Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 3: Catch the Gingerbread Man (2023) Movie Script

[Pinkfong] Pinkfong.
[lively music]
[female narrator] How to fully enjoy
the Pinkfong Concert?
Just sit back and relax!
Enjoy your own concert!
Eat a delicious snack during the concert!
Let's sing along with Pinkfong and Hogi.
Yes! Please wait for photo time!
[camera shutter clicks]
Cheer as loud as you can
with a light stick!
Are you ready?
Let the show begin!
[gentle music]
- [humming]
- [male narrator] Today,
Mrs. Brown bakes a gingerbread cookie.
[Mrs. Brown] Mmm, the cookie smells good!
[male narrator] Suddenly,
- a Gingerbread Man jumps out.
- Oh!
[playful music]
He says...
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo!
Catch me if you can!
[Mrs. Brown grunting]
[Mrs. Brown] Come back here!
[mimics Mrs. Brown's voice]
Come back here!
[bored groan]
[in normal voice]
I'm so bored.
I've watched this show 200 times already!
- [upbeat music playing]
- Uh? Huh?
G-I-N-G-E-R bread! G-I-N-G-E-R bread!
[sighs in relief]
Oh, right! I can also play hide-and-seek.
Where is Gingerbread?
Where is Gingerbread?
Here I am! Here I am!
[Gingerbread Man] Ah! Nobody will find me!
Do you know where I am?
Catch me if you can!
What? Was it only me playing?
[blows raspberry]
Who wants to hide and seek?
Gather up if you want to play
Nobody? For real?
[in loud voice]
Who wants to hide and seek?
Gather up if you want to play
- [upbeat music playing]
- [Jeni] Jeni!
- That's me!
- [Gingerbread Man] Uh...
- [Jeni] Jeni! That's me!
- Oh!
- [Jeni] Jeni! That's me!
- Ah...
Hmm... interesting!
[mischievous laugh]
[upbeat music]
Jeni! That's me!
Jeni! That's me!
Jeni! That's me!
Come on, everybody!
Jeni! 'Cause that's my name.
Say your name.
[crowd saying their names]
I can't hear you!
[crowd shouting their names]
Oh, that's more like it.
Nice to meet you!
Welcome to Pinkfong's Ice Cream Adventure!
- [Jeni] Yay!
- [firecrackers popping]
We're gonna be singing
all of your favorite songs.
So we want you to be singing and dancing
along with us.
We have a lot of fun in store for you!
So please shake your light sticks
so we know you're having a great time
and cheering us on!
And remember,
this is as much your show as it is ours.
Let's have fun!
Be silly and dance your heart out!
Okay! Now, let's check in
with our favorite duo.
[Jeni and crowd] Five!
This is so exciting!
[Jeni and crowd] Four!
I'm so glad you're all here
to enjoy this with me.
[Jeni and crowd] Three!
Oh! It's getting close now!
[Jeni and crowd] Two!
Get ready to cheer!
[Jeni and crowd] One!
Pinkfong and Hogi!
- [Pinkfong and Hogi exclaim]
- [animals whimpering]
Well, pardon us!
No, excuse us!
Didn't mean to scare you.
- Oh, no, not scared, curious.
- Uh-huh.
Don't you know who they are?
[Polar Bear] They're Pinkfong and Hogi,
the famous duo!
- [Penguins] Oh!
- [crowd cheering]
[Pinkfong] We're in Ice Land!
[animals] Hello, Pinkfong and Hogi!
Wow! It's Pinkfong!
Hello, hello, Pinkfong
Wow, wow, wow, wow
Hello, hello, Pinkfong
Wow, wow, wow, wow
- Oy-yoi, oy-yoi, Pinkfong friends
- Oy-yoi
Good, good, good, good
- Good to see you
- Oy-yoi
- Hello, hello to you and you
- Oy-yoi
- Go! Go! Pinkfong, wow!
- Go! Go!
- Thumbs up
- Come and play with Pinkfong
Hello, hello, Hogi
Wow, wow, wow, wow
Hello, hello, Hogi
Wow, wow, wow, wow
- Oy-yoi, oy-yoi, Hogi friends
- Oy-yoi
Good, good, good, good
- Good to see you
- Oy-yoi
- Hello, hello to you and you
- Oy-yoi
- Go! Go! Hogi, wow!
- Go! Go!
- Thumbs up
- Come and play with Hogi
- Oy-yoi
- Oy-yoi
- Oy-yoi
- Oy-yoi
Go! Go! Pinkfong and Hogi!
- Say "Pinkfong"!
- [crowd] Pinkfong!
- Pinkfong!
- [crowd] Pinkfong!
- Hogi!
- [crowd] Hogi!
- Hogi!
- [crowd] Hogi!
- Pinkfong and Hogi!
- [crowd] Pinkfong and Hogi!
- Pinkfong and Hogi!
- [crowd] Pinkfong and Hogi!
[both] Everybody, scream!
[Hogi] Three, two, one, go!
- Hello, hello, Pinkfong
- Oy-yoi
Wow, wow, wow, wow
- Hello, hello, Hogi
- Oy-yoi
Wow, wow, wow, wow
Wow, wow, wow, wow
Pinkfong and Hogi!
[cheers and applause]
Oy-yoi! That was a great song!
