Rain (1932) Movie Script

Ten hut.
Briggs and Hudson, fall out.
Sergeant Williams, take
The Ardona's comin' in.
If we don't get Horn down
to the dock for cigarettes,
these boys will tear down
his store.
Let me go, let me go!
I got you.
Lie there.
Fall dead, don't get up.
Hello mother, how's it by you,
How are you this morning?
Kinda chewy this morning,
ain't we?
Come on, give me a lift.
All together now.
Now tell us Mama,
where's the old man?
What do you want, huh?
Cigarettes, no got here.
That's just it.
Where's Horn?
Asleep, huh?
Well, we'll have that bird on
his feet
and down to the docks,
chop-chop, pronto.
I think so, no.
I think so, yes.
Get him, boys.
What's the matter, Mama?
The old man acting up again?
How you talk?
What do you say?
My husband is a very good man.
What's all this?
What's all this?
Where am I?
To be sure.
The Arduna's is in, Joe.
Well, what of it?
No candy corn, no sardines,
no bacon, no corned beef.
And no cigarettes.
On your feet, mate.
Fall in.
Wait, wait.
Much too early in the
morning for life's burdens.
Wipe your chin.
Oh well,
if I must, I must.
Have your landing cards
and passports ready, please.
Have your landing cards and
passports ready, please.
Let me see.
You want my passport, don't you?
Yes, ma'am.
My husband and I usually
use the same passport.
We have separate ones this time,
in case I should wish to
visit the other island
while he's working.
I wonder why it must rain.
Doesn't it ever stop?
Yes, ma'am.
A little more efficiency
and we wouldn't be kept
waiting so long.
Have your landing cards
and passports ready, please.
Wait just a minute.
There you are.
Landing cards and
passports ready, please.
Landing cards and passports
ready, please.
Thank you, just put it down
By the way, officer.
I was wondering, what
does Pongo Pongo mean?
I don't think it means
anything at all, sir.
Then it's certainly well
Unusual weather, of course.
Of course.
What will it be like in Apia?
Have your landing cards
and passports ready, please.
Welcome to Pongo Pongo,
Mr. Davidson.
Thank you, but we'll only
be here for an hour or two.
We're taking a schooner
this afternoon to Apia.
Not this afternoon,
I'm afraid.
Sorry, sir.
Thank you.
What's the matter, Alfred?
Has anything happened?
Unwelcome news.
We cannot sail for
Apia this afternoon.
Not sail today?
One of the sailors
aboard the schooner
has come down with cholera.
We cannot start
until it is certain
that none of the rest of
the crew are effected.
It may mean a delay
of several days.
I think I'd prefer the cholera.
But where can we stay?
The General Store.
Hip, hip.
There's Mr. Horn, now.
Mr. Horn?
Well, upon my soul.
This is a treat.
How do you do, Mrs. Davidson?
Greetings, Mr. Horn.
Our poor island is honored.
Dr. and Mrs. MacPhaill,
Mr. Horn.
How do you do?
You're leaving soon?
No, the schooner
for Apia is delayed
on account of the cholera.
We shall have to ask you
to put us up.
That's tough luck,
for you folks, I mean.
Can nothing be done?
Clearly possible I can
persuade the governor
to make an exception
in our case,
I'm going to see him now.
Hey, Joe.
If my guests will pardon
me for a few minutes,
they shall have my personal
escort to the hotel.
What's the matter, Joe?
If there's anything
I hate, it's reformers.
Huh? So that's what's
the matter with them?
Yeah, you'd better
watch yourself
while that lovely couple
is on the island.
They'll break your back
to save your souls.
What's his badge?
An investigator
of Navy Conditions.
A professional reformer.
He wields more influence
in the South Seas
than the sun, the planets,
and the American government.
Pearls of wisdom.
Pearls of wisdom.
Now look here,
you may take the
British lion by the tail,
you may twist it,
you may jerk it,
you may yank it,
you may tie it in
a big bow knot,
but dash it all,
you can't pull it out
by the roots.
I say, can't you take a joke?
Hello lads, boys.
I want you to meet Thompson.
Sadie, meet the boys.
And this is Mr. Horn.
Mr. Horn, your climate's
Sorry, Sadie.
It's the best we got.
Oh, I'm not blaming you.
Say, what's this about the
How long am I booked for
this berg, do you know?
Well, I'd compose myself
for a two week stay.
that being the case,
what can't be helped can't be
as the saying goes.
That job in the field
will keep all right, Sadie,
so I shouldn't worry about it.
Oh, I never worry, little one.
Make the best of things today
'cause it can't be worse
Besides, I like the boys here.
Hello, handsome.
When did you leave Kansas?
She got you that time, kid.
Shut up, you hyena.
He's very shy, Miss,
don't mind him.
Lay off sailor, or I'll
swab the deck with you.
Ah, don't hurt him handsome.
I came from Kansas once myself,
as fast as I could hoof it.
How are ya?
Very pleased to meet a lady.
Better look out, Miss.
He's liable to bite.
They act like they've had
too much oats.
Oh, she is a one.
Lance, allow me to inform you
that Sadie is a bit of all
Say, you'll find Sadie
some place to sleep,
won't you, Joe?
With pleasure.
And now shall we discuss
our sordid business matters?
Now you know how it is
when you're traveling a bit
You see, Sadie left
Honolulu a bit sudden-like.
She's a good kid,
although she's down on her luck
a bit.
Now, she can't pay over
a dollar a day for a room
and you've got to take care of
her from that, will you, Joe?
Yeah, I was telling
the quartermaster here
on board myself, I've got
a burner with me
and besides, I don't eat so
Oh, that'll be all right.
Mrs. Horn will take care of you.
Well, here's bubbles.
I hear life's terrible
back home in the States now.
How so?
Everybody being made to
Yes, we live in the day
of the new commandment:
Thou shalt not enjoy thyself.
I saw it coming 20 years ago.
That's why I left Chicago.
I wanted peace,
and I found it too.
Friend, you behold here the last
of an Earthly paradise.
That's my quarrel with
they won't let it alone.
Yes, I can readily see how a
might feel a little out of place
Sort of like a school
marm waking up in a harem.
You remember what we were
talking about the other night?
Have you told Dr. MacPhail yet?
You mean about the Mallard's
and the moon-dancing?
What did he say?
Well, he never says very much
but I'm sure he thought
it was perfectly awful.
Now take these islanders,
They're naturally the
happiest, most contented
people on Earth.
They ask nothing of life
except to be allowed to eat,
and sing and dance and sleep.
Thinking gives them a headache.
The trees and the sea gives
'em all the food they want
so they don't have to fight.
They're satisfied with
the gods of wind and wave.
Then along comes Mr.
Davidson and tells them
they're lost souls,
they've got to be saved
whether they want to be or not.
Too bad man couldn't
develop a soul without
losing the Garden of Eden.
You're a philosopher, doctor.
No, I just look on.
Ditto, brother.
And I guess we both see the
And now, welcome to Villa Horn.
He's new here and besides,
his eyesight's bad.
Yeah, I know.
His is bad and yours is good.
But mine's better and I'm taking
You boys can pick up those
and tag along in back if you
but don't get run over.
That's done it.
The jackass said,
"No, not now, it's too hot,
but in the cool of the
evening, I'll be there."
