Reportage November (2022) Movie Script
[Radio reporter] A woman and her newborn
daughter were reported missing earlier today.
According to the police.
It's still unknown what has happened. But there
are no traces after the woman or her daughter.
The police are now using tracking dogs in the search.
A preliminary investigation has been initiated.
Traces, has yet to be found.
11 days of searching have passed since the woman and
the newborn child, disappeared during a stroll.
The police urges the public
to assist in the search.
So they've decided to release pictures
and descriptions of those missing.
Ulrika Jonsson was wearing a black
vintage jacket, jeans and a pair of boots.
The newborn was laying in
a dark coloured stroller.
Volunteers have now joined the search.
During the afternoon, the police have received a phone
call regarding a dead body found at the side of a road.
The person is still unidentified, and the
police have no comments at this time.
It's now confirmed that the deceased woman,
found earlier today, is Ulrika Jonsson.
The police are reticent regarding
details about the happening.
Regarding her daughter Alice, she's
still missing along with the stroller.
But the search for her will continue.
[Voice over] My name is Linn Sderqvist.
An award winning journalist who always
has been chasing the truth.
During my career I have reported about
the gruesome killings in Backa.
I was also first at the scene
of the robbery at Norrmalm.
Nothing has ever stopped me from
fulfilling my journalistic duties.
What you are about to witness in this documentary
is the toughest thing I have ever had to accept.
The obscure truth that started with a
dead woman and her missing child.
I had just finished a story about the
new laws of consent.
It was around that time
the freelance photographer-
- Ola Hrnqvist called me.
I barely knew him.
I knew who he was but we had
never worked together before.
He offered me a story that, -
-that was too intriguing to ignore.
I just wanted to start the
research and find the truth.
I was at a caf with Ola.
You could notice that he
was really excited.
I knew that it was something he
wanted to tell me-
- because it was not common for
us to meet at a caf.
After a while of small talk...
he asked me about this woman.
About this dead woman and
her missing baby.
He asked if I knew about it.
Of course I had heard about it.
It had been all over the news.
Reports about the worthless police work
to the condition of the corpse.
As I understood, it was supposed
to be just me and Ola who...
was going to work on the project.
But as time passed, I
got more information.
He had been hired by the
media company WP.
That led to more people getting involved.
I was shocked in the beginning, -
- of how many who were
interested in doing this.
Because the salary was garbage.
A three day salary for two workers was
supposed to cover four persons' labour.
Everything became clear when I got to
know who the other two were.
I had worked with Jocke before and...
and then it was Linn.
She always finds the good stories.
That's just the way she is.
The information me and the others
received from Ola was-
-modest to say the least.
I am used to doing most of the
research when I am working.
This time it was Ola who had
most of the information.
I felt this was my chance to get
into news television.
So I put my trust in Ola and let him
be in charge of the project.
It was a great story,
competent colleagues and...
it felt like Ola was studious.
Just like me, he was keen on recording
every call that was work related.
[Distorted voice]
During all my years as a nurse, -
- I have never seen anything like this.
And I have seen, -
- everything from people eaten
from the inside by cancer.
To boys who have gotten all their
skin burnt away by boiling asphalt.
But the injuries this woman
had suffered were...
I was working that night.
At ER, we got to know
that she was still alive.
So we started to get ready to
take care of a patient-
- with the disorders that you
usually see in these cases.
But this was...
it was worse than we could
have ever imagined.
Her skin was dry and dead.
Her nails was falling off
from the rest of her body.
The teeth was coming out of her
mouth at every lip movement.
The scream, her scream, -
-was the worst of all.
It was like something from
the depths of hell.
She was probably the closest
you can come to a living dead.
At least in this world.
I understood why Ola took the job.
He needed the money.
For me it was obvious to do
it when he asked me.
I never had any doubts.
He was a great coworker, -
-and fun to spend time with.
I never told him how unsettling-
- I thought this story was though.
And the project and everything.
But I think we all were interested
in what had happened.
When he had his team
we were ready to roll.
In the middle of November we all met-
-in Linns apartment to discuss the project.
[Ola] Everyone is here!
Joakim, -
-lighten your heart.
What would you like to change in your life?
Less film and more kids.
Or was it vice versa?
And I would also like to unknow you.
[Ola] Ouch.
Linn, will we find the missing kid?
[Joakim] You can have one of my kids.
[Joakim] You can have one of my kids.
With this team we are bound for success.
With this team we are bound for success.
[Ola] That's the spirit.
A kiss already. I wonder what happens
when we share a tent later on?
No way Ola. It'll be you and me
who will be hugging each other.
My wife would kill me if I shared
a tent with another lady.
Let's look at this one.
As you see here.
The now deceased woman must have
moved from spot A, -
- to spot B.
All this during a 12 day span.
Spot A is where she disappeared and
spot B is where she was found.
We will move in reversed direction.
We'll go from here to here.
If we travel by normal speed, we will
have to spend two nights in the woods.
I'll supply the food and lodging.
Which is noodles and a tent.
Sponsored by WP.
Have you gone through the equipment?
Do we have extra batteries and such?
[Yasmin] Camera two, check.
[Yasmin] Camera two, check.
Camera one, check.
[Yasmin] I just want to go through all of
it to see that everything is under control.
[SHUTTER CLICKING] [Yasmin] I just want to go through
all of it to see that everything is under control.
[Linn] Jocke, do the sound
equipment work as expected?
It's cool. I have it under control.
[Yasmin] You have had your equipment
in that corner all evening?
Are you sure that you won't check
so you haven't forgotten anything?
You all know that I know my stuff.
I reassure you, it's cool.
[Linn] Okay.
Something I would like to know is what
those live transmitters are doing here?
You never said this would
be a live broadcast.
[Yasmin] I knew I recognized those things.
[Ola] I didn't think it was a big deal.
We will send the material live
to a remote server.
We will also record it on memory cards.
Everything is good.
We had received rather much information-
-about where we would start and so on.
I showed them the map and we
talked about the job in general.
It felt like a normal job.
On the train we were all excited.
We were talking, sleeping and
everything was like normal.
When we arrived up north, -
- Therese picked us up at the station.
Therese picked us up at the station.
Therese picked us up at the station.
What a place.
It's completely abandoned.
[Ola] Yeah, it doesn't seem to be the
most populated place in history.
[Yasmin] Ghost town.
Please take me back to Stockholm.
Please take me back to Stockholm.
Where's the woman who
would pick us up?
No idea.
Do you know?
Let's check over there.
[Yasmin] Okay.
[Ola] It's a set of stairs over there.
[Joakim] Okay.
Ola, what place have you taken us to?
[Ola] We'll fill this town with party.
I'm telling you, it's always in places
like this something big happens.
Watch the mic so you don't hit it
against the wall. [Joakim] Yeah.
It's much colder here than home.
[Ola] It must be her.
[Yasmin] Hi.
- Therese.
- Yasmin.
[Ola] Hello Therese.
[Ola] Ola.
Shall we...
[Therese] Yes but, -
-put your things there.
If there is enough space. There's
a lot of things here already.
[Joakim] Maybe we will have to bring this
in the car? [Linn] Put it on your lap.
[Joakim] Yes, I'll do that.
Oh, that's no problem.
It's a lot of things here. Is there anymore
that we need to put in the trunk?
Otherwise you can have it in the backseat.
[Linn] I can have something
on my lap if needed.
All the way from Stockholm?
What are you going to film?
[Linn] We will investigate the, -
-mysterious disappearances.
Yes, but that...
I think that's good.
It's good that the news want
to report about it.
There was a lot of talk about it.
The reports about it disappeared
from the news pretty quick, though.
[Linn] Yes, I agree.
We believe that there's more to the story.
The baby girl is still missing.
[Therese] I can't even imagine how
it must feel to be in that situation.
Poor Michael.
[Linn] Do you know the family?
Know them? Everyone knows
each other a bit up here.
[Linn] Do you think it would be okay if we
asked him some questions?
[Therese] I think he has gone through
enough as it is.
I think we should leave him alone.
[Ola] He has made several public
appearances in the news.
There he was begging others for
help in the search of his daughter.
Don't you think we could at least ask him?
[Therese] I must have missed that.
It's worth a try.
[Michael] Hello?
Hi Michael.
My name is Linn Sderqvist
and I am a journalist.
I am calling you about the disappearance
of your partner and your daughter
I would like to ask you some questions.
[Michael] Oh really? Now's the time.
Now when it's too late.
How would that help?!
I know that you and your family didn't-
- receive the help you deserved.
Neither by the police or the media.
I'm calling you because we
want to find the truth.
And to help you get closure.
If everyone had done their job,
this might have had a different outcome.
The people that's responsible need
to be held accountable for this.
We can not do that without you.
[Michael] Okay, come here and I'll help
you the best I can.
That's great.
Thank you very much.
Perfect. Did you get that?
[Ola] Great work.
[Linn] Let's go now.
[Ola] Let's roll.
[Therese] How long will you stay here?
[Linn] It depends on the situation. [Ola]
Until Jocke is comfortable in the woods.
[TEAM LAUGHING] [Linn] It depends on the situation.
[Ola] Until Jocke is comfortable in the woods.
[Therese] Maybe it'll be a long stay then?
Yes, it'll be a while.
[Therese] Maybe it'll be a long stay then?
Yes, it'll be a while.
[Therese] Yeah, but I'll...
I'll be there to pick you up...
Whenever you want.
[Linn] That's sweet of you.
But how long will you stay?
[Linn] We'll be in the woods for a few
days. [Ola] We have two days planned.
Two days?
[Linn] Yes, two nights.
That's no problem.
I'll be there to pick you up.
We just have to decide what time
and place and I'll be there.
Can we call you if we need to?
[Therese] Yes, that's not a problem.
Altough, in some areas it can be a bit
problematic with the reception.
[Linn] That's okay.
[Therese] It should be no problem.
[Yasmin] That's kind of you.
Is anyone living in that area?
[Therese chuckling] No, oh God no!
The wilderness spreads further
than you can possibly see.
[Linn] And you are comfortable with that? [Therese]
Yes, of course. I would never live in the city.
[Therese] Michael lives here.
He's sitting there outside, waiting.
[Linn] Thank you, very much.
[Linn] Hello!
I offer my deepest condolences.
I promise to get you
the justice you deserve.
I would like to ask you a few questions
to get an understanding of it all.
Then we'll do it right here.
[Ola] Camera one is rolling.
[Yasmin] Camera two is rolling.
[Joakim] Sound's on.
Could you tell me your entire name?
And spell it into the camera?
Michael Lund.
Thank you.
Michael, -
-you were engaged with Ulrika Jonsson.
The woman who suddenly
disappeard on the 28th of October.
Who was found deceased 12 days later.
Your daughter is still missing.
Tell us, what happened?
She was on her maternity leave...
So she was at home.
She was always taking the same stroll, -
-but this time she didn't come home.
I called the police that evening.
I had tried to call her several times
that day. But she never answered.
She always answered her phone...
You start to worry real fast.
