Pulanaivu (2019) Movie Script

Sir! We're almost there.
We will be arriving soon.
Raj! Received another call
from the crime scene.
They heard a gunshot, it seems.
Make sure you handle this carefully.
Sir! We've found a gray Myvi.
There's nobody in the car.
Do you want us to check...
- Hello?
- Madam! We got Aishwarya.
Where was she caught?
She was caught at Kapar.
She was holding a gun
in her hands when caught.
We're still investigating
the identities of the corpses.
I will go over now.
Bhairavi! If you want your daughter
to be alive, let go of me now!
Do you want her to die?
Throw your gun away or I will shoot her.
Don't make it worse, just leave her!
Do you want me to shoot her?
Throw your gun away!
- Mom!
- Yes, dear?
Mom you don't want to talk to him forever?
Mr. Siddarth.
Do you want coffee?
I'm asking you! Can you hear me?
We used to be so happy.
But now?
Don't think about this nonsense.
- Good morning madam.
- Good morning Ravin.
I'm all right madam.
Anytime I'm ready to join.
My family just won't allow it.
Oh no! Not to that extent madam.
Only to the extent
of having an appetite to eat.
How can you do it then?
- Strengthen your body first, dear.
- Sure, madam.
How's your new assistant, madam?
He's good.
I've warned him to take good care of you.
Madam, the victim's name is Preethy.
Another girl is staying here in this unit.
- Her name is Aishwarya.
- That girl is still missing.
- Madam shall I?
- Yeah, go ahead.
Madam, the major injury comes
from the shock of being hit
with a blunt item on the victim's head.
There was tremendous blood loss.
The victim was strangled with a belt
- What about fingerprints?
- Yes, Madam.
At the doorknob,
kitchen appliances, and also on this belt.
But, madam, there's no fingerprint
on this candle stand. It's clean.
Even on the sorry note,
there are fingerprints.
We're still trying to find out
who wrote this note.
The incident happened last night,
which is Friday between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Evidence 6.
There are also fingerprints
on these items, madam.
But there is no other evidence.
- Deepak, did you find Preethy's phone?
- No, it's missing, madam.
I am Aishwarya's father, madam.
I've been trying
to contact her since Friday.
But I couldn't contact her madam.
I've also tried to contact Preethy.
But couldn't reach her too, madam.
That's why I came here to visit them.
When I arrived,
I saw Preethy in this condition.
I've treated her
like my daughter too madam.
When was the last time you called her?
Last Friday madam.
Aishwarya is a patient person,
it's impossible that she did this.
All right sir, thank you.
Our victim Preethy, 20 years old.
And this is Aishwarya, the missing girl
who is Preethy's housemate.
Nineteen years old and her family
is from Kapar and she's studying IT.
No medical issues. No criminal issues.
Madam, the hostel CCTV footage shows that
at 4 p.m. Preethy took the elevator
to the parking lot.
Looking anxious.
Preethy didn't come out after that.
At 6 p.m., Aishwarya, the missing girl
came out of the hostel.
Most probably she took a bus
from the bus stop in front of the hostel.
Because if someone else picked her up,
she would've gone to the hostel lobby.
Or Grab.
- Okay, good but try to find out more.
- Okay, ma'am.
Madam, Preethy has got two ex-boyfriends.
After doing their background check,
they don't have any
serious conflicts with Preethy.
Her current boyfriend is called Viknesh.
Preethy has been in a relationship
with Viknesh for one year.
Preethy has two close friends,
who are Aathi and Sharath.
Close friends for ten years
since their schooling days.
One more thing madam.
Aathi is Aishwarya's boyfriend madam.
In conclusion,
there are four main suspects
- in this case.
- Yes, madam.
Aathi, Viknesh, and Sharath...
their cars did not enter the hostel lobby
on the day of the incident.
A status saying that
Viknesh tricked her four months ago.
And then, one day before the murder,
Preethy indirectly scolded Aishwarya
in her Facebook status.
But Aishwarya is not active
on her social network or Instagram.
Occasionally she will
be active on Facebook
Most of it is posting selfies
or photos with Preethy.
We couldn't find much information.
I've checked her laptop.
Nothing unusual about
her telephone records too.
Most of the calls were made to
Viknesh, Aishwarya, and Aathi.
And a few other calls.
Yes, Madam.
- Have you checked her iCloud?
- Not yet, Madam.
Try checking it, you might find
something on her WhatsApp backup.
We'll check, Madam.
Sri Ram try focusing
on the list of buses that pass by there.
Get the hostel CCTV footage.
Viknesh went to Uncle's house sir.
He will be back tomorrow.
I will let him know to meet with you.
What happened to his phone?
Why can't he be contacted?
I'm not sure sir.
He contacted us a while ago.
When he comes back,
I'll let him know to meet with you.
Sir, this is a murder case.
We cannot easily let him go.
Aren't you his uncle?
Try contacting him again.
We need to speak with him.
Madam. He is not here.
Don't forget to tell Viknesh
to meet us tomorrow.
- Yes, madam.
- Okay.
- I forgot to give you this.
- Give it to me, madam.
- Madam.
- Let me wash it, madam.
- I can wash it, don't worry.
- I will do it.
What are you doing here?
Can help mom in the kitchen?
I found out just this evening.
I couldn't help but feel sad.
I tried to commit suicide,
but my father blocked me.
I told my father what happened.
He was scared that I would be blamed.
At that time madam came.
That's why my father asked me to hide.
What is the problem
between you and Preethy?
There is no problem between us, madam.
Preethy is quick to anger.
It's just a small argument between us.
All this happened
because of Aishwarya, madam.
