Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie (2005) Movie Script

This could be the room
of any small boy,
but it just happens to belong
to a boy named Christopher Robin.
Now, Christopher Robin had
many toy animals to play with,
but his very best friend
was a bear,
named Winnie the Pooh.
Together, Pooh and his friends
shared many grand adventures.
But one of their most unusual
began on an early autumn morning.
It was that time of year again.
That magical time when leaves fall,
and pumpkins grin,
and Spookables roam free.
Halloween had come
to the Hundred Acre Wood.
- Boo!
- Oh, my!
A very, very small Spookable.
Whatever shall I do?
Don't be afraid, Mama.
It's only me!
- See?
- Oh, Roo.
Thank goodness.
I'm saved.
Sorry I scared you so bad.
I was just getting ready for Halloween.
Aren't you starting
a little early, dear?
I can't help it.
I'm so excited.
It's Lumpy's first time
Well, that is exciting.
We're going to Piglet's
to practice.
- Bye-bye, Mama!
- Bye, dear.
Have a good time.
- Treat-or-Trick!
- Lumpy!
How was that, then?
Did I do it right this time?
- Did I?
- Almost. But not quite.
It's "trick-or-treat"!
Got it.
- Roo?
- Yeah?
- I don't get it.
- It's simple.
We knock on any door,
and say "trick-or-treat".
And they give us
candy and cider and cookies.
What? Just like that?
Don't worry, Lumpy,
you'll get the hang of it.
I'll help you.
This is gonna be the best Halloween ever
because it's...
...our first Halloween together.
Come on, let's go practice
at Piglet's house.
This is gonna be the most fun
you've ever had in your whole life.
Would you look at that.
We frightened them so much,
they forgot to scream.
Oh, bother.
I don't think
we frightened them, Piglet.
Oh, dear.
Didn't we scare you at all, Roo?
Maybe a little bit.
Right, Lumpy?
Oh, sure.
Why are you wearing
those funny faces?
What? Why, these are
Halloween masks, Lumpy-boy.
I guess the kid's
not from around here.
- This is his first Halloween.
- No kidding?
Don't Heffalumps have Heffaween...
I mean, Halloween?
Well, we have Trumplet-Trumpet Day.
Flapadoodle Eve.
- But that's it.
- Well, then,
we must make this
a very special night, indeed.
Well, what're we waiting for?
Somebody get this Heffalump
some candy.
No! No candy for anyone.
Not until the proper time
to go trick-or-treating.
Now, if you'll follow me inside,
I have all the fun
meticulously planned out.
Now, gather round, everyone.
As you see, I've collected all the candy
to be found in the Hundred Acre Wood,
and divided it into equal,
easy to carry sacks.
Tonight, each of you
will take your sack home
and dispense it for trick-or-treating.
Pooh Bear, you'll be trick-or-treating
with Piglet.
Roo, you'll be with Lumpy.
And I'll be with Tigger.
- What about me?
- You, Eeyore?
Forgot about me, didn't you?
It figures.
The point is to get organized.
If we follow the plan, we can make this
the best Halloween ever.
Oh, boy!
Trick-or-treating begins promptly
at the stroke of sunset.
But I don't think my tummy
can wait that long, Rabbit.
It wants a treat now.
Well, your tummy will
just have to wait, Pooh.
We need to save all the candy
for tonight.
See, Lumpy? This is gonna be
a great night of trick-or-treating.
I think I'm gonna like
this Heffaween... Hallow...
The word is "Halloween".
And it's time
we showed our new friend
what my favorite night of the year
is all about.
Now, a Halloween-y night is good
When we're trick or treatin'
through the woods
I'll be sneakin' up and peekin'
While my tippety toes are creakin'
Boogity Boo-in'
like a Super Tigger should
Well, a sweet treat
is just my cup of tea
And a tricky-trick
is just the treat for me
Oh, everybody pay attention
'Cause I really hate to mention
That the ghoulie ghosts
are howling up a tree
We are daring to be scaring
Who's behind that mask you're wearing
We can "Boo!" a spooky greetin'
Then we'll share the sweets
we're eating
When we're home from trick-or-treating
With our friends
Oh, the Spookables
crawl out from where they hide
Do you think they might
be hiding here inside?
