Sairat (2016) Movie Script

Catch it!
Good bowling!
Hey, bowler!
Stop the match!
Hold on, Billy Bowden!
The power is back on.
Turn on the sound.
Come on, do it.
What are you looking at?
Where did that moron go?
Hey! Hurry up!
Look, how he's playing.
Hello! Hello!
Hello! Hello!
Mic testing 1-2-3-6--
Get out of my way,
you moron!
Who's that birdbrain?
Can't he see?
Is he Mahamdya's son?
Get him out of my way.
Buzz off!
Go away!
- Oh, come on!
- Good bowling!
Mangesh Mohite Patil was almost out.
Is the third batsman out?
After a long interval
caused due to the power outage
the village council welcomes
all the cricket fans
political leaders,
pickpockets and thieves
to Bittergaon Village Premier League
cricket tournament
being played at the international
stadium of Bittergaon village.
Oh, come on!
Watch out before you run.
Don't just swing the bat
before you see the ball.
Just wait!
Just wait and watch!
- A dog gives up the bone when scared off.
- I'll score a six!
But Mangesh Mohite Patil
isn't ready to give up the bat yet!
Prashant Kale should
immediately come
to the commentary box
wherever he is.
The winner team gets
a cash prize of Rs. 11,111
by the district's
much revered politician
and the son of our factory's chairman,
Mr. Tatya Patil.
The runner-up will be
awarded Rs. 7777
by the owner of the local liquor store
and an esteemed citizen of
this village, Soujan Chaudhary.
Mangesh Mohite Patil
is always ready for a fight.
In spite of being an expert player,
he couldn't perform well this time.
They need 45 runs in 27 balls,
but he isn't able to score runs.
He looks healthy and stout
but is worthless!
Good bowling!
Oh, no!
Who sent that moron to bat?
Watch the ball and hit it!
He bowls so fast.
I can hardly see the ball.
Your bat doesn't even
touch the ball!
Why don't you just go and die?
He was so eager to bat
but he hardly plays well.
Don't you know that
he is bad at cricket?
Mangya, come on!
Play well!
- Don't you see what's happening?
- Don't just swing the bat blindly!
Just wait and watch
how I score a six.
We'll lose the game because of you.
This is the last ball.
Hit it or go kill yourself.
If he score a six,
I'll give him Rs. 101.
- Where did Parshya go?
- God knows!
Our budding and dynamic leader
Nagesh Dada Jhanjurne
has announced a cash prize of Rs. 101
for Mangesh, if he hits a six
and if Balasaheb Bansole scores a six
he will receive a tricycle
at the ground itself.
He's embarrassing us.
At this crucial point of the match
where has Prashant Kale,
the captain of the team, disappeared to?
- Have you seen Parshya?
- No.
The players should practice well
and the captain shouldn't
ditch his team like this.
If that's not possible
he should at least sort this mess.
Who the hell will herd the cattle?
You moron! The cattle are
roaming in the jungle!
Ms. Sakun, he is our Billy Bowden.
I don't care!
Billy Bowden, my foot!
Who neglects his family
to play cricket?
He is a father of two
and is playing with you
without a care in the world!
- Aani, place the pot there.
- No, I'll pump it myself.
No, put it there.
I'll pump the water for you.
- Parshya, come on.
- Wait a minute.
Aani, place it properly.
What sort of a captain are you?
Can't the captain drink some water?
Hey! She's gone.
Let's go.
You could've drank water there.
I asked you to open the batting
but you vanished.
We lost seven wickets
and Mangya is batting now.
Come on, beat the drums.
Welcome our fierce youth leader
whose fame is widespread
supporter of our group,
the future of Maharashtra--
Mr. Prince Patil has arrived
to the playground.
Welcome him
with a huge round of applause.
I request him
to join us on the stage.
Please ascend the ladder
and join us.
Hold the ladder steady.
I request him to have a seat
in the pavilion.
Please welcome him
with a huge round of applause.
The competition is getting tough
with Bittergaon village.
It's not easy to beat the Bad boys.
And Prashant Kale
has arrived on the field.
- Mangya, move aside.
- Just one chance.
- We are losing, Mangya.
- Just one more chance.
Move aside.
- Just one ball!
- Move aside. You're impossible!
Parshya, only you can save us now.
Hit a four and we will win.
- Don't worry, I'll handle it.
- Okay.
I am here. Go on.
- Bittergaon village's very own Dhoni--
- Hit a six.
...and a national level player,
Prashant Kale.
Let's see what he does for the team.
There he goes!
He hits a four in the first ball!
Our drum players
can beat any cheer girl!
A four in Billy Bowden's
unique style.
Well done, Parshya!
And it's a splendid six!
Great shot! He has done it!
- Beware, Parshya is here!
- Balu Bansode looks excited.
Prashant Kale,
with his excellent batsmanship
has brought his team
to the brink of victory.
We're winning!
They need 4 runs from 2 balls.
- Prashant Kale is on strike now.
- Parshya!
It's a do or die situation.
And that's a six!
That's it!
And the winner is Bittergaon village!
Bittergaon village has won
for the first time
at the district level
so let's congratulate the team
by giving them
a huge round of applause.
is about to collect his trophy.
Please hand him the trophy.
Mr. Tatya Patil has arrived.
Come what may, Tatya fulfills
the promises that he make.
Tatya is a man of his words
and has made a dashing entry here.
Tatya is accompanied
by the well renowned
and respected Guru Maithunanand.
The rest of the political leaders
of this district
have gone to attend
a Lavni dance performance
but I feel very happy and proud
to announce
that although just a prize distribution
Mr. Tatya chose to attend it
over the dance festival.
He has a big heart indeed!
I request you to congratulate
the winning team
and call their captain
Prashant Kale on stage
to receive the trophy.
Respected Guru Maithunanand
Mrs. Sonam, the head of the village,
and my dear friends--
I am well aware
that it is not a political platform
but as Mr. Satpute mentioned
let me tell you something.
My opponents need best wishes
more than I do.
Ask for his daughter
instead of the trophy.
Lower your voice,
he might hear you.
- What did he say?
- Nothing. He asked you to look ahead.
Others just make false promises.
At the next assembly elections
my opponents will be defeated badly
and will lose their deposits.
Everyone knows
what the opposition party is up to.
Let alone controlling
the affairs of the district
they can't even control
the women of their family.