Moses on a mountaintop,
so this is the sunny South Seas.
What a place.
Nothing but quiet and mud.
Farewell, pretty ones.
You ain't looked like that
since our first auto ride.
Take that stuff and put
it down anywhere, boys.
Well, I guess my idea of
me looking neat and chipper
when I get to Apia is shot.
I shouldn't worry about that,
With all this heat, you'll soon
be as dry as a blotting pad.
That's I should worry in Jap,
Mrs. MacPhaill,
tomorrow you and I
must sew the mosquito netting
or the nights will be
Why not sew them today?
I have no fancy for
being eaten up tonight.
I prefer not to do any
sewing on the Sabbath.
It would be different if
one were indecently exposed
by a tear in one's clothing, for
But under the circumstances,
it might be a very bad
example for the natives.
I suppose I'll find it
pretty slow down at Apia,
won't I, grandpa?
Things ought to
brighten up considerable,
after you get there.
Oh, Mr. Horn.
Say, I'd have thought
you'd been thirsty enough
to locate it by instinct.
Here, I'll look.
There's the shy Kentucky
Who's got a corkscrew?
Here you are, Sadie.
Thanks, baldie.
Well boys, let's dip the beak.
Well, now, ain't that a
beautiful sight?
After you lots, delight in me
I'll find a glass
for you, Miss Thompson.
What for? Down the hatch.
Now there's a lady after me
own heart.
Friend of mine slipped me that
just before I left Honolulu.
"Not that you'll need it,
Sadie," said he.
And right he was, Sadie.
You're not the type to
need hooch to pep you up.
Ah, I was born hooched.
Holy moly, look at this.
The Wabash Blues.
Music and a nip of liquor,
that's what a rainy day is for,
says I.
Can you dance, handsome?
No, Miss Thompson.
I'm a clubfoot, I never
could twist my legs right.
Well, I'll learn you before I
that's a threat.
Quartermaster here is
a great little stepper.
You ought to see him shake a
For one of these brains in
here, you'd be surprised.
Come on, Ethelbert,
let's show these island boys how
hip meets hip in the
gay cafes of Honolulu.
Right-oh, let's have
a go at it.
Here, mark my cabbage.
Now, nothing too fancy now.
Shake that thing, baby.
Shake that thing.
Hot mama, burn my clothes.
Pick them up nice
and put them down easy.
That's it.
That's the stuff, Batesy.
Now get the high five.
It isn't the rhythm that
it's the motion.
Come on now, glide.
Young woman.
You got the swing now, baby.
Young woman, have you no
respect for the Lord's day?
This is Sunday, young woman.
Were you speaking to me?
I am simply reminding you
that this is the Sabbath.
Sabbath? Yesterday was
Saturday, right you are.
I say, this must stop.
Do you hear me?
I say ma'am, are we disturbing
Whether I am being disturbed
or not
is of no consequence.
There's six days in the week to
if you must dance.
Mr. Horn, is this sort of
thing general in your store?
Well, it's a general store
Oh, enough said.
Complaints registered.
Let's go to my private suite
if you've no objection, Mr.
No objection as far as I'm
Come on, Ethelbert.
Come on boys, we're moving.
You bring the records, handsome.
And you, the hooch.
Drop in later if you
feel like it, Mr. Horn.
Always glad to see you.
Who is that young woman?
Her name, ma'am, is
Thompson as far as I know.
I mean, what is she?
I didn't inquire.
She was on the Arduna,
wasn't she?
I'm aware she was.
I'm afraid Mr. Davidson
will not like this at all.
I've argued it out with the
but there's nothing to be done.
That means 10 days here.
Two weeks probably.
Well, I've prepared for the
and taken rooms for us upstairs.
Two weeks with nothing to occupy
Let's enforce an activity
that's likely to prove
The only thing to do is
to portion out the day
to different occupations.
Certain hours of the day,
we will set aside for study.
Certain hours for exercise,
rain or shine.
And too, certain hours
will go for recreation.
Recreation may be
hard to find.
Someone appears
to have found it.
It's a person from
the 2nd class,
exceedingly common.
Very flashily dressed.
In fact, she looks rather fast
to me.
Perhaps you noticed her on the
I met her.
Rather a good-natured
girl while we're waiting
for a position on Apia.
What kind of a girl?
Oh, just an ordinary human
not over-prosperous,
I should say.
I think it's perfectly
for her to keep that music up,
don't you?
If she wishes to play her own
it's not our right to interfere.
By the way, doctor,
we can visit the Naval hospital
if you think it would
interest you.
It's a busman's holiday,
but I'll go.
The Arduna must be going
out before her scheduled time.
I hate to see her go.
She seemed to be our last link
with home.
So long-
You better hurry, love,
or you're gonna get licked.
Right-oh Sadie, I'm sorry
I can't stay for lunch
but I'm off.
But I hopes I'll see you again
because you're a good kid
and I likes you.
I'll tell you what you do,
you write me a nice little
loving postcard, will you?
Right-oh, a nice little
And once you write it,
just drop it in the ocean.
Well, bye-bye.
- Aloha.
- Sayonara.
I'm off.
Goodbye, Mr. Davidson.
Goodbye, Mr. Davidson.
Goodbye, Mr. Davidson.
Hello, Mr. Davidson.
You better get aboard,
as fast as you can.
Right-oh, well,
goodbye everybody.
Bye-bye, folks.
Goodbye, Mr. Davidson.
Come on, the tea's
getting cold.
How long has this
been going on?
All morning.
Where did those Marines
come from?
They just appeared
from nowhere in her wake.
If we're to have a fortnight
of this sort of thing,
I don't know what we shall all
feel like at the end of it.
What's the matter, Alfred?
Of course, it just occurred
to me.
The woman is out of Evolay.
The thought occurred to
me when I first saw her
but I didn't dare speak of it.
What's Evolay?
The plague spot of Honolulu.
That long-haired guy in there
just gave me the filthiest look.
What are you going to do,
What do you expect me to do?
I'm not going to have this
house turned into a brothel.
I'm going to stop it.
She has a number of men
in there,
isn't it rather rash
to go in now?
You know Mr. Davidson
very little
if you think that fear
of physical danger
is going to stop him in the
performance of his duties.
Stop. This has gone
far enough.
- Hey!
- Boys, the skids.
The next time, I'll get sore.
They'll be no next time.
When you bust into a lady's
you ought to get someone
to introduce you, fella.
Fall in, sweetheart.
I don't know what he'll do.
All I know is I wouldn't
be in that girl's shoes
for anything in the world.
Hello, there.
Been out for a walk?
About two steps, it's like
walking through hot pea soup.
What time of day is it?
Going on six, a whole hour
to put in before dinner.
Been to the hospital today?
No, Davidson's too busy.
Nothing left to do but twiddle
my thumbs.
Why twiddle?
Forced idleness
makes them restless.
Back in Illinois,
where I was raised,
it was generally believed
that a person
who stayed away from business
more than one working
day in every 10 years,
was a loose, dangerous,
and depraved character.
You don't see a bottle around
here anywhere, do you Doc?
Have a drink.
Not just now.
Well the offer still holds.
There's more in the store.
Now what was I saying?
The subject I believe was
the evil of too much work.
So it was.
There's a lot too much
misdirected energy
in this world, doctor.
Are you speaking
or autobiographically?