- Well, together we're more clever
- We go places they would never!
And a boo-hoo-hoo
will send 'em for a ride
We are daring to be scaring
Who's behind that mask you're wearing?
We can "Boo!" a spooky greeting
Then we'll share the sweets
we're eating
When we're home from trick-or-treating
With our friends
We are daring to be scaring
Who's behind that mask you're wearing?
We can "Boo!" a spooky greeting
Then we'll share the sweets we're eating
When we're home from trick-or-treating
With our friends
Bravo, Tigger.
You've succeeded
in terrifying poor Lumpy.
Lumpy, please come out.
Halloween isn't that scary.
- Right, Tigger?
- You said it, Roo, old pal.
Not scary is just what it is.
As long as we don't
run into the Gobloon, of course.
No! Not the Gobloon!
- What's a Gobloon?
- Well, I'm glad you asked.
I didn't wanna
leave you in the dark.
The Gobloon
is the scardiest fraidifier
that ever scarified
on Halloween night.
And he lives in the eeriest part
of the Hundred Acre Woods.
His lair lies beyond
the Creepy Cave...
- Dear.
...down the Slimy Slide,
and in the Tree of Terror!
There, there, Lumpy.
Don't listen to that lunatic.
There's no such thing as a Gobloon.
You are so wrong, Long-Ears!
- Tigger...
- Rabbit...
- Lunatic.
- Long ears.
Wrong you are, Long-Ears.
Every Halloween,
he roams the woods
for poor victims
to turn into jaggedy lanterns.
Jaggedy lanterns!
I'm sure the Gobloon isn't all bad.
Right, Tigger?
As a point of factin', Roo-boy,
there is one good thing
about the Gobloon.
If you catch him,
you get to make a wish.
Did you hear that, Lumpy?
What kind of wish?
Well, only the wish-iest wish
that you could ever wish
about wishing for.
Meaning, anything at all.
- Wow!
- Oh, fiddlesticks and nonsense.
There's no such thing as a Gobloon
and that's all there is to it!
Lumpy? Please come out.
- Please?
- No, thanks.
Don't want to get turned
into a jaggedy lantern.
Lumpy won't come out.
What do we do?
This is going to require thought,
planning, concentration.
Quick, everyone.
"Operation: Extract the Heffalump."
Everyone grab hold.
Heave ho!
We have to get organized.
All together now.
Put some muscle into it.
But I don't wanna come out!
Come on, pull!
Watch my tail, Piglet.
Easy on the stripes back there.
Somehow I don't believe
they thought this through.
Come on, little Lumpster,
don't be scarified.
The front of me's
not coming out.
And the back of me's
not coming out.
And neither is my middle.
Who turned out the lights?
- It's a Spookable! Help!
- Spookables! Run!
- Help!
- Oh, my!
Ah, well, that's more like it.
I guess I taught him
a lesson or two.
Please come out, Lumpy.
I thought we were gonna
spend Halloween together?
You can come under here
if you want.
You guys go ahead.
I'll stay here with Lumpy.
It's okay, Lumpy.
I was just really looking forward
to trick-or-treating together.
You're not hiding anymore.
- Aren't you afraid?
- Oh, I still am.
But as long as we're together,
I can be brave.
- Hooray for Lumpy!
- Good for you!
That's what I'm talking about!
Well, this calls for a celebration.
Piglet, fetch some candy.
Yes, sir. Rabbit, sir.
Yes, I know.
You're all surprised.
"No candy until tonight," I said.
But special occasions
call for sweets.
So, Piglet,
one piece of candy each.
- Rabbit?
- Yes, Piglet. The candy, if you please.
