Secrets of My Stepdaughter (2017) Movie Script

Good morning, mom.
Hi honey.
Good morning.
Are the girls up?
I heard them
moving around.
I think I'm gonna
be home on Friday.
Okay, we'll hold down
the fort until then.
Smells good.
Hi, pops.
Hi, mom.
Breakfast is almost ready
in about five seconds.
You look nice, sweetie.
Oh, this old thing?
Oh, uh...
The no-carb diet,
that's right.
Problem solved.
Morning, pops.
What is this
pops business?
We thought you
needed a nickname.
It makes me
sound old.
Dad, you are old.
I agree with them.
Don't you
even say it.
That better
not be a boy.
No, it's Leslie.
We're working tonight.
Are you working late?
Yeah, we have a big bio test
to study for after our shift.
I might stay over
if that's okay?
Yeah, that's okay.
Just make sure you text
me if you're going to.
I have to go, honey.
Bye, I'll
see you Friday.
Bye dad, have a good trip.
You ladies be
good for your mom.
Bye dad.
Oh! We actually gotta go.
Yeah, I have
gym first period.
Hey wait a minute,
lunches, lunches!
Drive safe Rachel,
don't speed!
You're welcome.
And those are...
Eighty-five dollars.
Just get lost, okay?
All right,
there you go.
Have a good day.
You too.
Was that Aaron?
Yeah, what a creep.
Anyways, you
ready to close?
Are you kidding?
I'm not on commission.
Let's get out of here.
Go grab your stuff,
I'll get the lights.
Hi there, you've
reached Rachel Kent.
Thanks for calling,
but you do know
there's this thing
called texting, right?
Hey, did Rachel text
you last night?
I know she has
that big test today.
Yeah, I know.
Hi there, you've
reached Rachel Kent.
Thanks for calling,
but you do know
there's this thing
called texting, right?
Hey Rach.
I didn't hear
from you last night.
It's totally fine if you
need to study with Leslie,
but you said that
you were gonna text me
and I haven't heard from you.
So give me a call, okay?
Love you, bye.
I'll get it!
Morning sweetheart.
When are you coming home?
Just a couple more days.
But hey, I was thinking
when I get back,
maybe we can talk about
getting that puppy.
Are you serious?
Honey, how's
St. Louis?
Ugh, horrible.
There are definitely
no puppies here at all.
Hey hon, did Rachel ever
text you this morning?
No, why?
She spent the night at Leslie's
and I never got a text from her.
Well, she had that big
chemistry test or whatever.
Biology, yeah.
I'm sure she's fine.
I think she's just trying
to find a new routine.
It's gonna be confusing,
I think for all of us.
Okay, well hon, we're
about to pull up to school,
so we're gonna have
to say goodbye now.
I love you both.
Bye, mom!
Would you do me a favor and give
this to Rach if you see her?
Mom, middle school kids don't
really hang out with the older--
I know, but
would you please?
If you see her.
Okay, sure.
But if you really want to get a
hold of her, you could just...
Well, you did give
Rachel a phone,
so you could just use
the find my phone app.
That's brilliant!
Why didn't I think of that?
Yeah, okay.
Just promise you'll
forget it once I'm 16.
Of course...
I won't.
I want that puppy!
Umm, hi.
It's Rachel's mom.
I just want to--
I'm here.
I'm here, okay?
I'm here.
Mrs. Kent?
I'm detective
Pam Cherfils.
Oh, hi.
You must be exhausted.
Kind of, yeah.
Please, let me
get you a coffee.
And she often works late?
Yeah, she works
after school, 5 to 9.
She said she was going
to spend the night
at a friend's house
after studying.
How did I let
this happen?
You did good finding
her so quickly.
And what about
your husband?
Did he know Rachel
was spending the night?
Uh, Greg's
in St. Louis.
He's a trial lawyer,
it's a lot of travel.
Was it common for your daughter
to stay over at the Miles' home?
No, not really.
But nothing is
really common for us.
What do you mean?
Rachel's only lived
with us for three months,
so we don't exactly
have a routine yet.
So Rachel is--
Rachel's my
How did Rachel come
to live with you?
Greg and Martha,
Rachel's biological mother,
had a terrible breakup.
Greg lost custody.
He's very upset about it, he
doesn't like to talk about it.
So we only saw Rachel
three or four times maybe.
Then about a year ago,
Martha calls Greg.
Apparently battling some
sort of drug addiction
and asked for help.
We assumed that it was
a play for more money.
That's not uncommon.
And then a few months later,
social services calls.
Martha's gone.
No note, no
explanation, nothing.
She packed a bag while
Rachel was at school,
and never came home.
Can you imagine?
That's horrible.
We agreed to take
custody of course.
And then this happens.
We were just getting back
to some sort of normal.
Poor girl.
