Santosh (2024) Movie Script
- How are you?
- Fine.
- Where's your dad?
- Inside.
- All good?
- Yeah, come on in.
We were waiting so long for you,
we had to come ourselves.
What's to be done?
Keep her.
She never even lived here.
She never wanted
to belong to this family.
She forced Raman to move away from us
so she could control him.
Every time you'd call,
Madam here would be out
spending all his money.
Now she wants to come back
and leech off us?
If you feel Santosh has shortcomings,
you teach her, she'll learn.
She's not the type to learn
nor look after me.
She'll care for you
like she cared for Raman.
You'll see.
She's your daughter-in-law.
She has rights here too.
This cursed witch finished him off.
Now she sits here
with jewellery in her nose
like it's her bloody wedding day!
There you go!
See her true colours.
You don't take back an old dish
once it's been used.
Why so bitter?
Didn't we give you
the dowry you asked for?
It was just a motorbike.
Hardly a helicopter!
What's all this for?
It's for the crows.
Hang on!
Your brother'll do it
in the morning.
Let your brother do it.
If the crows don't eat,
Raman's soul won't rest.
I know when they come, granny.
Ladies' helpdesk is behind.
I don't have a complaint.
I have an appointment.
- Name?
- Santosh Saini.
Take a seat.
- Age?
- 28.
- Father's name?
- Ravi Baliyan.
What does he do?
We have a bicycle shop.
- Where are you staying now?
- Mapur.
- Who's in Mapur?
- Mummy, Daddy.
Don't get on with the in-laws?
- Write up his medical.
- Yes, sir.
Ah yes...
It was a love marriage, right?
How long were you married?
Two years.
No, sir.
Raman didn't serve for very long.
The pension's nothing to speak of.
Have you thought about your future?
Not really...
You know you have
to give the flat back?
Why, sir?
It's government property.
Other families are waiting.
Bring Saini's things.
Sir, I...
Can nothing be done?
If you could do anything, sir...
Ever thought of working?
I've worked before.
I used to tutor at home.
there's a government scheme
for women like you...
"Compassionate appointment".
It means as a policeman's widow
you inherit Raman's job.
It would be lady police work.
You'd have training first,
then appointment as a constable.
- Constable?
- Yes, like Raman.
I can't guarantee anything,
but I can apply if you want.
I'll do what I can to help.
There are few men
with Raman's integrity.
You'd get paid what Raman earned
on top of the widow's pension.
It'd go straight to me?
Where else?
You're a funny one.
Talk it over at home.
ask him too.
if you want our help,
you'll have to tell us everything.
Speak freely and honestly.
We had a friendship.
- It became physical too.
- I see...
now he won't marry me.
Ma'am, ask him.
Ma'am, I don't know
what she's dreamt up.
I'm already in a relationship.
- How many on your list, eh?
- Just the one...
We only study together.
We're just friends.
I don't know what she's on about.
Why you answering her?
Who asked the question?
I did.
She's new, she knows jack shit.
She's not going to save you.
So. What do we do with him?
Should we file a 376 on him?
No, ma'am...
Ma'am... do what you think is best
but he should think ten times
before deceiving any girl.
Please, ma'am.
Hear me out too.
Yes, yes,
we'll hear your side too.
Leave your phone here.
Take him away.
She's lying.
Can I use the bathroom?
Take her to the bathroom.
Bring him in.
I'll get the keys.
You sit here.
We've barely started, son.
Made a friend already?
We used to have a boy.
He'd walk her,
help out at home too.
He left.
Priya did all the cooking
herself today.
How is everything?
And your room?
Fine, sir...
A little stuffy.
Where d'you live before?
Your husband was posted there?
Yes, sir.
How'd he die?
There were...
There were riots in Nehrat.
He was on duty there.
He was hit on the head with a stone.
They get the guy?
It was a riot...
It's hard to know who it was.
I was posted in Nehrat once too.
I used to patrol the meat market.
I went and told them,
"Our Hindu women have
to cover their noses walking here,
"the smell is so vile."
"Change your job and now!"
Some listened,
and those who didn't,
I showed them the baton!
It's very hot.
I reckon your room
is going to get very hot soon.
There's a free room nearby,
if you'd like that?
It has an air cooler.
And it's much closer to us too.
Like a family!
- You'd like that?
- Yes. Thank you, sir.
And maybe sometimes you can stop by
before work and help Priya a bit.
Should I take her out?
- Are they rubbing?
- At the front.
Ma'am not wearing toe rings.
Ma'am not married?
Mind your own business.
Tell me.
When I woke, she wasn't there.
- Two days ago.
- I see.
We looked in the fields.
The neighbours too.
No trace.
Excuse me.
Shoes or a complaint to write up?
- Complaint.
- Okay.
- How much?
- 50 rupees.
Wait five minutes, okay?
Carry on.
- How old is she?
- 15...
Come with me.
We'll do this at the station,
not amongst shoes and dust.
I went yesterday.
No one saw to me.
We'll get your report written.
God bless you.
- Jai Hind.
- Come on in.
Sir, this man's daughter is missing.
He's very distressed.
She's a minor.
Greetings, sir.
Ram Pippal.
- Village?
- Bhakri village. Laalipur.
- Caste?
- Chamar.
- The girl's name?
- Devika.
What's the issue?
My daughter's been missing 2 days.
Did you look in the fields?
Did you look properly?
She probably went out to take a shit.
We have a toilet in the house.
And they say there's no progress,
that politicians do nothing!
Yet this man
has a toilet at home!
You're right!
Did you call 112?
There's no shame to ask a neighbour
if you didn't have balance, eh?
You'll have to write a complaint
if you want us to investigate.
I can do that for him, sir.
I can do it.
If you write it,
he'll be back saying,
"Inspector and Madam
just wrote what they wanted."
Find someone to write it.
Go and ask the cobbler...
He'll have gone for the afternoon.
Why wouldn't he have a rest?
It's not like he's a policeman.
On duty 24/7!
You're right, sir.
Go on, go.
Try in the evening.
He'll write it then.
Sir said go
Come back in the evening.
- Hi mummy.
- Hi dear.
How are you?
- I'm fine. All okay?
- Yeah, just couldn't sleep
How's work?
It's going okay?
It's going well.
I'm just tired.
Get up!
What are you two up to?
Nothing, ma'am.
What's your name?
Last name?
Come on out, Romeo.
20 squats, now.
Tell her "sorry, sister" as you go.
You too.
Keep count.
Not one less.
Sorry, sister.
Sorry, sister.
Sorry, sister.
Don't stop.
Put your phone down!
Get lost.
Don't stop.
Come on!
Keep going.
Go on.
Please don't tell my parents.
Go, get out of here.
Stop police abuse! Stop it now!
Shame on the police!
We'll investigate properly,
find the culprit, put him in jail.
Bring that scum here,
then we'll move.
We'll hunt him down
and put him in jail.
