Possessor Uncut (2020) Movie Script
Holly. Holly? Where've you been?
He's been here 20 minutes.
When we get to the lounge, I'll
walk first and introduce you.
Kiss him once on each cheek
then ask him... [VOICE FADES]
Pull me out.
All right, take it easy.
It's OK.
[MAN] Brain death
in the host confirmed
and our link is cleanly severed.
We're done.
[WOMAN] Vos?
I don't think I'm back yet.
- It's OK. You need a break?
- No, it's fine.
Let's just finish.
Go on, then.
this is my grandfather's pipe.
And he died before I was born.
Um, my father gave it to me.
This is also mine. Uh...
I killed and mounted it
one summer when I was a girl,
and then I felt guilty about it.
- I still feel guilty about it.
- Very good.
This isn't mine.
- Are you sure?
- I've never seen it before.
Very good.
All the results are normal
across the board.
No evidence of charring,
no false psyche
from your time as Holly Bergman.
You look surprised.
Anything you wanna flag?
Any, um, anomalies
during interface?
No. No, I'm fine.
It's important not to withhold.
I said I was fine.
OK, good.
Our next contract's almost
finalized, and it's a big one.
I can't have my star performer
falling apart on me.
I would like to take
some time, though.
Time for what?
Well, I've been talking
to Michael
and I told him
that I'd take some time.
Isn't he...?
You and Michael...
are separated.
Yeah, of course we are.
But I've been talking to him.
You're not safe for them
anymore, are you?
You told me yourself
you'd become a danger.
Did I say that?
[MONOTONE] Hi, darling.
Hi, darl...
[BRIGHTLY] Hi, darling!
Hi, darling!
Wha...? What have you got there?
What have you got?
Hi, darling.
What have you got there?
God! I'm absolutely starving.
I am absolutely starving,
Michael, I'm absolutely...
I'm absolutely starving.
- Mum!
- Hi, darling.
- Tas?
- Hi.
- We have food.
- Good, I'm absolutely starving.
Hey, get down from there.
- How was your trip?
- It was fine.
Dull, extraordinarily dull.
I can't tell you how glad I am
to be back in town.
How is the paper?
- How's it coming?
- It's coming along.
Although Dennis tells me
the new editor's
a social science historian.
[BOY] What's that?
Someone who's old
and stupid - they're not gonna
like what I'm writing.
- You're quite old.
- Oh. You're quite charming.
'New developments
in the shocking murder
'of lawyer Elio Mazza
on Sunday night.
'Police have revealed
the identity of the killer
'to be 23-year-old
Holly Bergman.
'Bergman was working
as a hostess
'at the Blue Night Sky Lounge.
'Witnesses say she turned and
stabbed Mazza multiple times...'
[BOY] What do pythons drink
to help them sleep?
I don't know,
what do they drink?
Gerbil tea.
- What have you got there?
- Dad bought it for me.
- I can make him do a dance.
- Yeah?
When did you get so clever?
[MICHAEL] I tell you
my new Greg story?
No. Please do.
[MICHAEL] I stopped by
his office and there he is
with this voluptuous,
young undergraduate student,
his shirt open
to the middle of his chest.
He's playing loud Indian music
and he's going on about Shakti
and the feminine power
Meanwhile, this girl looked
traumatized cos, well,
he's 65 years old and his chest
is more than slightly hairy.
[WOMAN] I remember Greg's chest
hair being fairly aggressive.
It's a war crime. No, it was
literally reaching for her.
You know, I'm convinced it
detaches from his body at night
and it scuttles around the halls
of the girls' dormitory,
rubbing itself against
warm toilet seats
and slurping at the thighs of
menstruating Buddhism students.
Only the menstruating ones?
[MICHAEL] Well, it's attracted
to the smell of blood.
It's got an iron deficiency,
which in this case
can be deadly
because it leads to hair loss.
I didn't think... I didn't think
they'd stay so long.
Why don't you ask them
to leave, then?
Girder, hi, it's Vos.
I just wanted to apologize
for not being myself yesterday.
I think I hadn't fully shed
when we tested.
Anyway, I'm ready for work now
and... call me.
Yeah, please call me.
Thank you.
- Who was that?
- Uh... Work.
Yeah, I might have
to fly out again.
I thought they were
giving you a break.
Uh... Something's come up.
I want you to move back in
with us.
I hate this.
[GIRDER] 'Am I losing you?'
I'm becoming old.
I barely recognize myself
I'm too old for the machine,
I... I can't take the strain.
As time goes on, it's becoming
increasingly important
for me to find a replacement.
I thought that would be you.
I'm not normally
a bad judge of character.
I would be honored.
You have a very special nature,
one we've worked hard together
to unlock and refine.
And yet,
even I can see a small thread
running from your skull
to a life I thought
you'd moved on from.
Sometimes, that's all it takes
to lose control,
that small thought,
like a tiny fracture.
I wanna show you
some photographs we retained
from your work
on the Holly Bergman job.
Why stab Elio Mazza?
You were provided with a pistol.
[VOS] Well, maybe it just seemed
more in character.
[GIRDER] Whose character?
Do you want this?
[GIRDER] 'Consider the face
of Colin Tate.
'Father deceased,
mother estranged, no siblings.
Deals cocaine for a few years
and then falls in love
and becomes engaged
to one of his rich clients,
Ava Parse,
the daughter of John Parse,
CEO of Zoothroo.
- Zoothroo?
- Data mining.
Largest operation
outside the US.
Head office is local.
But our deal is with Reid Parse,
John's stepson.
And what's the narrative?
Um, well, imagine Colin Tate
as the unstable lover
who feels diminished
by his new family.
[GIRDER] 'Ava has all the power
in the relationship.
'It's emasculating,
he starts using more,
'behavior becoming more
and more erratic.
'Ultimately, he breaks...'
killing John,
kills Ava, kills himself.
With Ava out of the picture,
Reid inherits everything,
becomes CEO,
cry, cry, cry for the cameras.