I don't know why she likes
to interfere in our issues.
I think she used to like me.
It's not my fault.
Preethy argued with me because of her.
Preethy thinks I'm having
an affair with Aishwarya.
I've explained it to her many times
but she doesn't trust me.
She's angry at me
because Aishwarya bought the red pillow.
She's angry with me
even for things like this.
- Red bolster?
- Yes, madam.
I like the color red.
All the things in Preethy's room,
the pillow, bedsheets are red
because of me.
Suddenly one day,
Aishwarya too owns things of that color.
It's not my fault.
Preethy asked to break up with me.
Because she was angry,
I gave her space to cool down.
That's why I've not been talking
to her for a while.
How's Aishwarya's attitude?
She's a good girl.
The type who doesn't talk much.
She likes to "like" my photos on Facebook.
And comment on my photos.
I've never taken advantage of her.
From there, Preethy started to suspect me.
- You've never talked to her about it?
- I did, madam.
Just casual talk, nothing much.
After this problem,
I stopped talking to her.
Where were you on Friday evening
during the incident?
I was at home, madam.
Who else, madam? It must be Aishwarya!
You! Maybe you did it.
Preethy was like my life, madam.
There's no way I would murder her, madam.
Aishwarya is the cause of all this.
If I could find her,
I am not sure what I would do!
She has destroyed my life, madam.
Please help me find her, madam.
Only then will the spirit
of Preethy be at peace.
Please find her, madam.
He's very important for this case.
Do you know him?
I do not know him, madam.
Don't come home!
There's a chaotic meeting going on here.
Who is there?
Aunt, Uncle, and Dad.
They have nothing else to do, my dear.
- Is there anyone who will support me?
- Uncle...
Pity him. He's the only one
who supports you, Mom.
I've got to go now, dear.
Let me come save him.
We've received the fingerprint report.
I've sent it to your email,
please check it.
- Do you want me to brief, Madam?
- Yes, tell me sir.
Evidence 1 and 5.
The fingerprints on the sorry note
belongs to Aishwarya.
The fingerprints in the room
and in the kitchen belong to Preethy.
That is usual.
But the fingerprint on the belt used to
strangle the victim belongs to Aishwarya.
And we also found one more fingerprint.
We're still processing it.
The fingerprint we found
on the doorknob belongs to Aishwarya.
When can I get that information?
We are working on it the whole night.
Might send it any time, Madam.
Janani, please go upstairs, dear.
Who would like to start first?
What else do you want to talk about?
We've told you of our decision.
You're the one
who has yet to make the decision.
I've told you my answer, right?
My answer isn't what you want!
That's the problem now.
That you don't want to resign.
Siddarth knew about this
before going out with me.
We've been married for 12 years.
What's his problem now?
My daughter almost got killed.
Because of you!
Because of your job!
Do you want me to treat this
as something normal?
You're behaving like this
because it happens to Janani.
How many times has my sister
faced a situation like this?
When she talked about those situations
you were entertained
like watching an action movie.
- Why are you angry now?
- I just don't know!
I've never felt
this insecure feeling before.
- If this happened to me! Wait!
- When that incident happened to me...
Maybe I would not have done the same
if I was in that situation.
But then it's... Janani!
What if something had happened to her?
I was there during the situation Siddarth!
She was with me at that time.
But you weren't there!
I was the one who experienced that pain!
I admit that it was hard to forget.
But it had happened!
Because of that, you want me to resign?
- Do you understand?
- This is my life!
If you wish to serve the community.
Please go ahead!
You knew all these, try to understand me.
You want me to live in fear?
It's not like that!
- You think too much!
- How do you want me to think?
Don't shout, Siddarth. Calm down.
Can you hear what she says?
She's not willing to compromise at all.
I want you to resign! Or else...
Sign our divorce letter.
Give me custody.
Then live however you like!
All right.
If situations like this happen to me...
I will be shot by the criminal!
I would have died!
Even then you would not resign, right?
You're good at acting!
Do not pressure me! Just tell me!
I'm just a normal girl, madam.
Not much has been happening.
I will be scared even of small things.
My problem or maximum stress
is when the lecturer scolds me
for failing to hand
in my assignment on time.
I'm just a normal girl, madam.
I never imagined...
love and friendship will bring me here.
I have a small world for myself.
Father, mother, calves, and Shiva.
Shiva is my life.
We've been together
since my schooling days, madam.
We hope to study in Kuala Lumpur.
We've received the offer.
But in different colleges.
I moved to Kuala Lumpur first.
I've never been far apart
from Shiva all this while.
I've moved to KL with the hope
that Shiva will come over soon.
During college,
life became colorful.
With our groups of friends.
Preethy, the daughter
of my father's close friend.
That's why I stay with her.
She's like my best friend.
Aathi, Preethy's long-time friend.
Sharath too.
Our lives were perfect.
Classes will start next week
but I've not found a room to rent yet.
I felt stressed.
Come quick.
- I miss you.
- Me too.
Preethy is quick-tempered.
She does things without thinking.
It's one of the reasons this all happened.
It's her short-tempered personality.
- What are you doing here?
- Surprise!
- So sweet!
- You've changed so much!
Are you the girl that I knew in Kapar?
After meeting Shiva,
my longing for him disappeared.
My only problem is the issue of food
I tried to overcome it with bread.
So I do not have any problems.
Sis Varshini will cook every day.
All I need is to buy
the kitchen appliances.
Who is that?
My housemate and also my senior.
She is a good cook.
She is sweet and friendly.
I will introduce you later.
In a short moment,
I started to miss Shiva.
Shiva rarely communicates with me.
