Psychosis (2010) Movie Script

This is the spot.
They want to extend
the motorway right through here.
Where's the dog gone?
Rabbits. He'll be back.
Let's go and explore.
Yeah. Come on, then.
- Jade, where's the lamps?
- Uh, in my bag, in the tent.
Let's play hide and seek.
See if you can find me.
All right.
Go on, then, close your eyes.
Count to 100.
1, 2, 3...
Getting cold out there.
Reckon Snake and Jade
must be keeping warm.
What the fuck?
What the fuck happened?
I'll leave you two to it.
I'm going to go find Snake.
Snake! Where are you?
Come on,
I only want some puff!
Where are ya?
Is that you?
Be careful.
What's that on my foot?
What? It feels like...
It feels like a dog's
licking my foot.
Must have come back, then.
What's the matter?
Is that you, Giro,
you fucking pervert?
What the fuck?
Jesus Christ!
What's going on?
What's the matter with you?
- He's coming...
- I can't...
He's after me!
Who's after you?
There's a man coming!
He's coming!
Tell me who's coming.
Who's coming?
A man with an axe!
Good God.
He's over here!
He's over here!
This way!
Tell the crew
there's no need to rush.
Radio station
in London, Bang Radio.
Good morning, London,
on this sunny Thursday,
the 2nd of March, 2009.
We've got a whole host of treats
in store for you today,
so please don't touch that dial.
And we're going to be meeting
the wild man of rock himself,
Josh Curt.
I'm coming, Master.
Get in the car. It's cold.
Can we have a look
at these places, too?
We won't need
one of these places.
- It looks enormous.
- Well, it is enormous.
- Sorry, anyway...
- You're a dirty bird.
This place is amazing.
It's like I told you, sweetheart -
The garden of England.
What? I thought, you said
that the garden of England is Kent.
Well, it's supposed to be, but
that's only what they say in Kent.
Did you remember
to post the deeds?
Yep, all signed and in the mail.
Good, we wouldn't want
to be going into a house
that doesn't belong
to us yet, right?
All right, you.
Hey, look, babe, a scarecrow.
Haven't seen one of those
since I was a kid.
David, it's beautiful.
I told you it was perfect.
You can trust me
when I say I'll get something done.
Better than
in the photographs, huh?
That's a good place
to leave a ladder.
Just look at this place.
Don't these people
work for a living?
Oh, it's all right, baby,
it's not the end of the world.
Looks like all of our stuff
was delivered.
Yeah, but everything was
supposed to be finished, too.
Oh, great. No signal.
Where's the phone?
Who needs a phone?
We've gotten by for years
without one.
It just means I'll have to give
work this number, that's all.
Or don't.
Then they'll have to wait
for you to call them.
Well, that's something, at least.
Oh, I knew the sight of a bed
would put a smile on your face.
I was referring to the wallpaper,
Come here.
Baby, the curtains aren't drawn.
Is there somebody here?
There's someone downstairs.
Who are you?
Oh, I'm so sorry,
I didn't realize...
You've... just moved in, eh?
Well, it's been empty
for yonks, this place.
Uh... Reverend Swan.
David Golden.
And this is my wife, Susan.
Your accent, my dear...
Tell me, what part of America
are you from?
- I'm from California.
- How interesting.
And what is it that you do?
I'm a writer.
A crime writer.
Fact or fiction?
Fact, fiction -
it's all the same, right?
Yes, yes.
And, um, David, are you
in the arts as well?
No, I work in the city.
So, tell me, how did you end up
coming by the house today?
Oh, I... I like to drop by the empties
in the district.
You can't be too careful
these days.
Well, squatters, eco-warriors,
unruly youth.
In a world where there's no law
and order anymore,
you know, a man can't sleep
in his bed.
Well, it is my pleasure
to welcome you both to the parish
and to wish you all the luck
for the future.
I'll make my own way out.
- Hmm?
- I heard something.
David, did you hear that?
Go see.
Shit! You asshole!
My God!
You're a total asshole!
It serves you...
That is so wrong!
Well, you shouldn't have
got me out of bed
for no reason, should you?
- Come on, move over.
- No!
No! I was going to move.
That's my side.
It's a good thing I love you.
What a magnificent find
this place is.
How old is it?