Why dishonour your daughter's body
and block the road?
No one move from here.
Move them!
Bring the women police.
May the same happen to your child!
In a line.
Close together.
- Kohli, go get the body.
- Yes, sir.
Hey, where are you going?
Pick the body up.
- Where was it?
- In their well.
Probably fell.
- How did they get it out?
- It's their job to clean out sewers.
- It was rotting...
- Arvind!
Yes, sir?
Get the jeep.
Take the body to the mortuary.
Sir, the jeep is at Madrabad station.
So find a way!
it's a sensitive matter.
Better if it were a lady constable...
250 rupees.
- They didn't pay you at the station?
- Your stuff, you pay.
I don't have change.
Where were you?
There was no electricity.
Went to get ice.
We're full.
Come in the morning.
Listen... brother...
She's a young girl.
Isn't the doctor coming?
We're the ones who do it.
The doctor just signs.
You were the one in a hurry.
Why did you stop?
Keep going...
...outside Machogar Police Station
protesters came
with the body of Devika Pippal.
A viral video showed
Inspector Thakur
purifying the station,
deserting police duties.
Witness how a poor girl's corpse
became a pollutant for police.
Questioned on the girl's
rape and murder
Thakur had this to say:
Girls want to wear jeans,
have mobiles, roam alone
but this behaviour
is bait for rapists.
Yet another insensitive remark
by Chirag Pradesh police.
Dalit leader Manu Dar
suspended his electoral tour
to meet with the girl's parents.
Atrocities against Dalits
will not be tolerated.
We need accountability.
All citizens' rights
must be protected.
All complaints
registered properly.
The administration has Dalit blood
on their hands.
They will not be spared!
Down with the police!
Devika Pippal's case
has garnered public attention.
When will the report be ready?
I know you've many questions.
I'll try to answer them all today.
Devika Pippal,
aged 14 or 15,
daughter of Ram and Rani Pippal,
both labourers from Laalipur village.
The body was found yesterday
in a well.
The post-mortem has taken place.
We're waiting on results.
Cause of death is as yet unknown.
Move back.
The police refused
to register the complaint.
Can the public trust
in this investigation?
Ma'am, sorry about this morning.
You washed then wore a dirty uniform?
Hope it doesn't show.
Devika means little Goddess.
In a country
that worships goddesses,
how can such violence go unpunished?
This investigation is now under me.
Thirty years ago,
I helped create the first
women-only police help desks.
This is a societal problem.
As the police,
we should represent society.
But there aren't
enough women in the force.
Only when they go on the beat
will there be change.
That's enough. Thank you.
Did you meet her yet?
I'm seeing her true colours now.
Look how she's already
casting for her minion.
Go and get a cloth. Quickly!
Is this any way to keep evidence?
Jai Hind, ma'am.
I was the one
who took the body to the morgue.
That's why my uniform wasn't clean.
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
So said Gandhi-ji.
Put it on the table.
No one else was prepared
to touch the body.
Why are you telling me?
Just like that...
- Can I do my work?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Who is he to you?
- My brother-in-law.
- How much did you lend him?
- 70 or 80 grand.
He never paid me back.
So I went and picked up his buffalo.
At least I'd get milk
and homemade ghee.
Treated it like a daughter
but no milk!
So I called the doc.
He said to massage its teats
if I wanted results.
Then what?
Now I've two with nipples at home
eating my salary
and getting their nipples massaged,
having a grand time!
Come here...
- Which way to the Dalit village?
- Straight on.
No one's been to the well yet?
You waiting for an invite?
Take your cycle
and show us the way.
They delivered the body themselves.
We didn't get the chance, ma'am.
And the report is only half complete.
That was Inspector Thakur's doing.
Any news of him?
He's been transferred to Shajapur.
You want to go too?
Should I put in a word?
Go on.
You and Santosh
cordon off the well.
We'll go meet the Pradhan-ji.
Yadav-ji, the tape.
Hang on.
Hey, where you going?
Got tape but no sticks!
Police sister!
- Where's everyone?
- Gone to get water.
Our shoes are wearing thin
walking to Dulhera.
- When are you going to clean it?
- It's not our job.
There was a girl's body in there.
We deserve clean water.
We're here to investigate...
An investigation
without two chickens and a bottle?!
Sister, what were you looking for?
The well.
- Did you find it?
- Yes.
Wanna see something cool?
We found it in the well...
Let's go.
Over there!
Over there!
A bit further this way...
A bit further.
No, no...
What's this?
A cat.
Why is it wet?
It was in the well.
Was it removed with the child?
Before the child.
How many days before?
A few days.
How did a cat get in the well?
Cats don't fall, do they?
Uncle, where's the Pippal house?
At the bottom of the hill.
You go pay them a visit.
We need a photo of the girl.
Is that a problem?
No, ma'am.
Go and play.
When did she leave the house?
At dawn, to get water.
All okay, sister?
Everything's fine.
Who was that?
A neighbour.
Was there anyone
who used to bother her?
Nothing like that.
Can I see her belongings?
- Do you know anyone called Saleem?
- No.
Maybe your husband does?
He doesn't know any Muslims.
- What work do you do?
- Daily labour.
Can either of you read or write?
We're illiterate. Isn't that
why the police are deaf to us?
Why so late?
Have you eaten?
No, ma'am.
Come, let's eat together.
Devika had lots of texts
from a boy, Saleem.
So I took the phone.
Did I do the right thing?
What do the messages say?
The first message says,
"You looked fantastic
in that orange suit."
Another message,
"Don't be angry."
And another one,
"What's the harm in a chat?"
Then he says,
"I'm going to Mumbai.
"I'll buy you
an even more beautiful suit."
Devika: smiley.
Then a message from Saleem:
"I'm going to be a singer.
My uncle lives there."
Give it to me.
Come wash your hands.
Towel's behind you.
"If you're going to Mumbai,
why chat with me?"
"I know you're prettier
than all the girls there."
Devika: smiley.
Saleem: "Hello!"
Devika: no response.
Saleem: new message.
"When are you next going
to the market?
"Have loads to tell you."
No response.
He was after her.
Perhaps she couldn't answer?
The last message was on 23rd.
Her body was found on 26th.
Any criminal knows
phones end up in police hands.
so they send messages after the deed.
I'll trace the number.
You did really well.
He's not at home, ma'am...
He hasn't been for a few days.
That wasn't my question.
Where's he gone?
I don't know where he is.
Tell me, where is he?
I don't know...
We're daily wage labourers.
We go where the work is.
Where was your son Saleem
between 23 and 26 February?
With his uncle...
The one with the villa
on Juhu beach?!
Cut the crap.
Shut him up!
How old is the girl?
Five years old.
Hear about that horrible case
in Harkatganj?
A little kid like her was raped,
killed, discarded.
Bottles, tools,
all sorts they found in her.
Everyone knew
the local holy man had done it.
We responded too late.
His body was found the next day.
