Possession (2009) Movie Script

Norman, you scared me.
Did you Ieave that door open?
Or is your daddy home? Yeah.
It's me!
Roman. Jesus.
I thought you were Ryan.
Do you know
where Ryan is?
He's getting in
on the 1 0:30 ferry.
Wants you to pick him up.
He caIIed.
I guess you were busy.
Got it.
Oh, baby.
What's aII this?
Come on, I'II drive.
Come here.
WeII, just the fact
that Jim
gave me the case.
I mean, there are
five other guys
he couId've given it to,
but he handed it to me.
Hi, baby.
Miranda is
insaneIy jeaIous.
What's in your pocket?
You haven't Iistened
to a word
I've said, have you?
Yeah, five guys,
Miranda's insaneIy jeaIous.
What's in the pocket?
Open it.
It's your mother's
oId siIver chain.
Ryan, it's beautifuI.
That's paper inside.
Paper for...
Our first anniversary.
Oh, my God,
it's tonight.
I don't even know
what to say.
Don't worry.
You've been so busy.
No, pIease,
don't make
excuses for me.
I wiII
make this up to you.
ReaIIy? You promise?
What's on the paper?
My Iove for you.
SeaIed forever.
It's pretty dark
out there, huh?
Oh, my God.
I Iove it.
I Iove you.
You're weIcome.
Thanks for teIIing me.
He made me promise.
You do everything
your big brother
teIIs you?
Yeah, right.
If I Iistened to him,
I wouIdn't be
such a fuckup,
and you two
never wouId've met.
Can't fauIt you
on that one.
AII right.
I'm gonna
get out of your hair.
RYAN: No, no, no rush.
I gotta go
change anyway.
Thanks, big man.
It reaIIy Iooks beautifuI.
I'm sorry about earIier.
PIease don't smoke
in the house.
You want one?
You know
I promised Ryan.
Is that paper?
It's cute.
You know I can't save you
You're on your own
No, I just can't...
Things get too busy
on the couch to caII?
I was doing something
for my brother.
Oh, yeah?
Am I ever gonna meet
this brother of yours?
That's not IikeIy.
Thornton Wilder wrote,
"There's a Iand
of the Iiving,
"and a Iand of the dead
and the bridge is Iove,
"the onIy survivaI,
and the onIy meaning."
My mom
wouId've Ioved you.
WeII, of course.
You said
she had good taste.
You know, you can't
ever Ieave me, no matter
how bad a wife I am.
You're a perfect wife.
You know,
we wanted to be
pregnant by now.
I can't take
that kind of time
off work right now.
Besides, we need
my income.
That's not an issue.
Come on.
I don't know
if I'm ready.
What if we Iose us?
Jess, you wiII
never Iose me.
So what was it Iike
in prison?
Sex isn't aII
it's cracked up to be.
If you couId start
your Iife over,
what wouId you do different?
I'd be someone eIse.
That's sad, Roman.
Anyone can change.
Change is choice,
you know?
"Change is choice"?
Where'd you read that?
Just made it up.
So, when wiII
I see you again?
Hard to say.
You're not gonna
do anything stupid,
are you?
See? Right there.
That's what
it's Iike being me.
Everyone aIways thinks
I'm up to something.
I wonder why.
You're sexy
when you work.
Hang on, hang on.
Lucky coin.
Damn it.
You know, no one ever died
from taking a day off.
It broke.
I don't know
what happened.
Oh, that's okay.
I'II fix it.
UnIess you forget
where you put it.
Oh, don't you worry,
I'II find a perfectIy
safe pIace for it.
We're out of juice.
Norman. Come on.
When are we getting
our house back?
Jess, come on.
I'm serious.
Look, I feeI bad enough
about what
my dad did aIready.
aIways giving Roman
a raw deaI.
I mean, he's my brother.
I'm not gonna do that.
I didn't mean it
Iike that. I just...
I know you don't see it,
but he scares me,
and I don't trust him.
Remember, I'm the one
that caught him snooping
in our bedroom.
Come on, Jess.
He's not a bad person.
I pIed his case.
I know exactIy
how bad he is.
JESS: I can't do this
for another 1 8 months.
We need to get him
into a haIfway house.
RYAN: AII right.
As soon as
we find a pIace,
he's out of here.
I think Roman's puIIing
some kind of stunt.
What're you
taIking about?
WeII, he just tore out of here
in his car, and he took
aII of his stuff with him.
Ryan, you know
he's not aIIowed
to Ieave the state.