Oh, dear. That's just it.
Well, what is it, Piglet?
Spit it out!
Well, there's no candy left,
Rabbit, sir.
What do you mean,
"no candy left"?
There's sacks and sacks of it
over there.
Pooh Bear?
You ate all our candy?
Mighty impressive
for one bear, though.
I don't know how it happened.
I only wanted one, but...
...my tummy kept asking for more.
There's gotta be
some left here somewhere.
We can't have Halloween
without candy.
Well, I'll betcha Rabbit
has a few sweets tucked away.
Don't ya, Long-Ears?
I'm afraid not, Tigger.
You see, I've collected
every bit of candy
from the Hundred Acre Wood.
I'm afraid...
...there will be no trick-or-treating
this year. Oh, dear.
Oh, bother.
My tummy says it's sorry.
I wish there was some way
we can get more candy.
Maybe there is a way.
Remember Tigger's story?
If we catch the Gobloon,
we could wish for enough candy
for everyone.
Yeah! We can save Halloween.
But if the Gobloon caught us,
we'd be jaggedy lanterns.
Don't worry.
I'll be right there.
I won't let him hurt you.
Okay, Lumpy,
let's just go find
some costumes for tonight.
Yes, Roo, let us do so.
That's the spirit.
We can still have fun
without candy.
And don't forget, be back promptly
at the stroke of sunset.
We will!
Now, what did Tigger say again?
Oh, yeah.
First we gotta find
the Creepy Cave,
then the Slimy Slide and then...
- The Tree of Terror.
- Oh, right. The Tree of Terror.
Thanks, Lumpy.
Come on!
We're gonna make this
the best Halloween ever.
Take that! And that!
And that!
I proclaim Lumpy and Roo
to be the floundering members
of the...
Bravest of the brave?
The Bravest of the Brave
Gobloon Catchers' Club.
Brave together!
Brave forever!
Conquerors of the Gobloon!
Now shake.
No, no!
Shake hands.
That means we stick together,
no matter what.
What are we waiting for?
Let's go!
We're friends forever
We'll be brave together
We can weather
whatever comes along
One can do it
Two is better
You and me together forever
Braver than brave
Stronger than strong
Brave together
Singing our song
- We're friends forever
- One can do it, two is better
- We'll be brave together
- You and me together forever
Braver than brave
Stronger than strong
Brave together
Singing our song
Rumple de doodle
Rumple dee dee
We'll rumble and tumble like bumbly bees
Two together
Together we're one
Rumple de doodle
De doodle de dum
- You're my buddy
- You're mine too
- If I get scared
- I'm right behind you
It would be super if we could be
The bravest friends in history
We're friends forever
We'll be brave together
We can weather
whatever comes along
We can weather
whatever comes along
We can weather whatever
No prizes for guessing
where the Gobloon lives?
Oh, don't worry.
Gobloon catchers, ho!
Come on!
All right.
Know what I'm gonna wish for
when we catch that Gobloon?
Assuming the Gobloon
doesn't catch us first?
I'm gonna wish
for a million cookies,
and then a million candies,
then three more wishes.
- How 'bout you?
- Gosh.
I've already got my best friend
and a lunch box
full of rumpledoodles.
What else do I need?
What was that?
It sounded like
it came from over there.
That's gotta be
the Creepy Cave,
just like Tigger said.
The Slimy Slide
can't be far off.
Come on, Lumpy.
Let's go!
It's okay, Lumpy.
It's only an echo. Listen.
Roo, please don't do that again.
I'm sorry.
Roo! Something's following us.
- I don't see anything.
- I heard it.
I don't hear anything, either.
My ears are bigger than yours.
Lumpy, it's all
in your imagination.
It's right behind me, Roo.
It kicked me in the bottom.
Lumpy! Stop!
It's only your lunch box. See?
I don't care.
This is too scary.
I don't want to go on.
But we can't stop now.
I'm sorry, Roo.
I'm not taking another step
and that is final!
