Pilgrimage (1933) Movie Script

Nice day, son.
Sure is, Ma.
Come on. Let's get goin'.
Come on, Susie. Come on, girl.
Here, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick.
Chick, chick, chick, chick, chick.
Come on, get your breakfast.
Chick, chick, chick, chick.
Chick, chick, chick, chick.
Chick, chick, chick, chick.
Come on, chick.
Come on. Come on.
Here, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick, chick.
Here, Brownie.
Here, Brownie.
Here, Brownie. Brownie.
Chick, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick, chick.
Here, Whitey.
Chick, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick.
Chick, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick, chick.
Chick, chick, chick, chick, chick.
- Hungry?
- Sure am, Ma.
I'll go bake you some of them
hoecakes that you like.
After Ma's gone to sleep.
"Keep thee from the evil woman,
and from the flattery of her tongue.
Lust not after her beauty,
for by means of an evil woman,
a man is brought
to a piece of bread."
You hear that, son?
I know what you're thinkin' of,
Ma, but you're wrong.
I know her kind.
She'll take you away from me.
She'll poison your mind
against me.
- That's a lie!
- Jim!
Oh, I'm sorry.
Eat your supper, son.
- Good night, son.
- Night, Ma.
Well, some of the boys are enlisting.
- Well, what of it?
- I'd like to go to France, too.
What? You can't go.
You could get a hired man
to take my place.
I'm glad your father
ain't alive to hear
a Jessop talkin' like that.
What's come over you lately,
son, gettin' so restless?
I'm tired.
Same thing, day after day.
- Nothin' but work.
- Well, what about me?
Didn't I work all alone
after your father died,
till you was big enough to help me?
And now you want to go away.
It ain't that I want to leave you, Ma.
I know that, son.
But nothin's gonna take you
away from me, nor nobody.
Come on, Susie.
No, hey. No, hey.
Psst. Psst.
Hey. Hey. Psst.
Shh. Shh.
Oh, is the old man hittin' it up again?
Ever since war broke out,
folks keep remembering
Dad fought in Cuba.
Yeah, and bringin' him moon.
I know.
Well, I'll put him to bed.
Come on, Dad.
- Oh, it's you, Jimmy.
- Yes, sure.
- You know,
I was a fighter once.
- Yeah? Who'd you ever lick?
- Oh, I knocked out
ten men in one round.
- Where'd you do that?
In a round house.
Come on. Watch your step.
Hey, Jimmy.
My Mary is the finest girl
in the world.
I raised her in luxury.
Gave... gave her everything
her little heart desired.
Listen, when I go, this is all hers.
Good night, Jimmy.
Good night. Good night.
What you trying to do,
hide the jug up there?
He finds it no matter where I put it.
Well, I'll put it
where he won't find it.
Come on.
The moon's pretty.
Yeah, it sure is.
That's our moon, Mary.
Yep, and your father's moon
goes up in the hay.
Here, hold it, will ya?
Hey, Mary, hand it up.
Uh, I'll bring it up.
What you thinkin' of?
What are you thinking of?
- You and...
- And what?
- Oh, the war.
- The war?
All the other fellas are goin',
and I'd like to enlist.
Oh, Jim.
Mary, you'd wait for me,
wouldn't you, if I went?
Oh, you mustn't go.
You mustn't.
Oh, I'd come back.
Gee, I'd hardly be
away from you at all,
I'd be thinkin' of you so much.
Oh, Jim, I don't want you to go.
I'm afraid.
I couldn't stand it here
without you. I just couldn't.
Well, Mary.
Oh, please, don't.
What are you sulkin' about, son?
I think I'm old enough
to be gettin' wages, Ma.
All this is gonna be yours
someday, ain't it?
- Land ain't everything to me.
- It ought to be.
Your grandfather gave
his life for this place.
His own blood's in the land
that's growin' that corn.
And your grandmother buried him
under that apple tree,
and fought Indians to save
this place for her children.
That ain't no reason
I shouldn't be gettin' wages.
If you're gonna ride on this saw,
keep your feet up off the ground.
I'll tell you what I want money
for. I want to get married.
- Married?
- Yeah.
Well, someday, son.
Someday, maybe...
- when you're old enough
to know your own mind.
- I know your someday.
You want to keep me tied
to your apron strings.
You've hated every girl
I've ever looked at.
- Jim, is it that-that...
- Yeah, it's Mary Saunders.
- You'd deny your own mother
for that trash?
- Aw, Ma.
There's never gonna be
any drunkard's grandchildren
in the Jessop family.
Well, I'm gonna marry her,
and if you won't give me wages,
I'll go where I can get 'em.
Jim, you couldn't do that.
You're my son.
I worked for you and slaved for you.
Yeah, but I ain't a baby
no more. I'm a man.
I'm warnin' ya.
Keep away from my boy.
But we love each other.
Love ain't what I call it.
You're selfish.
You just don't want
anyone else to have him.
Well, I'm his mother, ain't I?
That's one thing
you never let him forget.
I'd rather see him dead
than married to you.
- I...
- Ma.
I thought you'd do something like this.
But it don't make no difference
what you say.