That was a mighty foolish
thing Davidson did.
That girl, Sadie Thompson,
wasn't doing any harm.
Hmm, I see what you're
getting at.
He's been after me for
letting her have a room.
It's your own house, isn't it?
Yes, but people like that
have got a lot of influence.
Once they get down on a traitor,
he might as well set up shop
and quit.
Surely he isn't asking you
to turn
this poor girl out
into the rain.
No, not exactly.
He knows there'd be no place for
her to go
except a native hut.
Not but what I think she'd
do better to go to one
than stay here, now that he's
on to her.
Just what does he want you
to do?
Well, he said he wanted
to be fair to her and to me,
but he wouldn't stand for any
What do you think, Horn?
Is she out of Evolay,
that Honolulu place?
I don't know and I don't care.
What if she is?
We've all crossed thresholds
we don't brag about.
Hello doctor.
Evening, Joe.
My, the merry water sprites
sure do carry on, don't they?
Why I-
- Ah, let's don't mention the
I just got around to
get myself dressed
and it's almost time to
go to bed.
I been playing solitaire all
trying to decide what to have
for supper.
Tuna fish or beans.
And beans won.
Then I played beans against
just for something to do
and tamales got the set.
Got any canned tamales,
Mr. Horn?
I guess so.
Poke around until you find them.
Oh, no hurry.
Lots of time.
There's so much time lying
loose around this island,
somebody ought to bottle
it up and send it back
where they need some.
You don't mind, do you,
seeing we're here all by
if I sit down and have
a skag with you boys?
Not at all.
Have a drink.
You haven't seen that
Marine Sergeant around
that I call Handsome, have you?
No, he hasn't been
around today.
Oh, it don't matter.
I just want to ask him
If you do see him,
tell him to drop around
this evening, will you?
You know what I said
to you last night,
as friend to friend, get me.
I'd go slow on company
for a day or two.
I see,
until Davidson gets over his
terrible experience, huh?
Do you think I've been to
blame for what happened?
I ain't blaming anyone.
Pushing himself in on us
that way.
What harm were we doing?
Just talking and singing,
not a word or thought out
of the way
when bang goes the door and
in he comes,
knocking the phonograph over.
"Here," I says, "quit that."
Then he began to bawl us out.
Well, the boys naturally
thought he'd gone crazy
so they put the skids under him.
I know.
Anyway, I wouldn't attract
his attention anymore
than I had to just now.
Well, if it comes
to that,
he better not attract mine.
I've never known anyone like him
and I don't want to.
Say, what kind of an egg is
the governor of this place,
do you know?
- The governor?
- Yeah.
Let's see,
oh, a pretty good sort I'd say.
Oh nothing.
I just wanted to know, that's
The nerve of him,
going to see the governor
about me.
Did you ever hear
the like of it?
How do you know he went
to see him about you?
O'Hara told me.
He's reported O'Hara to
his officer for drinking.
I don't want that boy to
get any trouble through me.
Oh, I guess O'Hara can
take care of hisself.
Yeah, well so can I if it
comes to that.
Miss Thompson, I'd be careful.
Of what?
I'd be careful for my own
You can't tell.
Give me strength.
How many times have
I got to tell you
that old sin-buster
don't mean a thing to me?
If he minds his own
business, I'll mind mine.
And if he's looking for trouble,
I'll see that he gets it,
that's all.
Mr. Davidson's opinion
of people
- is never wrong.
- Oh, really?
Me thinks I hear
the winds of reform
whistling down the chimney.
Swear after low hussy frolics
off to buy her supper.
Where do you keep your
canned tamales, old partner?
If there's any left,
you'll find them on
that shelf by the door.
Anyway, there's no ill
feeling between any of us,
- is there?
- Huh?
Well, I wouldn't say the
doc has been exactly chatty.
Life just teems with quiet fun.
Has Mr. Davidson returned yet?
Not yet, Mrs. Davidson.
How's the headache, any better?
Very little.
That girl, Miss Thompson.
I have an idea she's
sorry for what happened.
If she knew what
she'd really done,
she'd be sorrier still.
Mr. Davidson has a wonderful
and no one has ever gone
to him in trouble
without being comforted,
but he has no mercy for sin.
Did you find your tamales,
Don't look around,
here she comes now.
Yes, here I come now.
Why shouldn't I come now?
See here, let's settle this.
I'm paying for my own room here,
isn't that so, Mr. Horn?
That's so, Miss Thompson.
Will you kindly tell
your guests then
that I have just as much
right here as they have?
Now, Miss Thompson, there
isn't anyone saying you haven't.
Don't look at her.
Don't speak to her.
No, I wouldn't if I was you.
She's brazen, outrageous.
Don't, you'll only harm
Oh, it's foolish, I know,
but it's the first time
I've ever had words
with a woman of that sort.
Well, there's one comfort.
We shan't have to suffer this
sort of thing much longer.
Mr. Davidson is
attending to that.
Hello, Davidson.
Alfred, please change
your wet clothes.
No, I shall be going
out again, probably.
Oh, Alfred, you must try
to get a little rest.
Alfred, you must.
My wife like Martha,
thou has troubled
thyself about many things
but mostly about me.
I do not know what I should ever
have done
without my dear wife.
Merely days of our island work,
it was she who gave me
the strength
and courage to go on.
just before you got back,
that girl spoke to me.
She jeered and screamed at us.
What are you going to do
about it?
Dinner ready.
Strange how one's thoughts
run to food
when there's nothing else
to think of.
As it happens, there is
a great deal to think of.
This Thompson woman,
you say, spoke to you?
Yes, she thrust herself in
upon us
with low insults.
Hmm, the governor tells me
that the affair is no concern of
but if I find her incorrigible,
I shall see to it that he acts.
I'm afraid he has no backbone.
I suppose that means he won't
do exactly
as you want, whatever it
is you want him to do.
I only want him to do
what is right.
There may be differences of
opinion as to what is right.
If a man had
a gangrenous foot,
would you have patience
with anyone
who hesitates to cut it off?
Gangrene is a matter of fact.
And is not evil?
To me, it's always
seemed a matter of opinion.
Anyway, the poor thing
will only be here
until the boat for Apia goes.
And after she gets to Apia?
I can't see how that
concerns us.
Well, that's where
you and I differ doctor.
I think it'll be best if I spoke
to her.
But Alfred, why do you
see her?
I cannot act until I have
given her every chance.
She'll only insult you.
Let her insult me.
Let her spit on me.
She has an immortal soul
and I must do all in my power
to save it.
Miss Thompson,
I want to talk to you.
I'm eating my supper.
I'll wait until you're
Oh, I guess the supper can
stand by if it's important.
Miss Thompson, I have
come to make you a gift,
the most precious gift
that life can offer.
You want to give me something?
Yes, I want to give you
I guess I'm not following.
The gift I offer is free.
I don't know why I get
all this attention from you,
Mr. Davidson.
I guess you mean well.
I think I can worry along
as I've been worrying along
for these several years.
I've gone my own way and
don't ask any favors.
Those who have the key
of salvation offered them
and failed to open the door
must be destroyed.
Oh, I see what you mean
but I won't get destroyed.
I always make out one way
or another.
If that's all, Mr. Davidson,
I'll go on eating.
I'm hungry.
You're hungry for the
bread of the spirit.
