Pororo Popstar Adventure (2023) Movie Script

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
All right, everyone,
are you ready?
- Yes!
- Crong!
1, 2, 3, 4!
Lift up your head,
and look up to the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
It's okay if you fall down
Just get yourself
up off the ground
It's okay to make mistakes,
just try again after a break
Thump, thump, thump,
with the beat
March along,
stomping our feet
Boom, boom, boom,
shout it out
And all together,
sing out loud
Let's ride to the sky
To the Milky Way
and beyond, afar
Our wonderful tune
Will fill the universe
with love and joy
- You and I
- And we
Shout it loud!
Pororo Band!
Lift your hands,
and look up at the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
Come around,
and join our singalong
we can sing a happy song
- Yeah!
- Crong!
Oh, yeah!
- Thank you! Thank you!
- Crong!
- Thank you!
- Crong!
Come on, cheer for Pororo Band.
We don't have time
to play around.
To make it
to the Parangdole Competition,
we gotta hurry! Hmph.
- Mm?
- Crong?
- Sure!
- Crong.
Loopy, so we're gonna sing
in front of a real audience?
- Huh?
- I know, right?
I'm a little bit nervous.
I'm getting excited
just thinking
about singing onstage!
Crong? Crong!
- Yeah!
- Crong!
Aw, boy.
Pororo and Crong are something
you just can't stop!
- Everyone!
- Huh?
Let's hurry and load our bags
and get started on our trip.
I've invented
something awesome this time.
Something awesome?
What do you think
of my spaceship?
- Wow!
- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Wow!
- Eddy, this is awesome!
- Cool!
Thank you!
- Everyone, take your seat!
- Cool!
Crong! Crong!
- This seat's mine!
- Crong!
All right, we're all set!
Let's go!
It's discovered
countless stars!
It's the biggest music festival
in the universe!
The Parangdole Superstar
competition starts tomorrow!
This is your chance to be
the universe's biggest star!
Right here,
on the Parangdole dream stage,
you could have
your dream come true!
- I'm Oki!
- Doki here!
And we support your dream!
- Oki!
- Doki!
Agh. Come on, Dudu!
You're still not answering.
You're always supposed
to tell your manager
where you're going.
He thinks he's a big star
just because he sings
a couple of songs.
I don't care.
Yes, sir, of course!
I'm right outside the office.
Yes, yes, I've got it.
Okay, I'll be right up.
That voice, it's flawless!
Boss, you in here? Huh?
Big Ben, this is amazing!
Big Ben.
- This is the best!
- Hello, Boss!
Huh? Oh! Scatt, you're here!
Uh, new talent?
She does sound good!
Doesn't she? Doesn't she?!
So where did you
find this singer?
Actually-- Whoa!
We didn't find her.
We made her.
Uh, huh?
AI One?
Wait! But she...
That was a robot's voice?
Scatt, she's not just a robot!
She is a special A.I. robot
made with only good traits
from the greatest singers
in the universe.
There's nothing she can't do!
Anyone who hears
AI One's singing
is bound to become her fan!
Plus she'll never get tired
or make a mistake.
She doesn't even
have to practice!
Isn't that great?
In other words, you could say,
she's the perfect singer.
She's the future
of Big Entertainment.
The future?
What are you, kidding?
You don't actually
think a robot singer
can sing with real emotion!
We'll see...
when we compete
at the Parangdole competition.
What? Parangdole competition?
Boss, do you...
I've got another meeting.
Big Ben, you explain it to her.
Calm down.
My team and your team
will compete in the competition.
That means the loser
will be out of a job.
Huh? What?
If I were you right now,
I would be trying to find Dudu.
Of course it won't matter,
because I'll win.
- Whoa!
- Wow!
It looks like
a big marble in a ring!
Crong, Crong!
Well, this ring is made up
of rocks that rotate
around the planet.
There are so many mysteries
in the universe.
Pretty soon, we'll be able
to see Parangdole--
- Oh! There it is!
- Huh?
- Whoa!
- Wow!
It's so beautiful!
I'm glad we made it safely.
Parangdole's fireworks
are also a blue color!
- Amazing!
- Oh.
They sure are!
Uh, wait a sec!
- Those things aren't fireworks!
- Crong?
Everyone, back to your seat!
I can't go down!
What do we do?!
Everyone, hold on!
We should be okay now.
- Huh?
Gears down!
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
You guys okay?
We're okay.
- Crong!
- Huh?
- Wow!
- Wow!
We're here!