God, it's so unfair.
So you were closing up
and getting ready to leave.
And this was at 9pm?
It might've been
more like 8:45.
Sometimes we
would close up early
so we can get a head
start on homework.
But only if there was
no customers there.
You're not gonna
tell Cheryl, are you?
She's the manager
of the store.
No, I won't tell her.
So, you close early
to go do homework?
Yeah, Leslie always
helped me with my homework.
She was so smart.
It's okay.
gonna be okay.
I'm sure she
was a good friend.
She was the best.
Rachel, can you tell me
what happened to her?
So, I went into the back room
to try and find my phone...
Hey Leslie, have
you seen my phone?
One of them...
he was holding
Leslie by the throat.
Then the other guy, he
grabbed and slammed me
on the ground and
he started choking me.
Was he wearing gloves?
The assailant.
Was he wearing gloves?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, he was. I remember
the smell of leather.
And what about
the second attacker?
Was he also
wearing gloves?
Yeah, but his
were different.
His were like big,
bulky ski gloves.
And then...
Leslie, she
tried to save me
and she jumped on
the back of my attacker.
Then the other guy,
he hit her so hard.
She just dropped.
Then the first
guy came back
and he started choking
me again, and then...
I kept thinking this is what it
must've been like for Martha.
Your mother?
She said the drugs were
like someone choking her,
like you couldn't
breathe without them.
And that's when
you passed out?
Next thing I remember,
I woke up.
Tied up in the
back office.
She was just lying there.
I had to stare
at her for hours
and there was nothing
I could do to help her.
Okay, that's
enough for today.
Of course...
thank you.
I just want you both to
know that I'm going to do
everything in my power to
find the men who did this.
Thank you, detective.
Hey, come on, can we
get some space here?
Come on, back up!
How are you feeling?
Back up, please.
How did you
manage to survive?
Can you describe the
experience, please?
Guys, please give us our
privacy right now, okay?
Thank you.
We just have
one question!
How are you
feeling, honey?
I don't know...
that was crazy.
People just want you to
know they're with you.
They love you,
just like us.
Oh, it feels so
good to be home.
Did you miss me?
I wasn't there...
Honey, this
isn't your fault.
I've never
been there.
Not once in 12 years.
You lost custody.
There was nothing
you could do.
I could have
fought harder.
I should have.
She's my daughter
and I just...
let her go.
Then I finally get a chance
to do my job and she gets--
You're here
for her now.
We both are.
I'm just so sorry.
Leslie was my best friend.
My only friend.
I'm just--
I'm just so sorry.
It should've been me.
I miss her so much.
Can I come in?
Yeah, sorry.
I just couldn't
sleep, you know?
I understand.
You of all people
did not deserve this.
This feeling,
does it ever go away?
I just feel so alone.
You're not alone.
Never again.
You're part of this
family, like I am.
Like Addy or
like your dad is.
We're gonna work through
this, but together.
You promise?
I promise.
Thanks, mom.
Outside the Kent home,
where the family will
give a statement
on the attack of Rachel Kent
and the murder of Leslie Miles.
The girls were attacked
while the--
Here they come!
Rachel, did you
recognize your attackers?
Do the police
have any suspects?
Look, we just want to put
this terrible tragedy behind us.
Now my daughter would
like to say a few words.
She won't be
taking any questions.
I'm just so sorry.
Leslie was my best
friend, my only friend.
It should've been me.
I just miss her so much.
Come on.
Mr. Kent, one
more question!
Okay bye, girls.
Your mom will be
here to pick you up.
Bye guys.
Have a good day.
I hope we're doing
the right thing.
She wants to move on,
that's a good thing.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
Something about her in
front of all those cameras.
All that attention.
She's been
through the ringer.
But everyone's
being so supportive.
Maybe some positive attention
is exactly what she needs.
Maybe you're right.
It was so scary...
Hey Addy!
Come and join
us for a second.
She'll tell you
all about it.
It was so crazy.
I was just telling
them about this morning.
How many news stations
do you think were there?
Umm, all of
them I think.
That's crazy.
So like, did they
ask you any questions?
Yeah, they asked
me what it was like
being attacked and
how I survived.
Were you scared?
Well yeah, I was face
to face with death.
But, I had a family
to come home to.
Somehow, I knew I was
gonna be all right.
Hey, how's it
going in there?
Well it's math,
so not great.
If you need help,
let me know.
It's fine, Rachel's
helping me with it.
Did you see her
at school today?
Did she seem okay?
I think she was fine.
She's like a total
celebrity now.
What do you mean?
Well, everybody wanted to
hear about what happened.
Did she mind
talking about it?
I don't think so.
Actually, she
really got into it.
She even invited me to
hang out with the seniors
and talk about the press
thingy this morning.
It was really cool.