Well, the oldest part
goes back to the 17th century.
Great, huh?
It's just the peace and quiet that
I need to finish my new book.
Yeah, glad you brought it up.
We all had several reads,
and we felt towards the end -
Charles, I'm sorry, excuse me.
Do you mind if I go
put a pot of coffee on?
- Sure.
- I'll be right back.
So, David, how are
you both settling in?
Good. I mean, Susan still
needs to adjust, of course.
But she has spent quite a bit
of time in London in the past.
Yeah, of course.
But, you know,
when it's a definite move,
it makes things a little bit different.
Listen, we've got very high hopes
for Susan's next book.
And I wouldn't want this move to get
in the way of another best-seller.
Do you get my drift?
Yes, Charles.
It's always rather delicate
having these conversations
with the artiste, you know.
So, I'm counting on you.
Well, I feel,
now Susan and I are here,
she's going to find all the inspiration
she needs to get it finished.
We wouldn't want Susan
to go through another episode,
now, would we?
It's all over now, Charles.
Here we go.
It's nice and hot.
- Help yourself.
- Thank you.
Milk, Charles?
- Yes, please.
What's wrong?
There's a kid out there
kicking a ball.
That's weird.
- He's gone.
- Boys will be boys.
Rogues. I was one myself.
It's no big deal, Susan.
Now, don't forget,
our London office will be up
and running in a week,
so don't be a stranger.
Oh, you bet.
And, David, it's great to meet you
properly this time.
You, too, Charles,
and thank you for driving
all the way out here.
For Transatlantic Publishing's
best-selling crime author,
no distance at all.
Now, you take care.
We'll speak soon, all right?
Okay, bye.
Instant hot water!
At least the plumber
knew what he was doing.
Did you blow a fuse?
I'll go down and fix it.
Do you even know
where the fuse box is?
The lights...
I can hear those mice again.
Oh, good, okay.
So, who's a genius, then?
Not the plumber, that's for sure.
The water was red.
Ah, it's rust.
Hey, kid!
Susan, what's happened?
What's wrong?
There's a man.
He's after me.
What man? Where?
What happened?
- There's a man, and he was -
- Listen, go inside.
He was fucking this girl
in the woods,
and then he came after me.
Look, go in the house,
lock the door,
I'm going to see
if I can find him.
No! No!
Susan, just calm down. It's okay.
I'm sure there's an explanation.
Go in the house
and lock the door.
Please, go in the house
and lock the door.
I'll be a minute.
Just lock the door, darling.
Hey, kid!
Come here for a sec.
I've got someone for you to meet.
Come on.
Susan, I'd like to introduce you
to Mr. Peck.
He's our gamekeeper.
Pleased to meet you, Miss.
It's okay, darling, look.
Peck's brought us some game today.
Nice, huh?
We need to talk. Now.
Hey, look, darling,
I think whatever happened
was just a simple
He was more scared than you was.
Who the hell is this guy?
I told you. Mr. Peck.
Look, before we came, I took him
on as our gamekeeper, okay?
He's a local, and he's worked
this estate for years.
He's a creep.
He flashed me.
He what?
Darling, are you positive
that's what you saw?
Look, I know him.
He's ex-army.
He's fought everywhere
in the last 10 years,
Afghanistan, Baghdad, Basra...
Oh, yeah?
Well, whose side was he on?
Come on, you know it makes them
a little funny.
But it's good sense
to have someone around.
A bit of extra security
for the place when I'm away.
Why wouldn't you tell me
you brought somebody on
to watch the grounds?
It must've slipped my mind.
But he's a good bloke.
Oh, he's a good bloke?
A good bloke who fucks some girl
in the middle of the woods,
like an animal?
Come on, you know what
these country folk are like.
Come on.
David... David, wake up.
- What?
- Wake up.
There's someone downstairs.
I can hear them.
Let me go downstairs.
No! No!
Susan, let me in.
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
Baby, look at me, breathe.
- What's wrong?
- There's a man in the hall.
There's no one in the hall.
Baby, I promise you. Look at me.
There's nobody in the hall.
They'd have to have passed me.
Open your eyes.
Susan, look at me, darling.
It's okay.
There's no one now.
I promise you.
There's nobody there.
It's all right, darling.
It's okay.
It's okay, don't worry.
