Shark Warning (2024) Movie Script

[children playing]
Give me the bucket.
When I'm done with it.
Just give it to me!
Ron! Alan tried to take
my bucket from me!
Give it!
I'm gonna get--
-This is mine now.
-Hey, no fair!
Give it back, Uncle Ron!
I don't think so.
Not until the two of
you learn to quiet down.
Besides, I've got a place
for my empties.
Tag, you're it!
Hey, no fair! We're not
supposed to go swimming!
You're still it!
You'll never catch me!
You'll never tag me!
I'm trying!
Tag, you're it!
You'll never catch me.
Danny, this isn't funny!
Tag, you're it!
I'm gonna get you!
Tag, you're it!
Ah, something's biting!
Help me!
Help me!
Welcome back to KQNT Radio.
We're so excited about
the Lake Havasu fishing
tournament this weekend.
We at KQNT are setting up a
booth with all sorts of swag.
Stop on by and say hi.
We will be there.
But whether or not the fish
will is a whole other story.
[bell rings]
Have a seat
wherever you like.
You know you can
just roll them, right?
You know you can always help me
with the heavy lifting, right?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Anyway, Sienna,
whenever you're done
with that silverware,
you can go.
It's pretty dead.
Don't gotta tell me twice.
I'm going to the beach.
It's gonna be crazy when people
start showing up for
the fishing tournament.
I'll spend as much time
there as I can now.
Yeah, if people show up.
Hey there, welcome
to the Corner bar,
home of our
famous fish sandwich.
What can I get you?
You look really familiar.
Did we go to school together?
I lived here 20 years ago.
Yes, Alan!
Lisa, we went
to grade school together.
Do you remember me?
I don't remember much
from that time, to be honest.
Well, you're really
remembered around here.
I mean,
you were the brother who...
I am so sorry.
I shouldn't have said that.
Don't worry about it.
Whatever happened
to you after... You know.
You know what,
don't answer that.
I'm so sorry.
I just--
You know, you and your
parents left--
We just couldn't be
around here anymore.
Too many memories.
I'll be at the beach
with friends till sunset.
See you tonight?
Hey, be careful.
Love you.
Can I get you a drink?
No thanks.
I don't drink.
What are you doing at a bar?
-[bell rings]
-I gotta piss.
-You always gotta piss.
Of course, man, I've got
of a small bladder.
What do you want from me, okay?
Just waiting for someone.
Hey, Lisa, I'm gonna hit
the john,
but Ron said he's got
the first round of drinks.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, ain't no one
buying that, Bobby.
You haven't paid your
tab from last week.
Evening, Lisa, usual for me.
I didn't know
you were in town.
What the hell?
Lisa, call the cops.
No need, no need.
I deserve that.
Bobby, get off him.
That's 20 years overdue.
To the day.
You left us.
We were kids,
and you left us alone.
And I'm sorry.
But I told you kids,
don't go in the water.
We were children, Ron!
What the hell did you
think was gonna happen?
How could I have known a shark
would make it past the dam?
You gonna go after him?
It's a small town.
I'll see him again.
Hey, man.
Ron, Ron.
You good?
Yeah, yeah. I...
I just need to clear my head.
Wanna get back out on the water?
Go out for some Yellowtail
with my new spear?
If there's any out there,
that is.
Maybe tomorrow.
I'll catch you later.
Sounds good.
Hey, Ron.
Just be careful.
I'll catch you later.
-No problem.
I didn't realize
Ron was there that day.
That's just it.
He wasn't.
That explains a lot about Ron.
It's a shame I can't
get you a real drink.
How about a food menu?
That, I can do.
Be right back.
-Running low.
-I can get that for you.
[reel whirs]
All right...
All right.
Come on.
Come to daddy.
That's it. Come on.
Oh, you a big one, huh?
All right. All right.
Jesus Christ!
Here you go.
Hey, I'm...
I'm sorry about
what happened with Ron.
You may get another shot.
Tends to come in daily
for the fish sandwich.
Although with you here now,
he might try to avoid the place.
But seeing as how
Mayor Stewart's coming around
to talk about
the fishing tournament,
he still may swing by.
Is that why you came back?
Okay, please tell me
you didn't come back
just to punch Ron
in the face.
No, uh...
I don't know.
20 years, I haven't been able
to get a good night's sleep
because of what
happened that day.
It's hard to get rid of the
things that I saw in my head.
I think I'm just
looking for some closure.
You know, Ron had
said a while back
that they might even
change the name of it
to the Danny Rogers Memorial
Fishing Tournament.
At least that's
what I heard, anyway.
I'm just glad he'll
be remembered.
I remember you used to make
these crazy birdhouses
and stuff like that.
Those intricate sand castles.
Did you ever do anything
with that?
I can't believe you
remember those. Umm...
Yeah, I'm actually trying
to get into architecture.
