Rebecca (2020) Movie Script

[woman] Last night,
I dreamt I went to Manderley again.
I dreamt that where our drive once lay,
a dark and tortured jungle grew.
Nature had come into her own
and yet the house still stood.
Secretive and silent
as it had always been.
Risen from the dead.
[pistol cocking]
Like all dreamers, I was allowed
to pass through my memory.
Spanning the years like a bridge.
Back to that summer in Monte Carlo
when I knew nothing and had no prospects.
Did you say eight?
-[driver] Huit.
-[driver] Merci. Au revoir.
-Au revoir.
[woman] I can see
the girl I was so clearly,
even if I no longer recognize her.
And I wonder what my life
would have been without Mrs. Van Hopper.
Without that job.
Funny to think
that the course of my existence
hung like a thread upon her curiosity.
If it wasn't for her,
I would never have gone to Manderley...
and would never have met you.
Mrs. Van Hopper.
[Mrs. Van Hopper] What kept you?
I'm sorry. I had to wait
for a package at the post office. I...
I believe it's from your nephew.
Oh, photographs of his honeymoon
with that ghastly girl, I imagine.
Open it.
-Get a table downstairs for lunch.
-Yes. One o'clock as usual?
-Now. I've just seen Maxim de Winter.
-Oh, right.
Still heartbroken, by the look of it.
He's a friend of yours?
Maxim de Winter, owner of Manderley.
-One of the finest homes in England.
-Oh, yes.
His wife died last year.
He's in dire need of company.
-Have the matre d' seat him next to me.
You'll have to tip.
Honestly, with everything
I'm teaching you,
you ought to be paying me.
-Thank you, Mrs. Van Hopper.
-Stupid girl.
[patrons speaking French]
Ah! Madam Van Hopper's usual table?
Oh, yes, thank you. Merci.
Oh, no. Um...
Wait, sorry. She was wondering
if a Mr. de Winter could sit with her.
-Monsieur Maxim de Winter?
It is the choice of Mr. de Winter
where he wishes to be seated.
Oh, yes, of course.
[stammers] So sorry. Is that not enough?
Um, here. I've got more.
-[coins clink]
God, I'm so sorry, monsieur.
[sighs] Just one moment.
Don't do it.
I've heard he's a terrible bore.
-Excuse me?
-This de Winter chap.
Thank you.
[matre d'] Monsieur de Winter,
please, this way.
Des hutres, une douzaine.
"Des hutres, une douzaine."
Maxim de Winter. Well, I never.
I had no idea you were in Monte.
You must join us.
Edie Van Hopper.
I think you remember my nephew. Billy?
You met him at Blenheim last fall.
Billy Whitney. He's about my height.
He's got sandy hair
and he's got a bit of a lazy eye.
I can't imagine how I could've forgotten.
Do give my regards to Billy.
Oh, would you know?
He's married,
and to the most enchanting girl.
-Is he?
-He sent photographs.
I'll show you. Come here.
The wedding was divine.
I believe you,
but I prefer to lunch alone.
-Good day, Miss Van Hopper.
-Oh, no.
What? We're not related. She's staff.
Well, I mean,
I guess you could call her my ward.
Hmm, I see. Now, if you'll excuse me.
Darling, fetch those photographs.
Mr. de Winter would love to see them.
No, please. Don't trouble yourself.
-It's unnecessary.
-No trouble at all!
Not at all. Go along. Quickly.
No, no. She'll be down in a jiffy.
[women laughing]
[Mrs. Van Hopper]
This is my favorite part.
I asked her to get the photographs,
and she darts from the table,
and then she's gone. Doesn't come back.
I thought, "Oh, God, don't tell me
she started sketching."
-[all laughing]
-Oh, no, she's an artist.
Anyway, she comes running back down,
reeking of cheap rose water.
I mean, the smell of it!
Show me an eligible bachelor
and I will show you a room full of women
acting like they've lost their minds.
It's too late.
-Never mind, sit down.
Related. I mean, imagine.
I loved the Manderley ball.
It was just so glamorous.
I suppose
that's all stopped since the tragedy.
Such a shocking thing that happened.
-How do you explain it?
-[woman 1] Awful.
-[woman 2] He adored her!
-[woman 3] Mmm.
His Rebecca.
[Mademoiselle] Morning, Mrs. Van Hopper.
-Mrs. Van Hopper?
Are you all right?
[Mrs. Van Hopper incoherently] I'm sick.
I'm sick.
I'm... I was sick all night.
-Call the... call the medecin.
-Call them right now. The doctor.
-All right.
Where is the bucket? Where's the bucket?
-I'll get the bucket! Here, I've got it.
You are waiting for madame?
Oh, no. She's unwell.
The doctor told her to rest.
So, it's just me today.
It is not possible.
The terrace is for guests only.
But I'm a lady's companion... really?
Yes, it is not for staff.
Monsieur? The young lady will be
joining me. Set another place, please.
[matre d']Bien sr, Monsieur de Winter.
[in English] No, please.
I couldn't possibly.
It's absolutely fine.
-We needn't talk unless we feel like it.
You... you didn't have to do that.
My motives were entirely selfish.
This is yesterday's paper.
I've already read it.
Thank you. It's very kind.
-So, what is it you do for...
-I'm what's called "a lady's companion."
If a lady has to pay for company,
that says something about the lady.
[matre d'] May I take your order?
Des hutres, une douzaine.
For breakfast?
You heard her. Et encore du caf.
Bien, Monsieur de Winter. Mademoiselle.
If it's not rude, why her?
You would make an excellent
companion for any number of people.
I've always wanted to travel,
so there's that, and 90 a year.
I know that's not very much to you,
but it's a lot to me.
I suppose you can
set a price on loneliness.
It's odd, isn't it?
Some people seem perfectly happy alone
while others just need someone
to pass the time with. Doesn't matter who.
Which are you?
Well, my parents are dead, so...
I'm used to being alone.
Here comes your breakfast.
Et voil. Une douzaine d'hutres.
-I've always wanted to try them, so...
Try them before they get warm.
-[jazz music playing]
-[indistinct chatter]
Thank you so much.
I've never spoken so much in my life.
-It was very impressive.
-And I'm sorry about the oysters, too. I--
-No, that was fine.
Thank you very much. I...
I haven't enjoyed myself
like that for quite a long time.
[Mrs. Van Hopper] Hello?
-[knocking at door]
-A note from the front desk.
-Merci. Madame's indisposed.
-I'll take it to her.
-It's for you, mademoiselle.
[Mrs. Van Hopper] What do they want?
It was just the front desk, they were...
wondering how you are.
[Maxim] So how did you escape?