I was out all night with
my car looking for her.
Before I knew, it was day again.
Did you get any help at all?
Yes, during the second day we
were a lot of people looking for her.
The police were searching and
pictures were shared on social media, -
-regarding her and...
[Linn] Alice is your daughter, right?
Yes, that's correct...
How could this happen?!
After just a few days I was alone.
Everyone had abandoned me!
We hadn't searched the entire forest yet.
But I didn't quit, I took Zorro with me.
The dog, that is.
We were out tracking day and night.
He didn't find anything
until about a week later.
Out of nowhere he smelled
something and broke loose.
I wasn't ready for it so I lost my grip.
I ran after him but...
Now he's lost, too.
And now...
It's just me left.
[Therese shouting] I'm
sorry but I need to go!
It's an emergency. But I'll pick you
up in two days as we agreed upon.
[Ola] Wait a minute now.
[Joakim] Hello?!
[Ola] Stay with her.
[Ola] Excuse me?!
[Joakim] Hello?!
[Yasmin] But... What the...
[Yasmin] But... What the...
[Yasmin] But... What the...
[Ola] What is she doing?
[Yasmin] What's up with that?
[Ola] She was supposed to take us there.
[Joakim] I'll call her.
Can I borrow your phone, Ola?
[Joakim] Okay.
I can take you to the location
where they found her.
[Ola] I'm sorry for that Michael.
I have no idea why she did that.
[Joakim] She was kind that drove
us as far as she did. [CAR DRIVING]
[Joakim] She was kind that
drove us as far as she did.
Respect that she had to leave
because it sounded urgent.
But everything could have
been ruined because of her.
[Joakim] Yeah, but that didn't happen.
She'll also pick us up when we're done.
[Yasmin] How can you be sure about that?
She's sent a screen shot of where
she'll pick us up in two days.
She will be there to pick us up.
Let's wait and see.
This is where they found her.
[Ola] Linn, wait a second.
What are you doing Yasmin?
[Yasmin] What do you mean?
What are you doing Yasmin?
[Yasmin] What do you mean?
What are you doing Yasmin?
[Yasmin] What do you mean?
[Ola] We will not send this live.
We'll do that later. [Yasmin] Oh, okay.
We are now at the location
where the 32-year-old woman...
[CELLPHONE RINGS] - We are now at the
location where the 32-year-old woman...
Whose phone is that?
Whose phone is that?
Keep going, I just need to answer this.
[Ola] Hello.
[Yasmin] Who was that?
We'll take that later.
[Ola] We are rolling.
This is where she was laying.
They told me that she was still alive.
[Linn] What do you mean "they told you"?
I never got to see her.
I didn't get the chance to see her again...
They cremated her body without my knowledge.
I guess you didn't know that?
[Aggressive] How come you
never wrote about that?!
I really hope that what you do will
reopen the police investigation.
Don't worry Michael. I promise you,
we will find the truth.
[Yasmin] How many days
had she spent outside?
[Ola] Almost two weeks, I think.
[Yasmin] What did you say?
She was outside for two weeks. [Yasmin]
How could they find her alive then?
A human can survive 30 days without food.
[Yasmin] Come on. It's freezing here
every day and especially in the nights.
She would have frozen to death, right?
- Did no one write about that?
- What do you mean?
It's an important part to leave out,
that she was alive when they found her.
That's really strange.
[Yasmin] But...
Why would the press do that?
I'm standing where the 32-year-old woman
Ulrika Jonsson was found.
Here, at the side of
the road she was found.
We can now share that she was
alive when she was found, -
- something that the
media chose not to tell.
Naked, without her kid and
the stroller she was found.
Out here, in the middle of nowhere.
But how did she end up here?
Where did her young daughter go?
And how did she meet this gruesome fate?
Me and my crew of documentary filmmakers
will wander through the woods-
- to get to know the truth about what happened
to Ulrika Jonssonn during her last days in life.
Maybe we should have known
that something was wrong at the time.
We got ready to search the woods.
The plan was to, -
- go from the place where she was found
to the spot where she went missing.
Where she was last seen...
We were hoping to find
some clues along the way.
We wanted to find Alice, her daughter.
We set off into the woods and it was cold.
[Linn Voice over] We were still excited because
we thought we could make a difference.
[Ola] Yasmin, is the live feed on?
What did you say?
[Ola] Is the live feed rolling?
[Yasmin] No. Am I supposed to do that now? [Ola] Now
we're in the forest and that means we'll do it.
[Yasmin] Okay, yes...
Yeah, it's rolling now.
Yeah, it's rolling now.
[Ola] That's great.
By the way, have you ever raised a tent?
[Ola] Yeah.
[Yasmin] No never, have you?
[Ola] Hell no.
Tell me that you have a
masters degree in tents.
[Chuckling] I know the basics.
[Joakim] But you're not better than me.
[Chuckling] Excuse me?
[Ola] You?
I raise toy tents for my kids
in the backyard every summer.
[Yasmin] Jocke...
[Ola] I'm sure you're right...
[Ola] Wait a second. Are we even
moving in the right direction?
Who has the compass?
[Linn] I do.
We are moving towards the location...
We are moving towards the location...
Is that yours?
[Ola] What were you saying?
[Linn] What was I saying...
[Yasmin] You were talking about the compass
and what way we were heading.
[Linn] Yeah, the compass.
We're heading towards
the area where she disappeared.
We're heading towards
the area where she disappeared.
[Joakim] Oh my god, that sound.
[Joakim] Oh my god, that sound.
Can you just shut off the phone
or at least mute it?
Let's turn off all of the phones
and put them in the audio bag.
Let's turn off all of the phones
and put them in the audio bag.
Let's turn off all of the phones
and put them in the audio bag.
Give it to me.
[Ola] There you go.
- Can someone take the extra batteries then?
- I can take them.
[Yasmin] Mine is out of power so...
Okay you're the one who'll take it.
- How's it going?
- Okay.
Is it on mute now?
[Ola] Yeah... You have it now.
[Ola] Yasmin.
Give me a smile now.
[Joakim] What are we really
expected to find here?
[Linn] We need to search through the woods
because Michael said the police hadn't.
We need to find some traces that show
us that she went through the woods.
[Joakim] So we're basically looking for
her kid, the stroller or her clothes?
We're looking to find that?
[Linn] Yeah.
Or some kind of trace that proves
that she has passed here.
Let's start moving.
In all honesty...
I'm so tired of this.
We have been walking around for
about four hours without finding anything.
This wasn't the best
of sightseeing, for sure.
But soon we are home with a fat paycheck.
[Joakim] Fat paycheck?
The salary is worthless.
That's true. I agree.
- Come on. We're not doing this for the money.
- Exactly.
A kid is missing.
Okay, I understand that.
I'm just so tired of this.
[Linn] What is that?
It's some old symbol.
It looks like something that
would come from the stone age.
[Ola] That must be a cave
painting or something.
[Linn] It looks very familiar. I think I've seen
it somewhere before but I don't know where.
[Ola] A cave painting. You can find them
everywhere. Right, Jocke?
[Yasmin] Where is he now?
[Ola] There.
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
[Ola shouting] Joakim!
[Ola] What were you doing?
[Joakim] I thought I heard something.
[Linn] Check this out.
[Ola] What is this?
[Yasmin] Don't you think it looks familiar?
That's just some old symbol.
Shall we continue so we can set up camp?
Yeah, let's do that.
Yasmin, can you take a closer
shot of that one for the B-roll.
[Linn] Do you have it?
[Yasmin] I have it.
- How are you, Jocke? You seem stressed.
- I thought I heard something...
I just want to continue now.
[Linn] Get the equipment, Ola.
[Yasmin] What are you doing, Ola?
Why do you rig the camera now?
We're going to bed soon, right?
[Ola] They wanted the live feed
running around the clock.
Why do they want material of you
and Jocke hugging during the night?
That's a good question.
I didn't ask, nor do I care.
[Joakim] Seriously, don't you also think
that this entire situation feels off?
[Linn] Of course, it feels a bit strange.
Cases with disappearances can often be odd.
Especially when you have as
little information as we do.
But at least they should have
searched through the woods.
[Linn] Yeah, but...
Maybe they didn't because...
The stroller was missing, too.
It would've never gotten into the forest.
Maybe they found clues that
led them in another direction?
I don't know. It could be anything.
What about Michael then? He was eager to
search the woods day and night.
What are we even doing here?
We have been hired to search the area.
Michael was out here because the
police didn't search through the woods.
But come on.
Someone should have been looking here.
[Yasmin] It's like Linn is telling you.
The clues might have led them elsewhere.
How about the rest who
has gone missing here then?
Where did they look for them?
No one has been thinking about
searching for them here?
Wait a minute.
What other disappearances?
[Joakim] Five people have gone missing
in this area in the last seven years.
And now this woman and her kid.
That's an insane amount.
[Linn] Wait, wait, wait.
Have other people gone missing here?
[Joakim] Didn't you know that?
[Yasmin] What?!
We can't be certain that they've gone missing
here. [Joakim] Haven't you told them that?
- We're just here to do a job for WP...
- But seriously, Ola.
When were you going to tell us?
I didn't think it was important...
[Yasmin] What do you mean "not important"?
Is there any connection between
these cases? [Ola] Of course not.
[Joakim] Five people in seven years doesn't
sound like a coincidence.
Ola, is there anything else
you're keeping from us?
Of course not...
Jocke, give me Olas phone.
- What will you do with it?
- I want to see who called you before.
[Ola] It was the employer.
[Linn] What the hell did they want?
They wanted to check...
Why we hadn't started the live feed yet.
[Yasmin] But it was after I
started it they called us.
[Linn] Ola?
They wanted to know why
we were more than two people.
They wanted to know who you were.
Didn't you tell them that me
and Yasmin would be here, too?
They didn't know about you and Jocke.
[Joakim] Would you look at that!
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Let's call WP and get all of this sorted out.
You have 19 missed calls. A hidden
number has tried to reach you 19 times.
You mean they would think it's so strange
that we are two more out here.
I promise, I have no idea why
they have called so many times.
[Linn] Let's call them and
see what it's all about, then.
Rig the camera. I want this on film.
Is everything set?
[Ola] Camera one is rolling.
[Yasmin] Camera two check.
Sound's on.
Have you saved their number? [Ola] Yes.
It's the last one and it's named WP.
Do you find it?
What are you doing?
What the hell was that?
[Ola] What do you mean?
Didn't you hear that?
[Yasmin] Hear what?
- You must have heard it?
- What?
I've never heard anything like it before.
[Yasmin] Heard what?
[Ola] Can you describe the sound?
Wait, wait a second.
There it is. There's the sound again.
Ola, listen... Listen to this.
[Yasmin] That's enough, Jocke.
What's going on now?
[Linn] Can I have it?
Wait, wait.
You hear it, too, right?
You hear it.
It disappeared. It's gone now.
What could that have been? It must've
been an animal. Maybe a fox?
Foxes can sound really weird.
[Yasmin] Are you sure about that? Ola?