I've sort of been floating
around from job to job
for a while now, so...
Anyway, I hope you at least
stick around for the memorial.
That is, if they don't
cancel the tournament.
Why would they cancel it?
Isn't it like one of the
biggest events of the year?
Yeah, it used to be.
But you need fish for
a fishing tournament
and haven't seen one
around here in days.
In fact, it's been dwindling
every year now for ages.
In the past couple months,
I mean,
we've been pretty much dead.
Why don't they just stock it?
You know, fly in fish
from somewhere else?
They tried,
maybe ten years ago.
Most of the fish just up
and died from the shock.
See, we have a pretty
unusual ecosystem.
We have the lake with
all the fresh water
and then we have salt water
also coming in,
so it's just a big disaster.
But it's probably why our
fish sandwich tastes so good,
so what can you do?
Also why that shark was
able to survive in the lake.
Yeah, you're probably right.
You want me to
blow a hole in the dam?
I don't want to.
But it's for the greater
good of this town.
If Jerry leaves me no choice,
my hands might be tied.
We can't have a fishing
tournament without any fish,
and there's plenty of them
just outside that dam.
I think that's something
I can do.
For a price.
Name it.
That should do the
trick, though.
That's barring I don't run into
any unforeseen circumstances.
You know how these
things go, Mayor.
I think I can make this happen.
Mayor, we have a problem.
Miss Mayor, I'm so sorry.
Your brother just...
Can wait a moment, Will.
Outside by the door, please.
Ann, you can go
back to your desk.
Look, I hate to pull
the brother card--
I said you can wait
a moment, okay?
Get whatever equipment you need.
I will reimburse you.
Everything I have left
in the budget is yours,
if plan A doesn't work.
Which I'm really hoping
we don't have to go to this.
I will contact you if your
services are necessary.
Good deal.
You let me know
when you need me.
Thank you.
What do you want, Will?
I don't know how to say
this exactly, Wendy,
but I was fishing outside the
dam today and I saw a shark.
A shark.
Outside the dam.
Big one, too.
Great white from the look
of the dorsal.
How did it even get there?
There's not an ocean for miles.
I'm assuming the same way
as last time.
At least this one's
outside the dam.
But a shark made it
through 20 years ago.
Who's to say
it won't happen again?
Are you accusing me of
I'm not saying that.
Then what are you saying?
I'm just saying that for
the small fee of,
let's say, 16 grand...
Okay, okay. I'm going to cut
you off right there.
Even if I did have
enough funds
to support my little brother's
big fishing dream,
I'd have to believe you that
there's a shark out there.
So you'll understand if I don't
partake upon your services.
But it is out there.
All right, now this tournament
is important to this town.
Don't you dare lecture me on
what's important to this town.
While you've been out there
fishing the last remaining fish,
I've been here trying
to save this town
and keep it alive.
This fishing tournament
brings in enough revenue
to keep this town afloat
for the rest of the year.
Without it, I fear
that our town is...
I don't have enough money
for your services, Will.
Which is extortion,
given that we're family.
My budget is all tied
up at the moment.
Even if I did believe you.
That's all, Will.
It's your funeral.
-And the town's.
Now, first things first.
I want dispel the news
that we were considering
cancelling the
fishing tournament.
There is nothing,
and I mean nothing,
that could get me to pull
the plug on this event.
Now, my husband and I,
we signed up for the very
first fishing tournament.
And we have fished
every last one.
And this year, on the fifth
anniversary of his passing,
I am excited to announce
that we are officially
changing the name
to the Raymond Stewart
Memorial Fishing Tournament.
So, I look forward to seeing all
of your boats out on the water.
And may the best fisherman
or fisherladies
win this year's
$10,000 grand prize.
Mayor, Mayor Stewart.
Good to see you.
I don't know if you remember me.
My name is Alan Rogers.
Um... Yes, Alan Rogers.
Yes, yes, yes.
I am so very,
very sorry
about what happened to your
brother so many years ago.
If you need anything,
just let me know.
That's what I wanted to...
Jerry, I wanted to talk
to you about dam...
You got your gear?
I wasn't expecting
you to call so soon.
Let me guess.
Plan A didn't go as you hoped.
Do you have your gear?
And I mean all your gear.
You know I got all my gear.
What's going on, Mayor?
I'm down.
Head to the dam.
I need you to rig
one of your explosives
under the water onto the dam.
Make sure the explosive
is large enough
to let fish swim in,
but not so large
to breach the surface.
The hole cannot, cannot be
visible from above the water.
You got that?
Okay, copy that, Mayor.
I can do that.
But how much we
talking this time?
At least another 10k, right?
Call me if you run
into any trouble.
We'll figure out the rest
when the job is done.
Hey, Edward.
Will. What's going on?
Not much.
Stocked for the night?
New truck?
What do you want, Will?
