Ryan's World the Movie: Titan Universe Adventure (2024) Movie Script

Five, four, three, two.
Hey, guys, I'm here live
with my favorite
magician, Dan Rhodes.
Please excuse me
if I'm a little nervous, Ryan.
I mean, it's not every day
that I meet one of my heroes
or that he saws me into
a bunch of little pieces.
You all heard that right.
Dan's taught me some of
his best magic tricks,
and now I'm gonna cut
him into three, live.
How many people are
watching, Aiden?
Hey, hey, hey everyone.
I'm Aiden, Ryan's best
friend, best producer,
and, well, just all around best.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Holy, wow, we're
already at 3 million.
Okay, without further ado,
here we go.
Wait, that's my line.
Here we go.
Do it again,
but a little more "here"
and a little less "go."
And also, Ryan, you probably
wanna lose the hat and the jack.
Okay, I think it's
time for you to go
in the box now.
You're right.
Let's get this show on the road,
or some people might
say, chop-chop.
Do you get it?
All right, maybe not.
Alright, Ryan, come on.
Just how we
practiced, my friend.
Okay, everyone, it's
time to chop Dan into three
and let's prepare the blades.
Be careful, Ryan.
Whoa, that's it.
Dan, can you hold this
and wiggle it around for me?
Of course I can.
Look, no fake fingers
here, Ryan.
You're doing great, Ryan,
just how we practiced.
Time for the second blade.
Be careful.
I did it.
We did it.
Ta da.
Look, nothing in between.
Ryan, I'm not just
one great teacher.
I'm three!
And now with this magic goop,
I'm gonna put Dan
back together again.
Abracadabra, alakazam,
reattach this magic man.
Ryan, maybe try it
without magic words.
They're so last century.
Ah, the goop is a little stuck.
How stuck?
We're at 15 mil, guys.
Is that supposed to happen?
-I don't know.
-Is he okay?
Did Ryan
do that on purpose?
Is Dan stuck like that forever?
Is that supposed to happen?
-No, I don't think so.
-Uh oh.
16 mil.
Ryan, this isn't
what we rehearsed.
Maybe the goop just spilled.
Or maybe it disappeared.
I did not teach you that.
I'm gonna go make it reappear.
-Incredible, truly.
I'm gonna take
a page from your book
and make this
livestream disappear.
I'm gonna add some milk.
I'm gonna add some milk.
Emma, Kate, hand it over now.
Hand what over?
We're just playing tea party.
Oh yeah, can I
have some tea then?
-Why not?
-It's special tea.
A-ha, I knew it.
We wanted to do magic too.
Get me out of here.
Come on, last one, last one.
All right.
Everything's still workin'?
Yes, I'm still alive.
Oh, I'm good, I'm good.
Oh, I am not doing that again.
-Dan, I'm so sorry.
I know you're so mad.
Ryan, we are trending worldwide.
Hashtag DANandsplit,
hashtag DanCubed,
hashtag RyDan.
Leaving a magic trick on
a cliffhanger, genius.
I'm going into hiding for at
least a month after this trick.
Yes, of course that was planned.
I mean, I'm professional.
But yeah, if you thought
that magic trick was good,
then wait 'til you
see what I've got
in store with
Ryan's mom and dad.
I love playing
with Emma and Kate,
just not all the time.
Dan's the coolest, and
now he's gonna think of me
as the guy who's little
baby sisters ruin everything
So embarrassing.
Dan's thrilled.
He's already sent me
a novel-length email
with five gazillion new ideas.
Aiden, do you see this?
My favorite hoodie bedazzled.
It smells like
bubblegum perfume.
They did you a favor.
That hoodie was ugly.
It smelled like a locker room.
Hey, let's go over to DabGib.
We've been meaning to check
out their comics for ages.
That's what I was thinking,
but I can't find
my helmet anywhere.
If it's red, saw it
with the twins earlier.
That better not be
what I think it is.
It was boring.
Now it's not.
Hey, it matches your hoodie.
How did you even
do that so fast?
I was gone for
like five seconds.
- Sounds impressed to me.
- Aiden.
I dunno, I think
the helmet looks kind of cute.
Keep out.
Seriously, don't come in.
That means you, Emma and Kate.
How'd you hear
about this place again?
Oh, you know, I have a ton
of really cool,
top-secret sources.
-So, your dad?
Ryan, whoa, huge fan.
Can I get a selfie?
Please, please,
please, please, please.
Of course. Thanks for watching.
Uh, you want me
to change my face?