His penis was cut off,
stuffed in his mouth like a lollipop.
You know how crowds get.
Which father wants that
for his child?
So much feeling in the song,
but in the end
it's just "filmi" make-believe.
The artist has just done his job,
but left my emotions in turmoil.
They sing from their hearts
but yes...
it's also a performance.
Who knows about performance
more than us?
We're all performing.
Us and the suspects too.
We pile on pressure.
They squeeze out tears.
Are they true or false tears?
Sometimes it's clear,
and sometimes,
you need the baton to know.
Was he lying, Saleem's father?
It's sowing season
when labourers earn the most.
Why would he look elsewhere for work?
What about Devika's mother?
Was she lying?
- Why would she do that?
- Fear of dishonour.
I was lying too,
about the holy man.
Was that wrong of me?
Saleem's disappeared.
Phone number not traceable.
Bastard took out the SIM and ran.
There's a bag behind.
Get it.
This one?
Open it.
I've seen you running.
Wear something proper.
Thank you, Madam.
Aunty, someone's here.
Me and Aunty were making roti.
Who is it?
I'm looking for the village head.
Go ahead.
It's me. I'm the pradhan.
We're looking for a boy, Saleem.
We heard he works your fields.
Go get Ramesh.
What did he do?
It's in relation
to the death of the Pippal girl.
We have some questions.
Are you new here?
What's your name?
Constable Saini.
Come, Ramesh.
Do you know any labourer
called Saleem?
Ansari from Laalipur.
I know the boy.
- Was he working here last month?
- Yes, and his father.
- Sure?
- Yup. Did half the job and left.
When exactly?
I don't remember the date.
We have some hundred labourers here.
Was it around 23rd to 26th?
I said I don't know.
If you're done
can I get back to work?
This road is closed off.
We don't want a confrontation.
Let's go the other way.
We're taking the other road now!
Come on!
Hey, listen!
- What's going on here, lads?
- Just playing cricket, clearly.
- What's your name?
- Masood Khan.
- Where do you live?
- Round the corner.
Do you know Saleem Ansari?
He lives in your neighbourhood.
One of you must know him.
Yes. So?
Your mate's missing
and you're here playing cricket?
What's he done?
- Where did he go?
- How would I know?
Go on,
give me the ball.
Get fielding.
Just a minute.
I want to talk to you.
Give me your phone.
Don't be nervous.
There you go.
I've added my number.
Santosh's the name.
Call anytime you want.
Even at night.
Thing is...
Someone's got to go down for this.
There's pressure.
You see?
And looking at you, I don't think
anyone'll come save you.
Okay? You go home,
have a good think tonight.
If he said anything
about where he's gone,
call me or WhatsApp me.
Run along and play now!
Go, Shoaib Aktar's son!
Go play.
- What happened bro?
- Nothing. Just gave me her number.
He's in Nehrat.
That's all he told me, I swear.
Please delete this.
Saleem's in Nehrat.
His friend told me.
I put a lot of pressure on
and he cracked.
Your colleagues don't consider you
a real officer.
You showed them today.
So what now, ma'am?
We share this with Nehrat police?
You want to hand it over to them?
We'll go tomorrow
in plain clothes.
I have good contacts in Nehrat.
Your husband was killed there, right?
Some Muslim smashed his head in
with a stone or something.
And they didn't catch him?
How can you move on in life
without justice, Santosh?
Madam, where are you?
Something important has come up.
You go. I'll send Kohli.
Don't send Kohli. I'll manage.
I'm nearly there.
When will you come?
There's a VIP thing.
Could take until afternoon.
Start at Gadar Bazaar.
It's the Muslim quarter.
Okay, ma'am.
You still haven't said
where you want to go.
We're going by the meter, aren't we?
So keep driving.
The riots last year...
Remember where were they?
Always something happening here!
A policeman died.
Don't you remember?
you ever seen this guy?
Has he come here?
Look properly.
- Maybe he works round here?
- No.
- Sure?
- Don't know him.
Think I got him.
Want anything to eat?
Kitchen's closing.
I'm near.
Keep him close.
You sing well.
Where are you going?
Why are you scared?
Let go!
How dare you touch women?
You piece of shit.
Close your eyes.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Don't move, don't move.
Your nose is pierced,
wear something.
Now go.
I thought they were
only taking photos.
Who saw it?
Did Mummy see it?
What did she say?
And granny?
Well, at least I did something good.
Gotta go...
- Consider this like your home.
- Thank you.
You here on work?
Our work never stops.
You guys are on all the channels.
Keep doing what you're doing,
You called, sir?
Bring something sweet.
It's their first time here.
- Where's the boy?
- In the jeep, sir.
- Get the boy something too.
- Yes.
You called, sir?
Listen, I was thinking,
instead of taking the boy
back to Machogar,
why not start the job here?
Here or at your station,
it's all the same.
It'd be better if we started
the 24 hours from Machogar.
I've made all the arrangements.
It's late
and it's tense out there.
What if something happened en route?
As you see fit, sir.
I have full faith in you.
And you're a brave young lady.
You have a bright future ahead.
Madam taught me everything.
It's all thanks to her.
Where've you been?
Did you bring the papers?
Went to eat.
And what about us poor fucks?
Could've brought us
something sweet...
Nehrat is famous for its sweets.
We'll try 'em before we go.
Speak, 'cut dick'. Speak.
Let go of me.
Just talking!
You going to talk now?
What was the need to kill her?
Why not just rape her?
I said enough!
Get up there!
You'd better not fall...
If you move even a bit,
Govind will piss in your mouth.
and you'll have to wipe
your sticky face all clean.
She'll be watching you.
I'm off for a nap.
Don't sit him on it.
Come here.
It's the Holi full moon in two days.
No point lying
at such an auspicious time.
- How do you know Devika Pippal?
- I don't know her.
- Why d'you have her number?
- I don't know.
Save this crap for court.
It's true.
Where were you
between 23-26 February?
- I'm telling the truth...
- Don't fuck with us!
How did you know her?
Tell us, or it'll continue.
How d'you have her number?
Left you a samosa.
Now your ablutions are finished.
Stop your drama.
Where's your Mecca?
Where d'you meet her?
At the market.
How d'you get her number?
Was she selling it in the market?
She gave it to me.
Sisterfucker, why do that?
I liked her.
If you didn't do it
why go on the run?
They said you were after me.
You bugger! Motherfucker!
Son of a pig.
You like to harass girls, eh?
Why stub your cigarettes out on her?
Did it make you hard?
How was she screaming?
Too much or too little?
Why did you do it? Why?
Did you fuckers make a video too?
Did you climb on her one by one?
Why did you do it?
You pig!
You filthy bastard.
Say sorry.
Say sorry!
Say sorry!
Pick him up.
Out at this hour?
I couldn't sleep.
Come, I'll get you a pill.
Why are you standing there?
Take this.
Let's sit here.
There's no air inside.
