Salsa (2024) Movie Script

...there still lives,
The spirit of our grandfathers
While for the people the heart beats
Of their sons
Long live, the spirit Slavic
You will live for ages
Futile is the Hell's abyss
Futile the fire of thunder
Comrade Tito,
welcome to our pretty islet.
Do I look like Comrade Tito to you?
I apologize.
It's dark.
I fucked up.
If I may ask...
Where's our president?
To reveal the reason of his absence
would endanger national security.
But he is willing to partake
in the discussion via...
The Hot Line.
Can you call him then?
Tito has delegated the decision to me,
to see if it's worth his time.
Comrade General...
You may use my code name.
All right, Comrade Peckerwood.
We really need to talk to the President.
I understand.
That's why I'm here.
I'm listening.
I'm not sure how much you know about it
but Marshal Tito is a longtime patron
of our island's military research lab.
In the spirit of brotherhood and unity
of our nations and nationalities
Tito has been supporting our work
to eradicate ethnic nationalisms
that could endanger the cohesion
of our Federal Republic.
In layman's terms...
After years of painstaking research
we managed
to isolate the nationalist gene.
The next step was to eradicate it.
That's where things...
went south.
What's up, queen?
The boss is here.
Did you ask him?
"Soon", he said.
I don't give a rat's ass.
I'm skipping town.
- Where are you going?
- To my Granny's.
Her tomatoes have grown
bigger than ever.
I'll help her harvest them.
I'll make more money than here.
It's hot as hell.
I can't wait to feel the sea breeze.
You should quit, those will kill you.
And you should get laid.
You can sleep in the living room.
In the bathroom, too.
But a normal person wouldn't.
Can you please just take care of it?
Give my best to the missus.
What a dipshit.
Can you believe that, Vatroslav?
- You wanted to talk?
- Sorry to bother you, but...
I need to pay my rent.
So I was wondering...
Will I get paid soon? And how much?
I think you also mentioned a raise...
I know, Vatroslav.
You saw what switching
to the euro has done to us.
Prices have skyrocketed, buddy.
Food, gas.
See this tomato here?
Its price tripled.
You just keep working, buddy.
And it's all gonna be OK.
You're shedding.
- There's something else.
- What now?
This costume. It's 40C outside.
- It's hot.
- Is it now?
It's really hot.
Let me ask you a question.
Are we the Bunny Catering,
or a Human Catering service?
So stop asking stupid questions.
Bunny Catering, the fastest food in town.
You fucking cunt!
I'll give you something to cry about!
Stop sniveling!
You think I'm an idiot?
Food delivery.
Hello? Vatroslav?
- Hi, Ms Mirjana.
- Hello.
How are you?
Not so great.
And you don't sound too good either.
True. I'm not doing so well.
I can tell, as you still owe me rent.
It's time for you to pack up
and look for a new place.
You have two days
before I change the locks.
Collect your stuff
or find it at the dump. Bye!
Ms Mirjana, wait!
What the fuck are you staring at?
You, rabbit!
I'm talking to you!
Who did you just call?
None of your business.
Did you call the cops?
What if I did? It doesn't concern you.
Motherfucking faggot.
Just wait till I get my hands on you!
I'll skin you like a rabbit!
Hey, boss.
Did you get another job
without telling me?
No, boss.
Working for the social services, huh?
Reporting people to the police?
- I didn't do it.
- Don't lie to me.
A guy came to bust up my shop.
Said a bunny called the police on him.
What a fucking team I run.
One got all smashed up,
the other is playing a superhero.
And you want a raise, too!
- Who got smashed up?
- Filip. He's at the hospital.
Every single euro...
save yourselves while you still can
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women
and blessed is
the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary...
Here, young man.
God is pro-life.
Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning...
You're delivering fruit now?
I heard what happened, so I...
I know you're supposed to bring oranges
but I couldn't find any so...
Hands up!
Don't be afraid. Vlatko is having dreams
about the Yugoslav secret police.
He had an unpleasant
experience with them.
But his eyes are open.
It's a trick all emigrants learn.
Don't worry about it.
Nurses will take care of it.
They don't do much anyway.
What happened?
This funny guy came by,
seemed like he hated bunnies.
Or gay queers,
or gay bunnies, I'm not sure.
As soon as he spotted me...
He was like, you fucking faggot...
The usual.
I'm used to it.
When he was done messing me up,
he turned to the shop.
I need to tell you something...
Don't confess anything!
If you need anything, I'm here.
I'm fine. Really.