You're thirsty for the
waters of eternal life.
- You mean right by me, Mr.
- Davidson,
and I'm grateful,
especially after what
happened the other day.
You know, just between
I had a feeling you were laying
to get me
for that little trouble we had.
I felt awful bad about it
and I've been wanting to
I see you are mistaking me
but I do not think willfully.
They all said you were sore
well, I didn't think a man
as big as you
could hold a grudge over
a little misunderstanding.
This is all beside the
point, Miss Thompson.
The thing that concerns me now
is that you be given
your chance before I act.
My chance for what?
Your chance to be saved.
Oh, I'm all right.
Don't you worry about me a bit.
You see, I'm a happy go
lucky sort of a fella.
It's true, I'm broke now
but that don't worry me.
I'll be all right as
soon as I get to Apia.
I've got friends there.
Yes, what sort of friends?
Just friends.
Girl I used to work with is
and some American boys have
opened up a sugar plant.
She wrote me I could
have a job as cashier.
I'm pretty quick at figures.
For some time, you've lived
in Honolulu, haven't you?
What did you do there?
I had a job.
What kind of a job?
Well, part of the time
I had sort of a singing job.
My voice ain't so bad if
you don't listen too hard.
Before you went away to
where were you?
Where did I come from, do you
Yes, where did you come from?
Well, I was born in Kennishaw,
if that means anything.
Ma and Pa got the California
fever so they
sold the farm and bought a ranch
just outside of Los Angeles.
I was about 15 then, I guess.
Then Ma died and Pa and I
didn't get along so well
so I went up to San Francisco.
I worked there up until the
time I went to Honolulu.
What made you go away to
Oh, I don't know.
I wanted a change, I suppose.
Oh, you wanted a change?
Well, Sadie Thompson,
this gift I have to offer you,
what are you going
to do about it?
Do about it?
I don't know.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
See here, I told you I wasn't
asking anything from anybody.
I can take care of myself.
Up or down, in jack or broke,
what's the odds?
Wherever night ever takes me,
that's my resting place.
That's my way.
Thank you, though,
for your interest.
It's kind of you after what
I'm mighty glad you
aren't sore at me 'cause,
well, I like to keep
friends with everybody.
Miss Thompson, I see I
must be patient with you.
I see I must try and make you
my poor lost child.
What happened the other
day is of no importance.
Do you imagine what you
or those sailors said to
me makes any difference?
You sure are all to
the good, Mr. Davidson.
But, I want to say this,
don't be afraid but that
I'll keep to myself.
I know oil and water don't mix.
Those ladies in your party
won't even know
I'm under the same roof as them.
I'll be as quiet as a mouse,
honest I will.
I don't want to get anymore
black looks from them.
Oh no, you will get no more
black looks
from them, my poor child.
They're only waiting
for the moment
when they can be your friends,
to help you with your burden.
Oh no, you don't know
the ladies like I know 'em.
You don't need a spyglass to see
those ladies and me'll never be
This is your chance, Sadie
if you will accept your
without resentment or grief,
the way will be found for you.
I'll admit you've got me
What are you driving at?
What have I to atone for?
Your life.
Mr. Davidson, why do you worry
about me?
You have had your own soul
and you have failed.
It is my business to show
you the way to redeem it.
Haven't I anything to
say about myself then?
You can choose but one of two
What's the second choice?
And who's gonna destruct me?
The powers which find no place
for evil.
And you, what are you going to
Only my duty.
Yeah, I know.
You went to see the governor
about me, didn't you?
You're right, Miss Thompson,
I have been to see the governor.
So all you said just now
about letting bygones be
calling quits on that bust-up
we had
- was just a bluff, huh?
- Be silent.
Are you ready to put away
your sins,
to live a righteous and decent
to pray for forgiveness?
If you are not, be it
on your own head.
Hey, hey.
I shall not let you go
to a Apia, Sadie Thompson.
You are an evil woman,
you have lived an evil life
and you have come here to carry
your infamy to other places.
You're a liar.
Who do you think you are,
standing there and calling me
Do you deny that you
have escaped from Evolay?
I've listened to you all
I'm gonna listen to you.
Now, you listen to me.
You just told me I've got
to be careful.
Well you'd better be careful
Lay off me, or I'll show you
what it means
when I start to get mad.
It'll be worse for you
if you don't.
The devil in you is strong,
my poor Sadie Thompson.
Evil has claimed you as its own.
You take care of your own evil
and I'll take care of mine.
I know what you want.
You want another scout.
Well, you don't get mine.
You don't fool me.
You want to make me over
your way, do you?
Well, you just try it.
This is your last
chance, Sadie Thompson.
Kneel with me and pray.
Let go of me.
Sadie Thompson,
you are doomed.
Ah, you make me laugh.
Young man, I should not
come here if I were you.
You're likely to get into more
than you're in already.
This isn't my first year
away from home, ma'am,
and I ain't been run over yet.
Do you know what kind
of a girl
this Sadie Thompson is?
Yes, ma'am.
My advice to you is to
keep away from bad company.
Bad company present.
You'll excuse us, won't you?
Mr. Horn.
What's the matter?
You look low.
It's this rain, I guess.
Makes me jumpy.
Makes me want to knock
my head against the wall.
It's worse when it don't rain,
when the sun comes out for a
you think you're in a steam
You ought to try getting out
for a walk.
I was out this morning.
I went to see that Half caste
family you told me about.
They slammed the door
in my face so fast
you'd have thought
I had smallpox.
Being an orphan's
a wonderful thing.
Sadie, please.
Do you want to get me
out of a jam?
Okay, Joe.
Thank you, Sadie.
Listen to it.
Don't it make you want
to scream?
When you do scream,
what good does it do ya?
You haven't any strength left.
You're hopeless,
Don't talk like that,
Miss Sadie.
Don't sound like you.
Ah, forget it.
I've got the fantas, I guess.
I'll get over them.
You see, I just had a
run-in with that Davidson.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
What about?
He's not gonna let me
go to Apia, so he says.
And anyone can see
with two glass eyes
that this side of the equator,
he's in right and I'm in wrong.
The only thing
I can't figure out
is what devil's trick
he'll use to stop me.
I don't see what he could do.
Yeah, neither do I,
but we don't set with bells,
either of us.
You know, there's something
about that old crow
that isn't human.
He's deep, creepy.
I guess it's his eyes.
They seem to look right into you
and know what you're thinking.
Something tells me I'm gonna
need friends soon, handsome.
Far from home.
You just keep your chin up,
it'll be all right.
Yeah, but it's not
knowing what's going on.
Being here alone,
in this rain.
I feel about so big,
like a kid feels in a bad dream.
Things coming at ya,
you yelling for help but nobody
hears you.
Well, anytime you call
for help,
I'm right here,
don't forget that.
Thanks, handsome.
Say, looka here, if
something should go wrong,
that is, about you
getting to Apia,
what'll you do?
You might as well make plans.
What'll I do?
You mean, you're afraid
something will go wrong?
No, no, but if that old
gets around the governor
and they do stop you somehow,
what'll you do?
I don't know.
Go back to the States,
I suppose?
There's no way they could
make me go back, is there?
I don't see how,
unless you want to.
Well, I don't want to go
back to the States yet a while.
Mightn't be bad to run
back and see your folks.
