Presence (2024) Movie Script

Shit. Are you kidding me?
Oh shit.
Hi. Sorry.
Have you been here long?
I'm always early.
Here, you can
have a look at that.
Thanks. Um, I just want to
confirm the school district.
North. I would not have shown
it to you otherwise.
Also, excuse how bare it is
at the moment...
I just haven't had the time to
dress it since...
-it's not even on the market.
So you are the first family to
see it and the demand in...
this area has just gotten so
out of hand.
Have a look around.
Let me know if you have
any questions.
Great. Thank you.
Of course.
Make yourself at home.
Oh, it's beautiful, right?
This is a 100 years old.
Like original with the house,
of course.
It's silver nitrate glass.
Like they don't even make
it anymore.
It just has a totally
different quality
to the light.
It's an antique.
I mean, it's spectacular.
It's the heart of the home
in my opinion.
-Done deal. I mean, right?
-I don't know that yet.
We're the first people
to see it.
The second people are
going to buy it.
I mean, it's impossible
to find anything in
this district.
-Yeah, I know.
-He has to go to North.
-I am aware.
-He can swim four-event.
He'll be top of every
heat sheet.
I think that's Poplar
across the alley.
If they win State,
he can write his own ticket.
Yeah, Poplar has a, uh,
fire station.
We'll get 600 at least
for the other place.
Fire stations mean sirens.
We'll get boned on the rate,
but we'll re-fi in 12 months.
Is it too soon?
What, for Tyler?
Swim season doesn't even
start until November.
For Chloe.
I mean, it's life.
-Actually, it's death.
-Honey, she'll be fine.
Change is good.
Oh, hey! So, eight and a
quarter, 30 day escrow...
25K repair fund,
our discretion.
-Your wife is a smart lady.
A 30 day loan contingency,
but I'll lift it if I have to.
Oh yeah. Yeah, I'm taking
your anchor spot.
I'm sure we can work
something out.
-Anybody else get a vote?
-Just let her do her thing.
You know how this goes.
Bro, it's done. Deal with it.
So what is this area though?
A kind of a living room?
Go take a look around.
I kind of see this as
the den, the living area.
I mean, it could be
anything you want
it to be though.
The house just has
so much potential.
Wow. I mean, look at
how much light there is.
It's so much of the
original charm.
I feel like the renovations
would be so minimal.
You could probably just
move right in.
I don't think it needs renovating.
It's perfect.
It really is.
It would never
happen with Dutton, man.
- I promise you.
- So full of shit.
Oh my God.
Okay. Tell me when.
Show me one time.
The Green Bay
game. Did you even watch it?
Green Bay game.
This dude--
start upstairs.
Green Bay game.
- That was three years ago.
- Still counts.
Oh my God.
It's Sherwin-Williams
"Breezy." It's the front
driveway side.
All right,
all right.
Yo, look, he's a
Yeah, I get it.
bum, bum, bum, bum.
Thought you'd be done in here.
I thought I'd be done
in here too, but that was...
before I was doing
it all myself.
Where's Roberto?
He's priming the master.
Why the fuck isn't he in
here helping you?
Uh, he wouldn't come in.
What do you mean he
wouldn't come in?
He said, "I'm not going in
that room."
That's what he said.
This is insane.
- Hey.
- Hey, how did it go?
I don't want
to know that.
Dave, the whole point
is I don't know that.
I scaled the shit out of the
first two and a half...
without knowing.
Why would you--
Tell Carlos. Tell him.
I don't care.
I am so fucking...
layered on this. Well, I'm
sleeping at night, okay?
I am fucking sleeping at night.
Don't increase the...
attack surface on this. That
would be a bad idea.
Well, I got to go.
Yeah, I got to go.
What kind of trouble?
It's complicated.
I'll get out of it.
I always do.
Why are you
even telling me?
I shouldn't know
shit like that.
I just want you to
know that everything I've...
done, every single thing
has been for you.
Mom, what are you--
No, no. Nobody has ever meant
to me what you have.