- What else could it be?
- What if it's coming this way?
You don't have to worry about that.
I don't think so either. We have
an open fire and we are four people.
I don't think an animal would dare.
- Do you really think an animal would sound like that?
- I don't know. I didn't hear it.
[Ola] Well, it wasn't a human at least.
- You can't possibly think it was an animal.
Calm down. Let's...
We can't see anything. Do you see anything?
Let's go to bed and sleep.
Then we get up tomorrow and continue.
Isn't it better if we find out...
[Yasmin] But Ola said that the
sound was gone now. So...
[Linn] Jocke, listen,
I have to agree with Ola.
We can't see anything and we're just
unsettling each other by discussing this.
[Ola] That's true.
[Yasmin] Yes, I agree.
Let's go to bed.
Can you put the phone back in the bag?
I'll put the camera back into position.
We have, -
-survived the night.
But barely.
These damn sleeping bags are, -
-are so thin that it makes you feel...
More like ice than human.
There's only one way to get warm again.
[Yasmin shouting] Linn!
[Ola] What is it?
[Yasmin] Hurry up!
[Linn] What's going on?
[Yasmin] Jocke!
Wake up! Come!
What's up?
[Yasmin] Bring the camera and come here.
[Linn] What the hell is happening?
[Yasmin] Do you see this?
Look. This wasn't here last night.
[Linn] How do you know?
It was pitch black when we arrived.
[Yasmin] Yeah, but...
It's the same symbol as
the one we found yesterday.
[Yasmin] Look. It's the exact same symbol.
[Linn] Huh.
[Ola] Are you saying that wasn't here
yesterday? [Yasmin] I don't know but...
[Ola] You're kidding right?
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
[Ola] Tell me you've done this.
[Linn] Take the camera.
Jocke come and check this out!
[Ola] But wait. Isn't Jocke here with you?
He wasn't there when I woke up.
[Linn] What?
[Yasmin] What do you mean by not there?
[Ola] I swear, he was not there, -
-when I got out of the tent.
[Ola] What the hell...
[Yasmin shouting] Jocke!
The sound equipment is gone, too.
- Is everything gone?
- Jocke!
Maybe he's taking a piss or something?
[Yasmin] He's not answering when we're calling his name so...
[Linn] We have to call him instead. Ola, get your phone.
Damn! The phones were in the audio bag.
Is the bag also gone?
[Ola] Yes. Everything's gone.
[Yasmin] Check thoroughly.
[Ola] Except his shoes and outerwear.
[Linn] Did he leave that?
[Yasmin] Damn...
It's freezing and...
How about that camera, then?
It's been recording all night.
[Yasmin] Check it and we'll see.
[Yasmin] When did this happen?
[Ola] It's about four hours ago.
[Linn] What the...
[Yasmin] It seems like he heard something.
Do you think it's the same
thing as he heard last night?
But why did he go by himself?
He'll freeze to death.
[Ola] The reason doesn't matter.
We need to find him now.
We know the direction he went. Let's go.
[Linn] Get your equipment and let's go.
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
We need to stop now.
We'll never find our way back if we run
around aimlessly looking for him.
[Ola] We need to find Jocke.
- Then we need to go back and get the map and compass.
We'll get lost if we continue like this.
[Ola] We don't have time for that. He could be injured.
- What's your suggestion, then?!
There's no tracks after him.
How will we find him?
[Ola] How the hell should I know?!
I'm not a dog who can track.
[Ola shouting] Joakim!
[Yasmin] Okay. Take it easy now, Ola.
[Ola shouting] Joakim!
[Yasmin] Calm down.
[Ola sobbing] Where is he?
[Linn] I don't know.
[Linn] We have to go back
to the camp site, okay?
[Linn] What's this?
[Linn] Oh God...
[Yasmin] It can't be...
[Linn] What the...
[Yasmin] How the fuck did it get there?
[Linn] We need to get back and get
out of the woods now.
We know what way we walked.
[Yasmin] Let's go now.
[Linn] Come on, Ola!
I say we get out of here right away.
I spotted some kind of settlement
on the map before.
[Ola] Hurry up!
[Yasmin] On the map?
[Yasmin] What was is?
[Linn] I don't know what it was but...
[Yasmin] Do you think we can get there before dark?
- I don't know.
[Yasmin] Where?
[Linn] It was here somewhere.
[Linn] It was here somewhere.
[Linn] Here.
Here it is.
Seriously, Linn.
It's in the middle of the forest.
[Linn] Yeah, but...
[Ola] How about Jocke then?
[Linn] You can clearly see that it's
some kind of bigger building.
We should be able to call the police
from there. [Ola] How about Jocke then?
[SHUTTER CLICKING] We should be able to call the
police from there. [Ola] How about Jocke then?
[Yasmin] Yeah but...
[Ola] We can't just leave him.
[Yasmin] Yeah but...
[Ola] We can't just leave him.
[Yasmin] No, but when we find somewhere, -
- where we can call...
- What if it's too late?
[Linn] Look. We are here.
If we go here we can call the police.
But will we manage in time?
He could be freezing to death right now.
[Linn] I don't know. [Yasmin] But
if we get there we can get help.
We need to get help to be able to find him. The
thing is; It's so far away so we need to hurry.
We need to hurry there now.
Let's pack up the things.
[Ola] To hell with that!
[Ola] Don't think about the tent. [Yasmin]
We'll just bring the important things.
[Ola] Hurry up, Linn!
[Linn] I'm on my way.
[Yasmin] Are you keeping an
eye on where we are heading?
Get the compass and check. [Ola] Are
we heading in the right direction?
[Linn] That way.
[Yasmin] Are you sure
this is the right path?
[Linn] Get up that way.
[Ola shouting] Come on then!
[Ola] How much further?
[Linn] I don't know. Okay?
[Ola] If you don't know how much longer...
[Yasmin] It feels like we are walking around in
circles. [Linn] Just walk straight ahead. Okay!
[Yasmin] This doesn't feel right...
Maybe the same thing is
happening to us as it did to Jocke.
[Ola] What are our options then?
Come on now.
Get a move on.
[Yasmin] We'll freeze to death.
And it'll get dark soon.
[Yasmin shouting] Hello! Why
is no one listening to me?
Come on, guys!
He's just walking off.
[Linn shouting] Ola!
[Ola] Hurry up!
That's where we're going.
[Yasmin] Here?
[Yasmin] Wait for us, Ola! You can't just
wander off by yourself.
We were pretty scared then but I...
I just wanted to to cover this story.
So we...
We started to search our
way through the forest.
We walked and walked.
And when we arrived at the building
where I thought we could get help...
[Yasmin] But... What?!
[Linn] I don't know...
It didn't look like this on...
[Yasmin] Oh, my God.
[Ola] What now?
[Linn] It didn't look like this on
the map, okay? [Yasmin] The map?!
To hell with that map! Okay?!
Is there any road nearby?
[Linn] I don't know.
[Yasmin] Don't know? You don't know anything,
Linn. [Ola] We'll go down and check.
[Yasmin] Okay. Where is the nearest road?
How far is it?
[Linn] I don't know but...
I saw some other houses on the map.
To hell with those other houses, Linn!
It's enough!
Seriously! You have led us
here to absolutely nothing.
I say we go to the nearest road.
But... I need to check the map.
[Yasmin] Seriously.
[Ola] At the closest road we-
- know that we'll get help in the morning.
We can't stay here.
[Linn] We have to walk all night to reach
the road where Therese will pick us up.
[Yasmin] You know what? Fuck that map!
We'll go to the road. That's what we'll do.
But the houses are closer.
[Yasmin] No more houses.
[Linn] Therese won't pick us up
before dawn, at the earliest.
[Ola] I would also like to go to the
houses. If I knew there was some nearby.
But we don't know if it
looks like this house.
Look at it! This...
[Yasmin] God damn it.
Fucking Ola and...
[Linn] If I go then?
[Ola] No, no.
Get a grip.
We have a bigger chance to find...
[Ola] If you get lost we have to find
two people. We need to stick together.
[Yasmin] I hate this.
So damn stupid.
[Ola] Let's follow Yasmin.
[Yasmin] What the...
[Yasmin] What the...
[Yasmin shouting] Linn!
Get in the house!
Hurry up!
[Ola] What's going on?
[Linn] What's going on?!
[Yasmin] Get in here!
[Yasmin] Fuck!
[Linn] What's going on?!
[Yasmin] Just get in here!
There's something in the woods.
[Linn] What?!
What did you see?
[Yasmin] I don't know!
Just block the door, okay!
[Linn] What the hell is going on?!
[Yasmin] Just block the door.
[Linn] What did you see?!
[Yasmin] There was something in the trees and... [Linn
shouting] Calm down! I don't understand what you're saying!
What was it?!
[Yasmin] Just help me...
- What did you see?!
- I'll show you! I filmed it!
Just help me close this door.
[Linn] Give me something heavy then.
Don't you think that...
It could have been that thing that took the kid?
I'm thinking about the stroller we saw earlier.
I think it's for the best
if we stay here until dawn.
[Yasmin] I don't know.
Until dawn?
Makes no sense.
[Linn] Did you hear that?
That sound.
[Linn] What the hell was that?
[Ola] That's the sound me and Jocke heard.
[Yasmin] Stop it, stop it.
Quiet now.
[Yasmin] Is it gone now?
I think so.
[Linn] It sounded like it
was moving away from us.
Are you sure?
What if it's more of them out there?
- We need to move further in to find a safer spot.
- Why should we do that?
If that thing comes through that
hole in the wall we're finished.
Come on. I can't take it anymore.
I can't take it, Ola.
This is just too much.
I am also scared but we
need to try to find a safer place.
We really need to.
I think we should stay by the entrance.
There can be safer rooms further ahead.
There can be an exit or
a room we could close off.
Over there is an open way in.
Okay. But if we get to a safer place, -
-then we'll stay there.
[Linn] What the hell is this?
[Yasmin] I don't know.
[Yasmin] What is this?
[Linn] I don't know.
It's some old beds.
It looks like a former field hospital.
[Yasmin] A field hospital?
Why would it be that?
[Linn] I don't know more than you.
[Ola] What the hell has happened here?
[Linn] How should I know?
[Yasmin] Where's Ola?
[Linn] Ola.
[Yasmin] Ola.
[Linn] Damn it.
[Ola] Hey, come. It's a room here.
[Linn] What are you saying?
[Ola] Check this out.
[Linn] What is all this?
[Ola] It's some old journals.
What kind of place is this?
[Linn] What... Is this real?
[Yasmin] Oh God.
[Linn] What the...
[Yasmin] Hey.
There's a tape recorder here.
[Linn] Is it broken?
[Ola] Check if it's working.
[Yasmin] I don't know but maybe...
I don't know but...
It could be out of battery. Linn, do you
have the batteries Jocke gave you?
Give them to me.
[Ola] Linn, is it clear?
Check so no one is coming.
[Linn] Okay.
[Ola] Fix that and I'll check.
[Tape recording]'s underlying purpose.