This is the Parangdole Stadium!
Wow! Let's go! Hurry!
Uh, what?
- Huh?!
- Huh?!
What?! A billboard?!
So where's the real Stadium?
Time to destination:
three minutes.
It's only a three-minute ride!
Thank goodness!
So it's close!
Crong, Crong, Crong...
- Uh...
- Oh, boy.
Adjusted time to destination:
12 hours.
Twelve hours?
We'll miss it!
The competition's tomorrow!
What if we all just try
to walk there really fast?
Walk there?
Can we fix it?
Oh, well.
Now, how will we get there?
My legs hurt.
Oh, my gosh. Are we there yet?
Eddy, how far are we now?
So far, we're almost
to the halfway point.
We're gonna collapse even before
we make it to the contest.
Huh? Look! A rest stop!
Oh, wow!
Well, now at least we can eat!
Thank goodness.
- Hup!
- Crong!
Can we still get
to the competition in time?
- Uh...
- I don't know.
We still have a long way to go
and no way to get there.
It's already dark out!
Whoa, look at that!
A bus.
- Ooh.
- Ah!
"Parangdole Stadium"?
That bus goes to the Stadium!
Yay for us!
Let's finish our food
and get going!
- Crong!
- Oh?
- Here, I'll help you!
- Huh?
Oki and Doki here
at the Parangdole
Superstar competition!
We have a special participant
in this competition, Doki!
Yes! We're talking
about AI One,
the one and only A.I. singer!
Going to sing
my song for you
It's a song
I know is perfect...
She's good.
This customer is
out of the service area.
Please try your call again--
Why isn't
he answering the phone?
We are going to show everyone
the new future
of the music business.
- AI One can do anything.
- Hello?
- It can sing and dance...
- Hi! Hey!
Look at the song
I created...
Wow, she's such a great singer!
She is amazing!
With her singing,
we won't even have a chance.
Come on. We'll have fun
playing songs like we always do.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey, guys!
I know! Why don't
we try singing here?
- Right here?
- What?
Mm-hmm. Why not?!
Then we'll know if people
like our song or not.
Come on! Let's go!
Hi, everyone! We're Pororo Band,
and we'll be competing
at the Parangdole contest!
Please listen to our song,
and we hope you like it!
Hey! Bam-bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Here comes Pororo
and all his crew
They're lots of fun
They bring joy,
and that's why
They are loved by everyone
When the music starts, Pororo
moves like he's in a trance
Come and join us
Let's dance! Hey!
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
If things are sad,
things are bad
Things are hard,
forget them all
So dance, and be happy
And throw bad news
right out the door
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Here comes Pororo
and all his crew
They're lots of fun
They bring joy,
and that's why
They are loved by everyone
When the music starts, Pororo
moves like he's in a trance
Come and join us
Let's dance! Hey!
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Thank you all! Thank you all!
Good luck in the contest,
Pororo Band!
You guys are gonna win!
These guys sound really great!
- Yeah, they're pretty good!
- Mm-hmm!
Dudu! What is going on?
Where are you?
Uh, I'm not really sure.
I think I'm on Earth somewhere.
On Earth?
And why would you be on Earth?
I have no idea.
I went to sleep at home,
and when I woke up, I was here.
The competition starts tomorrow.
What are you talking about?
I'm as mixed-up as you are!
Hey, since I'm
already stuck here,
I'm gonna go ride a super-sled.
- I know you got this handled.
- Huh?!
What?! Dudu!
He hung up!
The number you have reached
is no longer in service.
- Come on, Dudu! Answer!
- Please try your call again.
You see?
Everyone really loves our song!
Look! The bus is leaving!
Let's hurry, guys!
Yeah, let's hurry!
Tomorrow's the competition.
I'm ruined!
I don't have a singer!
Bara-bam Bara-bam
That Pororo Band was really fun!
Poyoyo! Poyoyo!
Pororo Band!
- Hey, hey, hold on!
- Wait for us!
Please come back!
We missed it.
We'll just catch the next bus.
Oh? Oh!
All bus services for today
have ended. Good night.
That was the last bus!
And we missed it!
Does that mean
we need to walk all night?
- Crong.
- I can't walk any more!
Crong. Crong, Crong!
- Eh?
- Huh?
Hey, look!
Let's ask for a ride!
- Huh?
- Hello!
Take us with you!
Please help us out!
- Take us with you!
- Hmm?
Please stop!
Pororo band!
Hi there!
I just saw your performance.
You guys are magic!
