Psychosis (2023) Movie Script
[muffled voices]
[muffled voices continue]
[voices] Relax.
You're not alone.
-Don't be afraid.
-Don't listen to them!
-What are you doing?
-Why are you here?
-Go back to bed.
-You need more caffeine.
You need more coffee
for a day like today.
-What are you doing?
-Go back to bed.
-Not enough coffee.
-You need more coffee for...
You need more caffeine.
-Why are you here?
-Go back to bed.
-Get out of here.
-What were you thinking?
-You idiot!
-Not enough coffee.
-Just leave.
-You idiot!
-Go back to bed.
-This is pointless.
-You're above this.
-You need more caffeine.
-Get out of here!
-What are you doing?
-You're above this.
-Go home.
-Go home.
-This is a bad idea.
-You used to have standards.
When did your standards drop?
-You're not safe!
-A terrible idea.
-Just leave.
What happened
to your self-respect?
-Calm down.
-You idiot!
-Get out of here.
-A terrible idea.
You can't back out now.
The voices are louder today.
Their tone tinged
with a sense of caution
that's hard to ignore.
Despite this, Cliff Van Aarle
is looking forward
to his fourth coffee
of the morning,
and the first for today's
peculiar meeting.
[voices] Drink it.
-It's too hot.
Don't trust them.
[man] Sugar?
[narrator] Van Aarle
is interested but sceptical.
[Van Aarle]
Is that actually sugar?
[narrator] No doubt
the sugar is laced
with some concoction--
[man] It's got a bit of a kick.
Little bit of my own recipe.
[narrator] The lad confirms.
[man] Uh, milk?
Again, the offer is declined.
[Van Aarle] No, thanks.
[narrator] He likes
-his coffee black.
[Van Aarle] I like it black.
[voice] Can't trust him, no...
[Van Aarle] Alright.
Are you familiar
with the theory of...
..unconscious awareness?
The 'Hidden Observer'
in our subconscious
that absorbs far more
from our senses
than we can process
It has a better memory,
intuition, insight.
Normally only accessible
during hypnosis,
but what if, in waking,
we could access
that deeper part of ourselves?
Overcome the limitations
of our conscious mind.
Well, that's where I come in.
A problem solver.
See, I have a lot of experience
with the human mind.
A little hypnosis,
subconscious suggestion...
..psychoactive chemical work.
Now, I don't want to
get into details, but...
..let's say I've experimented
with certain...
Survived a few...accidents.
And without wanting
to scare you off...
..I hear voices.
A sense of paracusia
in that...
..the link between my internal
senses and external perceptions
are somewhat blurred.
I hear my own thoughts
as though they're other
people's voices speaking to me.
Now, it's not all useful,
and there have been mishaps,
such as a, uh...
..narrator, which is kind of...
But otherwise
my condition serves me well.
And, over time,
I've managed
to tune out the noises
and tap into
that part of the brain
which otherwise
doesn't have a voice.
It speaks, I listen.
It gives me a unique
perspective on things,
and that is what makes me
useful to people like you.
[narrator] The clients - Aaron
Birch and Brodie McAllister -
their wits dim
even before their injuries,
are unresponsive.
[Van Aarle] Any questions
before we begin?
They said you'd be weird.
[narrator] He masks his
frustration with more coffee.
-That wasn't a question.
[voice] Oh, no...
[narrator] Already he knows
this job is not worth his time.
[voices] What is wrong
with these two?
-You're better than this.
[narrator] He's definitely
going to need--
[Van Aarle] I'm gonna
need more coffee.
[voice] You're better than this.
So let's get
this story straight.
You two are drug dealers.
Ah-ah-ah! Dude.
We're entrepreneurs.
Innovators in a new paradigm
of high-end
illicit pharmaceuticals.
The good shit.
-In what market?
-How is this relevant, man?
I need context
before I can begin.
So, am I correct in thinking
..neither of you
four-twenty geniuses
have any understanding
what happened here?
I told you over the phone.
No, you were shitting yourself,
giving me some speech
about an assault
on your 'place of business',
'infrastructure' damage,
loss of 'assets'.
Well, Shaggy's mum's place
and a few bags of powder?
[mocking] Mmm...
Hardly what I was expecting.
[exhales] guys have buzzwords,
but I want details.
What market?
[Aaron] OK, OK.
We enterprise
in the high-end supply chain
of street-level, er...
[voice] Waste of time.
Totes. See, Double-A,
he is the business.
I sling the product.
And No-Arms,
he handles production.
[Brodie] Yeah.
-He's the drug master, dude.
-Nuh, uh...
-He's a manufacturer...
[voice] Here we go.
this bold new start-up
designing custom chems
in his laboratory.
-You know? It's early days...
[voice] Waste of time.
..but I've negotiated partnership
which is beneficial
to both enterprises.
His shit is the shit.
You feel me?
Oh...I feel ya, home dawg.
So you two sling
this guy's shit for cash.
Now, I'm paraphrasing,
of course, but that's the gist
of what you're trying
to tell me, right?
It's very lucrative.
Oh, I'm sure it is.
And no doubt
your little innovations
are starting
to turn some heads,
which is exactly why
you find yourselves
in this, uh...
..little predicament.
-[tense music]
[voice] How did this happen?
[narrator] This looks like
your run-of-the-mill
drug-fuelled murder.
something feels...wrong.
The two boys have
too much fear in their eyes
and something they said
on the phone
had sparked
Van Aarle's curiosity.
The zombie.
-Why'd you call him that?
[voice] You've seen this before!
He wasn't all there, you know?
-It was...walking-dead shit.
-It's him!
I've never seen a man
act like that before.
-He was like an animal.
-It's happening again.
He's seen this before.
[voice] It's your father.
-You know him?
Have any history?
Nah. Never saw
the guy in my life.
-It's your father's work.
-Until he came in,
bustin' up the place, like...
So which one of you, um...
And which of one you, uh...
..decapitated the other one?
It's all happening again.
-He a zombie too?
-This is a bad sign.
-Don't get involved.
-You need to know.
-It's him!
-You want to do it.
-Your father's work!
-You need to do it.
-You have to stop him.
-Say yes.
-Say no.
-You need to do it.
-Not good!
-You need to do it.
-You want to do it.
-Say yes.
Run me through it.
[Brodie] OK, well,
I couldn't sleep, right?
So I was up at, like,
I dunno, 6am or somethin',
countin' this mad haul
from last week,
and everything's cool, dude,
Then I hear this sound outside.
There's a dude
just standing out the front
staring at us.
I thought maybe he was
a local tweaker, you know?
But this was weird.
-Then bang!
-[tense music builds]
A second guy
is smashing the door in.
So I grab a cricket bat,
thinking I'll, like,
scare him off,
but, dude,
this was something else, like,
I was not ready for this.
[echoing screams]
[Aaron] That's when I wake up.
Screaming -everywhere.
-I see these...things.
They were trying to eat him.
[Brodie] Yeah,
I almost lost a finger.
[Aaron] Anyway, we saw
no other option, you know?
Either we're dead
or they're dead.
So we...
[Brodie] We had to...
I had to...
Shit's fucked, man.
[narrator] The story
added little insight,
but mention of the money
was significant.
How exactly,
Van Aarle wasn't sure.
Tell me more about this money.
How'd you come across this...
'mad haul'?
We broke ground last week.
We saw a weakness
in a competitor's model
and we capitalised...
You cut in
on another dealer's game?
Dude, we straight-up
obliterated his game.
We're the new players
on the block. Right?
No-Arms has researched
the competition
and improved the recipes.
The public love it.
And we're gaining customers!
In just three...
You stole a recipe!
Improved! Like I said,
we're opening doors...
Cut the crap, alright?
You have no idea what
you're getting yourselves into.
-Do you think this is just...
-Don't baby us, Mr Van Aarle.
I know these guys
were sent here.
I know the competition
wants our heads.
That's why we called.
I want to know who they are,
I want to know where they are...
We called around.
Your name came up.
From who?
[Aaron] Hess.
[voices] What was she thinking?
-How dare she.
-People are going to die.
-Get out now.
-How dare she.
-This is a bad idea.
-Get out.
-Get out of there.
-Don't get involved.
-How many more will die?!
-Get out!
I have to use the bathroom.
[phone vibrating]
[woman] Ahoy-hoy?
[Van Aarle on phone] What
the hell were you thinking?
[woman] Nice to hear
from you too, Cliffy.
These guys are halfwits, Hess,
and yet you handball them
off to me?
How do you even know them?
Ah, you've met the dealers.
Look, they're alright.
I worked a job
with Double-A once.
Friend of a friend.
You know the dealio.
So you're on dumb nickname
basis too. Great.
How do you stand these guys,
Hey, I know they don't
look much, but they pay well.
OK? I know you need the money.
And this little fix
they got themselves in
-sounded right up your alley.
-So you know about the, uh...
I know about the zombies, yeah.
They called me crying and
screaming into the phone and...
..don't tell me
that you're gonna say no.
You know what this could mean?
You know I do.
That's why they need you.
..I don't need them.
The money, then.
What about your sister?
Ah. This is your way
of using leverage now?
Come on, Hess. I thought we
were better friends than that.
Look, I thought
I was doing you a favour.
I told them you're not cheap.
They should cough up the goods.
No, you don't understand.
I can see where this is going,
and it's not a good place.
I don't want
to do this anymore.
Too many people get hurt.
Fair enough.
Is that it?
Hey, it's your decision.
I understand.
No. None of this reverse
psychology crap, Hess, come on.
[voices] You can't
go through this again.
-Help the poor boys.
-Do it for your sister.
-Mind control.
-You know...
-Ditch them.
You're the only one
who can stop this.
You're all going to die!
-[coffee crunching]
-[kettle boiling]
[Van Aarle]
OK, first things first.
You two are in
some pretty deep shit.
Now, if I'm right,
whoever sent these men
has used some
pretty scary methods.
Namely - and this is
why I'm here -
mind control.
Now, these 'zombies'
have had their minds
invaded, broken.
They're what's known in
the industry as 'Hollow Men'.
Have either of you
searched the bodies?
Can you do it?
Make a Hollow Man?
And even if I could,
I wouldn't.
Out of all the ways
to abuse someone's mind...
..this is the worst.
[voices] Octopus.
-What does it mean?
[narrator] No name. No number.
Just the octopus.
[voices] Octopus.
-Where have you seen this...?
There's something about it.
[voices] What does it mean?
-This is not good.
[Van Aarle]
Mean anything to you?
Perhaps it should.
It's a calling card.
You know what this could mean.
-You killed your father.
-You can't deny it!
-He's dead.
-You need the money.
-He is gone.
-Get out of there.
-Do it for Louisa.
-He can't hurt you anymore.
-Yes, he can!
-He will!
-Daddy will never leave you.
Daddy will never leave you...
OK, I'll take the job,
but on one condition.
If I have to fire this weapon,
my fee goes up.
Now, I might be a criminal,
but I draw the line somewhere.
You two guys
are in very serious danger,
which means there is
a very high chance
more people are gonna die.
[tense music]
[narrator] Van Aarle
leaves pleased
with the price
that was negotiated,
knowing it will improve the
mood of his next appointment.
[voices] No backing out now.
-What will you tell your
-Are you being watched?
-You're in danger.
-You're too exposed!
-Get back to your car!
You're too exposed.
-You don't want to be late.
-There's no rush.
[narrator] As he makes
the long walk back to his car,
as usual, parked a block away
from his meeting,
he notices
that he is not alone.
[voices] White van!
-Don't look!
-Ten metres! Two men!
-Peripheral vision. Look.
-[engine starts]
-Don't move.
-Stand your ground.
-Stand your ground.
The God of Testosterone
had found his chosen ones
in these two.
[voice] Don't move.
[narrator] He won't admit it,
but he's glad to see them pass.
[voice] Just breathe.
[narrator] Only a recon team,
not assassins.
[voices] Car engine behind you.
-Behind you.
-[engine revs]
[narrator] This, however,
is something new.
A third party
is following the followers.
And it would appear that...
[discordant sting]
[voices] You're going insane.
-What is going on?
[narrator] Perhaps the caffeine
is affecting him more today.
[voices] Too much coffee.
-Are you going mad?
-Don't panic!
[narrator] As he finds himself
jumping blindly
into the deep end,
all he can think is...
[voices] No escape.
..curiosity killed the cat.
[faint mechanical
hissing, pulsing]
[narrator] To Van Aarle,
this is all reality is.
Peaks and troughs.
Everything that
defines a person.
All they see, touch, smell,
Lines so easily bent.
A scary thought.
[ventilator hissing, pulsing
As far as anyone can tell,
his sister is currently
a fully realised
reality of her own,
confined entirely
within her own mind.
[voice] You should have known.
[narrator] As real to her
as this room is to him.
[voice] It was him!
[narrator] If it weren't for
their psychotic father
using them as guinea pigs
in his mind-altering
[voices] Shut up, shut up!
-Don't talk about that, no...
Turns out I might have
the money we need, so...
..I can take care of you and... can come home.
[voices] Might?
[Louisa] Might?
I'm gonna have to do something.
Get involved with some things
that I promised myself
I wouldn't.
[Louisa] So you don't
want to do it.
Don't worry about the money.
It's not just about
getting you home.
These people, 'organisation',
whoever they are...
..they're bad.
[voices] Don't say it.
-They remind me of, well...
-Him! know.
If I do this...
..if I make it the last...
If I can get you home...
[Louisa] So you want
to be forgiven, is that it?
You know I don't blame you.
Ah, but that's just
what I want you to say.
You're just my brain
with her voice.
[Louisa] You know her, though.
You know how she'd feel.
Can't be that far off.
..ah, I can't take your...
my word for it.
..if I do nothing...
..I don't think I'll be able
to live it down.
Then you don't need my advice.
You already know.
Do what you need to do.
[voices] Coward. Your fault.
-You should've known.
-You've failed her.
How could you let him
do it to her?
-She's never gonna wake up.
-You should've done more!
-You owe her.
[timer beeps]
Well, that's my time up.
I'm, uh... to a meeting with
a gentleman named No-Arms.
We're having a pizza,
Mm, the people you meet
on this job, eh?
[ventilator continues]
One last time...
..I promise.
Cactus, candles and pizza.
In the palace
of the man named No-Arms.
Never has a man's nickname
been so misleading.
[eerie music]
So...where would you
like to begin?
[voices] You don't belong here.
-This is insane.
[narrator] The world didn't seem
to be making sense anymore.
But, rather than question it,
Van Aarle stuck to the case.
Your, um...
..'associates' tell me
that you came across
a rival chemist's recipe.
Started making knock-offs? product
is no 'knock-off'.
I make... out of other's garbage.
-I'm leading a renaissance...
-Who's...who's it from?
Look, truth is I don't know who
or where it's from.
My man Clyde doesn't give info
on his sources,
and I don't ask.
Makes it harder to squeal
if nobody knows.
Well, somebody knows.
Hey, put that down, and don't
hold it near a flame like that.
-Is this the new one?
[No-Arms] Yeah.
Hell of a kick too.
The rest is out back.
You can take some with you if
you like. It's gonna be a hit.
Can I try it?