I couldn't help but overhear
you were on the phone
with my sister.
What do you need, Will?
Just think you might want
to know what I know.
Especially if you really want
to make a whole lot more money
than you already are.
What do you know?
We got a shark on the water.
-Thanks for the heads up.
[phone rings]
Mayor, I've made
it to the dam.
Please tell me you're not
getting cold feet, are you?
Oh, no, I'm not
getting cold feet.
I'm getting cold hands.
Your price just went up.
I've run into your brother
on the way over here.
And he told me I might run
into some pretty nasty stuff.
And that ups my risk
And that's gonna cost you.
Look, just because
my idiot brother
says he saw a shark,
doesn't mean there is one.
He has no evidence.
So just get in and get out.
And if there is a shark,
which again, there is no proof,
then I will just have
Will take care of it.
No, no, no, no, no.
He sounded pretty
sure about this.
You know what?
Mayor, maybe I should
just pack my stuff up and--
Okay, fine.
I will give you
an extra $10,000.
If that's the price
it takes to get it done,
then just get it done.
It is the grand prize money.
And make sure that the hole
goes all the way through.
And that it's big enough to
let in a whole mess of fish.
But not so big to let
the so-called shark get in.
Or you will get nothing.
Easy money.
[muffled explosion]
Let's check out the damage.
Come on!
[muffled scream]
Hey there, stranger.
What are you doing out
here all alone?
This is the beach where Danny...
Yeah, it's my, um...
first time back since.
You know you don't have
to go through this alone.
Ron is heartbroken
about what happened.
That... drunk...
picked getting beer over
watching kids on the beach.
I can never forgive that.
You should know,
Ron doesn't drink anymore.
I'm not lying, it's the truth.
I swear, I've worked at
the Corner Bar for over a decade
and he's never once come in
and asked for a drink.
He just likes the fish sandwich.
And the company, I mean.
I appreciate the company.
But I can safely say
I'm fine without the fish.
Are you leaving?
I always promised
myself I'd come back.
And I heard they were going
to be honoring my brother.
Thought maybe I'd get
a little closure.
But now that they're not,
there's nothing left for me.
Well, you can't leave just yet.
Not until you at least
try the fish sandwich.
-I don't like fish.
-You'll like ours.
We're world famous, you know.
Really is the best
thing this town has to offer.
Is that so?
Better swing by for lunch.
It'll be on the house.
Besides, I can't let you
leave your hometown
on an empty stomach.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I need to go take
my morning swim before
I open up the bar.
I'll catch you later?
Yeah, well, uh... we'll see.
You know what?
I think I'll just jog today.
Maybe I'll open up the bar
a little early, just for you.
How does that sound?
If you're going to go
through all the trouble,
I might swing by
in a little while.
Well, you sure better.
I hate jogging.
See you at the bar.
Found these out by the dam.
Inside, heading
towards the lake.
I recognize Edwin's gear.
So he gave his life
to open the dam.
And now we got
a shark in the lake.
What do you want now, Will?
Same thing as you want.
To be rid of the shark.
And to make a whole lot
of money this weekend.
Yeah, well I'm not
paying you $60,000.
Your fee is too high.
Did I ever tell
you how I got this?
I don't need to know, Will.
She was my first.
Had a dozen since then.
And every one of
them has prepared me
more for this than the last.
See that's what you're
paying for, my experience.
I'm running out of money, Will.
We need this tournament
to go well.
Otherwise we're all in trouble.
This is our last chance
to make enough money
to keep our city afloat.
And then we have time
to look at a new budget.
If not, we will be
completely governed by the state
and I'll be out on my ass.
And you're my brother.
They'll run you out
of town as well.
If you can't pay me,
maybe I can outsource the job.
Someone local.
Just get it done.
Hey there, Bobby.
Anything biting today?
Eh, a couple of nibbles.
-More than usual.
You hear that rumor
we might have a shark
back in these waters?
Great white.
No way. You kidding?
Seen it with my own eyes.
Mayor wants it gone
before the tourney.
She's not coming up to
my budget level.
So I figured I'd see if
a young up and comer
such as yourself wants to take
a crack at his first shark.
What do you say?
I'm thinking I'm glad I just
picked this puppy up, huh?
Yeah, it wasn't cheap, but
I wanted it my whole life.
Aluminum stainless
steel construction,
copper tip,
20 foot retrieval line.
One good shot from this and
it's nighty night Great White.
You know what I mean?
That's why I came to you, Bobby.
Hey, you kill that shark,
you ain't never going to have to
buy a beer in this town again.
Now you're talking my language.
Now look, my sister
wants it kept quiet.
So if and, of course when
you do land it,
do so discreetly.
You understand, right?
Of course, boss.
That's a good man, Bobby.
Well, go on!
Get out there and
nab yourself a shark!
All right. Yeah, I'm going
to grab me a shark!
