Run! Bitch Run! (2009) Movie Script

Be careful with dinii.
Look here.
Lobo stupid.
Yes, it's nice, dear. Now you can give me the money.
What? Not good enough?
Like tools black ass, right?
Come on, I pay big money for the pleasure of this moment ...
At least pretend that you love me, as it was like a real whore.
- I'm not a whore! - Only $ 20 one can say otherwise.
kamumembutuhkan companies, money is simply a gift.
Well, if it makes kamutidur better.
I bet that every day is Christmas Eve unfortunate prostitutes ...
Sucking all Mosley County, ...
I take my gift back stupid whore.
Here is your reward!
- What is that? - Marla and drawing with John.
- Whore bitch! - Go to hell!
What to tell the wife-thousand Uto leaf?
What is this?
- Who is there? - Marla.
Wait, come soon.
Promise not to go anywhere.
Marla, not again! That's what I do?
Who cares? He's dead now.
This is nothing.
What's going on here? Shit!
Clint, pass the car. It would be better to get him into the car.
See this mess? kamuharus clean.
This is for you, Marla.
Clint, leave it here. I've got a better idea.
Go and get my tools.
Rebecca, let's go. I'm running late.
Rebecca, come on. Dressed. Show a little embarrassed.
I'm not ashamed. Moth head too tight?
- What's wrong with him? - The fact that kamuseperti it sucks.
We are far from St Mary's School. Quiet. More liberal.
Sister Teresa would not accept something like that. I do not accept such behavior.
He's not in right now. It can not resist seeing what it is.
Maybe he is not here, but he sees everything.
- He would not accept anything like that. - I wish to say that.
- What does it mean? - Means that we are here for three days.
We only remember the Bible ...
- Kamutidak can rest, have fun? - Not that we should think.
We have a religious mission.
Be go spread the word ...
Hey, beautiful. Where plecai so fast?
You're so far away from home and more and kamusendirian.
- Kamuharus come to Juneburyyn. - I've never seen so good seller.
- What kamuingin kamumenjual? - Religion terms. Want to buy?
I do not believe. I believe in the almighty dollar.
- Speaking of that, it will cost $ 15 - Okay, wait.
Along the way, is a city. This may be the word of God.
- With Juneberryyn? - Kamutidak may not realize it.
- Mosley called, is a small town. - It sounds good.
- Deviation from the plan ... - Do not we have and we have fun?
If kamumenjual faster, we can go back to St Mary's.
But just a few hours. I want to be back before dark.
- I agree. - I agree.
Nice. Go there and say that Wellman sent you.
kamuakan had an unexpected success. "Maybe it will sell today.
Like Mosley fun.
If Do not be too fair, I can and I have a little fun with them.
Hey, we're from St. school. Maria and tried to sell ...
- What kamuinginkan? - Hey, we're in St Mary.
- Trying to raise money ... - I have no money.
And if so, have not and so the two washed as you.
- Just a little donation ... - Donation?
Why not go to work?
- Let me serve the mission of Jesus. - Jesus and only Jesus!
- Everyone needs God, ma'am. - I came with MEI filth like that.
- Disconnect. - Wait, look.
Plecai on my property,
or provide a ticket to the gate of Heaven!
- Do not go too well. - We have to change tactics.
- How to do this? - With a sexy attitude. See.
No! And I want to sell everything but nothing like this.
Not that Jesebel.
What we need now is a little help from Jesus.
Make your style. My style I have sold everything at once.
- We can help you? - What Regulates kamusampai?
I've never seen before. The new Lobo girls you?
Let me take it. On the one hand, micuule. Do adults place ...
There should kamumakan some bugs?
kamutidak may sell goods in this area. I can not afford to look weak.
Look, you're a jerk. There is in discussions with slime like you.
You know what I like, dear.
You are wrong. Sell goods kamudan church.
We buy from kamudan kamudari us and everyone is happy.
- Allow him to see the road and ... - It's just a bieel.
"The children of the wicked have chosen the wrong path" and said to my mother.
To see how much money have money ...
Nice work ... Now we do not have the money.
Yes, but we have a snack.
Now, we have to make sense.
I do not know what kamudengar, but you've heard wrong.
I'm not a fool. My mother did not improve the poor.
Carla, I'm not there yet Thi
because kamumenghormati women and but also as employees.
But if I have a mind, I would be hard put that kamutidak going to know what hit you.
- Well, Lobo. kamukepala. - See, I told you in hell.
All sinners and I iertai.
So, tonight sin
and we can repent tomorrow.
I say that kamuakan forgiven. Apologize.
Meminta maaf, skizofrenia killer junkie!
Sins shall ye be forgiven.
There is no forgiveness for Hell.
What do you want? Occupied.
- I think someone's door. - Go and open.
Loretta ordered Thi kamuberarti everything?
Well ... the door is open for a.
I'm trying to be a good person.
And kamumencoba to play with my goodness.
Look at that?
- Can I do this ... - Say goodbye to Carla.
Control kamupergi?
Let's go. Do not tell anyone.