Clean tragedy.
No unanswered questions.
Pay is significant -
money and shares.
But the real target,
according to corporate,
is Zoothroo itself.
[VOS] Hm?
Because once we own Reid,
we own the company.
So, when do I start?
- You smell good.
- Stop, I need to shower.
- Have you found our treats yet?
- What do you want?
I need a line of something to
get me started on my to-do list.
There's so much to do,
I can't figure out how to start.
I don't think there's any left.
[VOS, MIMICKING] I don't think
there's any left.
That's sad news.
[VOS] I don't think
there's any left.
Why don't I help with the list?
Well, it's not a list
you'd understand.
Half of it's a list
of other lists
and the other half is
a coded list of internal chores.
[COLIN] 'Huh.'
[VOS] Huh.
[COLIN] 'You wanna get dinner?'
[VOS] You wanna get dinner?
Do you wanna get dinner?
Do you wanna get dinner?
[COLIN] 'I'm sorry,
I'd rather not go out.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
'Wait till I'm back.
We'll unpack together.
'Do you wanna go eat?'
[VOS] Do you wanna go eat?
[COLIN] 'Let's just go walk
and find somewhere.'
Let's just go walk
and find somewhere.
[AVA] 'Mm, all right.
Let me get my jacket.'
[GIRDER] Any trouble?
'No trouble. Our driver got him
on the way to the airport.'
Good. How long will you need?
'It's estimating four hours
to have him prepped.'
- And you?
- I'm ready. I feel great.
[GIRDER] 'I'd like to offer
some reminders before we begin.
'After initial binding
you'll be locked in,
'but no loss of control
'during this performance.
'Our completion target
is John Parse's dinner function.
'It's scheduled for the night
after tomorrow.
'Intermediate time will be used
'to help establish
Tate's instability.
'Dr Melis has rated
your compatibility
'at only three days,
so there's no room for error.
'If we have to
keep you in longer
'damage to your brain will begin
'at category C,
which I'm not willing to risk.
'The implant web will begin
to dissolve after five days.
'Use the calibration device
at least once per day,
'more if you suffer
persistent disorientation.
'Mr Tate's girlfriend is "Ava"
not "Ahva".
'His irritable bowel syndrome
has intensified,
'so moderate to severe pain
in your lower right abdomen
'will be considered normal.
'Implant sync with motor memory
predicted at 8.1.
'Coverage for basic workplace
with limited verbal.'
Look at the ceiling
and breathe normally.
- Watch your levels this time.
- My levels are fine.
Just keep me in really deep
cos I don't want any problems.
Sure, Miss Vos,
I'll keep you in nice and deep.
You just make sure you pull
the trigger on the way out.
What the fuck
is that supposed to mean?
Just look forward.
All right. Interface is active,
and we're at full power.
This might be a bit
of a rough jump.
- [VOS] Just do it.
- As you wish.
Could you put the kettle on
for me?
Oh. Yeah, of course.
You smell good.
I need a shower.
You're in a good mood
this morning.
- Have you seen my powders?
- Powders?
Mm. Tins of protein
and tea powders in a box?
Gonna brew us some Damiana.
You'll like it.
It's an anti-depressant.
I haven't.
I didn't hear you get in
last night.
I couldn't get a flight
until late. Barely slept.
How was the trip?
demoed the new software,
played a vital
team-building game.
How was the rest
of your rotation?
What's with you today?
What do you mean?
- What do you mean?
- I don't know.
You've gone strange on me.
- Good morning.
- Mr Tate.
This week I want you on curtains
and blinds.
The guide is loaded
at your station.
Tate! I fucking did it!
I fucking went for it,
and it was incredible.
- You did it?
You know those east coast girls,
man, it was revolting.
It was inhuman. I'll never get
the sin stain out.
What about you, sir?
Did you find time
in your professional sojourn
to die with your little
head-office side project?
Well now, Eddie,
what do you think?
[LAUGHS] Good man!
I always considered it
your moral obligation
to cuckquean
the boss's daughter.
Brown curtains.
Grommet pleat.
Standard bar.
None visible.
Venetian blinds.
White cloth.
[BEEP] 'Is something wrong,
Mr Tate?'
'You're moving at
a snail's pace. Focus.'
Looks like... shears.
No pleat visible.
[GIRDER] 'Vos, please check in.'
- I'm here.
- 'What happened?'
What do you mean?
'Your levels spiked
and I couldn't reach you.'
Nothing. I was in the mine.
I couldn't speak freely.
'You're at the
Zoothroo building.'
I just started Colin's shift.
Everything seems
perfectly normal.
No disruption on this end.
'I don't understand.'
You should probably talk
to our new tech.
He probably let me surge
on the controller end.
Tell him to watch his levels.
[GIRDER] I'll have Dr Melis run
a deep analysis.
But you report back
if you see anything -
minor artefacting, sync loss.
'We can't afford any mistakes
on this one.'
[COLIN and VOS] Don't worry.
I have it under control.
- Hey, Tate. You OK?
- Yeah, why?
Well, I saw you, uh...
run out of the mine.
- You're not looking so hot.
- I'm fine.
If you say so.
They're having some of us come
in on Saturday to do lampshades.
Your name's at the top
of the list.
Why do I get the sense the boss
doesn't like you?
- [AVA] Where've you been?
- I don't know.
Uh... Sorry.
I forgot my ringer was off.
- I had to work a double.
- You have to text me.
I almost called the police.
[COLIN] I'm sorry.
Come and have a line with us.
You're an absolute ghoul, Colin,
a ghoul.
- Stop it.
- She doesn't have to stop.
I can tell her to stop
if I want to.
Well, there are like,
correct modes of conduct.
This isn't
the state of fucking nature.
[AVA] We're celebrating Moira's
promotion at Zoothroo.
- You two should talk.
- Oh, at Zoothroo.
Um, nice to meet you.
We met. I guess
it wasn't that memorable.
- When do you start?
- Yesterday.
