Road to Terzetto (2024) Movie Script
(dramatic music)
(film reel rattling)
(wind whistling)
(vehicles roaring)
(bar patron whistling)
(ominous music)
(keys clacking)
(keys thudding)
(bar patron grunting)
(body thudding)
(ominous music)
(upbeat music)
Hell's breaking loose
The gospel truth
The gospel truth
The gospel truth
The gospel truth
Ah, the gospel truth
Ah ha ha
The gospel truth
Ah, yeah
The gospel truth
Oh, no
(easy-going music)
One, two
(Johnny coughing)
Well, life has nearly killed me
And my mind has put me on the edge
Life has nearly killed me
And my mind has put me on the edge
Though I can barely crawl
I have got to walk where
these angels fear to tread
(phone buzzing)
Darkness nearly drowned me
The sunlight, Lord,
don't it burn my eyes
(phone buzzing)
Hey, Viper.
How you feeling this morning?
I'm fine.
What's going on?
I called four times.
You avoiding me?
No, man, I was in the shower.
You got my cash, motherfucker?
Yeah, right.
If not, I'll just take the title
for that Porsche of yours.
What the hell are you talking about?
Come to the club now.
For what?
(phone line beeping)
(fist thudding)
(upbeat music)
What do you want?
What do I want?
Just making sure that, uh, you know,
you don't skip out on our little meeting.
I was just on my way there right now.
Oh, you are?
Oh, that's great.
Then we can ride together.
I can be your escort.
I don't need a babysitter.
I told you, I'm on my way.
Babysitter, huh?
Ugh, who said anything about a babysitter?
More like a little shit sitter.
Shit sitter?
How about get in the fucking car?
Listen, I gotta take my
car, I got a bunch of errands.
Get in the fucking car, motherfucker.
Let's go.
(upbeat music)
I don't smoke.
Did you, uh, you watch
the Masters last weekend?
You like golf?
He dropped this putt in,
man, it was brilliant.
How long you been working for Viper for?
Feel kind of sick.
Can you stop at like a,
a store or something?
I need like a, like an
acid reflex or something.
What, uh,
what does Viper want?
Hey, hey, can you slow it
down a little bit, man,
I feel sick.
Oh, fuck!
Can you roll the windows down?
Oh, fuck, dude.
I just bought these.
(Tony chuckles)
Can you put the windows down?
Like child locks here.
Do you like ever say anything or what?
(upbeat music)
[Tony] Oh, look who I stumbled into,
little Johnny whip dick.
Stop dealing.
I remember you, dude.
You were fucking hammered last night.
Look who it is, man of the hour,
Johnny I ran out of cash.
Crazy night last night, huh?
I guess.
So, you got something for me?
Well, I was gonna go to the bank,
but, um, Bugsy Malone here
picked me up and brought me here.
I'll PayPal you.
You owe me some serious cash.
How serious?
30 K.
The fuck you talking about?
I don't remember taking a marker out for-
- You did not just say that!
Deal me out.
[Dealer] Sure thing, boss.
Come with me.
Walk asshole, let's go.
I want you to pay me back now.
I don't like to let you linger.
I don't have that kind of cash, okay?
You give me a couple weeks,
I'll come up with it.
Fuck a couple weeks!
I'm giving you 24 hours.
Hey, that's a lot of dough
to come up with in a couple hours, okay?
No, it's not a couple hours.
It's 24 hours.
I hear you're a golfer.
Yeah, I can hold my own.
Hmm, you can, huh?
(fingers clicking)
I heard you almost went pro,
but got banned for gambling and hustling
all the other golfers.
Who the fuck told you that?
You were drunk as fuck last night
and you told me everything.
See, I like me some hustlers, okay?
They keep my business thriving.
How about this?
Got a great idea,
'cause I like to gamble and
I like to play games too.
How about we putt for your marker?
Okay, I sink this,
you pay me in 24 hours,
and if you sink it, you're debt free.
How's that sound?
I love games.
(tense music)
This could be your lucky day.
(golf club thuds)
(tense music)
Can't win 'em all, right?
You're up, tiger.
Let's see that magic swing.
(tense music)
- Yeah!
- Ooh.
- What the hell was that?
- That was an incredible
motherfucking shot.
[Johnny] It was a lucky shot.
Can't believe you didn't go pro.
Oh, you should've went pro.
Did you really think I was
gonna let you walk away
from a 30 grand marker?
You are one stupid motherfucker.
You got 24 hours.
If I don't have my money
then, my pro golf team
is gonna be swinging a few
nine irons at you kneecaps.
You dig?
I dig.
Can I shoot him now, boss?
Hey, Jimmy, deal me in.
Sure thing, boss.
Hey, Jimmy.
Deal me in.
Good, then we'll see you
later Johnny no cash. (laughs)
(tires squealing)
See you fuck face.
(tense music)
(truck roaring)
What you just say to me, huh?
Have a good day.
That's what I fucking thought you said.
(truck roaring)
Oh, fuck.
What the fuck is this?
(mysterious music)
(upbeat music)
Oh, damn she's fine.
Would you tap that?
Does a coyote defecate in the desert?
I don't know, I've never seen a coyote.
It's rhetorical.
Oh, yeah, rhetorical.
Man, what does a coyote
shitting in the desert
have anything to do with her?
It doesn't.
Why bring it up?
Just forget it, would you?
I'm just saying, man,
if a coyote's going around
shitting in the desert,
what does that have to do with that one?
Forget it.
You ruined the moment.
Man, the moment is fine.
I mean, we can get it in.
I don't know that we
can get it done though,
but we could get it in.
Hey, Linc, you riding this weekend?
Yep, going down the coast with my boys.
Nice, I gotta get me a bike.
You don't even know how to ride.
Take a few lessons.
Well, it's not the same thing.
Man, I've basically been
riding a bike my entire life.
It's different than a bicycle.
Is it not exactly the same?
How so?
[Mrs. Kerry] Hi, guys.
- Oh, hey.
- Hi.
Do you think you'd have my
car ready by this afternoon?
Ah, for that,
you're gonna want to talk
to our associate, the Linc.
Can you have my car
ready this afternoon?
I have an important dinner to get to.
Let me see what I can do.
I'm working on a couple cars ahead of you.
If you do my car, I'll
make it worth your while.
(door creaking)
That's why I gotta get me
a bike, man, right there.
Where's Linc?
Where's Linc?
- Who?
- He's working hard, sir.
Don't fuck with me, boys.
Giving the customer the extra
(couple moaning)
He's doing man's work, sir.
Go easy on him.
(door banging)
(Linc grunting)
What the fuck, Linc?
I told you I need Dr. Robinson's car done.
Chill out, Earl, I said I'd get it done.
Oh, well, it looks like you're
working on something else.
I'm telling you, I'm gonna
get the fucking car done.
You know what, Linc?
I want you out of my garage now.
- Don't touch me.
- Get out!
(fist thudding)
(upbeat music)
You're fired!
Get out!
(upbeat music)
All we are
(bike roaring)
Is all we feel
Wait till your parole
officer hears about this.
Your words of hope they thrill
I'm sorry, Mrs. Kerry.
It's Miss Kerry,
and I still need my car fixed.
Hi, hello there, I'll fix your car.
We can both fix your car.
We are
Your disco kills
(cellphone pings)
(gentle music)
(bike roaring)
(gentle music)
[Phil] Hey, buddy.
So maybe you got some of that rent for me?
I'll have it for you
in a couple days, Phil.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, little man.
How you feeling today?
I'm awesome.
Did you get a new haircut?
It looks cool.
[Jason] Thanks.
I got you something.
(Maria gasps)
(gasps) It's my favorite.
[Maria] I know.
[Linc] That, my friend, is an SS Camaro.
Hey, um, go play with your
toy so I can talk to Linc, huh?
See you in a bit, bud.
How you holding up?
I've had better days.
He's fine.
It's just his mom that's a mess.
How did it go with the doctors?
Well, the doctor said
that if, if he doesn't
get the operation soon,
he might not make it.
And I don't know what I would
do if you weren't helping me,
especially since I haven't
heard from his dad.
we got this, okay?
We gotta get him healthy.
I'm gonna pay you back
everything, I swear.
Are you sure you can still help me?
Totally, I'm working
extra hours at the shop.
The main thing is, I need
you to be strong for Jason.
You're an angel, Linc.
I don't know about that.
I do.
(speaking in foreign
language) I'd do anything
for that kid.
I know.
Oh, uh, I made some extra enchiladas.
I'll have Jason bring them by later.
(gentle music)
That'd be great.
Thank you so much.
(grim music)
(Bobby vocalizing)
[Angie] Hey, babe.
How'd it go?
How'd it go?
Did you hear me?
- No, I didn't.
- I asked how it went?
(laughs) It went great.
The first place I want to go is Aruba.
The water there is crystal clear.
I wanna snorkel.
Yeah, calm down.
We don't have the money yet.
We will soon.
I love you.
I love you too.
You hungry?
I'm ravenous.
Let's order pizza.
We had pizza last night.
That's because I love pizza.
What the fuck?
[Angie] I told you so many times
not to put the fucking keys on the table.
I'm sorry.
Look at me.
Don't tell me what to do.
(dramatic music)
Do you love me?
Of course I do.
do you love me?
But do you love me?
I do.
Prove it.
(intense music)
Well, I hope traffic
wasn't bad for you guys.
See, I am coming from the
west side, so traffic sucks.
Oh, and guess what?
Today the 405 was down in one lane
'cause of construction.
It's fucking disgusting, right?
Ugh, so is life.
Hey, Julie.
Anyways, I'm sure you guys
aren't interested in my shitty commute.
Well, you each got a letter.
That's obviously why you're here.
I'm Ira Waxman, by the
way, John Smits lawyer.
Now, if you don't know this,
John Smits is your estranged father.
Obviously the three of you
have different mothers,
so, makes you half brothers.
Last will and testament.
"I, John Smits, citizen
of the United States
and resident of California,
do hereby make, publish and declare
the instrument of my
last will and testament."
Can we just get to it?
"In the circumstance of my death,
I here declare my son's
John, Robert, and Lawrence
receive my Palm Springs estate,
my art collection, and $250,000 each.
Holy shit.
Oh, wait, who's Lawrence?
It's Linc.
Is that it?
Yeah, that's all that's written here.
Well, what were you expecting?
I figured he had more stashed
from his gambling days in Vegas.
How'd you know he was in Vegas?
Your mama told me.
So when are the old fucker die?
Well, he is actually not dead yet.
He wanted to see you guys
together before he passed.
Well, you could have let us know that
before, uh, you read the will?
Well, Johnny, he wanted it that way.
Hey, Julie.
Fucking coffee.
Well, he's at Holt's
Convalescent Home on Wilshire.
Visiting hours until five.
He was hoping on seeing you boys today.
- There you go.
- Thank you, sweetie.
Oh, Julie, can you get the guys
the address to the place, please?
Of course.
Thank you, sweetie.
You know what? Fuck this.
I'll be drinking heavily across the street
if you care to join me.
Thanks, Ira.
Here you go.
He's got some issues.
- Oh, well.
- Yeah.
Here you go.
- Oh.
- There you go.
Is this your address?
No, uh, it's the address
to where your dad is.
He's in room 122.
Oh, I was hoping it was yours.
Not a chance that it's mine.
I'm all about a chance.
(gentle music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(tense music)
It's not getting any better
That's what they keep
trying to feed me
Now that they do lie, I'm shattered
On the floor like a broken mirror
Call me Lawrence one more
time, see what happens.
Can I get a whiskey and coke?
And a beer too.
(wistful music)
Pretty girls are getting carded
Should've opened up for me
I closed the door on
that prick a long time ago.
I was in Little League.
I'm pitching the best game of my life.
Bottom of the fifth,
I'm just mowing 'em
down one after another.
We're up three, nothing.
I look over, I see him
getting into his car to leave.
At first I'm upset, I'm
pitching a no hitter.
Then I thought maybe he's
going to get some ice cream
or something to celebrate with.
That's the last fucking time I saw him.
His aim is a real piece of work.
I carry that game ball around with me
just to remind me of who I am.
I always thought about
what I'd say to him
when I saw him again, you know.
Now you'll have that chance.
When you see him,
let it rip.
I'll do that.