I said I had a tennis lesson.
She's been on at me to improve my game.
-So where do you want to go?
-Anywhere is fine.
[Maxim] There must be
somewhere you want to see.
[Mademoiselle] Well, it's quite far.
[Maxim] Good. I could use the fresh air.
[Mademoiselle] Is this
a 3.5-liter Bentley?
[Maxim] It is.
How do you know so much about cars?
[Mademoiselle] Oh, my father,
he loved them.
[Maxim] If I may ask,
when did your parents pass away?
Two winters ago. Influenza.
Well, my mother
died of influenza, and my...
father died just four days later.
Do you think a person
could die of a broken heart?
-That was thoughtless of me. I'm sorry.
-[car honking]
-[Mademoiselle shrieks]
-It's all right.
All part of the plan.
[Mademoiselle] There's a cactus,
it's native to Mexico,
and it grows to 65 feet tall.
It lives for 200 years,
but it doesn't flower until it's 70.
[chuckles] Where do you learn this stuff?
I read about it.
Everything I know is from books.
I haven't really experienced anything yet.
I plan to before I'm old.
Have you been here before?
Years ago. On my honeymoon.
-How did your wife--
-Please... let's not.
[Mademoiselle] Mr. de Winter.
-Go on.
-Oh, no. I couldn't.
Yes. Yes, you can.
You know how, don't you?
Um, well, yes, I--
Well, good.
As long as you didn't learn from a book.
-[Mademoiselle chuckles]
Will you tell me about Manderley?
I hear it's beautiful.
It is. Yeah. Manderley,
it's more than a house. It's my life.
It's been passed from father to son
and father to son for centuries.
Until now, anyway.
You see, if I die without an heir,
it goes to my sister.
And her sons are nice boys,
but they're just not de Winters.
-[Maxim exhales]
-[Mademoiselle chuckles]
There we go.
Well, thank you
for getting us home safely.
Don't forget your things.
Sir, give us a hand?
This is what I need from you.
Would you grab that bag
and just lift at the same time?
One, two, three.
Put that back, please.
Yes, of course. I'm sorry. I...
Leave the keys with the valet. Good night.
[Mademoiselle] Good night.
[Mrs. Van Hopper weakly] Hello.
The nurse left an hour ago.
[stammers] The tennis coach only had
a late session free...
and I was practicing my serve.
A tennis lesson in the dark?
[softly] Rebecca from Max.
Max from Rebecca.
You stupid girl.
Why would I look at his personal book?
[patrons chatting indistinctly]
For you. From Monsieur de Winter.
[Mademoiselle gasps] Pour moi? Merci.
-I'm off.
-[Mrs. Van Hopper] What have you got on?
I can see right through it.
-You wearing any undergarments?
-Yes, of course.
I'm trying to paint beautiful houses.
Actually, you don't need
your tennis racket. All right.
[man] Mademoiselle.
-[Mademoiselle] What are you doing?
-[Maxim] Oh, you'll see.
Imagine if you could
bottle a memory like scent.
Then, whenever you wanted,
you could open it.
It'd be like
living the moment all over again.
And what particular moments
in your young life would you bottle?
This week. Now. Every minute of it.
Never forget it.
And any memories you didn't want,
you could simply throw away.
[Mademoiselle] "Come for a drive."
"Lunch at the Cap."
The beach.
[Maxim] But I love the coast down here.
It's so beautiful.
Oh, there we go!
What are you looking at?
-Um, well, it's...
-Let me see.
I wouldn't if I were you.
Well, it's just as well you're not...
-[gasps] Sorry.
-That's all right.
[Mademoiselle] Come on.
Let's go for a swim.
[chuckling] Come on. Come on!
-[shouts] Come in!
-[Mademoiselle] Why not?
-I don't want to!
[Mademoiselle] What are you afraid of?
It's too cold. No, it's freezing.
[Mademoiselle] No, it's not.
It's lovely!
[Maxim] I can feel it. It's freezing cold!
-You come here!
-No. I'm gonna drink all the champagne.
[Mademoiselle] I don't care!
[Maxim] God! Look
at what you're making me do.
[Mademoiselle laughs]
[soft piano music playing]
Oh, you're up.
I, um...
[stammering] I'm so glad
you're feeling better. Where's the nurse?
Took a swim, I see. After tennis?
Well, go on. Dry your hair. Chop-chop.
Are we going down for dinner?
I am.
You can see the concierge about
booking us on the early train tomorrow.
And you can set about packing.
Um, tomorrow?
Billy is sailing for New York on Saturday.
We can catch the same boat.
I'm sick to death of Europe.
Don't look at me like a drowned rat.
You'll get used to New York fast enough.
Plenty of boys and excitement.
All in your own class.
[Mrs. Van Hopper] Did you
really think people wouldn't talk?
Oh, you're best out of it. Everyone knows
he nearly lost his mind after she died.
It was all too sudden and tragic.
[Mrs. Van Hopper] Do you
honestly think he is in love with you?
It was a distraction, dear. That's it.
We'll go away. We'll go to New York.
You'll find your way.
You'll forget all about it.
Trust me, you will forget all about it.
[knocking at door]
[Maxim] Just a moment.
[Mademoiselle breathing heavily]
Mrs. Van Hopper is leaving
and I have to go, too.
-[Maxim] What are you talking about?
-Now. Today.
I just wanted to say goodbye.
Why haven't you told me before?
Because she only decided it last night.
And we're going to Paris with...
to meet her nephew.
Then we go to Cherbourg
to sail to New York.
All right. Listen, you mustn't cry.
Just give me a moment to think.
I can't stay long.
She's expecting me downstairs.
Come with me.
To Manderley.
What? As your secretary?
No. No.
As my wife.
I'm asking you
to marry me, you little fool.
I can't come to Manderley.
Yes, you can.
You said you wanted to see the world.
Manderley is the best part of it.
Of course she's down there.
Where else is she?
I've got to leave
in 20 minutes to catch the train.
-I'll tell her.
-Do we have to go?
Yes, we do.
I'm actually looking forward to this.
That's exactly what I'm waiting for.
Now, don't worry.
-[knocking at door]
Who is this now?
[laughing] This is the most wonderful news
I've ever heard in my life!
Wait till I tell my friends,
I can't believe it!
What are the plans?
I must know everything.
The plans are settled.
We'll marry here,
and honeymoon in Europe.
And then home to Manderley.
Oh, my goodness. Have you ever heard
of anything more romantic?
-"Home to Manderley."
[chuckling] Oh, my goodness.
It's out of a fairy tale.
All right. I'll go and make sure
your bags don't end up on the train.