Reporting live for
CH News in Oregon.
Outside the Kent home,
where the family will give--
Special delivery!
Mmm those smell good.
Thank you!
I thought you girls
were doing homework?
We are.
I just wanted to see if
there was any updates.
Okay, after homework.
My daughter would
like to say a few words.
She won't be
taking any questions.
I'm just so sorry...
Do you think
I look pretty?
Of course you do.
Pam, please.
I'm sorry to show
up like this.
No, it's alright.
How can I help?
I was hoping that I could
speak with Rachel again.
I'd like to go over her
statement in a bit more detail.
I'd rather you didn't.
She's been through that
night multiple times.
I know--
We'd really like
to move past this.
I understand, really.
But Leslie's mom
deserves to move on too.
Poor Tess.
She lives
just down street.
I just came from there.
She's really struggling.
It would help if we
could catch who did this.
Thank you.
Then it all went black.
The next thing I remember, I was
waking up in that back office.
But they hit
Leslie first, right?
They hit her and then the
second man started choking you.
Yeah, I saw her fall and--
and then he started choking me.
It was so hard to breathe.
Oh god I m sorry,
it s all just such a blur.
Okay, it's okay.
I think that's enough.
Is that enough?
Just a few more
questions, please.
The man who hit Leslie.
You said he was
maybe six feet tall.
Could you see any discerning
marks, maybe a scar?
Or a tattoo?
Any kind of mark that
would help us identify him?
No, I told you!
He was tall, he
wore leather gloves,
and he killed
my best friend!
What more do you want?
I think that's enough.
I thought the man who choked you
was wearing leather gloves
and Leslie's attacker was
wearing the ski gloves?
Yeah, no, that's right.
Okay, which man wore
the leather gloves?
The man who choked
me! I just said--
What's going on here?
Mr. Kent, I was just asking
Rachel some follow up questions.
It sounds like a damn
interrogation to me.
I'm sorry, that
wa mte.
Honey, you don't have
to say another word.
And you...
you can show yourself out.
I'm sorry, thank
you for your time.
Thank you, detective.
Greg, that was
uncalled for.
She's just trying
to do her job.
You have no idea what
kind of bull the cops
could pull on these
kinds of-- Bob?
Yeah, it s Greg. I m
gonna need some counsel...
You did great.
Why did you do that?
Why did I do what?
Make me talk
to that woman.
Why did you do that?
I understand it's
really hard right now.
But if you try, you might
remember some small things
that'll help the police
catch who did this.
No, you stupid bitch!
You never should've
let me say anything!
Yeah, what's up?
There is an incident report
here from 18 months ago.
Leslie Miles pressed
charges against someone
she claimed was
stalking her.
Why don't we know
this already?
The stalker was a
minor at the time.
Everything's been expunged.
Can I use your phone?
Yeah hi.
No, it's Lieutenant Smith.
I need you to put me through
to the DA's office, please.
Yeah, thank you.
We'll get a court order to
open this thing right away.
Good work.
You weren't there.
You didn't see
how she acted.
She was in a
tough position.
Are you saying
it was my fault?
It's unfortunate.
Rachel really shouldn't
be talking to the police
without us discussing it.
Okay I admit, the questioning
went on longer than I expected.
But the detective was
just doing her job.
Cindy, I'm telling you
this is how it happens.
The police can't
solve a case,
so they start throwing
the blame on the victim.
She wasn't herself.
She was angry!
Violently angry.
She was lashing out.
She's been through a
traumatic experience
and now there's
a police woman
that's trying to
blow holes in her story.
It's not just this, it's
her behavior at school.
Addy said she has
an entourage now.
She's walking
around school
telling everybody
about the murder.
So she's acting
like a celebrity.
She's a teenager.
There's no right way to
deal with something like this.
Okay well, I think we
should get her help.
Greg, you said it yourself.
She's been through a
traumatic experience.
First with her
mom, and now this.
Greg, she needs
a professional
who can help her
with these issues.
Rachel is going
to be fine.
She needs her family
right now, not a shrink.
Hey! Good news.
Oh yeah?
What is it?
Claret County just
picked up our stalker.
19 year old male
named Aaron Barker.
And guess what?
He had ski gloves in
the trunk of his car.
Come on, let's go!
Things aren't looking
good for you, Aaron.
I wasn't there, okay?
I swear! I left.
I left and I went home.
And only your mother can
vouch for you, is that right?
Does she know about
your restraining order?
I got nothing else to say.
Well, guess we'll
see about that.
Maybe when we find your partner,
he'll be more talkative, huh?
Mom as an alibi.
We're so close.
He was in the
store that day.
We know that for sure.
He's just not
what I expected.
They never are.
I don't know.
It's just--
No prints, no DNA,
avoiding the cameras.
It was so careful.