Nah, that's cool.
Uh, okay, thanks for everything.
Wow. Whoa.
-Can I help?
Guess not.
Look, super rare.
That's way better
than regular rare.
The sign says we
need adult supervision.
Access denied.
Yeah, yeah, I gather that, door.
Ryan, signal me if
counter guy comes over.
- Signal?
What kind of signal?
Access denied.
- I don't like this, Aiden.
Just whistle or something.
Access denied.
Access denied.
- Access denied.
- Oh, whistle.
Access denied.
Aiden, the guy. I can't whistle.
You think?
Counter guy's coming over.
Shush! Stop freaking out.
Look innocent.
Act natural
Access denied!
Alarm deactivate.
No idea how that happened.
I must have bumped into it.
Safety hazard really.
We might sue.
Come on, Ryan.
Oh my God, I knew
I recognized you.
You're the, you're
the unboxing kid on YouTube.
Uh, I guess.
I do lots of stuff.
Yep, that's him.
Ryan of "Ryan's World."
Super famous, tons of fans.
Aiden, stop.
My little sister loves you.
She watches everything
that you're in.
She wants to play with all
the toys that you play with.
I mean, she thinks that
you're her older brother
instead of me.
Uh, thanks, I think.
Hey... Clark,
Ryan was just
telling me how cool it would be
to get into the rare
books room back here.
Oh, we don't really allow
kids back there
without an adult.
What if Ryan sends
a video saying hi
to your little sister?
You'd really do
that for me, Ryan?
- Uh?
- Oh, sure,
he makes special videos
for his fans all the time.
Don't you, Ryan?
Being nice, not
to like get stuff.
I guess we can make
a few exceptions, right?
Let me get the code for you.
Aiden, not cool.
You know, I don't do
that type of stuff.
Oh, come on. You didn't do it.
I did, and we're in.
Okay, the code is C-O-M-B-O.
Hey, like panda?
No, like combination.
Ryan, look,
"Adventures of Skunk Boy,"
super rare
scratch-and-sniff edition.
Both sniffing]
Ooh, a vintage Silver Shrieker.
What makes it vintage?
I don't know.
The sound! My ears!
Make it stop!
-Hey, Aiden.
-This better be good.
I found the only print
edition of "Duct Tape Dude."
Did you publish a super
rare Red Titan comic
without telling me?
No. Someone's
stealing my characters.
Ooh, someone's in trouble.
I got it. Let's go.
We'll take this one.
Keep the change, see ya.
Hey, wait, my
sister's name is Mia.
Robot Head?
Robot Head.
Turbo rocket booster?
Turbo rocket booster.
What if Ryan gets mad?
He won't.
He'll play superheroes
with us all day,
just like he used to.
You did what now?
I can't tell you.
It's confidential.
Oh my.
My room, what
happened to my room?
All of my stuff?
I put so many keep out signs.
Can't you two read?
You cracked my golden egg.
That was a one out of 10.
Where is it?
We made you a megabot.
Well, I found the golden egg,
or pieces of it at least.
Do you like it?
Do you know how rare
some of those figures were?
You ruined them.
We just wanted to play with you.
Now, I never wanna
play with you again.
Clean this all up.
I'll go talk to him.
I know that you're mad.
I'd be mad too,
but Ryan,
you might wanna apologize.
That was way too mean.
They're just little kids.
Aiden, did you see my room?
All of my stuff.
Listen, I might not have
little sisters, but I am one,
and I know that they
just want your attention.
When I was little, I wanted
my big brother's
attention so bad.
I popped all of his basketballs.
He didn't speak
to me for a week.
Maybe you're right.
I'll go talk to them,
but if they're
already cleaning up,
I might as well let them finish.
Let's go finish our
Minecraft build.
He's never gonna
play with us now.
Never, ever, ever again.
-Pick it up.
-No, you pick it up.
Emma and Kate, do you
want a megabot suit,
special for Ryan?
How does it know our name?
How is it talking?
I'm a unicorn.
I know everything.
-Makes sense.
Touch the page and join me
if you want the suit for Ryan.
I don't know, Emma.
Kate, what's the first
rule of unicorn club?
We don't talk
about unicorn club.
Okay, the second rule.
Trust the magic unicorn
because unicorn's are magic.
Yeah, let's get that
megabot suit for Ryan.
Then he'll play with us again.
Our stuffies will keep us safe.
Trust me, let's go.
For Ryan.
Okay, for Ryan.
I guess I was a little mean.
Emma and Kate, I'm really sorry.
