Single Car Crashes (2024) Movie Script
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter]
[chatter and laughter]
Angel dream
[man] I'm just gonna
tell you this right now.
A little bit longer
[woman] It slowly moves...
Just believe
A little bit stronger
Like one, one finger.
You just keep it off, right?
It's supposed to go...
Along the road
We've had a few stumbles
[man on phone]
Fish, you'll be missed
next year.
But it looks like
you and Zach will be reunited
on the field.
[man] Bro, get your grubby
little hands off my sister
-Not a chance
-Oh, my God stop filming us.
Stop. Give me that.
[indistinct chatter]
-[woman] What's your
favorite thing about Jane?
-All right.
-Oh, that's a good question.
-[woman] Favorite thing!
Don't put me
on the spot like that!
-[woman] What?
-Wait, come on, no, no, no.
Let me get that please.
Today, today, today
[car horn honks]
[car alarm rings]
[train chugging]
[upbeat music]
[door opens]
-[Jane] Hey.
Oh, are you
a sick little baby?
You smell like an ashtray.
Can I have a cigarette?
-Here you go.
-[boy] Hey, Dad.
Come here, buddy.
How are you?
-I'm good.
Did you brush your teeth?
You only need to brush
your teeth at night.
That is so not true.
Go. I'm gonna count.
One, two,
-three, four.
-Do it...
I don't really care
if he brushes his teeth.
Does that make me a shit mother?
No, you only need to
brush your teeth at night.
-You want coffee?
-Yes, please.
I need you
to switch me pickups.
Okay, why can't you
go though?
I have plans with a friend.
Are you trying to fight
me on this right now?
No, it's just, you know,
I have things I have to do.
And also I'm worried
if I'm gonna be late
'cause I have to, um,
go to work and get gas.
There it is.
Take the money, please.
It's fine.
I promise.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
All right buddy, ready?
-[boy] Yeah.
-All right.
Let's do it, dude.
-Thank you.
-Ah, you got it.
-[boy] Bye.
-Come here.
-Let's go, kid.
Have a good day.
Love you.
-Bye, love you, too.
-Bye, see you.
-See you later.
-Bye, thanks Sean.
You excited for your game today?
I like the bus ride
with the team.
Okay, there's a game too
and you guys have a shot.
-I love you.
-Love you, too.
-Sorry you're late.
-It's okay, bye.
[lights humming]
[upbeat music]
-What's up, Billy?
Thanks again for remembering
to leave my keys.
-Appreciate it.
-What's happening man?
-Not much.
What's that?
[bartender] Oh, coach missed
the open today.
[Sean] So they turned him into
a Cub as punishment, huh?
Yeah. That guy
paid $300 for that.
Said it was the best
money he's ever spent.
Well, at least
it goes to charity.
-Thank you.
-There you go buddy.
You know, uh,
you know if Kendall's back?
Uh, yeah, she is.
Saw her today.
Oh, how was that?
She was far away.
I didn't know if it
was her so...
-I wonder what she's--
-You doing okay?
-What? Am I okay?
She's getting married, man.
Uh, next weekend I think.
-Hey, Joey.
You okay?
I need a shot.
Ever had a tidal wave?
-[Joey laughs]
Trust me.
-Is that you?
-No, it's for Joey.
-Joey, do you want a shot?
-Oh, yeah, sure would.
Want some blue drink?
Here we go.
-Cheers m'dears.
-[both] Cheers.
Oh! Ah!
[phones rings]
[man groans]
Oh, ho, ho.
Well, look who it is.
Just wants to know
when I'm going today.
Isn't there
only like two options?
-I can't talk right now.
-She can't talk right now.
She's at Sean's.
Are you supposed to use
meetings to see your ex?
I feel like that's
antithetical to the program.
I should tell you, he might
take the bartending job.
-At Santis?
-He needs it.
No. Is that really
a good idea?
-Why not?
-He doesn't even drink.
Fine, good for Tommy.
Is someone jealous?
Did you do my laundry?
Someone had to.
Stop doing my laundry.
You're not my mom.
Does your mom lick your ass?
Nope, no she doesn't.
Then we're still different.
-Everything okay, bud?
-I'm fine.
A jerk in my class told
everyone I was an accident.
Who did?
I'm not tattling.
Tell me right now.
It doesn't matter.
Okay. Next time
somebody says that to you,
you punch 'em
straight in the face.
-Oh, I'm serious.
You have my full permission
to do that.
Am I?
[Jane] There is nothing
accidental about you.
Even though your dad
and I weren't together,
we cared about each other
very much.
Were you boyfriend
and girlfriend?
No, we were just good friends.
I thought
only couples have babies.
Well, you know, sometimes
people have babies
even when
they're not a couple.
Only if they
want to be parents.
Does it seem like we
don't want to be your parents?
No, that's not
what I'm saying.
I'm asking if you got
pregnant with me on purpose.
I knew it.
Why didn't you
just have an abortion?
Hey, look at me.
It's true
we weren't expecting you...
but we did choose you.
And that was on purpose.
-[door closes]
-[Jane] Ooh.
Well, he's asleep.
Told you we shouldn't
send him to Catholic school.
Those kids are maniacs.
They do studies on this shit.
I think we turned out okay.
Speak for yourself.
You handled that well.
Thank you.
Why didn't you
want an abortion?
I never asked you.
Well, a year earlier, we all
thought you were gonna die.
At 20 years old...
learning the weight
of human impermanence,
I wanted to keep you forever.
Why didn't you tell me that
Kendall was getting married?
Oh, dear,
I thought you knew.
It didn't come up!
-You think I reach out to her?
-To say what?
I don't know.
She might want to see me.
The week of her wedding
to someone else?
I need to see her.
If you say so.
I'm gonna borrow some
stuff from the garage.
Like what?
-The pitching net.
What is going on with you?
Sure, have at it.
Go nuts.
Okay, thanks.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
-Good night.
-Good night.
[car alarm beeps]
[soft music]
All right, Zach.
Go nice and easy here.
[light music]
Things change after you're 30,
fuckin' bullshit.
I fucking look great.
Hey, there, cowboy.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-Thank you.
-Sure thing.
Hey, Anderson.
If you're ever looking
for like an assistant manager,
I'd love to apply.
You're looking
for more responsibility?
More hours.
Uh, I have a few employees
ahead of you for management.
Always on time, focused, sober.
You think I'm drunk right now?
I think you were
so drunk last night
that you're not
your best this morning.
And that's most mornings.
Look, you've been
here a long time
and you'll always
have a job here, but--
but I'm not gonna promote you.
I'm sorry, Sean.
[soft music]
[birds chirping]
[phone rings]
-Welcome home.
-Thank you.
How are you?
I'm good.
you know, I saw you
the other day and then...
Oh, why didn't you
come over and say hi?
I'm sorry, I just-- I--
you know, you were far away,
You were walking
into the distillery
and I was also working, so...
Oh, at 28 Mile?
The courts.
Do you want to get lunch?
I still love
this shitty little town.
Is that why you spent
a decade away from it?
Well, I couldn't
actually live here.
You did actually live here.
She's out of
your league, Sean.
Wonderful to see you, Emily.
Would you like some coffee?
Yes, please.
Thank you.
I would also
like coffee please.
Thank you.
Come here often?
Oh, great.
Sean, you slept with
our waitress?
She's gonna spit
in our food now.
She doesn't spit.
[phone rings]
Just pick it up, it's fine.
No, it's just Jane.
I'll call her back.
Wow, look at that ring.
He did pretty good, right?
I always thought that
you'd have a city wedding.
Yeah, but my parents are here.
My grandparents, cousins,
Pazzo's right next--
The Bocce Club?
Yeah, I didn't know you
still work there, Sean.
What's DC like?
It's nice.
It's really nice.
There's some parts that
are similar to here.
So I like it.
Are you two ready?
I'll take the, uh...
-[Emily] I know
what you'll take.
May I have a single pancake
and a side of home fries?
I'm a vegetarian now.
Of course you are.
No? Okay.
[phone rings]
Just pick it up.
It's fine.
-I'd love to say hi to her.
-You sure?
-All right.
Shit, really?
-You look amazing.
-Oh, thank you.
-I'm starving.
-It's so good to see you.
-You, too.
-Well, your son here
threw the first punch.
Really? No.
Buddy, I can't believe
you thought it was a good idea
to hit somebody.
I know, I know.
He deserved it.
All right, listen,
I got to go.
Can you take him
home for me please?
I actually had some car
trouble earlier today.
Oh, okay.
Just curious,
what-- what kind of car trouble?
Just stopped working.
I can take them if that works.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, totally. It's easy.
He doesn't need like
a car seat or anything?
I'm nine!
Right, right.
[Kendall] Hey!
Thank you for the ride.
Aw, anytime, Zach.
Nobody ever calls me that.
Nobody calls me Zach.
But you can.
I like it.
Yeah, I like it, too.
[car beeping]
Zach used
to be my brother's name.
Did he change it?
No, um, he died.
Oh, sorry.
It's okay.
Dad, was that the Zach
who was in the movie with you?
What are you
talking about, bud?
The memorial video.
You know your mom made that.
Yeah, she told me.
We have it at the house
if you want to watch it.
-You don't have to.
I'd love to.
How did your brother die?
From not wearing his seatbelt.
It's nice.
Yeah, she did good, right?
-I'll be right back.
Oh, I love these photos.
I think I was six
in that photo.
Look how pretty your mom looks.
-Come here.
All right, that's gonna
make it feel better.
Listen, I'm proud of you
for standing up for yourself
but I'm also proud that, uh,
you had my back back there.
Thanks for covering for me.
You're welcome.
-Shall we?
I can't believe you
still have a DVD player.
My mom's pretty old school.
Yeah? That's pretty cool.
[chatter, laughing on video]
[Zach] Bro, get your grubby
little hands off my sister.
Not a chance.
Stop filming us. Stop.
That's so crazy.
We could do that shit.
And we'd really be so shook.
You know, your mom
and Zach were
really good friends.
-Like best friends.
-[Zach] What's the video
for anyway?
To commemorate the summer!
All right, what am I saying?
Anything, anything.
Could be a favorite quote.
You know, words of wisdom.
How much you're gonna miss
your best friend Jane?
-Oh, I am?
-Oh, news to me!
Anything, anything you want.
The people you grow up with...
they're the ones who
know who you truly are
before the world changes you.
So even when
I am a professional
baseball player
and you go off
and study abroad, getting
all fancy and whatever.
I'm still gonna need you
to do my math homework.
I'll always be there
to do your math homework...
if you keep
writing my essays.
-Even across time zones.
-I got you.
[Zach] Mmm.
2012, is that when he died?
[Kendall] Yeah.
Two years before I was born.
Almost to the date.
I remember the exact moment
I found out Jane was pregnant.
With you!
But you know it's getting late.
I should get home.
Zachary, thank you so
much for showing me that.
You're welcome.
It's nice to meet you.
That's nice.
It's really good to see you.
It's nice to see you, too.
What the hell
are you doing?
-Getting in shape.
-I can see that, why?
'Cause I have the energy.
Cigarette break?
Like a water break?
It's way better
for you I hear.
Read about that, too.
[Sean grunts]
Thank you.
You know...
why don't I play
catch with our son out here?
Like why don't I do that?
