Six Days in August (2024) Movie Script

[dramatic theme playing]
So you're telling me
it's got flags on it?
Well, here, I'll show you.
Not bad.
I have one other design.
You don't suppose
we could stop and pick that up?
Step up.
Hep. Step up.
They weren't cheap.
Get back inside.
Did I just see one of
Joseph's campaign posters
flying down the road?
You did.
You realize
we're going to need those.
Heber seems to think
we have plenty of them.
Whoa, beaut,
-[horse neighs]
-[man grunts]
[man speaks indistinctly]
Get moving!
[man grunts]
Get them oxen out of my way.
I've got a schedule to keep,
and no short legged critter
is going to keep me from it.
Stay on the coach.
[man speaks indistinctly]
Get moving.
[Man speaking in tongues]
Lazy animal!
What are you doing?
[dramatic theme playing]
[speaking in tongues]
[speaking in tongues]
Let him be.
[speaking in tongues]
[both grunting]
[horse neighs]
Who is that man?
That, my friend,
is Brigham Young.
It was a miracle.
[speaking in tongues]
Well, that is
a nifty little trick.
Have you ever seen him
do anything like that?
A thousand thanks.
And I doubt we'll ever see
anything like it again.
Shall we proceed?
Yes, sir.
Whenever you're ready, sir.
[dramatic theme playing]
[duck quacks]
[birds chirping]
[ducks quacking]
Joe Smith...
thinks he's above the law.
And in a community
of his own making,
that may be true.
But this is our community!
[ALL] Yeah!
And no one from the outside
is going to come in and tell us
what we will do!
[all voice approval]
Now, I've invited
a friend to join us.
You all know Thomas Sharp.
There are those
who suggest a compromise.
We know where that leads.
Need I remind you
that the Mormons
have called this a war.
Does that sound like
compromise to you?
[ALL] No!
When one portion
of the community
sets the laws aside,
it becomes our duty to see
that the law is obeyed.
That is what
we do here today--
by whatever means
we find necessary!
[all cheering]
We strike hard
and we strike fast!
[ALL] Yeah!
[all clamoring and whooping]
[tense theme playing]
[all yelling and clamoring]
[dramatic theme playing]
[church bell ringing the hour]
[BRIGHAM] We live in a nation
where the federal government
would shy away
from the protection
of injured innocents.
We are an example
of that innocence.
We asked
for a redressing of our wrongs,
and instead,
we were driven from our homes.
What would you do?
The previous administration
hides behind closed doors.
So we suggest
that we open those doors,
headed by someone unafraid
to help the helpless,
headed by Joseph Smith.
[crowd gasps]
Did you see
where it came from?
I think so.
Thank you
for that obvious example
of why we need
a standard of integrity.
Heathen! Go back
to where you came from.
[crowd murmuring]
My greatest hope
is that we will all return
to where we came from.
Back to that great God
who sent us.
Joseph Smith proposes a world
where good replaces evil,
where a standard of honor
raises the entire nation,
resulting in a kingdom
of righteousness.
Thank you.
Thank you for gathering today.
-[woman continues indistinctly]
-[men grunting]
[police whistles blowing]
[cows mooing]
This one says
you are a preacher.
I see that you have
a license for preaching.
What I don't see is a license
to engage in fisticuffs.
He hit me first.
[dramatic theme playing]
[cows mooing in distance]
I really don't
have time for this,
so why don't you go back
to your preaching
and let me get back to work?
I demand to be heard.
[slams hand down on table]
You demand, do you?
Why don't you come with me
and we'll find
a nice and quiet place
where you can wait.
What is it?
What is it?
Joseph and Hyrum are dead.
Wh-- When?
How could this happen?
God guides the affairs
of men,
but he does not control them.
I saw the fat man
in the crowd today,
the one who works
for Thomas Sharp.
He's the one
responsible for this.
Are you sure?
Did you get a good look at him?
Heber, I was rolling around
in the street with him.
I'm pretty sure who it was.
Why would he be here?
Sharp will persecute the Saints
so long as he draws breath.
You think Sharp was
responsible for Joseph's death?
He had a hand in it.
What will we do?
We go home.
Before it's too late.
What do you mean?
Men seek for power.
Nauvoo needs a leader.
I'm afraid of who it might be.
[door opens]
[dramatic theme playing]
[light chattering]
Who won?
Let me see that.
They stole our lumber.
Now we're fighting
amongst ourselves?
Hardly ideal conduct
from an apostle.
We've heard from Emma.
What did she say?
She quoted
a revelation by Joseph.
She said the Twelve Apostles
have no power
in the stakes of Zion.
We have the same authority.
It is not a matter
of authority.
The apostles have reign
to build up the Church
and regulate the affairs
outside of Zion.
The High Council
has jurisdiction here in Nauvoo.
And you are the president
of the High Council.
Yes, I am the president
here in Nauvoo.
Joseph is--
Joseph was the president.
We will be hard pressed
to replace Joseph.
Emma says that Brother Rigdon
is not the proper successor.
Who does she say it should be?
You, President Marks.
She thinks it should be you.
How kind.
There will be no president
until the apostles
have gathered.
And the apostles are united?
There are some
who think we should go
to Texas.
You, Elder Wight.
You think we should go to Texas.
We should speak with Sidney.
Whoever leads
will need his support.
-You'll go to Pittsburgh?
The rest of us
will have a visit with Emma.
[door opens]
[door opens]
What do you want?
I've come to be paid.
For what?
You hired me to cause harm
on the campaign trail,
which I did.
Admirably, I might add.
What harm could you do
to a dead man?
The Mormons won't be
bothering anybody anymore.
I did exactly as you asked.
I have news.
They're gonna arrest you.
For what?
For murder.
[door opens, closes]
That's it, then:
$70,000 in debts.
[EMMA] So that I understand,
Brother Clayton,
the debts are in the name
of my husband, Joseph.
He took on those debts
as a private citizen.
You know Joseph saw
no difference
between private property
and property owned
by the church.
Our assets,
land to house church members,
land that Joseph purchased
by means of his personal credit,
these lands are now
in the name of Joseph Smith,
Trustee in Trust for the church?