We killed him.
He died.
It happens sometimes.
He killed a 15 year-old girl.
Raped and discarded her.
For him it was just passing time?
His right?
Don't lose sleep over him.
It happens.
Go to sleep, you'll forget.
Take the pill.
I can't forget...
His face,
his white teeth,
the smell of that room,
His screams...
Everything's etched in my brain.
But what he said...
we didn't even listen.
Maybe he wasn't lying?
We did what we could, Santosh.
Okay, let's say he wasn't lying.
But what use in thinking that now?
If you can't sleep alone,
stay here.
I'm okay, Madam.
If you're going to Mumbai,
why chat with me?
I know you're prettier
than all the girls there.
Get changed, come and play.
I don't want to play.
Where's Madam?
She came and went.
Wait, she left something for you.
Can I see?
May I?
She didn't spoil us as much.
- You first.
- No.
One bite!
For your success.
So, what really happened to Saleem?
He hung himself.
someone "hung himself"
during Madam's last posting too.
Bastard motherfuckers!
I've got a splitting headache.
Look, their son is dead.
We need to find out
what they want,
reach a compromise
and shut them up.
Come on.
Fine, as you wish.
Sit in the AC.
You'll feel better soon.
One more tea!
You're not going to return his stuff?
His phone etc.?
Don't teach me.
Anyhow, you made a mess
with that leather strap.
It's going to show on the photos.
The post-mortem photos.
When the investigating officers come,
you won't know what hit you.
Even the best can't handle it,
how they turn black to white,
white to black.
When are they coming?
Like the God of Death
could be any time.
Hey, Pappu!
We didn't give you that bicycle
to race with.
You don't come to the station
and here you are gallivanting around.
Should we take it back?
No, ma'am. I'll come.
When? When I die?
What's new?
Nothing... There was another animal
in the Dalit well.
- When?
- Today.
Is that all?
Nothing else?
Bastard, look at him go.
What happened here?
How did this happen?
The upper castes dumped it.
- Why would they do that?
- To harass us.
When was this?
Anyone see them do it?
I've come to write a report.
Tell me calmly what happened.
A report?
To wipe your arse with?
- What's your problem?
- You.
What do you have against me?
I said I've come here to help!
Turning up like this...
expecting money on top...
You people neither listen
nor understand.
All you lot do is moan.
Do you enjoy it?
No matter what we do
you complain.
So sympathetic now...
What are you going to do?
You don't even drink our water.
Get lost!
We don't need your report.
Anyone there?
Anyone there?
What are you doing?
Just looking.
What for?
I came here before.
Remember, you were making roti
with aunty.
Where is she?
I want to talk to her.
She's gone to the market.
- Don't you have a gun?
- No.
Did you catch that boy?
Weren't you scared?
A little bit.
Why did he kill her?
I don't know.
She was young and pretty
and she was killed...
But she was dark.
How do you know that?
I saw her.
Where? Here?
Aunty's back!
What did you bring for me?
That's daughters for you.
Leave one day
and this is the welcome you get.
You here for some work?
I'm here to see the Pradhan.
I'm her brother-in-law.
We're making tea.
Please come.
I told you not to play in there.
Tell us, what's the matter.
There was another animal
in the Dalit well.
A dog this time.
They're saying
someone dumped it deliberately.
They do it themselves, dear.
To stir things up.
Is the force really so understaffed
that they send a woman
out here alone?
And that too for a fallen dog?
What name did you say?
Constable Saini.
- First name?
- Santosh.
- That's a boy's name, isn't it?
- Yeah!
It's a girl's name too.
Forgive me,
we couldn't satisfy you today.
Was there anything else?
Your daughter and I were talking...
...about Devika Pippal.
Is that so?
This lady says
you've been talking to her?
What all did you tell her?
Tell me.
Did you say that...
I tickle you?
did Devika Pippal come here?
There was a dead cat in their well.
Perhaps she came here to get water?
Meenu said she saw her.
They're not allowed to, dear.
Don't they teach you
at police school?
But she came here?
If you say so.
- When?
- Now that I can't remember.
Rampal, can you?
Who can remember everything?
Even I don't remember.
Were you all here?
It was his birthday.
We cut the cake.
He ate way too much!
Madam's serious.
He's messing with you.
It wasn't anyone's birthday.
But yeah, we had a party anyway.
Did you do it?
And if I did, then what?
Did you do it?
'Cos that's what they're saying.
Food here is legendary.
Let's enjoy.
What d'you have?
Mutter paneer, shahi paneer,
chilli paneer, kadai paneer...
One shahi paneer, one malai kofta.
First roti, then rice.
Tell me the truth.
Aside from that holy man,
what else did you lie about?
You were the one after Saleem.
That's not how it was.
How was it then?
You knew where he was
from the start.
He didn't "take out his SIM and run".
His number was the same.
I wanted you to find him yourself.
I trusted you...
If Saleem had got away that night,
I'd have been disgraced.
So you let me be disgraced instead?
And the fame you got from it?
I didn't know he was innocent.
But you knew, didn't you?
There are two types of untouchable
in this country.
The ones people don't want to touch
and the others
who can't be touched.
But what can you do?
We're just servants.
Look at it another way...
In the eyes of the world
justice has been done.
That's no small thing.
We killed an innocent man!
We made him a martyr.
Because of his death,
any man will think ten times
before touching a woman.
But people should know the truth.
Devika's family should know
what really happened.
What do you want them
to do with that truth?
Their lives will be made hell,
and same for the villagers too.
What's this?
Suspension letter.
I thought it would be a transfer
but this came through.
This only has your name on it.
I made sure yours didn't come up.
You were never there.
Why shame you more
by suspending you?
Don't we women
swallow enough humiliation?
What happens to you now?
Don't know.
I might be charged, or punished
or they'll just drop it.
I have friends high up.
Let's see who remembers me now.
Either way, going into politics
was always the plan.
There's much to be done
for women's progress.
It'll all be good for you.
Promotion will be a formality.
What else are you going to do?
Back home to Mapur?
Get your thrills
bargaining for vegetables?
You'll be happy like that?
At least say thank you.
Shall we eat?
Look at them.
Look at his curls.
Oi... hero...
Come here.
Oi, Romeos, come here!
Look at him strut.
A girl would be jealous.
- What are you doing here?
- We're just standing here.
What are you doing standing there?
- Were you doing drugs?
- No, sir.
You leaving
or should I come out?
Leave them, man.
Let's move on to Company Gardens...
Might get a live show there.
It's all in the open there.
Get going before I seize your bikes!
Where's Madam going?
Let's get some chai first.
Bring us some tea.
Anyone there?
Your attention please.
Train number 180056 to Mapur
has been delayed by two hours.
The train to Mumbai is departing
from platform no. 1
Biscuits... Biscuits for sale.
Biscuits, sister?
- How much?
- 10 rupees.
Show me.
Sister, pay me quickly.