But thanks.
Unless you want to go to Glava.
Mala Glava.
The island where my family is from.
I promised my granny
I'd help her harvest tomatoes.
She has a bad hip. I told you about it.
Don't go! You won't come back alive!
Are you sure he's asleep?
No. I mean...
By the way...
Can you just...
Granny promised
to pay me 50 EUR a day.
Why not?
You're flat broke and your job is a joke.
And you're getting kicked out.
Wanna move back in with your folks?
Then get off your ass.
You'll work a little on the island.
Granny will feed you.
You can swim in the sea, too.
Go on.
That feels good.
Oh, yeah.
A Small Island for a Great Vacation
Hey, laddie. We'll be on Glava soon.
Hey, laddie.
Can I help you?
Do you know
when the next boat departs?
To Glava? Tomorrow.
Taxi boat Gringo.
Operating day and night.
Just call that number.
This is priceless, right?
You must've eaten something bad.
I didn't eat anything.
That must be it. You shouldn't
go sailing on an empty stomach.
It'll be 200.
Euros? That's more than
a plane ticket to Zagreb.
200 kunas, buddy.
Converted to euros, that's...
Twenty-six euros and 56 cents.
Do you want your change in kunas?
Suit yourself.
And remember, if you need a ride
to the mainland or anywhere,
I'm your extracurricular line.
Any time, day or night. Just call me.
Who are you?
I'm Vatroslav.
Where are you from?
But I was born in the village
of Little Hell.
Vatroslav from Little Hell.
We're doomed.
We're doomed...
Excuse me, sir!
- Granny Mariljka...
- Not me!
We're doomed!
Hey, laddie.
Are you lost, dude?
Good evening.
Could you point me to
Granny Mariljka's house?
- Granny Mariljka?
- Yes.
Yo, Fritter!
- Do we know where she lives?
- Beats me.
What will you give us if we tell you?
I could use a...
Another cold one.
I could use one, too.
- So, four beers.
- That's right.
- I think you mean two beers.
- How's that?
So you're not buying us beer?
You won't buy us beer?
- Of course I will.
- Sure you will.
What a solid dude.
Thanks, dude.
Is this enough?
What's this? What are you, a kraut?
Or a chetnik?
How can he be a chetnik?
The Serbs use the dinar.
He can only be a Montenegrin.
- Same difference.
- Oh yeah?
Since when are you
an expert in geopolitics?
Leave the guy alone, boneheads.
- What?
- What are you looking at?
Get lost or I'll call your parents
and tell them
you stole meds from my office.
Only those two times.
I don't wanna hear it! Go home, now!
Stop staring at me! Beat it!
Put an egg in your shoe and beat it!
Thank you.
But you needn't have.
I would've taken care of it.
You won't be needing euros here.
What do you mean?
Here on Mala Glava
the only currency is the kuna.
How's that legal? It's impossible.
A lot of impossible things
become possible here.
But you've only just arrived.
You'll see soon enough.
Anything else I can help you with?
Actually, yes.
Can you point me
to Granny Mariljka's house?
Sure. Go up that street
and then turn right.
You'll see a big tomato field,
you can't miss it.
- Up the street.
- Up the street.
- Thanks.
- It's nothing.
Hands up!
Turn around.
Go on!
- Whatcha doin' here?
- Nothing.
Yeah? What's in the bag?
- My things.
- Open it up, now!
What did I just say?
I'm not moving, there's a minefield here.
It says there!
In the Latin alphabet, though.
Don't insult me, boy!
I didn't mean to.
At school I learned
both the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets.
Could you put the gun down, sir?
Sure. So you can steal my tomatoes.
No. I'm here to harvest them.
"Harvest"! If it looks like a duck,
and shits like a duck, what is it?
Filip sent me to his granny
to help her harvest.
Little Filip sent you?
- Why didn't you say so!
- Please, don't move!
Calm down, boy. I'm Mia.
I've been coming here for years
on holiday.
It looks more like a war campaign to me.
Oh, come on man.
You see a Serb
and you immediately think war!
I didn't take part in the war
and I didn't support it.
The political scum cooked it all up.
You know?
I'm Vatroslav.
What's that?
For real. Come on.
Veranda, bevanda, marenda, marinada
pomidora, poma, paticada,
bokun, bora...
I've learned the words. I know them all.
The villagers tell me: "Mia,
you're one of us, a Dalmatian."
"They must've switched you
at the hospital!"
It wouldn't surprise me! Hold this.
Meet Queen Jelena, my wife.