From the moment I knew I was
pregnant with you...
Listen, I knew my
purpose in life.
-This child must be protected.
No, no. No, really.
No. I never felt...
this close to another
human being ever.
What about Chloe?
Yeah. No. I mean, of course.
It's just...
It's just different.
I-- Listen, Ty, I just
want you to know that
in the end...
it was all for you.
All what is for me?
All I'm saying is that it's
okay to go too far for
the people...
that you love. That's all.
Just do what you think
you have to do.
Doesn't matter how big the
mistake is. If you make it...
for the right reason, you can
live with yourself.
That's all.
Go to bed, Mom.
Clo, you okay?
I'm sorry.
-Was that a scream?
I-I thought I saw something.
A mouse.
Oh. Great.
-Uh, do you want me to look?
No, no. I was wrong.
-Okay, you sure?
-I'm sure. Sorry.
Yeah. Okay.
You see the way she
jumps at...
loud noises on the street?
Who doesn't?
This is...this is
So she's got
some anxiety.
Like Chloe's always been
a nervous kid.
Maybe we
should test her.
Yeah, sure,
you tell her.
No, she doesn't have to know.
We can take a hair
out of her brush.
You're going down a
rabbit hole.
Look, she knows that the same
people that Nadia knew--
The same shit is
still out there.
Nadia smoked pot from the time
she was, what, 11 years old?
Chloe is not her. She's got
her head on
straighter than that.
You know, it only takes one
time. Just once.
That's two dead kids in
two months, okay?
I got to finish this.
She just stopped breathing.
Dead in her own bed.
Can you imagine the parents
finding her?
Chris, please. I have to get
this in. I have a deadline.
Chloe has stopped talking.
She's so inward.
Okay, so do you want
to try a different medication?
What about a
different therapist?
Yeah. I just want to fix this.
Sweetie, there is
no fixing it.
And she can't take us all
down with her.
Look at you. You're a mess.
Time. That's the only thing
that will help.
Have you ever noticed that
your advice always
exactly with us not having to
do anything at all?
-At all?
At all.
Got it.
At all.
Hey, Howard. It's, uh,
Christopher Payne.
Long time no talk. Um...
I have kind of a weird
legal question on--
- I don't know who else to ask.
- Um...
So I would love to ask you.
Uh, whenever you
have a moment.
Thanks. Hope you're
doing well.
My sister's here too,
but she'll like hang up here.
- Oh, you got a sister?
- Yeah. She's chill.
Oh, that's her room?
Yeah. You want
to say hi?
This is Ryan.
Don't even.
Nah, but for real though.
All right. No smoke, no smoke.
I'm just saying.
Listen. Uh, so next week we
can do a party or something.
And then, uh, I was thinking
Max could come, Eric.
Yeah, I'm down.
Full party or kickback?
I think we do like a
kickback type sitch.
What's the
opposite of that?
Like rager.
So that's what I want
to do. A rager.
I mean, what can you
get? Like...
Like what addicts get.
My dad's a pediatrician,
he's never home.
But he's a pharmacist and so I
have any drug...
Well, that sucked.
Oh no. It's not done?
No, they are dug in.
They're like a dead nerve.
Oh that's so annoying.
And I don't know what the
next move is.
I guess we just wait for
them to counter.
What are you up to?
Um, I got some weird virus.
Just got to...
blank everything.
What kind of virus?
Uh, I don't know. I must've
clicked on one of those...
"Your Amazon account has
been frozen" things.
I love the bad grammar
in those things.
Yeah, I'll be down in a few.
"We regrets to advice you
your accounts is fraud."
Oh! Um, Tyler won the 400.
And both his solos.
-So just let him tell you.
I, uh...
I got another name for,
uh, for Chloe today.
Yeah, Tommy's therapist, um,
knows somebody.
A woman. Maybe that's what she
needs so...
she'll feel like she
can open up.
Uh-huh. Uh, time is
what she needs.
Two kids. You have two kids.