Well, not near the candles,
It's flammable!
Besides, you know the rule.
"No-one gets high
in the palace."
It's a sacred place.
[voices] This is insane.
-These people...
OK, can we get back on track,
[clears throat]
we need to be proactive.
-OK? Turn this thing around.
-Not more of this...
-Every problem...
-That's enough, shut them up. an opportunity
in disguise. And now that--
-Do you recognise this?
-[card slaps]
This is Joubini's card.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on,
you stole from the Joubini?
-Fuck, man!
-What's the connection?
[narrator] Curious.
Joubini is a ghost.
Supposedly the head
of a secretive drug empire,
only nobody has ever met him...
[voice] Hypnosis.
[narrator] ..heard him speak,
never even received
written orders.
Not even the dealers who claim
to sell his product--
No. That's just
an urban legend.
How do you know?
I saw a card like this
a few years ago.
Only this once.
A man I used to work for
claimed he was the Joubini.
Wanted people to fear him,
I guess.
He was head
of a growing drug ring.
Doing well.
With my drugs, of course.
And, well,
nobody questioned it.
Nobody knew Joubini.
Maybe he was?
We just all went along with it.
Until he was murdered.
We knew then
who the real Joubini was.
The card was nailed to him.
-And he was...
[voices] Slaughtered.
-Bad news.
-You could be next.
-Nobody knows.
We shit ourselves.
We hid the evidence,
pretended it never happened.
We never spoke
of Joubini again.
[narrator] Somehow, something in
the back of Van Aarle's head...
This seems to make sense.
[voice] You should be
very afraid.
Not even the dealers who...
-Trust me, if I had known...
Joubini's drugs are the most
popular on the market...
[narrator] Not even
the dealers had met him.
[voices] Just like your father.
-[Aaron continues]
-You're all going to die!
We're fucked. He's gonna turn
us into, like, zombies or...
-No. Think...
-This is insane.
-It can't be a coincidence.
-Your father's method!
-Hollow Men!
-Get out now.
-You can't escape.
-[Aaron continues]
-It's worse than you thought!
-We're not going after him.
-We make a deal, maybe...
[Van Aarle] No, no.
-..but we stop this.
It's too late
for any of that now.
-[phone vibrating]
-[tense music]
-It's Clyde.
[Van Aarle] Your guy?
Tell him we need
to speak to him now.
Yo, yo, yo?
Hey... Hang on, what?
Where are you?
OK, dude, you're gonna be OK,
Well, just get out of there now.
We'll meet at the safe house,
Clyde's in trouble.
[discordant sting]
[narrator] Clyde
definitely was in trouble,
and now so are they.
-There goes our lead.
[voices] Why here?
-How did they find him?
[narrator] The trail is cold.
But then a darker thought
occurs to Van Aarle.
[voices] It's a trap!
-You'll need your gun.
-Whoa! Come on, man, I mean...
-The phone call.
Is that really necessary?
You suggested the safe house,
Did he sound weird
to you on the phone?
-He was already captured.
-Uh, kinda.
Yeah, oh, come to think of it,
he sounded...
Can we just think before
we go pulling out our guns, OK?
-[cocks gun]
-Shoot him.
-No, man. This is too much.
-What the fuck is going on?
-You walked straight into it.
-You're all dead.
-It's a trap.
-You walked straight into it.
-Hollow Men.
-Mind control...
-How many more will die?
You're all going to die.
[distant thud]
-Did you hear that?
-Did you hear that?
-A sound.
-Car door.
-In the street.
Footsteps. A group.
-Don't let them in.
-Lock the door!
-[Brodie shouts]
[Brodie] Oh, Jesus Christ!
-What the fuck?!
-[loud roaring]
-[banging on door]
-[intense screaming, groaning]
[Van Aarle]
Find a weapon, anything.
We just walked into
a fucking trap!
[screaming and groaning
[Brodie yelps]
-[banging on door continues]
-[screaming, commotion]
[Brodie] We're dead, we're
dead, we're dead, we're dead.
Oh, we're dead.
We're dead, we're dead.
[Brodie screams]
[screaming, roaring]
[Brodie] We're dead, we're
dead, we're dead. We're dead.
[screaming, roaring
-[Brodie wails]
[Aaron] There's nothing here.
-[glass smashes]
-[screaming intensifies]
[Brodie screams]
[roaring intensifies]
-[tense music swells]
-[door rattles violently]
[intense screaming, clamouring]
[menacing music]
[voices] What was that?
-Behind you!
-Turn around.
-[glass smashes]
-Down the hall.
[roaring, commotion]
[No-Arms struggles]
[discordant electronic music
[screaming, commotion
[woman shrieks]
[shrieking, wailing]
[shrieking, wailing
[discordant music escalates]
[screaming, commotion
-[commotion stops]
-[high-pitched ringing]
[discordant music blares]
[distant screaming, wailing]
[frantic panting]
-[engine starts]
[distant screaming, hollering]
[discordant sting]
[hollering intensifies]
[Brodie] Oh, fuck!
-[banging on windows]
-Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!
-[Brodie screams]
[Aaron] go! Go!
Go, man! Let's go! [wails]
[engine revving]
[phone vibrating]
Hess, I need you
to do some digging
on a man named Joubini.
[Hess] Would it kill you
to say hello?
[narrator] Hess had the coffee
ready before Van Aarle arrived.
This means she has bad news.
[Hess] Well...sounds like
you had quite a night.
Sorry I got you into this.
Yeah, well...
someone's gotta do something.
And you were right.
It has to be me.
And you getting paid?
Enough to take Louisa home?
You can afford to
take care of her by yourself?
Yeah, there's plenty.
Enough that I can afford to...
[bones crack] it quits after this job
and just focus on her.
Which, you know,
is the least I could do.
-You're too hard on yourself.
[voice] Change the subject.
[narrator] She stalls.
Van Aarle didn't come here
to talk about the past.
..none of this really matters
if we all end up dead.
Or worse.
Right. Your mystery man.
[voice] She has nothing.
[narrator] She has bad news.
Please don't tell me.
Never in my life
have I worked so hard
to find nothing!
Just rumours,
spooky story shit.
Anyone who actually
knows this guy
is either dead or so scared...
Surely you can trace
the, um, drugs, or the product?
That I can tell you about.
It's called Syn.
Short for some chemical dealio.
Highly psychoactive,
and I mean highly.
It's the only thing I can tie
back to the name Joubini,
but I don't know
where it comes from.
Nobody does!
Not even the dealers know.
[voices] Forgotten.
-Why doesn't anybody remember?
Apparently the stuff just
'turns up' on their doorstep.
You know what that sounds like.
Like their memories
have been erased.
[voice] Just like your father.
Yeah, it makes sense,
with...with the Hollow Men,
and the psychoactive drugs...
-This has to stop now.
It's all very...familiar.
Just like your father.
Someone's been reading up
on your father's work.
-It can't be coincidence.
I thought
they banned that shit!
Agh! This can't be happening!
-You killed your father.
-He broke you.
I can't let anyone else
end up like Louisa.
Like me.
I really, really wanna stop
this piece of shit
but we've got no leads, Hess.
He's just gonna pick us off
one by one.
Look, I get it, I get it.
Just...there might be a way.
What if you track down
one of these dealers?
I mean, they may not
remember now, but...
..who knows what's locked away
in their pretty little heads?
That... OK.
That is a good idea,
which I would have
gotten to eventually.
I know you would, love.
And why not
take Brodie with you?
He knows the streets
a bit better.
[voice] Anyone but him.
[narrator] As much
as he loathes the idea,
she raises a good point.
Narrator agrees with me,
doesn't he?
[voices] Just do it.
-You can't back out now.
Alright. Alright.
But I'm gonna need
a lot more coffee.
[voices] Why are you here?
-A terrible idea.
-How embarrassing...
-Not enough coffee.
-What were you thinking?
-Just leave.
-Go back to bed.
-This is pointless.
-This is a bad idea.
-A terrible idea.
-What are you doing?
-This is a bad idea.
-Go home.
-Calm down.
[narrator] Waiting outside
Hess's out-of-town safe house
is growing tiresome.
Brodie is a sleeper.
[voice] How long
do we have to wait?
[narrator] The drive out itself
took an hour
and Van Aarle
was growing weary.
The double-shot of caffeine
is working wonders
for his paracusia,
but he worries only one thermos
won't last the journey ahead.
[voices] This was
a terrible idea.
-He's useless.
-You're wasting your time.
-You're wasting your time.
-Just go with it.
[voices stop]
You alright?
[exhales] Nup.
[emotionally] Man... I don't
want to do this anymore.
that's the business.
Well... know...
Anyway, best put it
out of your mind.
We got work to do
and I need you on your game.
-Right. Right.
-[engine starts]
Stop saying 'right'.
[Van Aarle]
I need you to tell me
where Joubini's dealers hang,
the street corners they use,
the territory.
-Shit, man, I dunno.
-[mellow music plays on radio]
Nobody knows
who Joubini uses on any day.
Sometimes you hear about a dude
who's got the stuff,
and then, like, next week
he's gone.
Well, can you point me
towards people who might know?
-Waste of time.
[Brodie] Uh, well...OK, well...
It's going to be a long night.
[dark atonal
instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music swells]
[music fades]
[narrator] Van Aarle
has run out of both coffee
Talking is useless
with these people.
They're either frightened
or stupid,
and, either way, results--
Dude, I'm really sorry
about this.
[music playing in distance]
Look, it's not your fault.
The whole town's
shitting themselves anyway.
Yeah, well...
Oh, it's just around here.
Dude, I was really hoping we
wouldn't have to see this guy.
We do not get along.
But if we have to, like,
he's the last dude I know.
Look, it's fine, alright?
Leave the talking to me.
Now, what's this guy's name?
[narrator] Skeleton.
Chief thug wrangler
of the Soulless -
the most bloodthirsty gang
in town.
This is good.
It means
what Van Aarle plans to do
can be done free of guilt.
[dubstep music pounding]
[thug 1] Oi! Skel!
If it ain't my little bitch,
Lemon Fresh.
[thug 2] Yeah, Lemon Fresh!
[Skeleton] Good to see ya!
[thug 2] Good to see ya, buddy.
[Skeleton] Where's ya boyfriend?
-[thugs laugh]
-Oi, where's ya boyfriend?
[thug 2] Yeah, where is he?
-[snaps fingers]
You're talking to me, alright?
-Who the fuck are you?
-Yeah. Who the fuck?!
-The fuck are you?!
-Who do you think you are?
-What are you doing here?
-Oh, big tough guy!
[voices] Weapons.
-Hockey stick.
-Possible knife.
[thug 2]
Who do you think you are?
Look, I'm in the market
for Joubini's drugs.
-You guys know who's slinging?
-Why are ya askin'?
Because I wanna buy some drugs.
That's how dealers work, right,
What the fuck
did you just say to me?
Do you know?
This little bitch
tell ya that I knew?
[thug 1] Yeah, did this
little bitch tell ya? Huh?
-Let him go.
-Yeah? Make me!
-Yeah, make him!
[thug 2] Yeah, bitch.
-[thugs cackle]
-[sirens wails in distance]
[thug 2] Get outta here.
Look, I'm tired. I've been
walking around all day.
All I need is just one little
simple answer, alright?
You ain't buying.
What are ya, a cop?
I ain't telling you shit!
[Brodie] Man, I told you
this was a bad idea!
[thug 2] What's that, bitch?
What? What was that? What?!
[thugs laugh]
Get the fuck outta here
before my boy
makes your boy scream--
Scream, bitch!
Yeah? What's he gonna do?
[mocking] Make him scream,
bitch? Yeah? Wait, hang on.
[thug 1] Your mate's
gonna get himself killed.
[voices] You sure you know
what you're doing?
-Is he gonna make him scream?
-Hey, fuck you!
-Great job...
-[thugs cackle]
-Hope you have a plan.
-You're fucked now, mate.
-Don't screw this up.
Yeah, fuck him up.
Alright, you're stronger
than me, I admit it.
-Teach him a lesson!
-You're big strong boys.
-You win.
-Pussy. [spits]
[exaggerating] Guys, no, don't
pick up that hockey stick...
-Yeah, teach him!
-Oh, no, we're gonna fight!
-Grab the hockey stick.
-He's not ready.
[thug groans]
[thug grunts]
Well done!
[thug moans]
[bones crack]
[Van Aarle] No, no, no, no.
No, you don't.
I'm sorry...
..but then again I don't really
have much patience
for people like you.
Why do we have to fight,
hey, Skeleton?
Can't we just talk?
Fuck you!
[Van Aarle] Hey, Skeleton.
Have you heard
of testicular torsion?
It happens when
your spermatic cord twists,
cutting off all circulation.
-Don't struggle, my friend.
You're're only
gonna make it worse.
[Van Aarle] Have you heard
the name Joubini?
[Skeleton gasps]
With a twist,
you will feel the worst pain
you have ever felt.
[breathlessly] Joubini...
You don't know
who you're fucking with.
And then there's the nausea,
the vomiting.
[Skeleton gags]
The dealer.
He'll kill you.
He'll kill anyone
he thinks helped you.
So, after hours
of unfathomable agony,
you suffer what's called
irreversible ischaemia.
And then...
you're no longer a man.
Fuck you!
[Van Aarle] Uh, no.
You won't be fucking anyone.
We'll do this
on the count of three.
[Skeleton groans and whimpers]
[narrator] Skeleton turned out
to be a true gentleman.
His helpful information
leads them down into the seedy
underbelly of the city
and directly to their bounty.
Now, just like last time,
I'll take care of this.
He looks pretty cooked, man.
You just stay here. OK?
[rocks clattering in distance]
[siren wailing in distance]
[tense music]
[Brodie] Oh, shit!
-Gentle does it.
What the hell, man?
That was some straight-up
wizard shit right there.
It's called snap induction.
This guy's already
highly suggestible.
That's why Joubini chose him.
All I did was interrupt an
automatic unthinking response.
Shaking hands is a good one
because... that split second
the brain freaks out
and I can get in there.
Holy shit!
That shit's scary, man.
Which is what makes someone
like Joubini so dangerous.
Can you hear me?
[monotone] Yes.
What is your name?
Can you tell me
why you're here, Ian?
[voices] This looks familiar.
I mustn't say.
-Worse than you thought.
-This is bad.
Why not, Ian?
Much worse.
I mustn't say.
-He's gone.
-Another dead end.
Ian, where do you come from?
Be patient.
I mustn't say.
-All gone.
[Van Aarle]
Ian, where do you live?
Your father
never went this far.
-I don't know.
-This is more advanced.
How old are you, Ian?
-This is more advanced.
-Joubini is more dangerous.
-Nothing left.
-More frightening!
[slaps ground] I don't know.
-You're wasting your time.
-They've gotten to him.
[faint splashing]
Ian, where did you come from
before you came here?
This is evil.
I mustn't say.'s alright.
-[rocks clattering]
You're safe here.
No-one's gonna hurt you.
-You aren't up to this.
-Be careful.
I don't know.
[Van Aarle] Calm down.
-The hand!
-He may have a trigger.
-You have to stop now.
Do you recognise
the name Joubini?
Ian, wait. No, Ian, no...