Wait, where are they?
Maybe they're hiding.
Or maybe they're hiding
'cause they opened
my comic book without asking.
Well, maybe they just wanted
to see themselves
in a comic book.
I didn't know they were in here.
Wow, they got Kate's
hair perfectly.
Wait, that can't be possible.
Emma, Kate, how did
you get in there?
Ryan, look.
Stay away from there.
I'm goin' in.
Into the crazy, mysterious,
magic comic book?
Sounds fun, but also dangerous.
You don't know what's
waiting for you in there.
But I do know my sisters are.
I have to save them.
And you're coming with me too.
I have to apologize.
Talking to a toy,
a sign of someone
who makes great decisions.
Cover for me.
I'm coming in, Emma and Kate.
"Cover for me, Aiden."
How come he always gets
to do the cool stuff?
What's happening?
Whoa, this is so cool.
Whoops, my bad, ground.
Whoa, awesome.
Am I really in a comic book?
No way!
My own real life speech bubble?
Pizza, hulalaboo,
widdershins, lollygag, farts!
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Large qloskeods.
Urgh! Okay, I'm over it.
Phew, now that I
have room to breathe,
time to rescue Emma and Kate.
Red Titan spotted!
Huh? Henchmen?
Red Titan spotted.
Red Titan spotted.
Red Titan spotted.
Exterminate, exterminate.
Listen guys, I'm just
here to see my sisters,
and then I'll be
outta your hair.
Uh, wires?
I'll save you the trouble
of exterminating me.
How does that sound?
Hmm, wait a second.
I'm Red Titan.
Bring it on.
I have... super powers?
Let me-- Uh oh.
No way.
I'm free.
Uh, thanks, mystery tornado.
Righty-o, no problema,
but my name is Stella.
Mystery Tornado is a pretty
cool superhero name though.
I'll consider it
for my alter ego.
Red Titan, it's really you.
We were scared you'd never come.
Never say never.
Wait, I've never met you.
So, never say
never starting now.
Well, we have officially
met because I saved you.
That has to make us be a first.
You're welcome, by the way.
Hey, I said thank you.
Yeah, but it's not every day
I get to save the Red Titan.
Ah, let me have this.
That was pretty cool, huh?
My wings can blow winds
up to 100 miles per hour,
and I also have the most
powerful night vision
you'll ever, oh, find.
But it's no big deal.
Uh, are you okay?
It's okay. It's a very big deal,
but the bigger deal
is that Red Titan is finally in
-the Titan Universe,
here to save us all.
-Hold up, Stella.
I never say no
to saving a universe.
Oops, starting now.
But I came in here
to save my sisters.
They went that way.
Ooh, to Dark Titan's lair?
Ooh, are you going to defeat him
in an epic super hero battle?
Back up.
Dark Titan is in here too?
What does he want
with my sisters?
I don't know, but
it can't be good.
Let's find out and
do some more savin'.
Stella saves the day part two.
Woo hoo.
Here we come, Emma and Kate.
Follow me.
Hey, wait up.
That's my line.
This is insane.
Hey, kids, how was
the comic book store?
Why are you wearing that?
For Dan's video.
He's gonna pull me
out of his hat
to stay trending.
Ah, he's gonna think
I look so cool.
Ah, it all makes sense.
Anyway, the comic book
store was great.
We got tons of cool stuff.
We were just looking
at all of it.
Woo, can I see?
You know how much
I love rare comics?
No! Uh, I mean, not yet.
You guys are
too cool for Dad, huh?
It's... it's not that.
We just, well,
can't really tell you.
Did Ryan buy me
a surprise comic at the store?
Yes, yeah, that's what he did,
and we're wrapping it now so.
Ooh. Don't let me interrupt.
Surprise, your kids are trapped
in a magic comic book
with a super villain.
Come on, Ryan, hurry up.
The colors are getting brighter
so the unicorn
must be getting closer.
Megabot suit, here we come.
Ryan is going to be so happy.
Emma, there's
something telling me
that there isn't actually
a unicorn or a megabot suit.
What's telling you that, Kate?
A scaredy-cat?
No, that holograph
of Dark Titan.
There is no unicorn
or megabot suit.
Welcome to Dark Titan's lair.
I am Dark Titan,
and I will be your guide today.
Please allow me to lead you
into the dungeon.
Do you like my holograph?
He's not as handsome
as me, but no one is.
Welcome to Dark Titan's....
Dark Titan's lair.
Hey, I'm still working
out some kinks.