Ava says you're still
on the floor.
Why would you want that job?
[TESS] Ava's dad gave it to him.
[MOIRA] Your father's a sadist.
I hear the floor is on par
with lower-end sweat shops.
[AVA] My father has a habit
of subjecting my most
serious lovers
to some insidious form
of trial by ordeal.
In this case, I think the shape
of Colin's psychological scars
will determine his innocence.
Well, and I'm sorry, Ava,
but why not just say "fuck you"
to the old man and quit?
- [AVA] Colin?
- Who is this?
- What?
[WOMAN] I feel like a certain
type of mind must get off
on violating people's lives
like that.
I mean, seriously,
how much pussy
do you see at work every day?
Well, I can only imagine
the stuff he sees over there.
I jerk off every day
in front of my webcam
so that Zoothroo knows which
brand of vibrator I'm using.
We know and you can stop now.
Oh! I'm... sorry.
- What are you doing?
- Drying my hands.
I've missed you.
Can we be friends again?
Ava doesn't care.
She doesn't mind at all.
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
[SIGHS] So, I'll give you a call
when I get back from Chicago.
Sorry, didn't think
they'd stay so long.
It's all right.
What's going on with you?
I'm fine.
I'm just so tired.
Is that it?
You seem so deformed
these days.
I'm starting to worry
it's something I've done to you.
You don't have to keep
the Zoothroo job
- if it's killing you.
- I'm fine!
I swear on my life, I'm fine.
That's such a weird thing
to say.
I mean...
Fuck, Colin!
You don't have to talk about it,
but it's hard sometimes.
I don't think
I'm asking for much,
just some basic level of access.
I'm just crashing.
I love you.
I love you, too.
[COLIN/VOS] Girder.
Girder, please respond.
[GIRDER] 'Vos, Status.'
Normal. I'm right in the body.
What about Melis?
'Analysis here was inconclusive.
It's very strange.'
Don't sound so worried.
I'm one-to-one with the host
right now. I can feel it.
I'm completely clear.
Besides, Parse's dinner party
is tonight.
I'll be out
in less than 24 hours.
'All right, good.
I want you to recalibrate.
'Set to: 13, 145, 12, 80, R.'
[MAN] 'Walter Benjamin
once wrote
'that boredom is a dreambird
'that hatches the egg
of experience.
'My closest friends and allies,
'I'd like to end tonight
by saying...'
that I am bored with you.
I am bored
because you are all so flawless.
And our operation has become
so flawless
that I find myself
with nothing to do.
Nothing rustles the bushes.
And in my boredom,
an egg has hatched.
And from it has come
the very special next stage
in the evolution of our work.
- To boredom!
- To boredom!
Ready for this?
Yeah, of course I am,
why wouldn't I be?
Well, I love my father,
but he's an atrocity.
- He's a great man.
- He's really not.
I'm not even sure he's human.
He's just like this giant,
human-shaped protozoan
that feeds off misery.
Come on.
Darling, you've brought a boy
home with you.
- Good evening, Mr Parse.
We were just discussing
the psychology
of failing as a parent.
You start to embrace it,
I think,
when you realize
there's nothing else you can do.
Mr Boyko also has daughters.
- Alex
- Colin.
- Colin works for me now.
- Oh?
Yes, I, uh... I found him a job
that, hopefully,
isn't beyond his skillset.
Managing to keep
your head above water, Colin?
- I'm fine. Thanks.
- Good, good.
You let me know if it gets
too difficult for you.
- You need a drink.
- Yeah.
Wait here.
I'll be back with gin.
I'm in place.
[GIRDER] 'Good.'
Tonight, I want you to get in
a fight with Parse.
Get yourself thrown out,
something public,
and later you can go back
and we'll finish this.
[VOS] Understood.
What the...?
- You OK?
- I'm sorry.
[SLURRING] Yeah, sorry. You
want... You want another drink?
No, I'm fine.
Can we help you?
I've a feeling you owe me
an apology?
Oh, is that right?
I have a feeling.
My... My future son-in-law,
We're just having
a little chat here, Colin,
so why don't you fuck off
into a corner somewhere?
Don't dirty my floor.
I'll leave when Ava's done with
my fucking cock in her mouth.
Ah, hey!
Hey, that's enough.
- Fuck off! Get the fuck off!
You think you can step on me?
I'm a giant!
- I'm a fucking giant!
- Colin!
- Fuck off, you bitch!
- [JOHN] Get him out!
You fucking bitch!
I don't think
I can go home tonight.
You stay here.
Your room's been waiting.
You haven't been helping.
You're such a creature.
You're unbearable.
- I'm going to bed.
- Yeah.
Why don't you run off to fucking
Dubai with your mother, then?
Dubai and goodbye.
What are you doing here?
What is this?
Get out!
Get out before I call
the police.
Why don't you make me?
I'm drunk.
I'm going to bed.
Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!
Pull me out.
Out! Get me out!
Get me out! Get me out!
- What happened?
- She's surging.
Don't pull her, don't...
I'm reading physical damage
to the implants.
- Signal is heavily corrupted.
- I need dampers on her now.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
[MEDIC] Your agent is stable,
but non-responsive.
Seems she was unable to maintain
control over the host will.
- [GIRDER] And Tate?
- Hard to say.
We're now tracking him
as the dominant in the body,
but I'm seeing a great deal
of bleed-through.
[GIRDER] Let's leave her in, see
if she can fight her way back
and finish the job.
There's already a degree
of permanent damage.
The longer she stays in, the
greater the risk to her brain.
She stays in.
Help me.
[GIRDER] 'Mr Tate?
Mr Tate, are you there?
'I was wondering
if I might have a word.'
- [MUTTERING] They're following.
They're... following.
They're following me.
Ugh! God!
- [REETA] Hello?
Hey, what...?
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, look.
Look, I did it. Uh...
I did it, you know, so that
we can be together. I did it.
- What? What have you done?
- I did it. I did it.
I was just...
