Regarding Us (2024) Movie Script

[piano music playing]
A reading from the first letter
of Saint Paul
to the Corinthians.
"Brothers and Sisters...
behold I tell you a mystery.
We shall not fall asleep...
but we will all be changed
in the blink of an eye
at the last trumpet.
For that which is corruptible
must clothe itself
with incorruptibility,
and that which is mortal
must clothe its--"
[tense music playing]
[gentle music playing]

[birds chirping]
Mr. Savino,
Miss Ramos, slow down.
Sorry, Miss Hathaway.
[doorknob rattling]
[Betsy] "Here at
the Immaculate Conception,
we pride ourselves in creating
a welcoming environment.
However, the secretive manner
in which
you've conducted yourself
and the way
it has come to light,
the board
feels it is best to quash this
before the Archdiocese
gets involved
and the media gets wind of it.
Unfortunately, we can't
offer you any sort of severance
due to the unethical grounds
for separation."
I'm sorry,
we can't support your lifestyle.
I feel awful.
No, you don't.
Oh, it's all over Facebook.
[chuckles] I'm surprised
you even came in today.
Great picture, by the way.
I don't do Facebook.
That's part of my contract.
Oh, well, it's also part
of your contract
that we can separate you
from your employment
at our discretion.
Do I at least
get to say goodbye to my kids?
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa,
that would cause some...
[Betsy sighs]
Oh, don't you think?
After seven years?
Of the 22 students
that you have,
um, 17 parents called in today
and said that their children
will not be attending school
this morning,
and of the five remaining,
three of whom,
they neither speak, read,
nor write English,
and the-- uh, the remaining two
are on financial aid,
full scholarship,
so they won't be--
um, they won't be speaking up.
[Betsy chuckles]
Way it goes.
-So, now what?
Well, you take your things
and go. [sighs]
But, I mean, just FYI,
when you were, uh,
applying for this position,
there were a lot of people vying
for the same job
who were more qualified
than you,
but we were told
to be progressive,
so we went ahead
with the African American woman.
You know, we just decided
we just got a little more
than we bargained for.
[Betsy laughs]
I will fight this.
You really want
to put our students,
our school, through all that?
Uh, you love it so much,
you've been here seven years,
you're gonna hire a lawyer,
you're gonna lawyer up.
What about the Catholic Church,
you don't think
they have lawyers?
Big bad, big bad lawyers.
You understand me?
How are you gonna pay that bill?
Now, I am-- I am sorry
that we are not being sensitive
to your choices,
but this is the Catholic Church.
[phone ringing]
[sighs] Betsy Holland.
[joyful music playing]
[Denny snoring]
[Denny gasps]
[Denny gibbering]
You said he'd be back,
and he's still not back.
It's okay,
you can go back to bed, please.
It's FTM, remember?
You have to make breakfast.
Female the male?
-French toast Monday.
-Monday. Monday.
Oh. Thank you.
Okay, let's go.
Let's go. Thank you.
Okay, let's go. Up.
I love you. Let's go, let's go.
You're awake.
Frame such feeling line...
Frame such feeling line that
may discover such integrity.
Frame such feeling line that
may discover such integrity.
What does integrity mean again?
Uh, having an honest soul.
Oh, shit.
-Cereal's not healthy, remember?
-Yes, it is.
No, it's not.
It has added sugar and whatnot.
Okay, okay.
How about some scrambled eggs?
-Healthy enough?
-You don't know how to cook.
-I can cook.
-No, you can't.
When we ate spaghetti
you burnt the garlic bread.
Oh, so you're gonna blame me
till the day I die
for more kitchen blunder?
Oh, I see how it is.
[speaking in Spanish]
Frame such feeling line...
Frame such feeling line...
Fuck me.
That may discover
such integrity.
That may discover
such integrity.
-Maybe I should audition.
-Wish you could.
If this one doesn't work out,
it's over.
-You always say that.
-This time I'm serious.
Does daddy not love us anymore?
Daddy loves you.
He'll be back.
He's just busy with work now.
But he's never gone away
for work before.
He's just doing research.
What type of research?
He's a scientist. I don't know.
Scientific research.
-He went to France.
You know how your dad
is, like, super smart?
Like, he's even smarter than me.
I know.
Well, the country of France
requested his expertise
to work on a top secret mission.
Now, I can't really explain it
because I'm not a scientist.
-And it's top secret.
-And it's top secret.
But your dad is saving lives.
Daddy is a hero.
Okay, let's not be dramatic now.
It is well
It is well
With my soul
With my soul
It is well
It is well
With my soul
When peace like a river
Attendeth my way
[Ben] Two, three.
When sorrows
Like sea billows roll
One, two, three.
My lot
Go for it.
Thou hast taught me to say
It is well
It is well
With my...
I know I was only on wine,
but I also made a quiche.
-I see we have a new member.
-Amber, that was beautiful.
-[Amber] You think so?
I was going to sing
"Gather Us In,"
but that seemed so overdone.
And this seemed
more in my range.
And I actually can't believe
that you were never--
Wait a minute.
-What are you doing here?
-It's Saturday.
Choir rehearsal.
You know you can't be here.
No, I didn't know that.
But I do now.
[somber music playing]
Hi, Veronica.
It's Mary Ann from Park Realty.
I have a couple
that are interested
in seeing the apartment
tomorrow from 12 to two,
so if you could
just put the key...
[doorbell dinging]
[dinging continues]
Pizza delivery for Veronica.
Hi. Um...
uh, you're Veronica, right?
You ordered the pizza, right?
[banging on door]
Open up the door.
[banging continues]
-Your pizza's here.
-Not my pizza.
You're going to pay
for the pizza,
and you're leaving him
a nice tip.
Not my pizza.
Somebody's got to pay
for the pizza.
Not my pizza.
Okay, look, this stops now.
You know, I always knew
there was
something wrong with you.
[Veronica sighs]
[Veronica exclaims]
[paper rustling]
[kid] Yo, Izzy.
Is it true you're moving
to France with your dad?
Oui, oui, monsieur.
Liar. Your dad's not in France.
-[kid] What?
-Yes, he is.
He's in France.
Jacqueline spotted him
last weekend in Lincoln Park.
Making out
with some Asian-looking dude.
-[kids laughing]
-Hey, hey.
That's enough, folks.
"I may chance
have some odd quirks
and remnants of wit broken on me
because I have railed
so long against marriage.
