Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (2023) Movie Script

(grand orchestral fanfare

(water burbling)

The ocean is a mysterious world.
One that land dwellers
can only begin to imagine.
Of course, you think you know
what lies beneath the surface.
Ah, but the sea creatures
who live there,
well, even the ones
you have imagined,
you've imagined them wrong.
Take the mythical,
mighty giant kraken.
Bloodthirsty monster,
sinker of ships,
drowner of sailors.
That's what you people think.
You see, in real life,
krakens are noble protectors.
The sea will always need
a kraken,
and a kraken will always
answer the call.
(quacking ringtone)
We can take turns...
Hey, Margot.
I am dying of suspense.
-What did your mom say?
Well, I chickened out
last night,
but I'm going to ask her now,
right now, this second.
MARGOT: Did you do
the confidence-building
exercise I taught you?
I did something even better.
We'll never cave
or we'll never waver

And we'll always become
braver and braver
We'll dance
like nobody's there
We'll dance
without any cares
We'll talk 'bout problems
we share
We'll talk 'bout things
that ain't fair
We'll sing 'bout things
we don't know
We'll sing to people
and show
What it means to be young
And growing up.
(song ends)
Oh, hey. (clears throat)
Junior prom is the sacred rite
of every human teenager.
As a kraken who is barely
pulling off
this whole human thing,
I need to be there
so that I can blend in.
And, as a proud mathlete,
I know that to find
a potential solution,
I have to evaluate the problem.
Now, I know the rules.
Our family is not allowed
in the ocean, ever.
For any reason.
And I love rules.
I do. I really, really do.
But the prom boat
is on the water,
-not in the water.
-(thunder crashing)
"What if there's a storm?"
you might ask.
Well, I've analyzed
weather trend data,
and my trusty friend,
the Internet,
has assured me that it will be
smooth sailing on prom night.
And lastly, this is the captain
of said prom boat.
Look into those eyes.
Tell me he hasn't seen it all.
I trust him with my life,
and so should you.
And that is why I,
Ruby Gillman,
should go to prom. Thank you.
Please, please, please,
please, please!
Strong presentation.
I like the energy,
but it's still a no, honey.
But, Mom, evidence,
science, Internet.
Trust me, Ruby,
I know what's best for you.
And what's best
is to always stay on land.
That's why we moved here.
It's much safer for us.
Sorry, Tadpole, Mom's right.
Sam, breakfast!
Hey, didn't you say
that prom was a postbolognal...
patriarchal construct. It is.
But we would go as a group.
As a form of protest.
Wow. So brave.
What do you think?
I had these printed
for my big launch party.
I think I'm in love.
-Blech. -Do you still
need me to be there?
Yes. This is a make-or-break
I'm selling
an entire development.
But, Mom, you're...
Agatha Gillman,
and I slay the competition.
She got us our dream home,
and I'm not asking how.
Well, I just want
to show potential buyers
what a happy Oceanside family
looks like.
I'll be closing my shop for
the day so I can man the grill.
From chill man to grill man.
Ooh, Arthur,
you should think about
hiring someone to help you.
Business has been booming
since you started Bottled Up.
Hey there.
Welcome back to Bottled Up.
Now, let's hoist those sails.
Wow, you two are quite
the power couple.
You think that's great?
You're looking at
the undefeated dodgeball champ.
-(whistle blowing)
-(Sam laughing)
-(kids grunting)
He's a legend. Ooh.
Yeah, yeah.
You guys are all crushing it.
Oh, Ruby,
don't sell yourself short.
You're amazing at math.
I am the reason
Connor's passing algebra.
Oh, Connor.
-So dreamy.
Ow. You're the one
in love with him.
-Hey, hey. Stop.
You each landed one. -(groans)
Marine Biologist Quarterly?
Oh, Ruby.
You're still reading this trash?
Humans don't know everything
about the ocean.
Mom, there's a whole world
down there
that I have never seen.
Jellyfish, plankton,
coral reefs...
But what else lives there?
I know. Monsters.
And those monsters
want to hurt krakens like us.
This is where we belong.
Oceanside is our home.
Then help me fit in
by letting me go to prom.
Ruby, the answer is no.
-Time to go.
-(Ruby groans)
-Gillman dishes to Gillman.
The fadeaway at the buzzer,
-and it's good!
Limb up, everyone.
Let's all have
a very human day.
Does it bother you guys that we
lie to everyone all the time?
Oh, we're not lying.
We're just omitting.
Yeah, okay.
And remember...
OTHERS: If anyone asks,
we're from Canada.