Don't let him go!
Ian, no! No!
-You need him alive!
-The pills!
No! Ian, no, no...
-He doesn't deserve this.
-Ian, no!
-Ian, no...
-Keep him awake.
Ian! Stop, don't!
-He's taken them.
Poor boy, never had a chance.
-He's taken them.
-He's gone.
-Shit. Jesus, Ian.
-You've lost another chance.
-He's gone.
[menacing music]
[man, African accent]
Do not move...
..or I will touch your brain.
Take out your gun
and throw it away.
-He's seen your gun.
[narrator] Van Aarle wonders
how the mystery man
knows he has a gun,
but he does not question it
as he carries out the order.
[voices] He's seen your gun.
-He knows.
-Dressed up...
-He saw you.
-It was him.
-Dressed up...
-The car.
-He saw you.
-The wolf man.
Ah. So you must be the guy
who dresses like a wolf.
No, I'm not!
How do you know this?
[Van Aarle] Look, we aren't
a threat to each other.
So if you just let go,
we can talk.
Do not reach for the weapon.
I am a skilled warrior.
Why are you following me,
Mr, uh...?
I am LoneWolf, of course.
Of course.
[LoneWolf] Why are you following
the man I am following?
I'm not. They're following me.
Why? How are you involved?
It's a long story.
Why are you following them?
I am hunting Joubini.
So we're on the same team.
LoneWolf works alone.
Of course.
But we have the same goal, so
maybe we could help each other.
LoneWolf works alone.
Look, it's advice, you moron!
I'm not saying we start some
sort of super-league or...
Do not mock me.
Sorry. It's been a long day.
Say, you wouldn't happen
to have any coffee
in that, uh, utility belt
of yours, would you?
Why would I?
[sighs] Never mind.
-I'm after Joubini as well.
-No. He is my nemesis.
Fine. Do you know where he is?
[LoneWolf] I have
my suspicions.
-And they are?
-My suspicions.
You do not know
what you are dealing with.
-Calm down.
-Don't say anything stupid.
I dunno why people
keep saying that.
I'm the only one who does know.
You'll piss him off.
If I have to hear
one more fucking lecture
-from another fucking crazy...
-He's going to attack!
[narrator] LoneWolf attempts
to strike Van Aarle...
..successfully embarrasses
Van Aarle
with three very hard punches.
[voices] Calm down.
-Catch your breath.
[narrator] Good thing
the boy is out cold
and nobody else
is around to watch.
[voice] You deserved it. can handle yourself.
-He's better than you.
-[grunts] I'll give you that.
-Catch your breath.
-Don't lose your edge.
Running out of leads.
-No more options.
-Just sit for a while, stay.
[faint rummaging]
-Don't screw this up.
-Just sit for a while.
-Just sit for a while.
-Don't screw this up!
You recognise this kid?
He isn't listening.
[narrator] This is Van Aarle's
last chance to get a lead.
Unless LoneWolf for some reason
decides to die right there
as well.
At this stage,
anything seems possible.
So do I.
[voice] You'll have to
do better...
[narrator] The wolf
won't take the bait.
[Van Aarle] He's a trolley boy
at the local...
[LoneWolf] You are a fool.
[voices] Bait him.
-Insult him.
Ah. You don't know, you fake.
He is Ian Meatheringham.
I see him at the hotel.
What? The Magical Elf Hotel?
No, you fool! The Acacia!
You are a crafty man.
So you say you see him.
You didn't say he works there.
No more of this.
You tricked me.
[Van Aarle] Yeah.
So you reckon
the real Joubini operates
out of this Acacia place?
[narrator] Of course, he would
have a cover operation.
Acacia plants are also known
for their
psychoactive properties.
The math checks out so far...
Enough of this.
I have what I need.
-Do not follow me.
-Or what?
We're both
after the same thing.
I will finally destroy Joubini.
How do you even know
you got the right place?
This guy's smarter than that.
I have hunted this man
a long time.
I am certain
victory will be mine.
I think you're making
a mistake.
Do not interfere.
LoneWolf works...alone!
[discordant sting]
[LoneWolf howls]
[voice] What is happening?
-[LoneWolf continues howling]
[narrator] It's some time
before Van Aarle
pulls himself together.
[voices] Have you gone mad?
-You've gone insane.
[narrator] As LoneWolf's howls
echo into the darkness,
he struggles
to make sense of things.
[voice] Give up now!
What is going on?!
[narrator] Nobody
gives an adequate answer.
Shut up!
He his own mind.
[voices] Just go home.
-Calm down.
-Leave the boy here.
-Collect your thoughts.
[voices overlapping]
[narrator] Lack of sleep
and litres of coffee
are taking their toll.
The voices are getting louder.
[voices] Louisa needed you.
-She was helpless.
[narrator] His thoughts dwell
on his sister, his failures.
[voice] He'll do
the same to you.
[narrator] What was done to her,
Joubini can do much worse,
and he can't let that--
..ridiculous to be following
a lead from a man
dressed as a wolf,
but what choice does he have...
..remain alert
for the long drive out there.
He needs his wits sharp
if he's to find the man
behind Joubini.
Assuming the wolf was right.
[ominous music]
[crows cawing]
[voices] Where are you going?
-You're a failure!
-Just go.
-You'll never win!
-You shouldn't be here.
-A suicide mission.
-Kill them all!
-It's too risky.
-Kill them all!
-[voices stop]
[crows cawing]
Where are the security cameras?
-Watch out!
-They're onto you!
They could already be watching.
-Watch out for the tall men!
-Keep a low profile.
-Try to blend in.
-They could be anywhere.
[narrator] There aren't
many people around.
He keeps an eye peeled
for security cameras.
[voices] They could be anywhere.
-Watch for security.
-You're wasting your time!
-A vehicle is coming...
-It's a van.
-Watch out for the tall men.
-The white van!
-You've seen it before.
-[vehicle humming in distance]
-A vehicle.
You're imagining things!
-You're starting to go mad!
-You've seen it before.
You're imagining things.
You don't have a plan.
Don't draw attention
to yourself.
-Act normal.
-Where are you going?
-Where are you going?
-Stick to quiet places.
-The staff might have a clue.
-You need to ask around.
Who is the manager?
You need to ask around.
[narrator] First objective...
[voice] They might be Hollow!
[narrator] to find staff members.
Check their mental state.
Any sign that
this is the right place.
[voices] Where are you going?
-Look out!
-You're completely exposed.
-Look out, behind you.
-On the wall!
-The painting.
Something's wrong.
-On the wall.
-Something's wrong.
[narrator] Not your usual
pleasant scene.
There is something unnerving
about this.
[voices] It's just a painting.
-You're in a trap.
You're overreacting!
-There's somebody...
-Follow her.
-Excuse me. Excuse me.
Seems normal enough...
Sorry, I, um, I'm looking
for the bathroom,
but I'm certain
I've gotten lost.
I thought it was that way,
but then when I got there,
it wasn't.
[narrator] The eyes.
A bad sign.
What are you doing?
Could mean nothing, though.
I was hoping you could point me
in the right direction.
[voices] Wait, peripheral!
-A sound!
-Heavy footsteps.
-A sound, walking.
-Heavy footsteps.
-Heavy footsteps.
-On the left.
-Coming towards you.
-What are you doing?!
[Van Aarle] Shh!
-Walking fast...
[narrator] Not much resistance.
[voices] No resistance.
-Don't let them see you.
-Make an excuse.
-Getting closer.
-Make an excuse.
I'm on the run from
my girlfriend. We had a fight.
[narrator] Or maybe
the girl is just slow.
I don't understand.
[voices] Five metres.
-Is it the big man?
-Stay still!
He's going to see you.
It can't be a coincidence!
Follow him.
-[footsteps creaking]
-Is it a coincidence?
Who's that? Does he work here?
I don't know.
[narrator] Not a good sign.
[voices] It can't be
a coincidence.
-You're not safe here.
-You need to know!
You're not safe here.
You didn't get
a good look at him.
-Confirm it's the same man.
-Your cover is blown.
Uh, the bathroom's...
Right. Thanks.
-You're walking into danger.
-Your cover is blown.
-Stay alert.
-Stay alert.
-He's getting away.
-Don't lose the big man.
He's getting away!
Don't let him sneak up on you.
[narrator] The more
he thinks about it,
the more he feels he is in
the belly of the beast.
[voices] Stay alert! Behind you!
-He's getting away.
-Behind you!
-Look out!
-[both grunt]
-Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't see you there.
-Was it an accident?
-No. It was my bad.
I, um, wasn't watching
where I was going.
-And I'm in a hurry, so...
-It certainly seems that way.
Are you staying here
at the hotel?
Why is he talking like that?
No. My friend is.
I'm on my way to meet him now.
..I'll let you go.
-What just happened?
-Did you just imagine that?
How can you be sure?
-How can you be sure?
You can't afford
to make another mistake.
[narrator] Van Aarle
has lost track of the big man
but senses that he is looking
in the right place.
[voices] Maybe
you're onto something.
Another painting.
-Something's wrong...
-Form constant...
-You are in danger...
-What does it mean?
-Form constant...
-Pay attention!
Spiral patte--!
[narrator] ..seems to remember
the big man heading outside.
Unfortunately the garden
appears to be
as much a labyrinth
as the hotel itself.
[voices] Where did he go?
-Have you had lunch?
-You need to identify him!
-You're getting sick.
-You're getting sick.
-What time is it?
-Is it him?
-Certainly seems that way.
-Don't follow him.
-Are you staying at the hotel?
-Get out of here now!
-No, stop.
-You're running in circles!
-You need to rest.
-Where did he go?
[narrator] This 'mystery man'
is a slippery customer.
Something about this flower
[voices] You're exposed!
-Look at the flower.
[narrator] ..familiar.
[voice] Get out of there now!
[faint tapping]
You've snapped.
His attention is slipping.
He doesn't quite remember
how he got in here.
[voices] You're safe here.
-Get out of there!
..started as a simple recon
has turned into a chore.
All he needs to do
is identify the big man,
and he knows
he has the right place.
If only he could concentrate.
[voices] Find your room!
-Seems that way...
-Seems that way.
Find your room.
-[voices distorting]
Staying at the hotel...
[voices continue]
[narrator] Van Aarle
had been searching
for what seemed an eternity.
And here comes
the waiter again.
Something is definitely wrong
[voice] It was him.
[narrator] The water
has no effect.
Van Aarle is in
a certifiably bad state,
but he's not about to pack
it in over one slight hitch.
-[faint thudding]
[voices] Listen, listen.
-Heavy footsteps!
-Big guy!
-Toilet cubicle!
[tense music]
Does he know you're here?
[narrator] This is ridiculous.
Surely he's being paranoid.
[door opens]
[voices] Are you
imagining everything?
[footsteps thud]
-Does he know you're here?
-Are you imagining everything?
-Where's the other one?
-Where's the other one?
-[melodious ringtone]
[man] Yes?
-[footsteps approaching]
-[tense music builds]
[man grunts]
[door rattles]
[man sighs heavily]
[footsteps receding]
[narrator] There is
always the possibility
that he's barking up
entirely the wrong--
-..Aarle feels vulnerable.
[voice] Blinding.
[narrator] And the sun seems
brighter all of a sudden.
[voices] You're not safe!
-Why is it so bright?
-Perfectly safe.
-Go back inside.
-Why is it so bright?
-Go out into the garden.
Perhaps it would be best
to scope the place
from outside.
He decides
to head out into the ga--
..inside the hotel.
After all,
he isn't actually in any hurry.
[muffled voices]
[narrator] Although
something about this decision
seems strange in hindsight.
[voices] Stay alert.
-Seems like it...
Stay alert!
-Stay... Stay...
-Everything is fine.
-This is normal.
-This is normal...
[narrator] Though he can't
place a finger on it...
[voice] Stabbing pain
in your left arm!
[narrator] ..he senses
something is very wrong.
[voices] Stabbing pain
in your left arm.
You're going to die.
[narrator] Here's the man now.
[voices] Here they come.
-Talk to them.
-[cocks gun]
[narrator] At least he knows
he's in the right place.
Please...look into this.
[melodious ringtone]
-[static crackling]
[man, in slow-motion]
Good. Don't fight it.
[slowing down] Everything's...
..going to be alright...
[beeping, static fades]
[Van Aarle gasps]
[lights buzzing]
[Van Aarle struggles]
[lights flickering]
[door closes]
[gate creaks]
[menacing music builds]
[Joubini, deep and distorted]
You may leave us.
I think he's settled down
from before.
Just relax.
Everything is
going to be alright.
You trust me now, don't you?
Cliff Van Aarle.
Son of Dr Hugo Van Aarle.
I suppose it was only
a matter of time
before we met.
Even still, I am surprised
by how resistant you are
to my...techniques.
Your father must have passed
a few things on to you.
[Joubini] He passed a few
things on to me as well.
Oh. Didn't you know?
He had...a student.
People said he was extreme,
but I thought he was
conservative, soft.
His methods were extreme.
[Joubini] Well, you would know,
wouldn't you?
Tell me, your sister.
Is she alright?
I heard she had an accident.
I don't want
to talk about that.
[Joubini] Oh.
Is it too painful?
You know, I can help with that.
You just have to let me in!
-[melodious ringtone]
-[Van Aarle gasps]
[Joubini] The drugs should
be working better now.
You're feeling more
talkative, aren't you?
[Joubini] Good.
Now you are going to tell me
where you've hidden
your little dealer friends,
Aaron and Brodie.
[Joubini] No?
You're hypnotising me.
You can't make me
do anything I don't want to do.
[Joubini] Ha!
You know better than that!
Did your father
teach you nothing?
You will let me in.
You want to.
Because, yes, I can help you.
[Joubini] The pain
your father caused you,
I can make it...
..go away.
I can even help your sister.
Would you like that?
[Joubini] But you have to
give me what I want, too.
You and I are cooperating.
Don't you agree?
[Joubini] You agree entirely.
[Joubini] Good.
Feel the warmth of this light.
You are safe here.
Very safe in this light.
I'm going to go deeper
into your mind now,
and you will welcome me gladly.
Your secrets
will become my secrets.
Just drift back
and let the light
wash over you...
[distorted voice continues]
-[garbled screams]
-[distorted speech, laughter]
[garbled screaming continues]
[deep distorted laughter]
[slow-motion screaming]
[dull explosion]
[unsettling music builds]
[Joubini] Stay here,
Mr Van Aarle.
[voices] He's inside your head.
[Joubini] There is nothing
to be afraid of.
You are my guest here.
-You need help.
-What your father did!
Is this how Louisa felt?
He remembers this pain,
the day he first heard
the narrator.
[voices] You're wasting away!
-Your mind is shutting down.
[narrator] He needs to focus.
[voices] Keep your eyes open.
-What was that?
-[distant gunshots]
-What was that?
-[alarms blare in distance]
-[glass shatters]
[clunking grows louder]
[door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
[alarms continue]
[LoneWolf] You idiot!
What are you doing here?
He has to concentrate,
but the hollow abyss
is calling.
I underestimated Joubini.
We both need to
get out of here.
-They will be back...
-Take the long elevator down.
[LoneWolf] ..with more men.
