Polar Opposites (2025) Movie Script
[upbeat music]
[laughter] I see you, Juan.
I see you, Juan!
You got some new moves!
You're looking good!
Rock on!
[penguins braying]
[mid-tempo music]
[laughs] Wow.
It looks like Lola's not
going to be alone after all.
[penguins braying]
My phone.
[penguins braying]
[car horns honking]
[mid-tempo music]
So, anything?
Not even a "Hey,
couldn't make it,"
or, "Gee, something came up."
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry for dragging
you out as my wingwoman.
No, it's fine.
I had a great chat
with the hostess.
She's gonna sign up
for my boot camp.
Huh, would you look at that.
He's online, probably
chatting it up with one
- of his other million matches.
- Oh.
I feel like nobody can focus
with this many options.
I don't know.
Look at those two over there.
They've been having
a great time.
Every time one of them
steps away, they're
swiping through their phones.
In fact...
[mid-tempo music]
What are you doing?
I am letting Mr. MIA
know what I think.
And another thing...
Emma, put the phone down.
Now, while I'm at it...
[phone trills]
What is it?
He blocked me.
[groans] Why can't I just meet
someone at work like you did?
Honey, you're a
courtroom artist...
I mean, unless you want to date
an accused criminal or a lawyer?
No, no, not that desperate yet.
Don't worry.
You're going to
find your person.
And it wasn't Mark.
I know.
As hard as that was, I know
I made the right choice.
Still, I'm beginning to
wonder if I should just
move somewhere remote,
keep it simple,
and date the only
option in town.
[trumpeting penguins ringtone]
Speaking of remote,
Antarctica's calling.
Hi, Dad.
How's life on the ice cap?
Got a real problem.
The ice sheet is breaking up.
Hang on, Dad.
I can't hear you.
IAN (ON PHONE): Emma, suppor...
in real danger out...
killer whales start...
Wait, did you say danger?
Dad, can you hear me?
Help, Em.
- He's all alone out...
- I don't understand.
What's wrong? Where are you?
Dad, are you sick?
[buzz tones]
[suspenseful music]
[buzz tones]
KAT: Still no luck getting
through to anyone at the base?
His satellite phone
isn't connecting,
and nobody's seen him for weeks.
Ugh, God forbid he stay
and work at a base.
No, he's got to
go off on his own,
even with those chest
pains he's been ignoring.
That man is obsessed
with his penguins.
Didn't he name you
one for your birthday?
Oh, yeah.
OK, penguins or no
penguins, he's alone.
I have to get to him.
Maybe there's a research
team heading down.
I could tag along.
You mean go to Antarctica?
Well, yeah.
I can't just sit here, Kat.
It's my dad.
Ah, ah.
Look, a team is leaving
from Buenos Aires, ooh,
on a cruise ship.
Yeah, tomorrow.
Gotta go.
I need a flight.
I need a ticket.
I need to pack.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on.
Don't you need
special permission
to even set foot in Antarctica
from, like, the embassy?
We'll figure it out.
Dad needs to be reminded
to file his taxes.
It can't be that much paperwork.
Please, please, please,
please, please, please, please.
Ha! Ha!
I'll call you.
All right.
Wait, wait.
You're not wearing any...
[mid-tempo music]
I should change.
[uplifting music]
[distant chatter]
Good morning.
I'm Ingrid, your chief officer.
Your tickets, please.
Thank you.
Welcome aboard.
Thank you.
Welcome aboard.
Good morning.
Your ticket, please.
Actually, I'm not an
official passenger yet.
Oh, are you with the research
team or checking out?
No, no, but my dad's a
researcher in Antarctica.
Ian Rivera.
Maybe you know him.
He does penguin research.
Emperor penguins, to be exact.
[distant chatter]
That doesn't matter.
So the thing is, no one
can get a hold of him,
and I'm worried he's in trouble.
So I need to get on
board, which means
I need to purchase a ticket.
Do you prefer cash or card?
I'm sorry.
Even with a ticket, you
would still require a permit.
I get that, but,
um, I thought maybe
you could make an exception
because of the circumstances.
Please, please.
I flew all the way here.
I have to get on this boat.
Sorry, it's the law.
So, no.
I'd be risking my job and
your safety if I allowed it.
OK, how about I hop on
with the research team?
They're my people.
They are my dad's people.
You would still need an official
permit to travel with them.
What I can do is take
your information.
And if I discover anything about
your father, I can let you know.
I'm Ingrid, the
ship's chief officer.
Thank you.
[trumpeting penguins ringtone]
No passenger?
Oh, not one with papers.
[horn blowing]
MAN: Come on, guys, let's
get this gear on board.
Well, it isn't a terrible
thing we're grounded.
This ship's pretty swanky.
Hey, don't get used to it.
They're just doing us a favor.
INGRID: Hello.
And make sure you get the
magnetometer on board.
We have to break it down and
refit it with those new parts.
All right?
[mid-tempo music]
- Oh, whoops.
- Oh.
Hey, we're dancing.
Have we met?
I'm sure I would
have remembered you.
I mean, I don't forget a
face, so I don't think I
would have not remembered you.
Andy Jackson, mechanical
engineer of all things subzero.
Oh, great, a fellow engineer.
So I guess we must
be working together.
Yeah, it's great.
I think I heard someone say they
can't find the magnetometer.
Are you kidding?
[horn blowing]
You'd better get on board.
[mid-tempo music]
[upbeat music]
[horn blowing]
Here we go.
[downbeat music]
[laughs] You're a stowaway.
Well, not really.
KAT (ON PHONE): How are you not?
You don't have a ticket.
You don't have permission
to be on board.
OK, OK, I get it.
Don't worry.
I'll figure it out.
There's gotta be
someone on board
who'd be willing to help me.
hope you're right.
And hey, you wanted remote.
So who knows?
Maybe when you get there, you'll
meet a cute penguin named Juan.
Not if I get busted first.
[uplifting music]
[downbeat music]
How many days to Antarctica?
10 days?
Excuse me.
[mid-tempo music]
- Hey.
- Hi.
There you are.
I've been looking for you.
I'm just grabbing
something to eat.
We missed you at dinner.
We got invited to
the captain's table.
Sorry I missed that.
I wanted to get to work.
Copy that.
Love the enthusiasm.
We actually found
a place to work.
So here, I'll show you.
[mid-tempo music]
So is this is your
first time out?
Because I am sure we have
not worked together before.
No, we haven't. You
would have remembered me.
- Remember?
- That's right.
And I'm sorry, can you please
remind me of your name?
- I didn't catch it.
- Emma.
- Emma.
- Emma Rivera.
My dad's actually a
researcher in Antarctica.
Maybe you've heard of him...
Ian Rivera?
The name does ring a bell.
Do you work with him as well?
No, no, I'm an
illustrator of blueprints.
Well, you must be excited to
see your dad when we land.
You have no idea.
Actually, this may seem
like a crazy story.
Everyone, this is Emma.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Ready to get to work?
All right.
Put your food right here.
But first things first.
We need to put this
magnetometer together.
Yes, it arrived.
Thank goodness.
So it's all yours.
[exhales] All right, Emma.
You've seen one of these before,
except it was all in one piece.
[mid-tempo music]
[laughs] Hm.
Just doing this.
You gotta make sure these are
really straight, like that.
See, this one's wiggly.
Gotta be careful.
That looks good now.
That is ready to go somewhere.
Everything all right?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm just used to working
with a different model.
ANDY: So who exactly did
you work with before?
That's actually what I
wanted to talk to you about.
Sorry, boss, but the remote
for the underwater drone
is missing.
What else could go wrong today?
ANDY: So they were
supposed to be right here.
What was the thing?
OK, let me check all the
cases now, one by one.
Um, could... I'll be right back.
[mid-tempo music]
[distant chatter]
- Emma.
- Ah.
There you are.
What is going on?
I'm sorry.
I should have told you.
Told me what?
I'm not an engineer.
But I am an illustrator,
just not one of blueprints.
OK, so wait.
What exactly are you then?
Are you part of my team,
or are you on the ship
for a different reason?
I needed to get on board
so that I can get to my dad
because I think that
he's in trouble.
But then this chief
officer said that I
didn't have the paperwork.
ANDY: Whoa, whoa.
Are you telling me that you're
not supposed to be on this ship?
Not technically.
No, there's no gray area.
Either you had
permission or you don't.
The ship was leaving.
I didn't have a choice.
Oh, no, no.
Oh, Andy, please, please,
please don't tell anyone.
Please, please.
Andy, listen, I will lay low.
You won't even know I'm here.
No, no, no, I can't be your
co-conspirator on this.
Do you know how much trouble
you can get into going
to Antarctica without a permit?
A lot.
We're talking bans,
fines, arrest.
And I can't be a part of
that because, unlike you, I
have permission to go to work at
the base as an actual engineer.
So, no. No way.
Forget about it.
I... I... I have to tell Ingrid.
You can tell Ingrid.
I don't think she'd be too
thrilled to learn that I
got on board under your watch.
[indistinct speech]
So I asked the chef to save
some for the end of your shift,
with two spoons, in case
you wanted to share with...
with me, or whoever.
[mid-tempo music]
So, speaking of
the dinner, I was
surprised to see that
the research team
was with us on the first night.
INGRID: I invited them.
Oh, well, I guess it's
not fair for them to stay
tucked away on the first night.
Yeah, it's not like
they're stowaways.
It's my dad.
Hm... OK, fine.
[uplifting music]
[downbeat music]
I see you're traveling in style.
Yeah, perks of
piggybacking on a cruise.
And for you, seeing as
this is where you're going
to stay until we get there.
Oh, no, no, no.
I can't stay stuck in here.
Oh, no, no, no.
You can.
OK, I can...
after we figure out
how to find my dad.
You are allowed to be here.
I'm sure with all
your fancy tech gear,
you could locate my
dad's satellite phone.
OK, that's not what
that gear is for.
But maybe I could try
the bridge, contact
- somebody I know at the base.
- See?
Great. Let's go.
Fine, but if you're
coming with me,
you need to look official.
How's it going?
I just need to
get a message out.
[upbeat music]
[phone ringing]
PEG: When do you expect
those labs to be in?
WOMAN: I don't know, actually.
Well, they were supposed
to be in yesterday.
I mean...
Peg, there's a call for you.
OK, we'll get
back on that. OK?
Is this Peg?
The one and only.
Who's this?
This is Andy calling
from the Vega.
PEG (ON PHONE): Oh, Andy!
What, are you coming down here
for some more fun in the frost?
You bet.
Um, hey, look, I was just
wondering if you could
- help me out with a little...
- Hello?
Hello? Hello?
Hi. Hi.
Excuse me.
Sorry. Hello.
This is Emma Rivera.
I'm looking for my dad.
I'm sorry, who is this?
EMMA (ON PHONE): Emma Rivera.
I'm Ian Rivera's daughter.
Do you know him?
PEG: Of course.
He wanders in here for a meal
when he can peel himself away
from those penguins of his.
He called, and it sounded
like he was in trouble.
And now his phone
isn't connecting,
and the emergency service
couldn't locate him.
Trouble? Wait, wait, wait.