Shall quips and sentences
and these paper bullets
of the brain
awe a man
from the career of his humor?
When I said
I would die a bachelor...
I did not think I should live
till I were married."
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-I can do it another way or--
-That was plenty.
[phone ringing]
[Veronica's dad] You've reached
the Hathaway residence.
Please leave your name, number,
and a brief message
after the beep.
Thank you for calling,
and God bless.
[phone beeps]
Hey, Dad.
Um, it's...
it's your son. [chuckles]
look, I don't know why I called.
I just, you know...
wanted to see
how you were doing.
Uh, you know, it's been,
like, five years or whatever.
you know,
it feels like time is passing
and sometimes I feel like
we ain't never gonna
see each other again.
Hey, look,
I'm-- I'm-- I'm sorry.
You know, I wish
sometimes, like, I could...
change who I am.
Like, I wish I could change
who I am, you know.
But I don't know,
that-- like, this is...
you know, that--
this is who I am, you know.
But, you know, like I said,
I just wanted to call because...
You know, if you want
to call me back, that's good,
but yeah.
Okay, well, um...
Yeah, I gotta go.
I'll-- I'll talk to you later.
[somber music playing]
[paper rustling]
[muffled music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
-Uh-uh, no.
Oh, it's really good.
-It's all right.
-I'm a really good actor.
-Do you want one?
Yeah, thank you.
Thank you very much. No?
[jazz music playing]
You guys are awesome.
And if you look
directly behind me,
you might notice
the iconic Grecian arch,
which you lovers
of classic cinema
will instantly recognize
from such award-winning films
as Love Story,
Barefoot in the Park,
A Streetcar Named Desire,
Ghostbusters II.
-[phone buzzing]
-Oh. Sorry. [chuckles]
Uh, oh, dear lord.
We-- we-- we gotta wrap it up.
I-- I-- I think
if you email them,
you can get
a-- a half refund, maybe?
I don't know.
Uh, check--
check-- check online.
Hi, sorry. Sorry.
I'm here, I'm here.
Don't make me say I forgot.
How was school?
She hasn't said a word
since lunchtime,
which is very unlike her.
Did something happen?
It's probably just
a case of indigestion.
-Oh. Sorry again.
-It's okay.
-Okay, thank you.
-Have a good day, y'all.
Bye. You too.
So how was school?
You wanna talk
about anything?
So what,
you're not talking to me now?
What did I do this time?
You're not the only one
who's suffering, BTW.
I had to cancel two tours today.
You know how much money I lost?
Hey, I know what'll cheer us up.
We'll hand these out
and practice
our accents on strangers.
Good evening, madam.
Do you like to read books
and expand
your bloodthirsty mind
with knowledge?
Or do you prefer
to do an Irish jig
with nothing
but the lashings of whisky
and us in a pipe dream?
We can dance all night
in the local bar
and sing a lot of songs
for the lo--
Oh, hey there, young lass.
You love Irish pipe dreams.
Young lass.
The Irish pipe dreams.
You love them.
[heartfelt music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[birds chirping]
[engine rumbling]
[Denny snoring]
[Danny gasps]
Ah, gee.
[paper rustling]
My name is Veronica
Danielle Hathaway and...
Okay. Okay.
[doorbell dinging]
[dinging continues]
[pills clattering]
[door buzzing]
"Let me not to the marriage
of true minds
admit impediments.
Love is not love
which alters
when it alteration finds.
Nor bends
with the remover to remove.
It is the star
to every wandering bark
whose worth's unknown,
although his height be taken."
Can I help you?
The queue.
[Denny breathing heavily]
"Love alters not
with his brief hours and weeks
but bears it out
even to the edge of doom.
Darling Veronica.
I'm sorry for the cruelty
you've endured for my sake.
I offer you this.
My eternal love...
as imperfect and lonely
as this single red rose.
Your sweet, salty,
caramel milkshake, Juan Carlos.
Is this some kind of joke?
-I'm-- oh. I'm confused.
-You're confused?
What are you,
a singing telegram or something?
I was hired to deliver
a Shakespeare telegram
to Veronica
from her lover Juan Carlos.
Juan Carlos is the twisted
15-year-old downstairs
whose recent hobby
is harassing me.
You know,
ever since the world discovered
that I'm trans.
Oh, uh, I'm-- I'm so sorry.
I gotta hand it to him.
This is original.
It's been Chinese food
or pizza delivery.
You know, when he's not drawing
penises on my front door.
[Denny] Men.
On behalf of any decency
left in the male species...
I offer you this.
For a minute there
I thought you were a real Brit.
[Denn] Really?
Well, you know, I can't tell
that you used to be a guy.
-I mean--
-Uh-uh. Let's go out.
[Denny] No. No, I'm sorry.
-I didn't mean to--
-Let's go out.
-No, I'm so sorry.
Well, there is
the issue of payment.
You've got to be kidding me.
I've got
a little girl right there.
My pockets are full of lint.
You take a check?
Cash only.
-Wait a minute.
-W-- w-- wait.
I-- I think we should
make Juan Carlos pay.
-I mean, I don't want you to--
-It's fine, I'll pay.
But because of her.
Come on. [indistinct]. Please.
Isabel, come on.
[chuckles] Thank you.
How much does
Juan Carlos owe you?
Um, 85 plus 12 for the rose,
so 97.
That's a little steep,
don't you think?
Oh, well...
-Oh, I don't have change.
-It's fine.
Hold on. Thank you. [humming]
Just standard procedure.
You know, it's, uh--
thank you for your--
Oh, good-- very good.
We're all set here.
Have a great day.
Isabel. Isabel.
You can't just storm in here.
Where are your manners?
That is so rude.
Do you need to use the bathroom?
You can use the bathroom.
[Denny] No, no, no, no.
She's doing this on purpose.
She has a very
extensive vocabulary,
but she's not
speaking to me right now
because she hates me
and she wants me to fail.
Isabel. Isabel.
Integrity, remember?
What does it mean?
Integrity means
having an honest soul.
Do you have
an honest soul right now?
[speaking in Spanish]
[Denny] Excuse me?
[speaking in Spanish]
[Denny] Isabel.
He left because of you,
and now he's
with some other dude.
[door shuts closed]
I think we need vodka.
Oh, um,
it-- it's ten o'clock
in the morning.
-We'll put some OJ in it.