Yeah, I have a very clear
memory of each of them...
coming out of my body.
Yeah, thanks for the reminder.
Hey, hey.
- Hi.
- How was your day?
Moderate to below average.
Hey. Mine too.
Uh, you want a burrito?
Love one.
I will order.
All right.
Hey, buddy. You want a
I'll take that as a yes.
Howard. Hey. Yeah.
Thanks so much for
getting back to me.
Just give me one sec, okay?
Hey. Yeah.
Yeah, good.
Good, good. No, no.
The return looks great.
Yeah, it looks good.
Yeah, no, it was just this
legal thing. I don't
know how to...
phrase it, I guess. Um, a, uh,
friend of mine came to me...
with this legal issue and it
was just over my
head and then--
And I, um, I didn't know who
else to bring it to.
Okay, yeah. Um...
if one person in a marriage
is into something, uh...
something that isn't strictly
legal, what are the...
implications for the other
The non-involved spouse.
Yeah. Uh-huh.
Yeah, no, I think it's a
"what if" kind of thing.
Yeah, he didn't want to give
me a lot of details obviously.
Okay. And, um...
And what if they were
legally separated?
Me? Oh. Um...
I am, uh, if I'm honest, I'm
not doing that great.
I'm-I'm fucking coming
apart is what I'm...
Yeah, everybody, everything,
everybody's coming apart.
Okay, thanks.
- That's true.
- Hmm.
- You got a brother.
- Tyler.
You sure?
Not for a couple hours.
- You thirsty?
- No thanks.
You are so cool.
More proof.
You want to see my room?
I saw it.
You're so
fucking weird.
Girl tries to get you to drink
and see her room
and you say...
"I saw it"? Oh my God.
So you may not be aware, and
maybe this isn't something...
you can hear, but your brother
has a mean streak.
Tyler has a
mean streak? How?
He's got this prank he wants
to play on Simone.
It's pretty harsh.
Why Simone? She do something?
Tick, tick, tick....
Fine. Show me your
stupid room.
This is strong as shit.
Yeah. Trainwreck.
Hits quick, but mellows fast
if you just sit with it.
You actually print
out pictures?
I'm so fucking old school.
You knew her. Right?
She was your friend.
Best friend.
I met her once. I think.
At a party maybe.
What's it like?
What's what like?
I never had anybody die.
And it goes on.
What do you mean?
Like the world cracks apart.
And you fall into this hole.
And the sides are mud.
And you can't get out.
And you wonder where they are.
And you wonder what it would
be like if you were there too.
I'm sorry.
Like you want to be in the
room with them when
it happened.
Not to stop it, but to go too.
I think I did maybe.
Or she stayed.
Or wants to come back.
Oh this is fucked
up. I'm not making any sense.
No, I'm sorry I asked.
Nobody else does.
What was it like?
Do you think?
Oh for her?
I don't fucking know.
She do it on purpose maybe?
No, she just got
some bad shit.
Sometimes I think about it.
I think she's here.
Nadia. Is here.
Nothing. Nowhere.
I don't know.
I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
Hey, it's okay.
Oh hey, it's cool.
It's all cool.
This is going to go exactly
how you want it to. Okay?
My whole life, everybody else
makes decisions but me.
You know, I've never been
in charge of my own shit.
Not once.
And my mom?
She's like fucking
Beth Jarrett.
Oh you don't know.
You'll read that junior year.
You don't know.
I decide nothing.
I'm in charge of nothing.
I'm fucking RyanBot 9000.
And shit gets so dark.
I carried a razor blade in
my glove for six months.
I'm nothing.
I decide nothing.
Hey, but this?
With us? This is you.
This is all going to be you.
Okay? You decide.
What the fuck was that?
Bar pulled
out of the wall.
Cheap-ass drywall.
Oh fuck.
-What? What's wrong?
-What happened?
-Nothing, nothing, nothing.
What happened?
It's the weed.
What do you mean
"seen anything"?
Pretty much
what I said.
Like what?