What kind of trouble?
I don't know, but he's been
having these chest pains.
Peg, have there been any
bad storms down there?
Uh, none to raise the alarms.
No mayday signals either.
But don't worry.
I'll send someone out to
check on him right away.
Thank you, Peg.
Thank you so, so much.
Don't worry about it.
We look out for
everyone down here.
It's just what we do.
All right, listen,
when you hear anything,
please call me at 555-82...
what are you doing?
They're coming.
How is she everywhere?
Fancy running into you here.
Hello there, Andy.
What are you up to in here?
I was just letting the
base know we're en route.
I could have done that for you.
I was about to... to call them.
Well, if it could wait, I...
actually, I wanted to show
you some of the equipment
we're working with.
I know how interested you
are in what we're doing here.
So if you don't mind
geeking out with me...
Well, actually, we
should check in with...
I'd love to geek out with you.
Marty, why don't
you place the call?
You know, I took engineering
at school for three years.
Get out.
That's something else, actually.
INGRID: Yeah, it was
amazing, you know.
ANDY: You know, I'm so
interested in actually
hearing more about
that. INGRID: Yeah.
ANDY: Because this
is the thing...
Do you think Peg will notify
the ship if she hears anything?
Don't worry.
I'll make sure that the deck
notifies me if any messages
from the base come in.
Is that your dad?
Yeah, yeah.
He's with his second family.
You know, most people
wouldn't solo in Antarctica.
Oh, I know.
My dad is not most people.
He's always been happy
splitting his time between me
and my mom, when she was still
with us, and his penguins.
When did you lose your mom?
When I was 10.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Well, my mom taught me
to be a gentleman, so...
No, no.
You are taking the bed tonight.
- Stop.
- Yes, you are.
No, no.
Hey, don't fight
with Mama Jackson.
OK, I won't.
Where is Ms. Jackson?
My whole family's in Florida...
my mom, my dad, and my sister.
Sunshine State.
Couldn't be more different
than where we're headed.
True, but Antarctica is
different than any place
in the world.
And that's what I love about it.
So being able to build
equipment that gives us
the data to help
us protect it feels
like I'm making a difference.
You are.
Your dad must feel the same way.
Yeah. Mhm.
You miss him?
Yeah, I really do.
Well, if it was my dad,
I would do everything
I could to help him, too.
[gentle music]
Good night.
Good night.
My dad, he names his
penguins like they're
little people or something.
I have to admit.
I named a seal once.
He was like this big dog.
- He'd even follow me around.
- Cute.
And he barked, too. Have
you ever heard a seal bark?
I have not.
It's something like this...
Dessert for you.
That's my second favorite place.
I spent three months there
installing underwater cameras.
Yeah, I discovered I could
sketch anything super fast,
so I got a job as
a courtroom artist.
Not that it's my life
ambition or anything.
What is?
I always wanted to
be an illustrator.
I love capturing
things in the moment...
people, places, animals.
Like, every image tells a story.
Check this out.
I got this for you.
[upbeat music]
morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is your captain speaking.
We're now passing the stunning
Patagonia coastline and
the final land we will
see before Antarctica.
Step out to the open decks
for the best vantage point,
and please enjoy the view.
Stay inside.
It's OK.
You're almost there.
You can do it.
No, no I can't.
[upbeat music]
[panting] Oh.
[whimsical music]
What are you doing?
It's beautiful, isn't it?
It's chilly, but it's beautiful.
You're not supposed
to be out here.
I know, but I'm seriously
getting full-blown cabin fever.
The walls were closing in.
I felt like I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't stay in
there another minute
with just me and my thoughts
spinning and spinning.
Peg called the ship.
She sent out a crew to
check on your dad's cabin,
and he wasn't there.
But before you go
to a bad place,
she also reported that
it's not unusual for him
to venture out for days.
So no need to worry yet.
I appreciate that.
But I can't stop worrying
until I know that he's OK.
Morning, Mr. Jackson.
So how are you and your
team enjoying the cruise?
Oh, smooth sailing so far.
Knock on wood.
And who is this?
Emory Rivers.
Have we met
before, Ms. Rivers?
No, I don't believe so.
Well, thank you for pointing
out all the different sites,
but I have a thing booked, so...
It's nice to meet you, Emory.
Well, I gotta go
fine-tune some equipments.
But always a pleasure.
[waves crashing]
Was the accent necessary?
And a thing booked?
Um, sorry.
I haven't exactly been able to
peruse the ship's amenities.
You haven't checked
out the infinity pool?
- The what?
- Not helpful.
- We should get you back.
- Oh, please.
I will go crazy if that
door closes on me right now.
That was Ingrid's
right-hand man back there.
Right, I get that, but
I need the fresh air.
[sighs] I'll figure
out how to blend in.
I promise.
I have an idea.
[distant chatter]
How may I be of service, sir?
Thank you.
Except what exactly is the plan?
Uh, hiding in plain sight.
See, no one suspects me as crew.
So now I'm just
going to blend in.
Oh, you don't blend.
I mean, you do.
You will.
It's just we need to
make sure you look busy.
Why don't you put me
to work, then, Captain?
Oh, I almost forgot.
Why not?
Ricky Rivera.
I think it has a
nice ring to it.
Don't you? WOMAN: Excuse me.
Uh, Rick, is it?
It's Ricky.
How can I help you?
I left my bracelet
somewhere in the spa.
It's very dear to me.
I was having a
massage in room 3.
I will find it. Don't worry.
And when I do, I will leave
it with the concierge.
Oh, thank you.
You're such a doll.
Thank you.
[mid-tempo music]
I guess I'm off to work.
Checking on something
for a passenger.
I have a massage
booked for 4 o'clock.
Yes, Ingrid.
Front room.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, that was a brutal workout.
Which way should I lie?
Front or back?
Definitely front.
[exhales] No need to be gentle.
Put as much muscle
into it as you can.
Oh, and before you start, would
you mind turning up the heat?
Actually, I'm not your
massage therapist,
but I will go get them and
make sure they do that.
Hang on.
You sound familiar.
[trumpeting penguins ringtone]
Oh, no. I doubt that.
[suspenseful music]
I just want to talk to you!
Oh, sorry.
Ma'am, your bracelet.
Oh, you're such a doll.
Thank you.
There's a story
behind this that...
I would love to hear
that story, but later.
CAPTAIN (ON PA): All passengers,
this is your captain speaking.
We are entering the waters
of the Drake Passage,
and we expect it
to get a bit rough.
We advise you to
retire to your cabins
until things have settled.
Thank you for your cooperation.
[sighs] Hello?
I just want to talk to you.
[pa chimes]
crew to the bridge.
The crew to the bridge.
[mid-tempo music]
[pa chimes]
CAPTAIN (ON PA): All passengers,
we're back in smooth waters.
Thank you for your cooperation.
And enjoy your evening.
A word.
Yeah, sure.
That guest who tried to
board without a ticket,
you haven't seen her, have you?
No, you said she didn't
have the required paperwork.
So if she did get on,
which she may have,
that's a big problem
for her and for us.
Martin, I need you on this.
Don't worry.
You can count on
me to weed her out.
Well, just a heads up.
She may be disguising
herself as crew.
Clever, but not good
enough for Team Vega.
[laughs] That's you and me,
in case you were wondering.
I got it.
[mid-tempo music]
She has dark hair.
Could be posing as crew.
But don't be fooled.
It's a disguise.
WOMAN: Well, it
doesn't ring a bell.
But I will keep an eye
out for her, of course.
Thank you, ma'am.
That's not the bathroom.
Martin, hey.
We may have a stowaway.
What makes you say that?
It's not important, but
we need to be vigilant.
Keep an eye for anyone who seems
suspicious or could be acting
as an impostor, like...
like that passenger you
were speaking to this morning.
She seemed a bit edgy.
I didn't get that.
But I just met her. So...
If you see her again,
keep an eye on her
and report back to me or Ingrid.
OK, you got it, Martin.
[pa chimes]
Will passenger Marmaduke
please make their way
to the deck 4 supply room?
Passenger Marmaduke.
[mid-tempo music]
Emma, are you in there?
Andy, I'm in here!
[grunts] Hi!
Oh, I thought I'd be
stuck in there forever.
[gentle music]
I mean, they would
have eventually
ran out of wine upstairs.
Yeah, I didn't think of that.
Good thinking with
the Marmaduke thing.
Oh, thank you.
And thank you for
coming to my rescue.
You're becoming like my
knight in shining armor.
I'm just trying not to
get us both in trouble.
Yeah, yeah.
Of course.
So it was the
quack on your phone
that sent Ingrid's radar up?
Yeah, the quack, my
voice, and my disguise.
Well, disguise or not, she's
clearly hot on your tail.
Hotter than on yours?
It's not funny.
This is serious.
She's even got Martin
on the case now,
and that man is like
a dog with a bone.
Besides, it doesn't matter
what she's hot after.
Why not?
Because I'm not
dating right now.
Bad breakup?
I mean, there's not a lot to it.
I was just with someone
who I thought was the one.
I guess I was wrong.
She ended it?
I'm sorry.
Yeah, so was I. That's why I
was more than happy to come
back out to the base.
Because if you want
to get away, there's
no place in the world that
gives you that feeling
of escape like Antarctica.
So what about you?
What's your story?
It's not really a story.
More like a series
of rapid-fire fails.
I either get stood up,
ghosted, or meet guys who are
nothing like their profiles.
Oh, yeah, I am not looking
forward to the apps.
Actually, I was thinking
of deactivating my profile,
stop trying to force things.
Although I think my radius
is set to, like, 20 miles.
So I doubt I have to worry
about that for a while.
Probably not.
Night, Andy.
[downbeat music]
Tell me you brought coffee.
First, there's
something you gotta see.
But I thought I could...
ANDY: Trust me.
This is worth
getting caught over.
[gentle music]
You're good.
Come on.
[gasps] Oh.
[gasps] It's incredible.
I made it.
Now I can find my dad.
Whoa, I was mostly kidding
about the getting caught part.
Well, I made it this far.
So let me find your dad.
I promise, as soon as I
get this boat unloaded,
I will do whatever it takes.
I appreciate that, really.
I do.
I've been your
problem long enough.
[pa chimes]
CAPTAIN (ON PA): All passengers
with expedition groups A and B,
please find your way
to the Zodiac deck.
I guess that's me.
Thank you.
Of course.
Hey, Emma.
Just promise me
you'll be careful.
[thematic music]
Enjoy your day.
Excuse me.
Ma'am, hi.
It's Ricky, the one who
found your bracelet.
Oh, yes, and thank you for that.
Oh, oh, that's my pleasure.
Um, sorry, I was in such a rush.
I would still love to
hear the story behind it.
Well, yes.
It wasn't the Titanic, but that
bracelet goes back just as far.
MARTIN: Oh, morning, ma'am.
Could I give you a hand?
Just a moment.
Do you mind?
I'm telling my
friend a story here.
Yeah, sure.
Uh, enjoy the excursion.
So my grandmother's bracelet.
Where was I now?
Ah, yes, she was
traveling as a stowaway.
You don't say.
[uplifting music]
[indistinct speech]
Can I help you?