- Eh?
- Oh!
Thank you so much!
Uh, excuse me.
Could you please give us a ride
to Parangdole Stadium
in your car?
- Why, sure! Of course I can!
I'd love to!
By the way,
do you guys have a manager?
- Huh?
- Do we need a manager?
- What do they do?
- Mm-hmm.
In order for the artist
to focus on their creativity,
I take care of their schedule,
expenses, events,
and social media!
Also styling,
mental care, skin care,
public relations, marketing,
and monitoring their, um...
- Huh?
- Crong?
- I also give them rides
and feed them lots of food!
- Huh?!
- Oh!
A ride? Food?
It would be good
if we could have a manager!
Crong, Crong!
Well, why don't I
become your manager?
What do you say?
- Yeah!
- You'll be our manager?
That would be super!
Great! Then from now on,
I'll be your manager.
- Yay!
- Wow!
We actually have a manager!
You know, Manager Scatt,
we're sure lucky we found you.
Just call me Scatt, all right?
Actually, I'm lucky
to have met you guys
at just the right time.
All right, so then,
where did you guys
learn to sing?
Uh, we just started
practicing singing at home!
No way. You guys are great.
the Parangdole competition
is on a totally
different level,
like nothing else.
Will a lot of other
great bands be there, too?
- Yeah.
- Well, yes, of course!
Super competitive teams
from all over the universe
will be there!
- But, Scatt!
- Hmm?
Do you really think
that we'll do well?
Of course.
From now on, all of you guys
have your own expert.
If you do everything I say,
the first prize can be yours.
Of course...
you do need
a little bit more practice.
All right!
Let's give it our best shot!
Yeah, let's do it!
Wow, this really looks nice!
- Okay, we're here!
- Oh, good.
- Wow!
- Wow!
This is where you'll stay
for the entire competition.
- Crong.
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, I get the top bunk!
Crong! Crong! Crong!
We've got our own stage!
We can practice right here!
- Mm-hmm.
- Uh-huh.
Introducing the safe and
fast delivery, Thunderbolt!
Ready to deliver anything,
anywhere you want!
Okay, everyone!
Tomorrow is
the first day of the event,
and you all need rest!
- Yes, ma'am!
- Crong!
All right,
I'm turning off the light!
- Okay!
- Night!
Nighty night!
Scatt! We're ready!
Hurry up! Come on!
All right. Just hold on!
We're leaving!
Uh, take these with you!
This is tasty.
It really is great
having our own manager.
For a good manager,
that's just basic!
All right.
The first round
will decide who qualifies.
Look! It's AI One!
- Eh?
- Crong?
Why, of course.
Wow, it's AI One in real life!
And her backup robots
look really great, too!
I wonder...
who's the big guy
walking next to her?
That guy is a really,
really bad guy. You see?
Now, let's get going, all right?
- Okay, okay, okay. Let's go.
- Aww.
But I wanted to meet her.
Yeah, Dudu's
nowhere to be found.
He's still missing?
So what has Scatt been doing?
Scatt? Hold on.
You're the only one
I can trust.
The future of Big Entertainment
is in your hands!
Dudu's been replaced?
I have complete faith
in you, Big Ben.
Big Ben, are we doing lunch?
Yeah. We'll talk later.
This is the Parangdole Stadium!
It's so big!
Stop staring!
We'll be late! Come on!
- Okay!
- I'm coming!
Yeah, coming! Vroom, vroom!
Guys, we made it.
This is the place!
Look at this awesome crowd!
Oh, wow!
- Wow!
- Wow, we're gonna sing here?
Can you believe it?
It's starting!
citizens of the universe!
Welcome to Parangdole Stadium!
We're the hosts
of this competition, Oki...
And Doki!
Now, I hope
that everyone is ready...
For the Parangdole
Superstar contest!
Here we go!
These super-talented
future stars
from all over the universe
have come here to compete.
So the fierce competition
is starting today.
Who is gonna be
the final winner?
Who will have the greatest song?
And now
show us the contestants!
Yes! Now we have a bracket
for the first round.
Hey, there we are!
Looks like we perform tomorrow.
It's the exciting first day
of the Parangdole
Superstar contest!
Who will be
the first two teams to compete?
It would be scary
to be the first to sing.
Crong, Crong.
The first match is AI One
versus the Chubby Chickens!
So up first,
we have A.I. singer AI One!
Here we go!