(boat horns blowing)
-(tires screeching)
-(people exclaiming)
-Whoa, what's happening?
-Are we supposed to be stopped?
-Is our tour over?
Apologies for the unplanned
interruption, folks.
Well, look what the tide
dragged in, Davey.
Ahoy, Mr.--
Captain Gordon Lighthouse, sir.
Aren't you one
of them Gillmans?
(laughs nervously)
Just kidding. Not guilty.
Totally normal.
-Is she blue?
-I'm from Canada... eh.
("O Canada" playing)
-(tourists murmuring)
That totally makes sense.
I've got my eye on you,
Gillman girl.
And my other eye, too!
(over speaker): Our tour begins
where 15 years ago,
I swear I saw the monstrous
giant kraken.
And to your right, Oceanside's
best saltwater taffy.
-Ask for the Gordon Lighthouse
discount. -(quacking ringtone)
Hey, guys.
-Yo. -Greetings.
-So, how did it go?
Yes. I'm dying to find out.
Same. I've been stress-gaming.
Well, it's official.
Mom won't let me go to prom.
And I know it's not
what we wanted,
but we still have plan B,
our very cool anti-prom party.
And what is the most
liberated food out there?
Guys, I'm talking fondue.
Ruby, um, I'm just gonna
come right out and say it.
Kayla asked me to the prom.
-And, uh,
I said carpe diem. (giggling)
Aka, I said yes.
-I said yes.
No, I got that. Loud and clear.
Okay, Margot has torn our hearts
into a million tiny pieces,
and that's fine.
More fondue for the rest of us,
right, guys?
Yeah, uh,
once Margot was going
with Kayla,
Trevin said, "Oh, well,
should we just go together?"
And I agreed.
So Trevin and I are going
to the prom together.
As friends.
(laughs nervously):
Yeah, only as friends.
-(clears throat)
-RUBY: What?
Sorry, Ruby.
We promised to always
stick together.
Does squad solidarity
mean nothing to you?
Well, of course it does.
Which is why
you should come with us.
You'll be on a boat.
You'll be completely safe.
Unless there's
a tragic accident.
-Bliss, no catastrophizing.
You guys know my mom,
and that is why we made plan B.
Margot, just bring Kayla
to our anti-prom party.
We will watch bad movies.
We'll dip Swiss.
Enough with the fondue!
We eat a lot of cheese.
Wheels of it.
Think about how many events
we've missed
in squad solidarity
because of your mom's
irrational anti-ocean rule.
I guess a few.
What? There was the field trip
to the submarine museum.
The school beach day.
-All-county surf contest.
-TREVIN: The Grunion Fun Run.
MARGOT: The Oceanside
Festival of the Bard.
BLISS: My grandmother's
beach birthday party.
Kayla's beach birthday party!
Any birthday party but Bliss's.
You're always welcome
at the graveyard.
But this isn't just any party.
This is prom.
And I really want
to be a part of it.
We all do.
Yeah. No, I get it.
You guys should go without me.
It's one thing for my mom
to ruin my life.
She doesn't have to ruin yours.
Uh, what if you don't tell her?
Gasp of exclamation!
Trevin's right.
Your mom doesn't have to know.
Deception. I'm on board.
Come on, Ruby. Do it.
Do it.
I want to,
but if my mom finds out, uh...
Oh, life is not
a dress rehearsal.
It's time for you to go big
and go to prom.
Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
You're right.
Okay, I'll do it.
-I'll go to prom.
And I'm gonna ask Connor.
Okay, that's a...
that's a big swing there.
Whoo. But we are here for it.
Step one, you're going
to need a prom-posal.
Blue-sky with me, people.
Any ideas?
Maybe I can ask him with
something epic,
like an advanced
quadratic equation.
And when I solve it,
the answer is...
Ruby, my sweet, wide-eyed,
dumbest smart person ever,
you cannot ask Connor to prom
with homework.
But look how it graphs.
It's cool.
It is not cool.
A good prom-posal is art.
Showmanship is the name
of the game
in this hormone-fueled
benchmark of adolescence.
A ritual that embodies
the ultimate
in high risk, high reward.
-Now, you get one shot at prom
and one shot at persuading your
Romeo that you are his Juliet.
With stakes this high,
the only option is to go big.
MAN (over P.A.): Everyone,
don't forget to RSVP for prom,
the most important day
of your lives.
I almost asked Connor to prom
with homework.
We got you, Ruby.
There are so many other options.
Here, this is the first draft,
but with this script
and my favorite prop
from clown school...
Mm, I don't know. Do you have
something a little smaller?
Tone down the drama, you say?
-I know just the thing.
-What's that?
A commercial-grade
DJ confetti cannon.
You just ask Connor to prom,
push this button,
and the confetti will rain down
like closing night on Broadway.
Uh, maybe I abandon this whole
"ask your dream guy
to prom" thing.
("Hello" by Calabasas playing)
I really, really wanna get
to know ya
Hello, hello
I really, really wanna get
to know ya
Hello, hello...
Connor, would you do me
the honor
of going to human prom with me?
Oh, Ruby, yes.
Oh, you've made me the happiest
guy on dry land, Ruby.
-(song slows, stops)
Connor's here.
Uh, yeah. Connor's here.
Oh! Oh. Hi. Hi, hi, hi.
we're still on for our tutoring
sesh later, right?
Oh. (laughs)
Oh, yeah, Connor.
We are on like polygons.
All right. Team math.
I'll see you later.
You know it.
Anything for my alge-bae.
-Your what now?
-I mean bro.
Like you're my brother.
You're my math brother.
You know, I think I liked
the first one better.
Give me that confetti cannon.
-CONNOR: You gotta practice.
The trick is to reject
the concept of gravity.
It doesn't exist.
It's not real.
All right. Peace out.
Yo, hit me up later.
-Hey, Connor.
-Hey, Ruby.
What's up?
Um, hey.
So, I was wondering,
did you see, like,
all those prom-posals
around school this morning?
They kind of weird me out.
Just ask someone.
It doesn't have to be
this big proposal.
It's crazy, right?
Oh, yeah, I hear that.
And besides,
prom is a postcolonial
-patriarchal construct.
-Patriarchal construct.
(both chuckling)
It could be fun to go
with the right person, though.
Oh. (laughs nervously)
Yeah. Totally.
(clears throat)
-Ruby... Oh.
-Connor... Oh, sorry.
-Ruby... Oh, hey.
-Connor... Oh, you go.
-(laughing): No, you go.
-No. You go.
Yeah, no, you go. I go.
Wait. Okay, no. But seriously,
what-what did you want to say?
Um, Connor, I...
-...think I'm gonna be sick.
Hey. Are-are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
I get seasick sometimes
when I'm next to the ocean.
It's genetic.
You know, my sisters do this
grounding technique thing.
Ooh. Whoops. Wait, what's this?
-Hah. Oh. That?
Never seen that before. -Whoa.
-Is this a kaleidoscope?
-Maybe put it down. -(beeps)
-CANNON: It's party time!
(multiple booming)
-(Ruby screaming)
Connor, are you okay?

Connor, grab this!
Son of an anglerfish!

Okay. Okay. Okay, okay,
okay, okay, okay.

(muffled grunting)


(gasping, coughing)
(sighs) What just happened?
(breathing heavily)
(crowd clamoring)
-GIRL: The new girl
saved Connor. -Connor?
-GIRL 2: She's a hero.
Ruby, there you are.
You missed the story
of the year, girl.
-Connor almost drowned.
-RUBY: I didn't mean to.
I mean I-I didn't do it.
(laughs nervously):
Gosh, that's crazy.
And surprising.
Because it definitely didn't
have anything to do with me.
Are you feeling all right?
-Why are you wet?
(low crowd chatter)
-Connor. Are you okay?
Yeah. It was crazy.
I just remember there was smoke
and glitter.
And then the next thing I knew,
I was saved by the new girl.
The new girl?
-(crowd cheering)
The new girl.
-Thank you. Thank you.
-BOY: Whoo!
New girl.
She's going to say something.
-GIRL: Shh. -(crowd quiets)
-Picture this,
me, stunning but approachable,
-on my first day of school.
I'm lost and confused,
struggling to find
my first class.
When suddenly-- (gasps)--
I spot little mister skater boy
here barely above water.
-I'm just lucky that...
Shush, shush. Ooh. My story.
Now, I'm not much of a swimmer,
but in that moment,
I remembered what my mother
always told me:
"You are gorgeous."
Also, "Big risk, big reward.
Always go big."
And what is bigger
than saving a life?
Yes, queen. Get it.
I love you so much.
Love you, too, rando.
She pointed at me. I'm Rando.
Oh, no. What's happening?
-Watch it.
-Ah. Excuse me.
We haven't met.
I'm Chelsea,
Chelsea Van Der Zee.
-It's Dutch. Kusjes!
-GIRL: So exotic.
I love you.
-And you are?
-I'm, um...
I'm Ruby Gillman.
It's Canadian... eh.
Okay, maybe it's the whole
"don't look at me" vibe,
but there's something different
about you.
I-I really gotta go now.
-BOY: Uh, are you good?
-BOY 2: What's wrong with her?
BOY 3: Yeah, you might need
to lie down for a little bit.
-BOY 2: Yeah, that's awkward.
What's her deal?
Is she gonna barf?
-Freaking out.
Are you okay?
You really look like
you've been through something.
Yeah. I really got to go. Now.
MAN (over P.A.):
All right, everyone.
Show's over.
Let's get back to class.
(Ruby whimpering)

Welcome to your new home,
if I may be so bold.
-This is incredible.
Oh, you've picked a great place
to raise a kid.
It's so safe here in Oceanside.
Moving my family here was
the best decision I ever made.
Doug actually grew up here.
We're moving back so that
we can be closer to his folks
when the little one comes.
Hello, free babysitting.
(laughs nervously)
How nice.
Just be careful
they don't tell you
how you should live your life
and raise your children.
I mean, it'll be so nice
to have family nearby.
You're very lucky.
Oh, why am I glowing?
Glowing is not good.
I will never go into
the ocean again.
Lesson learned.
Call Mom.
Video call Connor.
What? I didn't say that.
Call Mom.
-Ruby, where'd you go?
-Whoa. Hey.
-(Connor coughing)
End call, end call, end call.
Wait, I wanted
to ask you some...
I'm going through a tunnel.
Call Mom.
-(phone beeps)
-No, I can't call Mom.
She's gonna kill me.
-Mm? (yelping)
There's three of them?
Oh, this is a nightmare.
(rumbling, clattering)
Oh, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

Pride and Prejudice.
You're a long way from home.
What are you doing
in True Crime?