I'm Emma Rivera.
I'm looking for my dad.
Ian's daughter.
Well, I'm Peg.
Come on over here and
give me a big hug.
Hi. Hi.
It's so nice to meet you.
How did you manage to get
down here so last-minute?
It's a long story,
but if you could do me
a favor and keep my
presence on the down-low,
that would be great.
Look, I wish we had
news about your dad.
But we sent two
crews out for him,
and both times, he
wasn't in his cabin.
But that's not unusual for him.
That man is known to hunker down
rather than lose one minute...
I know.
PEG: of his research
I know.
I was thinking,
what about a GPS?
I know his satellite
phone isn't pinging,
but wouldn't he be wearing one?
Oh, he has one.
OK, well...
The crew found it
on his workbench.
Oh, honey, I try to
keep tabs on your dad,
but that man marches to the
beat of a different drum,
which is probably why
he never mentioned
anything about chest pains.
But, uh, let's keep
that on the down-low,
too, because we have
really strict rules
about medical exams here.
Copy that.
Could you point me in the
direction of his cabin?
Well, how are you thinking
about getting there?
Cause you ain't
walking, sweetheart.
What are you doing, Andy?
She isn't your problem anymore.
You already offered,
and now you're
just going to get into trouble.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I can't hear.
(SHOUTING) Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Hi, again.
I'm going to my dad's cabin.
You can't do that.
Why not?
Because you've never
been here before.
I've never been a stowaway
before, and I managed that.
I'll be fine.
Peg set me up.
I've got a snowmobile,
satellite phone.
Does Peg know you're alone?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, no, no, no.
But there are flash storms.
There's leopard seals.
There are crevasses in the
ice that will swallow you up
before you can even see
them, not that your dad
has encountered any of those.
But let me go with you.
Don't you have work do here?
I'm here for six months.
Plus, I kind of didn't
mind your company.
Hop on.
I also, believe it
or not, have never
driven a snowmobile before.
Oh, I believe it.
From here on out, you can't say
that I talked you into
getting into trouble, though.
Don't I know it.
[engine cranks]
[engine revving]
[mid-tempo music]
Any leads?
She was on the boat.
Didn't see her get off.
Probably waiting until
we are not looking.
Stay on board.
Keep an eye.
And I will check the base
in case she alerted us.
Aye, aye, Team Captain.
As you were.
[upbeat music]
Wow, that is a relic.
Yeah, my dad told me it was
built by British explorers.
I think it makes him
feel like Shackleton.
Better than Robert Scott.
Well, I don't need to
be an engineer to figure
out why his phone didn't work.
Oh, great.
Looks like he was
working on something.
Could it have anything
to do with that?
I have no idea.
Come on, Dad.
Where are you?
[penguin braying]
What's your name?
What is that?
It's my dad.
You're OK.
What on Earth are
you doing here?
You called, and you
said you needed help.
And then no one could find
you or get a hold of you.
So you came all this
way just to check on me?
Yeah, of course I did.
[laughs] That's my girl.
You promise me you're OK?
Yes, I'm good.
You scared me.
Don't laugh.
It's not funny!
It is.
Ugh, no.
Sorry, sorry.
Dad, this is Andy.
I would not be here
without his help.
Well, it is nice
to meet you, son.
I'm Ian.
Thank you for getting
her here safely.
I'm really sorry that you
had to go through all this.
Well, she would have gotten
here with or without me.
Your daughter's
really something.
That she is.
I'm confused.
That call had me so worried.
What is going on?
Well, this is
really embarrassing.
Um, it seems that we had a
little broken telephone going on
because I'm not the
one that needs help.
Who is?
A penguin.
BOTH: A penguin?
[penguin chatter]
Meet my Spheniscidae family...
I've been studying
them for years.
I know the past generations,
the new generations,
who's mating with
who, who needs a mate,
which brings me to my problem.
Come on.
That's Lola.
A piece of the ice
shelf broke off,
and it separated her from
the colony and her mate.
Couldn't she just swim back?
A pod of killer
whales is in the bay.
What about a boat?
We could push the floe
back to the ice cap.
Not in those waters.
Uh-uh, it's too dangerous to
navigate through the broken ice
in this current.
But I did manage to tether the
floe with a couple of clamps
so it doesn't drift further
away, but that's about it.
[penguins braying]
Is that Lola and her mate
calling out to each other?
That guy right
there, that's Hugo.
He searches the colony
for her every day.
He's never given up.
I was beginning to
believe that she
was going to be alone forever.
[gentle music]
You're right, Dad.
It's not how it ends.
Wait, can't you use the
tethers to pull it in?
I've tried, but
when I do, it tips.
She'd fall right in the ocean.
I've been trying to
come up with a plan,
but an engineer I am not.
All I can do is keep the floe
from drifting out to sea.
But the tethers, they
just keep coming loose.
Uh, have you met Andy?
Mechanical engineer
of all things subzero.
Maybe not all things.
You're being modest.
I'm sure you could help, right?
I could take a look.
I'm guessing that you're here
on business other than penguins.
I don't mind a side project.
Well, should we head
back to the base,
let Peg know that we're
OK, and then see what we
can think up someplace warmer?
[sighs] I would love to, but I
gotta keep an eye on the floe.
If a tether snaps, the
other one is not far behind.
We could set up this feed so
you can see it from anywhere.
What'd I tell you?
Hey, Peg!
What is wrong with you?
We actually had me starting
to really worry this time.
Well, we can't have
that now, can we?
Oh, boy.
Tell that to your daughter,
who came all this way.
[mid-tempo music]
What are you doing?
Trying to keep a low profile.
Hey, Ingrid.
What's up?
Can I help you with anything?
I'm just making sure
no one came on shore
who wasn't supposed to.
Right, the stowaway.
Martin warned me about that.
Turn around.
How do you think
she got here, Ian?
Who's that over there?
Oh, that's, uh...
that's Juan.
Yeah, he was the one waiting
for the magnetometer.
Well, keep your eyes open.
Copy that.
Oh, and Andy, remember,
your room is still
yours whenever we are anchored.
We are just here
for two more days,
and then we'll be
back in two weeks.
So feel free to come aboard.
OK, she's gone.
She's gone.
Um, can you tell me
what that's all about?
I'll tell you inside.
Let's go.
Come on.
OK, that was close.
Not as close as she'd like.
That is not what's
going on here.
She obviously has
a thing for you.
Maybe this escape won't
be what you expected.
They say when
you're not looking,
that's when you find it.
[groans] Peg, you outdid
yourself yet again.
Well, then maybe you won't
leave so long in between meals.
I will try my best.
Oh, boy.
[laughs] Your dad, he
gets lost in his work.
Oh, don't I know it.
So, young man, any ideas
on how to get our penguin
back to shore?
I've got a few percolating.
But look, I know I'm
stating the obvious.
Out here, we aren't meant
to interfere with nature.
You are not wrong.
But we had a hand in
creating this situation.
And, well, that penguin
colony has really
become like family to me.
How is old Juan, anyway?
IAN: He's great.
He is such a stud.
And he loves strutting his
stuff in front of the ladies.
Is there any other characters?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There's Isa.
And don't be chirping
Isa, because she'll
give it right back to you.
It's true.
And then there's...
there's Theo.
Theo is a rock star.
I mean, if I could teach this
penguin how to play guitar,
I would. He's a maniac.
He's a total maniac.
He's the first one to
jump off of any iceberg.
And then there's Lola
and her mate, Hugo.
Their dance when they
first met was incredible.
Ah, poor thing.
Well, on that note, I should
get to work figuring out a plan.
Absolutely, yes.
Yeah, we all should call it.
It's been quite a long day.
Good night, everybody.
Hey, I've got that for you.
Oh, thank you.
Is there something
you're not telling me?
About Lola?
No, about Peg.
[laughs] She is a great lady,
Em, and she really tries
her best to keep me in line.
Well, good luck with that.
Yeah, right.
How are you?
I'm OK.
Draw any new stories lately?
No, just the ones
in the courtroom.
How about outside the courtroom?
Anyone special in your life?
Not since Mark.
And you know how that ended.
Don't feel guilty that
your heart wasn't in it.
I know I shouldn't, but...
That's good.
Now, maybe I'm misreading
the situation here.
But, uh, what's going on
with you and this guy Andy?
Dad, he's not even
dating right now.
[scoffs] The guy really
went out on a limb for you.
Well, yeah, but
that's only because I
backed him into a corner.
Besides, even if he was
dating, he and that Ingrid
would be a much better match.
And why would you say that?
Uh, they're both world
travelers, engineer geeks.
He's in Antarctica.
She'll be here every
other week. (WHISPERING)
And I'm not even supposed
to be here right now.
That's just paperwork, Em.
OK, take your mother
and I, for example.
She was a homebody.
And I'm Mr. Jet
Off To Antarctica
To Work With Penguins.
But we made it work because
we loved each other.
You'll find your penguin.
And when you do, don't
let a little bit of water
get in the way...
or killer whales.
OK, Dad.
[door opening]
How's it going?
It's, uh... it's
a tricky problem.
You want to tell me about it?
Sure, yeah.
May I?
Oh, yeah.
Of course.
All right.
So basically, the majority
of an iceberg is under water.
So it's shaped like a big ball.
And there's the water.
So if you tie something
to the top and pull it,
it's going to rotate
the entire thing
and dump the penguin
into the water.
EMMA: Where the whales are.
ANDY: Looking for a snack.
EMMA: Oof.
What if you grab
it from the center?
It wouldn't rotate.
Center of mass.
But that is way under water,
and I don't own a submarine.
So what you're
telling me is that you
basically need something
to dive underwater
and attach a cable to it.
I do not mean us.
No, definitely not us.
But yeah, something
like a small submersible
could do it if we could figure
out a way to attach to the ice.
[laughs] Something like this?
ANDY: Yeah.
I mean, yeah, something
exactly like that.
Oh, OK.
[poignant music]
Did you draw these on the ship?
Just what I could see
through the window.
Emma, they're incredible.
No, no, no, these should
be in, like, a book.
It feels nice to be drawing
outside the courtroom.
I actually want to draw Lola's
story, but I'm afraid to start.
It's a love story.
Not all of those
have happy endings.
She deserves one.
I'm kind of surprised you're not
taking Ingrid up on her
offer to stay on the ship.
I like slumming it out here
with my fellow engineers.
Plus, I don't want
to be spoiled.
It's incredible.
I could be biased,
but down here,
we like to think
the Southern Lights
have an edge on the Northern.
Yeah, I would have to agree.
What you were saying about
deactivating your profile,
does that mean you're
giving up on dating?
I never said that.
You did.
But why do you ask?
Just curious.
If you're thinking of changing
your mind, Ingrid is interested.
Why... stop saying that.
No, I think Martin's a
better match for her.
You think so?
Yeah, of course.
I mean, I think if she wasn't
such a stickler for the rules,
she'd see that he's
perfect for her.
Besides, he already does
everything she asks.
That's true.
I guess if a stranded
penguin hasn't given up hope,
maybe we shouldn't either.
[penguins braying]
[upbeat music]
[penguins braying]
Don't worry, Lola.