Hey, Ron.
Beautiful day.
Did you say there's a shark?
No, I said there was a
muskie as big as a shark
out there somewhere.
Little Bobby ain't never
caught nothing like that,
wants to hang it on his wall.
I told him he
should try his luck.
See you around, Ron.
[bell rings]
Lisa, your favorite
new customer is here.
Just a second.
She'll be right with you.
Hey, you.
You decided to come back?
It's like you said.
Can't leave town on
an empty stomach.
So can I try to convert you
with that sandwich, now?
They say it's world famous.
All right.
Coming right up.
[bell rings]
Cancel that, Lisa.
I'm leaving.
Now, hold on just a minute, son.
Don't "son" me, okay?
No, you know what?
I got nothing to say to you.
They found a shark.
-What did you say?
-They found a shark.
Will Ealy was telling
Bobby Newbanks about it
and sent him off to
do his dirty work.
You don't think it's...
The same one?
They can live 70 years.
It's not impossible.
Look, I know we...
we don't have to get along,
but I have some gear on my boat.
I know how to do this.
Sorry to interrupt, but look,
before you guys
do anything too crazy,
maybe we should just let
Will and Bobby handle this.
Okay? I mean, it can't be too
safe to have all those boats
on the water going
after the same thing
at the same time, right?
If this shark is back,
then we need to find
a way to kill it before
it hurts anyone else.
I need to find a way.
You haven't been on the water
in 20 years.
You'll just get yourself
hurt out there.
You need me.
I don't need you.
With what boat are
you going out on?
-What's your plan?
-I don't need a plan.
Yes, you do.
You do or you'll end up like...
Hey, hey, take it easy.
Easy, guys.
Come on.
Settle down.
All right.
Let's come up with a plan.
Maybe on a full stomach?
I'll have the usual, Lisa.
Okay, see?
This is good.
We're off to a good start.
Be right back.
So, um...
I didn't see you
at your mom's funeral.
The service was--
How about we just focus
on dealing with the shark?
Where are you?
And I brought you a
nice little snack.
You want some more?
All right.
Got you!
Oh goddamn you are strong!
Oh, you're a big mofo,
aren't you?
Oh, and I'll bet
you're ugly, too.
Come on. Come on.
Let me get a good look at you.
Goddamn driftwood.
Come on.
Come on!
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit! Shit!
Come on!
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Hey, help me!
Help me out, man.
Come on. Come on.
All right, boys,
here you go.
Hope you like it.
Something's off.
Told you people would notice.
Notice what?
Don't you have
some dishes to do?
Ugh, I hate dishes.
Besides, we're dead,
except for these two.
I thought I was
done for the day.
I wanted to meet up
with some friends.
Nope. We still have inventory to
do before the tourists arrive.
Sorry, guys.
Normally we like
to use local fish,
but because the
fishing's been so bad,
we had to use frozen.
It's not gonna
taste the same.
Taste's world famous to me.
Told you it would.
But I am nervous.
People come from all
over specifically
for those sandwiches
during the tournament.
The pay bump we get every
year is what keeps us open.
This tournament's
gonna happen tomorrow,
then we find a way to
get rid of that shark.
So what are we gonna do?
I mean, we could try talking
to the mayor about it.
See if she has any ideas.
At least to get
these beaches closed.
Fat chance.
She probably put the shark
in the water
for some big tourism stunt.
Coe on, Bobby, pick up.
Okay, well, either way,
we have to convince her
to get those people out
of the water right away
and keep them out.
We'll need to come up
with a plan first.
Otherwise I doubt she'll
listen to us.
Bobby's not picking up.
I'm going on the water.
Not without me, you're not.
Alan, I don't want to hear it.
You haven't been on
a boat in decades.
You'll just get in my way
and get someone hurt.
Right now, I need
to find Bobby alone.
Maybe I can help him
to see the shark.
Okay, but I can...
I'm not losing you, too.
You hear me?
That's final.
You'll hear from me soon,
I promise.
[bell rings]
He's right.
It's not safe for anyone who's
not experienced on the water.
Which is exactly why we
need to talk to the mayor
and get those beaches closed.
[phone chimes]
[phone rings]
Sienna, hello?
Don't ask me how I pulled
this off, but I'm on my way.
-You can come?
-I'll see you at the beach.
[engine starts]
Oh, shit.
Look, if the mayor isn't there,
I'll go to her house
and find her.
I don't care.
We need to find a way
to close these beaches
and take care of this shark.
You should come with me.
Yeah, like I could every leave
this place unattended.
You know, the second I would,
we'd get a huge rush.
Yeah, I'd go by myself, but
based off of our last encounter,
I don't think she's too
interested in talking to me.
You're a local.
She might actually
listen to you.
You think your sister
could handle the place
for an hour or two by herself?
She can barely
handle the dishes.
Wait, speaking of...