(glasses clinking)
(upbeat music)
(people chattering)
- Hey.
- Hey, man.
How about some shots, huh,
for my estranged brothers
from two other mothers.
Just because you're my half brother,
doesn't mean I gotta like you.
What the fuck did I do to you, huh?
You say, I always go with my gut.
Your gut's full of shit.
- What you-
- Hey, hey,
fucking calm, calm down.
We just fucking met, all right?
So let's sit down and
have a drink together.
Tone it down.
You know what, fuck all that shit.
I know exactly what
will lighten up the mood
and cheer you up.
(Bobby sniffing)
Come on, man.
My peace offering.
Give me a blast.
(Linc sniffing)
But don't be greedy,
feed the fucking needy.
[Bobby] I thought we're all alike.
I don't give a shit if you're brothers,
just be discreet.
I'll be a rockstar
[Johnny] (sniffing) Oh.
(brothers laughing)
[All] To (indistinct).
(upbeat music)
Put 'em up, oh
Put 'em up, yeah
Put 'em up, oh
Get 'em up, yeah
Put 'em up, oh
Get 'em up, yeah
Put 'em up, oh
Get 'em up, yeah
No stoppin'
No stoppin'
No stoppin'
Let's rock
(upbeat music)
Rock it up
Cut it up
Get 'em up
Put 'em up
Rock it up
Cut it up
Get 'em up
Put 'em up
Can we get some more shots?
We need some more...
Yeah, exactly.
[Linc] Where's the
fucking music, Shamus?
[Bobby] Get us some more shots.
(tense music)
Hey, Johnny, how you doing?
You know, it's always fun
tracking down a scumbag.
Cheers, Greg.
Philly fuck.
Call me that again,
you'll be picking up
your teeth off the ground
with broken fucking fingers.
What do you want?
It's not what I want,
it's what Viper wants.
Just tell him I'll, I'll
see him tomorrow or something.
See you tomorrow's too late fuck face.
(tense music)
Hey, cheese steak.
Why don't you fucking beat it?
Doesn't concern you, Guns N' Roses.
Fuck off.
Welcome to the jungle.
(fists thudding)
(upbeat music)
(bottle shattering)
Fuck with us again
and I'm gonna squeeze you like
a maggot in a rotten cherry.
[Johnny] Let's get outta here.
Who's going to clean this shit up?
That should cover it.
You're 86ed permanently.
- Fuck off Shamus.
- Suck a dick.
(upbeat music)
Johnny, what the fuck
was that back there?
I owe a little money.
How much?
Let's just say this inheritance
can help straighten things out.
I feel you.
Let's go now before that guy comes back.
Guys, hop in.
[Linc] Nice wheels.
I won it in a bet.
(machines beeping)
[Nurse] I need to check your pulse.
Hey, you can check more
than that if you want.
You still with that guy?
[Nurse] Yes.
When you dump him,
you know where to find me, huh?
You've been awful sweet to me.
I wish there was a way I could repay you.
You know, my boys will
come to visit today.
I got three boys.
Well, three that I know of,
at least anyway, you know.
(sighs) Truth is, uh, I was a shitty dad.
I abandoned them,
especially their mothers.
No boys deserve to be treated like that.
I wanna make it up to them.
I need to make it up to them, hmm.
I put them in my will, but, uh,
I don't think that'll erase
all the damage that was done.
But maybe it'll help.
Hey, lean in here.
Keep a secret?
[Nurse] Yeah, sure.
There's more for them at
my place in Palm Springs.
I kind of hid it.
- You hid it?
- Mm-hmm.
[Nurse] What'd you hide.
I mean, riches.
(Smits coughing)
(bright music)
Do you remember what he looks like?
I remember what he smells like.
Trucks stop coffee and Camel no filters.
Hey, you guys go ahead.
I gotta make a call.
[Johnny] It's room 122.
Got it.
Excuse me, uh, where you going?
Going to see my dad.
[Nurse] And who's your dad?
John Smits.
And you are?
I'm his son.
We're brothers.
(nurse sighs)
Your dad, he's a handful.
Yeah, we know.
Sign here.
It's room 122.
Yeah, we know.
Sure, like father like son.
Hey, man, you doing all right?
I just fucking hate hospitals.
I hear you.
We can go in together.
All right.
(people chattering)
(relaxed music)
there they are.
My boys.
Oh, look at you two,
you, you're all grown up.
Of course we are.
We're men.
(gentle music)
Where's the other one?
The other one?
You mean Bobby?
What, are we, uh, possessions of yours,
notches on your bed post there, Dad?
You may be old and frail
and on your deathbed,
you haven't changed, the
same old heartless prick.
It's all right.
I guess I deserved that, hmm?
You deserved a lot more than that.
(gentle music)
What's this?
Bottom of the fifth.
You don't remember?
It was everything, Pop.
Do you know what that does
to an 11-year-old boy?
Do you know what that fucking does?
I'm gonna get some air,
'cause I can't stand the
fucking stench in here.
(gentle music)
So how's life been for you, sport?
(machine beeping)
Now your brother's a whiny
little bitch, isn't he?
Hard to believe that's even your brother.
He's such an obnoxious asshole.
(pensive music)
Good to see you, Dad.
I know it's gonna be hard to do this
and hard to make it up to you,
but I just wanna... (coughs)
Come in closer.
I need you to know that
I, I know I have...
It's, it's okay.
You don't have to say anything.
No, no, no. I need to.
I owe you boys.
I know I haven't done right by you kids.
I just wanna let you know
that the, the key to your happiness
is behind the Road to Terzetto.
The road to what?
The Road to Terzetto.
(machines beeping)
(grim music)
(Smits coughs)
(pensive music)
(machine beeping)
[Bobby] Hey, you see Dad yet?
Where's Linc?
Probably at the nearest bar.
It went that well, huh?
All right, I'm gonna go see him.
I'll meet you guys outside.
(machine beeping)
(laid-back music)
- Hey.
- What?
What, what's going on?
It's me.
Who're you?
(indistinct) Bobby.
You, you're not Bobby.
(laid-back music)
Of course you don't recognize me, Dad.
You've been a piece of
shit your whole life.
You, what are you talking about?
- Yes, John.
- Get this asshole
out of my room.
I don't know who you are.
Get this piece of shit outta here.
Why are you being so
mean to my boyfriend?
Boyfriend. What?
(laid-back music)
You're right, baby.
There's more than just the will.
I knew it.
It's at his place in Palm Springs.
Hey, I thought we were friends.
You little fucking cunt.
I should have known.
Don't talk to her like that.
Don't tell me not to-
- Wow.
Harsh words
for a frail old man.
Fuck you, you cunt.
- Shut the fuck up.
- You're a cunt.
[Bobby] Don't talk to her like that.
- Pretty boy you-
- Shut the fuck up.
Don't talk to her like that.
She's a cunt.
(Smits mumbling)
(Smits groaning)
It's almost over, almost over.
Almost over.
Yeah, just a little bit longer.
Just a little bit longer.
(laid-back music)
Now the only thing
A gambler needs
That was so fucking hot though.
Is a suitcase
And a trunk
Now you have to go and find out
if he said anything to the other two.
Go now.
I'll clean up.
Is when
He's all stone cold
Oh, my God, doctor.
I need a doctor
Well, there is a house
In New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
About fucking time, what'd you do?
Read him a bedtime story.
He's in a deep sleep.
He passed out at me too.
He say anything to you guys?
Just his phony bullshit.
Yeah, he did that to me too.
He didn't mention anything
to you guys about more money?
Fuck his money.
You're as greedy as he is.
Let's get out of here, guys.
I'll drop you guys off
at the cars, all right?
My bike.
Fine. Let's go.
(Linc exhales)
(engine turning)
(upbeat music)
Hey, Johnny, what's up with these clubs?
It's kind of my thing.
What do you mean it's
kind of your thing?
That's how I make my money.
What, are you a pro golfer or something?
Not really.
Are you a hustler?
You can call it that.
Oh shit.
You must be good.
I guess the apple doesn't
fall far from the tree, does it?
I got pretty good aim.
For realz?
Pull over.
What? Right here?
Oh, no, no, no, we should keep going.
I wanna see these skills.
Pull the fuck over.
(upbeat music)
See that slide over
there at the playground?
- Yeah.
- You hit that,
I'll give you 50 bucks.
You're on.
Hey, Bobby, how about you?
Yeah, I tell you what though.
You hit it, I'll give you 100 bucks.
All right.
You are on.
Alright, guys.
Time to grip it and rip it.
(golf club thudding)
Big dogs gotta eat.
Oh, shit.
- Hey, pay up.
- Those are some
mad skills there.
Pay up.
Big dogs gotta eat, boys.
Like I said, a born hustler.
(cellphone ringing)
We just saw him.
No, I'm with the guys right now.
All right.
Dad's dead.
Are you shitting?
What happened?
Waxman said he had a heart attack.
Was anyone there?
He didn't say.
Last thing he sees
from me is my outburst.
You know what, fuck him
for leaving us again.
Let's head back to Waxman's office.
(upbeat music)
I'm 2,000 miles away
And I can't see you every day
But I wanted to I want you to know
Two years went by
When I didn't know if I should
run away or just go home
But the shame I faced
was too hard to show
I'm gonna move every mountain
I'm gonna pop the ocean
And just to stop the world
That keeps me from you
I just want your forgiveness
I just want you to need me
'Cause I would do anything
Just to be there with you
It's those little
things I can't replace
I miss them all
It's on your face
See the innocence in your eyes
(indistinct) I miss the
years when I was young
And they'd run on back,
but they won't come
To see the good men like I am
I'm gonna move every mountain
I'm gonna pop the ocean
Hi, Ira is expecting you.
[Bobby] Thanks.
Hey, um...
(Julie sighs)
Hey, guys.
Sometimes life ain't fair, right?
At least you got to see him.
Yeah, we saw him.
Okay, so what's next?
So, as I said before,
you guys get the house,
his art collection, and $250,000 each.
I just need you to sign these documents
to get the ball rolling.
Okay, where do I sign?
Oh, right here.
Also, the house.
Now, the house has been in foreclosure
for a couple months now.
So you should probably get
there as soon as you can
before the bank seizes it.
I thought he left us the house.
He did. He did.
Even after he's gone,
he's still fucking with us.
Uh, since you guys just saw him.
I mean, did he mention anything else?
What do you mean anything else?
Something else he might have left you.
Look, I don't know, a,
a bike, cat, more money?
Well, you're his fucking
lawyer, shouldn't you know?
Just curious like.
You know what they say,
curiosity killed the lawyer.
Okay, um, well, if you guys do go,
Julie will give you the address.
We should go to his place now.
Well, maybe we should go tomorrow.
Johnny's right.
I'm gonna go home and grab a few things.
We'll meet back here in two hours.
We should all go together.
Sounds good.
Okay, it sounds like a plan.
(upbeat music)
Didn't think so.
It's the address to your
dad's place in Palm Springs.
Are you okay?
Does this address come with your number?
You're persistent, Mr. Chance.
No one ever got hurt trying.
(Julie laughs)
It's not true.
(phone ringing)
(Julie sighs)
Ira Waxman's?
Yes, sure.
Please hold.
I'll get that later, Julie.
Yeah, they're gone.
All right, well, (indistinct).
I forget my keys.
(Julie sighs and chuckles)
You know what, I, I'm gonna
give you my phone number.
- Really?
- Yep.
Oh, um, let me give you mine.
I drew a heart.
Thought you might like that.
I do.
Call me.
You got a beautiful smile.
Get out of here.
See you bro's in a few.
(bike revving)
(upbeat music)
(engine turning)
(intense music)
(car roaring)
(upbeat music)
Baby, we stay joined by
your ring around my finger
And I feel your laughter in my smile
Every night I hear you sing
The love song in my dreams
When I wake up, I miss you here
But, honey, I believe
That someday I'll see you in Heaven
Way up where the angels fly
Honey, somewhere down the
road we'll be together
'Til then, Heaven gets me by
Someday I'll see you in Heaven
Way up where the angels fly
Honey, somewhere down the
road we'll be together
'Til then, Heaven gets me by
I think I should go to Palm Springs now
before the guys get there.
And do what?
I don't know.
Look for whatever I'm
supposed to look for.
And what are you looking for?
It should be pretty obvious
when I get there, right?