I know how hard he was to find.
We'll get you back to him.
ANDY: OK, let's test this out.
[motor rumbling]
[mid-tempo music]
Hey, can you hold on to this in
case the remote doesn't respond?
All right.
All right.
Come on.
Is it working?
No, not really.
The drill doesn't want
to stick in the ice.
Oh, Andy.
I think we should go.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Looks like we have a visitor.
You know, it's not often
you get a show like this.
Maybe they're showing
off because they
want their portrait drawn.
No, I don't think
this is going to work.
[mid-tempo music]
Excuse me.
Uh, do you know if your
colleague Andy ever made
it back to the ship last night?
I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm just
making a dummy check before we
pull anchors, so maybe.
I know what it needs to do.
I just gotta figure out
how to make it work.
A little fuel for the brain?
Oh, I'm good. Thank you.
You know, when I'm stumped,
Kat puts me through a workout.
Yeah, she even made me go
mountain climbing once.
Now I made a decision, and
I can work an ice pick.
Well, we don't exactly have
time to climb Mount Vinson.
Or you could do a polar
plunge in the spa.
It works for me every time.
Oh, there's a spa here?
Oh, best kept secret on base.
Dad, you shouldn't be
doing that with your...
Em, I'm fine.
How exactly would
a cold plunge help?
Yeah, cold exposure
releases a ton of it.
Oh, and trust me,
afterwards, you are
going to feel laser focused.
I'm not exactly a spa guy.
I'll do it with you.
Yeah, of course.
All right, let's do it.
Where's the spa?
Uh... uh, not what
I was envisioning.
What were you envisioning?
I don't know.
Like, a tub or a
barrel or something.
There wouldn't be any
killer whales here, right?
No, not this close to shore.
Seals, maybe.
Maybe you can make a friend,
adopt one, give it a pet name.
That's funny.
No, thank you.
No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
Come on.
Emory Rivers would
have done this.
- Ricky Rivera...
- Yeah.
Definitely would
have done the plunge.
So you're telling me
Emma Rivera wouldn't
do this for the penguins?
[mid-tempo music]
For the penguins.
For the penguins.
Come on.
Come on.
OK, ready?
1, 2, 3!
- Whoa!
- [laughs]
[excited chatter]
Oh, it's cold!
Oh, it's cold!
What the heck?
Martin, look at this.
I knew it.
There is that Emma
looking for her father.
And I think I know how
she was able to evade us.
You're still shivering.
Come here.
Thank you.
That better?
What about you?
Any clarity?
Yeah, I think so.
MAN: [clears throat]
Heated drill bit.
That's the key.
Oh, right.
It'll melt the ice, refreeze
around it, lock it into place,
You're brilliant.
Should we get to work?
Yeah, after we defrost.
Penguin Rescue Unit.
I guess maybe I could have
been part of your team.
Easy there, Ericsson.
Come on.
Let's get this to your dad
and put it into action.
Who is Ericsson?
The guy who invented
the screw propeller...
Nobody knows engineers.
What's wrong?
Your dad went out to re-secure
the tether on the ice floe, and
we just received a help signal.
What does that mean?
He deployed the mayday
signal on his GPS.
He's here along the shore.
Can you send a helicopter?
Well, the emergency crew
will, but they won't risk
it until that storm passes.
I don't care.
I'm going out there.
Are you coming?
Of course. Let's go.
Be careful.
We will.
[engine revving]
[suspenseful music]
What are you doing?
Why are we stopping?
Because we aren't gonna
outrun that storm.
What are you talking about?
It's barely snowing.
Oh, there's a reason
those choppers won't fly.
Can you grab that hammer just
outside to the right there?
Can you grab that side?
[wind rushing]
Don't worry.
These storms may be
powerful, but they blow
out as fast as they blow in.
Oh, I'm sure my dad's been
through hundreds of these.
I just hope he's OK.
[wind rushing]
You know, when I was little,
I used to be scared of storms.
My dad would tell
stories about adventures
just like this to
distract me, folklore
from all the places he's been.
My favorite was the one
about the third man.
Those who dared track
the frozen terrain
would get the sense they...
Weren't alone.
You know it?
I felt it, the
presence, like there's
a third man walking with you.
I hope that he or she is
with my dad right now.
He's going to be OK.
[wind rushing]
[downbeat music]
- Hey.
- What happened?
Are you OK?
Oh, I'm fine.
[groans] Actually,
I've been better.
I'm so happy to see you guys.
You're hurt.
Oh, it's just my leg, honey.
One of the tethers
snapped, and I went for it.
I went down like
a sack of hammers.
Hey, don't worry.
Help's on the way.
I'm not worried about that.
This'll heal.
There's only one tether, and
we're running out of time.
Lola is running out of time.
[downbeat music]
- Is it broken?
- It is.
But he's in there
arguing with the doctor.
He can argue all he wants.
He can't walk on that leg.
You're preaching to the choir.
Oh, by the way, I had them run
some other tests on his heart.
Strong as an ox.
Turns out, all that pain
was just indigestion.
DOCTOR: Mr. Rivera, please.
Give me a week, Doc, and
I'll be dancing the rumba.
But you shouldn't
be walking on that.
- What are you doing?
- Come on.
Let's go.
You need to listen
to the doctor.
She's right.
But it's up to you, Em.
Bring Lola back.
OK, we will.
We'll get her back.
Thank you.
Love you, Dad
I love you.
You worry about you now.
[upbeat music]
Hello, Ricky.
To Antarctica without a permit?
No, but I'm guessing
it's not, like,
a strike or a warning system.
[downbeat music]
I'm sorry.
I needed to make sure
that my dad was OK.
I understand.
I really do.
But it's my job to ensure
everyone's safety on board,
and I can't do that if I don't
even know you were there.
I didn't think of it like that.
I just thought I'd
get into trouble.
Well, now you and your
partner are both in trouble.
No, no, Andy had
nothing to do with this.
I appreciate you
trying to protect him,
but I found one of your
disguises in his room,
so don't tell me he didn't know.
You're right.
He did help me.
That's only because he
has got one of the biggest
hearts I have ever encountered.
And trust me, those are
really hard to find.
That's why I want to
help this poor penguin
who is stranded from her mate.
Because amidst all the
noise, she found him.
And since she's been gone,
he hasn't been chatting
it up with other penguins.
He's been waiting for
her, calling for her.
And that is something
worth trying to save.
So, please, Ingrid.
If you have to, put
me back on the ship.
But let Andy go.
He's one of the good ones.
INGRID: Don't go anywhere.
I'll be right back.
MARTIN: Come on in.
Before we can proceed,
there is a formal interview
process we need to get through.
ANDY: What kind of interview?
MARTIN: Have a seat.
ANDY: Do we really
need to do this?
Oh, I'll be asking the
questions here, Andy.
Oh, geez.
So how did you and the
stowaway become acquainted?
Well, she wasn't exactly
a stowaway because I
allowed her to get on board.
Oh, you'll have me believe
that this is your fault?
If I hadn't been so
preoccupied with making sure
that all the equipment
got on board,
I would have asked
more questions,
and she never would
have gotten on the ship.
Uh, [clears throat] well, then.
Um, I guess this
will undoubtedly
be your last polar
expedition on the Vega...
or probably any ship,
for that matter.
No, no no.
Take this.
And call me if you need
anything, anything at all.
Thank you.
And listen, Rivera, we
both know who is in that
very big heart of Andy's.
OK, come on.
I'll escort you
back to the ship.
We're running out of time.
What are you doing?
Where do you think you're going?
Let them go.
I... I...
I don't understand.
They broke so many rules.
I know, but finding your penguin
is more important
than the rules.
Of course, yeah.
Oh, do you mean Andy, or are
we on a penguin mission now?
Everyone deserves to
find their match, Martin.
I think we can bend the
rules for a good cause.
You're incredible.
You think I'm incredible?
So we drill into the ice,
pull the floe back to shore,
reconnect Lola with Hugo,
and it's mission complete.
Let's do it.
Hey, I just want you to know
that no matter what happens,
I have zero regrets helping you.
You really are my
knight in shining armor.
[engine cranks]
[engine revving]
[upbeat music]
Let's do this.
We only have one chance
to get this right.
You grab the sub.
I'll get the winch.
EMMA: [grunts]
OK, moment of truth.
[penguins braying]
What is that?
Some of her pals
are hanging out.
[penguins braying]
The tether.
I've got it.
Nice save.
I guess that mountain
climbing did pay off.
OK, we're nearing the floe.
So let's put this thing to work.
Let's see if it takes.
Looking good.
OK, let's get this
floe back to shore.
(WHISPERING) Oh, come on.
Oh, come on.
It's working.
It's working.
Yeah, it's working.
It's working.
Oh, come on.
Come on.
[uplifting music]
[penguins braying]
It worked!
[excited braying]
Here she goes.
[braying, cooing]
Hugo's been keeping
their egg warm while Lola
was stranded on the floe.
OK, yeah.
We did it.
We actually... yeah, we did it!
[uplifting music]
[phone ringing]
Oh, [laughs] sorry.
It's probably my dad.
Yep, right.
It worked.
Lola's back with Hugo.
Now they can have their
happily ever after.
[penguins braying]
I love you, Dad.
What'd he say?
He says we should celebrate.
[radio playing]
To Lola and Hugo.
And to Emma and Andy.
To Ingrid and Martin
for making it possible.
Oh, and long live the penguins.
Long live the penguins!
All right, you two.
There she is.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't get up.
Come here.
I love you, sweetheart.
I love you, Dad.
IAN: Careful.
Come here, darling.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'll miss you.
Thank you for everything.
All right, you make sure
that he gets on board.
Oh, boy.
OK, I'll try.
Good luck with that.
[clears throat] Um, I just
wanted to let you know I plan
on making my way to the ship,
and I promise to stay there
until we arrive back home.
I know you will.
See you on board.
[wistful music]
This place really does
make you feel like you're
the only person on the planet.
That was the idea.
Shame about that stowaway
that follows you everywhere.
And snores like a seal.
But I will miss you.
You sure about that?
Yeah, of course I'm
sure about that.
This has been the most fun
and rewarding experience
I've had in, like, ever.
Me too.
[horn blowing]
I should go.
Yeah, yeah, unless you want
a citation from Martin.
A citizen's arrest.
A citizen's arrest.
For the record, Andy,
I'm gonna miss you.
Emma, I know this
isn't what I wanted,
but it's like what you said.
When you're not looking,
that's when it happens.
And I can't stop thinking about
you, only you, all the time.
And I hope that's not
just happening to me,
because that would
be embarrass...
It is not just happening to you.
[uplifting music]
So how long does it take to
get permission to be out here?
ANDY: Your dad just called.
Doctors gave him the
all-clear to come back here.
Just in time for
the latest edition.
What do you think?
The perfect happy ending.
Now all he needs is
a name for my story.
[penguins braying]
[gasps] Of course.
Good luck out there, Ian.
[penguin chirping]
Don't worry.
One day you'll find
your match, too.
Let's get out of
here. I'm freezing.
- Come on.
- [laughs]
[uplifting music]
[gentle music]
[upbeat music]
[laughter] I see you, Juan.