I love Mary, and I'm gonna marry her.
If you do, don't bring her to my house.
All right, if that's the way
you feel about it, I won't.
We'll get a home of our own.
- Jim, you don't mean that.
- Oh, yes, I do.
All right, son. All right.
If you love her, you can't love me.
You think you got him, don't you?
Well, you ain't... not yet, you ain't.
I'll take him away from you.
For his own sake,
I'll save him from you.
Hello, Hannah.
I'll be with you in a minute.
- Just have a seat.
- Seat, nothin'.
Which is the most important,
your country's business
or his whiskers?
Well, uh, since you put it that way...
Oh, excuse me.
Of course our country's
business comes first.
- It's about my son Jim.
- Well, what about him, Hannah?
I want the army to take him away.
I-I mean...
I guess his country
needs him more than I do.
I can afford a hired man now.
- Well, that's mighty
patriotic of you, Hannah.
- Never you mind about me.
Well, just the same,
you deserve credit, Hannah.
All the other women keep makin' a fuss,
and lyin' about their boys' ages.
Why, only yesterday
Mrs. Thompson came in here
and said her boy
wasn't old enough to go.
And I been shavin' him for nine years.
You know, Hannah,
you're the first woman
to come in here
and give up her own son.
And you've got to love
your country to do that.
What do you know about lovin' anything?
I don't have to sign
nothin' there, do I?
Why, yes, Hannah.
You'll have to sign this waiver.
Uh, right here.
Next stop... three minutes, men.
Three minutes.
As you were.
What man's town is this, Sargent?
I can't see it.
There's a cow in the way.
It's this man's town, Soldier.
Three Cedars, Arkansas,
the capital of the world.
- Never heard of it.
- Why didn't they
name it Four Cedars?
Ran out of cedars.
Maybe they used that other cedar
to build those boats with.
Three minutes, men.
Three minutes.
A minute for each cedar.
All right, come on there.
- What outfit, Soldier?
- Liberty Boys of '76.
Don't let 'em fool you.
It's Barnum & Bailey's Circus.
Give 'em a good show
when you get to France, boys.
Hello, Jimmy Jessop.
Right around the corner.
Oh, Jim.
Oh, you look so nice.
You look so nice in your soldier suit.
Gee, it's... it's good
to see you again, Mary.
You're lookin' fine.
- Where's Ma?
- Did she know you were
coming through?
Yeah, I sent her a telegram, too.
Maybe she found out I was comin'.
Well, I'll be savin'
every penny to send you, Mary.
And as soon as I get back
we'll be married.
That won't be none too soon. I...
I guess I'd better tell you. I...
I tried to write it in a letter, but...
- I couldn't.
- Tell me?
Tell me what?
What's the matter?
I may have to go away somewhere.
I don't know how long I can stay home.
Oh. Oh, Mary.
Oh, Jim, I'm gonna have a baby.
All right, come on.
Get inside here, men.
Shake it up.
Snap to it, Soldier.
Train's leaving.
Well, why didn't you tell me before?
I could have got away from camp.
We'd have been married.
Now you'll be all alone.
Oh, it ain't fair.
Ma's gotta take care of you now.
It's her fault we ain't married.
Oh, Jim, don't take on
about it, please.
You've got enough to worry about.
- I'm sorry I told you.
- Maybe it ain't too late yet.
Sergeant! I gotta lay over.
I'll catch the next train.
- Who said so?
- I said so. I can't go.
- I gotta get married.
- Come on, get aboard.
-Don't you understand?
I got to.
-You're crazy. Get aboard.
Well, I won't go.
Let 'em send for me.
- Come here and get aboard, you.
- Lay off me!
Come on, Jessop.
Come on.
I'm sorry, Mary.
That's all right. Write to me
whenever you can, will you?
Hey. Hold that light, will you?
Hey, douse that butt.
Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in! Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in!
Let me in!
What do you want?
We need you at the house, Hannah.
We can't get the doctor,
and Mary's having the baby.
What's that to me?
Well, it ought to be something to ya.
It's your own flesh and blood.
Not mine.
Not mine.
It will never bear the name of Jessop.
Jim'll never marry her
when he comes back.
I'll see to that.
This ain't no time to quarrel, Hannah.
Come on, please.
My, ain't that pretty?
The poor little mite
will be needing something
good and warm
in such terrible weather as this.
Well, don't let her
find out that I made it.
Wouldn't give her that satisfaction.
Tell her it's from you.
Land sakes.
Here comes the letter carrier.
And the mayor is with him.
Mrs. Jessop... Hannah, I...
Yes, Elmer?
I... I got a telegram for you...
From Washington, D.C.
Go ahead. Read it, Elmer.
- You mean, uh, out loud?
- Yes, Elmer.
Just as you say, Hannah.
Uh, "Mrs. Hannah Jessop,
Three Cedars"...
Skip that.
"Deeply regret to inform you
that private James Jessop,
381st Infantry,
is officially reported as...
killed in action.
November 10th."
Oh, Hannah.
Uh, Hannah, on an occasion
like this, I like to...
Please, Elmer.
We're awful sorry for you, Hannah.