I really liked the part with my name.
Well, if everybody is here, we can start.
Everyone is here, right, Pinkfong?
- I think so.
- [animals] Uh?
- Huh?
- [surprised grunts]
[suspenseful music]
- [Pinkfong] What is that?
- [Polar Bear whimpers]
I don't know.
Oh, no. What do you think it is?
[crowd chattering]
Baby Shark!
Well, maybe a pizza?
- Yeah.
- [Pinkfong and Hogi] It's Baby Shark!
[all] Yay!
[laughing joyfully]
[suspenseful music]
[upbeat music]
[Baby Shark] Baby Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark
[Mommy Shark] Mommy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Shark!
[Daddy Shark] Daddy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Shark!
[Grandma Shark] Grandma Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Shark!
[Grandpa Shark] Grandpa Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Shark!
[all] Let's go hunt
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go hunt
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go hunt
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go hunt!
Run away
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Run away
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Run away
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Run away!
[fish screaming]
Safe at last
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Safe at last
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Safe at last
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Safe at last! Phew!
It's the end
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
It's the end
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
It's the end
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
It's the end!
[cheers and applause]
Woo! I'm impressed
all of you knew that one.
That was great, Baby Shark!
Yeah, you seem extra excited today.
I am.
This is my favorite day of the whole year!
It's my birthday?
- No.
- [Hogi] Hmm...
Is it my birthday?
- No.
- Is it your birthday?
[Penguins] Oh?
Cheer if it's your birthday.
[crowd cheering]
Cheer if it's not your birthday.
- [cheering stops]
- [Penguins giggle]
Everyone, cheer!
- [cheers and applause]
- [laughter]
I do love birthdays, but that's not
why this is my favorite day of the year.
Well, then why is today so special to you?
Every year, on this day...
Oh, I love this story.
You don't even know this story.
I know. I'm just so excited.
Pinkfong, let Baby Shark finish.
- Let me start.
- [Pinkfong giggles]
- Seriously!
- [Penguins giggle]
As I was saying,
today is the world-famous,
most amazing, super-spectacular
Ice Cream Festival here on Ice Land!
- [all] Wow!
- [Polar Bear chuckles]
Yeah, I know. Very cool!
I'm actually even more excited
that you two are here today.
Us? Why?
Because you're Pinkfong and Hogi,
the best duo.
And I think with your amazing teamwork,
you two can make the best ice cream ever!
- I bet we can.
- [Hogi] Mm-hmm.
- We love ice cream!
- [Hogi] Mmm.
Do you love ice cream?
If you love ice cream,
shout out your favorite flavor
on the count of three.
[all] One!
[crowd shouting]
Vanilla! Chocolate! Mint!
Onion! Mmm!
- [Pinkfong] Onion?
- [Penguin] Ew.
That's not an ice cream flavor!
Have you tried it?
Don't knock it until you try it.
Well, I've never met
an ice cream I don't like.
Have you?
[upbeat music]
Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! Ice cream!
Ha! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
- Yum! Yum! Yummy tasty sweet
- Hoo!
- Tum! Tum! Tummy goes party
- Hoo-ha!
- This is my favorite treat
- Woo! Yeah!
Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
When the day is hot and steamy
- Ice cream!
- Ha!
If you're happy and you know it
- Ice cream!
- Hoo!
Don't let it melt away!
Lick it up! Ice cream! Ha!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
- Yum! Yum! Yummy tasty sweet
- Hoo!
- Tum! Tum! Tummy goes party
- Hoo-ha!
- This is my favorite treat
- Woo! Yeah!
Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! Ice cream!
Ha! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
Can I have more ice cream?
- [cheers and applause]
- Yay!
- [laughter]
- [Pinkfong] You know what?
I think you're right, Baby Shark.
- We can make the best ice cream ever!
- [laughter]
I only have one request.
What's that?
You give me a big bite of it
once you make it!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Deal!
All right! Now it's time
to go on an adventure!
- [Penguins] Ah!
- Hoi Poi Pinkfong!
[all exclaim]
[all cheer, laugh]
Yay! Hooray!
Now get going
and find some great toppings!
Okay! First stop, Fruit Land.
They have the most colorful
and sweetest fruits in the world!
Let's go!
Huh? Wait!
The topping for the ice cream?
Are they looking for me?
Ha! Catch me if you can!
[all] Yay!
[upbeat music]
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
- Toppings so sweet! Toppings so cool!
- So sweet! So cool!
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
Let's go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
La la la la la, la la la la la
To the Fruit Land!
[both exclaim]
[birds chirping]
Mmm! Fruit Land smells awesome!
Wow, we are definitely going to get
some amazing toppings here.
It smells like
strawberries and blueberries
and oranges floating on a river of mango.
How does it smell so good here,
but we can't find any fruit toppings?
- ...too.
- [screaming in distance]
- [Hogi grunts]
- Huh?
- [all screaming]
- Save us!
Don't worry! We'll help you!
How do I help?
Ah! I think they said magic!
Of course! I can use my magic.
That's right! If we say
"Hoi Poi Pinkfong" together,
it works even better!
On the count of three! Ready?
[both] One!
[all] Hoi Poi Pinkfong!
[all whimpering]
[all panting, groaning]
Save us!
Thank you, Pinkfong and Hogi!