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-la
Going to sing
my song for you
It's a song
I know is perfect
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
And I know
that once you hear it
It will be
your song to dance to
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
Everybody wants
their own melodies
But no one can deny
my song's best
Sing along with me
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Got the feeling
that I can fly so high
Look at the song I created
So much more
than just perfect
Sing along with me
once again, let's go
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Feel the rhythm
to groove and rock
With all the best you got
All together,
let's shout out loud...
- AI One
- Hmph!
I am perfect...
That robot is gonna be
the future of music?
I'm the best
Everybody wants
to sing their own song
AI One...
I guess she is good.
- Isn't she?
- Huh?
Wha?! You scared me!
Still, it's nothing
but a toy robot. Hmph.
- Really?
Looks like your kids
feel differently.
Eh? What?
- AI One!
- We love you!
- Uh...
- AI One
I am a star
Yes, it's true
I really am
The best
Wow, she really is
as good as I heard.
AI One just might win
the competition.
Whoa! That was incredible!
She's perfect,
- and her song even said that!
- Uh-huh.
Right! Who's next?
The unstoppable
dancing poultry!
Chubby Chickens!
Awesome today,
- Hey
- Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum...
Oh? Scatt!
Where have you been?
Did you see AI One?
'Fraid not.
AI One's song was awesome!
I agree! She was awesome!
Crong Crong!
Ah. Really?
Super yummy power
Our superhuman powers act
When bad guys show up,
let us fight 'em off
With super yummy...
- All right, come on.
- Huh?
We don't have time for this.
Let's go!
- Hmm?
- Ohh.
- Scatt! Do we have to go?
- Crong?
Yum-yum power...
AI One will make it
to the next round,
and we need to practice.
But I like these chickens.
- Crong.
- Ohh.
It's okay if you fall down,
Stop! Stop, stop!
Hold on a second!
- Huh?
- Uh...
- Crong?
- Hmm.
Your playing needs to improve.
- Hmm.
- Ohh.
We need something catchy,
something special.
- Huh?
- Eh?
So first of all, guitar!
Next up...
dancing tambourine!
And you need to really work...
the mic!
Hee hee!
You see what I'm saying?
Now for drums!
Hah! Something like that?
Uh, just like that!
So, what do you think?
Isn't that amazing?
Yes! Much more amazing!
Crong Crong!
So if you want to be
a winner in this contest,
you need to perform
like I showed you!
- Scatt!
- Huh?
- I want to try that, too!
- Me, too, yeah!
Crong Crong!
Okay! If you want
to do better, practice!
It's the only way! From now on,
I'll give you special training!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Special training!
Is it over? Whew!
- That one was really hot!
- Whew, whew!
I know! Looks like
we were so busy
wiping our sweat,
we forgot to applaud!
Following the heat...
the next up is...
Now, where is Earth?
Anyway! I'm sure
it's somewhere very far!
These earthlings
are here to have fun!
Pororo Band!
Pororo Band!
You are awesome!
Can't wait to see you play!
Show them Earth power!
If you don't play, Leo will win!
Finally, we made it
to the Parangdole stage!
- I'm nervous.
- Crong.
Hey, guys, don't be afraid.
We all practiced so hard!
It'll be easy!
Let's show them
what we're made of!
- Mm-hmm!
- Crong!
Hey, everyone!
We're Pororo Band!
Let's have some fun!
Lift up your head,
and look up to the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
It's okay if you fall down
Just get yourself
up off the ground
It's okay to make mistakes,
just try again
- After a break
- Crong!
Thump, thump, thump,
with the beat
March along,
stomping our feet
Boom, boom, boom,
shout it out
And all together,
sing out loud
Let's ride to the sky
To the Milky Way
and beyond, afar
Our wonderful tune
Will fill the universe
with love and joy
- You and I
- And we
Shout it loud!
Pororo Band!
Reach out your hands,
and try to touch the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
Looks like everyone
likes Pororo Band's song.
AI One, time for an upgrade.
Whenever you feel alone
Just gather round,
and sing along
Together, we'll do anything
Like having fun
when we all sing
Thump, thump, thump,
with the beat
March along,
stomping our feet
Boom, boom, boom,
shout it out
And all together,
sing out loud
Let's ride to the sky
To the Milky Way
and beyond, afar
Our wonderful tune
Will fill the universe
with love and joy
- You and I
- And we
Shout it loud!
Pororo Band!
Lift your hands,
and look up at the sky
Stomp both your feet
- And jump up really high
- Whoa-oa!
If we're together
- We can do it all
- Whoop!