Isn't there anything
I can do for you, Hannah?
Yes. Put some coffee on
for Elmer.
They must be cold.
There's a cake I baked
in the... pantry.
Chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick.
Come on, chick.
Come and get it.
Come on, come on.
Here you are.
Chick, chick, chick, chick.
Here, chick.
Here, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick, chick.
Chick, chick, chick.
Come on. Come on, now.
Come in here. Earn your keep.
Lay some eggs.
Come on, you lazy birds.
Come on. Come on, Brownie.
Chick. Chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick, chick.
Here, chick, chick, chick,
chick, chick, chick.
- Chick, chick, chick...
- Whoa.
Got another load, Mrs. Jessop.
Go on, put it in the barn.
Don't be all day about it.
Say, are you smokin' a cigarette
up there in that hay?
You ought to be
ashamed of yourself,
a great big man like you.
Throw that thing away.
Throw it away. Be careful
where you throw it.
Go on, now.
Don't you talk back to me.
Put that hay in the barn,
and do as I tell you.
- Giddyup.
- Never seen two men
talk so much.
Go on.
I've got some work to do.
And look out for the chickens,
too. Be careful.
Howdy, Hannah. Howdy.
Nice day, isn't it? Huh?
- Rain wouldn't hurt none.
- No, it wouldn't.
- What do you want?
- Well, here's your deed, Hannah.
- I certainly do hate to
part with them 20 acres.
- Yeah.
But then, I'd rather see
a neighbor like you get it
than have it fall in the hands
of a stranger.
Don't you try to get around me, Caleb.
I'm payin' 2.000 cash,
and not a cent more.
As you say, Hannah.
Fair enough. Fair enough.
Reckon I'm a fool
to buy more land. I got...
I got more now than I can farm.
Oh, well. It's all right.
It's all right, Caleb.
It's all right.
Susie, come on!
- Susie! Come back here!
- Come back here, Susie.
Come back here!
Susie, come here. Susie!
Come on. Go in.
Behave now. Go on. Go on.
Smart boy, Hannah.
Sure does take after your Jim.
The money's in the bank
waitin' for you, Caleb.
You better go down and get it,
or I might change my mind.
- Are you gonna take that back?
- No. It's the truth, ain't it?
- No, it ain't.
- You're a liar.
- You're another.
- You call me another
and I'll bust your snout.
Go on, sock him, Bill.
That's a good...
Come on!
- It's Bill and Jimmy.
- Come on!
- Come here, come here!
- Come on.
Jimmy! William.
Go on, get up. Jimmy... William.
Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?
He said something
and he won't take it back.
- I didn't say nothin'.
- You did to. You said...
He said my mother wasn't married.
Did you say that to Jimmy?
Well, it's the truth.
Heard my mother
tellin' his mother.
- He's a liar and she's a liar.
- Jimmy.
I'm ashamed of you.
Why, you children should be
proud to play with Jimmy.
His father's the only man in
this county who died in France.
You go home and tell your
mothers to remember that.
Now get your books and run along home.
Come on, let's blow.
- Blow harder. That's good.
- Here are your books, Jimmy.
- Thanks.
- Come on, darling.
- Why, Jimmy, what's the matter?
- Nothin'.
You've been fighting again.
No, Mom. I just fell down.
I baked some cookies for you, honey.
- You know, the kind you like.
- I ain't hungry, Mom.
- Not hungry?
- I wish we could
move away from here.
Someday we will, dear.
Gee, I don't like it around here.
Seems like everybody's
got it in for us.
If I didn't have to go to school,
I could work harder for you...
Earn money, so we could
move away from here.
Now, never mind, honey.
We won't be here always.
We're going to get away
from this place just
as soon as we can.
That's what we're
working for, isn't it?
Now, don't you think about it anymore.
Come on. I'll give you
a nice glass of milk
for those cookies.
Look, Mom, an automobile.
It's goin' up to...
to her house.
But, Hannah, you don't understand.
You see, Jim was the only
boy from Three Cedars
killed during the war.
You're the only
Gold Star mother we got.
The government's paying
everything, Mrs. Jessop.
Hundreds of Gold Star mothers
are going to France to see
the graves of their sons.
Well, that's all right
for them as wants to see 'em.
But... I don't understand.
Maybe there's a lot of things
about me you don't understand.
What do you care whether I go or not?
Oh, you see, Miss Prescot
is an organizer, Hannah.
She's rounding up all the Gold
Star mothers in this territory.
You see, her father was a general.
He was killed over there
during the war.
Why, I didn't know
generals ever got killed.
Well, I don't know what
embitters you, Mrs. Jessop,
but I do wish you'd make this,
uh, pilgrimage.
You'd feel so differently then.
Think how wonderful
and reconciling it would be
to really stand beside
the grave of one's heroic dead.
Some folks ain't so easily reconciled.
Oh, I know how you feel,
Mrs. Jessop.
You're the sort that never forgets.
Maybe I am.
But the whole town
wants you to go, Hannah.
You owe it to Three Cedars.
Why, we wanna show them
New Yorkers and other foreigners
that we did our bit,
just the same as they did.