In other words, everything
is owned by the church.
The land belongs to the church,
but the debt belongs to me.
Mother Smith,
where are you going?
To gather all of our food
so that they may
take that as well.
And the chickens.
And our milk cow.
What else will you take?
Aunt Lucy, you know
you will be taken care of.
Mother, sit down.
There is a simple solution.
A new Trustee in Trust
should be appointed.
He can then reconcile
what belongs to the church
and what's ours.
You would have us appoint
a new church president?
President Marks
has served as president
of the Nauvoo stake of Zion.
I would like to see him
nominated as Trustee.
You go beyond
our authority.
We cannot speak
for the Quorum of the Twelve.
The apostles are
on their way back to Nauvoo.
Thank you, George.
But I'm not sure we can wait.
I have written to Sidney Rigdon.
I've asked him to come.
We shall see.
We shall certainly see.
[dramatic theme playing]
Then it's true?
I'm afraid it is.
If you read further--
It was nine--nine days ago.
We didn't always see
eye to eye, but...
I loved Joseph.
[crumpling paper]
We must gather.
There is much to be done.
I want you to take
a letter to Boston
and share it
with the other apostles.
Um, I'm headed to Boston now.
We'll meet here
and we'll counsel together.
Well, uh-- I'll leave
first thing tomorrow morning.
No, you'll go now. Now.
I have seen a vision,
Brother Wight.
I have seen Joseph
on the right hand of God,
clothed with all the power,
the glory,
the might, the majesty,
the dominion
of the celestial kingdom.
Joseph still holds
the keys to the kingdom.
Go. Go.
[LYMAN] Well, he said that no
one would take Joseph's place,
or have power
to build up the kingdom
to any other creature
but Joseph Smith.
He also claimed...
he saw a vision.
He had a vision?
A second class
sort of vision, if you ask me.
Which no one did.
Sidney knows
what a vision looks like.
And right now,
a vision would be welcome.
Joseph never discussed
who should lead the Saints if...
I'm not...
I'm not sure what happens next.
[light dramatic theme playing]
Sidney said
there should be
a guardian appointed
to build up the Church
to Joseph.
Did he say
who this guardian would be?
Anyone care to make a bet
as to who
he might be thinking of?
Wilford, no one asked you.
I know no one asked me,
but Sidney has no more authority
than anyone else.
We need to get back to Nauvoo.
We need to go home.
[dramatic theme playing]
[lively violin music playing]
Aren't you going to dance?
I haven't been asked.
You've already been asked
by four different boys.
I haven't been asked
by anyone I care to dance with.
[violin music fades]
[dramatic theme playing]
Brigham, I'd like
to introduce you
to my friend Miriam.
-Miriam, this is--
-[BOTH] Brigham.
Brigham Young.
Your father married
Hannah Brown.
Yes. My mother died
a few years ago.
Mrs. Brown has been
good for my father.
I'm sorry.
I--I came
to listen to the violins.
The first time I heard
a violin, I was 11.
I thought I was
on the road to hell
when I stopped to listen.
You don't dance?
My father
was a very strict man.
[lively violin music playing]
-Come on, Brigham.
-[BRIGHAM] Uh...
I thought you didn't dance.
Your words, not mine.
I've an errand
I need you
to take care of for me.
Of course, sir.
I apologize in advance.
It could take
most of your evening.
[dramatic theme playing]
I expect
your utmost care, Brigham.
I'm not sure I understand.
Well, I need you to escort
Miss Works here to her home.
Have you met?
We've met, sir.
If it's too much
of a bother--
Oh, no, no.
Of course not.
The utmost care,
[cows mooing]
I've been ambushed.
You've been ambushed?
That's hardly flattering.
Oh, no, not by you.
Ambushed by Mr. Parks.
He's determined
to see me married.
So he does this regularly?
Oh, no, no, not at all.
A different girl
every night?
No, this--
This isn't what you think.
Do I seem experienced?
Actually, not at all.
In fact, I believe
you've never escorted
a young woman home
in your life.
That is correct.
Except my sister.
And you dance?
Yes, I dance.
You ambushed me
at the dance.
Well, yes, delightedly.
I'm not sure what
to make of you, Mr. Young.
Perhaps-- Perhaps
we could start over.
I'd be delighted
to escort you home, Miss Miriam.
If you play
your cards right,
there may just be dinner
in this for you.
Declare the same
by the giving
and receiving of a ring
and by joining of hands.
I pronounce that thee
be man and wife together.
In the name
of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
[light applause]
You don't know
how happy this makes me.
Perhaps I do.
A warm meal every night,
someone to milk the cow.
And feed the chickens.
[crowd gasps]
[Miriam laughs]
Wish I could be baptized today.
Let's get you better first.
It will happen soon enough.
[dramatic theme playing]
This was never part
of my plan, Heber.
I wish I could fix it
for you.
She was 26, Heber.
[cows mooing in distance]
Would you still
have married her?
Knowing that
you wouldn't grow old together?
I wouldn't change anything.
I think perhaps you could use
a change of scenery.
A little journey
to meet the prophet.
To Kirtland?
I think it will do us
some good.
Hello, Brigham.
You told him?
I told him.
[BRIGHAM] How long have
you been planning this?
-You told him?
-We told him.
You'll get to meet Joseph.
We are cousins.
We all know that,
Brigham, would you?
Of course.
Dear Father, we approach thee
with overflowing hearts.
Hearts filled
with thanksgiving and grief.
[Brigham sobs]
I can finish it
for you, Brigham.
[Brigham speaking in tongues]
What does it mean,
Blessed are those who mourn.
And those
who comfort for my sake.
Blessed are those
who forgive
and fill their hearts
with sweet forgiving.
Rejoice and be exceedingly glad,
for great is your reward
in heaven.
[dramatic theme playing]
[HEBER] What do you suppose
he will be like?
I expect him
to be humble,
no nonsense.
[rooster crowing in distance]
I have no idea.
I've never met a prophet before.
[cow mooing]
He's probably readying
a sermon.
Judgment, likely.
Maybe repentance.