Sienna, you done
with those dishes yet?
-Girl, hey!
-This is a nice spot.
Oh, you...
Where'd you go?
Where are you?
Come on!
That's right. That's right.
Come on.
Come on!
Shit. Shit.
[engine sputters]
Oh, no, no, no.
Come on!
Come on.
Yes! Ha!
I got you! I got you!
Come on, guys.
[phone vibrates]
No, thank you.
I'm off the clock.
It's not funny.
Come on!
I swear to God,
if you don't pick up the phone,
I will strangle you.
Why wouldn't she tell you?
You two seem close.
She does this sometimes.
Please leave a message.
Sienna, so help me,
if you're not back in this
bar in 10 minutes,
I will hunt you down and
drag you back.
I'm going
to check the kitchen.
Okay, okay, I'm coming.
Hey, Sienna!
We're on!
It's not too cold.
Pass the ball.
[phone vibrates]
Get out of the water!
Get out of the water!
Shark! Shark!
Get out of the water!
Shark! Shark!
Get out of the water now!
Get out of the water!
Run, Sienna!
Get out of there!
I got you!
I got you.
It's going to be all right.
It's going to be all right.
-It's going to be all right.
It's going to be okay.
Let me see it.
Let me see.
It's going to be okay.
It's going to be okay.
Hey, hey, hey.
Keep your eyes open.
Keep your eyes open.
Look at me.
Let me see your eyes.
Keep your eyes open.
This is going to hurt.
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's done. It's done.
It's done.
It's done.
It's done.
Hey, hey.
I'm going to call 911
and get you some help.
Hello, emergency.
What service do you require?
Hey, I need an ambulance ASAP.
Lakeshore... I don't know.
Ping my phone.
Find out where I am.
Send an ambulance here ASAP.
Shark attack victim.
She still isn't picking up.
None of her friends, not Ron.
Hey, hey.
We'll find her on the beach.
You're right.
I know you're right.
Just... she makes me so mad when
she doesn't answer her phone.
[siren blaring]
Oh my God.
Oh my God, what happened?
Your sister. The shark.
Where is she?
Where is she, Ron?
I put her in an ambulance.
You can catch up with her
on the way to the hospital.
-Don't you Lisa me!
You out of all people
should understand.
I'm going to the hospital.
Hey, Lisa, let me drive you.
No. You get that shark.
It's your brother
all over again.
You always say that
I wasn't there.
That I left you.
But I never left.
I'm still on that beach
20 years ago.
Every night when I go to sleep.
There's nothing I can do.
I see your brother's death.
I hear him screaming.
Every goddamn night.
I never wanted your forgiveness.
Or your mom's.
But I need you to trust me.
when I say
you can't possibly hate me
as much as I hate myself.
I have blood on my hands that
will never ever wash off.
Not unless we can stop
this from ever happening
to anyone ever again.
But I need your help.
I can't fight this thing alone.
And I'm not waiting for
anyone's permission.
Not the mayor, not Jerry,
not anyone's.
I will do whatever I need to
to get rid of that shark.
I can't get that thing
out of my head.
With the damn scar
over its eye.
So what do we do?
Picked out some lighter spears.
I fought it once already.
I know how fast it moves.
Mentally, I'm more prepared now.
Where do you think it came from?
Not sure.
Dam's been closed for
two decades ever since...
Is there any other way
for it to get in?
Lake has but one entrance.
We need to make sure that dam's
as closed off as we think it is.
Good idea.
We tied up yet?
Anything look unusual to you?
Not that I can see.
So this isn't a normal dam.
The lake is pretty
much sea level,
so a hole wouldn't
cause massive flooding.
The breach could be underwater.
I'll grab my gear
and check it out.
No, I can go.
No. Ron...
I got this.
Be careful.
You see anything down there,
you come right on up.
See anything?
You were right.
Looks like they blew
a hole in the dam.
Sure it's not just worn out?
That thing's older than hell.
Scorch marks all
around the hole.
Plus, it's huge.
Anything could get
through there.
How the hell does
the owner not know about this?
Is there no alarm system,
pressure monitor, something?
No, the dam is old.
It predates that technology.
Plus, we haven't had
any rain
or any crazy weather
this past few days.
And it looks totally fine
from up here,
so there's no cause for alarm
to look down there.
That hole is huge.
There's no way it'll get
fixed before the tournament.
It's going to take
a construction crew
months to fix it.
We need to close it
off somehow.
If we close it off,
the shark can't get out.
Yeah, but if we don't,
more can get in.
Hey, it's better to trap that
one in here and finish this off.
Solve the problem for good.
That's a good point.
So how do we close it?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This should do the trick.
Sure it won't get
torn to shreds?
Trapped it in this
once already.
It got loose, but
if we secure it
with something more...
shark proof.
Braided steel fishing line.
Strongest there is.