I haven't any folks.
Going back to the States
doesn't mean anything to me.
It don't to me either.
Why, what's the matter,
Miss Sadie?
I won't go back.
They can't make me, can they?
You don't want to go to
Honolulu either, I suppose?
You could go to Sydney.
What'd I do there?
Work's easy to get.
Living's cheap, they say.
I'd head that way instead
of a Apia, if I were you.
You think I'd do better there?
You'd never get much
of anywhere in a Apia.
Grease-spot of the world,
they say,
and hot holy bilge water.
I never thought of Sydney.
Can I get there from here?
There's a boat twice a month.
I'm headed that way
just as soon as I shed these
hash marks.
That'll be a month
and three days.
What are you going
to do there, handsome?
Going in the building
An old shipmate of mine has
a place and wants a partner.
These three years Lefty's
been after me
to get a discharge and come in
with him.
You'd like Lefty.
Me and him joined the service,
same time 12 years ago.
Oh, I'm glad you're fixed,
You ought to do fine.
You know, two times
Lefty and me joined up.
When it comes to number three,
"Nix," says he.
"Guess what I'm going to do?"
says Lefty.
Well, I knew without guessing
so I stood up with him
and the bride
and they shoved off to Sydney,
me throwing the rice.
I'll bet
you'll be glad to see him.
If you should go to Sydney,
Lefty and Maggie will
put you wise what to do.
Yeah, can't I just hear
Lefty's wife
yelping with joy at the sight
of me.
You haven't any cause
to worry about Maggie.
You two would get along swell.
Baby boy, I know females,
you don't.
I got an idea what's
on your mind
but Maggie ain't the kind
of a dame you're meaning.
She's square from the toes up.
Funny thing, them that kick
always seem to settle down
You mean this Maggie was sort
of gay
before Lefty came along?
Lefty met her in Honolulu.
They were both nuts over
each other
right from the start.
It never mattered
to either of them
that they met in Evolay.
In Evolay?
Knowing the worst to begin with
isn't always the worst way
to begin.
Of course,
if there's some reason
why you're set for a Apia,
if there's someone you're
wanting to see there,
I wouldn't want to persuade you.
I'm not
looking forward to a Apia
with any wild joy.
Then there's another thing.
If you go to Sydney now,
I'll be hovering in sight
in a few weeks.
Not that that might mean
so much to you maybe.
I haven't so many friends,
but what I could do
with one more.
You know, you're an awful
funny fella, handsome.
I guess I'm the
dumbbell king, all right.
Have they any kids?
Those friends of yours in
Oh, I was thinking
of something else.
Yep, two.
How about it?
Huh? How about what?
Changing your route and
going to Sydney instead.
Sure, why not?
I guess no one can stop
me from doing that.
What a simp I was,
getting my wind up all over
Here I was jumping with the
and nervous as a witch
'cause that dismal crumb
wouldn't let me go to Apia.
Well, Apia my foot.
It's Sydney for mine.
It's for you.
For me?
Who's writing me a letter?
It's from the governor's office.
You better open it.
What's the matter?
I won't go back.
They can't make me, there's
I got some rights, haven't I?
What's the matter?
The governor's ordered
me back to San Francisco.
Now, don't get nervous.
I'll tell you what you do.
You go and see the governor.
Ask him as a favor
to let you stay here
until the Sydney boat leaves.
That'll only be three
or four more days.
Will he see me?
Hurry up before he goes
to supper.
It's only a few steps.
Do you want me to go with you?
Yeah, will you?
Wait'll I'll get my coat
and I'll make him listen.
So, you're back, are ya?
You low-down skunk.
What have you been telling
the governor about me?
I've been hoping to have
another talk
with you, Miss Thompson.
Why, you miserable
I wouldn't talk to you
if you and me
were the only two people
left on Earth.
Why, you're so doggone
mean it makes me sick
even to look at you.
That's what I think of you.
Coming to me with all that guff
you spilled about salvation,
then going and having me
deported on top of it.
- Why, you low lizard.
- Sadie.
I'm wholly indifferent to the
you think fit to heap upon me.
Filling the governor with
a lot of filthy lies about me
and now this comes so I got
to beat it on the next boat.
I hardly expect him
to let you stay
under the circumstances.
Yeah, well, what did the
governor know
or care about me until you went
and hauled
your hooks into me?
It's you that did it,
you did it all!
I don't want to deceive
you, Miss Thompson.
I urged the governor to take
the only steps consistent
with his obligation.
Well, why couldn't you
let me be?
Was I doing you any harm?
You may rest assured
if you had been,
I'd be the last one
to resent it.
You don't think I want to
stay in this rain hole, do you?
You're being given every
opportunity of getting out.
Come on Sadie, don't say
You, I know your kind.
You dirty two-faced mutt.
I bet when you were a kid,
you caught flies and tore
their wings off.
I bet you stuck pins in
frogs just to see them
wiggle and flap while
you run them electrical.
I know you.
Why, you'd tear the heart
out of your grandmother
if she didn't think your way
and tell her you were saving
her soul,
you Psalm-singing son of a...
You will be glad to hear
that the governor
has acted at last.
He's a weak man.
For days, he has shilly-shallied
saying it was none of his
I can readily see why.
How did you convince him?
I finally had to speak
straight to his shoulder.
The foundation that I
represent in Washington
is not entirely without
Miss Thompson will sail on
the next boat that goes.
How soon will that be?
The Golden Gate is due here
from Sydney next Tuesday.
She will sail on that.
Four days more.
Are you ready?
Well, that settles Sadie
Thompson's hash, I guess.
Mrs. Davidson told me that
she hasn't closed her eyes
ever since that girl came
to live under the same roof
as her.
The founder of her
religion wasn't so squeamish.
Don't joke about such
things, please, Robert.
Excuse me Doc, Miss
Thompson isn't feeling well.
Will you see her for a moment?
She's right out here.
Sorry you're not feeling well.
I'm well enough,
not really sick.
O'Hara said that just
"cause I had to see you.
Yes, Miss Thompson.
I gotta get back
for inspection now.
I'll see you later.
Keep your chin up.
Thanks, handsome.
Lucky meeting, Sarge.
What's up?
Hey, what have you been
doing lately?
You're booked for the brig.
That's right, Sarge.
Fall in.
I don't know exactly
what I can do.
I thought maybe you
wouldn't mind
asking him if he'd let me
wait and go to Sydney instead.
It's only three or four days
I'll ask him.
Tell him I can get work
in Sydney, straight stuff.
Tell him I just can't go
back to San Francisco now,
there's reasons.
Will you, please?
I'll do what I can.
Thank you, thank you.
- Oh, Davidson?
- What is it, Doctor?
I want to speak to you
about something,
shall I come up?
- No, I'll come right down.
- Tell him I ask his pardon.
Tell him I'm sorry.
Better get into your
room now, Miss Thompson.
Well Doctor, what can I do
for you?
It's about Miss Thompson.
The governor has told her
that if you have no objection,
he will allow her to remain here
until she can take the boat for
I'm sorry, Doctor,
but it is useless to discuss
the matter.
It appears the girl has
reasons for not wanting
to return to San Francisco.
I don't see that it makes any
if she goes to Sydney instead.
It's only a matter
of a few days.
Well, you mean this
interference for the best
but my mind is made up.
