Pop (The Priest) (2009) Movie Script

Behold, the fly, such a shameless creature before the Lord.
Whilst me, a church figure,
am deep within thoughts about our worthy staretz (headman)
Zosima the Phoenician,
you dare to land on his wonderful icon...
you walk on him with your shameless legs,
you "wash" yourself there; Lord, forgive me.
This is me, unable to kill a fly, people say about me.
- Who are you speaking with?
- I'm speaking to a fly.
Do you like it?
I don't understand why the hens lay so many eggs.
Did you see how much they clucked (sung) today?
What is this? If the hens are not laying eggs
then it is bad; if they lay too many, it is also bad.
Don't tell me. I know from my mother.
If the hens lay too many eggs or
there is too much "sponge", it is bad.
I don't like that Moisei has come.
He asked me to call you.
Look, he is there.
Help us Father.
She does not want to agree.
We tried one way or the other to change her mind
but she wants her way.
She's does not even get upset anymore.
And she is saying terrifying words.
mentality, lack of culture...
About the faith of the ancestors.
- And in what way can I help?
Is there anyone unacquainted with Father Alexander?
They all are familiar with your power of preaching.
It is said that it is a terrifying power.
I declare about Christ. For Christ.
While you, from what I understand
are asking something different,
to depart your daughter from Christ.
By God, what are the costs?
You will depart one person,
but you will gain another hundred of people.
Think about it yourself, Father.
I have five daughters.
And only one of them is married.
If Havocika will fulfill her stupid dreams,
Who will take her as a wife?
Our people won't take her, because she's one of you.
And yours will not take her, because she is one of us.
On your knees please.
Such an occasion.
Havocika, daughter, come here,
Father wants to speak with you.
I will go to her.
You must understand that this deed can be decisive,
the most important of your life.
- I understand, Father.
- Until the end, are you so sure?
Yes, Father. I've made up my mind.
And nothing can stop me.
Think about what it means for your parents and sisters
to leave their faith and to receive the shining light of Orthodoxy.
It is written in the Scriptures that
one should leave his parents and come to Christ.
That relatives are an obstacle for a person.
That is what's said,
but Orthodoxy burdens a person with the weight of responsibility.
Now you are only responsible for your people.
God will forgive you,
if you remain with them.
God will forgive you,
if you remain with them.
You will be a good and loving mother,
a warmhearted wife
An honest neighbor,
and you will not do evil unto anyone in your lifetime.
And if you will receive the mystery of baptism
and then you will not be a good Christian,
this is something terrible and severe.
There are some people who believe that
if they are baptized they are readily saved.
It's not so by far.
Think well about what I told you and
don't be in a hurry.
You promise?
Now I promise.
I will think about it. Maybe it's true.
If you don't change your mind,
I will baptize you myself.
Hava, this means Eva (Eve)?
You will be called Eva.
In the honor of the ancestor of the human folk.
Very well, go to your father.
I will think about it very much.
She's like a ladybug.
Come to me, my golden girl.
Father Alexander, it's my fault.
The also the wife's.
She drives me nuts,
Sometimes I feel like there's going to be murder.
It is a sin to have such thoughts, surely,
but I will tell you a secret,
sometimes even I, fear my Alevtina
and she is not close to my heart,
but you can't run from yourself.
Then I think -
She is my sharpener, with her I get sharp.
And if she wouldn't be at times so evil,
would I be as good as I am?
- Good day!
- Good day!
Most of the time, God gives us wives that
are different from us.
As is the case with me and my
Alevtina Andreevna.
I am thin, tall and gentle
she is round and roly-poly.
If you look at us from the side,
I look like one and she looks like zero.
But together we form ten.
Without me, without one, she would have only been zero.
But also I without her, without zero,
I would remain one only.
Kiril, the soldier. Come.
You came on leave? Come to the church.
Like that's what I needed...I will only
go to the cemetery, to visit my father's grave.
In vain. Today is the day of all saints,
it is your celebration (by name) also.
Kiril the Alexandrite and Belozerskii, our neighbor.
With you priests, every day
is a celebration.
Blessed is the kingdom of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
With peace, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, have mercy.
For the peace up high and for the
salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.
For our God protected country,
for her leaders and her army,
let us pray to the Lord.
For the ones travelling by sea, on land, for the sick,
for the ones who are distressed and worried,
for the enslaved ones, for their salvation
let us pray to the Lord.
In order for us to be delivered from all trouble, anger, danger
and need, let us pray to the Lord.
Defend, save, have mercy and protect us, oh God,
with your aptness.
Citizens of the Soviet Union,
The soviet government and its leader,
tovarish (comrade) Stalin
have commanded me to make the
following announcement.
What a terrifying voice he is announcing with.
What could it be?
Andriusa and Danilka will be drafted immediately.
What about Mitea and Vasea?
What do you think?
Will they send them to fight?
After all, they are priests.
Peresvet and Osleabea were monks.
But they fought at Kulikovo.
What did you remember?!
Father, bless!
Or at least with holy water.
- Morozov, we will send you to the military tribunal.
- At the tribunal...
Father Alexander.
Oh Lord, bless the army of these russian boys.
You alone know their names.
