Smile As You Kill (2023) Movie Script
(water gurgling)
(water gurgling continues)
(water gurgling continues)
(tense music)
- Can you see the gun?
(tense music)
Can you see the gun?
- [Terry] Go ahead.
(tense music)
- Hello, and thank you
for watching my video.
My name is Rico.
(speaking Spanish)
I was born in Mexico.
When I was a young boy,
my parents were murdered
by a violent drug cartel.
I crossed the border into
the United States all alone,
to stay with my aunt.
I've always thought of
myself as a survivor,
but now I'm really, really sick
and I'm asking for your help.
I can't breathe right.
It's a rare lung disease,
what I've got.
It's my lungs, like,
it's bubbling up.
(tense music)
I have fevers. I got one now.
And the doctors,
they don't know exactly what
I've got because they...
They think it's...
It's a lot.
There's a lot wrong with me.
I need more tests.
Treatment is expensive,
and the hospital visits too.
And I'm not working right
now, I can't afford rent.
That's why we...
I mean, that's why I
made this video.
So if you want to give to
charity, charity to me,
if you have any money to spare,
that's why I'm asking
you to give to my ad.
Please think about it.
Thank you.
God bless you.
(waves crashing)
(birds cawing)
(waves crashing)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Rico coughing and wheezing)
(Rico coughing)
(tense music)
(melodious music)
(melodious music continues)
You haven't been with me.
I've been asking for help,
but I got nothing for months.
You got all the time in
the world, but I don't.
Please, please, please help me.
I know you don't want
me to do this,
but I'm fucking desperate.
And I don't mean to
disrespect you,
but I need your help right now.
Just give me something,
Hold back these hands.
- Emily, play something '80s.
(upbeat '80s music)
(upbeat '80s music continues)
Like a never-ending story
trying to get it through my head
One more time, just
speak more clearly
To our success.
(car rumbling)
(tense music)
(car door shutting closed)
(car engine roaring)
(Rico knocking at the door)
- Hey.
You a neighbor?
- Terry?
- Yeah.
(tense music)
Hey, man.
- Step inside.
- This is a mistake. I
don't know you.
- Please.
- Take anything you want.
Anything inside is yours.
Just don't shoot me.
- [Rico] Stop.
- I don't know... Just don't...
Hey, man, I don't wanna die.
- Me neither.
(tense music)
- Just tell me what you want.
- Put your drink down.
- Okay.
I'm gonna move very
slowly. Don't shoot me.
- Sure. Do it.
- Whatever you want.
(tense music)
- [Rico] Where's your phone?
- In my pocket.
- Take it out and put
it on the table.
(tense music)
Put these on, behind your back.
(tense music)
(handcuffs zipping closed)
Turn around.
Turn back.
Have a seat.
(tense music)
- Are you gonna tell me
what you want?
- Don't try anything dumb.
(shackles clanging)
- You married?
- No.
- Girlfriend?
- [Terry] No.
- You queer?
- No.
- Are you expecting any
other visitors tonight?
- There's a single mother
I was seeing casually-
- I don't need to hear that.
- No, I'm not expecting
anyone tonight. No.
- Thank you.
I don't wanna shoot you.
- I appreciate that.
Do you at least mind taking
your shoes off in the house?
(tense music)
- You're gonna help me.
You're in marketing, right?
- Advertising.
- What's the difference?
- [Terry] What's the
difference to you?
- Are you in advertising or not?
- Yeah. Why do you know that?
- No, I ask the questions.
- Yeah, I work for an ad agency,
but I'm just an assistant.
- An assistant?
- A minor associate, a gofer.
I deliver a lot of coffee.
- That's fine. You're still
gonna help me, please.
(tense music)
I'm sick.
It's really bad
and I need a lot of money
for treatment.
You know those
online fundraisers
where everyone chips in
for medical funds?
- Crowdfunding?
- Right.
You're gonna make me
the best crowdfunding
website ever seen.
- Why don't you get insurance?
- I have insurance,
and it's shit.
- So you want a
crowdfunding page?
That's what this is about?