Anyway, I can't believe you
fell for that unicorn trick.
You killed the unicorn?
No, you babies.
It's a costume.
Man, I get why Ryan
can't stand you guys.
Unicorns aren't real.
Hey, Ryan, can so stand us
and stop calling us babies.
And give our stuffies back now.
If you're not babies,
you won't miss 'em.
Make yourselves at home.
Meal times are whenever
I feel like it,
and the bathrooms are
where you're standing.
Ew, get us outta here.
Don't bother,
these cells are power proof.
Alpha Lexa?
Hey, I'm here too.
Don't remind me.
We've been trapped in here
for exactly eight days,
four hours and 43 minutes,
and you haven't stopped
talking for a single second.
No fair, Alpha.
I stopped talking for hours
when I was singing!
But, hey, I can't blame you
for wanting an encore.
Someone help us get
outta here.
Hold on, we've already
been tricked today.
How do we know you're
the real Combo and Alpha?
Yeah, what's
something only the real
Combo and Alpha would know?
Trust me, only the real
Combo could be this annoying.
That's definitely Alpha.
Okay, Combo, prove you're Combo.
Uh. Hmm...
How about this?
Behold, only Combo Panda
is this good at dancing.
That's Combo.
Let us out of here.
I can't be trapped with
this panda for another week.
Darn tootin'.
Darn tootin'.
Ha. He said "tootin'."
How did you do your hair today?
Can we film
the hair tutorial later?
This guy is so annoying.
Who needs this many portraits
and statues of himself?
He is not even that cute, huh?
Um, ouch.
Oh, don't get
your talons twisted.
You know what I mean.
It's what's on
the inside that counts.
And his insides are
like rotten eggs
and spoiled milk and--
Stella, focus.
Remember the plan?
I'll find my sisters,
and you look for any
clues that'll help us
figure out what's going
on in the Titan universe.
Two birds with one stone.
Woo-hoo, my first
mission from Red Titan.
Bats! Oh, I shoulda worn
my special occasion
wing tips today.
How could the twins fall
for this fake unicorn dust?
They know the real stuff
has sparkly or glitter
and 100% free-range magic in it.
If I was Dark Titan, where
would I keep prisoners trapped?
Of course, a trap
door to a dungeon.
Man, this guy is predictable.
Note to self,
ask Emma and Kate
if I'm predictable
after I rescue them.
Wait, are they expecting
me to rescue them?
I am predictable.
Hey, I am not predictable!
My statue is watching
your every move.
Who's predictable now, huh?
Got you now. Whoa.
Your plan is
as bad as your tech.
I've met toasters
cooler than your robots.
My plan will go off
like this mega blaster...
with a bang!
Nice shot. Just kidding.
Come on.
It's been fun, but I have
sisters to rescue, so.
You know what?
Never mind.
Now, I can get
all the super sibs
out of our way at once.
I'd thank you, but
manners are for losers.
Ah... ya!
My masterpiece.
So close.
Emma, are you sure that's
all the clips you have?
Emma, this is perfect.
I know, it's my favorite.
Please don't stretch
it out too bad.
I'm counting on you, Dort.
Dort, Dort, Dort.
Dort, Dort, Dort.
Dort, Dort, Dort.
Awesome work, girl.
- Yeah.
- Nice one.
-What's going on?
This much damage
can only mean one thing.
-A Titan battle.
-T-Rex party.
Oh, u, I mean Titan battle.
Ryan's here?
Oh no, he's gonna be so mad.
He can't be mad
if we don't leave.
But, Kate, Ryan needs our help.
Plus that meanie
still has stuffies.
For Ryan.
Hey, check this out.
Our powers are back.
-Ready to use 'em?
Oh yeah, I was
born ready, Alpha.
No one would dare
stop Combo Panda.
Stop Combo Panda.
Uh, pretty sure that they dare.
With that old school tech?
Yeah, right.
What do you got? Pagers?
Are you gonna beep, beep,
beep, boop me to death?
Why do you always have to ask?
Take this!
Go, Combo, go.
On it.
This won't keep 'em
down forever.
This way, quick.
I think I found the Titans.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Let's go.
Uh, we?
Back again? I'll translate.
You'll not escape.
Beep, beep.
See you next September.
Did you mean, see you next fall?
Aw, man, yours was better.
Yeah, Titan battle, here I come.
Wait, one of us has to
stay back with the twins.
Let us fight.
We can help you.
Thanks for volunteering, Alpha.
You're the best. See ya.
Hey, hold on.