What brings you here, by the way?
We are on an adventure
to make the best ice cream ever.
Ooh! For the Ice Land Ice Cream Festival!
For the Ice Land Ice Cream...
We just said that!
I was just saying it with you.
It is for the Ice Cream Festival
but we can't seem to find any fruit!
Oh, we can help you with that!
If you give us a push, we can lead the way
to the freshest, juiciest,
tastiest fruit toppings
in all of Fruit Land!
Oh, yes.
Let's do it!
Can you help us cheer on
the Grape Triplets?
Put your light stick up in the air
and follow me!
[Pinkfong and Hogi]
Grape Triplets! Grape Triplets!
- [all] Grape Triplets! Grape Triplets!
- [Grape Triplets grunting]
Grape Triplets! Grape Triplets!
Grape Triplets! Grape Triplets!
Grape Triplets! Grape Triplets!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Yay! We made it!
Pick it, pick it!
Pick it, pick it, pick it!
Pick it, pick it!
Sweet, sweet, sweet strawberry!
Yummy, yummy, berry, berry, strawberry
Strawberry topping for the ice cream
Red, red, red strawberry on top
Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick it!
- Yellow
- Mellow
Juicy mango, go-go-go mango
Mango topping for the ice cream
Yellow, yellow, yellow mango on top
Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick it!
We, we like kiwi!
Sweet and sour, fuzzy, fuzzy kiwi
Ki-kiwi topping for the ice cream
Green, green, green kiwi on top
Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick it!
Cher, cher, cher! Cherry, cher!
Fresh, fresh cherry
Rolling, rolling cherry
Cherry topping for the ice cream
Red, red, red cherry on top
Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick, pick it!
[both] It's perfect!
[cheers and applause]
[Pinkfong and Hogi giggle]
[Pinkfong] Thank you so much!
We have every fruit
we could possibly want!
Um, no, we don't have any onions.
- [Grapes] Uh... Huh?
- [Pinkfong] Ew!
Actually, you are missing
a pretty important fruit topping
that isn't ripe in Fruit Land yet!
Really? What is it?
[Grapes] Bananas!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Bananas!
We love bananas!
Where can we find ripe bananas?
Jungle Land!
It's the best place for bananas.
Wait, where is Jungle Land?
[Grape Triplets exclaim]
[Pinkfong and Hogi exclaim]
Well, that's convenient!
Since we are round
and can't point in a direction,
but yeah, that way! The way the sign says!
- [Pinkfong] Oh.
- [Hogi] Ah.
[Pinkfong and Hogi]
Bye and thank you for the fruit toppings!
[Grapes] Good luck!
- [slowly] ...nas.
- [Grapes giggling]
[upbeat music]
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
- Toppings so sweet! Toppings so cool!
- So sweet! So cool!
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
Let's go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
La la la la la, la la la la la
To the Jungle Land!
[both exclaim]
[birds chirping]
[both] Ah!
[animals croaking]
[light music]
I wonder if we'll find bananas
behind some of these leaves!
What do you think we'll find
behind the leaves?
Should we keep looking?
I hope we don't find anything
besides bananas behind these leaves!
[Hogi exclaims in fear]
[squawking continues]
Hi, what's your name?
Hi, what's your name?
- I'm Pinkfong and this is Hogi.
- [chuckles shyly]
What's your name?
What's your name?
I just said I'm Pinkfong.
I just said I'm Pinkfong.
- [leaves rustling]
- [Pinkfong and Hogi exclaim in fear]
What's behind that leaf?
What's behind that leaf?
[Pinkfong grunts]
- Phew! Well, there's nothing.
- [Parrot] Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Look! There is something!
[Parrot] Something. Something.
- [Pinkfong and Hogi grunt]
- [yawns]
Hi, I'm Pinkfong.
[Parrot] Hi, I'm Pinkfong.
Hi, I'm not Pinkfong. I'm Chameleon.
What's all the commotion about?
I'm Hogi.
Sorry to disturb you, Chameleon.
This jungle is kind of scary.
You never know
what could be under these leaves.
Under the leaves! Under the leaves!
This is Parrot.
They repeat everything you say.
Everything you say! Everything you say!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Oh!
[Parrot squawking]
- [leaves rustling]
- [suspenseful sting]
- [Hogi exclaims in fear]
- [Parrot squawks]
[Parrot] Uh-oh!
[Hogi] Wha... wha...
what's behind that giant leaf?
Hey, I need us to work as a team
to find out what's behind this leaf.
Come on, help out!
And we need you all to cheer us on too!
On the count of three,
cheer "You can do it!"
and wave those light sticks!
[all] One!
- [effort grunts]
- [crowd cheering]
[crowd member] Come on! You can do it!
- [Pinkfong grunts]
- Oh, my!
[suspenseful music]
[upbeat music]
[T-Rex chuckles]
[T-Rex chuckles mischievously]
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Tyrannosaurus Rex!
[T-Rex] I'm the best hunter!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Tyrannosaurus Rex!
[T-Rex] What's gonna be my prey?
Look at my mighty teeth
Look at my mighty jaws
Nothing can run away from me!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Tyrannosaurus Rex!
[T-Rex] I'm the best hunter!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Tyrannosaurus Rex!
