have a good night.
- But what about Judith?
- What about me and you go
and get in that hot tub?
- Okay.
(birds chirping)
- Girls, I'm not in the mood.
I s...
What are you doing here?
- I'm sorry.
I heard screaming
and I was worried.
- I haven't heard any screaming.
- You seem like a nice girl.
I, I don't want you to get hurt.
- Stop. Don't come any closer.
- Hey, get the
fuck away from her.
- Please, listen to me.
He'll kill you if you-
- Do you want me to tell
the owner of the camp
that you're here?
- Fucking assholes.
I'm just trying
to help and shit.
Hm, that was Courtney things.
(dramatic music)
(Courtney hyperventilating)
- Oh my god. Oh my god.
Sh, sh. He's gonna hear.
- Who? Who's gonna hear?
(both whimpering)
- Oh my god.
(Judith speaking indistinctly)
(sobbing) You have
to hide. You have to.
Wait, no, he's coming.
You have to hide. You
have to hide. (whimpering)
(intense music)
Please, please.
Please, I'm begging you,
please don't hurt me.
Get your hands
off me, dirty pig!
(Courtney screaming)
(Courtney choking)
(intense music continues)
(Judith screaming and crying)
(bones crack)
- Hey, I'm sorry about Judith.
- It's my fault. I
shouldn't be so sensitive.
- No, you need to stop
saying that it's your fault.
It's not. What you went
through was really fucked up.
- I don't know, like
ever since Spencer,
I, I feel like he's out
there watching me, hiding,
you know, ready to
appear at any point.
- Okay,
- Well I have
something to tell you.
- What?
- I got a job.
- Where?
- Salt Lake City.
- (gasps) What?
No way. That's amazing.
- And I want you
to come with me.
- You want me to come with you?
- Why not?
I mean, you're not
with Spencer anymore
and I've saved up enough money.
So, I think it would
be good for us.
I think it would
be good for you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- I don't know what to say.
- You say yes.
- Yes. Yes!
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Really?
- Yes!
- (giggles) I'm so happy.
(birds calling)
- Oh God. I dunno
what's getting into me.
- I really don't mind.
(dramatic music)
(both moaning)
- What the fuck?
- What the fuck is your problem?
- Sorry. I just-
- Is this why you
wanted us here?
You fucking pervert.
- Diane, calm down.
He said he's sorry.
- It's not enough to say sorry.
Hey, look at me when
I'm talking to you.
What do you want?
- I'm just going into
town for a few things.
Wondering if you want-
- We don't need anything.
Mind fucking off.
- Holy shit. This is
what gets me going.
- I can't really do it.
- Diane, where are you going?
- I've got a headache.
- Sorry. I will take a nap.
- I'm not in the mood, Alex.
- Fine.
Bet you're having much more
fun than me right now, Judith.
(water spraying)
(intense music)
(Diane screaming)
(Diane screaming)
Jude? Is that you?
Holy shit, you scared
the fuck outta me.
- And you're drunk.
- So Diane and I just
got into a little bit
of a itty bitty argument
and now she's gone to
sleep for the night.
- And Judith?
- I dunno,
smoking weed somewhere
in the forest.
- Are you sure that's safe?
- You know Jude. She's more
alert when she's stoned.
She'll be fine.
- I'm sorry you guys, but this
is like really weird, right?
I mean, where is everyone?
- I just told you,
Diane is sleeping
and Jude is somewhere
getting stoned in the forest.
- No, but I mean like
everyone like Riley, Bruce,
Courtney, and
where's Mr. Hogarth?
- For the second time tonight,
he's gone to the
shop to get supplies.
- Did you guys hear that?
(dramatic music)
- Why do I suddenly have
a bad feeling about this?
- You're not the only one.
- Okay. Mr. Hogarth said there's
a landline in his office.
We, we can try to
make a phone call
and hope it's not locked.
- Do you think Riley, Bruce
and Courtney are okay?
- They should be here by now.
Okay, let's go.
- What about Judith?
- Honestly, Kate,
Judith is at least about
problems right now.
- Girls, I'm not coming.
I'm, I'm gonna stay
and look for them.
- What? Why?
- Ever since we've
been here, Di Diane,
she's been getting
so fucking agitated.
What if she's gone into
the woods to find Judith
and they're they're
fighting or something.
- [Susie] Alex, Diane is fine.
Besides, she can hold
her own with Judith.
- I'm gonna stay.
Okay? I need to find them.
I can't leave.
- Okay.
There's a town five miles
north. We'll be back soon.
(dramatic music)
(doors thud)
(engine screeching)
- What the fuck's...
- What? What's happened?
- [Susie] No fuel.
- Are you kidding?
- Do you think Mr. Hogarth
has any lying around here?
- Maybe.
You guys, what the
fuck is going on?
Honestly, I can't
shake this feeling.
- Me, too.
That's why we need to find them.
That's why we need
to stick together.
Do you think? Do you
think it's Spence?
- No, no, no, no. He's not here.
And, and I I think we
should just go back
to the cabin and wait for
Mr. Hogarth to get back.
- It's not gonna be-
- Wait a fucking second!
This place is huge.
There's cabins everywhere.
They could be anywhere and
they're out there alone.
So I'm gonna go and
find them. Okay?
- Alex, No, no, no.
Wait, wait. Alex!
(dramatic music)
- Girls, I think we
need to split up.
I'm gonna go that way
and I think you should
go back to the cabin.
They might be back there.
See you in a bit.
(dramatic music)
- Shit. Fuck!
Her fault for coming here.
I'll distract her.
Then, she's all yours.
- Diane? Jude!
- [Mr. Hogarth] Help me.
- Fucking shit!
- Help me, please.
- What's happened?
- We need to hide.
- I can't, I can't fucking
hide. Where's Diane?
Where's Jude?
- I don't know.
- What do you mean
you don't know?
Have you not seen
anyone? Where are they?
- I'm so sorry about what's
going to happen to you.
(Alex screaming indistinctly)
(strike thuds)
(intense music)
(dramatic music)
- Diane? (panting)
(strikes thudding)
(pig person panting)
(intense music)
- Oh, fuck.
It's been two hours.
Where the hell are they?
- Nothing good ever happens.
Nothing good ever happens.
Nothing good ever happens.
- What?
- Nothing good ever happens.
Whenever something good happens,
there's something
to turn it bad.
I mean, last time I saw Spencer,
he told me he would find me
and make my life a living hell.
What the fuck do you call this?
- Jesus Christ, Kate.
Can you drop the fucking
Spencer shit and grow up?