He knew the girl, he knew the
place, he knew the lay out.
It makes sense.
Yeah, but the crime
is the opposite.
Using the register
as a weapon.
It just-- it feels
so spur of the moment.
Maybe him and his
buddy went in there
expecting to
confront Leslie.
He didn't realize she
has a friend with her,
attacked them both.
Then used the
robbery as a cover.
Yeah, but--
But what?
The physical evidence
at the scene
isn't corresponding with the
statement from the victim.
The M.E. said that Leslie
was hit from the front,
not from behind like
the Kent girl s statement.
Yeah well, sometimes victim s
statements can be confused,
especially when they're young.
I know but when I
re-interviewed Rachel,
her story was all
over the map.
And there's
something else.
Rachel's injuries are basically
superficial, cuts and bruises.
Any of it could have
been self-inflicted.
What about the choking?
Look at the bruise pattern.
When you choke someone,
your thumbs line up
next to each other.
When you choke yourself
your thumbs are apart,
and your hands cross over.
And her bruise pattern is
reflective of self-asphyxiation.
So you're telling me
that this little thing
killed her best friend,
then tied herself up,
lay on the floor all night
waiting for someone
to open that door
and find her?
Nah. My money s
on the stalker.
But if his alibi holds up...
Keep pushing this victim
killer angle, just in case.
But you t tread care.
Because if you're wrong,
Rachel's the victim.
Oh it's gonna fall!
It's gonna fall!
I'm so stuck.
A puppy!
Oh my god.
Happy Saturday.
Where did he come from?
What's his name?
His name is Ted.
And he's a rescue.
He's been through a whole lot.
He just needs a
lot of love now.
Can we take him
out to play?
I'm sure your mom
would love that,
as long as you
take him outside.
Come on Ted,
let's go outside!
Good one, honey.
Oh, he's going to
tear up the house.
I'm sorry about
last night.
I messed up.
There's a stigma that starts
when you see a psychiatrist
and I just-- I don't
want that for Rachel.
I understand.
Thank you.
going to be alright.
I know.
You're gonna help
with the dog, right?
Yes, yes.
Hi, Tess.
Can I come in?
I'll get a bowl of
water for your dog.
I'm so sorry.
Is there anything
I can do?
No, there's nothing.
Anything, please?
You could come
to the funeral.
Leslie would like that.
Of course,
we'll be there.
Hey, I saw that
detective was here.
Was she here for
anything in particular?
She was asking
about my Leslie...
And your Rachel.
I didn't want to say
anything before...
Say anything? What?
I didn't want anybody to
think badly of my Leslie.
But that detective
was so insistent.
Tess, what
did you say?
The girls.
They were stealing
from that store.
Clothes, bags, shoes.
Leslie was afraid that they
were gonna get them fired.
Rachel was very careful.
She told Leslie
to stop fretting.
And I was telling
Leslie to stop.
To promise me
she would.
The detective wanted
to know all about that.
She asked me if Les
and Rachel ever fought.
Such nonsense.
What teenage girls
don't fight?
Honey, I thought you
knew about the fight?
How would I know?
Wasn't Rachel
upset after?
Okay, bye.
Greg, you were
right about the police.
I just talked to Tess, there's
something you should know.
Call me.
Addy, go to your room.
What's happening?
Go, now!
How could you do this?
I'm sorry.
It just started
with some clothes.
And then nobody said anything,
so we took some shoes.
And then-- I'm sorry.
Do you have any idea
what this looks like?
I know!
Oh my god, mom, please.
Please don't make
them take me away.
Stay here.
Please, I don't want to--
Mrs. Kent, we're here
to search the premises.
Absolutely not.
We have a search warrant.
Please step aside.
Mrs. Kent!
Let me see it.
Is there anyone
else in the home?
My daughters.
Come on guys.
Rachel Kent,
you are under arrest.
No, no, please! Mom!
Mom, what's going on?
Pam, you have
the wrong person!
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say
can and will be used
against you in
a court of law.
Pam, please, stop this.
Do you have receipts
for those items?
I don't have
a choice here.
I'm sorry.
Please mom, please!
Don't let them
take me away!
Pam, you have
the wrong person!
Rachel! I'm gonna
be right behind you.
Don't say
anything to anybody.
Mom, please!
I thought you loved me?
Don't let them take me away!
Pam, she didn't
do anything!
Oh you're damn
right I'm gonna sue.
I'm gonna burn that whole
department to the ground.
If they want to
pull this crap,
then there's gonna
be consequences.
Listen, we'll talk
more in the morning.
Okay, bye.
gonna be fine.
You were right.
They were out to get
her and I let them.
We'll get her back.
This isn't gonna stick.
The police are
grasping at straws.
All they have is $3000
worth of clothing.
It's no big deal.
Greg, she did
steal those things.