Elmer, I told you before
and I'm tellin' you again,
that I don't want to go.
And I ain't goin' to go.
Susie, come here.
Come up here.
Come up here.
Come on, come up here.
- Then you really won't
go to France, Mrs. Jessop?
- Nope.
I'm obliged to you just the
same, but I ain't a-goin'.
All right, Hannah,
but I'm ashamed of you.
Every town in Arkansas will say
we had a Gold Star mother
and she was a-scared to go.
Well, I'd just like to hear 'em
say that, Elmer Briggs.
Well, they may not say it,
but that's what they'll be thinkin'.
I ain't scared of nothin'
that ever wore fur, feathers or hair,
and you know it.
Yeah, that's what I thought...
Till today.
Look here, Elmer Briggs.
You're a bigger fool
then I took you for.
I won't have you nor nobody else
talkin' like that.
- Well, why don't you go, then?
- Maybe I will!
- Oh, Mrs. Jessop.
- Now we're proud of you, Hannah.
Well, I...
ain't said I'll go yet.
Oh, please think it over.
We want you to go so much.
Just let us know by tomorrow,
won't you?
- Good-bye, Mrs. Jessop.
- Good-bye.
Remember, Hannah, your going's
gonna put our town on the map.
Wish I was goin'. I'd sure
tell folks about Three Cedars,
now we got our water works
and new jail.
See you again tomorrow, Hannah.
- Wish it was me goin'.
- I wish it was, too.
Crazy idea...
Me layin' flowers on the grave of him,
after ten years
of remembering to forget.
The bags!
Hey! Hey!
Don't you wish you were goin', Mom?
Never mind.
Someday I'm gonna make a lot of money,
and then we'll both go, huh?
- Now, take good care
of yourself, Hannah.
- Don't worry about me.
- You be careful of strangers.
- Oh, shucks.
I could give a grizzly bear
the first three bites
and then beat him to death.
Seems to me you're making
a lot of fuss over me.
Well, you deserve it, Hannah.
We're all proud of you.
Oh, Elmer. You keep your eye
on them hired men.
Go on, give 'em to her, Mom.
You ain't scared, are you?
Watch out, Hannah. Let me off.
There's your baggage up there.
Here's your ticket.
This is the longest one
we ever sold here.
Don't you lose that.
Of course I ain't gonna lose it.
- Put it in your pocketbook.
- All aboard.
- Take good care of that dog.
- Good-bye, Hannah.
Hannah, don't forget
to write back, 'cause we
wanna put it in the paper.
Mrs. Jessop...
would you put these
on Jim's... Jim's grave
for me and... Little Jimmy?
We're so glad you decided
to come along, Mrs. Johnson.
Jessop. Hannah Jessop.
Three Cedars, Arkansas.
Uh, Major Albertson.
- How do you do, Mrs. Jessop?
- How do you do?
Allow me.
The last time I had
anything pinned on me
was when I baked the best cake
at the county fair.
- Jim was only about...
- I'll see you on the ship,
Mrs. Jackson.
Jessop! Hannah Jessop!
- May I sit down?
- Yes, yes.
Don't passport photographs
make one look terrible?
My stars.
Oh, well.
Mine makes me look like a horse thief.
- Merciful heavens.
- Yeah.
You know, if anybody
from Arkansas saw that,
they'd offer a reward for me.
Four sheriffs would put me
in eight jails.
Do your feet hurt?
- Hatfield.
- Oh, yes.
- Mrs. Hatfield, please.
- That's me!
- Oh. How do you do?
- Howdy.
I'm Callie Hatfield.
Howdy, Colonel.
Callie Hatfield from
Tut's Corners, Carolina.
I'm very happy
to meet you, Mrs. Hatfield.
Will you allow me?
Don't think of me, Mama.
Think of our Benny, over there.
He would be glad if he knew his mama
was going so far away across the ocean
to be with him.
Aw, there, there, Mama, Mama.
Remember, you're a "Gold Stein" mother.
I think we've checked everybody
except you four ladies.
I'm Major Albertson.
And you are?
I am, uh, Mrs. Carlucci,
- Mrs. Carlucci.
- I'm Mrs. MacGreggor,
from Pennsylvania.
- Mrs. MacGreggor.
- Mrs. Quincannon, New York.
Mrs. Quincannon.
And you must be, uh,
Mrs. Haberschmidt.
Ja. Milwaukee.
Now, ladies, it shall be our concern
to make your pilgrimage
as comfortable as possible.
You are the mothers who gave
hero sons for your native land,
and your country is honored
to have you as its guests.
Don't you speak English?
Oh, we understand.
Your son is over there.
- Danke schn.
- Bitte.
Now, ladies, we shall be going
aboard in a very few moments.
Mrs. Carlucci.
Allow me.
- No speech today, Your Honor?
- Not today.
Why, this is the first time
I ever saw you...
That's the most eloquent speech
this country's ever made, Marty.
It would take Abe Lincoln to top it.
That's the best speech you ever made.
I'll quote that.
You're going to France, ain't you?
Yes, I guess so.
Put this flower on your son's
grave for me, will you?
What's my son to you?
I can't go. My son was missing.