What if it isn't?
Are you sure Johnny or
Linc didn't say anything?
Nothing that sticks out.
You need to ride with them.
Why? What?
You need to get to know
them so they open up to you.
And what is that gonna do?
It's going to gain their trust.
The old man said something, I know it.
I don't know about this.
Just think of Aruba.
Pina Coladas.
Beautiful sunsets every day.
You and me.
I'll go.
Thanks, love.
(gentle music)
You think Linc's coming?
Yeah, why wouldn't he?
I don't know, he seemed
pretty angry at Dad.
Just a lot of water
onto the bridge, man.
Wish I talked to him more
before he passed, you know?
Wanted to ask him
more about my childhood.
You remember him?
Not really.
But he was mentioning some other
stuff he wanted to give us.
Like what?
I don't know, just some stuff.
I'm sure it's the same shit
he mentioned to you guys.
He didn't mention anything to me.
Well, he mentioned
something to Linc, maybe.
What up?
- Hey, man.
- Yo.
Should we all ride together?
Maybe have a little bonding trip?
No way, man.
It's a road trip.
Where I go, Black Betty goes,
All right.
Can I ride with you then, Johnny?
Alright, cool, hop in, man.
Let's roll.
Try to keep up.
(upbeat music)
(engines roaring)
(tense music)
[Julie] Uh, hi.
- Hi.
- Can I help you?
Hello, young lady, we were hoping
to speak with Mr. Waxman.
Do you have an appointment?
Let's just say he's expecting us.
Is he expecting you?
Or am I, am I saying
that he's expecting you?
What's the difference?
There's a big difference.
Well, then he's expecting us.
(tense music)
Mr. Waxman, there are
two men here to see you.
What are your names?
Sonny and Cher.
Yeah, Sonny and Cher.
Oh, man, am I Sonny, or am I Cher?
Oh, boy.
Yeah, I don't...
He's not here, must have
left through the back.
I can make you an appointment though.
That's a shame.
We were really looking
forward to speaking with him.
Well, I can make you an appointment.
Um, let's see, we have an availability...
[Greg] You got a thing
going on with Johnny?
Look, there's a little heart
by his name and number.
Let me see that.
Oh, my God, that's so cute.
Oh, my God, there's a little
heart next to the name.
Isn't that sweet?
A client.
A client?
Client with a heart next to his name?
You've got a sharp tongue.
I like that.
Then I'm gonna have to ask
you a couple of questions
about your client.
I'm not at liberty to discuss clients.
Tony, would you mind
giving this young lady
one of our business cards?
Oh, I would be happy
to give her one of our business cards.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought
your name was Cher.
Those aren't our real names, honey.
Yeah. (vocalizing)
Lemme see your hand for a second, please.
(Julie scoffs)
- Could-
- Gimme your fucking hand.
(Julie sighs)
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, sea moss green.
Look at that.
- Whet are you doing?
- Isn't that cute?
Oh, I just wanna check out your match.
(Julie screaming and crying)
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
Ooh, wow, that's gnarly.
Sorry, that had to hurt
a little bit, didn't it?
What the fuck you want?
[Greg] What was Johnny doing here?
I don't know.
You don't?
Uh, the, uh, the, his da-dad died.
Who are those two guys he was with?
His brothers. Fuck.
I didn't know that scumbag had brothers.
You're gonna have to give us
a little bit more information
than that, young lady.
They're reading a will, his dad's will.
Is there a lot of money involved?
You don't?
Please don't make Tony
play the little piggy game.
He loves that game.
I, I do love the little piggy game.
This little piggy-
No, okay, okay, okay.
- Yo.
- I heard $250,000.
Is that each or are that splitting that?
Holy shit.
Is that it?
Can you go now?
One more question for
the final jeopardy round.
Where the fuck are they going?
Their dad's place in Palm Springs.
Palm Springs.
You know I love Palm Springs.
I must tell, they have
the best vanilla latte
right down on Main Street
in this little coffee shop.
It's really amazing.
You should go there sometime.
That wasn't so hard,
now was it, young lady?
I suggest you keep your
mouth shut about this
and pretend it never happened.
I'm gonna keep this just in case.
Oh, I do really love your nails though.
By the way, that sea moss
green is very, very sexy.
You fucking keep it.
Oh, I will.
Actually, thank you, I will take that.
[Greg] Have a good night, young lady.
Oh, God.
Fucking A.
I hope you got some good news.
I do.
Looks like Mr. Johnny just
came into 250,000 large.
Looks like he's on his way
to his dad's place out in Palm Springs.
You need to go out there.
We could just wait for him at his place.
No, you need to go.
Do you have the address?
I don't want him skipping
town before he pays me.
Sounds like he could pay
us a little interest now.
Okay, boss.
Looks like we're going to Palm Springs.
(intense music)
(upbeat music)
(bike roaring)
I always wanted a bike.
There's so much freedom on one.
You ever have one?
I had a Huffy Thunder, had
a dairy crate in the front.
It was easy to deliver newspapers.
I had a newspaper route too.
I remember getting paid.
First thing I'd do is
get a roll of quarters
and go to the bowling alley.
They had a, a Knight Rider pinball machine
and I loved to play.
You know, I was always
into the easy money.
I started booking bets
when I was like, 16.
So you were always a hustler?
When did you start playing golf?
Ah, when I was in high school.
I was on the golf team.
I remember we were on a par three
and I bet this guy, Joey Riggs, 20 bucks
that I can hit this, this pitching wedge
right on the green, right?
I hit it.
I hit the flag, went right in the hole.
(both laughing)
That was the easiest 20 bucks I ever made.
You know.
Man, I always loved that rush of gambling.
You ever get that feeling,
Bobby, man, those endorphins
that just go through your
body, your mind, man.
It's wild.
And I never played it safe.
You know, I never told
that story in a long time.
Thanks, brother.
Just go on home
[Both] To brothers.
Just go on home
Wait, wait, wait.
What are you doing?
We gotta keep going.
Come on, what, don't you
wanna do your good deed
for the day or what?
We should go to the house
before the band takes it.
Nah, hey, relax, it's
just a pit stop, all right?
You don't want Linc to
get all the glory, do you?
Just go on home
(girls screaming)
- Oh, my God, that's hot.
- Okay.
[Brittany] Thank you.
(upbeat music)
Just go on home
You girls need a hand?
Yeah, it just stopped working.
What happened?
It was jerking and then it just stopped.
There was smoke coming
out of the engine.
Are those your friends?
They're actually my brothers.
What, are you guys having a
family reunion or something?
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
- Okay.
- Lemme have a look.
Hey, where's the party?
We're having a girl's
weekend in Palm Springs.
Hey, I'm Tammi.
I'm Johnny, this is Bobby.
And under the hood over there is Linc.
- That's Brittany and Tiffany.
- Hi.
Well, I hate to tell you this,
but your car's not going anywhere.
You need a new radiator hose?
Can you fix it?
Yeah, but everything's probably closed
and it's gonna be dark soon.
I guess we're not going
to our hotel tonight.
I saw motel a few miles back.
Can you boys give us a ride?
Sure. Hop in.
Can you grab our luggage?
No problem.
Hey, Bobby.
We need to go, man.
These girls are not our problem.
We can't leave them here.
Can I ride with you?
[Linc] Lemme give you my jacket.
(bike roaring)
(upbeat music)
I always wanted a bike.
Yeah, me too.
(upbeat music)
Well, they find the
shakes, the sky's full
Crazy days they shook your love
A big hammer's going across you
You like that?
You ever ride on a Harley before?
No, I haven't.
That was hot.
Yeah, she gets that a lot.
You know, I was thinking,
why don't you guys just
stay here for the night.
We can have our own little party.
I like where you're going with this.
So then you can fix
my hose in the morning.
I'll go get us two rooms
(upbeat music)
Everything cool?
All good.
We're staying here for night, boys.
What, no, man, we gotta get going.
Look around.
What's the rush?
We gotta get to the house
before the bank takes it.
Dude, bank's fucking closed.
There's no way they're taking
it in the middle of the night.
Alright, fine.
Adjoining rooms.
Alright, come on, guys, come on, guys.
Join me, let's do a toast to
partying with the brothers.
(all cheering)
Let's do a toast to
partying with the sisters.
(all cheering)
Wait, wait, wait, wait, you're sisters?
We are tonight, brothers.
Here's to lots and lots
of money coming to us.
(all cheering)
Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What do you mean money?
What money is coming to you?
- Chill.
- Aren't you after money?
How do you know?
Because everyone is after money, silly.
Dude, chill out, all right?
Here's to brothers, here's to sisters.
Wine is fine, but tequila's quicker.
Here's to the whole fucking family.
(all cheering)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
I got to drain the main vein.
(toilet flushing)
Whoa, whoa, didn't know you
were hung like a horsefly.
[Bobby] A moment of privacy.
I didn't know we had a sister.
Is that what we got, a sister?
We got a sister.
(Bobby groans)
Oh, my God.
- Bobby.
- Hey, Bobby, you okay?
- Bobby.
- Hey, wake up.
- (gasps) Is he okay?
- Bobby.
Say something.
[Linc] Bobby, wake up, man.
Bobby, come on, wake up.
[Linc] Bobby?
[Johnny] Dude, just breathe.
There you go.
- I'm okay.
- Good man.
You took a nasty header.
Yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay.
You guys really care for me?
Of course, man.
Yeah, man, we're brothers.
Help me up, help me up.
(Bobby groaning)
Come on, brother.
- Oh, fuck, man.
- Up on your knees.
[Bobby] What's that?
[Linc] You alright, brother?
Oh, you know what would
make me feel better?
(laughs) Shots
(upbeat music)
[Woman] You've woken up.
(door latch clicking)
(vehicles roaring)
(door thudding)
(footsteps plodding)
Can't sleep?
Um, I don't sleep much anyway.
Yeah, I don't either.
My life's been pretty crazy lately.
I just have a tough time relaxing.
What's up?
About a year ago, my fiance
got killed in a car accident.
I haven't slept since.
I'm so sorry.
(gentle music)
I was pretty devastated.
Started drinking and gambling again.
You know, she's the only
woman that's ever loved me.
I never had anyone like
that in my life before.
(gentle music)
I could hear her now,
just telling me to stop
feeling sorry for myself
and get on with my life.
She was pretty amazing.
She sounds special.
So the other night I
got really, really drunk
and I started gambling at this place
that I shouldn't have been at.
I ended up owing this guy,
Viper, a lot of money.
I gotta pay him today.
I was just hoping this
inheritance would, you know,
gimme a clean slate.
That's what this Greg the leg shit is?
Yeah, one of Viper's goons.
I was gonna do something with mine too.
I got this neighbor,
such an amazing mom.
She's got this little boy who's sick.
Comes running out of the building
when I pull up on my bike, you know,
he's so excited.
Needs a bone marrow transplant.
Of course her insurance won't cover it.
I told her I was gonna pay for it.
I didn't know how the fuck, but now I do.
That boy deserves a good life,
a lot better than I ever had.
(gentle music)
If I had half his heart,
I'd be all good.
I know I've been bitter on Dad.
The truth of it is, all I ever wanted
was for him to tell me
that he was proud of me.
That's it.
If he knew you, he definitely would be.
Let's go in to try to
get some sleep, alright.
Hey, Linc.
Dad did say something to me.
He mentioned something
about finding happiness
behind the Road of Terzetto.
What's that?
I don't know, I think
it's maybe the road
we're going on or something.
Doesn't make sense.
Probably just speaking Jewish.
That's what I thought.
(bright music)
Hey, where are you guys going?
We're gonna get the
hose and get moving early.
All right.
I had an awesome time last night.
Me too, brother.
(door thudding)
(tense music)
(footsteps tapping)
Fuck me.
(tense music)
Hey, babe.
Yeah, I know, I was busy.
No, I don't, I don't think
he said anything to them.
I know.
No, I'm telling you everything.
I swear.
Yes, baby, we are still going to Aruba.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Holy shit.
I can explain, Johnny, I-
- [Johnny] What the fuck going on here?
I was talking to this girl
that came over the other day.
No, no, not you.
(upbeat music)
Oh, fuck.
(frantic music)
Are you guys leaving?
Yeah, we got some things we gotta do.
Oh, okay, where's Tiffany?