-[Mrs. Van Hopper] Ah! Do hurry.
-You'll be fine.
[Mrs. Van Hopper chuckling] Yes, go along.
We have lots to talk about.
[door closes]
Well, goodness gracious,
don't you work quickly?
Have you been doing things you shouldn't?
-I don't know what you mean.
Well, you don't have a family,
luckily, to explain it to.
I wash my hands of it.
Gonna have your work cut out for you
at Manderley.
And, frankly,
I don't think you're up to it.
-I can learn.
-Let me tell you something, honey.
When you trap a man between your legs,
they don't stick around for long.
Goodbye, Mrs. Van Hopper.
He's only marrying you
because he doesn't want to go on living
in that big old house with her ghost!
I don't believe in ghosts.
[inhales sharply]
[expectant music playing]
Come, all you fair and tender girls
That flourish in your prime
Beware, beware, keep your garden fair
Let no man steal your thyme
Let no man steal your thyme
For when your thyme is past and gone
He'll care no more for you
And in the place your time was waste
[Maxim] Oh, God.
I hate it when they do this.
So much for keeping things quiet.
You know how she is, sir.
There's a way
things are done at Manderley.
[Maxim] Darling, this is Frith.
-[Mrs. de Winter] Hello.
-[Frith grunts]
[Maxim] Let's do things
properly, shall we? There we go.
-What are you doing?
-What? You don't like that?
-Up you go.
-[Mrs. de Winter shrieks]
[indistinct chatter]
[thunder rumbling]
[Mrs. de Winter] Max, put me down.
[Mrs. de Winter clears throat] Oh.
Mrs. Danvers.
Welcome to Manderley.
Hello. It's a pleasure. Oh!
-Thank you. Thank you.
-[Mrs. Danvers] Tea is ready.
[Maxim] Danvers runs the house. Don't
worry, she's not as scary as she seems.
[Mrs. de Winter]
Oh, Maxim, it's wonderful!
Stop that.
There he is. The wanderer returns.
Good to see you, Max.
-And you, Frank.
-How was the trip?
Was rather eventful, as it turns out.
-Frank Crawley, Mrs. de Winter.
-It's a pleasure.
Thank you. Hello.
[Maxim] Frank's the estate manager.
The place would fall apart without him.
Ah, no, no. He exaggerates.
Ignore him. [chuckles softly]
I hate to be a bore,
but I urgently need a few signatures.
I'll have him back to you in a jiffy.
-Shall we?
Oh, uh...
Danvers, show Mrs. de Winter the house.
Can you?
Oh, that's all right. I'll wait.
No, don't be silly.
Go on. I'll catch you up.
[Mrs. Danvers] The estate has been
in the family for over 300 years.
It was originally a gift from Henry VIII.
[Mrs. de Winter] Extraordinary.
[Mrs. Danvers] If there are guests,
you may use the drawing room.
Don't forget to tell Frith
to light the fires,
but generally, Mr. de Winter prefers
to take his coffee here in the library.
Glad you're here, Mrs. Danvers.
I'll never remember all this.
Oh, I'm sure you won't disappoint him,
madam, if that's your concern.
The de Winter family
dates back to the Tudors.
[Mrs. de Winter] And, um, who's that?
[chuckles] That's Caroline de Winter.
Mr. de Winter's great aunt.
[Mrs. de Winter] She's very striking.
Yes, and one of the first women
to qualify as a doctor in England.
It's one of his favorites.
[Mrs. de Winter]
Where does everyone sleep?
Maids in the attic, men below stairs,
as in your other houses, I presume.
Never even seen a house like this.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you'd been a lady's maid.
The master bedroom
is now in the east wing.
[clears throat]
What a... pretty pattern.
This is Clarice. She'll look after you
until your maid gets here.
I don't have a maid,
but I'm sure I'll manage without one.
Well, I think you'll find you need one.
Perhaps Clarice could take the position.
Oh! You can't see the sea from here.
No, you can't.
Should Mr. de Winter
ask for his old wardrobe,
I'm afraid you must tell him
it wouldn't fit here.
The rooms in this wing are much smaller.
This wasn't his bedroom before?
Oh, no. No. Mrs. de Winter's rooms
were in the west wing.
Well, it's a lovely room.
Much too nice to stand empty.
The guest rooms
are never empty for very long.
We entertained a lot
when the late Mrs. de Winter was alive.
The Manderley ball was quite an event.
I'll leave you with Clarice.
[Mrs. de Winter] Ask me a question.
[Maxim] What sort of question?
[Mrs. de Winter sighs] Anything.
I have no secrets from you.
Don't you think that's how it should be
now that we're married?
[Maxim] All marriages have their secrets.
You can talk to me about her...
if you want.
Good night, darling.
-[Mrs. de Winter grunts]
-[faint clattering]
[wind whistling]
[breathing rapidly]
[footsteps falling]
[Mrs. de Winter] Maxim?
-[Mrs. Danvers] Leave him.
It's dangerous to wake a sleepwalker.
And nothing to worry about,
but the stables will need reroofing
because the tiles are spoiled...
[Maxim] Hmm.
-Good morning, darling.
-Good morning.
-[Maxim] Sleep well?
-Yes, not bad.
-How are you settling in?
-Very well, thank you.
Good. Good.
I'll... [clears throat]
see you up there, shall I?
-Won't be a sec.
-Mrs. de Winter.
Oh, Mr. Crawley.
Frank. It's Frank.
I should have got up earlier.
-We could have had breakfast together.
-Oh, that's all right.
Did you know you sleepwalk?
Enjoy your breakfast.
[servants giggling]
[dog barking]
-[Mrs. de Winter] Jasper!
Where are you going? Jasper!
[whispers] Jasper, where have you gone?
[dog growls softly]
[exclaims] Ow!
[indistinct chatter]
I'm sorry to disturb you all...
Clarice, have you seen Mr. de Winter?
Do you have a plaster?
I've cut my hand.
[Clarice] Let me see.
-Really, it's nothing. I'm fine.
-Oh, my. One moment.
Since you're here, madam, may I have
your approval for today's menus?
[clears throat] Oh.
Yes. Good.
Very suitable. Very nice indeed.
-And the sauce for the roast veal?
-Yes, that looks excellent.
No, but I've left it blank, you see?
Mrs. de Winter was
most particular about her sauces.
Right. Well, um...
We'll have whatever Mrs. de Winter
would have had.
Very well, madam.
-There we go.
-Thank you very much.
[door opens]
[Maxim] Is everything all right, darling?
I was thinking of... ordering some
new undergarments from London.
Something lacy and a nightgown.
When have I ever complained
about what you wear?
[Mrs. de Winter] This is nice, isn't it?