Or felt anything.
Like sensed it.
I mean, it can't--
I just can't--
It's a simple
question, you guys. Yes or no.
- "No" is fine.
- Listen to me...
No, I-I haven't felt
or sensed anything
unusual here.
Do you mean like a...
A presence.
No. Have you?
Can you elaborate?
I'm not sure I want to.
Okay, maybe...maybe you
and me can talk later.
At first I just sensed it and
then things moved.
-What things?
-A lot of things.
-Jesus Christ.
-I saw it.
You saw it? You saw
things move?
I saw the aftermath.
And there's a feeling I get
and sometimes it's
really strong.
-What feeling?
I don't think I know that
word. What does that mean?
It's the fear of being
forgotten or ignored and
I-I can feel it.
It's here. In the house.
Oh for Christ's sake!
Seriously! What the fuck?
-I get it that you guys...
have to listen to this shit,
but I don't.
You're seeing shit? Are you
fucking serious right now?
-Hey, hey, hey, knock it off.
-No, it's fucking ridiculous!
This is just another way she's
going to make me...
look like a fucking idiot.
You're already crushing
that, asshole.
Guys. Come on,
let's de-escalate this.
You fucked me up with your
shit last year, but
you won't...
fuck me up this time.
What is it?
Just say it.
You think your dead fucking
drug-addict friend...
-is like haunting you?
-Too far, Tyler.
Is that it? I'm getting
somewhere, okay?
That guy Ryan? He's huge
at this school.
And he came to me
to be friends.
Do you even get how
massive that is?
No one is trying to
embarrass you.
That is not
anyone's intention.
-Too fucking late!
-I hate you!
-I fucking hate you so much!
-You're a fucking...
psychopath, that's
what you are!
Hey, I'm not going
to live like this!
I-I will not. I refuse.
Do you understand? Now
just take it down.
Will you go talk to him,
Hey. You got a second?
It's possible I was
an asshole.
I'm not the one
you need to tell.
I did.
And what'd she say?
"Get out of my room."
Maybe try
again later.
You're going to be waiting a
long time to fix that...
relationship if you
don't do it now.
I didn't talk to my sister for
six years after high school.
Got it.
Hey. She's been through
a lot, Tyler.
Oh please.
Reality was never exactly been
her thing to start with...
know what I'm saying?
Now she's on the freak and you
pay attention to her for it.
She's looking for weird shit,
so she sees it.
That's what this is.
She knew both of them.
The girls who died.
I thought just Nadia.
The other one too.
Just a little, but still.
Fucking idiots
putting shit in their bodies.
-No powders, no pills.
-If it grows in
the earth, fine.
-But if it comes from a lab...
-I should actually get to bed.
Make her piss in a cup.
-Hey, I know how to do my job.
-Well, then do it, Dad.
I'm telling you. She's fucked
in the head...
and it's not the dead
friend shit.
There's an excellent man
inside of you Tyler.
I would love to see him soon.
I ironed your blue blouse.
Oh, um...
Have a nice day.
- But that's important, right?
- Uh-huh.
You got to know that this
Simone, man, she's
a fucking...
nightmare, so she totally
had it coming.
I mean the way she fronted
on Derek's buddy.
And you know Derek's not
going to take that.
- No.
- I mean, he is hilarious...
that guy. Fucking hilarious.
We knew what you meant
without the modifier.
- Uh...
- But go ahead.
So she gets a text and
she's like, "Who is this?"
And he writes back,
"Jimmy-boy, come on."
And she must have checked his
number with
somebody else and...
of course it comes up that
it's real because
Derek cloned...
-Jimbo's phone... Yeah.
-Cloned? How did he do that?
-With an OTA and a re-router.
I mean, the guy's a fucking
genius. It's crazy.
It doesn't even emphasize
anymore, the word.
Your generation. I mean--
I know! So she texts
back and she's all into it...
because, you know, he's
way out of her league.
But you know he's pushing her
and he's charming as shit.
And she sends him the picture
because you know people--
Well, I don't love that.