I was just... I was angry.
They... They...
They attacked me.
All I was doing
was defending myself.
Colin, you're not making
any sense.
I should have stayed
with Michael.
Who's Michael?
I don't know.
Oh, my God.
Fuck! You're bleeding.
OK, come on, sit down. Sit down.
Oh, yeah, I tripped on the way
over here and I...
- I hit my head.
OK, well, you're going to have
to go to the hospital
because you probably
have a concussion.
No, I'll be all right.
Sorry if I scared you.
Scare me?
You want some water, or gin?
It's water or gin,
that's all I got. [CHUCKLES]
I'm just getting ready
to go to the airport.
- Chicago.
- Mm-hm.
When I get back,
we should see each other.
Ava and I had a fight.
Can I stay here?
I can't go home.
Poor baby.
OK, two nights.
Leave the key at the desk
when you go.
Right, I'm gonna take a shower.
Thank you.
Of course, darling.
Absolutely starving.
[REPORTER] 'We're hearing
from the family
'that the condition of
Jonathan Parse has stabilized,
'but we're unable to confirm
'what that might mean
in this context.
'It was reported earlier
'that he suffered
significant brain trauma
'in a shocking attack
that left his daughter dead...'
- '..and Mr Parse critical
'with paramedics arriving barely
in time to resus...
- Who's there?
- Who is it?
[MAN] 'Tate! Tate!'
- Eddie?
- 'Come on, let me in already.'
Here, come on, here.
Let me have a look at you.
- Oh, poor thing. You poor dear.
- What are you doing here?
I heard you were in an accident.
I wanted to check up on you.
- How did you know I was here?
- Reeta called me over.
- You know Reeta?
- Sure do. Hey, get me a drink.
- Oh, yeah.
[EDDIE] Vos. Vos.
There you go.
You're coming back.
I've temporarily suppressed
the host's will.
You should have near
to full control
but we need to move quickly
before the effects wear off, OK?
Oh, whoa, whoa.
Let's be civil.
Girder sent me.
I'm your lifeline.
- Girder?
- I was a plant.
You didn't know?
I'm a collaborator.
I scouted Tate
for the Parse deal.
Come on, come on.
There we go.
I've heard a lot about you,
the great Tasya Vos.
It's real honor. I was a huge
fan of the Elio Mazza stabbing.
In the head.
I can't seem
to pull the trigger.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a Christian.
Besides, Girder says
it has to be you.
Distraught killer
can't live with the guilt.
Something public.
No questions. Look, I'm...
I'm just here to fix your head.
It's just that I don't have
complete control right now.
That's why I'm here.
[TAPS BED] Come on.
We don't have much time.
All right. There you go.
- OK.
- There you go. Just booting up.
I'm gonna check your sync first.
You'll see a series of images.
Just look at them
and answer my questions.
Do you see a fox or a bird?
- Fox.
- Fish or snake?
- Fish.
- Mouse or a dog?
- Mouse.
Good, good. You're seeing all
the right animals, as they say.
Now, I'm going to do
a pulse analysis.
You might find this
but you just need to try
to keep breathing.
Oh, God!
Eddie. Oh!
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
No, no, no. Fuck!
Oh, fuck!
- Oh, fuck!
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
You bitch.
You want a shot? Do it.
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it!
You missed.
[COLIN, WHISPERING] Hi, darling.
Hi, darling.
Hi, darling.
Hello, Michael.
I'm absolutely starving.
I'm starving.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- What you got there?
- A map.
What's it a map of?
It goes to the pond.
I discovered it yesterday.
- What's your name?
- I'm Ira.
I think I know you
from somewhere.
Is that your house over there?
- [MICHAEL] Ira!
- [COLIN] Uh-oh.
[COLIN] Michael?
Uh, hi, I'm a friend
of your wife's.
I'm a friend of Tas.
- Hi.
- I'm sorry.
Tasya doesn't live here anymore.
No, I know. I know, she wanted
me to tell you something.
- Yeah, maybe some other time.
- Can I come in to talk?
Get in the fucking house!
- Please.
- Where is she?
- She doesn't live here anymore.
- Where is she?
- I swear I don't know.
- Sit down! Hands on the table!
Get your hands on the table.
She travels for work. I don't
think she's in the country.
Do you recognize me?
Do you know me?
I need to know.
I need to know what she's done
to me, do you understand?
Tell me what this is about.
Maybe I can help.
Do you ever think of your wife
as a predator?
Hm, do you ever think of her
that way?
I don't know.
I don't understand.
Don't look at me.
Get your head down.
Do you ever worry about
parasites, like the cat?
Just think, one day your wife
is cleaning the cat litter
and she gets a worm in her,
and that worm ends up
in her brain.
The next thing that happens is
she gets an idea in there, too.
And it's hard to say
whether that idea is really hers
or it's just the worm.
And it makes her do
certain things.
Predator things.
Eventually, you realize that she
isn't the same person anymore.
She's not the person
that she used to be.
It's gotta make you wonder...
whether you're really
married to her...
or married to the worm.
Are you seeing this,
you fucking bitch? I'll do it.
Come out or I'll do it!
[DISTORTED] I'm here. I'm here.
What are you doing here?
I've been looking for you.
I wanted to talk.
What have you done to me?
Done to you?
You're the one in control.
I haven't been in control
of myself lately.
But you have.
Where's Ava?
Where's your lovely girl?
Can't you remember?
No, that wasn't me.
Of course it was.
Poor Michael.
I loved him, too.
But I'm not sure if it was me.
I'll kill him.
You fix this
or I swear I'll kill him.
Go ahead. Do it.
He's only holding you back.
This is what
you've always wanted.
Pull me out.
Pull me out.
[GIRDER] 'Do you need
to take a break?
[VOS] 'No, let's finish.'
This is my grandfather's pipe.
He died before I was born.
My father gave it to me.
[GIRDER] Good.
This is also mine.
I killed and mounted it one
summer when I was a little girl.