(Ruby screaming)
(both screaming)
(muffled groaning)
No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
-(glass crackling)
A lot of you have been asking
about my beard regimen.
Do you see that?
-(gasps) Kraken!
-What is that?
-Kraken ahoy! She's back!
-Oh, my goodness.
Oh, she's coming for me.
(yelling, gasps)
(alarm ringing)

(heavy footsteps)
-Oh. Look at this view.
-DOUG: Wow.
Holy migoli, this is amazing.
What do you think, boo?
I think... we're sold!
Oh. Fantastic.
Well, I'll get
the paperwork started,
and we'll make this quick
and easy
so you can focus
on your little one.
-I can't believe this is ours.
-Look at this house.
-This is beautiful.
-Honey, you were saying
you wanted a built-in grill,
and that is built-in.
Oh, man, I get
to be grillmaster again.
(laughs nervously)
You make sure you enjoy
every minute of quiet
you have left
because once the baby comes,
it is going to blow up
-your whole life.
-Okay. Okay.
(tires screeching)
Look around.
Get a feel for the place.
Just leave the key in
the lockbox when you're done.
Or-or keep it. (laughs)
Whatever. Talk soon.
AGATHA (sighs):
Pick up, Ruby. Pick up.
-(line ringing)
-Oh, pick up, Ruby. Pick up!
Agatha, you can figure this out.
Everything is gonna be fine.
-(yelps) Son of an anglerfish!
-(tires screeching)
(whimpers) It's probably
just a traffic cone.
Oh, no.

Heya, sis.
Good old Uncle Brill's here
to see his favorite niece Ruby.
-What? Brill?
-Are you okay?
-Yeah. (grunts)
Why wouldn't I be?
I just hit you with a car.
How do you guys deal with
the gravity here on land?
It's crazy, right?
Anyway, I came
to say congratulations.
Ruby's all grown-up
and turned into a giant...
Shh, shh, shh. Not so loud.
-Come on.
I see you still got that
upper body strength, huh?
-Ow. Oof.
(tires squealing)
("Oh!" by The Linda Lindas
-Oh, when I say something
-I wish I had shut up
Are you kidding me?
-I always screw things up
-The places that feel right
They never last too long
And when I think of things
-(heavy footsteps)
-They always turn out wrong
Wrong, wrong, wrong,
What are you doing here, Brill?
We felt the pulse.
So Mom knows?
Uh, yeah.
-She sent me to get Ruby.
This is exactly why she wasn't
supposed to go into the ocean.
Uh, then why would you
live next to it?
-We needed to stay moist.
-Ew. Moist.
-Where is she? Where is she?
-(heavy footsteps)
-I need to hide her.
Good luck hiding that.
What can I say?
What can I do?
What can I do?
(tires screeching)
(Brill grunting)
Oh! Oh!
-(tires screech)
-Oh, no.
-Brill, stay.
-(alarm beeps)
-(glass squeaking)
Ruby Gillman, come out here.
We need to get you home
right now.
I'm a... a monster.
Oh, honey,
you're not a monster.
Not even close.
I don't want to yell.
Can we just talk?
Please, just... (sighs)
just talk to me.
(Ruby sighs heavily)
Hey, there's my girl.
Please don't be mad.
I should have listened to you.
But I kind of
-went into the ocean.
-Went into the ocean?
I know. But right now I just
want to keep you safe, honey,
and that means
getting you home.
Mom, look at me.
(crying): I won't even fit
inside our house anymore.
Hey, hey. Shh.
You'll get small again.
It just takes a little time.
I'm here. I'll wait with you.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'm really glad
you're here, Mom.
Do you remember when you found
that whale on the beach?
(laughs, sniffles)
You mean
Clarence J. Whifferton?
How could I forget?
Clarence J. Whifferton.
You stood next to him
with a hose for seven hours
until the tide came back in.
Oh, yeah. (sniffles)
I asked you
if I could keep him.
Where would we even
have put him?
We had a hose. A garage.
Come on. I would have
taken care of him.
I know you would have.