It's not a big deal.
Zachary doesn't even
like baseball.
What are you talking about?
He's terrible at it.
That doesn't mean
he doesn't like it.
And he'll get better.
It's in his genes.
He just doesn't have
the heart to tell you.
How was today?
Pretty good.
-Until Zachary pulled out
Zach's memorial video.
Yeah, he loves that.
You know
how awkward that was?
Him playing that
in front of Kendall?
I'm sure it's in your head.
I'm sure it's fine.
Seeing her today, it was...
they look so much alike.
Do you remember
that time the four of us--
we were at the Johnsons'
and we just like laid
out on the trampoline
and just pointed
out constellations.
I remember that.
-We had no idea what
we were talking about.
That's what made it so great,
you know?
We were just kids just...
staring at the stars.
[phones chime]
It's so funny
that Joey put you on this.
We're all friends.
Well, no, it's just
like you never go out.
I would if I could.
I never have a problem
watching our kid.
It's fine, go.
How you gonna get there?
I'll walk.
'Cause you ran outta gas?
Who's to say?
I can call you
a car if you want.
It's a nice night now.
I could use the walk.
It's fine.
Okay. Be careful.
You gonna go pick him up?
No way.
That's like a two hour
drive at least.
-Yeah, round trip.
-He's gonna come meet me here.
-Hey. Look what
the cat dragged in.
Oh, yeah,
long time to see.
Yes, it is.
-Joey, how are you?
Thank you.
-Did you see
what the guys did?
-No, what?
-You didn't show her?
-Why would you go there?
-Why would you go there?
-Why don't you show her?
-Show her.
-Show me.
-You look great, show her.
-Show me.
It's nothing.
I'm not gonna show her.
I'll tell her.
Because I didn't show up
to their little outing,
-they texted me
a photo of me as a Cub.
-[Kendall laughs]
Which landed nicely considering
I'm from Tinley Park.
You look fantastic in blue.
-Oh, thanks.
-That is hilarious.
You coming over
to the house tomorrow?
I don't know.
Are you gonna be there?
Not if you're coming.
-Are you gonna go?
Yeah, Nolan's heading
out for his bachelor party.
Babe, can you
pick out some songs?
Ashley, Kendall.
Kendall, Ashley.
Oh, we met.
Already fast friends.
How do you two know each other?
Oh, we met here.
I don't know what I would
call us, but we're--
Buddies who hang out a lot.
And we sleep together
on pretty regular basis.
-Oh, wow.
Wow, let's break it up
with some shots.
-How about shots?
Coach, you gonna join us?
It would be wrong not to.
All right, well it's not
a party without Coach.
He's actually
getting it in the glass.
Lot of practice.
-You don't want?
-I don't drink, thank you.
Grab a non-ie,
'cause we're gonna do the...
Hey, non-ie non-ie,
what am I?
Chopped liver?
Thanks, kid.
All right.
-Okay, okay, I'm coming.
-Time to toast.
-To the bride to be.
-Oh, to the bride.
-Biggest mistake of your life.
Cheers, buddy.
God, I hate my ex-wife
Coach, we all do.
So, Coach, are you
still coaching or what?
Uh, some, yeah.
Actually, Coach got
a huge promotion.
-Oh, now.
-He's now the Athletic
You know what they say
about those
who can't coach...
athletically direct?
No one says that.
But congratulations.
Thank you very much.
I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
I'll be right back.
on that decision.
Hey, actually,
while I got you here,
I'm actually thinking about
trying out for some
local mens' leagues.
Really? No kidding.
-That's cool, okay.
Well, I gotta get
in shape and stuff,
so I was hoping you'd
send me some warmups.
Yeah, I'd be happy to.
All I suggest is that you
just take it day by day.
Take it kind of slow.
So you don't, you know,
thrash the arm,
pop an ankle,
that kinda thing.
It's gonna be kind of hard
because you're, you know,
in your thirties,
getting back into it.
Twenty nine.
You thought about coaching?
Are you looking
for an assistant coach?
At our old high school?
-Yeah, why not?
-You think I could do it?
I think you could if
you put your mind to it
and you lose some of
that goddamn tonnage!
Look at the size of this guy!
What a monster he was
when he was playing.
-It makes me feel bad.
-Don't, don't.
Sorry about before,
you know I was just kidding.
I'm happy for you.
I'm thrilled, congratulations.
-Thank you.
-And give my best to your mom.
-I will.
-Ashley, keep an eye
on this guy,
would ya? He had his hand in
the till, the entire time.
-Good to see you, Coach.
-[Ashley] Thanks, Coach!
That's Athletic Director,
Was he kidding?
About the weight, I hope so.
No, about you coaching
at Highwood.
I don't know.
I mean, maybe.
What is it?
-No, it's--
never mind, it's silly.
-You don't think I can do it?
Would it bother you
if I did it?
That doesn't bother me at all.
Then what's with the reaction?
No, you should--
just forget I said anything.
-I apologize.
-It's just like some
things never change.
-What is it?
-No, it's just, if you
took that job,
it would be a constant reminder
that you killed my brother.
Sean, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it like that.
-You got to go.
-No, just--
[soft music on jukebox]
Did you put this on?
First song that came to mind.
Would you like to dance?
This ain't exactly
a dancing bar.
Well, not with that attitude.
Let's dance.
Hold on.
-Eighth grade.
-Ninth grade.
Well, let's just go
to high school.
-That's fine.
-[man] Hey.
-[Ashly] Hey, welcome.
How you doing?
Oh, you must be Joey, right?
-I am.
-How you doing?
Do we know each other?
-I'm Nolan. Kendall's...
-Oh, you're Kendall's--
-I'm Kendall's.
You're Kendall's?
Yeah, great.
What are you drinking?
It's on me.
Oh, thank you. Uh...
-bourbon on the rocks.
-Nice choice.
-One second.
-Thank you.
-[Ashley] Hey.
-Hey, how you doing?
[Nolan] Huh.
-All right.
Oh, let me just grab
her real quick.
-Give me one second.
-No, no, no, no, no.
It's okay.
Yeah, let 'em catch up.
Yeah, let them catch up.
I, uh...
every time I hear this
song now I think about
that light blue dress
that you used to wear.
Oh, my God, yeah.
And how you used
to whisper all sexy...
"I'm such a sucker for blue."
So whenever I saw you,
I made sure I wore blue.
People do that, right?
Like people do things like that.
They used to.
-Hey, sorry to interrupt.
-No, no, it's fine.
-Hey, hey.
-[laughs] This is Nolan.
-What's up?
-Sean, Sean.
-This is Sean.
-Heard a lot about you man.
Oh, you, too.
-You ready to go, Kenny?
-Yeah, let's go.
-Hang on.
-Oh, yeah.
How was your flight?
Oh, it was long, boring.
-Missed you.
-Did you get my purse?
Yeah, listen, I'm trying
to be a gentleman.
Bye, Joey.
-Bye, Ash.
[indistinct chattering]
[door closes]
Good hangout buddies?
-I wasn't trying to lie.
-Then why did you?
I didn't feel like
defining our relationship
in the middle of Santis.
When would you like
to define it?
I thought
we weren't doing that.
-Are you jealous of us dancing?
-No, I don't care about that.
-'Cause we were
just catching up.
-Yeah, I noticed.
-Can you still take me to...
-Oh, my God.
Let's go.
[music playing on radio]
-Hey, I missed you this week.
-I missed you, too.
-Did you?
Oh, did you send off
the seating chart
and meal choices?
-I did not yet.
-No, you didn't.
-Yet, and I will.
Okay, I see Sean's
a bad influence on you.
Oh. [laughs]
Are you are mad?
You said it was fine.
No, I'm teasing.
We do have to finish getting
ready for Saturday though.
I know.
But give me some of that work.
You don't have to do it all.
I don't want you stressing
yourself out.
You're the best.
Can't wait to marry you.
Me either.
[car alarm beeps]
Thank you.
This is... kind of hot.
Kind of?
Yeah, like a...
dirty hot, vagabond
sort of way.
I could own that.
I could take you
on a road trip.
Take you for a ride.
You could take me
right here if you want.
We doing this right now?
Jane, Zach and I,
we were all the same year.
And then Joey was going to
community college on and off,
but he was there
the first year I played.
What about Kendall?
She was actually
a year behind us.
She is gorgeous.
Who is this?
That is Kendall's mom.
So when were you with Jane?
Never really.
Wait, what?
So when I was in the hospital,
Kendall needed space
and Jane and I, we bonded
over missing Zach.
We hooked up a couple times.
I started talking
to Kendall again.
Jane called to tell me
when Kendall and I
were in bed together.
I'm sorry.
No, I wanted to know.
Well, I don't want
to bring up bad memories
for you and Tommy.
It's totally different.
We were in a committed
relationship, living together.
He's an addict.
It is what it is.
Thanks for the history lesson.
Thanks for everything
last night.
Hey, will you drive me?
I want to walk back after.
Do you want to go
to the party with me?
Sean Fisher, are you
asking me out on a date?
I was thinking that we
could hold hands in public.
More serious than a blow job.
So much more serious.
I'm not that kind of girl.
Kidding, that's very sweet.
But I do have to work.
Next time.
[Sean groans]
You good?
Yeah, I just went a little
too hard yesterday.
Doing what?
Trying to get back
into baseball.
That's good.
You want to come in?
No. Why?
No reason.
You're always welcome.
Thank you.
I would take a coffee though.
Oh, dude, no.
Please, please come on.
Okay, I'll be right back.
-Two sugars.
[Tommy] Hey, man.
Can I grab a square?
I only have one left.
Okay, can I have it?
Thank you.
I really miss her.
Guess you should have
thought about that.
Thinking about it now.
I mean,
before we got together.
Are you together?
'Cause she's not sure whether
you're fucking around.
Gotta have the convo, dude.
I'm telling ya.
Fuck off.
Backbone, that's fun.
New for you.
Stop calling her.
Stop drinking around her.
Everything good?
-Oh, it's great.
-Yeah, babe it's cool.
I'll see you later.
Come on.
I bought the coffee,
so I guess we're even.
[intense percussive music]
Ah, fuck.
[Joey] Doesn't count.
House rules.
If it isn't about sex,
drugs, and mistakes,
I don't want
to hear about it!
-Oh, my God.
-You can do better than that.
-Okay, fine, fine.
-Follow the rules.
Never have I ever
dropped acid.
God damn it!
-You? No, no.
-Yes, at Lolla,
one time... with you.
-[Kendall laughs]
Yeah, with you at Lolla.
You gave it to me.
-I'm out. [laughs]
-Who's left?
-Me and you.
[Joey] Just you two?
Never have I ever...
been engaged.
Oh! Come on!
-Yeah, see I have to.
-That's too easy.
-That's too easy.
-You'd think that, but
if you think about it,
it involves sex
and it's a mistake.
-I'll allow it.
Wow, you think
you know someone.
You ready for next week?
I don't know.
Not really.
Why? Is anybody
ever actually ready?
And like nothing
to do with him, right?
It's just about me having
to prepare myself mentally
to lock into
the rest of my life.
If I can just stop
looking beneath me
and behind me
and I can just look forward...
there's infinite space.
But I don't know where to go.
Can I ask you
a serious question?
Yeah, of course.