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Hey, I'm sure
there's a logical
explanation for all this.
- Yeah.
(someone knocks)
Susie, don't. Please.
- It could be Mr. Hogarth.
(dramatic music)
- What the hell
are you doing here?
- I'm sorry.
I tried to leave. I swear.
Swear I did, but you
really need to go
before he gets you.
- We can't.
- But you're in danger.
Come with me.
- We have no fuel
for car (indistinct).
- A lot. A full tank in my car.
- Okay, so you go and you
siphon the fuel from your car
and you put it in our car.
- Susie, what the fuck?
- I could give you a ride.
- No, we wanna
drive our own car.
- Are you actually insane?
- We need to get out
the hell outta here.
- What if here trying
to fucking help us?
- Listen to me.
We need to get to the road
and if we are lucky, we
will find Mr. Hogarth
and everything will be okay.
- Okay.
- Okay?
(someone knocks)
Oh my God. We don't
need your fucking help!
(Susie gasping)
Oh God, we need to get
the fuck outta here!
Let's go! Go!
(intense music)
- Fuck.
- Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
No. Shit.
(doors rattling)
(Kate whimpering)
(Kate choking)
(Kate screaming)
(extinguisher sprays)
- Don't shoot us, please.
- Get down!
(gun blasts)
- I didn't think the
stories were true.
I, I, I just, what?
What, why do you,
why, why do you...
- My dad taught us how to shoot.
- You say one word and I'll
blow your fucking head off.
- What are you doing?
I just saved your life.
- Yeah, well, I don't
trust you. Who are you?
- I, I hunt around these parts.
- Yeah, you hunt girls?
- No, I, I just, ah,
I can't explain it.
- Then, save it.
You're gonna take me
and my sister into town.
- Susie!
- Kate, stay out of it.
- Okay. Okay.
Follow me.
(intense music)
I just, I heard stories
about Mr. Hogarth
keeping this pig
thing at the camp,
but I didn't ever think that-
- Do you have rope?
- In the boot.
- Kate, grab it
and tie his hands.
Don't you fucking move.
- So, what were you
saying about Mr. Hogarth?
- He's the one I thought
was killing those people.
Not, not that pig thing.
- What?
- There's something
wrong with Mr. Hogarth.
He, he told me he'd kill me
if I ever hunted on his land.
And people were saying
that this camp is like a
Bermuda Triangle or something.
Then I saw you girls and
I, I I couldn't let you in.
I couldn't let you
stay, but I just,
I'm not very good at
expressing myself.
- Susie, I think he's
telling the truth.
- I don't fucking believe him.
- Listen to me.
Mr. Hogarth is the one
with the fucking problems.
- Where are your keys?
- My pocket.
- I'll drive.
- You can't let Mr.
Hogarth get away with this.
We, we need to hand
him to the police.
- The police?
Who do you think people are
gonna believe, a nice old man
or some guy who can't get
his fucking story straight?
- He's gonna let that
pig loose to kill people.
- I don't wanna shoot anybody.
- Thank God I found you.
How can you be keeping
an abomination like that?
- Me?
- Girls.
Kate, we really must do
something about this man.
This man, he's been
keeping a blood-thirsty,
disgusting monster
outside my camp.
He's highly dangerous.
And, and he's-
- Don't fucking say that!
- Sweetheart,
give me the rifle.
- [Bret] Fuck!
- I can do it.
- Kate. Kate, give
Mr. Hogarth the rifle.
(dramatic music)
(Kate and Susie
gasping and crying)
(Kate and Susie screaming)
No, Kate! Kate!
Fuck! No.
(gun blasts)
Ah! Ow!
Oh fuck! (wailing)
Oh my god! (screaming)
- You find 'em. Get 'em.
(dramatic music)
- Ah. Oh my god.
Ah! Ah, Kate.
You need to leave. You
need to leave me. (crying)
- Come on. Get up!
Get up. Get the fuck up!
- Look at my leg.
Look at my leg, Kate.
I'm dying.
Kate, Listen to me. Look at me.
Look at me in the eye.
If you are lucky, you
could get to the road
and you'll be safe
and you'll be fine.
- I'm not leaving you. I can't.
- Kate, you're going to.
Don't do it for yourself.
You do it for me, okay?
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Get the fuck outta here.
Get the fuck outta here.
Get the fuck outta here.
(dramatic music)
You want me? You big fucking
pig, you come and get me.
(dramatic music)
(Susie speaking indistinctly)
(Susie grunting)
(door thuds)
- Oh my God. No, no. (panting)
Ah! Ah! (crying)
- You fucking son of a bitch.
Where's the birthday girl?
Funny. You were so
vocal not so long ago.
- She's long gone.
- (laughs) We'll see.
You like her?
You like him?
You should see him
without that thing on.
If she's not the
one, just try not
to make too much of a mess.
(dramatic music)
- (spits) Fuck you,
you piece of shit.
(Susie grunting)
(Susie crying)
Kate. Kate, what the fuck?
- Listen to me.
Listen, I'm gonna get you
outta this, okay? Okay.
- Do not. Leave them, Kate.
Please, please them. Leave them.
Okay? Look at me, Kate.
If you love me, Kate, if you
love me, you'll leave me.
If you love me, you'll go
and you will live your life
and you will be happy, okay?
You let me go. Okay?
- I'm not going to do that.
- No.
- I am not gonna do that.
I can't.
- Kate, just leave them
please. Just leave them.
Leave them. Leave them.
Listen to me. Kate, Kate, Kate.
- I can't do it.
- No, I know you can't.
And you won't. Okay?
You're not going
to. Listen to me.
Listen to you are gonna move on
from all this, all the
shit that's happened.
Okay? Listen to me, and
you are gonna be okay.
Kate, listen to me.
I love you. Okay?
I love you. I will
always love you.
Please go.
(sad music)
(door thuds)
(intense music)
(Susie panting and crying)
Fucking no! (sobbing)
- Please, help me! Help me!
Please, please help
me! Help, please.
- Jesus Christ. What the
hell happened to you?
- My sister, my friends.
They're, they're all dead.
- Calm down.
Calm down. Calm down.
We're gonna go back to my car.
We're gonna go to the station
and we'll get that
son of a bitch.
Come on.
(Kate panting)
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- You should've just
done what Piglet wanted.
(intense music)
- Oh, look, she's woken up.
- There she is.
Shall we?
- Of course.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Katie
Happy birthday to you
Forgotten your manners?
Rude of you not
to say thank you.
Look, it's your
birthday. Now, eat.
- Your food will get cold.
(Kate gagging)
- [Officer] Ugh. Disgusting.