Archi, when did you come here?
Just now.
I was missing you.
- I was missing you too.
- Lower your voice, Archi.
Archi, everybody will wake up.
Shut up.
You are such a coward.
- Nobody will wake up.
- Lower your voice, Archi.
- They will wake up.
- Everyone is asleep.
Nobody will wake up.
They are sound asleep.
- Give me a kiss.
- What?
I said, kiss me.
Oh, God!
Archi, everyone will wake up!
- Shut up!
- They will wake up, Archi.
- Quiet!
- Archi, everyone will wake up!
Everyone will wake up, Archi.
Everyone will wake up, Archi.
Everyone will wake up, Archi.
Everyone will wake up--
- He's already woken us up.
- Everyone will wake up!
And he's saying that
everyone will wake up.
Shake him awake!
- Archi, everyone will wake up!
- Wake up, Parshya.
God knows what he does
throughout the day.
How do you have such good dreams?
I think about such good things
throughout the day
but I never have such nice dreams.
What were you blabbering at night?
Focus on your studies
and find yourself a good job.
Don't waste your life the way I did.
Heads up!
Here I come!
Hey, watch out!
Move aside!
- I'm borrowing your soap.
- Okay.
- What are you doing here?
- We were waiting for you.
Come on!
I spend sleepless nights
Mangya, out of the well.
Come out, all of you.
Come on, guys.
Let's go!
Come on, guys.
Let's go.
- Mangya, wait up!
- Get out, fatso!
Wait up!
Oh, God! Is he deaf or something?
Somebody wait for me.
Don't you understand Marathi?
Should I repeat myself in English?
- Get out, you moron.
- Okay, I am stepping out.
Oh, my!
I think his underwear is torn, Archi.
Get my clothes too!
Swapne, get into the well now!
Hey, roadrunner!
Stop right there!
Step back!
Move back now.
That fool has soap
all over his face!
Buzz off!
He was trying to hide behind the soap!
Archi just shooed him away.
Hold on! We will go again
after she's done.
You guys carry on,
I'll be right back.
Hey, Parshya!
What is the gimp doing there?
What happened?
We had gone to Mangya's for a swim!
We went there to bathe.
What's wrong with
him at this hour?
Did he rub soap at home
and come all the way here?
Archi came there
and kicked me out!
I can't hear you, moron!
What's wrong with this idiot?
Did he get bitten by something?
Can't you guys hear me?
What did he say?
Archi came there!
She came there
and kicked all the boys out of well
and threw me out as well.
I've gone insane
I am lost in your thoughts.
I've gone crazy
Even the sugarcane
smells like musk now
And everything else seems sweet
I see the moon during the day
And it's dark in broad daylight
And everything else seems wonderful
I've gone insane
I am lost in your thoughts.
I've gone crazy
Even the sugarcane
smells like musk now
And everything else seems sweet
I can't say
what's going on in my mind
I just long to be with you
I am running away from everyone
And looking for you
I want to be with you
Now and every day
I am confused and baffled
I don't know what to do
I have this yearning
to be with you
I am excited
and happy to see you
I've gone insane
Oh, my!
Where did he fall from?
Come on, get out!
Sorry! Sorry!
Sorry, my foot!
Get the hell out of here!
I had no clue.
I didn't see you.
You jumped into the well
with your eyes closed, didn't you?
Buzz off!
What did Archi say?
She asked me to buzz off.
I just don't get it
I don't understand the reason
for this feeling
But this feeling
is my only companion
How do I control myself
When all I want to do
is be with you?
I invite the stars
To be with me every night
I am unable to sleep because
I dream to be with you
And the little bird
has taken big steps to fly in the sky
She could put any heroine to shame!
Slow down, I'll fall off.
Why do you get
such a heavy motorcycle?
- When did you come here, Sapna?
- Just about now.
So, you got your motorbike!
My name is Salim Shaikh.
I like to ride bikes
and I work in a garage.
He is an inspiration for us all.
He is working
while pursuing education.
My name is Archana Patil.
I scored 55 percent in 12th grade.
I like to swim.
I love watching movies
and I love riding motorbikes.
What else, Aani?
How would I know what you like?
You are impossible!
That's it.
Thank you.
My name is Pradeep Bansode.
I love to read.
I really do, sir.
I swear.
In 12th grade I scored--
Sir, he didn't mention
how much he scored.
Speak up louder!
The whole class should hear you.
36 percent.
Sir, my name is Prashant Kale.
Even I love to read.
No, I really like to read
and I love writing poems.
I also like playing cricket.
I love swimming too
and I scored 72 percent in 12th grade.
What? 72?
Archi, lower your voice.
He scored 72 percent!
- Quiet!
- I'm Mangesh Mohite Patil.
Isn't he the same guy
who fell into the well the other day?
- He seems to a be intelligent.
- Yes.
Who asked you to get
this monster to college?
Oh, God!
Everyone is staring at us!
Archi, I will never
ride pillion with you.
Mangya, come here.
- Can this fatso ride?
- Ride, my foot!
Does he know?
Parshya, go and help her.
Or should I go?
With such legs!
Move aside, I'll kick start it.
Does he know how to do it?
Why did you ask him?
- Move your hand.
- The motorcycle will fall.
Get off it.
- That was an awesome kick.
- Right.
It hit the right chord.
Who gave you permission
to ride my motorbike?
I don't ride it every day, do I?
I wanted to go out.
As if you wanted to go to work!
I'll teach you a lesson
if you touch my motorbike again.
What's the big deal
if I borrowed it for a day?
You could've taken the tractor
if you're in such a hurry.
Who roams around in a tractor?
Even your father wouldn't!
Give me the keys!
Did Raja enroll into the college?
- Who's that?
- Pandhari's son.
He had come to the college
the other day.
I don't know whether it was
to fill the form or not.
- What do you want?
- Give me some tobacco.
- How many packets?
- Two.
Pour that in my mouth.
- Shall we go to college tomorrow?
- Yes, we'll go.
Who will handle the garage?
- Dad will handle it tomorrow.
- Are you sure?
Or else, he will curse us
for leaving the garage unmanned.
Parshya, stop pursuing Archi.
If she tells her dad,
he will bury you alive.
Let him do that.
I'll prefer dying for Archi
than die chewing tobacco like you.
I gave you good advice
but you're taunting me instead.
Parshya, don't you feel scared?