[chickens clucking]
You think he'll call us
to repentance?
It is what prophets do.
Come on, brother.
Brothers, welcome.
Who are you
and what brings you to Kirtland?
We're looking
for the Prophet Joseph.
We were told...
You're him, aren't you?
I am.
I hope
you are not disappointed.
Some are.
No, of course not.
You are exactly--
You're exactly
as we imagined.
I doubt that.
But then again,
I did not choose this.
God chose me.
-I'm Heber Kimball.
And I'm Brigham Young.
And this--
-Little George.
Who is not so little
it seems.
-[BRIGHAM] He's a good man.
-I do not doubt it.
[JOSEPH] Meet my brothers
Hyrum and Samuel.
And come, you must meet
Emma and my son Joseph.
We interrupt your work.
It will keep.
Or we finish it.
As you wish.
Come on, Joseph. Come on.
You got it. Come on.
-[HYRUM] Come on, Joseph!
-[GEORGE] There it is.
Yes! Yes!
-Come on, Joseph.
-You can do this, Joseph.
My brother, he's gaining.
Come on, Brigham.
-Come on, Joseph.
-[HEBER] Come on, Brigham.
Come on, Brigham.
Don't slow down now.
That does it,
You can do this, Joseph.
My brother is gaining.
[HEBER] Come on, Brigham.
-[GEORGE] He's right behind you.
-Come on!
Pay him no mind.
That does it, Joseph.
Come on, Brigham.
Come on, Brigham!
You got it, come on.
Come on, Joseph!
[tree cracking and creaking]
[dramatic theme playing]
Well done, Brother Brigham.
That, Brother Young,
is close of a competition
as my brother
has had in sometime.
You have acquitted
yourself well.
It would appear
Brother Brigham
is at home in the woods.
If I am to be bested,
perhaps I don't mind
that it's by a prophet of God.
You are most welcome
by my side anytime, Brigham.
Come on.
[speaking in tongues]
It comes unbidden.
He opens his mouth,
and the Lord fills it.
Certainly something fills it.
I believe in the same church
that existed anciently,
a church of healing
and visions,
a church of revelation.
We cannot suppose
that every word
spoken in tongues
is a revelation from God.
Are you familiar
with the Book of Acts, Sidney?
You would preach to me?
[chuckles softly]
I will preach to anyone.
You are familiar
with the man called Ananias?
Yes, of course, I am.
Saul had been blinded
by the Lord
for his persecution
of the ancient Saints.
Ananias heard
the Lord and healed him.
How did he know
it was the Lord?
How does anyone know
when the Lord speaks to them?
You are familiar
with the Book of Luke?
You would preach to me?
In Luke,
the Lord grants authority
to cast out devils.
And that is what I think
we should concern
ourselves with.
The gift of tongues
reveals the things of the heart.
Whether they be good or evil.
Fortunately, to some is given
the gift of discernment.
[dramatic theme playing]
Your gift is of God.
[dramatic theme playing]
What is it, Brigham?
I'm not sure I know
what you're talking about.
This isn't easy to say.
Well, if it was,
you would have said it already.
I'm getting married, Heber.
[incredulous chuckle]
You're getting married?
Miss Angell?
Yes, Miss Angell.
Well, that's wonderful.
When is the happy occasion?
You're getting married
on Tuesday?
I can't have Vilate
care for my children forever.
Yeah, I understand.
I was...
You met, but recently.
I'm just a little surprised,
that's all.
I've known her long enough.
She is faithful.
She is faithful and kind.
There is that.
Do you love her?
I love Miriam.
And I hope...
I hope to carve a place
in my heart for Miss Angell.
Well, Vilate will be pleased.
-Perhaps we should tell her?
I want a simple wedding,
you don't know Vilate.
Maybe you do.
You are getting married
on Tuesday.
When were you going
to tell me?
-Monday evening?
-[Brigham chuckles]
Or perhaps you would have
waited 'til Tuesday morning.
Heber, I-I told you.
I told you.
Or perhaps after
the birth of your first child.
this is Mary Ann Angell.
Oh, by the way, we were
married last spring."
[light chattering]
Shall we go home,
Miss Angell?
It's Mrs. Young now.
But you may call me
Mary Ann.
And you may call me
Yes, Brother Brigham,
I'm ready to go home.
Would you like me
to take the girls
for the evening, Brigham?
It's fine, Brigham.
They know my home
as well as yours.
Come on, girls.
Thank you, Vilate.
Are we ready to go home,
Miss Angell?
Mary Ann.
Mary Ann.
[cows mooing in distance]
Miss Angell.
Yes, Brother Young?
Mary Ann.
Yes, Brigham.
You'll have to be
patient with me.
No one gets married
with the expectation
of losing
their sweetheart.
Yes, I know.
I can wait.
I've been patient
in awaiting a husband.
Yes, why did you wait
so long?
I had opportunities,
you know.
I'm not surprised.
And yet you waited.
I was looking
for a certain kind of man.
And you found him?
I did.
A man of charm
and looks, no doubt.
Of course.
A man of courage
and skill.
-A man of wisdom--
The man was
all of that and more.
I turned him down.
I wanted a man
of faith, Brigham.
So I waited.
[wolf howling]
[wolves chattering in distance]
[ominous theme playing]
[door kicks open]
Gentlemen, please,
there's no cause for this.
Tell me what
it is that you want.
I'm sure that
all can be reconciled.
[groans in pain]
[men clamoring]
You're a dead man!
[both yelling indistinctly]
Go inside!
[Joseph struggling]
[dramatic theme playing]
How is he?
It's Joseph.
-Sidney. Sidney.
-You leave me alone.
No, you won't have me
or my family.
-[PHEBE] Sidney!
-No, leave me alone!
-[PHEBE] No!
-Leave me alone!
-No, it's Joseph!
-Leave me alone!
Sidney, stop,
it's Joseph!
-[PHEBE] It's Joseph!
-That's my truth!
-[JOSEPH] It's Joseph.
-God will send your soul
-to eternal damnation...
-It's Joseph!
to eternal damnation
you so richly deserve!
-[knife clatters]
-It's Joseph.