Are you stoned
to the bone right now?
-I mean...
-So it seems.
Cheers to that.
Going deep.
[Kendall] Get in there.
[Kendall grunts softly]
Oh, what time is it?
It's like three.
You want to go inside?
I didn't want to wake you
'cause you look comfy here.
[both laugh]
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-I couldn't let you freeze.
I'm really happy
that you're home.
Even if it's only for a week.
What's wrong?
It's just really hard
to see you.
still think about you.
All the time.
Think about you, too.
[pensive music]
Hey, there, party animal.
-How was your night?
-It was good.
-It was chill, yeah.
Did you have fun
with the boys?
Oh, we had too much fun.
-Did you?
-In a good way.
-Okay, it better be.
-It was too much fun.
Was he there?
Yeah, he was. Why?
-I can't ask?
-No, it's just the first
thing you ask
-as soon as I walk in.
What are you even doing anyways?
I'm sending the final counts
to the coordinator.
-Nolan, I'm sorry.
No, don't apologize.
No, no, I said I was
gonna do it and I just, I...
Kenny, the wedding is
for both of us, okay?
You don't have to do
all the work.
It's okay.
It's not.
What's going on, Kenny?
Maybe you were right.
Maybe we should
have done this in DC.
Girl, no.
We're doing exactly what
we should be doing, okay?
I love you, I love it here.
And it's gonna be great.
Although I did realize something
about you Midwesterners.
Y'all drink every day, huh?
I mean,
there's not a lot to do
around here except drink
or smoke or...
you know.
No, I-- I don't know.
-Oh, no?
-No, I mean,
you could show me.
Oh, I'll show you.
I bet you will, Midwestern.
No, you said two days ago.
Two days ago you said
I always had a job here.
-What happened to that?
-That was before this
no call, no show.
And it's not the first time.
I overslept
and I'm sorry, okay?
I can smell the booze
on your breath.
Enough is enough.
It won't happen again.
I'll pay you through
the end of the week.
[soft music]
-Maybe we should do this.
-Hey, you.
-What the fuck's
going on here, guys?
We were gonna tell you.
Oh, I'm sure you were.
What are you doing?
I am looking for your stash
'cause I'd literally suck a dick
for some weed right now.
-I'm gonna go.
I'll go, I'm sorry.
-No, no, no, no, no.
You stay.
He's not supposed to be here.
-Oh, but he is.
-Can you stop it?
You're embarrassing yourself.
What is this?
This whole time you're
going to Kendall's wedding
and you didn't tell me.
-Dude, I'm so sorry.
-Joey, stop apologizing!
I'm sorry.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You can leave.
We can talk later.
If I could just get my shirt.
Nah, I think
you look fine the way
that you look right now.
You're good to leave.
We can stay.
Talk it out.
Sure, yeah,
kick your feet up.
I'll make you
some fucking tea.
You know what, if it makes
you feel any better,
she didn't invite me,
it's Joey's.
Yeah, dude,
she's just my plus one.
How could that possibly
make me feel better?
How long has this
been going on?
We don't owe you
an explanation, Sean.
It's the middle of the day.
Why aren't you at work?
Don't you have work,
you fucking asshole?
Look, I'm sorry that you
found out this way, okay?
But I need you
to take Zachary on Friday.
Go fuck yourself.
-We want to go on a date.
-Oh my God!
This is insane.
Why do you give a shit?
-He's my best friend.
-Uh-uh, no, no, no, he is not.
I see him every day.
Yeah, at the bar
because he works there.
It's fucking weird, Jane.
And you lied to me.
-Why'd you lie to me?
-Because you walk around
like you're in a goddamn
time capsule and no one wants
to burst your fucking bubble!
And I'm tired.
I'm tired of being
another one of those women
who carry you through life
because they can't stand
to see you suffer.
-[ominous music]
-[bird chirps]
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
So you didn't know?
Had no clue. Did you?
I don't even know why
I care, to be honest.
Like Joey's a really good dude.
You want these here?
Yeah, that's perfect, yeah.
Well, nobody loves it
when the people around them
are kind of moving on
without them.
It's a tough feeling.
Who are these for?
Oh, those are just gifts
for the wedding party.
Yeah, I mean,
like, who'd you pick?
I got Sarah and Jess,
who you don't know,
and... Tiffany.
Same Tiffany who you hate?
I don't hate her.
You kind of hate her.
You always have hated her.
You were happy when she
got divorced, right?
-I was not!
-You were.
-I was.
[laughs] I mean,
she did get divorced, right?
Yes, she is divorced.
Very cool.
You hungry?
I can get a beer.
[Sean] That is really good.
Thank you.
You got to try this.
I don't eat meat.
But you're from
the Midwest, come on.
No, I gave it up.
Please, for me.
For you.
Thank you.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
It's really good, right?
That is so good.
Told you, it's real good.
Wow, that's so good.
Sean, I need
to apologize to you
about what I said at Santis
the other night.
-It's fine.
No, it's not, that--
that was completely unfair.
It's not like you were
drinking or doing drugs or--
I was driving too fast.
But either of us could
have told you to slow down.
I have never blamed you.
I just--
I just miss him.
I miss him, too.
God, what are we even doing?
You are hanging out
with your oldest... friend.
Can I take you somewhere?
[wind blows through trees]
You ever, um,
go visit the cemetery?
No. I feel closer
to him here.
It's the last place
we were together.
The last place he was alive.
Sean, I don't think I can
have my wedding without you.
I just--
Joey and Jane and your son
will be there and...
I think I just really would
love for you to be there.
I don't know.
I'll tell something to Nolan.
I just--
I'm really--
I know it's super short notice,
-but I just feel like I--
-I want you there.
-Yeah, thank you.
Miss you, Zach.
Love you.
Love you always.
Do you think
we'd still be together?
If this never happened?
I can't do this.
I'm getting married!
-Yeah, I know.
-No, I'm getting married!
-I know.
-Do you?
-I am!
-I believe you.
-Then who cheats
on her fianc
at the same place
her brother died?
Sounds way worse when
you put it like that.
That's exactly how it is!
[Kendall sighs]
[slow music]
-[water running]
[phone beeps]
Kendall, it's Sean.
I am sure you're probably
extremely busy and mad at me...
but I wanted to...
-[phone beep]
-Good afternoon.
-It's a wonderful day out.
-[phone beep]
Kendall, this is Sean.
Go ahead and gimme a call back
at your earliest convenience.
-Too professional.
-[phone beeps]
-So... we should talk.
-[phone beeps]
I hope that everything...
-This is Sean.
-[phone beeps]
Kendall, it's me.
I just wanted to call you...
and wish you
a happy wedding weekend
and say how great it's
been getting to see you.
That's it.
[phone beeps]
-[Zachary] It's finally Friday!
-[Sean] I know.
-What are we gonna do today?
-I don't know.
Well, we could go to the park
and hit some balls.
we could play
video games and eat pizza.
That sounds awesome.
That's what I thought.
Isn't it cool that
Mom's going out with Joey?
Is it?
What do you think of him?
He's nice to her.
He's a good looking guy.
He's okay.
Hey, I gotta go do some things
after I drop you off,
so I'll be back.
Where are you going?
I have to talk to Kendall.
Do you love her?
That's a good question, bud.
I think she loves you.
She acted like it
when she was over.
[upbeat music]
[phone beeps]
[phone rings]
-[Coach] Hey, Fisher.
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything--
everything's fine.
You're cold calling me
like a psychopath.
-No text first?
-Oh, uh...
I'm messing with you.
What's up?
Okay, all right, sorry.
how are you?
it's really not important.
It is an important element
of the solar panels
that you were
supposed to install
on the roof two weeks ago.
All right, you know
what you're gonna do?
You're gonna call me
once you put 'em in
and you're gonna
tell me the good news.
I gotta go.
I got someone in my office
I've been dying to see.
Oh, my God.
Income properties.
I tell you, they pay
the bills,
but it's like
goddamn babysitting.
I'm really glad you're here.
Me, too.
I really need this job.
You know, a real job.
One that I can
support my family
and have health benefits.
I hear you.
The healthcare doesn't kick
in for like a couple months,
but once it does, it's great.
That's okay.
I just still keep thinking
about, you know what you said.
How much I missed that field.
I don't think I've been the same
since the last time I was on it.
I keep pushing
baseball on my kid and...
he's not Zach.
I think that the kids
will learn a lot
from a pro like you.
Not a pro.
Like I threw out my arm just
practicing the other day.
Hey, I warned you.
But listen, Coach,
I just want to say,
I know that
I've only had one job
since I got out of high school.
And I can understand
why you wouldn't
want to hire me for this.
Fill that out.
We'll get the background
check going right away.
-Yeah, really.
Gonna need you Monday to
Friday, eight to five.
-And that's next week?
-No, it's gonna be probably
the week after.
That's okay.
When we get
the background check done
and the results
from that back.
Not my decision.
It's a school requirement.
And that's
a take home test, right?
No, that's a do it here test.
I'm not gonna pass this.
That is unfortunate.
Look, it's not
that like it's a problem.
It never is until it is.
What are we talking
about here?
Tell me, what is it,
is it pills? Blow?
And then, you know,
just like a little Adderall,
-here and there.
-You got a little...
prescription for that?
Jane does.
So, okay, what if--
What if?
What if you take it for me?
What if I-- oh.
-I'm sorry.
-You're not ready yet.
[soft music]
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
Can I steal you
for a second please?
Right now?
Do you mind?
I mean, yeah, a little bit.
We need to go set up inside.
Hey, how about you go ahead?
I'll be there in a minute.
Look, I'm sure you're a great
guy and I'm not trying
to cause trouble,
but I need to talk to her.
Don't flatter yourself, man.
You're no trouble at all.
You are wearing on
my patience a little bit.
Now I was skeptical
about inviting you...
but Kenny insisted
that having you here
would be as close as she could
get to having her brother.
Please don't make me
regret this.
[Tommy] Here you go folks.
Coming to visit me
on the first day?
I'm touched.
-What are you doing?
-Pouring myself a drink.
Clearly you haven't
worked here very long.
Last I checked
you don't work here at all.
Good observation.
Who the hell are you?
Tommy, new guy.
Just got off.
Can I have a beer?
How was your day?
Oh, so now
you're sweet to me.
-I am always sweet to you.
In fact, when are we ever
gonna finish what we started?
Eh, I think Jeremy
is gonna propose to me.
So we better act fast then.
Sean, don't do this, man.
[Emily] Do what?
-Can you excuse us for a second?
-Not really.
I'll tell her obviously.
Mm, obviously.
Okay, so what are we
getting into tonight?
Uh, Sean's cut off.
So he's probably heading out.
-You're leaving?
-I sure am.
In fact, I'm only leaving
if you'll go home with me.
Oh. I'm down.
[Emily] Hmm.
[clears throat]
Suit yourself.
You are an asshole.
You know that?
What... was that?
He's not coming.
[percussive music]
Um, um, okay.
Just like breathe in
through your nose.
Like yoga like out
through your mouth, like--
Jesus Christ.
How much did he drink?
-I don't know.
-I'm dying!
-You're not dying.
-I am.
He wouldn't even let
me call an ambulance.
He doesn't have
health insurance.
-But I think he has
alcohol poisoning.
-Fucking move!