Sister, quickly!
- How are you?
- Fine.
- Where's your dad?
- Inside.
- All good?
- Yeah, come on in.
We were waiting so long for you,
we had to come ourselves.
What's to be done?
Keep her.
She never even lived here.
She never wanted
to belong to this family.
She forced Raman to move away from us
so she could control him.
Every time you'd call,
Madam here would be out
spending all his money.
Now she wants to come back
and leech off us?
If you feel Santosh has shortcomings,
you teach her, she'll learn.
She's not the type to learn
nor look after me.
She'll care for you
like she cared for Raman.
You'll see.
She's your daughter-in-law.
She has rights here too.
This cursed witch finished him off.
Now she sits here
with jewellery in her nose
like it's her bloody wedding day!
There you go!
See her true colours.
You don't take back an old dish
once it's been used.
Why so bitter?
Didn't we give you
the dowry you asked for?
It was just a motorbike.
Hardly a helicopter!
What's all this for?
It's for the crows.
Hang on!
Your brother'll do it
in the morning.
Let your brother do it.
If the crows don't eat,
Raman's soul won't rest.
I know when they come, granny.
Ladies' helpdesk is behind.
I don't have a complaint.
I have an appointment.
- Name?
- Santosh Saini.
Take a seat.
- Age?
- 28.
- Father's name?
- Ravi Baliyan.
What does he do?
We have a bicycle shop.
- Where are you staying now?
- Mapur.
- Who's in Mapur?
- Mummy, Daddy.
Don't get on with the in-laws?
- Write up his medical.
- Yes, sir.
Ah yes...
It was a love marriage, right?
How long were you married?
Two years.
No, sir.
Raman didn't serve for very long.
The pension's nothing to speak of.
Have you thought about your future?
Not really...
You know you have
to give the flat back?
Why, sir?
It's government property.
Other families are waiting.
Bring Saini's things.
Sir, I...
Can nothing be done?
If you could do anything, sir...
Ever thought of working?
I've worked before.
I used to tutor at home.
there's a government scheme
for women like you...
"Compassionate appointment".
It means as a policeman's widow
you inherit Raman's job.
It would be lady police work.
You'd have training first,
then appointment as a constable.
- Constable?
- Yes, like Raman.
I can't guarantee anything,
but I can apply if you want.
I'll do what I can to help.
There are few men
with Raman's integrity.
You'd get paid what Raman earned
on top of the widow's pension.
It'd go straight to me?
Where else?
You're a funny one.
Talk it over at home.
ask him too.
if you want our help,
you'll have to tell us everything.
Speak freely and honestly.
We had a friendship.
- It became physical too.
- I see...
now he won't marry me.
Ma'am, ask him.
Ma'am, I don't know
what she's dreamt up.
I'm already in a relationship.
- How many on your list, eh?
- Just the one...
We only study together.
We're just friends.
I don't know what she's on about.
Why you answering her?
Who asked the question?
I did.
She's new, she knows jack shit.
She's not going to save you.
So. What do we do with him?
Should we file a 376 on him?
No, ma'am...
Ma'am... do what you think is best
but he should think ten times
before deceiving any girl.
Please, ma'am.
Hear me out too.
Yes, yes,
we'll hear your side too.
Leave your phone here.
Take him away.
She's lying.
Can I use the bathroom?
Take her to the bathroom.
Bring him in.
I'll get the keys.
You sit here.
We've barely started, son.
Made a friend already?
We used to have a boy.
He'd walk her,
help out at home too.
He left.
Priya did all the cooking
herself today.
How is everything?
And your room?
Fine, sir...
A little stuffy.
Where d'you live before?
Your husband was posted there?
Yes, sir.
How'd he die?
There were...
There were riots in Nehrat.
He was on duty there.
He was hit on the head with a stone.
They get the guy?
It was a riot...
It's hard to know who it was.
I was posted in Nehrat once too.
I used to patrol the meat market.
I went and told them,
"Our Hindu women have
to cover their noses walking here,
"the smell is so vile."
"Change your job and now!"
Some listened,
and those who didn't,
I showed them the baton!
It's very hot.
I reckon your room
is going to get very hot soon.
There's a free room nearby,
if you'd like that?
It has an air cooler.
And it's much closer to us too.
Like a family!
- You'd like that?
- Yes. Thank you, sir.
And maybe sometimes you can stop by
before work and help Priya a bit.
Should I take her out?
- Are they rubbing?
- At the front.
Ma'am not wearing toe rings.
Ma'am not married?
Mind your own business.
Tell me.
When I woke, she wasn't there.
- Two days ago.
- I see.
We looked in the fields.
The neighbours too.
No trace.
Excuse me.
Shoes or a complaint to write up?
- Complaint.
- Okay.
- How much?
- 50 rupees.
Wait five minutes, okay?
Carry on.
- How old is she?
- 15...
Come with me.
We'll do this at the station,
not amongst shoes and dust.
I went yesterday.
No one saw to me.
We'll get your report written.
God bless you.
- Jai Hind.
- Come on in.
Sir, this man's daughter is missing.
He's very distressed.
She's a minor.
Greetings, sir.
Ram Pippal.
- Village?
- Bhakri village. Laalipur.
- Caste?
- Chamar.
- The girl's name?
- Devika.
What's the issue?
My daughter's been missing 2 days.
Did you look in the fields?
Did you look properly?
She probably went out to take a shit.
We have a toilet in the house.
And they say there's no progress,
that politicians do nothing!
Yet this man
has a toilet at home!
You're right!
Did you call 112?
There's no shame to ask a neighbour
if you didn't have balance, eh?
You'll have to write a complaint
if you want us to investigate.
I can do that for him, sir.
I can do it.
If you write it,
he'll be back saying,
"Inspector and Madam
just wrote what they wanted."
Find someone to write it.
Go and ask the cobbler...
He'll have gone for the afternoon.
Why wouldn't he have a rest?
It's not like he's a policeman.
On duty 24/7!
You're right, sir.
Go on, go.
Try in the evening.
He'll write it then.
Sir said go
Come back in the evening.
- Hi mummy.
- Hi dear.
How are you?
- I'm fine. All okay?
- Yeah, just couldn't sleep
How's work?
It's going okay?
It's going well.
I'm just tired.
Get up!
What are you two up to?
Nothing, ma'am.
What's your name?
Last name?
Come on out, Romeo.
20 squats, now.
Tell her "sorry, sister" as you go.
You too.
Keep count.
Not one less.
Sorry, sister.
Sorry, sister.
Sorry, sister.
Don't stop.
Put your phone down!
Get lost.
Don't stop.
Come on!
Keep going.
Go on.
Please don't tell my parents.
Go, get out of here.
Stop police abuse! Stop it now!
Shame on the police!
We'll investigate properly,
find the culprit, put him in jail.
Bring that scum here,
then we'll move.
We'll hunt him down
and put him in jail.