-[Denny] Oh, you know what?
I'm not much of a vodka drinker,
but you-- you have at it.
Suit yourself.
[heartfelt music playing]
I just wanted to have
a normal life. [chuckles]
Oh, because you're so normal.
Normal's boring.
"Dear students,
you might be wondering
where I've gone.
I didn't want you to think
I was abandoning you.
It was never my intention
to use my backup plan."
So what do you
do with your life?
Wait. Let me guess.
Um, I really enjoy your style.
Very minimalist.
Um, creative director
for some sort of, uh,
huge architect firm, huh?
I'm a-- I was a teacher.
"I'm sorry
we have to build our lives
around fear rather than dreams.
But I hope when you're grown up,
you accept one another
for who you truly are,
and dream just a little bigger
than the world
we live in today."
Wow, that's gotta be tough.
I could never be a teacher.
Dealing with all those kids.
You know, I like
your definition of integrity.
Having an honest soul.
"Remember, fish can have wings.
Your teacher, Miss Hathaway.
[Denny] Yep.
Honest soul.
[knocking on door]
You've been in there
a long time, Isabel.
Kids. Sorry.
We'll-- we'll skedaddle out.
We'll-- we'll--
we'll be as fast as we can
and then just, uh--
Sorry for ruining
your whole day. [laughs]
-[knocking on door]
-Get out of there.
-[pills clattering]
-[Isabel speaking in Spanish]
[Denny] Oh, you're only
speaking Spanish now, I see.
I liked it better
when she wasn't saying anything.
[knocking on door]
[speaking in Spanish]
Oh, honey.
You know what I do
when I have a tummy ache?
[uplifting music playing]
I look at my fish,
and I try to imagine
what they're feeling
this very moment.
[speaking in Spanish]
They're born
with the instinct to survive.
[speaking in Spanish]
Sometimes life is so big
that I have to close my eyes.
Okay, drama queen. Let's go.
-Daddy, I--
-Shh! [indistinct].
-We're leaving right now.
-I don't want to go.
We're leaving right now.
Please say thank you.
Say thank you.
-[Veronica] What?
In case I need an actor?
An amigo.
-Thank you.
-[Denny] Thank you.
-[Isabel] I don't want to leave.
-[Denny] Come on, let's go.
-Let's just go.
-I don't want to leave.
Come on. Come on.
-Come on.
-I've seen a fish with wings.
-[Denny] Isabel.
-[Isabel] Hey.
-[Denny] [indistinct].
-[Isabel] My-- my stomach hurts.
-[Denny] And this is my fault.
-[Isabel] Yes.
-[door shuts closed]
[pills clattering]
Oh, my...
[phone ringing]
[automatic voice]
The mailbox is full
and cannot accept
any messages at this time.
[phone beeping]
Isabel, are you getting
your pajamas on?
[gentle music playing]
Are you hurrying up?
The babysitter
will be here any minute,
and I am already late for work.
Oh, Jeez. Jeez.
Isabel, are you listening to me?
-We are running so late.
-[doorbell buzzing]
-Hey, this is Veronica
I'm-- I'm on my way to work,
but come up.
[door buzzing]
[phone chimes]
Well, the babysitter
just cancelled,
so what are we going to do?
Gee. [grunts]
-[knocking on door]
-Oh, jeez. Oh, just a minute.
Hi, what's up?
Um, hey,
is your little girl okay?
Um, I think so.
Oh, thank God.
[door shuts closed]
Oh, no. What did she do now?
Oh, when she was in my bathroom,
I think she replaced
my meds with breath meds.
I'm so worried
she swallowed them.
-[knocking on door]
[doorknob rattling]
Isabel, open this door at once.
Did you steal something
from this nice lady's bathroom?
-[knocking on door]
Pills are not candy.
If you swallowed them,
we have to go to the hospital.
That's very dangerous.
-[Isabel] I spilled.
-What? What spilled?
-The pills.
I accidentally
knocked them over,
and they spilled down the sink.
I didn't take them. I promise.
She's telling the truth.
[Denny] How do you know?
I teach fifth grade.
I know the sound
of children lying.
I'm very late for work now.
We're having
babysitter issues. [chuckles]
-[knocking on door]
Open this door right now.
Hey, Isabel. It's Miss Veronica.
Did you read my letter?
[gentle music playing]
[Denny] How did you do that?
Come here.
Well, you seem okay.
You promise me
you didn't swallow those pills.
Oh, God.
You little maniac.
What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
[Veronica sighs]
Now, who taught you
how to play like this?
My daddy. Checkmate.
Well played.
Winner cleans up,
loser picks dessert.
Indeed, from 1797 to 1826,
before it became
a public square,
Washington Square Park
was a graveyard
for paupers, brothel women,
and any other
so-called untouchables.
At the center of the square,
where the iconic fountain flows
and all its majesty
stood the gallows where
they executed criminals
or anyone they deemed criminal.
We're sure great at making
history look pretty, right?
So, what's your backup plan?
-Excuse me?
-What's your backup plan?
I don't know.
-It's in God's hands.
-Do you believe in God?
It's hard sometimes, but...
I do.
Do you?
Never really thought about it.
Well, faith is a choice,
and freedom lets us choose.
I like freedom.
So do I.
[gentle music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
Sunrise is Jasmine.
[music stops]
[phone ringing]
[girls giggling]
Oh, look, it's the liar.
Alone, with no friends.
[girls laughing]
Did somebody pee her pants?
[girls laughing]
Come on.
Bye, looser.
[girls giggling]
[soft music building]
[Principal Ford]
So, Miss Hathaway?
Please call me Veronica.
What was your reason for leaving
the Immaculate Conception?
I took too much estrogen.
Nothing surprises me anymore
with the Catholic school.
Yeah, they felt
I wasn't a good match.
Why didn't you tell them?
I'm a really good teacher.
I gave my heart
every day to a job
that I was more
than qualified for.
It should be a non-issue.
Tell me why you love teaching.
[Veronica] Growing up,
teachers were the ones
who made the greatest
impact on my life.
My best teachers
gave me the courage
to believe in myself.
I knew firsthand
the power of a good teacher.
But then
when I started teaching,
I realized
the power of the student.
They question,
they challenge, they inspire.
Teacher and student
build worlds together.
If I can do that
with the next generation,
then that's purpose.
What if none of them
want to learn?
What if your job
is more of a parent
or a babysitter
to a bunch of failing kids?