- Please, please let me go.
- We can't do that. Now, can we?
I've heard you were
the last one left.
- Not a bad thing, either.
I liked you the most,
compared with your friends.
I set this up just for you two.
- Please, please,
please, just let me go.
I, I, I, I, I promise I'm
not gonna tell anybody.
Please just let me go.
- Piglet's chosen you.
We want you to join the family.
Brother Piglet needs a mate.
He has to wear this mask,
but he'll take it off for
the honeymoon. (laughing)
- He's your brother? You
guys are fucking sick!
- Oh, all three of us.
Officer Burke, Piglet
and myself, all of us
from the same loins.
- I, I thought Piglet was-
- All the stories
you heard were wrong.
We'd write a book about it,
but we didn't want
anybody to know.
- [Kate] Know what?
- We want to breed
Piglet with you
built a whole race.
Unkillable humans.
- It's fucking disgusting.
- You see my brother
there was to die.
Until he was injected by some
fucking weird shit in a prison
by some mad scientist.
I realized he couldn't be killed
no matter what
anyone did to him.
- Which got us to
thinking, hell,
why don't we create an army?
Your children will
be indestructible.
- You're all fucked!
- Oh, looks like he
wants some action.
- [Officer] Don't make him
angry now, Kate, be smart.
- [Mr. Hogarth] Before
you both get too excited,
we still have some
preparations to do
for the meeting ceremony.
- (stuttering)
Ceremony? (crying)
- Gonna listen to
Brother Hogarth, Piglet.
That's an order.
Don't worry. You'll get
your fun with her later.
(dramatic music)
You've barely
touched your dinner.
Trust me. It taste amazing.
(intense music)
You even sweat fear.
You smell ripe.
Virgin blood.
You have lovely skin.
(Kate screams)
Where are my manners?
Getting ahead of myself.
So, you ever had
a real man before?
Would you prefer pigs?
- I've never been
with a man before.
- [Officer] Oh, no?
- No.
- Would you like
one before tonight?
- Yeah.
I'd love to right here.
Right now.
- Get on the table.
You'll want me over that pig
after I'm through with ya.
- Fuck you!
(officer screaming)
- I'm gonna kill you,
you little fucking whore.
(Kate screaming)
(Mr. Hogarth yelping)
(Mr. Hogarth choking)
(Kate panting)
(intense music)
(door thuds)
(engine rumbles)
- Fuck you, you fucking pig!
(Piglet wails)
(intense music continues)
(gasps) Shit.
Fuck! (panting)
Not again. No. (crying)
(dramatic music)
Please! Somebody help me.
Please! Someone help me!
(dramatic music continues)
- Who the fuck are you? What
are you doing on my property?
- Please, please.
You have to help me.
- Who's is that blood on you?
- I, I know how this
looks right now.
I know, but you
have to believe me.
There's something out there
that killed all my friends.
Please. You have to help me.
- I don't care what shit
you got yourself into, girl,
just turn around and
get on the floor.
- I beg you, please
don't do this.
- Just get on the
fucking floor, now.
Don't fucking move. I'm
gonna call the cops on you.
- No, he's behind you!
(resident grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Kate grunting)
(Kate screaming)
(door thuds)
(Kate hyperventilating)
(Kate gasps)
(car thuds)
(glass shatters)
(Kate coughing)
Ah! (crying)
(Kate gasping)
(fire blazing)
(intense music)
(Kate screaming)
(birds calling)
(Piglet thuds)
(Kate grunting)
This is for my friends
and this is for my
sister! (grunting)
Ooh, ooh
Rotten by the lies,
the fear, the cries
Beyond our tears
with darkened eyes
Broken mirrors
tell the years
God, I left the pain,
the arguing, the blame
(distorted voice
speaking indistinctly)
Dawn breaks through
the crimson light
All rise from the grave
Hunted through
the midnight skies
You can bury me
(distorted voice
speaking indistinctly)
It's in your eyes, ooh
The red little
devil inside, ooh
Ink in the skies
(voice whispers indistinctly)
Coming out to play
A big, bad wolf, they say
All huff and no puff,
don't call me a bluff
'Til we're face to face
Ready for the taste
Is it the fun you crave?
All huff and no puff
Don't call me a bluff 'til
we're face to face, ooh
Fire burning into my soul
I am alive
Took the venom,
turn it in honey
Goal, dag, did I just
cough the tooth and blood
It's written in code
Been moving
through our veins
My heart is pumping,
black from the coal
(music distorts)
It's in your eyes, ooh
Came at you with
a surprise, ooh
Pink is what I despise
Ooh, face to face
Coming out to play
A big, bad wolf, they say
All huff and no puff
Don't call me a bluff
'til we're face to face
Ready for the taste
Is it the fun you crave?
All huff and no puff
Don't call me a bluff
'till we're face to face
Face to face
(intense music)
- What's going on?
Why have we stopped?
- [Driver] Guys I'm
just going for a piss.
- Oh, for fuck's sake.
You're kidding me.
- [Driver] I'll
only be a minute.
(intense music)
- Billy, why don't you take
a photo? It lasts longer.
- I'm sorry.
I just, is it true what
they say about him?
About the experiment
and his family?
- Well, you know about
Dr. Bickley, right?
I mean he's the bastard
that turned this thing
into the monster it is now.
Weren't you briefed?
- No, I just heard
what the others said.
- Sick fuck. He killed
his entire fucking family.
- What did he do that for?
- Don't know.
Don't wanna know.
What I do know is when this
thing was the smallest man,
thinnest, skinniest man
in that entire prison.
So of course it jumped
to the chance to be part
of Dr. Bickley's experiment.
Why wouldn't it?
Dr. Bickley done him a favor.
Getting outta there was the best
thing that could have
happened to him. (indistinct)
- Well, what did Dr. Bickley do?
- He injected him.
Injected him with some
sort of toxic growth serums
or some shit like that.
Look at it. It grew, expanded.
Looks like some weird
professional wrestler.
Did you not know about
the mass (indistinct)?
That thing spread for about
12 different cell books.
I mean, this thing murdered
about half the inmates,
almost half the prison wardens.
Even murdered Mike's mother.
Didn't you?
Didn't you, sick fuck?
That's why we're here.
We're here to stamp
out this evil.
We should get rid of it.
Lethal injection. How does
that sound, you sick fuck?
You ready to die?
- Wh, what's he doing?
- The fuck is wrong with you?
(prisoner panting)
(officer grunting)
- (screaming) Gage!