-Falling apart.
-You're dying!
-This is the end.
-Keep your eyes open!
-[voices fade]
[LoneWolf] Wake up, you fool!
-He's inside your head!
-Where are you?
-Keep moving.
Look out...
[alarm continues]
[LoneWolf] Stand back
while I eliminate these men.
You might need some help.
[LoneWolf] You are in no state.
Besides, LoneWolf works alone.
[grunting, struggling]
[screaming, grunting]
[pot clangs]
[voices] Getting smaller.
-Keep your eyes open!
No space, can't breathe...
Which way is up?
All gone.
You need help.
-[alarm blaring]
-[men shouting, banging]
Can you run?
[shouting, banging continues]
It is time to run.
-You just have to...
-You're wasting away.
-Join Louisa.
[LoneWolf] Come on. Keep going.
-Keep up. Come on.
-Your mind is shutting down.
[LoneWolf] Stay awake. Hurry.
Stay awake.
-Listen to me.
-Getting smaller...
[LoneWolf] You need to
get to help. Breathe.
-No space.
[LoneWolf] Breathe.
[LoneWolf] You will be OK.
[LoneWolf] I have a plan.
-Getting smaller...
-Don't breathe!
[voices fade]
[alarm continues]
[LoneWolf] Breathe.
Try to remember this.
Try to remember...
[LoneWolf] Try to remember.
-[men shouting]
[LoneWolf] Now run!
-[men shouting]
-[gunfire echoing]
[LoneWolf hollers]
[gunfire fades]
[menacing music]
-Wake up!
-Get up.
-Where are you?
-Not dead?
Get up!
[Hess] Hey.
Hey, breathe. It's OK.
It's OK.
-How did you get here?
-I've got you. You're safe.
-How did you get here?
-How did you get here?
God, I'm an idiot.
I found him, Hess. I...
-[slaps floor]
-What happened?
-What happened to you?
He was inside your head.
What... What did he do to me?
He fucked you up.
He started doing
what your father did... Louisa.
It's a miracle
you even made it here.
You were pretty far gone, so...
..I had to hypnotise you.
For quite a while.
But I...I think I got him out.
If it wasn't for...
..that...that crazy brain
of yours... might not be here.
Thank you.
[voices] You told him.
-He was inside your head!
-The safe house.
-Aaron and Brodie.
Betrayed them.
Oh, God! What did I say to him?
They could already be captured.
-You betrayed them.
[Hess] Hey.
-Hey. No. You're in no shape.
-I don't have much time.
I've gotta check
on Brodie and Aaron.
No! I'll go. You need to rest.
Hess. Hess...
[melodious ringtone]
What is it?
Whose phone is that?
-Not your phone.
-You recognise that sound.
-You're doomed!
-You recognise that sound.
[narrator] He feels
compelled to answer,
hoping Hess's exorcism
was successful.
You said you fixed me up,
[voices] You've lost.
You're doomed.
[ringtone continues]
[narrator] Fingers crossed.
[Joubini] Sorry to see you
leave so early yesterday.
But I'm calling to thank you
for your information.
I found your friends
in the secret house.
I have your 'pet wolf' too.
But don't worry,
I'm going to take
good care of them.
And now for my side
of our bargain.
This is the only way
to ease your pain.
You will get into your car
and head out onto the freeway.
You will increase your speed,
and with each kilometre,
you will feel more alive,
more free.
Your pain will diminish
as you accelerate.
You will feel
as if you're flying.
When you are going
as fast as your car will allow,
you will turn the wheel
as hard as you can.
The car is your pain.
Destroy the car and be free
of all your hurt and suffering.
You always wanted to be free,
didn't you?
[Joubini] Good.
Go now and be free.
You've been a great help.
And don't worry,
I'll make sure your sister
is well looked after.
[snaps phone shut]
[discordant sting]
-[phone clatters]
What is it?
He has...he has
all of them, Hess!
You have no idea
how much I want to murder
this son of a bitch!
Where's he taking them?
-Surely not to the hotel.
[narrator] All seems lost.
If only Van Aarle
were to search his pockets,
he would find
the clue he needs.
[voices] Search your pockets!
Please tell me
you know what this is.
[narrator] The Wolf
must have changed his mind.
[voice] You don't have time.
-Tracking device.
Looks cheap.
There's no signal here.
Where'd you get this?
[voices] It was the wolf man.
-No, don't bother.
Nah, it's too hard to explain.
Do you still have the stuff
from the good old days?
-You know I do.
Good. I'm gonna need your van.
-No, don't bother.
-Stop and think.
It's probably best
if you drive.
You have a plan?
Oh...I've got a plan.
[urgent music]
[narrator] Van Aarle's idea
is pretty vague.
A roll-with-the-punches
style plan.
One that requires 'borrowing'
some supplies.
Who knows
what they'll be walking into?
[flicks glass]
[narrator] He figures No-Arms
won't argue.
[door clangs]
Holy shit, Van Aarle.
[narrator] There are
enough combustibles in here
to level a small town,
and this suits Van Aarle
quite nicely.
You know, I never thought
I'd say this, but...
..thank God for No-Arms.
My hero.
Are you really thinking
what I think you're thinking?
You reckon all this
will fit in the van?
Right. Let's get to work.
We don't have much time.
[LoneWolf screaming]
Stay away from me! Agh!
Get away!
[Joubini] Run!
[pants, grunts]
[Joubini] Run, little wolf!
Run as if your life
depended on it!
[menacing music builds]
[pants frantically]
Fear is all in the mind.
[gasps deeply]
[laboured panting]
[eerie music]
[thunder rumbling gently]
[gasps softly]
Where am I?
[Joubini] Where do you think?
[LoneWolf gasps]
Release me!
[Joubini] I can't do anything.
We are inside your head...
..right now.
You see, I can't let you go,
because you don't want to.
I am in here.
It is mine.
And here we do as I please.
[grunts furiously]
[glass breaking]
[inhales deeply]
[laboured panting]
[LoneWolf] Take off your mask!
[Joubini] That's rich...
coming from you.
Very well.
Is that better?
What's wrong? Does
my appearance distress you?
What are you?
[Joubini] I am a figment.
I am whatever I tell you I am.
I am fear.
I am pain.
I am the last thing
you will ever see.
[LoneWolf screams]
[Joubini] Do you feel that?
[Joubini] The pain
all over your body.
[bones cracking]
[Joubini] The fear.
[Joubini] Will this pain
keep getting worse?
I promise you, it will!
[Joubini] But how much worse?
[panting intensely]
[groans, gurgles]
[Joubini laughs]
[Joubini] You may think
you know torture
in the waking world.
But believe me when I tell you,
it is nothing compared to this!
[gurgles, groans]
[Joubini] Pain like nothing
you've ever felt before.
Insects crawling,
biting under your skin.
[LoneWolf moans]
[Joubini] Your bones like
thorns in your flesh.
[bones crunching]
[Joubini] Tearing! Burning!
Breaking...again and again!
[roaring] And again and again!
[gurgles, moans in agony]
[gasps deeply]
[pants, sobs]
[Joubini] When you
were a little boy,
did you ever imagine
this would be the way it ended?
I bet you imagined
all sorts of greatness.
Everyone does.
Everyone dreams.
But the thing
about dreams is...
..they're all in your head.
Your little stupid heads.
You all think you're so strong,
so powerful.
But the truth is...'re all weak to me.
[discordant music blares]
[gasping for air]
[gasping stops]
[Joubini laughs]
[Joubini] Well...
..who wants to go next?
[both whimpering]
[voices] Stay calm.
-Stay calm.
-Don't panic.
-Time is running out.
-You have to save the boys.
-Time is running out.
-They're already dead!
-Brodie and Aaron...
-Stay calm.
-They need your help.
They're already dead.
-They're being tortured.
-He'll make them suffer.
Don't let them
end up like Louisa.
[tracker beeps]
[voices fade]
OK, I think we got something.
Alright, keep going.
Still a long way out.
It makes sense he'd be way out
in the middle of nowhere.
We must be going to his lab.
[narrator] Van Aarle
had assumed as much.
Continue past the Acacia Hotel
and you have
a lot of unsettled land.
His hunch seems
to have paid off,
unless of course...
Unless we're heading
for a dumping ground.
[Hess] We've got
nothing to lose.
What is it?
Look, I'm thinking,
when we get there,
I'm going in alone.
Fuck you.
I don't want to risk
us both being killed.
I mean, with all this stuff
in the back...
Nah, fuck that, man!
Who's gonna
look after my sister, then?
I think it's best
you stay in...
-I'm coming with you.
-Hess, I'm serious.
So am I, arsehole!
What? Is it because I'm a girl?
You know that's not it.
Look, I just
don't want to risk it.
You're full of shit!
You're the one
who might die here.
I need to take care of
the most immediately at risk.
You need me with you.
-I...I don't...
-No, that's the end of it.
[muttering] Stay in the van...
Jesus Christ.
[unsettling music]
Alright. Let's pull up
somewhere along here.
Maybe on a dirt road
or something?
Aye-aye, Captain.
[voices] Empty.
-Nothing here.
-Nothing here.
-You've failed.
-It's a graveyard.
-It's a graveyard.
-They're dead.
-You've failed.
Are you sure this is the place?
[engine idling]
[narrator] The field
appears empty.
But Van Aarle has a feeling.
[voice] There's something
out there.
[narrator] In the distance
he sees something.
What's that?
Bring the van.
[sinister music]
[mallet hammering repeatedly]
[faint screaming]
[Joubini] ..every inch...
..a doubling of agony.
[Brodie gasping]
[Joubini] Your mind
remains lucid
as it magnifies your pain
yet again.
[voices] Single point entry.
This complicates his plan.
Confined spaces with only one
entrance and exit are tricky.
[voices] Sealed environment...
Can't just bust in there,
guns blazing.
How many people are down there?
-Clean air.
Time is running out fast.
He needs to think of something.
Where are you going?
[urgent music]
[voices] Single point...
-Sealed environment.
[narrator] He finds
what he's looking for.
Any underground network
needs a way
-to get clean air in and out.
[voices] Explosives...
[narrator] This gives
Van Aarle an idea.
We need to blow the door.
You work on that, I've got
something else in mind.
[voices] Quickly.
-Air intake.
How many people are down there?
You need to move fast!
How many people are down there?
-You're running out of time!
-You have no choice.
-Keep calm!
[sinister music]
[mallet hammering repeatedly]
[metal clatters]
[grunts softly]
[narrator] In an ideal world,
there will be enough oxygen
down there for this to work.
[canisters clinking]
After all,
the boys are in there too.
[uneasy music]
[air blowing]
[sprays canister]
What the fuck are you doing?
It's No-Arms' drugs.
Don't worry,
it's not enough to suffocate,
just to get 'em high.
Should make things
a bit easier.
[Hess] Is that flammable?
It looks flammable.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
As long as the concentration
levels aren't too high.
How big do you reckon
this place is?
Oh, OK, do you want that
in square feet
or round up to the nearest 10?
Shit, Van Aarle.
Are you sure about this?
Nuh...but fuck it.
There's another mask
in the van.
-You got that door set?
-Yep, she's good to blow.
[Brodie screams]
[Joubini] The sting
of a thousand needles
dig into your veins,
scratching your bones.
[loud explosion]
[explosion reverberates]
[distant rumbling]
[high-pitched ringing]
[narrator] The air is clearing.
They need to move fast.
[Hess] move!
[groans in agony]
[Hess shouts]
-[bat thwacking]
-[Hess grunting]
[Brodie gasps, splutters]
[Hess] Shit.
Get out of my way! Move!
Get back against the wall!
[Brodie gasping]
[Joubini] Wriggling
deeper into your...
Get against the wall!
Everyone, back!
[melodious ringing]
[discordant ringing]
[Hess] Oh, shit.
Don't do it.
[discordant ringing continues]
Stay back.
[grunts angrily]
[Van Aarle] Oh...
[both grunting, straining]
[voices] Don't breathe...
-You idiot!
-You're going to die.
-You're going to die.
[narrator] Van Aarle
thinks to himself,
[Brodie wails]
[all groaning, struggling]
-[woman gasps]
-[canisters clatter]
[Hess] Sorry!
[Hess shouts]
Shit. Sorry.
[Hess strains]
[Hess screams]
[distorted music drones]
[man grunts]
[man grunts, shouts]
[heavy breathing]
[man grunts]
[bones cracking]
[muffled punching]
[Hess grunts]
[Hess] Get back!
Back! I don't want to hurt you!
Get out of here!
I'm trying to help you!
[Hess groans]
[distorted music intensifies]
[Hess coughs]
[Hess grunts]
-[Hess shouts]
-[tray clangs]
Back! It's not safe here!
-[Hess grunts]
-[tray clangs]
Fuck off! OK, guys, outside!
Follow me! Now!
Come on!
Go, go, go!
Move it!
[tense music builds]
[Hess screams]
[grunts, exhales]
[voices] Pull yourself together.
Get out...
[man grunts]
-You have to stop them.
-Save them.
[voices continue]
[Brodie wails]
[Brodie screams]
[Brodie gags]
[gasps for air]
[voices whispering faintly]
-Pull yourself together,
-Pull yourself together.
-Pull yourself together.
-Get up.
-Pull yourself together.
-Don't give up now.
-Get up, get up.
-You have to save the boys!
[Brodie shrieks]
-[voices continue]
-Don't give up.
[Brodie shrieks]
[voices continue]
-You need...
-[Brodie shrieks]
-They're being tortured! keep moving.
[voices fade]
[discordant sting]
[tense music]
[voices whispering faintly]
[Brodie strains]
Time is ticking...
[Brodie screams]
-[voices whispering]
-[Brodie screaming]
Save them.
Yes...and now the finale.
[tense music swells]
[Joubini] As I raise the knife,
your pain intensifies.
You will feel...
[Van Aarle]
Let him go, dickhead.
[Joubini] You.
[Joubini] Now, how did you...
-Don't let him speak.
-..get here?
-You're losing control!
[narrator] Who could know
whether or not Hess
had completely freed Van Aarle
of Joubini's influence?
Here he was,
waving a hand, manipulating...
[voices] Fight back.
-You can resist.
[Joubini] You remember...
-Fight back.
[Joubini] voice, don't you?
-He will hurt you!
[Joubini] Relax now.
-He still has power.
-Shut him up!
[Joubini] I want you
-to put down... [voice fades]
-[ethereal music]
-[Van Aarle grunts]
-[joubini groans]
-[Van Aarle screams]
-[Joubini groans]
[gasps, pants]
[tense music fades]
[soft poignant music]
[soft poignant music continues]
[Joubini gasping]
[continues gasping]
[tense music swells]
[rapid beeping]
[Van Aarle groans]
[groans, exhales]
I need a coffee.
[ventilator hissing, pulsing
[muffled voices in distance]
So... done, then?
Ah, I think I've had enough
excitement for one career.
[groans softly]
Do you think
she'll ever wake up?
I dunno, really.
[grunts softly]
But, um...
what really matters... that whatever world
she's in right now
isn't full of monsters.
Like it is out here.
[ventilator continues]
[muffled voices]
[ventilator stops]
[poignant electronic music]
[muffled voices]
[muffled voices continue]
[voices] Relax.