You want to know what I think?
I think you're harsh and
I'm terribly sorry you should
think that of me, Doctor.
Believe me, my heart bleeds
for that unfortunate young woman
I cannot find in my conscience
to change my decision.
However, if the governor wishes
to do so
on his own account, that is his
He won't,
and you know why.
Please don't bare any malice
toward me
because I cannot exceed
to your wish.
I respect you very much, Dr.
and I should be sorry indeed
if you thought ill of me.
I have no doubt you have a
good opinion of yourself to
bear mine with equanimity.
I'm sorry.
Don't give up hope, Miss
I think it's a shame the
way they're treating you.
I'll go and see the governor
Will you?
Will you now?
- Now.
- Oh, you're awful good,
awful good.
You don't know what this
means to me, Doctor.
Don't cry, Miss Thompson.
I think I can do something.
God bless you.
Dear to the lord.
Me tell you something.
Mr. Davidson.
What's that?
What are you saying?
All the same I know.
What's she saying?
What were you saying, Ameena?
All the same I know.
A witch doctor.
A species of wizards of the sea.
Knew everything, saw everything.
Lived by the power of God.
A real goat charmer had no
charms for him.
When hungry, he simply
ferreted out a devil
and ate him up for tea.
Ah, cut it.
That kind of talk gives me
the willies.
Let me have a drink,
will ya, Joe?
That's Davidson up there,
isn't it?
Sounds like his voice.
What's he saying?
He's saying, "Amen."
Either that stuff's jinxed
or I am, Horn.
I can't seem to feel it.
Maybe the Atua is after me.
What's that the old jig does?
Sees everything, knows
You know, that's the kind of
an eye Davidson has, all right.
Looks right into you and knows
what you're trying to hide.
I guess it wouldn't be
any use to try
and hide much from him,
would it?
Not much.
What'd he say?
I'm sorry, Miss Thompson.
That's all right.
Thanks just the same.
I'm sorry for what I said
to you today.
For everything that's
happened, I ask pardon.
I guess my back is broad
to bear it a few hard words.
You've got me beat.
I'm all in.
Aw, don't make me go back
to San Francisco, please.
I'll go anywhere else you say.
Why don't you want to
go back there?
Well, my folks live there
and I guess I don't want
them to see me like this.
I understood you had
no people.
I've got a father.
But you told me yourself
your father
did not live in San Francisco.
Come, that's not the reason Miss
What is the reason you
don't want to go back there?
I told ya.
No, no, you haven't told me.
Well, it's this way.
I'm trying to go straight now
and if I go back there,
I can't go straight.
What will prevent
you from going straight
if you really want to?
There's a man back
there that won't let me.
Why won't he let you?
He just won't.
You see, it's this way.
I'm scared he'll get me again.
Who is this man?
Sort of a politician.
I see, and you fear his
influence, eh?
Yeah, yeah, that's it.
You see, he's bad and
I'm scared of him.
Does he need to know
that you have returned?
Ah, he'll know.
Miss Thompson, San
Francisco is a big place.
It should not be difficult
for you
to keep out of his way
if you want to.
Well, I'll have to
get help once I get back
and the only people
that will help me
are in with him.
If you earnestly desire to go
it will not be necessary
for you to go to your
former friends for help.
My foundation will help you
until you are on your feet.
This man you fear need never
know you are in the city.
Oh, he'll know though.
All the boats coming in are
being watched.
You mean to tell me that every
coming into port will be watched
on the chance that you are
on it?
- Yes.
- Come, come, Miss Thompson.
These evasions are getting you
Why are you afraid to
return to San Francisco?
I told you,
because I can't go straight
Shall I tell you why
you're afraid to go back?
This politician you fear is
a politician in a uniform,
he wears a badge.
What you fear is the
Oh, don't send me back,
I'll be good, honest I will.
Is that it, the penitentiary?
But I was framed.
I got away before they caught
PD will nab me the minute
I get off that boat.
It'll be three years of mine,
three years.
Oh, give me a chance, will you?
Just one chance?
I'm going to give you the
finest chance you've ever had.
I don't have to go back, you
Yes, you will have to go back.
You will sail for San Francisco
as the governor has ordered.
If you are truly repentant,
you will accept this punishment.
You will offer it as the
atonement for your sins.
When you want me, Sadie
call me, I will come.
At any hour of the day or night
when you need me, I will come.
I shall be waiting for your
Mr. Davidson, wait a minute.
You're right, Mr. Davidson.
I am bad,
but I want to be good
only I don't know how.
So, I'll tell you what,
you let me stay here with you
and then you can tell me
what to do.
No matter what it is,
I'll do it for you.
You can't stay here.
You've got to go back.
You've got to serve your time.
You mean to say if I
repent and want to be good,
I still have to go to the
Yes, you've got to go.
All right.
You send me back there
and that's my finish.
No, it will be your beginning.
But I was framed, I tell you.
Innocent or guilty, you have
got to serve your sentence.
It's the only way you can prove
you are worthy of mercy.
Innocent or guilty, what
are you talking about?
Where's your mercy?
Oh no, I guess that
repentant stuff is off.
Was it ever on, Miss Thompson?
Whether it was or not,
it's off now.
You've got to go back to San
Straight orders from
your private heaven, huh?
Oh no, Mr. Davidson,
your god and me
could never be shipmates
and the next time you talk
to him
you can tell him this for me,
that Sadie Thompson is on her
way to hell.
This has gone far enough.
Oh no, it hasn't gone
far enough.
You've been telling me
what's wrong with me,
now I'm gonna tell you
what's wrong with you.
You keep yelling at me
to be punished,
to go back and suffer.
How do you know what I've
You don't know, you don't care
and you don't even ask
and you call yourself
a Christian.
Our Father who art in heaven-
- Well, you're nothing but
a miserable witch-burner-
- Hallowed be thy name.
- That's what you are.
- You believe in torture.
- Thy kingdom come.
You know you're big and
you know you're strong-
- Thy will be done.
And you got the
on your side
and the power to hang me,
all right!
But I've got the power
to stand here
and say you hang me,
and be damned to you.
As we forgive those
who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
for thine is the Kingdom,
the power and the glory.
Forever and ever, Amen.
Oh Lord, hear thou my prayers
for this lost sister.
Close thy ears to her
wild and heedless words.
Our Father who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done on
Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily
Forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who
trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
for thine is the Kingdom,
the power and the glory.
Forever and ever, Amen.
Our Father who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done on
Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily
- Bread.
- Forgive us our trespasses-
- As we forgive those
that trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
for thine is the Kingdom,
the power and the glory.
Forever and ever, Amen.
Our Father who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done on
Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily
Forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who
trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil
for thine is the Kingdom,
the power and the glory.
Forever and ever, Amen.
You got my clothes?
Everything's here.
I'll be out in a few minutes.
Everything goeth,
everything returneth.
Eternally roam us,
the wheel of existence.
Everything dyeth, everything
blossometh forth again.
Eternally run us on the year
of existence
thus spake Zarathustra.
Ah, good old Nietzsche.
You speak fine, Joe.
What do you mean?
Tomorrow, she goeth
thus endeth that episode.
I expect we better go back,
I have a feeling that
something is wrong.
But the other dances
are about to begin.
We ought to be here
to prevent them.
That girl and her salvation
are more important to me
now than anything else.