I'll patch this into the net,
then you just need to secure
it using the hooks.
-Sound good?
-On it.
Should be as tough
as we need it.
I'll head down and secure these.
Be quick. I'm going to try
and get Jerry on the horn.
See if you can do something
a little more permanent.
All right.
Jerry, give me a call
the second you get this.
Come on, what are you doing?
Get out of the water.
Get to the boat!
Come on, get in the boat.
Get in the boat.
In the boat.
Come on.
Come on.
Here, here, here.
Dry off.
Dry off. Warm up.
It's the same shark.
I saw the scar on the eye.
It's the same shark that
[phone rings]
Jerry, meet me at the corner
of our parking lot ASAP.
Yes, now!
This can't wait!
You all right?
[tires screech]
[doors slam]
So what's going on?
Someone blew a hole in the dam.
-Shark got through.
It attacked Sienna on the beach.
She's in critical condition.
What the hell happened?
I mean, I was just at
that dam earlier today.
I mean, everything looked fine.
Can't see it from the surface.
It's under the water.
Trust me, it's there.
We put one of my
big fishing nets over
to stop anything big
from coming through,
but we got a real problem.
It's the same shark
that killed my brother,
and it's killing people again.
How do you know
it's the same shark?
It has the same scar.
I'll never forget it.
Hey, we need to spread the word.
Get people away from the water.
You know, this is
exactly why I kept that dam
closed for the past 20 years.
That's why I told the mayor
that I wouldn't
open it up for her this year.
The mayor?
She asked me right here
in this bar
just a couple of days ago.
I said I wouldn't do it.
Not after what happened
20 years ago.
She's got to repair
this thing once and for all.
Triple reinforced,
the whole nine yards.
I can't believe
she stooped that low.
Something is going
on with our mayor.
This is even low for her.
We need to keep an eye on her
before she gets somebody
else hurt, you hear me?
Let me just go see
what I can do.
Thanks, Jerry.
We should go to the city hall.
-What are you doing here?
I can't afford to stay closed
for a whole day.
People are showing up.
Hey, are you okay?
How's Sienna?
She okay?
She's still critical.
Thank you for pulling
her out of the water
and for calling an ambulance.
It's okay.
A lot of emotions.
Lisa, you should
go spend some time with--
I have to power through.
I don't have a choice.
We're gonna be way too busy this
weekend with the tournament.
The tournament's
gonna get canceled.
I mean, after
what just happened...
You didn't hear?
The mayor's not
canceling the tournament.
She's offering a cash
prize for killing the shark.
We gotta talk
some sense into her.
It's gonna be okay.
We'll be right back.
Mayor Stewart, there's
some fishermen here early
already out in the
water wondering if killing
the you-know-what is gonna
be paid out in cash or...
You can tell them it
will be paid
in whatever form they want.
I will make sure of it.
Now, if you could
leave us Ann, please.
You're making a huge mistake.
I'm out of options, Will.
With all of those
people getting hurt
and killed out there,
if they trace it back to me,
I'm ruined.
Those people out there
aren't experts, not like me.
You got dozens of people hunting
the same fish for prize money.
It's dangerous, right?
More people will get hurt.
That shark won't get caught.
What do you expect me to do?
Just hire me.
Yeah, your rate?
Is now the family rate.
Look, Bobby and Edwin
were dear friends of mine.
And that poor girl...
I just want it done.
Thank you.
We need this
shark dead right away.
So get it done.
If you don't,
I may have to handle it.
And I know you can handle it.
Let's hope it
doesn't come to that.
Mayor Stewart, I'm so sorry,
they just barged in.
You need to call off
the tournament
and close the dam.
Wait a minute, wait a minute,
slow down.
One thing at a time.
Ann, you can leave us.
I see you never taught
your nephew any manners.
No, but we taught him
to respect the respectable,
and he takes that to heart.
All right, gentlemen.
Well, we have experts taking
care of it on the water.
What about the hole in the dam?
If that doesn't get fixed,
something else could
come through,
and we'll be right
back where we started.
We cannot fix the dam until
the shark has been destroyed.
That would require us putting
more people into the water.
And we can't do that
until the water is safe.
If the water isn't safe, then we
need to cancel the tournament.
That shark has killed people,
and it is going
to keep killing people.
Which is exactly why
I have my best people
hunting it down as we speak.
My brother Will is out
there for insurance.
He's done this before, and I am
confident that he can handle it.
Once the shark is destroyed,
the tournament will be safe,
and we'll have
nothing to worry about.
Frankly, Ron,
I'm surprised that
you're not out there
on the water.
How dare you?
You, of all people, should
want that shark destroyed.
We're leaving.
What are you thinking?
We got to get those
fishermen off the water.
Try and do something.
She's a real piece of work.
Yeah, that should stop you.
All right.
Nothing a little bit of good
old strychnine won't handle.