We're almost through the cave.
All we have to find...
...is the Slimy Slide!
Lumpy? Are you okay?
I think so.
Okay, we got through the cave
and down the slide.
But where's that Tree of Terror?
Wonder which way we should go?
Smell anything?
See anything?
- Nope.
- Maybe he's not home.
Well, only one way to find out.
What are you going to do?
Don't worry.
I have a plan.
You know what?
He must be out Goblooning.
He could be back any minute.
He could turn us
into jaggedy lanterns.
I don't think I can do this, Roo.
I want to go home.
If we leave, we won't catch the Gobloon
and we won't get our wishes
and we won't have candy
and I won't get to show you
how great Halloween is.
I'm sorry.
I'm just so scared.
Gosh, I wish Piglet was here.
- Piglet?
- Yeah.
He was so afraid of Halloween once,
it almost was a Hallow-wasn't.
- But then he got un-scared.
- Really?
Say, maybe if I told you
the story, Lumpy,
you might be un-scared too.
All right.
It happened before Mom and I moved
to the Hundred Acre Wood.
It was Halloween,
and everyone was really
excited to go trick-or-treating.
They all had funny costumes
and Pooh Bear's
was the bestest of them all.
Look, there he is now.
Hi, Pooh Bear.
What are you up to?
For Halloween.
Which happens to happen soon.
So I must be prepared.
Though I'm not fond of tricking,
I do enjoy treating,
because treating means...
Bother. I've smackled
every smackeral of hon...
Happy Halloweenin' to ya,
Not late, am I?
Didn't miss any anythin', did I?
Halloween's what
Tiggers like the best.
Trick or treat!
Hello, Pooh.
Hello, Tigger.
Nice costume.
You make a good yak.
I'm not supposed to be some
Now I gotta get
a new outfit!
'Cause I'm gonna win that
Best Costume Prize.
You wait and see!
But, Gopher, I don't think
there is such a prize.
Fine with me!
Cuts down on the competition.
Night'll be fallin'
any minute now,
and I still haven't
pulled any warm-up tricks!
But, Tigger,
we can't go yet.
What do you mean?
Halloween night won't last all day,
and we gotta be ready for it!
But our very dear friend Piglet
is not here.
And I would have thought
he should have been by now.
I hope he is all right.
Yes, Piglet, you're gonna
be quite all right.
Because this year
is going to be the year.
This Halloween,
you're going to enjoy yourself.
Nothing is going to frighten you.
There! If I'm not scared
of something as frightful as this,
I'll be unafraid of anything!
I hope.
Ghoulish goblin
Ghastly ghost
Everything scares me the most
All I really want to do
Is be with Pooh, Eeyore and Tigger
Kind of creepy, sort of scary
Yes, but maybe not so very
Well, in order to be brave
I tell myself that I am not afraid
No, not too much
And if I am not afraid
Not more than a touch
I can be around my friends
And being with them is much better
We might be more brave together
Then I can say that
I am not af...
What if some spook comes up to me
When it's dark and really gloomy
How very grand to stand up tall
But could I even stand at all?
I don't have one scary feature
A timid, small and frightened creature
Dear, oh dear, I'm just not brave
I want to tell them
I am not afraid
No, not too much
And if I am not afraid
Not more than a touch
I can be around my friends
And being with them is much better
We might be more brave together
It's Halloween
I'll face my fear
'Cause it's the spookiest night
of the year
What a very grand thing
to be so brave
To show myself
that I am not afraid
Trick or treat. Or not.
Why, Piglet,
where is your costume?
Oh. I...
Actually I haven't
entirely decided, exactly,
just what I want to be, precisely.
Gasp! Look at the time.
Half-past a quarter of sunset.
And I still haven't done any
warmin'-uppin'! Come on!
I gotta try some trick-or-trickin'
on old Rabbit.
There is a trick
to pullin' tricks, you know.
Storm brewin'.
Oh, dear.