I'm gonna die on a couch.
-I can't feel my feet, fingers.
-Please help him.
Shut up and go and get any
food at all you can find.
-[Sean] I don't have any food.
You have low blood sugar.
You're extremely dehydrated.
And you're working
yourself up with anxiety.
-All I can find.
-That's for French toast.
-Oh, my gosh.
Oh, that's grape.
You can go now.
He didn't tell me
he had a girlfriend.
-He doesn't.
But he does sleep with me.
So I hope he wore a condom
with you
because I have herpes.
-No, she doesn't!
-Get tested.
-She doesn't have herpes.
-Trust me.
And you don't need to test.
It'll just show up.
-[Sean groans]
-I'm here.
I have to stay with him.
Thanks, babe.
I owe you.
Do you want to go
to the bathroom
or something
before you fall asleep?
I gotta pee.
Okay, let's go.
[Sean coughs]
[garbage truck beeping]
[soft acoustic music]
Gonna need your help
today, buddy.
I don't know how I'm gonna
get through this one.
And with the power vested in
me by the state of Illinois,
I am proud to pronounce
you husband and wife.
You may kiss.
[audience applauds]
Introducing for the first time
Mr. and Mrs. James.
Oh, don't hide
those on my account.
Thank you.
Don't tell Mr. Johnson.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Always the gentleman.
Thank you.
I'm glad you came.
Glad to be invited.
How are you holding up?
You want to talk about it?
I like talking about
him on celebration days.
I feel like everyone's
looking at me in there.
I feel like I know
what they're thinking.
It's been a decade, man,
get over it. And I can't.
I never loved the idea
of getting over it.
Because when someone
that close to you dies,
that hole never goes away.
You never do get over it.
But eventually,
if you fill it with memories
and love and life...
that hole stops
causing you pain
and becomes a source
of strength.
Are you ready to go back there?
[indistinct chatter]
Jane, listen, I, uh...
Don't talk to me.
Mom, don't be mad.
Oh, honey, but I am mad
because your father's incapable
of acting like
a functioning adult.
-Can we not do this here?
I'm gonna go get a drink.
Dad, did you talk to her yet?
Why isn't this buttoned?
You gotta button this when
you wear a coat like this.
It's never too late to be
with the right person.
Stay by Mom, all right?
-Hey, buddy.
-Hey, how you doing?
What do you want
to drink, huh?
[toilet flushes]
Ha-ha, my man Sean!
What you got right there?
What is that?
Man, you know I'm hosting an
open bar out there, right?
I'm counting on you
to get my money's worth.
No, seriously,
you having a good time?
-Oh. yeah.
-Good, good.
Nah, it's a good time.
How can you uh--
how can you be mad?
Um, you know you gotta tag?
Sean, don't tuck it. Here.
Oh, you weren't planning
on returning those, right?
[door closes]
I'll take a scotch,
double, neat.
Most expensive one you got.
Sean fucking Fisher!
You sawed-off son of a bitch
How the hell are you, man?
Hanging in there, Jeff.
Nice, nice.
-What have you been up to?
Looking for some strange.
See any prospects?
Haven't been looking.
What about Jane?
Still letting her collecting
dust on the old waiver wire?
Pick her ass up anytime.
You should try it.
I don't think that she
came here with anyone.
No, I'm messing with you, man.
We used to be drinking
buddies in another life.
You know we still are.
-It's slinte, Jeff.
-Hell yeah, cheers.
Shit, man, when's the last
time we caught up like this?
The funeral.
Oh, that's crazy.
You know what's even crazier
is we all thought this was
gonna be your wedding.
Ain't that fucking something?
Yeah. Yeah.
-I know.
-That's how you made this
happen. He's smooth.
Teach me how to be that smooth.
-My expectations?
-I never thought a white
man would get me there.
I will give you some tips.
Drink at the bar and I'll
give you my tips.
-Oh, my god
-Oh, my shoes hurt.
Hi. Oh, thank you
so much for coming.
It's been a long time.
Oh, look how big you are!
Can you guys give me a second?
Don't you look handsome?
You look
so incredibly beautiful.
I love, you Kendall.
I always have
and I always will.
-Sean, it's my wedding day.
-I know.
Then what do you
expect me to say?
I want you to say
that you understand
and that you
love me too please.
Hey, look at me. Hey.
You've had too many drinks.
-It's time to go.
-Get the fuck off me.
-I need you to calm down.
-I can't let you marry her.
I've already done it.
Can anybody take you home?
-'Cause you don't know her.
-Is Jane here? Ashley here?
-No, you don't get it.
You don't know.
-I do know.
I know that I've been nice.
I know she's been nice.
And she's spent way too much
time with you this week, okay?
-We're trying to be kind.
-Yeah? Yeah?
-Do you know that I made
out with her a few days ago
You know that?!
Well, she said kissed.
But, yeah, I know.
I tell him everything.
I know it hurts.
Come here, man, look at me.
This has got to be hard, man.
I can't imagine
seeing her like this.
Seeing her family here.
You gotta move on, man.
And I'm-- I'm praying
for you, man.
Don't you fucking
pray for me, jagoff!
Sean, outside now.
What the hell
were you thinking?
It's not too late.
You just watched
me get married!
Have you even
submitted your paperwork?
-Sean, be serious.
-I am serious.
Can you be serious with me?
This whole week...
I think that Zach is trying
to tell us something right now
and it's that--
it's us who's meant
to be together.
[Mr. Johnson]
That's enough.
You think
you know my whole life now?
Because I compartmentalized
a couple of moments
with you for closure?
-Come on!
-Yes, because the past
is all we have.
But it shouldn't be.
And you know it, and I know it!
I know damn well that should
be us in there right now.
If I didn't make the hugest
mistake of my life
and get the wrong girl
[Zachary] Dad?
I knew it.
Come on.
I stopped
making my life's decisions
for a ghost a long time ago.
And so should you.
Goodbye, Sean.
[distorted music]
[knocking at door]
Hi, can we talk?
[Sean] Give me one second.
Rough morning?
Do you really think it's okay
to pursue someone who's engaged,
much less married
to someone else?
I love her.
So what?
Can't you see how little
respect that shows
for her plans, her life?
Do you think you own her
just because you were
in an accident together?
Do you think you're the only
two people on this planet
who miss my son?
Do I open it?
I kept most of his things.
But I saw this and thought...
it's yours.
It was Zach's favorite t-shirt.
I thought maybe your
Zachary could wear it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I know.
I'm sorry.
It's not just for last night.
I'm sorry.
Sean, I know.
He was the better one.
He had more potential.
Well, you'll make sure
that's true
if you don't start trying
to achieve your own.
You did get one thing
right last night.
I believe Zach was trying
to tell you something.
You're still alive.
[car door shuts]
[engine starts]
[peaceful music]
[crossing bell dinging]
-[bell rings]
You look like shit.
We can't hook up anymore.
You want to know why?
I know, right?
Aw, thanks.
Bloody Mary?
[quiet chatter]
[Ashley laughs]
See you bought your own coffee.
I'm sorry.
This whole week,
I'm really sorry.
I can't keep
sleeping with someone
who's in love with his ex.
I'm trying to figure
out a lot right now.
I'll even go to one of your
little get togethers in there.
Right now?
[sighs] Yeah.
That'll be a start.
A lot of us can relate
to losing loved ones.
And when that happens,
it takes a lot of courage
to keep showing up
to our lives...
[soft guitar music]
Since when do you knock?
Learned my lesson last time.
Sleeping over here now?
I've been sleeping over, bro.
You want to come in?
I'll give you two
a minute to catch up.
I'll be upstairs.
What are you doing here?
Came here to apologize.
I deserve to be happy.
You can at least give me that.
I'm sorry about the wedding.
The thing that you heard
me say--
You said I was a mistake,
which I already knew.
Even though you lied to me
last time.
I wasn't thinking
about what I was saying.
I was being extremely selfish
and I was thinking
about Kendall
and I wasn't thinking
about my family.
I want to share
something with you.
Can you read this signature?
Yeah. Zach.
[Sean] Mm-hmm
He was my best friend.
Is that why
you named me after him?
And when he died
I was never the same.
And I've been having
a hard time
and... I want to get better
because I want to be a better
dad for you.
you're my best friend now.
I've been pushing baseball
on you and that's not okay.
From now on...
I want to spend time
doing things
that are important to you.
Thanks, Dad.
What do you say
we do some video games?
'Cause I feel like I owe you.
Yeah, but first
can we play catch?
Oh, sweetheart, that ball's
too special to play with.
It's-- it's fine.
You don't have
to play catch with me.
I want to do things that
are important to you, too.
How did you become
such a good kid?
Come here.
I'm ready.
All right, you're gonna have
to go easy on me right now.
I hurt my arm.
I suck at baseball.
-It's okay to suck, buddy.
But if you don't like it,
then that's when you gotta quit.
I don't want to give up.
I want to be able
to play like you.
I'm not that good
anymore, buddy.
If you keep trying, you can
learn to be good again.
Pretty good advice.
-Are you hungry?
What do you say
you go put on pajamas,
I'll order us pizza?
You guys got plans tonight?
No, this is it.
Why don't you take
her out on a date?
-You sure?
-Go before I change
my mind. Come on.
-All right, all right.
-Let's do it.
-All right, thanks.
Thank you.
I'm gonna time you.
Get going.
-All right, all right. Let's go.
-One, two,
-three, four.
-[Jane] I'm going.
-Better get going.
-We're going, we're going.
-[Joey] Ohh! [laughs]
-[Jane laughs]
He slapped my butt.
[hopeful music]
[phone clicks]
[car beeps]
[upbeat music]
I've been learning a lot
About what it's gonna
Take to be your
Mister Storybook Man
But I've been learning
Too much about her
And I'm learning so much
I'm not sure
If I'm just lonely again
Between you and me it's
Such a big old world
And there's a whole lot
To see
Before we say goodbye
Say goodbye
Still want to say hello
Before we close
The door halfway
Instead of slamming it
Behind you
'Cause I know where
To find you
I'm always
Right behind you
Call me unkind
When I've been
Waking up with strangers
I've been staring
At the sun
I feel all my life has
Flashed before my eyes
Before it's begun
And while I've gotten
So much stronger
There's still sorrow
Deep inside
But I'll still mixing
Beer and wine
Without a fear in mind
Without fear in mind
Without a fear in
I let the devil provoke me
If the water of hope
Can soak me
In the bath
Of the terms that
I can come to
Because the deeper I go
It seems the people I know
Are just as vulnerable
As me
But they don't want to be
No they don't want to be
Don't let the sunrise
On the sunshine
Of your heart's desire
Don't let the wind
Blow you into a place
That you may not
Need to be
You'll be waking up
With strangers
I've been staring
At the sun
I feel all my life has
Flashed before my eyes
Before it's begun
And while I've gotten
So much stronger
There's still
Sorrow deep inside
But I'm still mixing
Beer and wine
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
Oh, sure
I've been waking up
With strangers
I've been staring
At the sun
I feel all my life has
Flashed before my eyes
Before it's begun
And while I've gotten
So much stronger
To feel sorrow deep inside
But I'm still mixing
Beer and wine
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
The promo, bruv
[music fades]
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chatter]
[chatter and laughter]
Angel dream
[man] I'm just gonna
tell you this right now.