No she didn't.
Yes she did.
She told me.
No... she didn't.
Greg, we can't lie.
I'm not gonna let my
daughter get hurt.
Not this time.
Your friends at
school said that
they saw you and
Leslie fighting.
One witness said she
saw you slap her
across the face in
the school parking lot.
My parents say I'm not
allowed to talk to you
without my
lawyers present.
Perhaps you would like to
explain why your shoe print
was found in the victim's blood
when, by your own account,
you were passed out on
the floor at the time?
We're done.
She's lawyered up.
She won't say a word.
Dad has her trained up.
You put us in a real
bind here, detective.
...and a role model to
our youngest daughter.
Our daughter is the victim
of this terrible crime,
not its perpetrator.
We look forward to
the immediate release
of our daughter and a
formal police apology.
What did I tell you?
I told you to handle
this carefully.
You were there to serve a
warrant, not make an arrest.
There was a mountain
of evidence.
More than enough to merit
an arrest for larceny.
And with Tess
Miles' statement,
we have prior incidents
of conflict between the girls,
which is motive
for the murder.
Did you know that woman
was under a half dozen
anti-depressants at the
time you spoke to her?
She was a
little slow, yeah.
A little slow?
Cindy Kent says she
was practically a zombie.
You spoke to Cindy?
Her and her husband.
And she also told me
you had no lawyer present
when you re-interviewed
her daughter.
I thought she was a
victim at the time.
Well, her husband
has filed a petition
to throw out your
interview with Rachel
and the statement
from Leslie's mother.
We haven't even charged
her with the murder yet.
And we're not going to.
We're letting her go.
Okay, what about all
the stolen property?
Gregory Kent says they
bought all those clothes.
Oh, come on!
Can you prove
she stole them?
We're charging Aaron
Barker with the murder.
He has an alibi.
And you said
that it was solid.
Nobody wants this to continue,
do you understand me?
The stalker did it,
and that's that.
Now go home.
And stay away
from the cameras.
I'm sorry about all the
questions, Miss Kent.
I just have one more and then
you can go home, all right?
Do you recognize
any of these men?
He was at the
store that day.
And what did he do?
He attacked me.
He was the one!
He killed Leslie.
Okay Miss Kent,
thank you very much.
You can go.
Mrs. Kent, your daughter
is being released.
No thanks to you.
The Lieutenant told
me that your husband
purchased those items from
your daughter's store?
Tell me, did you buy
Rachel some of those things?
Umm, I'm--
Hi honey.
Your dad's
waiting by the car,
so go ahead and I'll be
there in a few minutes.
Your daughter has
been through a lot.
I guess she deserves
the benefit of the doubt.
She does.
The Lieutenant
told us that a man
was arrested for
Leslie's murder?
A boy.
A 19 year old who had an
infatuation with Leslie.
Did he do it?
It's possible.
It's also possible
that your daughter
knew about
Leslie s stalker.
They would've talked about that
kind of thing, wouldn't they?
You should just be careful.
She's only been living with
you for three months, right?
If you'll excuse me.
You're so cute!
Welcome home!
Come here, come say hi!
Oh you guys, I don't
ever want to leave.
You won't have to.
Here, I got your
favorite cheese pizza.
Oh, so good!
It feels good to have
everyone under one roof again.
Honey, you understand...
we had to lie.
We had to fight fire with fire.
We had to get her out of there.
we didn't have a choice.
That's right.
But we do have a
choice about how
we parent her
from here on out.
What do you mean?
We need to talk to Rachel
about what happened.
I knew it.
I knew the otherewould drop at.
Can't we just
get past this?
I lied for you.
And I lied for her.
We're still her parents.
Greg, she was stealing!
The police would
say anything to--
We barely know
anything about her.
Or what she's
been through.
So I made my decision.
She needs professional help and
she's going to see a specialist.
No! This is no longer
up for discussion.
Mom... dad.
Sweetie, you
should be asleep.
I know, I...
I just want to apologize.
I never should have
taken those things.
And I really shouldn't
have lied about it.
I'm so sorry.
chwere you
fighting with Leslie?
Greg, this is important.
I don't think this
is the right time--
Dad, it's okay.
I was so stupid.
We did fight.
Leslie wanted to stop
stealing and I said no.
Maybe if I had just
listened to her,
maybe we would have
gotten out of the store
before those men came and
maybe she wouldn't have--
Come here, sweetie.
You know if you needed clothes,
we would've bought them for you.
Why steal them?
I don't know!
I thought maybe
if I looked pretty
and I didn't
ask for much,
that you guys
would let me stay.
Oh, Rachel...
I just didn't want you
to leave like mom did.
We would never,
ever leave you.
You're my little girl and
you're part of this family
and you always will be,
no matter what.
You promise?
I promise.
Of course...
I promise.