I've got to go.
If you aren't going
to stop this dancing,
I personally would like
to see it through.
Oh, stop it.
Perhaps Doctor,
you wouldn't mind
escorting the ladies home.
I must go.
How is she?
Not so good.
Has she wondered why
I haven't been around?
Didn't you tell her, you old
that they had me in the brig?
Nope, she didn't ask.
She didn't ask?
Nope, she didn't even inquire
about you.
I'm asking because the
last time I seen her,
we were pretty good friends.
You don't suppose, do you,
that she's had time to think
about you or anything else
with Davidson getting her
ready to go
back to San Francisco?
What's he been doing to her?
Got her beached with
the Psalm stuff, huh?
Beached and delirious,
I'd say.
He took pretty good care
to get rid of me before
he started, didn't he?
Well, I'll beat him to it
How did you get out?
Walked out.
Hmm, what's the doing O'Hara?
You arouse my curiosity.
If I was you,
I'd ease off to bed
with the old lady and
not have any curiosity.
Oh, you would, would you?
Now why would you do that?
I'd do that so as I wouldn't
be blamed for anything
in case anything happened.
Sounds like another row is
The most unlucky day of my life
is the day that
came into port.
lock up.
I like my comfort.
For five days now, this
whole household has centered
on that tormented Thompson girl
in there
with Davidson and Old Nick
wrestling for her soul.
It's got me nervous.
Cheer up, it won't center
around her much longer.
What do you know about it?
Safe in the brig all week.
There hasn't been such
a casting out of devils
since the first chapter of
The last vestige of mortal sin
lurking in that poor critter's
has been torn out.
The Sadie Thompson who blew
into my hotel a week ago
isn't anymore.
Wait 'til you see her.
Aren't keeping anything
from me, are you Joe?
Wait 'til you see her, I say.
She's like a victim
they've got trussed up
to sacrifice to some
bloody idol.
Yeah, it'll make you sick to
look at her.
Get her out for me,
I'll tend to the rest of this.
My mind is blank save
for one fact.
Tomorrow Miss Sadie Thompson
will be on the high seas.
You bet she'll be.
Miss Thompson, you're wanted.
All right.
Sadie, you look awful sick.
I was wondering whether
I'd see you before I left.
You've been awful kind.
I'll never forget it.
I want to thank you.
Look here, Sadie,
how long will it take you
to get packed?
I'm pretty well packed now.
That's good,
Briggs and Hudson will
be along any minute.
They're to tote your bags.
You hurry up now and get
dressed as fast as you can.
Get dressed?
You're leaving this place
My boat don't leave
until tomorrow morning.
Your boat's leaving tonight
and I'm going to see you
get aboard it.
I must wait for Mr. Davidson.
He's going to see me on board.
Mr. Davidson isn't going to
see you off.
He isn't?
What's happened? Where is he?
You're not going to San
that's what's happened.
You're leaving here in a few
for the Samarcan Islands
and a junk.
You're to wait there until
the Sydney boat comes along
and then you're going
to Sydney.
But, what do you suppose
Mr. Davidson would say
if he came back
and found me gone?
You know the old
shout-out better than I do
but I don't mind admitting
that the sight of his face
at that moment
would slip me considerable,
quiet fun.
You've had a pretty bad time
these last few days, I guess.
Just forget him.
That's mighty sweet
and fine of you
to go through all this trouble
for me.
Fine, fine nothing.
This ain't one small bit
of what I'd like to do for
you, if I got the chance.
You know, your doing this
sort of makes me want
to cry but-
- But what?
I can't do it.
Why can't you do it?
I'm going through with what
I've got to go through with.
Are you afraid of Davidson?
He'll never get a hold of you
I'll see to that.
No, that isn't it.
It'd be awful hard for
me to make you understand
what's come over me.
I can't understand it myself
except that it's happened.
Sadie, this sort of
thing don't make you happy.
You don't realize it ain't
You've got to forget Mr.
and come with me.
No, I couldn't.
I couldn't.
You don't know
what you're saying.
You haven't any idea
what you're saying.
They're not gonna send you
back there
with no one to take care of you.
In Sydney, in a couple of weeks,
you'll have me.
Remember what I told you
about Lefty and Maggie?
I won't listen,
I won't listen.
What's to hinder you repenting
in Sydney
as well as in San Francisco,
if you got to repent?
Oh, you don't understand.
I've got to go back and be
punished for what I've been.
What's that you're saying?
When I get back to
San Francisco, handsome,
I've got to go to the
penitentiary for three years.
Mr. Davidson says it
doesn't make any difference
whether I was innocent or guilty
of what they framed me for.
He says
it's the only way of
letting me square myself.
He says I've got to accept
an unjust punishment
by man as a sacrifice
for my sins.
Oh, you listen to me,
get in your room
and throw your clothes
on as fast as you can.
Let go of me.
Let go.
Don't you dare do that again.
I want you to go away,
do you hear?
Go away.
- Sadie, Sadie.
- I mean it, go away.
Aw, Sadie, listen please.
Aw, handsome, why
can't you let me alone?
Here are the boys, Sadie.
Come to say goodbye to you.
They're going to put your
things aboard the junk for you.
No, don't.
Why doesn't Mr. Davidson come?
Where is he?
Where is he?
See if there isn't a coat
or something in that room,
that old peeler's got
her like she's tranced.
We're taking her whether
she wants to go or not.
They're taking my things.
They mustn't take my things.
- Sadie, don't.
- Someone will hear you.
Let me go, go away.
Oh, handsome,
why can't you let me be?
Don't you see, Sadie,
you ain't yourself?
I am, I am myself.
That's what I've been
trying to tell you.
Mr. Davidson's a holy man.
He's different from you and me.
He's made me different.
I've been born all over again,
Can't you see?
Yes, I see
and I see something else.
Remember I told you if
you ever needed a friend,
I'd be here?
Well, you need a friend right
You're not going to San
You're going to Sydney.
Sadie, out there you've got
your whole life before you.
We go away where this rain
or anything else
can't bother us,
just you and me,
like Lefty and Maggie.
You'll be Mrs. Tim O'Hara.
It's Sydney and us,
the whole works against the
and I'm taking you whether
you want to go or not.
No, no you mustn't.
You mustn't.
I'm saved, I tell you.
You'll send me to hell.
Mr. Davidson, Mr. Da...
Seems I got here just about
in time.
All evening, I had
a peculiar feeling
you were in danger.
Sadie, don't pay any attention
to him.
I'm sorry for you, O'Hara,
what you are trying to
do is a serious offense.
What you're trying to
do would make a hyena cry.
By trying to abduct Sadie
you've made an attempt
to defeat the law
and it's likely to go hard
with you.
That's my lookout.
What kind of a man are you,
Picking on this poor kid here,
getting her so she's half-crazy.
Sending her so she'd have
to go back to prison.
You're one choice specimen,
I'll say that for you.
They don't make your kind
You are a reckless,
headstrong man O'Hara.
You are breaking barracks
and attempting a high-handed
You defy the authority
of State and God.
You cannot go on the way
you are going
and I shall see to it that you
do not.
Begging your pardon,
might I ask,
what you think you're gonna
do about it?
Get back to your
barracks as fast as you can
and report here to me tomorrow
after Miss Thompson is gone.