Just us.
It's almost like
we're back on our honeymoon.
Oh, I miss it. Don't you?
Driving, the exploring, little cafes?
[sighs] Seeing some funny old hotel
and just staying there.
[Maxim] That's not real life, darling.
-[shouts] Jasper! Jasper!
-I'll get him.
[Maxim] No, just leave him.
He'll find his own way back.
It's so steep. What if he falls?
I said leave him!
[Mrs. de Winter] Jasper!
Jasper, come here!
Jasper, come out of there.
[door creaks]
[Jasper growling faintly]
Jasper, come here.
All right, get something to tie you with.
-There's nothing here, silly. Hey!
I didn't realize that anyone lived here.
No, I don't, do I?
Live up in the keeper's cottage.
I've been digging
for shells since forenoon.
Oh, you've been digging for shells? Huh?
No. I just, I...
I needed something to tie my dog with.
I'll be out of your way.
-He ain't yourn.
-Oh, no.
-He's Mr. de Winter's dog.
That's her dog.
She don't come here no more.
She... she gone into the sea, ain't she?
She drowned.
You ain't like her.
Yes. Come on, Jasper.
I never said nothin', did I?
Come on, Jasper. Come on.
I know why you didn't want
to come down here.
How am I supposed to know?
How am I supposed to know anything
if you don't tell me?
-[Maxim] That's supposed to be locked.
-Someone was in there.
[Maxim] Probably just the keeper's son,
Ben. He's harmless enough.
[Mrs. de Winter] Maxim, I...
[thunder rumbling]
[indistinct laughter]
[Beatrice] Oh, God!
-[Mrs. de Winter] That's in Italy.
-[Beatrice] There he is.
[Mrs. de Winter] Oh, yes.
That was just after the wedding.
What a nice plain frock.
Look, Max was right.
You're not at all what I expected.
And you're looking better, old man.
Not so drawn.
Everyone knows you were
a perfect wreck six months ago.
Here, Granny, have you seen these?
-Look, aren't they lovely?
-[Granny] Ah.
[Beatrice] Goodness! Yes.
[Mrs. de Winter] So,
these were from our wedding.
[Beatrice] What's all this
I hear about you not hunting?
Oh, no, I'm afraid I don't ride.
Oh, but you must!
Or you'll miss out on all the fun.
Come and stay. I can teach you.
Finest horsewoman in the county.
Do dry up, Giles.
It might shock my sister
that not everyone shares her idea of fun.
Whatever her idea of fun,
she certainly deserves to have some.
Well, actually, I've been
thinking I might revive the ball.
-[Giles] Huh.
Hmm, what a marvelous idea.
That's not something we discussed.
[Beatrice] Oh,
don't be so damn miserable.
You used to love it.
You can hold it
in honor of your new bride.
Well, that's settled, then.
-To our new hostess.
-Yeah. To our new hostess.
Are you staying at Manderley, dear?
[Beatrice] She lives here.
-[Giles] Remember, Granny?
-[Beatrice] Granny, we introduced you.
She's Maxim's wife.
[chuckling] No, she is not.
[chuckling] She's not Maxim's wife.
[chuckling] What a silly notion.
Uh, well, it's...
good news about the ball, uh...
It's been far too long.
I don't remember you.
Oh, no, I...
[loudly] We haven't met before.
-Maxim, who is this child?
-[Giles] Oh, Christ.
-[Maxim] All right, let's get Granny home.
[Granny] What have
you done with Rebecca?
-[Beatrice] Leave it.
-No, I've got it!
[Granny] I want to see Rebecca.
Leave me alone!
[Giles] She just gets a little...
it's the time of day, and the weather...
-[Beatrice] Oh, my! Get her in the car.
-[Granny] I just want to...
[Giles] You go and talk to her.
Let's get in the car, Granny. Come on.
[Clarice] This is from the flower room.
I hope that's all right.
-[Mrs. de Winter] Thank you.
-I apologize.
I'd forgotten how fond
our grandmother was of Rebecca.
I'm fine.
She was just
one of those bloody annoying people.
Irresistible to everybody. The men, women,
children, animals. [chuckles]
Us mere mortals couldn't hope to compete.
[engine starts]
[thunder rumbling]
-[Frith] Sir.
-[Maxim] Why is he crying?
[Frith] Sir, one of the porcelain pieces
is missing from the morning room,
and now Danvers
is calling for the boy's dismissal.
-But it wasn't--
-Which piece?
We're not sure, sir.
-Is everything all right?
-[Maxim] Yes, it's fine.
Something's just gone missing
from the morning room.
-What is it? What's gone missing?
What makes you think Robert took it?
The Dresden is extremely valuable, sir.
-But it wasn't me!
-[Mrs. Danvers] That piece is worth 100.
-[Frith] Sir, I find it most unlikely--
-[Mrs. Danvers] Then who, Frith?
The between maid isn't allowed
in the morning room. I do it.
When Mrs. de Winter
was alive, we did it together.
-[Maxim] All Frith is saying--
-It was me.
I broke it. It broke.
It was an accident. It fell.
Well, there we go.
Robert, you're off the hook.
Where are the pieces, madam?
In the bureau drawer at the back.
Send them to London.
See if anything can be done.
[Mrs. Danvers] Certainly, sir.
And may I suggest,
should anything like this happen again,
that Mrs. de Winter tell me herself.
[Maxim] If we're all quite finished?
[exclaims angrily]
[dog barking]
[footsteps approaching]
Oh, Frank.
Mrs. de Winter.
I thought you'd
gone up to London with Max.
He's in London?
Yeah. Taking care of some paperwork.
He asked me to put a padlock on.
I nearly locked you in.
It's a shame.
This place going to ruin.
Well... no boat now.
Max doesn't like to sail.
Ben said she drowned.
I'm sorry. I assumed you knew.
-Ah, it's...
It was brutal weather.
Even for her. She was an excellent sailor.
The boat went down.
They never recovered it.
She washed up
in Edgcumbe some... two months later.
Two months? My God!
Poor Maxim.
Drove him down there myself
to identify the body.
You know, you really
mustn't dwell on the past.
You're so good for Max.
He's a changed man.
She must have been so afraid.
Out there alone.
She wasn't afraid of anything.
Can I ask you something, Frank?
And promise to tell me the truth.
[chuckles] Hardly fair.
Don't know what you're gonna ask me.
Was Rebecca very beautiful?
Yes, I suppose she was...
the most beautiful
creature I ever saw in my life.
[dramatic music playing]
-[perfume spritzes]
-[Mrs. Danvers] It is beautiful, isn't it?
I keep it just the way it was.