Sit down!
Nemi and how much remains.
It seems we caught two "voyeuristic".
No, Clint, I catch what I will call
best fucking two prostitutes.
Out to see if there are any spy.
Get out!
Di mana kamupergi, fetio?
Just us and we know very little.
Apakah kamupernah membuat seorang wanita?
Will be the first time for both of them.
- What? - At least for now.
Out is free. What are the pros know this?
It seems that some sales kamumemiliki church and your books.
There is a bookstore across the street kamuharus work there.
We controlled well when I brought them in.
Again control again. Seeing that kamumemiliki something hidden between the breasts.
Thi said that we have mastered.
Please, let's go. Thi promise I will not say anything.
Let us go and we'll never see again.
Quiet. I can not stand to see a girl cry. Why?
I can not see anyone other than If kamubersemangat.
- How? - Go, I came up with it.
Sorry, I'm a whore that I have to deal with.
I will miss your ass.
That is what you can see?
Where to go?
i do not know how it works?
I do what I want I will go and you.
And maybe ... kamudapat do something and for you.
Take Thi goodbye to your friends.
Enough! It is enough.
I want to be beautiful.
Not again and again. respeci kamumencoba for me!
Now I know, you're a whore, kamutidak trustworthy.
Give me your hand.
I am curious ...
What girls in school
night, when no one could see.
Suck it to the bone.
Do it.
Come here.
Taste it.
- 900 - 300 memberikan i.
- Can be resold. - Owned my job.
- Does Clint? - What ... What monkey?
Carla? I think she receives proper treatment.
Bitch expensive, one month's salary,
plus two streets in grani To buy penicillin.
It was Carla. A devour.
- How long is it? - Feasting? It has always been one.
- I mean, death. - About an hour.
Some people will pay to see him die.
One man paid money to urinate in one's mouth.
And other people do things that do not even want to talk.
That person seems to have a girl. kamumembayar for it?
- 700?
- 500.
Clint, do not read the Bible. It's not healthy.
Tweezle, bringing tarps.
Must remain closed.
Goods can not be contaminated.
- Do kamugila, monkey. - You know I did.
Want to escape?
Ii put a gun to his head and the water and trigger.
If beauty is your brain remains in place,
then ye will be able to go.
- Are you crazy. - Want to see crazy?
i kamumelihat gila!
- Now, it's your turn. - No!
Come on! Unfortunately, if you do not put a gun i damn Temple
I will ensure that everything will transfer THI.
- Come on, pull the trigger. - I can fulfill it.
- Leave her alone! - Shut up!
Pull the trigger. Pull the trigger, damn it!
Sepertinya kamupipis di chiloei.
i tidak perlu khawatir.
Please leave her alone.
Diam ...
Damn ...
Marla, hell, every time when a person dies leaving kamusendirian.
- What? Is it my fault kamupikir? - Clint, get the car.
- Chinacosille? - I have three girls in the same day.
Clint, do not forget boyfriend.
What to do with me?
We play the game. We had to hide. If we are to you, kamutersesat.
This is the way kamumemiliki hide, but much more fun.
kamuakan find a place to hide, if I find Thi sex.
A spark I know "warm milk" above all "cherry ICA" you.
Can kamumenjalankan.
What kamutunggu signal? Bam! Run!
Wine! Run, whore, go!
Run, bitch, run!
- I think I'll let go! - We have other things to do.
Be sure and get colria beautiful cemetery.
I think it's time.
Go and pick it up, Lobo.
Why do Lobo and to treat kamubegitu?
- How? - As a personal whore.
kamutidak treated me better.
Sorry I splash and spread kamuotak girlfriend.
I know i like him.
It happens.
He should treat you above all respect.
Look around. kamuadalah people who do all the work.
If Lobo was not around kamuharus manage their businesses.
I know all the girls.
And kamutahu that kamusemua contact.
Why be a very small factor when kamubisa be king?
What do you mean, Marla?
Lobo and I are a team.
I mean it's just ...
If ye say anything to Lobo, kill you.
Ask Carl path If they put me.
But Carl was dead.
See you!
No, no!
Now kamumemberi me.
Jauhkan kepala kamuke wah.
I have filled with blood, bitch.
Want more? Get it here.
How is that for the first time?
- That's yours. - Nice.
No need. We have received at home.
Do kamugay? She was willing and kamumendapatkan more?
He became homosexual. A man and a draw in over my ass.
Give them to me, if not all use you. I would not hurt a change.
Homo then, now go and make sure that you will take the secret to the grave.
- Cut out with another kamuyang hand. - I'm not going to disappoint, Lobo.
Dead. Do you understand?
- Clint, damn it. - Kamumelakukannya correctly?
- I take very good care. - Congratulations.
Yes, kamumendapatkan one day.
Bring the car.
It's a miracle that he survived the night.
We reported the authorities.
I think it was the best thing that I could do it.
Let's see.
- Poor girl has not eaten anything. - To consult.
- A family notified? - I do not know if he had a family.