You rarely talk to me.
It's not that my dear,
the stress from assignments.
Yes, I will come.
I will call you later, if I don't go
over now, she will finish my food.
- Goodbye!
- Let's talk again later...
Something is not right.
My thoughts are not calm.
I've decided to talk to Shiva about this.
There's nothing between us, Aisyu!
Try to understand me.
What do you want me to understand
That photo doesn't look proper
Shiva, I feel scared.
Why are you scared of things like this?
If that's the case,
stop being friends with her.
Say you won't be friends with her anymore.
How can I do that?
I'm renting the same house as her.
I don't care, you must ignore her for me.
This is not practical, Aisyu.
She's like a good friend to me.
It's not easy to rent a room here, Aisyu!
There's nothing between us!
Don't you believe me?
Because you call her a sister,
that's why I didn't care at first.
Don't talk badly about her! Understand?
It's not that I want to talk badly
about her, but it's the truth.
She likes to wear indecent clothes.
Then she touches you here and there.
I can't just keep quiet about it.
She's not like what you said!
She's not all that good.
You're exaggerating!
You don't know how good she is,
she took good care of me.
She's very important to me. Understand?
So now it has come to this?
If that's it, you should just go with her!
I am only saying
that she too is important to me.
That means I need both of you in my life!
What? You want both of us?
Aren't you ashamed to speak like this?
You're so difficult
to understand! Just hang up!
Sure! Before hanging up,
tell me who you choose. Me or her?
Say it, Shiva.
Me or her?
Say it, Shiva! Me or her?
Yes! She is important to me!
I regret loving you!
You're always giving me trouble!
What do you mean?
- You used to say she's like your sister.
- Yes! So what?
I'm sorry, my dear.
I've talked harshly to you.
You might still be angry at me.
I will contact you again later.
I love her.
You just go away, okay?
It's a culture shock, Shiva.
I know you don't love her.
Our love is true.
I cannot live without you.
You feel the same about me too.
I will die without you, Shiva.
Please, Shiva. Come back to me.
Go ahead and die!
Didn't you say you would die without him?
He won't come back to you,
so you can go die!
I hope you weren't joking!
Didn't he say he doesn't love you anymore?
Why are you torturing us?
Stop disturbing us!
You've seen it? Is it enough?
Shiva and I love each other.
He confessed that he loves me.
He chose me!
Yes! Both of us are
in love with each other.
You are not suitable for me, Aisyu.
Don't try to persuade me like a dog!
I'm so annoyed with you!
What an embarrassing thing!
Could you check?
Who are you? Who are you looking for?
- Hello! I'm asking you!
- Who is there, dear?
Hello! I'm asking you!
Why are you staring into space?
Who are you looking for?
What do you want?
Don't you feel ashamed?
You're a man, right?
Come here!
You want to play chase? Go to hell!
Even a face like yours
could have an affair?
Sit here!
You will be taught a lesson.
Look here!
That girl almost died because of you.
That is an innocent girl.
Look at her face!
Damn woman!
You should not cheat in love, bro!
I hope you understand!
Take care of yourself!
Brother Sharath has something
for you, let's go look!
What is it, bro?
Are you okay with this?
If our partner wanted a breakup
for the reason that we're not compatible.
That reason is still acceptable.
But if he cheats on us,
that's what hurts!
How long have you been with him?
Three years.
I trusted him too much.
That's why it hurts so much.
He loved a girl named Veena.
For 4 years.
They too broke up with just a voice note.
Just like you.
A new college, new environment,
and a new boyfriend
caused him to be stressed.
He extended the semester and didn't
come out of his room for six months.
Just like you,
he tried to commit suicide too.
Then he met with a psychologist.
There's some improvement now.
We will be with you.
Can we go out?
To somewhere far away.
- Now?
- Yes.
It's a good idea.
But I can't go with you.
My father is coming after two years.
I can ask Aathi to accompany you.
My hardships, my life
My tears flow down
Because of your poisonous words
My heart is heavy
What have I done wrong?
What was missing in my love?
Why am I given this loneliness?
To find new love
You left me without mercy
Why did you leave me?
You broke my heart for your sake
My hardships, my life
My tears flow down
Because of your poisonous words
My heart is heavy
Your acting was exposed
It's all a lie
My love was forgotten
My love
Why did you destroy my true love?
My love
Love that was built for so long
Damaged by you
My direction was changed
Torturing me
Without you by my side
Scares me
My every day becomes a puzzle
My love
I was tricked by your words
I just realized
My hardships, my life
My tears flow down
Because of your poisonous words
My heart is heavy...
Why does true love always end like this?
Not everyone can have a girl like you.
...You leave me without mercy
Why did you leave me?
You broke my heart for your sake
My hardships, my life
My tears flow down
Because of your poisonous words
My heart is heavy...
Don't make my situation worse.
The camera is out of battery,
I'll go get it.
Think about it.
Okay. If you know or hear anything...
...please WhatsApp this number.
What's your name?
Kim, madam.
Did you observe anything?
When they were in the living room,
the girl said "iCloud delete."
And once they came into the room,
the girl used the word "shit"
and, again, "iCloud."
Madam. We got the statement
from Preethy's ex-boyfriend.
We've also spoken to
Preethy and Aisyu's parents.
Madam. We've detected
Preethy's iCloud account.
But what's interesting is that
last Saturday,
which is the day after Preethy's death,
someone else formatted Preethy's laptop,
and also used her cell phone.
Aishwarya did not sync it
to her cell phone.
We need the password
to open Aisyu's iCloud account.
After they deleted
Preethy's iCloud account,
they tried to delete
Aishwarya's iCloud account too.