I see you, Juan!
You got some new moves!
You're looking good!
Rock on!
[penguins braying]
[mid-tempo music]
[laughs] Wow.
It looks like Lola's not
going to be alone after all.
[penguins braying]
My phone.
[penguins braying]
[car horns honking]
[mid-tempo music]
So, anything?
Not even a "Hey,
couldn't make it,"
or, "Gee, something came up."
Oh, I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry for dragging
you out as my wingwoman.
No, it's fine.
I had a great chat
with the hostess.
She's gonna sign up
for my boot camp.
Huh, would you look at that.
He's online, probably
chatting it up with one
- of his other million matches.
- Oh.
I feel like nobody can focus
with this many options.
I don't know.
Look at those two over there.
They've been having
a great time.
Every time one of them
steps away, they're
swiping through their phones.
In fact...
[mid-tempo music]
What are you doing?
I am letting Mr. MIA
know what I think.
And another thing...
Emma, put the phone down.
Now, while I'm at it...
[phone trills]
What is it?
He blocked me.
[groans] Why can't I just meet
someone at work like you did?
Honey, you're a
courtroom artist...
I mean, unless you want to date
an accused criminal or a lawyer?
No, no, not that desperate yet.
Don't worry.
You're going to
find your person.
And it wasn't Mark.
I know.
As hard as that was, I know
I made the right choice.
Still, I'm beginning to
wonder if I should just
move somewhere remote,
keep it simple,
and date the only
option in town.
[trumpeting penguins ringtone]
Speaking of remote,
Antarctica's calling.
Hi, Dad.
How's life on the ice cap?
Got a real problem.
The ice sheet is breaking up.
Hang on, Dad.
I can't hear you.
IAN (ON PHONE): Emma, suppor...
in real danger out...
killer whales start...
Wait, did you say danger?
Dad, can you hear me?
Help, Em.
- He's all alone out...
- I don't understand.
What's wrong? Where are you?
Dad, are you sick?
[buzz tones]
[suspenseful music]
[buzz tones]
KAT: Still no luck getting
through to anyone at the base?
His satellite phone
isn't connecting,
and nobody's seen him for weeks.
Ugh, God forbid he stay
and work at a base.
No, he's got to
go off on his own,
even with those chest
pains he's been ignoring.
That man is obsessed
with his penguins.
Didn't he name you
one for your birthday?
Oh, yeah.
OK, penguins or no
penguins, he's alone.
I have to get to him.
Maybe there's a research
team heading down.
I could tag along.
You mean go to Antarctica?
Well, yeah.
I can't just sit here, Kat.
It's my dad.
Ah, ah.
Look, a team is leaving
from Buenos Aires, ooh,
on a cruise ship.
Yeah, tomorrow.
Gotta go.
I need a flight.
I need a ticket.
I need to pack.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on.
Don't you need
special permission
to even set foot in Antarctica
from, like, the embassy?
We'll figure it out.
Dad needs to be reminded
to file his taxes.
It can't be that much paperwork.
Please, please, please,
please, please, please, please.
Ha! Ha!
I'll call you.
All right.
Wait, wait.
You're not wearing any...
[mid-tempo music]
I should change.
[uplifting music]
[distant chatter]
Good morning.
I'm Ingrid, your chief officer.
Your tickets, please.
Thank you.
Welcome aboard.
Thank you.
Welcome aboard.
Good morning.
Your ticket, please.
Actually, I'm not an
official passenger yet.
Oh, are you with the research
team or checking out?
No, no, but my dad's a
researcher in Antarctica.
Ian Rivera.
Maybe you know him.
He does penguin research.
Emperor penguins, to be exact.
[distant chatter]
That doesn't matter.
So the thing is, no one
can get a hold of him,
and I'm worried he's in trouble.
So I need to get on
board, which means
I need to purchase a ticket.
Do you prefer cash or card?
I'm sorry.
Even with a ticket, you
would still require a permit.
I get that, but,
um, I thought maybe
you could make an exception
because of the circumstances.
Please, please.
I flew all the way here.
I have to get on this boat.
Sorry, it's the law.
So, no.
I'd be risking my job and
your safety if I allowed it.
OK, how about I hop on
with the research team?
They're my people.
They are my dad's people.
You would still need an official
permit to travel with them.
What I can do is take
your information.
And if I discover anything about
your father, I can let you know.
I'm Ingrid, the
ship's chief officer.
Thank you.
[trumpeting penguins ringtone]
No passenger?
Oh, not one with papers.
[horn blowing]
MAN: Come on, guys, let's
get this gear on board.
Well, it isn't a terrible
thing we're grounded.
This ship's pretty swanky.
Hey, don't get used to it.
They're just doing us a favor.
INGRID: Hello.
And make sure you get the
magnetometer on board.
We have to break it down and
refit it with those new parts.
All right?
[mid-tempo music]
- Oh, whoops.
- Oh.
Hey, we're dancing.
Have we met?
I'm sure I would
have remembered you.
I mean, I don't forget a
face, so I don't think I
would have not remembered you.
Andy Jackson, mechanical
engineer of all things subzero.
Oh, great, a fellow engineer.
So I guess we must
be working together.
Yeah, it's great.
I think I heard someone say they
can't find the magnetometer.
Are you kidding?
[horn blowing]
You'd better get on board.
[mid-tempo music]
[upbeat music]
[horn blowing]
Here we go.
[downbeat music]
[laughs] You're a stowaway.
Well, not really.
KAT (ON PHONE): How are you not?
You don't have a ticket.
You don't have permission
to be on board.
OK, OK, I get it.
Don't worry.
I'll figure it out.
There's gotta be
someone on board
who'd be willing to help me.
hope you're right.
And hey, you wanted remote.
So who knows?
Maybe when you get there, you'll
meet a cute penguin named Juan.
Not if I get busted first.
[uplifting music]
[downbeat music]
How many days to Antarctica?
10 days?
Excuse me.
[mid-tempo music]
- Hey.
- Hi.
There you are.
I've been looking for you.
I'm just grabbing
something to eat.
We missed you at dinner.
We got invited to
the captain's table.
Sorry I missed that.
I wanted to get to work.
Copy that.
Love the enthusiasm.
We actually found
a place to work.
So here, I'll show you.
[mid-tempo music]
So is this is your
first time out?
Because I am sure we have
not worked together before.
No, we haven't. You
would have remembered me.
- Remember?
- That's right.
And I'm sorry, can you please
remind me of your name?
- I didn't catch it.
- Emma.
- Emma.
- Emma Rivera.
My dad's actually a
researcher in Antarctica.
Maybe you've heard of him...
Ian Rivera?
The name does ring a bell.
Do you work with him as well?
No, no, I'm an
illustrator of blueprints.
Well, you must be excited to
see your dad when we land.
You have no idea.
Actually, this may seem
like a crazy story.
Everyone, this is Emma.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Ready to get to work?
All right.
Put your food right here.
But first things first.
We need to put this
magnetometer together.
Yes, it arrived.
Thank goodness.
So it's all yours.
[exhales] All right, Emma.
You've seen one of these before,
except it was all in one piece.
[mid-tempo music]
[laughs] Hm.
Just doing this.
You gotta make sure these are
really straight, like that.
See, this one's wiggly.
Gotta be careful.
That looks good now.
That is ready to go somewhere.
Everything all right?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm just used to working
with a different model.
ANDY: So who exactly did
you work with before?
That's actually what I
wanted to talk to you about.
Sorry, boss, but the remote
for the underwater drone
is missing.
What else could go wrong today?
ANDY: So they were
supposed to be right here.
What was the thing?
OK, let me check all the
cases now, one by one.
Um, could... I'll be right back.
[mid-tempo music]
[distant chatter]
- Emma.
- Ah.
There you are.
What is going on?
I'm sorry.
I should have told you.
Told me what?
I'm not an engineer.
But I am an illustrator,
just not one of blueprints.
OK, so wait.
What exactly are you then?
Are you part of my team,
or are you on the ship
for a different reason?
I needed to get on board
so that I can get to my dad
because I think that
he's in trouble.
But then this chief
officer said that I
didn't have the paperwork.
ANDY: Whoa, whoa.
Are you telling me that you're
not supposed to be on this ship?
Not technically.
No, there's no gray area.
Either you had
permission or you don't.
The ship was leaving.
I didn't have a choice.
Oh, no, no.
Oh, Andy, please, please,
please don't tell anyone.
Please, please.
Andy, listen, I will lay low.
You won't even know I'm here.
No, no, no, I can't be your
co-conspirator on this.
Do you know how much trouble
you can get into going
to Antarctica without a permit?
A lot.
We're talking bans,
fines, arrest.
And I can't be a part of
that because, unlike you, I
have permission to go to work at
the base as an actual engineer.
So, no. No way.
Forget about it.
I... I... I have to tell Ingrid.
You can tell Ingrid.
I don't think she'd be too
thrilled to learn that I
got on board under your watch.
[indistinct speech]
So I asked the chef to save
some for the end of your shift,
with two spoons, in case
you wanted to share with...
with me, or whoever.
[mid-tempo music]
So, speaking of
the dinner, I was
surprised to see that
the research team
was with us on the first night.
INGRID: I invited them.
Oh, well, I guess it's
not fair for them to stay
tucked away on the first night.
Yeah, it's not like
they're stowaways.
It's my dad.
Hm... OK, fine.
[uplifting music]
[downbeat music]
I see you're traveling in style.
Yeah, perks of
piggybacking on a cruise.
And for you, seeing as
this is where you're going
to stay until we get there.
Oh, no, no, no.
I can't stay stuck in here.
Oh, no, no, no.
You can.
OK, I can...
after we figure out
how to find my dad.
You are allowed to be here.
I'm sure with all
your fancy tech gear,
you could locate my
dad's satellite phone.
OK, that's not what
that gear is for.
But maybe I could try
the bridge, contact
- somebody I know at the base.
- See?
Great. Let's go.
Fine, but if you're
coming with me,
you need to look official.
How's it going?
I just need to
get a message out.
[upbeat music]
[phone ringing]
PEG: When do you expect
those labs to be in?
WOMAN: I don't know, actually.
Well, they were supposed
to be in yesterday.
I mean...
Peg, there's a call for you.
OK, we'll get
back on that. OK?
Is this Peg?
The one and only.
Who's this?
This is Andy calling
from the Vega.
PEG (ON PHONE): Oh, Andy!
What, are you coming down here
for some more fun in the frost?
You bet.
Um, hey, look, I was just
wondering if you could
- help me out with a little...
- Hello?
Hello? Hello?
Hi. Hi.
Excuse me.
Sorry. Hello.
This is Emma Rivera.
I'm looking for my dad.
I'm sorry, who is this?
EMMA (ON PHONE): Emma Rivera.
I'm Ian Rivera's daughter.
Do you know him?
PEG: Of course.
He wanders in here for a meal
when he can peel himself away
from those penguins of his.
He called, and it sounded
like he was in trouble.
And now his phone
isn't connecting,
and the emergency service
couldn't locate him.
Trouble? Wait, wait, wait.
What kind of trouble?
I don't know, but he's been
having these chest pains.