It's as if she'd just
gone out for a while.
You startled me.
This was her favorite.
I laid it out for her that night.
Go on, hold it.
Touch it.
She wouldn't have a lady's maid, you know.
"I don't want anyone but you, Danny."
Do you see how tall she was?
Hmm. She could wear
anything with a figure like hers.
I'd brush her hair for her every evening.
"Come on, Danny, hair drill," she'd say.
I'd stand behind her...
and brush away for 20 minutes at a time.
That great mass of dark hair.
He joined in.
He loved to do that for her.
They'd be dressing for dinner,
guests waiting downstairs.
"Harder, Max, harder!" [laughs]
And he'd roar with laughter.
He was always laughing back then.
Does he brush your hair?
Mrs. Danvers, does Mr. de Winter
ask you to keep the room like this?
He doesn't have to.
She's still here.
Can you feel her?
I wonder what she's thinking about you.
Taking her husband and... using her name.
-I'm sure she'd want him to be happy.
No, he'll never be happy.
She was the love of his life.
-[footsteps falling]
[Mrs. de Winter] Maxim?
-[vines rustling]
-[Mrs. de Winter yelps]
Good morning, madam.
-[breathing heavily]
-Oh, dear! You've been scratchin'.
[exhales heavily]
[dogs barking]
[Favell] Have we missed ya?
Hello! You must be the new Mrs. de Winter.
Uh, I think there's been a mistake.
-Mr. de Winter's in London.
-He's left you on your own?
Isn't he afraid some bounder
might come and carry you off?
I'm Jack Favell. How do you do?
[laughs nervously]
Well, did you want to leave your card?
-And too polite to tell me to bugger off.
You are a sweetheart.
Not to worry.
I just popped by to see Danny.
She's invited me for tea.
-I'm horribly early, though.
-Mrs. Danvers?
That's why I thought
I'd better hover around out here,
otherwise I might
get a smack on the wrist.
[horse neighing]
Mr. Favell? Where are you going?
-[horse neighing]
-[Favell] Charlie, come on.
-Excuse me, Mr. Favell!
-[Charlie] Coming, sir.
[horse neighing]
Phillippa! Come on in, Charlie.
-[Charlie] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stand down.
-[Favell] Easy, Starlight.
[Favell chuckling] You've too much energy.
They've been neglecting you.
That's not a surprise.
Rebecca was the only one
who could handle you, wasn't she, old boy?
You knew Rebecca?
She's my cousin. Was.
[Charlie] That's it.
Let's take one of the horses
out for a turn.
Oh, no. I really... I don't know how.
Well, I can teach you.
Or have you something better to be doing?
-How do I--
-On three, swing your leg over.
-[Mrs. de Winter] Do you--
[Favell] One, two, three.
-Can you give me a stirrup? All right.
-All right.
[gasps] Are you...
-We won't go too fast. [clicks tongue]
-[horse snorts]
[Favell] That's it.
How do you feel?
-Right, now you take the reins.
-Oh, all right.
-Be nice and loose.
And low. That's it.
-Got it.
-Right here on your lap.
Now, very important. Squeeze the thighs.
-Let the beast know you're there.
You're gonna be
wickedly sore this evening.
-Now just move with me. Ready?
All right. [clicks tongue]
[Mrs. de Winter laughs]
[Favell] Darling, may I ask you something?
Has Max ever talked to you
about the accident?
And he never mentioned
Rebecca's trip to London that day?
No, he won't speak of it at all.
So, you don't know if he saw her
when she got back that night,
before she took the boat out?
[Favell] Hmm.
There's something she wanted to tell me.
Something very important.
And not knowing what it was...
That's really been a hard thing.
I'm not doing
my roguish image any good, am I?
You should come back and ask Maxim.
Well, I would.
But I'm afraid I'm a little bit banned
from visiting.
In fact, it's best if you don't mention
my being here at all today.
I... I thought you were friends.
Not really, no.
And I would hate for either one of us
to be on the receiving end
of that famous temper of his.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, it is still early days.
Well, I better not keep Danny waiting.
You know how she is.
[staff chatting and laughing]
Why did you invite him?
Jack Favell.
You asked him for tea,
knowing full well Mr. de Winter
has banned him from the property.
There must be some mistake, madam.
I haven't seen Mr. Favell for over a year.
[Maxim] Hello, Frith.
[Frith whispers] Hello, sir. Mr. Favell
has made an unannounced visit.
[Mrs. de Winter] I don't care
what she told Frith!
[shakily] Mr. Favell told me
that she invited him here.
And I suppose Mrs. Danvers forced you
to go riding with him, did she?
No, I can explain!
-Explain what?
-I was going to tell you, I was.
Want to tell me how you
dragged him down to the boathouse?
Parade your
fancy new night clothes for him?
[crying] How could you even think that?
I'd never have let him on the property
if I'd known it would upset you, Maxim.
Please. I love you.
Oh, do you?
Mrs. Danvers invited him here.
[loudly] I don't wanna hear
another word about Danvers!
[knocking at door]
Come in.
[door closes]
Mrs. Danvers.
I've come to give you your notice.
Has Mr. de Winter agreed to this?
The decision is mine.
[Mrs. Danvers] You see...
I looked after Rebecca
when she was a little girl.
We came here together
when she was first married.
I was her friend.
Someone to share her secrets.
Bond like that can't be broke.
Can't be replaced.
I was wrong to expect that from you.
Well, you'll find another house.
[laughs dryly]
We women, we can either marry
or go into service,
and I'm too old for either.
Well, we'll make sure
that you're provided for.
Oh, it's not about money. It's...
This wasn't a job for me.
Rebecca was my life.
I'm sorry if I failed you.
I didn't mean to let you down.
It was just you seemed
so set on doing things your own way.
No. This is all very new to me.
The house, the staff...
I just... I think that Mr. de Winter
hoped that you'd help me.
You didn't ask for my help.
what if I asked for it now?
I'm sorry.
I was an idiot. It's not your fault.
I know it wasn't.
[Maxim] I'm so sorry.
Very good, madam. Perfect.
I'll have them printed at once.
Oh, and we must let
Voce in London know before Friday
if you wish them to make your costume.
[Mrs. de Winter] Yes. I'm afraid
I'm drawing a bit of a blank there.
[Mrs. Danvers] Oh.
Well, you'll be
the most important lady at the ball.
-So, choose something with that in mind.
Oh, be confident.
Let them see your natural beauty.
[Clarice] Madam?
If it's not too forward of me...
Mrs. Danvers said you'd
not picked out what to wear yet, and...
I wondered if you'd want an idea.
Yes, please, anything. Sit down.
Just... the old paintings in the gallery.