In the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
unto the kingdom of Christ our God, together
with the Father and the Holy Spirit
now and ever and unto the ages of ages.
"Do you renounce satan and all his works,
and all his servants,
and all his serving,
and all his trickery?
I renounce.
Do you unite yourself with Christ?
Do you unite yourself with Christ?
I unite myself to Christ.
It's a Russian tradition.
Bread and salt.
The servant of God Eva is
being baptized.
There's our trophy.
This is their leader - Lenin.
No, this is his prize.
This is a bolshevik stallion.
Oh, such an odor comes from this animal.
Take pictures faster.
So? did you baptize that girl?
- I cannot not baptize her.
- I won't say anything.
My white-haired rabbit.
You have a reason to be joyful.
A letter from your best friend.
From Vladica Serghie.
He is asking me to come to him in Riga.
It means that you, a German, have fought
for the Tsar and Russia against the Germans?
You see, I am a German Russian.
In 1914 I finished Aleksandr military highschool.
I left on the austrian front.
- And in 1917?
In the autumn of '17 I was in Moscow.
Have you fought with the junkers for Kremlin?
For Kerenski, give me a break.
Thank you.
One icecream.
Then the Don River, then Denikin, the defeat, the end.
In the '20s I returned to the home of my ancestors,
in occidental Prussia (Germany),
I have become a colonel,
but I remain orthodox.
Very well. So you are saying,
you know Hitler personally?
A few days ago I had lunch with him
and some of his close ones.
And, what about it, does he wish
the rebirth of Orthodoxy in Russia?
You wish for a direct answer? Then - no.
In this case,
it's a momentary weekness?
And then, like in the time of the Romans,
the persecution,
crucified Christians along the roads?
Or as it is usually with our civilized world...
Generally, the Fuhrer cares little about this.
But the people that take care of our problem
are interested in the rebirth
of the church life in Russia.
Or you have other solutions?
Unfortunately, no.
Bless, vldica.
Yes, within the land of Pskov
there is not one temple functioning,
they all have been tainted.
Wearing away, empty.
And it is meet to transform this desert
in a godly manner.
You, Father Gheorghii,
and you, father Kiril...
We will have to do our best.
Where we would gather so many priests?
We will search everywhere.'
All over Pribaltika.
Vladica, forgive me.
Father Alexander from Tihonie
is looking for you.
Call him.
There is our first priest for our mission.
It's the best example for a Russian priest.
He holds short sermons, but
they touch you straight to the heart.
I know him for a long time.
He had his share of trouble during the 20s.
Deportations, concentration camps.
Everything, generally.
May I?
Bless, vladica.
Have a seat father Alexander.
Have some tea.
Good day, fathers. Happy holidays.
As in war times, I am presenting myself
at your command.
We were just talking about you.
- About me?
You have nothing else to talk about?
We were guessing: whoever will enter first,
that one will be the first priest for
the Orthodox mission in Pskov.
What's with this mission?
The rebirth of Orthodoxy in Pskov.
With the help of the Germans?
It is not good.
Let us renovate the churches; surely, we must.
And people are kind of lonely without churches.
But with the Germans' help?
Even if sometimes I should know
my place and I should be quiet,
I will still ask you, however.
What is this, Fathers, dears...
Doesn't it mean betraying our country?
The Soviets have no God - they
are not our country.
This is so, but think for yourselves.
I was baptized in the honor of Aleksandr Nevski,
I honor him as a protector.
And he defeated the Germans.
We are Russians.
The good shepherd will even offer his own
soul, for the good of the sheep.
Our people will suffer a lot under the Germans.
Could we - then - deprive the people
of God's caressing?
If it is so...
I am ready.
And where will you "dislocate" me?
You say you were named in the
honor of Aleksandr Nevski?
Then leave for the village Zakati.
The church from that village
carries the dedication of your protector.
As you wish to
bless me, Vladica.
Russia is so strange.
What a monstrous combination between
life's sorrow and nature's beauty.
Look, this sky, this river,
this beautiful forest, the birds' song.
And then this decrepit construction,
- L'Arc de Triumphe.
Yes, Paris, Paris.
Aim higher. Rome, Babylon.
Yeah, right. Let's leave.
Be careful.
What beautiful weather.
Hard to believe that there is a war on.
People are killing each other.
You don't believe? Your Lioska is killing.
If he's not being killed.
O, you parasite.
How is your tongue not drying out?
Don't be scared, children.
Come on, the bird
will fly from here.
Hans, you can verify your theory.
Why not. It's a chance.
You are not asleep.
One more time.
Cursed woman.
Hans, stop it. What is it, you haven't
been slapped by girls before?
Hans, hide the gun.
Hans, calm down.
Ready, it's time to leave.
It's only a child.
Are you out of your mind?!
You missed, Big Shooter.
The brandy is mine.
I hope you are convinced.
Your theory is dumb.
Russian girls do wear underwear.
He killed her!
Well, where is this war of yours?
It looks like they killed a cow.
Such good drivers you are.
What am I going to feed
my children with?
What are you looking for here, shameless people?
You should have remained in your Germany.
May you die!
Dear sun...
What am I going to feed my children with...
Where are you, Lord?!
Let's go.
- My dear child.
Let me have a smoke.