[T-Rex] What's gonna be my prey?
Look at my keen eyes
Look at my keen nose
Nothing can hide from me!
[Pinkfong and Hogi]
"T" stands for "Toothy"?
[T-Rex] T-Rex!
[Pinkfong and Hogi]
"T" stands for "Tall"?
[T-Rex] T-Rex!
[Pinkfong and Hogi]
"T" stands for "Terrible"?
[T-Rex] T-Rex!
[T-Rex chuckles mischievously]
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Tyrannosaurus Rex!
[T-Rex] I'm the best hunter!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Tyrannosaurus Rex!
[T-Rex] What's gonna be my prey?
Listen to my foot stomp
Listen to my loud roar
Nothing can stay calm in front of me
Nothing can stay calm
In front of me!
[cheers and applause]
[Hogi and T-Rex chuckle]
T-Rex! It's great to see you!
Yay, it's T-Rex!
So glad it wasn't something scary!
Pinkfong and Hogi!
What brings you to the Jungle?
We're looking for delicious bananas
to make the best ice cream in the world!
- [chuckles]
- [Pinkfong and Hogi grunt]
I love ice cream too!
I wish I could join you,
but I gotta get going
to my basketball game.
But if you ever need any help,
or find something actually scary
behind some leaves, I'll be there!
- [Pinkfong] Thanks, T-Rex!
- [chuckles]
[Pinkfong and Hogi grunting]
[Pinkfong] Wow, I'm flying in the sky!
[Hogi] That's not it!
T-Rex is walking back.
- Oh, right.
- Uh-huh.
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Huh?
Wow! Bananas!
The Grape Triplets were right!
The ripe bananas are in Jungle Land.
[Hogi] Let's pick, pick, pick, pick, pick!
Pick them, Pinkfong!
[both grunting]
It's no use, we'll never get up there!
[Pinkfong] Oh, no,
our ice cream is ruined.
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Huh?
- Is that a branch?
- Oh!
I don't think that's a branch.
[Pinkfong] Huh?
[Baby Monkey giggles]
Baby Monkey, do you mind picking
some of those bananas for us?
[Pinkfong] We can't reach them.
[upbeat music]
[Hogi] Yeah!
[Baby Monkey] Baby Monkey
Baby Monkey
Baby Monkey
[Mommy Monkey] Mommy Monkey
Mommy Monkey
Mommy Monkey
[Daddy Monkey] Daddy Monkey
Daddy Monkey
Daddy Monkey
[Grandma Monkey] Grandma Monkey
Grandma Monkey
Grandma Monkey
[Grandpa Monkey] Grandpa Monkey
Grandpa Monkey
Grandpa Monkey
[all] No more
No more
No more
It's the end
It's the end
It's the end
[cheers and applause]
[Pinkfong and Hogi grunt]
[Baby Monkey giggles]
Wow, thank you so much!
These bananas look amazing!
And I think there's enough to share.
Now I know there's enough to share.
And now, we're ready
for the crispy crunchy
sweet deliciousness of Dessert Land!
[Hogi] Let's do it!
- Look out!
- [grunts]
That was close!
[sighs in relief]
[both grunt]
[both giggling]
[upbeat music]
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
- Toppings so sweet! Toppings so cool!
- So sweet! So cool!
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
Let's go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
La la la la la, la la la la la
To the Dessert Land!
[Pinkfong and Hogi exclaim]
This is amazing!
What do you think about Dessert Land?
Pretty cool, huh?
Tell us what your favorite dessert is.
Shout it out!
[crowd shouting]
Cookies! Cake! Lollipop!
- Do you see your favorites here?
- Yum-yum!
[giggles excitedly]
[exclaims, sniffing]
- [giggles]
- [both] Mmm!
[both giggling]
[amazed gasp]
That's a really big oven!
You could make...
such a big...
- delicious cookie in that oven.
- [Hogi giggles]
That's a great idea!
We should bake a cookie for our topping!
That will make our ice cream even better!
I've never baked a cookie before.
That's why
we are going to follow the recipe!
First, we have to get
all the ingredients out
- and ready to use.
- Mm-hmm.
[both] Yay!
[upbeat music]
Let's bake cookies!
Flour! Check!
Butter! Check!
Sugar! Check!
All done!
[both giggling]
[both exclaim, gasp]
Let's mix the ingredients, mix and mix
Mix and mix, mix and mix
Let's mix the ingredients, mix and mix
Make yummy tummy cookies
Let's roll the cookie dough
Roll and roll
Roll and roll, roll and roll
Let's roll the cookie dough
Roll and roll
Make yummy tummy cookies
Oh, and what do we do next?
Oh... ah!
Let's cut out the shapes now
Cut and cut
Cut and cut, cut and cut
Let's cut out the shapes now
Cut and cut
Make yummy tummy cookies
It's time to bake!
Let's put it in the oven
And wait and wait
For how long?
Until they're done!
Let's put it in the oven
And wait and wait
- [clocks ticking]
- [oven dings]
Make yummy tummy cookies
[cheers and applause]
Let's decorate the cookies
Step by step
One, two, three! Pop, pop, pop!
Let's decorate the cookies
Step by step
Make yummy tummy cookies
[both] Finally, we made
yummy tummy cookies!