If you were I and I were you,
would you think my costume
will get me plenty of treats tonight?
Namely, honey.
I should give it a trying-out
to be sure.
Oh, Pooh,
I really don't know.
Say, where y'all buzzing off to,
buddy boys?
I shall know I'm all the bee
that I can be,
if the bees see me
and see a bee instead of me.
Oh, Pooh Bear!
Perhaps it would be best, Piglet,
if you didn't call me by name.
It might make the bees curious.
I'm sorry, Pooh Who Isn't.
A trick? Or treat?
Oh, bother.
Each precious pumpkin
a picture of perfection!
No, no, no!
Not this way.
That way, to your left.
No, your other left!
Oh, my!
My poor pumpkins.
Are you all right, Pauline?
Oh, speak to me, Pietro.
Oh, don't you know me, Petunia?
Trick or treat!
Not now, Gopher.
And why are you dressed
like a muskrat?
That guy wouldn't know a rabbit
from a hole in the ground!
Look at all
the pretty pumplekins!
just waitin' to happen!
Oh, dear!
Oh, dear!
Tigger, stop that!
I have no time
for this Halloween nonsense.
I have work to do.
I have pumpkins to protect!
How's this one?
Of all my favorite holidays,
Halloween isn't.
A stormin'-good storm.
This is gonna be
the bestest Halloween ever!
With loads of lightnin'!
And thunderous thunderin'!
And windiferous winds
breaking everywhere!
Oh, dear.
Why, we're gonna be creepin'
and crawlin' with Spookables!
Oh, dear.
You don't suppose
there will be any Spookables
of the honey-hungry sort?
- Do you?
- At least half a dump of Spookables.
And bug-eyed Woozles
and saw-toothed Jagulars!
Oh, dear! Deary dear dear!
And then Piglet ran for his life.
Hey, Lumpy, is the story making you
feel any better?
- I'll take that as a "no".
- What happened next, Roo?
Did the Spookables get Piglet?
Well, let's see.
Piglet was all alone,
lost in the woods,
on the ookiest-spookiest night
of the year,
which really wasn't
the best place to be.
Now you're safe and sound.
Who is it?
It's me, them,
and, of course, us.
Oh. But wait.
Perhaps if you'd say something
only you would say,
I'd know you're you.
A very good idea, Piglet.
But what should I say?
Well, possibly...
"I am Pooh"?
You are?
Well, then who am I?
It's Pooh.
Are you quite all right, Piglet?
You will be joining us
for Halloween, won't you?
Well, to be perfectly honest...
What I mean to say is...
To put it another way...
The truth of the matter is...
As a small and timid animal,
I'm afraid
I'm really too afraid.
Oh, but Piglet,
Halloween without you
would be like...
Like last year,
and the year before last year.
And the year before that year.
And all the years
leadin' up to and includin'
every last Halloween ever.
I'm very, very sorry indeed.
Oh, that's quite all right, Piglet.
We shall simply
not have Halloween.
Oh, you mustn't do that, Pooh Bear,
- only because of me.
- Oh, no.
This Halloween
shall be a Hallo-wasn't
and you shall have no reason
to be frightened.
Thank you, Pooh Bear.
Would you like us
to stay with you, Piglet?
No, I'll be quite all right now.
I had hoped
it wouldn't happen this year.
Everyone was looking forward
to Halloween so.
I've let down Pooh and Tigger
and Gopher and Eeyore
and most of all... me.
I do so hope this blusterous
and rather stormish night
will not be too frightening
for poor Piglet.
I suspect something should be done.
But what?
I don't know either.
Think, think.
Why, just because Piglet
can't have Halloween with us,
there's no reason we can't have
Hallo-wasn't with him!
I like the way you think.
No way, no how, am I gonna miss out
on another Halloween!
I'll have my own Hallo-wasn't
all by myself.
If only Piglet was more like me
and less like him.