Now all as one, come on
We're gonna sing along
Come around,
and join our singalong
we can sing a happy song
Um, oh, guys...
oh, we're done for.
Now it's time to see
how our audience decided!
This is
gonna be a close one.
They were both amazing!
We'll just have to wait
for the audience's wise choice.
All right, everyone!
Send your heart votes now!
999 members chosen
from the audience in advance
are sending their
precious hearts to the stage!
Which act will be
moving on to the next round?
The heart count has begun!
Come on.
We messed up so many times.
This match
was between Rocker Leo,
who showed us
his passion for rock music...
And Pororo Band
from Earth,
who, despite some mistakes,
showed off
their incredible talent.
And the final count?
Pororo Band...
Pororo Band
advances to the next round!
Pororo Band did it!
We'll be cheering you on!
We won!
I told you!
I knew that we could do it!
Crong, Crong!
All right, guys!
Keep it up, and you'll
win this whole thing!
Making it
to the final round
are AI One and Pororo Band!
the ultimate battle will unfold!
The perfect AI One,
who never makes mistakes...
And the cuties
from Earth, Pororo Band!
But who will be
the ultimate winner?
witness it for yourself!
We are Oki and...
Those annoying brats.
Did I underestimate them?
I never thought
they'd make it to the finals.
I'm not really worried.
But it never hurts
to cheat a little to win.
The safer, faster choice,
Thunderbolt Delivery!
Whenever you feel alone
Just gather round,
and sing along
Stop! Stop!
You're not performing alone!
- Uh...
- Uh...
Loopy, you keep
missing the downbeat!
Eddy, your horn playing
sounds flat!
What happened to all
the practice we've been doing?
What the heck
are you all thinking?
All right!
Let's do one more.
- I can't do one more.
- Hmm?
My hands hurt.
Can we take a break now?
We should eat something.
That's right!
I want to take a nap!
- I wanna go to the beach!
- Crong!
I'd like to go
sightseeing in the city!
- Crong!
- I want pizza!
With pepperoni!
The final
is right around the corner.
How can you say that?
Look at AI One!
Doing all that dancing and
singing completely perfectly!
You still want to take a break,
after seeing AI One do that?
But, AI One is
always perfect, anyway.
We're not like AI One!
What's going on?
- Eh?
- Hey, look!
It's the bad guy!
- Huh?
- Who?
- Crong?
Big Ben?
- Hey!
- Whoa!
What would he be doing here?
A delivery drone?
Lightning delivery
request accepted.
Destination: Earth.
- Earth?!
- Earth?!
Big Ben!
Yo, Scatt!
Do you like the gift I got you?
Just what do you think
you're doing here?
You were looking
for Dudu, right?
As a gift
for making it to the final,
I'm sending you to join Dudu.
So you're the one
who made Dudu disappear?
Be sure to give my best to Dudu.
Big Ben! What you're
doing is so unfair!
Why now?
- Crong?
- What's going on?
Well, it looks like we're
all trapped in this trailer!
- Huh?
- Agh!
What? We'll miss the finals!
I know!
Big Ben! Open this door!
- Anyone!
- Please! Please!
Don't do this!
Bon voyage, children!
There's gotta be a way
to get out of here.
- Scatt!
- Huh?
There's no way to get out!
What should we do now?
Uh, uh...
Wow! Look where we're going!
- Huh?
- Huh?
We're at
the Distribution Center already?
That's a really tall tower!
We gotta get out of this thing!
- Is anyone out there?
- Help! We're trapped!
We gotta get out of this thing!
- Hey!
- Don't deliver us to Earth!
It's no use yelling.
This whole place
is completely automated!
What now?
Where are we going?
- Whoa!
- Agh!
Oh, the door's closing!
Hello, everyone!
And welcome
to Parangdole Superstar's
exciting final round!
very own Pororo Band
are going up against AI One!
And tonight we're
here at Parangdole Stadium
to find out
who the final winner will be!
This sold-out stadium
is absolutely packed!
It's filled with fans
and spectators.
The final winner
will be Pororo Band for sure!
'Cause they're
all just so cute!
Pororo! Pororo!
Pororo! Pororo!
AI One will win for sure!
AI One!
Well, it would seem
the fans from both sides
are getting
pretty heated, huh?
Reporting here, Oki...
And Doki, live!
Our chance to win is over.
So now what?
The final round
will be starting soon.
Even if you
somehow got to the final,
it wouldn't be easy.
You would have
to beat AI One to win.
Huh? But we didn't
come here to win, you know.