I always thought they'd make
the most beautiful costume.
Especially the lady in the red dress.
Brilliant choice.
Clarice informed me.
And if I may say so,
one worthy of the lady of this house.
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
[Mrs. de Winter] I do apologize.
[indistinct chatter]
Right. Will you take
this down to Mrs. Danvers?
-Make sure she has everything.
-Thank you very much.
-And if you go through to the house.
-Oh, sorry.
-I'm sorry!
-[Frank] Are you quite all right?
-Yes. There's bit of a wind, Frank.
-Well, yes.
-Hope it doesn't rain.
-It'll come to nothing, I'm sure.
Oh, dear.
[thunder rumbling]
-What? Hands off! Don't!
-Can't I just see?
No, you'll ruin the surprise.
You know I don't like surprises.
Well, you'll like this one.
You won't recognize me.
-[Mrs. de Winter laughs]
I'm so proud of you.
Now, don't you leave me
down there too long.
Then get out so I can get ready.
[thunder rumbling]
-[rain falling]
-[indistinct chatter]
[jazz music playing]
Every time it rains, it rains
Pennies from heaven
Don't you know each cloud contains...
-Here you go.
no, I couldn't.
Don't be silly.
It's all right, I won't tell anyone.
[knocking at door]
No, go away! You can't come in!
The guests are arriving, ma'am.
Oh, all right. Let's greet them.
Please inform them
madam will be down presently.
[muffled giggling]
Very good.
[indistinct chatter]
-What are you doing lurking over here?
-It's just like old times, isn't it?
-Mmm, it's good.
Where's your outfit?
-This is my outfit, Giles.
-[Beatrice] It's marvelous.
[Frank groans] Palaver!
Oh, champagne.
-Late as usual.
-So, what's your excuse?
Tree down across the drive.
Had to get it moved.
-No, no, for this.
But I wear it every year, mate.
All right. Finally. Hey, here she comes.
[drum roll stops]
How do you do, Mr. de Winter?
[laughs nervously]
Is this some kind of joke?
Of course not.
It's the painting. I thought...
[Maxim] Go and change.
What is it? What have I--
Go and change now.
I don't understand.
-What have I done wrong?
-I said now!
[Mrs. de Winter crying]
I'm sorry. Please, madam, I never knew.
It was Mrs. Danvers' idea.
Rebecca wore this before, didn't she?
[crying] Mrs. Danvers said he'd be
so pleased and you'd be so pleased.
Hold that.
-That's most unfortunate.
-It was uncanny, wasn't it?
-No, I can't.
-Oh, bosh! Darling, you have to.
It's not as bad as all that.
You don't understand, I can't.
Not after this. Not after what I've done.
How were you to know?
Now, wash your face, and I'll find you
something to wear, all right?
[voice breaking] I should've known.
-I should never have worn it.
-Pull yourself together.
You can sit up here all night
feeling sorry for yourself,
or you can come downstairs with me
and have a good old laugh about it, hmm?
His face...
He wouldn't have spoken like that to her.
You're very different people,
and that's nothing to be ashamed of.
-Come on.
You're not on the continent.
Let's have a stiff upper lip.
-Oh, yes.
This'll do.
I'll be all right.
Good show.
-I'll see you downstairs.
[jazz music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
Nothing would make me happy...
Lord Crowan, Lady Crowan,
may I present Mrs. de Winter.
Oh, rotten luck about
your frock not turning up.
-[chuckles] Yes.
-Oh, never mind.
You look lovely,
and far more comfortable
than I am in this ridiculous getup.
Oh, don't be silly, darling.
You look divine.
-Maxim, I--
-This whole idea was a mistake.
I should never have brought you back here.
[jazz music stops]
[classical waltz music playing]
[camera flashes]
[indistinct singing]
[man] There are sailors and soldiers
returned from the war.
This ain't no place for you, miss.
Who bravely have fought
in their country's cause.
To come home, to be starved,
best stayed where they was...
[singing continues]
[folk music playing]
A woman is a branchy tree
And man's a clinging vine
And from her branches carelessly
He'll take what he can find
[fireworks popping and booming]
[all chanting] Rebecca! Rebecca! Rebecca!
[fireworks popping]
[chanting fades]
[loudly] Maxim?
[breathing shakily]
[door closes]
There, do you see now?
You'll never replace her.
-You can't replace her.
-You did this.
-You've been against me from the start.
-[chuckles softly] No.
-I was helping you.
-You tricked me. You planned this.
You and I both know
you are nothing. You're worthless.
Not worthy of him
and not worthy of this house.
[laughing] He'll never love you.
And why should he?
[sniffling] He did.
No, he can't love you
because you're not her.
You should've seen her.
At 16 years old,
on her father's horse, a huge brute,
but she mastered him.
By the time she finished with him,
he was nothing but froth and blood.
I've let her down,
allowing you here for so long.
She won't stand for it.
"I'll see you in hell, Danny!
I'll see you in hell first!"
[Mrs. de Winter] But Rebecca's dead!
She's dead!
He'll leave you, he'll divorce you.
And then what'll you do?
I'll just go.
You'll go? Go where?
You can't remarry now.
You certainly can't look after a house.
You don't have any family to support you.
[Mrs. de Winter breathes deeply]
It's all right.
I know how you feel.
It's not as bad as all that.
It'll be very quick.
Don't be scared. It's all for the best.
No one wants you here.
-[flare sparking]
[Maxim] Frith! Robert! Come quickly.
A trawler's run aground.
Get the coast guard.
-[Frith] They're on the way, sir.
[woman] What's he doin' down there?
[indistinct shouting]
[man] Daniel, wait for me.
[man] Move on, now. Get up, now.
That's it.
[man] Stand back! Coming forward!
[man] Diver's down there.
[man] Must've been something valuable.
[man] That's for the trawler.
They found somethin' else down there.
[man] That's it! Good lad!
[crowd murmuring]
I never said nothing. Did I?
She'll not come back now.
The fishes will have
had her by now, ain't they?
-You really shouldn't be here.
-[breathing shakily]
[man] Don't wait there. Come on.
Everybody move. Stand back.
[Giles] The body was found in her boat.
The same color hair.
And the engravings on her wedding ring.
There's no doubt it's her.
Don't be an imbecile.
I'm sure there's a perfectly logical
explanation, hmm?
You don't think it's odd?
That your brother identified and buried
the body of a stranger as his wife?
No, Giles, I don't.
If you're so concerned,
go and ask Maxim yourself.
[Giles scoffs] I would, but no one's
seen him for hours. I mean...
What's happened?
Why were the police questioning him?
No. He's not been home.