I get goose-bumps
even when I look at Archi.
Even I get goose-bumps
when I see Archi
but they are of a different kind.
A different kind!
Even the gimp is
following your footsteps.
Enough, Parshya,
you'll sprain your neck.
Come on.
God knows why he was
staring at me like that.
Run, Archi!
Run! Run! Run!
Tag her!
- Go!
- She tagged you! Run!
- Hey, I am not out!
- Archi is out.
- Shut up and play!
- Cheater!
- Go!
- Go!
- Archi is out! Go out, Archi!
- Right!
Archi, you're out!
- Go!
- Look away from her!
- She is looking at us!
- She is coming this way!
Stay quiet.
- We're dead!
- Go!
- What are you looking at?
- Go!
I am watching the game.
Oh, really!
You've been staring at me.
How do you know
that I was looking at you?
I saw it, myself.
Then why are you looking at me?
Don't look at me.
I'll do what I feel like.
Even I'll do what I feel like.
Don't look at me
if you don't like it.
When did I say
that I don't like it?
What's wrong with you?
Did you understand what she said?
What did she say?
She said she doesn't mind
you looking at her
which means she likes you, pal.
Shut up, you moron.
Don't talk nonsense.
I may be crippled
but I have sharp ears, Parshya.
I swear she said that.
Believe me.
This moron is talking nonsense.
Stop it, don't take me for a ride.
Come on.
- I--
- I--
Check this out.
- There you go.
- Search it.
Oh, no! There's a long list
of girls named Archana Patil.
Archi from our college isn't here.
Scroll down.
This is a list of heroines.
Find the one I'm looking for.
He wants to see heroines!
I can't find her.
Archi doesn't seem to be
on Facebook.
Now what?
Could Sapna be on Facebook?
He wants to search for Sapna!
Bharat Petroleum brings you--
Sallya, I think Archi likes me.
I guess so,
but we will be beaten to a pulp
if she complains to her family.
What's the point of living
if she rejects my proposal?
Very smart!
This isn't just fuel.
It can power the future--
Oh, my!
What did she give you?
A love letter?
She gave him trimmed nails.
He's crying.
What's wrong with me?
Sapna is way out of my league.
What was I thinking?
Forget it.
Has he lost it?
- I said, greetings.
- Greetings to you too.
Come on, guys.
This is the rule of life.
There's always victory after defeat.
Let's go.
- What's up, Bhaya?
- Nothing.
Although I lost the game of love,
your case is different.
Your chances are good.
I bet Archi will not reject you.
I can guarantee you that.
Don't try to take him for a ride.
Haven't you seen the way
she looks at him?
Let it be.
Let's give her a letter.
Let's see what happens next.
But how do we give her the letter?
Haven't you eaten since morning?
Yes, I have.
I have eaten healthy
specially for you.
Enough already.
Parshya, I had to eat leftovers
because of you.
Archi, Parshya has
sent a letter for you.
A letter?
Ask him why he wrote
a letter to me.
Archi said--
Archi said--
She asked you
why you wrote her a letter.
Here, eat it.
Parshya said he likes you
and that is why
he wrote you a letter.
Archi asked why you like her.
Slurp it.
Keep licking away.
He gave you a letter
because he likes you.
He loves you and that is why
he gave you a letter.
Are you done?
Archi asked what you will do
if she doesn't accept the letter.
- Will you accept the letter or not?
- Oh, my!
What's wrong with him?
What will you do if I don't?
Why did he run away?
Never mind.
Don't take it, Archi.
Archi, don't.
Let's go.
She picked it up!
Parshya, today, sir is going to teach us
the format of writing a letter.
How to write a letter?
It takes real talent
to write a letter.
Writing a letter is no easy job.
So what? That doesn't mean
one shouldn't write a letter at all.
It is important to express
your feelings.
Am I right, Parshya?
Do you know something?
People have been writing letters
since centuries.
In the Medieval age,
pigeons used to carry letters.
Pigeons can mess things up.
They can deliver it
to the wrong person.
Be quiet.
Parshya, what about
your uncle's letter?
Which letter?
Your uncle was going to
send you a letter, wasn't he?
A letter?
Which uncle?
As if you have a lot of uncles.
You were awaiting a letter
from your uncle in Wafgaon.
All right, I received it.
What about it?
You should've said no.
I said that because
Archi was sitting there.
How would I know?
You start talking out of nowhere.
- All right, let's do it again.
- What?
I'm here, just go near Archi.
- Where?
- Go near Archi.
Both of you.
Come on, I am here.
Wait, Parshya.
Here is your uncle's letter.
Forget it, man!
Archi hardly seems to care.
What can we do about it?
- Show me that letter.
- Why do you care?
Parshya, give me the letter.
Why do you care about it?
- Archi is my cousin.
- So what?
If you look at her again,
I will break your bones.
- Hey! Don't act smart.
- Forget it, Mangya.
Move aside, moron!
- Give it to me.
- Mangya, don't touch me.
- I'll do that.
- Mangya, don't touch me.
- I am warning you.
- Here, I did it again.
- Mangya, I won't spare you! Okay?
- Stop it, guys!
Mangya, leave me.
I'm warning you.
- Mangya, leave me. I am warning you.
- Get aside.
Mangya, leave me.
You cripple!
Mangya, leave me!
Leave me!
Mangya, leave him.
Hey, Mangya!
Leave him.
Do you understand Marathi
or should I say it in English?
Leave him!
She saved you now,
but I'll get you soon.
Come here, Mangya.
If you dare touch him again,
I'll smash your face in!
Why do you care, Archi?
Oh, really!
Go ahead and touch him again.
Then I'll show you why I care--
In English.
She is a delicate darling,
be easy on her
She's smitten by him
He's here.
Oh, yes! He's here
Her beloved is here,
and her cheeks are flushed
I thought I had it all sorted
But now everything is
pretty much scattered
I lost my heart to him
but I never realized that
I tried my best to stop myself
But I was too eager
Why is it now
that I feel flattered?
My heart is pretty much startled
Your call made it to me
echoing through all the odds
I am blushing like a school girl
I tried to hold on
and I tried to be calm
But the chaos inside me
had its own charm
And it has left me
gasping for breath
We met, we saw
and we fell in love
My heart gave in
and I fell in love
Why is it now
that I feel flattered?