Why dishonour your daughter's body
and block the road?
No one move from here.
Move them!
Bring the women police.
May the same happen to your child!
In a line.
Close together.
- Kohli, go get the body.
- Yes, sir.
Hey, where are you going?
Pick the body up.
- Where was it?
- In their well.
Probably fell.
- How did they get it out?
- It's their job to clean out sewers.
- It was rotting...
- Arvind!
Yes, sir?
Get the jeep.
Take the body to the mortuary.
Sir, the jeep is at Madrabad station.
So find a way!
it's a sensitive matter.
Better if it were a lady constable...
250 rupees.
- They didn't pay you at the station?
- Your stuff, you pay.
I don't have change.
Where were you?
There was no electricity.
Went to get ice.
We're full.
Come in the morning.
Listen... brother...
She's a young girl.
Isn't the doctor coming?
We're the ones who do it.
The doctor just signs.
You were the one in a hurry.
Why did you stop?
Keep going...
...outside Machogar Police Station
protesters came
with the body of Devika Pippal.
A viral video showed
Inspector Thakur
purifying the station,
deserting police duties.
Witness how a poor girl's corpse
became a pollutant for police.
Questioned on the girl's
rape and murder
Thakur had this to say:
Girls want to wear jeans,
have mobiles, roam alone
but this behaviour
is bait for rapists.
Yet another insensitive remark
by Chirag Pradesh police.
Dalit leader Manu Dar
suspended his electoral tour
to meet with the girl's parents.
Atrocities against Dalits
will not be tolerated.
We need accountability.
All citizens' rights
must be protected.
All complaints
registered properly.
The administration has Dalit blood
on their hands.
They will not be spared!
Down with the police!
Devika Pippal's case
has garnered public attention.
When will the report be ready?
I know you've many questions.
I'll try to answer them all today.
Devika Pippal,
aged 14 or 15,
daughter of Ram and Rani Pippal,
both labourers from Laalipur village.
The body was found yesterday
in a well.
The post-mortem has taken place.
We're waiting on results.
Cause of death is as yet unknown.
Move back.
The police refused
to register the complaint.
Can the public trust
in this investigation?
Ma'am, sorry about this morning.
You washed then wore a dirty uniform?
Hope it doesn't show.
Devika means little Goddess.
In a country
that worships goddesses,
how can such violence go unpunished?
This investigation is now under me.
Thirty years ago,
I helped create the first
women-only police help desks.
This is a societal problem.
As the police,
we should represent society.
But there aren't
enough women in the force.
Only when they go on the beat
will there be change.
That's enough. Thank you.
Did you meet her yet?
I'm seeing her true colours now.
Look how she's already
casting for her minion.
Go and get a cloth. Quickly!
Is this any way to keep evidence?
Jai Hind, ma'am.
I was the one
who took the body to the morgue.
That's why my uniform wasn't clean.
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
So said Gandhi-ji.
Put it on the table.
No one else was prepared
to touch the body.
Why are you telling me?
Just like that...
- Can I do my work?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Who is he to you?
- My brother-in-law.
- How much did you lend him?
- 70 or 80 grand.
He never paid me back.
So I went and picked up his buffalo.
At least I'd get milk
and homemade ghee.
Treated it like a daughter
but no milk!
So I called the doc.
He said to massage its teats
if I wanted results.
Then what?
Now I've two with nipples at home
eating my salary
and getting their nipples massaged,
having a grand time!
Come here...
- Which way to the Dalit village?
- Straight on.
No one's been to the well yet?
You waiting for an invite?
Take your cycle
and show us the way.
They delivered the body themselves.
We didn't get the chance, ma'am.
And the report is only half complete.
That was Inspector Thakur's doing.
Any news of him?
He's been transferred to Shajapur.
You want to go too?
Should I put in a word?
Go on.
You and Santosh
cordon off the well.
We'll go meet the Pradhan-ji.
Yadav-ji, the tape.
Hang on.
Hey, where you going?
Got tape but no sticks!
Police sister!
- Where's everyone?
- Gone to get water.
Our shoes are wearing thin
walking to Dulhera.
- When are you going to clean it?
- It's not our job.
There was a girl's body in there.
We deserve clean water.
We're here to investigate...
An investigation
without two chickens and a bottle?!
Sister, what were you looking for?
The well.
- Did you find it?
- Yes.
Wanna see something cool?
We found it in the well...
Let's go.
Over there!
Over there!
A bit further this way...
A bit further.
No, no...
What's this?
A cat.
Why is it wet?
It was in the well.
Was it removed with the child?
Before the child.
How many days before?
A few days.
How did a cat get in the well?
Cats don't fall, do they?
Uncle, where's the Pippal house?
At the bottom of the hill.
You go pay them a visit.
We need a photo of the girl.
Is that a problem?
No, ma'am.
Go and play.
When did she leave the house?
At dawn, to get water.
All okay, sister?
Everything's fine.
Who was that?
A neighbour.
Was there anyone
who used to bother her?
Nothing like that.
Can I see her belongings?
- Do you know anyone called Saleem?
- No.
Maybe your husband does?
He doesn't know any Muslims.
- What work do you do?
- Daily labour.
Can either of you read or write?
We're illiterate. Isn't that
why the police are deaf to us?
Why so late?
Have you eaten?
No, ma'am.
Come, let's eat together.
Devika had lots of texts
from a boy, Saleem.
So I took the phone.
Did I do the right thing?
What do the messages say?
The first message says,
"You looked fantastic
in that orange suit."
Another message,
"Don't be angry."
And another one,
"What's the harm in a chat?"
Then he says,
"I'm going to Mumbai.
"I'll buy you
an even more beautiful suit."
Devika: smiley.
Then a message from Saleem:
"I'm going to be a singer.
My uncle lives there."
Give it to me.
Come wash your hands.
Towel's behind you.
"If you're going to Mumbai,
why chat with me?"
"I know you're prettier
than all the girls there."
Devika: smiley.
Saleem: "Hello!"
Devika: no response.
Saleem: new message.
"When are you next going
to the market?
"Have loads to tell you."
No response.
He was after her.
Perhaps she couldn't answer?
The last message was on 23rd.
Her body was found on 26th.
Any criminal knows
phones end up in police hands.
so they send messages after the deed.
I'll trace the number.
You did really well.
He's not at home, ma'am...
He hasn't been for a few days.
That wasn't my question.
Where's he gone?
I don't know where he is.
Tell me, where is he?
I don't know...
We're daily wage labourers.
We go where the work is.
Where was your son Saleem
between 23 and 26 February?
With his uncle...
The one with the villa
on Juhu beach?!
Cut the crap.
Shut him up!
How old is the girl?
Five years old.
Hear about that horrible case
in Harkatganj?
A little kid like her was raped,
killed, discarded.
Bottles, tools,
all sorts they found in her.
Everyone knew
the local holy man had done it.
We responded too late.
His body was found the next day.