All right.
Let's see where you're at.
Here, fishy, fishy, fishy.
Calling all boats on the water.
Return to shore immediately.
Conditions are unsafe.
I repeat, return to
shore immediately.
Better be worth
all this trouble.
I catch you...
And the Strychnine kills you.
And I'm gonna skin your lateral
from the top of your head
to the back of your tail.
Gonna nail you to a board.
Dry you off.
Salt you down.
And let you dry out
in the sun for days
till there ain't a drop
of water left in you.
Between that and the reward
money for catching you,
killing you...
Yeah, maybe I'll pay for
that poor girl's funeral too.
Wouldn't that be something?
What you think of that?
Holy shit!
Come here.
Come here, you great
white piece of shit.
Head to shore, it's not safe!
It's dangerous.
Get out of the water!
Get off the water.
-Get to shore!
-Get off--
Who's shooting?
What are you doing?
We gotta get those people
out of the water.
Will doesn't shoot
unless he's got something.
We gotta get to him
and that shark now.
Hold on.
Quick bastard, aren't you?
Come on.
Where you at?
They're ain't a fish out here
that's bested me yet!
You hear me?
Where are you?
There you are.
Come on.
That's right.
That's right.
Keep coming.
Keep coming, you son of a--
That's Will's boat, dead ahead.
I don't see him.
I'll bring us in closer.
Oh God.
He's dead.
What's all over him?
We'll call it in
when we get to shore.
[bell rings]
Come back tomorrow.
We're closed.
Oh, hey.
No one else can kill this thing.
It's on us now, but
we don't have the firepower
that we need to get this done.
Do you know any locals
or regulars who might?
Go outside and
I'll meet you out back.
I've got something
that'll help.
Just give me a bit to
gather a few things.
That was fast.
Expecting you to come
back with someone.
Nope, and we don't
need anybody else.
Check this out.
This is all yours?
Dad hunted for 50 years.
I never really took it up.
I used to go to the range
with him all the time.
220-grain bullets and a 30-06
could take down a moose.
That'll do it.
Now, this might be a
little bit of an overkill,
but if we really
want this thing dead,
this will definitely do
the trick.
Heck yeah.
My dad used to call 12-gauge
shotgun slugs bear medicine,
so it should rip through
a shark no problem.
And this ammo, even if it
gets wet, it'll still fire,
so we don't have to
worry about the water,
except for the shotgun
shells, of course.
Lisa, this is...
this is amazing.
I'm coming with you.
No. It's too dangerous.
I don't want to see
another death on this lake,
especially not yours.
The shark nearly
killed my sister.
I have a claim to it, too.
And I'll be damned if either
one of you tries to stop me.
All right.
It's too dark for us to do
anything on the water right now.
Let's go get some rest.
Meet be back here before dawn.
Bring everything you got.
Nice work.
Hey, I'm...
I'm here for you
if you want to talk about it.
Thank you.
Sienna's still trying
to pull through.
I'm really worried.
I know how you feel.
When I lost Danny, I...
a piece of myself that day.
He was younger. I was...
I always found myself protecting
him around home, at school.
But the one time
it mattered most...
I'm so sorry you had
to go through that.
Not through it all just yet.
Sorry I'm late.
I want to make sure we
have enough gas to the boat.
Let's get the gear in my truck.
Get to the boat.
Hit the water.
Took the words right
out of my mouth.
Let me help you with that.
What a gentleman.
Think we'll be the
first on the water?
Sure better be.
-You got that?
-Yes. Thank you.
I brought some of that frozen
fish I had in the freezer.
We can use it for chum.
This is a good use for it.
You just have to be able
to keep its attention, too.
The fishing tournament
kicks off at 9 a.m.
Once that starts, that's
a lot of boats in the water.
Hopefully that shark won't
be alive by 9 a.m.
Good morning, Lake Havasu.
And a good morning it is as
today kicks off the first day
of the Raymond Stewart
Memorial Fishing Tournament.
It's still early, but it
looks like we're going
to have a record turnout
this year.
We've got clear skies
and hopefully
lots of fish out there.
Here's hoping you
catch the big one.
Mayor Stewart,
you wanted to see me?
Ann, yes.
I need you to do me
the world's biggest favor.
Yeah, anything for you, Mayor.
Unless you hear from me,
keep everyone off
the water until 9 a.m.
You hear me?
Stall, do whatever it takes
until 9 a.m.
Got it?
Got it. 9 a.m.
I have to do one last
thing for this damn tournament.
9 a.m.
And please, keep your radio on
in case we do need to
cancel this tournament.
Okay, you got it, Mayor.
Good luck.
So sorry, everyone.
The tournament doesn't
start until 9 a.m.
So there's no boats
out there until then.
I'm so sorry.
Hey, what's that?
Is that blood?
Blood all over the water.