I ain't got anything
to even put a flower on.
Well, yes, of course.
I'll... I'll do it.
- I'll take it.
- Thanks.
That'll help some... maybe.
- Howdy, ma'am.
- Howdy.
Ain't it wonderful,
all them millions of folks
rememberin' our boys?
I thought we was
the only ones that remembered.
And what do ya think of them houses?
Well, they're bigger than them
we got in Tut's Corners.
- Yeah.
- Aw, but they ain't
as pretty as our mountains.
Well, you see,
the Lord built the mountains.
Don't look like much room
"nuther" for six million folks.
You couldn't herd my cows
that close together.
- No.
- No, sir.
- They're too smart.
- Your cows have got sense.
You bet they have.
- Oh!
- I'm so glad we're
going to be together.
Yes. I guess you're the captain.
- Will you see if they...
- No, ma'am.
I'm the steward of this room.
If you want anything,
just ring the bell.
Thank you.
That man laughed at me because
I called him the captain.
Oh, no.
Not out loud,
or I'd have boxed his ears.
- Nice room, isn't it?
- Yes.
Ain't room enough
to swing a cat, though.
Mighty handy.
Good evening, ladies.
- Good night, all.
- Good night.
Good night.
Have you been enjoying your dinner?
Oh, yes, they have
good grub on this ship.
Now when we arrive,
we'll go by train to Paris,
where the French government
will take charge as host.
Well, if there's any
bigger doings in Paris
than they give us in New York,
I don't think my old bones
will survive it.
I know I'll never
be able to order a meal.
Oh, don't worry.
There'll be an interpreter
in charge at all times.
Demitasse, madam?
- No.
- No.
He thought
we didn't know what he meant.
- Do we?
- Of course we do!
It's a half a cup of coffee.
I see they don't object
to us ladies smoking.
Jumpin' June bugs! You ain't
gonna smoke that, are ya?
Why not?
They're smokin', ain't they?
Huh. I take it all back.
You don't look no worse than they do.
Ladies, tonight there's going
to be a ship's concert.
In half an hour,
we'll all gather in the saloon.
You ever been in a saloon?
No need to.
We Hatfields always made our own.
- There you are!
- I've been looking for you.
I've checked-in everybody
but you and Mrs. Hatfield.
- Don't you think
you'd better go below?
- No.
I like it up here on the piazza.
But you shouldn't be on deck
in weather like this.
- You'll get seasick.
- Seasick?
Ain't no ocean can give me the jiggers.
- It's nearly 11:00 and
you ought to be in bed.
- Look here, young woman.
Just mind your own business.
I ain't in my second childhood yet.
- Now please, Mrs. Jessop.
- I've gone to roost
all these years by myself
and I ain't gonna be bossed now.
- Here's your purse.
- All right. Thank you.
Well, I'll go, but not
because you asked me to.
- Where's Mrs. Hatfield?
- Oh, her nurse took seasick.
She's downstairs taking care of her.
If you had a swig of that
mountain dew we make at home,
it'd fix you up all right.
Oh, Mrs. Hatfield.
Take it easy.
Good night.
I guess you can find
your way back all right.
Good night.
Good night, Mrs. Rogers.
- Good night.
- You'd better go down and see
how Mrs. Hatfield's nurse is.
You know the one I mean...
The pretty one.
Forgive me, but Dad
always said I was a crybaby.
He was handsome, wasn't he?
I'd love to see your boy's picture.
I haven't any.
None at all?
Not even a letter.
That's too bad.
But you remember how he looked?
If I don't, he left enough
behind to remind me.
We were so close to one another.
I understood him so well.
No woman ever understands her son.
I did.
Jackie was pretty wild at times,
but I knew he was only doing
what I'd wanted to do
all my life...
but I never had the courage to.
That woman don't know
how to grow a geranium.
Take a look at that scrawny shoot.
You know, it'd be probably dead
before ever we got there.
How do you think you feel now?
Oh, I'm all right.
Here. Take a look at yourself.
I'm scared if I went back
to the mountains
with my hair like that...
Some hunter'd shoot me
for a whippet poodle.
Well, you look like a telegram office.
Now, ladies, may I have
your attention for just
a minute, please?
This is a most interesting
and historic spot.
Here is where they built
the first barricade.
And in 1792,
the republic was born,
and monarchy fell.
Well, he sure busted
that path, didn't he?
And now, ladies,
if you'll come with me,
- I will show you the site
of the old Bastille.
- Bastille?
-Oh, I ain't goin' there.
My feet hurt.
-Mine, too.
Come with me, please.
Come on.
Here. Let me see that
popgun, brother.
It's never too late to learn.
- Handle...
- Oh, go away. Go away.
Say! Where'd you learn
to shoot, woman?
Shucks, that ain't nothin'.
I shot my own breakfast
many a time.
Well, "a-fore" I lost my eyesight,
I could shoot the ears off a mosquito
and never spoil the meat.
- I think they take these
for sharpshooting medals, huh?
- Yeah. I reckon they do.
I guess there ain't
nothin' more to shoot now.
Oh, yeah!
Look at them bottles.
- Oh, sure!
- No! Not the bottles!