We have transferred the patient to
the forge for the purpose of isolation.
We can no longer take any risks.
The severe cell changes in the dermis has given
the patient a sort of immunity towards...
[Ola] What the hell is this?
[Ola] What the hell is this?
[Tape recording] ...who's now restrained
for his own safety. [BUTTON CLICKING]
[Tape recording] ...who's now
restrained for his own safety.
A psychosis, leading the patient to
eat the flesh off his own limbs.
It's the first we've encountered.
We have observed negative behavioral disorders that shows
that the patient is still in the state of hysteria.
Treatment is urgent...
Treatment is urgent...
[Tape recording] ...can't believe it.
The last of the molars have fallen out. We
have now noticed another medical deviation.
A new set of teeth, like found on a predator,
has started to grow out of the gums.
The patient is no longer receptive to pain.
And he's trying avoid light.
The patient is no longer receptive to pain.
And he's trying avoid light.
The patient is no longer receptive to pain.
And he's trying avoid light.
We are running out of
options on how to treat him.
If it goes that far, there's
only one thing left to do.
[Yasmin] What the hell was that?
[Linn] We need to get out of here.
[Yasmin] We need get out.
[Ola] Wait, in what direction will we go?
In what direction should we go?
Let's get to the road.
[Ola] But that's where we saw it.
[Linn] What?
[Ola] Get over here.
That is the direction where
it was climbing in the trees.
But it was moving away from us.
If we run now we have a chance to make it.
[Yasmin] Wait. I think we
should go back to the entrance.
Then we run like hell and don't
stop until we've found help.
We need to remove the barricade.
[Yasmin] Give us some help, Ola.
[Ola] There's no time.
[Yasmin] Run!
[Linn] Where are we going?
[Ola] Come on! This way!
[Linn] Is it gone now?
Do you think we made it?
[Whispers] I don't hear it.
[Yasmin] Neither do I.
[Linn] There's blood on the floor.
[Ola] No, no, no.
[Yasmin] Fuck.
[Yasmin] I think it's been here.
[Ola] A camera?
That's not one of ours.
[Yasmin] What the...
[Linn] There's still power.
[Video recording] The tales
of the Algonquins are true.
The natures warning for the
eternal hunger is all over the forest.
How can you do that to your own daughter?
Her own flesh and blood.
And you knew!
You sent us here even though
you knew that creature was out here.
Damn you...
You will never get what you want.
I pray that you'll burn in hell.
This material will be gone with me.
Ola, tell me those people
weren't also sent out by WP.
[Ola] I don't know what
he was talking about.
I don't even know where we are.
I don't know anything right now.
Did he talk about that
she ate her daughter?
What the fuck is going on?
[Ola] Play another clip.
[Video recording] ...then we'll leave.
[Linn] It's Therese.
[Ola] What?
[Video recording] Good luck then.
- Thank you. When will you pick us up, Angelica?
[Linn] Angelica?
[Yasmin] Did he say Angelica?
[Video recording] Two days sounds great.
- Then we'll meet here around the same time then.
- Thank you.
- Good luck then.
- Bye bye.
- Bye.
It feels fantastic.
[Linn] Why are they calling her Angelica?
[Yasmin] But it's Therese.
[Ola] Okay, this isn't good.
WP have tricked us.
[Linn] Take the camera.
[Ola] I'll put it in the backpack.
I don't get it.
[Linn] Ola, how did you
come to know Therese?
WP gave me her number.
I've been played for a fool.
Everything followed the standard
routines for a normal job.
Just the same.
I feel like an idiot.
[Yasmin] If she doesn't pick
us up, what will we do then?
Therese? Angelica? She won't come.
[Linn] I don't think they
planned for us to survive.
[Yasmin] But why?
They need the material.
It would be stupid of them.
No, they have everything they need.
[Linn] What do you mean?
[Ola] We've sent every second of it live.
They have it all on their server.
[Linn] The live feed.
[Yasmin] What the...
[Linn] Shut it off directly.
[Yasmin] Yeah, let's do it.
[Ola] They don't deserve another second.
They've known our situation and they haven't
done anything. They've done nothing.
[Yasmin] So damn idiotic.
[Ola] What do we do now then?
I don't know. The best...
I don't know. The best...
That's my phone.
[Yasmin] Jocke. He had the phones right?
[Linn] Why would he be down there?
[Yasmin] Okay, now what?
If we get the phones we can call for help.
If we get the phones we can call for help.
If we get the phones we can call for help.
[Linn] How will we
manage to get down there?
[Ola] I'll go.
[Yasmin] No.
[Linn] You can't go by yourself.
[Ola] What else can we do? Stay here?
It doesn't feel good, but we have to.
If something happens
you are here to help me.
[Yasmin] Okay, but make sure to come back.
[Linn] Be careful, Ola.
[Linn] Here he comes.
[Yasmin] How did it go?
[Ola] Jocke is dead.
[Yasmin] Oh, my God.
[Ola sobbing] Jocke is dead.
[Yasmin] Oh, God.
[Ola] His bloody shirt is down there.
What will I tell his wife?
His kids?!
[Yasmin] Calm down, Ola.
[Linn] It's not your fault, Ola.
[Yasmin] It's really not, okay?
[Ola crying] I don't care if it hears me.
I might as well die, too.
[Linn] Watch out.
It's not your fault, okay?
Listen to me, Ola.
We all knew. We knew, okay?
All the way from the start it hasn't
been your fault. Okay?
We knew it could be dangerous.
We knew that people had disappeared.
[Ola] Fuck.
[Linn] We need to call...
Did you get the phones? We need to call
for help. We don't have time for this.
[Ola] I'm sorry I got you involved in this.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Listen to me. Listen.
We knew from the beginning.
We knew that people had disappeared.
We've made our own decisions to be here.
Think about that.
[Linn] We are all here
because we chose to be here.
We don't have time for this crap.
We need to call the police.
[Yasmin] Get the phone and...
[Linn] Where's the phone?
[Yasmin] They're there, right?
[Ola] There.
[Yasmin] To hell with this.
[Linn] How's it going?
Hi, my name is Ola Hrnqvist.
Me and my friends are somewhere in the
woods in Vsternorrland. One of us is dead.
[Linn] Ola.
I don't know where we are.
Okay, but hurry up.
Okay. I'll do it as soon as it arrives.
[Yasmin] What did they say?
They'll send a CARL-sms. A text
message they'll be able to trace us from.
What?! A fucking text?
Are you serious?
They'll see our location from it.
[Yasmin] That's trash.
[Yasmin] That's trash.
[Linn] Run! Run!
[Yasmin] Fuck.
[Yasmin] What about Ola?
[Linn] We need to get away from here.
Who'll help Ola then?
Will we just leave him?
[Linn] If he managed to get the text-
-the police can trace him.
We just ran.
We saw something. It was...
It was like two glowing eyes in the dark.
It was unlike anything I've ever seen.
It shrieked, we screamed and Ola screamed.
We ran and...
It got Ola and...
We just ran away.
Yasmin wanted to go back but...
I knew it was too late and that
there was nothing we could do.
And we ran...
We didn't stop until sunrise.
Then we finally reached a road.
We saw a car...
It was the first person we...
had seen in what felt like an eternity.
I don't remember much more.
We got into the car and...
We were...
Yeah, we were saved but Ola and Jocke...
They never made it back.
Along this country road they've found...
[Radio reporter] ...two women,
residing in southern Sweden...
Linn Sderqvist and a photographer...
[Radio reporter] ...after a hospital visit
they've been turned over to the local police...
unconfirmed sources claim that
they've been taken in for questioning...
[Radio reporter] ...she, a female colleague and
two males have been filming a longer reportage.
What we can tell you is...
two people are missing...
[Radio reporter] ...the police will
search the area where they were last seen.
The questioning lasted for several days.
I still don't understand, -
- if they were looking for Ola
or if they suspected me.
Everything just felt so wrong.
We showed them the material
but they still couldn't find him.
Yeah... If my phone, -
-hadn't been out of battery...
Maybe he'd be here now.
After the police had
gone through the phone, -
- I noticed a message. Which is this.
[Distressed Ola] Yasmin? Where are you?
Get back here. Help me.
There are dead bodies everywhere.
Everyone is here. Jocke is here. Come here.
Help me. I don't know how to get out.
Help! Come!
Come here!
I still don't understand
why they didn't believe us.
understand why they didn't believe us.
Just listen to him.
We wanted to go back and get them.
Just listen to him.
We wanted to go back and get them.
I wanted to.
I, I... tried...
No, actually...
I didn't do anything...
I let the fear get the best of me.
I ran away.
Instead, I decided to abandon them.
Instead of saving my friends.
[Radio reporter] The police have searched the area given
to them by the women, but nothing can confirm their story.
The police have been on the scene.
They've searched and secured the area.
But they've found nothing.
[Radio reporter] ...but there's nothing that can corroborate
their story. The police have dismissed it as untrue.
There's women in this society
who's suffering through pure hell.
Because of people like
Linn Sderqvist and Yasmin Mazdaki-
-their credibility is damaged.
I say this story is completely crazy.
What we have here is two women
who have hijacked a tragic event, -
- and trying to get 15 minutes of fame. Placing
themselves in the center of the spotlight.
That someone even has the audacity
to exploit such a tragic and-
- horrible event to get publicity
and attention,
that's beyond all forgiveness.
That really makes me furious.
[Expert] I would plead for a murder trial.
The media company they claim to
have been hired by, doesn't exist.
Per reports, they've
been taken into custody.
I can't go into details about what
they've said during questioning.
But their story isn't equivalent with
what we suspect have happened.
[Expert] Do you hear how this sounds?
Their story doesn't add up.
That they're no longer in in
police custody is unfortunate.
I think the evidence has the
possibility to lead to a conviction.
People that would believe
this story is sickening.
I got the chance to take part of the tapes
that were confiscated by the police, -
-after the two journalists were found.
If this was to be proven true, they would've
made one of the biggest discoveries ever.
We can't rule out that the two men are hiding to
create a sensational story with the survivors.
When we found them along
the road they were frightened.
What you can see on the material for instance, is the sign
for the natures warning regarding the eternal hunger.
Which to this day has only
been found in North America.
You also seem to see the mythological...
You also seem to see the mythological...
You also seem to see the mythological...
[Radio reporter] Due to the lack of
evidence the case will be dismissed.
What happened remains unknown.
It's like the history repeats itself.
It's like when the woman, Ulrika, -
There's no useful
preliminary investigation.
We have presented amounts
of evidence but...
But the investigation leads nowhere.
They've ignored everything
we've shown and, -
- accused us for the
deaths of Ola and Jocke.
We have hours of material but...
Apparently it isn't enough.
If we only had gotten the
material from that other group.
It might have been different now.
Then we could've proved who hired
us, and who's behind all of this.
People who watch this film
will call it a mockumentary.
All because the evidence are
removed or tampered with.
Who would believe us?
They have their own agenda.
Our fate was sealed long before
our cameras started recording.