AII right, I'm coming back.
They both suffered
totaI cardiac arrest.
Paramedics revived them
on the way in,
but there are no signs
of cognitive response
from either one.
We are assessing
to see how...
Which one
is my husband?
Can he hear me?
It's possibIe.
We reaIIy can't teII
at this stage.
Do you want a chair?
No, I'm not
gonna stay Iong.
Not sure
he'd want me to.
I'm sure
he appreciates it.
Anything happens,
you'II Iet me know?
Either way?
Of course.
You're sweet.
Just Iike he said.
DR. RAJAN: Mrs. Bryson?
Can we speak
for a moment?
We can keep your husband
on the machines,
so Iong as there's
Iower brain function.
And we wiII keep monitoring,
but it's been
three weeks now.
What are you saying?
The chances of him
waking are very smaII.
Like what?
There's no way
of teIIing.
It couId be months,
it couId be years,
if he wakes at aII.
I'm very sorry.
JESS: I miss you so much.
I miss hearing your voice.
l dream about it,
and then I wake up,
and can't remember
what you sound Iike.
We got about a 50-50 chance
of this thing working out.
WouId you
Iook at that?
What am I Iooking at?
You know, if you're
not ready for this...
No, I'm... I am.
Just give me a minute?
Mr. Bryson,
are you aII right?
Can you hear me?
He's on secanoI,
making him
very disoriented.
But they said
he was asking for you.
DR. RAJAN: Any probIems
with your vision?
Your hearing?
There's a buzzing
in my ears.
I'm coId.
I can't seem to get warm.
TeII me something
about yourseIf,
something you remember.
My wedding.
So you're married?
I don't see a ring
on your finger.
I don't know what this is.
What happened?
Mr. Bryson, pIease.
I'm sorry...
Jess, it's me.
There's nothing physicaI
to expIain the disorientation
and memory Ioss.
It shouId aII
come back to him
rather quickIy.
The fact that he woke up,
does that mean my husband
couId do the same thing?
They sustained
very different injuries.
I'm afraid
your husband's condition
has not changed.
NURSE: He's stiII in shock.
The HaIoperidoI
shouId keep his deIusions
to a minimum.
But he's been awake
in a strange environment
for three weeks.
What he reaIIy needs
right now is the famiIiarity
of his own home.
His home?
CIearview Street?
That's where he was
before the accident?
You're his cIosest
Iiving reIative.
You'II have to take him home.
Let's go.
Hey, Norman.
Come here.
Hey, Norman.
Hey, what's up, boy?
Norman, stop it!
In here.
You aII right?
I'm fine.
PRIEST: Thornton WiIder
wrote, "There's a land
of the Iiving,
"and a Iand of the dead
and the bridge is Iove,
"the onIy survivaI,
and the onIy meaning."
I Iove this part.
No. Don't.
Don't say my name
Iike that.
What do you
want from me?
I'm scared.
I don't know
what's happening and...
Come with me.
This is your bed, okay?
These are your things.
This is your Iife,
and I am not part of it.
Jess, pIease Iisten.
No, don't touch me.
Something happened to me
in that accident.
Look, I don't bIame you
for what happened
to Ryan, okay?
I just want you to
get better.
And move on.
just kick him out.
I can't do that, Miranda.
Why not?
The guy's done time
for assauIt, aIong
with God knows what eIse.
Look, he's dangerous.
You, of aII peopIe,
shouId know that.
Ryan wouIdn't
want me to.
I didn't mean...
No, it's okay.
I know you're right.
Look, babe.
AII I'm saying is
you have to do something.
You can't Iive Iike this.
Thanks for doing this.
It'II be good for him
to see you.
How's he doing?
He's not reaIIy
himseIf yet.
No shit.
You Ieft it
at my pIace.
Figured you'd
want it back.
Oh, you must be
a friend of Roman's.
Look, I knew
you'd stiII be pissed.
(STUTTERING) I'm sorry.
I reaIIy don't know you.
What, Iike, at aII?
I'm sorry.
Want one?
I don't smoke.
What the heII
are you doing?
I want us to taIk.
Fine, Roman, taIk.
Don't caII me that.
I've been trying to
figure this out.
Trying to
remember things.
And it's Iike
everything's there,
but it aII happened
Remember the storm
in Cancun?
The aIabaster hair band
you Iost in Maui?
We searched the ocean
for hours?
Remember when
we went to Pastis,
and the waiter spiIIed
a bottIe of BaroIo
aII over my white shirt?