Some of the best teachers
I've had have been babysitters.
And you always pass failure
on the way to success, right?
Miss Veronica? Miss Veronica.
Miss Veronica?
[Principal Ford chuckles softly]
What if one of the kids
told you to shut the fuck up
and screamed a bunch
of racial slurs at you?
I've heard worse
from people that I love.
I'm a tough cookie, Principal.
I won't be disheartened
by a room
full of unruly kids
who just need a parent.
Honey, what are you doing here?
Why aren't you in school?
I don't feel so good.
We have to call your dad.
You hungry?
Come on, we can have
a little snack while we wait.
Bless us, O Lord,
in these Thy gifts
which we are about to receive
from Thy bounty
through Christ our Lord.
Daddy and Shake say
God is just some
made-up reason for people
to be mean to each other.
Honey, people are mean
to each other
because they can be
if they choose to be.
How did you make
this French toast?
It's the best I've ever had.
It's a secret.
You have to tell me! Please!
You know, you have
such an eager mind, don't you?
You have to know
absolutely everything.
Slow down, honey.
Enjoy the experience.
Can you teach me how to cook?
I'll tell you what.
Once I get settled
in my new place,
I'll invite you and your dad
over for a cooking class.
Where are you moving?
I don't know.
Excuse me for a minute.
[emotional music playing]
Why are you bothering
Miss Veronica?
You think she has time to take
care of you every other day?
Answer me!
She's not participating
in school.
She won't even talk
to her friends.
But she talks to you?
We have good conversations,
don't we, Isabel?
I don't get it.
I am doing the best I can.
Do you think
I signed up for this life?
Hey, but you did sign up
for this life.
I'll take this sweetheart.
Thank you.
You doing some traveling?
Miss Veronica is homeless.
-She has nowhere to go.
-Isabel, that is so rude.
-Move in with us.
-Out of line, friend.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
And don't you run away again.
And [indistinct]
your dad some slack.
You know, unless
he messes up spaghetti again.
Then chew him out.
[gentle music playing]
[phone chimes]
[exhales sharply]

[music fades]
So how many days
in a row do you think
you can be mad at me?
Let's go for twelve.
Does Daddy not love us anymore?
Did you leave us
for another family?
Daddy loves you.
He'll be back.
Class, can I please
have your attention?
I'd like to introduce you
to our new student, Kyle.
Kyle and his family moved here
all the way from Alabama.
He's going to be shadowing
Gustavo this week.
Can we please
give a warm welcome to Kyle!
[classmate] Woo!
Good job, y'all.
[whispering] Alabama.
[subtle music building]
So, did you play
a game last night?
Uh, f-- football?
Basketball. [indistinct]
Uh, no. I missed it.

[kids chattering]
I like your shoes, Alabama.
Thanks. I like your hair.
-Can I braid it?
What's your favorite color?
-That's cool.
-You sure?
-[Veronica grunts]
Now, you know
Mama loves you, right?
But where you been?
It's been like ten years.
The last time I saw you,
you were a yoga prancing,
pot smoking,
party girl, and homeless.
And then now, you come back,
you're looking like
an Amy Coney Barrett,
Bible-thumping wannabe.
[Betsy gasps]
That's a little severe,
don't you think?
Girl, where have you been?
I've been trying to figure out
what I'm going to do
with my life.
I miss singing in church.
But you know what?
I'm never
going to sing again,
and I'm never
going to church again.
You're always welcome at Temple.
-You don't go to Temple.
-I could if I wanted.
What can I make you to eat?
Nothing, I'm not hungry.
A little snack, something, huh?
You've got church right here,
and I love you.
When Jesus is my portion
A constant friend is he
His eyes is on the sparrow
And I know he watches me
I have leftover veal parmesan.
[Mr. Aquino] Use your
and draw
the environment around you.
For example, if I wanted to be
a veterinarian
when I grow up,
what would be around me?
-A stethoscope.
Very good. A stethoscope.
-Of course the liar knows.
Her dad does Science,
we remember?
[classmates giggling]
Alright. Alright.
Let's show some respect.
As I was saying,
draw the details.
I'm very happy you're
participating in class again.
What's a stethoscope?
[Kyle] Are you
going to be a veterinarian?
No, I'm going to be
a real doctor.
Like my dad, I'm going to find
a cure for cancer.
You're the smartest
person I ever met.
What's your picture
supposed to be?
I [indistinct] an airplane.
That's me.
[Isabel] OMG. Alabama.
You're transgender.
-I'm what?
You're a fish with wings.
This is super cool.
I do like to fly.
[Mr. Aquino] Isabel?
Constance Laumann.
Veronica Hathaway.
The man breaks me down
and I keep coming back for more.
[Constance chuckles]
I know just what you mean.
You wouldn't happen to know
a nice church in town,
would you?
We're new to the area.
Church hopping.
I'm sort of out of the church
circuit these days,
but I'll let you know
if I find anything.
We've been
to St. Mary's down the street,
but I cannot understand a word
of what the priest says.
We're not in Alabama anymore,
that's for sure.
I worry about
raising my boys here.
I don't want them to get lost
in the shuffle, you know?
All you can do is teach them.
I'm sure they'll follow
in your footsteps.
You seem like a wonderful mommy.
Actually, I'm the babysitter.
-Miss Veronica!
-How was school, sugar plums?
-We drew pictures.
Show Miss Veronica yours.
-It's so good!
-Hey. Don't be shy, darling.
We drew self-portraits.
This is Kyle's.
Oh, wow!
It's a beautiful picture, Kyle.
Yeah, that's Kyle.
Wanna play dinosaurs?
Alright, here we go. Let's go.
-[footsteps approaching]
-[Kyle] Come.
[indistinct] hand.
-Uh, [indistinct].
Matthew, you are not eating
that whole chicken.
Hey, Mama.
Can I play baseball
for a play date?
You know the rules.
Why don't you invite
one of the boys over?
You can play your video games.
What are you looking at?
Go do your homework.
[thunder rumbling]
I wish it would stop raining.
Life is a series
of disappointments
and little injustices.
Buckle up, buttercup.
Plan B. Ice cream sundae.
Or we could have a ball.
["Kaboom" by Ursula 1000]
[indistinct] over here.
[phone ringing]
Ooh, I love a big fish.
Hey, Principal Ford,
how are you?