A little bit longer
[woman] It slowly moves...
Just believe
A little bit stronger
Like one, one finger.
You just keep it off, right?
It's supposed to go...
Along the road
We've had a few stumbles
[man on phone]
Fish, you'll be missed
next year.
But it looks like
you and Zach will be reunited
on the field.
[man] Bro, get your grubby
little hands off my sister
-Not a chance
-Oh, my God stop filming us.
Stop. Give me that.
[indistinct chatter]
-[woman] What's your
favorite thing about Jane?
-All right.
-Oh, that's a good question.
-[woman] Favorite thing!
Don't put me
on the spot like that!
-[woman] What?
-Wait, come on, no, no, no.
Let me get that please.
Today, today, today
[car horn honks]
[car alarm rings]
[train chugging]
[upbeat music]
[door opens]
-[Jane] Hey.
Oh, are you
a sick little baby?
You smell like an ashtray.
Can I have a cigarette?
-Here you go.
-[boy] Hey, Dad.
Come here, buddy.
How are you?
-I'm good.
Did you brush your teeth?
You only need to brush
your teeth at night.
That is so not true.
Go. I'm gonna count.
One, two,
-three, four.
-Do it...
I don't really care
if he brushes his teeth.
Does that make me a shit mother?
No, you only need to
brush your teeth at night.
-You want coffee?
-Yes, please.
I need you
to switch me pickups.
Okay, why can't you
go though?
I have plans with a friend.
Are you trying to fight
me on this right now?
No, it's just, you know,
I have things I have to do.
And also I'm worried
if I'm gonna be late
'cause I have to, um,
go to work and get gas.
There it is.
Take the money, please.
It's fine.
I promise.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
All right buddy, ready?
-[boy] Yeah.
-All right.
Let's do it, dude.
-Thank you.
-Ah, you got it.
-[boy] Bye.
-Come here.
-Let's go, kid.
Have a good day.
Love you.
-Bye, love you, too.
-Bye, see you.
-See you later.
-Bye, thanks Sean.
You excited for your game today?
I like the bus ride
with the team.
Okay, there's a game too
and you guys have a shot.
-I love you.
-Love you, too.
-Sorry you're late.
-It's okay, bye.
[lights humming]
[upbeat music]
-What's up, Billy?
Thanks again for remembering
to leave my keys.
-Appreciate it.
-What's happening man?
-Not much.
What's that?
[bartender] Oh, coach missed
the open today.
[Sean] So they turned him into
a Cub as punishment, huh?
Yeah. That guy
paid $300 for that.
Said it was the best
money he's ever spent.
Well, at least
it goes to charity.
-Thank you.
-There you go buddy.
You know, uh,
you know if Kendall's back?
Uh, yeah, she is.
Saw her today.
Oh, how was that?
She was far away.
I didn't know if it
was her so...
-I wonder what she's--
-You doing okay?
-What? Am I okay?
She's getting married, man.
Uh, next weekend I think.
-Hey, Joey.
You okay?
I need a shot.
Ever had a tidal wave?
-[Joey laughs]
Trust me.
-Is that you?
-No, it's for Joey.
-Joey, do you want a shot?
-Oh, yeah, sure would.
Want some blue drink?
Here we go.
-Cheers m'dears.
-[both] Cheers.
Oh! Ah!
[phones rings]
[man groans]
Oh, ho, ho.
Well, look who it is.
Just wants to know
when I'm going today.
Isn't there
only like two options?
-I can't talk right now.
-She can't talk right now.
She's at Sean's.
Are you supposed to use
meetings to see your ex?
I feel like that's
antithetical to the program.
I should tell you, he might
take the bartending job.
-At Santis?
-He needs it.
No. Is that really
a good idea?
-Why not?
-He doesn't even drink.
Fine, good for Tommy.
Is someone jealous?
Did you do my laundry?
Someone had to.
Stop doing my laundry.
You're not my mom.
Does your mom lick your ass?
Nope, no she doesn't.
Then we're still different.
-Everything okay, bud?
-I'm fine.
A jerk in my class told
everyone I was an accident.
Who did?
I'm not tattling.
Tell me right now.
It doesn't matter.
Okay. Next time
somebody says that to you,
you punch 'em
straight in the face.
-Oh, I'm serious.
You have my full permission
to do that.
Am I?
[Jane] There is nothing
accidental about you.
Even though your dad
and I weren't together,
we cared about each other
very much.
Were you boyfriend
and girlfriend?
No, we were just good friends.
I thought
only couples have babies.
Well, you know, sometimes
people have babies
even when
they're not a couple.
Only if they
want to be parents.
Does it seem like we
don't want to be your parents?
No, that's not
what I'm saying.
I'm asking if you got
pregnant with me on purpose.
I knew it.
Why didn't you
just have an abortion?
Hey, look at me.
It's true
we weren't expecting you...
but we did choose you.
And that was on purpose.
-[door closes]
-[Jane] Ooh.
Well, he's asleep.
Told you we shouldn't
send him to Catholic school.
Those kids are maniacs.
They do studies on this shit.
I think we turned out okay.
Speak for yourself.
You handled that well.
Thank you.
Why didn't you
want an abortion?
I never asked you.
Well, a year earlier, we all
thought you were gonna die.
At 20 years old...
learning the weight
of human impermanence,
I wanted to keep you forever.
Why didn't you tell me that
Kendall was getting married?
Oh, dear,
I thought you knew.
It didn't come up!
-You think I reach out to her?
-To say what?
I don't know.
She might want to see me.
The week of her wedding
to someone else?
I need to see her.
If you say so.
I'm gonna borrow some
stuff from the garage.
Like what?
-The pitching net.
What is going on with you?
Sure, have at it.
Go nuts.
Okay, thanks.
You're welcome.
Thank you.
-Good night.
-Good night.
[car alarm beeps]
[soft music]
All right, Zach.
Go nice and easy here.
[light music]
Things change after you're 30,
fuckin' bullshit.
I fucking look great.
Hey, there, cowboy.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-Thank you.
-Sure thing.
Hey, Anderson.
If you're ever looking
for like an assistant manager,
I'd love to apply.
You're looking
for more responsibility?
More hours.
Uh, I have a few employees
ahead of you for management.
Always on time, focused, sober.
You think I'm drunk right now?
I think you were
so drunk last night
that you're not
your best this morning.
And that's most mornings.
Look, you've been
here a long time
and you'll always
have a job here, but--
but I'm not gonna promote you.
I'm sorry, Sean.
[soft music]
[birds chirping]
[phone rings]
-Welcome home.
-Thank you.
How are you?
I'm good.
you know, I saw you
the other day and then...
Oh, why didn't you
come over and say hi?
I'm sorry, I just-- I--
you know, you were far away,
You were walking
into the distillery
and I was also working, so...
Oh, at 28 Mile?
The courts.
Do you want to get lunch?
I still love
this shitty little town.
Is that why you spent
a decade away from it?
Well, I couldn't
actually live here.
You did actually live here.
She's out of
your league, Sean.
Wonderful to see you, Emily.
Would you like some coffee?
Yes, please.
Thank you.
I would also
like coffee please.
Thank you.
Come here often?
Oh, great.
Sean, you slept with
our waitress?
She's gonna spit
in our food now.
She doesn't spit.
[phone rings]
Just pick it up, it's fine.
No, it's just Jane.
I'll call her back.
Wow, look at that ring.
He did pretty good, right?
I always thought that
you'd have a city wedding.
Yeah, but my parents are here.
My grandparents, cousins,
Pazzo's right next--
The Bocce Club?
Yeah, I didn't know you
still work there, Sean.
What's DC like?
It's nice.
It's really nice.
There's some parts that
are similar to here.
So I like it.
Are you two ready?
I'll take the, uh...
-[Emily] I know
what you'll take.
May I have a single pancake
and a side of home fries?
I'm a vegetarian now.
Of course you are.
No? Okay.
[phone rings]
Just pick it up.
It's fine.
-I'd love to say hi to her.
-You sure?
-All right.
Shit, really?
-You look amazing.
-Oh, thank you.
-I'm starving.
-It's so good to see you.
-You, too.
-Well, your son here
threw the first punch.
Really? No.
Buddy, I can't believe
you thought it was a good idea
to hit somebody.
I know, I know.
He deserved it.
All right, listen,
I got to go.
Can you take him
home for me please?
I actually had some car
trouble earlier today.
Oh, okay.
Just curious,
what-- what kind of car trouble?
Just stopped working.
I can take them if that works.
-Are you sure?
-Yeah, totally. It's easy.
He doesn't need like
a car seat or anything?
I'm nine!
Right, right.
[Kendall] Hey!
Thank you for the ride.
Aw, anytime, Zach.
Nobody ever calls me that.
Nobody calls me Zach.
But you can.
I like it.
Yeah, I like it, too.
[car beeping]
Zach used
to be my brother's name.
Did he change it?
No, um, he died.
Oh, sorry.
It's okay.
Dad, was that the Zach
who was in the movie with you?
What are you
talking about, bud?
The memorial video.
You know your mom made that.
Yeah, she told me.
We have it at the house
if you want to watch it.
-You don't have to.
I'd love to.
How did your brother die?
From not wearing his seatbelt.
It's nice.
Yeah, she did good, right?
-I'll be right back.
Oh, I love these photos.
I think I was six
in that photo.
Look how pretty your mom looks.
-Come here.
All right, that's gonna
make it feel better.
Listen, I'm proud of you
for standing up for yourself
but I'm also proud that, uh,
you had my back back there.
Thanks for covering for me.
You're welcome.
-Shall we?
I can't believe you
still have a DVD player.
My mom's pretty old school.
Yeah? That's pretty cool.
[chatter, laughing on video]
[Zach] Bro, get your grubby
little hands off my sister.
Not a chance.
Stop filming us. Stop.
That's so crazy.
We could do that shit.
And we'd really be so shook.
You know, your mom
and Zach were
really good friends.
-Like best friends.
-[Zach] What's the video
for anyway?
To commemorate the summer!
All right, what am I saying?
Anything, anything.
Could be a favorite quote.
You know, words of wisdom.
How much you're gonna miss
your best friend Jane?
-Oh, I am?
-Oh, news to me!
Anything, anything you want.
The people you grow up with...
they're the ones who
know who you truly are
before the world changes you.
So even when
I am a professional
baseball player
and you go off
and study abroad, getting
all fancy and whatever.
I'm still gonna need you
to do my math homework.
I'll always be there
to do your math homework...
if you keep
writing my essays.
-Even across time zones.
-I got you.
[Zach] Mmm.
2012, is that when he died?
[Kendall] Yeah.
Two years before I was born.
Almost to the date.
I remember the exact moment
I found out Jane was pregnant.
With you!
But you know it's getting late.
I should get home.
Zachary, thank you so
much for showing me that.
You're welcome.
It's nice to meet you.
That's nice.
It's really good to see you.
It's nice to see you, too.
What the hell
are you doing?
-Getting in shape.
-I can see that, why?
'Cause I have the energy.
Cigarette break?
Like a water break?
It's way better
for you I hear.
Read about that, too.
[Sean grunts]
Thank you.
You know...
why don't I play
catch with our son out here?
Like why don't I do that?
It's not a big deal.