They were not successful.
It wasn't Aishwarya who came that night.
There's another story behind this case.
Where were you on Friday night?
We've been friends for ten years.
I don't believe she'd do it, Madam.
I feel there's something else going on.
Do you suspect anyone?
Nobody, madam.
Most probably Viknesh.
But he's a coward.
He's not the type
who is brave enough to commit murder.
- Do you have an issue with Viknesh?
- Not like that.
I do not like him
because he's a womanizer.
Likes to lie.
That's why I rarely talk to him.
He lied to Preethy.
Preethy might be able to accept it
because of love. But I can't.
I heard Viknesh
and Aishwarya had an affair.
Do you know anything about this?
Recently Preethy has become stubborn.
But Aisyu won't say anything.
I'm sure Aisyu isn't such a girl, Madam.
Last Thursday, Preethy and Aishwarya
were arguing in the college canteen.
One day Preethy asked me to go
over to her room to wake her up.
Then the next day, they had a big fight.
Preethy accused Viknesh
of being in the room with Aisyu.
After the incident, Aisyu was upset.
I tried to help them.
But Aisyu has contacted Preethy
and discussed the issue.
I'm not sure what they talked about.
But they've reconciled.
The next day.
Do you know Shiva?
Which Shiva?
Aishwarya's ex-boyfriend.
Who is Vijay Andrew in this case?
Do you know who is Vijay Andrew?
Yes, I know.
Who is he?
A graphic design student
from University Lim Kok Wing,
23 years old and from Kuala Lumpur.
- How did you get his information?
- From Facebook.
Why are you interested
in knowing about him?
Just my curiosity. Because...
Madam asked this question
about Vijay Andrew to all suspects. So...
If you feel that way, then surely the
killer too will want to know about him.
This is like bait to catch the killer.
Vijay Andrew is no one.
I just created this character.
All the information you got from Facebook
was created by our people.
The profile photo is
that of our officer, Mr. Saresh.
We've put the bait.
Let's see who will get caught.
Madam, this is Preethy's car.
It entered the hostel at 4 p.m.
She saw something there.
- Yes, Sri Ram.
- Madam, I got it!
- What have you got?
- As I said,
Aishwarya boarded the bus that day.
She got down at the street mall bus stop.
There's CCTV footage.
I've emailed it, please check, madam.
- Go on.
- After that, she got into a car madam.
- We've got the car number plate too.
- Good. Try to trace it quickly.
Sri Ram. I need CCTV footage
of Viknesh's house.
Just for that particular day. Get it.
Okay, I will get it now ma'am.
They said that he was at home
on the day of the incident.
Let's check if it's true.
All right, madam.
Madam, I got the footage.
What happened?
What's her condition Siddarth?
Where was she shot?
It's just a minor injury, right?
Is she all right? Is she awake?
I do not know too, Siddarth!
How is she? I want to see her, please.
What is her sin?
This is all your fault!
You didn't want to listen to me!
Before she was kidnapped!
Now they've shot her!
What else do you want?
Do you want her to die?
I will die too if anything happens to her.
- Is that what you want?
- No.
Why are you still alive?
Wouldn't it be good if someone shot you!
Let you die!
Don't say such things Siddarth.
- Please.
- Listen.
Leave us.
- I will take care of my daughter.
- Siddarth.
- This is too much, Bhairavi.
- I want to see her.
You better go!
- Please let me see her again.
- Get away from here!
Don't try to come near my daughter!
Don't look for us anymore, Bhairavi!
- Hello?
- Madam, we've got new information.
Someone is following Vijay Andrew.
Grey Myvi number plate WC4669F.
Madam! Vijay Andrew is on the line.
Madam! In 12 kilometers, there's a
restaurant on the left side of the road.
I'll go over first madam.
There is a parking lot next to them.
What are you trying to do?
Trying to scare us?
- I don't understand madam.
- Where is she?
- I don't understand what you are saying.
- Where is she now?
- Who madam?
- Where is Aishwarya?
Tell me where is she now. You don't know?
I will find her.
I will break the hands
that shot my daughter!
Ravin! In my situation,
I'm not sure what I'll do.
- You handle him.
- Okay, madam.
My daughter!
My daughter!
Not long after,
I accepted Aathi's love.
We started dating.
Our lives were happy.
A new chapter of our lives began.
But all these didn't last.
Because of Viknesh.
I need Viknesh's help with my assignment.
Then we started talking.
Do you have a problem
with the CSS code or JavaScript, Aisyu?
My JavaScript is okay.
It's just that it's not aligned.
If it's not aligned, then it must be
a problem with the CSS code.
- What you need to do is...
- And then...
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Who is it, Aisyu?
- Preethy is here, Viknesh.
I just thought of calling you.
Okay, which do you think is more suitable?
My favorite hero acted well,
you just didn't like it.
There's no difference between
the hero's acting and a comedy.
You should try to act, then you'll know.
Aisyu did warn us earlier on
that the film would be boring.
- You're always talk like this.
- You didn't listen to me.
You only find me when there's a problem.
I used the code that you gave me.
How did you pass?
Funny girl. You make mistakes
even with "copy paste."
Now you're blaming me.
Viknesh, you didn't tell me
that you were coming.
I asked him to come.
I need to submit my assignment
to the lecturer in an hour.
So I asked him to come.
Usually, you do assignments
in the study room, right?
Why do it in the bedroom today?
Viknesh said there was no line
in that room.
So we used this room.
Please wait. I'll get you a coffee, okay?
Why is the red bolster here?
I don't know.
Why? I didn't do anything.