It is Joseph.
[crying laughter]
Thank you, God.
I'm so scared.
Oh, Joseph.
Oh, Phebe.
Thank you, God.
-Oh, thank you.
-[JOSEPH] It's all right.
It's all right.
Oh, my friend.
Oh, thank you.
Prophets and apostles
of old were persecuted.
We are in good company.
something has to change.
These people didn't
like us in the first place
because we are
not the same as them.
And then
we made things worse.
We told them that the land
that they live on is ours,
that we are
a chosen people.
It's hardly the best way
to make friends.
Yet it is true.
Emma, which religion is most
prominent here in Kirtland?
Exactly my point.
We outnumber
our neighbors.
But there are
other religions.
Yes, we are
a religious majority.
And as that majority,
we are required
to defend the rights
of others to worship
to their own beliefs.
Is it too much to ask
to be afforded
that same privilege?
I will ask
the Saints to cause
as little excitement
as possible.
We will preach
love of God and love of man.
[dramatic theme playing]
We will be like
captive Israel in Babylon.
We will not sing
the songs of Zion.
When will this end?
I'm not sure.
We need the temple.
We need it completed.
We need the endowment
of power.
And then perhaps Zion
will be redeemed.
[JOSEPH] And now we ask thee,
Holy Father,
to accept of this house,
the workmanship
of the hands of thy servants,
that they may go forth
from this house
armed with thy power,
that thy name
may be upon them,
and that thy glory
be round about them,
and thine angels
have charge over them.
Do you see them
on top of the temple?
I'm trying. I...
You're sure they're angels?
You have to believe,
For behold to one is given
that he may prophesy.
To another,
beholding of angels.
[ephemeral theme playing]
Are you well?
Well enough.
If I'm not mistaken,
this hat was recently
a pair of my drawers.
You are not mistaken.
You have everything.
Prolonging this
will not bring us
-back together any quicker.
-I know that.
I prolong it
because I will miss you.
And I you.
[sighs] Will there
always be missions, Brigham?
If the Lord commands it.
Who will care for us?
Go quickly that
you might return safe.
God be with you.
Come back to me,
Brother Young.
That I will do.
[cows mooing in distance]
I'm here to collect Heber.
We are going to England.
I know you're going
to England, but not today.
Heber is in no condition
to leave immediately.
Neither are you.
What's wrong with me?
Am I dreaming?
I thought I'd left you.
Yes. And you made it
all of a mile
before you collapsed.
Where's Vilate?
Sick in bed, as is Heber.
No one is going anywhere
I've never felt better
in my life.
You find that amusing?
I think that is the first time
I've ever heard you lie.
Well, nevertheless,
I'm leaving today.
Oh, Heber can't travel.
Heber has never felt better
in his life.
Call for the wagon.
[dry chuckle]
You look awful.
You don't look any better.
I look very well.
Thank you.
Let's rise up
and give 'em a cheer.
[Brigham chuckles incredulously]
[Brigham laughs]
Hurrah for Israel!
[horse neighs]
God bless you.
Take care of yourself,
Brother Young!
[dramatic theme playing]
Not sure
this is a good idea.
Probably not.
So why are we here?
Joseph said
we'd begin our mission
from Far West.
-[metallic clattering]
But that was before
we were driven out at gunpoint.
Listen, if you had
a chance to fulfill prophecy,
would you do it?
[cows mooing in distance]
Yes, I would.
[wagon thumps nearby]
You'll get us killed.
Heavy load.
But I think
you'll like the stone.
You tempt fate?
It was prophesied.
Does anyone know we're here?
I don't think so.
Everything's been quiet.
Maybe they will leave us alone.
Nothing has changed, George.
This is still Missouri.
The governor has
given them a writ
that allows them to kill us.
Let's see it.
What is that?
It's a stone.
[dry chuckle]
I can see that.
Will someone please
tell me what is going on?
If I'm not mistaken,
and I'm rarely mistaken,
this is a cornerstone
of the Far West temple.
I've known you to be mistaken.
But on this occasion,
you are correct.
How are we going
to build a temple?
It's not how George.
It's when.
What's the date today, Heber?
It's April 26th.
We will dedicate the cornerstone
of the Far West temple
on the date
that Joseph prophesied.
And then we go to England.
If you boys can stop gawking,
we'll pull this thing out.
[all grunting]
We will pray on the stone,
and then we'll pray on you,
Wilford, and you, George.
You will ordain us apostles?
It's Joseph's will,
and God's.
Heh. This is the first time
since I've known you
that you didn't
have something to say.
[GEORGE] It's been months
since we were called.
I wasn't sure
if it was going to happen.
April 26th.
-[BRIGHAM] Pull.
-[all grunting]
[dramatic theme playing]
[wagon approaching]
[horse neighs]
[horse snorts]
Sorry we didn't wait
for you.
Oh. Oh.
Meet Brother Benbow.
Welcome, Brother Brigham.
And this young one here
is George Smith.
George, are you, um,
related to the Prophet?
I've heard a lot about you.
I'm anxious to meet your family.
There are more waiting.
Many of you have
not had the chance
to read the Book of Mormon.
But thanks to Brother Benbow
and Brother Kington,
we have contracted
to publish 5,000 copies--
in addition
to a new hymn book.
It's not the keys
to the kingdom, but...
but perhaps it will help.
We can use the church.
No, it's yours, Brigham.
You mean it's ours.
Thank you,
Brother Benbow.
[dramatic theme playing]
[crowd cheering]
Hark, listen
To the trumpeters
They sound for volunteers
On Zion's bright
And flow'ry mount
Behold the officers
Their horses white
Their armor bright
With courage bold they stand
Enlisting soldiers
For their King
To march to Zion's land
It sets my heart
All in a flame
A soldier brave to be
Enlisting soldiers
for their King
To march to Zion's land
It sets my heart
All in a flame
A soldier brave to be
I will enlist
Gird on my arms
And fight for liberty
[singing fades]
[cows mooing]
[dramatic theme playing]
[emotional laughing]
Returning home,
as promised, Sister Young.
I missed you.