Yes. I'm normal.
Well, almost normal. Thank you.
Trust me, it's gonna be okay.
(Ruby screams, grunts)
Ooh, I see you got
your mom's arm strength.
Mom, what is happening?!
(engine starts)
(tires screeching)
Hey, Tadpole. What's up?
How would I know?
No one tells me anything.
Ruby went into
the ocean, Arthur.
-Oh, no!
-And you didn't die?
-Die? Why would she die?
-Oh, no.
-Who's this guy?
-Who's this kid?
Uh, that's our son, Sam.
Son? As in,
I'm an uncle? Again?
I've never had an uncle before.
And I've never had
a nephew before.
Ruby, take a deep breath.
Let me explain.
You see, when you went
in the ocean, it triggered...
Uh, it released...
The kraken!
(horn tooting)
What Brill means
is you turn into
a giant kraken.
I know this is a lot
to process, Ruby,
but you're not alone.
I turn into
a giant kraken, too.
What? What?
You knew?
So, I'm this?
The horrible stereotype
of krakens
that you said humans made up.
-I'm offended.
-It sells. -(horn toots)
So what else is true
about me, Mom?
Do I sink ships now?
Do I terrorize sailors?
No. No, honey. Not at all.
All this time, you told me
we were hiding from monsters,
and it turns out
I'm the monster.
You lied to me.
Think of it more as
a tiny omission.
Come on. Turn giant.
I'm recording.
Sam, put it away.
But this is
the coolest thing ever.
It is not cool.
I was already a little weird,
but this?
-I can't hide this.
-Yes, you can.
You don't get it, Mom.
Every single day,
I make sure no one notices
all the ways
that I am different.
I push my hair
in front of my gills,
and I stand
like I have a spine.
It's hard,
but this is impossible.
No, because you can
control it, Ruby.
Just like I have
for all these years.
Yeah, but you didn't have to go
to high school with tentacles.
Do I get tentacles, too?
Sorry, son. Only the women
in our family turn giant.
The men just become older,
rounder versions of ourselves.
-It's not great.
-(phone dinging)
Ruby, listen.
The ocean triggers
the transformation.
But if you stay on dry land,
you'll stay small
and on two legs.
Cool. Everyone at school
is talking about the monster
that destroyed the library.
As long as no one figures out
it was you, we're safe.
Your body is going
through changes.
Think of it as blossoming.
Ugh, Dad.
Do your tentacles ooze poison?
-AGATHA: Sam! -How is this even
happening right now?
As long as you stay
out of the ocean...
-Your body is a flower.
-(Ruby groaning)
-Do you grow any extra arms?
-Women are so lucky.
-Things will go back to normal.
-(horn tooting)
-Can everyone just stop?!
Dad, this isn't a good thing.
Sam, I'm going to strangle you
with my tentacles.
And, Mom, I can't.
I just can't right now.
Ah, she forgot to do me.
I don't even know you!
(muffled screaming)
BRILL: Well, why can't we
just talk about it?
Because it doesn't matter.
Keep it down, Brill.
Sis, if I could find you,
then it's only a matter of time
before the rest
of the ocean can, too.
I can handle this on my own.
Just come home and talk to her.
-She wants to help Ruby.
-(Agatha scoffs)
She never just helps, though,
does she?
(sighs) At least tell Ruby
the whole truth.
AGATHA: Ruby's life
is on land now, Brill.
I know you mean well,
but you need to stop.
Go home and let me take care
of my daughter.
I can't believe Mom is still
hiding things from me.
Nessie, you tiny genius.
That guy can't hide anything.
Oh, put those on ice.
MAN 2:
Good idea.
I can do both for you.
GORDON (over speaker):
Lock your doors!
The kraken has returned!
(seagull squawking)
Where is he? Where is he?
Where is he?
(Brill screaming)
-Brill? -BRILL: Get off me,
you feathery demons.
-(seagulls squawking)
-Ow! You winged dopes.
Ow, hey, hey.
Save yourself.
It's too late for me.
Forget the corn dog.
(gasps) Did you see that?
They took my stick snack.
Uncle Brill, focus.
-I need to know.
Who sent you here?
Mmm. No. No, no, no. No.
Please don't ask me things.
I'm so bad at keeping secrets.
Just talk to your mom.
-Mom won't tell me anything.
-Well, neither will I.
She should be the one to tell
you about your grandmother.
-My what?
I didn't say grandmother. What?
Uh, I said landlubber. Ahoy?
-I have a grandmother?
-No, no, no.
Please, uh, don't listen to me.
I don't know what I'm saying.
-I'm hungry, and I'm
traumatized from before. -Wait.
-It's the birds... -If only
the women in our family
turn into giant krakens,
then she's a giant kraken, too.
Uh, let the record show
I kept that part a secret.
-Is she here?
-What? No.
Your grandmother would never
leave the ocean.
Honestly, I don't know how your
mom did it all these years.
Land is not built
for a giant kraken.
-You're right.
It's not.
I don't know the first thing
about being a giant kraken.
But it's not fair
to keep me in the dark.
Nope. Not at all.
I can't keep waiting
for answers.
-(waves crashing)
I need to take control
of my own life.
You go, girl.
-I'm a kraken.
And if I want answers,
then there's only one person
-who can help me.
-Your mom.
My grandmother.
Yeah. No. What?
I can't let you do that.
-Your mom will kill me.
(groans, sighs)
Uncle Brill... (sighs)
you have been more helpful
than you can imagine.
(sighs heavily)
You know, this is the first hug
we've had in 15 years.
Then I'm really sorry.
-For what?
Oh! A stick snack.
(seagull squawking)
-(Brill yelling)
-(seagulls squawking)
(Brill screaming)



Real clever
with the stick trick.
I admit that, but... Whoa.
Yeah. It's kind of amazing.
So, there's no way
I'm getting you
out of the water now, is there?
Well, follow me.
Wait, Uncle Brill.
Whoa, oh.
Look in the mirror
-And I start to tear up
I don't even know
who's that I see
I'm missing the way
things used to be
-But I wipe 'em away now
'Cause I'm not afraid now
(villainous laughter)
I'm ready to find out
who I am
Even if the world
don't understand
-(laughing) -'Cause after
all this time finally...
Clarence J. Whifferton.
I'm so glad you made it.
(whale sounds)
You look great.

Something 'bout tonight
got me feeling different
I can see the bright lights
in the distance...
Uncle Brill, being in the ocean
is more wonderful
than anything I could imagine.
It only gets better from here.
Something in my mind
says to keep on going
The fire inside
just keeps on glowing
Tell my old self,
"Hey, you'll be missed"
But I've been waiting
my whole life for this
-Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, this moment
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Whoa, oh.
Oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh.
-(song ends)
That was wild.
Welcome to
the Kingdom of the Krakens.

BRILL: Yeah,
I know what you're thinking.
It's a little over the top.
But you know royals.
You mean my grandmother's a...
A queen!
A warrior queen,
Ultimate Lordess,
Ruler of the Seven Seas,
-et cetera, et cetera.
Give me a hug.
So tight.
-Not now, Brill.
It's Ruby's time now.
You said you'd be okay
with it, huh?
Of course, Mamah.
I'm not that needy, so...
I can't believe
you're my grandmother.
Please, call me Grandmamah.
You seem surprised by the level
of general majesty
and royal splendor.
I definitely wasn't expecting
the whole queen thing.
Your mother never told you
you were royalty?
I guess it was another
tiny omission.
Tiny omission?!
Don't worry.
I go to therapy now.
I see a wise hammerhead shark
on Wednesdays and Fridays,
and I've let my rage go.
Away, rage.
Ah, cookies.
Help yourself, Ruby.
Mmm. They're really...
they're really good.
A little mushy.
I made someone
make them myself.
Now, talk to your grandmamah.
Tell me everything.
Was it horrible living among
the hairy crust dwellers?
-You mean people?
Even the word makes
my tentacles squirm.
People are kinda nice,
I have a couple of friends.
I asked a boy to prom,
but, you know,
it... it did not go great.
Well, deary, you can put
all that behind you.
You're made for bigger things.
Come with me.
-(excited chattering)
I see her. It's Ruby.
Whoa. It's Ruby.
-FEMALE: It's her.
-CHILD: Look, it's the princess.
Is this actually her?
Aw. Thank you.
Is that Ruby?
Look, look. It's her.
She's so pretty.
(excited chattering)
Hi, Ruby.
(excited chattering continues)
Fellow krakens,
here at last
is my granddaughter.
After 15 years,
Princess Ruby has finally
returned home
to be my successor.
(laughs nervously): Wait. Wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I'm gonna be a, a what now?
Ruby, you're a princess.
-Address the crowd.
(krakens gasping)
I think...
I am having a panic attack!
-MALE: Panic attack!
(cheering fades)
(door creaks)
(breathing quietly)
(sighs heavily)
So, Grandma...
Uh, "Grandmamah."
It goes up on the second "mah."
Oh, sorry. Um, Grandmamah,
um, you have the wrong person.
I'm just Ruby Gillman,
normal teenager.
Normal according to who?
The women in our family
have been gifted
the mighty power
to turn into giant kraken.
You are only one of three giant
krakens on this Earth, Ruby.
We must protect the ocean
and its creatures.
But many monsters have coveted
our position
and have tried to seize
the throne for themselves.
Brag alert,
they never succeeded.
The Leviathan,
and the most power-hungry
and dangerous of them all...
The mermaid?
Yes, the mermaid!
But people love mermaids.
Of course they do.
People are stupid.
Mermaids are selfish,
vain narcissists
with mediocre hair,
and their queen, Nerissa,
the worst of them all.
She wanted to control the ocean
and force its creatures
to serve her and her alone.
Normally, mermaids would be
no match for us giant kraken--
much too puny--
but their queen found
an ancient weapon,
the Trident of Oceanus.
The only weapon powerful enough
to defeat a giant kraken.
We formed the front lines
against her,
-and for that...
-(warriors shouting, grunting)
...we paid a terrible price.
Frankly, I suppose
we'd all be kelp toast
if it wasn't for your mother.
No way.
That's my mom?
Was she actually cool?
She was our greatest warrior.
I mean, of course she was.
I taught her everything I know.
She engaged in a great battle
with the tyrant mermaid
and wrested away the Trident.
I called it
her "queen-making moment."
It was glorious.
Nerissa fled in disgrace.
We had a chance
to crush the mermaids forever,
but your mother did
the unfathomable.
She hid the Trident away,
left her kingdom,
left her kind,
all to play human?
You have laser eyes?
Well, it's electrically charged
but, yeah,
they do pack a wallop.
You have the powers,
too, you know.
Besides growing big
at super awkward moments?
You're special, Ruby.
You feel it
in the core of your being.
Let me teach you.
But my mom told me that
if I stay out of the ocean,
I won't turn into a...
A giant kraken?
You are not a human
who turns into a kraken.
You're a kraken
hiding as a human.
Once you know
what you're capable of,
you'll want to be
the next kraken queen.
It's your birthright.
And fight as you might,
fight as you will,
you can never outswim
your destiny.
I don't know, Grandmamah.
I like math and Connor.
You know, teen stuff.
Very well.
I loved spending this time
with you, Ruby.
Me, too.
Thank you for telling me
the truth.
Until we meet again.
Wait. You're just gonna
let her go?
She'll be back.
A kraken always
answers the call.
That's what you said
about Agatha.