Then why did you
come to the competition?
Because we just wanted for
everybody to hear our new song.
It's so much fun
to play music for everyone!
And dance together, too!
- Yeah, that is true.
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
- Mm-hmm.
So, you guys really came here
just to have fun?
- Of course we did!
- Crong!
- Uh...
- Everyone seemed to enjoy it!
What was I thinking,
managing a bunch of kids?
All this happened,
thanks to you!
- Huh?
- We never even imagined
we could make it all the way
to the final round.
We're so thankful,
because you helped us
and encouraged us, too!
Of course, all that practice
was kind of hard.
That's for sure!
Fine, as long as you
enjoyed performing.
And you're all number one
when it comes to having fun!
That's true! We're number one
when it comes to having fun!
Crong, Crong!
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
What's that?
Wow, look
- Ah!
- Huh.
I think this can be
a way out for us.
But how are we gonna open it?
Stand back, okay?
- Uh...
- Oh?
Ho ho!
It didn't work.
- It worked!
- Crong!
Earth-bound carriers
departing, Gate 8.
Proceed to Gate 8.
Okay, all together!
One, two, three!
Keep trying!
Earth-bound carriers
proceed to Gate Number 8.
- Huh?
- Come on!
Faster, guys!
Earth-bound carriers
departing in three minutes.
Departure in three minutes.
Oh, no!
Jump harder!
A little more!
- More!
- Keep going!
Come on, guys!
- Eh?
- Huh?
Huh? Oh.
Great job, guys. We did it!
Uh, guys,
the final! The final!
We've gotta go!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- V-Vroom! Vroom!
Wait, hold on.
- Huh?
- Huh?
I have a pretty good idea!
- Oh!
- Huh?
It's the moment
you've all been waiting for!
The best music festival
in the whole universe,
the Parangdole
Superstar contest!
After a tough contest,
the time to crown a champion...
- is now!
- Is now!
There's Parangdole Stadium!
It looks like it's started!
- Oh.
- Aww.
We've got to hurry.
Let's go!
- Hah!
- Here comes Pororo!
What's going on?
Is this drone broken?
After eliminating
all their opponents,
we're down to two teams.
One had a bit of a rough trip
getting here from Earth,
Pororo Band!
And an artificial
with a record high score,
AI One!
Which artist will be the one to
win the Superstar competition?
Now tonight's first performance.
And now
the A.I. Idol, AI One!
AI One! AI One!
AI One! AI One!
AI One!
Going to sing
my song for you
It's a song
I know is perfect...
With the Pororo band gone,
AI One's gonna win for sure.
Nothing can stop me
from being at the top!
It will be
your song to dance to...
Delivery failed.
Delivery failed.
How could they possibly...
It's all good.
My robots will stop 'em.
We made it!
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
- Whoa!
- Uh-oh!
- Scatt!
- My Drone's gone haywire!
It's not working!
You guys go on ahead!
I'll see you onstage!
We gotta get to the stage!
- Uh-huh.
- Yep!
- Crong!
- This way!
Get it?
- Huh?
- Whoa!
Ahh! Let me go!
Put me down!
How was your service?
Please consider
leaving a review.
- You want a review?
- Oh!
I wouldn't even give you
half a star!
Hold on!
What am I doing?
Wait for me, kids!
I'm coming!
This doesn't look familiar.
- Ah.
- Okay, which way to the stage?
Wait here.
I'll take a look from higher up!
- Huh?
- All right.
Good luck, Harry!
Ha! I think we got here
just in time, guys!
We made it!
Now we'll just wait for Scatt.
- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.
You could have just gone home,
and that would have
made it so much easier.
So why did you
decide to come back?
Hey! It's that bad guy!
So, what do you want now?
I took the liberty of preparing
a little bit
of a surprise for you kids.
Robots, go get them!
Beep, beep.
- Beep.
- Hey!
- Beep, beep.
- Take it easy.
Hey, gu--
Uh, w-wait.
Leave us alone!
They're in trouble!
But how can I help?
So don't even think
about trying something.
You're gonna wait there quietly
until the final is done.
What's the point of winning
if you have to cheat?
Here's a little tip.
If you're not number one,
you're nothing in this world.
"It doesn't matter if you win,
as long as you have fun."
That's something
that losers tell themselves.
That's why I'll do anything,
cheat, lie, steal, to win.
I think if we have that remote,
we should be able
to stop those robots.
Eddy, Harry is not here.
You guys!
You're too late.
Big Ben!