Get your paws off me.
Hi. I'm Vatroslav.
Vatroslav! I can't even.
Hey, Vatroslav.
- This here...
- Mia, c'mon.
This is my heir, Vuk.
Future CEO of
Golubovi Trade LLC, Valjevo, Serbia.
- Congratulations.
- If the company survives that long.
Oh, pussycat.
Maybe go inside
and go easy on the cigarettes?
Why did we come
to the seaside anyway?
You should've sent me off to a nunnery!
Stop it, sweetie!
Do you want to set the island on fire?
So they can accuse us Serbs again.
I bet that's exactly
what Vatroslav was thinking.
No! I've nothing against Serbs.
There, I told you.
- Next year we're going to Hvar,
I don't care. - Yes, pussycat.
- Easy now.
- Let me go! I can do it myself!
I just wanna help.
Gimme back my gun.
See that over there?
That's Granny's house.
Go on, before she's gone to bed.
Do you wanna die of a heart attack?
You brought a whole sack of cracklings!
- Who can eat that many?
- But I love them.
But a whole sack?
What can I do? I love them.
What should I eat? Eggs?
Good evening.
Hello? Anybody home?
Hello? Anybody home?
Granny Mariljka!
Who's that? Oh!
Filip, my boy! Granny's sunshine!
Who gave you this terrible cut?
Actually, I'm not Filip.
You're not?
Who are you then?
I'm Vatroslav, a friend of Filip's.
Didn't Filip tell you
I'd come as his replacement?
I'm just pulling your leg!
I sure got you.
Relax now. Come here.
- Are you hungry?
- I'm good. I'd like some water though.
Why am I even asking?
You must be hungry.
- So, your name is Vatroslav.
- Yes.
You were named
after that Croatian duke?
I believe... The duke was called Vieslav.
That's a wonderful name.
A proper Croatian name.
You'll love our island, Vieslav.
I promise you.
Our folks here are honest,
hardworking, God-fearing.
Except for the demons
stealing my tomatoes.
I'm really not hungry.
Are you like my Filip?
You know...
Oh, no. No.
I don't mind that.
But he doesn't like to eat.
Maybe that's how they like to be.
Thin as a rake.
Wrap it around tighter.
Tie it to the stalk, not the sucker.
Tighten it.
You did a terrible job.
Come, follow me.
I'll show you something.
What are you waiting for? A subpoena?
I hope you're not too fond of the bottle.
If you are, your life and
your tomatoes will go to hell.
This is where your grandpa
hid from the world.
- Filip's grandpa.
- Yeah.
Vice, my husband.
God rest his soul, he'd sit here all day
and drown his sorrows in rakia.
Oh well.
He never got over
the collapse of the old system.
Our dear Lord and liver cirrhosis
took him half a year ago.
- Sorry for your loss.
- Me too.
I'll show you something.
Here, hold this.
Since my Vice left this world,
I rarely come here.
But then I said to myself...
Mariljka, you have to.
So I opened this case
of his homemade rakia
and I started pouring it out
into the garden.
And lo and behold...
Fuck me.
Fucking ants.
Get lost!
Open wide, Ante.
Open wider, I can't reach.
It's OK, Ante.
Be still, for God's sake!
How can I help you?
I'm Vatroslav.
We've met. Remember?
With your teeth, I meant.
Have a seat, I'll be done in a minute.
Keep it in for half an hour
and then you can spit it out.
Come on in.
Open wide.
I just wanted to ask you...
I'm not getting any cell reception.
Is it me, or...?
Do I look like
I'm running a call center here?
I'm just fucking with you.
Give me your phone.
How about this...
I'll put in my number
and you can call me if you want to.
All right?
And about the reception...
Just point your phone at Vis.
Like this?
No, the island of Vis
is in the other direction.
That's where the closest cell tower is.
What's your name again?
I'm Irena.
Hey, queen.
How are you?
Much better.
They're letting me out in a few days.
How are you? How's Granny?
She's fine.
We got on like a house on fire.
One thing,
don't breathe a word to her
about what happened to me.
I said I'd fallen down the stairs,
not that I was beaten up cos I'm...
a gay bunny.
There's something I need to tell you.
Actually, there are two things
but I'll start with one.
Vlatko is having a crisis again!
I'll call you back! Nurse!
Filip, this guy who beat you up
didn't do it because you're
Come to Majorka tonight
Sounds great!
Like a fairy of the sea
she has made my dreams reality
On the burning shores
of my sleepless nights
Watch your step, ape.