[both giggling]
[cheers and applause]
[Pinkfong] They all look so yummy!
What do you think would be
the best topping for our ice cream?
[crowd shouting]
Jeni! T-Rex! Hogi! Pinkfong!
[Pinkfong] I think...
Gingerbread has to be
the topping for our ice cream.
Doesn't it look like
the most perfect topping?
[crowd cheering, exclaiming in approval]
[Hogi] Ah!
- [Pinkfong] Yay!
- [fireworks crackling]
[Pinkfong and Hogi
whooping excitedly, laughing]
We made the perfect ice cream!
Let's dance with our light sticks
in celebration!
[both giggling]
[upbeat music]
Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! Ice cream!
Ha! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
- Yum! Yum! Yummy tasty sweet
- Hoo!
- Tum! Tum! Tummy goes party
- Hoo-ha!
- This is my favorite treat
- Woo! Yeah!
Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
When the day is hot and steamy
- Ice cream!
- Ha!
If you're happy and you know it
- Ice cream!
- Hoo!
Don't let it melt away!
Lick it up! Ice cream! Ha!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
- Yum! Yum! Yummy tasty sweet
- Hoo!
- Tum! Tum! Tummy goes party
- Hoo-ha!
- This is my favorite treat
- Woo! Yeah!
Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! Ice cream!
Ha! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
Can I have more ice cream?
[cheers and applause]
[both laughing]
Phew! We should get this
to Baby Shark right away!
Yeah, let's go!
- [crowd] Bye! See you!
- [both giggle]
[suspenseful music]
Did everyone leave?
[excited grunt]
[cheering, whooping]
Wow! Woo-hoo!
Free at last!
Don't tell them you saw me!
[laughing continues]
[Jeni] Yay!
[excited laugh]
- [crowd exclaiming, chattering]
- [Jeni] Huh? Huh?
[dramatic music]
Ah! Oh, no!
Pinkfong and Hogi's ice cream
is missing toppings!
[intriguing music]
Have you seen where Gingerbread went?
Keep your eyes open
and shout if you see him!
And most importantly,
keep an eye on your treats.
We don't want him snatching yours too!
If we're going to find Gingerbread,
we're going to need
Pinkfong and Hogi's help!
Let's all call for them at once.
First Pinkfong. Then Hogi.
[all] Pinkfong!
[both panting]
[both exclaim]
[both] Huh?
- Oh, no! What happened?
- [confused grunt]
Hmm... It's almost like
our Gingerbread got up and walked away.
But that would be impossible!
What could have happened?
Maybe a spaceship came down
and beamed it up!
Or a tidal wave washed it away!
But wouldn't our socks have gotten wet?
[Pinkfong] Look at these footprints!
Someone was walking in our ice cream.
They must have taken it!
We better follow them
and save our Gingerbread!
[both] Hmm.
[upbeat music]
Who took the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Who took the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Who? Me?
Yes, you!
Not me!
Then who?
Maybe someone hid it.
Hmm... Pinkfong?
Who hid the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Who hid the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Who? Me?
Yes, you!
Not me!
Then who?
Ah! Maybe someone just ate it!
[both] Jeni?
Who ate the Gingerbread
- From the ice cream?
- [yelps]
Who ate the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Who? Me?
[both] Yes, you!
Not me!
[all] Then who?
[cheers and applause]
Mm... huh?
[Hogi] Ah!
Hey, you stole yourself, Gingerbread?
[chuckles mischievously]
That's right!
I was the best topping,
but now, you'll never catch me!
[chuckles mischievously]
[both panting, grunting]
[chuckles mischievously]
[both sigh]
[Pinkfong and Hogi panting]
[Gingerbread Man chuckles, grunts]
[Gingerbread Man] Too slow!
- Try again!
- [Pinkfong and Hogi panting]
- Ah-ah!
- Hey, get back here!
Ha-ha! Catch me if you can!
- G-I-N-G-E-R
- Bread!
- G-I-N-G-E-R
- Bread!
- G-I-N-G-E-R
- Bread!
Born in the oven, so born to be hot
I have no fear, even in a fire
One in a million, one of a kind
Check it twice, I baked nice
Strawberry, mango, kiwi
Cherries, bananas!
Topping for the ice cream?
Are you kidding me?
Keep on running, running!
Come catch me!
How dare you?
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Catch me if you can!
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Catch me if you can!
Ca-ca-ca-catch me if you can
Ca-ca-ca-catch me if you can
[giggling mischievously]
Hotter than an oven, cooler than ice
Hotter than an oven, cooler than ice
Brown, brown Gingerbread
Crown, crown on my head
Topping for the ice cream?
Are you kidding me?
Keep on running, running!
Come catch me!
How dare you?
[Pinkfong and Hogi]
Come back here, Gingerbread!
[giggling mischievously]
Huh! It's showtime!
Woo! Yeah!
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Catch me if you can!
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo
Catch me if you can!
Ca-ca-ca-catch me if you can
Ca-ca-ca-catch me if you can
- G-I-N-G-E-R
- Bread!
- G-I-N-G-E-R
- Bread!
- G-I-N-G-E-R
- Bread!
Huh! You know my name?
Let's start the game!
- [Pinkfong and Hogi panting]
- [Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[heavy breathing]
Get back here!
- [chuckles]
- [grunts]
Ah! Ooh!