Uh, she fucking left with
Linc to get the car part.
Last night was fun.
[Johnny] Yeah, a great time.
Fuck, man, what are they doing here?
I don't know, I don't know, dude.
Do you think they're following us?
I don't know, but I
don't wanna find out.
Hey, man, I just want to tell you,
if you're in trouble, I'm here for you.
Thanks, man.
No, I mean it.
I never knew this was what
I was missing in my life.
I never had a family, man.
Never had someone I'd
stand by no matter what.
I never had a brother.
You know, dad really fucked us over.
You know that?
(frantic music)
What's up?
Greg was at the hotel.
Bet that ain't a sightseeing trip.
I'm gonna finish up here.
You guys go on to Dad's.
I'll be right behind you.
Alright man.
Watch your ass.
You too.
You know, I had a fun night last night.
Yeah, me too.
You got a girl?
You know, I got Julie's number.
Waxman's secretary?
Yeah, I kinda like her.
She seems cool.
Hey, man, can you just pull over?
Hey, man, you doing okay?
I don't know, can you just pull over?
You gonna puke?
I don't know, man,
just pull over, please.
(gentle music)
I'm all right.
Gimme a couple of minutes.
(upbeat music)
So I got to the gym today
and there was a, a dent in my Tesla.
I got so pissed off.
But I've been practicing, um, meditating,
and I got to a calm place,
you know, like still,
like still, like, water.
So I get home and, um,
I get this letter from
my biological father.
(pensive music)
I never had a family.
I just found out that,
um, I got two brothers.
(pensive music)
I always knew there was
something missing from my life,
I never knew it was a brother.
A brother.
Someone that would be
by you no matter what.
Yeah, I,
I'm just blabbing.
Hey, I'm Bobby.
I'm Luke.
you seem like a good guy.
You too.
[Bobby] Here, let's toast.
(tense music)
To good luck and to good fortune.
Here, here.
(Bobby whistling)
(ominous music)
(keys clacking)
(Luke grunting)
(Bobby groaning)
(body thudding)
(Luke whistling)
Come on, man, we gotta go.
All right.
I'm coming.
Come on, I gotta call Julie.
(tense music)
(vehicles roaring)
Okay, let's go.
(upbeat music)
Baby, sometimes the road feels wrong
Just still where I belong
You and me ain't never gonna die
Oh, shit.
[Waxman] Hey, guys.
- Hey.
- Hey, man.
Just making sure things are in order.
I'll be right in.
Well, I'll see you inside.
(tense music)
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the fuck do you need that for?
I got a bad feeling.
(bike roaring)
Waxman's here.
- What?
- Yeah.
Julie gave this to me before we left.
Never trust a lawyer.
I wonder what that
motherfucker is up to.
(tense music)
I'm just being careful.
You think?
What the fuck, guys?
Everyone has a gun but me.
Here, take that.
Safety scissors?
What the fuck am I gonna do with these?
We go in business as usual.
Either way.
(tense music)
Oh, sorry, gentlemen.
Looks like a homeless guy
kind of just broke in here, right?
[Johnny] Yeah.
[Waxman] It's a disaster.
Oh, other brother showed up.
This all the stuff Dad left us.
Yeah. Yeah.
There's this, and then
the stuff in the bedroom.
Oh, let's see what's there.
Uh, wait, let's just, uh,
deal with the stuff here first, yeah?
Any of this shit worth anything?
I can check for you.
Let's check.
Okay, well, there's the couch.
Pretty expensive couch.
Not bad.
And then we got the trinkets on the wall.
We got the ornaments
above the fireplace and-
- I got dibs on this one right there.
Nope, that one is mine.
Well, actually looks like the other one
was your dad's favorite.
[Linc] Are you sure about that?
Yeah. Yeah.
It's called the "Road to Terzetto."
The "Road to Terzetto."
Behind the "Road to Terzetto."
That's what Dad said.
It's the painting?
(tense music)
It's a map.
That's great.
Now put the fucking painting down.
Oh, you little fuck ball.
Hey, Waxfuck.
Put the fucking gun down.
Okay, okay, okay.
Look, I'm just playing.
I'm not gonna shoot you.
Look at me.
Yeah, but I will,
Baby, what the fuck are you doing here?
- Baby?
- Put the fucking gun down
and stand over by him.
Put your hands over your head.
Wait, you're Dad's nurse.
We're just here to collect
what's on the back of the painting.
Grab the painting.
(tense music)
Are you guys fucking?
Hey, B,
I have to secure my
tropical retirement plan.
And that wasn't gonna
happen just relying on you.
I thought it was just me and you.
Stop being a pussy, Luke.
[Johnny] Luke?
That's right, Luke
killed your real brother.
[Johnny] You fucking asshole,
I fucking trusted you, man.
I know, I'm sorry,
all right.
Don't say
another fucking word.
I didn't mean for anything
like this to happen.
I knew you were a piece of fucking shit.
Wow, this is touching.
Pick up the fucking gun now.
(tense music)
So, which brother gets shot first.
[Bobby] Let him go.
So let's start with him.
Angie, we don't have to do this.
We could just go now.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Don't do this.
We don't have to kill anyone else.
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
I'm sorry.
I couldn't let you shoot my brothers.
But they're not your brothers.
Yes, they are.
But we were supposed to go to...
(pensive music)
(Linc groaning)
Listen, we're gonna get through this.
(pensive music)
I've got something for you.
(pensive music)
This is to remind you that
you'll always have a brother.
(tense music)
(gun clicking)
(gun fires)
(tense music)
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck is right
Viper, I got your money.
Oh, you, you do.
Where is it?
Yeah, I just need the bank to clear it
and everything's gonna be fine.
I gave you 24 hours
and we're long past that deadline.
So why don't we just
fucking smoke 'em right now
so we can jump in the hot springs here.
That's what we came here for.
Yeah, let's just smoke 'em right now.
Do you have another cheese
steak, you Philly fuck.
(gun fires)
Well, shit.
What the you do that for?
I didn't like him.
Yeah, let's shoot this one next.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, fuck, no, no, no, no.
Hey, I should show you more money, okay?
There's more.
Wait, Wax, what?
What, what, what, what money?
Lemme shoot this one.
Fuck, it's on the back
of the painting, okay?
That's where it is.
[Viper] Check.
Keep an eye on him.
Let me see this shit?
[Tony] Oh, check this out.
Whoa, looks like a fucking map.
A map.
To what?
We don't know.
We didn't get that far yet.
Uh, hold on.
Wait a minute, all right, look,
this is a house right here.
There's a tree over here.
That's the X right there.
And right next to it
is that carriage thing
we saw out there.
Looks like we're going
on a little treasure out.
(tense music)
Show us where this is.
Let's go.
'Kay, Jesus.
Let's go.
Come on.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
It looks like it's here.
Can I shoot him now?
No, you need someone to dig.
I can't do that.
Shit, man, I have a bad back.
Oh, okay, okay.
Emilio, shoot him.
You, fuck.
Okay, I'll dig, Jesus Christ.
Tony, go find some shovels.
Find some shovels?
Fuck am I gonna find shovels?
Right, I'll go find some shovels
I'm really fucking sorry, man.
I just haven't decided if
I'm gonna kill you or not.
This is the best I can find.
Okay, gimme the map.
Best start digging.
Let's go, I don't wanna be here all day.
Only got one shovel.
Let's go, fuck nuts.
Use the fucking hoe.
How am I supposed to
use the fucking hoe?
[Tony] Use the hoe.
You guys are lucky
that I'm digging at all.
Shut the fuck up.
Fuck you cocksucker.
Yeah, you know what, this is
fun, but I'm getting hungry.
Tony, Emilio make sure
this shit gets done.
Tell me about the diner, T.J. is?
Could go for a greasy burger, man.
(Greg speaks indistinctly)
Hey, boss, you get me a burger too?
[Viper] No.
I'll get you a quesadilla
and make sure that shit gets
done by the time I get back.
[Tony] Yeah, you got it, boss?
[Emilio] Yeah.
Oh, ho, ho, who's the
boss now motherfuckers?
Who's the boss?
This fucking guy.
This fucking guy right
here, is the fucking boss.
[Emilio] Wait, why are you the boss?
[Tony] 'Cause Viper
just left me in charge.
No he didn't.
What do you mean, he looked at me
and he said, "Make sure
those holes get dug."
And then he left, he left me in charge.
Okay, but just because
you responded first
doesn't mean you're in charge.
Bro, he looked right at me.
No, he looked at both of us.
He looked at both of us.
You want to be in charge?
Ah, I don't want that
kind of responsibility.
I shoot people, I don't-
- No shit, asshole, right?
That's why I'm in charge.
So what are you, the hole master?
Charge of just digging the holes?
Yeah, dig the fucking holes.
I got these fucking assholes doing it.
Hey, hurry the fuck up.
(grim music)
Can we take a break?
What the fuck am I supposed
to do with the hoe?
I don't know, take her to a hotel.
You know what I mean, dipshit.
Okay, fine, use the little shovel then.
Use the little shovel there,
a little guy with a little shovel.
Yeah. Yeah.
Little shovel for a little hand, huh?
Yeah, it's perfectly in there too.
Oh, look at that.
Johnny, you'll like this one.
What's black and brown and
looks good on a lawyer.
A doberman.
(Tony and Emilio laughing)
I love that.
Yeah, hold on, I got one,
I got one, I got one.
- Hm?
- Alright.
What does a lawyer get
when he takes Viagra?
I don't know, what does a
lawyer get when he takes Viagra?
(both laughing)
You know I've heard all this
shit like 100 times, right?
Always getting angry.
Fuck, okay, this is fucking bullshit.
I'm taking a break.
(gun fires)
- Holy fuck!
- Holy fuckity fuck, fuck.
What the hell did you do that for?
Well, we were making lawyer jokes.
I thought it'd be kind of funny.
I, I mean, it's funny,
but Viper's gonna freak the fuck out, man.
Like we didn't find what
we're looking for yet.
(dog barking)
Hey, I found something.
Let's call Viper.
Well, hold on a second.
Maybe we should see what's inside of it
before we call Viper.
Yeah, maybe we should wait.
(ominous music)
The fuck is this?
(golf club thudding)
(upbeat music)
(fists thudding)
(gun fires)
(Tony grunting)
(upbeat music)
(Linc groaning)
(dog barking)
Takes more than a couple of
bullets to stop me, brother.
Hey, look, I found something.
What you find?
(Linc groaning)
We're set.
We're fucking golden.
Yes, we are.
(tense music)
Put the box down.
Step back.
(tense music)
I'm gonna look you in the eye
before I fucking kill you.
(tense music)
Hey, Viper.
I got one thing to say to you.
What, motherfucker?
You're a shitty golfer.
(guns firing)
(Linc groaning)
(Linc panting)
Fucking no.
(intense music)
(Linc coughs)
If I don't make it, man,
make sure the kid gets the money.
I've seen
Too much for my age
Linc, Linc, Linc.
There's way more to life
Wake up, man!
(Linc coughing)
Escaping from a cage
As I climb into the hills
I'm not going anywhere, man.
Fucking going anywhere.
I remember times
I headed out alone
You gotta live to die
Do you want this?
I don't need it.
Like it's your last day
You gotta take the ride
You go along (indistinct) day
You live alone
And the angels go to war
You'll break the reels down
Raise your hands to the sun
I'll follow you.
I don't think I can ride.
I'm not leaving Black Betty here.
(intense music)
Guess I'm riding bitch.
Live (indistinct)
Anything for my brother?