Good morning.
You want some coffee?
Yes, please.
Thank you.
It's Leslie's
funeral today.
Addy can go to school,
but I'd like
Rachel and I to go.
Is that really necessary?
Plus it would give Rachel and
me some mother daughter time.
I'll take Addy then.
Thank you.
I'll tell the girls.
I have another
one to show you.
What about this?
Do you like this?
Are you serious?
It's gorge.
It is pretty nice.
I don't have
anything like this.
You know you could.
You just need to
know how to ask.
It is nice, hey?
It is really nice.
Good morning girls.
Today is a really
important day.
Rachel, please
don't be late.
Guess I better
get ready to go.
Rachel, come on.
I told you
not to be late!
What is that?
What? Don't you like it?
Honey, you know you
can't go like that.
Please go change.
You know what?
I was thinking I really
can't go to this funeral.
Can you drop me off
at school instead?
No, you're going.
Dad said I
didn't have to.
He did not. Go change.
Mom, I can't.
I don't want to see all
those people there,
crying about Leslie.
It's just too hard.
This is part of the
grieving process.
Well I don't care.
Rachel, you need to go!
People will expect it.
Well they didn't
have to lie next
to Leslie's dead
body all night!
I'm sorry, but you're going
to have to tough it out.
Mom, I can't!
Yes, you can.
No I won't go,
you bitch!
What happened?
We found him
on the street.
Someone must
have hit him.
I'm so sorry, Addy.
He was such a good dog.
I know how much
you loved him.
Must have been
a hit and run.
I thought I tied him up.
This is
horrible, honey.
I'm so sorry.
Addy and I came home from
school and there he was,
just lying there in the road,
right in front of the house.
A-hole didn't even move
him out of the street.
Teddy I miss you.
He loved you too.
Let's just thank god it
wasn't you who got hurt.
It's gonna be okay.
We need to have a talk.
It s gonna be okay.
I'm very sorry.
We'll get her a new dog,
we can take her to the--
Where was Rachel when
you and Addy found Ted?
Was she here?
She was with
friends, why?
I think she
killed the dog.
She did, Greg.
And it was a
warning meant for me.
Look at this.
Look nice and close at this.
Do you see that?
She did that when I tried to
make her go to the funeral.
She told me.
I told her it was
totally unacceptable
and I grounded
her for a month.
That's it?
What am I
supposed to do?
She told me that you grabbed her
and told her to tough it out.
Greg, she hit me.
I'm not saying that
hitting you is right Cindy,
but she's just a child.
She's a child who's been
through more than you and I
can possibly imagine
and she was scared.
But this whole business
about the dog...
I think she hit him
when you were gone.
She didn't murder
the damn dog!
You don't know her, Greg!
Stop it.
We don't know
what she's done.
Leslie was just murdered.
And they found the guy.
That is over.
No, I'm telling right
you, she's very dangerous.
And she could hurt
Addy or one of us.
I love you but... don't
make me choose between...
I love Rachel too.
But she's lived
here three months.
How many times have you
seen her in the past 15 years?
Six times?
We barely know her.
She could be seriously
damaged in ways
that we don't even
understand yet.
That's my baby
girl up there.
I have to go down to
Newport for a few days.
When I get back, maybe
we can call a counsellor.
You like that?
Good morning.
Morning, dad!
Want some OJ?
Thank you.
Alright, I'm off.
Bye dad.
Have a good trip.
Love you both.
Love you too.
Be good.
Umm, my phone...
Oh, I think I saw it
in the dining room.
You forgot this...
Looks like you
found all the best
divorce lawyers in the
state, congratulations.
That's not mine, I
didn't look that up.
We've been married for 15
years and this is what I get?
We had one fight and
you want to cut and run?
I didn't search for that,
Rachel must've done that!
Oh for god's sake, you're
blaming this on her too?
Well, why would
I do that?
Girls, go back to
the other room!
Why don't you
believe me?
I didn't do this.
I can't do
this right now.
We need to talk
about this now!
It's okay.
Here, why don't you
try and eat something?
You have something
you want to tell me?
Come on, Addy.
We better go, we're going
to be late for school.
No, I'm taking her!
Addy, you're going
with me today.
Grab your bag.
See you guys later.
Bye, sis.
You wait for me to
pick you up, understand?
Only me.
Why, what's wrong?
I don't want you driving
home alone with Rachel.
I don't get it.
Just do as I say!
I'm sorry.
I need you to
be safe, okay?
Please just
do as a I ask.
All right?
Thank you, I love you.
I'm gonna pick you
up here after soccer.
Okay, I love you too.
Detective Cherfils,
could I have a moment?
Mrs. Kent, I
have a briefing.
Pam, please.
Go ahead.
How is the case going against
that boy, Aaron Barker?