I'm calling
to give you an update.
I submitted you for a position
at Harvey Milk High School
in District 3.
they just hired a teacher
[indistinct] master's degree.
Have you considered
enrolling into graduate school?
I just don't have
$50,000 sitting around.
[Principal Ford] Hmm.
What did you receive
your undergrad in again?
British Literature.
What high school teacher knows
all 24 Canterbury Tales?
Just showing them that you've
enrolled in your master's degree
could really improve
your chances.
I don't know, I just...
feel like
I'm running out of time.
[Principal Ford] I hear you.
Keep me posted, okay?
Okay. Thanks.
...flip, flop, wing
But wait there's more
Ah, ooh
Ah, ooh
Ah, ooh
Ah, ooh, ooh, ah, ooh, ooh
[doors creaks open and shuts]
Hey, I'm just, uh, finishing
this up and then I'll be off.
Oh, no rush. Want a beer?
No, thank you.
What, you got
a hot date tonight?
I wish.
I actually
picked up a couple shifts
at the bar down the street.
You're kidding.
You know you can get, like,
any guy you wanted, right?
Well, I picked up
five extra tours this week.
Why can't I be an actor
and just lay in bed all day?
Did she behave?
Kicked my ass
in chest five times,
ate most of her dinner,
was in bed by 8:15.
Oh, and she, uh...
wrote this.
I caught her praying.
She freaked out
and she told me
she was reciting lines
for a school play.
I asked her what play
and she said the Jesus play.
I said, that doesn't seem
appropriate for your school.
I better call your teacher.
You want me
to lay off the God talk.
Got it.
It's like
she was ashamed to tell me.
Like, I would criticize.
I looked it up.
There's an LGBTQIA
church downtown.
Maybe we could
go there one Sunday.
I appreciate that...
but I'm just not there yet.
I don't care what anybody says.
The Pope fucking sucks.
This smells so much better
than the boys' bathroom.
That's cause boys
don't know how to aim.
I have two daddies.
Trust me, I know.
Go like this.
You're a natural, Alabama.
You know my name's Kyle, right?
I know. But Alabama's so pretty.
Like a flower growing.
I can call you Kyle
if you prefer.
No, no. It's okay.
You can call me Alabama.
You're my
best friend now, Alabama.
I raise you...
a peppermint.
[Denny] I see your peppermint.
And raise you two...
chocolate bars.
-Two chocolate bars.
-You [indistinct] for my blood.
-Me too.
Hmm. I bluffed.
And that is how...
-you act. [laughing]
-[Isabel exclaiming]
Hey, how's your friend
Kyle doing?
-You mean Alabama?
-Yeah. Alabama.
Alabama's my new best friend.
Why haven't you invited him
over for a play date?
That's not like you.
Well, she says that
her mom doesn't let her go
to girls for play dates,
it's only boys.
-[Denny] Is that so?
[Isabel] Her mom
doesn't get that she's trans.
Has Kyle told you
that he's trans?
I mean, it's kind of obvious.
Honey, being trans
is so much more
than how you present
on the outside.
It's not something
you can impose on anyone else.
It's music time.
Shakes, let's write
a song for Miss Veronica.
-Come on.
-Okay. That was random.
-No, please.
-[Isabel] Come on.
You know what, let's write
a song for Miss Veronica.
-A song for Miss Veronica?
I think so.
Let's do it.
[upbeat piano music]
I love candies
You do too
We all love each other
Yes, we do
All right.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Miss Veronica, verse two.
-Yeah, yeah
-What you love?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Is that my singing princess?
-I missed you!
-Mi amor.
Oh, I missed you, too.
I brought you a little friend.
Hi. I'm Adrian.
I'm Veronica, the babysitter.
Hi, babe.
Uh, Isabel, come on.
It's grown-up time.
I'm a grown-up, too.
Yes, you are.
Not even close. Come on.
Okay, go.
So, where'd you find her?
What'd I miss?
[Denny] I told her every day
you'd be back.
Don't worry. He'll be back.
He'll be back.
Daddy will be back.
I've must have said it
a thousand times.
And each time,
I believed it less and less.
I'm never leaving again, Denny.
Is that supposed to make
everything better?
I was confused,
but I'm not anymore.
-You're my life.
-Don't follow me.
This is my life, Deny.
[street din]
Hey, Miss Lauman.
Hey, there.
Thanks for doing this.
Yeah, well,
Isabel's been through enough.
She deserves to spend time
with her father.
-Mr. Ramirez?
I'm sure you've heard
all about our little situation.
I'm not sure I have.
Kyle and Isabel
have a unique bond.
I reckon it'd be best
for both our little ones
if they no longer
associated with one another.
Why? Isabel is very precocious,
but she's a very good friend.
Dude, everyone calls him
the transgender boy.
Mom, we've been here
less than a month.
He's already a freak.
Matthew Mitchell,
walk home this instant.
-Mr. Ramirez?
-Call me Adrian.
-I don't--
-Or you can call me Doctor.
My son is being corrupted
by your daughter, Doctor.
-Miss Lauman,
I know this can be difficult.
If there's anything
I can do to help--
Help? You're gonna help me?
Excuse me, you don't even know
what you're supposed to be.
-This is a family matter.
-You better start listening up,
otherwise you're gonna make life
miserable for your child.
-Thank you, Veronica. I got it.
Mi amor, baby girl.
What's going on here?
Alabama's my best friend.
I love her.
You see what I mean?
Why did you call Kyle a her?
Because she's trans?
My son is being raised
with good Christian values.
Very hard to find around here.
I'll pray for you, Miss Lauman!
Thank you.
Bless us, O Lord,
and these thy gifts
which we are about to receive
from thy bounty
through Christ our Lord, amen.
Seems like I came back
just in the nick of time.
Where are you, little girl?
I'm right here.
Doesn't seem like it
from my perspective.
Talking to some imaginary
bearded man in the sky?
Putting that poor Alabama
through torture with his mother?
I love Alabama.
You need to be
focusing on school,
not some lost kid.
That mama is loca.
And you know why she's loca?
Because of all that caca
they teach her in church.
And with God on her side,
there's no telling
what she might do.
Take my advice.
Stay away from Kyle,
and just put him down gently.
Okay. Put her down gently.
What's France like?
You were working
in France, right?
[gentle piano music]
France is fine. Okay?
Why don't you live
at home anymore?