Hey, no fair.
Oh, wow, it really smells
like rotten eggs in here
or maybe sour milk.
This is fair.
Rock paper scissors.
Best two out three.
Winner helps Ryan.
The loser babysits.
We're not babies.
Babysit is a figure of speech.
Yeah, we don't
actually sit on babies.
That would be crazy.
We don't need babysitters.
Why won't anyone listen to us?
Rock, paper, scissors, go.
Rock, paper, scissors, go.
This is dumb.
-Big kids are dumb.
How did you say that
without opening your mouth?
Kate, you can hear me?
Twin telepathy.
Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?
paper, scissors, go.
Yeah, I am the RPS Champion.
Huh, Combo?
What, can't take
a little trash talk?
-I was gonna say...
-The twins!
Uh... Well, at least
no one has to babysit now.
You go help Red Titan
and keep the twins safe.
I'll find a way out of here.
Wait a second! I won.
How come you get
to call the shots?
Fine, I'll go be a super hero,
but I won't be happy about it.
Oh wait, yeah, I will.
Go, hurry.
Red Titan.
Stella told me you were
on a secret mission.
The panda has escaped.
Back up, I need backup.
Oh, hello?
Code red, code red.
Prisoners have escaped.
I need help.
Calling for help?
Wow, what a boss super villain.
You're lucky I'm not
calling the actual boss.
You have a boss?
That's even worse
than needing henchmen.
You're just a
henchman with henchmen.
Your middle management.
Says the sidekick.
How did you escape
my dungeon anyway?
With some girl power.
Girl power?
Does that mean?
double girl power.
-Kate, try to
stay more balanced.
Oh, thanks.
You're so good at this.
Emma, Kate?
Gonna save the day looking
for the secret plans.
Maybe they're in one
of these books here. Oh!
Oh, nope.
Oh, this one.
I know a secret plan
when I see it.
Oh, crickey.
I knew it.
A secret evil plan hidden behind
a totally out of
place bookshelf.
I am shocked.
Dark Titan is a genius...
Oh man, I wish
someone else was around
to hear this brilliant sarcasm.
Oh no.
It's okay, universe.
What, are you mad
I didn't check
my horoscope today?
I was too busy saving you.
Back up or prepared
to be batted.
Stella, I was so
worried about you.
You first.
No, you first.
I missed you.
You're just in time.
Check this out.
What's Dark Titan doing
with Vilcano blueprints?
That's the Big Bad lair.
Help the master.
Help the master.
We'll never escape if
we don't work together.
If the twins help,
they'll just get hurt.
Emma and Kate are too little.
No, we're not.
Ryan, maybe they're not.
Hey, stop messing with my stuff.
Follow my lead.
Hey, what did I just say?
Hey, Combo,
let's play keep-away.
My secret plan senses
are tingling.
Huh, a game?
We're fighting for
our lives here.
Stop, that's my favorite
me statue,
in this room.
Yeah, I have to say the one
in your foyer was much nicer.
This one really
brings out your ugly.
Can't you useless
buckets of bolts do something?
Give it back.
If you say so.
Hey, wait.
Got it.
Ryan, catch up.
Infinite universes,
and I find yet another one
where my sisters ignore
every word I say.
Hey, Emma, Kate,
I changed my mind.
I wanna play too.
Pass it here.
- Here.
- Got it.
Come and get it.
Give it back.
Let's go.
Over here. Over here.
Over here. Over here.
But you're everywhere.
Stella, you're
echo-locating again.
Oops. Uh, hmm...
Over here.
Now, follow my voice.
Over there.
Everyone stand back.
Combo's got this.
For the Titan universe.
Dark Titan check.
See ya, Dark Titan,
wouldn't wanna be ya.
You tell 'em, Panda.
This way.
The twins are safe so
it's universe savin' time!
You bet, favs.
That's it. You've got it.
Does this mean you're
not mad at us anymore?
Thanks for reminding me.
What were you two thinking?
We wanted to get
you a megabot suit.
And we just wanted you
to play with us again.
I've been wonderin' how bad guys
are takin' over Titan Universe.
Well, this shows how.
They're working
with the Big Bad.
What is that?
Okay, you have to admit
that was kinda cool.
The Big Bad?
Yeah, okay, we get it.
Is the biggest villain
in Titan Universe.
And this is Vilcano.
Vilcano's been dormant.
It looks like
he's trying to wake it up.
With everyone's help.
We'll stop all
the bad guys together.
After we get both of you home.
No way.
We wanna help.