(vehicle thudding and squeaking)
(dramatic music)
(officer grunting)
(officer screaming)
(vehicle squeaking)
(dramatic music)
(officer screaming)
(officer whimpering)
(officer screaming)
(officer choking)
(stairs creak)
(dramatic music continues)
(footsteps thud)
(intense music)
(door creaks)
(chains rattle)
(intense music continues)
(prisoner growls)
(brakes screech)
(passengers grunt)
- Shit, Kate.
- Well, it's not my fault
little miss birthday
girl can't hold her soda.
- Fuck you, Judy.
- Right back at you.
- Hey, hey, hey.
(Kate retching)
That's okay.
- [Judy] Okay girls, let's
have a look around. Hmm?
Shall we?
- Yeah, let's go.
(doors thud)
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
I think I might skip out on
the, you know, drinking tonight.
- Kate, it's your 21st.
Look, if it's Judith's driving
or the pig person shit,
I'll understand.
But I
- No, it's not that.
(dramatic music)
- God I hope Kate's okay.
She looks so pale.
- Maybe someone should stop
talking about these dumb stories
that don't even exist.
- Hey, how the heck do you know?
I haven't even gotten
close to the good part
of the pig person legend, dude.
- Whatever.
- I just thought I saw
his car five miles back.
- Kate, that wasn't his car.
- Look, he would be
insane if he showed up.
- But he is insane, Susie.
- I know, I know.
- Well, you know, I
just find it fascinating
that we are going to
be in the same place
where it all supposedly
happened all those years ago.
Are you guys getting scared
of being eaten or what?
Not a fan of a killer pork. Huh?
- Is she always this annoying?
I see we're not afraid
getting rear ended.
- Bite me, little miss
where we're going.
I haven't seen a car
in like five miles.
- Oh, do you? Look,
just gimme a map, okay?
- Hey, it's either me
or birthday girl who
gets to use the map.
Not you.
- What about your best friend?
Uh huh huh huh, you joined the
dark side, little miss lesbo.
You touch my map, you die.
- That's not even funny,
Judy. Like at all.
- It's okay. It's okay.
It's just how we
talk to each other.
Look, I'm not leaving this camp
until yous two are best friends.
- (chuckles) Looks like we're
gonna die in this county, huh?
- Happy. Can't wait.
- Can already tell This
is gonna go so well,
but girls, I think we
should start getting back,
just check Kate's okay.
- Okay.
- [Judy] Good idea.
- But that's over now. Okay?
And, I'm not gonna
let anyone hurt you.
(dramatic music)
- Promise?
- I promise.
(skin ripping)
(blood squishing)
(pig person panting)
- What the fuck are you doing?
I ought to ration your food
for losing that other man.
What if he finds
people, huh? Then what?
I've got us some girls renting
the camp for the weekend.
You choose whichever you want
and we'll put the
rest in the freezer
and ration til we get
more in (indistinct).
How's that sound? Good.
They'll be here soon.
(dramatic music)
And quit playing with your food.
(birds chirping)
- Come on.
I don't have all
day and, you know,
we still don't
know where we are.
- Look. Over there.
Maybe they could help us?
- You think so?
- Hey. Hi.
Hello. Excuse me.
Do you know how to
get to Camp Festoon?
- Hi, we're not from around
here and we rented some cabins
and we're wondering
if maybe you-
- Don't go up to Camp Festoon.
- So you know where it is.
- Bad things happen to
people who visit that camp.
It's not safe.
If he finds you, he
will want you forever.
- Hey, hey. I just got signal.
Apparently we just
need to go up the road
for half a mile and make a left.
Let's go.
- Oh, well, thank you.
(dramatic music)
- Least you didn't
(indistinct) nothing.
(intense music)
(doors thudding)
- Holy shit.
This piece is beautiful.
- Speaking of beautiful.
- Look what I've got.
Like in high school, yeah?
Hell yeah.
Diane, you wanna?
Maybe later?
- You guys, I can't
believe we beat them here.
- I know. It's
like only a tenner.
(group laughing)
- Is it weird that they
didn't get here yet, though?
- Don't you think they got
stopped by that weird guy
with the riffle and
maybe he shot them
and skinned them alive
and was wearing their skin
and feeding their remains
to the pig person?
- Hey, well you're
a freak. Okay?
Can you please control her?
- Hey.
- Well we all started talking
about the pig person, right?
Who's to say?
- Okay, let's just take
the pleasant things
for now and save the scary
stories and shit for school.
- I just had a really nice
scary story for you guys.
- Oh, let me guess.
Is it about a pig?
- Maybe.
- Okay, easy on the horn.
Thank you. For me, please.
- [Judy] Okay.
(Kate gasps)
oh my gosh. I'm sorry.
- Okay, let's go explore and
see if we can find Mr. Hobarth.
Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go.
(intense music)
- God, they're still here.
Can you believe it's been 10
years since we've been here?
- Mm, and I see they still
don't have any locks.
- Hey, you're fine. I mean it.
And once you meet Mr. Hogarth,
your mind will be
put at ease, okay?
- (knocking) Hello? Mr.
Hogarth, it's me, Susie Danzik.
We rented the cabins
for the weekend.
(Judy knocks)
Okay, well my guess is
we must have missed him
on the way up.
Let's check the
parking lot? Come on.
(dramatic music)
- Hello there.
- Oh my God.
- Oh my God.
- I'm sorry if I frightened you.
- Oh, are...
- I'm Mr. Hogarth.
Are you the girl I
spoke to earlier?
- Yeah, I'm Susie.
These are my friends and
that's my sister Kate.
- The girl. I just
frightened. Your name's Kate?
I'm sorry to frighten you Kate.
I'll try not to do it again.
(dramatic music)
So, are you girls ready
for the grand tour?
(engine knocking)
(door thuds)
- Oh Christ.
(hood thuds)
- Damn it. I really wanted
to beat them to the camp.
- Yeah, we still might.
Look, check it.
We're here and the camp,
it's literally through
those woods over there.
- We can't do that.
- What other choice do we have?
When was the last time you
saw another car besides ours
Travel past this way?
- Okay. I guess we
don't have a choice.
- Great. So you gonna
tell your sister or am I?
- Hey.
- We're not gonna be
able to drive anymore.
We'll need to walk through
the forest to go to the camp.
Okay, we can do that.
(dramatic music)
- Great. It'll be fun.
- And this right
here is the jacuzzi.
- Jacuzzi!
- Ah. Why is it cold?
- I need to fill it up.
- I think we can do that later.
We should set the
celebration for Kate.
(group cheerfully exclaims)
- What's the occasion?
- It's her 21st birthday.