- Aha.
So I can smoke, yes.
A good German cigarette.
Are you going to pour for him, also?
Can't make a joke anymore.
Don't make me laugh.
My camera is shaking.
Look, Walter, what is she doing?
She's milking the dead cow.
Milk. Fresh.
We are going to unknown places.
Why unknown? Russia, Pskov,
old city of the Russian country.
I know you from somewhere, Father Alexander.
We met in Riga.
- With icecream.
Look what happened here.
Where the Battle on the Frozen Lake
took place, a few miles from here.
As if you wouldn't know.
Such a strange person you are, Lioska.
Do you know that here, where the club is,
used to be a church dedicated to Aleksandr Nevski?
All my distress...
untie her...
as you wish...
Boy. Don't be afraid, I'm one of ours.
Do you have something to eat?
I do. Some bread and fish.
Only that I am not a boy. I am Eva.
We are going in order to make the desert reborn.
That is why we are missionaries.
The orthodox mission in Pskov.
It is not without meaning that
tomorrow is the celebration of Appearance Changing.
Aha, we're going.
Nice words - to be reborn with the Germans.
They will stick them on
your foreheads, afterwards.
Judas. You will never be clean again.
- OK, I'll be quiet.
Don't be upset, mother Alevtina.
It's not the case to give
consideration to the label.
So we start working.
Chief, we could use some cold water.
If it weren't for this war, in 2-3 years
all churches of Russia,
all down to the last one, would have been destroyed
by the communists.
And you together with them.
Good evening!
Hell, Johann!
Hey, Paul!
- Is that you?
I see you're wearing a
belly now?
They are jolly.
Maybe they are laughing on our
account, too.
Look at their faces...
Even the pig is more modest.
Father Gheorghi, put a lock to your mouth.
Why should we search for trouble?
It will be necessary...
To trick the Germans? It will be hard.
We crushed the Bolsheviks, and now we aren't
going to be able to fool the sausage-makers (Germans)?
Well you see, as you are saying,
I am the offspring of sausage-makers.
That is why I know it will be hard.
But, do you have a fiancee?
- Sure I do.
I don't have a fiance.
But I am not even beautiful.
What do you know, a little munchkin
and already requires a fiance.
Oh come on don't be upset.
Do you remember the story about
the ugly duckling?
Well, you see.
Who are you visiting in Zakat?
- The Father
The priest, you say? Wonderful.
Although, if I think about it, it was a miracle
that I got out of being surrounded.
The German, the German is a sausage,
on top of baked sauerkraut.
Son, be quiet, for the love of God.
Well, ready.
Here we are.
Now search for your priest,
I am in a hurry. Bye.
What is your name?
Lioska. Lugotintzev.
Be quiet, Hoary, it's me.
Welcome in good health, soldier.
- Good health.
Good health. Hello, Kostean.
They killed Masha.
Go to bed.
True. The Germans shot her.
Hold this.
I wanted to do it myself, but the family...
Indeed, I only have four bullets.
What's this stupid thing?
Russian fashionable entertainment.
I know how it is used.
Looks like a hanging tree.
There are three ropes, we need three.
- You haven't told me, yes or no?
Well, Lioska, how can I say so fast?
Why do you love me?
Well, I don't know.
You're not like the others.
- I don't know.
Well, yes or no?
Come on, Lugotintzev.
If I say "No"?
Then I will ask you why.
For example, because I got engaged
with somebody else.
With that policeman?
You are lying.
You have no fiance.
I know everything.
Everything, but not all.
What can I say, Know-it-all.
In the end, you will be mine anyway.
Because nobody will love you like I do.
Faster, faster, come on, faster!
More, are you asleep? Come on!
What's with you...
Come on! I want more!
What kind of carousel is this, there's no music!
Music! Come on!
Come on, faster! Comeon!
Father Aleksander...
Oh Lord.
Nikolai Toroptzev found a bell.
One second! Don't blink.
One second!
- Isn't it?
OK, ready.
Thank God they haven't thrown it too far.
It only needs some cleaning.
- Father.
The bell will have a voice again.
- Ladybug.
Ladybug! Where are you coming from, heavenly being?
There, I came.
What year did they take it down?
- I think it was in the 30s...
Wait here.
I'm thinking what to do with the map.
- Leave it alone now.
Alia, I...
My Jew-girl ran away to us.
What Jew-girl?
Daughter of Moisei, the one I baptized
at Tihii, remember?
How can I not remember. I remember.
All her relatives were killed by the
fascists, she is the only one remaining.
She was not baptized in vain.
You want to say, in fact, that, thank God, our house is big enough?
Well, wellcome, Eva.
The daughter of Jerusalem...
The Germans are coming.
They are bringing a movie.
They are happy to see us?
- It looks so.
Hurray. Film.
The more we advance,
Europe understands better
the danger that
bolshevism (Russian communism) represents.
On June 22nd, 1941,
Germany was constrained to start
the fight against bolshevism...
Fights for extermination in the East.
After intense fighting,
the enemy was pushed back.
This day was transformed into a
great popular celebration.
The irresponsible bolshevik commandment
again and again, is sending
masses of people to certain death.
Why are you showing us these?
You want to trample on us definitively?