We have spent entirely
too much time apart,
Brother Young.
I'll hold to Joseph's promise
that things will change.
I see there are things that need
to change here as well.
This is a noble spot
for a garden.
A little damp
for sleeping.
It has sufficed.
I'm sorry for not taking
better care of you.
That will also change...
[dramatic theme playing]
[birds chirping]
[people chattering]
Yes, he does that.
Joseph, I have a friend
I would like you to meet,
Mr. Thomas Sharp.
Mr. Sharp is editor
and chief contributor
to the Warsaw Signal,
a most valuable friend to have.
Mr. Sharp
is not a man of faith.
At least not your faith.
Something your paper
reminds us of frequently.
I believe in freedom,
not faith.
We believe in both.
What do you think
of Nauvoo, Mr. Sharp?
Your town is, uh,
it's impressive,
Mrs. Smith.
You'll say as much
in your paper?
I print truth,
Mr. Young.
Good day.
Mr. Smith.
[soldier reciting cadence]
Our Nauvoo Legion is authorized
by the State of Illinois.
And commanded
by your prophet
and religious leader.
What military training
do you have, Mr. Smith?
We will not be driven
from our homes again, Mr. Sharp.
We will preach
or fight,
is required.
You can
write that down.
One thing puzzles me, Mr. Smith.
Actually, many things puzzle me,
but this most of all.
You claim to be God's people.
Yet trouble follows you
Are you familiar
with the Bible, Mr. Sharp?
-Of course.
-Then you may see that perhaps
the trouble that follows us
is a testament
that we are God's people.
Do you know why
we build temples, Mr. Sharp?
To worship God?
God has given us
the sealing power
that allows the relationships
of this life
to continue into the eternities.
A man who leads
a believing people
treads a precarious pathway.
Power entices.
And you use your power
to do whatever you want.
Well, your followers
are devoted.
I believe they will do
anything you ask,
including participating in
your messy doctrine of marriage.
Do you have more
than one wife, Mr. Smith?
You bring up God,
not his teachings.
I could point you
back to the Bible.
But suffice it to say,
God has commanded it.
Mm, so you say.
You only hear what you want to.
But what I've heard
is that your people
build a temple to make
secret promises
as though
you can call upon heaven
like Zeus upon his mount.
We seek only
the blessings that God
has promised all his children
since the days of Abraham.
For you,
it's always ancient prophets
and power from on high.
For me, it is leading
a persecuted people to Zion.
God promised
to clothe his children,
to endow them
with the spiritual power
to overcome
the trials of this world.
You think you speak for God?
That is the first thing
you've got right today.
And you'll print it
in your paper?
I print truth, Mr. Smith.
Man's or God's?
[dramatic theme playing]
I thought I could do this,
Joseph, but...
I can't.
I don't want
to be tested.
I don't want to be tried.
Not in this way.
You know I would
never choose this.
Would you choose me,
I already have.
If this is my test,
then I fear I must fail.
You will not fail.
I won't let you.
Joseph, I've given this
long thought.
I'm at a crossroads.
Twice married, one here,
and one in the grave.
Joseph, I love them both.
And you shall be sealed to both.
I can be married to both?
You and Mary will make
a covenant for the eternities.
And you will be sealed
to Jerusa
on the same principle
as baptisms for the dead.
It's a bit complicated,
but will you have me?
Of course, Hyrum.
And you, Brigham?
You find yourself
in the same place.
Are you going
to ask her, Brigham?
Or shall I ask for you?
There is a chance if I asked
that she should say no.
And if you don't ask?
Will you?
That was only slightly
better than the first time
you asked me to marry you.
I look forward to one day
meeting Miriam,
if you will have us both.
[dramatic theme playing]
It won't happen.
Something is brewing,
Lord bids me hasten his work.
You must complete
your covenants.
But the temple
is not finished.
The Lord wills it.
You cannot be sealed
and saved without the endowment.
You have many storms
to pass through.
All of you do.
I roll the burden
onto your shoulders.
The Lord is going
to allow me to rest awhile.
Come, Brigham.
Brigham Young,
in the name of Jesus Christ,
we lay our hands upon your head.
Well, you certainly
caused a stir.
Read this.
"You will discontinue
the delivery of this paper.
Its contents are disgraceful
to any moral man.
Yours with utter contempt,
Joseph Smith.
P.S., please publish the above
in your contemptible paper."
You can't publish this.
Why not? He asked me to.
You'll play into his hands.
You can't give him a voice!
He already has a voice!
He is prophet and dictator
to thousands of his people.
They do exactly as he says.
No one else pays him any mind.
We can no longer stay neutral!
They are too powerful.
We will print
His Holiness's letter.
Yes, but to what end?
To the end of the Mormons.
You can't be serious.
Maybe not.
"Inasmuch as we have for years
born with the individual follies
and iniquities
of Joseph Smith...
-[crowd murmuring]
-Hyrum Smith, and many others,
and inasmuch
as they have introduced
false and damnable doctrines
into the Church,
therefore are constrained
to denounce them
as apostates
from the pure and holy doctrines
of Jesus Christ."
-[crowd quiets]
Yes, the Constitution
protects the word,
but it also protects
the citizen against libel.
This newspaper
must be put down.
[ crowd clamoring ]
Thomas, Thomas.
They've done it.
They've done it.
You're going to have
to be a bit more specific.
The Mormons, they're going
to take down the newspaper.
They wouldn't dare.
Even they know
it's against the law.
They're using the law.
The city council has declared it
a public nuisance.
They've ordered the marshal
to take it down.
"They tumbled the pressing
materials into the street
and set fire to them
and demolished the machinery."
-Print them.
-[HENCHMAN] How many?
Until I tell you to stop.
"War and extermination
is inevitable.
Citizens arise one and all.
We've no time for comment.
Let it be made
with powder and ball."
It is thought by some
that our enemies
would be satisfied
with my destruction.
But as soon
as they have shed my blood,
they will thirst
for the blood of every man
in whose heart
dwells a single spark
of the fulness of the gospel.
And so we fight!
[soldiers yelling in agreement]
Will you stand by me
to the death
and sustain the laws
of our country?