Zachary doesn't even
like baseball.
What are you talking about?
He's terrible at it.
That doesn't mean
he doesn't like it.
And he'll get better.
It's in his genes.
He just doesn't have
the heart to tell you.
How was today?
Pretty good.
-Until Zachary pulled out
Zach's memorial video.
Yeah, he loves that.
You know
how awkward that was?
Him playing that
in front of Kendall?
I'm sure it's in your head.
I'm sure it's fine.
Seeing her today, it was...
they look so much alike.
Do you remember
that time the four of us--
we were at the Johnsons'
and we just like laid
out on the trampoline
and just pointed
out constellations.
I remember that.
-We had no idea what
we were talking about.
That's what made it so great,
you know?
We were just kids just...
staring at the stars.
[phones chime]
It's so funny
that Joey put you on this.
We're all friends.
Well, no, it's just
like you never go out.
I would if I could.
I never have a problem
watching our kid.
It's fine, go.
How you gonna get there?
I'll walk.
'Cause you ran outta gas?
Who's to say?
I can call you
a car if you want.
It's a nice night now.
I could use the walk.
It's fine.
Okay. Be careful.
You gonna go pick him up?
No way.
That's like a two hour
drive at least.
-Yeah, round trip.
-He's gonna come meet me here.
-Hey. Look what
the cat dragged in.
Oh, yeah,
long time to see.
Yes, it is.
-Joey, how are you?
Thank you.
-Did you see
what the guys did?
-No, what?
-You didn't show her?
-Why would you go there?
-Why would you go there?
-Why don't you show her?
-Show her.
-Show me.
-You look great, show her.
-Show me.
It's nothing.
I'm not gonna show her.
I'll tell her.
Because I didn't show up
to their little outing,
-they texted me
a photo of me as a Cub.
-[Kendall laughs]
Which landed nicely considering
I'm from Tinley Park.
You look fantastic in blue.
-Oh, thanks.
-That is hilarious.
You coming over
to the house tomorrow?
I don't know.
Are you gonna be there?
Not if you're coming.
-Are you gonna go?
Yeah, Nolan's heading
out for his bachelor party.
Babe, can you
pick out some songs?
Ashley, Kendall.
Kendall, Ashley.
Oh, we met.
Already fast friends.
How do you two know each other?
Oh, we met here.
I don't know what I would
call us, but we're--
Buddies who hang out a lot.
And we sleep together
on pretty regular basis.
-Oh, wow.
Wow, let's break it up
with some shots.
-How about shots?
Coach, you gonna join us?
It would be wrong not to.
All right, well it's not
a party without Coach.
He's actually
getting it in the glass.
Lot of practice.
-You don't want?
-I don't drink, thank you.
Grab a non-ie,
'cause we're gonna do the...
Hey, non-ie non-ie,
what am I?
Chopped liver?
Thanks, kid.
All right.
-Okay, okay, I'm coming.
-Time to toast.
-To the bride to be.
-Oh, to the bride.
-Biggest mistake of your life.
Cheers, buddy.
God, I hate my ex-wife
Coach, we all do.
So, Coach, are you
still coaching or what?
Uh, some, yeah.
Actually, Coach got
a huge promotion.
-Oh, now.
-He's now the Athletic
You know what they say
about those
who can't coach...
athletically direct?
No one says that.
But congratulations.
Thank you very much.
I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
I'll be right back.
on that decision.
Hey, actually,
while I got you here,
I'm actually thinking about
trying out for some
local mens' leagues.
Really? No kidding.
-That's cool, okay.
Well, I gotta get
in shape and stuff,
so I was hoping you'd
send me some warmups.
Yeah, I'd be happy to.
All I suggest is that you
just take it day by day.
Take it kind of slow.
So you don't, you know,
thrash the arm,
pop an ankle,
that kinda thing.
It's gonna be kind of hard
because you're, you know,
in your thirties,
getting back into it.
Twenty nine.
You thought about coaching?
Are you looking
for an assistant coach?
At our old high school?
-Yeah, why not?
-You think I could do it?
I think you could if
you put your mind to it
and you lose some of
that goddamn tonnage!
Look at the size of this guy!
What a monster he was
when he was playing.
-It makes me feel bad.
-Don't, don't.
Sorry about before,
you know I was just kidding.
I'm happy for you.
I'm thrilled, congratulations.
-Thank you.
-And give my best to your mom.
-I will.
-Ashley, keep an eye
on this guy,
would ya? He had his hand in
the till, the entire time.
-Good to see you, Coach.
-[Ashley] Thanks, Coach!
That's Athletic Director,
Was he kidding?
About the weight, I hope so.
No, about you coaching
at Highwood.
I don't know.
I mean, maybe.
What is it?
-No, it's--
never mind, it's silly.
-You don't think I can do it?
Would it bother you
if I did it?
That doesn't bother me at all.
Then what's with the reaction?
No, you should--
just forget I said anything.
-I apologize.
-It's just like some
things never change.
-What is it?
-No, it's just, if you
took that job,
it would be a constant reminder
that you killed my brother.
Sean, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it like that.
-You got to go.
-No, just--
[soft music on jukebox]
Did you put this on?
First song that came to mind.
Would you like to dance?
This ain't exactly
a dancing bar.
Well, not with that attitude.
Let's dance.
Hold on.
-Eighth grade.
-Ninth grade.
Well, let's just go
to high school.
-That's fine.
-[man] Hey.
-[Ashly] Hey, welcome.
How you doing?
Oh, you must be Joey, right?
-I am.
-How you doing?
Do we know each other?
-I'm Nolan. Kendall's...
-Oh, you're Kendall's--
-I'm Kendall's.
You're Kendall's?
Yeah, great.
What are you drinking?
It's on me.
Oh, thank you. Uh...
-bourbon on the rocks.
-Nice choice.
-One second.
-Thank you.
-[Ashley] Hey.
-Hey, how you doing?
[Nolan] Huh.
-All right.
Oh, let me just grab
her real quick.
-Give me one second.
-No, no, no, no, no.
It's okay.
Yeah, let 'em catch up.
Yeah, let them catch up.
I, uh...
every time I hear this
song now I think about
that light blue dress
that you used to wear.
Oh, my God, yeah.
And how you used
to whisper all sexy...
"I'm such a sucker for blue."
So whenever I saw you,
I made sure I wore blue.
People do that, right?
Like people do things like that.
They used to.
-Hey, sorry to interrupt.
-No, no, it's fine.
-Hey, hey.
-[laughs] This is Nolan.
-What's up?
-Sean, Sean.
-This is Sean.
-Heard a lot about you man.
Oh, you, too.
-You ready to go, Kenny?
-Yeah, let's go.
-Hang on.
-Oh, yeah.
How was your flight?
Oh, it was long, boring.
-Missed you.
-Did you get my purse?
Yeah, listen, I'm trying
to be a gentleman.
Bye, Joey.
-Bye, Ash.
[indistinct chattering]
[door closes]
Good hangout buddies?
-I wasn't trying to lie.
-Then why did you?
I didn't feel like
defining our relationship
in the middle of Santis.
When would you like
to define it?
I thought
we weren't doing that.
-Are you jealous of us dancing?
-No, I don't care about that.
-'Cause we were
just catching up.
-Yeah, I noticed.
-Can you still take me to...
-Oh, my God.
Let's go.
[music playing on radio]
-Hey, I missed you this week.
-I missed you, too.
-Did you?
Oh, did you send off
the seating chart
and meal choices?
-I did not yet.
-No, you didn't.
-Yet, and I will.
Okay, I see Sean's
a bad influence on you.
Oh. [laughs]
Are you are mad?
You said it was fine.
No, I'm teasing.
We do have to finish getting
ready for Saturday though.
I know.
But give me some of that work.
You don't have to do it all.
I don't want you stressing
yourself out.
You're the best.
Can't wait to marry you.
Me either.
[car alarm beeps]
Thank you.
This is... kind of hot.
Kind of?
Yeah, like a...
dirty hot, vagabond
sort of way.
I could own that.
I could take you
on a road trip.
Take you for a ride.
You could take me
right here if you want.
We doing this right now?
Jane, Zach and I,
we were all the same year.
And then Joey was going to
community college on and off,
but he was there
the first year I played.
What about Kendall?
She was actually
a year behind us.
She is gorgeous.
Who is this?
That is Kendall's mom.
So when were you with Jane?
Never really.
Wait, what?
So when I was in the hospital,
Kendall needed space
and Jane and I, we bonded
over missing Zach.
We hooked up a couple times.
I started talking
to Kendall again.
Jane called to tell me
when Kendall and I
were in bed together.
I'm sorry.
No, I wanted to know.
Well, I don't want
to bring up bad memories
for you and Tommy.
It's totally different.
We were in a committed
relationship, living together.
He's an addict.
It is what it is.
Thanks for the history lesson.
Thanks for everything
last night.
Hey, will you drive me?
I want to walk back after.
Do you want to go
to the party with me?
Sean Fisher, are you
asking me out on a date?
I was thinking that we
could hold hands in public.
More serious than a blow job.
So much more serious.
I'm not that kind of girl.
Kidding, that's very sweet.
But I do have to work.
Next time.
[Sean groans]
You good?
Yeah, I just went a little
too hard yesterday.
Doing what?
Trying to get back
into baseball.
That's good.
You want to come in?
No. Why?
No reason.
You're always welcome.
Thank you.
I would take a coffee though.
Oh, dude, no.
Please, please come on.
Okay, I'll be right back.
-Two sugars.
[Tommy] Hey, man.
Can I grab a square?
I only have one left.
Okay, can I have it?
Thank you.
I really miss her.
Guess you should have
thought about that.
Thinking about it now.
I mean,
before we got together.
Are you together?
'Cause she's not sure whether
you're fucking around.
Gotta have the convo, dude.
I'm telling ya.
Fuck off.
Backbone, that's fun.
New for you.
Stop calling her.
Stop drinking around her.
Everything good?
-Oh, it's great.
-Yeah, babe it's cool.
I'll see you later.
Come on.
I bought the coffee,
so I guess we're even.
[intense percussive music]
Ah, fuck.
[Joey] Doesn't count.
House rules.
If it isn't about sex,
drugs, and mistakes,
I don't want
to hear about it!
-Oh, my God.
-You can do better than that.
-Okay, fine, fine.
-Follow the rules.
Never have I ever
dropped acid.
God damn it!
-You? No, no.
-Yes, at Lolla,
one time... with you.
-[Kendall laughs]
Yeah, with you at Lolla.
You gave it to me.
-I'm out. [laughs]
-Who's left?
-Me and you.
[Joey] Just you two?
Never have I ever...
been engaged.
Oh! Come on!
-Yeah, see I have to.
-That's too easy.
-That's too easy.
-You'd think that, but
if you think about it,
it involves sex
and it's a mistake.
-I'll allow it.
Wow, you think
you know someone.
You ready for next week?
I don't know.
Not really.
Why? Is anybody
ever actually ready?
And like nothing
to do with him, right?
It's just about me having
to prepare myself mentally
to lock into
the rest of my life.
If I can just stop
looking beneath me
and behind me
and I can just look forward...
there's infinite space.
But I don't know where to go.
Can I ask you
a serious question?
Yeah, of course.
Are you stoned
to the bone right now?
-I mean...