As if you did nothing.
- What are you talking about?
- I've not spoken yet, Viknesh.
Save your apologies!
Just tell me you'll stop this.
Why do you always misunderstand?
She's a good friend of ours.
Don't you believe her?
Of course I trust her. I don't trust you.
This isn't the first time for you.
Why are you bringing up the past, baby?
I've changed my dear.
Just do as I say.
Just give an excuse
so that she will not find you again!
Hello! What are you doing?
I'm trying to correct this lamp
so that madam can do the assignment.
Excuse me. Can you not disturb me?
- Hello.
- Hi, Aisyu.
- Thanks.
- Sorry, I'll be out of town this week.
I cannot help you.
You've helped me a lot.
It's okay, you're welcome.
- All the best, okay?
- Thank you.
- Hi!
- Hi, babe!
I'm below your condo,
shall we go for a drink?
I'm at college. I can't come.
I found Viknesh's car here.
That's why I thought
you were at the hostel.
- What is it?
- Nothing. Where's Aisyu?
She didn't answer my phone,
I think she's still sleeping.
Better go to the room and wake her up.
Yes, I better. Okay, bye.
- Yes, babe?
- Where are you?
- I'm waiting for you down here.
- Okay.
I fell asleep, I'll come now.
Okay. Bye.
Why is your car at my hostel
when I'm not there?
Answer my question first!
Why is your car there?
Why? Is she prettier than me?
For God's sake!
- Trust me, I did not go there!
- Then how did your car end up there?
Are you sure they saw my car there?
There are many cars
of the same color and brand as mine!
Do they know my car number plate?
Hello, Aathi.
Did you see Viknesh's
car number plate just now?
I did not notice the car number plate.
- All right.
- Okay, bye.
Don't keep blaming me!
I did not do anything.
Why are you torturing me?
Calm down.
The only way to resolve this matter...
...is for you to trust me.
Trust me completely.
Don't be suspicious of me.
If you're still suspicious of me.
This is what happens!
Do you understand?
I've changed, Preethy.
I hope you understand.
Please trust me.
Listen. Aathi is very sensitive.
This will be a big problem
if he finds out.
Why are you torturing me like this?
It's not important for me
to understand your situation.
What did he say?
I'm talking to you.
Are you asking me? Who?
Your lover Viknesh!
Answer me.
I don't understand, Preethy.
What do you mean?
Don't understand?
You will not understand.
Preethy, stop that!
Everyone is looking at us.
- What is your problem?
- Can both of you not argue here?
What did you say on the phone?
You don't think I don't know?
You think I'm stupid?
Please understand, Preethy,
it's not Viknesh!
Then who was it?
Tell me who was it.
I was talking to my father.
Talking to your father?
- Don't lie!
- Control yourself, Preethy!
I treated you as my friend!
I don't care
if you're having an affair with him.
- It's not that, Preethy.
- To me, both of you are dead!
You lied to me!
- Please try to understand!
- You betrayed me!
You don't trust me?
Get lost!
I'm not sure
if Preethy's anger is fair or not.
But I tried to make her
understand the real situation.
Shiva tried to persuade me
to get back with him.
He tortured me.
If Aathi finds out about this.
It will be a big problem.
I didn't tell anyone.
Forgive me, Aisyu.
Wait, Aisyu!
There's nothing I want
to talk about with you.
Apologizing is not enough, Shiva.
That's not it, Aisyu!
There's nothing between us, Shiva.
I almost died because of you.
Even in that condition,
you didn't come to see me!
Please Aisyu. I made a mistake.
Please give me another chance, Aisyu.
You said,
she takes care of you better than I do.
In the same way, Aathi takes care
of me better than you do.
- Please, Aisyu!
- That's it, Shiva!
There's nothing left between us.
I've sent all the short messages
received from Shiva to Preethy.
So that Preethy will
understand my situation.
Finally, Preethy understood my situation
and apologized to me.
I assumed that
all my problems were resolved.
on the next day, which was Friday
was the day Preethy died.
The day our lives were changed.
Mom, you should not leave the job.
Perhaps I have not
thought about it before.
But now I must make a decision.
It's not a big deal, Mom.
They were only trying to scare you.
Mom, you're not the type
who is afraid of all this.
Those who did this
will not be out there much longer.
I'll catch them as soon as possible.
Mom, don't give up.
My mom will never ever go down.
Promise me.
Pinky promise my dear!
You've grown up.
- I'm a big girl now.
- Really?
Aisyu and I have been in love
since our schooling days.
Then I came to the city.
I broke up with Aisyu
because of another girl.
I've hurt Aisyu's heart.
Not long after that, I realized my
I decided to break up with that girl.
Tried to get back to Aisyu.
She tried to avoid me.
But I did not give up.
I did my best to win her heart back.
I went to her college.
Her hostel. Tried to persuade her
through short messages.
But she did not accept me.
Finally, she agreed to meet with me.
I waited for her at a restaurant.
With the desire to persuade
her until she agrees.
But she did not show up, sir.
Which restaurant?
At Puchong.
I waited almost three hours for her.
She did not show up, sir.
Then I went back.
Why did you follow Vijay Andrew?
I tried to send her short messages,
but they were not sent.
Her phone was unreachable.
I thought she blocked my phone number.
I went to her college
hoping to meet with her.
That's when I received this news.
I didn't know what to do at that time.
Her classmate told me about it.
That person is looking for
someone named Vijay Andrew.
I thought he kidnapped Aisyu.
That's why I followed him.
That's all sir.
Ma'am, the investigation results
from his call history
showed that he contacted
Aisyu a few weeks back.