The DA is moving
towards a prosecution.
There's very little
physical evidence,
and Barker has
a solid alibi,
but of course,
we have a witness.
Our dog was
killed yesterday.
I think Rachel did it.
And what about those
cuts on your neck?
They're from yesterday
when I tried
to make her go to
Leslie's funeral.
You can press
charges if you want.
That's not enough.
What do you
want from me?
I want her out
of my house.
Cindy, there's
not much I can do.
Greg and I lied.
We didn't buy
her those things.
She stole them all.
I know.
But you need to understand,
there's no turning back.
The department, along with the
newspapers and the whole city
have concluded that
Rachel is innocent.
We've charged someone
else with Leslie's murder.
Some scratches and a dead
puppy aren't gonna change that.
Bring me something new,
something concrete,
and I will look into it.
Okay, thank you.
And Cindy, call me
if anything happens.
I'll help keep an eye
out for you and Addy
until we get
this worked out.
Thank you.
Hi, I'm calling from the law
offices of Gersh and Hatzenberg.
We're serving a summons
against a former resident
of your apartment
complex, Martha Cook.
She left quite a
few unpaid bills
and we're just trying to
get a forwarding address.
Let me check.
Thank you
very much, bye.
Hello Crestview Motel,
how may I help you?
Hi, could you put me through
to Martha Cook's room, please?
Martha's on a
shift right now.
I can have her call
you back on her break.
Could I take a message?
Uh, no that's okay, I'll just
call on her break, thank you.
You're welcome.
Could I talk to you
for a few minutes?
I can't, I just--
Ten minutes, please?
Thank you.
What do you want?
I'm having some real
difficulty with Rachel.
She's turned my entire
family against me
and it's to the point
where I don't feel safe
leaving her with
my daughter Addy.
I want you to know that
I'm not judging you.
I want to help Rachel,
but I can't do that
unless I know what
her real problems are.
So I'm hoping that
maybe you could
help me understand
her, possibly?
When you started using,
how did Rachel react?
When your addiction
first started.
I was never on drugs.
You called Greg a year
ago, asking for money.
I never called Greg.
I haven't talked to
Greg in like five years.
That must've been
Rachel that called him.
Maybe she got him
to send her money?
I don't know.
I never saw any of it.
But if you didn't leave
for an addiction, then...
I left because
I was scared.
She did this to me with a pair
of scissors when I told her
she couldn't go to a
concert with her friends.
It took me a long time to accept
it, but she-- Rachel doesn't...
She doesn't feel things the way
that other people feel things.
The way that people are
supposed to feel things.
She's different.
I tried to get her help,
but she has a way
of making people see only
what she wants them to see.
When she got
really violent,
It got so hard I just
I couldn't leave my room.
I couldn't fall asleep.
I was a prisoner in
my own house, so...
I left.
I just left.
Martha, why
didn't you tell us?
I couldn't say
anything, I mean...
where would she go?
Who would take her in?
Greg and I maybe--
If I told
you what she was,
would you have
given her a home?
Would you have given her a
room next to your own daughter?
No, I couldn't
say anything.
They would've put
her in foster care
or she would've ended up
living on the street.
Running away was the last good
thing I did for my daughter.
The last good thing?
Martha, do you have any
idea what you've done?
I know, I'm sorry.
She killed a sweet, innocent
teenage girl named Leslie Miles.
I'm sorry, but you
have to understand--
No, I don't have
to understand!
You put my whole
family and me in danger!
She's my daughter.
So what?
I'm sorry, I
can't do this.
Martha I--
Greg, it's me.
I just met with Martha--
I know you think I'm crazy
but Rachel
really is dangerous.
So dangerous that
Martha felt like she
had to disappear to
get away from her.
Martha never received
any of your money
because she wasn't
the one calling you!
Rachel needs serious
professional help.
I don't feel safe
with her in the house.
Greg, we need you.
I need you.
Please just come home.
Addy I'm so sorry, I'll
be there in 20 minutes.
It's okay,
Rachel picked me up.
Addy, listen to me.
I want you to run over to
Mrs. Wellington's house
and stay there until I
get there, okay?
Mom, what's wrong?
Just do what I'm saying!
Can I say hi?
There you go.
Thank you.
Hi mom!
You really don't
have to worry.
Addy and I are
doing just fine here.
Rachel, listen to me.
How was your day?
Where have you been, mom?
Rachel, put Addy
back on the phone.
Rachel, let me
talk to my daughter.
I thought you were.
Am I not your
little girl anymore?
Rachel, please!
Detective Cherfils.
Pam, it's Cindy.
I have that information
that you needed.
Martha Cook has the scars to
prove how dangerous Rachel is,
there's a well
documented history
of Rachel's
violence in her care!
Okay Cindy, I
will check into it.