Hang on, I'm not done. He's
not in it for the picture.
That's just like, she'd
expect it, you know?
So he says, "God,
you're so hot.
Do you want to meet
up tomorrow?"
And she's all over that shit.
And so he says...
"Great. How about the theater
loft after seventh period?
"And hey, why don't you wear
that puppy shirt?
"You're super hot in that."
And she's so into him. Man,
He didn't keep the
picture, did he?
What? No. No, no. I don't
think so. Probably not.
But hang on.
So, this is the best part.
So we go, like all of us
up to the theater loft.
Have you ever been up there?
-Of course you haven't.
Anyways, so we're up there,
like eight of us.
- Eight of you?
- Eight of us back...
behind the racks of stuff and
we're like going to fall out.
But we're doing our best...
because now we can hear her on
her way up the stairs and...
she's all like, "Derek, are
you here? Derek, I
wore the shirt."
What's that sound?
And we all jump out and we're
like "Derek! I wore
the shirt!"
Oh my God. You guys
are so mean.
Hey, this girl Simone totally
had it coming. So somehow...
- everybody heard about it.
- Yeah, somehow.
And all day today in the
hallway, everybody's like...
"Hey, nice shirt. Hey, Simone,
did you wear the shirt?
"Hey, nice doggie
shirt, Simone."
So how'd the picture get out?
That's-That's the text?
Oh wow. I--
It wasn't me.
Wait. Wait.
Why do you have that?
Because he posted it
on the internet.
I've never seen that
picture. I'm serious.
Don't even try to lie
right now.
Neither one of you
should have that on
your phone.
It was definitely
not me.
Why am I getting in
trouble for this?
Neither one of you
should have something...
like that on your phone.
What the fuck?
What is that, Chris?
Is someone upstairs?
- What is that?
- Wait!
What the fuck?
Jesus Christ!
- Holy shit!
- Hey. No, stay back!
- Oh my God!
- My fucking trophies!
Chloe! Chloe!-
It's her.
It's Nadia.
-What are we gonna-- What--
-Just give me a second.
-I'm not going back in there.
-Just let me think
for a minute.
Are you serious right now?
Fuck off, I need this.
-Since when do you smoke?
That cigarette doesn't
stand a chance.
How can you be so
fucking calm about this?
I tried to tell you.
God, you're even fucked
up when shit's crazy.
Hey, you know what? You come
at your sister like that... more time and...
-Hey, ease up.
...I'm going to come at you.
I am serious. Get off her
back and stay off it!
And it wouldn't kill you to
stand up for her one time.
All right? One time!
Okay, so
that happened.
What do we do now?
Who do we talk to about this?
I mean, for real.
Can we tell anybody?
How do we just walk back in
there? Seriously.
How do we just go back
into our house?
-She doesn't mean harm.
Who? Who doesn't mean harm?
We all know who.
-How do you know?
-It trashed my room.
But how do you know?
I just do. The same way I can
just kind of look into her.
-And what do you see?
-I see her.
Well, no, not-not exactly.
I feel her.
And it usually happens when
I'm alone and this
is-this is the...
first time it's
happened with people.
Hey, she doesn't
want to hurt anybody.
It's the opposite.
I think she wants to help.
-This is an insane
-Fucking A it is.
There is mystery, Tyler. There
is mystery in this world.
-We are not safe here.
-Finally. No, we're not.
Leave if you want.
You can all move out.
I'm not going anywhere.
-I'll stay.
-This is fucked up.
I'm not going to be part
of her insane shit.
-I'm not.
-Hey, I told you once!
Aren't you interested
just a little bit?
I mean, isn't there some part
of you that thinks...
maybe, just
maybe, that this is
the most...
fascinating thing that has
ever happened to
you in your...
entire stupid fucking life?
I mean, come on.
Don't ignore that.
Are you seriously that afraid?
You'll be okay, Tyler.
I promise.
Yeah? Okay,
that would be amazing.
Yeah, thanks. Bye.