You schemer,
you must have some evil plan!
My evil plan?
You need to hush your mouth.
Show some respect to the future
head of Big Entertainment.
That's me!
- Hmph.
- Know what?
If you shut up,
I might find you a job.
But first, I'm gonna ask you
to stay right here
with your band of kids.
You give me that back!
Hah! No way!
- Nice move, Harry!
- Harry!
Stop the robots
with that remote!
That's mine, you birdbrain!
Not a chance!
Big Ben, why, you...
Stop it!
Hah! Guys!
AI One, we love you!
Everybody wants
their own melodies
But no one can deny
my song's best
Sing along with me...
Whaah! Unh!
...the feeling
that I can fly so high
- Look at the song I created
- Let go!
So much more
than just perfect
Sing along with me
once again
Let's go...
Fast and safe delivery.
Pororo! Get the remote!
I'm on it, guys!
Let's shout out loud
AI One!
I am perfect
AI One!
Call my name
AI One!
I am awesome
Yes, it's true
I really am
The be...
- Oh!
- Beep!
Crong, Crong?
Crong! Cr-Cr...
Loopy, are you okay?
Yes! It was
a perfect performance
for the final match!
Whoo! Now, up next,
it's our friends from Earth
who are cute
and love to have fun!
Pororo Band!
Huh? Where are they?
Pororo Band, where are you?
Hey, guys!
You annoying little brat!
Give me back that remote!
Uh, no!
I'm asking you nicely,
and I won't have to...
Uh, wha? What's that?!
Oh, "What's that?"
Your present!
Time for you to have
a taste of your own medicine.
Uh, uh....
Huh? You?
Delivery to Earth.
Request accepted.
Huh, what is it doing?
I never asked for this!
I demand you let me go!
Let me go right now!
Please contact
the Thunderbolt customer service
for any inconvenience.
Let me go! Please put me...
Don't forget to say hi
to Dudu for me!
- Hah!
- Pororo Band?
- Oh?
- Pororo Band, are you here?
- Oh, no! The final!
- Crong?
Pororo Band, are you here?
Pororo Band?
- Why aren't they here?
- Pororo Band?
They haven't showed up yet!
- So, then AI One
will be the winner?
Huh. Well, Pororo Band
apparently is not here.
Then the winner
of the Parangdole
Superstar Competition is...
- AI--
- Wait!
- Please wait!
- Huh?
- Pororo Band is here!
- Ta-da!
Now, at the very last minute,
Pororo Band is here
to perform after all!
Was that all planned
just to surprise us, though?
The competition continues!
Pororo Band, are you ready?
We were born ready!
- Ha ha!
- Well, guys...
this is your last performance.
Go out there and have fun!
Let's do this!
Parangdole Superstar
has reached the final act!
Let us introduce again
our cute friends from Earth...
Who like to play
and have fun!
Pororo Band!
Lift up your head,
and look up to the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
It's okay if you fall down
Just get yourself
up off the ground
It's okay to make mistakes,
just try again after a break
Thump, thump, thump,
with the beat
March along,
stomping our feet
Boom, boom, boom,
shout it out
And all together,
sing out loud
Let's ride to the sky
To the Milky Way
and beyond, afar
Our wonderful tune
Will fill the universe
with love and joy
- You and I
- And we
Shout it loud!
Pororo Band!
- Yay!
- Crong!
Reach out your hands,
and try to touch the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
Whenever you feel alone
Just gather round
and sing along
Together, we'll do anything
Like having fun
when we all sing
Thump, thump, thump,
with the beat
March along,
stomping our feet
Boom, boom, boom,
shout it out
And all together,
sing out loud
Let's ride to the sky
To the Milky Way
and beyond, afar
Our wonderful tune
Will fill the universe
with love and joy
- You and I
- And we
Shout it loud!
Pororo Band!
Lift your hands,
and look up at the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
Come around,
and join our singalong
we can sing a happy song
Pororo! Pororo!
Pororo! Pororo! Pororo!
Parangdole Stadium,
it's time to decide
who the final winner will be!
Now our audience
is sending out
all their heart votes,
lighting up the entire stadium!
AI One.
It's gotta be AI One!
- Only one team will win...
- Pororo! Pororo!
and seize glory, becoming
the new Parangdole Superstar!
Will AI One be the winner
of this year's competition?
Or will the ones
"who just like to have fun,"
Pororo Band, be the winner?
The hearts that
will decide our champion
are coming in fast!
It's so close.
Either one could win.
Pororo Band's heart count
stopped at 499!