Very good.
Holly. Holly? Where've you been?
He's been here 20 minutes.
When we get to the lounge, I'll
walk first and introduce you.
Kiss him once on each cheek
then ask him... [VOICE FADES]
Pull me out.
All right, take it easy.
It's OK.
[MAN] Brain death
in the host confirmed
and our link is cleanly severed.
We're done.
[WOMAN] Vos?
I don't think I'm back yet.
- It's OK. You need a break?
- No, it's fine.
Let's just finish.
Go on, then.
this is my grandfather's pipe.
And he died before I was born.
Um, my father gave it to me.
This is also mine. Uh...
I killed and mounted it
one summer when I was a girl,
and then I felt guilty about it.
- I still feel guilty about it.
- Very good.
This isn't mine.
- Are you sure?
- I've never seen it before.
Very good.
All the results are normal
across the board.
No evidence of charring,
no false psyche
from your time as Holly Bergman.
You look surprised.
Anything you wanna flag?
Any, um, anomalies
during interface?
No. No, I'm fine.
It's important not to withhold.
I said I was fine.
OK, good.
Our next contract's almost
finalized, and it's a big one.
I can't have my star performer
falling apart on me.
I would like to take
some time, though.
Time for what?
Well, I've been talking
to Michael
and I told him
that I'd take some time.
Isn't he...?
You and Michael...
are separated.
Yeah, of course we are.
But I've been talking to him.
You're not safe for them
anymore, are you?
You told me yourself
you'd become a danger.
Did I say that?
[MONOTONE] Hi, darling.
Hi, darl...
[BRIGHTLY] Hi, darling!
Hi, darling!
Wha...? What have you got there?
What have you got?
Hi, darling.
What have you got there?
God! I'm absolutely starving.
I am absolutely starving,
Michael, I'm absolutely...
I'm absolutely starving.
- Mum!
- Hi, darling.
- Tas?
- Hi.
- We have food.
- Good, I'm absolutely starving.
Hey, get down from there.
- How was your trip?
- It was fine.
Dull, extraordinarily dull.
I can't tell you how glad I am
to be back in town.
How is the paper?
- How's it coming?
- It's coming along.
Although Dennis tells me
the new editor's
a social science historian.
[BOY] What's that?
Someone who's old
and stupid - they're not gonna
like what I'm writing.
- You're quite old.
- Oh. You're quite charming.
'New developments
in the shocking murder
'of lawyer Elio Mazza
on Sunday night.
'Police have revealed
the identity of the killer
'to be 23-year-old
Holly Bergman.
'Bergman was working
as a hostess
'at the Blue Night Sky Lounge.
'Witnesses say she turned and
stabbed Mazza multiple times...'
[BOY] What do pythons drink
to help them sleep?
I don't know,
what do they drink?
Gerbil tea.
- What have you got there?
- Dad bought it for me.
- I can make him do a dance.
- Yeah?
When did you get so clever?
[MICHAEL] I tell you
my new Greg story?
No. Please do.
[MICHAEL] I stopped by
his office and there he is
with this voluptuous,
young undergraduate student,
his shirt open
to the middle of his chest.
He's playing loud Indian music
and he's going on about Shakti
and the feminine power
Meanwhile, this girl looked
traumatized cos, well,
he's 65 years old and his chest
is more than slightly hairy.
[WOMAN] I remember Greg's chest
hair being fairly aggressive.
It's a war crime. No, it was
literally reaching for her.
You know, I'm convinced it
detaches from his body at night
and it scuttles around the halls
of the girls' dormitory,
rubbing itself against
warm toilet seats
and slurping at the thighs of
menstruating Buddhism students.
Only the menstruating ones?
[MICHAEL] Well, it's attracted
to the smell of blood.
It's got an iron deficiency,
which in this case
can be deadly
because it leads to hair loss.
I didn't think... I didn't think
they'd stay so long.
Why don't you ask them
to leave, then?
Girder, hi, it's Vos.
I just wanted to apologize
for not being myself yesterday.
I think I hadn't fully shed
when we tested.
Anyway, I'm ready for work now
and... call me.
Yeah, please call me.
Thank you.
- Who was that?
- Uh... Work.
Yeah, I might have
to fly out again.
I thought they were
giving you a break.
Uh... Something's come up.
I want you to move back in
with us.
I hate this.
[GIRDER] 'Am I losing you?'
I'm becoming old.
I barely recognize myself
I'm too old for the machine,
I... I can't take the strain.
As time goes on, it's becoming
increasingly important
for me to find a replacement.
I thought that would be you.
I'm not normally
a bad judge of character.
I would be honored.
You have a very special nature,
one we've worked hard together
to unlock and refine.
And yet,
even I can see a small thread
running from your skull
to a life I thought
you'd moved on from.
Sometimes, that's all it takes
to lose control,
that small thought,
like a tiny fracture.
I wanna show you
some photographs we retained
from your work
on the Holly Bergman job.
Why stab Elio Mazza?
You were provided with a pistol.
[VOS] Well, maybe it just seemed
more in character.
[GIRDER] Whose character?
Do you want this?
[GIRDER] 'Consider the face
of Colin Tate.
'Father deceased,
mother estranged, no siblings.
Deals cocaine for a few years
and then falls in love
and becomes engaged
to one of his rich clients,
Ava Parse,
the daughter of John Parse,
CEO of Zoothroo.
- Zoothroo?
- Data mining.
Largest operation
outside the US.
Head office is local.
But our deal is with Reid Parse,
John's stepson.
And what's the narrative?
Um, well, imagine Colin Tate
as the unstable lover
who feels diminished
by his new family.
[GIRDER] 'Ava has all the power
in the relationship.
'It's emasculating,
he starts using more,
'behavior becoming more
and more erratic.
'Ultimately, he breaks...'
killing John,
kills Ava, kills himself.
With Ava out of the picture,
Reid inherits everything,
becomes CEO,
cry, cry, cry for the cameras.
Clean tragedy.