I love surprises and wearin' disguises
A horribly hideous costume'll do
Better be wary, be spooky and scary
I'll bounce from the shadows and "Boo"
I wanna scare myself
and everyone else
Those thrilly and chilly
old willys will rise
Cover your eyes, little buddy beware
I'm twitchin' and itchin' to scare
Unspeakable Spookables
Awful unlookables
Galloping ghosties
and goblins galore
What if they find you
Oh, look out behind you
A terrible Tigger-type roar
That would be me, hoo-hoo
I wanna scare myself
and everyone else
Those thrilly and chilly
old willys will rise
Cover your eyes, little buddy beware
I'm twitchin' and itchin' to scare
Now Tiggers I figger
make scares even bigger
They dress up and scream
"Who am I? Can you guess?"
And tricks always happen
when ghosts are a-flappin'
And tricks are what Tiggers like best!
I wanna scare myself and everyone else
Those thrilly and chilly
old willys will rise
Cover your eyes, little buddy beware
I'm twitchin' and itchin' to scare
And who better?
Oh, by the way. Boo!
Trick-or-treat, again.
We're on our way to Piglet's
to have a Hallo-wasn't,
- if you'd like to join...
- What're ya waitin' for?
Come on!
What was that?
Someone's coming!
It's a three-headed, bug-eyed,
saw-toothed Spookable!
I must find Pooh!
Perhaps we'd better
take off our costumes,
so as not to frighten him.
Piglet? Piglet?
Don't you know
what this means?
He's been pignapped
by Spookables!
Hup, two, three, four.
Pooh wasn't at Eeyore's either,
and neither was Eeyore,
and no one was at Tigger's.
Hello, Rabbit?
Oh, no one at all
is where they should be.
Oh, dear.
Was that you, Eeyore?
Wish I could say it was.
But it wasn't.
If I didn't know any better,
I'd think you fellas
was all scaredy.
We are.
Well, I'm not!
Now quit climbin' all over me,
buddy bear!
We got piglets to find!
I think I have had a thought.
If we put our costumes on,
when we find the Spookables,
they shall think we're them
and we shall think they are us,
so we can save Piglet
and no one will be the wiser!
I know I got it this time!
Oh, an infestation of ghosts
and goblins and ghouls!
Excuse me, but could someone,
anyone really, help me?
Oh, dear!
Pooh Bear!
Oh, they have Pooh Bear!
Two very fierce
and savage Spookables!
I must save my friend Pooh!
Boo! Boo, I say.
What? Who's that?
Oh no, not this way!
Oh, dear!
Why, Piglet, you scared
the Spookable away!
I did?
You did and what you did
saved us all.
I did!
Three cheers for the bravest
little timid guy ever!
Hip-hip! Hooray!
Hip-hip! Hooray!
Why, Gopher, what a wonderful costume.
It is? It is!
By dingy, it's the best!
That's what it is.
Of all the Halloweens I can remember,
and I can't,
this Hallo-wasn't has been
the most unforgettable of all.
And I got a super, grade-A,
lollapaloozin' good scare!
Not that I was frightened by it.
And this year Piglet has made it
all the way through,
so our Hallo-wasn't
truly was a Hallo-was.
Hey, wait a half a segundo.
You never did figure out
what you're gonna be, Piglet!
Actually, Tigger, I did.
I've decided I'd like to go
as Pooh's very best,
and very bravest friend.
That, Piglet,
is the thing
I should most like you to be.
So, with just a little bit of help
from his very good friend...
- Pooh Bear?
- That's right.
Piglet became un-scared.
And he stayed un-scared
for a while.
'Cause he had his friends
to keep him company.
Lumpy, did my story
un-scare you?
I think so.
If someone as small
as Piglet can be brave,
- I can be twice as brave.
- At least.
You would never leave me alone,
would you, Roo?
Never, Lumpy. I promise.
- Brave together.
- Brave forever.
Conquerors of the Gobloon!
Come on, Lumpy.
Come on!
All we have to do now
is wait 'til he comes home.