My heart is pretty much startled
I am in a state of trance
and my heart rebels
And it calls out to you
The fragrance of love
brings in a new freshness
I desire to be with you
I desire to be with you
I want to make mischief
My heart pesters me
And I have gone crazy for you
It was a lost battle
and my heart knows it
This pain is too much
for me to bear
My eyes were closed
The boundaries were redefined
I had held myself back
But it's all shattered now
All is lost
and love is the winner
I have accepted defeat
And you, my love,
have pulled me through
What were we talking about?
Sir, I've got a stomach ache.
May I go home?
Sir, he's got a stomach ache.
I'll take him home.
All right, go.
Did you see the way
she was looking at you?
Oh, my!
- Sir, Aani has a stomach ache.
- When did I say that?
- What nonsense!
- Let's go.
- Was she staring at you?
- Of course!
Oh, my!
Was she staring away?
Yes, she didn't blink even once.
- Even I couldn't--
- She didn't blink.
Even I couldn't stand it.
She was staring at him non-stop.
I should've been there
at college today.
Of course.
She was continuously staring at me.
She didn't blink once.
She didn't even blink!
We walked out of class.
- He faked a stomach ache.
- And then we left class.
- How are you, ma'am?
- I am good, dear.
Archi, why did you stop here?
She's talking to you.
Archi is here!
She came here in a tractor!
Oh, God!
Aren't you Mr. Patil's daughter?
Yes, I am Archana Patil.
Someone left the tiles
in the bungalow.
Aani and I are going
to the farm directly.
- Is it?
- Yes.
You drive a tractor like a man!
Yes, I drive a tractor
and I ride a motorbike too.
I am going straight to the farm.
- That's good.
- May I get some water?
- Water?
- Yes.
Go and get some water.
You are working in this scorching heat!
They were lying around since morning.
She is talking to you guys.
- Aani, do you want some water?
- No, you drink it.
Hurry up.
Archi has gone insane.
She has fallen in love!
I take your leave, ma'am.
I will go straight to the farm now.
- You are a very brave girl.
- Yes.
- Drive safe.
- Yes.
I am going there all alone.
- Is it?
- Yes.
- Shall I leave?
- Be careful.
Hurry up, Archi.
- See you, ma'am.
- Okay.
Do you think she was calling us?
Are you out of your mind?
Did you expect her to write
an invitation letter saying
'Come to the farms, Prashant'?
She came right to your house
and said she is going to the farm.
The whole village must've heard her.
Let's go there, come on.
Let's see what happens.
- Should we really go?
- Yes, let's go.
Yes, let's go. Come on.
Come on, Parshya!
- Did she really want us to come here?
- Let's go and check.
She might hit us with a sugarcane.
- Oh, come on, Parshya.
- Move!
She was waiting for us.
What took you so long?
Does it take this long to get here?
Yes, I am talking to you.
- Come here.
- Me?
Do you know her?
She is Aani.
Yes, we know her.
Isn't he
that bangle seller's son, Sallya?
Yes, he's Salim.
What is his name?
The gimp?
Is that what you call him?
He has a name too,
doesn't he?
Yes, it is Pradeep.
He's got such a good name
and you call him a gimp!
Call him by his name.
Come on, I'll show you around our farm.
All these farms you see belong to us.
All the land here is ours.
Here is the sugarcane farm
and on the other side are bananas.
The workers are not here.
They've gone for lunch.
Aani, show us the farm
on that side.
- What happened?
- Nothing.
Aani said she will show us around.
- I never said that.
- Go ahead, Aani.
Everything here belongs to us.
- What are you looking at?
- Nothing.
Why are you staring at me?
I can't believe that I am here
and you are talking to me.
Why is it so hard to believe?
I am really here.
I swear, I can't believe it.
- Now?
- No.
- Now?
- No.
You've lost it.
I had never imagined
that we would meet like this.
Archi, I really like you.
- I like you too.
- What?
Don't you understand Marathi?
Should I say it in English?
I love you.
- Tell me your phone number.
- Sure, note it down.
It is 982515--
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
Is the phone on silent mode, Sallya?
Is it within coverage area?
Yes, it is quite within range.
Parshya, it is Archi's call.
Give me the phone.
Give me the phone.
Answer the call at least.
Sallya, answer the call.
Are you out of your mind?
Why the hell did you dance so much?
What if she doesn't call back?
Exactly, Parshya.
He shouldn't have
danced for so long.
As if you are any smarter than him!
How would I know it would
get disconnected so soon?
I'll beat you up
if she doesn't call back.
You are such an idiot!
I swear, it is Archi's call.
- Hello!
- Where did you take the motorcycle?
Take it!
It's your dad!
- Hello!
- Where is the motorcycle!
- Okay, I'll bring it back.
- The customer yelled at me!
I was test riding it.
Parshya, it is Archi's call.
I swear it's her.
- Hello!
- Hello!
Yes, Archi.
What are you doing, Parshya?
I've been waiting for your call.
Then why didn't you receive my call?
- Did you have lunch?
- No.
I'll eat after you.
No, you have your lunch first.
No, you have it first.
I won't eat unless you do.
You eat first.
No, first you eat.
Don't you understand Marathi?
Should I say it in English?
First you.
He is asking her
the same question over and over.
God knows how many meals they have.
Why would I be shy?
Oh, my!
Hang up now.
Just check what's wrong
with the clutch.
Don't you ever miss me?
You'll get us into trouble.
Get lost.
No, seriously.
Sometimes even I go and help dad.
Parshya, give me the phone!
I need to call a customer!
Hold on.
No, not you.
It depends on
how many fish we catch.
Sometimes 5 kilo
and sometimes, 10 kilo.
Bring the phone to the garage
after you get bored!
I am always free.
Whenever you say.
Have you been waiting too long?
- Yes--
- No.
I just arrived.
Are you chewing tobacco?
You've stuffed your mouth with it.
Did you swallow it?
You better quit chewing tobacco.
- Do you chew tobacco too?
- No, I don't.
Go there and spit it out.
- Really?
- I swear, I don't.
He doesn't.
The two of us don't chew tobacco.
Go ahead and chew tobacco again.
Then I'll tell you its consequences
in English.
- Climb up here.
- I don't want to.
- Higher.
- Climb up.
No, the branch will break.
Then why did you make me
climb such a tree?
The branch will break it seems!