They are my prizes!
They've been there
for ten years, and now
they are all gone!
- Oh, my!
- I'm sorry, brother.
We busted up housekeeping on ya.
That was very good, but we must go.
We will be late for the ceremony.
We have to go to
the Arc de Triomphe.
Come on now.
-Wait. Wait!
-I'll take care of the damages.
On me.
Oh, my stars!
I thought that was one
of them waxwork dummies.
Come on.
Gold Star mothers of America,
France salutes you.
With sympathy and with reverence,
we greet you on the soil
ennobled by the blood of your...
With sympathy and with reverence,
we greet you on the soil
ennobled by the blood
of your courageous sons.
Your sacrifices
have created a bond between us
which can never be broken.
The world cannot measure
your tragic loss.
You have suffered in silence
and alone.
With courage and love,
you have given to the great cause
something more precious
than your own lifeblood.
And the altar of freedom
is wet with your tears.
Oh, stop! Please!
Please stop!
I-I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to offend you, but I...
It's all right. Come. Come.
That was a favorite of my Benny.
My Benny.
Don't cry.
I know how you feel, but don't cry.
Don't cry. It can't do no good.
Why, I've got three boys
buried over here.
You didn't know that, did you?
And I used to feel like you do.
Kinda seems like it runs in our family
to have our menfolk shot.
But, bad as it is, I'd rather
my boys died as they did
than feudin' with the McAllisters.
They'd have made good men, too,
'cause they was all good boys.
Thank you, Colonel.
Now, ladies, I think you should
all go to your rooms and rest.
Tomorrow we're going
to visit the cemeteries.
We don't have to go
to the cemeteries, do we,
if we don't want to?
- But, Mrs. Jessop,
you've come all this way.
- I've changed my mind.
I can't go through with it.
I don't belong here.
I ain't one of you.
- But you had a son.
- Yes, I had a son.
But I lost him long before he died.
I've listened to you all
tellin' how good your boys were.
Mine wasn't.
We was decent, God-fearing people
till he brought disgrace on us.
He wouldn't listen to me.
He picked up with a common girl.
I had to have him drafted.
Mrs. Jessop, go to your room
and think it over.
I know you'll feel
much better if you'll
come with us tomorrow.
I ain't goin'.
It was a mistake.
I shouldn't have come here.
I don't belong among you folks.
She sure must've loved that boy a heap.
- Young man, will you tell me...
- Go away! Let me alone!
Oh, you understand me, don't ya?
Nobody understands!
Go on! Let me alone!
I got a right to do what I like!
Leave me alone!
Look here, you're an American,
ain't ya?
Well, what about it?
Well, you're drunk
and you're disgraceful
and you ought to be
ashamed of yourself!
I'll bet you're in
some kind of trouble, too.
- How did you know?
- Oh, I know.
Now, why don't you go home
and talk it over with
your mother like you ought to?
Talk it over with my mother.
That's a laugh.
That's the funniest thing
you ever said.
Talk it over with my mother.
Hey, come on here with me.
Those two sheriffs
are lookin' at us. Come on.
- No. No, I won't.
- Come on, now.
Come on. You've got to...
Come on with me, do you hear me?
- Don't you answer me back.
- I don't wanna go.
Hey! I won't!
I won't go home.
Come on. Hurry up.
Don't be all night.
Slowest man I ever saw
in my life. I wanna go...
Take this young man home.
What are you tryin' to talk
about? What do you want?
- The street. Street.
- Oh. Where do you live?
298 Park Avenue, New York City.
New York. Boy, you don't
want a taxi for that number.
You want a boat.
Now, where do you live here?
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- Whoa!
Monsieur Gary wo...
Right. Get him in the taxi,
and don't talk so much.
-Be careful, now.
Don't let him fall.
-No, no, no.
You know how to drive this contraption?
Horse is much better.
He don't know how to drive this thing.
I should think so.
I found this young man drunk,
and I took him home.
You are expected.
You come from America?
Yes, I came from America
but I didn't know I was
expected here.
Ah! That's too much.
Give me that.
Here. You look honest.
You settle with him, will you?
Oh, go on.
All that talk for ten cents.
I'd hate to owe
a Frenchman ten dollars.
I thought there was gonna
be a sure-enough good fight.
Oh, you're awake, are ya?
Well, how do you feel
this morning, huh?
You've got a headache, have ya?
Well, you remember me, don't you?
Yeah. Yeah, I met you, uh...
On a bridge.
Yeah. And we went ridin'
in a taxi together.
Yeah, after we got you in the taxi.
Well, you must think I'm pretty awful.
Yes, I do.
You ought to be thrashed.
Well, where did you...
- Did you sit up all night?
- Oh, shucks, that ain't nothin'.
I've done that many a time
with a sick cow.
Come on now.
Wash your face and brush your hair.
Make yourself fit to sit down
to a decent Christian breakfast.
Not... not ham and eggs?
Yes! Ham and eggs.
I hope you're as sick and tired as I am
of them persnickety French vittles.
- Come on now.
- Well, just a minute. Please.
I remember there was, uh...
Do you know whether I paid
that taxi driver last night?
Do I know?