I'm sorry.
One day I'll get trampled to death
because of Lukrecija.
How do you say...
That's a good one.
In Croatian we say:
Fuck the system.
Serkan, where are you?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Could I get a drink here?
Nope. All gone.
But I have this, if you want.
- Ten kunas a puff.
- You're kidding?
I'm fucking with you. It's free.
But donations are obligatory.
Ten kunas minimum.
You're kidding?
How do you think we're funded?
Not by the government, that's for sure.
Who is we?
Our NGO, Wise Up.
You should come to our protest.
Yeah, against the village government.
They have their own village festival,
and we'll have our activist event.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi, gorgeous.
- Pestering people again, Matko?
You'll remember my words when
the pro-lifers take over the army base.
We held some
awesome workshops up there.
But they kicked us out and rented
the place out to those satanists.
Satanists are all those people
who disagree with Matko.
No. Satanists are people telling Matko
what he should do with his body.
- My body, my temple.
- Maybe smoke less in the temple?
He has to, there's nothing to drink there.
Well said, man.
I beg to differ.
A vintage plonk, huh?
Shall we?
Your donation?
It's so beautiful here.
The beach, the spot, everything.
That's why they seized it.
Who did?
The army.
Back then no one was allowed
on this beach but them.
Now I get it, it's Majorka not Majorca!
- What's the story with Matko?
- He's a great guy.
For years he organized concerts
and parties up at the army base.
Sometimes just group banter.
But yesterday the mayor
changed the locks and took his key.
I know exactly how he feels.
- You're from the island?
- Yes.
I mean, no.
My mother is from here,
but I grew up in ibenik.
I did well at the university,
but I had no connections,
so I ended up working here.
It's been two years now.
And what do you do
when you're not harvesting tomatoes?
I work at a... restaurant.
And I go to university.
- What's your major?
- Hungarian.
- What year are you in?
- Third.
For the third time.
Why Hungarian?
That's how the entrance exam works.
You make your preference list,
and I didn't get into the first four.
The fifth on my list was Hungarian.
What was your first choice?
I don't remember.
Shit sucks.
How do you say that in Hungarian?
I don't know.
I can look it up.
- What?
- That thing.
Shit sucks in Hungarian.
"The Light of the Family.
As a Former Fetus I Oppose Abortion."
What's this?
It's not mine. A woman gave it to me.
Why didn't you throw it away?
I forgot to, I guess?
You know what...
I just remembered
I forgot to turn off the light
at my office.
What about the wine?
It's all yours.
We're doomed...
First right, or the second?
We're doomed...
- Ow!
- Fuck.
He's grinding his teeth like a rabid dog.
- And he won't go away.
- Yeah, I heard it.
No use. You come all the way here
but you can't escape idiots.
Close your eyes.
As good as new.
Are you a nurse?
No, sweetie. I'm just a regular preggo.
But I'm good with my hands.
You are.
I make souvenirs,
of our region of Serbia.
- Real nice.
- Yeah.
- Ever been there?
- Not really.
Why would you? It's a godforsaken hole.
The middle of nowhere.
We don't get normal tourists.
We only get gluttons.
But they don't care about souvenirs.
And Mia...
He has no intention of leaving that place.
He likes being
the reddest of the rednecks.
- He's a good guy.
- Yeah.
A horse is a good animal
but everyone rides it.
And now he's made sure
that I can't move either!
You'll change your mind
when you see the baby.
That's what I'm afraid of.
Don't listen to your crazy mother, son!
- I'm a terrible mother.
- No.
And I'm not even a mother yet.
- Don't say that, it's not true.
- It is, Vatroslav.
Only a terrible person can bring a child
into this terrible world.
Look what I got you!
You killed the bunny.
- But I thought...
- What did you think?
That it was a werewolf?
Do you see what I have to put up with?
Son, your father is an idiot.
These are so good.
Much better than last year.
- He saw us!
- Run!
What a pair of imbeciles.
Hello, Jrgen?
Have you found the Majorca bar?
I can hear the music
but I can't locate the place.
My reception is terrible.
Hello, Jrgen?
I've been at the bar all day.
It's on a beach.
Where are you?
Oh, shit!
It's Vatroslav, Granny.
Your name is too hard to remember
and I must call you something.
They're so good. Try some.
It's such a good year for them.
You'll make some serious dough, too.
Good boy. So Granny can marry you off.
Since I couldn't Filip.
- I'm not really the marrying kind.
- Come now. I wasn't born yesterday.
Irena is a real cutie.