What the occasion, huh?
- That's right. Susie
told me on the phone.
Well, that's me done.
Have fun, girls.
Any other questions
before I get back to it?
- Oh, actually, yeah. Do
you have cell service here?
- Sadly, no. It's
very remote here.
There's a landline in my office.
You're welcome to use it
anytime. Just let me know.
I'm usually in there if I'm
not chopping wood or painting.
(group laughs)
- Thank you for the
hospitality, Mr. Hogarth.
- Anytime. Oh, and
one more thing.
There are only five of you.
I thought you said
there'd be eight.
- Yeah, we have
more friends coming.
They're just in a separate car.
- Yeah, we beat their
asses on the here,
so we're gonna rub it in.
- [Alex] God, please.
- Well, that's all I needed
to know. Take care, girls.
- Anyone get a really
weird vibe from that guy?
- Oh no. He was nice.
Don't be like that.
He was looking at your ass.
- Who wouldn't?
- Come on guys, let's get
ready to give Kate here a day.
she will never forget.
(dramatic music)
- Courtney. What's wrong?
- Shit.
- Courtney please, not now.
- Think it's kind of sweet
that she's in her
own little world.
- That's one of the reasons
why I worry about her so much.
- She'll be fine.
- Courtney?
- What's wrong?
- Looks like we're gonna
be here for a while.
She want to stay here until
she finishes her drawing.
- Damn it.
How how long is we gonna take
her to finish her drawing?
- I dunno. Anywhere from
30 minutes to an hour.
- Well, it does give
us plenty of time.
- Ever done it in the woods?
- No, but it sounds fun.
- Well, what are we waiting for?
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(Riley moaning softly)
(both moaning)
- Wait, what? What's that?
- There's nothing come on.
- Wait, wait Bruce.
I don't dunno.
- Okay. We'll try
something else.
- Okay. (moaning)
(dramatic music)
(Bruce grunts)
(intense music)
- Help! Help!
(blood squishes)
- [All] Cheers.
(group grunting)
(group coughing)
- I can't.
- Oh, come on, party pooper.
It tastes great.
- I can drink it for you.
- Hey. No, that's Kate's shot.
Come on. One shot's
not gonna kill you.
You're in good company.
- [Group] (chanting)
Katie, Katie, Katie,
Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie!
- Dribble much?
- Okay?
- Wanna do another one?
- Um, yeah.
I, I just gotta go to
the bathroom first.
- Okay.
- Do you want me
to come with you?
- [Kate] No, I won't be long.
- I think you should stop
mothering her that much.
- Hey, after what she
just went through.
I'm trying to help.
- Looks like Judy's gonna
save the day yet again.
- What the hell are you
going to do to help her?
- You're gonna see it later.
- A toast.
- To Kate?
I hope she'll find
someone who loves her
as much as I love Alex.
- Oh geez. I'm gonna
barf after that shot.
(dramatic music)
- [Group] To Kate. To Kate.
(Kate retching and gasping)
- Please don't be Spencer.
Please. Don't be Spencer.
(dramatic music continues)
(floor creaking)
(intense music)
- So, lemme get this straight.
You believe the
man to be homeless,
say he was attacked by a bear,
after which he tried to hide
out in one of your cabins.
- Yes, we have
bears and wild boar
occasionally coming
up these parts.
Must have attacked him.
- Yeah, but why would he
be saying the word pig?
- Heaven knows. I really don't.
- [Judy] Was it the pig person?
- Who?
- I mean,
the big person, have you heard?
- Yeah. Let me deal with this.
Please, don't shut
down the camp officer.
It's nothing but a coincidence.
I really had no idea
he'd entered the camp.
- Well, he seems to
have calmed down now.
Are you okay ma'am?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Right.
Well look, I'm not gonna
close the camp down,
but please if you see
anything else suspicious,
do call the local station.
As for our friend out there,
I'll take him down the hospital.
Whatever beast did this to him
left him with some gnarly marks.
You folks have a good one.
(dramatic music)
- I am so sorry
about all of this.
- [Alex] Is there anything
that we should be afraid of?
- Is the pig person
coming to get us?
- Please stop
talking about that.
- No, no.
Like I told the officer,
the animals don't dare
to come into camp.
We have bayonets and other
safety measures to protect us.
You really have
nothing to worry about.
- Maybe we shouldn't stay.
- Guys.
I spent like a month's
paycheck on this weekend
and besides, this
Kate's 21st birthday.
We have to stay.
- I assure you all,
everything is fine.
Please, I'd really like you
to stay and enjoy yourselves.
- [Susie] See?
- Well, I think the
most interesting thing
that happened since we got here.
I'm staying.
- Plus, there's
a Jacuzzi outside
and none of us have
been in there yet, so.
- I don't know.
- Hey, I still have
your birthday present
and I'm not trying to bribe you,
but I would like to
give it to you here.
- Alright, fine. I'll stay.
(group cheering)
- You girls are going
to have the best time.
You know what? Why don't I
go and warm up the jacuzzi.
- Heck yeah. Woo!
- [Judy] Come on,
let's have some fun.
There she is.
(group laughs)
- What, what games
are we gonna play?
- Ring of fire.
- Lame-o. (laughing)
(birds chirping)
- Riley?
(dramatic music)
Guys, where are you?
(intense music)
(pig person growls)
(Courtney screams)
(Courtney screaming and crying)
(intense music continues)
(Courtney screaming)
(dramatic music)
(blood squishes)
- That's you, girl.
We like to give Katie
'cause Katie's our mate
And when we drink with Katie,
she gets it down in eight
(Kate grunts)
(group laughing)
- I think I'm going to
take a little breather.
- I love the sound of a little
breather. Everyone gather.
Mama Judith has a story for you.
- You guys, I wanna keep going.
- Consider it an
intermission, a little story
for the birthday girl.
- I bet you a million dollars
I know what it's about.
- I know. It's about
friends, right?
Coming together, sharing
the love, all of that jazz.
- Yeah.
Well, if you haven't
noticed it already,
I've been obsessed
with it lately.
And yeah, this story
is about a pig person,
but I have my own version of it.
- Your version?
What the hell's that mean?
- It means shut up,
little miss big mouth.
- Hey.
- Whatever. It's fine.
- Well, anyway, there are lots
of stories if you
look up online,
but I picked my favorite one.
So, once there was
a runt of a man.
He was a youngest and
scrawniest of six.
Beaten by his father and
mother, rejected by his family.
He was affectionately
called the Piglet.
- Piglet? What kind
of name is that?
- Sh, this is getting good.