Everybody in Paris knows!
I wouldn't be surprised if it
was in all the morning papers.
Come on, boy. Get up now
while I pour the coffee.
You don't know what you did
for me last night.
Oh. Maybe I do.
- Because I was at
the end of my string.
- Hmm.
- Why'd you bother?
- Oh, I suppose I had
my own darned fool reasons.
Just as darned fool
as your reasons for
behaving the way you did.
Well, I don't know
who you are, but you sure...
- Well, I'm Hannah Jessop.
- Well, you sure are
a good scout, Mrs. Jessop.
I don't know about that,
but I certainly felt like
lambasting you last night.
You know, I had sort of
a funny idea last night
that you were my mother.
You had an idea that...
That I was your...
- Have some more coffee. Come on.
- No, thanks.
I'm right up to here.
I couldn't eat...
- Can you wash dishes?
- Well, I can try.
Well, come on. Now's your chance
to get right up to here.
-Come on now.
Stack 'em up, boy.
Let's get 'em out.
Don't spill that.
- I don't need this.
- Don't be shy.
This ain't no bib.
You'll slop water
all over yourself.
Okay. Ouch!
Oh! I bet you're a big help
to your ma.
Well, I'll wash 'em
and you can dry 'em.
- All right.
- There you are.
Gee, I wish I had a mother like you.
- Fella could talk to you.
- Ain't ya got a Ma?
- Unfortunately.
- You're a nice sort of a son.
- Well, you don't know my mother.
- You know what I think?
I think you're
a good-for-nothing
young whippersnapper.
I suppose you're in
some kind of trouble, huh?
-Well, yes.
You see there's a girl...
-Oh, don't tell me.
You talked about her all night.
- Suzanne, ain't it?
- Yes. Well...
That's French for "Susie," isn't it?
You know, I kinda like that name.
I use it on all my dogs.
That is when they're the kinda
dogs you can call Susie.
Well, we wanna marry, but you
can't get married in France
- without your parents' consent.
- Oh, I see.
And your Ma got snooty
'cause they ain't society folks.
Well, something like that.
When mother wrote
Suzanne's people a letter,
they got snooty, too.
They're just as proud
in their way as mother is.
And when I wrote mother
she banged over here
on the first boat.
Oh, is your ma here in Paris now?
- She arrives at the Ritz
today to take me back.
- Oh, well.
Why don't you go and see your Ma?
Put it up to her.
She's not like you, Mrs. Jessop.
She'd rather see me dead
than not have her own way.
Oh, maybe your ma ain't so bad.
Maybe she's just a stupid old woman.
After all, you know,
she's got somethin' to say.
She can't help lovin' her own son,
no matter what he does.
Well, I don't know
why you took the trouble
to listen to all this.
You've been mighty good to me.
Well, now I know what that badge is.
You had a son of your own.
My Jim was...
somethin' like you.
Maybe all boys...
are like you.
- Suzanne!
- Oh, Gary, I couldn't stay away.
I had to see you again.
Hello, Susie.
Madame, you're no longer angry.
Oh, I knew you would understand.
- I knew you couldn't
take him away from me.
- Wait, Suzanne.
She's not my mother.
- But, Gary.
- She's just our friend.
Then you must still go away?
Oh, Gary!
For one moment, I was so happy.
- So terribly happy.
- Suzanne, I'll come back.
You say that, but I know.
Well, if I was spendin'
my last day with somebody,
I'd try to be happy.
I wouldn't spend it tootin'
on each other's shoulders.
Oh, stop making that long face!
Try to forget how miserable you are.
Come here, Susie.
Susie, come here.
Here, sit down.
Now smile. Let me see
how pretty you are.
That's better.
- Come on.
- Well, I'll get my car
and we'll take you back
to your hotel, Mrs. Jessop.
You will not.
- No, sir. Will he, Susie?
- No.
No, sir.
No, sir. I made a fool
of myself there last night.
I ain't goin' back.
Meanwhile, somebody's
got to take care of you two,
and it looks like I'm elected.
Susie, is there someplace we can go
kick up our heels and have a good time?
- Yes.
- Make this last day a good one!
- Great. We'll show you the city.
- City? I wanna see the country.
Come on. Come on, Susie!
What's he pitchin' that stuff
right by his front door for?
Don't you know that's
a Frenchman's wealth?
Oh, is it?
Well... well, I guess I won't say it.
I wonder if that old buzzard's
trying to flirt with me.
- Oh, no, no, no.
- No.
What's that up there?
What's the excitement?
What's the music for?
The festival of the hay.
He is the mayor.
The mayor?
Pitchin' manure.
Oh, my feet.
My feet. My feet, Susie.
Oh, don't talk like that.
- You know I'll come back.
- I know.
Well, I won't go, Suzanne.
I'll tell mother to go to
Oh, you must go.
As soon as I get to
New York, I'll write.
You won't have my address.
Well, you'll be
at your home, won't you?
I don't know how long I can stay there.
Suzanne, what do you mean?
Oh, Gary, I...
Oh, it ain't fair.
Ma's gotta take care of you now.
It's her fault we ain't married.
Well, I won't go.
Let 'em send for me!