His penis was cut off,
stuffed in his mouth like a lollipop.
You know how crowds get.
Which father wants that
for his child?
So much feeling in the song,
but in the end
it's just "filmi" make-believe.
The artist has just done his job,
but left my emotions in turmoil.
They sing from their hearts
but yes...
it's also a performance.
Who knows about performance
more than us?
We're all performing.
Us and the suspects too.
We pile on pressure.
They squeeze out tears.
Are they true or false tears?
Sometimes it's clear,
and sometimes,
you need the baton to know.
Was he lying, Saleem's father?
It's sowing season
when labourers earn the most.
Why would he look elsewhere for work?
What about Devika's mother?
Was she lying?
- Why would she do that?
- Fear of dishonour.
I was lying too,
about the holy man.
Was that wrong of me?
Saleem's disappeared.
Phone number not traceable.
Bastard took out the SIM and ran.
There's a bag behind.
Get it.
This one?
Open it.
I've seen you running.
Wear something proper.
Thank you, Madam.
Aunty, someone's here.
Me and Aunty were making roti.
Who is it?
I'm looking for the village head.
Go ahead.
It's me. I'm the pradhan.
We're looking for a boy, Saleem.
We heard he works your fields.
Go get Ramesh.
What did he do?
It's in relation
to the death of the Pippal girl.
We have some questions.
Are you new here?
What's your name?
Constable Saini.
Come, Ramesh.
Do you know any labourer
called Saleem?
Ansari from Laalipur.
I know the boy.
- Was he working here last month?
- Yes, and his father.
- Sure?
- Yup. Did half the job and left.
When exactly?
I don't remember the date.
We have some hundred labourers here.
Was it around 23rd to 26th?
I said I don't know.
If you're done
can I get back to work?
This road is closed off.
We don't want a confrontation.
Let's go the other way.
We're taking the other road now!
Come on!
Hey, listen!
- What's going on here, lads?
- Just playing cricket, clearly.
- What's your name?
- Masood Khan.
- Where do you live?
- Round the corner.
Do you know Saleem Ansari?
He lives in your neighbourhood.
One of you must know him.
Yes. So?
Your mate's missing
and you're here playing cricket?
What's he done?
- Where did he go?
- How would I know?
Go on,
give me the ball.
Get fielding.
Just a minute.
I want to talk to you.
Give me your phone.
Don't be nervous.
There you go.
I've added my number.
Santosh's the name.
Call anytime you want.
Even at night.
Thing is...
Someone's got to go down for this.
There's pressure.
You see?
And looking at you, I don't think
anyone'll come save you.
Okay? You go home,
have a good think tonight.
If he said anything
about where he's gone,
call me or WhatsApp me.
Run along and play now!
Go, Shoaib Aktar's son!
Go play.
- What happened bro?
- Nothing. Just gave me her number.
He's in Nehrat.
That's all he told me, I swear.
Please delete this.
Saleem's in Nehrat.
His friend told me.
I put a lot of pressure on
and he cracked.
Your colleagues don't consider you
a real officer.
You showed them today.
So what now, ma'am?
We share this with Nehrat police?
You want to hand it over to them?
We'll go tomorrow
in plain clothes.
I have good contacts in Nehrat.
Your husband was killed there, right?
Some Muslim smashed his head in
with a stone or something.
And they didn't catch him?
How can you move on in life
without justice, Santosh?
Madam, where are you?
Something important has come up.
You go. I'll send Kohli.
Don't send Kohli. I'll manage.
I'm nearly there.
When will you come?
There's a VIP thing.
Could take until afternoon.
Start at Gadar Bazaar.
It's the Muslim quarter.
Okay, ma'am.
You still haven't said
where you want to go.
We're going by the meter, aren't we?
So keep driving.
The riots last year...
Remember where were they?
Always something happening here!
A policeman died.
Don't you remember?
you ever seen this guy?
Has he come here?
Look properly.
- Maybe he works round here?
- No.
- Sure?
- Don't know him.
Think I got him.
Want anything to eat?
Kitchen's closing.
I'm near.
Keep him close.
You sing well.
Where are you going?
Why are you scared?
Let go!
How dare you touch women?
You piece of shit.
Close your eyes.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Don't move, don't move.
Your nose is pierced,
wear something.
Now go.
I thought they were
only taking photos.
Who saw it?
Did Mummy see it?
What did she say?
And granny?
Well, at least I did something good.
Gotta go...
- Consider this like your home.
- Thank you.
You here on work?
Our work never stops.
You guys are on all the channels.
Keep doing what you're doing,
You called, sir?
Bring something sweet.
It's their first time here.
- Where's the boy?
- In the jeep, sir.
- Get the boy something too.
- Yes.
You called, sir?
Listen, I was thinking,
instead of taking the boy
back to Machogar,
why not start the job here?
Here or at your station,
it's all the same.
It'd be better if we started
the 24 hours from Machogar.
I've made all the arrangements.
It's late
and it's tense out there.
What if something happened en route?
As you see fit, sir.
I have full faith in you.
And you're a brave young lady.
You have a bright future ahead.
Madam taught me everything.
It's all thanks to her.
Where've you been?
Did you bring the papers?
Went to eat.
And what about us poor fucks?
Could've brought us
something sweet...
Nehrat is famous for its sweets.
We'll try 'em before we go.
Speak, 'cut dick'. Speak.
Let go of me.
Just talking!
You going to talk now?
What was the need to kill her?
Why not just rape her?
I said enough!
Get up there!
You'd better not fall...
If you move even a bit,
Govind will piss in your mouth.
and you'll have to wipe
your sticky face all clean.
She'll be watching you.
I'm off for a nap.
Don't sit him on it.
Come here.
It's the Holi full moon in two days.
No point lying
at such an auspicious time.
- How do you know Devika Pippal?
- I don't know her.
- Why d'you have her number?
- I don't know.
Save this crap for court.
It's true.
Where were you
between 23-26 February?
- I'm telling the truth...
- Don't fuck with us!
How did you know her?
Tell us, or it'll continue.
How d'you have her number?
Left you a samosa.
Now your ablutions are finished.
Stop your drama.
Where's your Mecca?
Where d'you meet her?
At the market.
How d'you get her number?
Was she selling it in the market?
She gave it to me.
Sisterfucker, why do that?
I liked her.
If you didn't do it
why go on the run?
They said you were after me.
You bugger! Motherfucker!
Son of a pig.
You like to harass girls, eh?
Why stub your cigarettes out on her?
Did it make you hard?
How was she screaming?
Too much or too little?
Why did you do it? Why?
Did you fuckers make a video too?
Did you climb on her one by one?
Why did you do it?
You pig!
You filthy bastard.
Say sorry.
Say sorry!
Say sorry!
Pick him up.
Out at this hour?
I couldn't sleep.
Come, I'll get you a pill.
Why are you standing there?
Take this.
Let's sit here.
There's no air inside.
We killed him.