There are short messages of him
persuading Aisyu to accept him.
It's true that he waited
at the restaurant.
We've checked the CCTV
footage at the restaurant.
He waited there from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Aishwarya wanted
to meet with him on that day.
She took the bus
from the hostel to Street Mall.
At Street Mall, she took
Grab to the restaurant.
She sent short messages
until she reached the restaurant.
But we're not sure
what happened to her after that.
Investigation results of the car number
plate proved it was a rented Grab car.
According to the driver's statement,
he dropped Aisyu at the restaurant.
Preethy has been in a relationship
with Viknesh for one year.
Four months ago,
Preethy updated her Facebook status
that Viknesh tricked her.
I feel there's something else going on.
Who else, madam? It must be Aishwarya!
I found Viknesh's car here.
That's why I thought
you were at the hostel.
Aathi, Viknesh, and Sharath...
their cars did not enter the hostel lobby
on the day of the incident.
It wasn't Aishwarya who came that night.
He's a womanizer.
Likes to lie.
She saw something there.
Where were you on Saturday night?
I was at home, madam.
Sri Ram.
Where's the guard house CCTV footage
from Viknesh's housing area?
Yes ma'am. His car did not come out of
housing area on the day of the incident.
Check the red-colored Proton Saga.
The number plate starts with WQN.
It came out from the housing area.
Open the hostel CCTV footage.
- Stop.
- Ma'am, 3 p.m.
This car entered the hostel.
Got caught.
I want a list
of the Indian girls in this hostel.
What's this name list for?
I still do not understand.
There's no affair
between Aishwarya and Viknesh.
Aishwarya was indeed talking to Shiva.
What was Viknesh doing at the hostel?
Preethy's doubts about
Viknesh were correct.
But Preethy got the wrong person.
Preethy found Viknesh's car
in the parking lot.
With anger, Preethy left the place.
Viknesh came to meet with someone else.
Let's get him here to find out. Come.
- Yes, Deepak.
- I spoke to Viknesh, Madam.
Said he is busy right now.
There's no time for that.
You go and catch him.
- Who are you looking for?
- We're the police.
How can I help you, sir?
We're here for investigation.
Can we come in?
I just heard some Indian ankle sounds,
maybe from the girl's feet.
I've not spoken to her before.
But have met her before.
Recently, did you hear anything
unusual from her unit?
No, sir. Nothing like that.
Have you talked with Aishwarya before?
No, sir.
I rarely mingle with the Indians here.
Only friends with my classmates.
Yes, but sorry,
I've not cleaned up my room.
- Do you have a boyfriend?
- No, madam.
I don't believe in love.
I like the color red.
All the things in Preethy's room
the pillow, bedsheets are red
because of me.
- How do you know Viknesh?
- I do not know him at all.
I do not know her, sir.
- Have you met him before?
- No.
Didn't I say that I do not know her?
- Never talked to him before?
- No!
If you don't believe me,
you can check my phone.
You're not afraid?
Are you confident
that everything will be solved?
I almost got you.
I will surely get the evidence.
You will be caught then.
On the way, my dear,
papa is buying food for you.
Buy me Kitkat and Choki-choki.
- Buy two.
- All right, dear.
- Is that all?
- That's enough, papa.
All right dear, see you later.
Okay. Thank you!
They attacked me from the back.
Go to hell!
I'm embarrassed to admit
that I'm a police, Ravin!
I still could not detect who they are!
I'm so ashamed!
I'm not a good mother...
or an obedient wife to my husband.
I'm also not worthy to be in the police!
I don't deserve to live, Ravin.
I've never been so sad, Ravin.
All these happened
because I still can't find them!
If my guess was correct,
their next target is you, Madam.
Let them come.
Let's see who will win.
This must end quickly.
- Let's end it!
- Sure, madam.
We will surely end it.
Preethy and I went to college.
Can we go?
What's all this?
- Nothing.
- Okay, let's go.
Are you suspicious of me, Aathi?
Preethy said you talked to someone.
If it's not Viknesh, then who was it?
Why are you lying to me?
Preethy did not answer when I asked her.
Something was not right.
I could see it in your eyes.
Don't think of nonsense, Aathi.
Recently, I felt this distance
between us. You know that very well.
You can explain to me. I can understand.
Can you stop irritating me? Stop it.
That's him! Liar!
Do you think I could not
recognize your father's car?
Bro! Your girlfriend is sleeping
with my boyfriend.
I'm going over to catch them,
you can come if you want!
Aisyu open the door!
- Where is he?
- What's wrong with you?
Where is he?
- Who?
- Where is he?
Where is Viknesh?
This again?
Does he know that I'm coming?
- What's wrong with you, Preethy?
- Very smart!
What's wrong with you, Preethy?
You lied to me!
- It's my fault for believing in you!
- What's this?
Don't raise your voice
with me! I will hit you!
Hit me if you dare!
Look here!
His car is still down there,
so he must be here!
- Are you playing with me?
- Think carefully!
You can't be sure that he came to find me.
I'm not the only Indian girl
in this hostel!
I'm not a slut.
Today I will meet
with Shiva to end all this.
I'll him that I choose Aathi.
You too are suffering
in your love relationships!
Think carefully and make the decision.
Think properly!
If it's not Aisyu who would it be?
There are only
five Indian girls in this block.
Maybe Gayathiri?
It must be Dory.
That was the last time I saw Preethy.
When I was about to leave,
I received a voice message from Preethy.
I left without hearing
the contents of the message.
Perhaps I could have saved Preethy
if I'd heard the message.
Perhaps I shouldn't
have gone to meet Shiva.
All this would not have happened.