Bye, Clarence.
(whale sounds)
Kraken ahoy!
(strained grunting)
Davey, hard to port.
Full power!

Fly. Fly, me beauties.
Let's get a closer look at ya.
-Laser eyes, go!
Laser eyes, go!
Laser eyes?
Hold her steady, Davey.
(kisses, chuckles)
Bit of a spicy tuna, aren't ya?
-Wait. Is that...?
-CHELSEA: The new girl.
Oh, my gosh. Hey.
H-How are you even down here?
I'm a motherflippin' mermaid.
I figured I owed you
an underwater rescue
since I kinda, sorta, 100%
got credit for yours.
Time for the Gordon special.
Surprise. It's a bomb!
We should get going
or, like, die. Your call.
-(Gordon yelling)
-Don't say it, Davey.
-(claws clattering)
You're such a naysayer.
I still can't believe
you're a...
A ten with a fin?
A fish come true?
A mermaid?
Ooh, I can't believe I can
finally have a friend
to share things with.
A super sea-girl bestie.
Look, Chelsea, thanks for what
you did back there,
but I started this day thinking
that my biggest issue was prom.
And now, I got
a whole lot more going on.
So I just need to go home,
get some sleep and pretend
this day never happened.
Look, I just thought
we had a lot in common,
but if you're gonna be salty
about it, then bye-bye.
-(hinges creaking)
-(crickets chirping)
(Nessie purring)
-(alarm ringing)
(sighs heavily)
-Okay, Ruby, you got this.
-(ringing stops)
You just need
to make it to school
and have a completely,
totally ordinary day.
(exhales, sniffs)
you've gotta stop
beating yourself up.
Oh, Arthur.
I can't believe I didn't
tell her any of this sooner.
I mean, what was I thinking?
You were thinking about
protecting her,
like you always have.
What if she drops out
of school?
I mean, what if she doesn't get
a job and runs away like I did?
(gasps) What if she hates me
like I hate my mom?
It's a slippery slope, Arthur.
Hate's a strong word.
And she loves you.
She'll never run away.
(door creaks open)
Huh. This doesn't help my case.
Ruby, hey. How are you feeling?
Did you sleep okay?
Everything back to normal?
Yeah. Mm-hmm. Totally fine.
Are you sure?
Oh, you look a little flushed.
Mom, I'm fine. Really.
Ruby, is that salt water
on your breath?
Salt water? What?
No. I really gotta go.
Good. Okay.
Well, if you do want to talk,
I'll be right here.
I just... I just really
want you to know
that you never have
to hide things from me.
-Hmm, like you?
-What did you say, honey?
Nothing. Bye, Mom.
Love you. Make good choices.
(sighs heavily)
There's a reason
for my high
There's a whole world
It destroyed the YA Zombie
Romance section.
The YA Zombie Romance section!
-MAN: Eric.
-ERIC: Yeah.
-Take a look at this.
Mom, I changed my mind.
I want to be homeschooled again.
I never liked that
library anyway.
We have a library?
Godzilla could not beat
that thing in a fight.
A tentacled freak
from the deep shows up,
and I'm supposed to learn math?
BOY 2:
So gross.
-There you are!
Why'd you stop answering
our texts last night?
I was worried
that monster got to you.
I carved us each a whistle
out of juniper wood.
Blowing it could give you
precious seconds
to abscond with your lives.
Sick. Juniper wood
has been known
to have kraken-defeating powers.
What? Kraken?
Why would you say that?
Ev-Everyone knows that krakens
aren't real, so...
Behold, a plot twist.
15 years ago,
you all laughed at me.
Sorry. Not you, Davey.
You're right,
you always believed me.
But now I finally have proof
that krakens exist.
A lot of you have been asking
about my beard regimen.
Kraken ahoy! She's back!
Oh, she's coming for me.
(yells) Davey,
get the picturephone.
Do you see it?
With your help,
we will drag this abomination
into the light and finally
reveal what it truly is.
(Gordon cackling)
(chuckles) Can't help
but root for that guy.
A great darkness has risen
from the depths to claim us all.
And this time,
she is not catastrophizing.
I mean, this is wacky Gordon.
You can't take him seriously.
He only has, like,
ten subscribers.
-For now.
Trevin is sharing it across
all of his socials.
-He's what? -What? You've never
heard of my channel?
A lot of people watch
my gaming live streams.
How many is a lot?
About a hundred and forty...
-And... video posted.
-There, it's out there
forever now. -Wait.
GORDON (through phones):
Kraken! Kraken! Kraken ahoy!
Dude, can you believe it?
-Kraken! Kraken!
-That old boat dude was right.
-Kraken ahoy!
-That thing is legit a monster.
A real-life monster.
-MARGOT: Ruby? Cue Ruby.
Bliss, get the smelling salts.
Where are you going?
You forgot your whistle!
GORDON (through phones):
Kraken! Kraken!
-Kraken ahoy!
Kraken! Kraken!
-Kraken ahoy!
-No running in the halls.
(breathing rapidly)
(gasping for air,
breathing slows)
(door creaks open)
With a kraken running loose,
you could use a bodyguard.
Aw, you're sweet.
The monster could be lurking
around any corner.
I'd fight it for you.
-(high-pitched scream)
Can I talk to you?
Okay, everyone out.
-Private talk time. Bye.
-(students grumbling)
So, what's up?
Chelsea, about last night,
I am sorry that I ran...
Oh. Apologies are so corny.
Just skip to the part
where you tell me everything.
Look, I... (sighs)
You are here on land one day,
and you already fit in.
I've been here all of my life,
and I still feel like a freak.
I-I just want to be
Ruby Gillman, normal teenager.
Oh, boo.
Where's the fun in that?
Ruby, you're a giant kraken.
Don't you think you could aim
a little bit higher
than "normal teenager"?
Oh, my cute little, floppy,
baby guppy girl.
You know what you need?
Great hair and a mermaid tail?
No, but it would help.
What you need, Ruby Gillman,
is to see how great
your life could be.
You need a super sea-girl
ditch day!
Okay. Let's do it.
MAN (over P.A.):
Just four more days until prom,
the last evening of joy
before entering the drudgery
of adulthood.
("plastic pony" by mxmtoon
(Chelsea laughing)
-I bought a ticket to life
-Rose-colored eyes
Made a home
in halls of mirrors
It was all fun and games
Love what I played,
but now I see a little clearer
The more that I see myself
The less that I know
about me
Was riding the carousel
up and down...
This day's been amazing.
I mean,
seven seas in seven hours?
And don't get me started
about how wrong they got
the crystal jellyfish in the
Marine Biologist Quarterly.
Am I geeking out too much?
(both laughing)
I still can't believe your mom
hid all of this from you.
"Hiding is surviving."
That's the Gillman
family motto.
Mottoes are stupid.
That's my motto.
I hate hiding.
But you're crushing it
at school.
Everyone loves you.
You really do have everything.
No, I don't.
Ever since
the Battle of the Trident,
all us mermaids
have been in hiding.
I couldn't take it anymore.
I felt trapped, so I ran away.
But when I ended up
at Oceanside High, I was alone.
No one could see the real me.
And then I found you,
my super sea-girl bestie,
and now everything is right
in the world.
If it wasn't for this whole
mermaid versus kraken war,
you and I could be this free
all the time.
Oh, sure. Yeah.
But, I mean, two teenage girls
can't fix history.
Wait. What's the first rule
of being a mathlete?
Hmm. Never talk about
being a mathlete?
No. We have to evaluate
the problem.
Chelsea, come on.
There must be some way
to end this war
so you won't have to hide
from the krakens
and I won't have to become
a prophesied princess warrior
of an interspecies vendetta.
Well, there is one way.
Picture this:
Chelsea Van Der Zee
and Ruby Gillman save the seas
by finding
the Trident of Oceanus.
That giant fork
my grandma's so obsessed with?
Yes. The Trident.
Stay with me.
Once we have the Trident,
we can show that there doesn't
have to be a war anymore.
It can be a symbol of peace.
Then my grandmother wouldn't
have to train me for battle.
I can live in the ocean
and on land as the real me.
No more fighting.
And the mermaids wouldn't have
to live in fear anymore.
No more hiding.
-No fighting.
-No hiding.
BOTH: No fighting! No hiding!
No fighting! No hiding!
I'm nervous about the barbecue.
Oh, Carol, come on.
No one knows what happened
exactly to the library.
Sam, no headphones
at the table.
-CAROL: It's completely gone.
-It could have been a gas leak.
Trust me, your buyers are gonna
love Oceanside's tranquility.
REPORTER: Tranquility
has turned to terror
here in Oceanside
as more and more witnesses
report having seen
the giant kraken.
Knock, knock. Who's there?
It's Uncle Brill.
I'm already inside.
Ooh, don't mind if I do.
Just one second, Carol.
(feigns laughter)
-What are you doing here?
When I came back empty-handed,
Mom hit the roof.
I need a place to crash
till she cools down.
A few months, a couple years.
Century, tops.
Um, hon, uh, this isn't good.
I'm here
with Captain Gordon Lighthouse.
Now, Mr. Lighthouse, you
allegedly claim to have seen...
The face of death!
-Ow, ow, ow. Ow.
-You out there,
I need any able-bodied man,
woman or child
-to help crew my vessel
-REPORTER: Get off. Ow! Ooh.
and capture the kraken!
That guy's terrifying,
and I live with a warlord.
Aggie, he's got her on video.
CAROL: Agatha, are you still
there? What's going on?
No, it's nothing.
Bring your buyers Saturday.
-She's got that look.
-The one where she wants us
to do something
we don't want to do.
I've been searching for kraken
me entire life.
And it cost me dearly.
-(claws clattering)
-Oh, fine, yes.
But if it wasn't
for the kraken,
I wouldn't have bought the boat,
and without the boat,
I wouldn't have
mortgaged my house, and if
I didn't mortgage my house,
Tammy wouldn't have left me.
Huh. Been there.
(whispering): Are we still
talking about krakens?
Gordon, if it's from the ocean,
I'm your man.
And I can wield this baby,
no problem.
(laughs nervously)
He knows this should
only be handled
by a responsible adult.
-Ooh, pointy.
-And who might you be?
Name's Brill. Born of the dirt,
live in the dirt,
will be buried in the dirt.
Don't like water.
-(exclaims, grunts)
-(Arthur gasps)
We call him Buckethead.
He's not too bright, but he can
take a lot of punishment.
You're hired!
Buckethead, you're with me.
Ah, now, don't be jelly, Davey.
What is this place?
The Well of Seas.
The source of all
the ocean's energy.
That's where your mother hid
the Trident of Oceanus.
She did? How did you know that?
Because she took it from
my mother, the mermaid queen,
and hid it in there.
My mom died
trying to get it back.
I am so sorry.
It's not your fault.
They were enemies.
So how are we supposed
to get it?
Each current has its own force,
its own power.
You have to swim through
all of the currents
to get to the center
where the Trident is hidden.
Only a giant kraken
can survive it.
It has to be you, Ruby.
It's just an underwater
volcano of death.
So, step one:
Evaluate the problem.
Okay. The problem is bad.
It's really bad.
Uh, we might need some help.