What are you talking about, Father Alexander.
This is part of my job.
Certainly, I am very worried with regards
to the fate of the prisoners.
It's madness.
Who will take care of them?
And there are more than two million.
Not far from here,
in Siraia Nizina (Humid Valley),
there is a concentration camp.
I am sincerely compassionate towards the prisoners.
They are suffering above any limit.
Almost without food.
Stalin has not signed the Convention,
and the international Red Cross
cannot intervene.
I love you, Helga. I love you so much.
You believe her? Without a doubt, Rudi.
If it's written "Forever yours",
it means that it is so.
Rudi, wait! Stop, Rudi!
Rudi, no!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot, no...
Please, no.
Forever yours. Helga.
We are getting ready...
Vasiok, closer.
- Like so?
Pristavkin, where is my face?
And put the hands down.
Look at them taking a picture.
Whatch out so you won't fall off the bike.
Are we going to "engrave" ourself for
eternity or not, already?!
Why are you staring?
Atention, picture.
He's a priest.
We have order to leave them alone.
What's this?
- I'm dying.
Stefan. It's you?
- Hi.
You're here too.
- It would seem so.
What are they feeding you here?
- Almost nothing.
To the side.
Give me the bucket.
Don't you understand? Work with song!
This is Kolika the crazy.
I take care of him.
Are you hungry?
Do you want to eat or not?
Then sing us something.
Work with a song.
- Come on, sing.
Russians like to sing when they're working.
- Yes, that is so.
Eat till you split open.
You had better leave, Father.
Split. Split.
Come on, leave. Do you want in there?
Food, drugs,
Lord, have mercy on us, sinners.
Brothers, please leave one little piece for me.
There's the first round of snow in Pokrov.
Glory to Thee, oh Lord.
- Happy Holidays.
What a beauty.
Happy Holidays.
Grandma, why Pokrov?
"Covering" because the Mother of God
takes out her headcover and covers and
defends us all from enemies.
What do you know...
Well, Father Alexander,
are you treating me?
- I won it.
- Definitely.
What shall we do, Ivan Fiodorovici,
to bring to the prisoners
from the concentration camp
warm clothes and provisions?
Would it be possible?
It would...
But, Father Alexander, do you know how
to decode the USSR abbreviation?
Undo Stalin to Save Russia.
This... Father has cut
drawings for the children.
Learning material.
The children have grown,
but the little Father is not mature yet.
What's this? Ivan Fiodorovici
The people are delighted, Father.
The defense of the Reds has fallen next to Moscow.
With no resistance.
The people from the capital are
enthusiastically welcoming the liberators.
What's going to happen, Sasenka?
Nothing, we will see...
Moscow... What's going on with Moscow...
As far as I remember, after the fire
it was rebuilt even more beautifully.
I have two bottles of samogonka.
Russian Schnapps.
What is it called, zamogonka?
-No-no, samogonka.
The best cure for the Russian winter.
- Erkentih.
Come here.
- Her com.
Stay still.
We will go crazy if we stay
without doing anything.
I see, I hear.
Repeat, I didn't understand.
It's like a cadril (dance).
- Quiet, boys.
- Quiet.
Great cadrils we were having at the
club before the war...
Am I right, Lioska?
- Leave him alone.
Look, the priest.
He is going to church.
What a nice place it was before.
Films, music, dances.
OK, don't stray.
Aleksei, where are you going?
- I'm going to the club, to dance.
That's where the Germans are.
They are celebrating their Christmas.
Leave me alone. Do you understand?
So this is how you have it here.
What are you waiting for? Turn off the light.
Turn off the light.
You wouldn't want to kill me, would you?
I don't know, yet.
My legs.
I ran all day.
What have I done wrong to you?
You have rotten the very core of my life.
- When did I manage?
- Listen to me, priest, and don't interrupt.
Who are you,
where did you come from?
Who invited you here, loud-mouth?
Who are you serving?
The Germans, the traitors.
I was born and raised here in Zakati.
I loved here.
My first and my last love.
Masha Toroptzeva.
And look, right here I confessed
my love to her.
The Germans came and killed her.
Now you.
- Hold on!
Aren't you afraid of death?
I'm afraid.
But, if my time has come,
then glory to the Lord.
Before finishing what you have in mind,
let me untie you from your sins.
What is you name?
- Lioha.
Are you baptized?
My stupid grandmother baptized me in childhood.
Jesus Christ the Exceedingly-merciful and Lover of people
may He forgive you, the servant of God Alexei,
everything that you have done wrong,
and the sin which you have in your mind to murder a priest.
And the unworthy priest which is I,
with the power given to me,
I forgive and untie you of all your sins.
In the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
You know you're something, priest.
Lord and Mother of God.
Thank you for being merciful with
me, the sinner.
And this dumb boy you have delivered from
eternal death.
Mother, tell me honestly...
Do I look Jewish?
- No, Lord be with you.
Russian 100%
Slower, your trigger will brake.
Our priest is again coming from somewhere.
HE travels the roads, goes through villages,
departs people from this world and baptizes.
Isn't he going to the partisans?
What's going on, Granpa,
are you entering into Jerusalem?
Seed of antichrist...
Father is back.
- Play.