You're not alone.
-Don't be afraid.
-Don't listen to them!
-What are you doing?
-Why are you here?
-Go back to bed.
-You need more caffeine.
You need more coffee
for a day like today.
-What are you doing?
-Go back to bed.
-Not enough coffee.
-You need more coffee for...
You need more caffeine.
-Why are you here?
-Go back to bed.
-Get out of here.
-What were you thinking?
-You idiot!
-Not enough coffee.
-Just leave.
-You idiot!
-Go back to bed.
-This is pointless.
-You're above this.
-You need more caffeine.
-Get out of here!
-What are you doing?
-You're above this.
-Go home.
-Go home.
-This is a bad idea.
-You used to have standards.
When did your standards drop?
-You're not safe!
-A terrible idea.
-Just leave.
What happened
to your self-respect?
-Calm down.
-You idiot!
-Get out of here.
-A terrible idea.
You can't back out now.
The voices are louder today.
Their tone tinged
with a sense of caution
that's hard to ignore.
Despite this, Cliff Van Aarle
is looking forward
to his fourth coffee
of the morning,
and the first for today's
peculiar meeting.
[voices] Drink it.
-It's too hot.
Don't trust them.
[man] Sugar?
[narrator] Van Aarle
is interested but sceptical.
[Van Aarle]
Is that actually sugar?
[narrator] No doubt
the sugar is laced
with some concoction--
[man] It's got a bit of a kick.
Little bit of my own recipe.
[narrator] The lad confirms.
[man] Uh, milk?
Again, the offer is declined.
[Van Aarle] No, thanks.
[narrator] He likes
-his coffee black.
[Van Aarle] I like it black.
[voice] Can't trust him, no...
[Van Aarle] Alright.
Are you familiar
with the theory of...
..unconscious awareness?
The 'Hidden Observer'
in our subconscious
that absorbs far more
from our senses
than we can process
It has a better memory,
intuition, insight.
Normally only accessible
during hypnosis,
but what if, in waking,
we could access
that deeper part of ourselves?
Overcome the limitations
of our conscious mind.
Well, that's where I come in.
A problem solver.
See, I have a lot of experience
with the human mind.
A little hypnosis,
subconscious suggestion...
..psychoactive chemical work.
Now, I don't want to
get into details, but...
..let's say I've experimented
with certain...
Survived a few...accidents.
And without wanting
to scare you off...
..I hear voices.
A sense of paracusia
in that...
..the link between my internal
senses and external perceptions
are somewhat blurred.
I hear my own thoughts
as though they're other
people's voices speaking to me.
Now, it's not all useful,
and there have been mishaps,
such as a, uh...
..narrator, which is kind of...
But otherwise
my condition serves me well.
And, over time,
I've managed
to tune out the noises
and tap into
that part of the brain
which otherwise
doesn't have a voice.
It speaks, I listen.
It gives me a unique
perspective on things,
and that is what makes me
useful to people like you.
[narrator] The clients - Aaron
Birch and Brodie McAllister -
their wits dim
even before their injuries,
are unresponsive.
[Van Aarle] Any questions
before we begin?
They said you'd be weird.
[narrator] He masks his
frustration with more coffee.
-That wasn't a question.
[voice] Oh, no...
[narrator] Already he knows
this job is not worth his time.
[voices] What is wrong
with these two?
-You're better than this.
[narrator] He's definitely
going to need--
[Van Aarle] I'm gonna
need more coffee.
[voice] You're better than this.
So let's get
this story straight.
You two are drug dealers.
Ah-ah-ah! Dude.
We're entrepreneurs.
Innovators in a new paradigm
of high-end
illicit pharmaceuticals.
The good shit.
-In what market?
-How is this relevant, man?
I need context
before I can begin.
So, am I correct in thinking
..neither of you
four-twenty geniuses
have any understanding
what happened here?
I told you over the phone.
No, you were shitting yourself,
giving me some speech
about an assault
on your 'place of business',
'infrastructure' damage,
loss of 'assets'.
Well, Shaggy's mum's place
and a few bags of powder?
[mocking] Mmm...
Hardly what I was expecting.
[exhales] guys have buzzwords,
but I want details.
What market?
[Aaron] OK, OK.
We enterprise
in the high-end supply chain
of street-level, er...
[voice] Waste of time.
Totes. See, Double-A,
he is the business.
I sling the product.
And No-Arms,
he handles production.
[Brodie] Yeah.
-He's the drug master, dude.
-Nuh, uh...
-He's a manufacturer...
[voice] Here we go.
this bold new start-up
designing custom chems
in his laboratory.
-You know? It's early days...
[voice] Waste of time.
..but I've negotiated partnership
which is beneficial
to both enterprises.
His shit is the shit.
You feel me?
Oh...I feel ya, home dawg.
So you two sling
this guy's shit for cash.
Now, I'm paraphrasing,
of course, but that's the gist
of what you're trying
to tell me, right?
It's very lucrative.
Oh, I'm sure it is.
And no doubt
your little innovations
are starting
to turn some heads,
which is exactly why
you find yourselves
in this, uh...
..little predicament.
-[tense music]
[voice] How did this happen?
[narrator] This looks like
your run-of-the-mill
drug-fuelled murder.
something feels...wrong.
The two boys have
too much fear in their eyes
and something they said
on the phone
had sparked
Van Aarle's curiosity.
The zombie.
-Why'd you call him that?
[voice] You've seen this before!
He wasn't all there, you know?
-It was...walking-dead shit.
-It's him!
I've never seen a man
act like that before.
-He was like an animal.
-It's happening again.
He's seen this before.
[voice] It's your father.
-You know him?
Have any history?
Nah. Never saw
the guy in my life.
-It's your father's work.
-Until he came in,
bustin' up the place, like...
So which one of you, um...
And which of one you, uh...
..decapitated the other one?
It's all happening again.
-He a zombie too?
-This is a bad sign.
-Don't get involved.
-You need to know.
-It's him!
-You want to do it.
-Your father's work!
-You need to do it.
-You have to stop him.
-Say yes.
-Say no.
-You need to do it.
-Not good!
-You need to do it.
-You want to do it.
-Say yes.
Run me through it.
[Brodie] OK, well,
I couldn't sleep, right?
So I was up at, like,
I dunno, 6am or somethin',
countin' this mad haul
from last week,
and everything's cool, dude,
Then I hear this sound outside.
There's a dude
just standing out the front
staring at us.
I thought maybe he was
a local tweaker, you know?
But this was weird.
-Then bang!
-[tense music builds]
A second guy
is smashing the door in.
So I grab a cricket bat,
thinking I'll, like,
scare him off,
but, dude,
this was something else, like,
I was not ready for this.
[echoing screams]
[Aaron] That's when I wake up.
Screaming -everywhere.
-I see these...things.
They were trying to eat him.
[Brodie] Yeah,
I almost lost a finger.
[Aaron] Anyway, we saw
no other option, you know?
Either we're dead
or they're dead.
So we...
[Brodie] We had to...
I had to...
Shit's fucked, man.
[narrator] The story
added little insight,
but mention of the money
was significant.
How exactly,
Van Aarle wasn't sure.
Tell me more about this money.
How'd you come across this...
'mad haul'?
We broke ground last week.
We saw a weakness
in a competitor's model
and we capitalised...
You cut in
on another dealer's game?
Dude, we straight-up
obliterated his game.
We're the new players
on the block. Right?
No-Arms has researched
the competition
and improved the recipes.
The public love it.
And we're gaining customers!
In just three...
You stole a recipe!
Improved! Like I said,
we're opening doors...
Cut the crap, alright?
You have no idea what
you're getting yourselves into.
-Do you think this is just...
-Don't baby us, Mr Van Aarle.
I know these guys
were sent here.
I know the competition
wants our heads.
That's why we called.
I want to know who they are,
I want to know where they are...
We called around.
Your name came up.
From who?
[Aaron] Hess.
[voices] What was she thinking?
-How dare she.
-People are going to die.
-Get out now.
-How dare she.
-This is a bad idea.
-Get out.
-Get out of there.
-Don't get involved.
-How many more will die?!
-Get out!
I have to use the bathroom.
[phone vibrating]
[woman] Ahoy-hoy?
[Van Aarle on phone] What
the hell were you thinking?
[woman] Nice to hear
from you too, Cliffy.
These guys are halfwits, Hess,
and yet you handball them
off to me?
How do you even know them?
Ah, you've met the dealers.
Look, they're alright.
I worked a job
with Double-A once.
Friend of a friend.
You know the dealio.
So you're on dumb nickname
basis too. Great.
How do you stand these guys,
Hey, I know they don't
look much, but they pay well.
OK? I know you need the money.
And this little fix
they got themselves in
-sounded right up your alley.
-So you know about the, uh...
I know about the zombies, yeah.
They called me crying and
screaming into the phone and...
..don't tell me
that you're gonna say no.
You know what this could mean?
You know I do.
That's why they need you.
..I don't need them.
The money, then.
What about your sister?
Ah. This is your way
of using leverage now?
Come on, Hess. I thought we
were better friends than that.
Look, I thought
I was doing you a favour.
I told them you're not cheap.
They should cough up the goods.
No, you don't understand.
I can see where this is going,
and it's not a good place.
I don't want
to do this anymore.
Too many people get hurt.
Fair enough.
Is that it?
Hey, it's your decision.
I understand.
No. None of this reverse
psychology crap, Hess, come on.
[voices] You can't
go through this again.
-Help the poor boys.
-Do it for your sister.
-Mind control.
-You know...
-Ditch them.
You're the only one
who can stop this.
You're all going to die!
-[coffee crunching]
-[kettle boiling]
[Van Aarle]
OK, first things first.
You two are in
some pretty deep shit.
Now, if I'm right,
whoever sent these men
has used some
pretty scary methods.
Namely - and this is
why I'm here -
mind control.
Now, these 'zombies'
have had their minds
invaded, broken.
They're what's known in
the industry as 'Hollow Men'.
Have either of you
searched the bodies?
Can you do it?
Make a Hollow Man?
And even if I could,
I wouldn't.
Out of all the ways
to abuse someone's mind...
..this is the worst.
[voices] Octopus.
-What does it mean?
[narrator] No name. No number.
Just the octopus.
[voices] Octopus.
-Where have you seen this...?
There's something about it.
[voices] What does it mean?
-This is not good.
[Van Aarle]
Mean anything to you?
Perhaps it should.
It's a calling card.
You know what this could mean.
-You killed your father.
-You can't deny it!
-He's dead.
-You need the money.
-He is gone.
-Get out of there.
-Do it for Louisa.
-He can't hurt you anymore.
-Yes, he can!
-He will!
-Daddy will never leave you.
Daddy will never leave you...
OK, I'll take the job,
but on one condition.
If I have to fire this weapon,
my fee goes up.
Now, I might be a criminal,
but I draw the line somewhere.
You two guys
are in very serious danger,
which means there is
a very high chance
more people are gonna die.
[tense music]
[narrator] Van Aarle
leaves pleased
with the price
that was negotiated,
knowing it will improve the
mood of his next appointment.
[voices] No backing out now.
-What will you tell your
-Are you being watched?
-You're in danger.
-You're too exposed!
-Get back to your car!
You're too exposed.
-You don't want to be late.
-There's no rush.
[narrator] As he makes
the long walk back to his car,
as usual, parked a block away
from his meeting,
he notices
that he is not alone.
[voices] White van!
-Don't look!
-Ten metres! Two men!
-Peripheral vision. Look.
-[engine starts]
-Don't move.
-Stand your ground.
-Stand your ground.
The God of Testosterone
had found his chosen ones
in these two.
[voice] Don't move.
[narrator] He won't admit it,
but he's glad to see them pass.
[voice] Just breathe.
[narrator] Only a recon team,
not assassins.
[voices] Car engine behind you.
-Behind you.
-[engine revs]
[narrator] This, however,
is something new.
A third party
is following the followers.
And it would appear that...
[discordant sting]
[voices] You're going insane.
-What is going on?
[narrator] Perhaps the caffeine
is affecting him more today.
[voices] Too much coffee.
-Are you going mad?
-Don't panic!
[narrator] As he finds himself
jumping blindly
into the deep end,
all he can think is...
[voices] No escape.
..curiosity killed the cat.
[faint mechanical
hissing, pulsing]
[narrator] To Van Aarle,
this is all reality is.
Peaks and troughs.
Everything that
defines a person.
All they see, touch, smell,
Lines so easily bent.
A scary thought.
[ventilator hissing, pulsing
As far as anyone can tell,
his sister is currently
a fully realised
reality of her own,
confined entirely
within her own mind.
[voice] You should have known.
[narrator] As real to her
as this room is to him.
[voice] It was him!
[narrator] If it weren't for
their psychotic father
using them as guinea pigs
in his mind-altering
[voices] Shut up, shut up!
-Don't talk about that, no...
Turns out I might have
the money we need, so...
..I can take care of you and... can come home.
[voices] Might?
[Louisa] Might?
I'm gonna have to do something.
Get involved with some things
that I promised myself
I wouldn't.
[Louisa] So you don't
want to do it.
Don't worry about the money.
It's not just about
getting you home.
These people, 'organisation',
whoever they are...
..they're bad.
[voices] Don't say it.
-They remind me of, well...
-Him! know.
If I do this...
..if I make it the last...
If I can get you home...
[Louisa] So you want
to be forgiven, is that it?
You know I don't blame you.
Ah, but that's just
what I want you to say.
You're just my brain
with her voice.
[Louisa] You know her, though.
You know how she'd feel.
Can't be that far off.
..ah, I can't take your...
my word for it.
..if I do nothing...
..I don't think I'll be able
to live it down.
Then you don't need my advice.
You already know.
Do what you need to do.
[voices] Coward. Your fault.
-You should've known.
-You've failed her.
How could you let him
do it to her?
-She's never gonna wake up.
-You should've done more!
-You owe her.
[timer beeps]
Well, that's my time up.
I'm, uh... to a meeting with
a gentleman named No-Arms.
We're having a pizza,
Mm, the people you meet
on this job, eh?
[ventilator continues]
One last time...
..I promise.
Cactus, candles and pizza.
In the palace
of the man named No-Arms.
Never has a man's nickname
been so misleading.
[eerie music]
So...where would you
like to begin?
[voices] You don't belong here.
-This is insane.
[narrator] The world didn't seem
to be making sense anymore.
But, rather than question it,
Van Aarle stuck to the case.
Your, um...
..'associates' tell me
that you came across
a rival chemist's recipe.
Started making knock-offs? product
is no 'knock-off'.
I make... out of other's garbage.
-I'm leading a renaissance...
-Who's...who's it from?
Look, truth is I don't know who
or where it's from.
My man Clyde doesn't give info
on his sources,
and I don't ask.
Makes it harder to squeal
if nobody knows.
Well, somebody knows.
Hey, put that down, and don't
hold it near a flame like that.
-Is this the new one?
[No-Arms] Yeah.
Hell of a kick too.
The rest is out back.
You can take some with you if
you like. It's gonna be a hit.
Can I try it?
Well, not near the candles,
It's flammable!
Besides, you know the rule.