The smaller the island,
the faster word gets around.
I'll go deliver those tomatoes.
OK. And get me some pasta at the store.
I'm making lunch for Jelena and Mia.
Take the tomato money,
don't spend your own.
You'll need it for your wedding.
for a better tomorrow
Ladies and gentlemen of Mala Glava,
our dream is about to come true.
In the place of an army base,
a space of war,
we will create a place of love.
Children from all over Croatia
will come to do sports,
study the Bible
and improve their bodies...
And minds. That's good.
Is there anything better?
It's the cue for the applause.
On behalf of the kids,
Lukrecija uk will take
the keys to the army base.
She's a teacher
at the Baltazar Buvini Elementary.
She has contributed greatly
to physical and moral fitness of our kids.
Now you come up on the stage. The key.
Then your speech.
They say children are our future.
They say children are our future.
They say the future of our
beautiful homeland is in their hands.
But, unfortunately,
some children will never get to see
our magnificent sea, our Croatia.
Our homeland.
Those children are in our daily prayers.
Hey, laddie, what's wrong with you?
Here's the money for Granny.
And clean this mess up, d'ya hear?
Move it!
It's our honor to have with us
Light of the Family ambassadors...
The Goldfinch of Dalmatia, Joko,
and Klapa Manjinjorgo.
Three summers ago Pa breathed his last
He fell down some stairs
And went really fast
Hey, laddie.
Do you speak any German?
I speak Hungarian.
And a little bit of English.
Get in here.
Move it!
I'm coming.
No friend...
I see no...
You and me, no, you know?
I don't understand a word.
I brought this guy,
he speaks languages. Ask him.
Go on!
What's the problem?
Your problem, kraut!
What did he say?
His friend has been missing for 3 days.
They were supposed to be home by now.
What's his friend's name?
Serkan Baydar.
Give it here.
Some fucking friend.
Arms around shoulders
doesn't mean they're queer.
What's the matter?
Are you queer, too?
No. Having queer friends
doesn't make you queer.
Why do you talk about queers then?
Excuse me...
What are they saying right now?
- Tell him to send us the pic to print out.
- Here.
Send the picture to them.
Nediljko, are you ready for the festival?
- I haven't eaten for three days.
- For real?
Once I start, there'll be no stopping me.
- Sent.
- What did you send?
Not me. He sent the picture.
Chill out. It's printing.
It's so fucking slow.
What are these two doing here?
Maybe they won
the Miss Universe pageant.
Or maybe they've gone missing,
just like the German guy!
Not queer my ass.
- These are the tourists we get.
Queers and Turks. - Gross.
Motherfucking Schengen Area,
whose idea was it anyway?
People coming in as they please.
There, done.
Are you fucking kidding me?
What? Still not happy?
Please tell me this is not
all they're gonna do!
Men and women of Croatia!
Ladies and gentlemen...
Fucker. There he goes again.
- Will you do it, or should I?
- You go, I'd bite his head off.
Men and women of Croatia!
Ladies and gentlemen...
The judgment of God is upon us!
People are disappearing before our eyes!
The Devil walks among us!
The demon comes down
from the army garrison
to snatch our folks!
Get down, now!
Men and women of Croatia!
Rivers of blood shall flow!
We'll all be singing the song of doom.
We're doomed...
My sugar is dangerously low.
Get off it before I get you!
Watch me get it off,
men and women of Croatia!
Especially for Croatia,
the asshole of the world!
You wanna see badass?
I'll show you badass!
Get your ass over here!
What are you looking at?
A bunch of deadbeats.
People go!
Or I'll book you!
You two, remove this.
What's going on?
This has been going on.
For the past two hours non-stop.
I've nothing left in the tank.
If I didn't know Granny's cooking
I'd think it was her that did us in.
Granny made us her pasta
with tomato sauce, so delicious!
That's it.
No way.
Granny is a killer cook.
This must be a stomach bug.
Here it comes again.
Why did we come here, Mia?
Wake up, please.
Something strange is happening
with your tomatoes.
Can you hear me?
- Hello?
- Hey.
How are you, Filip?
You're in a good mood.
Where's my Granny?
She's... right here.
I've been trying to reach her all day.
Is everything OK?
Sure. Everything is great.
- A-OK.
- All right.
What did you want to talk about?
- Nothing important.
- OK then.
But I have something to tell you.
I have good news and bad news.
- I'm listening.
- Boss was here yesterday.
He brought me my salary.
Can you believe it?
Great. So at least
something is going well.