The sky echoes soothing songs
Something beautiful has happened
It is for the first time
That I am blushing
What was hidden inside
Is out in the open
I held your hand in mine
And this heart has gone wild
And this heart has gone wild
And this heart has gone wild
Everything has changed
This breeze of love
The bewildered situation
Of a young heart
The heart speaks
a language of its own
I hold your hand in mine
And this heart has gone wild
And this heart has gone wild
And this heart has gone wild
That innocent smile
The beautiful rays of the sun
And the adolescent heart
are filled with love
The song of love
echoes in my mind
And my whole being
Is adorned with your love
We were destined to meet
And my life is now
full of colors, my love.
Suffering is not
a part of my life anymore
A look from you
fills my heart with love
It thundered in the skies
And I found out about it
My heart has gone wild
My heart has gone wild
My heart has gone wild
I wonder what has happened
It all seems like a dream
It feels like we are
meant to be together
We will be together
forever and ever
I have worshiped you
like God
The seed of love has been
sowed deep within
And the heart is
drenched in love
The setting of the dream
in the distant past
I have lost to your love
A flash of lightening has struck
and the sky opens its heart out
We shall have a house
near the riverbank
where we would hear
the sound of flowing water.
And our own rose garden
in front of our home.
- I will go to work.
- I will cook.
I'll bring firewood for cooking.
I will wait for you
at the door in the evening.
Should I say everything?
What do you like?
I like only you.
You are just impossible.
There are many revolutionary
and modern poets in Marathi also.
Dalit poet Namdeo Dhasal
and others were also modern poets.
- Why are they in class?
- Keshav Sud was the first Marathi poet.
Keshav Sud has written a poem
in Marathi titled 'Nava Shipai'.
- In that he says--
- Yes, I've come--
- I'm a brave soldier of the new world.
- Yes.
Let me see who can
bring me to my knees.
- Yes, I am right here.
- I am not a Brahmin, nor a Hindu--
- Nor do I belong to any other caste.
- No, I haven't received the video yet.
- Don't talk over the phone.
- Yes.
I said don't talk over the phone.
Stand up!
Didn't you understand what I said?
Which class are you from?
What is your name?
What the hell is your name?
My name is Prince.
Do what you want to.
That's no excuse to hit a professor.
You should feel ashamed.
Don't you preach me.
You won't ever mend your ways.
Well done, my boy!
You slapped him!
You have taken after your grandpa.
Please be seated.
What's up, Aaba?
All is well.
Welcome, sir.
Please sit.
He is the principal
of the college.
- And he--
- Mr. Sathe, the Marathi Professor.
He is a senior professor
and he's Mr. Lokhande.
- Hello!
- He has joined recently.
There was some confusion
between him and Prince yesterday.
My son has no control
over his anger.
Well, I'll talk to him later.
See you.
- Principal, introduce him to the boys.
- Sure.
He should know about my children
so that he doesn't make
any mistake in future.
Excuse me, sir.
Talk to the staff about the funds
for Prince's birthday celebration.
Okay, I'll do it.
Give it to me.
Archi, it's been three days
since we met.
It's been only three days
and not three years.
Every minute without you
seems like a year to me.
- Really!
- I swear.
I don't like it without you.
I want to meet you.
It's Prince's birthday party
Come there tomorrow, I'll meet you.
- Are we going to meet at your bungalow?
- Yes.
You'll give me a kiss, won't you?
We will see about that
when you are here.
I'm serious, Archi.
You come here first,
then we'll see what can be done.
- Archi.
- Just a minute.
I've been looking for you
since so long.
Whom are you talking
to over the phone?
- I'm talking to my friend.
- How many more friends do you have?
You are always talking
over the phone.
Girls shouldn't have such tantrums.
- Come downstairs.
- Go on, I'll be there.
Shall we go to the party?
- What say, Pradeep?
- Pradeep!
Archi has personally
invited us, we should go.
Let's go there
and show them our moves.
Enough with you, my baby!
I'm crazy and I want you to say
Don't leave me ever
Enough with you, my baby!
I'm crazy and I want you to say
Don't leave me ever
The heart is beating wild
and my cheeks are flushing red
The head feels light,
the Cupid has struck
The heart is beating wild
and my cheeks are flushing red
The head feels light,
the Cupid has struck
I am restless
and then I'll go senseless
I'm here as your lover
My heart is beating fast
like crazy
I have gone crazy!
O, I've gone crazy!
I have gone crazy!
O, I've gone crazy!
I can't hold on any longer
I have got your name
tattooed on my arm
I can't hold on any longer
I have got your name
tattooed on my arm
My arms are sore
My arms are sore
and I've traveled miles to see you
I have shaved well
and put on a heavy perfume
I'm the most good looking
among all the other boys
I have gone crazy!
O, I've gone crazy!
I have gone crazy!
O, I've gone crazy!
Everyone is eager
to see me getting married
When will we have babies,
my love?
Everyone is eager
to see me getting married
When will we have babies,
my love?
I am high on love
I am high on love
I am at your doorstep
ringing a bell
I have come a long way
just to see you
The drums are beating
and I am here to take you away
I have gone crazy!
O, I've gone crazy!
I have gone crazy!
O, I've gone crazy!
Come on! Move!
Is this your house?
Is this your house?
Which one is your house?
Which one?
- Speak up!
- Which one is your house?
- Are you acting smart with us
- No!
Call your dad.
- Call him!
- Call out to your dad!
Call out to your dad!
Hey! Wake up!
Wake up!
Leave the village tomorrow,
or else I will make mincemeat of him.
What happened, sir?
I apologize to you on his behalf.
You scoundrel!
Just do as I say!
Your son is trying to mess with us!
I won't let him stay here.
I'll send him
to Karmala tomorrow.
What are you looking at?
What the hell are you looking at?
Sir, no--
What have you done?
What have you done now?
Come on, let's go.
Why did you mess
with upper caste folks?
Why did you mess with them?
Stop it.
Don't hit him.
What's the use
of getting you educated?
- Don't hit him--
- Let us live in peace.
- Let us live!
- Don't beat him!
These boys are impossible!
Prince will kill them.
Take Sallya along with you to Karmala.
He has made my life miserable.
Sallya, where the hell
are you going now?
I'll go and bring Parshya back.
Parshya, let's go home.
Come on.
He won't let us live in peace.
Go home quietly.
I'll see what needs to be done.
I am fed up of him.
See if you can do anything.
They have blacklisted him
from the college.