[Radio reporter] A woman and her newborn
daughter were reported missing earlier today.
According to the police.
It's still unknown what has happened. But there
are no traces after the woman or her daughter.
The police are now using tracking dogs in the search.
A preliminary investigation has been initiated.
Traces, has yet to be found.
11 days of searching have passed since the woman and
the newborn child, disappeared during a stroll.
The police urges the public
to assist in the search.
So they've decided to release pictures
and descriptions of those missing.
Ulrika Jonsson was wearing a black
vintage jacket, jeans and a pair of boots.
The newborn was laying in
a dark coloured stroller.
Volunteers have now joined the search.
During the afternoon, the police have received a phone
call regarding a dead body found at the side of a road.
The person is still unidentified, and the
police have no comments at this time.
It's now confirmed that the deceased woman,
found earlier today, is Ulrika Jonsson.
The police are reticent regarding
details about the happening.
Regarding her daughter Alice, she's
still missing along with the stroller.
But the search for her will continue.
[Voice over] My name is Linn Sderqvist.
An award winning journalist who always
has been chasing the truth.
During my career I have reported about
the gruesome killings in Backa.
I was also first at the scene
of the robbery at Norrmalm.
Nothing has ever stopped me from
fulfilling my journalistic duties.
What you are about to witness in this documentary
is the toughest thing I have ever had to accept.
The obscure truth that started with a
dead woman and her missing child.
I had just finished a story about the
new laws of consent.
It was around that time
the freelance photographer-
- Ola Hrnqvist called me.
I barely knew him.
I knew who he was but we had
never worked together before.
He offered me a story that, -
-that was too intriguing to ignore.
I just wanted to start the
research and find the truth.
I was at a caf with Ola.
You could notice that he
was really excited.
I knew that it was something he
wanted to tell me-
- because it was not common for
us to meet at a caf.
After a while of small talk...
he asked me about this woman.
About this dead woman and
her missing baby.
He asked if I knew about it.
Of course I had heard about it.
It had been all over the news.
Reports about the worthless police work
to the condition of the corpse.
As I understood, it was supposed
to be just me and Ola who...
was going to work on the project.
But as time passed, I
got more information.
He had been hired by the
media company WP.
That led to more people getting involved.
I was shocked in the beginning, -
- of how many who were
interested in doing this.
Because the salary was garbage.
A three day salary for two workers was
supposed to cover four persons' labour.
Everything became clear when I got to
know who the other two were.
I had worked with Jocke before and...
and then it was Linn.
She always finds the good stories.
That's just the way she is.
The information me and the others
received from Ola was-
-modest to say the least.
I am used to doing most of the
research when I am working.
This time it was Ola who had
most of the information.
I felt this was my chance to get
into news television.
So I put my trust in Ola and let him
be in charge of the project.
It was a great story,
competent colleagues and...
it felt like Ola was studious.
Just like me, he was keen on recording
every call that was work related.
[Distorted voice]
During all my years as a nurse, -
- I have never seen anything like this.
And I have seen, -
- everything from people eaten
from the inside by cancer.
To boys who have gotten all their
skin burnt away by boiling asphalt.
But the injuries this woman
had suffered were...
I was working that night.
At ER, we got to know
that she was still alive.
So we started to get ready to
take care of a patient-
- with the disorders that you
usually see in these cases.
But this was...
it was worse than we could
have ever imagined.
Her skin was dry and dead.
Her nails was falling off
from the rest of her body.
The teeth was coming out of her
mouth at every lip movement.
The scream, her scream, -
-was the worst of all.
It was like something from
the depths of hell.
She was probably the closest
you can come to a living dead.
At least in this world.
I understood why Ola took the job.
He needed the money.
For me it was obvious to do
it when he asked me.
I never had any doubts.
He was a great coworker, -
-and fun to spend time with.
I never told him how unsettling-
- I thought this story was though.
And the project and everything.
But I think we all were interested
in what had happened.
When he had his team
we were ready to roll.
In the middle of November we all met-
-in Linns apartment to discuss the project.
[Ola] Everyone is here!
Joakim, -
-lighten your heart.
What would you like to change in your life?
Less film and more kids.
Or was it vice versa?
And I would also like to unknow you.
[Ola] Ouch.
Linn, will we find the missing kid?
[Joakim] You can have one of my kids.
[Joakim] You can have one of my kids.
With this team we are bound for success.
With this team we are bound for success.
[Ola] That's the spirit.
A kiss already. I wonder what happens
when we share a tent later on?
No way Ola. It'll be you and me
who will be hugging each other.
My wife would kill me if I shared
a tent with another lady.
Let's look at this one.
As you see here.
The now deceased woman must have
moved from spot A, -
- to spot B.
All this during a 12 day span.
Spot A is where she disappeared and
spot B is where she was found.
We will move in reversed direction.
We'll go from here to here.
If we travel by normal speed, we will
have to spend two nights in the woods.
I'll supply the food and lodging.
Which is noodles and a tent.
Sponsored by WP.
Have you gone through the equipment?
Do we have extra batteries and such?
[Yasmin] Camera two, check.
[Yasmin] Camera two, check.
Camera one, check.
[Yasmin] I just want to go through all of
it to see that everything is under control.
[SHUTTER CLICKING] [Yasmin] I just want to go through
all of it to see that everything is under control.
[Linn] Jocke, do the sound
equipment work as expected?
It's cool. I have it under control.
[Yasmin] You have had your equipment
in that corner all evening?
Are you sure that you won't check
so you haven't forgotten anything?
You all know that I know my stuff.
I reassure you, it's cool.
[Linn] Okay.
Something I would like to know is what
those live transmitters are doing here?
You never said this would
be a live broadcast.
[Yasmin] I knew I recognized those things.
[Ola] I didn't think it was a big deal.
We will send the material live
to a remote server.
We will also record it on memory cards.
Everything is good.
We had received rather much information-
-about where we would start and so on.
I showed them the map and we
talked about the job in general.
It felt like a normal job.
On the train we were all excited.
We were talking, sleeping and
everything was like normal.
When we arrived up north, -
- Therese picked us up at the station.
Therese picked us up at the station.
Therese picked us up at the station.
What a place.
It's completely abandoned.
[Ola] Yeah, it doesn't seem to be the
most populated place in history.
[Yasmin] Ghost town.
Please take me back to Stockholm.
Please take me back to Stockholm.
Where's the woman who
would pick us up?
No idea.
Do you know?
Let's check over there.
[Yasmin] Okay.
[Ola] It's a set of stairs over there.
[Joakim] Okay.
Ola, what place have you taken us to?
[Ola] We'll fill this town with party.
I'm telling you, it's always in places
like this something big happens.
Watch the mic so you don't hit it
against the wall. [Joakim] Yeah.
It's much colder here than home.
[Ola] It must be her.
[Yasmin] Hi.
- Therese.
- Yasmin.
[Ola] Hello Therese.
[Ola] Ola.
Shall we...
[Therese] Yes but, -
-put your things there.
If there is enough space. There's
a lot of things here already.
[Joakim] Maybe we will have to bring this
in the car? [Linn] Put it on your lap.
[Joakim] Yes, I'll do that.
Oh, that's no problem.
It's a lot of things here. Is there anymore
that we need to put in the trunk?
Otherwise you can have it in the backseat.
[Linn] I can have something
on my lap if needed.
All the way from Stockholm?
What are you going to film?
[Linn] We will investigate the, -
-mysterious disappearances.
Yes, but that...
I think that's good.
It's good that the news want
to report about it.
There was a lot of talk about it.
The reports about it disappeared
from the news pretty quick, though.
[Linn] Yes, I agree.
We believe that there's more to the story.
The baby girl is still missing.
[Therese] I can't even imagine how
it must feel to be in that situation.
Poor Michael.
[Linn] Do you know the family?
Know them? Everyone knows
each other a bit up here.
[Linn] Do you think it would be okay if we
asked him some questions?
[Therese] I think he has gone through
enough as it is.
I think we should leave him alone.
[Ola] He has made several public
appearances in the news.
There he was begging others for
help in the search of his daughter.
Don't you think we could at least ask him?
[Therese] I must have missed that.
It's worth a try.
[Michael] Hello?
Hi Michael.
My name is Linn Sderqvist
and I am a journalist.
I am calling you about the disappearance
of your partner and your daughter
I would like to ask you some questions.
[Michael] Oh really? Now's the time.
Now when it's too late.
How would that help?!
I know that you and your family didn't-
- receive the help you deserved.
Neither by the police or the media.
I'm calling you because we
want to find the truth.
And to help you get closure.
If everyone had done their job,
this might have had a different outcome.
The people that's responsible need
to be held accountable for this.
We can not do that without you.
[Michael] Okay, come here and I'll help
you the best I can.
That's great.
Thank you very much.
Perfect. Did you get that?
[Ola] Great work.
[Linn] Let's go now.
[Ola] Let's roll.
[Therese] How long will you stay here?
[Linn] It depends on the situation. [Ola]
Until Jocke is comfortable in the woods.
[TEAM LAUGHING] [Linn] It depends on the situation.
[Ola] Until Jocke is comfortable in the woods.
[Therese] Maybe it'll be a long stay then?
Yes, it'll be a while.
[Therese] Maybe it'll be a long stay then?
Yes, it'll be a while.
[Therese] Yeah, but I'll...
I'll be there to pick you up...
Whenever you want.
[Linn] That's sweet of you.
But how long will you stay?
[Linn] We'll be in the woods for a few
days. [Ola] We have two days planned.
Two days?
[Linn] Yes, two nights.
That's no problem.
I'll be there to pick you up.
We just have to decide what time
and place and I'll be there.
Can we call you if we need to?
[Therese] Yes, that's not a problem.
Altough, in some areas it can be a bit
problematic with the reception.
[Linn] That's okay.
[Therese] It should be no problem.
[Yasmin] That's kind of you.
Is anyone living in that area?
[Therese chuckling] No, oh God no!
The wilderness spreads further
than you can possibly see.
[Linn] And you are comfortable with that? [Therese]
Yes, of course. I would never live in the city.
[Therese] Michael lives here.
He's sitting there outside, waiting.
[Linn] Thank you, very much.
[Linn] Hello!
I offer my deepest condolences.
I promise to get you
the justice you deserve.
I would like to ask you a few questions
to get an understanding of it all.
Then we'll do it right here.
[Ola] Camera one is rolling.
[Yasmin] Camera two is rolling.
[Joakim] Sound's on.
Could you tell me your entire name?
And spell it into the camera?
Michael Lund.
Thank you.
Michael, -
-you were engaged with Ulrika Jonsson.
The woman who suddenly
disappeard on the 28th of October.
Who was found deceased 12 days later.
Your daughter is still missing.
Tell us, what happened?
She was on her maternity leave...
So she was at home.
She was always taking the same stroll, -
-but this time she didn't come home.
I called the police that evening.
I had tried to call her several times
that day. But she never answered.
She always answered her phone...
You start to worry real fast.
I was out all night with
my car looking for her.