- There's something about it? - Just a prayer book.
Nurse call Rose.
Physically it is good. It was in God's hands.
We do our best.
Now it depends on finding a way back.
To have a rest. I received a powerful sedative.
Told kamujika changes happened to me.
If I could do more, Rosie ...
Istirahat dan kamusekarang.
I go 20 minutes and you were here.
- No one kamuinginkan of me? - I want to tell kamumemindahkan ass helm road.
Take my new clothes and kamubisa customers.
Want new clothes? Start sucking again!
kamutidak want and get some new shoes? How about a little crooked kamulebih often.
kamutidak want and new hair? And it was from my ass.
Do not stay glued to the wall here ...
and wait for someone to give i $ 3 for a felaie unfortunate.
- Move down the road-Thi. - ipa not me.
Forgive me. Now go to work, and I'm waiting here to our customers.
i seperti itu suara?
- You're so good to me. - I know. Give me one here, come on.
Go into the street.
Fucking whore.
The streets are not safe for a single woman.
Except kamusedang work. Want to work for Lollipop?
Ass like kamucukup sought.
Especially nurses ...
Get out of here, bitch, kamulebih both lost!
If you see Kamulagi, death!
Jesus saves you.
Jesus saves you
Kamuadalah Who the hell are you? A misguided, or what?
Waste Chinacon. Leave a message. Soon we will contact you.
Tweezle that Clint. We have a duty to Carl.
To meet. Gus's Bar. See you there.
- Pays the first .. - I have just come.
kamumemiliki unpaid bills 75.
Pay or exit out of here!
Tratai loyal customers?
Alien, yes. And only Hispanic.
I treat myself like hell.
- No, I do not like Hispanics. - Today is my lucky day.
Pay you, or ask someone to handle this.
Clint pay, or make supi of boa and they belong to you.
Nenorocii serakah.
kamumengerti perfect. Now kamubisa kamuinginkan drink anything.
It is not normal to bring their human and the last dollar.
Also, it is inappropriate to want to come here
and do not pay kamuThi.
Say that kamudan friend Lobo.
Gus, kamubisa get that rusty iron Thi and put it in the ass.
Respect my bar!
Go to notify kamusebelum use the head as a baseball!
No need to do that.
- Hello, dear, how are you? - Okay.
- What should be left? - Bad.
Mei i membawa satu?
- My money is not good? - I see that kamumengambil of the table.
I'm not talking a small ferry and and.
- Why do not we meet later. - Seriously? Why?
Again, for the same view porn?
What's wrong with that?
Thi Get life, ra ... Loser.
Look who's talking, Darla.
What's funny like that, fagot? The poor girl is now idle.
Who wants to watch a prostitute with scars while eating?
- This is a good show, it was not horrible. - Who cares?
It's not enough fish in the sea.
Give me a drink on the house for the lazy dancer A.
Move the bottom out of the bar-Thi My how can kamumasih go.
- Well, put it in the package. - Exit out now!
If kamuharus say again i one to tell kamuuntuk moving neck nose!
Gus, Thi remind kamutentang girlfriend, Carla?
Bid, said that Thi felaie best?
I do not think kamubisa see again.
- What kamubergumam there? - I can give i yet.
A greeting on your part Marla.
- What took so thi? - And I'm happy to see you.
- Where do Lobo? - On the first floor, with some slut you.
We believe Carla brought i damn.
No longer considered. I will never look around.
Serious? I know it.
Prostitutes bad. I could trust them.
That's why I did not stick. kamutidak thi've pulling with him, right?
Enough about Carla.
- What are you, darling? - Not good, create a commission like that.
What is the problem? I think i such visits.
Yes, but if they find my head I'm going to kill.
No doubt, I'll kill him.
Need to think about my daughter. Will remain orphans.
- Lollipop will not do it. - Do kamupikir after the overnight ...
A taste for blood now.
Last night?
What happened last night?
The search for new talent and prostitutes hit him with a knife.
Shit! It's so crazy.
- Why does something like that? - I do not know, it happens.
Lobo had to protect themselves. No one is sure, after this incident.
Where is he?
i khawatir, bayi.
kamutidak have to think about it. Lobo was outside ...
... One of the prostitutes.
Now we have to take care of my bitch.
I have to go.
- They're in a hurry? - Not your cloth, do not treat me and a.
Even if kamupelacur, does not mean I can handle it and a.
That's what counts. I hope to have more next time.
- Where are you going, baby? Where's my stuff? - My children are waiting for me in the car.
If the backs now, this will be the end! Understand, stupid whore?
Can kamumendapatkan some of Scotland May morphine in the hospital?
Naturally, Lobo, what kamuinginkan.
That's my girl. Ready for round two?
Now what?
Wait. Can we talk? You and me?
Come back, bitch!
Dance, dance!
Not now, Marla.
That girl has disappeared.
URELIT door, girl. Can kamudan someone cuts you.
kamumendapatkan all wrong. kamuharus thank me and you.
I have given her virginity. It is a special memory for women.
Put that aside and let the bed with us.