No unanswered questions.
Pay is significant -
money and shares.
But the real target,
according to corporate,
is Zoothroo itself.
[VOS] Hm?
Because once we own Reid,
we own the company.
So, when do I start?
- You smell good.
- Stop, I need to shower.
- Have you found our treats yet?
- What do you want?
I need a line of something to
get me started on my to-do list.
There's so much to do,
I can't figure out how to start.
I don't think there's any left.
[VOS, MIMICKING] I don't think
there's any left.
That's sad news.
[VOS] I don't think
there's any left.
Why don't I help with the list?
Well, it's not a list
you'd understand.
Half of it's a list
of other lists
and the other half is
a coded list of internal chores.
[COLIN] 'Huh.'
[VOS] Huh.
[COLIN] 'You wanna get dinner?'
[VOS] You wanna get dinner?
Do you wanna get dinner?
Do you wanna get dinner?
[COLIN] 'I'm sorry,
I'd rather not go out.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
'Wait till I'm back.
We'll unpack together.
'Do you wanna go eat?'
[VOS] Do you wanna go eat?
[COLIN] 'Let's just go walk
and find somewhere.'
Let's just go walk
and find somewhere.
[AVA] 'Mm, all right.
Let me get my jacket.'
[GIRDER] Any trouble?
'No trouble. Our driver got him
on the way to the airport.'
Good. How long will you need?
'It's estimating four hours
to have him prepped.'
- And you?
- I'm ready. I feel great.
[GIRDER] 'I'd like to offer
some reminders before we begin.
'After initial binding
you'll be locked in,
'but no loss of control
'during this performance.
'Our completion target
is John Parse's dinner function.
'It's scheduled for the night
after tomorrow.
'Intermediate time will be used
'to help establish
Tate's instability.
'Dr Melis has rated
your compatibility
'at only three days,
so there's no room for error.
'If we have to
keep you in longer
'damage to your brain will begin
'at category C,
which I'm not willing to risk.
'The implant web will begin
to dissolve after five days.
'Use the calibration device
at least once per day,
'more if you suffer
persistent disorientation.
'Mr Tate's girlfriend is "Ava"
not "Ahva".
'His irritable bowel syndrome
has intensified,
'so moderate to severe pain
in your lower right abdomen
'will be considered normal.
'Implant sync with motor memory
predicted at 8.1.
'Coverage for basic workplace
with limited verbal.'
Look at the ceiling
and breathe normally.
- Watch your levels this time.
- My levels are fine.
Just keep me in really deep
cos I don't want any problems.
Sure, Miss Vos,
I'll keep you in nice and deep.
You just make sure you pull
the trigger on the way out.
What the fuck
is that supposed to mean?
Just look forward.
All right. Interface is active,
and we're at full power.
This might be a bit
of a rough jump.
- [VOS] Just do it.
- As you wish.
Could you put the kettle on
for me?
Oh. Yeah, of course.
You smell good.
I need a shower.
You're in a good mood
this morning.
- Have you seen my powders?
- Powders?
Mm. Tins of protein
and tea powders in a box?
Gonna brew us some Damiana.
You'll like it.
It's an anti-depressant.
I haven't.
I didn't hear you get in
last night.
I couldn't get a flight
until late. Barely slept.
How was the trip?
demoed the new software,
played a vital
team-building game.
How was the rest
of your rotation?
What's with you today?
What do you mean?
- What do you mean?
- I don't know.
You've gone strange on me.
- Good morning.
- Mr Tate.
This week I want you on curtains
and blinds.
The guide is loaded
at your station.
Tate! I fucking did it!
I fucking went for it,
and it was incredible.
- You did it?
You know those east coast girls,
man, it was revolting.
It was inhuman. I'll never get
the sin stain out.
What about you, sir?
Did you find time
in your professional sojourn
to die with your little
head-office side project?
Well now, Eddie,
what do you think?
[LAUGHS] Good man!
I always considered it
your moral obligation
to cuckquean
the boss's daughter.
Brown curtains.
Grommet pleat.
Standard bar.
None visible.
Venetian blinds.
White cloth.
[BEEP] 'Is something wrong,
Mr Tate?'
'You're moving at
a snail's pace. Focus.'
Looks like... shears.
No pleat visible.
[GIRDER] 'Vos, please check in.'
- I'm here.
- 'What happened?'
What do you mean?
'Your levels spiked
and I couldn't reach you.'
Nothing. I was in the mine.
I couldn't speak freely.
'You're at the
Zoothroo building.'
I just started Colin's shift.
Everything seems
perfectly normal.
No disruption on this end.
'I don't understand.'
You should probably talk
to our new tech.
He probably let me surge
on the controller end.
Tell him to watch his levels.
[GIRDER] I'll have Dr Melis run
a deep analysis.
But you report back
if you see anything -
minor artefacting, sync loss.
'We can't afford any mistakes
on this one.'
[COLIN and VOS] Don't worry.
I have it under control.
- Hey, Tate. You OK?
- Yeah, why?
Well, I saw you, uh...
run out of the mine.
- You're not looking so hot.
- I'm fine.
If you say so.
They're having some of us come
in on Saturday to do lampshades.
Your name's at the top
of the list.
Why do I get the sense the boss
doesn't like you?
- [AVA] Where've you been?
- I don't know.
Uh... Sorry.
I forgot my ringer was off.
- I had to work a double.
- You have to text me.
I almost called the police.
[COLIN] I'm sorry.
Come and have a line with us.
You're an absolute ghoul, Colin,
a ghoul.
- Stop it.
- She doesn't have to stop.
I can tell her to stop
if I want to.
Well, there are like,
correct modes of conduct.
This isn't
the state of fucking nature.
[AVA] We're celebrating Moira's
promotion at Zoothroo.
- You two should talk.
- Oh, at Zoothroo.
Um, nice to meet you.
We met. I guess
it wasn't that memorable.
- When do you start?
- Yesterday.
Ava says you're still
on the floor.