Mayor's chumming the shark
away from the
fishing tournament area.
Yeah, but what happens
if that shark gets to her?
I know she can fish
but if this thing killed Will?
We got to find the mayor.
Follow the blood.
Everybody hang on.
Mayor Stewart,
you need to stop.
No, I have to save this town.
The fishing tournament--
The fishing tournament
will go on as scheduled.
I'm making sure of it.
Otherwise, we don't have enough
money to run this town.
You need to stop.
Not until we kill this shark.
We're not doing anything
until you come to your senses.
None of this would
have happened if it wasn't
for your goddamn brother
getting killed 20 years ago.
Daryl or...
Yeah, Danny.
If it wasn't for him,
I would have been able to open
up the dam all that I wanted,
let all the fish come in.
And the fishing tournament
would be
the biggest tournament
in this county every year.
But one little boy
gets killed by a shark,
and the dam owner grows a spine,
refusing to open the dam?
And now all the fish
are caught or dying off.
No way to bring them back.
Every year...
Every year we'd have
the tournament before that.
And every year I would open the
dam, let all the fish come in.
We would make so much
money for the town.
But one shark gets in and your
brother took that away from me.
20 years ago,
you opened that dam.
You're the reason
the shark is here.
You're the reason that Danny--
We closed the dam.
And the fishing got
worse and worse and worse.
And this year
it's almost completely empty.
The town is nearly bankrupt.
Do you get it?
So I did what any
caring mayor would do.
I blew a goddamn hole
in the dam.
I thought it would save
the fishing tournament.
I thought it would
save the town.
But now everybody's
getting killed.
The tournament is a disaster.
And I'll never...
All I wanted was
to make my husband's legacy.
The fishing tournament,
this town,
make it everything
we dreamed it to be.
And we still could.
But mayor, right now
you're in danger
and so are your citizens.
We have to put a stop to
this tournament right now.
Come on.
No one else has to die.
Does anyone see it?
I've got nothing.
Didn't get it.
It's too fast.
Keep your eyes out.
We can't let it get away.
That won't kill it.
But it will slow it down.
-Anyone see it?
-I don't see it.
I've got nothing
over here either.
Damn it!
We can't let it
get away again.
It's still out there.
We've got to keep our eyes out.
No, it's gone.
We can get it back.
Alan. Alan, hey.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I know Ron.
You don't...
Yes, I do.
I'm sorry I left you
and your brother
on that beach 20 years ago.
-Ron, I know...
-I'm sorry I never called.
I'm sorry I never
tracked you down
and talked
everything over with you.
I had so many chances to,
but I was never brave enough.
And maybe if I had,
we wouldn't be here right now.
I can't forgive you
for what you did.
But I'm willing to stick
around a little bit longer.
And maybe...
Just maybe I can
get begin that process.
Sound good?
That sounds good.
That sounds really good.
Now all we have to do is find
a way to cancel the tournament.
Come on, you son of a bitch.
Damn it!
I can't get a clear shot.
I'm not losing another one.
Lisa, Lisa!
Swim to shore!
No! I want to help!
The shark is too close
to the boat!
Go! Now!
-Don't look back!
Just go!
I'll find you!
Ron, look out!
Come here,
you son of a bitch!
No, no, no, no!
Lisa! Keep swimming!
Okay, everybody,
the tournament has begun!
-This is great!
-Thank you.
Hi, thank you so much.
Come on.
Come on.
Oh, hi.
Thank you. Welcome.
I know you're still out there.
Come on.
This is for Danny.
And Ron, and everyone else.
Hey, yes!
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Hi, hello.
Thanks for signing in.
Thank you so much.
Alan! Alan!
Alan? Oh my God.
Please be alive.
Oh, you're breathing.
Alan, stay with me.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
Lisa! You're okay!
Did Ron make it?
I'm sorry.
It's over.
You mean?
It's over. The shark is dead.
It's over?
My God, it's over?
Well, finishing up
the blueprints
for the new addition.
We're going to open the
bar wide up.
After you graduate,
Mr. Architect,
I can't have you knocking down
any load-bearing walls.
You know what?
No matter how hard you try,
you'll never roll
silverware as fast as me.
Is that a challenge?
Then it's on when we get back.
Here we go.
Hey, guys.
Jerry, what are you doing here?
Well, I'm proud
to report
the repairs to the dam
are almost complete.
the whole works.
Thing looks entirely different.
This is a brand new dam.
Well, that's wonderful, Jerry,
but why are you telling us?
Well, with a brand new dam,
we figured we could
use a new name.
What do you think?
You're naming the
dam after Danny?
Well, we felt it fitting.
We? Who's...
Jerry, it's...
It's perfect.
Thank you.
Well, I'm going to leave
you guys to it.
Enjoy that beautiful sunset.
-Thanks, Jerry.
-We will.
-I love you.
-I love you, too.