Peg, have there been any
bad storms down there?
Uh, none to raise the alarms.
No mayday signals either.
But don't worry.
I'll send someone out to
check on him right away.
Thank you, Peg.
Thank you so, so much.
Don't worry about it.
We look out for
everyone down here.
It's just what we do.
All right, listen,
when you hear anything,
please call me at 555-82...
what are you doing?
They're coming.
How is she everywhere?
Fancy running into you here.
Hello there, Andy.
What are you up to in here?
I was just letting the
base know we're en route.
I could have done that for you.
I was about to... to call them.
Well, if it could wait, I...
actually, I wanted to show
you some of the equipment
we're working with.
I know how interested you
are in what we're doing here.
So if you don't mind
geeking out with me...
Well, actually, we
should check in with...
I'd love to geek out with you.
Marty, why don't
you place the call?
You know, I took engineering
at school for three years.
Get out.
That's something else, actually.
INGRID: Yeah, it was
amazing, you know.
ANDY: You know, I'm so
interested in actually
hearing more about
that. INGRID: Yeah.
ANDY: Because this
is the thing...
Do you think Peg will notify
the ship if she hears anything?
Don't worry.
I'll make sure that the deck
notifies me if any messages
from the base come in.
Is that your dad?
Yeah, yeah.
He's with his second family.
You know, most people
wouldn't solo in Antarctica.
Oh, I know.
My dad is not most people.
He's always been happy
splitting his time between me
and my mom, when she was still
with us, and his penguins.
When did you lose your mom?
When I was 10.
I'm sorry.
Me too.
Well, my mom taught me
to be a gentleman, so...
No, no.
You are taking the bed tonight.
- Stop.
- Yes, you are.
No, no.
Hey, don't fight
with Mama Jackson.
OK, I won't.
Where is Ms. Jackson?
My whole family's in Florida...
my mom, my dad, and my sister.
Sunshine State.
Couldn't be more different
than where we're headed.
True, but Antarctica is
different than any place
in the world.
And that's what I love about it.
So being able to build
equipment that gives us
the data to help
us protect it feels
like I'm making a difference.
You are.
Your dad must feel the same way.
Yeah. Mhm.
You miss him?
Yeah, I really do.
Well, if it was my dad,
I would do everything
I could to help him, too.
[gentle music]
Good night.
Good night.
My dad, he names his
penguins like they're
little people or something.
I have to admit.
I named a seal once.
He was like this big dog.
- He'd even follow me around.
- Cute.
And he barked, too. Have
you ever heard a seal bark?
I have not.
It's something like this...
Dessert for you.
That's my second favorite place.
I spent three months there
installing underwater cameras.
Yeah, I discovered I could
sketch anything super fast,
so I got a job as
a courtroom artist.
Not that it's my life
ambition or anything.
What is?
I always wanted to
be an illustrator.
I love capturing
things in the moment...
people, places, animals.
Like, every image tells a story.
Check this out.
I got this for you.
[upbeat music]
morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is your captain speaking.
We're now passing the stunning
Patagonia coastline and
the final land we will
see before Antarctica.
Step out to the open decks
for the best vantage point,
and please enjoy the view.
Stay inside.
It's OK.
You're almost there.
You can do it.
No, no I can't.
[upbeat music]
[panting] Oh.
[whimsical music]
What are you doing?
It's beautiful, isn't it?
It's chilly, but it's beautiful.
You're not supposed
to be out here.
I know, but I'm seriously
getting full-blown cabin fever.
The walls were closing in.
I felt like I couldn't breathe.
I couldn't stay in
there another minute
with just me and my thoughts
spinning and spinning.
Peg called the ship.
She sent out a crew to
check on your dad's cabin,
and he wasn't there.
But before you go
to a bad place,
she also reported that
it's not unusual for him
to venture out for days.
So no need to worry yet.
I appreciate that.
But I can't stop worrying
until I know that he's OK.
Morning, Mr. Jackson.
So how are you and your
team enjoying the cruise?
Oh, smooth sailing so far.
Knock on wood.
And who is this?
Emory Rivers.
Have we met
before, Ms. Rivers?
No, I don't believe so.
Well, thank you for pointing
out all the different sites,
but I have a thing booked, so...
It's nice to meet you, Emory.
Well, I gotta go
fine-tune some equipments.
But always a pleasure.
[waves crashing]
Was the accent necessary?
And a thing booked?
Um, sorry.
I haven't exactly been able to
peruse the ship's amenities.
You haven't checked
out the infinity pool?
- The what?
- Not helpful.
- We should get you back.
- Oh, please.
I will go crazy if that
door closes on me right now.
That was Ingrid's
right-hand man back there.
Right, I get that, but
I need the fresh air.
[sighs] I'll figure
out how to blend in.
I promise.
I have an idea.
[distant chatter]
How may I be of service, sir?
Thank you.
Except what exactly is the plan?
Uh, hiding in plain sight.
See, no one suspects me as crew.
So now I'm just
going to blend in.
Oh, you don't blend.
I mean, you do.
You will.
It's just we need to
make sure you look busy.
Why don't you put me
to work, then, Captain?
Oh, I almost forgot.
Why not?
Ricky Rivera.
I think it has a
nice ring to it.
Don't you? WOMAN: Excuse me.
Uh, Rick, is it?
It's Ricky.
How can I help you?
I left my bracelet
somewhere in the spa.
It's very dear to me.
I was having a
massage in room 3.
I will find it. Don't worry.
And when I do, I will leave
it with the concierge.
Oh, thank you.
You're such a doll.
Thank you.
[mid-tempo music]
I guess I'm off to work.
Checking on something
for a passenger.
I have a massage
booked for 4 o'clock.
Yes, Ingrid.
Front room.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, that was a brutal workout.
Which way should I lie?
Front or back?
Definitely front.
[exhales] No need to be gentle.
Put as much muscle
into it as you can.
Oh, and before you start, would
you mind turning up the heat?
Actually, I'm not your
massage therapist,
but I will go get them and
make sure they do that.
Hang on.
You sound familiar.
[trumpeting penguins ringtone]
Oh, no. I doubt that.
[suspenseful music]
I just want to talk to you!
Oh, sorry.
Ma'am, your bracelet.
Oh, you're such a doll.
Thank you.
There's a story
behind this that...
I would love to hear
that story, but later.
CAPTAIN (ON PA): All passengers,
this is your captain speaking.
We are entering the waters
of the Drake Passage,
and we expect it
to get a bit rough.
We advise you to
retire to your cabins
until things have settled.
Thank you for your cooperation.
[sighs] Hello?
I just want to talk to you.
[pa chimes]
crew to the bridge.
The crew to the bridge.
[mid-tempo music]
[pa chimes]
CAPTAIN (ON PA): All passengers,
we're back in smooth waters.
Thank you for your cooperation.
And enjoy your evening.
A word.
Yeah, sure.
That guest who tried to
board without a ticket,
you haven't seen her, have you?
No, you said she didn't
have the required paperwork.
So if she did get on,
which she may have,
that's a big problem
for her and for us.
Martin, I need you on this.
Don't worry.
You can count on
me to weed her out.
Well, just a heads up.
She may be disguising
herself as crew.
Clever, but not good
enough for Team Vega.
[laughs] That's you and me,
in case you were wondering.
I got it.
[mid-tempo music]
She has dark hair.
Could be posing as crew.
But don't be fooled.
It's a disguise.
WOMAN: Well, it
doesn't ring a bell.
But I will keep an eye
out for her, of course.
Thank you, ma'am.
That's not the bathroom.
Martin, hey.
We may have a stowaway.
What makes you say that?
It's not important, but
we need to be vigilant.
Keep an eye for anyone who seems
suspicious or could be acting
as an impostor, like...
like that passenger you
were speaking to this morning.
She seemed a bit edgy.
I didn't get that.
But I just met her. So...
If you see her again,
keep an eye on her
and report back to me or Ingrid.
OK, you got it, Martin.
[pa chimes]
Will passenger Marmaduke
please make their way
to the deck 4 supply room?
Passenger Marmaduke.
[mid-tempo music]
Emma, are you in there?
Andy, I'm in here!
[grunts] Hi!
Oh, I thought I'd be
stuck in there forever.
[gentle music]
I mean, they would
have eventually
ran out of wine upstairs.
Yeah, I didn't think of that.
Good thinking with
the Marmaduke thing.
Oh, thank you.
And thank you for
coming to my rescue.
You're becoming like my
knight in shining armor.
I'm just trying not to
get us both in trouble.
Yeah, yeah.
Of course.
So it was the
quack on your phone
that sent Ingrid's radar up?
Yeah, the quack, my
voice, and my disguise.
Well, disguise or not, she's
clearly hot on your tail.
Hotter than on yours?
It's not funny.
This is serious.
She's even got Martin
on the case now,
and that man is like
a dog with a bone.
Besides, it doesn't matter
what she's hot after.
Why not?
Because I'm not
dating right now.
Bad breakup?
I mean, there's not a lot to it.
I was just with someone
who I thought was the one.
I guess I was wrong.
She ended it?
I'm sorry.
Yeah, so was I. That's why I
was more than happy to come
back out to the base.
Because if you want
to get away, there's
no place in the world that
gives you that feeling
of escape like Antarctica.
So what about you?
What's your story?
It's not really a story.
More like a series
of rapid-fire fails.
I either get stood up,
ghosted, or meet guys who are
nothing like their profiles.
Oh, yeah, I am not looking
forward to the apps.
Actually, I was thinking
of deactivating my profile,
stop trying to force things.
Although I think my radius
is set to, like, 20 miles.
So I doubt I have to worry
about that for a while.
Probably not.
Night, Andy.
[downbeat music]
Tell me you brought coffee.
First, there's
something you gotta see.
But I thought I could...
ANDY: Trust me.
This is worth
getting caught over.
[gentle music]
You're good.
Come on.
[gasps] Oh.
[gasps] It's incredible.
I made it.
Now I can find my dad.
Whoa, I was mostly kidding
about the getting caught part.
Well, I made it this far.
So let me find your dad.
I promise, as soon as I
get this boat unloaded,
I will do whatever it takes.
I appreciate that, really.
I do.
I've been your
problem long enough.
[pa chimes]
CAPTAIN (ON PA): All passengers
with expedition groups A and B,
please find your way
to the Zodiac deck.
I guess that's me.
Thank you.
Of course.
Hey, Emma.
Just promise me
you'll be careful.
[thematic music]
Enjoy your day.
Excuse me.
Ma'am, hi.
It's Ricky, the one who
found your bracelet.
Oh, yes, and thank you for that.
Oh, oh, that's my pleasure.
Um, sorry, I was in such a rush.
I would still love to
hear the story behind it.
Well, yes.
It wasn't the Titanic, but that
bracelet goes back just as far.
MARTIN: Oh, morning, ma'am.
Could I give you a hand?
Just a moment.
Do you mind?
I'm telling my
friend a story here.
Yeah, sure.
Uh, enjoy the excursion.
So my grandmother's bracelet.
Where was I now?
Ah, yes, she was
traveling as a stowaway.
You don't say.
[uplifting music]
[indistinct speech]
Can I help you?