[both panting]
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[Jelly Baby Crocodile babbles]
[Pinkfong] Uh?
Pinkfong, we're going to need some help.
[Pinkfong] Hey, Jelly Baby Crocodile!
Our cookie topping has run off
and we need help.
Can you give us a ride?
[upbeat music]
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Hooray!
[Baby Croc] Baby Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Croc
[Mommy Croc] Mommy Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Croc
[Daddy Croc] Daddy Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Croc
[Grandma Croc] Grandma Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Croc
[Grandpa Croc] Grandpa Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Croc
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Croc
[Gingerbread Man] Gingerbread
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
[Jelly Croc Family] Let's go chase
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go chase
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go chase
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go chase
[Croc Family, Pinkfong and Hogi]
Keep it up
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Way to go
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Almost done
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Got ya!
[Croc Family, Pinkfong and Hogi]
It's the end
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
It's the end
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
It's the end
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
It's the end
[cheers and applause]
[Gingerbread Man whimpers]
All right, Gingerbread,
we've got you surrounded.
There's no escaping now!
Oh, well, I guess you caught me.
I'm completely surrounded.
I have nowhere to go.
I mean, I could go that way,
but why would I
since there's a big scary monster there.
- [whimpers]
- [Hogi] What?
- Where?
- [all whimpering]
[giggles, grunts]
[chuckles mischievously]
Hey, Gingerbread,
there's no monster there...
[surprised grunt]
[giggles, grunts]
Oh! I can't believe
we fell for the old fake monster trick!
Yeah, but better safe than monster food!
Well, no time to waste.
He's getting further by the second.
It looks like he's heading
right towards the Cookie House.
Let's get him!
[both panting]
[Gingerbread Man giggling]
[panting continues]
[Hogi gasps, exclaims]
[Pinkfong] Wow!
Everything looks so delicious!
I know.
Have you tried the staircase?
It's chocolate chip!
Ooh, let me try!
- [Gingerbread Man giggles]
- Oh! Wait a second!
There's only one cookie
that matters right now,
and that's finding Gingerbread!
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot!
We've got to find him!
[upbeat music]
Neh-neh-neh boo-boo.
Catch me if you can!
There is Gingerbread!
Where is Gingerbread?
Where is Gingerbread?
Here I am, here I am
Hide and hide and hide-and-seek
Hide and hide and hide-and-seek
I found you!
Run away, run away
- [Hogi] Ready or not, here we come!
- [giggles]
Where is Gingerbread?
Where is Gingerbread?
Here I am, here I am
Hide and hide and hide-and-seek
Hide and hide and hide-and-seek
I found you!
Run away, run away
[Hogi] Pinkfong! Look! Over there!
Where is Gingerbread?
Where is Gingerbread?
Here I am, here I am
Hide and hide and hide-and-seek
Hide and hide and hide-and-seek
[both] There!
No way!
- [Pinkfong and Hogi grunt]
- Run away, run away
[both] Oh, my! He runs away again!
[both groan]
This is impossible!
Everything looks exactly like Gingerbread.
We'll never find him!
- [Gingerbread Man giggling]
- [Pinkfong] Huh?
- [giggling continues]
- Do you hear that, Pinkfong?
I do! And I know exactly
where it's coming from.
Me too! He's...
- [both] Here! Uh?
- [giggling continues]
No, he's...
[both] There!
I told you you're never going to catch me!
[whoops, grunting]
[both cry]
What are we going to do?
We've come so far. We can't give up now!
You're right. We never quit, Pinkfong!
And we need the Gingerbread
to make the perfect ice cream.
[upbeat music]
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
- Toppings so sweet! Toppings so cool!
- So sweet! So cool!
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
Let's go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
La la la la la, la la la la la
To the Lollipop Hill!
- [giggling, grunting]
- [Pinkfong and Hogi panting]
[Pinkfong] Huh?
[both] No!
Not to Lollipop Hill!
- [Jeni] Pinkfong! Hogi!
- Huh?
[Pinkfong] Jeni?
I saw you having trouble
getting past all the candy obstacles,
and I have the perfect way to help.
All you have to do is learn
this very fun dance.
- Hah!
- And you can learn it too!
It's super easy.
You just have to jump, jump, jump
to the song!
Can you do that?
[Pinkfong and Hogi laughing]
- [Pinkfong and Hogi] Yay!
- Great!
Then, get your light sticks ready.
Stand up and follow along!
Ready? Go!
We're jumping, jumping
Jumping, jumping!
Jumping up into the sky! Yeah!
Is that it?
Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping!
Wow, it's super easy and a lot of fun!
- Isn't it?
- [crowd] Yes!
We got it! Thanks, Jeni!
Hoppy to help!
All right, Hogi! Let's do this!
[upbeat music]
Make a fist and put it up high
Jump up, jump up into the sky
Higher, higher, higher, higher
Let's jump!
Make a fist and put it up high
One more time into the sky
Higher, higher, higher, higher
Let's jump!
Ready and let's go!
We're jumping, jumping
Jumping, jumping
Jumping up into the sky!
And even if we fall down
We'll stand up and try again
Now we're all jumping, jumping
Jumping, jumping
Jumping up into the sky!
And even if we fall down
We'll stand up one more time
And even if we fall down
We can do it one more time!