Plus, he still has our stuffies.
If you're worried
about your stuffies,
you're definitely too
little to help us.
Ryan, you kind of
sound like Dark Titan.
Take that back.
Somebody back me up here.
I hate to agree with Alpha
so I'm just
not gonna say anything.
But our game is what got
us out of Dark Titan's lair.
You need us.
She has a point.
How's this for a point?
I'm the big brother.
I know best, and I'm in charge.
The twins go home
before they get us
into any more trouble.
That's that.
This fight is great
gossip material,
but like, come on,
mates, can we go?
We're wasting time.
If you want
something done right,
you just have to do it yourself.
I created this universe
and this plan.
Give me one good reason to
let you remain a part of both.
It's not my fault.
His henchmen were
supposed to help.
How dare you.
My henchmen are perfect.
Your rotten tech
fried their circuits.
Not true.
Emma and Kate did.
According to my data,
being beaten by little
kids is even worse.
Ooh!Sick burn, Robo-Combo.
I'll show you
a sick burn.
That burns!
Enough. Ha!
You failed to
capture the Titans,
and I've worked
too hard perfecting
this plan for it not to work.
What a drama queen.
I created the perfect trap.
I researched Ryan's characters,
his channel, his sisters.
I made it look perfect
from the outside looking in
but rotten at its core.
What a beautiful metaphor.
I am an artist.
When Vilcano erupts,
all of my work
will finally pay off.
The lava will reveal all truth
and turn everything
in its path evil.
Or it'll turn
the Titan universe
to a crisp.
As long as the Titans are here
when it does, that works too.
Uh, if the Titan universe
could be destroyed,
I think maybe we should
run a few more tests first.
I'm starting to see why
you always lose to Red Titan.
No vision.
My final act has commenced.
Ah, Mintos?
Don't be ridiculous, Robo-Combo.
The Big Bad's an evil genius.
He just said he's been
working on this plan forever.
He must have a better plan
than the old Mintos
and cola trick.
I used to play Mintos and cola
with my little
sister all the time.
Mintos always work.
Look, what's that light?
Not good.
It's not too late.
We can still save this universe.
To Vilcano.
Not cool, lava.
You broke a talon.
Watch out.
Everyone get down.
Oh no, my cape.
I can't balance.
Emma, Kate, grab on.
I've got you.
Let's go.
Not good. Whoa!
Are you okay?
It's way too dangerous to fly.
I'm not scared of smoke,
and I eat lava rocks
for breakfast.
My tummy might always hurt,
but they're a great
source of fire-ber.
I'll carry you all up Vilcano.
Combo falcon.
I'll never give up.
Oh, oh, oh.
I think it's too
dangerous to fly.
Does anyone got a plan B?
They're toast.
That's it.
I can't watch anymore.
I'm goin' in.
Come on, portal, open.
Ah, how does this thing work?
Come on, portal, appear.
Hey, Mrs. Kaji.
Aiden, is everything
okay in there?
I heard yelling.
Are the kids fighting, again?
Also, don't you think
I look really cool
for a new Dan video?
Super cool.
And, no, we're all BFFs.
We're just playing
a super high-stakes
game of hide and seek.
I'm the seeker,
so if you call them,
they definitely won't answer
since they don't want me to win.
I wouldn't even try.
Okay, but I was just gonna ask
if the kids want
pizza for dinner?
Pizza sounds great.
Thanks, Mrs. Kaji.
Actually, can you get
it from that place
way on the other side of town?
The one that takes
forever to get delivered?
It's our favorite pizza
in the whole world, thanks.
Okay, but what kind of pizza?
How about, uh, a triple-decker
banana pepper supreme
with a model train
that has four cars
and each car has a different
pizza topping in it.
Yeah, like a train pizza
topping buffet.
Oh, and we can't forget
about the drinks.
Fruit punch, soda,
lemonade, the works,
in water balloons,
super full water balloons.
It should take
a super long time to fill 'em,
or else they won't taste right.
Gotta get back to the game now.
Okay, thanks, 'bye.
-What's wrong?
-The kids are
acting really weird,
and they have really
weird taste in pizza, oh.
They must be working
on my surprise.
Maybe they have one for you too.
Oh, well, in that case, we
should really leave them alone.
Ooh, I hope my
surprise is surprisier.
I heard that.
That was close, too close.
I guess I have to stay here,
but how can I help anyway?
Think, Aiden, think.
If Alpha Lexa and Combo
got in there somehow.
Come on, portal, open.
This can't be how it ends.