Okay. Um, first of all, Cece
says that there have never...
been any reports of any
incidents like this in...
our house before. Ever.
And she is bound by law
to tell us if there were.
But what's interesting is...
her sister-in-law, um...
knows things.
Uh, senses things.
Whoa, wait, she's a psychic?
No. No, she has...she has
more of, um...
a second sight, is what
Cece called it.
Um, and she said that she
could maybe bring her here...
to see if she could help us.
So she's a
professional psychic.
No, she's a regular lady
with a regular job. She just--
She does stuff like this, uh,
for friends and family.
Friends and family.
- Yeah.
- Really.
Cece said that she could bring
her here tomorrow...
at 12:30 and I said okay.
Okay. She's here.
Here they come.
Hi, how are you?
Thanks for coming. I'm Chris.
I'm Carl. Uh, this is
my wife Lisa.
Please, come in. Yeah.
This is my wife, uh, Rebekah.
And this is Tyler and Chloe.
Uh, this is her lunchtime,
so we should get started.
Okay. Yeah, absolutely.
Um, what do you need?
Uh, she likes to sit and, uh,
she'll need a glass of water.
Tyler, would you grab a
glass of water real quick?
You can come right this way?
Yeah, where-wherever you'd--
Oh. Thank you.
- Are you able to--
- You.
You're fooling yourself.
That's her middle
name. Chloe Blu. How--
How do you know?
I told her that.
Carl said she needed
all of our full names.
It's suffering.
Just like you are, Chloe.
You lost your friend?
I didn't tell
her that.
What was her name?
I am very sorry
that you suffer, Blu.
I know what it
means to suffer.
Nadia's death, this trauma.
It is--
It's brought you more
than pain.
You are more alive on this
planet than you
have ever been.
You are sensitive in ways
that others are not.
So, think of it
like a door.
And for most people this
door is almost always closed.
Um, sometimes it opens like,
you know, just a crack.
Like when you dream.
Or when we experience God.
But, um, for some people...
just a few, this door is
somehow open.
Like smashed open by trauma
or, uh, a sickness
of the mind.
And for even fewer still,
the door is always open.
And, um, some can't bear it.
Some choose to, um, end all
perception rather than endure.
Um, Lisa's been open
her whole life.
You have a presence here.
It feels connected to you.
Do-Do you know who sh-she is?
Is it Nadia?
I-- It's, um, it's confused.
It doesn't know why it's here.
Something happened to it.
Um, probably here
in this house.
It's trying to figure you out.
It's trying to figure
itself out.
Time -- it doesn't work the
same way for it.
Past, present can be happening
at the same, so it doesn't...
even know when it is.
There's something that
it needs to do.
But it doesn't know what.
Old mirrors are so much
better than new ones.
They're like old people.
They've seen more.
Help her.
Jesus. Hey.
Are you--are you okay?
Is she okay?
I'm okay. Sorry.
Um, s--
Oh. Okay, would you--
Excuse me.
-Um, this gift...
That my wife has, it doesn't
always feel like a gift.
-Um, and it takes a toll on...
-A physical toll.
Sometimes it takes her a day
or two to go back to work.
She can't go back to
work after she's...
Uh, yeah. Understood.
Understood. Yeah.
-Let's see, um...
- Wow, right?
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Fucking freaks!
- Tyler.
Chris, did you pay her?
You did, didn't you? How much?
She didn't want to come. Cece
had to talk her into doing it.
That woman is never setting
foot in this house again.
You okay?
I think I made it worse.
Hey, are you thirsty?
Should I get us something
to drink?
Yeah, sure. Not booze.
Juice maybe?
You got it, beautiful.
So, like if I tell you
something weird, would
you just listen?
Yeah, sure.
Hey, what time are people
getting home?
Not until after seven.
What did you want to tell me?
When you get back.
So what was that weird shit
you wanted to tell me?
Maybe later.
This is crazy, but I
could go again.
No thanks, stud.
I got you some juice.