Why would you want that job?
[TESS] Ava's dad gave it to him.
[MOIRA] Your father's a sadist.
I hear the floor is on par
with lower-end sweat shops.
[AVA] My father has a habit
of subjecting my most
serious lovers
to some insidious form
of trial by ordeal.
In this case, I think the shape
of Colin's psychological scars
will determine his innocence.
Well, and I'm sorry, Ava,
but why not just say "fuck you"
to the old man and quit?
- [AVA] Colin?
- Who is this?
- What?
[WOMAN] I feel like a certain
type of mind must get off
on violating people's lives
like that.
I mean, seriously,
how much pussy
do you see at work every day?
Well, I can only imagine
the stuff he sees over there.
I jerk off every day
in front of my webcam
so that Zoothroo knows which
brand of vibrator I'm using.
We know and you can stop now.
Oh! I'm... sorry.
- What are you doing?
- Drying my hands.
I've missed you.
Can we be friends again?
Ava doesn't care.
She doesn't mind at all.
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
[SIGHS] So, I'll give you a call
when I get back from Chicago.
Sorry, didn't think
they'd stay so long.
It's all right.
What's going on with you?
I'm fine.
I'm just so tired.
Is that it?
You seem so deformed
these days.
I'm starting to worry
it's something I've done to you.
You don't have to keep
the Zoothroo job
- if it's killing you.
- I'm fine!
I swear on my life, I'm fine.
That's such a weird thing
to say.
I mean...
Fuck, Colin!
You don't have to talk about it,
but it's hard sometimes.
I don't think
I'm asking for much,
just some basic level of access.
I'm just crashing.
I love you.
I love you, too.
[COLIN/VOS] Girder.
Girder, please respond.
[GIRDER] 'Vos, Status.'
Normal. I'm right in the body.
What about Melis?
'Analysis here was inconclusive.
It's very strange.'
Don't sound so worried.
I'm one-to-one with the host
right now. I can feel it.
I'm completely clear.
Besides, Parse's dinner party
is tonight.
I'll be out
in less than 24 hours.
'All right, good.
I want you to recalibrate.
'Set to: 13, 145, 12, 80, R.'
[MAN] 'Walter Benjamin
once wrote
'that boredom is a dreambird
'that hatches the egg
of experience.
'My closest friends and allies,
'I'd like to end tonight
by saying...'
that I am bored with you.
I am bored
because you are all so flawless.
And our operation has become
so flawless
that I find myself
with nothing to do.
Nothing rustles the bushes.
And in my boredom,
an egg has hatched.
And from it has come
the very special next stage
in the evolution of our work.
- To boredom!
- To boredom!
Ready for this?
Yeah, of course I am,
why wouldn't I be?
Well, I love my father,
but he's an atrocity.
- He's a great man.
- He's really not.
I'm not even sure he's human.
He's just like this giant,
human-shaped protozoan
that feeds off misery.
Come on.
Darling, you've brought a boy
home with you.
- Good evening, Mr Parse.
We were just discussing
the psychology
of failing as a parent.
You start to embrace it,
I think,
when you realize
there's nothing else you can do.
Mr Boyko also has daughters.
- Alex
- Colin.
- Colin works for me now.
- Oh?
Yes, I, uh... I found him a job
that, hopefully,
isn't beyond his skillset.
Managing to keep
your head above water, Colin?
- I'm fine. Thanks.
- Good, good.
You let me know if it gets
too difficult for you.
- You need a drink.
- Yeah.
Wait here.
I'll be back with gin.
I'm in place.
[GIRDER] 'Good.'
Tonight, I want you to get in
a fight with Parse.
Get yourself thrown out,
something public,
and later you can go back
and we'll finish this.
[VOS] Understood.
What the...?
- You OK?
- I'm sorry.
[SLURRING] Yeah, sorry. You
want... You want another drink?
No, I'm fine.
Can we help you?
I've a feeling you owe me
an apology?
Oh, is that right?
I have a feeling.
My... My future son-in-law,
We're just having
a little chat here, Colin,
so why don't you fuck off
into a corner somewhere?
Don't dirty my floor.
I'll leave when Ava's done with
my fucking cock in her mouth.
Ah, hey!
Hey, that's enough.
- Fuck off! Get the fuck off!
You think you can step on me?
I'm a giant!
- I'm a fucking giant!
- Colin!
- Fuck off, you bitch!
- [JOHN] Get him out!
You fucking bitch!
I don't think
I can go home tonight.
You stay here.
Your room's been waiting.
You haven't been helping.
You're such a creature.
You're unbearable.
- I'm going to bed.
- Yeah.
Why don't you run off to fucking
Dubai with your mother, then?
Dubai and goodbye.
What are you doing here?
What is this?
Get out!
Get out before I call
the police.
Why don't you make me?
I'm drunk.
I'm going to bed.
Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!
Pull me out.
Out! Get me out!
Get me out! Get me out!
- What happened?
- She's surging.
Don't pull her, don't...
I'm reading physical damage
to the implants.
- Signal is heavily corrupted.
- I need dampers on her now.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
[MEDIC] Your agent is stable,
but non-responsive.
Seems she was unable to maintain
control over the host will.
- [GIRDER] And Tate?
- Hard to say.
We're now tracking him
as the dominant in the body,
but I'm seeing a great deal
of bleed-through.
[GIRDER] Let's leave her in, see
if she can fight her way back
and finish the job.
There's already a degree
of permanent damage.
The longer she stays in, the
greater the risk to her brain.
She stays in.
Help me.
[GIRDER] 'Mr Tate?
Mr Tate, are you there?
'I was wondering
if I might have a word.'
- [MUTTERING] They're following.
They're... following.
They're following me.
Ugh! God!
- [REETA] Hello?
Hey, what...?
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, look.
Look, I did it. Uh...
I did it, you know, so that
we can be together. I did it.
- What? What have you done?
- I did it. I did it.
I was just...
I was just... I was angry.
They... They...