Do it yourself.
- I want the best page.
- Look, man, how about this?
You leave now and I'll cut
you a check for $5,000.
That's a bit much, I'll
cut you a check for $2,000
and we'll pretend this
never happened.
- Can't make that work.
- How much do you need?
- $235,000.
- $235,000? Are you kidding me?
I can't raise that kind of
cash on some online gimmick.
It's impossible.
- Well, I need you to try
like your life depends on it.
- And if we can't raise
all the cash?
- Like your life depends on it.
- You're insane.
Take the 2,000 and
get outta here.
- I can't, it's not enough.
I'm sorry.
- So if I can't raise
$235,000, you're gonna kill me?
That's pretty unfair.
- Yeah, it's pretty
fucking unfair.
- Then it doesn't look
like I have a choice.
Can I at least finish my drink?
(tense music)
(Rico coughing and wheezing)
(Rico unzipping his hoodie)
(tense music)
- I didn't want to do
this. I swear to God.
- You could've asked.
- If I came to you on the
street and asked you for help,
would you listen?
- Honestly? Yeah, I would've.
- Liar.
- May I use my hands?
- Lean forward.
Put it in front.
Let's get started.
(tense music)
- My computer's in the
other room. Home office.
- We're using mine.
Everything on my laptop.
You're gonna write,
because that's what you do,
but my eyes and this gun
will watch everything.
- Okay, but I have to
use the bathroom first.
- That's fine. I'm
going with you.
- I don't know how
else to say this,
but you don't wanna be in there.
You didn't think this through,
did you?
- Nice try.
We're all human, trapped
in these disgusting bodies.
Get up.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
I'll wait here.
- It's a lot of pressure.
- Take your time.
- Which site do you wanna use?
GoFundMe, Kickstarter, OnlyFans?
- I want the best one.
- Okay.
I need your name.
- Rico.
- Last name?
- Allende.
- Is that with L's?
- Yes.
- [Terry] We need a
title for our fundraiser.
- How about, "Sick Man
Needs Your Help"?
- Do you want the money or not?
- What?
- "Sick Man Needs Your
Help"? That's awful.
- It's the truth.
- It's boring. I
don't do boring.
There are hundreds of
other people,
thousands of other
people begging for money,
especially for medical stuff.
We've gotta stand out.
- Then what do you want?
- We need something
something that'll instantly
pull the heartstrings.
Maybe something with a
sense of humor.
- Sense of humor?
- First of all, "Sick
Man" is too impersonal.
We're using your name.
- [Rico] "Rico is Sick
and Needs Your Help"?
- Getting closer.
Gimme three words about
your illness.
- Three words?
- Yeah. We don't have a
lot of space to work with,
it's just the title.
- Oh, it's a
complicated medical-
- Three words. You need
to think about your brand.
- Err...
Rare lung disease.
- Great.
How about this?
"Rico, comma, Rare Fatal
Lung Disease, comma,
Urgently Needs Your Help.
Donate Now."
- "Donate Now," that
sounds a bit pushy.
- That's your Call To Action,
your CTA,
and that's where most ads fail.
There's too much noise
in this world.
The average consumer needs a
little push, don't you think?
- All right. It's good.
- Of course it's good.
We need to write a
description. Hold on a sec.
This is compelling stuff.
I wrote about how your
lungs are destroyed,
how you can't afford treatment,
and how you're desperate
and terrified of dying.
- Thanks.
- What demographics are you?
- What do you mean?
- Are you ethnic? Where
were you born?
- I was born in Miami.
Oh. My dad is Cuban and
my mom was born in France.
I'm French-Cuban, I guess.
- Okay. Well, for the sake of
this campaign, you're Mexican.
- I'm not Mexican.
- Look, man, I love
diversity as much as anyone,
but this is about the numbers.
There are more Mexicans in this
country than French-Cubans.
- So, who cares?
- We've done the market
research on this stuff.
White people buy more
from whites,
Black people buy more
from Blacks.
Mexicans from Mexicans.
The only exception is
white liberals
who buy more from
interracial couples.
That's the data.