-So it seems.
Cheers to that.
Going deep.
[Kendall] Get in there.
[Kendall grunts softly]
Oh, what time is it?
It's like three.
You want to go inside?
I didn't want to wake you
'cause you look comfy here.
[both laugh]
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-I couldn't let you freeze.
I'm really happy
that you're home.
Even if it's only for a week.
What's wrong?
It's just really hard
to see you.
still think about you.
All the time.
Think about you, too.
[pensive music]
Hey, there, party animal.
-How was your night?
-It was good.
-It was chill, yeah.
Did you have fun
with the boys?
Oh, we had too much fun.
-Did you?
-In a good way.
-Okay, it better be.
-It was too much fun.
Was he there?
Yeah, he was. Why?
-I can't ask?
-No, it's just the first
thing you ask
-as soon as I walk in.
What are you even doing anyways?
I'm sending the final counts
to the coordinator.
-Nolan, I'm sorry.
No, don't apologize.
No, no, I said I was
gonna do it and I just, I...
Kenny, the wedding is
for both of us, okay?
You don't have to do
all the work.
It's okay.
It's not.
What's going on, Kenny?
Maybe you were right.
Maybe we should
have done this in DC.
Girl, no.
We're doing exactly what
we should be doing, okay?
I love you, I love it here.
And it's gonna be great.
Although I did realize something
about you Midwesterners.
Y'all drink every day, huh?
I mean,
there's not a lot to do
around here except drink
or smoke or...
you know.
No, I-- I don't know.
-Oh, no?
-No, I mean,
you could show me.
Oh, I'll show you.
I bet you will, Midwestern.
No, you said two days ago.
Two days ago you said
I always had a job here.
-What happened to that?
-That was before this
no call, no show.
And it's not the first time.
I overslept
and I'm sorry, okay?
I can smell the booze
on your breath.
Enough is enough.
It won't happen again.
I'll pay you through
the end of the week.
[soft music]
-Maybe we should do this.
-Hey, you.
-What the fuck's
going on here, guys?
We were gonna tell you.
Oh, I'm sure you were.
What are you doing?
I am looking for your stash
'cause I'd literally suck a dick
for some weed right now.
-I'm gonna go.
I'll go, I'm sorry.
-No, no, no, no, no.
You stay.
He's not supposed to be here.
-Oh, but he is.
-Can you stop it?
You're embarrassing yourself.
What is this?
This whole time you're
going to Kendall's wedding
and you didn't tell me.
-Dude, I'm so sorry.
-Joey, stop apologizing!
I'm sorry.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You can leave.
We can talk later.
If I could just get my shirt.
Nah, I think
you look fine the way
that you look right now.
You're good to leave.
We can stay.
Talk it out.
Sure, yeah,
kick your feet up.
I'll make you
some fucking tea.
You know what, if it makes
you feel any better,
she didn't invite me,
it's Joey's.
Yeah, dude,
she's just my plus one.
How could that possibly
make me feel better?
How long has this
been going on?
We don't owe you
an explanation, Sean.
It's the middle of the day.
Why aren't you at work?
Don't you have work,
you fucking asshole?
Look, I'm sorry that you
found out this way, okay?
But I need you
to take Zachary on Friday.
Go fuck yourself.
-We want to go on a date.
-Oh my God!
This is insane.
Why do you give a shit?
-He's my best friend.
-Uh-uh, no, no, no, he is not.
I see him every day.
Yeah, at the bar
because he works there.
It's fucking weird, Jane.
And you lied to me.
-Why'd you lie to me?
-Because you walk around
like you're in a goddamn
time capsule and no one wants
to burst your fucking bubble!
And I'm tired.
I'm tired of being
another one of those women
who carry you through life
because they can't stand
to see you suffer.
-[ominous music]
-[bird chirps]
[phone chimes]
[phone chimes]
So you didn't know?
Had no clue. Did you?
I don't even know why
I care, to be honest.
Like Joey's a really good dude.
You want these here?
Yeah, that's perfect, yeah.
Well, nobody loves it
when the people around them
are kind of moving on
without them.
It's a tough feeling.
Who are these for?
Oh, those are just gifts
for the wedding party.
Yeah, I mean,
like, who'd you pick?
I got Sarah and Jess,
who you don't know,
and... Tiffany.
Same Tiffany who you hate?
I don't hate her.
You kind of hate her.
You always have hated her.
You were happy when she
got divorced, right?
-I was not!
-You were.
-I was.
[laughs] I mean,
she did get divorced, right?
Yes, she is divorced.
Very cool.
You hungry?
I can get a beer.
[Sean] That is really good.
Thank you.
You got to try this.
I don't eat meat.
But you're from
the Midwest, come on.
No, I gave it up.
Please, for me.
For you.
Thank you.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
It's really good, right?
That is so good.
Told you, it's real good.
Wow, that's so good.
Sean, I need
to apologize to you
about what I said at Santis
the other night.
-It's fine.
No, it's not, that--
that was completely unfair.
It's not like you were
drinking or doing drugs or--
I was driving too fast.
But either of us could
have told you to slow down.
I have never blamed you.
I just--
I just miss him.
I miss him, too.
God, what are we even doing?
You are hanging out
with your oldest... friend.
Can I take you somewhere?
[wind blows through trees]
You ever, um,
go visit the cemetery?
No. I feel closer
to him here.
It's the last place
we were together.
The last place he was alive.
Sean, I don't think I can
have my wedding without you.
I just--
Joey and Jane and your son
will be there and...
I think I just really would
love for you to be there.
I don't know.
I'll tell something to Nolan.
I just--
I'm really--
I know it's super short notice,
-but I just feel like I--
-I want you there.
-Yeah, thank you.
Miss you, Zach.
Love you.
Love you always.
Do you think
we'd still be together?
If this never happened?
I can't do this.
I'm getting married!
-Yeah, I know.
-No, I'm getting married!
-I know.
-Do you?
-I am!
-I believe you.
-Then who cheats
on her fianc
at the same place
her brother died?
Sounds way worse when
you put it like that.
That's exactly how it is!
[Kendall sighs]
[slow music]
-[water running]
[phone beeps]
Kendall, it's Sean.
I am sure you're probably
extremely busy and mad at me...
but I wanted to...
-[phone beep]
-Good afternoon.
-It's a wonderful day out.
-[phone beep]
Kendall, this is Sean.
Go ahead and gimme a call back
at your earliest convenience.
-Too professional.
-[phone beeps]
-So... we should talk.
-[phone beeps]
I hope that everything...
-This is Sean.
-[phone beeps]
Kendall, it's me.
I just wanted to call you...
and wish you
a happy wedding weekend
and say how great it's
been getting to see you.
That's it.
[phone beeps]
-[Zachary] It's finally Friday!
-[Sean] I know.
-What are we gonna do today?
-I don't know.
Well, we could go to the park
and hit some balls.
we could play
video games and eat pizza.
That sounds awesome.
That's what I thought.
Isn't it cool that
Mom's going out with Joey?
Is it?
What do you think of him?
He's nice to her.
He's a good looking guy.
He's okay.
Hey, I gotta go do some things
after I drop you off,
so I'll be back.
Where are you going?
I have to talk to Kendall.
Do you love her?
That's a good question, bud.
I think she loves you.
She acted like it
when she was over.
[upbeat music]
[phone beeps]
[phone rings]
-[Coach] Hey, Fisher.
Everything okay?
Yeah, everything--
everything's fine.
You're cold calling me
like a psychopath.
-No text first?
-Oh, uh...
I'm messing with you.
What's up?
Okay, all right, sorry.
how are you?
it's really not important.
It is an important element
of the solar panels
that you were
supposed to install
on the roof two weeks ago.
All right, you know
what you're gonna do?
You're gonna call me
once you put 'em in
and you're gonna
tell me the good news.
I gotta go.
I got someone in my office
I've been dying to see.
Oh, my God.
Income properties.
I tell you, they pay
the bills,
but it's like
goddamn babysitting.
I'm really glad you're here.
Me, too.
I really need this job.
You know, a real job.
One that I can
support my family
and have health benefits.
I hear you.
The healthcare doesn't kick
in for like a couple months,
but once it does, it's great.
That's okay.
I just still keep thinking
about, you know what you said.
How much I missed that field.
I don't think I've been the same
since the last time I was on it.
I keep pushing
baseball on my kid and...
he's not Zach.
I think that the kids
will learn a lot
from a pro like you.
Not a pro.
Like I threw out my arm just
practicing the other day.
Hey, I warned you.
But listen, Coach,
I just want to say,
I know that
I've only had one job
since I got out of high school.
And I can understand
why you wouldn't
want to hire me for this.
Fill that out.
We'll get the background
check going right away.
-Yeah, really.
Gonna need you Monday to
Friday, eight to five.
-And that's next week?
-No, it's gonna be probably
the week after.
That's okay.
When we get
the background check done
and the results
from that back.
Not my decision.
It's a school requirement.
And that's
a take home test, right?
No, that's a do it here test.
I'm not gonna pass this.
That is unfortunate.
Look, it's not
that like it's a problem.
It never is until it is.
What are we talking
about here?
Tell me, what is it,
is it pills? Blow?
And then, you know,
just like a little Adderall,
-here and there.
-You got a little...
prescription for that?
Jane does.
So, okay, what if--
What if?
What if you take it for me?
What if I-- oh.
-I'm sorry.
-You're not ready yet.
[soft music]
Thank you.
What are you doing here?
Can I steal you
for a second please?
Right now?
Do you mind?
I mean, yeah, a little bit.
We need to go set up inside.
Hey, how about you go ahead?
I'll be there in a minute.
Look, I'm sure you're a great
guy and I'm not trying
to cause trouble,
but I need to talk to her.
Don't flatter yourself, man.
You're no trouble at all.
You are wearing on
my patience a little bit.
Now I was skeptical
about inviting you...
but Kenny insisted
that having you here
would be as close as she could
get to having her brother.
Please don't make me
regret this.
[Tommy] Here you go folks.
Coming to visit me
on the first day?
I'm touched.
-What are you doing?
-Pouring myself a drink.
Clearly you haven't
worked here very long.
Last I checked
you don't work here at all.
Good observation.
Who the hell are you?
Tommy, new guy.
Just got off.
Can I have a beer?
How was your day?
Oh, so now
you're sweet to me.
-I am always sweet to you.
In fact, when are we ever
gonna finish what we started?
Eh, I think Jeremy
is gonna propose to me.
So we better act fast then.
Sean, don't do this, man.
[Emily] Do what?
-Can you excuse us for a second?
-Not really.
I'll tell her obviously.
Mm, obviously.
Okay, so what are we
getting into tonight?
Uh, Sean's cut off.
So he's probably heading out.
-You're leaving?
-I sure am.
In fact, I'm only leaving
if you'll go home with me.
Oh. I'm down.
[Emily] Hmm.
[clears throat]
Suit yourself.
You are an asshole.
You know that?
What... was that?
He's not coming.
[percussive music]
Um, um, okay.
Just like breathe in
through your nose.
Like yoga like out
through your mouth, like--
Jesus Christ.
How much did he drink?
-I don't know.
-I'm dying!
-You're not dying.
-I am.
He wouldn't even let
me call an ambulance.
He doesn't have
health insurance.