What do you mean?
What's wrong there?
I meant, in general. In the system.
And now for the bad news.
Vlatko has died.
That's a relief!
What do you mean?
I meant he's not in pain anymore.
Are you sure everything is OK there?
Totally sure.
- OK. Tell Granny to give me a call.
- I will.
By the way, what did your Grandpa do?
- He drank at the tavern all day.
- I know that bit.
But before, when he was young?
How am I supposed to know that?
He was a geneticist
and he worked for the army.
The army?
The government,
the secret police, same shit.
Why don't you ask Granny?
I will ask her.
You're breaking up. Gotta go.
For real.
"Concentrated organic multi-agent."
What now?
Nothing. I wanted to...
talk to someone normal.
Something awfully weird is going on.
- Is this another cheesy pickup line?
- No.
It's more like a matter of life and death.
- Life and death?
- Correct.
OK, come on in.
You think that Jere and Fritters...
Got poisoned on it, and died?
I know it sounds stupid, but...
Come here for a second.
They woke me in the middle of the night,
complaining of a toothache.
I gave them some painkillers
and I took an X-ray of their jaws.
What's that?
It looks like...
Like they're growing another set of teeth.
Is that, like, normal?
With kids, new teeth may come in
before the baby teeth come out.
With adults, it makes no sense.
I thought... Well, it's Jere and Fritters.
They could just be a bit
developmentally disabled.
This other set of teeth...
Are they, like...
Yeah, like vampire's.
- The rabbit.
- Which rabbit?
The rabbit had the same teeth
when he was eating tomatoes!
And then Mia killed him.
- When did you see them?
- It says here.
Tuesday night, at 2:15 am.
Only a few hours after.
After what?
After they stole tomatoes
at Granny's garden.
Listen to me...
If this is your plan to drag me to
the village festival, I'll strangle you.
This is an all-out tomato war
as never seen before!
Let's hear it for our contestants!
Munch! Munch!
Such a big guy yet such a small capacity.
Let's see you!
Too bad!
The last two men standing,
Nediljko and Stipe!
I should've gone to the protest party.
- Which party?
- The protest party at Majorka.
Matko said there'd be
a mindblowing pile of weed.
What? I hope these people get poisoned
and die. They'll do us a favor.
I saw that girl at Majorka.
She looked totally normal.
You call this normal?
We just lost Stipe.
All right! Four, three, two, one...
We have a winner, it's Nediljko!
This year's Tomato Festival
winner is Nediljko!
I thought you'd gone to Majorka,
I was about to go after you!
I left, but I felt bad
about leaving you behind!
- I feel bad about not telling Filip
the truth! - That his Grandpa was a jerk?
No, the wifebeater who beat him up
thought I'd reported him
and he beat Filip up
because he thought Filip was me.
We both wore a bunny costume.
Let's revisit this conversation later.
Now we must go warn Matko!
What's up with this...
Are you two a couple?
Not that it's any of your business,
We're just friends. Why?
You'd ditch your best friend
in a zombie apocalypse?
Hey, bro!
Could you play some Croatian music?
Play something by Thompson? Please?
- What?
- Anything Croatian!
Something by koro!
No way.
- They're coming!
- Guys!
They're coming!
Calm down, dude.
I heard you the first time.
- They're coming.
- Who's coming?
You won't believe us if we tell you.
But you should totally run!
Here they come!
They're from the village festival.
Looks like a carnival to me.
It's not a carnival. They're...
The living dead!
They sure dance like it.
This won't get us anywhere.
All right!
Move, man! Matko...
We need to run!
What's up? Gone fishing, huh?
How about a puff?
We need to run. No time to explain.
Run, everyone!
Save yourselves while you still can!
Look, Lorenco's mother.
Mrs inka!
Do you believe me now?
What's wrong with you?
Stop shooting at people!
I thought they were the living dead!
Folks! Do you need a ride?
Hurry up!
Granny, are you OK?
COMA is not rakia!
I figured it out when we got sick.
Vice messed up big time.
- You didn't grow extra teeth?
- No.
- Whose war is this, Vatroslav?
- Shut up, idiot.
It's Croats vs. Croats, I guess.
It's complicated!
I'll have that gun.
While you're chatting...
Step on it, Mia!
- Do we have a plan?
- The plan is to hide!
- Where?
- That we still don't know!
Take a right!
Or left?
Right, to the army base!
Open the gate!
Hurry up!
Hurry, Mia!
Come in!
Over here!
Break it down!
That's my man!
I can't go any faster.