Only yesterday
Be bold and I hear what you say
(bike roaring)
(intense music)
I don't need the heat
I didn't ask for the power
I never wanted any trouble
And I won't die a coward
You think monies satisfaction
It ain't freedom if you aren't free
It's all just an illusion
You'd sell your soul for some peace
Give me the warm country sun
Warm country sun
Get me out of the city
The warm country sun
Warm country sun
I need the comfort and peace, yeah
(upbeat music)
I kinda like my simple life
Till someone tells me it's wrong
I'm kinda used to my father
I never meant any harm
I got God in my church
I earn the money I make
My children learn appreciation
With every sweat I break
Give me the warm country sun
Warm country sun
Get me out of the city
The Warm Country Sun
Warm country sun
I need the comfort and peace, yeah
(upbeat music)
(dramatic music)
(film reel rattling)
(wind whistling)
(vehicles roaring)
(bar patron whistling)
(ominous music)
(keys clacking)
(keys thudding)
(bar patron grunting)
(body thudding)
(ominous music)
(upbeat music)
Hell's breaking loose
The gospel truth
The gospel truth
The gospel truth
The gospel truth
Ah, the gospel truth
Ah ha ha
The gospel truth
Ah, yeah
The gospel truth
Oh, no
(easy-going music)
One, two
(Johnny coughing)
Well, life has nearly killed me
And my mind has put me on the edge
Life has nearly killed me
And my mind has put me on the edge
Though I can barely crawl
I have got to walk where
these angels fear to tread
(phone buzzing)
Darkness nearly drowned me
The sunlight, Lord,
don't it burn my eyes
(phone buzzing)
Hey, Viper.
How you feeling this morning?
I'm fine.
What's going on?
I called four times.
You avoiding me?
No, man, I was in the shower.
You got my cash, motherfucker?
Yeah, right.
If not, I'll just take the title
for that Porsche of yours.
What the hell are you talking about?
Come to the club now.
For what?
(phone line beeping)
(fist thudding)
(upbeat music)
What do you want?
What do I want?
Just making sure that, uh, you know,
you don't skip out on our little meeting.
I was just on my way there right now.
Oh, you are?
Oh, that's great.
Then we can ride together.
I can be your escort.
I don't need a babysitter.
I told you, I'm on my way.
Babysitter, huh?
Ugh, who said anything about a babysitter?
More like a little shit sitter.
Shit sitter?
How about get in the fucking car?
Listen, I gotta take my
car, I got a bunch of errands.
Get in the fucking car, motherfucker.
Let's go.
(upbeat music)
I don't smoke.
Did you, uh, you watch
the Masters last weekend?
You like golf?
He dropped this putt in,
man, it was brilliant.
How long you been working for Viper for?
Feel kind of sick.
Can you stop at like a,
a store or something?
I need like a, like an
acid reflex or something.
What, uh,
what does Viper want?
Hey, hey, can you slow it
down a little bit, man,
I feel sick.
Oh, fuck!
Can you roll the windows down?
Oh, fuck, dude.
I just bought these.
(Tony chuckles)
Can you put the windows down?
Like child locks here.
Do you like ever say anything or what?
(upbeat music)
[Tony] Oh, look who I stumbled into,
little Johnny whip dick.
Stop dealing.
I remember you, dude.
You were fucking hammered last night.
Look who it is, man of the hour,
Johnny I ran out of cash.
Crazy night last night, huh?
I guess.
So, you got something for me?
Well, I was gonna go to the bank,
but, um, Bugsy Malone here
picked me up and brought me here.
I'll PayPal you.
You owe me some serious cash.
How serious?
30 K.
The fuck you talking about?
I don't remember taking a marker out for-
- You did not just say that!
Deal me out.
[Dealer] Sure thing, boss.
Come with me.
Walk asshole, let's go.
I want you to pay me back now.
I don't like to let you linger.
I don't have that kind of cash, okay?
You give me a couple weeks,
I'll come up with it.
Fuck a couple weeks!
I'm giving you 24 hours.
Hey, that's a lot of dough
to come up with in a couple hours, okay?
No, it's not a couple hours.
It's 24 hours.
I hear you're a golfer.
Yeah, I can hold my own.
Hmm, you can, huh?
(fingers clicking)
I heard you almost went pro,
but got banned for gambling and hustling
all the other golfers.
Who the fuck told you that?
You were drunk as fuck last night
and you told me everything.
See, I like me some hustlers, okay?
They keep my business thriving.
How about this?
Got a great idea,
'cause I like to gamble and
I like to play games too.
How about we putt for your marker?
Okay, I sink this,
you pay me in 24 hours,
and if you sink it, you're debt free.
How's that sound?
I love games.
(tense music)
This could be your lucky day.
(golf club thuds)
(tense music)
Can't win 'em all, right?
You're up, tiger.
Let's see that magic swing.
(tense music)
- Yeah!
- Ooh.
- What the hell was that?
- That was an incredible
motherfucking shot.
[Johnny] It was a lucky shot.
Can't believe you didn't go pro.
Oh, you should've went pro.
Did you really think I was
gonna let you walk away
from a 30 grand marker?
You are one stupid motherfucker.
You got 24 hours.
If I don't have my money
then, my pro golf team
is gonna be swinging a few
nine irons at you kneecaps.
You dig?
I dig.
Can I shoot him now, boss?
Hey, Jimmy, deal me in.
Sure thing, boss.
Hey, Jimmy.
Deal me in.
Good, then we'll see you
later Johnny no cash. (laughs)
(tires squealing)
See you fuck face.
(tense music)
(truck roaring)
What you just say to me, huh?
Have a good day.
That's what I fucking thought you said.
(truck roaring)
Oh, fuck.
What the fuck is this?
(mysterious music)
(upbeat music)
Oh, damn she's fine.
Would you tap that?
Does a coyote defecate in the desert?
I don't know, I've never seen a coyote.
It's rhetorical.
Oh, yeah, rhetorical.
Man, what does a coyote
shitting in the desert
have anything to do with her?
It doesn't.
Why bring it up?
Just forget it, would you?
I'm just saying, man,
if a coyote's going around
shitting in the desert,
what does that have to do with that one?
Forget it.
You ruined the moment.
Man, the moment is fine.
I mean, we can get it in.
I don't know that we
can get it done though,
but we could get it in.
Hey, Linc, you riding this weekend?
Yep, going down the coast with my boys.
Nice, I gotta get me a bike.
You don't even know how to ride.
Take a few lessons.
Well, it's not the same thing.
Man, I've basically been
riding a bike my entire life.
It's different than a bicycle.
Is it not exactly the same?
How so?
[Mrs. Kerry] Hi, guys.
- Oh, hey.
- Hi.
Do you think you'd have my
car ready by this afternoon?
Ah, for that,
you're gonna want to talk
to our associate, the Linc.
Can you have my car
ready this afternoon?
I have an important dinner to get to.
Let me see what I can do.
I'm working on a couple cars ahead of you.
If you do my car, I'll
make it worth your while.
(door creaking)
That's why I gotta get me
a bike, man, right there.
Where's Linc?
Where's Linc?
- Who?
- He's working hard, sir.
Don't fuck with me, boys.
Giving the customer the extra
(couple moaning)
He's doing man's work, sir.
Go easy on him.
(door banging)
(Linc grunting)
What the fuck, Linc?
I told you I need Dr. Robinson's car done.
Chill out, Earl, I said I'd get it done.
Oh, well, it looks like you're
working on something else.
I'm telling you, I'm gonna
get the fucking car done.
You know what, Linc?
I want you out of my garage now.
- Don't touch me.
- Get out!
(fist thudding)
(upbeat music)
You're fired!
Get out!
(upbeat music)
All we are
(bike roaring)
Is all we feel
Wait till your parole
officer hears about this.
Your words of hope they thrill
I'm sorry, Mrs. Kerry.
It's Miss Kerry,
and I still need my car fixed.
Hi, hello there, I'll fix your car.
We can both fix your car.
We are
Your disco kills
(cellphone pings)
(gentle music)
(bike roaring)
(gentle music)
[Phil] Hey, buddy.
So maybe you got some of that rent for me?
I'll have it for you
in a couple days, Phil.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, little man.
How you feeling today?
I'm awesome.
Did you get a new haircut?
It looks cool.
[Jason] Thanks.
I got you something.
(Maria gasps)
(gasps) It's my favorite.
[Maria] I know.
[Linc] That, my friend, is an SS Camaro.
Hey, um, go play with your
toy so I can talk to Linc, huh?
See you in a bit, bud.
How you holding up?
I've had better days.
He's fine.
It's just his mom that's a mess.
How did it go with the doctors?
Well, the doctor said
that if, if he doesn't
get the operation soon,
he might not make it.
And I don't know what I would
do if you weren't helping me,
especially since I haven't
heard from his dad.
we got this, okay?
We gotta get him healthy.
I'm gonna pay you back
everything, I swear.
Are you sure you can still help me?
Totally, I'm working
extra hours at the shop.
The main thing is, I need
you to be strong for Jason.
You're an angel, Linc.
I don't know about that.
I do.
(speaking in foreign
language) I'd do anything
for that kid.
I know.
Oh, uh, I made some extra enchiladas.
I'll have Jason bring them by later.
(gentle music)
That'd be great.
Thank you so much.
(grim music)
(Bobby vocalizing)
[Angie] Hey, babe.
How'd it go?
How'd it go?
Did you hear me?
- No, I didn't.
- I asked how it went?
(laughs) It went great.
The first place I want to go is Aruba.
The water there is crystal clear.
I wanna snorkel.
Yeah, calm down.
We don't have the money yet.
We will soon.
I love you.
I love you too.
You hungry?
I'm ravenous.
Let's order pizza.
We had pizza last night.
That's because I love pizza.
What the fuck?
[Angie] I told you so many times
not to put the fucking keys on the table.
I'm sorry.
Look at me.
Don't tell me what to do.
(dramatic music)
Do you love me?
Of course I do.
do you love me?
But do you love me?
I do.
Prove it.
(intense music)
Well, I hope traffic
wasn't bad for you guys.
See, I am coming from the
west side, so traffic sucks.
Oh, and guess what?
Today the 405 was down in one lane
'cause of construction.
It's fucking disgusting, right?
Ugh, so is life.
Hey, Julie.
Anyways, I'm sure you guys
aren't interested in my shitty commute.
Well, you each got a letter.
That's obviously why you're here.
I'm Ira Waxman, by the
way, John Smits lawyer.
Now, if you don't know this,
John Smits is your estranged father.
Obviously the three of you
have different mothers,
so, makes you half brothers.
Last will and testament.
"I, John Smits, citizen
of the United States
and resident of California,
do hereby make, publish and declare
the instrument of my
last will and testament."
Can we just get to it?
"In the circumstance of my death,
I here declare my son's
John, Robert, and Lawrence
receive my Palm Springs estate,
my art collection, and $250,000 each.
Holy shit.
Oh, wait, who's Lawrence?
It's Linc.
Is that it?
Yeah, that's all that's written here.
Well, what were you expecting?
I figured he had more stashed
from his gambling days in Vegas.
How'd you know he was in Vegas?
Your mama told me.
So when are the old fucker die?
Well, he is actually not dead yet.
He wanted to see you guys
together before he passed.
Well, you could have let us know that
before, uh, you read the will?
Well, Johnny, he wanted it that way.
Hey, Julie.
Fucking coffee.
Well, he's at Holt's
Convalescent Home on Wilshire.
Visiting hours until five.
He was hoping on seeing you boys today.
- There you go.
- Thank you, sweetie.
Oh, Julie, can you get the guys
the address to the place, please?
Of course.
Thank you, sweetie.
You know what? Fuck this.
I'll be drinking heavily across the street
if you care to join me.
Thanks, Ira.
Here you go.
He's got some issues.
- Oh, well.
- Yeah.
Here you go.
- Oh.
- There you go.
Is this your address?
No, uh, it's the address
to where your dad is.
He's in room 122.
Oh, I was hoping it was yours.
Not a chance that it's mine.
I'm all about a chance.
(gentle music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(tense music)
It's not getting any better
That's what they keep
trying to feed me
Now that they do lie, I'm shattered
On the floor like a broken mirror
Call me Lawrence one more
time, see what happens.
Can I get a whiskey and coke?
And a beer too.
(wistful music)
Pretty girls are getting carded
Should've opened up for me
I closed the door on
that prick a long time ago.
I was in Little League.
I'm pitching the best game of my life.
Bottom of the fifth,
I'm just mowing 'em
down one after another.
We're up three, nothing.
I look over, I see him
getting into his car to leave.
At first I'm upset, I'm
pitching a no hitter.
Then I thought maybe he's
going to get some ice cream
or something to celebrate with.
That's the last fucking time I saw him.
His aim is a real piece of work.
I carry that game ball around with me
just to remind me of who I am.
I always thought about
what I'd say to him
when I saw him again, you know.
Now you'll have that chance.
When you see him,
let it rip.
I'll do that.
(glasses clinking)
(upbeat music)
(people chattering)
- Hey.
- Hey, man.