[speaking Spanish]
A bricklayer puts down
three rows of bricks.
-There are ten bricks
-in each row.
-[speaking in Spanish]
Pay attention.
And there are seven bricks
on top of each row.
How many bricks tall?
[speaking in Spanish]
Smart as your papi.
Come on. Eat your fries.

[Adrian speaking in Spanish]
[exclaims] [speaking in Spanish]
I thought
you might be hungry.
I'm vegetarian.
You could have [indistinct].
Why are you teaching my daughter
fairy tales about Jesus?
I'm not teaching her
any fairy tales.
But I have to live my life
by my beliefs, and she asked me.
You know they don't accept
people like us.
What good is religion
to her anyway?
All she'll get
is a lifetime full of guilt.
That's why I don't do religion.
I do faith.
But they don't,
but that's just semantics.
You ever been so low
you thought
it would take a miracle
to pick you up?
That's faith.
My faith is the only thing
getting me out of bed right now.
Otherwise, what's it all for?
Enjoy the sandwich.
Things I shouldn't feel
["Boys and Barbies, Pt. 2"
by Michael Miguel]
Things I shouldn't see
Let me get
another shots of tequila.
Let me know
if I can get you anything else.
Thank you.
...I shouldn't be
Things I shouldn't know
[phone ringing]
[answer machine] You've reached
the Hathaway residence.
Please leave
your name, number,
and a brief message
after the beep.
Thank you for calling,
and God bless.

Too young to feel this way
[Adrian gasps]
-Are you trying
to make me feel guilty?
You have a bed at the lab.
I want to stay close
to help out.
Isabel is obviously
going through
some sort of internal crisis.
-Oh, I wonder why that is.
-I miss running lines with you.
I never thought I would.
But I do.
I don't know where to begin.
I know why you left.
-I should have danced with you.
At the barbecue last summer.
[chuckles softly]
[soft guitar music]
The one time
you asked me to dance.
Not in front of
all the street people you said.
You know, I saw it.
I saw the light
in your eyes go out.
I just sat in my chair,
and I did nothing.
You know, [indistinct]
I'm a really good dancer.
Shut the fuck up.
-You know, I'm a lousy husband.
I know I'm a lousy husband.
I know I'm a lousy husband.
-No, you're--
What about Isabel?
I'm so sorry, Denny.
I didn't mean
to hurt you or Isabel.
That's the last thing
I wanted to do.
-Yes, you did.
Yes, you did.
I love you.
Don't make me call the cops.
For what?
Smoking a little pot, mommy?
Supplying drugs
and alcohol to a minor.
I'm 21.
Boy, you 12. Go home.
[scoffs] Home?
No. Can't go home.
[glasses clattering]
You know, I was a rebel once,
too, so I get it.
Running away, feeling like
you don't have a home.
But there are people
that care about you.
What the hell
are you talking about?
Go home and read a book.
I'm 15, by the way.
[mumbled background music]
[people chattering]
-[indistinct shouting]
-[shoes screeching]
[Isabel] My turn. No, no, no.
Kyle, you know you'll
have to play with the boys.
Why are you acting weird?
Coach Kornmeyer!
Kyle's talking
to the girls again.
Okay, okay. Jeez.
[gym din]
I missed you.
You did?
So much.
Did you tell Isabel
I was in France?
We always talked about
going to Paris, remember?
I thought one of us should go.
Even if it was a lie.
Do a monologue for me.
-Oh, come on.
Do that one, um,
about the difference
between happiness and love.
[Denny groans]
And do it
in that British accent.
It's so sexy.
You know, this doesn't mean
we're back together,
-I hope you know.
I mean, I thought we...
No, I don't want to
confuse Isabel.
Isabel needs stability.
Which is why you told her
to dump her best friend?
If you met that mother,
you would do
the exact same thing.
I don't think we should be
teaching our daughter
to abandon people
when things get tough.
How many times
do I have to apologize, Denny?
Isabel wants
her daddies back together.
Her daddies are great together.
Well, one of her daddies
is a complete whore.
Ha, come on.
We both know
who the whore is here.
I can't forgive you!
I can't!
I-- Isabel?
-[girls chuckle]
-[girl whispers] He's so weird.
Oh, look.
It's Tranny Boy's artwork.
Just like his penis.
Flying away.
It's Tranny Boy's girlfriend.
The liar.
Are you going to give
Tranny Boy your vagina?
Oh, that's right.
You don't even know
what a vagina is, do you?
I know more than you, Carmen.
You can't even read.
I can read.
Shut up.
What's your talent
besides making fun of people?
You don't have any.
They'll be safe in my backpack.
Why don't you want to be
my friend anymore?
We're not allowed.
I smell alcohol
on Matthew's breath again.
Well, I suppose
he should go to confession.
You're never home
long enough to notice.
I haven't bought a pack
of cigarettes
since I was pregnant.
This place
stresses me the F out.
Why can't we just move
back to Alabama?
I'm worried about the boys.
Oh, how would you know?
Oh, poor Kyle. He's lost.
He needs his grandparents.
He's around
too many confusing folks
that are messing
with his mind.
He needs his grandparents.
He needs to see
a traditional married couple.
I don't know what we are, Chad.
Maybe if you came home
once before 10:00 p.m.,
you could slap
some normalcy into him.
Are you fighting [indistinct]?
It's Kyle.
Your father says,
"Go to bed, young man."
I smelled smoke.
[sighs] Let me tend to him.
We are not done with this.
How about a bowl
of orange pineapple?
On a school night?
We can break
the rules this once.
You'd think
it'd be easier to find
orange pineapple ice cream
around here.
But I found it after going
to four different stores.
Bodegas, they call them.
I knew it was important for us
to have something familiar.
Semblance of normalcy.
In fact, there is
entirely too much peculiarity
in this city.
I think
we should all
just move back to Alabama.
That way, we can have
all the orange pineapple
ice cream we want.
What do you say?
But I like it here.
There are too many people
here trying to bully you.
There were bullies in Alabama.
-Sugar Plum--
-I don't want to go back!
Then you have to straighten up.
I'm worried sick
about you, darling.
If you follow
in the ways of that girl...
of that...
kill your grandparents.
Can you live with that?
Aunt Gloria
won't want you coming around.
You won't be able
to babysit your cousins.
Nobody will trust you.
Kiss any real life goodbye.
Do you still love me?
It's late.
Brush your teeth.