It's a fresh murder, ma'am.
The victim died from the shot.
Where is Aishwarya?
I was going to Puchong
to meet my friend, Madam.
After paying for Grab, I got down the car.
Sharath was standing behind me.
He's usually very quiet.
I fainted.
I don't know what happened after that.
When I woke up, I was in a room.
My legs and hands were tied.
I could not move.
The next day Sharath came.
He gave me food.
He allowed me to go to the washroom.
He spoke to me.
He hit me.
He told me that he was crazy about me.
I'm not sure how many days passed, Madam.
I was given bread and water a few times.
I begged him to allow me
to go to the washroom.
After I showered...
He tried to rape me.
I didn't allow him.
I injured him.
He hit me
and broke my hand.
After that, he didn't come back at all.
Then one day...
Aathi came over.
Before we could leave
that place, Sharath arrived.
Both of them started to argue.
I got hit hard from their argument.
I fainted.
Do you know that
your friend Preethy is dead?
I was told.
Madam, do you know who killed her?
We're working on it.
Do you have any idea what happened?
She died while you were
still in the house.
Between 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
There was an argument between us,
around 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Then I entered my room.
She left the house
at the time when you said
she was not at home.
- Do you know where she went?
- No, madam.
Mohan, I've reconfirmation.
Yes, Ravin.
Mohan, I've received your email
on Aishwarya's iCloud information.
- Please check.
- Okay Ravin, give me some time.
- I will try to get her information.
- Okay.
Madam, Aishwarya has been
discharged from the hospital.
She's heading back to her hometown.
As for your plan,
Sri Ram and Vijayan have arrived there
to prepare as planned, Madam.
What will we do after this madam?
We will wait and see.
- Wait for what?
- Aishwarya's next move.
I want to meet Shiva.
- Ask him to come.
- Why Shiva, madam?
I need to know
how Aishwarya will take action.
They have arrived madam.
- Is everything okay?
- Yes, madam.
- Observe him.
- Yes, madam.
- What is she doing?
- Wait.
- She's holding something in her hand.
- Yes.
I've arrived.
They believed what I said. I'm safe now.
It looks like they're going out.
Answer my call, Aisyu.
Why didn't she answer?
Answer my call!
Answer my call!
Dad, I want to go to the bathroom.
Can we stop at the shop?
Hang on, I'll stop.
Where is she going?
Want me to come along?
What is it?
Aisyu! Did the police ask about me?
They did not ask about you at all.
They asked me to go to the police station.
What are you talking about? I'm scared.
Don't be scared.
Maybe it's nothing.
- How do you know?
- I'll handle it!
Where are you now?
Are you in someplace safe?
At the food court.
I followed my parents to the kuil.
Is there anything else?
I need to go or they will be suspicious.
I have to go to KL today.
If I don't go,
they will be suspicious of me.
I better go meet them.
You go check the shop's CCTV footage.
I will follow them.
She has a cell phone, bro.
- She called someone.
- She did?
Take out your cell phone!
- I don't have a cell phone, sir!
- I know you have a cell phone!
Take it out!
Are you going to take it out or not?
- I don't have a cell phone sir!
- Sir!
- She doesn't have a cell phone sir!
- What all this dad?
Listen here, sir.
We watched the CCTV footage.
- We know she has a cell phone.
- What are you talking about?
Do you know who it is?
I saw her eyes.
I couldn't get over it.
I've decided.
What will you do?
I will open a yoga class.
I'm the reason you give up right?
I've experienced
the moment of life and death.
I could imagine
your feelings at that time.
That made me think...
my wife is special.
I did not appreciate you.
I realized my mistake.
Don't blame yourself.
It's not your fault, okay?
Bhairavi, you have to be strong.
They wanted to attack you from the back.
Try to think of the reason.
- Hi Dhivya! How are you?
- I'm fine, sir!
But I could not ask how are you.
- No, I'm fine.
- Get well soon, sir.
- Yes, Sri Ram.
- Ma'am.
She escaped.
I am coming!
Yes, Mohan!
Ravin! We've got something interesting.
A few minutes before Preethy died,
she sent a voice message to Aishwarya.
I've sent it to you. Please check.
Don't act foolishly!
I will not do anything, my dear.
The first time I saw him was
in the hostel garden with Preethy.
Then we became friends on Facebook.
From there...
I was with Vaishnavi in the living room.
I sat on the sofa,
Preethy went in to do a video recording.
She's so disgusting!
- Who is it?
- It's me, bastard!
Have you no shame? Don't you know
that he belongs to someone?
So? What's all this?
Is this live? Stop it!
Womanizer! You have this woman.
Why are you still with me?
Is this all for money?
- Is she your wife?
- No!
Don't go overboard.
Who went overboard?
You son of a b!
Is this my punishment
for loving and taking care of you?
Who asked you to love him?
You're lucky to have me.
I hit myself with the slippers
because I love you.
I'll give it. Hit yourself!
I'm not talking to you. I'll slap you!
Who asked you to trust me?
It's your fault, okay?
Hey, look! He hates you.
He has no other option but to be with you.
Do your work and get lost!
I will get lost from here.
Don't you worry.
- Viknesh!
- May you both be happy and prosperous.
After this another woman.
After that another one.
- I'm leaving this place.
- Stop!
Do you want to see?
Don't act foolishly!
I will not do anything, my dear.
Can you talk normally?
How? Can you give an example?
Can you take this lightly, please?
You do your work, I will do my work.
I beg you. Please forget about this.
- Is she crazy?
- Hey, keep quiet.
Yes! I'm crazy!
I'm crazy!
Hey Preethy, stop!