Mia, pull me up! Filip, push me!
Pull me up!
Well done!
- Who is it?
- It's me!
Are you fuckin' serious?
Is this all
because of Granny's tomatoes?
Grandpa is to blame, actually.
Me too, but let's not go there.
Granny Mariljka.
What was the project Vice worked on?
He never told me anything.
It was all top secret.
I don't get it.
Some people catch it, some don't.
I drank straight from the bottle
and nothing.
You drank a nerve agent?
I thought it was rakia.
I spat it out immediately!
Since it's confession time,
I need to share something.
How did you get it?
From one of the creatures at Majorka.
- Step back! He'll turn!
- He won't if he hasn't by now!
Put the gun down, idiot.
Some folks don't get infected.
Let's all just calm down.
What do these groups have in common?
The infected one, and us?
My theory is that
the infected folks have...
What was it called?
A low intelligence quotient!
Brilliant. If that was so,
you'd be the first to get it.
Sweetie! I can't take this any more.
I get it, you're hormonal,
but can you give me a break for once?
- I'm sorry, sweetie.
- No, I'm sorry.
- I'm crazy!
- You sure are.
911, what's your emergency?
We're on the island of Mala Glava.
And we need help. It's an emergency.
- Can you tell me what is happening?
- Sure.
It's a long story.
We were at the Tomato Festival.
Where everyone turned into zombies.
Now we're at the old army base
at the top of the island.
- And everyone turned into zombies.
- Correct.
- Every single one of them?
- Well, not everyone.
- We're trying to figure out...
- Only the fascists and morons!
While you're fucking with me
folks might actually need help.
Hello, Miss, my apologies...
My friend studies Hungarian,
it's ruined his Croatian.
It's not the zombies attacking us,
it's our own village folks.
Basically, your locals are sick of
the gays, foreigners and liberals?
You could say that.
Can you send someone over?
Let me see...
Our officers are on their way back
from Korula now.
They'll need to grab a bite.
They can be there in the morning.
Should we throw them a welcome party?
I'm afraid it's going to be too late.
In that case, cancel it.
We shouldn't waste their time.
What's going on?
Don't worry, my love. I'll protect you.
I will not be a single mom!
Someone has to carry me and Granny!
Look at those weaklings behind you.
Get inside!
- I know how we can save ourselves!
- How?
- Granny!
- Filip!
Hold on, my love.
Easy, Mia!
Come on, Granny!
There are tunnels under the base
but I'm not sure where.
I know.
Vice used to work here. He showed me.
They lead to the sea. We'll need to swim.
Swim? Me? Fat chance.
- I can only float.
- Calm down, sweetie.
- I'll carry you, sweetie.
- Oh, sweetie...
You'll carry me? What about Granny?
- You should go without me.
- No way.
That's not happening.
How do I tell Filip
that I left his Granny with zombies?
You can't give up now, Granny.
We'll figure it out.
Got it!
Hey, Gringo...
When could you be at Mala Glava?
It's kind of urgent.
You're in luck. I'm close by.
I was supposed to pick up a guy
but he's gone offline.
Good for us.
Where should I pick you up?
At the foot of the old army base.
There's a tunnel to the sea.
- Sure, I know the place.
- Awesome.
I'm OK.
I believe it's here. Yeah.
Easy, man.
- Now we just need to go down.
- Is he fucking with me?
Yo. Big guy.
How's a 9-months pregnant woman
supposed to squeeze through that?
I didn't exactly measure its diameter!
Is that so?
Well, let me show you.
I'll show you.
- What are you doing, sweetie?
- Well, take a look.
I'm pushing out your heir, Mia!
This is crazy! Stop it!
It's not time yet, Jelena.
Come on, son of a gun!
My auntie gave birth
a month before her due date
surely I can push you out
a week before mine!
Easy, Jelena. That's not how it goes.
- Isn't there another way out?
- Not that I know of.
There isn't.
What did you just say?!
- Nothing.
- You'd really do that?!
He'd leave a pregnant woman
at the mercy of the living dead.
- You fucking...
- Drop it, Mia!
- Did you hear what he said?
- I'm giving birth here.
Pull yourself together!
What did you expect from a guy
working for the Light of the Family?
Excuse me?
Granny is full of shit.
Where did you get the key to the base?
Yeah. I mean, what?
Didn't the Mayor take his key
and change the locks?
Just like my landlady said
she'd do to me!
No, just the key.
I remember you saying
she'd changed the lock.
- Laddie!
- OK, it's true.