-But I think he has
alcohol poisoning.
-Fucking move!
I'm gonna die on a couch.
-I can't feel my feet, fingers.
-Please help him.
Shut up and go and get any
food at all you can find.
-[Sean] I don't have any food.
You have low blood sugar.
You're extremely dehydrated.
And you're working
yourself up with anxiety.
-All I can find.
-That's for French toast.
-Oh, my gosh.
Oh, that's grape.
You can go now.
He didn't tell me
he had a girlfriend.
-He doesn't.
But he does sleep with me.
So I hope he wore a condom
with you
because I have herpes.
-No, she doesn't!
-Get tested.
-She doesn't have herpes.
-Trust me.
And you don't need to test.
It'll just show up.
-[Sean groans]
-I'm here.
I have to stay with him.
Thanks, babe.
I owe you.
Do you want to go
to the bathroom
or something
before you fall asleep?
I gotta pee.
Okay, let's go.
[Sean coughs]
[garbage truck beeping]
[soft acoustic music]
Gonna need your help
today, buddy.
I don't know how I'm gonna
get through this one.
And with the power vested in
me by the state of Illinois,
I am proud to pronounce
you husband and wife.
You may kiss.
[audience applauds]
Introducing for the first time
Mr. and Mrs. James.
Oh, don't hide
those on my account.
Thank you.
Don't tell Mr. Johnson.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Always the gentleman.
Thank you.
I'm glad you came.
Glad to be invited.
How are you holding up?
You want to talk about it?
I like talking about
him on celebration days.
I feel like everyone's
looking at me in there.
I feel like I know
what they're thinking.
It's been a decade, man,
get over it. And I can't.
I never loved the idea
of getting over it.
Because when someone
that close to you dies,
that hole never goes away.
You never do get over it.
But eventually,
if you fill it with memories
and love and life...
that hole stops
causing you pain
and becomes a source
of strength.
Are you ready to go back there?
[indistinct chatter]
Jane, listen, I, uh...
Don't talk to me.
Mom, don't be mad.
Oh, honey, but I am mad
because your father's incapable
of acting like
a functioning adult.
-Can we not do this here?
I'm gonna go get a drink.
Dad, did you talk to her yet?
Why isn't this buttoned?
You gotta button this when
you wear a coat like this.
It's never too late to be
with the right person.
Stay by Mom, all right?
-Hey, buddy.
-Hey, how you doing?
What do you want
to drink, huh?
[toilet flushes]
Ha-ha, my man Sean!
What you got right there?
What is that?
Man, you know I'm hosting an
open bar out there, right?
I'm counting on you
to get my money's worth.
No, seriously,
you having a good time?
-Oh. yeah.
-Good, good.
Nah, it's a good time.
How can you uh--
how can you be mad?
Um, you know you gotta tag?
Sean, don't tuck it. Here.
Oh, you weren't planning
on returning those, right?
[door closes]
I'll take a scotch,
double, neat.
Most expensive one you got.
Sean fucking Fisher!
You sawed-off son of a bitch
How the hell are you, man?
Hanging in there, Jeff.
Nice, nice.
-What have you been up to?
Looking for some strange.
See any prospects?
Haven't been looking.
What about Jane?
Still letting her collecting
dust on the old waiver wire?
Pick her ass up anytime.
You should try it.
I don't think that she
came here with anyone.
No, I'm messing with you, man.
We used to be drinking
buddies in another life.
You know we still are.
-It's slinte, Jeff.
-Hell yeah, cheers.
Shit, man, when's the last
time we caught up like this?
The funeral.
Oh, that's crazy.
You know what's even crazier
is we all thought this was
gonna be your wedding.
Ain't that fucking something?
Yeah. Yeah.
-I know.
-That's how you made this
happen. He's smooth.
Teach me how to be that smooth.
-My expectations?
-I never thought a white
man would get me there.
I will give you some tips.
Drink at the bar and I'll
give you my tips.
-Oh, my god
-Oh, my shoes hurt.
Hi. Oh, thank you
so much for coming.
It's been a long time.
Oh, look how big you are!
Can you guys give me a second?
Don't you look handsome?
You look
so incredibly beautiful.
I love, you Kendall.
I always have
and I always will.
-Sean, it's my wedding day.
-I know.
Then what do you
expect me to say?
I want you to say
that you understand
and that you
love me too please.
Hey, look at me. Hey.
You've had too many drinks.
-It's time to go.
-Get the fuck off me.
-I need you to calm down.
-I can't let you marry her.
I've already done it.
Can anybody take you home?
-'Cause you don't know her.
-Is Jane here? Ashley here?
-No, you don't get it.
You don't know.
-I do know.
I know that I've been nice.
I know she's been nice.
And she's spent way too much
time with you this week, okay?
-We're trying to be kind.
-Yeah? Yeah?
-Do you know that I made
out with her a few days ago
You know that?!
Well, she said kissed.
But, yeah, I know.
I tell him everything.
I know it hurts.
Come here, man, look at me.
This has got to be hard, man.
I can't imagine
seeing her like this.
Seeing her family here.
You gotta move on, man.
And I'm-- I'm praying
for you, man.
Don't you fucking
pray for me, jagoff!
Sean, outside now.
What the hell
were you thinking?
It's not too late.
You just watched
me get married!
Have you even
submitted your paperwork?
-Sean, be serious.
-I am serious.
Can you be serious with me?
This whole week...
I think that Zach is trying
to tell us something right now
and it's that--
it's us who's meant
to be together.
[Mr. Johnson]
That's enough.
You think
you know my whole life now?
Because I compartmentalized
a couple of moments
with you for closure?
-Come on!
-Yes, because the past
is all we have.
But it shouldn't be.
And you know it, and I know it!
I know damn well that should
be us in there right now.
If I didn't make the hugest
mistake of my life
and get the wrong girl
[Zachary] Dad?
I knew it.
Come on.
I stopped
making my life's decisions
for a ghost a long time ago.
And so should you.
Goodbye, Sean.
[distorted music]
[knocking at door]
Hi, can we talk?
[Sean] Give me one second.
Rough morning?
Do you really think it's okay
to pursue someone who's engaged,
much less married
to someone else?
I love her.
So what?
Can't you see how little
respect that shows
for her plans, her life?
Do you think you own her
just because you were
in an accident together?
Do you think you're the only
two people on this planet
who miss my son?
Do I open it?
I kept most of his things.
But I saw this and thought...
it's yours.
It was Zach's favorite t-shirt.
I thought maybe your
Zachary could wear it.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I know.
I'm sorry.
It's not just for last night.
I'm sorry.
Sean, I know.
He was the better one.
He had more potential.
Well, you'll make sure
that's true
if you don't start trying
to achieve your own.
You did get one thing
right last night.
I believe Zach was trying
to tell you something.
You're still alive.
[car door shuts]
[engine starts]
[peaceful music]
[crossing bell dinging]
-[bell rings]
You look like shit.
We can't hook up anymore.
You want to know why?
I know, right?
Aw, thanks.
Bloody Mary?
[quiet chatter]
[Ashley laughs]
See you bought your own coffee.
I'm sorry.
This whole week,
I'm really sorry.
I can't keep
sleeping with someone
who's in love with his ex.
I'm trying to figure
out a lot right now.
I'll even go to one of your
little get togethers in there.
Right now?
[sighs] Yeah.
That'll be a start.
A lot of us can relate
to losing loved ones.
And when that happens,
it takes a lot of courage
to keep showing up
to our lives...
[soft guitar music]
Since when do you knock?
Learned my lesson last time.
Sleeping over here now?
I've been sleeping over, bro.
You want to come in?
I'll give you two
a minute to catch up.
I'll be upstairs.
What are you doing here?
Came here to apologize.
I deserve to be happy.
You can at least give me that.
I'm sorry about the wedding.
The thing that you heard
me say--
You said I was a mistake,
which I already knew.
Even though you lied to me
last time.
I wasn't thinking
about what I was saying.
I was being extremely selfish
and I was thinking
about Kendall
and I wasn't thinking
about my family.
I want to share
something with you.
Can you read this signature?
Yeah. Zach.
[Sean] Mm-hmm
He was my best friend.
Is that why
you named me after him?
And when he died
I was never the same.
And I've been having
a hard time
and... I want to get better
because I want to be a better
dad for you.
you're my best friend now.
I've been pushing baseball
on you and that's not okay.
From now on...
I want to spend time
doing things
that are important to you.
Thanks, Dad.
What do you say
we do some video games?
'Cause I feel like I owe you.
Yeah, but first
can we play catch?
Oh, sweetheart, that ball's
too special to play with.
It's-- it's fine.
You don't have
to play catch with me.
I want to do things that
are important to you, too.
How did you become
such a good kid?
Come here.
I'm ready.
All right, you're gonna have
to go easy on me right now.
I hurt my arm.
I suck at baseball.
-It's okay to suck, buddy.
But if you don't like it,
then that's when you gotta quit.
I don't want to give up.
I want to be able
to play like you.
I'm not that good
anymore, buddy.
If you keep trying, you can
learn to be good again.
Pretty good advice.
-Are you hungry?
What do you say
you go put on pajamas,
I'll order us pizza?
You guys got plans tonight?
No, this is it.
Why don't you take
her out on a date?
-You sure?
-Go before I change
my mind. Come on.
-All right, all right.
-Let's do it.
-All right, thanks.
Thank you.
I'm gonna time you.
Get going.
-All right, all right. Let's go.
-One, two,
-three, four.
-[Jane] I'm going.
-Better get going.
-We're going, we're going.
-[Joey] Ohh! [laughs]
-[Jane laughs]
He slapped my butt.
[hopeful music]
[phone clicks]
[car beeps]
[upbeat music]
I've been learning a lot
About what it's gonna
Take to be your
Mister Storybook Man
But I've been learning
Too much about her
And I'm learning so much
I'm not sure
If I'm just lonely again
Between you and me it's
Such a big old world
And there's a whole lot
To see
Before we say goodbye
Say goodbye
Still want to say hello
Before we close
The door halfway
Instead of slamming it
Behind you
'Cause I know where
To find you
I'm always
Right behind you
Call me unkind
When I've been
Waking up with strangers
I've been staring
At the sun
I feel all my life has
Flashed before my eyes
Before it's begun
And while I've gotten
So much stronger
There's still sorrow
Deep inside
But I'll still mixing
Beer and wine
Without a fear in mind
Without fear in mind
Without a fear in
I let the devil provoke me
If the water of hope
Can soak me
In the bath
Of the terms that
I can come to
Because the deeper I go
It seems the people I know
Are just as vulnerable
As me
But they don't want to be
No they don't want to be
Don't let the sunrise
On the sunshine
Of your heart's desire
Don't let the wind
Blow you into a place
That you may not
Need to be
You'll be waking up
With strangers
I've been staring
At the sun
I feel all my life has
Flashed before my eyes
Before it's begun
And while I've gotten
So much stronger
There's still
Sorrow deep inside
But I'm still mixing
Beer and wine
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
Oh, sure
I've been waking up
With strangers
I've been staring
At the sun
I feel all my life has
Flashed before my eyes
Before it's begun
And while I've gotten
So much stronger
To feel sorrow deep inside
But I'm still mixing
Beer and wine
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
Without a fear in mind
The promo, bruv
[music fades]