Excuse me?
Starting with today you are my legal
daughter, with documents.
Eva Aleksandrovna Ionina.
Pray for the health of the servant of God
Ivan Fiodorici Freihausen.
He has helped us.
Restless child. Like a ladybug.
Let us serve lunch.
I don't want to.
He managed to bring the prisoners
from the concentration camp
into our church.
Glory to the Lord.
- Truly.
I'm looking at you, Father,
and I wonder.
Are you for the Germans?
Although it would seem that you are not.
You had better decide,
who are you for.
I am for Jesus Christ, for the Mother of God,
for Seraphim of Sarov.
I understand, the list is long.
We are under the Metropolitan of Pribaltica and Pskov,
Serghie Voskresenski,
The Metropolitan of Moscow,
the vicar of the patriarchal throne.
Of Moscow?
And who does Moscow belong to?
It means that you are serving the Germans,
but with the corner of your eye you look towards Moscow.
It will not work for you, pops.
Russians will return, they will hang
us both on the same branch.
What do you say about this?
What can I say.
The same way they crucified Christ,
at the same place with criminals.
But you should not compare yourself to Christ.
one of the criminals was sorry.
Should I try too?
It is the Week of the Passions,
and he brings vodka.
But what?
You cannot chase me away.
Your job is of such nature,
used for untieing of sins.
Untieing or not -
it is not your decision.
Then listen, priest.
I was taken a prisoner in June.
They proposed to me to work for the German army.
You want to live.
In august, our platoon was already
involved in a punishment action in Hmelnik.
where I personally killed people
and set houses on fire.
If I wouldn't have killed myself...
What were you thinking when shooting defenseless people?
Keep listening.
Together with the Germans we went
into a house.
In the house I entered first and I found
an old man and and old lady.
Near them there was a boy,
about 15 years old.
The German told me: "Shoot",
and pointed his hand towards them.
I shot three times.
Once for every person.
Going towards the other side of the house,
I saw a cradle hung-up
from the ceiling with a rope.
There was a baby there,
one year old or younger.
If there was a boy or a girl, I did not look.
I shot directly into him and killed him.
But you, Vladikin,
are not sorry.
What kind of forgiveness can I give you?
I cannot be forgiven?
Very well, we shall see.
What about your soul daughter,
or grand-daughter,
isn't she by any chance Jewish?
Watch out, vicar.
Lord. God, bless.
Stalin refused these weaklings,
and the priest is bringing them
The Red Cross.
Go forward!
Come on!
What do you know!
They have married the flea with the dog.
Yes, what a comedy.
We must quickly organize
a punishment action,
to execute the traitor policemen.
They are feeling good here.
They drink and pinch the girls.
Thy resurrection...
Can we get the priest together with them?
- Yes we can.
He seems like a good priest.
Comrade commissionary.
Do not produce a German bustle,
it helps our prisoners.
What is going on here?
Whomever of the enemies we consider,
they are either not problematic, or a very good person.
The people has been left away.
We must bring the people on the straight path.
- Christ has risen!
- Indeed He has risen!
- Christ has risen!
- Indeed He has risen!
- Christ has risen!
- Indeed He has risen!
Good. So...
Christ has risen!
It is meet that we kiss.
- Three times.
Look here. Send word to your parent that
he is to be careful.
The commissioner of the platoon has been replaced.
From now on everything will change.
- Now close your eyes and put your hand forward.
...and there had shown, divided,
fiey tongues
that rested on each and everyone of them,
and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit".
- Man, let me spin the earth.
You hear man, let me spin the earth.
What earth?
- Look, it is sitting on your table.
Don't let him spin anything.
Give us something to eat.
For Christ.
Where are you from?
- Leningrad, refugees.
And what are your names?
- I am Vitea.
I, Liudocika.
- And family names?
This is good, a good
trump for the wife.
And where are you headed to?
- Where there's more bread, to the south.
Consider that you are here.
Enter, now we are having lunch.
What about me? I am Kolia.
Come with us too, Kolia.
And you will start a new life
Stop spinning.
And the requirements will be different.
Liudka, don't scream.
- I'm not screaming, I'm happy.
And I say - don't scream,
it's a sin.
Father, is it a sin to scream?
To scream? Generally, it is not a sin.
But it is better not to scream.
Lord, from now on you will defend me?
What are you waiting for? Inspiration?
Where are you going? The private is after the corner.
It's nicer in open air.
Last night, Lastic stepped in your "dirt".
- The pig will always find dirt.
They're killing us!
They are coming to kill us!
Why the yell?
They are coming to kill us!
- Are you crazy?
Don't move.
Don't move! Stay rested!
Are you all alive?
- Eva...
- Ready.
Glory to Thee, oh Lord.
They should be "departed", Father.
After the custom.
"Give them peace among Your saints?"
I understand the pain of the relatives
and of the parents of these people.
But, to speak openly, what have these
people deserved?
Sincere prayers and the singing
"Give them peace among Your saints?"
Unfortunately, no.
Our songs and prayers will
not be sincere.
Therefore, they will be false.
Let us honestly acknowledge who
are the people here, in front of us?
They are the betrayers of the country
and killers of innocent people.
Oh, Sasha, Sasha,
What are you doing?