They attacked me.
All I was doing
was defending myself.
Colin, you're not making
any sense.
I should have stayed
with Michael.
Who's Michael?
I don't know.
Oh, my God.
Fuck! You're bleeding.
OK, come on, sit down. Sit down.
Oh, yeah, I tripped on the way
over here and I...
- I hit my head.
OK, well, you're going to have
to go to the hospital
because you probably
have a concussion.
No, I'll be all right.
Sorry if I scared you.
Scare me?
You want some water, or gin?
It's water or gin,
that's all I got. [CHUCKLES]
I'm just getting ready
to go to the airport.
- Chicago.
- Mm-hm.
When I get back,
we should see each other.
Ava and I had a fight.
Can I stay here?
I can't go home.
Poor baby.
OK, two nights.
Leave the key at the desk
when you go.
Right, I'm gonna take a shower.
Thank you.
Of course, darling.
Absolutely starving.
[REPORTER] 'We're hearing
from the family
'that the condition of
Jonathan Parse has stabilized,
'but we're unable to confirm
'what that might mean
in this context.
'It was reported earlier
'that he suffered
significant brain trauma
'in a shocking attack
that left his daughter dead...'
- '..and Mr Parse critical
'with paramedics arriving barely
in time to resus...
- Who's there?
- Who is it?
[MAN] 'Tate! Tate!'
- Eddie?
- 'Come on, let me in already.'
Here, come on, here.
Let me have a look at you.
- Oh, poor thing. You poor dear.
- What are you doing here?
I heard you were in an accident.
I wanted to check up on you.
- How did you know I was here?
- Reeta called me over.
- You know Reeta?
- Sure do. Hey, get me a drink.
- Oh, yeah.
[EDDIE] Vos. Vos.
There you go.
You're coming back.
I've temporarily suppressed
the host's will.
You should have near
to full control
but we need to move quickly
before the effects wear off, OK?
Oh, whoa, whoa.
Let's be civil.
Girder sent me.
I'm your lifeline.
- Girder?
- I was a plant.
You didn't know?
I'm a collaborator.
I scouted Tate
for the Parse deal.
Come on, come on.
There we go.
I've heard a lot about you,
the great Tasya Vos.
It's real honor. I was a huge
fan of the Elio Mazza stabbing.
In the head.
I can't seem
to pull the trigger.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm a Christian.
Besides, Girder says
it has to be you.
Distraught killer
can't live with the guilt.
Something public.
No questions. Look, I'm...
I'm just here to fix your head.
It's just that I don't have
complete control right now.
That's why I'm here.
[TAPS BED] Come on.
We don't have much time.
All right. There you go.
- OK.
- There you go. Just booting up.
I'm gonna check your sync first.
You'll see a series of images.
Just look at them
and answer my questions.
Do you see a fox or a bird?
- Fox.
- Fish or snake?
- Fish.
- Mouse or a dog?
- Mouse.
Good, good. You're seeing all
the right animals, as they say.
Now, I'm going to do
a pulse analysis.
You might find this
but you just need to try
to keep breathing.
Oh, God!
Eddie. Oh!
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck.
No, no, no. Fuck!
Oh, fuck!
- Oh, fuck!
Oh, shit.
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
You bitch.
You want a shot? Do it.
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Do it!
You missed.
[COLIN, WHISPERING] Hi, darling.
Hi, darling.
Hi, darling.
Hello, Michael.
I'm absolutely starving.
I'm starving.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- What you got there?
- A map.
What's it a map of?
It goes to the pond.
I discovered it yesterday.
- What's your name?
- I'm Ira.
I think I know you
from somewhere.
Is that your house over there?
- [MICHAEL] Ira!
- [COLIN] Uh-oh.
[COLIN] Michael?
Uh, hi, I'm a friend
of your wife's.
I'm a friend of Tas.
- Hi.
- I'm sorry.
Tasya doesn't live here anymore.
No, I know. I know, she wanted
me to tell you something.
- Yeah, maybe some other time.
- Can I come in to talk?
Get in the fucking house!
- Please.
- Where is she?
- She doesn't live here anymore.
- Where is she?
- I swear I don't know.
- Sit down! Hands on the table!
Get your hands on the table.
She travels for work. I don't
think she's in the country.
Do you recognize me?
Do you know me?
I need to know.
I need to know what she's done
to me, do you understand?
Tell me what this is about.
Maybe I can help.
Do you ever think of your wife
as a predator?
Hm, do you ever think of her
that way?
I don't know.
I don't understand.
Don't look at me.
Get your head down.
Do you ever worry about
parasites, like the cat?
Just think, one day your wife
is cleaning the cat litter
and she gets a worm in her,
and that worm ends up
in her brain.
The next thing that happens is
she gets an idea in there, too.
And it's hard to say
whether that idea is really hers
or it's just the worm.
And it makes her do
certain things.
Predator things.
Eventually, you realize that she
isn't the same person anymore.
She's not the person
that she used to be.
It's gotta make you wonder...
whether you're really
married to her...
or married to the worm.
Are you seeing this,
you fucking bitch? I'll do it.
Come out or I'll do it!
[DISTORTED] I'm here. I'm here.
What are you doing here?
I've been looking for you.
I wanted to talk.
What have you done to me?
Done to you?
You're the one in control.
I haven't been in control
of myself lately.
But you have.
Where's Ava?
Where's your lovely girl?
Can't you remember?
No, that wasn't me.
Of course it was.
Poor Michael.
I loved him, too.
But I'm not sure if it was me.
I'll kill him.
You fix this
or I swear I'll kill him.
Go ahead. Do it.
He's only holding you back.
This is what
you've always wanted.
Pull me out.
Pull me out.
[GIRDER] 'Do you need
to take a break?
[VOS] 'No, let's finish.'
This is my grandfather's pipe.
He died before I was born.
My father gave it to me.
[GIRDER] Good.
This is also mine.
I killed and mounted it one
summer when I was a little girl.
Very good.