- Anyway, like in
every good story,
Piglet fell in
love with a woman.
And the woman's
name was Katherine.
- [Alex] Like Kate's real name?
- Yeah. Like Kate.
So Kate, I mean Katherine,
she, she loved Piglet.
She adored him and
they went out together,
and at some point Piglets
started working out.
And he got really big and
buff and Katherine loved it.
And, also he were the first man
who ever told her
that he loved her.
But, one day
Piglet got really angry
and he beat Katherine
to, to get his pain out.
- How fucking dare you?
- Hey!
- You really wanna
go there? Huh?
- Susie? Susie!
- I told you not
to mention that!
- I haven't finished the story.
Haven't finished my story.
- No, stop, stop, stop.
- I haven't finished the story.
Like in, in my, in my story,
I had a different ending.
And Katherine, she,
she beat the piglet.
I mean, Spencer.
- That wasn't cool, Jude.
I mean, haven't-
- [Kate] What the fuck?
- I haven't finished it.
Well anyway, I got some kush.
Do you want, do you wanna smoke?
- You better not, Alex.
- Will you shut up?
You little miss freak control.
She's an adult. She
can decide it herself.
- Will you shut the fuck up?
Little miss this,
little miss that.
Do you think that cute?
It's annoying as fuck.
And you know what? You are the
saddest person I've ever met.
Why don't you just shut the
fuck up, little miss burnout?
- [Alex] Jude, she
didn't mean it.
You didn't mean it.
- Sure. Just gonna go.
- No.
- Yeah, thank you.
- Fuck.
- Was I wrong?
- I've never seen you
get that angry before.
- I'm sorry, I
just lost my cool.
- No, that's fine.
It was kind of hot.
- I wasn't expecting that.
- I just wanna
have a good night.
- But what about Judith?
- What about me and you go
and get in that hot tub?
- Okay.
(birds chirping)
- Girls, I'm not in the mood.
I s...
What are you doing here?
- I'm sorry.
I heard screaming
and I was worried.
- I haven't heard any screaming.
- You seem like a nice girl.
I, I don't want you to get hurt.
- Stop. Don't come any closer.
- Hey, get the
fuck away from her.
- Please, listen to me.
He'll kill you if you-
- Do you want me to tell
the owner of the camp
that you're here?
- Fucking assholes.
I'm just trying
to help and shit.
Hm, that was Courtney things.
(dramatic music)
(Courtney hyperventilating)
- Oh my god. Oh my god.
Sh, sh. He's gonna hear.
- Who? Who's gonna hear?
(both whimpering)
- Oh my god.
(Judith speaking indistinctly)
(sobbing) You have
to hide. You have to.
Wait, no, he's coming.
You have to hide. You
have to hide. (whimpering)
(intense music)
Please, please.
Please, I'm begging you,
please don't hurt me.
Get your hands
off me, dirty pig!
(Courtney screaming)
(Courtney choking)
(intense music continues)
(Judith screaming and crying)
(bones crack)
- Hey, I'm sorry about Judith.
- It's my fault. I
shouldn't be so sensitive.
- No, you need to stop
saying that it's your fault.
It's not. What you went
through was really fucked up.
- I don't know, like
ever since Spencer,
I, I feel like he's out
there watching me, hiding,
you know, ready to
appear at any point.
- Okay,
- Well I have
something to tell you.
- What?
- I got a job.
- Where?
- Salt Lake City.
- (gasps) What?
No way. That's amazing.
- And I want you
to come with me.
- You want me to come with you?
- Why not?
I mean, you're not
with Spencer anymore
and I've saved up enough money.
So, I think it would
be good for us.
I think it would
be good for you.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- I don't know what to say.
- You say yes.
- Yes. Yes!
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Really?
- Yes!
- (giggles) I'm so happy.
(birds calling)
- Oh God. I dunno
what's getting into me.
- I really don't mind.
(dramatic music)
(both moaning)
- What the fuck?
- What the fuck is your problem?
- Sorry. I just-
- Is this why you
wanted us here?
You fucking pervert.
- Diane, calm down.
He said he's sorry.
- It's not enough to say sorry.
Hey, look at me when
I'm talking to you.
What do you want?
- I'm just going into
town for a few things.
Wondering if you want-
- We don't need anything.
Mind fucking off.
- Holy shit. This is
what gets me going.
- I can't really do it.
- Diane, where are you going?
- I've got a headache.
- Sorry. I will take a nap.
- I'm not in the mood, Alex.
- Fine.
Bet you're having much more
fun than me right now, Judith.
(water spraying)
(intense music)
(Diane screaming)
(Diane screaming)
Jude? Is that you?
Holy shit, you scared
the fuck outta me.
- And you're drunk.
- So Diane and I just
got into a little bit
of a itty bitty argument
and now she's gone to
sleep for the night.
- And Judith?
- I dunno,
smoking weed somewhere
in the forest.
- Are you sure that's safe?
- You know Jude. She's more
alert when she's stoned.
She'll be fine.
- I'm sorry you guys, but this
is like really weird, right?
I mean, where is everyone?
- I just told you,
Diane is sleeping
and Jude is somewhere
getting stoned in the forest.
- No, but I mean like
everyone like Riley, Bruce,
Courtney, and
where's Mr. Hogarth?
- For the second time tonight,
he's gone to the
shop to get supplies.
- Did you guys hear that?
(dramatic music)
- Why do I suddenly have
a bad feeling about this?
- You're not the only one.
- Okay. Mr. Hogarth said there's
a landline in his office.
We, we can try to
make a phone call
and hope it's not locked.
- Do you think Riley, Bruce
and Courtney are okay?
- They should be here by now.
Okay, let's go.
- What about Judith?
- Honestly, Kate,
Judith is at least about
problems right now.
- Girls, I'm not coming.
I'm, I'm gonna stay
and look for them.
- What? Why?
- Ever since we've
been here, Di Diane,
she's been getting
so fucking agitated.
What if she's gone into
the woods to find Judith
and they're they're
fighting or something.
- [Susie] Alex, Diane is fine.
Besides, she can hold
her own with Judith.
- I'm gonna stay.
Okay? I need to find them.
I can't leave.
- Okay.
There's a town five miles
north. We'll be back soon.
(dramatic music)
(doors thud)
(engine screeching)
- What the fuck's...
- What? What's happened?
- [Susie] No fuel.
- Are you kidding?
- Do you think Mr. Hogarth
has any lying around here?
- Maybe.
You guys, what the
fuck is going on?
Honestly, I can't
shake this feeling.
- Me, too.
That's why we need to find them.
That's why we need
to stick together.