[soldiers yelling in agreement]
[dramatic theme playing]
I ask too much.
I ask too much.
Your sacrifice
will not be necessary.
I love you with all my heart.
You have stood by me
in my hour of trouble,
and I'm willing to give
my life for your preservation.
God almighty is my shield.
My life is in his hands.
What is it?
Sorry to disturb you.
We're looking for Joseph Smith.
He's not here.
What is it that you want?
I believe Mr. Smith
may have been confused
about his authority
to destroy the press.
That newspaper was full of lies.
but its destruction infringes
upon the laws
and liberties of the people
of the State of Illinois.
The people of Illinois,
and Missouri, and Ohio
have infringed
on the rights of our people
for the past 15 years.
Mind if we take
a look around?
We just want
to live in peace.
[dramatic theme playing]
How goes the campaign?
I leave tomorrow.
We begin campaigning in Boston.
Joseph, it's worse
than we thought.
You're wanted
on both sides of the river.
Please, Joseph,
come home.
We will prove
your innocence.
As we did before.
Then what?
Emma, where I go,
trouble follows.
It is better for the Saints
if I stay away.
I love you, Emma.
Be quiet.
Let them hear me.
I love you!
Again, she is here
even in the seventh trouble.
Unchangeable, affectionate Emma.
What should we do?
Let's go back,
give ourselves up,
and see this thing through.
If we go back,
we will be killed.
But if we live or die,
we will be reconciled
to our fate.
Get the boat.
Have you chosen a name?
David Hyrum.
What if it's a girl?
Joseph, I would like
a blessing before you leave.
Write down the blessing
that you desire,
and I will petition
the Lord when I return.
[door opens, closes]
You're coming back.
You will come back, Joseph!
[Emma sobbing]
[EMMA] The richest
of heaven's blessings
would be wisdom
from my Heavenly Father
bestowed daily.
So that whatever
I might do or say,
I would not look back
at the close of the day
with regret.
I desire
a fruitful, active mind
that I may be able
to comprehend
the designs of God
without doubting.
[JOSEPH] I am going
like the lamb to the slaughter,
but I am as calm
as a summer's morning.
I desire with all my heart
to honor and respect
my husband,
to ever live in his confidence
and to retain the place
which God
has given me by his side.
[JOSEPH] I have a conscience
void of offense
toward God and toward all men.
If they take my life,
I shall die an innocent man.
And my blood shall cry
from the ground for vengeance,
and it shall be said of me,
he was murdered in cold blood.
Finally, I desire
that whatever may be
my lot through life,
I may be enabled to acknowledge
the hand of God in all things.
[dramatic theme playing]
[men clamoring and yelling]
[bird caws]
[clamoring and yelling]
-Have you heard?
-Everyone has heard.
Samuel, what will you do?
They're my brothers.
What would you have me do?
[horse neighs]
[men clamoring and yelling]
[horse neighs]
[horse grunts]
[dramatic theme playing]
Yes, what is it?
They won't wait for you.
The apostles.
They're not coming here.
They're going
straight to Nauvoo.
Sidney, did you hear me?
Yes, I heard you.
They intend
to proceed without me,
and we will not allow
that to happen.
I was there long before
any of them,
and I will be there
long after.
To Nauvoo then.
[dramatic theme playing]
It's good to see you,
And you, Brother Smith.
I pray all is well.
Brother Rigdon,
welcome home.
Thank you.
Will you be
the new prophet?
No one can replace Joseph,
but I will continue the work
as the prophets have done
in every generation.
[SIDNEY] Is there something
I can do for you, George?
Will you meet with us?
Meet with whom?
The apostles.
Have they returned?
No, we're still waiting
for them.
Or rather,
some of us are here.
Of course.
Of course.
Until tomorrow, then.
It ' s late.
How long
are we going to wait?
I've waited four days.
I want
the apostles together.
Another hour or two
won't hurt us.
Any news from Nauvoo?
It's quiet.
Well met, Brother Wight!
You had success
in Philadelphia?
Yes. The others
are on their way.
Our boat leaves
in an hour.
[LYMAN] I won't be staying
in Nauvoo, Brigham.
None of us should.
-What do you mean?
-Brigham, you assume,
just like everyone else,
that because Joseph is gone,
our enemies will leave us alone.
I don't assume anything.
I'm going to take
a colony to Texas.
Again with the colony
to Texas.
It's what Joseph wanted.
We'll stay in Nauvoo.
you were chosen
as president of the Twelve,
only because, at the time,
you were the oldest.
There are those who think
it should be otherwise.
And where do you stand,
Do you have any idea
what Sidney is doing right now?
He is gathering support
to be the next prophet
and president of the church.
We don't know that.
I think we do.
We're going to be late.
[dramatic theme playing]
Let's go to Nauvoo, Lyman.
[rooster crows in distance]
Sidney is late.
And your pacing will do little
to bring him earlier.
Why don't you go get him?
I will.
I will do just that.
I was afraid
you weren't coming.
Well, I am here, aren't I?
Yes. Yes.
Yes, I just thought--
-We should go.
-Where are you going?
-The others are waiting.
-It's ten o'clock.
-I must preach.
-You must preach?
Yes, there is a meeting
at ten o'clock.
-I must preach.
Give my best
to the other brethren.
But you can't just leave.
-I must preach, Brother Smith!
-But Brother Taylor
and Brother Richards
are waiting.
I would express to you
the Lord's desires.
There must be
a guardian appointed
to build the Church up
to Joseph.
And who shall do that, you ask?
Joseph is gone.
Hyrum, gone.
As the last surviving member
of the First Presidency,
it falls on me to lead.
I will stand like Moses,
and preserve the Church
as Joseph began it.
I am the identical man
who the ancient prophets
have sung about, written about,
and rejoiced over.
President Marks has a rather
important announcement to make.
President Marks.
[dramatic theme playing]
On Thursday morning,
four days hence,
at this very spot,
President Rigdon will hold
a special gathering
of the Saints
to choose a guardian.
His claims will be considered
in a fair and honest manner.
That concludes this meeting.
Thank you for coming.