[cheers and applause]
[effort grunts]
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[grunting in slow motion]
- [tense music]
- [screaming in slow motion]
[Gingerbread Man grunts]
Ugh! Oh, no!
I can't run away from inside a donut hole!
[both panting]
Hogi, I think Gingerbread is in trouble.
- We have to help him!
- [Gingerbread Man] Get me out!
- Help!
- [Hogi] Don't panic, Gingerbread!
We're here to help you!
But how?
[both grunting]
Ah! Pinkfong, look!
- Huh? Uh?
- [Pinkfong] Here, take this!
Hurry! We're going to pull you out.
- [effort grunt]
- [suspenseful music]
[both grunt]
- [both panting]
- [Gingerbread Man crying]
I'm going to be stuck in here forever.
Don't worry, Gingerbread,
we just need some extra help!
- [grunts]
- [crying continues]
Hey, everyone, we need your help!
[upbeat music]
Sing along with Jeni!
Gather, friends!
- Gingerbread is stuck
- Help!
So fruit friends are coming
Pull! Pull!
We all fall down
Gingerbread is stuck
- [Gingerbread Man] Help!
- So the great T-Rex is coming
Pull! Pull!
We all fall down
La la la la la la la la
Pull! Pull!
La la la la la la la la
Pull! Pull! Pull!
Gingerbread is stuck
- [Gingerbread Man] Oh, no!
- So the Monkey Family is coming
Pull! Pull!
We all fall down
Gingerbread is stuck
So Jelly Crocs are coming
Pull! Pull!
We all fall down
Ugh! Oh, no!
Friends! I guess it's time
to do the magic together.
Shout out "Hoi Poi Pinkfong"
on the count of three
and shake your light sticks! Ready?
[both] One, two, three!
[all] Hoi Poi Pinkfong!
One more time. Louder!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] One, two, three!
[all] Hoi Poi Pinkfong!
Hoi Poi Pinkfong!
[all] Wow!
Gingerbread was stuck
But now, he is safe
Free, I'm free!
Phew, what a relief!
La la la la la la la la
Pull! Pull!
La la la la la la la la
[Pinkfong] Thanks, friends!
[cheers and applause]
- [laughter]
- We did it!
Thanks for your help, everyone!
[laughter continues]
And thank you for your help too!
- [grunts]
- [Pinkfong] Huh?
[Pinkfong and Hogi grunting]
What are you doing, Gingerbread?
We're going to fall!
Stop it!
[Hogi screams]
[Gingerbread Man grunts]
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[crowd chattering indistinctly]
[all exclaim]
- [crowd member] Awesome!
- [Pinkfong and Hogi laughing]
- [both exclaim]
- [laughter]
I wanted to bring out the best toppings
that were hidden deep inside the ground!
It's my way of saying
thank you for saving me
and for playing the best game
of hide-and-seek ever!
- [cheers and applause]
- [upbeat music]
Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! Ice cream!
Ha! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
- Yum! Yum! Yummy tasty sweet
- Hoo!
- Tum! Tum! Tummy goes party
- Hoo-ha!
- This is my favorite treat
- Woo! Yeah!
Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
When the day is hot and steamy
- Ice cream!
- Ha!
If you're happy and you know it
- Ice cream!
- Hoo!
Don't let it melt away!
Lick it up! Ice cream! Ha!
Are you ready to scream for ice cream?
[funky music]
- Yum! Yum! Yummy tasty sweet
- Hoo!
- Tum! Tum! Tummy goes party
- Hoo-ha!
- This is my favorite treat
- Woo! Yeah!
Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Can I have more ice cream?
[cheers and applause]
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Yay!
We did it!
This ice cream looks incredible!
Wow, it's more beautiful
than I could have imagined!
- It smells even better than onion.
- [Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[both shout excitedly, laugh]
This is the best!
Let's get this amazing ice cream
back to all of our friends in Ice Land!
- [Pinkfong and Hogi cheer, whoop]
- I love friends!
[upbeat music]
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
- Toppings so sweet! Toppings so cool!
- So sweet! So cool!
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
Let's go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
La la la la la, la la la la la
To the Ice Land!
[Penguins] Yeah!
This was the best Ice Cream Festival ever!
But my favorite thing about it
is sharing the ice cream
with all of my friends!
- [Penguin] Thank you.
- [Polar Bear] Ooh!
It's even better than onion!
Baby Shark, thank you for sending us
on such a great adventure,
making the best ice cream in the world.
And now, it's your turn to take a taste!
[all exclaim]
I can taste strawberries,
mangoes, and cherries,
and the ripest bananas,
and chocolate, and sprinkles!
It has everything!
Baby Shark, I'm glad you like it!
- [upbeat music]
- [cheers and applause]
[Baby Shark] Baby Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Shark
[Mommy Shark] Mommy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Mommy Shark!
[Daddy Shark] Daddy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Daddy Shark!
[Grandma Shark] Grandma Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandma Shark!
[Grandpa Shark] Grandpa Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Shark
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Grandpa Shark!
[all] Pinkfong and Hogi
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Great adventure
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
Top toppings
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
For the ice cream!
It's showtime!
When the day is hot
Hot and steamy
Ice cream!
If you're happy
And you know-know-know it
Ice cream!