So who's gonna buy what
you're selling?
What are you? French, and
Cuban, and American, Miami.
You're a blob.
Demographically speaking,
you're nothing.
So now? You're a Mexican,
and an immigrant.
- Come on, hold on. Let's
write it for everyone.
That way, all sorts of
people will help us.
- If you write it for everyone,
you'll write it for no one.
We need to speak to your
target audience here.
Hone in on a market.
People are more likely to give
to their own causes
or communities.
- But don't I have to send this
to my family and my friends too?
- If your friends and family
were enough to raise the money,
you wouldn't be here, would you?
(tense music)
- So I'm a Mexican.
- [Terry] You want the
money or not?
(tense music)
- All right, put it down.
(tense music)
- [Terry] Are your
parents alive?
- What? Yes.
- Not anymore.
They were killed by
drug runners.
- I don't know about all this.
This is fucking bullshit.
- If you want your treatment,
it's not enough to be sick.
You have to be sympathetic.
- This is what you do
for a living?
- Yeah. Isn't that why
you hired me?
(tense music)
- You're a real cocksucker.
- I don't make the rules.
Whatever the market wants, you
need to become that person.
- Are we done?
- Not yet.
While I find a halfway
decent picture,
can you at least pour
me a glass of whiskey?
- Sure. Fine.
Here's what I'll do,
I'll go to the kitchen,
look around,
find a glass and a
bottle of whiskey.
And while I'm doing that,
well, you can sit here
and write a nice email
telling your friends to
call the cops.
It might take me a while,
so you can give them a full
description of what I look like,
and my full name too.
(tense music)
Do you think I'm a
fucking moron?
- I just wanted a drink.
- And I want you to know
that I'm paying attention.
You can have a drink
when we're done.
- You're the boss.
One last thing. You
need to pick a timeline.
- What do you mean?
- Three days, seven days,
a month.
When the fundraiser
expires, when this all ends.
That's how long we have
to raise the money.
(tense music)
You seriously didn't think
this through, did you?
(tense music)
- Put three days.
- You want me to raise
$235,000 in three days?
- [Rico] Yes. Three days.
- That gives us no time.
We need to get shared on social,
maybe get picked up
by a few blogs.
With some momentum-
- How long do you want?
- We'll set it up for a
month at least.
You can come back and
check on it in a few weeks.
- Don't think so, Terry.
Put three days.
- I told you it can't be done.
- I'm not leaving here
until we raise the money.
- Three days it is.
We're going live.
(somber music)
(tense music)
(water gurgling)
(microwave door shutting)
- [Rico] Use this.
- It's not as bad as it
looks. Do you want one?
- I don't have much
of an appetite.
- So, what is this rare
lung disease you have?
- It's a lot. It's not
only my lungs.
- We've got time.
- I have some sort of
heart failure.
It causes my lungs to
fill with fluids.
It's kind of a pulmonary thing.
Edema. Pulmonary edema.
But there are other
or fucking something,
the doctors don't even
know what's going on.
- Can they figure it
out for 235,000 bones?
- God willing.
If they don't, if they can't,
then I've got six months,
maybe four.
- That's rough.
- And you know my parents,
the ones you killed in Mexico?
- Yeah, I remember.
- I promised them that
I would live long enough
so they can meet their
so we need to raise the money.
- I hope we do.
- I grew up in a big family.
Three brothers, two
little sisters,
and a shitload of cousins.
I've always wanted
that for myself.
- My brother was the
last family I had,
but he committed suicide
a few years ago.
(somber music)
I probably should have had kids.
I think I could have
had a family.
- You still want to?
- No.
(somber music)
It feels too late now.
(somber music)
Where does it all go?
- The time?
- The money.
- Oh.
I need more tests, but the
insurance won't cover it.
Hospital visits, ICU bills. I
can't even afford the copays.
I'm supposed to take
daily medication,
but I could only afford to
take it every three days.
It feels like I'm drowning.
- Well, Rico, I wish
you good luck.
- Thanks.
- Thanks for the whiskey.