Go to bed.
[somber guitar melody]
I don't like you sleeping
on the couch.
I'm really trying here, Denny.
I haven't even mentioned
Isabel's obsession
with that religion teacher.
Veronica taught
math and English.
But what is she teaching
our daughter?
I don't get it.
How can a trans woman
be so Catholic?
I think it's more, like...
I can't with you.
You hate God.
I do not hate God.
Yes, you do.
You hate God.
Admit it. You hate God.
Okay, God's not my favorite,
but I don't hate.
Look, I'm sorry about
your traumatized childhood
in New Mexico
and that weird priest.
Try child molester, cabrn.
Okay, what
do you want me to say?
Would you like to join us
for dinner tonight?
What are we having?
You learned to cook
while I was away?
Veronica's making it.
You know I can't be in here.
I have a surprise.
Like a mermaid.
I have to stop loving mermaids.
I have to stop
trying on dresses.
I have to stop
playing with girls.
I have to stop everything!
Sometimes fish can fly.
I transform you, Alabama,
into a mermaid for one more day.
When the sun sets, you will
always and forever be...
Or as boring
people call you, Kyle.
All right, how do I look?
I want to go home now.
I'm tired.
-Under the sea?
-No, I'm hungry.
I'll fetch us some seaweed.
They lived happily ever after.
The end!
-No, not yet.
-The end!
-The end!
I'm sorry
I was mean to you earlier.
Kyle and I are getting married.
We are?
Is that so?
How do you feel
about that, Kyle?
I don't know.
He was the one
who came up with it.
We're saying he now?
Only in public.
If we're married,
we can still be friends.
[bowl clatters on table]
I can't do this anymore.
Are we raising
some kind of a delinquent?
I was trying to save
Kyle's drawing.
You ditched school,
not the first time, by the way.
And you disobeyed our orders
to stay away from...
Do you have nothing
to say for yourself, young lady?
Veronica, this paella
is delicious.
I demand an answer, Isabel.
Is this any way
for a future doctor to behave?
These are unique circumstances.
[Adrian] Yeah, no shit.
She's confused this child
into thinking he's transgender
because she and you worship
Mary Poppins over here.
This is not
the family dinner I wanted.
Because this is not a family.
You are the one who broke us.
Okay, Kyle, get your things.
I'm taking you home
on my way to work.
No, Kyle, I'll take you home.
No, you're not facing
Kyle's mother with that temper.
Then I'll take myself home.
And I don't want my daughter
brainwashed by pinche religion.
And your paella?
[door slams shut]
Come on.
Happy Daddy's back?
You know, when I was ten,
I decided to play mermaid.
I thought it would be a fun idea
to make a bubble bath.
Well, I got distracted
putting on
some of my mom's makeup.
And I left the water running.
So I flooded the basement.
My dad came home
he was so angry.
But not because
I ruined the carpet
or because
I flooded the basement.
But because
it was the first time
he saw me put makeup on my face.
Were you scared?
I was so scared, Kyle.
But you know what?
I survived.
And I was okay.
And you will be okay too.
-[door slams shut]
-Mom, are you still mad at me?
Tell me something, Kyle.
Do you want to live
a life of pure loneliness?
Because that's what it'll be
if you keep letting that girl
poison your mind.
I don't care
if she's the smartest girl
in fourth grade.
She is not smart
when it comes to you.
I hardly talk to her anymore.
[Constance scoffs]
You are getting
so good at lying,
I don't even know
what to believe.
Where are you going?
You don't tell me where you go,
why should I tell you
where I go?
We're just a family
who lies together, I reckon.
-[Matt growls]
-[Kyle screams]
Jesus. You even can scream
like a girl now.
-You're not allowed to drink.
-[Matt scoffs]
Mom's already pissed,
what does it matter?
You want some?
It'll make you feel better.
Come on, take it.
Come on.
Go ahead, drink it.
There you go.
[Matt] I got an idea.
["More" by Emory Parker plays]
I can't do nothing
No use in bluffing
You know how to
Turn me on,
you get me hot...
Hey! Hey!
Why aren't
you watching the bar?
Qu pas?
Tell me now
what's your alibi
Not sure if you're my lover
Or my enemy
A nightmare or
Just stay here, watch the bar.
I see it in your eyes...
The [indistinct] can't catch up.
Come on, have some.
I think I'm going to hurl.
That means it's working.
Why don't you try jumping, huh?
You're a fish with wings, right?
So you can just...
swim and fly
wherever you want to go.
[tram bell dinging]
[somber music]
[tense music]
My kids are missing.
I just-- I literally just left
for five minutes
and they're-- they're not here.
And I...
[sobs softly]
No, I don't know where they are.
Please don't [indistinct].
It's-- it's two-- two bo--
two boys.
Two boys.
Come on, Kyle. Jump.
-[Kyle sniffles]
-I'll be waiting for you.
Jump. And then fly.
Kyle, what are you doing?
Ah, you just fuck everything up,
don't you?
You're drunk,
I'm taking you home.
Who the fuck you are?
-[Veronica yelps]
-Jump, loser!
Hey, I'm serious.
[Veronica yelps]
Hey, punk, leave her alone!
Are you okay?
-Hey, what are you--
-[Matt grunts]
[Adrian thuds on ground]
[Veronica] Kyle.
I love you.
[sighs, indistinct]
[children chattering]
-Mr. Kim?
Where's Alabama?
Kyle's family thought
it would be best
if they transferred
to another school district.
Who threw that airplane?
Where's the respect?
[indistinct chatter]
[somber guitar melody]
[Denny snoring softly]
You better eat some of this
-or I'm going to finish it all.
-[Veronica's mom] Oh.
[Betty] I know. I'm hungry.
I'm on that antibiotic.
My infection came back.
-[phone ringing]
-Now, how did you get that?
I don't--
You know I'm not going
to tell you how I got it.
Mmm. [indistinct]
-[man over phone] Miss Hathaway?
This is Principal Turner
at the Brooklyn
Science High School.
I was hoping
you would be available
for an interview tomorrow
at 10:00 a.m.?
Yes. Yes, of course.
[Turner] Great.
My assistant will email you.
And please thank
Principal Ford for me.
[Turner] Principal Ford?
Well, I assumed
that was who referred me.
You were actually
referred to me
by Dr. Adrian Ramirez.
He highly recommended you.
Thank you.