[crowd murmuring]
Can he do that?
He did it.
Everyone will be there.
By Thursday,
we'll have a new leader.
A new prophet?
A prophet, a guardian.
Call it what you will.
Is there any word from Brigham?
Still expected any day.
If he doesn't get here soon,
it'll be too late.
We have to stop this.
President Marks,
I've been waiting for you.
George, what do you need?
[scoffs] Some say
that you and Sidney
have been...plotting.
That's ridiculous.
Is it?
What authority do you have
to gather a body
of the Saints?
As president
of the Nauvoo Stake,
I have every right
to preside over the Saints.
Yes, but you have no authority
to choose who will lead us,
not without speaking
to the apostles.
President Rigdon
is the last remaining member
of the First Presidency.
Without Joseph and Hyrum,
there is no First Presidency.
And that must be remedied.
As it will be.
But you decided
it was necessary
to meet immediately
before the apostles return.
And so, you plot.
Brother Marks,
we invited Sidney
to meet with us.
He chose to ignore
that invitation.
Kindly extend another one.
Sidney will meet
with us tomorrow.
We are much weakened.
This election is sure to bring
anti-Mormons into office.
We all know that, Sidney.
Do you know what we lack?
We lack a great leader.
You need a guardian!
What if they won't have you?
What if the Saints
choose someone else?
The meeting
on Thursday.
What do you intend?
A prayer meeting.
And no binding decisions
will be made.
I wish no office
in the kingdom of heaven,
even if it were offered.
[door opens, closes]
What is he up to now?
He is right about one thing.
We cannot wait.
[light dramatic theme playing]
[ducks quacking]
Well, apparently some of us
are more loved than others.
How did you know
we would be here?
We didn't.
But we've come every day
for a week now, hoping.
As I said,
some of us
are more loved than others.
Heh. Heber, Vilate
has been here often.
Go home, you'll find
she's missed you deeply.
It seems different
without Joseph.
I wake up every morning praying
it didn't really happen.
[cows mooing]
[door opens]
George, welcome.
Your trip
was uneventful?
We're here.
There is unrest.
I know.
There is talk of four or five
different successors.
-That many?
-[BOTH] Yeah.
There is Sidney, of course,
Joseph's brother, William.
If Mother Smith has her way.
Also President Marks,
and you, Brigham.
There are others.
Lyman, for example.
I thought we'd been
through this, Lyman.
What do you want me to say?
That I'll stay in Nauvoo.
I don't know.
Sidney has cemented
an alliance
with President Marks.
Marks would be patriarch,
Sidney would be president.
There is one more thing.
Sidney has called a meeting.
He is moving quickly,
He hopes to gather the Saints
before you do anything.
Then we shall have
our own meeting
with Sidney,
one week from today.
No, that's--that's too late.
That's too late?
Yes, that's too late.
-Well, then today.
-[GEORGE] Today?
On our own terms.
Word will get out.
-Let me finish!
-So, it was not the same
as the vision
you had with Joseph.
Lord manifests in many ways.
So, it wasn't the same?
Have you had a vision,
Brother Woodruff?
I thought not.
I have been ordained
as Joseph's spokesman
and will continue
to speak for him
until Joseph himself
shall descend from heaven
as a mighty angel!
I have discharged my duty
and done what God commanded me.
The people
can please themselves,
whether they accept me or not.
You would have it
be a vote then.
Simply canvas the Saints,
and majority rules.
And this group, what of us?
What of you?
I don't care
who leads the Church.
It could be Ann Lee,
the Shaker prophetess,
if God willed it.
But it won't be you
unless God speaks it.
Does he speak for you?
-Aye, he does.
[dramatic theme playing]
And you, Brother Wight,
does Brigham speak for you?
He does.
Joseph conferred
upon our heads,
all the keys and powers
belonging to the apostleship,
which he himself held
before he was taken away.
And no man
can get between
Joseph and the Twelve.
[door opens, closes]
[cows mooing in distance]
Emma, I'm so sorry.
I know.
Joseph would have us go on...
with all of his teachings.
Some of those teachings
led to his death.
We don't know that.
The doctrines are from God.
I was there
from the beginning, Brigham.
You needn't lecture me.
They say you favor
President Marks?
I favor Joseph.
What about my family, Brigham?
We will continue
to take care of you.
Nothing has changed.
Everything has changed.
I will take care of my family.
I will not abandon
the one thing I still have.
-Oh, hello, Wilford.
-[WILFORD] Pardon us.
Heber, come in, please.
It's good to see you.
We were hoping
to speak with Brigham.
We're gathering
in the morning.
I'm sorry.
He's not here.
He's gone walking.
He used to climb
the hillside in Britain.
Easier to hear.
He says the house
is too noisy to hear God.
No wonder I seldom hear Him.
Have you ever heard quiet
at my house?
I personally prefer
the sound of children
to silence.
I might not hear God
-in their noise and laughter...
-[door opens]
but I see Him.
That's a great reminder
for us all...
-[door closes]
-...including Brigham.
And what do I need
to be reminded of?
Of our meeting tomorrow
morning at nine o'clock.
I'll be there.
Sidney will have
his own meeting tomorrow?
He's called it off.
I think you scared him, Brigham.
[Brigham chuckles]
[sighs] Well, that's
some good news, then.
Perhaps my brothers
would like
a piece of molasses cake.
Oh, I shouldn't.
But you will.
I will.
Heh, we all will.
Thank you, Mary Ann.
[dramatic theme playing]
Sidney's having his meeting!
I thought it was canceled.
It's back on!
It is but a few years
from when
the entire church membership met
in a small log cabin.
And this gathering
is a testament
to all that Joseph has done.
In the beginning,
Joseph and I met
in secret in Ohio
with little to eat
but Johnnycake and milk.
It was the beginning
of amazing days.
Is that enough?
It is a place to start.
Let's get the money
to Emma.
One thousand dollars?
Mother Smith
won't be happy.
I'm not sure anyone
can make her happy.
No sign of Brigham.
I don't understand.
He knew we were meeting.
Maybe he forgot.
That is not like Brigham.
You don't suppose...