Are you okay? Get up!
I'm not okay!
Is she crazy?
You wait!
Oh shit!
We didn't know what to do.
I was scared,
But Vaishnavi was okay.
She started planning.
We planned to make
Aishwarya the scapegoat.
First, we destroyed
all the evidence and fingerprints.
We moved Preethy's dead body to her unit.
It was hard to move the dead body
without being seen by anyone.
We created the scene
as though it was done by Aishwarya.
Then we left
before Aishwarya arrived there.
Vaishnavi instructed me to go back.
I went back and waited.
But I heard nothing from her.
Night came. Still nothing.
Then we realized that Aishwarya
did not go back to her unit.
Still not back?
Not yet!
I think she went back to her hometown.
That's right. It's the weekends.
Don't you worry.
- Go sleep.
- Okay.
She didn't come back
even on the following day,
You went on with your daily routine.
Don't show your stress to anyone, okay?
I started to worry if we missed out
on any evidence at the scene.
Then I thought of Preethy's cell phone.
- Hello?
- I lost my anklet.
- Where did you drop it?
- I'm not sure where.
I searched the corridor
and stairs but I can't find it.
Oh shit!
On Saturday night,
we went back to Preethy's unit.
Vaishnavi found her anklet.
When I checked Preethy's cell phone
I found out that she has sent
a voice message to Aishwarya.
- Don't act foolishly!
- I will not do anything, my dear.
Oh my God! We're dead!
What are we going to do now?
Delete everything! Delete the iCloud too.
What's the use? Aisyu has it, right?
Look here! There's no blue tick,
which means she has not read it yet.
- So we're still safe.
- All right.
I'll reformat Preethy's cell phone.
her iCloud account.
Where are you going?
I tried to delete Aishwarya's iCloud data.
Using Aishwarya's laptop,
we tried to delete
the voice message sent by Preethy.
But it was unsuccessful.
It could not be deleted.
Let's go.
Our only worry was Aishwarya.
Because she's the only evidence we've got.
We waited for her, but she
did not appear until the end.
Don't hurt her, madam!
She's innocent, madam!
Madam, we found this in Aishwarya's room.
Maybe she's at that place.
Dhivya attacked my family.
Collect information about her.
I want to know
why she has a grudge against me.
Yes, Deepak.
Recently, she's been in contact
with a person named Eswar.
- Madam.
- I've checked that person's background.
The information says that
he's the cousin of Jay,
one of the criminals that we shot dead.
What's shocking is that
Jay is Dhivya's boyfriend.
Why madam?
Does it hurt?
You must be so frustrated, right?
That's how I felt too!
When you shot Jay,
I know the risk of this job
before I accepted the position.
Come! Are you frustrated with me?
Come show it!
If I wasn't shot by Jay on that day,
I'm sure I would have
shot you on that day!
That's it!
Everything I said
about Sharath is not true, madam.
What happened was...
I wanted to end all this
by informing Shiva that I choose Aathi.
- What are you doing here, Aathi?
- Just drinking coffee.
Go meet, Shiva, he's waiting for madam!
It's not what you think! I was
worried that you would act recklessly.
Try to understand Aathi!
You're showing your true colors?
- That's not it, Aathi!
- You're showing your true colors?
- Please listen to what I have to say!
- You're showing your true colors?
All women are the same!
Catch her!
Stop this, Aathi! No!
Let me go!
Let me go, Sharath!
I didn't expect
Aathi will behave like this!
He never lets me explain things.
He hurts me.
Aathi tricked Shiva to reach that place.
They fought each other.
They broke my hand when they fought.
In that scary situation,
Shiva shot Sharath.
After the death of Sharath,
we didn't know what to do.
We planned to make Aathi the murderer.
I never imagined
the police would go after me.
I tried to escape.
Then I contacted Shiva.
Let's leave this place, Aisyu!
What are we going to do Shiva?
I don't know.
Take out your phone.
What are we doing here, Shiva?
What is he doing?
I found a victim being kidnapped
by two suspects.
On a jetty in Kapar.
Can you keep quiet, Aisyu?
What are you doing?
What are you doing, Shiva?
Shiva. Please, Shiva!
Shiva, listen to me!
Please, Shiva! Put the gun down!
Please, Shiva!
Please, Shiva! Put the gun down!
I can't run anymore, Aisyu.
I'm reluctant to do this!
The police have started to suspect you.
Surely they will catch me through you!
I'm not ready for that, Aisyu!
How could you shoot me, Shiva?
How could you shoot me, Shiva?
- Don't come near me, Aisyu! Go away!
- Okay, Shiva!
- Get away, Aisyu! I will shoot you!
- Shoot!
Just shoot.
I will shoot you, Aisyu!
Then just shoot.
I don't know what to do!
I don't know what to do.
All of this happened
because of me right, Shiva?
It's better you kill me.
Shoot me.
Take this, Shiva. Shoot me.
Shoot me.
To save you,
I've written a confession note
saying that I killed Aathi and Sharath.
It's better if you kill me, Shiva.
Just kill me!
Oh, Mom!
My parents! I didn't get
to speak with them just now.
For the last time,
let me call them.
Please, Shiva. For the last time,
I want to hear their voices.
Can you both keep quiet for a while?
We'll do it later, dear.
How's the plan for your yoga class?
I will make the class on weekends.
You planned this previously too.
I became the victim.
I sprained my leg because of you.
Do you remember?
I couldn't go to the office for a week.
That was last year, Siddarth.
Your other leg is still fine, right?
I'm just joking!
I'm going now, my beloved husband.
Subtitle translation by:
Sathish and Shalini