"No-one gets high
in the palace."
It's a sacred place.
[voices] This is insane.
-These people...
OK, can we get back on track,
[clears throat]
we need to be proactive.
-OK? Turn this thing around.
-Not more of this...
-Every problem...
-That's enough, shut them up. an opportunity
in disguise. And now that--
-Do you recognise this?
-[card slaps]
This is Joubini's card.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on,
you stole from the Joubini?
-Fuck, man!
-What's the connection?
[narrator] Curious.
Joubini is a ghost.
Supposedly the head
of a secretive drug empire,
only nobody has ever met him...
[voice] Hypnosis.
[narrator] ..heard him speak,
never even received
written orders.
Not even the dealers who claim
to sell his product--
No. That's just
an urban legend.
How do you know?
I saw a card like this
a few years ago.
Only this once.
A man I used to work for
claimed he was the Joubini.
Wanted people to fear him,
I guess.
He was head
of a growing drug ring.
Doing well.
With my drugs, of course.
And, well,
nobody questioned it.
Nobody knew Joubini.
Maybe he was?
We just all went along with it.
Until he was murdered.
We knew then
who the real Joubini was.
The card was nailed to him.
-And he was...
[voices] Slaughtered.
-Bad news.
-You could be next.
-Nobody knows.
We shit ourselves.
We hid the evidence,
pretended it never happened.
We never spoke
of Joubini again.
[narrator] Somehow, something in
the back of Van Aarle's head...
This seems to make sense.
[voice] You should be
very afraid.
Not even the dealers who...
-Trust me, if I had known...
Joubini's drugs are the most
popular on the market...
[narrator] Not even
the dealers had met him.
[voices] Just like your father.
-[Aaron continues]
-You're all going to die!
We're fucked. He's gonna turn
us into, like, zombies or...
-No. Think...
-This is insane.
-It can't be a coincidence.
-Your father's method!
-Hollow Men!
-Get out now.
-You can't escape.
-[Aaron continues]
-It's worse than you thought!
-We're not going after him.
-We make a deal, maybe...
[Van Aarle] No, no.
-..but we stop this.
It's too late
for any of that now.
-[phone vibrating]
-[tense music]
-It's Clyde.
[Van Aarle] Your guy?
Tell him we need
to speak to him now.
Yo, yo, yo?
Hey... Hang on, what?
Where are you?
OK, dude, you're gonna be OK,
Well, just get out of there now.
We'll meet at the safe house,
Clyde's in trouble.
[discordant sting]
[narrator] Clyde
definitely was in trouble,
and now so are they.
-There goes our lead.
[voices] Why here?
-How did they find him?
[narrator] The trail is cold.
But then a darker thought
occurs to Van Aarle.
[voices] It's a trap!
-You'll need your gun.
-Whoa! Come on, man, I mean...
-The phone call.
Is that really necessary?
You suggested the safe house,
Did he sound weird
to you on the phone?
-He was already captured.
-Uh, kinda.
Yeah, oh, come to think of it,
he sounded...
Can we just think before
we go pulling out our guns, OK?
-[cocks gun]
-Shoot him.
-No, man. This is too much.
-What the fuck is going on?
-You walked straight into it.
-You're all dead.
-It's a trap.
-You walked straight into it.
-Hollow Men.
-Mind control...
-How many more will die?
You're all going to die.
[distant thud]
-Did you hear that?
-Did you hear that?
-A sound.
-Car door.
-In the street.
Footsteps. A group.
-Don't let them in.
-Lock the door!
-[Brodie shouts]
[Brodie] Oh, Jesus Christ!
-What the fuck?!
-[loud roaring]
-[banging on door]
-[intense screaming, groaning]
[Van Aarle]
Find a weapon, anything.
We just walked into
a fucking trap!
[screaming and groaning
[Brodie yelps]
-[banging on door continues]
-[screaming, commotion]
[Brodie] We're dead, we're
dead, we're dead, we're dead.
Oh, we're dead.
We're dead, we're dead.
[Brodie screams]
[screaming, roaring]
[Brodie] We're dead, we're
dead, we're dead. We're dead.
[screaming, roaring
-[Brodie wails]
[Aaron] There's nothing here.
-[glass smashes]
-[screaming intensifies]
[Brodie screams]
[roaring intensifies]
-[tense music swells]
-[door rattles violently]
[intense screaming, clamouring]
[menacing music]
[voices] What was that?
-Behind you!
-Turn around.
-[glass smashes]
-Down the hall.
[roaring, commotion]
[No-Arms struggles]
[discordant electronic music
[screaming, commotion
[woman shrieks]
[shrieking, wailing]
[shrieking, wailing
[discordant music escalates]
[screaming, commotion
-[commotion stops]
-[high-pitched ringing]
[discordant music blares]
[distant screaming, wailing]
[frantic panting]
-[engine starts]
[distant screaming, hollering]
[discordant sting]
[hollering intensifies]
[Brodie] Oh, fuck!
-[banging on windows]
-Oh, Jesus fucking Christ!
-[Brodie screams]
[Aaron] go! Go!
Go, man! Let's go! [wails]
[engine revving]
[phone vibrating]
Hess, I need you
to do some digging
on a man named Joubini.
[Hess] Would it kill you
to say hello?
[narrator] Hess had the coffee
ready before Van Aarle arrived.
This means she has bad news.
[Hess] Well...sounds like
you had quite a night.
Sorry I got you into this.
Yeah, well...
someone's gotta do something.
And you were right.
It has to be me.
And you getting paid?
Enough to take Louisa home?
You can afford to
take care of her by yourself?
Yeah, there's plenty.
Enough that I can afford to...
[bones crack] it quits after this job
and just focus on her.
Which, you know,
is the least I could do.
-You're too hard on yourself.
[voice] Change the subject.
[narrator] She stalls.
Van Aarle didn't come here
to talk about the past.
..none of this really matters
if we all end up dead.
Or worse.
Right. Your mystery man.
[voice] She has nothing.
[narrator] She has bad news.
Please don't tell me.
Never in my life
have I worked so hard
to find nothing!
Just rumours,
spooky story shit.
Anyone who actually
knows this guy
is either dead or so scared...
Surely you can trace
the, um, drugs, or the product?
That I can tell you about.
It's called Syn.
Short for some chemical dealio.
Highly psychoactive,
and I mean highly.
It's the only thing I can tie
back to the name Joubini,
but I don't know
where it comes from.
Nobody does!
Not even the dealers know.
[voices] Forgotten.
-Why doesn't anybody remember?
Apparently the stuff just
'turns up' on their doorstep.
You know what that sounds like.
Like their memories
have been erased.
[voice] Just like your father.
Yeah, it makes sense,
with...with the Hollow Men,
and the psychoactive drugs...
-This has to stop now.
It's all very...familiar.
Just like your father.
Someone's been reading up
on your father's work.
-It can't be coincidence.
I thought
they banned that shit!
Agh! This can't be happening!
-You killed your father.
-He broke you.
I can't let anyone else
end up like Louisa.
Like me.
I really, really wanna stop
this piece of shit
but we've got no leads, Hess.
He's just gonna pick us off
one by one.
Look, I get it, I get it.
Just...there might be a way.
What if you track down
one of these dealers?
I mean, they may not
remember now, but...
..who knows what's locked away
in their pretty little heads?
That... OK.
That is a good idea,
which I would have
gotten to eventually.
I know you would, love.
And why not
take Brodie with you?
He knows the streets
a bit better.
[voice] Anyone but him.
[narrator] As much
as he loathes the idea,
she raises a good point.
Narrator agrees with me,
doesn't he?
[voices] Just do it.
-You can't back out now.
Alright. Alright.
But I'm gonna need
a lot more coffee.
[voices] Why are you here?
-A terrible idea.
-How embarrassing...
-Not enough coffee.
-What were you thinking?
-Just leave.
-Go back to bed.
-This is pointless.
-This is a bad idea.
-A terrible idea.
-What are you doing?
-This is a bad idea.
-Go home.
-Calm down.
[narrator] Waiting outside
Hess's out-of-town safe house
is growing tiresome.
Brodie is a sleeper.
[voice] How long
do we have to wait?
[narrator] The drive out itself
took an hour
and Van Aarle
was growing weary.
The double-shot of caffeine
is working wonders
for his paracusia,
but he worries only one thermos
won't last the journey ahead.
[voices] This was
a terrible idea.
-He's useless.
-You're wasting your time.
-You're wasting your time.
-Just go with it.
[voices stop]
You alright?
[exhales] Nup.
[emotionally] Man... I don't
want to do this anymore.
that's the business.
Well... know...
Anyway, best put it
out of your mind.
We got work to do
and I need you on your game.
-Right. Right.
-[engine starts]
Stop saying 'right'.
[Van Aarle]
I need you to tell me
where Joubini's dealers hang,
the street corners they use,
the territory.
-Shit, man, I dunno.
-[mellow music plays on radio]
Nobody knows
who Joubini uses on any day.
Sometimes you hear about a dude
who's got the stuff,
and then, like, next week
he's gone.
Well, can you point me
towards people who might know?
-Waste of time.
[Brodie] Uh, well...OK, well...
It's going to be a long night.
[dark atonal
instrumental music]
[music continues]
[music swells]
[music fades]
[narrator] Van Aarle
has run out of both coffee
Talking is useless
with these people.
They're either frightened
or stupid,
and, either way, results--
Dude, I'm really sorry
about this.
[music playing in distance]
Look, it's not your fault.
The whole town's
shitting themselves anyway.
Yeah, well...
Oh, it's just around here.
Dude, I was really hoping we
wouldn't have to see this guy.
We do not get along.
But if we have to, like,
he's the last dude I know.
Look, it's fine, alright?
Leave the talking to me.
Now, what's this guy's name?
[narrator] Skeleton.
Chief thug wrangler
of the Soulless -
the most bloodthirsty gang
in town.
This is good.
It means
what Van Aarle plans to do
can be done free of guilt.
[dubstep music pounding]
[thug 1] Oi! Skel!
If it ain't my little bitch,
Lemon Fresh.
[thug 2] Yeah, Lemon Fresh!
[Skeleton] Good to see ya!
[thug 2] Good to see ya, buddy.
[Skeleton] Where's ya boyfriend?
-[thugs laugh]
-Oi, where's ya boyfriend?
[thug 2] Yeah, where is he?
-[snaps fingers]
You're talking to me, alright?
-Who the fuck are you?
-Yeah. Who the fuck?!
-The fuck are you?!
-Who do you think you are?
-What are you doing here?
-Oh, big tough guy!
[voices] Weapons.
-Hockey stick.
-Possible knife.
[thug 2]
Who do you think you are?
Look, I'm in the market
for Joubini's drugs.
-You guys know who's slinging?
-Why are ya askin'?
Because I wanna buy some drugs.
That's how dealers work, right,
What the fuck
did you just say to me?
Do you know?
This little bitch
tell ya that I knew?
[thug 1] Yeah, did this
little bitch tell ya? Huh?
-Let him go.
-Yeah? Make me!
-Yeah, make him!
[thug 2] Yeah, bitch.
-[thugs cackle]
-[sirens wails in distance]
[thug 2] Get outta here.
Look, I'm tired. I've been
walking around all day.
All I need is just one little
simple answer, alright?
You ain't buying.
What are ya, a cop?
I ain't telling you shit!
[Brodie] Man, I told you
this was a bad idea!
[thug 2] What's that, bitch?
What? What was that? What?!
[thugs laugh]
Get the fuck outta here
before my boy
makes your boy scream--
Scream, bitch!
Yeah? What's he gonna do?
[mocking] Make him scream,
bitch? Yeah? Wait, hang on.
[thug 1] Your mate's
gonna get himself killed.
[voices] You sure you know
what you're doing?
-Is he gonna make him scream?
-Hey, fuck you!
-Great job...
-[thugs cackle]
-Hope you have a plan.
-You're fucked now, mate.
-Don't screw this up.
Yeah, fuck him up.
Alright, you're stronger
than me, I admit it.
-Teach him a lesson!
-You're big strong boys.
-You win.
-Pussy. [spits]
[exaggerating] Guys, no, don't
pick up that hockey stick...
-Yeah, teach him!
-Oh, no, we're gonna fight!
-Grab the hockey stick.
-He's not ready.
[thug groans]
[thug grunts]
Well done!
[thug moans]
[bones crack]
[Van Aarle] No, no, no, no.
No, you don't.
I'm sorry...
..but then again I don't really
have much patience
for people like you.
Why do we have to fight,
hey, Skeleton?
Can't we just talk?
Fuck you!
[Van Aarle] Hey, Skeleton.
Have you heard
of testicular torsion?
It happens when
your spermatic cord twists,
cutting off all circulation.
-Don't struggle, my friend.
You're're only
gonna make it worse.
[Van Aarle] Have you heard
the name Joubini?
[Skeleton gasps]
With a twist,
you will feel the worst pain
you have ever felt.
[breathlessly] Joubini...
You don't know
who you're fucking with.
And then there's the nausea,
the vomiting.
[Skeleton gags]
The dealer.
He'll kill you.
He'll kill anyone
he thinks helped you.
So, after hours
of unfathomable agony,
you suffer what's called
irreversible ischaemia.
And then...
you're no longer a man.
Fuck you!
[Van Aarle] Uh, no.
You won't be fucking anyone.
We'll do this
on the count of three.
[Skeleton groans and whimpers]
[narrator] Skeleton turned out
to be a true gentleman.
His helpful information
leads them down into the seedy
underbelly of the city
and directly to their bounty.
Now, just like last time,
I'll take care of this.
He looks pretty cooked, man.
You just stay here. OK?
[rocks clattering in distance]
[siren wailing in distance]
[tense music]
[Brodie] Oh, shit!
-Gentle does it.
What the hell, man?
That was some straight-up
wizard shit right there.
It's called snap induction.
This guy's already
highly suggestible.
That's why Joubini chose him.
All I did was interrupt an
automatic unthinking response.
Shaking hands is a good one
because... that split second
the brain freaks out
and I can get in there.
Holy shit!
That shit's scary, man.
Which is what makes someone
like Joubini so dangerous.
Can you hear me?
[monotone] Yes.
What is your name?
Can you tell me
why you're here, Ian?
[voices] This looks familiar.
I mustn't say.
-Worse than you thought.
-This is bad.
Why not, Ian?
Much worse.
I mustn't say.
-He's gone.
-Another dead end.
Ian, where do you come from?
Be patient.
I mustn't say.
-All gone.
[Van Aarle]
Ian, where do you live?
Your father
never went this far.
-I don't know.
-This is more advanced.
How old are you, Ian?
-This is more advanced.
-Joubini is more dangerous.
-Nothing left.
-More frightening!
[slaps ground] I don't know.
-You're wasting your time.
-They've gotten to him.
[faint splashing]
Ian, where did you come from
before you came here?
This is evil.
I mustn't say.'s alright.
-[rocks clattering]
You're safe here.
No-one's gonna hurt you.
-You aren't up to this.
-Be careful.
I don't know.
[Van Aarle] Calm down.
-The hand!
-He may have a trigger.
-You have to stop now.
Do you recognise
the name Joubini?
Ian, wait. No, Ian, no...