They offered me the job
of the camp coordinator.
So what?
It's better that I do that job
than someone else.
We can't stop them anyway.
If you can't destroy the system
from without, try it from within.
Like ants, we keep digging.
So you became a caretaker?
More like a bootlicker.
I think that's Gringo.
What shall we do?
Shit, here they come.
- He just bolted, Mia!
- He'll snatch our ride!
- I'll show that dickass!
- Wait!
I'll go after him.
I'll be back.
No fucking way he's coming back.
- Shut your trap, kid. He'll be back.
- Sorry, Granny.
Matko, wait!
Come back!
Come back here, you cunt!
Taxi! I'm here!
Matko, come back!
Turn back, I'm serious!
Turn back!
Give me your hand.
Come on, sweetie.
Get my Vuk out!
You can't get the kid out
only cos you decided to.
I lived through my tomato hell,
surely I can get a kid out.
True that.
Here he comes.
- You see? We did it.
- Push, honey.
Vatroslav, from Little Hell.
Mr. Irud.
I swear to fuck,
you're the sanest person on the island.
My friend...
If you don't go crazy here,
you're not normal.
You were right about everything.
No, I was wrong.
I thought the devils were
at the army base.
But, all this time,
they've been among us.
And now we're among them.
What do we do?
We can't stay here, we can't leave.
There's nothing we can do.
We're doomed...
If they break in, throw it at them.
But mask up first.
This is you? And Granny's husband?
Fuck me.
What happened?
The middle guy is Paraga,
the island nationalist we tried to cure.
The other one is our soldier
who brought him food.
And the third guy went in to stop
Paraga from chewing his head off.
We had to fry them all
with a flame-thrower.
In layman's terms,
we achieved the opposite effect.
Instead of eradicating
the nationalist gene
for some reason, COMA amplified it.
"Concentrated organic multi-agent."
Why didn't you test it on animals first?
We did.
But we believed they were too
sensitive to the ingredients.
After all, humans are more evolved
than the mice or guinea pigs.
Rabbits turned out be
particularly territorial.
The problem is,
we produced 1,000 liters.
And now we don't know
what to do with it.
- Why don't you dump it into the sea?
- People would swim in it.
Fish would ingest it and people
would eat the fish. It would be bad.
They're doing the same experiment
across Yugoslavia.
If they're getting the same results,
and I'm afraid they are...
Comrade President...
You're breaking up.
It's Peckerwood speaking.
What can I tell you?
It does sound serious.
In short...
What if all other teams were successful?
Mariljka will be a single mother.
Our President wants to know
how many people live on the island.
About 250.
Less than a thousand.
- They'll burn us to the ground.
- They won't.
How far is the mainland?
Maybe they will. About 50 kilometers.
But if you burn the island down
toxic gasses will stay in the air.
They say... Oh, you heard it.
All right.
Yes, I will tell them.
Thank you.
Have a good night, Comrade President.
What did he say?
It will be solved.
- When? And how?
- It will be solved.
- But, we...
- If our President said so,
it means it will be solved.
All that dental work for nothing.
What a fucked up family you have, Filip.
You're not coming near my son! Try me!
To battle, take the swords out
let them all see how the Croats die!
You came back.
- Did you catch Matko?
- Almost.
He swam away.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
You go get the boat.
I'll go help Granny.
I'll be right back. Don't worry.
He'll be back, love.
Let's go.
What are you doing here? Go away.
Listen, son...
I haven't left the island for years
and I'm not planning to.
Certainly not with this hip.
- But...
- There's no but.
I told you to leave.
How will you manage?
In the words of late Tito...
It will be solved.
Where's Granny?
It's a long story. Just drive.
He's so beautiful.
Huge head, he takes after you.
Your Pa can teach him judo.
To get his head in proportion to his body.
Vatroslav, you've been destined for this.
You know?
Your name means fire and glory.
- Just keep your eyes on the road.
- All right, all right.
You said you'd be back
and you came back.
I did.
Of course I did.
It's us, Gringo!
It's OK! We're normal!
I'm not sure about that.
Cast (in Order of Appearance):
Did any of the other teams succeed?
Slovenians have already
destroyed their vaccine.
Their sample was extremely small,
unlike some people's...
In Bosnia they couldn't decide
who'd work on it.
In Montenegro they said they'd start
tomorrow at the latest
even though their lab
opened 6 months ago.
Macedonians apologize
for not having done anything.
And Serbs...
They've been trying to isolate
the pure Serbian gene, unsuccessfully.