All the video games
left unplayed,
all the piles
of trash left untucked.
Combo, I have a confession.
I beat all of your Gall Guys
scores so they'd say "POO."
That was you?
If we get out of this alive,
you are so going down.
Don't talk like that.
I'm gonna get us out of this.
You mean "we."
In Dark Titan's lair,
you almost got hurt
protecting us,
and it just happened again.
Let us help you.
We got lucky back there.
You can't play
every problem away.
But like, can we do
something about it?
Uh, unless...
Emma, Kate, check it out.
It's like the floor's lava,
but with a wall instead.
He's gone batty.
Ah, rude.
Okay, Ryan,
this can't be that hard, right?
Okay, note to self,
don't ask self stupid
Come on, guys, it's
just like rock climbing.
Emma and Kate, I
really need your help.
This is your favorite game.
Come on, Kate,
let's play with Ryan.
Red Titan needs us.
Are you scared, Combo?
You wish.
It's so on.
I'm winning.
Oh no, you're not.
Emma, Kate, you did it.
I'm so proud of you.
I shouldn't have
called you babies.
I should have called you heroes.
Playing games is always cool,
especially when
it's with you two.
So you do still
wanna play with us?
I'll always wanna play with you.
So sorry
to break up the moment.
Who am I kidding?
No, I'm not, ha.
Finally, I've been
looking forward
to kicking your
Guinea pig butt all day.
I am a hamster!
How do you still not know that?
Get them now.
Ha, yeah, right.
You bad guys are
all outnumbered.
We're not going anywhere.
We'll see.
Ryan, what are we gonna do?
We're gonna get
out of this together.
Remember, teamwork.
I'll keep you
both safe, I promise.
Be quiet!
I can't hear myself think
over all this sibling bonding.
Oh, let go of me.
Watch the talons, mate.
They're expensive.
You're going down.
The Big Bad.
How do you do that?
Pure artistic, ah, genius.
Oh, come on, man.
Was the demo really necessary?
Red Titan, we meet again.
What do you mean, again?
-Hold your breath.
Those might release dangerous
chemicals or explode or...
Hold up.
Are those just Mintos?
Mintos never fail.
I learned that from Mia.
And neither do I.
Mia, why does
that sound familiar?
Get ready for
the best part of the story.
Villain gloating time!
You evilified pizza.
Oh, the horror.
Why are you doing this?
Of course you still
don't recognize me.
I'm not surprised.
Is that... counter guy?
It's Clark!
From the comic book store.
He's the one who
gave me this comic.
-So, this whole thing was--
-A trap.
Finally he gets it.
The famous Ryan, Red Titan,
rescuing his sisters
and the world.
He's so cool
and great and awesome.
Ooh, roll flashback.
I don't like this.
Mia and I were like
two peas in a pod.
We did everything together,
and she wanted to
be just like me.
But when she got her tablet
for her third birthday,
everything changed.
Suddenly it was all
Ryan all the time.
Do you know what it's like
to have your little
sister not care about you,
to never wanna play
with you anymore?
No, I guess I don't.
Didn't think so.
Everything's perfect
in "Ryan's World."
And the less of "Ryan's World"
in Clark's world, the better.
I researched and
drew my heart out
until this Titan
universe was perfect.
And now here you are,
just like I knew you'd be.
Aren't there easier ways to
get your sister to love you?
Like, I don't know, finding
new games to play with her
or readin' to her, or...
Literally anything else, dude.
These goody two-shoes
are starting to bore me.
Hello, I don't
wanna be turned evil.
I'm a Pisces.
Oh, you won't be.
You'll just be fried to a crisp.
Hey, Clark, you shouldn't
have brought
my little sisters into this.
- Go, Ryan, yeah.
- All right!
-Nice one.
Ha-ha, everyone, follow me.
I know you can do this.
Let's do this.
I'm not afraid of you.
- Oh yeah?
- Huh?
Robo-Combo, get me my
robo-suit, immediately.
Robo Combo.
Hey, Robo-Combo, bring it on.
A robot suit is no
match for an actual robot.
Just give up now.
You're right.
I bet you have all
the latest robo-tech installed.
I have titanium blasters,
turbo web slingers,
a fiber optic steel
bolt wiring system
too complicated for your
brain to comprehend.
And anti-magnetic armor, right?
Comprehend that, foil face.
Follow my lead, Kate.
I trust you Emma.
You should practice making
that twin telepathy
thing less obvious.
Heart B.
-Give those back.
-Give our stuffies back.