- There was no need to do so, though.
- Of course not!
Is he the only one at fault?
That girl is equally at fault.
They feel what they say and do
is always right.
The Patils rule the roost here.
You slept with her, didn't you?
Then dump her.
The Patils don't spare the girls
from our families. Am I right, sir?
Sir, I never thought
you would say something like this.
I love Archi and I am very hurt
by what you said.
Sallya, you work at a garage,
don't you?
Is this what you work for?
Mend your ways.
Complete your education
and stop doing stupid things.
Forget it, Parshya.
I miss Archi a lot, Sallya.
I can't live without her.
I don't like it without her.
She belongs to an upper caste family.
This is impossible.
Listen to me, Parshya.
We are very close to her house.
- Come on.
- Please listen.
Just come with me.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are things?
- All is well.
Listen, Parshya.
We shouldn't go there.
They will kill us this time.
Let me talk to Archi once, Sallya.
No worries.
Please come in.
Please come in.
Please listen, Parshya.
Let's go back to Karmala.
I can't live without her.
Please let me meet her once.
A lot of people have
gathered there, Parshya.
Shut up!
Please cover your head.
Do you want me to plead to you?
Wait here, Sallya.
I'll go and meet her.
Listen to me, Parshya.
I beg of you.
Let's go from here,
they'll kill us.
Please let me meet her, Sallya.
They will kill us
and our families too!
Please listen to me!
You may ask her questions
if you want to.
What's your name?
- Archana.
- Education?
Tell them about your qualification.
First year.
Your hobby?
Thank God you are here.
I learned about this very late.
He's traveled in this heat.
Give him some water.
He is a Patil.
So what?
Doesn't a Patil feel thirsty?
I'll take it myself.
Who do you wish to meet?
Parshya got beaten up
because of you.
- Get the hell out of here!
- Shut up, you old hag!
Get out, the two of you.
Get out of here!
- Leave her!
- Get out of here!
- Just leave!
- Leave her!
I'll go out of here
and lock both of you in.
Where is your son?
What happened, sir?
First tell me where your son is,
you scoundrel!
But I don't want to
live in that house.
They whipped me too.
I don't like it without you,
We will not live here.
The potholes should be fixed
at the earliest.
See what you can do
about the roads.
Oh, God!
But where will we go?
We'll go to Pune or Mumbai.
We'll never come back
to this God forsaken place.
- I've money, lots of it.
- Money--
Run before anybody sees us.
- Okay, let's go.
- Yes, let's go.
- Run quickly!
- Come on, let's go.
- What are you saying?
- They were hiding in here.
I never saw anyone.
Patil's daughter forced him
to elope with her.
Hey, watch your mouth!
Radhe, shut up!
They ripped open the roof
and escaped.
Ambadas has gone
looking for them.
Parshya, this bus is going to Pune.
- This one?
- Yes.
Aren't you Paru's son?
- Do you know me?
- Yes.
The old man seems to have lost it.
He is my mom's uncle.
My mom's name is Paru.
- Let's get out of here.
- We better flee.
Bus no. 8592--
Water bottle!
They are nowhere to be seen.
- Did you see them?
- They are not here.
- Did you check everywhere?
- Yes.
Parshya, ask them
where the bus is going.
Where is this bus heading?
- Bittergaon.
- Oh!
- Where?
- Bittergaon.
Come in.
Come in.
- Where are they?
- I don't know.
You don't know?
They must've told you something
about where they're going.
No, they didn't say anything.
I was there only for a few minutes.
Only for a few minutes?
They must have mentioned something.
- Whose call is it?
- A friend of mine.
Let me see.
Let me check.
It is Sallya's call.
He is that bangle seller's son.
Talk to him.
Hello, Sallya!
Mangya, how is the situation there?
Ask him where they are.
Mangya! Hello!
Where are you guys?
We are in the farms!
Which farm exactly?
Hello, Mangya!
Where are you exactly?
The number you are trying to call
is currently switched off.
The number you are trying to call
is currently switched off.
Let's wait here for the night.
We'll leave tomorrow morning.
Let's go.
The number you are trying to call
is currently switched off.
Please try again later.
The number you are trying to call--
Look carefully.
Check that corner, Mangya.
Look under the sheets.
- Did you find them, Mangya?
- No, they are not there.
- No?
- No.
All right, get the bikes then.
Mangya, you told them, didn't you?
Go that way.
Come on, let's take the motorboat!
Let's go to the other side.
Get the bikes.
Come on!
Who is it?
- Who?
- Salim!
Open the door first.
But where will you go?
I understand that
the two of them have an affair.
I mean they are in love.
But what about you two?
Why are you trying to flee?
Just for friendship?
Sallya, I am advising you
as a guest and as my friend.
I won't betray you.
There is a huge difference
between movies and real life.
This girl's father
is no ordinary man.
He is an influential man.
Wherever you go, he will find you.
You are doing the exact opposite
of what your families teach you.
Archi and I will go from here.
The two of you, go back home.
Let's go, Archi.
Don't rush into anything.
You will regret it later.
I told you what I feel was right.
The rest is up to you.
Sallya, you go home.
I'll go home with Parshya.
Where do you want to go?
What are you doing here?
We want to go to our aunt's house.
Get in the jeep.
Didn't you hear him?
- Come on, get in the jeep!
- Come on.
- Come on.
- Come on, hurry up.
Put him in the jeep.
Get him in.
- Archi.
- What is it, Mangya?
You signed those documents,
didn't you?
Yes, why?
They have filed a case against
Parshya, Balya and their families
accusing them of having
raped and kidnapped you.
What do you want?
Sir, please remain seated.
- I got them to flee!
- Okay, all right.
- Please have a seat, sir.
- File a case against me!
- Leave me!
- Please be seated.
I asked them to run away with me!
File a case against me, not them!
Let them go!
Sir, please be seated!
Sir, please sit.
- Release them!
- Release them first!
I'll let them go.
Do you want an assurance?
- You want me to release them, right?
- Release them right now!
Okay, I will release them.
I will.
Ask the constable
to release them.
- Sit down.
- They're not at fault!
I'm at fault!
I asked them to run away!
- Stop this nonsense!
- Calm down, sir.
People are looking, sir.
Sit down.
Didn't you hear him?
All right.
Please have a seat, dear.
Please sit here.
Please sit.
- First, release them all!
- Yes, I will release them.