Why? When did they release him?
[Frank] ...please, dolet me know
when you see him.
Yes, of course, Frank. Thank you.
Don't worry. Take care of yourself.
[Maxim] It's over. She's won.
[Mrs. de Winter] Who's won?
If that's her body they found,
who is it you buried?
I don't know.
[Mrs. de Winter] Maxim.
The truth.
I don't know. I swear it.
How did she drown?
She didn't.
Don't lie to me.
She didn't drown.
She was already dead.
Her boat was damaged.
I damaged it.
Oh, Maxim.
You didn't know her.
Nobody did.
She told me on our honeymoon
how it would be.
How she would keep her flat in London.
Her parade of men. Even her own cousin.
Please, Maxim!
She relished it. Playing the part.
The perfect wife,
knowing that I would never divorce her.
'Cause you loved her.
I hated her.
Hated her cruelty.
I hated my cowardice.
Knowing that I wouldn't divorce her.
Knowing I could never do that to our name.
How did she die?
When she came back from London,
she told me
she was expecting a visit from Favell.
When I got here, she was alone.
She looked different. She was pale.
She'd seen a doctor in London.
She said, "Imagine if I had a child, Max.
You could never prove it wasn't yours."
See, it wasn't enough
for her to take my pride.
She wanted to take
my name, my home, everything.
And she said, "Go on, Max, do it."
"All you have to do is
pull the trigger and you'll be free."
[breathing heavily]
Bullet went straight through her.
She didn't fall right away.
She just stood there.
So calm.
Almost relieved.
And then she was gone.
All this time
I thought you still loved Rebecca.
[gasps softly]
Why didn't you tell me?
I couldn't.
I was so afraid I'd have lost you.
Go to the police, tell them everything.
You didn't know. Nothing'll happen to you.
I understand
if you want nothing more to do with me.
That's your choice.
You made a mistake...
identifying the body.
It was the grief, the trauma.
Nobody knows but us.
Nobody will ever know.
No, she hasn't won, Maxim.
She hasn't won.
We won't let her.
You don't have to speak to them.
[man] All stand
for the Right Honorable James Crouch.
[reporters clamoring]
[Frank] Stand back.
[coroner] Order! Settle down.
This is the... Sit down, sir.
This is the coroner's inquest
into the discovery
of the body of Rebecca de Winter.
This is not
currently a criminal proceeding.
We are here
only to ascertain how Mrs. de Winter died.
The court will now hear from
Detective Welch of the Kerrith police.
Detective Welch.
The body
Mr. de Winter identified last year...
was not his wife.
In fact, Rebecca de Winter's body
was recovered from the cabin of her boat.
That troubled me.
As did the nature
of the damage to the vessel.
And what was that nature?
We found four holes below the waterline
consistent with those
made by a ship's gaff.
-Or spike.
-Suggesting what?
That the boat was deliberately scuttled.
[indistinct murmuring]
In my opinion, Mr. Coroner,
this inquest can return
one of only two verdicts.
Suicide or unlawful killing.
[coroner] Your wife made a trip
to London the day she died.
It's time.
In your statement to the police,
you say your wife seemed
"preoccupied and unhappy"
when she returned.
Don't be defensive.
Answer their questions calmly.
[coroner] What was the purpose
of her trip?
No idea.
[coroner] Was it normal for your wife
not to discuss such matters
with her husband?
Are you implying
there were problems in my marriage?
I'm trying to understand
how you apparently failed
to recognize your own wife last year.
She'd been two months at sea.
She drifted 20 miles.
She was bloated, decomposing,
her arms ripped off,`
and there was nothing left of her face.
[audience clamoring]
-[coroner] Order! Order!
-[banging gavel]
[Maxim] I was arrogant and stupid.
-I lost my nerve.
-[Mrs. de Winter] No, you were passionate.
They'll believe it.
Who else knows she saw a doctor in London?
You, me, and the doctor.
They're not likely
to find any physical evidence.
Not after so long at sea.
The doctor is all they have.
I did tell Mr. Favell
he wasn't welcome, but he insisted.
Thank you, Mrs. Danvers.
What the hell do you want?
Another whiskey and soda would be nice.
It's about Rebecca,
so you might want
to send your wife off to bed.
I'm not going anywhere.
I know all about you and Rebecca.
Oh, really?
You know all about that, do you?
You were close, Favell.
If I'd caught you here
that night with her--
He was never here that night.
But she did invite me.
And that's the point.
Suicide or foul play,
that's what the chap said, wasn't it?
Now, inviting someone over...
doesn't really sound like
the sort of thing one would do
if one was planning to end it all,
does it?
And that's what's been
driving me mad this last year.
But it's beginning to make sense.
She finally decided to leave you.
Is that why you killed her?
You've no proof.
It's your word against mine.
It's your word against Rebecca's.
"Come to Manders when you get this.
I've something to tell you
and I want to see you
as soon as possible. Rebecca."
[Mrs. de Winter] Let me see.
-[Maxim] Get out of my house.
-Don't rise to it, Maxim.
[chuckling] Yes. Don't rise to it, Max.
I only came by to thank you, really.
You've been so generous over the years,
sharing your wife
with so many of us chaps.
Actually, I wondered
if I might try my luck with the new one.
[Favell] There's that temper
I told you about.
How much do you want?
She's cleverer than she looks, this one,
isn't she?
Seems to be a spot of blood.
Oh, dearie me.
She's right, though.
I'm not a rich man, Max.
Well, I'm too fond of gambling for that,
but I do have a certain lifestyle
that I've come to enjoy.
I imagine I could get by on around...
10,000 for the note
and my silence
when I take the stand tomorrow.
This is blackmail.
-What are you doing?
-Calling the police.
[Favell chuckles] Yeah. Call the police.
Might even put us in the same cell.
Not for long, though.
I imagine you're looking
at the noose, Maxim.
[coroner] At Inspector Welch's request,
there's a change
to this morning's proceedings.
We shall now hear
from the de Winters' housekeeper,
Mrs. Danvers.
[Welch] Safe to say
not much occurs at Manderley
without your knowledge
or say-so, would I be right?
I ensure the smooth running of the house.
[Welch] Which is how
you came to be aware
of the late Mrs. de Winter's
relationship with Mr. Favell.
[Mrs. Danvers] Well, I was
aware they were, um, intimate.
But my lady's
private affairs were her own.
[Welch] So they should be.
But since
these circumstances are far from normal,
perhaps you'd share with the court
what you told me last night.
I learned of a note
addressed to Mr. Favell.
I urged him to share that note with you.
A note Mr. de Winter
seemed keen to keep from this court.
[Mrs. Danvers] Yes.