Don't-don't-don't let it melt away!
Lick it up-up-up! Ha!
Are you ready to scream
For ice-ice-ice cream?
Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! Ice cream!
Ha! Ice! Ice! Ice! Ice cream!
Are you ready to scream for...
Three, two, one! Let's go!
Ice cream, yummy yummy, ice-ice cream
Tasty sweet
Yummy yummy, ice-ice cream
Favorite treat
Yummy yummy, ice-ice cream
Ice cream! Sing together!
It's the end
Yummy yummy, ice-ice cream
All together
Yummy yummy, ice-ice cream
Take a bite
Yummy yummy, ice-ice cream
- So yummy!
- [fireworks crackling]
[cheers and applause]
[crowd shouting]
Encore! Encore! Encore!
[Jeni] Wait a second.
Friends! Are you there?
Do you feel like
singing and dancing again?
Shout if you want to see
Pinkfong and Hogi one more time!
The stars of the show, the best duo!
Pinkfong and Hogi!
[both laughing excitedly]
The hottest and the coolest cookie ever,
[chuckles mischievously]
G-I-N-G-E-R bread!
G-I-N-G-E-R bread!
[Jeni] Baby Shark!
Doo doo doo doo doo doo
[blows kiss]
[Jeni] And...
[all] Jeni!
Let's call all our friends.
[all] Friends!
- [laughter]
- Friends in Ice Land.
- Polar Bear and Penguins!
- [Hogi] Hi!
Thank you, Pinkfong and Hogi!
Dance, dance, yay!
[Penguins exclaim]
Friends in Fruit Land! Grape Triplets!
- Jump! Jump! Jump!
- [slowly] Jump!
- Jump! Jump! Jump!
- [slowly] Jump!
- Yay!
- [slowly] Yay!
Friends in Jungle Land.
Parrot and Chameleon!
Parrot and Chameleon!
Parrot and Chameleon!
Here we go again.
- And Tyrannosaurus Rex!
- [chuckles]
The Monkey Family!
[all chattering, laughing]
[Pinkfong] Thanks for the bananas!
Last but not least...
Jelly Crocodile Family!
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Thanks, friends!
[all] Thanks, friends!
[both] And friends!
Put your hands up!
And dance your heart out!
[upbeat music]
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
- Toppings so sweet! Toppings so cool!
- So sweet! So cool!
- Top-top-toppings for ice cream
- Cream!
Let's go, go, go, go!
Let's go!
La la la la la, la la la la la
To the Ice Land!
[Hogi giggling]
Pinkfong's Ice Cream Adventure!
How was it? Did you enjoy it a lot?
Did you also shake and wave
the light sticks?
[crowd cheering, laughing]
Wow, we all had a great time too!
You don't want the show
to be over, do you?
That's why we prepared
something spectacular for you,
which is...
The Photo Time!
- [camera shutters clicking]
- [Pinkfong and Hogi] Yay!
Friends! Let's take some photos together
and remember this moment forever!
Do your signature pose
on the count of three!
- [all giggle]
- Great!
Then let the Photo Time begin!
All right!
[all] One!
- [camera shutter clicks]
- [all] Say "ice cream"!
[Jeni giggling]
- [Jeni] Yay!
- [Gingerbread Man groans]
[Pinkfong] Selfie time!
- [Polar Bear] Yay!
- [Penguins giggle]
[Pinkfong and Hogi] Yay!
- [T-Rex chuckles]
- [Pinkfong] Nice!
[Chameleon] Hi!
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[Jeni giggles]
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
[Pinkfong] Click, click! Yay!
This ice cream still looks spectacular!
I know, right?
Oh, Hogi!
I guess we really have to say goodbye.
Friends! Promise you will play
and sing with us next time!
Promise! It will be so much fun!
Just like today!
Okay, everyone.
[all] See you next time!
- Bye!
- Bye! Thank you for today!
- [indistinct chatter]
- [T-Rex chuckles]
[Gingerbread Man] Uh-huh!
[upbeat music]
That's right, I was the best topping
Catch me if you can!
I was the best topping
Catch me if you can!
Ca-ca-ca-catch me if you can
Who took the Gingerbread?
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
Who took the Gingerbread?
Who took the Gingerbread?
Who, who, who
Who, who, who, who, who?
You'll never catch me!
[in distorted voice]
I was the best topping
You'll never catch me!
I was the best topping
You'll never catch me!
I was the best topping
You'll never catch me!
[in normal voice] Who took
The Gingerbread from the ice cream?
Who took the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Ice cream
Ice cream
Who took the Gingerbread?
[Pinkfong] Not me!
Gingerbread! Who?
Who took the Gingerbread, Gingerbread?
Who? Who took the Gingerbread? Ginger!
Who took the Gingerbread
Gingerbread, Gingerbread?
Who, who, who
Who, who, who, who, who?
Bread! Gingerbread!
Catch me if you can!
Who took the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Who took the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Ice cream
Ice cream
Who took the Gingerbread?
That's right! I was the best topping
Who took the Gingerbread?
Now you'll never catch me!
[Gingerbread Man chuckles]
Who, who, who
Who, who, who, who, who?
Who took the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
Who took the Gingerbread
From the ice cream?
[Hogi] Not me!
Bread! Gingerbread!