Whoa! Ryan! Oh my God!
What the fuck was that? Shit!
Uh, uh, I'll grab a towel.
I must have put it too
close to the edge.
It's sticky.
Yeah. I'm sorry.
It wasn't your fault.
Hey, I got a chem
test on Thursday.
-On what?
Yeah? I aced that.
You want some help?
No thanks. I study
better alone.
I need to
see you again.
-Me too.
-No, I mean for longer.
Is that okay with you?
Remember, this is all
going to be you.
You choose. You're in control.
I'd say I was
pretty in control just now.
You for sure were.
I loved it.
My parents have to go to a
work thing for my mom...
a week from Friday.
They leaving you here?
Yeah. Stay over.
What about Tyler?
That's the only drag.
I can deal with him.
Boy's got Ambien written
all over him.
What are you,
my pharmacist?
I've been known to prescribe.
I think...I'm in
love with you.
Shut the fuck up.
Oh my God.
-I'm sorry.
-You scared me.
I'm sorry.
How long have
you been standing there?
Just-- I just got here.
I just...
Wait, don't be weird.
Come in if you want.
Okay, okay.
Is-Is something wrong?
The-- No. There's--
There's just a few-- Hmm.
You can do it.
I always knew that your mother
was out of my league.
I knew that from the
very beginning.
Please don't
say stupid shit.
But I-I think--
I think...
that I liked that she made
all the decisions.
I-I knew that it made
her happy...
and so I was fine for
her to do that.
Okay, what are you trying
to tell me?
Okay, yeah, what am I trying
to tell you.
Okay, my--
My mother.
Your grandmother, uh,
was super religious.
Yeah, I noticed.
I mean, it was way out there,
even more than you knew.
It was very easy to make fun
of her for all this
Catholic stuff.
I mean, look at me.
She named me after Christ,
for Christ's sake.
And that's why I wanted to
make your middle name Blu.
Because Blu is a cool name.
You know? It's--
But it is not a saint's name.
And that was a big problem
for my mother.
Which is why I didn't
have the nerve...
to do it for your first name.
The point is that--
My mom and I didn't
get along very well...
until the last few years
before she died.
And I think...
maybe it's because I was
getting older...
and I started to think...
"Well, what do I know?" About
anything? Maybe she's right.
You know? God, death,
the universe.
It's-- I don't have...I don't
have any of the answers.
I don't even know the
right questions.
What I'm trying to say is...
I believe you.
Something is here. With us.
And for whatever reason,
you can...sense it.
For whatever reason, you are
different than the rest of us.
Gloriously so.
And I hope...
Hey, I hope that you
never change.
Okay, okay.
Look, I'm sorry.
Not everyone here agrees...
that your help is needed.
I'm sorry.
I don't need to come in.
I just want you to know that...
I believe now because of this
dream that it's
here because...
of something that hasn't
happened yet.
-Something bad.
-That's... not really helpful.
Because of a window.
A window that doesn't open.
I'm sorry.
The window. I saw a
I mean, it's very
nice of you and everything.
Yeah, a couple
days away.
We got to steal them when we
We don't get
many anymore.
It'll be boring
as hell.
-I'll be fine.
-I'm in meetings all day.
That's why I packed a book.
Hey, is, um, is Alan Doyle
going to be at this one?
Sure. I mean, everybody
from legal. Why?
I'm just curious.
Yeah, well, it's
company-wide, so...
Maybe we should meet with him.
The two of us. Together.
Why would we meet
with Alan Doyle?
Just to judge...exposure.
To what?
To anything that
might threaten you.
-Like what, Chris?
-Hey, hey, come on.
I thought about getting out.
I did. But I am here.
And I'm willing to go
through this with you.
We can figure this out
together if you'll let me.
You don'
don't understand.
Well, then help me.
We're late. Um...
-I mean, if you want to.
-I got it. I got it.
We're leaving.
Chloe, Tyler, we're
headed out.
We'll be back Sunday
by six at the latest.
I put money in your accounts.