She took Addy, they're
alone in the house
and I'm a half hour away!
Cindy, don't worry.
I'll head over there
right now and talk to her.
Please hurry!
We can decide how
to move forward
when you get there, okay?
Martha never received
any of your money
because she wasn't
the one calling you!
Rachel needs serious
professional help.
I don't feel safe
with her in the house.
Greg, we need you.
I need you.
I don't want
you to wake her.
What did you
do to her?
Just a little something
to help her sleep.
I decided you were right.
It was time I paid
my respects to Tess.
I told her about my
horrible nightmares
and she was kind
enough to share.
What did you do today, mom?
Did you meet
anyone interesting?
You think find-my-phone
only works for your kids?
We can spy on you
just as easily.
You're sick, honey.
Is that what she said?
No honey, you need help.
Do I really look
like I need help?
I have the whole world
wrapped around my little finger.
You of all people
should know that by now.
And if I don't get what I
want, there are consequences.
Don't touch her, please.
I just love how she sleeps.
So innocent.
Like nothing in the
world can hurt her.
Don't please.
Your precious Addy.
Your one and only.
No-- no.
See? Everybody lies!
Even you.
Like when you said I was
part of the family, remember?
When you said I was
your daughter too.
Oh honey, you are
part of the family.
You are my daughter.
And now you want
to send me away?
Just like Martha.
I just want to help you.
By putting me
in a padded room?
No-- I mean you need help.
But I will be
there with you.
I promise I will do this
with you every step of the way.
Honey, I love you.
You are my daughter.
I'm asking you
please put the gun down.
We can do it together.
We will fix you
together, I promise.
Wow, you're really
good at this!
Maybe you are my mother.
No! Please, don't
do anything to--
Oh god, it's not for her.
I wouldn't hurt
my own sister.
It's for you.
Back up.
See, I need this to
look very real, so...
I'm going to have to ask
you to kill your friend Pam.
That's right.
Then I'm gonna shoot
you in self defense.
And then when daddy gets home,
I'll explain to him how--
How mom just
hated me so much.
And when she asked
me to leave,
she got really angry and
she threatened to kill me.
Then that policeman came
and she attacked her too
and I just had to
protect myself.
Oh, Rachel.
See, I could do it myself
but this is going to
work out much better.
Now pick it up.
I can't.
Well then I'm going to have
to shoot all three of you.
Okay, just wait.
Oh god.
I don't know how
I'm gonna do this.
Just do it, or Addy dies.
Okay, just...
I don't know how.
I'm sorry.
This must be really
difficult for you.
But, you know, it's
just not that hard.
Actually, it's pretty easy...
We agreed no more.
Yeah, well I
changed my mind.
What? You want some?
I'm telling the manager.
No, you can't do that!
She'll fire you.
Maybe, but I'm
not going to jail.
No... you can't do that!
Now it's your turn.
Okay, Rachel?
How did you deal
with the guilt?
Afterwards, how did
you deal with it?
Don't worry, you
won't have to.
We're in here!
My god, what's going on?
Cindy attacked me!
She tried to kill me.
No I didn't.
She attacked
that police woman.
She tried to kill me.
No, she did!
Cindy, give me the gun.
I didn't do anything Greg.
Honey, give me
the gun, please.
Okay Greg, Pam will
be able to explain.
I'm sure she will.
Just give me the gun first.
Daddy, I love you.
Please don't let her
hurt me daddy, please!
Please don't let
her hurt me.
Cindy, I trust you.
I got your message,
I came straight home.
Are you alright?
No daddy, please.
Stop Rachel!
Please, please
I love you daddy!
Stop it! Stop lying.
Cindy, I'm sorry.
I should've listened to you.
Mom, please...
Daddy, please!
Please, no!
I'm so sorry.
I nearly lost
Yeah, but you didn't.
We're still here.
And we're gonna
try, right?
Hi, Rachel.
Hi dad, hi mom!
Oh, it's so good to
see you guys again.
You have no idea.
I missed you so much.
You look good, Rach.
Thanks, mom.
Did you guys talk
to the lawyers yet?
Did he say when
I can go home?
Not yet, honey.
Oh, really?
Well I know he's
probably really busy.
Maybe you guys
can talk to him again
and tell him that I really
didn't mean those things.
I'm sorry but I'm
so much better now.
I just want to be a
part of the family again.
I love you guys so much.
We love you too, Rach.
Hey, what do you
want to do today?
I brought cards, and
the movie that you like.
Let's play a game.
Okay. Hearts?
What do you think Rach?
Yeah, sure.
I guess we can talk
about that stuff later.
Hey guys.
Hey angel.
Oh my god!
You like him?
I love him.
And she's all yours.
Will you take care of her?
I will, I promise.
What an angel.
She's a little
angel, right?
She's perfect mom!
Think of a good name.