Why have you gathered a pack of children?
So you will behave like this?
Have you ever thought how
am I going to manage without you?
Don't be afraid, Alivna.
Our children are smart, on the contrary,
they will be a support for you.
When I will be no more.
- Don't you dare!
Don't you dare speak so.
I will rest in the grave as soon as...
- It's not necessary, Alia.
...as soon as you will not be.
- It's not necessary.
I'm already afraid.
It would have been better to be afraid
when you were saying those unbecoming things.
It would have been worse if I would have
"departed" those policemen.
You didn't need to "depart" them.
Or if you would have, it would not make a difference.
Forgive me, Lord.
Why did you have to speak like that.
Everyone heard.
Aliuska, God is merciful.
Maybe He will spare me this time as well.
The pedestal did not come up too bad!
Left shoulder forward!
Metropolitan Serghie...
- Bless, vladica.
Father Alexander, how come you are here?
Today I wanted to come by.
Bless, vladica.
To be honest...
I was going to Mr. Colonel.
It's unpleasant over there, at Siraia Nizina.
In the concentration camp...
About unpleasantness we will speak later.
It is great joy in Moscow.
Metropolitan Serghie Stargorodskii...
- Patriarch?
Yes. He was elected Patriarch of Moscow
and of the whole Russia.
God, what joy.
And now?
Now I am being asked to judge him
and not to recognize the choice of the Patriarch in Moscow.
And you?
- What about me?
I am managing as I can and I hope in the mercy of the Lord.
Tell him about the letter.
See that you don't let him enjoy it
and spoil it for him.
What to spoil?
It is better that he reads it alone.
A copy.
Mr. Freihausen tried his best.
"The condemnation of the traitors of the Faith and of the Country...
Among the priests there are those,
that, forgetting to be afraid of God,
Like Judas, losing his soul...
The Holy Orthodox Church
established punishment for traitors
and has decided:
whomsoever was found guilty of betrayal
will be excommunicated.
I confirm the original.
The Secretary of the Patriarchy of Moscow."
It follows that we...
You must not take it literally.
I could have not shown you the decision.
Especially since it arrived illegaly to us.
I want everyone to understand one thing.
For us, all stays as it was.
To the Lord what's of the Lord,
and to Caesar what belongs to the Caesar.
Vladica, they will only chase us and your mission.
Best case scenario.
The game is over.
The time has come to pay the bills.
But we don't owe anybody anything.
And the bills, dear Mr.
Ivan Fiodorovici,
we will pay them in a totally different place.
What do you say, Father Alexander?
Neither the Germans, nor the bolsheviks
are eternal.
But only one Jesus Christ.
To Him we will give settlement.
This in another life.
But now, what do you command that we do?
Save the children.
Grandfather, where are we going?
- I told you, haven't I?
We will live together in the village Zakati.
A great village,
with good people.
The places are very beautiful.
There is the church were I have my service.
You will all go to the Church.
But isn't the church frightening?
Won't they take our blood over there?
But what, they took blood from you?
Yes. From all of us the Germans took blood.
They were saying that the German children
did not have enough blood,
that is why we must give them our blood.
Holy Lord.
Nobody will take your blood.
I will see to it.
- You are not lieing?
- I never lie, because I'm a priest.
Behold, our church.
Behold how high and beautiful she is.
Don't worry, Aliona.
The children are not for us.
We will give them to the parishioners.
Good day.
You try and give away the baby kittens, when the cat has them!
And these are children.
They will take them immediately.
We will see.
- There's nothing to see.
If you would have brought 2 or 3...
but... they are a whole bunch.
Heavenly Empress,
where did you gather them from?
The Germans have a children's
concentration camp, at Salaspils.
The Metropolitan Serghie asked the officials,
to send these little ones at the priests
from the orthodox mission in Pskov.
What are you staring at?
Go inside the house.
What a joy.
Vladica told me that in Moscow they
elected a Patriarch
Serghie Starogorodski.
How so? While the soviets are in power?
Just like that...
For the fact that they have elected a
Patriarch I believe it is also our merit.
It is, but not towards your honesty.
What's with you?
Like so. Play.
- A letter. From our sons.
Give it.
Thank vladica Serghie.
Don't be afraid, Mother Alevtina
is severe, but very good.
Let's go.
Come on, come on.
Well, let's meet.
Oh, you hungry wolves.
Me too.
- Me too.
Good day, Father.
- Good day.
Eva, where has Father gone?
To Tiskovo. To baptize the children.
He is the only one in the whole region.
You wanted to ask about Herod.
- Why was he beating children?
Young Herod?
Because he was evil.
- You can call it that.
He was afraid of Christ,
and Christ was among the newly-born.
And he decided to kill all of them.
Mother Alevtina.
Don't be angry with me please,
but it would be better if you don't sing
the Cherub Song (Heruvic) with us in choir.
How so, not to sing?
- Don't get angry, I'm begging you.
You sing everything well,
but the Heruvic does not come good.
And everyone messes up.
How so,
the Heruvic does not come good?
What are you saying?!
One year since you are a Christian,
but you are teaching the priest's wife.
I can't believe it!
How to...
Verify if it is holding.
- It looks OK.
No, it's very tight.