I'm Emma Rivera.
I'm looking for my dad.
Ian's daughter.
Well, I'm Peg.
Come on over here and
give me a big hug.
Hi. Hi.
It's so nice to meet you.
How did you manage to get
down here so last-minute?
It's a long story,
but if you could do me
a favor and keep my
presence on the down-low,
that would be great.
Look, I wish we had
news about your dad.
But we sent two
crews out for him,
and both times, he
wasn't in his cabin.
But that's not unusual for him.
That man is known to hunker down
rather than lose one minute...
I know.
PEG: of his research
I know.
I was thinking,
what about a GPS?
I know his satellite
phone isn't pinging,
but wouldn't he be wearing one?
Oh, he has one.
OK, well...
The crew found it
on his workbench.
Oh, honey, I try to
keep tabs on your dad,
but that man marches to the
beat of a different drum,
which is probably why
he never mentioned
anything about chest pains.
But, uh, let's keep
that on the down-low,
too, because we have
really strict rules
about medical exams here.
Copy that.
Could you point me in the
direction of his cabin?
Well, how are you thinking
about getting there?
Cause you ain't
walking, sweetheart.
What are you doing, Andy?
She isn't your problem anymore.
You already offered,
and now you're
just going to get into trouble.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I can't hear.
(SHOUTING) Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Hi, again.
I'm going to my dad's cabin.
You can't do that.
Why not?
Because you've never
been here before.
I've never been a stowaway
before, and I managed that.
I'll be fine.
Peg set me up.
I've got a snowmobile,
satellite phone.
Does Peg know you're alone?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, no, no, no.
But there are flash storms.
There's leopard seals.
There are crevasses in the
ice that will swallow you up
before you can even see
them, not that your dad
has encountered any of those.
But let me go with you.
Don't you have work do here?
I'm here for six months.
Plus, I kind of didn't
mind your company.
Hop on.
I also, believe it
or not, have never
driven a snowmobile before.
Oh, I believe it.
From here on out, you can't say
that I talked you into
getting into trouble, though.
Don't I know it.
[engine cranks]
[engine revving]
[mid-tempo music]
Any leads?
She was on the boat.
Didn't see her get off.
Probably waiting until
we are not looking.
Stay on board.
Keep an eye.
And I will check the base
in case she alerted us.
Aye, aye, Team Captain.
As you were.
[upbeat music]
Wow, that is a relic.
Yeah, my dad told me it was
built by British explorers.
I think it makes him
feel like Shackleton.
Better than Robert Scott.
Well, I don't need to
be an engineer to figure
out why his phone didn't work.
Oh, great.
Looks like he was
working on something.
Could it have anything
to do with that?
I have no idea.
Come on, Dad.
Where are you?
[penguin braying]
What's your name?
What is that?
It's my dad.
You're OK.
What on Earth are
you doing here?
You called, and you
said you needed help.
And then no one could find
you or get a hold of you.
So you came all this
way just to check on me?
Yeah, of course I did.
[laughs] That's my girl.
You promise me you're OK?
Yes, I'm good.
You scared me.
Don't laugh.
It's not funny!
It is.
Ugh, no.
Sorry, sorry.
Dad, this is Andy.
I would not be here
without his help.
Well, it is nice
to meet you, son.
I'm Ian.
Thank you for getting
her here safely.
I'm really sorry that you
had to go through all this.
Well, she would have gotten
here with or without me.
Your daughter's
really something.
That she is.
I'm confused.
That call had me so worried.
What is going on?
Well, this is
really embarrassing.
Um, it seems that we had a
little broken telephone going on
because I'm not the
one that needs help.
Who is?
A penguin.
BOTH: A penguin?
[penguin chatter]
Meet my Spheniscidae family...
I've been studying
them for years.
I know the past generations,
the new generations,
who's mating with
who, who needs a mate,
which brings me to my problem.
Come on.
That's Lola.
A piece of the ice
shelf broke off,
and it separated her from
the colony and her mate.
Couldn't she just swim back?
A pod of killer
whales is in the bay.
What about a boat?
We could push the floe
back to the ice cap.
Not in those waters.
Uh-uh, it's too dangerous to
navigate through the broken ice
in this current.
But I did manage to tether the
floe with a couple of clamps
so it doesn't drift further
away, but that's about it.
[penguins braying]
Is that Lola and her mate
calling out to each other?
That guy right
there, that's Hugo.
He searches the colony
for her every day.
He's never given up.
I was beginning to
believe that she
was going to be alone forever.
[gentle music]
You're right, Dad.
It's not how it ends.
Wait, can't you use the
tethers to pull it in?
I've tried, but
when I do, it tips.
She'd fall right in the ocean.
I've been trying to
come up with a plan,
but an engineer I am not.
All I can do is keep the floe
from drifting out to sea.
But the tethers, they
just keep coming loose.
Uh, have you met Andy?
Mechanical engineer
of all things subzero.
Maybe not all things.
You're being modest.
I'm sure you could help, right?
I could take a look.
I'm guessing that you're here
on business other than penguins.
I don't mind a side project.
Well, should we head
back to the base,
let Peg know that we're
OK, and then see what we
can think up someplace warmer?
[sighs] I would love to, but I
gotta keep an eye on the floe.
If a tether snaps, the
other one is not far behind.
We could set up this feed so
you can see it from anywhere.
What'd I tell you?
Hey, Peg!
What is wrong with you?
We actually had me starting
to really worry this time.
Well, we can't have
that now, can we?
Oh, boy.
Tell that to your daughter,
who came all this way.
[mid-tempo music]
What are you doing?
Trying to keep a low profile.
Hey, Ingrid.
What's up?
Can I help you with anything?
I'm just making sure
no one came on shore
who wasn't supposed to.
Right, the stowaway.
Martin warned me about that.
Turn around.
How do you think
she got here, Ian?
Who's that over there?
Oh, that's, uh...
that's Juan.
Yeah, he was the one waiting
for the magnetometer.
Well, keep your eyes open.
Copy that.
Oh, and Andy, remember,
your room is still
yours whenever we are anchored.
We are just here
for two more days,
and then we'll be
back in two weeks.
So feel free to come aboard.
OK, she's gone.
She's gone.
Um, can you tell me
what that's all about?
I'll tell you inside.
Let's go.
Come on.
OK, that was close.
Not as close as she'd like.
That is not what's
going on here.
She obviously has
a thing for you.
Maybe this escape won't
be what you expected.
They say when
you're not looking,
that's when you find it.
[groans] Peg, you outdid
yourself yet again.
Well, then maybe you won't
leave so long in between meals.
I will try my best.
Oh, boy.
[laughs] Your dad, he
gets lost in his work.
Oh, don't I know it.
So, young man, any ideas
on how to get our penguin
back to shore?
I've got a few percolating.
But look, I know I'm
stating the obvious.
Out here, we aren't meant
to interfere with nature.
You are not wrong.
But we had a hand in
creating this situation.
And, well, that penguin
colony has really
become like family to me.
How is old Juan, anyway?
IAN: He's great.
He is such a stud.
And he loves strutting his
stuff in front of the ladies.
Is there any other characters?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There's Isa.
And don't be chirping
Isa, because she'll
give it right back to you.
It's true.
And then there's...
there's Theo.
Theo is a rock star.
I mean, if I could teach this
penguin how to play guitar,
I would. He's a maniac.
He's a total maniac.
He's the first one to
jump off of any iceberg.
And then there's Lola
and her mate, Hugo.
Their dance when they
first met was incredible.
Ah, poor thing.
Well, on that note, I should
get to work figuring out a plan.
Absolutely, yes.
Yeah, we all should call it.
It's been quite a long day.
Good night, everybody.
Hey, I've got that for you.
Oh, thank you.
Is there something
you're not telling me?
About Lola?
No, about Peg.
[laughs] She is a great lady,
Em, and she really tries
her best to keep me in line.
Well, good luck with that.
Yeah, right.
How are you?
I'm OK.
Draw any new stories lately?
No, just the ones
in the courtroom.
How about outside the courtroom?
Anyone special in your life?
Not since Mark.
And you know how that ended.
Don't feel guilty that
your heart wasn't in it.
I know I shouldn't, but...
That's good.
Now, maybe I'm misreading
the situation here.
But, uh, what's going on
with you and this guy Andy?
Dad, he's not even
dating right now.
[scoffs] The guy really
went out on a limb for you.
Well, yeah, but
that's only because I
backed him into a corner.
Besides, even if he was
dating, he and that Ingrid
would be a much better match.
And why would you say that?
Uh, they're both world
travelers, engineer geeks.
He's in Antarctica.
She'll be here every
other week. (WHISPERING)
And I'm not even supposed
to be here right now.
That's just paperwork, Em.
OK, take your mother
and I, for example.
She was a homebody.
And I'm Mr. Jet
Off To Antarctica
To Work With Penguins.
But we made it work because
we loved each other.
You'll find your penguin.
And when you do, don't
let a little bit of water
get in the way...
or killer whales.
OK, Dad.
[door opening]
How's it going?
It's, uh... it's
a tricky problem.
You want to tell me about it?
Sure, yeah.
May I?
Oh, yeah.
Of course.
All right.
So basically, the majority
of an iceberg is under water.
So it's shaped like a big ball.
And there's the water.
So if you tie something
to the top and pull it,
it's going to rotate
the entire thing
and dump the penguin
into the water.
EMMA: Where the whales are.
ANDY: Looking for a snack.
EMMA: Oof.
What if you grab
it from the center?
It wouldn't rotate.
Center of mass.
But that is way under water,
and I don't own a submarine.
So what you're
telling me is that you
basically need something
to dive underwater
and attach a cable to it.
I do not mean us.
No, definitely not us.
But yeah, something
like a small submersible
could do it if we could figure
out a way to attach to the ice.
[laughs] Something like this?
ANDY: Yeah.
I mean, yeah, something
exactly like that.
Oh, OK.
[poignant music]
Did you draw these on the ship?
Just what I could see
through the window.
Emma, they're incredible.
No, no, no, these should
be in, like, a book.
It feels nice to be drawing
outside the courtroom.
I actually want to draw Lola's
story, but I'm afraid to start.
It's a love story.
Not all of those
have happy endings.
She deserves one.
I'm kind of surprised you're not
taking Ingrid up on her
offer to stay on the ship.
I like slumming it out here
with my fellow engineers.
Plus, I don't want
to be spoiled.
It's incredible.
I could be biased,
but down here,
we like to think
the Southern Lights
have an edge on the Northern.
Yeah, I would have to agree.
What you were saying about
deactivating your profile,
does that mean you're
giving up on dating?
I never said that.
You did.
But why do you ask?
Just curious.
If you're thinking of changing
your mind, Ingrid is interested.
Why... stop saying that.
No, I think Martin's a
better match for her.
You think so?
Yeah, of course.
I mean, I think if she wasn't
such a stickler for the rules,
she'd see that he's
perfect for her.
Besides, he already does
everything she asks.
That's true.
I guess if a stranded
penguin hasn't given up hope,
maybe we shouldn't either.
[penguins braying]
[upbeat music]
[penguins braying]
Don't worry, Lola.