Ruby. Oh, what a surprise.
Show me how to use my powers.
Oh, I thought you'd never ask.

Okay, where do we start?
-Laser eyes? -Before you fly
through the ocean,
you must first learn to swim.
You know my swimming
is pretty good,
so maybe I could skip ahead
and we could
unleash my laser eyes.
Pew, pew. Pew, pew.
Whoa. (grunting)
You must accept
your "kraken-ness"
and leave your land self behind.
Uh, whoa.
Good night, stress,
see you in the mornin'
I don't gotta guess
You're always there for me
Sowin' them seeds of doubt
I think you like
seeing me freak out
Good night, stress,
I'll see you in mornin'
So I wake up,
I get out of bed
-(gasps, grunts)
-Stay up
Stay out of my head
-'Cause it's dangerous
And I don't wanna
lose my mind, no
I just wanna shine
Like the sun
when it comes up...
A giant kraken's
greatest weapon...
Laser eyes?
No. It's our strength.
Both inner and outer.
(strained grunting)
Now you can say it.
Laser eyes.
The first step is to summon
your passionate fury.
Passionate fury?
Like when my locker jams
right before class.
Dig deeper.
My friends ditching me for prom.
When my mom lies to my face!
(cries out)
How do you shut them off?

Have you guys seen Ruby?
No, not really.
Gasp. A rose.
I already had those
I'm just trying
to figure out
How to be myself right now
I don't wanna lay low
hiding in the shadows
So I wake up
-I get out of bed
Stay up
-Stay out of my head
-(alarm ringing)
-'Cause it's dangerous
And I don't wanna lose
my mind, no...
Ruby, I see in you
a heart as big as the ocean.
Honey, a thick skin
is a queen's ultimate defense.
Body armor.
Whoa. That's almost cooler
than laser eyes.
-GORDON: Kraken! Kraken!
Kraken! Kraken ahoy!
Ruby? We have been looking
all over for you.
So much for squad solidarity.