He died.
It happens sometimes.
He killed a 15 year-old girl.
Raped and discarded her.
For him it was just passing time?
His right?
Don't lose sleep over him.
It happens.
Go to sleep, you'll forget.
Take the pill.
I can't forget...
His face,
his white teeth,
the smell of that room,
His screams...
Everything's etched in my brain.
But what he said...
we didn't even listen.
Maybe he wasn't lying?
We did what we could, Santosh.
Okay, let's say he wasn't lying.
But what use in thinking that now?
If you can't sleep alone,
stay here.
I'm okay, Madam.
If you're going to Mumbai,
why chat with me?
I know you're prettier
than all the girls there.
Get changed, come and play.
I don't want to play.
Where's Madam?
She came and went.
Wait, she left something for you.
Can I see?
May I?
She didn't spoil us as much.
- You first.
- No.
One bite!
For your success.
So, what really happened to Saleem?
He hung himself.
someone "hung himself"
during Madam's last posting too.
Bastard motherfuckers!
I've got a splitting headache.
Look, their son is dead.
We need to find out
what they want,
reach a compromise
and shut them up.
Come on.
Fine, as you wish.
Sit in the AC.
You'll feel better soon.
One more tea!
You're not going to return his stuff?
His phone etc.?
Don't teach me.
Anyhow, you made a mess
with that leather strap.
It's going to show on the photos.
The post-mortem photos.
When the investigating officers come,
you won't know what hit you.
Even the best can't handle it,
how they turn black to white,
white to black.
When are they coming?
Like the God of Death
could be any time.
Hey, Pappu!
We didn't give you that bicycle
to race with.
You don't come to the station
and here you are gallivanting around.
Should we take it back?
No, ma'am. I'll come.
When? When I die?
What's new?
Nothing... There was another animal
in the Dalit well.
- When?
- Today.
Is that all?
Nothing else?
Bastard, look at him go.
What happened here?
How did this happen?
The upper castes dumped it.
- Why would they do that?
- To harass us.
When was this?
Anyone see them do it?
I've come to write a report.
Tell me calmly what happened.
A report?
To wipe your arse with?
- What's your problem?
- You.
What do you have against me?
I said I've come here to help!
Turning up like this...
expecting money on top...
You people neither listen
nor understand.
All you lot do is moan.
Do you enjoy it?
No matter what we do
you complain.
So sympathetic now...
What are you going to do?
You don't even drink our water.
Get lost!
We don't need your report.
Anyone there?
Anyone there?
What are you doing?
Just looking.
What for?
I came here before.
Remember, you were making roti
with aunty.
Where is she?
I want to talk to her.
She's gone to the market.
- Don't you have a gun?
- No.
Did you catch that boy?
Weren't you scared?
A little bit.
Why did he kill her?
I don't know.
She was young and pretty
and she was killed...
But she was dark.
How do you know that?
I saw her.
Where? Here?
Aunty's back!
What did you bring for me?
That's daughters for you.
Leave one day
and this is the welcome you get.
You here for some work?
I'm here to see the Pradhan.
I'm her brother-in-law.
We're making tea.
Please come.
I told you not to play in there.
Tell us, what's the matter.
There was another animal
in the Dalit well.
A dog this time.
They're saying
someone dumped it deliberately.
They do it themselves, dear.
To stir things up.
Is the force really so understaffed
that they send a woman
out here alone?
And that too for a fallen dog?
What name did you say?
Constable Saini.
- First name?
- Santosh.
- That's a boy's name, isn't it?
- Yeah!
It's a girl's name too.
Forgive me,
we couldn't satisfy you today.
Was there anything else?
Your daughter and I were talking...
...about Devika Pippal.
Is that so?
This lady says
you've been talking to her?
What all did you tell her?
Tell me.
Did you say that...
I tickle you?
did Devika Pippal come here?
There was a dead cat in their well.
Perhaps she came here to get water?
Meenu said she saw her.
They're not allowed to, dear.
Don't they teach you
at police school?
But she came here?
If you say so.
- When?
- Now that I can't remember.
Rampal, can you?
Who can remember everything?
Even I don't remember.
Were you all here?
It was his birthday.
We cut the cake.
He ate way too much!
Madam's serious.
He's messing with you.
It wasn't anyone's birthday.
But yeah, we had a party anyway.
Did you do it?
And if I did, then what?
Did you do it?
'Cos that's what they're saying.
Food here is legendary.
Let's enjoy.
What d'you have?
Mutter paneer, shahi paneer,
chilli paneer, kadai paneer...
One shahi paneer, one malai kofta.
First roti, then rice.
Tell me the truth.
Aside from that holy man,
what else did you lie about?
You were the one after Saleem.
That's not how it was.
How was it then?
You knew where he was
from the start.
He didn't "take out his SIM and run".
His number was the same.
I wanted you to find him yourself.
I trusted you...
If Saleem had got away that night,
I'd have been disgraced.
So you let me be disgraced instead?
And the fame you got from it?
I didn't know he was innocent.
But you knew, didn't you?
There are two types of untouchable
in this country.
The ones people don't want to touch
and the others
who can't be touched.
But what can you do?
We're just servants.
Look at it another way...
In the eyes of the world
justice has been done.
That's no small thing.
We killed an innocent man!
We made him a martyr.
Because of his death,
any man will think ten times
before touching a woman.
But people should know the truth.
Devika's family should know
what really happened.
What do you want them
to do with that truth?
Their lives will be made hell,
and same for the villagers too.
What's this?
Suspension letter.
I thought it would be a transfer
but this came through.
This only has your name on it.
I made sure yours didn't come up.
You were never there.
Why shame you more
by suspending you?
Don't we women
swallow enough humiliation?
What happens to you now?
Don't know.
I might be charged, or punished
or they'll just drop it.
I have friends high up.
Let's see who remembers me now.
Either way, going into politics
was always the plan.
There's much to be done
for women's progress.
It'll all be good for you.
Promotion will be a formality.
What else are you going to do?
Back home to Mapur?
Get your thrills
bargaining for vegetables?
You'll be happy like that?
At least say thank you.
Shall we eat?
Look at them.
Look at his curls.
Oi... hero...
Come here.
Oi, Romeos, come here!
Look at him strut.
A girl would be jealous.
- What are you doing here?
- We're just standing here.
What are you doing standing there?
- Were you doing drugs?
- No, sir.
You leaving
or should I come out?
Leave them, man.
Let's move on to Company Gardens...
Might get a live show there.
It's all in the open there.
Get going before I seize your bikes!
Where's Madam going?
Let's get some chai first.
Bring us some tea.
Anyone there?
Your attention please.
Train number 180056 to Mapur
has been delayed by two hours.
The train to Mumbai is departing
from platform no. 1
Biscuits... Biscuits for sale.
Biscuits, sister?
- How much?
- 10 rupees.
Show me.
Sister, pay me quickly.
Sister, quickly!