I will release them all.
You want me to release them, right?
- Leave them right away!
- Okay, I'll do that.
- Sit here.
- Sit here.
- Leave them right away.
- Yes, I'll do that.
- I'll release everyone.
- Leave me!
Break his leg!
Wait, you gimp!
Oh, God!
Hey, gimp!
Get up!
Stop the car.
Stop, I said!
Archi! Don't!
Leave them!
- Archi!
- Let him go, you rascal!
- Archi, don't be stupid!
- Leave my hand!
Leave them!
Leave them!
Leave them!
I said, let him go!
Leave them!
I said, let him go!
Archi, give me the gun!
Stop right there,
or I'll shoot!
- Archi, stop this nonsense!
- Archi!
Aaba, stay back!
- Archi!
- Run, Parshya!
- Archi!
Stop right there, Aaba!
Passengers, please pay attention.
Mumbai - Secundarabad
Shatabdi Superfast Express--
Passengers, please pay attention--
Where are you going?
Arrivals and departures--
How did you get hurt?
How are the two of you related?
How are you related to him?
Adipeta, Varangala?
It is at platform number three,
Shatavahana Express.
Show me your ticket.
How can you travel ticketless?
Give me a bottle of water.
Come here.
You were so scared!
It's done.
You should've looked at your face!
Come on.
- Can we get a room to stay?
- For how many days?
Sir, they've left home after a fight.
Can we rent them a room or not?
No, send them away.
We don't have a vacant room.
There is a girl with you.
You won't get a room
without some sort of identification.
Let's go.
What happened?
They don't have a room.
Hey! Where are you from?
What's your name?
Hey! What's your name?
Come with us to the police station.
- Leave us.
- Come on.
Come on.
Hey! Leave me!
Leave me.
Leave her!
Leave me!
Leave me, you rascal!
Leave me!
Hey, hooligans!
What's going on there?
It's none of your business!
Get lost from here!
Will you kill me otherwise?
Will you?
Will you?
Brother! Brother!
- Brother!
- Let's go.
You rascals!
Get lost from here!
Go away!
Come on, let's go to my house.
Will you come with me
or die here, on the streets?
Come on, dear.
Hey! Come on.
Come in.
Please come in.
Please be seated.
Sanket, do you want the Vadas?
I have made Medu Vada.
Would you like some?
They will kill us if we go back.
Hurry up!
I'm leaving for school.
But you can't spend the rest
of your lives at the bus stop.
Some hooligans are always around
waiting for a lost couple.
They have no qualms
exploiting such women.
I've faced it too.
Even a father of two forgets his limits
upon seeing a woman who is alone.
I have beaten such men to a pulp.
I've hit them before
their children and wives.
Although I look delicate,
I am a no nonsense woman.
Nobody in the neighborhood
dares to mess with me.
You are up.
Sit here.
Freshen up,
I'll get some tea for you.
Over there.
Be careful.
Have you eaten yet?
This is the room.
Come in.
I have some stuff from my shop.
If you want you can stay here.
And don't worry
about the rent for now.
We will discuss that
when you start earning.
This room just needs some cleaning.
It's been 15 years now.
The entire colony is full of
Telugu and Kannada speaking folks.
I've left my cart unattended.
I'll have to go.
The food is ready,
eat when you're hungry.
And listen.
Take this.
Go on.
Wait next doors,
I'll do the cleaning.
Archi, come here.
I've dusted the room clean.
Something stinks bad in here.
That's okay.
It'll stop after a few days.
The world is colorful
Our friendship of crazy dreams
has flourished
Though we aren't related,
our bond is forever
And has flourished
This is the best way of life,
of living for friends
And bonding with them.
I was watching the song.
Archi, let him watch it.
Let's go out.
I was not going to
eat up the remote.
That little one is a brat.
He gives me an angry stare
as if I'm a criminal.
Go to bed now and lock the door.
Tell me if you need anything.
Something is stinking again.
I don't smell anything.
It's the blanket.
No, it's not.
Sleep now.
Come on.
Parshya, you don't feel
anything for me, do you?
What do you mean?
Why did you leave
without waking me up?
You were fast asleep,
so I didn't wake you up.
I'd gone to work at the stall.
I don't like to be dependent
on others.
What's wrong?
Archi, I need to work at the stall.
Don't go.
No, I'll have to go, Archi.
Listen, take this money
and bring some rice
and pulses from the shop.
What else should I bring?
Onions, garlic, spices.
Whatever you need
to do the cooking.
You'll bring it, won't you?
Please don't go, Parshya.
I'll get going.
And eat the snacks I brought.
Who is it?
Give it to me.
Nobody is speaking.
Give it to me.
Who is it?
Give it to me.
- Hello!
- Let's go out to play.
- Did you get the groceries?
- Yes, it's over there.
Lentils, pulses.
That's it?
I've brought everything.
What have you brought?
Don't you know
what you need to cook food?
How much cash do you have left?
Does such little grocery cost so much?
I've bought a poster.
Peel some garlic cloves,
I'll be right back.
Don't you even know
how to peel garlic?
No, I don't.
Do you even know how to make tea?
- No, I don't.
- You can't make a cup of tea!
Leave it, I'll do it.
Let's eat, Archi.
I don't want to eat.
Come on.
What happened, Archi?
Then why are you crying?
Tell me what's wrong.
Please tell me what happened.
I don't like living this way.
I miss my home a lot.
I want to be with you
and I feel like going home too.
I don't like it in here.
I get strange thoughts when I'm alone.
I feel very lonely, Parshya.
Don't cry.
Stop crying, Archi.
Please don't cry, Archi.
Stop crying.
Sir, I know this girl.
- Is there any job vacancy?
- Okay.
- Ask her to join from tomorrow.
- Thank you, sir!
He wants you to join tomorrow.
Let's go.
I don't care
even if all of you leave the house.
If anyone dares mention her,
you will see the worst of me.
Mom, dad and brother.
They are all nice people.
We have a big farm there.
We grow bananas, coconuts
sugarcane and lots more.
My dad has taken
good care of everything.
My dad is a very nice man.
He is an influential man.
Everyone in my family is good.
Don't be sad, Archi.
Okay, sir.
Parshya, Dosa.
Tell me.
I'll surely get it tomorrow.
Don't you know how much salt
to add to a curry?
It is too salty!
Is it really that salty?
What is the password?