That's all right!
Write to me whenever you can!
Will ya?
Why didn't you tell me before?
Suzanne, my mother's
got to take care of you now.
It's her fault we're not married.
Your mother mustn't know, Gary.
I didn't want you to know.
- But, darling,
when your people find out...
- They shan't find out.
I told you, I'm going away...
Susie. Susie!
Oh, Susie!
You just let me catch you
goin' away somewhere.
You're goin' away, all right.
You're goin' with me, dear.
You're goin' with me, Susie.
What is it? What do they say?
There is no word, madame.
They cannot find him.
Uh, could I be of assistance, madame?
- No, thank you.
- Oh.
Yes, everything is very nice.
Thank you.
Uh, thank you.
Thank you very much.
- Are you Mrs. Worth?
- I am.
Nobody stopped me,
so I just walked right in.
You wish to see me?
If you ain't gonna ask me to sit down,
I'll just have to help myself
because my feet are just about to pop.
My name is Jessop.
Hannah Jessop from Arkansas.
That means nothing to me.
Well, it means somethin'
in Three Cedars.
However, I come here about your son.
Where is he?
You been kinda anxious, ain't ya?
Oh, don't beat about the bush!
- Tell me.
- You ought to be scared.
I found him last night,
drunk, and I took him home.
So you're the woman
who pretended to be his mother.
Pretended? Well, I had to.
He needed a mother, poor boy,
and you weren't around.
Don't you try to lecture me,
my good woman.
Don't you "good woman" me.
I ain't a good woman,
and neither are you.
Why, I won't tolerate such talk.
Why isn't he here?
That's all I want
to hear from you.
Well, you're gonna hear a lot more.
Well, we'll see about that.
Oh, you're willful,
but I'm a match for ya.
You and me is hard women,
ma'am... hard as nails.
- We both bully and boss...
- You're insolent.
Where's Gary?
Tell me instantly.
He mightn't be alive if
I hadn't come along last night.
He had no reason to act that way.
Well, you see, he was
kinda desperate, I guess.
It was you who made him that way.
Please tell me where he is.
You're being cruel.
We're both cruel,
but we call our cruelty
by high-sounding names...
"God-fearing," "hardworking,"
"decent woman."
That was my name for it.
I don't want to hear
any more about you.
We're both cruel.
But I guess it's our love
that makes us cruel.
We cling onto our sons
and we won't let 'em go.
We lock 'em up in our hearts
like it was a jail.
We won't never admit it,
but deep down in our hearts,
we'd sooner see 'em dead
then have some other woman get 'em.
Well, that's what you're doin' to Gary.
Where is he?
For mercy's sake, tell me.
I'm tellin' ya.
I'm tellin' ya you're losin' him.
You're losin' him just
like I lost my son
months before they killed him.
Don't you see?
I'm tryin' to help ya.
Your son's alive.
Now thank God for that.
It's too late for me.
I don't understand.
They said that the war killed him,
but that ain't true.
- I killed him.
- What are you saying?
It's true.
It's true. I killed him.
I didn't know it.
I come over here hard and bitter.
Now I know what I did to him.
And it's you and your boy
have taught me.
Oh, I thought I was a good mother...
Same as you.
Never let him do any of
the things he wanted to do.
Always kept him at short halter.
Every girl he looked at, I hated.
I didn't think there was
any girl good enough
to marry him.
And when he jumped over
the traces for a girl...
I had him drafted,
sent over here.
I even tore up his picture.
Why are you telling me all this?
So you won't have to carry with
you all the days of your life
what I've got to carry.
I can go out to my son's grave and say,
"Jim, I was a hard, ornery old woman,"
he won't hear me.
It's too late for me.
But you've got a chance.
Ain't too late for you.
What do you want?
What are you trying to do?
I'm just tryin' to help ya, that's all.
Now, Gary's a good boy.
Yes, he is. He's a good boy.
But he can't go your way, you know,
because he's gotta go his own way
or he'll go wrong.
And that... that Suzanne of his...
Now, she's a good, sweet girl.
She ain't your sort, maybe,
but she's his.
Now you've got to take 'em both,
or nothin'.
Do you want 'em?
- Yes, I...
- Yes.
I thought you would.
I thought you would.
Hey. Hey, Susie!
Mother, this is Suzanne.
Oh, Mrs. Jessop...
Hannah, where are you going?
I'm going to find my own boy now.
He's out there...
in the Argonne somewhere.
Jim, forgive me.
These are from Mary and...
from Little Jimmy.
They're kinda faded now.
Mama, it's her.
Mary, I asked Jim to forgive me
over there.
I asked him on my knees.
Now I'm askin' you the same way.
Can you forgive me, Mary?
What's the matter with Susie?
Susie! Susie!
Susie, what's the matter with you?
Jimmy Jessop.
Come right here.
Come here, Jimmy.
Aw, Jimmy.
Jimmy, Jimmy.
Can't you...
will you take care of this
confounded nuisance for me?
Jimmy, you see, you're
the man of the family now.
Do you want me to call ya
"grandma" now?
You just let me catch ya
callin' me anything else.
Captioned by Post Haste Digital