If you want 'em, come get 'em.
Come back. Hey.
Don't you get it?
It's too late.
It's never too late.
What have you done?
This is all your fault.
Mia was right.
Finger painting is more fun.
Look around.
It's over, and so are you.
Almost over.
I think it's time for the grand finale.
Emma, Kate.
Last I checked, you didn't even
like having little sisters.
I'm just doing you a favor.
Come on, Ryan needs you.
Go in.
Man, all
this because Clark
wants his little sister
to play with him more.
Wait, that's it.
Think like a little sister.
Unicorns, sparkles, rhinestones.
If Emma and Kate
didn't like the pictures,
they'd draw in their own.
Come on, come on.
Work, lot, work.
No way.
If you all make it out of this,
I'll never forgive you
for not letting me come too.
the strongest Titan now, huh?
Please don't hurt them.
I'll do anything.
What are you gonna do,
promise me another video?
They're going in that
volcano, and you're next.
Don't you get it?
I don't care about
any of that stuff.
I'd give it all up
for Emma and Kate.
You can have anything you want.
Ah, man, now those lava rocks
are heading straight for us.
This couldn't possibly
get any worse.
But the volcano is down here.
Oh yeah,
we're superheroes.
Those aren't rocks.
It's a bird.
It's a plane.
It's. No, wait, it is a bird.
And Gus and Gil.
Whoa. Oh.
Oh gosh, this is scary.
I did not write you into this.
Well, Aiden tried to push
us into the comic book,
and it didn't work.
And then, your parents
kept tryin' to barge in
so she had to promise
them a surprise,
but she distracted them
with really complicated pizza.
Get to the point.
Every villain always
builds in a fail switch.
All yours took was thinking
like a little sister.
No, curse my commitment to
classic comic book tropes.
Peck said,
think like a little kid.
Let's play.
Emma, Kate, you were right.
We're better together.
One, two, three.
Bring it on.
Take that.
Oh gosh!
Hey, let us out of here.
Try asking nicely.
Pretty please.
Oh, lemme think. Uh...
Trapped by a cage
of my own making.
At least my story
has come full circle.
Alpha awesome.
-Oh, yeah.
We did it.
Wait, how are we gonna fix
everything the Big Bad did?
Hmm. Huh?
Oh gosh.
Are you sure
this will work?
I am 92% sure
that this will work.
That only leaves an 8% chance
that the universe will explode.
I'd blow up the universe myself
before leaving the house
with 8% on my phone.
Are we sure about this?
It's our only choice
so here goes nothing.
Three, two, one.
Oh, we'll miss you.
But we'll see
you soon, won't we?
Not that we can't handle
things here on our own, but...
okay, we can't.
We need our heroes.
If you need me, you
know where to find me.
You mean us.
And remember, always
stay happy and rise up.
You kicked butt.
You saved our butts.
You wrote your own story.
Tea and crumpets
are getting cold.
Thanks for inviting me
to your tea party, guys.
Oh, hey, Mr. And Mrs. Kaji.
Hi, everyone.
Where's the tea set?
It's imaginary tea.
I love imaginary tea set.
Next time you invite me.
No way, tea parties
are a kid thing.
You wouldn't understand.
You three seem
to be getting along.
Is everyone okay?
Only way you all
could be getting along
is if you were...
Planning a surprise!
Yeah, we totally have your gift.
Ryan and the twins and I
have been working on it all day.
Uh, I wrote you a comic book.
And we helped.
this looks amazing.
-You all worked together?
- With no arguing?
- Yep.
Tons of arg-- Oh. Yep.
This comic is really good.
Too good.
-How did you?
-I smell pizza.
-Ah, this looks amazing.
-Oh, I like that.
Whoa, I'm hungry.
Hold on, hold on.
Before we eat,
I'm feeling a little faint.
I think I need to hydrate.
It's our only choice,
so here goes nothing.
Will it? Three.
Will it? Two.
Will it? One.
Awesome. Will it?
Three. Will it?
Two. Will it?
Alert! Emergency!
Whoa, those are
a lot of urgent words.
What's going on, Rylexa?
Comic book number 285
has been located.
Combo, did I send you
to Paris to eat baguettes
or to find these
mystery "Ryan Worlds"?
You know what? Never mind.
Good job, Combo.
You know what to do.
"Ryan's World"
number 285, on its way.
My analysis
chose something very evil
is going on in there.
Duh, I could have told you that.
Who in the world is invading
all of these "Ryan's Worlds"?
Not this again.