Whom did you talk to last night?
Tell me, Archi.
It was Pooja's call.
So late at night?
Her pen drive was with me
which contained her photograph
which is why she called me.
Any more questions?
Why do you keep
changing the password?
So that nobody at work
can check my phone.
Where are you going?
I'm going to die!
Where do I go every day?
I'm sick of your attitude!
Do you think I'm that bad?
- Am I bad then?
- I never said that.
You don't really need to say it.
Can't you take a day off today?
The workload is heavy.
The boss will yell at me.
- Please make it fast.
- Just a minute.
- Try this, ma'am.
- No, thanks.
Parshya, my dear.
Shall we go for a movie?
I'm busy.
I'll ask Suman for permission.
I've got some other work.
Please let's go.
Don't you understand what I said?
Lower your voice.
There's no need to yell.
That movie is a blockbuster
and it stars your favorite hero.
- I'll go alone.
- Go.
I'll really go alone.
Go then, what are you waiting for?
You're too egoistic!
Go to hell!
- Come.
- Who was she?
She works at my company.
You are waiting here.
Then why didn't you
come for the movie?
The movie was very good.
It was great fun.
I am hungry.
Let's go eat at a restaurant.
Come on.
Eat something at least.
I don't want it.
It is delicious.
Eat it.
Don't you understand?
I said, I don't want it.
Don't you feel ashamed
to roam around with other men?
Parshya, I took the day off
so that we could watch a movie.
How is it my fault
if my boss was there?
I'm sure you had fun
with your boss in the theater.
Parshya, stop talking nonsense!
He is a nice man.
You went out with him,
no wonder you think he's nice.
Stop talking nonsense!
Sir, please leave if you want to fight!
We need to talk, Archi.
Can't you understand?
I'm talking to you.
Can't you understand?
I want to talk to you.
Archi, wait!
Archi, wait!
Archi, wait!
I want to speak with you.
Parshya, leave my hand.
I don't want to talk to you.
- Don't twist my hand, it hurts.
- I want to talk to you.
- Can't you understand?
- Let me go, I don't want to talk.
I left my family for you
and I'm regretting my decision now.
Are you the only one
who left her family?
What do you think I have done?
- Answer me!
- I don't know.
Who the hell knows if not you?
Who knows it if not you?
Answer me. Who knows it?
Answer me. Who knows it?
- Who knows it if not you?
- Don't twist my hand.
Do you really regret
living with me?
Do you really regret
living with me?
Yes, I regret it!
Leaving my family for you
was the worst decision of my life!
Then go back.
Go wherever the hell you want to!
Even I am sick of you.
Why are you crying?
What makes you cry?
Look at me!
You want to hit me, right?
Go ahead, hit me!
Beat me up!
- Did Archi come here?
- No.
- Did she call?
- No.
But why?
What's wrong?
Falling in love and getting married
isn't a joke.
I've told you so many times
not to fight with each other.
But both of you are stubborn.
This is not the way
to lead a happy life.
She belongs to a wealthy family.
She must be sick and tired of
living in a slum
and your quarrelsome nature.
So, she must've gone home.
You too can go back if you want to.
You are a man.
Who will stop you?
Even I fled from my home
when I was your age.
I was three months pregnant
when Sanket's father left me.
Ma'am, please give me some alms.
Ma'am, give me some alms.
Please give me some alms.
I'll die without you, Archi.
I'll die without you, Archi.
Please don't leave me.
I am sorry, Archi.
I will never behave like that ever.
I won't, ever.
I am sorry too, Parshya.
I can't live without you either.
I am in a state of trance
and my heart rebels
And it calls out to you
The fragrance of love
brings in a new freshness
I desire to be with you
I desire to be with you
I want to make mischief
My heart pesters me
And I have gone crazy for you
Hold it like this.
- No!
- Come on!
Like this?
It is my sincere request to all.
I accept my mistake.
The moment my son left my house
he was dead to me.
He means nothing to us.
And it will stay this way
in the future as well.
I am begging you all.
Three suitors had come to
see my daughter for marriage.
They rejected and left.
Please don't punish me for that.
I beg you all!
Please don't punish me for that.
- Enough.
- Calm down.
Calm down.
He is a good man.
On the behalf of the audience,
I request Mr. Sanjay
to congratulate Mrs. Sonal
on her victory in the elections.
Let me tell you, folks.
Maharashtra has a history
of remarkable women leaders.
It has been almost a tradition.
Queen Jijabai of Maharashtra
and social reformer Savitribai Phule
are notable examples
of this tradition.
Say 'grandma'.
Ask her where grandpa is.
Do you want to go to grandma?
He is not in the mood to talk.
We call him Tatya.
We have named him Aakash.
He is very mischievous.
He is in good health.
Hello, Mom!
How is dad?
Will he talk to me?
Please tell him.
Is he still angry?
What about your headaches?
We were late due to traffic.
I hope Prince, Aani and the rest
are doing well.
The two of us collectively
earn Rs. 40,000.
We've come here
to check out an apartment.
Okay, I'll hang up now.
There's a missed call from Balya.
- Balya?
- Yes.
- I'll call him later.
- Okay.
- I'll be back in a while.
- No Problem.
Why are you messing up the Rangoli?
Here, take this.
Will you come with us to the shop?
- Come on.
- Go.
- Say bye to mom.
- Bye.
- Say bye to mom.
- Bye!
- Bye!
- Let's go.
Say bye.
- Bye!
- Bye!
Mom has sent this.
Please come in.
Take a seat.
Take a seat.
I'll get you some water.
How are you, Mr. Shyam?
I am fine.
How's your arm now, Aaba?
It's better.
How are you, Prince?
I am good.
Aaru, Rahi, mom.
How is everyone?
All of them are fine.
And dad?
He is fine too.
You may watch TV if you want to.
Prince, the remote is there.
I'll make you some tea.
Archi, when did they arrive?
Just a while ago.
Look at what mom has sent us.
She sent clothes for our baby
and sweets for us.
Everything will be fine now.
Go and serve them tea.
I won't, you do it.
They are my family,
go, serve them tea.
You do it.
I've poured tea in the cups,
go and serve it to them.
There you go.
Go and give it to them.
Did you eat it?
Did you eat the chocolate?
- Are you coming?
- Sure, I am coming.
Go inside.
Go inside.
- Tell me.
- Where had you been?
I had been to the store.