There was somebody there.
It's nice to see a fire
in this old hearth again.
Well, we've checked everywhere.
No sign of a break-in.
Well, there has to be. I saw him.
He had to get in here somehow.
You say there's nothing missing?
Well, there's nothing I can see.
Right, then, all I can do is report it.
Not much else, I'm afraid.
Hey, I didn't imagine it.
I'm not suggesting that you did.
All I'm saying is that
the only evidence we have,
or the only thing we can go on,
is your description.
Sure, I mean, I only saw him
for a second, but...
Well, naturally,
you'll keep us informed if -
if we get murdered in our beds,
I'll be sure to let you know.
Your business take you away
from the house most days?
Yeah, I commute to London.
- Oh, big smoke.
- Yeah.
What's your line?
Corporate events.
Oh, right.
Well, what's that, then?
Well, I organize events
like car shows
and functions and networking,
mostly for executives.
It's a big old house
you've taken on here.
I dare say it'll take
some getting used to.
My suggestion is, uh,
you change the locks.
That's it?!
It's a good idea as a precaution.
Peace of mind.
Good night.
Hey, babe.
Is this the same lock
as the other door?
There you go.
Feel safer now?
What a way to spend a day,
changing all the locks.
Still, no one will be
able to get in now, right?
You know, I was thinking.
Do you think it was maybe
one of the construction workers?
Because they had a key, right?
Well, don't you think
that we should tell that detective?
Look, if you want to start
pestering him, okay.
But I don't, all right?
What's gotten into you?
I'm going to go work
in the garden.
Hi, Susan.
It's Charles.
I'm back in London, honey.
Opened the new office,
so just checking in.
How's the country air suiting you?
It's great, it's great, um...
You know,
I'm racing through the book.
It's all fitting together.
Listen, why don't you e-mail me
what you've done recently?
I'd love to have a sneak proofread.
I - I don't know, Charles.
Well, yeah, yeah, maybe, okay.
Just let me tighten it up a bit.
Sure. Whenever you're ready,
just fire it over.
I will. Okay.
Listen, Charles, I've got to go.
I'm right in the middle of it.
- And I'll call you, okay?
- Okay, Sue.
- Speak soon, then.
- Great.
I'll get it.
So, we're going to play, um... no.
Not that one.
Whichever way you want
to give it, whoo!
We got to try
not to let this thing die
Ooh, I love you so much
That was work.
That's Joe Lemer.
You know how he asked me to work
with him on that Swiss finance deal?
So, I'll be staying
up in London tomorrow.
Oh. When are you coming back?
Well, I'll be back the day
after tomorrow,
unless we have
any complications.
Why do you always jump
every time he calls?
Why don't you have
one of the other guys do it?
I mean, we just got here.
He likes me.
We work well together.
And if this deal goes well,
it could be a start of a partnership.
Sure, but...
Remember how many times that you
had to fly over here from the States?
He never reimbursed you for that.
I mean, you never seem to see
any money from these deals.
Look, we don't need the money.
You don't even need to do this job.
Susan, you've got your career.
Now, let me get on with mine.
Honey, I just...
I feel a bit scared here
all on my own.
There's nothing to be afraid
of here, sweetheart.
- It's all in -
- In my mind?!
But this is a big thing for you,
coming here and everything.
Your friends are thousands
of miles away,
and your creative mind's
running loose.
My creative mind?
All right, is it happening again?
All this hearing things and stuff?
No. It is not happening again, David.
'Cause I don't think I could take it.
Not right now, you know?
Well, it's not happening again.
What's wrong?
Darling, what is it?
Had a...
A bad dream or something.
The bath's
running for you, babe.
You was out like a light last night.
All right, better get going.
My train leaves in an hour, yeah?
I'll put some coffee on for you.
What do you want?
David called me
from the train station.
Asked me to keep you company,
stay by the house tonight.
Well, he didn't say anything
to me about that.
Aye. He wanted to make sure
you're okay.
I'll make us
a nice country stew for tea.
Aye, you know,
food, dinner for tonight.
It's okay, I'm not a bad cook.
Great. So, it went well?
It's been a good day,
getting everything done, you know?
And we sorted out a company car.
Oh, I'm happy for you.
So, I don't need to pick you up
from the station then, right?
Picking it up late afternoon.