Do you think? Do you
think it's Spence?
- No, no, no, no. He's not here.
And, and I I think we
should just go back
to the cabin and wait for
Mr. Hogarth to get back.
- It's not gonna be-
- Wait a fucking second!
This place is huge.
There's cabins everywhere.
They could be anywhere and
they're out there alone.
So I'm gonna go and
find them. Okay?
- Alex, No, no, no.
Wait, wait. Alex!
(dramatic music)
- Girls, I think we
need to split up.
I'm gonna go that way
and I think you should
go back to the cabin.
They might be back there.
See you in a bit.
(dramatic music)
- Shit. Fuck!
Her fault for coming here.
I'll distract her.
Then, she's all yours.
- Diane? Jude!
- [Mr. Hogarth] Help me.
- Fucking shit!
- Help me, please.
- What's happened?
- We need to hide.
- I can't, I can't fucking
hide. Where's Diane?
Where's Jude?
- I don't know.
- What do you mean
you don't know?
Have you not seen
anyone? Where are they?
- I'm so sorry about what's
going to happen to you.
(Alex screaming indistinctly)
(strike thuds)
(intense music)
(dramatic music)
- Diane? (panting)
(strikes thudding)
(pig person panting)
(intense music)
- Oh, fuck.
It's been two hours.
Where the hell are they?
- Nothing good ever happens.
Nothing good ever happens.
Nothing good ever happens.
- What?
- Nothing good ever happens.
Whenever something good happens,
there's something
to turn it bad.
I mean, last time I saw Spencer,
he told me he would find me
and make my life a living hell.
What the fuck do you call this?
- Jesus Christ, Kate.
Can you drop the fucking
Spencer shit and grow up?
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Hey, I'm sure
there's a logical
explanation for all this.
- Yeah.
(someone knocks)
Susie, don't. Please.
- It could be Mr. Hogarth.
(dramatic music)
- What the hell
are you doing here?
- I'm sorry.
I tried to leave. I swear.
Swear I did, but you
really need to go
before he gets you.
- We can't.
- But you're in danger.
Come with me.
- We have no fuel
for car (indistinct).
- A lot. A full tank in my car.
- Okay, so you go and you
siphon the fuel from your car
and you put it in our car.
- Susie, what the fuck?
- I could give you a ride.
- No, we wanna
drive our own car.
- Are you actually insane?
- We need to get out
the hell outta here.
- What if here trying
to fucking help us?
- Listen to me.
We need to get to the road
and if we are lucky, we
will find Mr. Hogarth
and everything will be okay.
- Okay.
- Okay?
(someone knocks)
Oh my God. We don't
need your fucking help!
(Susie gasping)
Oh God, we need to get
the fuck outta here!
Let's go! Go!
(intense music)
- Fuck.
- Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
No. Shit.
(doors rattling)
(Kate whimpering)
(Kate choking)
(Kate screaming)
(extinguisher sprays)
- Don't shoot us, please.
- Get down!
(gun blasts)
- I didn't think the
stories were true.
I, I, I just, what?
What, why do you,
why, why do you...
- My dad taught us how to shoot.
- You say one word and I'll
blow your fucking head off.
- What are you doing?
I just saved your life.
- Yeah, well, I don't
trust you. Who are you?
- I, I hunt around these parts.
- Yeah, you hunt girls?
- No, I, I just, ah,
I can't explain it.
- Then, save it.
You're gonna take me
and my sister into town.
- Susie!
- Kate, stay out of it.
- Okay. Okay.
Follow me.
(intense music)
I just, I heard stories
about Mr. Hogarth
keeping this pig
thing at the camp,
but I didn't ever think that-
- Do you have rope?
- In the boot.
- Kate, grab it
and tie his hands.
Don't you fucking move.
- So, what were you
saying about Mr. Hogarth?
- He's the one I thought
was killing those people.
Not, not that pig thing.
- What?
- There's something
wrong with Mr. Hogarth.
He, he told me he'd kill me
if I ever hunted on his land.
And people were saying
that this camp is like a
Bermuda Triangle or something.
Then I saw you girls and
I, I I couldn't let you in.
I couldn't let you
stay, but I just,
I'm not very good at
expressing myself.
- Susie, I think he's
telling the truth.
- I don't fucking believe him.
- Listen to me.
Mr. Hogarth is the one
with the fucking problems.
- Where are your keys?
- My pocket.
- I'll drive.
- You can't let Mr.
Hogarth get away with this.
We, we need to hand
him to the police.
- The police?
Who do you think people are
gonna believe, a nice old man
or some guy who can't get
his fucking story straight?
- He's gonna let that
pig loose to kill people.
- I don't wanna shoot anybody.
- Thank God I found you.
How can you be keeping
an abomination like that?
- Me?
- Girls.
Kate, we really must do
something about this man.
This man, he's been
keeping a blood-thirsty,
disgusting monster
outside my camp.
He's highly dangerous.
And, and he's-
- Don't fucking say that!
- Sweetheart,
give me the rifle.
- [Bret] Fuck!
- I can do it.
- Kate. Kate, give
Mr. Hogarth the rifle.
(dramatic music)
(Kate and Susie
gasping and crying)
(Kate and Susie screaming)
No, Kate! Kate!
Fuck! No.
(gun blasts)
Ah! Ow!
Oh fuck! (wailing)
Oh my god! (screaming)
- You find 'em. Get 'em.
(dramatic music)
- Ah. Oh my god.
Ah! Ah, Kate.
You need to leave. You
need to leave me. (crying)
- Come on. Get up!
Get up. Get the fuck up!
- Look at my leg.
Look at my leg, Kate.
I'm dying.
Kate, Listen to me. Look at me.
Look at me in the eye.
If you are lucky, you
could get to the road
and you'll be safe
and you'll be fine.
- I'm not leaving you. I can't.
- Kate, you're going to.
Don't do it for yourself.
You do it for me, okay?
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Get the fuck outta here.
Get the fuck outta here.
Get the fuck outta here.
(dramatic music)
You want me? You big fucking
pig, you come and get me.
(dramatic music)
(Susie speaking indistinctly)
(Susie grunting)
(door thuds)
- Oh my God. No, no. (panting)
Ah! Ah! (crying)
- You fucking son of a bitch.
Where's the birthday girl?
Funny. You were so
vocal not so long ago.
- She's long gone.
- (laughs) We'll see.
You like her?
You like him?
You should see him
without that thing on.
If she's not the
one, just try not
to make too much of a mess.
(dramatic music)
- (spits) Fuck you,
you piece of shit.