(song ends)
(water rushing)
(strained grunting)
A freak from the deep shows up,
and I'm supposed to learn math?
GRANDMAMAH: You're a kraken
hiding as a human.
AGATHA: If you stay on dry land,
you'll stay small.
That thing is a monster.
A real-life monster.
(grunts) Whoa!
(frustrated groaning)
So... can you get it?
I was so close. I could see it.
Well, then how did your mom
make it through?
I don't know.
But I guess
I'll have to do something
I never thought I'd do.
What's that?
Ask my mom for advice.
There once was a ship
that put to sea
The name of the ship
was Billy of Tea
(Sam laughing)
The wind blew up...
Argh! What is going on
down there?
First, you burned out
me engines.
Then you clogged up
my bilge pump.
And now we've been
off course for hours.
Now, where is my kraken?
Kraken ahoy.
-Sam, that's our signal.
It's go time. -Got it.
Davey, cue music!
It is the night
My body's weak...
There'll be no escaping
this time!
I've got to ride...
Wow. Gordon, you did it.
You've slayed the beast!
And here's your proof,
the kraken's baby itself.
But it's so tiny.
The babies are the most deadly.
But it looks almost, uh, cute.
Ah, Davey! Davey!
Oh, no.
Don't kill me.
Oh, please don't kill me,
kraken monster!
(chittering weakly)
Oh, I did it.
I survived a deadly
kraken baby attack.
Oh, finally, I've got my proof.
Wouldn't want to divorce me
now, would ya, Tammy?
Cabin boy, take a picture.
This is for all my haters.
Your one-star reviews
mean nothing.
Boys, this calls for
a celebratory sea chantey.
You go low.
I'll go high.
-Nessie, you tiny genius.
Ooh, I'm so nervous
to meet your mom.
She's gonna know that
I'm a mermaid right away.
How's my hair?
Feels like it's frizzing up,
and you can't trust a person
with frizz, Ruby.
Chelsea, you're my super
sea-girl bestie.
It's gonna be fine.
-No fighting.
-No hiding.
(phone chiming)
-(phone beeps)
-(exhales heavily)
A stick snack?
-A stick snack?
-Get your stick snack.
Can I offer you a stick snack?
Stick snack for he?
Stick snack for she?
Hey, Gary. Make sure you
check out the pool house.
Oh, Agatha, you were right.
What was I ever worried about?
I told you, Carol.
There's no better place
to raise a family.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
There she is.
Aggie, I'm so proud of you.
This is everything you've
worked for all these years.
Well, I couldn't have done it
without my...
kraken crew.
-Say, have you heard from...
Ruby. Hey, stranger.
I knew you'd make it.
Mom, I need to talk to you
about something big.
Is it about prom? Because...
No. And yes. But no.
It's about something
so much more than prom.
The ocean. Peace. Happiness.
We want all the same stuff
you wanted,
and we have a plan.
-But we need your help.
I want you to meet my super
sea-girl bestie, Chelsea.
-(girl mumbling)
What is going on, Ruby?
Before you freak out,
she is a mermaid,
but you're gonna love her.
Inside. Now.
Ruby, you have to listen to me.
You don't understand
the danger you're in.
We left the ocean
because of a mermaid.
Don't worry.
She's not like her mom.
-Her mom?
-The mermaid queen.
She's the mermaid queen's
Yeah, but she's my friend.
She is not your friend.
She is dangerous.
You sound like Grandmamah.
I'm sorry. I sound like who?
She's been training me.
She told me why you left.
Training you? For what?
Mom, don't you see? This is
our chance to fix everything.
Ruby, you are in over your head.
You do not know
the whole story.
And whose fault is that?
Hey, I tried to talk to you.
I wanted to tell you
everything sooner,
but I also needed
to keep you safe
and give you a normal life.
Normal? Normal isn't hiding
in this fake town,
living a fake life.
I sacrificed everything
to give you this "fake life."
I'm not gonna hide anymore!
Oh. No, no, no, no, no.
Hey, everybody. Um, watch how
high I can throw my nephew.
-(Sam screaming)
-(partygoers gasping)
Where'd he go?
(screaming continues)
-(Brill grunts)
-(Arthur gasps)
(partygoers exclaiming)
(laughing and cheering)
We are gonna change the world
with or without you.
Ruby, I get it. You're angry.
You want to fight.
So did I when I was your age.
But trust me,
this is the wrong fight.
You're on the wrong side.
You can't tell me
how to live my life.
Oh, yes, I can.
I am still your mother.
You are forbidden
from going in the ocean again.
Now go home and calm down!
(Ruby yelling)
(Ruby screaming)

Agatha, are you okay?
What happened?
Ruby's made friends
with Nerissa's daughter.
Oh, no.
And my mother
has been training her.
15 years, and she still
has her tentacles around me.
What about Ruby?
Oh, she hates me right now.
Go find her.
Make sure she's safe.
I'm gonna deal with my mother.

Ruby, wait.
Are you okay?
What happened back there?
My mom just wants things
to stay the same.
She wants me to stay the same.
But this time,
I'm not turning back.

And here I thought I knew
how to make an entrance.
Stay away from my daughter.
You mean my granddaughter?
The princess?
The heir to the throne?
Still trying to get your way.
Some things never change.
You're trying to force
your daughter
into a life she doesn't want.
Now, where have I heard
that before?
The difference is
I didn't raise my daughter
to be a reflection of my glory.
Well, that's certainly true.
You raised her to run away
and hide.
You still think
I was scared to fight.
You think it was easy
to start over?
To risk everything?
I never stopped fighting.
I fight for my family.
I fight for who I love.
You just love to fight!
She's just a kid.
A sweet, naive kid.
And now she's in trouble.
She made friends
with a mermaid.
The daughter
of the mermaid queen.
Daughter? Nerissa never
had a daughter.

(water rushing)
(sound quiets)

We did it.
I've waited 15 years for this.
15 years of waiting to get
revenge on your mother...
...dethrone your grandmother
and lay waste
to the kraken kingdom.
Oh, there is no Chelsea.
I am Nerissa.
What's happening to you?
(as Chelsea):
I'm a flippin' mermaid.
-(Ruby screams)
NERISSA: And you're just
a dumb teenager.
All that rah-rah-rah
was so that you could free this
for me, me, me.
(as Chelsea):
My super sea-girl bestie.
I trusted you.
You just got played, dum-dum.
-(Ruby grunts)
-Straight to ya
Straight to ya,
straight to ya dome like
I bring the pain like,
pain like, pain like...
(song fades)
("Moon Man" by Balu Brigada
playing in distance)
So I'll be your man
on the moon
(excited chattering
and laughter)
I'll be your man on the moon
Ah-ah, ah-ah
If I can't get closer to you
Ah-ah, ah-ah...
(song fades)