I'll be coming straight back.
I can't talk for long.
Lemer and the Swiss
are in the next room.
All right, well, I'm going to go,
but I miss you,
and I can't wait to see you.
Me, too.
Have a nice dinner with Peck, okay?
Speak tomorrow night.
Okay, bye.
What are you doing?
David, the others
are waiting to use the room.
Let them shag in the hallway.
It's all right for you,
with your 12-bedroom mansion.
How did you know
it's got 12 bedrooms?
You've been up there, haven't you?
I just had a quick look.
I told you not to go near there, okay?
I've got it under control.
How did you get all
the way up there, anyway?
I drove in my car.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
That reminds me, I need
to borrow your car for a while.
Hmm. Okay, no problem.
That was David on the phone.
This will be ready soon.
I'll be in the dining room.
My turn.
Oh, great. Let's eat.
So, what's in the recipe?
Wild boar meat cutlets,
potato chunks, fennel
and some local wild herbs.
Wow. It's delicious.
You've lived here
for a long time, right?
All me life.
Except when I were overseas
fighting rag heads.
Well, there's this little boy
who's always playing in the garden,
and I've meant
to speak to him, but...
Do you know where he lives?
No. Ain't nobody round here
got a little lad.
Well, he can't live far.
There's nobody around here
for miles, you know that.
What's she like?
I've read reviews about her book.
What's she like?
She's a joke.
She doesn't know
whether she's coming or going.
Like all them people.
She's never had to live
in the real world.
Not like you.
...those Brazilian girls.
Sure, man.
Every part of them.
- You saying that we're not enough?
- No.
How much longer?
Not long.
Not long.
Did you hunt this meat?
I went hunting once...
...with my grandfather.
It made me feel awful.
That's all part of it,
feeling bad.
It reminds us
of the importance of survival.
Who was that girl you were with
that day in the woods?
Was that your girlfriend?
Something like that.
You must be Susan.
I'm Emily.
Peck said you might need
some help in the garden today.
He's off on a hunt.
No telling when he'll be back.
Oh. Well...
Well, come on in.
I'm fully qualified, you know.
- In what?
- Gardening.
Been gardeners in my family
for generations.
Gardeners, farmers, shepherds.
It's a lovely place you've got here.
Good for the soul,
don't you think?
So, Mr. Peck asked you
to come out here?
Did he?
- You just said...
- Oh, yeah, Peck's hunting.
Never had a hunter
in the family before.
Well, not really.
Nor an American.
Okay, listen,
the bushes out at the side,
we want them taken out.
You'll find the tools out back.
There's tea and stuff in the kitchen.
Go help yourself.
I'm going to go take a bath.
Call me if you need me.
Who's that boy?
Who's that boy in the garden?
Boy? What boy?
The boy I just saw you with
in the garden,
the one with the - with the ball.
I don't know what you mean.
There wasn't anyone at all.
It was just me!
Hey, quit playing games
with me, okay?
I just saw you in the garden
with a little boy!
Susan, I don't know
what you're talking about.
All right, that's it, let's go.
Let's go! Now!
Susan, you're nuts!
You really are mental!
Did Peck make you do this?
Fuck you! Get out!
Was he too much for ya?!
I'm afraid...
Well, I know nothing.
There's something happening
in that house,
and I know it's not my imagination.
Anything's possible.
You know, I'd be the last one
to discount the idea of ghosts.
If you believe that house is haunted,
then who am I to argue with you?
Have you told your husband?
He doesn't see anything,
he doesn't hear anything.
He's the rational one.
I'm the one with the background.
Did something once...
happen to you?
I suffered a mental collapse.
A complete and utter shutdown.
And, um, then I met David,
and he brought me back to reality.
He gave me life again.
You know, David has
all these work commitments,
and I'm under a tremendous amount
of pressure to finish this book,
and I owe it to him
to keep it together.
It's my turn to be supportive now.
It isn't easy, is it?
So, what do you want me
to do for you?
I've been calling you.
Oh, yeah, sorry,
the battery's been dead.
But I'm en route now.
Well, I called that number
to the office you gave me,
and it sounded
like it was disconnected.
Yeah, we had the engineers
in all day.
I think we're going
to be changing numbers.
Well, great,
so you're on your way home.