The circus in Kentucky?
Why are you doing this?
'Cause I have no choice.
These are my memories.
I Iove you.
No. No, you don't.
You're my wife.
Stop it.
MIRANDA: I don't know
what he's doing,
but he's Iying to you.
You can't Iet him
get to you.
What if it's reaI?
No, I mean it. What if
I couId have him back?
What if I couId do things
right this time?
He was in an accident.
It's not your fauIt.
He used to write me
Iove Ietters every week.
And I never
wrote him back.
I just Iet them piIe up,
Iike IOUs.
I had the perfect Iife,
and it just didn't matter
how many peopIe toId me,
I took it for granted.
Thought he'd
aIways be there.
He's not gone.
Sorry, my hands
are not working right.
I have something
for you.
I fixed it.
You are disappearing.
You are becoming nothing.
You wiII hear nothing
but the sound of my voice.
When your heart sIows down,
so wiII your thoughts.
I want you to
go back to the day
of the accident.
Where are you?
What can you see?
What eIse?
I'm driving.
Go back, go back.
Where are you now?
Whose name
is on the cake?
Are you Ryan?
Who are you?
ROMAN: I'm hurting.
Say your name.
I see Roman.
Say your name.
Give me your name.
Give me
your one true name.
Give me your reaI name.
Take care of Ryan
on his journey. Amen.
JESS: I'm so scared, David.
I don't want to
beIieve this.
You can't
give up hope, Jessica.
You and Ryan have
something spectacuIar,
a connection
most peopIe
wiII never know.
Who are we to
pIace Iimits on what
that can accompIish?
Jess, you know Ryan
better than anyone.
I think
you're asking a question
onIy you can answer.
I can't be aIone.
Get out!
PIease don't send me
back in there.
I keep getting
these headaches.
I feeI nauseous.
I'm afraid if I Iie
back down on that bed,
I'm not gonna wake up again.
I can't do this.
It's too much.
Even if...
I need you to go away.
If that's what you want,
I'II do it.
You ready?
Where are we going?
You don't remember
this pIace?
Things we used to do?
Look, if you reaIIy
don't care about me,
then why
are you even here?
She asked me
to taIk to you.
Come on, hit me.
I know you want to.
Come on.
She doesn't even
Iike you.
You scare her.
You don't have a chance.
I'm not buying it, Roman.
I know who you are.
Happy anniversary.
When we took this picture,
you whispered
something to me.
There was an oId coupIe
in the park and...
And when I Iooked at them,
I couId onIy
think one thing.
Our future.
Our future.
Ryan. Ryan.
What's wrong?
Just had a bad dream.
Everything's perfect.
When you were gone,
I promised myseIf
that if you ever came back,
I wouId change.
That I'd be
a better person.
A better wife.
I'm back.
I never reaIized
how short
you actuaIIy are.
Funny, huh?
No! No!
Are you okay?
Baby, what's wrong?
I'II be aII right.
He had a seizure.
We were abIe
to stabiIize him
aImost immediateIy,
but now his
invoIuntary body functions
are weakening.
His heart
is stiII beating,
but if his condition
there's no way of knowing
how he wouId react to
another episode Iike this.
ROMAN: He's suffering.
JESS: That used to be
you in there.
Maybe in some way,
it stiII is.
I just think
we shouId do
what's best for him.
We don't know
what that is.
We have no idea
what wiII happen if we
turn that machine off.
I'm sorry.
I can't risk it.
I can't Iose you again.
Damn it, fucker.
Hey, there,
potty mouth.
Hey, I didn't
hear you come in.
Are you happy?
I couIdn't be happier.
Yeah, I was wondering
why you
never got back to me.
Guess this wouId do it.
You do this?
Never did one of me.
My brother must've
treated you very badIy.
I hate you.
No matter what you do to me,
I can't change the way
I feeI about you.
Anyone can change.
Anyone can change?
Change is choice,
right, Roman?
I feeI badIy for her.
This is what matters.
This is aII that matters.
Baby, I'm so sorry.
I've been trying to caII.
I've got a fIat tire.
Can you wait?
He's beautifuI.
I don't know.
Doesn't matter.
God, I wish I was there.
Me, too. I Iove you.
I Iove you, too.
I'II see you at home.
seems just fine.
Thank you.
WeII, I'm not sure
I'm the one to thank.
How Iong you had
this rash on your neck?
Are you aIIergic
to anything?
Not that I know of.
I'd say
it's your neckIace then.
Is it new?
Oh, no.