Please at least try
and order...
from the same place
and save on the fees.
Chloe! Tyler!
Oh, hey. We're heading out.
All good.
Bye, sweetie.
Come here.
Text me anytime, okay?
I love you. Okay.
Where's Tyler?
-Shower. I'll tell him.
-Okay, all right.
-Nobody over. Got me?
I'm...I am not
buying that, but okay.
Make smart choices. The stupid
ones tend to last forever.
So you've said.
Yeah, well, I'm right about
it. Love you.
Bro, this shit is so
three years ago.
It's a fucking classic
is what it is.
Oh, you got something
for a thirsty man.
You know I do.
Yeah, like I'm
going to drink that fucking...
grain alcohol shit of your
mom's straight up.
You, uh, you got some o.j.?
Yeah, we keep it on the,
uh, shelf for pussies.
-Follow me.
-No, I got it.
All right.
So that girl Simone?
From the, uh, thing
with Jimbo?
What about her?
Well, she's gone, dude.
Full-on mental health leave.
Well, maybe not
even coming back.
No shit?
Some people just
can't take it.
They just can't
fucking take it.
She'll probably end up at
Sacred Heart. That's
where they all do.
To the fucking strong, my man.
We survive.
Oh, well, maybe...
Sure. Just one more?
Come in.
Hey, sexy.
Are you okay?
-Doesn't seem like it.
-Where's Tyler?
I told you. I got you on that.
Where is he?
Bedtime for Tyler.
Did I do something wrong?
No. No, I...
I'm not okay with this.
I'm sorry.
-I did do something wrong.
-No, you didn't. You didn't.
Okay, that was me. That was
all me that time. I
just-- I...
I'm not okay.
I'm not like...stable.
I don't want to. With anyone.
It's just a thing I got to go
through alone. That's all.
I'm such an asshole.
No, I am. I'm--
I'm an asshole.
I-I went through a thing,
right. I'm still in it.
I get it.
I do, but...
I'm so fucking alone.
Hey, you're not.
Hey, you--you are not.
Can we maybe just talk?
Of course.
We don't even have to
say anything.
How is that
talking then?
Sometimes it just is.
Yeah, just... Relax.
Get comfortable.
Nothing's going to happen.
It's all your call.
Everything is your call.
Damn right.
Okay if I do that?
Maybe if I could just talk to
you, until you fall asleep.
It's really soft.
It feels nice.
I don't feel so alone
when I talk to you.
I'm glad.
You like that?
You like when I say
it's all you?
That you're in control?
I give that to you.
Because it's mine to give.
Everybody else has
the power but us.
I don't feel too good.
So I took it.
I took it. And I gave it.
And I took it back.
And I took it again.
And no shit, Chloe...
I got so hard.
Easy. Easy. Easy, I got you.
I got this.
It's so fucking fragile,
you know?
So thin.
Like, like one second
somebody's alive
and the next...
they're not.
And I'm telling you, it's like
nothing, that time in between.
It's the line I'm talking
about, Chloe.
The line in between.
I think about it all the time.
I dream about it. Constantly.
I mean...
Look at this.
Do you know how thin this is?
Point 0005 of a centimeter.
Five ten-thousandths
of a centimeter.
That's it.
Have you heard of something
so crazy thin?
I mean, can you get your head
around that, even?
Do you want to see?
I'll show you.
I'll show you what I
showed the other two.
You want to feel
what Nadia felt?
Now look at that.
- Fucking synthetic fent, man.
- You can't do it.
But you can hear me, right?
I'm everything.
You know what
they'll say?
Stupid girl. Another fucking
OD, she just
stopped breathing.
Just like all
the other...
Get the fuck away
from her!
Let's go, Mom.
Another minute.
We'll be outside.
Take as long as you need.
- It's him! It's him!
- Rebekah!
- Oh my baby!
- Hey, hey.
-My boy! My--
Oh he saved you.
My boy! My boy.
He came back. He came back
to save you.
-You're okay.
-It's okay.