Then I pull the rope,
the trap door slams down and wham!
- We get our wishes?
- Yep!
Don't make a sound.
What was that?
Maybe it's the Gobloon.
You stay here.
I'll go check it out.
If it's him,
I'll chase him here.
And when I give the signal,
you spring the trap.
What signal?
I'll hoot like Owl.
Only instead of "hoo hoo",
I'll hoot "Roo hoo".
On second thought,
why don't you come with me?
Good idea. That way I'll know
when you give the signal.
Come on.
It's coming from the bridge.
Follow me.
Lumpy, come on!
Lumpy, quiet!
Run, Lumpy! Run!
The Gobloon's gonna get us.
Roo, where are you?
You said you'd never
leave me alone.
Where are you?
Help! The Gobloon's got me!
The Gobloon's got me!
Hold on, Roo.
I'll save you!
Roo hoo!
Where are you, Roo?
Please answer me.
The Gobloon's got Roo!
Brave together,
brave forever.
I'll save you, Roo.
If Piglet can be un-scared,
so can I.
Brave together,
brave forever.
Conquerors of the Gobloon.
Oh, no, you don't.
- Boo.
- Oh, hello, Eeyore.
How'd you know it was me?
- Hello, Piglet.
- Hello, Pooh.
Look at me, Piglet.
I'm a little honey pot.
Oh, very nice, Pooh Bear.
Oh, hi, Tigger.
Tigger is my
mild-mannered alter-ego.
I am Super-Tigger.
I can leap over a house or something
really big, in a single bounce.
And then... And I...
I'm not kidding anyone.
It just doesn't feel like Halloween
without any candy.
It feels more like Hallow-almost
or Hallow-Not-Quite-Right.
- Or something.
- I know what you mean, Tigger.
Even my tummy can't be fooled.
Cheer up, everyone.
Halloween is saved.
I knew you could do it, Long-Ears.
So, what did ya bring?
Popcorn balls?
Candied apples? Cookies?
- Even better.
- Honey?
- Even better.
- As long as it's candy.
Sure is.
Nature's candy. Vegetables.
Carrots. Radishes. Rutabagas.
Oh, they're tasty, juicy,
and most important, good for you.
Well, I suppose we could
go trick-or-treating with these.
Well, I'll take the trick, please.
Oh, nonsense.
This is going to be the best
and healthiest Halloween ever!
Finally, as it should be.
Hey, I just thought of something.
If we're all here to go
tricking and treating,
then none of us are home
to be treated or tricked.
You're right, Tigger.
That is a bother.
But what should we do?
Think, think, think.
I have an idea!
Let's take turns.
We can practice here at my house.
I don't know, Piglet.
What if you don't answer the door?
Oh, I will!
I promise, I will!
Well, it's risky.
Oh, my head hurts.
But it's just crazy enough to work.
- Let's give it a try.
- Goody-goody!
Who's there?
It's us!
Who else could it be?
- "Us" who?
- "Us"!
Rabbit, Tigger and Pooh Bear!
Forgot me again.
Prove it.
Open this door at once!
- Rabbit! It is you!
- Trick-or-treat!
I can't wait to try my place.
Wonder if I'm gonna be there.
Where are you?
Oh, no!
The Gobloon got you!
And he's turned you into
a jaggedy lantern.
Say something, Lumpy.
Oh no, Lumpy.
Don't worry, I'll find help.
It'll be okay.
I won't leave you again.
Let's give Rabbit
the old trickety-treatment.
Knockety knock knockety.
Guess who!
"Guess who," he says.
Gee, I don't know.
Pooh Bear? Tigger?
Oh, he's good.
Very good.
Anyway, let's see,
where are those treats?
Oh, here we go.
A nice juicy rutabaga
for Pooh Bear.
Prunes for Piglet,
celery for Eeyore,
and for you, Tigger... spinach.
Roo-boy and Lumpy
are missing all the fun,
and the spinach.