How about some shots, huh,
for my estranged brothers
from two other mothers.
Just because you're my half brother,
doesn't mean I gotta like you.
What the fuck did I do to you, huh?
You say, I always go with my gut.
Your gut's full of shit.
- What you-
- Hey, hey,
fucking calm, calm down.
We just fucking met, all right?
So let's sit down and
have a drink together.
Tone it down.
You know what, fuck all that shit.
I know exactly what
will lighten up the mood
and cheer you up.
(Bobby sniffing)
Come on, man.
My peace offering.
Give me a blast.
(Linc sniffing)
But don't be greedy,
feed the fucking needy.
[Bobby] I thought we're all alike.
I don't give a shit if you're brothers,
just be discreet.
I'll be a rockstar
[Johnny] (sniffing) Oh.
(brothers laughing)
[All] To (indistinct).
(upbeat music)
Put 'em up, oh
Put 'em up, yeah
Put 'em up, oh
Get 'em up, yeah
Put 'em up, oh
Get 'em up, yeah
Put 'em up, oh
Get 'em up, yeah
No stoppin'
No stoppin'
No stoppin'
Let's rock
(upbeat music)
Rock it up
Cut it up
Get 'em up
Put 'em up
Rock it up
Cut it up
Get 'em up
Put 'em up
Can we get some more shots?
We need some more...
Yeah, exactly.
[Linc] Where's the
fucking music, Shamus?
[Bobby] Get us some more shots.
(tense music)
Hey, Johnny, how you doing?
You know, it's always fun
tracking down a scumbag.
Cheers, Greg.
Philly fuck.
Call me that again,
you'll be picking up
your teeth off the ground
with broken fucking fingers.
What do you want?
It's not what I want,
it's what Viper wants.
Just tell him I'll, I'll
see him tomorrow or something.
See you tomorrow's too late fuck face.
(tense music)
Hey, cheese steak.
Why don't you fucking beat it?
Doesn't concern you, Guns N' Roses.
Fuck off.
Welcome to the jungle.
(fists thudding)
(upbeat music)
(bottle shattering)
Fuck with us again
and I'm gonna squeeze you like
a maggot in a rotten cherry.
[Johnny] Let's get outta here.
Who's going to clean this shit up?
That should cover it.
You're 86ed permanently.
- Fuck off Shamus.
- Suck a dick.
(upbeat music)
Johnny, what the fuck
was that back there?
I owe a little money.
How much?
Let's just say this inheritance
can help straighten things out.
I feel you.
Let's go now before that guy comes back.
Guys, hop in.
[Linc] Nice wheels.
I won it in a bet.
(machines beeping)
[Nurse] I need to check your pulse.
Hey, you can check more
than that if you want.
You still with that guy?
[Nurse] Yes.
When you dump him,
you know where to find me, huh?
You've been awful sweet to me.
I wish there was a way I could repay you.
You know, my boys will
come to visit today.
I got three boys.
Well, three that I know of,
at least anyway, you know.
(sighs) Truth is, uh, I was a shitty dad.
I abandoned them,
especially their mothers.
No boys deserve to be treated like that.
I wanna make it up to them.
I need to make it up to them, hmm.
I put them in my will, but, uh,
I don't think that'll erase
all the damage that was done.
But maybe it'll help.
Hey, lean in here.
Keep a secret?
[Nurse] Yeah, sure.
There's more for them at
my place in Palm Springs.
I kind of hid it.
- You hid it?
- Mm-hmm.
[Nurse] What'd you hide.
I mean, riches.
(Smits coughing)
(bright music)
Do you remember what he looks like?
I remember what he smells like.
Trucks stop coffee and Camel no filters.
Hey, you guys go ahead.
I gotta make a call.
[Johnny] It's room 122.
Got it.
Excuse me, uh, where you going?
Going to see my dad.
[Nurse] And who's your dad?
John Smits.
And you are?
I'm his son.
We're brothers.
(nurse sighs)
Your dad, he's a handful.
Yeah, we know.
Sign here.
It's room 122.
Yeah, we know.
Sure, like father like son.
Hey, man, you doing all right?
I just fucking hate hospitals.
I hear you.
We can go in together.
All right.
(people chattering)
(relaxed music)
there they are.
My boys.
Oh, look at you two,
you, you're all grown up.
Of course we are.
We're men.
(gentle music)
Where's the other one?
The other one?
You mean Bobby?
What, are we, uh, possessions of yours,
notches on your bed post there, Dad?
You may be old and frail
and on your deathbed,
you haven't changed, the
same old heartless prick.
It's all right.
I guess I deserved that, hmm?
You deserved a lot more than that.
(gentle music)
What's this?
Bottom of the fifth.
You don't remember?
It was everything, Pop.
Do you know what that does
to an 11-year-old boy?
Do you know what that fucking does?
I'm gonna get some air,
'cause I can't stand the
fucking stench in here.
(gentle music)
So how's life been for you, sport?
(machine beeping)
Now your brother's a whiny
little bitch, isn't he?
Hard to believe that's even your brother.
He's such an obnoxious asshole.
(pensive music)
Good to see you, Dad.
I know it's gonna be hard to do this
and hard to make it up to you,
but I just wanna... (coughs)
Come in closer.
I need you to know that
I, I know I have...
It's, it's okay.
You don't have to say anything.
No, no, no. I need to.
I owe you boys.
I know I haven't done right by you kids.
I just wanna let you know
that the, the key to your happiness
is behind the Road to Terzetto.
The road to what?
The Road to Terzetto.
(machines beeping)
(grim music)
(Smits coughs)
(pensive music)
(machine beeping)
[Bobby] Hey, you see Dad yet?
Where's Linc?
Probably at the nearest bar.
It went that well, huh?
All right, I'm gonna go see him.
I'll meet you guys outside.
(machine beeping)
(laid-back music)
- Hey.
- What?
What, what's going on?
It's me.
Who're you?
(indistinct) Bobby.
You, you're not Bobby.
(laid-back music)
Of course you don't recognize me, Dad.
You've been a piece of
shit your whole life.
You, what are you talking about?
- Yes, John.
- Get this asshole
out of my room.
I don't know who you are.
Get this piece of shit outta here.
Why are you being so
mean to my boyfriend?
Boyfriend. What?
(laid-back music)
You're right, baby.
There's more than just the will.
I knew it.
It's at his place in Palm Springs.
Hey, I thought we were friends.
You little fucking cunt.
I should have known.
Don't talk to her like that.
Don't tell me not to-
- Wow.
Harsh words
for a frail old man.
Fuck you, you cunt.
- Shut the fuck up.
- You're a cunt.
[Bobby] Don't talk to her like that.
- Pretty boy you-
- Shut the fuck up.
Don't talk to her like that.
She's a cunt.
(Smits mumbling)
(Smits groaning)
It's almost over, almost over.
Almost over.
Yeah, just a little bit longer.
Just a little bit longer.
(laid-back music)
Now the only thing
A gambler needs
That was so fucking hot though.
Is a suitcase
And a trunk
Now you have to go and find out
if he said anything to the other two.
Go now.
I'll clean up.
Is when
He's all stone cold
Oh, my God, doctor.
I need a doctor
Well, there is a house
In New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
About fucking time, what'd you do?
Read him a bedtime story.
He's in a deep sleep.
He passed out at me too.
He say anything to you guys?
Just his phony bullshit.
Yeah, he did that to me too.
He didn't mention anything
to you guys about more money?
Fuck his money.
You're as greedy as he is.
Let's get out of here, guys.
I'll drop you guys off
at the cars, all right?
My bike.
Fine. Let's go.
(Linc exhales)
(engine turning)
(upbeat music)
Hey, Johnny, what's up with these clubs?
It's kind of my thing.
What do you mean it's
kind of your thing?
That's how I make my money.
What, are you a pro golfer or something?
Not really.
Are you a hustler?
You can call it that.
Oh shit.
You must be good.
I guess the apple doesn't
fall far from the tree, does it?
I got pretty good aim.
For realz?
Pull over.
What? Right here?
Oh, no, no, no, we should keep going.
I wanna see these skills.
Pull the fuck over.
(upbeat music)
See that slide over
there at the playground?
- Yeah.
- You hit that,
I'll give you 50 bucks.
You're on.
Hey, Bobby, how about you?
Yeah, I tell you what though.
You hit it, I'll give you 100 bucks.
All right.
You are on.
Alright, guys.
Time to grip it and rip it.
(golf club thudding)
Big dogs gotta eat.
Oh, shit.
- Hey, pay up.
- Those are some
mad skills there.
Pay up.
Big dogs gotta eat, boys.
Like I said, a born hustler.
(cellphone ringing)
We just saw him.
No, I'm with the guys right now.
All right.
Dad's dead.
Are you shitting?
What happened?
Waxman said he had a heart attack.
Was anyone there?
He didn't say.
Last thing he sees
from me is my outburst.
You know what, fuck him
for leaving us again.
Let's head back to Waxman's office.
(upbeat music)
I'm 2,000 miles away
And I can't see you every day
But I wanted to I want you to know
Two years went by
When I didn't know if I should
run away or just go home
But the shame I faced
was too hard to show
I'm gonna move every mountain
I'm gonna pop the ocean
And just to stop the world
That keeps me from you
I just want your forgiveness
I just want you to need me
'Cause I would do anything
Just to be there with you
It's those little
things I can't replace
I miss them all
It's on your face
See the innocence in your eyes
(indistinct) I miss the
years when I was young
And they'd run on back,
but they won't come
To see the good men like I am
I'm gonna move every mountain
I'm gonna pop the ocean
Hi, Ira is expecting you.
[Bobby] Thanks.
Hey, um...
(Julie sighs)
Hey, guys.
Sometimes life ain't fair, right?
At least you got to see him.
Yeah, we saw him.
Okay, so what's next?
So, as I said before,
you guys get the house,
his art collection, and $250,000 each.
I just need you to sign these documents
to get the ball rolling.
Okay, where do I sign?
Oh, right here.
Also, the house.
Now, the house has been in foreclosure
for a couple months now.
So you should probably get
there as soon as you can
before the bank seizes it.
I thought he left us the house.
He did. He did.
Even after he's gone,
he's still fucking with us.
Uh, since you guys just saw him.
I mean, did he mention anything else?
What do you mean anything else?
Something else he might have left you.
Look, I don't know, a,
a bike, cat, more money?
Well, you're his fucking
lawyer, shouldn't you know?
Just curious like.
You know what they say,
curiosity killed the lawyer.
Okay, um, well, if you guys do go,
Julie will give you the address.
We should go to his place now.
Well, maybe we should go tomorrow.
Johnny's right.
I'm gonna go home and grab a few things.
We'll meet back here in two hours.
We should all go together.
Sounds good.
Okay, it sounds like a plan.
(upbeat music)
Didn't think so.
It's the address to your
dad's place in Palm Springs.
Are you okay?
Does this address come with your number?
You're persistent, Mr. Chance.
No one ever got hurt trying.
(Julie laughs)
It's not true.
(phone ringing)
(Julie sighs)
Ira Waxman's?
Yes, sure.
Please hold.
I'll get that later, Julie.
Yeah, they're gone.
All right, well, (indistinct).
I forget my keys.
(Julie sighs and chuckles)
You know what, I, I'm gonna
give you my phone number.
- Really?
- Yep.
Oh, um, let me give you mine.
I drew a heart.
Thought you might like that.
I do.
Call me.
You got a beautiful smile.
Get out of here.
See you bro's in a few.
(bike revving)
(upbeat music)
(engine turning)
(intense music)
(car roaring)
(upbeat music)
Baby, we stay joined by
your ring around my finger
And I feel your laughter in my smile
Every night I hear you sing
The love song in my dreams
When I wake up, I miss you here
But, honey, I believe
That someday I'll see you in Heaven
Way up where the angels fly
Honey, somewhere down the
road we'll be together
'Til then, Heaven gets me by
Someday I'll see you in Heaven
Way up where the angels fly
Honey, somewhere down the
road we'll be together
'Til then, Heaven gets me by
I think I should go to Palm Springs now
before the guys get there.
And do what?
I don't know.
Look for whatever I'm
supposed to look for.
And what are you looking for?
It should be pretty obvious
when I get there, right?
What if it isn't?
Are you sure Johnny or
Linc didn't say anything?