(tires screeching)
(maniacal laughter)
(whistle blowing)
(students screaming, shouting)
-(panicked screaming)
-(gasps) The face of death.
Oh, no.
Is Mrs. Gillman home?
Knock, knock!
Hey! That house was in escrow!
-WOMAN: Run! Run!
-To the boat, Davey.
There's kraken to kill.
Are you here to help me
kill the monsters?
-No. That's my wife.
But if she is a...
and-and you're her...
that means...
Please don't kill me,
kraken monster.
Pull yourself together, man.
We've got a mermaid to hunt.
Thanks. I needed that.
Where is my daughter?
Oh, we already said
our goodbyes.
But not before
she gave me this.
(Nerissa laughing)
The greatest warrior
in the sea,
hiding amongst humans.
What a waste.
No one talks to my daughter
like that.
-Except me.
-(Agatha sighs)
You've grown older, Queen.
Older and meaner.
Lucky for me,
mermaids don't age.
Well, I hope you both put up
more of a fight than Ruby.
(all yelling)
Ruby? Ruby?
(Ruby crying, sniffling)
Don't worry.
I'll get you out of here...
I will get you out
of here slowly.
Oh, no.
-What happened?
-(Ruby sighs)
Getting the Trident was
supposed to make things better,
but all I did
was ruin everything.
My mom was right.
I should have just gone home
like she said... (sniffles)
...gone back to hiding
and stayed small.
What? No. Ruby,
that's not what your mom meant.
I promise.
You weren't there.
Well, I may not know a lot
about a lot,
but I know my sister.
Growing up, I was so proud
to be her brother.
She was powerful, confident.
Everyone loved her.
But then she left,
and I could never understand
why she chose to leave
the ocean
until I saw the awesome life
she created on land.
And I realized,
your mom chose her own path.
She chose you.


It's time to destroy
that Trident once and for all.
Yeah! Go get her, kiddo!
I'll be right there.
Don't wait up, though.
(yelps, grunts)
-(Grandmamah grunts)
(Nerissa yells)
-(Agatha grunts)
(laughing): Oh, it feels
so good to be back.
And this time,
I'm getting rid of you
for good.
Stay away from my mother!
Ruby Gillman?
Pause. Rewind. Ruby?
You should be dead.
Picture this.
Quirky girl fulfills destiny
by foiling fake friend!
-(Nerissa grunts)
-(students gasp)
Took me over like a fever
Caught you hiding
in the smoke...
What is she doing?
Answering the call.
(Nerissa laughing)
(both grunting)
Lay your red hand
on me, baby
Ooh, ooh
As I go

(students screaming)
Leave my sister alone.
(cries out)
Aw, yeah.
That's what I'm talking about.
Doug, that's our house.
Enough with these
childish games.
I hate high school.
(Ruby cries out)
(students screaming)
If this is our end,
then we'll face it unafraid!
(whistles blowing)
Into the sea
Out of fire
All that burning
Into the sea
Out of fire
All that burning
-Into the sea
Out of fire
All that burning...
-Ruby, behind you!
-(Nerissa yells)
You'll never win, Ruby Gillman.
You're just a dumb teenager.
You know what's really pathetic?
That you thought someone like me
could ever be friends
with a monster like you.
I am not a monster.
I'm a kraken.
Mom, we need to shoot
the Trident together.
No, it-it can't be destroyed.
That's... that's why I hid it.
We can do it if we join together
at the same time.
It's the exponential
growth formula.
We've got to shoot it more
and longer.
Trust me, I'm a mathlete.
(Nerissa yelling)
It doesn't have to end
like this.
Just give up the Trident.
You'll never get this
away from me.
Maybe I can't, but we can.
(gasps, grunts)

-(gasps) No!
-(lasers warbling)

(people cheering)
(chittering happily)
Go, Ruby!
(Nerissa screaming)
Now, that's a successful
monster hunt.
We got us
a little mermaid, Davey!
Please. Please, please, please.
I'm not evil.
I'm just pretty...
and misunderstood.
Now, what about the mermaid?
-Everyone likes fried fish.
Away, rage.
Away, rage.
Ruby, I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
I should have trusted you
with the truth,
and so from now on,
no more lying.
And no more hiding.
I think you can still make
the last dance.
Now, let's talk about
her coronation.
Mom, don't start.
Fine. A mother knows best.
Brill's here.
Mamah! What are you doing here?
And with Agatha?
Are-are... are you okay?
Is everyone okay?
-(Grandmamah shushing)
-Is Ruby okay?
It's Brill's time now.
I've waited 15 years for this.
Oh, who's crying?
You're crying. (crying)

(applause, cheering)
You're our hero.
(excited chattering)
I love you so much!
-BOY: Yeah!
-BOY 2: Ruby for prom queen.
You really saved us.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you
everything sooner,
and I'm sorry for ditching you.
I shouldn't have lied to you.
Ruby, my sweet, magnificent,
giant-sized best friend,
you never ever have to hide
things from us.
Yeah, we will always
be by your side,
even when you almost
ended life as we know it.
Sorry, no catastrophizing.
Kraken, Canadian or otherwise,
we'll always love you, Rubes.
Squad solidarity?
Squad solidarity.
Hey, you.
Ruby. H-Hey.
So, that was you out there?
Guilty. (laughs nervously)
-Ruby... Oh, you go.
No, you go.
Okay, I go.
Connor, will you go
to prom with me?
Wait. Connor, are these
quadratic derivative graphs?
Let's just say
I had a good tutor.
("Praising You" by Rita Ora
feat. Fatboy Slim playing)
Whoa. (laughing)
Let's dance.
I have to praise you...
And who is this fine
young kraken?
This is Sam, our son.
Son? As in,
I'm a grandmamah again?
This is the coolest thing ever.
Do your tentacles ooze poison?
Have you ever wrestled a Hydra?
Better yet,
have you ever played dodgeball?
Oh, I am gonna like you.
Okay, guys. Gordon here.
Uh, this be my official
apology video.
Look, I said some insensitive
things about the kraken.
OMG, are you live streaming?
-Ugh, my hair is terrible.
-Now, t...
How many likes
are we getting, though?
And who knew love would
leave me feeling this good
I have to praise you
like I should
I have to praise you,
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
like I should...
Agatha Gillman here,
Realtor and kraken protector
of Oceanside.
It's the safest place
to raise a family,
thanks to my daughter.
Welcome back to Bottled Up.
This week, we're embracing
our inner seaside.
Whoo. Let's get kraken.
I'm taking dodgeball
to a whole new level.
I have to praise you
(kids grunting)
I have to praise you
I'm a legend.
But I'm always praising you
I have to praise you
like I should...
(tires screeching)
Ruby, the Devil Whale
has been spotted
and is headed straight
for the kraken kingdom!
Well, leading lady?
Hold my books.
See? I told you people.
The ocean will always
need a kraken,
and a kraken will always
answer the call.
You were gonna watch me
Rise up with the waves
I was always
somehow ashamed
Trying to always hide
in my skin
Now I feel the rain come
pouring down
You always said
that I should hide it
Don't know why
I held my light in
Like a sapphire now
I'm shining out
Even when it wasn't easy
Even when you couldn't
see me
I think I always knew
deep down inside
You were gonna watch me
Rise up with the waves
You were always there
for me but
Didn't know what
I was made of
The pressure only made
this diamond
Stronger, stronger,
You always said that
I should hide it
Don't know why
I held my light in
Like a sapphire now
I'm shining out
Even when it wasn't easy
Even when you couldn't
see me
I think I always knew
deep down inside
You were gonna watch me
Rise up with the waves
Rise up with the waves
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Rise up with the waves
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Rise up with the waves
Rise up with the waves...
Rise up with the waves.
(song ends)

(music fades)