Sounds like a very important
phone call, my love.
I didn't think
you'd come visit me.
I actually, uh...
got you a little something.
Come on. Take it.
You didn't have to do that.
I know.
[wrapping material crumpling]
I love it.
Thank you.
You know...
I don't believe in God.
But I know you prayed for me.
Thank you.
I got your favorite.
Oh! [chuckles]
I should have smacked my head
on the pavement years ago.
You've got to check
yourself from now on.
Watch yourself from now on.
There will be checkups,
hats and scarves
in the winter...
-and no driving.
-[Adrian] Hmm.
At least not for a while.
That's what
the doctors keep saying.
What do doctors know?
They're idiots, right?
He hates wearing hats.
Because he has such nice hair.
-Mmm. I do.
-[Denny chuckles]
Where's Isabel?
She's still beating herself up.
You know, I will...
-go and check on her.
-[Denny] Mmm.
Thanks, Veronica.
Thank you.
Have some cake.
It's in the fridge.
I fucked up so much.
Oh, honey.
[Adrian sobs]
It's okay.
-I'm so sorry.
-It's okay.
Your dad's asking for you.
Are you a caterpillar
in a cocoon?
[both laugh]
Well, blossom into a butterfly
and help me make lunch.
I'm not doing anything.
Whenever I do something,
I mess up everything.
Not true.
Then why does
everyone I love leave?
I'm moving to Brooklyn, Isabel,
not Brazil.
Alabama's gone forever,
and now you're gone too.
You remember
the first day we met?
I spilled your medicine
down the sink.
Thank God you did that.
But you needed it
because you were sick.
I was never sick, honey.
I didn't really need
that medicine, so...
you did a good thing.
I did?
Who knows
where I'd be without you.
What do you mean?
Always show up to life.
But life is so sad.
But it won't always be.
[somber guitar melody]
The more that I live life...
I realize that
I am not going to apologize.
For I am a woman...
a Catholic woman...
a trans woman.
My father was complicated.
People are complicated.
The church has let us down.
You see, the church never taught
my father about acceptance.
Whether it be
acceptance of gay people,
trans people,
women, Jews, Muslims.
Jesus says in John 13,
"A new command I give you,
Love one another."
Oh. I was sitting there, Carmen.
I don't think so.
Always show up to life.
Don't try to replace
Tranny Boy with me,
because it won't work.
Carmen, are you okay?
What do you care for?
You'd love it
if I failed fourth grade.
You're failing fourth grade?
I think the people
on the West Side heard you.
But if I don't learn
how to read these chapter books,
everyone will know I'm stupid.
But you're not stupid.
Easy for you to say.
You were, like, born
with a book up your butt.
My daddy's always read to me.
I'm blessed.
[mockingly] Oh, you're blessed?
The only thing my mom
ever reads is the GrubHub menu.
I can help you if you want.
Okay, now you're scaring me.
Carmen, this is life.
Show up.
We can take turns.
You go first.
This book is so lame.
They didn't even turn it into
a Netflix series.
"There once was a girl who..."
This is impossible.
Words are like spaghetti
all over the place.
There once was a girl...
There once was a girl
who live--
Lived in a town.
Her fa-- fav--
thing to do...
pl-- play.
We've got to forgive.
Because forgiveness...
it's a beautiful thing, Dad.
Oh, Lord, my God
[singing "How Great Thou Art"
by Carrie Underwood]
When I, in awesome wonder
Consider all
[Isabel] "Dear Alabama..."
The world
Thy hands have made
[Isabel] "I'm not sure how this
letter will reach you."
I see the stars
"Hopefully through osmosis.
Ever hear of it?"
I hear the rolling thunder
[Isabel] "A couple updates.
Miss Veronica..."
Thy power throughout
"...she got an inheritance."
The universe displayed
[Isabel] "It looks amazing."
Then sings my soul
my Savior God to Thee
How great Thou art
[Isabel] "I miss her
picking me up from school,
but I see her
every other Sunday."
How great thou art
[Isabel] "She takes me
to this LGBTQIA church
in Manhattan."
Then sings my soul
My Savior God to Thee
[Isabel] "You'd love it!
We sing in the choir
and I play tambourine."
How great thou art
How great
How great thou art.
"And I always pray for you
and your family, Alabama.
Do the prayers work?"
She's already at it.
-[Denny chuckles]
-[Adrian groans]
Morning, sunshine.
[Isabel] "Fifth grade
isn't the same without you.
Will we ever see
each other again?"
Come on, let's go.
Seize the day.
Isabel, I'm hungry!
Good morning, mi amor.
"Do you still love mermaids?
-I do."
"Although I'm pretty sure
I want to be a teacher now.
I want to help people learn
all kinds of things."
[Isabel] "But if you still
want to be a princess
floating around, do it.
Not that I'm telling you
who you should be.
I know I can be bossy
but nobody's perfect.
I miss you.
And I hope you're shining.
Love, Isabel."
[heartfelt music]
[inaudible speaking]
["Faces" by Mila Jam plays]
Smiles on their faces
As they walk on
So cold and naked
Is anyone home
I can turn a blind eye
And ask no questions
Where they've been
or who they are
And if you're not ready
You'll be left in the dark
No second chances
to make impressions
Only got one chance left
to start
And I'm not keeping
myself from anyone
'Cause I have come so far
I don't wanna run
I don't wanna run
I don't wanna live and die,
I don't wanna lie
Gonna show you all my faces
I don't wanna hide
I don't wanna hide
Don't wanna be denied
So you let me shine
Will you love me
with all my faces
Smiles on their faces
As they walk on
Fear cannot take us
Now the mask is gone
Eyes open wide,
I'm feeling alive
Never too late
to be who we are
And if you're not ready
You'll be left in the dark
No second chances
to make impressions
Only got one chance
at the start
And I'm not keeping
myself from anyone
'Cause I've just
come so far
I don't wanna run,
I don't wanna run
I don't wanna live and die
I don't wanna live and die
I don't wanna lie
When I show you
all my faces
I don't wanna hide
Don't wanna be denied
Show you, let me shine
Will you love me
with all my faces
Will you love me?
Will, will you love me?
Thousands of faces
we never face
'Cause we're falling apart
Will you love me?
Will, will you love me?
Thousands of faces
we never face
'Cause we're falling apart
Will you love me?
Will, will you love me?
Thousands of faces
we never face
'Cause we're falling apart