Ha, where do you get these
ideas anyway?
If it's good advice you
want to ladle out, keep it.
On such rare moments as I think,
I think for myself.
This is not helping your case.
Watch what you say.
I'm here to watch out
that Sadie don't make any fool
You've got to do some settling
with me
before she does any sailing.
You're wrong.
I know what I'm doing.
I'm sorry but I see clear.
See clear?
Why he's got you so
it's like you're doped.
I see what you don't see.
What's happened to me
don't happen to everybody.
I was nothing.
I was nobody.
Now I'm something.
I'm somebody.
It's a wonderful thing to know
you're being made of some
The only thing I can't see
is how it's happened to me.
Is that the way it is, Sadie?
What do you want me to do?
I don't want you to do
except just don't say
anything more.
All right, I'll tell the
boys to bring your things back.
Sadie, if you and me never
see each other again,
I want to say this.
I'll never forget you,
If you'd like,
I'll come back tomorrow
and put your things
aboard the boat for you,
if you want me to.
- Don't blame O'Hara, Mr.
- Davidson.
It was all my fault.
No, my poor child,
it was not your fault.
In the last few days,
you've become very close and
dear to God.
He has tested you and found you
Tonight, he sent the devil
to tempt you
but you thrust away the devil.
Once your soul lay
like a stagnant pool
in the lowest pit of the
deepest valley,
but tonight it has lifted
to the sun,
cleansed, glorified as the rain
of heaven.
When you're here, everything's
Everything's all right.
But when you're away,
I'm afraid.
I get to thinking how wicked
I used to be
and I just can't believe
it's all forgiven.
The days aren't so bad
but it's the nights.
Then I begin to think and wonder
if they're bad now,
what are they gonna be like
when you can't come to me
when I'm alone?
When you're alone,
my strength will come
to you through prayers
which will always be on my lips.
Little by little,
you yourself will grow stronger,
and presently the time will come
when sin and terror will be
to penetrate the great love
that God has wrapped around you.
Then will you be redeemed,
the Kingdom and the Glory
will be yours.
When you talk like that,
I'm not afraid.
That old life I led don't
belong to me at all.
It wasn't me,
it was someone else.
When I feel like that, Mr.
does it mean I'm redeemed?
Yes, Sadie.
Tomorrow will be a very busy day
for you.
You'll need all your strength.
You must try and
get some sleep now.
if I wake up tonight
and get afraid,
can I call you?
When I hear you call,
I will come.
I'm really tired.
Hello, Horn, you still up?
Yep, reading.
Want anything?
Nope, I'm off to bed.
There's an uncanny concentration
about the rain tonight.
Everybody in?
Davidson is still out,
can't sleep.
Can't sleep, eh?
Has uneasy dreams,
his wife tells me.
Everything goeth,
everything returneth,
so rolleth the wheel of
Everything dieth, everything
marches forth again.
So runneth the year of
Thus spake Zarathustra.
Mr. Davidson.
Hello Miss Thompson,
what are you up for?
I couldn't sleep.
It's this rain and those drums,
and then thinking about
I don't seem to be able to
do much by myself, do I?
Not yet maybe,
but every prayer is going
to make you stronger.
This time tomorrow,
I'll be on the sea.
I don't suppose we'll
ever meet again.
Not in this life, Sadie,
I'll be in prison three years.
That's a long time.
What'll I do when I come out?
What'll I be?
For hours and hours, I've been
Out there in the rain,
I walked and wondered too.
The darkness was full of eyes.
I saw things I never saw before.
I looked into the awful
groves of Astroth herself.
Sadie, you don't have to
go back to San Francisco.
- What do you mean?
- Just that.
Didn't you tell me I
had to make a sacrifice?
Yes, but I repeat you
don't have to go back
unless you truly want to.
But I do want to.
I haven't got anything else
to offer.
It's the only thing
I've got to give
and I want to give it.
I thank thee.
I thank thee.
- Why do you say that, Mr.
- Davidson?
Because you said what
I knew you'd say.
My every prayer
has been answered.
I prayed that there might
come into your heart.
So passionate a desire
for this punishment
which you now lay
as a thank offering
at your redeemer's feet that
even if I offered to let you go
you would refuse.
I hope I'll be strong enough
to go through with it right.
From now on,
you will be strong.
There is to be no more fear.
Radiant, beautiful,
you'll be one of the
daughters of the King.
That's what you are now, Sadie,
one of the daughters
of the King,
radiant, beautiful.
I think I'll go now
and try to get some sleep.
It's Davidson.
He isn't dead, is he?
Throat's cut.
Been dead for several hours.
I must tell Mrs. Davidson.
No, I'll go back and tell her.
I hate to do it but I guess
she knows something already.
She heard the boys
calling for you.
Better hurry.
I wonder why he did it.
Where's Miss Thompson?
How did you know about it?
One of the boys told me.
I came over here
as fast as I could
in case Sadie needed me.
You don't think,
there isn't any chance
of Sadie being mixed up in this,
is there?
No, he did it himself.
I hope they don't bring him
in here.
I don't like men that die
that way.
They don't rest easy.
Wait a minute.
Pretty cool, I'll say.
Yeah, well, anyway I'm glad
I didn't have to tell her.
I wonder how she'll take it.
I wonder,
Now what?
Listen to that.
See? She don't know yet.
Man, why is she playing?
One of us ought to go in
and tell her what's happened.
She hasn't touched that thing
since Davidson went after her.
What's she playing it now for?
I don't know.
Look here, last night
she was frightened
and all-in about going
back to San Francisco.
Why is she playing that thing
the first thing this morning
when at noon she's going on a
journey she's afraid to make?
How should I know?
- What do you infer?
- I'm not inferring.
Who's gonna tell her, you?
It'll come better from you.
Oh, all right.
Miss Thompson?
Yeah, what is it?
Let me in, it's Horn.
Oh no, you don't.
Stay where you are.
Be out in a minute.
It's very important, Miss
Okay, coming right up.
Hello, Horn, what's going on?
Hello, handsome, what are
you doing up so early?
Surprised to see me all dolled
up, huh?
Well, why not?
I had to put on my best
this gay and glorious morning,
didn't I?
Besides I'm radiant, beautiful.
You didn't know that, did you?
I could hardly believe my eyes
when I saw that sun
this morning.
Do I feel fine?
I do.
I'd race you down to the beach
if it wasn't for these
pesky heels.
Sadie, turn off that
- Why?
- They'll be back any minute.
- Who?
- Mrs. Davidson.
And why should I turn off the
because Mrs. Davidson's coming
I'm not concerned with
what Mrs. Davidson thinks
or for that matter, with
what Mr. Davidson thinks.
My advice to him is
to pin on his wings
and try the air.
Joe, turn off that phonograph.
Stay out of my room, Joe.
That phonograph stays on.
Sadie, something has happened.
You bet something's happened.
You men.
Davidson's killed himself.
They found him on the beach
this morning
with his throat cut.
Killed himself.
Then I can forgive him.
I thought the joke was all on me
but I see it wasn't.
No offense to you in that
last crack I made, handsome.
Oh, that's all right.
I'm going to Sydney with you
if the invitation
still holds good.
Let's go.
I understand, Miss Thompson.
I'm sorry for him
and I'm sorry for you.
I'm sorry for everybody
in the world, I guess.