What time will you be here?
I'm at the services, 10 miles away,
so I won't be long.
Cool, okay,
'cause dinner's almost ready,
and I bought a bottle of wine.
I'll see you soon, yeah?
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
Hey, babe,
dinner smells great.
Where are you?
Uh, I'm up here, babe!
What's up?
Hi. How is everything?
- Yeah, everything all right?
- Yeah, everything's fine.
I'm just cleaning up.
I saw Reverend Swan
at the services.
He said he's coming over tomorrow
with Miss Kessler.
Who's that, then?
You said you wanted me to get
to know other people in the area,
so that's what it is -
a morning coffee.
If you don't find anything...'ll mean it's all in my head.
I hardly think so, dear.
What do you call
a particular kind of madness,
when you have hallucinations?
In my profession,
we call it second sight.
Shall we get started?
Well, my dear, whatever it is
you've been experiencing,
there's nothing there now.
Quite clearly.
If there was,
it would have come through.
- But I saw them.
- I know -
I saw them - I saw the kid,
and I saw the young man...
I'm not doubting you.
I'm not doubting you.
Not for a minute.
All I'm saying is that if there was
anything, it's gone now.
There's... There's nothing.
I'd stake my reputation on it.
It's very good of you
to run me home, Mr. Golden.
Don't worry, my dear.
It's a nice house, good spirits.
I'll, um...
I'll see you soon, Susan.
Thank you.
You sure you don't want
to come for the ride?
Yeah, I'm sure. I...
I want to finish the chapter I'm
working on - it's the last chapter.
Oh, yes.
Your crime thriller.
I won't be long.
No, no!
Help me!
No, stop!
Well, David,
what can I say?
It went straight to the top
of the crime fiction charts.
Well, she was...
She is a very talented person.
Very much so.
I got to ask...
...did you know that she was
writing about the things
she thought she was seeing?
Well, not at the time,
but it does explain things.
How is she doing?
I'm actually driving down
in the morning to see her.
Please give her my best.
I'm sorry I can't make it myself,
but I'm flying back
to New York tomorrow.
I'm sure.
The first royalties are here.
How shall I make out the check?
I'm sure you have
power of attorney now.
No need.
Just transfer the money
to the account.
Same details you already have.
Joint account? Really?
It's always been
a joint account, Charles.
Well, if there's anything else
that I find,
I will give you a call.
I think that's it.
Oh, there is something else.
We found these.
Oh, those.
Yeah, I bought them
at an antiques fair. Keep them.
- They're probably worth something.
- Thank you.
It's been a pleasure doing business
with you, Mr. Golden.
I must say, this place
seems perfect for your needs.
Sorry, how's your wife?
I've just come
from seeing her, actually.
She's at the Broadwood Hospital.
She seemed to recognize me,
but the, uh... said it's going
to take a long time.
It must have been a terrible
shock for you, coming -
I'm glad to see you're,
uh, settling in okay,
which is more than we ever did.
We're not officially open yet,
but already we do have some guests,
just regulars from my last clinic.
And with Josh staying,
that means I can get
some of the decorating done.
He's a musician.
He's been burning the candle
at both ends,
so he showed up here
the other day.
He finds painting good
for his rehabilitation.
I see you've got some,
uh, extra help.
Oh, yes, Emily.
Nice girl from the village.
She's earning herself
a few extra pounds.
I never got to meet her properly -
Why don't you come in now?
Let's have some tea.
Best be off.
Well, let's keep in touch,
Mr. Golden.
Let me know how your wife
is coming along.
Thank you.
Can I give you a lift into the village?
I won't be a minute.
Hi, it's me.
How's your wife?
The divorce
is being fast-tracked.
But I'm still the beneficiary, though.
Listen, I might not
see you tonight, okay?
Oh, and, David,
bring her along, if you like.
Especially if she's
a country girl, mm-hmm.
You know we're
all missing poor old Peck.
We'll see.
Speak soon.
It's very kind of you.
Not at all.
I feel as though I owe you one.
Here's the news on the hour.
Police are now hunting
a mass murderer...
...believed to have escaped
earlier today...
...from the Broadwood Hospital
for the criminally insane.
The man was incarcerated in 1992
after he was shot... a local farmer
following a grisly attack...
...where he slaughtered
four campers.