Father, precious.
There it is bad. There they are preparing for execution.
Hold for a moment.
Lord, bless.
Home, go home.
Sasha, don't go.
Herr oberst. Ivan Fiodorovici.
Father Alexander!
And you Germans, and you Russians.
We all are children of our mother the Church.
Be merciful.
Don't execute these young boys,
full of life, and this girl.
After all, Christ is present here, unseen.
He is with the executed,
not with the ones who execute.
Mr. Frehausen, help me.
- Go home, Father Alexander.
Our Lord God, Jesus Christ...
If you want...
- Don't touch him!
He is under the protection of the ReichMinister.
Let him go.
Don't look, Father Alexander.
Don't look, go.
Start the car.
Stop them.
Push this damn car!
And the little willows are given
from God too?
It is said in the Scriptures that
from the beginning
God gave people, as food, all kinds of seeds,
fruits and others.
You should be praying.
I'm out of power, Aliuska.
- What happened?
What happened? What happened?
Pay attention here.
I am asking for forgiveness
that I was required...
- Get out.
Believe me, Father Alexander,
It is not easy for me either.
But to fulfill your request was impossible.
And you understand this.
Get out of my house.
Forgive me.
Ivan Fiodorovici...
- Don't you dare!
He pushed. You understand?
He pushed.
Behold, I am bringing some wood. So you may warm up.
Where are the people?
- To work, at coal.
I take.
Turn back.
We will take these.
Leave, I said!
What's going on? Last time they took everything
and gave it to the prisoners.
Mother, ask.
Come here.
Mr. Commander...Why?
- It's not permitted.
You are not following the rules.
Please, Mr. Commander.
You want to step over rules all the time.
It is not permitted, you understand?
The German soldiers are freezing.
He is saying that the German army is missing
warm clothes and provisions.
They have permitted to leave wood for
warming up the baracks.
How so?
If only would have used the wool socks,
it would have been enough for all the prisoners.
They took everything.
Although, mother, if they've come to rely on our socks...
It means they are not so well.
Where has she gone?
He is neither at Cehovi, nor at Proklovi.
Not at Dorofeevi either.
Yesterday she was complaining that her
head was hurting very badly.
All day she has not touched food.
All of the sudden she remembered how often she upset me,
and started asking for forgiveness.
When I wanted to hug her,
she said that there is no reason for hugs.
True. Her head was hurting.
At night she slept alone, in the other room.
I'm going to check at Zavialovi.
- OK.
We must go search for her again.
We should take some dogs.
- What dogs?
Father, a letter.
A letter from mother.
- From where?
Where was it hidden?
I found it into the Gospel.
It says: Father Alexander.
"My precious and beloved husband Sasha
When I was the last time
to the concentration camp
I believe I got sick with typhus.
I cannot afford to endanger you
and our children.
Lord, Lord.
"This is not suicide,
because I am not undertaking anything against myself,
I am only leaving.
...because I am not undertaking anything against myself,
I am only leaving.
I am only leaving...
I will reach somewhere,
I will go through with the disease and then be well.
It would be a greater sin to get you
sick with good knowledge.
To you I want to say -
that I haven't loved anyone in my life
as I have loved you,
and I haven't met a better man than yourself.
I have upset you very much with
all kinds of deeds and with my stubbornness.
Please forgive me.
you must take much care of
yourself, stay away
from daring and unthought deeds,
because I am no more.
All responsibility is on your shoulders.
To all our children,
to Vasia, Mitia,
Andriusha, Danilushka
and to our soul children,
Eva, Vitea, Ludmila,
and Kolia,
to Vitalik and Lena,
send them my blessing.
To remember me with only nice memories.
Let's go with God.
Elsa, Nocika, come on.
I'm a stupid woman.
Lord, if only I get out of here.
Help me, oh Lord, help me.
I hope that you, Sashenka
will pray so that God will grant you
the forgiveness of all my sins
and to grant rest in peace in a quiet place,
in a clean place...
There we will meet again.
I love you.
Your sharpener
That's where you want?
- Aliuska.
You want to strengthen me?
Aliuska, I miss you so much.
I have told you so rarely that I love you.
I love you very much,
my Aliuska.
I wish so much to come to you
so fast.
Why have you gone in the forrest?
What have you done, my little sparrow?
This will be the best photograph made
by me in Russia.
Lift the gun a little bit.
That is good.
Hey you, come here.
- Me?
You are a Father and I am a Father too.
This is Mary and Joseph. Do you understand?
- Christmas.
Take a picture of me and him.
I brought gifts for the prisoners.
Go away.
Mother is no more, there's no one to translate.
I arrived at the orders of colonel Freihausen.
Oberst Freihausen.
You stupid man.
It's Christmas.
Do you understand?
Vaineht, in your language.
- Ja, Vaineht.
And we're all sitting here like idiots. Leave.
Leave, old idiot.
Stiopa, come so I'll give you the basket.
Father Alexander, leave. Typhos.
Lord will help take it, then he will stay alive.
Silent night, holy night.
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah.
Christ, the Saviour is born.
It's only me - one...
Father, let's head home.
How long have you been here?
Truly. Not to mention that it was said:
Why do you search Me here?