Nothing that sticks out.
You need to ride with them.
Why? What?
You need to get to know
them so they open up to you.
And what is that gonna do?
It's going to gain their trust.
The old man said something, I know it.
I don't know about this.
Just think of Aruba.
Pina Coladas.
Beautiful sunsets every day.
You and me.
I'll go.
Thanks, love.
(gentle music)
You think Linc's coming?
Yeah, why wouldn't he?
I don't know, he seemed
pretty angry at Dad.
Just a lot of water
onto the bridge, man.
Wish I talked to him more
before he passed, you know?
Wanted to ask him
more about my childhood.
You remember him?
Not really.
But he was mentioning some other
stuff he wanted to give us.
Like what?
I don't know, just some stuff.
I'm sure it's the same shit
he mentioned to you guys.
He didn't mention anything to me.
Well, he mentioned
something to Linc, maybe.
What up?
- Hey, man.
- Yo.
Should we all ride together?
Maybe have a little bonding trip?
No way, man.
It's a road trip.
Where I go, Black Betty goes,
All right.
Can I ride with you then, Johnny?
Alright, cool, hop in, man.
Let's roll.
Try to keep up.
(upbeat music)
(engines roaring)
(tense music)
[Julie] Uh, hi.
- Hi.
- Can I help you?
Hello, young lady, we were hoping
to speak with Mr. Waxman.
Do you have an appointment?
Let's just say he's expecting us.
Is he expecting you?
Or am I, am I saying
that he's expecting you?
What's the difference?
There's a big difference.
Well, then he's expecting us.
(tense music)
Mr. Waxman, there are
two men here to see you.
What are your names?
Sonny and Cher.
Yeah, Sonny and Cher.
Oh, man, am I Sonny, or am I Cher?
Oh, boy.
Yeah, I don't...
He's not here, must have
left through the back.
I can make you an appointment though.
That's a shame.
We were really looking
forward to speaking with him.
Well, I can make you an appointment.
Um, let's see, we have an availability...
[Greg] You got a thing
going on with Johnny?
Look, there's a little heart
by his name and number.
Let me see that.
Oh, my God, that's so cute.
Oh, my God, there's a little
heart next to the name.
Isn't that sweet?
A client.
A client?
Client with a heart next to his name?
You've got a sharp tongue.
I like that.
Then I'm gonna have to ask
you a couple of questions
about your client.
I'm not at liberty to discuss clients.
Tony, would you mind
giving this young lady
one of our business cards?
Oh, I would be happy
to give her one of our business cards.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought
your name was Cher.
Those aren't our real names, honey.
Yeah. (vocalizing)
Lemme see your hand for a second, please.
(Julie scoffs)
- Could-
- Gimme your fucking hand.
(Julie sighs)
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, sea moss green.
Look at that.
- Whet are you doing?
- Isn't that cute?
Oh, I just wanna check out your match.
(Julie screaming and crying)
I got you, babe
I got you, babe
Ooh, wow, that's gnarly.
Sorry, that had to hurt
a little bit, didn't it?
What the fuck you want?
[Greg] What was Johnny doing here?
I don't know.
You don't?
Uh, the, uh, the, his da-dad died.
Who are those two guys he was with?
His brothers. Fuck.
I didn't know that scumbag had brothers.
You're gonna have to give us
a little bit more information
than that, young lady.
They're reading a will, his dad's will.
Is there a lot of money involved?
You don't?
Please don't make Tony
play the little piggy game.
He loves that game.
I, I do love the little piggy game.
This little piggy-
No, okay, okay, okay.
- Yo.
- I heard $250,000.
Is that each or are that splitting that?
Holy shit.
Is that it?
Can you go now?
One more question for
the final jeopardy round.
Where the fuck are they going?
Their dad's place in Palm Springs.
Palm Springs.
You know I love Palm Springs.
I must tell, they have
the best vanilla latte
right down on Main Street
in this little coffee shop.
It's really amazing.
You should go there sometime.
That wasn't so hard,
now was it, young lady?
I suggest you keep your
mouth shut about this
and pretend it never happened.
I'm gonna keep this just in case.
Oh, I do really love your nails though.
By the way, that sea moss
green is very, very sexy.
You fucking keep it.
Oh, I will.
Actually, thank you, I will take that.
[Greg] Have a good night, young lady.
Oh, God.
Fucking A.
I hope you got some good news.
I do.
Looks like Mr. Johnny just
came into 250,000 large.
Looks like he's on his way
to his dad's place out in Palm Springs.
You need to go out there.
We could just wait for him at his place.
No, you need to go.
Do you have the address?
I don't want him skipping
town before he pays me.
Sounds like he could pay
us a little interest now.
Okay, boss.
Looks like we're going to Palm Springs.
(intense music)
(upbeat music)
(bike roaring)
I always wanted a bike.
There's so much freedom on one.
You ever have one?
I had a Huffy Thunder, had
a dairy crate in the front.
It was easy to deliver newspapers.
I had a newspaper route too.
I remember getting paid.
First thing I'd do is
get a roll of quarters
and go to the bowling alley.
They had a, a Knight Rider pinball machine
and I loved to play.
You know, I was always
into the easy money.
I started booking bets
when I was like, 16.
So you were always a hustler?
When did you start playing golf?
Ah, when I was in high school.
I was on the golf team.
I remember we were on a par three
and I bet this guy, Joey Riggs, 20 bucks
that I can hit this, this pitching wedge
right on the green, right?
I hit it.
I hit the flag, went right in the hole.
(both laughing)
That was the easiest 20 bucks I ever made.
You know.
Man, I always loved that rush of gambling.
You ever get that feeling,
Bobby, man, those endorphins
that just go through your
body, your mind, man.
It's wild.
And I never played it safe.
You know, I never told
that story in a long time.
Thanks, brother.
Just go on home
[Both] To brothers.
Just go on home
Wait, wait, wait.
What are you doing?
We gotta keep going.
Come on, what, don't you
wanna do your good deed
for the day or what?
We should go to the house
before the band takes it.
Nah, hey, relax, it's
just a pit stop, all right?
You don't want Linc to
get all the glory, do you?
Just go on home
(girls screaming)
- Oh, my God, that's hot.
- Okay.
[Brittany] Thank you.
(upbeat music)
Just go on home
You girls need a hand?
Yeah, it just stopped working.
What happened?
It was jerking and then it just stopped.
There was smoke coming
out of the engine.
Are those your friends?
They're actually my brothers.
What, are you guys having a
family reunion or something?
Yeah, I guess you could say that.
- Okay.
- Lemme have a look.
Hey, where's the party?
We're having a girl's
weekend in Palm Springs.
Hey, I'm Tammi.
I'm Johnny, this is Bobby.
And under the hood over there is Linc.
- That's Brittany and Tiffany.
- Hi.
Well, I hate to tell you this,
but your car's not going anywhere.
You need a new radiator hose?
Can you fix it?
Yeah, but everything's probably closed
and it's gonna be dark soon.
I guess we're not going
to our hotel tonight.
I saw motel a few miles back.
Can you boys give us a ride?
Sure. Hop in.
Can you grab our luggage?
No problem.
Hey, Bobby.
We need to go, man.
These girls are not our problem.
We can't leave them here.
Can I ride with you?
[Linc] Lemme give you my jacket.
(bike roaring)
(upbeat music)
I always wanted a bike.
Yeah, me too.
(upbeat music)
Well, they find the
shakes, the sky's full
Crazy days they shook your love
A big hammer's going across you
You like that?
You ever ride on a Harley before?
No, I haven't.
That was hot.
Yeah, she gets that a lot.
You know, I was thinking,
why don't you guys just
stay here for the night.
We can have our own little party.
I like where you're going with this.
So then you can fix
my hose in the morning.
I'll go get us two rooms
(upbeat music)
Everything cool?
All good.
We're staying here for night, boys.
What, no, man, we gotta get going.
Look around.
What's the rush?
We gotta get to the house
before the bank takes it.
Dude, bank's fucking closed.
There's no way they're taking
it in the middle of the night.
Alright, fine.
Adjoining rooms.
Alright, come on, guys, come on, guys.
Join me, let's do a toast to
partying with the brothers.
(all cheering)
Let's do a toast to
partying with the sisters.
(all cheering)
Wait, wait, wait, wait, you're sisters?
We are tonight, brothers.
Here's to lots and lots
of money coming to us.
(all cheering)
Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What do you mean money?
What money is coming to you?
- Chill.
- Aren't you after money?
How do you know?
Because everyone is after money, silly.
Dude, chill out, all right?
Here's to brothers, here's to sisters.
Wine is fine, but tequila's quicker.
Here's to the whole fucking family.
(all cheering)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
I got to drain the main vein.
(toilet flushing)
Whoa, whoa, didn't know you
were hung like a horsefly.
[Bobby] A moment of privacy.
I didn't know we had a sister.
Is that what we got, a sister?
We got a sister.
(Bobby groans)
Oh, my God.
- Bobby.
- Hey, Bobby, you okay?
- Bobby.
- Hey, wake up.
- (gasps) Is he okay?
- Bobby.
Say something.
[Linc] Bobby, wake up, man.
Bobby, come on, wake up.
[Linc] Bobby?
[Johnny] Dude, just breathe.
There you go.
- I'm okay.
- Good man.
You took a nasty header.
Yeah, I'm okay, I'm okay.
You guys really care for me?
Of course, man.
Yeah, man, we're brothers.
Help me up, help me up.
(Bobby groaning)
Come on, brother.
- Oh, fuck, man.
- Up on your knees.
[Bobby] What's that?
[Linc] You alright, brother?
Oh, you know what would
make me feel better?
(laughs) Shots
(upbeat music)
[Woman] You've woken up.
(door latch clicking)
(vehicles roaring)
(door thudding)
(footsteps plodding)
Can't sleep?
Um, I don't sleep much anyway.
Yeah, I don't either.
My life's been pretty crazy lately.
I just have a tough time relaxing.
What's up?
About a year ago, my fiance
got killed in a car accident.
I haven't slept since.
I'm so sorry.
(gentle music)
I was pretty devastated.
Started drinking and gambling again.
You know, she's the only
woman that's ever loved me.
I never had anyone like
that in my life before.
(gentle music)
I could hear her now,
just telling me to stop
feeling sorry for myself
and get on with my life.
She was pretty amazing.
She sounds special.
So the other night I
got really, really drunk
and I started gambling at this place
that I shouldn't have been at.
I ended up owing this guy,
Viper, a lot of money.
I gotta pay him today.
I was just hoping this
inheritance would, you know,
gimme a clean slate.
That's what this Greg the leg shit is?
Yeah, one of Viper's goons.
I was gonna do something with mine too.
I got this neighbor,
such an amazing mom.
She's got this little boy who's sick.
Comes running out of the building
when I pull up on my bike, you know,
he's so excited.
Needs a bone marrow transplant.
Of course her insurance won't cover it.
I told her I was gonna pay for it.
I didn't know how the fuck, but now I do.
That boy deserves a good life,
a lot better than I ever had.
(gentle music)
If I had half his heart,
I'd be all good.
I know I've been bitter on Dad.
The truth of it is, all I ever wanted
was for him to tell me
that he was proud of me.
That's it.
If he knew you, he definitely would be.
Let's go in to try to
get some sleep, alright.
Hey, Linc.
Dad did say something to me.
He mentioned something
about finding happiness
behind the Road of Terzetto.
What's that?
I don't know, I think
it's maybe the road
we're going on or something.
Doesn't make sense.
Probably just speaking Jewish.
That's what I thought.
(bright music)
Hey, where are you guys going?
We're gonna get the
hose and get moving early.
All right.
I had an awesome time last night.
Me too, brother.
(door thudding)
(tense music)
(footsteps tapping)
Fuck me.
(tense music)
Hey, babe.
Yeah, I know, I was busy.
No, I don't, I don't think
he said anything to them.
I know.
No, I'm telling you everything.
I swear.
Yes, baby, we are still going to Aruba.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Holy shit.
I can explain, Johnny, I-
- [Johnny] What the fuck going on here?
I was talking to this girl
that came over the other day.
No, no, not you.
(upbeat music)
Oh, fuck.
(frantic music)
Are you guys leaving?
Yeah, we got some things we gotta do.
Oh, okay, where's Tiffany?