Don't let him go!
Ian, no! No!
-You need him alive!
-The pills!
No! Ian, no, no...
-He doesn't deserve this.
-Ian, no!
-Ian, no...
-Keep him awake.
Ian! Stop, don't!
-He's taken them.
Poor boy, never had a chance.
-He's taken them.
-He's gone.
-Shit. Jesus, Ian.
-You've lost another chance.
-He's gone.
[menacing music]
[man, African accent]
Do not move...
..or I will touch your brain.
Take out your gun
and throw it away.
-He's seen your gun.
[narrator] Van Aarle wonders
how the mystery man
knows he has a gun,
but he does not question it
as he carries out the order.
[voices] He's seen your gun.
-He knows.
-Dressed up...
-He saw you.
-It was him.
-Dressed up...
-The car.
-He saw you.
-The wolf man.
Ah. So you must be the guy
who dresses like a wolf.
No, I'm not!
How do you know this?
[Van Aarle] Look, we aren't
a threat to each other.
So if you just let go,
we can talk.
Do not reach for the weapon.
I am a skilled warrior.
Why are you following me,
Mr, uh...?
I am LoneWolf, of course.
Of course.
[LoneWolf] Why are you following
the man I am following?
I'm not. They're following me.
Why? How are you involved?
It's a long story.
Why are you following them?
I am hunting Joubini.
So we're on the same team.
LoneWolf works alone.
Of course.
But we have the same goal, so
maybe we could help each other.
LoneWolf works alone.
Look, it's advice, you moron!
I'm not saying we start some
sort of super-league or...
Do not mock me.
Sorry. It's been a long day.
Say, you wouldn't happen
to have any coffee
in that, uh, utility belt
of yours, would you?
Why would I?
[sighs] Never mind.
-I'm after Joubini as well.
-No. He is my nemesis.
Fine. Do you know where he is?
[LoneWolf] I have
my suspicions.
-And they are?
-My suspicions.
You do not know
what you are dealing with.
-Calm down.
-Don't say anything stupid.
I dunno why people
keep saying that.
I'm the only one who does know.
You'll piss him off.
If I have to hear
one more fucking lecture
-from another fucking crazy...
-He's going to attack!
[narrator] LoneWolf attempts
to strike Van Aarle...
..successfully embarrasses
Van Aarle
with three very hard punches.
[voices] Calm down.
-Catch your breath.
[narrator] Good thing
the boy is out cold
and nobody else
is around to watch.
[voice] You deserved it. can handle yourself.
-He's better than you.
-[grunts] I'll give you that.
-Catch your breath.
-Don't lose your edge.
Running out of leads.
-No more options.
-Just sit for a while, stay.
[faint rummaging]
-Don't screw this up.
-Just sit for a while.
-Just sit for a while.
-Don't screw this up!
You recognise this kid?
He isn't listening.
[narrator] This is Van Aarle's
last chance to get a lead.
Unless LoneWolf for some reason
decides to die right there
as well.
At this stage,
anything seems possible.
So do I.
[voice] You'll have to
do better...
[narrator] The wolf
won't take the bait.
[Van Aarle] He's a trolley boy
at the local...
[LoneWolf] You are a fool.
[voices] Bait him.
-Insult him.
Ah. You don't know, you fake.
He is Ian Meatheringham.
I see him at the hotel.
What? The Magical Elf Hotel?
No, you fool! The Acacia!
You are a crafty man.
So you say you see him.
You didn't say he works there.
No more of this.
You tricked me.
[Van Aarle] Yeah.
So you reckon
the real Joubini operates
out of this Acacia place?
[narrator] Of course, he would
have a cover operation.
Acacia plants are also known
for their
psychoactive properties.
The math checks out so far...
Enough of this.
I have what I need.
-Do not follow me.
-Or what?
We're both
after the same thing.
I will finally destroy Joubini.
How do you even know
you got the right place?
This guy's smarter than that.
I have hunted this man
a long time.
I am certain
victory will be mine.
I think you're making
a mistake.
Do not interfere.
LoneWolf works...alone!
[discordant sting]
[LoneWolf howls]
[voice] What is happening?
-[LoneWolf continues howling]
[narrator] It's some time
before Van Aarle
pulls himself together.
[voices] Have you gone mad?
-You've gone insane.
[narrator] As LoneWolf's howls
echo into the darkness,
he struggles
to make sense of things.
[voice] Give up now!
What is going on?!
[narrator] Nobody
gives an adequate answer.
Shut up!
He his own mind.
[voices] Just go home.
-Calm down.
-Leave the boy here.
-Collect your thoughts.
[voices overlapping]
[narrator] Lack of sleep
and litres of coffee
are taking their toll.
The voices are getting louder.
[voices] Louisa needed you.
-She was helpless.
[narrator] His thoughts dwell
on his sister, his failures.
[voice] He'll do
the same to you.
[narrator] What was done to her,
Joubini can do much worse,
and he can't let that--
..ridiculous to be following
a lead from a man
dressed as a wolf,
but what choice does he have...
..remain alert
for the long drive out there.
He needs his wits sharp
if he's to find the man
behind Joubini.
Assuming the wolf was right.
[ominous music]
[crows cawing]
[voices] Where are you going?
-You're a failure!
-Just go.
-You'll never win!
-You shouldn't be here.
-A suicide mission.
-Kill them all!
-It's too risky.
-Kill them all!
-[voices stop]
[crows cawing]
Where are the security cameras?
-Watch out!
-They're onto you!
They could already be watching.
-Watch out for the tall men!
-Keep a low profile.
-Try to blend in.
-They could be anywhere.
[narrator] There aren't
many people around.
He keeps an eye peeled
for security cameras.
[voices] They could be anywhere.
-Watch for security.
-You're wasting your time!
-A vehicle is coming...
-It's a van.
-Watch out for the tall men.
-The white van!
-You've seen it before.
-[vehicle humming in distance]
-A vehicle.
You're imagining things!
-You're starting to go mad!
-You've seen it before.
You're imagining things.
You don't have a plan.
Don't draw attention
to yourself.
-Act normal.
-Where are you going?
-Where are you going?
-Stick to quiet places.
-The staff might have a clue.
-You need to ask around.
Who is the manager?
You need to ask around.
[narrator] First objective...
[voice] They might be Hollow!
[narrator] to find staff members.
Check their mental state.
Any sign that
this is the right place.
[voices] Where are you going?
-Look out!
-You're completely exposed.
-Look out, behind you.
-On the wall!
-The painting.
Something's wrong.
-On the wall.
-Something's wrong.
[narrator] Not your usual
pleasant scene.
There is something unnerving
about this.
[voices] It's just a painting.
-You're in a trap.
You're overreacting!
-There's somebody...
-Follow her.
-Excuse me. Excuse me.
Seems normal enough...
Sorry, I, um, I'm looking
for the bathroom,
but I'm certain
I've gotten lost.
I thought it was that way,
but then when I got there,
it wasn't.
[narrator] The eyes.
A bad sign.
What are you doing?
Could mean nothing, though.
I was hoping you could point me
in the right direction.
[voices] Wait, peripheral!
-A sound!
-Heavy footsteps.
-A sound, walking.
-Heavy footsteps.
-Heavy footsteps.
-On the left.
-Coming towards you.
-What are you doing?!
[Van Aarle] Shh!
-Walking fast...
[narrator] Not much resistance.
[voices] No resistance.
-Don't let them see you.
-Make an excuse.
-Getting closer.
-Make an excuse.
I'm on the run from
my girlfriend. We had a fight.
[narrator] Or maybe
the girl is just slow.
I don't understand.
[voices] Five metres.
-Is it the big man?
-Stay still!
He's going to see you.
It can't be a coincidence!
Follow him.
-[footsteps creaking]
-Is it a coincidence?
Who's that? Does he work here?
I don't know.
[narrator] Not a good sign.
[voices] It can't be
a coincidence.
-You're not safe here.
-You need to know!
You're not safe here.
You didn't get
a good look at him.
-Confirm it's the same man.
-Your cover is blown.
Uh, the bathroom's...
Right. Thanks.
-You're walking into danger.
-Your cover is blown.
-Stay alert.
-Stay alert.
-He's getting away.
-Don't lose the big man.
He's getting away!
Don't let him sneak up on you.
[narrator] The more
he thinks about it,
the more he feels he is in
the belly of the beast.
[voices] Stay alert! Behind you!
-He's getting away.
-Behind you!
-Look out!
-[both grunt]
-Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't see you there.
-Was it an accident?
-No. It was my bad.
I, um, wasn't watching
where I was going.
-And I'm in a hurry, so...
-It certainly seems that way.
Are you staying here
at the hotel?
Why is he talking like that?
No. My friend is.
I'm on my way to meet him now.
..I'll let you go.
-What just happened?
-Did you just imagine that?
How can you be sure?
-How can you be sure?
You can't afford
to make another mistake.
[narrator] Van Aarle
has lost track of the big man
but senses that he is looking
in the right place.
[voices] Maybe
you're onto something.
Another painting.
-Something's wrong...
-Form constant...
-You are in danger...
-What does it mean?
-Form constant...
-Pay attention!
Spiral patte--!
[narrator] ..seems to remember
the big man heading outside.
Unfortunately the garden
appears to be
as much a labyrinth
as the hotel itself.
[voices] Where did he go?
-Have you had lunch?
-You need to identify him!
-You're getting sick.
-You're getting sick.
-What time is it?
-Is it him?
-Certainly seems that way.
-Don't follow him.
-Are you staying at the hotel?
-Get out of here now!
-No, stop.
-You're running in circles!
-You need to rest.
-Where did he go?
[narrator] This 'mystery man'
is a slippery customer.
Something about this flower
[voices] You're exposed!
-Look at the flower.
[narrator] ..familiar.
[voice] Get out of there now!
[faint tapping]
You've snapped.
His attention is slipping.
He doesn't quite remember
how he got in here.
[voices] You're safe here.
-Get out of there!
..started as a simple recon
has turned into a chore.
All he needs to do
is identify the big man,
and he knows
he has the right place.
If only he could concentrate.
[voices] Find your room!
-Seems that way...
-Seems that way.
Find your room.
-[voices distorting]
Staying at the hotel...
[voices continue]
[narrator] Van Aarle
had been searching
for what seemed an eternity.
And here comes
the waiter again.
Something is definitely wrong
[voice] It was him.
[narrator] The water
has no effect.
Van Aarle is in
a certifiably bad state,
but he's not about to pack
it in over one slight hitch.
-[faint thudding]
[voices] Listen, listen.
-Heavy footsteps!
-Big guy!
-Toilet cubicle!
[tense music]
Does he know you're here?
[narrator] This is ridiculous.
Surely he's being paranoid.
[door opens]
[voices] Are you
imagining everything?
[footsteps thud]
-Does he know you're here?
-Are you imagining everything?
-Where's the other one?
-Where's the other one?
-[melodious ringtone]
[man] Yes?
-[footsteps approaching]
-[tense music builds]
[man grunts]
[door rattles]
[man sighs heavily]
[footsteps receding]
[narrator] There is
always the possibility
that he's barking up
entirely the wrong--
-..Aarle feels vulnerable.
[voice] Blinding.
[narrator] And the sun seems
brighter all of a sudden.
[voices] You're not safe!
-Why is it so bright?
-Perfectly safe.
-Go back inside.
-Why is it so bright?
-Go out into the garden.
Perhaps it would be best
to scope the place
from outside.
He decides
to head out into the ga--
..inside the hotel.
After all,
he isn't actually in any hurry.
[muffled voices]
[narrator] Although
something about this decision
seems strange in hindsight.
[voices] Stay alert.
-Seems like it...
Stay alert!
-Stay... Stay...
-Everything is fine.
-This is normal.
-This is normal...
[narrator] Though he can't
place a finger on it...
[voice] Stabbing pain
in your left arm!
[narrator] ..he senses
something is very wrong.
[voices] Stabbing pain
in your left arm.
You're going to die.
[narrator] Here's the man now.
[voices] Here they come.
-Talk to them.
-[cocks gun]
[narrator] At least he knows
he's in the right place.
Please...look into this.
[melodious ringtone]
-[static crackling]
[man, in slow-motion]
Good. Don't fight it.
[slowing down] Everything's...
..going to be alright...
[beeping, static fades]
[Van Aarle gasps]
[lights buzzing]
[Van Aarle struggles]
[lights flickering]
[door closes]
[gate creaks]
[menacing music builds]
[Joubini, deep and distorted]
You may leave us.
I think he's settled down
from before.
Just relax.
Everything is
going to be alright.
You trust me now, don't you?
Cliff Van Aarle.
Son of Dr Hugo Van Aarle.
I suppose it was only
a matter of time
before we met.
Even still, I am surprised
by how resistant you are
to my...techniques.
Your father must have passed
a few things on to you.
[Joubini] He passed a few
things on to me as well.
Oh. Didn't you know?
He had...a student.
People said he was extreme,
but I thought he was
conservative, soft.
His methods were extreme.
[Joubini] Well, you would know,
wouldn't you?
Tell me, your sister.
Is she alright?
I heard she had an accident.
I don't want
to talk about that.
[Joubini] Oh.
Is it too painful?
You know, I can help with that.
You just have to let me in!
-[melodious ringtone]
-[Van Aarle gasps]
[Joubini] The drugs should
be working better now.
You're feeling more
talkative, aren't you?
[Joubini] Good.
Now you are going to tell me
where you've hidden
your little dealer friends,
Aaron and Brodie.
[Joubini] No?
You're hypnotising me.
You can't make me
do anything I don't want to do.
[Joubini] Ha!
You know better than that!
Did your father
teach you nothing?
You will let me in.
You want to.
Because, yes, I can help you.
[Joubini] The pain
your father caused you,
I can make it...
..go away.
I can even help your sister.
Would you like that?
[Joubini] But you have to
give me what I want, too.
You and I are cooperating.
Don't you agree?
[Joubini] You agree entirely.
[Joubini] Good.
Feel the warmth of this light.
You are safe here.
Very safe in this light.
I'm going to go deeper
into your mind now,
and you will welcome me gladly.
Your secrets
will become my secrets.
Just drift back
and let the light
wash over you...
[distorted voice continues]
-[garbled screams]
-[distorted speech, laughter]
[garbled screaming continues]
[deep distorted laughter]
[slow-motion screaming]
[dull explosion]
[unsettling music builds]
[Joubini] Stay here,
Mr Van Aarle.
[voices] He's inside your head.
[Joubini] There is nothing
to be afraid of.
You are my guest here.
-You need help.
-What your father did!
Is this how Louisa felt?
He remembers this pain,
the day he first heard
the narrator.
[voices] You're wasting away!
-Your mind is shutting down.
[narrator] He needs to focus.
[voices] Keep your eyes open.
-What was that?
-[distant gunshots]
-What was that?
-[alarms blare in distance]
-[glass shatters]
[clunking grows louder]
[door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
[alarms continue]
[LoneWolf] You idiot!
What are you doing here?
He has to concentrate,
but the hollow abyss
is calling.
I underestimated Joubini.
We both need to
get out of here.
-They will be back...
-Take the long elevator down.
[LoneWolf] ..with more men.