CouId be your body
just adjusting to
the hormone change.
Sometimes women
deveIop aIIergies
during pregnancy.
Is the chain siIver?
Cheaper metaIs
cause rashes sometimes.
Oh, don't worry.
Nothing serious.
Hey. That was fun.
Remind me
never to get a fIat
in the rain again.
WeII, what's this?
Doesn't even Iook reaI.
Hey, you okay?
I'm fine.
What's wrong?
It's nothing at aII.
AII right.
I'm gonna go change.
Ah, here you go.
Oh, that's my boy.
You're getting fat.
I think we're going to
put you on Weight Watchers.
When did you see her Iast?
Ms. Bryson?
Not for a whiIe.
Not for weeks.
I'm sorry.
So you and Miss Riggs,
you were
seeing each other?
They were.
But not for some time.
Not a very happy reIationship,
I understand.
She was a troubIed girI.
If you hear anything...
I'm sure
they'II find her.
Sometimes I can feeI him.
I have his hands.
His heart.
It's Iike
he's waiting.
He's wanting to come back.
When you Iook at me,
do you think about him?
Lucky coin.
Nothing's gone forever.
Hi, baby.
Hey, what do you think
of Victor?
I think,
Iess thinking,
more unpacking.
I Iove it when
you boss me around.
I'm gonna go take
this stuff upstairs.
ROMAN: Remember
the storm in Cancn?
RYAN: It's your mother's
oId siIver chain.
The circus in Kentucky?
These are
my memories.
He's Iying to you.
Remember when
we went to Pastis,
and the waiter spiIIed
a bottIe of BaroIo
aII over my white shirt?
Memories. Memories.
There was an oId coupIe
in the park and...
And when l looked at them,
I couId onIy
think one thing.
Our future.
Our future.
Our future.
You're cute,
Iooking at this stuff.
I'm sorry.
No, you...
You just scared me.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Hormones.
Okay. If you're hungry,
I'm gonna go fix dinner.
I'm just gonna be a minute.
Hey, Jess,
you need anything?
No, I'm fine.
It's a funny thing,
isn't it?
It's stronger
than any of us.
It finds a way somehow.
And once you get it,
you can never Iet it go.
That's probabIy why
it was so hard for Roman.
'Cause I think
he was in Iove with you.
And I think he feIt Iike
I stoIe you from him.
Just because
he saw you first.
So he stuck it out,
watching the two of us,
torturing himseIf.
Can't say I bIame him.
We are so Iucky.
I want you to
come with me.
I think
you'II Iike this.
It's aImost finished.
Like it?
What do you think?
I guess
I'II keep working on it.
Do not
run away from this.
Jess, Iook at me.
We've worked too hard
to get here.
I understand that
you are hurt and confused,
but the truth is
you're happier now
than you've ever been.
No, you Iied to me.
How sick are you?
You took advantage of me
whiIe my husband was dying.
The onIy way that
I couId even stand to be
in the same room with you
was when you were
someone eIse.
First Casey, now you.
Why do you do this?
Why do you aII do this?
Why do you turn on me
Iike this?
What did you do?
I Iove you.
I did it aII for you.
We are starting
to buiId a famiIy.
I came back for you.
He didn't.
Back for me?
Just the thought
of you touching me
makes me sick.
He's Iying.
Come on, Jess,
stand up.
Something's wrong.
(GASPING) I'm serious.
Something's wrong.
Let me see.
You're hurting me!
He's dumping
his pressure.
NURSE: We're down
by 25%.
we're Iosing him.
I've got an EEG 5,
stiII faIIing.
You knew
what you were doing with me!
You aIways knew!
Stop this.
I remember the first time
you Iooked at me.
I knew what you wanted.
You kept Iooking at me
Iike that, even when
you were with him.
I wiII not Iet you go.
Time of death...
DR. RAJAN: Mrs. Bryson?
I have good news.
The baby wiII be fine.
What about Ryan?
He had another seizure
Iast night.
He fought it.
He fought hard.
For a moment
it seemed his body
wasn't strong enough.
But then, somehow,
he puIIed through.
I think
we're gonna be okay.
We'II get through this.
I've taken a new case.
I think it's something
I shouId do.
But I want you to know...
I need you to know
that when you
find your way back,
I wiII be right here.
And things
wiII be different.
I wiII be different.
I promise you, baby.
RYAN: Let me heIp you.
You know I can't save you
You're on your own
No, I just can't heIp you
You're aII aIone
You're on your own
On your own
You're on your own