I know how hard he was to find.
We'll get you back to him.
ANDY: OK, let's test this out.
[motor rumbling]
[mid-tempo music]
Hey, can you hold on to this in
case the remote doesn't respond?
All right.
All right.
Come on.
Is it working?
No, not really.
The drill doesn't want
to stick in the ice.
Oh, Andy.
I think we should go.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Looks like we have a visitor.
You know, it's not often
you get a show like this.
Maybe they're showing
off because they
want their portrait drawn.
No, I don't think
this is going to work.
[mid-tempo music]
Excuse me.
Uh, do you know if your
colleague Andy ever made
it back to the ship last night?
I'm sorry, ma'am, I'm just
making a dummy check before we
pull anchors, so maybe.
I know what it needs to do.
I just gotta figure out
how to make it work.
A little fuel for the brain?
Oh, I'm good. Thank you.
You know, when I'm stumped,
Kat puts me through a workout.
Yeah, she even made me go
mountain climbing once.
Now I made a decision, and
I can work an ice pick.
Well, we don't exactly have
time to climb Mount Vinson.
Or you could do a polar
plunge in the spa.
It works for me every time.
Oh, there's a spa here?
Oh, best kept secret on base.
Dad, you shouldn't be
doing that with your...
Em, I'm fine.
How exactly would
a cold plunge help?
Yeah, cold exposure
releases a ton of it.
Oh, and trust me,
afterwards, you are
going to feel laser focused.
I'm not exactly a spa guy.
I'll do it with you.
Yeah, of course.
All right, let's do it.
Where's the spa?
Uh... uh, not what
I was envisioning.
What were you envisioning?
I don't know.
Like, a tub or a
barrel or something.
There wouldn't be any
killer whales here, right?
No, not this close to shore.
Seals, maybe.
Maybe you can make a friend,
adopt one, give it a pet name.
That's funny.
No, thank you.
No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
Come on.
Emory Rivers would
have done this.
- Ricky Rivera...
- Yeah.
Definitely would
have done the plunge.
So you're telling me
Emma Rivera wouldn't
do this for the penguins?
[mid-tempo music]
For the penguins.
For the penguins.
Come on.
Come on.
OK, ready?
1, 2, 3!
- Whoa!
- [laughs]
[excited chatter]
Oh, it's cold!
Oh, it's cold!
What the heck?
Martin, look at this.
I knew it.
There is that Emma
looking for her father.
And I think I know how
she was able to evade us.
You're still shivering.
Come here.
Thank you.
That better?
What about you?
Any clarity?
Yeah, I think so.
MAN: [clears throat]
Heated drill bit.
That's the key.
Oh, right.
It'll melt the ice, refreeze
around it, lock it into place,
You're brilliant.
Should we get to work?
Yeah, after we defrost.
Penguin Rescue Unit.
I guess maybe I could have
been part of your team.
Easy there, Ericsson.
Come on.
Let's get this to your dad
and put it into action.
Who is Ericsson?
The guy who invented
the screw propeller...
Nobody knows engineers.
What's wrong?
Your dad went out to re-secure
the tether on the ice floe, and
we just received a help signal.
What does that mean?
He deployed the mayday
signal on his GPS.
He's here along the shore.
Can you send a helicopter?
Well, the emergency crew
will, but they won't risk
it until that storm passes.
I don't care.
I'm going out there.
Are you coming?
Of course. Let's go.
Be careful.
We will.
[engine revving]
[suspenseful music]
What are you doing?
Why are we stopping?
Because we aren't gonna
outrun that storm.
What are you talking about?
It's barely snowing.
Oh, there's a reason
those choppers won't fly.
Can you grab that hammer just
outside to the right there?
Can you grab that side?
[wind rushing]
Don't worry.
These storms may be
powerful, but they blow
out as fast as they blow in.
Oh, I'm sure my dad's been
through hundreds of these.
I just hope he's OK.
[wind rushing]
You know, when I was little,
I used to be scared of storms.
My dad would tell
stories about adventures
just like this to
distract me, folklore
from all the places he's been.
My favorite was the one
about the third man.
Those who dared track
the frozen terrain
would get the sense they...
Weren't alone.
You know it?
I felt it, the
presence, like there's
a third man walking with you.
I hope that he or she is
with my dad right now.
He's going to be OK.
[wind rushing]
[downbeat music]
- Hey.
- What happened?
Are you OK?
Oh, I'm fine.
[groans] Actually,
I've been better.
I'm so happy to see you guys.
You're hurt.
Oh, it's just my leg, honey.
One of the tethers
snapped, and I went for it.
I went down like
a sack of hammers.
Hey, don't worry.
Help's on the way.
I'm not worried about that.
This'll heal.
There's only one tether, and
we're running out of time.
Lola is running out of time.
[downbeat music]
- Is it broken?
- It is.
But he's in there
arguing with the doctor.
He can argue all he wants.
He can't walk on that leg.
You're preaching to the choir.
Oh, by the way, I had them run
some other tests on his heart.
Strong as an ox.
Turns out, all that pain
was just indigestion.
DOCTOR: Mr. Rivera, please.
Give me a week, Doc, and
I'll be dancing the rumba.
But you shouldn't
be walking on that.
- What are you doing?
- Come on.
Let's go.
You need to listen
to the doctor.
She's right.
But it's up to you, Em.
Bring Lola back.
OK, we will.
We'll get her back.
Thank you.
Love you, Dad
I love you.
You worry about you now.
[upbeat music]
Hello, Ricky.
To Antarctica without a permit?
No, but I'm guessing
it's not, like,
a strike or a warning system.
[downbeat music]
I'm sorry.
I needed to make sure
that my dad was OK.
I understand.
I really do.
But it's my job to ensure
everyone's safety on board,
and I can't do that if I don't
even know you were there.
I didn't think of it like that.
I just thought I'd
get into trouble.
Well, now you and your
partner are both in trouble.
No, no, Andy had
nothing to do with this.
I appreciate you
trying to protect him,
but I found one of your
disguises in his room,
so don't tell me he didn't know.
You're right.
He did help me.
That's only because he
has got one of the biggest
hearts I have ever encountered.
And trust me, those are
really hard to find.
That's why I want to
help this poor penguin
who is stranded from her mate.
Because amidst all the
noise, she found him.
And since she's been gone,
he hasn't been chatting
it up with other penguins.
He's been waiting for
her, calling for her.
And that is something
worth trying to save.
So, please, Ingrid.
If you have to, put
me back on the ship.
But let Andy go.
He's one of the good ones.
INGRID: Don't go anywhere.
I'll be right back.
MARTIN: Come on in.
Before we can proceed,
there is a formal interview
process we need to get through.
ANDY: What kind of interview?
MARTIN: Have a seat.
ANDY: Do we really
need to do this?
Oh, I'll be asking the
questions here, Andy.
Oh, geez.
So how did you and the
stowaway become acquainted?
Well, she wasn't exactly
a stowaway because I
allowed her to get on board.
Oh, you'll have me believe
that this is your fault?
If I hadn't been so
preoccupied with making sure
that all the equipment
got on board,
I would have asked
more questions,
and she never would
have gotten on the ship.
Uh, [clears throat] well, then.
Um, I guess this
will undoubtedly
be your last polar
expedition on the Vega...
or probably any ship,
for that matter.
No, no no.
Take this.
And call me if you need
anything, anything at all.
Thank you.
And listen, Rivera, we
both know who is in that
very big heart of Andy's.
OK, come on.
I'll escort you
back to the ship.
We're running out of time.
What are you doing?
Where do you think you're going?
Let them go.
I... I...
I don't understand.
They broke so many rules.
I know, but finding your penguin
is more important
than the rules.
Of course, yeah.
Oh, do you mean Andy, or are
we on a penguin mission now?
Everyone deserves to
find their match, Martin.
I think we can bend the
rules for a good cause.
You're incredible.
You think I'm incredible?
So we drill into the ice,
pull the floe back to shore,
reconnect Lola with Hugo,
and it's mission complete.
Let's do it.
Hey, I just want you to know
that no matter what happens,
I have zero regrets helping you.
You really are my
knight in shining armor.
[engine cranks]
[engine revving]
[upbeat music]
Let's do this.
We only have one chance
to get this right.
You grab the sub.
I'll get the winch.
EMMA: [grunts]
OK, moment of truth.
[penguins braying]
What is that?
Some of her pals
are hanging out.
[penguins braying]
The tether.
I've got it.
Nice save.
I guess that mountain
climbing did pay off.
OK, we're nearing the floe.
So let's put this thing to work.
Let's see if it takes.
Looking good.
OK, let's get this
floe back to shore.
(WHISPERING) Oh, come on.
Oh, come on.
It's working.
It's working.
Yeah, it's working.
It's working.
Oh, come on.
Come on.
[uplifting music]
[penguins braying]
It worked!
[excited braying]
Here she goes.
[braying, cooing]
Hugo's been keeping
their egg warm while Lola
was stranded on the floe.
OK, yeah.
We did it.
We actually... yeah, we did it!
[uplifting music]
[phone ringing]
Oh, [laughs] sorry.
It's probably my dad.
Yep, right.
It worked.
Lola's back with Hugo.
Now they can have their
happily ever after.
[penguins braying]
I love you, Dad.
What'd he say?
He says we should celebrate.
[radio playing]
To Lola and Hugo.
And to Emma and Andy.
To Ingrid and Martin
for making it possible.
Oh, and long live the penguins.
Long live the penguins!
All right, you two.
There she is.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't get up.
Come here.
I love you, sweetheart.
I love you, Dad.
IAN: Careful.
Come here, darling.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'll miss you.
Thank you for everything.
All right, you make sure
that he gets on board.
Oh, boy.
OK, I'll try.
Good luck with that.
[clears throat] Um, I just
wanted to let you know I plan
on making my way to the ship,
and I promise to stay there
until we arrive back home.
I know you will.
See you on board.
[wistful music]
This place really does
make you feel like you're
the only person on the planet.
That was the idea.
Shame about that stowaway
that follows you everywhere.
And snores like a seal.
But I will miss you.
You sure about that?
Yeah, of course I'm
sure about that.
This has been the most fun
and rewarding experience
I've had in, like, ever.
Me too.
[horn blowing]
I should go.
Yeah, yeah, unless you want
a citation from Martin.
A citizen's arrest.
A citizen's arrest.
For the record, Andy,
I'm gonna miss you.
Emma, I know this
isn't what I wanted,
but it's like what you said.
When you're not looking,
that's when it happens.
And I can't stop thinking about
you, only you, all the time.
And I hope that's not
just happening to me,
because that would
be embarrass...
It is not just happening to you.
[uplifting music]
So how long does it take to
get permission to be out here?
ANDY: Your dad just called.
Doctors gave him the
all-clear to come back here.
Just in time for
the latest edition.
What do you think?
The perfect happy ending.
Now all he needs is
a name for my story.
[penguins braying]
[gasps] Of course.
Good luck out there, Ian.
[penguin chirping]
Don't worry.
One day you'll find
your match, too.
Let's get out of
here. I'm freezing.
- Come on.
- [laughs]
[uplifting music]
[gentle music]