Before I knew, it was day again.
Did you get any help at all?
Yes, during the second day we
were a lot of people looking for her.
The police were searching and
pictures were shared on social media, -
-regarding her and...
[Linn] Alice is your daughter, right?
Yes, that's correct...
How could this happen?!
After just a few days I was alone.
Everyone had abandoned me!
We hadn't searched the entire forest yet.
But I didn't quit, I took Zorro with me.
The dog, that is.
We were out tracking day and night.
He didn't find anything
until about a week later.
Out of nowhere he smelled
something and broke loose.
I wasn't ready for it so I lost my grip.
I ran after him but...
Now he's lost, too.
And now...
It's just me left.
[Therese shouting] I'm
sorry but I need to go!
It's an emergency. But I'll pick you
up in two days as we agreed upon.
[Ola] Wait a minute now.
[Joakim] Hello?!
[Ola] Stay with her.
[Ola] Excuse me?!
[Joakim] Hello?!
[Yasmin] But... What the...
[Yasmin] But... What the...
[Yasmin] But... What the...
[Ola] What is she doing?
[Yasmin] What's up with that?
[Ola] She was supposed to take us there.
[Joakim] I'll call her.
Can I borrow your phone, Ola?
[Joakim] Okay.
I can take you to the location
where they found her.
[Ola] I'm sorry for that Michael.
I have no idea why she did that.
[Joakim] She was kind that drove
us as far as she did. [CAR DRIVING]
[Joakim] She was kind that
drove us as far as she did.
Respect that she had to leave
because it sounded urgent.
But everything could have
been ruined because of her.
[Joakim] Yeah, but that didn't happen.
She'll also pick us up when we're done.
[Yasmin] How can you be sure about that?
She's sent a screen shot of where
she'll pick us up in two days.
She will be there to pick us up.
Let's wait and see.
This is where they found her.
[Ola] Linn, wait a second.
What are you doing Yasmin?
[Yasmin] What do you mean?
What are you doing Yasmin?
[Yasmin] What do you mean?
What are you doing Yasmin?
[Yasmin] What do you mean?
[Ola] We will not send this live.
We'll do that later. [Yasmin] Oh, okay.
We are now at the location
where the 32-year-old woman...
[CELLPHONE RINGS] - We are now at the
location where the 32-year-old woman...
Whose phone is that?
Whose phone is that?
Keep going, I just need to answer this.
[Ola] Hello.
[Yasmin] Who was that?
We'll take that later.
[Ola] We are rolling.
This is where she was laying.
They told me that she was still alive.
[Linn] What do you mean "they told you"?
I never got to see her.
I didn't get the chance to see her again...
They cremated her body without my knowledge.
I guess you didn't know that?
[Aggressive] How come you
never wrote about that?!
I really hope that what you do will
reopen the police investigation.
Don't worry Michael. I promise you,
we will find the truth.
[Yasmin] How many days
had she spent outside?
[Ola] Almost two weeks, I think.
[Yasmin] What did you say?
She was outside for two weeks. [Yasmin]
How could they find her alive then?
A human can survive 30 days without food.
[Yasmin] Come on. It's freezing here
every day and especially in the nights.
She would have frozen to death, right?
- Did no one write about that?
- What do you mean?
It's an important part to leave out,
that she was alive when they found her.
That's really strange.
[Yasmin] But...
Why would the press do that?
I'm standing where the 32-year-old woman
Ulrika Jonsson was found.
Here, at the side of
the road she was found.
We can now share that she was
alive when she was found, -
- something that the
media chose not to tell.
Naked, without her kid and
the stroller she was found.
Out here, in the middle of nowhere.
But how did she end up here?
Where did her young daughter go?
And how did she meet this gruesome fate?
Me and my crew of documentary filmmakers
will wander through the woods-
- to get to know the truth about what happened
to Ulrika Jonssonn during her last days in life.
Maybe we should have known
that something was wrong at the time.
We got ready to search the woods.
The plan was to, -
- go from the place where she was found
to the spot where she went missing.
Where she was last seen...
We were hoping to find
some clues along the way.
We wanted to find Alice, her daughter.
We set off into the woods and it was cold.
[Linn Voice over] We were still excited because
we thought we could make a difference.
[Ola] Yasmin, is the live feed on?
What did you say?
[Ola] Is the live feed rolling?
[Yasmin] No. Am I supposed to do that now? [Ola] Now
we're in the forest and that means we'll do it.
[Yasmin] Okay, yes...
Yeah, it's rolling now.
Yeah, it's rolling now.
[Ola] That's great.
By the way, have you ever raised a tent?
[Ola] Yeah.
[Yasmin] No never, have you?
[Ola] Hell no.
Tell me that you have a
masters degree in tents.
[Chuckling] I know the basics.
[Joakim] But you're not better than me.
[Chuckling] Excuse me?
[Ola] You?
I raise toy tents for my kids
in the backyard every summer.
[Yasmin] Jocke...
[Ola] I'm sure you're right...
[Ola] Wait a second. Are we even
moving in the right direction?
Who has the compass?
[Linn] I do.
We are moving towards the location...
We are moving towards the location...
Is that yours?
[Ola] What were you saying?
[Linn] What was I saying...
[Yasmin] You were talking about the compass
and what way we were heading.
[Linn] Yeah, the compass.
We're heading towards
the area where she disappeared.
We're heading towards
the area where she disappeared.
[Joakim] Oh my god, that sound.
[Joakim] Oh my god, that sound.
Can you just shut off the phone
or at least mute it?
Let's turn off all of the phones
and put them in the audio bag.
Let's turn off all of the phones
and put them in the audio bag.
Let's turn off all of the phones
and put them in the audio bag.
Give it to me.
[Ola] There you go.
- Can someone take the extra batteries then?
- I can take them.
[Yasmin] Mine is out of power so...
Okay you're the one who'll take it.
- How's it going?
- Okay.
Is it on mute now?
[Ola] Yeah... You have it now.
[Ola] Yasmin.
Give me a smile now.
[Joakim] What are we really
expected to find here?
[Linn] We need to search through the woods
because Michael said the police hadn't.
We need to find some traces that show
us that she went through the woods.
[Joakim] So we're basically looking for
her kid, the stroller or her clothes?
We're looking to find that?
[Linn] Yeah.
Or some kind of trace that proves
that she has passed here.
Let's start moving.
In all honesty...
I'm so tired of this.
We have been walking around for
about four hours without finding anything.
This wasn't the best
of sightseeing, for sure.
But soon we are home with a fat paycheck.
[Joakim] Fat paycheck?
The salary is worthless.
That's true. I agree.
- Come on. We're not doing this for the money.
- Exactly.
A kid is missing.
Okay, I understand that.
I'm just so tired of this.
[Linn] What is that?
It's some old symbol.
It looks like something that
would come from the stone age.
[Ola] That must be a cave
painting or something.
[Linn] It looks very familiar. I think I've seen
it somewhere before but I don't know where.
[Ola] A cave painting. You can find them
everywhere. Right, Jocke?
[Yasmin] Where is he now?
[Ola] There.
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
[Ola shouting] Joakim!
[Ola] What were you doing?
[Joakim] I thought I heard something.
[Linn] Check this out.
[Ola] What is this?
[Yasmin] Don't you think it looks familiar?
That's just some old symbol.
Shall we continue so we can set up camp?
Yeah, let's do that.
Yasmin, can you take a closer
shot of that one for the B-roll.
[Linn] Do you have it?
[Yasmin] I have it.
- How are you, Jocke? You seem stressed.
- I thought I heard something...
I just want to continue now.
[Linn] Get the equipment, Ola.
[Yasmin] What are you doing, Ola?
Why do you rig the camera now?
We're going to bed soon, right?
[Ola] They wanted the live feed
running around the clock.
Why do they want material of you
and Jocke hugging during the night?
That's a good question.
I didn't ask, nor do I care.
[Joakim] Seriously, don't you also think
that this entire situation feels off?
[Linn] Of course, it feels a bit strange.
Cases with disappearances can often be odd.
Especially when you have as
little information as we do.
But at least they should have
searched through the woods.
[Linn] Yeah, but...
Maybe they didn't because...
The stroller was missing, too.
It would've never gotten into the forest.
Maybe they found clues that
led them in another direction?
I don't know. It could be anything.
What about Michael then? He was eager to
search the woods day and night.
What are we even doing here?
We have been hired to search the area.
Michael was out here because the
police didn't search through the woods.
But come on.
Someone should have been looking here.
[Yasmin] It's like Linn is telling you.
The clues might have led them elsewhere.
How about the rest who
has gone missing here then?
Where did they look for them?
No one has been thinking about
searching for them here?
Wait a minute.
What other disappearances?
[Joakim] Five people have gone missing
in this area in the last seven years.
And now this woman and her kid.
That's an insane amount.
[Linn] Wait, wait, wait.
Have other people gone missing here?
[Joakim] Didn't you know that?
[Yasmin] What?!
We can't be certain that they've gone missing
here. [Joakim] Haven't you told them that?
- We're just here to do a job for WP...
- But seriously, Ola.
When were you going to tell us?
I didn't think it was important...
[Yasmin] What do you mean "not important"?
Is there any connection between
these cases? [Ola] Of course not.
[Joakim] Five people in seven years doesn't
sound like a coincidence.
Ola, is there anything else
you're keeping from us?
Of course not...
Jocke, give me Olas phone.
- What will you do with it?
- I want to see who called you before.
[Ola] It was the employer.
[Linn] What the hell did they want?
They wanted to check...
Why we hadn't started the live feed yet.
[Yasmin] But it was after I
started it they called us.
[Linn] Ola?
They wanted to know why
we were more than two people.
They wanted to know who you were.
Didn't you tell them that me
and Yasmin would be here, too?
They didn't know about you and Jocke.
[Joakim] Would you look at that!
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Let's call WP and get all of this sorted out.
You have 19 missed calls. A hidden
number has tried to reach you 19 times.
You mean they would think it's so strange
that we are two more out here.
I promise, I have no idea why
they have called so many times.
[Linn] Let's call them and
see what it's all about, then.
Rig the camera. I want this on film.
Is everything set?
[Ola] Camera one is rolling.
[Yasmin] Camera two check.
Sound's on.
Have you saved their number? [Ola] Yes.
It's the last one and it's named WP.
Do you find it?
What are you doing?
What the hell was that?
[Ola] What do you mean?
Didn't you hear that?
[Yasmin] Hear what?
- You must have heard it?
- What?
I've never heard anything like it before.
[Yasmin] Heard what?
[Ola] Can you describe the sound?
Wait, wait a second.
There it is. There's the sound again.
Ola, listen... Listen to this.
[Yasmin] That's enough, Jocke.
What's going on now?
[Linn] Can I have it?
Wait, wait.
You hear it, too, right?
You hear it.
It disappeared. It's gone now.
What could that have been? It must've
been an animal. Maybe a fox?
Foxes can sound really weird.
[Yasmin] Are you sure about that? Ola?
- What else could it be?