(Susie grunting)
(Susie crying)
Kate. Kate, what the fuck?
- Listen to me.
Listen, I'm gonna get you
outta this, okay? Okay.
- Do not. Leave them, Kate.
Please, please them. Leave them.
Okay? Look at me, Kate.
If you love me, Kate, if you
love me, you'll leave me.
If you love me, you'll go
and you will live your life
and you will be happy, okay?
You let me go. Okay?
- I'm not going to do that.
- No.
- I am not gonna do that.
I can't.
- Kate, just leave them
please. Just leave them.
Leave them. Leave them.
Listen to me. Kate, Kate, Kate.
- I can't do it.
- No, I know you can't.
And you won't. Okay?
You're not going
to. Listen to me.
Listen to you are gonna move on
from all this, all the
shit that's happened.
Okay? Listen to me, and
you are gonna be okay.
Kate, listen to me.
I love you. Okay?
I love you. I will
always love you.
Please go.
(sad music)
(door thuds)
(intense music)
(Susie panting and crying)
Fucking no! (sobbing)
- Please, help me! Help me!
Please, please help
me! Help, please.
- Jesus Christ. What the
hell happened to you?
- My sister, my friends.
They're, they're all dead.
- Calm down.
Calm down. Calm down.
We're gonna go back to my car.
We're gonna go to the station
and we'll get that
son of a bitch.
Come on.
(Kate panting)
- What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- You should've just
done what Piglet wanted.
(intense music)
- Oh, look, she's woken up.
- There she is.
Shall we?
- Of course.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Katie
Happy birthday to you
Forgotten your manners?
Rude of you not
to say thank you.
Look, it's your
birthday. Now, eat.
- Your food will get cold.
(Kate gagging)
- [Officer] Ugh. Disgusting.
- Please, please let me go.
- We can't do that. Now, can we?
I've heard you were
the last one left.
- Not a bad thing, either.
I liked you the most,
compared with your friends.
I set this up just for you two.
- Please, please,
please, just let me go.
I, I, I, I, I promise I'm
not gonna tell anybody.
Please just let me go.
- Piglet's chosen you.
We want you to join the family.
Brother Piglet needs a mate.
He has to wear this mask,
but he'll take it off for
the honeymoon. (laughing)
- He's your brother? You
guys are fucking sick!
- Oh, all three of us.
Officer Burke, Piglet
and myself, all of us
from the same loins.
- I, I thought Piglet was-
- All the stories
you heard were wrong.
We'd write a book about it,
but we didn't want
anybody to know.
- [Kate] Know what?
- We want to breed
Piglet with you
built a whole race.
Unkillable humans.
- It's fucking disgusting.
- You see my brother
there was to die.
Until he was injected by some
fucking weird shit in a prison
by some mad scientist.
I realized he couldn't be killed
no matter what
anyone did to him.
- Which got us to
thinking, hell,
why don't we create an army?
Your children will
be indestructible.
- You're all fucked!
- Oh, looks like he
wants some action.
- [Officer] Don't make him
angry now, Kate, be smart.
- [Mr. Hogarth] Before
you both get too excited,
we still have some
preparations to do
for the meeting ceremony.
- (stuttering)
Ceremony? (crying)
- Gonna listen to
Brother Hogarth, Piglet.
That's an order.
Don't worry. You'll get
your fun with her later.
(dramatic music)
You've barely
touched your dinner.
Trust me. It taste amazing.
(intense music)
You even sweat fear.
You smell ripe.
Virgin blood.
You have lovely skin.
(Kate screams)
Where are my manners?
Getting ahead of myself.
So, you ever had
a real man before?
Would you prefer pigs?
- I've never been
with a man before.
- [Officer] Oh, no?
- No.
- Would you like
one before tonight?
- Yeah.
I'd love to right here.
Right now.
- Get on the table.
You'll want me over that pig
after I'm through with ya.
- Fuck you!
(officer screaming)
- I'm gonna kill you,
you little fucking whore.
(Kate screaming)
(Mr. Hogarth yelping)
(Mr. Hogarth choking)
(Kate panting)
(intense music)
(door thuds)
(engine rumbles)
- Fuck you, you fucking pig!
(Piglet wails)
(intense music continues)
(gasps) Shit.
Fuck! (panting)
Not again. No. (crying)
(dramatic music)
Please! Somebody help me.
Please! Someone help me!
(dramatic music continues)
- Who the fuck are you? What
are you doing on my property?
- Please, please.
You have to help me.
- Who's is that blood on you?
- I, I know how this
looks right now.
I know, but you
have to believe me.
There's something out there
that killed all my friends.
Please. You have to help me.
- I don't care what shit
you got yourself into, girl,
just turn around and
get on the floor.
- I beg you, please
don't do this.
- Just get on the
fucking floor, now.
Don't fucking move. I'm
gonna call the cops on you.
- No, he's behind you!
(resident grunting)
(dramatic music continues)
(Kate grunting)
(Kate screaming)
(door thuds)
(Kate hyperventilating)
(Kate gasps)
(car thuds)
(glass shatters)
(Kate coughing)
Ah! (crying)
(Kate gasping)
(fire blazing)
(intense music)
(Kate screaming)
(birds calling)
(Piglet thuds)
(Kate grunting)
This is for my friends
and this is for my
sister! (grunting)
Ooh, ooh
Rotten by the lies,
the fear, the cries
Beyond our tears
with darkened eyes
Broken mirrors
tell the years
God, I left the pain,
the arguing, the blame
(distorted voice
speaking indistinctly)
Dawn breaks through
the crimson light
All rise from the grave
Hunted through
the midnight skies
You can bury me
(distorted voice
speaking indistinctly)
It's in your eyes, ooh
The red little
devil inside, ooh
Ink in the skies
(voice whispers indistinctly)
Coming out to play
A big, bad wolf, they say
All huff and no puff,
don't call me a bluff
'Til we're face to face
Ready for the taste
Is it the fun you crave?
All huff and no puff
Don't call me a bluff 'til
we're face to face, ooh
Fire burning into my soul
I am alive
Took the venom,
turn it in honey
Goal, dag, did I just
cough the tooth and blood
It's written in code
Been moving
through our veins
My heart is pumping,
black from the coal
(music distorts)
It's in your eyes, ooh
Came at you with
a surprise, ooh
Pink is what I despise
Ooh, face to face
Coming out to play
A big, bad wolf, they say
All huff and no puff
Don't call me a bluff
'til we're face to face
Ready for the taste
Is it the fun you crave?
All huff and no puff
Don't call me a bluff
'till we're face to face
Face to face