The note was inviting Mr. Favell
to join Mrs. de Winter at the house...
the night my lady died.
Mr. de Winter offered money
in exchange for that note.
[Welch] The note
was from Rebecca de Winter.
[Mrs. Danvers] It was.
She wrote
she had urgent news to share with him.
And how much was Mr. Favell offered?
[audience murmuring]
[Welch] A check...
written by Mr. de Winter...
in exchange for the note.
Where does it say that?
All you have is a check.
-Nothing to say what it's for.
-[coroner] Order! Madam, order.
Mrs. Danvers, do you think it's likely
Rebecca de Winter drowned herself?
[Mrs. Danvers] No, sir. I do not.
In the weeks, uh, leading up to her death,
she had become
fatigued and was feeling sick.
And she asked me
to let out the waistband in her trousers.
Her belly was growing.
Mrs. de Winter went to London
the day she died. Did she say why?
-[Mrs. Danvers] No.
It must've been something deeply personal
for her to have kept that from me.
Like, say, an appointment with her doctor.
Not her family doctor,
as you might expect, but someone discreet.
Away from prying eyes
as if news of her condition
was something she wished to keep private.
A wish to share
only with her lover, Jack Favell.
You murdering bastard.
[loudly] You're a murdering bastard!
With my child! I hope they hang you.
I hope they hang you!
You murdered Rebecca!
Only two possible verdicts.
I hope you agree, sir,
that there's no motive at all for suicide.
But a clear one for murder.
[coroner] This inquest is suspended
pending a criminal investigation.
Ladies and gentlemen, court is adjourned.
Nobody's above the law.
[Maxim] Get your hands off me! Get off!
[Welch] Mrs. Danvers.
Say nothing. They can't prove anything.
I want her appointment books,
diaries, address books,
household finances, everything.
She saw that doctor sometime
and she paid him.
Roe, start placing calls
to women specialists in London.
[crowd clamoring]
[Mrs. Danvers] No. No.
[Frank] I'm sorry, do you have
permission to search this place?
[tires screech]
Mrs. de Winter?
-Oh, Frank!
I need her checks, her bank statements.
Anything that has
the name and address of her doctor.
Right. Here it is. I know what you need.
-I need a doctor.
-You need her doctor? There.
[Mrs. de Winter] That must be it.
[Mrs. Danvers] Shame on you.
Shame on you for taking his side.
I'm not taking anyone's side,
Mrs. Danvers. I--
And you, Frank.
Licking Mr. de Winter's boots by day,
and pawing at the cottage door at night.
Sobbing like a schoolboy.
She despised you all.
The men in London,
the men at the Manderley parties.
You were nothing but playthings for her.
And why shouldn't a woman amuse herself?
She lived her life
as she pleased, my Rebecca.
No wonder a man had to kill her.
[Mrs. de Winter] It must have hurt.
Knowing your only friend in the world
took a secret like that to her grave.
Pack your bags, Mrs. Danvers.
I expect you gone by nightfall.
[bell tolling]
-Terribly sorry, I've left my purse.
[butler] Who was it you saw, Miss?
[Mrs. de Winter] Dr. John Baker.
Thank you.
[knocking at door]
[butler] Wait there.
-[butler] Dr. Baker, sir.
-[Dr. Baker] Good evening, Tas.
[door opens]
[Dr. Baker] I see so many patients.
I can't remember her.
[Welch] Maybe it'll
come back when you see her file.
[Dr. Baker] It would have been more
convenient to read the file to begin with.
We'll do what we can to help.
Oh, no. This is not as it should be.
Where's she gone now?
[Dr. Baker] Who?
[butler] The young woman who was here.
It's not here.
I'll have a word with my secretary.
[Dr. Baker] It's possible
she misplaced it.
This girl. Is there any way
she could get out of here?
[door opens]
-[door creaking]
-[Mrs. de Winter inhales sharply]
I read it, that's all.
I haven't changed a word Dr. Baker wrote.
Rebecca Danvers.
Yes, now I remember. Terrible thing.
That wasn't her real name.
And she wasn't pregnant.
Then why would she use a false name?
Why would she come all the way to London
to make an appointment with you
and not her family doctor?
Perhaps she wanted
to spare her family the news.
That the baby wasn't her husband's?
Inspector, I am not
that kind of women's specialist.
I'm not an obstetrician.
My field is oncology.
I treat cancers
of the reproductive system.
The bloating, the fatigue.
They're common symptoms.
She had cancer.
There's her news for Jack Favell.
That doesn't prove she killed herself.
She wouldn't have wanted to suffer.
Yes, she told me as much.
She was very advanced
by the time she was symptomatic.
Saw her first in April,
by May, it was clear
she was too far gone for treatment.
She only had weeks
and the pain would have been considerable.
How did she do it?
She took out her boat and scuttled it.
She drowned herself.
[latch drawing]
[keys jingling]
[lock turning]
Stroke of luck for you there, Max.
I bet you think you've won, don't you?
Well, maybe the law can't get you.
I still can.
Is there anything else you want to say?
If there is,you better say it now.
Do you know what I hate her for most?
It's what she's taken from you.
It's gone forever. That funny, young,
lost look I loved so much.
You're not that person anymore.
Don't hate her for that.
What's that burning?
Oh, my God, that's Manderley.
[staff clamoring]
[Frith] Come on! Get away from there.
Get off the lawn! Go! Come on!
[Maxim] Get off the lawn!
Frith, get off the lawn!
How many people are inside?
Is everyone out?
-[Frith] I don't know, sir.
-You all right? What happened, Clarice?
I saw her.
[Mrs. de Winter] What do you mean?
Who did you see?
[Clarice] Mrs. Danvers.
[Maxim] Help her! Where are the hoses?
-Where is she?
-She went to the boat house.
[clamoring continues]
[indistinct creaking and thudding]
[glass shattering]
[Mrs. de Winter] Mrs. Danvers! Please!
Please come away.
You asked for my help. Here it is.
Mrs. Danvers, please.
He killed the only person I loved.
I can't let you have Manderley.
It was ours, you see.
You don't have to do this.
I know you'll stand by him.
But you'll never know happiness.
Yes, I will.
[grunting and muttering]
[Mrs. de Winter] Last night,
I dreamt I went to Manderley again.
I dreamt of Mrs. Danvers and of Rebecca.
But this morning I woke up
and left the dead behind.
And as I sit before the mirror
in our stuffy little room in Cairo,
just another stop
on our quest to find a real home,
I can see the woman I am now.
And I know
that I have made the right decision...
to save the one thing
worth walking through flames for.
[upbeat music playing]
[waves crashing]
[dramatic music playing]