- What if it's coming this way?
You don't have to worry about that.
I don't think so either. We have
an open fire and we are four people.
I don't think an animal would dare.
- Do you really think an animal would sound like that?
- I don't know. I didn't hear it.
[Ola] Well, it wasn't a human at least.
- You can't possibly think it was an animal.
Calm down. Let's...
We can't see anything. Do you see anything?
Let's go to bed and sleep.
Then we get up tomorrow and continue.
Isn't it better if we find out...
[Yasmin] But Ola said that the
sound was gone now. So...
[Linn] Jocke, listen,
I have to agree with Ola.
We can't see anything and we're just
unsettling each other by discussing this.
[Ola] That's true.
[Yasmin] Yes, I agree.
Let's go to bed.
Can you put the phone back in the bag?
I'll put the camera back into position.
We have, -
-survived the night.
But barely.
These damn sleeping bags are, -
-are so thin that it makes you feel...
More like ice than human.
There's only one way to get warm again.
[Yasmin shouting] Linn!
[Ola] What is it?
[Yasmin] Hurry up!
[Linn] What's going on?
[Yasmin] Jocke!
Wake up! Come!
What's up?
[Yasmin] Bring the camera and come here.
[Linn] What the hell is happening?
[Yasmin] Do you see this?
Look. This wasn't here last night.
[Linn] How do you know?
It was pitch black when we arrived.
[Yasmin] Yeah, but...
It's the same symbol as
the one we found yesterday.
[Yasmin] Look. It's the exact same symbol.
[Linn] Huh.
[Ola] Are you saying that wasn't here
yesterday? [Yasmin] I don't know but...
[Ola] You're kidding right?
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
[Ola] Tell me you've done this.
[Linn] Take the camera.
Jocke come and check this out!
[Ola] But wait. Isn't Jocke here with you?
He wasn't there when I woke up.
[Linn] What?
[Yasmin] What do you mean by not there?
[Ola] I swear, he was not there, -
-when I got out of the tent.
[Ola] What the hell...
[Yasmin shouting] Jocke!
The sound equipment is gone, too.
- Is everything gone?
- Jocke!
Maybe he's taking a piss or something?
[Yasmin] He's not answering when we're calling his name so...
[Linn] We have to call him instead. Ola, get your phone.
Damn! The phones were in the audio bag.
Is the bag also gone?
[Ola] Yes. Everything's gone.
[Yasmin] Check thoroughly.
[Ola] Except his shoes and outerwear.
[Linn] Did he leave that?
[Yasmin] Damn...
It's freezing and...
How about that camera, then?
It's been recording all night.
[Yasmin] Check it and we'll see.
[Yasmin] When did this happen?
[Ola] It's about four hours ago.
[Linn] What the...
[Yasmin] It seems like he heard something.
Do you think it's the same
thing as he heard last night?
But why did he go by himself?
He'll freeze to death.
[Ola] The reason doesn't matter.
We need to find him now.
We know the direction he went. Let's go.
[Linn] Get your equipment and let's go.
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
[Linn shouting] Jocke!
We need to stop now.
We'll never find our way back if we run
around aimlessly looking for him.
[Ola] We need to find Jocke.
- Then we need to go back and get the map and compass.
We'll get lost if we continue like this.
[Ola] We don't have time for that. He could be injured.
- What's your suggestion, then?!
There's no tracks after him.
How will we find him?
[Ola] How the hell should I know?!
I'm not a dog who can track.
[Ola shouting] Joakim!
[Yasmin] Okay. Take it easy now, Ola.
[Ola shouting] Joakim!
[Yasmin] Calm down.
[Ola sobbing] Where is he?
[Linn] I don't know.
[Linn] We have to go back
to the camp site, okay?
[Linn] What's this?
[Linn] Oh God...
[Yasmin] It can't be...
[Linn] What the...
[Yasmin] How the fuck did it get there?
[Linn] We need to get back and get
out of the woods now.
We know what way we walked.
[Yasmin] Let's go now.
[Linn] Come on, Ola!
I say we get out of here right away.
I spotted some kind of settlement
on the map before.
[Ola] Hurry up!
[Yasmin] On the map?
[Yasmin] What was is?
[Linn] I don't know what it was but...
[Yasmin] Do you think we can get there before dark?
- I don't know.
[Yasmin] Where?
[Linn] It was here somewhere.
[Linn] It was here somewhere.
[Linn] Here.
Here it is.
Seriously, Linn.
It's in the middle of the forest.
[Linn] Yeah, but...
[Ola] How about Jocke then?
[Linn] You can clearly see that it's
some kind of bigger building.
We should be able to call the police
from there. [Ola] How about Jocke then?
[SHUTTER CLICKING] We should be able to call the
police from there. [Ola] How about Jocke then?
[Yasmin] Yeah but...
[Ola] We can't just leave him.
[Yasmin] Yeah but...
[Ola] We can't just leave him.
[Yasmin] No, but when we find somewhere, -
- where we can call...
- What if it's too late?
[Linn] Look. We are here.
If we go here we can call the police.
But will we manage in time?
He could be freezing to death right now.
[Linn] I don't know. [Yasmin] But
if we get there we can get help.
We need to get help to be able to find him. The
thing is; It's so far away so we need to hurry.
We need to hurry there now.
Let's pack up the things.
[Ola] To hell with that!
[Ola] Don't think about the tent. [Yasmin]
We'll just bring the important things.
[Ola] Hurry up, Linn!
[Linn] I'm on my way.
[Yasmin] Are you keeping an
eye on where we are heading?
Get the compass and check. [Ola] Are
we heading in the right direction?
[Linn] That way.
[Yasmin] Are you sure
this is the right path?
[Linn] Get up that way.
[Ola shouting] Come on then!
[Ola] How much further?
[Linn] I don't know. Okay?
[Ola] If you don't know how much longer...
[Yasmin] It feels like we are walking around in
circles. [Linn] Just walk straight ahead. Okay!
[Yasmin] This doesn't feel right...
Maybe the same thing is
happening to us as it did to Jocke.
[Ola] What are our options then?
Come on now.
Get a move on.
[Yasmin] We'll freeze to death.
And it'll get dark soon.
[Yasmin shouting] Hello! Why
is no one listening to me?
Come on, guys!
He's just walking off.
[Linn shouting] Ola!
[Ola] Hurry up!
That's where we're going.
[Yasmin] Here?
[Yasmin] Wait for us, Ola! You can't just
wander off by yourself.
We were pretty scared then but I...
I just wanted to to cover this story.
So we...
We started to search our
way through the forest.
We walked and walked.
And when we arrived at the building
where I thought we could get help...
[Yasmin] But... What?!
[Linn] I don't know...
It didn't look like this on...
[Yasmin] Oh, my God.
[Ola] What now?
[Linn] It didn't look like this on
the map, okay? [Yasmin] The map?!
To hell with that map! Okay?!
Is there any road nearby?
[Linn] I don't know.
[Yasmin] Don't know? You don't know anything,
Linn. [Ola] We'll go down and check.
[Yasmin] Okay. Where is the nearest road?
How far is it?
[Linn] I don't know but...
I saw some other houses on the map.
To hell with those other houses, Linn!
It's enough!
Seriously! You have led us
here to absolutely nothing.
I say we go to the nearest road.
But... I need to check the map.
[Yasmin] Seriously.
[Ola] At the closest road we-
- know that we'll get help in the morning.
We can't stay here.
[Linn] We have to walk all night to reach
the road where Therese will pick us up.
[Yasmin] You know what? Fuck that map!
We'll go to the road. That's what we'll do.
But the houses are closer.
[Yasmin] No more houses.
[Linn] Therese won't pick us up
before dawn, at the earliest.
[Ola] I would also like to go to the
houses. If I knew there was some nearby.
But we don't know if it
looks like this house.
Look at it! This...
[Yasmin] God damn it.
Fucking Ola and...
[Linn] If I go then?
[Ola] No, no.
Get a grip.
We have a bigger chance to find...
[Ola] If you get lost we have to find
two people. We need to stick together.
[Yasmin] I hate this.
So damn stupid.
[Ola] Let's follow Yasmin.
[Yasmin] What the...
[Yasmin] What the...
[Yasmin shouting] Linn!
Get in the house!
Hurry up!
[Ola] What's going on?
[Linn] What's going on?!
[Yasmin] Get in here!
[Yasmin] Fuck!
[Linn] What's going on?!
[Yasmin] Just get in here!
There's something in the woods.
[Linn] What?!
What did you see?
[Yasmin] I don't know!
Just block the door, okay!
[Linn] What the hell is going on?!
[Yasmin] Just block the door.
[Linn] What did you see?!
[Yasmin] There was something in the trees and... [Linn
shouting] Calm down! I don't understand what you're saying!
What was it?!
[Yasmin] Just help me...
- What did you see?!
- I'll show you! I filmed it!
Just help me close this door.
[Linn] Give me something heavy then.
Don't you think that...
It could have been that thing that took the kid?
I'm thinking about the stroller we saw earlier.
I think it's for the best
if we stay here until dawn.
[Yasmin] I don't know.
Until dawn?
Makes no sense.
[Linn] Did you hear that?
That sound.
[Linn] What the hell was that?
[Ola] That's the sound me and Jocke heard.
[Yasmin] Stop it, stop it.
Quiet now.
[Yasmin] Is it gone now?
I think so.
[Linn] It sounded like it
was moving away from us.
Are you sure?
What if it's more of them out there?
- We need to move further in to find a safer spot.
- Why should we do that?
If that thing comes through that
hole in the wall we're finished.
Come on. I can't take it anymore.
I can't take it, Ola.
This is just too much.
I am also scared but we
need to try to find a safer place.
We really need to.
I think we should stay by the entrance.
There can be safer rooms further ahead.
There can be an exit or
a room we could close off.
Over there is an open way in.
Okay. But if we get to a safer place, -
-then we'll stay there.
[Linn] What the hell is this?
[Yasmin] I don't know.
[Yasmin] What is this?
[Linn] I don't know.
It's some old beds.
It looks like a former field hospital.
[Yasmin] A field hospital?
Why would it be that?
[Linn] I don't know more than you.
[Ola] What the hell has happened here?
[Linn] How should I know?
[Yasmin] Where's Ola?
[Linn] Ola.
[Yasmin] Ola.
[Linn] Damn it.
[Ola] Hey, come. It's a room here.
[Linn] What are you saying?
[Ola] Check this out.
[Linn] What is all this?
[Ola] It's some old journals.
What kind of place is this?
[Linn] What... Is this real?
[Yasmin] Oh God.
[Linn] What the...
[Yasmin] Hey.
There's a tape recorder here.
[Linn] Is it broken?
[Ola] Check if it's working.
[Yasmin] I don't know but maybe...
I don't know but...
It could be out of battery. Linn, do you
have the batteries Jocke gave you?
Give them to me.
[Ola] Linn, is it clear?
Check so no one is coming.
[Linn] Okay.
[Ola] Fix that and I'll check.
[Tape recording]'s underlying purpose.