(water gushing)
(handcuffs zipping closed)
- [Rico] Please lay down
on your stomach.
Feet up, hands behind your back.
- Seriously?
- [Rico] I have to.
These are crossed up.
You won't be going anywhere
unless you wanna fall
on the ground.
- I have one request.
- What's that?
- [Terry] Can you put
on a podcast?
I like to listen to TED
talks before I go to sleep.
- I don't know what that is.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(Terry moaning)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(water gushing)
(waves crashing)
(water gurgling)
(Terry moaning)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Terry thudding to the ground)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
- I heard something go
bump in the night.
What's this?
- My work phone.
- I'm sorry, but you
can't sleep on the couch.
Hands behind your back.
- [Terry] I have a
question for you.
- [Rico] Hands behind your back.
(tense music)
(handcuffs zipping closed)
(Terry moaning)
(tense music)
What's your question?
- If this works, if you
get your money,
you're gonna let me go,
but I know everything about you.
How do you know I won't
go straight to the police?
- What do you think I should do?
Kill you so you don't snitch?
(tense music)
- That's kind of what I
was worried about.
- Nah, I'm not gonna
cut you down.
I've seen enough of that
growing up around street gangs.
Miami Shores? Got out of
there as soon as I could.
When this is over,
your life will go back
exactly how it was before.
(tense music)
Why won't you turn me in?
Why would you bother?
(tense music)
- You have a lot of
faith in people.
- Then tell me, are you
gonna call the cops?
If I leave you alive, are
you gonna call the cops?
- No, I won't.
- You won't what?
- I won't call the cops.
- Then I trust you're a
man of your word.
(Rico groaning)
(Rico coughing)
(Rico gasping for air)
(Rico coughing)
Wake up, please. Time
to check the ad.
- Check it yourself.
It's on your computer.
- Don't you wanna see your work?
In front.
(handcuffs zipping)
Come on.
Let's check it.
- You see this?
- No, no, no, no, no,
no. That's not right.
That's not right.
This is bullshit.
- I'm sorry, man.
- No, it's bullshit.
- We tried.
- Did we try?
- Yeah.
- Did we try?
(tense music)
- I wrote great copy.
It's not easy getting a bunch
of strangers to donate money.
- I've seen a million articles
about this kind of thing.
It works.
- $235,000 is a lot of money
to raise on a little
internet campaign.
- It works. They get their money
- In three days?
It's not enough time. I
tried to tell you.
- You tried to tell me?
You tried to tell me?
No, I tried to tell you.
I don't know how I can
make this any more clear,
your fate is my fate.
If I don't get to live,
you don't get to live.
Now raise the rest of the
fucking money.
- I can't. We gave it
a good shot.
Look, I'll throw in $5,000
and you can walk outta here,
no police, no-
- Get up.
- [Terry] I'm done.
Just take the money and leave.
- Get the fuck up.
- [Terry] Come on, man.
There's nothing else I can do.
- Don't lie to me.
(tense music)
(Terry groaning in pain)
Think. What else can you do?
- Nothing. Nothing.
What does killing me do? I
don't have that kind of money.
- This is all I got. Now think!
- I can't do anything, man.
I promise.
(tense music)
- Are you calling my bluff?
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't wanna do this.
- Are you calling my bluff,
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't wanna do this.
- Are you?
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't... You don't...
(Terry crying in terror)
(Rico screaming in frustration)
- Why?
Fuck you!
Fuck your face!
(Rico coughing)
And fuck this worthless
fucking piece of shit
of a fucking worthless
fucking body!
(Rico breathing heavily)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
I'm gonna die. God help me.
- You've been staring at
those numbers for two hours.
- People say they
have no regrets.
Do you think they
mean that shit?
What do they think, that they
were dealt a perfect hand?
They can't imagine
anything better.
Everyone should have regrets.
Even you wanted a family.
- I didn't quite say that.
- You didn't?
- That was just a thought.
- Because of your brother
who killed himself.
- I don't like to think
about what he did.
Maybe I wanted more of a
family because of that.
Is that a regret? I don't know.
I'm happy with what I do. I am.