Uh, she fucking left with
Linc to get the car part.
Last night was fun.
[Johnny] Yeah, a great time.
Fuck, man, what are they doing here?
I don't know, I don't know, dude.
Do you think they're following us?
I don't know, but I
don't wanna find out.
Hey, man, I just want to tell you,
if you're in trouble, I'm here for you.
Thanks, man.
No, I mean it.
I never knew this was what
I was missing in my life.
I never had a family, man.
Never had someone I'd
stand by no matter what.
I never had a brother.
You know, dad really fucked us over.
You know that?
(frantic music)
What's up?
Greg was at the hotel.
Bet that ain't a sightseeing trip.
I'm gonna finish up here.
You guys go on to Dad's.
I'll be right behind you.
Alright man.
Watch your ass.
You too.
You know, I had a fun night last night.
Yeah, me too.
You got a girl?
You know, I got Julie's number.
Waxman's secretary?
Yeah, I kinda like her.
She seems cool.
Hey, man, can you just pull over?
Hey, man, you doing okay?
I don't know, can you just pull over?
You gonna puke?
I don't know, man,
just pull over, please.
(gentle music)
I'm all right.
Gimme a couple of minutes.
(upbeat music)
So I got to the gym today
and there was a, a dent in my Tesla.
I got so pissed off.
But I've been practicing, um, meditating,
and I got to a calm place,
you know, like still,
like still, like, water.
So I get home and, um,
I get this letter from
my biological father.
(pensive music)
I never had a family.
I just found out that,
um, I got two brothers.
(pensive music)
I always knew there was
something missing from my life,
I never knew it was a brother.
A brother.
Someone that would be
by you no matter what.
Yeah, I,
I'm just blabbing.
Hey, I'm Bobby.
I'm Luke.
you seem like a good guy.
You too.
[Bobby] Here, let's toast.
(tense music)
To good luck and to good fortune.
Here, here.
(Bobby whistling)
(ominous music)
(keys clacking)
(Luke grunting)
(Bobby groaning)
(body thudding)
(Luke whistling)
Come on, man, we gotta go.
All right.
I'm coming.
Come on, I gotta call Julie.
(tense music)
(vehicles roaring)
Okay, let's go.
(upbeat music)
Baby, sometimes the road feels wrong
Just still where I belong
You and me ain't never gonna die
Oh, shit.
[Waxman] Hey, guys.
- Hey.
- Hey, man.
Just making sure things are in order.
I'll be right in.
Well, I'll see you inside.
(tense music)
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the fuck do you need that for?
I got a bad feeling.
(bike roaring)
Waxman's here.
- What?
- Yeah.
Julie gave this to me before we left.
Never trust a lawyer.
I wonder what that
motherfucker is up to.
(tense music)
I'm just being careful.
You think?
What the fuck, guys?
Everyone has a gun but me.
Here, take that.
Safety scissors?
What the fuck am I gonna do with these?
We go in business as usual.
Either way.
(tense music)
Oh, sorry, gentlemen.
Looks like a homeless guy
kind of just broke in here, right?
[Johnny] Yeah.
[Waxman] It's a disaster.
Oh, other brother showed up.
This all the stuff Dad left us.
Yeah. Yeah.
There's this, and then
the stuff in the bedroom.
Oh, let's see what's there.
Uh, wait, let's just, uh,
deal with the stuff here first, yeah?
Any of this shit worth anything?
I can check for you.
Let's check.
Okay, well, there's the couch.
Pretty expensive couch.
Not bad.
And then we got the trinkets on the wall.
We got the ornaments
above the fireplace and-
- I got dibs on this one right there.
Nope, that one is mine.
Well, actually looks like the other one
was your dad's favorite.
[Linc] Are you sure about that?
Yeah. Yeah.
It's called the "Road to Terzetto."
The "Road to Terzetto."
Behind the "Road to Terzetto."
That's what Dad said.
It's the painting?
(tense music)
It's a map.
That's great.
Now put the fucking painting down.
Oh, you little fuck ball.
Hey, Waxfuck.
Put the fucking gun down.
Okay, okay, okay.
Look, I'm just playing.
I'm not gonna shoot you.
Look at me.
Yeah, but I will,
Baby, what the fuck are you doing here?
- Baby?
- Put the fucking gun down
and stand over by him.
Put your hands over your head.
Wait, you're Dad's nurse.
We're just here to collect
what's on the back of the painting.
Grab the painting.
(tense music)
Are you guys fucking?
Hey, B,
I have to secure my
tropical retirement plan.
And that wasn't gonna
happen just relying on you.
I thought it was just me and you.
Stop being a pussy, Luke.
[Johnny] Luke?
That's right, Luke
killed your real brother.
[Johnny] You fucking asshole,
I fucking trusted you, man.
I know, I'm sorry,
all right.
Don't say
another fucking word.
I didn't mean for anything
like this to happen.
I knew you were a piece of fucking shit.
Wow, this is touching.
Pick up the fucking gun now.
(tense music)
So, which brother gets shot first.
[Bobby] Let him go.
So let's start with him.
Angie, we don't have to do this.
We could just go now.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Don't do this.
We don't have to kill anyone else.
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
I'm sorry.
I couldn't let you shoot my brothers.
But they're not your brothers.
Yes, they are.
But we were supposed to go to...
(pensive music)
(Linc groaning)
Listen, we're gonna get through this.
(pensive music)
I've got something for you.
(pensive music)
This is to remind you that
you'll always have a brother.
(tense music)
(gun clicking)
(gun fires)
(tense music)
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck is right
Viper, I got your money.
Oh, you, you do.
Where is it?
Yeah, I just need the bank to clear it
and everything's gonna be fine.
I gave you 24 hours
and we're long past that deadline.
So why don't we just
fucking smoke 'em right now
so we can jump in the hot springs here.
That's what we came here for.
Yeah, let's just smoke 'em right now.
Do you have another cheese
steak, you Philly fuck.
(gun fires)
Well, shit.
What the you do that for?
I didn't like him.
Yeah, let's shoot this one next.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, fuck, no, no, no, no.
Hey, I should show you more money, okay?
There's more.
Wait, Wax, what?
What, what, what, what money?
Lemme shoot this one.
Fuck, it's on the back
of the painting, okay?
That's where it is.
[Viper] Check.
Keep an eye on him.
Let me see this shit?
[Tony] Oh, check this out.
Whoa, looks like a fucking map.
A map.
To what?
We don't know.
We didn't get that far yet.
Uh, hold on.
Wait a minute, all right, look,
this is a house right here.
There's a tree over here.
That's the X right there.
And right next to it
is that carriage thing
we saw out there.
Looks like we're going
on a little treasure out.
(tense music)
Show us where this is.
Let's go.
'Kay, Jesus.
Let's go.
Come on.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
It looks like it's here.
Can I shoot him now?
No, you need someone to dig.
I can't do that.
Shit, man, I have a bad back.
Oh, okay, okay.
Emilio, shoot him.
You, fuck.
Okay, I'll dig, Jesus Christ.
Tony, go find some shovels.
Find some shovels?
Fuck am I gonna find shovels?
Right, I'll go find some shovels
I'm really fucking sorry, man.
I just haven't decided if
I'm gonna kill you or not.
This is the best I can find.
Okay, gimme the map.
Best start digging.
Let's go, I don't wanna be here all day.
Only got one shovel.
Let's go, fuck nuts.
Use the fucking hoe.
How am I supposed to
use the fucking hoe?
[Tony] Use the hoe.
You guys are lucky
that I'm digging at all.
Shut the fuck up.
Fuck you cocksucker.
Yeah, you know what, this is
fun, but I'm getting hungry.
Tony, Emilio make sure
this shit gets done.
Tell me about the diner, T.J. is?
Could go for a greasy burger, man.
(Greg speaks indistinctly)
Hey, boss, you get me a burger too?
[Viper] No.
I'll get you a quesadilla
and make sure that shit gets
done by the time I get back.
[Tony] Yeah, you got it, boss?
[Emilio] Yeah.
Oh, ho, ho, who's the
boss now motherfuckers?
Who's the boss?
This fucking guy.
This fucking guy right
here, is the fucking boss.
[Emilio] Wait, why are you the boss?
[Tony] 'Cause Viper
just left me in charge.
No he didn't.
What do you mean, he looked at me
and he said, "Make sure
those holes get dug."
And then he left, he left me in charge.
Okay, but just because
you responded first
doesn't mean you're in charge.
Bro, he looked right at me.
No, he looked at both of us.
He looked at both of us.
You want to be in charge?
Ah, I don't want that
kind of responsibility.
I shoot people, I don't-
- No shit, asshole, right?
That's why I'm in charge.
So what are you, the hole master?
Charge of just digging the holes?
Yeah, dig the fucking holes.
I got these fucking assholes doing it.
Hey, hurry the fuck up.
(grim music)
Can we take a break?
What the fuck am I supposed
to do with the hoe?
I don't know, take her to a hotel.
You know what I mean, dipshit.
Okay, fine, use the little shovel then.
Use the little shovel there,
a little guy with a little shovel.
Yeah. Yeah.
Little shovel for a little hand, huh?
Yeah, it's perfectly in there too.
Oh, look at that.
Johnny, you'll like this one.
What's black and brown and
looks good on a lawyer.
A doberman.
(Tony and Emilio laughing)
I love that.
Yeah, hold on, I got one,
I got one, I got one.
- Hm?
- Alright.
What does a lawyer get
when he takes Viagra?
I don't know, what does a
lawyer get when he takes Viagra?
(both laughing)
You know I've heard all this
shit like 100 times, right?
Always getting angry.
Fuck, okay, this is fucking bullshit.
I'm taking a break.
(gun fires)
- Holy fuck!
- Holy fuckity fuck, fuck.
What the hell did you do that for?
Well, we were making lawyer jokes.
I thought it'd be kind of funny.
I, I mean, it's funny,
but Viper's gonna freak the fuck out, man.
Like we didn't find what
we're looking for yet.
(dog barking)
Hey, I found something.
Let's call Viper.
Well, hold on a second.
Maybe we should see what's inside of it
before we call Viper.
Yeah, maybe we should wait.
(ominous music)
The fuck is this?
(golf club thudding)
(upbeat music)
(fists thudding)
(gun fires)
(Tony grunting)
(upbeat music)
(Linc groaning)
(dog barking)
Takes more than a couple of
bullets to stop me, brother.
Hey, look, I found something.
What you find?
(Linc groaning)
We're set.
We're fucking golden.
Yes, we are.
(tense music)
Put the box down.
Step back.
(tense music)
I'm gonna look you in the eye
before I fucking kill you.
(tense music)
Hey, Viper.
I got one thing to say to you.
What, motherfucker?
You're a shitty golfer.
(guns firing)
(Linc groaning)
(Linc panting)
Fucking no.
(intense music)
(Linc coughs)
If I don't make it, man,
make sure the kid gets the money.
I've seen
Too much for my age
Linc, Linc, Linc.
There's way more to life
Wake up, man!
(Linc coughing)
Escaping from a cage
As I climb into the hills
I'm not going anywhere, man.
Fucking going anywhere.
I remember times
I headed out alone
You gotta live to die
Do you want this?
I don't need it.
Like it's your last day
You gotta take the ride
You go along (indistinct) day
You live alone
And the angels go to war
You'll break the reels down
Raise your hands to the sun
I'll follow you.
I don't think I can ride.
I'm not leaving Black Betty here.
(intense music)
Guess I'm riding bitch.
Live (indistinct)
Anything for my brother?
Only yesterday
Be bold and I hear what you say
(bike roaring)
(intense music)
I don't need the heat
I didn't ask for the power
I never wanted any trouble
And I won't die a coward
You think monies satisfaction
It ain't freedom if you aren't free
It's all just an illusion
You'd sell your soul for some peace
Give me the warm country sun
Warm country sun
Get me out of the city
The warm country sun
Warm country sun
I need the comfort and peace, yeah
(upbeat music)
I kinda like my simple life
Till someone tells me it's wrong
I'm kinda used to my father
I never meant any harm
I got God in my church
I earn the money I make
My children learn appreciation
With every sweat I break
Give me the warm country sun
Warm country sun
Get me out of the city
The Warm Country Sun
Warm country sun
I need the comfort and peace, yeah
(upbeat music)