We have transferred the patient to
the forge for the purpose of isolation.
We can no longer take any risks.
The severe cell changes in the dermis has given
the patient a sort of immunity towards...
[Ola] What the hell is this?
[Ola] What the hell is this?
[Tape recording] ...who's now restrained
for his own safety. [BUTTON CLICKING]
[Tape recording] ...who's now
restrained for his own safety.
A psychosis, leading the patient to
eat the flesh off his own limbs.
It's the first we've encountered.
We have observed negative behavioral disorders that shows
that the patient is still in the state of hysteria.
Treatment is urgent...
Treatment is urgent...
[Tape recording] ...can't believe it.
The last of the molars have fallen out. We
have now noticed another medical deviation.
A new set of teeth, like found on a predator,
has started to grow out of the gums.
The patient is no longer receptive to pain.
And he's trying avoid light.
The patient is no longer receptive to pain.
And he's trying avoid light.
The patient is no longer receptive to pain.
And he's trying avoid light.
We are running out of
options on how to treat him.
If it goes that far, there's
only one thing left to do.
[Yasmin] What the hell was that?
[Linn] We need to get out of here.
[Yasmin] We need get out.
[Ola] Wait, in what direction will we go?
In what direction should we go?
Let's get to the road.
[Ola] But that's where we saw it.
[Linn] What?
[Ola] Get over here.
That is the direction where
it was climbing in the trees.
But it was moving away from us.
If we run now we have a chance to make it.
[Yasmin] Wait. I think we
should go back to the entrance.
Then we run like hell and don't
stop until we've found help.
We need to remove the barricade.
[Yasmin] Give us some help, Ola.
[Ola] There's no time.
[Yasmin] Run!
[Linn] Where are we going?
[Ola] Come on! This way!
[Linn] Is it gone now?
Do you think we made it?
[Whispers] I don't hear it.
[Yasmin] Neither do I.
[Linn] There's blood on the floor.
[Ola] No, no, no.
[Yasmin] Fuck.
[Yasmin] I think it's been here.
[Ola] A camera?
That's not one of ours.
[Yasmin] What the...
[Linn] There's still power.
[Video recording] The tales
of the Algonquins are true.
The natures warning for the
eternal hunger is all over the forest.
How can you do that to your own daughter?
Her own flesh and blood.
And you knew!
You sent us here even though
you knew that creature was out here.
Damn you...
You will never get what you want.
I pray that you'll burn in hell.
This material will be gone with me.
Ola, tell me those people
weren't also sent out by WP.
[Ola] I don't know what
he was talking about.
I don't even know where we are.
I don't know anything right now.
Did he talk about that
she ate her daughter?
What the fuck is going on?
[Ola] Play another clip.
[Video recording] ...then we'll leave.
[Linn] It's Therese.
[Ola] What?
[Video recording] Good luck then.
- Thank you. When will you pick us up, Angelica?
[Linn] Angelica?
[Yasmin] Did he say Angelica?
[Video recording] Two days sounds great.
- Then we'll meet here around the same time then.
- Thank you.
- Good luck then.
- Bye bye.
- Bye.
It feels fantastic.
[Linn] Why are they calling her Angelica?
[Yasmin] But it's Therese.
[Ola] Okay, this isn't good.
WP have tricked us.
[Linn] Take the camera.
[Ola] I'll put it in the backpack.
I don't get it.
[Linn] Ola, how did you
come to know Therese?
WP gave me her number.
I've been played for a fool.
Everything followed the standard
routines for a normal job.
Just the same.
I feel like an idiot.
[Yasmin] If she doesn't pick
us up, what will we do then?
Therese? Angelica? She won't come.
[Linn] I don't think they
planned for us to survive.
[Yasmin] But why?
They need the material.
It would be stupid of them.
No, they have everything they need.
[Linn] What do you mean?
[Ola] We've sent every second of it live.
They have it all on their server.
[Linn] The live feed.
[Yasmin] What the...
[Linn] Shut it off directly.
[Yasmin] Yeah, let's do it.
[Ola] They don't deserve another second.
They've known our situation and they haven't
done anything. They've done nothing.
[Yasmin] So damn idiotic.
[Ola] What do we do now then?
I don't know. The best...
I don't know. The best...
That's my phone.
[Yasmin] Jocke. He had the phones right?
[Linn] Why would he be down there?
[Yasmin] Okay, now what?
If we get the phones we can call for help.
If we get the phones we can call for help.
If we get the phones we can call for help.
[Linn] How will we
manage to get down there?
[Ola] I'll go.
[Yasmin] No.
[Linn] You can't go by yourself.
[Ola] What else can we do? Stay here?
It doesn't feel good, but we have to.
If something happens
you are here to help me.
[Yasmin] Okay, but make sure to come back.
[Linn] Be careful, Ola.
[Linn] Here he comes.
[Yasmin] How did it go?
[Ola] Jocke is dead.
[Yasmin] Oh, my God.
[Ola sobbing] Jocke is dead.
[Yasmin] Oh, God.
[Ola] His bloody shirt is down there.
What will I tell his wife?
His kids?!
[Yasmin] Calm down, Ola.
[Linn] It's not your fault, Ola.
[Yasmin] It's really not, okay?
[Ola crying] I don't care if it hears me.
I might as well die, too.
[Linn] Watch out.
It's not your fault, okay?
Listen to me, Ola.
We all knew. We knew, okay?
All the way from the start it hasn't
been your fault. Okay?
We knew it could be dangerous.
We knew that people had disappeared.
[Ola] Fuck.
[Linn] We need to call...
Did you get the phones? We need to call
for help. We don't have time for this.
[Ola] I'm sorry I got you involved in this.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Listen to me. Listen.
We knew from the beginning.
We knew that people had disappeared.
We've made our own decisions to be here.
Think about that.
[Linn] We are all here
because we chose to be here.
We don't have time for this crap.
We need to call the police.
[Yasmin] Get the phone and...
[Linn] Where's the phone?
[Yasmin] They're there, right?
[Ola] There.
[Yasmin] To hell with this.
[Linn] How's it going?
Hi, my name is Ola Hrnqvist.
Me and my friends are somewhere in the
woods in Vsternorrland. One of us is dead.
[Linn] Ola.
I don't know where we are.
Okay, but hurry up.
Okay. I'll do it as soon as it arrives.
[Yasmin] What did they say?
They'll send a CARL-sms. A text
message they'll be able to trace us from.
What?! A fucking text?
Are you serious?
They'll see our location from it.
[Yasmin] That's trash.
[Yasmin] That's trash.
[Linn] Run! Run!
[Yasmin] Fuck.
[Yasmin] What about Ola?
[Linn] We need to get away from here.
Who'll help Ola then?
Will we just leave him?
[Linn] If he managed to get the text-
-the police can trace him.
We just ran.
We saw something. It was...
It was like two glowing eyes in the dark.
It was unlike anything I've ever seen.
It shrieked, we screamed and Ola screamed.
We ran and...
It got Ola and...
We just ran away.
Yasmin wanted to go back but...
I knew it was too late and that
there was nothing we could do.
And we ran...
We didn't stop until sunrise.
Then we finally reached a road.
We saw a car...
It was the first person we...
had seen in what felt like an eternity.
I don't remember much more.
We got into the car and...
We were...
Yeah, we were saved but Ola and Jocke...
They never made it back.
Along this country road they've found...
[Radio reporter] ...two women,
residing in southern Sweden...
Linn Sderqvist and a photographer...
[Radio reporter] ...after a hospital visit
they've been turned over to the local police...
unconfirmed sources claim that
they've been taken in for questioning...
[Radio reporter] ...she, a female colleague and
two males have been filming a longer reportage.
What we can tell you is...
two people are missing...
[Radio reporter] ...the police will
search the area where they were last seen.
The questioning lasted for several days.
I still don't understand, -
- if they were looking for Ola
or if they suspected me.
Everything just felt so wrong.
We showed them the material
but they still couldn't find him.
Yeah... If my phone, -
-hadn't been out of battery...
Maybe he'd be here now.
After the police had
gone through the phone, -
- I noticed a message. Which is this.
[Distressed Ola] Yasmin? Where are you?
Get back here. Help me.
There are dead bodies everywhere.
Everyone is here. Jocke is here. Come here.
Help me. I don't know how to get out.
Help! Come!
Come here!
I still don't understand
why they didn't believe us.
understand why they didn't believe us.
Just listen to him.
We wanted to go back and get them.
Just listen to him.
We wanted to go back and get them.
I wanted to.
I, I... tried...
No, actually...
I didn't do anything...
I let the fear get the best of me.
I ran away.
Instead, I decided to abandon them.
Instead of saving my friends.
[Radio reporter] The police have searched the area given
to them by the women, but nothing can confirm their story.
The police have been on the scene.
They've searched and secured the area.
But they've found nothing.
[Radio reporter] ...but there's nothing that can corroborate
their story. The police have dismissed it as untrue.
There's women in this society
who's suffering through pure hell.
Because of people like
Linn Sderqvist and Yasmin Mazdaki-
-their credibility is damaged.
I say this story is completely crazy.
What we have here is two women
who have hijacked a tragic event, -
- and trying to get 15 minutes of fame. Placing
themselves in the center of the spotlight.
That someone even has the audacity
to exploit such a tragic and-
- horrible event to get publicity
and attention,
that's beyond all forgiveness.
That really makes me furious.
[Expert] I would plead for a murder trial.
The media company they claim to
have been hired by, doesn't exist.
Per reports, they've
been taken into custody.
I can't go into details about what
they've said during questioning.
But their story isn't equivalent with
what we suspect have happened.
[Expert] Do you hear how this sounds?
Their story doesn't add up.
That they're no longer in in
police custody is unfortunate.
I think the evidence has the
possibility to lead to a conviction.
People that would believe
this story is sickening.
I got the chance to take part of the tapes
that were confiscated by the police, -
-after the two journalists were found.
If this was to be proven true, they would've
made one of the biggest discoveries ever.
We can't rule out that the two men are hiding to
create a sensational story with the survivors.
When we found them along
the road they were frightened.
What you can see on the material for instance, is the sign
for the natures warning regarding the eternal hunger.
Which to this day has only
been found in North America.
You also seem to see the mythological...
You also seem to see the mythological...
You also seem to see the mythological...
[Radio reporter] Due to the lack of
evidence the case will be dismissed.
What happened remains unknown.
It's like the history repeats itself.
It's like when the woman, Ulrika, -
There's no useful
preliminary investigation.
We have presented amounts
of evidence but...
But the investigation leads nowhere.
They've ignored everything
we've shown and, -
- accused us for the
deaths of Ola and Jocke.
We have hours of material but...
Apparently it isn't enough.
If we only had gotten the
material from that other group.
It might have been different now.
Then we could've proved who hired
us, and who's behind all of this.
People who watch this film
will call it a mockumentary.
All because the evidence are
removed or tampered with.
Who would believe us?
They have their own agenda.
Our fate was sealed long before
our cameras started recording.