I told them to be here at sunset.
I'm sure they'll be by any minute.
- Help!
- Roo-boy.
We tried to catch the Gobloon,
and we found his tree
but I got scared and ran away.
Then the Gobloon
turned him into a jaggedy lantern.
Could you start again
from that first Gobloon?
- Gobloon!
- Oh, dear.
The story's true.
There really is a Gobloon.
Quick, everyone, panic!
- Poor Lumpy.
- Oh, this will never do.
Wait a second.
I got it.
We gotta catch the Gobloon.
- What?
- Well, if you catch the Gobloon,
- you get to make a wish.
- That's it, Tigger.
We can wish Lumpy back.
Tigger's right.
Wait a minute.
Tigger's right?
That can't be right.
There's not a moment to lose!
- Hurry!
- Come on.
We're gonna save him.
- We're coming, Lumpy.
- Don't worry!
We'll have you back to normal
in no time.
I'm sorry I left you all alone.
Lumpy, we're coming for you!
We're coming, Lumpy!
Remind me again, Pooh Bear.
How did I ever become un-scared?
Listen, everyone.
The tree is making noises.
Maybe it has a bellyache.
That's the Gobloon!
The trap worked.
We caught him!
- Hooray!
- Hooray for us!
- I knew we could do it.
- Hooray! Yay!
Now what?
Let's knock and shout
- I could offer him some honey.
- I don't think Gobloons eat honey.
Well, he could sure have
all of my spinach.
Um, Mr. Gobloon?
I don't want candy.
All I care about is Lumpy.
I wish my friend back.
You hear me,
you mean old Gobloon?
I want my friend back!
Roo? Roo!
I'm in here!
- You're okay!
- It worked.
- Things couldn't get better.
- Roo wished Lumpy back!
- It worked!
- Oh, yes!
Now, that's what I call
a happy ending.
I'm sorry I ran away, Lumpy.
I was just so scared.
Would you...
Could you... forgive me?
Gosh, Roo,
you came back for me.
That was brave.
I guess thinking about being with you
made me brave.
- Brave together?
- Brave forever.
Conquerors of the Gobloon!
- Hooray!
- Hooray for us!
Who needs candy
to have a great Halloween?
When we've got each other.
You know, it seems to me
there's only one thing
left to say.
I know, I know.
- Gasp!
- Happy Halloween, everyone!
Come in.
I baked cookies and rumpledoodles
for everybody.
And I made
a special jack-o'-lantern
for each and every one of you.
Hello, gorgeous.
Doesn't look like me at all.
Why the long face?
Oh, look, Piglet.
It's me and my very best friend.
Oh, mine too!
Look, Lumpy.
There's even one for me.
- Wow!
- But where's yours?
I'm so sorry, Lumpy.
I did make one for you,
but it must have fallen off
my wheelbarrow.
See? I told you.
Halloween is the most fun ever.
You were right.
I love Hallowoon.
Hallow-woo... Hallow...
Oh, whatever.
As long as we're together.
We are daring to be scaring
Who's behind that mask you're wearing?
We can "Boo!" a spooky greetin'
Then we'll share the sweets we're eating
When we're home from trick or treating
With our friends
We're friends forever
We'll be brave together
We can weather
whatever comes along
One can do it
Two is better
You and me
together forever
Braver than brave
Stronger than strong
Brave together
Singing our song
- We're friends forever
- One can do it, two is better
- We'll be brave together
- You and me together forever
- We can weather
- Braver than brave stronger than strong
- Whatever comes along
- We're brave together singing our song
Rumple de doodle
Rumple dee dee
We'll rumble and tumble
like bumbly bees
Two together
Together we're one
Rumple de doodle
De doodle de dum
- You're my buddy
- You're mine too
- If I get scared
- I'm right behind you
It would be super if we could be
the bravest friends in history
We're friends forever
We'll be brave together
We can weather
whatever comes along
We can weather
whatever comes along
We can weather
Whatever comes along