She is not in the earth,
but in unknown realms.
Who will be my sharpener from now on? You tell me...
There's no need, Father.
It's true, my daughter.
The living must live.
You, I know, you are seeing Aleksei Lugotintev secretly.
Marry him, ladybug.
He is a good boy.
There will be new times and
you will be like Adam and Eva.
The ancestors of a new seed.
You know that Lioska calls me, like yourself, ladybug.
What, you arrived and are not coming inside?
You threw me out last time.
OK, let's come inside. What need is there to hold the evil.
I brought you icecream.
As in Riga, do you remember?
Icecream? We're during fasting.
Only to bring a little joy, to the children.
I also brought candles.
They baptized me.
He is a Letonian.
- You are a Letonian!
Vitas, Vitas-bitas-dritas.
It was Vitas.
Now he is the servant of God Vitalii.
And I will give icecream to someone.
When I was active here, they have
baptized me as well, before everything.
Listen to him: "when I was active".
Kolia, you will become a priest.
Oh Lord, rest the soul of your servant Alevtina.
You must think about it.
The campaign of the year 1943 failed.
The Rosenberg department is making pressures.
It's decided that the priests of the
orthodox mission in Pskov
have the obligation to make daily services
and pray for the victory of the German army.
They are starting to believe in
the power of our prayer?
- This is not important.
But in this way it will be better for yourself.
And you believe I will agree?
It will be better to ... in the concentration camp
it is a typhus epidemy.
They don't let me go in there.
Forget, Father Alexander.
What kind of concentration camp?
They will take it down very fast.
And the Pskov mission.
Now I understand.
They want to get us even more dirty, in the end?
As you were saying? The game is over.
My dear Father.
Think about your numerous family.
My family is under the covering of the
Mother of God.
It's better for the Germans to shoot me,
instead of ours, when they will come.
I will take care of everything.
Your family will be evacuated
in Germany.
I don't want to leave for Germany.
The children are not going either.
The Germans took their blood.
They said for Germany's children.
How can one understand something like this?
One must not understand this in any way.
Father Alexander.
Take my confession.
I am German,
I work for my people.
The fate breaks me in two.
Forgive my solemn style.
Let us say farewell like Christians.
May God save you.
This is food for our eagles.
The priest was leaving well.
- Look at how many children he has.
Sasok, if you would have beaten the German as
you cut wood...
I did not beat them!
Vladimir Ilici returns from the forest.
Where should we take?
- In the nextdoor house.
Hello, ladybug.
I see that they are throwing you out.
Mother says that, in case of something, you can
come stay with us.
Hello, Liosa.
Now it's the major state here.
We'll stay at Vladikini for a while.
Truly, there, the heater blows out smoke,
but it's OK, cause it's summer.
You look good in uniform.
The horse looks good too.
It's the commander's horse.
Where's Father Alexander?
I have great need of him.
He has not told me, but I believe
he is at Siraia Nizina.
But you have changed.
You're like...
Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Holy God,
Holy Mighty,
Holy Immortal,
have mercy on us.
Rest oh Lord, the souls of your sleeping ones.
Father Alexander!
You must leave, Father Alexander.
All the priests that held services during
the occupation will be arrested.
They are lucky if they get sent to concentration camps.
But they can also send them straight in front of the wall.
Look, you see?
What is happening?
Where am I going to depart to?
Haven't run away from the Germans,
will I run away from mine?
Well, priest? How many people have you taken
confessions of here?
I have not counted.
Now here we will take your confession.
Too bad, now there seems to be sympathy for you useless breed.
I can't even touch the church.
Listen. You sign this
That you have collaborated
with the hitlerists,
It will be simpler for you, and for us...
- This is for sure.
I want it to be as simple as possible too.
But think about it,
How could I lie about myself?
All I did was praying for the deliverance of the land from our enemies.
I took provisions, clothes
to the concentration camps where our prisoners were.
It is not my fault that the Germans were taking half.
I helped ours. As I could...
Everybody go home.
Release our Father.
I don't have the right.
- Please.
Leave at once.
- If you want, take my blood.
- What am I going to to with your blood?
Take all my blood.
Go away from here, useless priestly creatures.
- Take care of the children, ladybug.
He won't go much with you.
Up to Tishkov. There they will take him.
Hell, I forgot the umbrella.
What umbrella? Yesterday it was sunny.
Old man.
Pops, I'm speaking to you.
Can you eat in your monastery?
I think it's going to rain.
What about young monks, do you have any?
What monks!
Can we take shelter?
Look how it's raining.
Rain while travelling...it's a good sign.
Come in children. We shall see.
Father Aleksandr Ionin finished his sentence in the camps,
sharing the fate of many priests from the orthodox mission in Pskov.
On April 29th 1944, the Metropolitan Serghie Voskresenski was killed by the fascists
on the way from Vilnius to Kaunas.
Aleksei Lugotintev and Eva got married and raised all their
children and the soul children of Father Alexander.
Kolia Romanov became priest at the church
Saint Aleksandr Nevski from the village Zacati.
In the '70s, colonel Freihausen
published his memoirs.
With regards to Father Alexander he hasn't
mentioned a word.
After the book of Aleksandr Segeni, The Priest (Pop)