They're still one heart short!
Does that mean AI One wins?
Oh, I don't know.
AI One's count
stopped at 499 as well!
What exactly is going on?
It's a tie.
It looks like a tie!
There's still
one vote left out there!
Everyone's wondering,
where could it be?
- Over there!
- That one vote will decide it.
There it is!
Where is it?
- Mama!
- Oh, look!
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Ah. Oh.
- Uh...
- Huh?
The winner
of Parangdole Superstar is...
Pororo Band wins!
Is that right?
Parangdole Superstar
has never had a winner
from Earth before!
This is the first time!
Pororo Band made history!
- Oh?
- Wha?
I can't believe
you really did it!
You stayed true to yourselves!
I told you!
We sure know
how to have some fun!
Excuse me! Pororo Band!
- Oh?
- Eh?
AI One!
What a great performance!
Thanks so much!
AI One,
I'm your number one fan!
Your song had a special spark
that wasn't in mine.
I'd like to sing
with you next time.
Encore! Encore! Encore!
Encore! Encore!
Encore! Encore...
Oh. Uh...
- Pororo!
- Oh.
Hmm? Hmm?
- Encore! Encore!
- Yeah!
Encore! Encore...
Well, how about now?
Right here!
Let's sing together now!
Encore! Encore!
- Okay!
- Encore!
Did you guys hear that?
Pororo Band and AI One
will perform together?
Parangdole Superstar's
first and second place
- performing together!
- I can't believe it!
- This is so exciting!
- I know! Me, too!
All right, everyone!
Are you ready?
Let's hear it!
- Po-ro-ro!
- Hey!
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Here comes Pororo
and all his crew
They're lots of fun
They bring joy,
and that's why
They are loved by everyone
When the music starts, Pororo
moves like he's in a trance
Come and join us
Let's dance! Hey!
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
If things are sad,
things are bad
Things are hard,
forget them all
So dance, and be happy
And throw bad news
right out the door
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Here comes Pororo
and all his crew
They're lots of fun
They bring joy,
and that's why
They are loved by everyone
When the music starts, Pororo
moves like he's in a trance
Come and join us
Let's dance! Hey!
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Bara-bam Bara-bam
Lift up your head,
and look up to the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
It's okay if you fall down
Just get yourself
up off the ground
It's okay to make mistakes,
just try again after a break
Thump, thump, thump,
with the beat
March along,
stomping our feet
Boom, boom, boom,
shout it out
And all together,
sing out loud
Let's ride to the sky
To the Milky Way
and beyond, afar
Our wonderful tune
Will fill the universe
with love and joy
- You and I
- And we
Shout it loud!
Pororo Band!
Reach out your hands,
and try to touch the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
Whenever you feel alone
Just gather round
and sing along!
Together, we'll do anything
Like having fun
when we all sing
Thump, thump, thump,
with the beat
March along,
stomping our feet
Boom, boom, boom,
shout it out
And all together,
sing out loud
Let's ride to the sky
To the Milky Way
and beyond, afar
Our wonderful tune
Will fill the universe
with love and joy
- You and I
- And we
Shout it loud!
Pororo Band!
Lift your hands,
and look up at the sky
Stomp both your feet,
and jump up really high
If we're together,
we can do it all
Now all as one, come on,
we're gonna sing along
Come around,
and join our singalong
we can sing a happy song
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-la
Going to sing
my song for you
It's a song
I know is perfect
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
And I know
that once you hear it
It will be
your song to dance to
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
Everybody wants
their own melodies
But no one can deny
my song's best
Sing along with me
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Got the feeling
that I can fly so high
Look at the song I created
So much more
than just perfect
Sing along with me
once again, let's go
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Feel the rhythm
to groove and rock
With all the best you got
All together,
let's shout out loud
AI One
I am perfect
AI One
I'm it, I'm the best
I will sing my song
for you now
It will be a perfect song
Pa-pa-la, pa-paa
A-pa-da-ba, da-da-da
I know that you
can't help it
You body moves along
to the tune
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Everybody wants
to sing their own song
AI One
They can sing along
while we're dancing
Sing along with me
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Got the feeling
that I can fly so high
I like what I created
So much more
than just perfect
Try to follow along
once again now
Pa-pa-la, pa-pa-pa-pa-la
Feel the rhythm
to groove and rock
With all the best you got
All together,
let's shout out loud
AI One
I am perfect
AI One
What's my name, now?
AI One
I am a star
Yes, it's true, I really am
The best