You don't suppose Sidney
is holding his prayer meeting?
Joseph and I talked...
wept, prayed.
Angels ministered to us.
The Spirit of God was with us,
and the heavens opened unto us.
We cannot disbelieve this
to be the Church of God
I have always known it to be.
It cannot be otherwise!
[wind howling]
Have I not seen God's glory
by the visions of heaven?
[horse grunts]
We need to get to the grove.
Sidney's meeting.
-[HEBER] I'm good.
-[WILFORD] We're good.
[horse neighs]
Mankind has labored
under one universal mistake,
-that salvation...
-[wind blowing]
What's he saying?
I can't hear him.
...that salvation
was distinct from government.
We can't hear you.
[crowd clamoring]
Brother Rigdon!
Brother Rigdon,
we can't hear you!
-But I can hear you!
-It's the wind!
Come back here, and the wind
will carry your voice!
Yes, yes, I'm coming.
I will come.
We love you, brother.
We love you.
I love you.
Bless you.
Can you hear me?
[CROWD] Yes!
And I can hear you!
And I can feel you.
And my heart is touched.
As I was saying before,
when God speaks...
I thought you said
the meeting was canceled?
That is what
I was told.
...that shall rule our temporal
and our spiritual lives.
It seems he is, once again,
one step ahead of us.
And when God sets up
his kingdom,
He will sustain it
above all laws and kingdoms
of the world.
And the world
shall have no power
over the kingdom of God!
Yet, we worship Him.
We revere Him.
We look to His kingdom.
I have journeyed far.
I have a right
to proclaim myself
a king and a priest
unto the most high God!
And that is why we are gathered.
The time has come
for a decision.
We can wait no longer,
or our people face certain chaos
and destruction!
I will manage this voting
for Elder Rigdon.
He does not preside here.
This child will manage
the flock for a season.
For the first time,
since I became
a member of the Church,
the Twelve Apostles chosen
by revelation
in this last dispensation,
present themselves
before the Church.
We have all done
the best we could without...
...without Joseph.
[sighs] I feel to want to weep
for a month, I so miss him.
But we carry on.
We will now have to walk
by faith, not by sight.
I would not do it this way,
but others are filled
with a hurrying spirit.
And so I ask each of you,
do you seek a guardian,
someone who looks rearward,
or would you look to the future?
[JOSEPH] You have many storms
to pass through, all of you do.
If I pass the keys
on to each of you,
I can go knowing
my work is done.
Brigham Young,
in the name of Jesus Christ,
we lay our hands upon your head.
[crowd murmuring]
The Twelve were appointed
by the finger of the Almighty.
Is it, Joseph?
They hold the keys
of the kingdom.
It's Joseph.
It is Joseph.
Now, as Brother Rigdon
we will make a decision.
Do you want Brother Rigdon
to stand forward as your leader,
as your spokesman?
Ask of the others first.
Ask if they would have
The Twelve lead.
As you wish.
We are fortunate
to be together today.
Brothers, please.
If the Church wants The Twelve
to walk into their calling,
if this is your mind,
signify it by the uplifted hand.
As is the will of God,
so is the will of the people.
Now, perhaps some may think
that our beloved Brother Rigdon
would not be honored,
would not be looked to
as a friend,
but if he should prove faithful,
we shall be as one.
May God bless us all.
[uplifting theme playing]
We did it.
What do you want?
I want to hear you say it.
I want to hear it
from your lips.
And what do you want
to hear?
That you didn't
murder Joseph.
That you didn't incite
a mob to violence.
Well, the jury said not.
I know what the jury said.
I want to hear it from you.
I did what the law
wouldn't do.
The people were never in danger
from the Mormons, Mr. Sharp.
You should be thanking me,
Mr. Smith.
The death of your prophet
made him a hero,
saved countless other lives.
We've avoided a war.
[dramatic theme playing]
One day, you will face
a higher court.
I suspect you'll find
a different verdict there.
Woodrow Scott White.
Chelsea Elizabeth Nelson.
How many endowments
Almost 400.
It was a good day.
A very good day.
A day which I hate to ruin,
but we have word from Carthage.
They are threatening
They've done that before.
This time,
they are sending troops.
They promised we could stay
until spring.
They won't wait.
How long would it take
to be ready to go?
We've been ready
for weeks.
Send word.
I want wagons on the ferries
in four hours.
What about those who haven't
received the endowment?
Then we will build
another temple.
[upbeat theme playing]
[horse neighs]
Where's Brigham?
I'm right here.
You just can't keep out
of the middle of it, can you?
You better come with me.
[horse neighs]
There's no time. We have to go.
Now is not the time to be brave.
Now is the time to be safe.
Everybody needs to leave.
You all have to go!
Your lives depend on it!
They won't leave,
not without their endowment.
Did you not receive word?
We leave immediately!
It is no longer safe
for you to be here.
You promised to endow us
with power, Brother Young.
And now, you leave us behind?
No one
will be left behind, Elijah.
But if we don't leave now,
we cannot promise your safety.
But what about God's promise?
[dramatic theme playing]
We will build more temples.
But all of you, please go home.
[theme music swelling]
[inspirational theme playing]
They're not going
to leave, are they?
I do not believe so.
What do we do?
We trust God.
get those wagons moving.
Heber, George.
[cows mooing]
["O Give Me Back
My Prophet Dear" playing]
O give me back
My Prophet dear
And Patriarch
O give them back
The Saints of latter days
To cheer
And lead them
In the gospel track
But oh!
They're gone from my embrace
From earthly scenes
Their spirits fled
Two of the best
Of Adam's race
Now lie entombed
Among the dead
Ye men of wisdom
Tell me why
No guilt, no crime
In them were found
Their blood doth now
So loudly cry
From prison walls
And Carthage ground
Your tongues are mute
But pray attend
The secret
I will now relate
Why those whom God
To earth did lend
Have met the suffering
Martyr's fate
[instrumental interlude]
Your tongues are mute
But pray attend
The secret
I will now relate
Why those whom God
To earth did lend
Have met the suffering
Martyr's fate
O give me back
My prophet dear.
[dramatic theme playing]