-Falling apart.
-You're dying!
-This is the end.
-Keep your eyes open!
-[voices fade]
[LoneWolf] Wake up, you fool!
-He's inside your head!
-Where are you?
-Keep moving.
Look out...
[alarm continues]
[LoneWolf] Stand back
while I eliminate these men.
You might need some help.
[LoneWolf] You are in no state.
Besides, LoneWolf works alone.
[grunting, struggling]
[screaming, grunting]
[pot clangs]
[voices] Getting smaller.
-Keep your eyes open!
No space, can't breathe...
Which way is up?
All gone.
You need help.
-[alarm blaring]
-[men shouting, banging]
Can you run?
[shouting, banging continues]
It is time to run.
-You just have to...
-You're wasting away.
-Join Louisa.
[LoneWolf] Come on. Keep going.
-Keep up. Come on.
-Your mind is shutting down.
[LoneWolf] Stay awake. Hurry.
Stay awake.
-Listen to me.
-Getting smaller...
[LoneWolf] You need to
get to help. Breathe.
-No space.
[LoneWolf] Breathe.
[LoneWolf] You will be OK.
[LoneWolf] I have a plan.
-Getting smaller...
-Don't breathe!
[voices fade]
[alarm continues]
[LoneWolf] Breathe.
Try to remember this.
Try to remember...
[LoneWolf] Try to remember.
-[men shouting]
[LoneWolf] Now run!
-[men shouting]
-[gunfire echoing]
[LoneWolf hollers]
[gunfire fades]
[menacing music]
-Wake up!
-Get up.
-Where are you?
-Not dead?
Get up!
[Hess] Hey.
Hey, breathe. It's OK.
It's OK.
-How did you get here?
-I've got you. You're safe.
-How did you get here?
-How did you get here?
God, I'm an idiot.
I found him, Hess. I...
-[slaps floor]
-What happened?
-What happened to you?
He was inside your head.
What... What did he do to me?
He fucked you up.
He started doing
what your father did... Louisa.
It's a miracle
you even made it here.
You were pretty far gone, so...
..I had to hypnotise you.
For quite a while.
But I...I think I got him out.
If it wasn't for...
..that...that crazy brain
of yours... might not be here.
Thank you.
[voices] You told him.
-He was inside your head!
-The safe house.
-Aaron and Brodie.
Betrayed them.
Oh, God! What did I say to him?
They could already be captured.
-You betrayed them.
[Hess] Hey.
-Hey. No. You're in no shape.
-I don't have much time.
I've gotta check
on Brodie and Aaron.
No! I'll go. You need to rest.
Hess. Hess...
[melodious ringtone]
What is it?
Whose phone is that?
-Not your phone.
-You recognise that sound.
-You're doomed!
-You recognise that sound.
[narrator] He feels
compelled to answer,
hoping Hess's exorcism
was successful.
You said you fixed me up,
[voices] You've lost.
You're doomed.
[ringtone continues]
[narrator] Fingers crossed.
[Joubini] Sorry to see you
leave so early yesterday.
But I'm calling to thank you
for your information.
I found your friends
in the secret house.
I have your 'pet wolf' too.
But don't worry,
I'm going to take
good care of them.
And now for my side
of our bargain.
This is the only way
to ease your pain.
You will get into your car
and head out onto the freeway.
You will increase your speed,
and with each kilometre,
you will feel more alive,
more free.
Your pain will diminish
as you accelerate.
You will feel
as if you're flying.
When you are going
as fast as your car will allow,
you will turn the wheel
as hard as you can.
The car is your pain.
Destroy the car and be free
of all your hurt and suffering.
You always wanted to be free,
didn't you?
[Joubini] Good.
Go now and be free.
You've been a great help.
And don't worry,
I'll make sure your sister
is well looked after.
[snaps phone shut]
[discordant sting]
-[phone clatters]
What is it?
He has...he has
all of them, Hess!
You have no idea
how much I want to murder
this son of a bitch!
Where's he taking them?
-Surely not to the hotel.
[narrator] All seems lost.
If only Van Aarle
were to search his pockets,
he would find
the clue he needs.
[voices] Search your pockets!
Please tell me
you know what this is.
[narrator] The Wolf
must have changed his mind.
[voice] You don't have time.
-Tracking device.
Looks cheap.
There's no signal here.
Where'd you get this?
[voices] It was the wolf man.
-No, don't bother.
Nah, it's too hard to explain.
Do you still have the stuff
from the good old days?
-You know I do.
Good. I'm gonna need your van.
-No, don't bother.
-Stop and think.
It's probably best
if you drive.
You have a plan?
Oh...I've got a plan.
[urgent music]
[narrator] Van Aarle's idea
is pretty vague.
A roll-with-the-punches
style plan.
One that requires 'borrowing'
some supplies.
Who knows
what they'll be walking into?
[flicks glass]
[narrator] He figures No-Arms
won't argue.
[door clangs]
Holy shit, Van Aarle.
[narrator] There are
enough combustibles in here
to level a small town,
and this suits Van Aarle
quite nicely.
You know, I never thought
I'd say this, but...
..thank God for No-Arms.
My hero.
Are you really thinking
what I think you're thinking?
You reckon all this
will fit in the van?
Right. Let's get to work.
We don't have much time.
[LoneWolf screaming]
Stay away from me! Agh!
Get away!
[Joubini] Run!
[pants, grunts]
[Joubini] Run, little wolf!
Run as if your life
depended on it!
[menacing music builds]
[pants frantically]
Fear is all in the mind.
[gasps deeply]
[laboured panting]
[eerie music]
[thunder rumbling gently]
[gasps softly]
Where am I?
[Joubini] Where do you think?
[LoneWolf gasps]
Release me!
[Joubini] I can't do anything.
We are inside your head...
..right now.
You see, I can't let you go,
because you don't want to.
I am in here.
It is mine.
And here we do as I please.
[grunts furiously]
[glass breaking]
[inhales deeply]
[laboured panting]
[LoneWolf] Take off your mask!
[Joubini] That's rich...
coming from you.
Very well.
Is that better?
What's wrong? Does
my appearance distress you?
What are you?
[Joubini] I am a figment.
I am whatever I tell you I am.
I am fear.
I am pain.
I am the last thing
you will ever see.
[LoneWolf screams]
[Joubini] Do you feel that?
[Joubini] The pain
all over your body.
[bones cracking]
[Joubini] The fear.
[Joubini] Will this pain
keep getting worse?
I promise you, it will!
[Joubini] But how much worse?
[panting intensely]
[groans, gurgles]
[Joubini laughs]
[Joubini] You may think
you know torture
in the waking world.
But believe me when I tell you,
it is nothing compared to this!
[gurgles, groans]
[Joubini] Pain like nothing
you've ever felt before.
Insects crawling,
biting under your skin.
[LoneWolf moans]
[Joubini] Your bones like
thorns in your flesh.
[bones crunching]
[Joubini] Tearing! Burning!
Breaking...again and again!
[roaring] And again and again!
[gurgles, moans in agony]
[gasps deeply]
[pants, sobs]
[Joubini] When you
were a little boy,
did you ever imagine
this would be the way it ended?
I bet you imagined
all sorts of greatness.
Everyone does.
Everyone dreams.
But the thing
about dreams is...
..they're all in your head.
Your little stupid heads.
You all think you're so strong,
so powerful.
But the truth is...'re all weak to me.
[discordant music blares]
[gasping for air]
[gasping stops]
[Joubini laughs]
[Joubini] Well...
..who wants to go next?
[both whimpering]
[voices] Stay calm.
-Stay calm.
-Don't panic.
-Time is running out.
-You have to save the boys.
-Time is running out.
-They're already dead!
-Brodie and Aaron...
-Stay calm.
-They need your help.
They're already dead.
-They're being tortured.
-He'll make them suffer.
Don't let them
end up like Louisa.
[tracker beeps]
[voices fade]
OK, I think we got something.
Alright, keep going.
Still a long way out.
It makes sense he'd be way out
in the middle of nowhere.
We must be going to his lab.
[narrator] Van Aarle
had assumed as much.
Continue past the Acacia Hotel
and you have
a lot of unsettled land.
His hunch seems
to have paid off,
unless of course...
Unless we're heading
for a dumping ground.
[Hess] We've got
nothing to lose.
What is it?
Look, I'm thinking,
when we get there,
I'm going in alone.
Fuck you.
I don't want to risk
us both being killed.
I mean, with all this stuff
in the back...
Nah, fuck that, man!
Who's gonna
look after my sister, then?
I think it's best
you stay in...
-I'm coming with you.
-Hess, I'm serious.
So am I, arsehole!
What? Is it because I'm a girl?
You know that's not it.
Look, I just
don't want to risk it.
You're full of shit!
You're the one
who might die here.
I need to take care of
the most immediately at risk.
You need me with you.
-I...I don't...
-No, that's the end of it.
[muttering] Stay in the van...
Jesus Christ.
[unsettling music]
Alright. Let's pull up
somewhere along here.
Maybe on a dirt road
or something?
Aye-aye, Captain.
[voices] Empty.
-Nothing here.
-Nothing here.
-You've failed.
-It's a graveyard.
-It's a graveyard.
-They're dead.
-You've failed.
Are you sure this is the place?
[engine idling]
[narrator] The field
appears empty.
But Van Aarle has a feeling.
[voice] There's something
out there.
[narrator] In the distance
he sees something.
What's that?
Bring the van.
[sinister music]
[mallet hammering repeatedly]
[faint screaming]
[Joubini] ..every inch...
..a doubling of agony.
[Brodie gasping]
[Joubini] Your mind
remains lucid
as it magnifies your pain
yet again.
[voices] Single point entry.
This complicates his plan.
Confined spaces with only one
entrance and exit are tricky.
[voices] Sealed environment...
Can't just bust in there,
guns blazing.
How many people are down there?
-Clean air.
Time is running out fast.
He needs to think of something.
Where are you going?
[urgent music]
[voices] Single point...
-Sealed environment.
[narrator] He finds
what he's looking for.
Any underground network
needs a way
-to get clean air in and out.
[voices] Explosives...
[narrator] This gives
Van Aarle an idea.
We need to blow the door.
You work on that, I've got
something else in mind.
[voices] Quickly.
-Air intake.
How many people are down there?
You need to move fast!
How many people are down there?
-You're running out of time!
-You have no choice.
-Keep calm!
[sinister music]
[mallet hammering repeatedly]
[metal clatters]
[grunts softly]
[narrator] In an ideal world,
there will be enough oxygen
down there for this to work.
[canisters clinking]
After all,
the boys are in there too.
[uneasy music]
[air blowing]
[sprays canister]
What the fuck are you doing?
It's No-Arms' drugs.
Don't worry,
it's not enough to suffocate,
just to get 'em high.
Should make things
a bit easier.
[Hess] Is that flammable?
It looks flammable.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
As long as the concentration
levels aren't too high.
How big do you reckon
this place is?
Oh, OK, do you want that
in square feet
or round up to the nearest 10?
Shit, Van Aarle.
Are you sure about this?
Nuh...but fuck it.
There's another mask
in the van.
-You got that door set?
-Yep, she's good to blow.
[Brodie screams]
[Joubini] The sting
of a thousand needles
dig into your veins,
scratching your bones.
[loud explosion]
[explosion reverberates]
[distant rumbling]
[high-pitched ringing]
[narrator] The air is clearing.
They need to move fast.
[Hess] move!
[groans in agony]
[Hess shouts]
-[bat thwacking]
-[Hess grunting]
[Brodie gasps, splutters]
[Hess] Shit.
Get out of my way! Move!
Get back against the wall!
[Brodie gasping]
[Joubini] Wriggling
deeper into your...
Get against the wall!
Everyone, back!
[melodious ringing]
[discordant ringing]
[Hess] Oh, shit.
Don't do it.
[discordant ringing continues]
Stay back.
[grunts angrily]
[Van Aarle] Oh...
[both grunting, straining]
[voices] Don't breathe...
-You idiot!
-You're going to die.
-You're going to die.
[narrator] Van Aarle
thinks to himself,
[Brodie wails]
[all groaning, struggling]
-[woman gasps]
-[canisters clatter]
[Hess] Sorry!
[Hess shouts]
Shit. Sorry.
[Hess strains]
[Hess screams]
[distorted music drones]
[man grunts]
[man grunts, shouts]
[heavy breathing]
[man grunts]
[bones cracking]
[muffled punching]
[Hess grunts]
[Hess] Get back!
Back! I don't want to hurt you!
Get out of here!
I'm trying to help you!
[Hess groans]
[distorted music intensifies]
[Hess coughs]
[Hess grunts]
-[Hess shouts]
-[tray clangs]
Back! It's not safe here!
-[Hess grunts]
-[tray clangs]
Fuck off! OK, guys, outside!
Follow me! Now!
Come on!
Go, go, go!
Move it!
[tense music builds]
[Hess screams]
[grunts, exhales]
[voices] Pull yourself together.
Get out...
[man grunts]
-You have to stop them.
-Save them.
[voices continue]
[Brodie wails]
[Brodie screams]
[Brodie gags]
[gasps for air]
[voices whispering faintly]
-Pull yourself together,
-Pull yourself together.
-Pull yourself together.
-Get up.
-Pull yourself together.
-Don't give up now.
-Get up, get up.
-You have to save the boys!
[Brodie shrieks]
-[voices continue]
-Don't give up.
[Brodie shrieks]
[voices continue]
-You need...
-[Brodie shrieks]
-They're being tortured! keep moving.
[voices fade]
[discordant sting]
[tense music]
[voices whispering faintly]
[Brodie strains]
Time is ticking...
[Brodie screams]
-[voices whispering]
-[Brodie screaming]
Save them.
Yes...and now the finale.
[tense music swells]
[Joubini] As I raise the knife,
your pain intensifies.
You will feel...
[Van Aarle]
Let him go, dickhead.
[Joubini] You.
[Joubini] Now, how did you...
-Don't let him speak.
-..get here?
-You're losing control!
[narrator] Who could know
whether or not Hess
had completely freed Van Aarle
of Joubini's influence?
Here he was,
waving a hand, manipulating...
[voices] Fight back.
-You can resist.
[Joubini] You remember...
-Fight back.
[Joubini] voice, don't you?
-He will hurt you!
[Joubini] Relax now.
-He still has power.
-Shut him up!
[Joubini] I want you
-to put down... [voice fades]
-[ethereal music]
-[Van Aarle grunts]
-[joubini groans]
-[Van Aarle screams]
-[Joubini groans]
[gasps, pants]
[tense music fades]
[soft poignant music]
[soft poignant music continues]
[Joubini gasping]
[continues gasping]
[tense music swells]
[rapid beeping]
[Van Aarle groans]
[groans, exhales]
I need a coffee.
[ventilator hissing, pulsing
[muffled voices in distance]
So... done, then?
Ah, I think I've had enough
excitement for one career.
[groans softly]
Do you think
she'll ever wake up?
I dunno, really.
[grunts softly]
But, um...
what really matters... that whatever world
she's in right now
isn't full of monsters.
Like it is out here.
[ventilator continues]
[muffled voices]
[ventilator stops]
[poignant electronic music]