- Well, I regret every
minute I ever wasted.
Every petty distraction.
- You need to think of another
way to raise the money.
- New plan. We're gonna
sell all your shit on eBay.
- That's not what I meant.
- We're gonna sell your couch,
your fridge, your
stupid paintings.
Get ready to write ads
for all your shit.
- You could steal
everything in this place
and you wouldn't raise $235,000.
- Are you good at your job?
- Hey, we raised some money.
Over $5,000.
- Wrong answer. Are you
good at your job?
- Yeah, I am.
- [Rico] No, you're dog shit.
- We've got a strong call
to action, a great copy,
a defined target audience,
the content is-
- Then why didn't this work?
- People are donating.
That means we're converting
people who click on the page.
We just need more eyeballs.
- This is advertising?
Anyone could do this.
- [Terry] Try it yourself.
You'd be lucky to raise $100.
- A fucking robot could
do what you do.
- I'm great at what I do.
- I could have snatched
some homeless crack head
off the street and
raised $5,000.
You're useless.
- Okay. Enough.
I have another idea for
the crowdfunding.
- You have another idea?
- [Terry] Yeah.
- And you thought of
this right now?
- Yeah.
- [Rico] Not when I was
pointing a gun to your head?
- Well, I was stressed
out at the moment,
and you said you didn't
wanna shoot me.
I was hoping you'd be a
man of your word.
- So, let me guess. We
need a big commercial?
- Here's the deal.
I have a lot of contacts
in PR. Publicists too.
I know some people in the
big newsrooms,
the Washington Post, CNBC,
all of them.
The biggest newsrooms
in the country.
If we can get a few
national articles
published about your campaign,
we might be in the money.
- I need a publicist.
- But first, we need a
video of you.
- Of me?
- Yeah. You are the product.
People are gonna want to hear
your story straight from you.
- No, Terry. No, I'm not
making a video.
Call your friends.
- Can I show you
something on the computer?
- Sure.
(shackles clanging)
- Look at this page.
- [Rico] Hit play.
- Hi, my name is Mia. I've
been to the hospital a lot.
The doctor said I have leukemia.
My mom has been very
strong and hopeful
that I'll make a full recovery.
The bad news is I need
help with money.
My granddad says we
should use the internet,
so here we are.
- Do you want the money or
should they give it to her?
- I want it.
- Then we need a video.
(somber music)
(shackles clanking)
(somber music continues)
The camera stuff's
in the closet.
Can you at least undo my feet
so I can set everything up?
- Fine.
(shackles clanging)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
- What's this? An award
for advertising you did?
- Something like that. Everyone
in the company got one.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
I should set up here.
We're almost set.
Do you know what you're
going to say?
- Yeah, I wrote it down.
I'm gonna speak a little
Spanish to target our audience.
- Target our audience.
I'm impressed.
- Speak their language
so they can relate to me.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Give the market what
it wants. Get personal.
- You should give me a
job when this is all over.
- Camera's on, hot shot.
We're recording.
(Rico mumbling indistinctly)
- Okay.
Can you see the gun?
Can you see the gun?
- [Terry] Go ahead.
- Hello, and thank you
for watching my video.
My name is Rico.
(speaking Spanish)
I was born in Mexico.
When I was a young boy,
my parents were murdered
by a violent drug cartel.
I crossed the border into
the United States all alone.
(melodious music)
(melodious music continues)
(melodious music continues)
(melodious music continues)
(melodious music continues)
...if you have any
money to spare,
that's why I'm asking
you to give to my ad.
Please think about it.
Thank you. God bless you.
- That was great. Got
it in one take.
- You sure?
- Really great. One Take Rico,
that's what they'd call you.
We'll upload this to
your crowdfunding page
and I'll email all my contacts.
No funny business. You can
watch over my shoulder.
- Yes. Good.
(microwave humming)
(microwave door banging shut)
Everything is sent?
- They have a link to your
story. They'll see your video.
If my contacts are interested,
we may get an article
online soon,
or in print, as early as
tomorrow morning.
- What are our chances?
- You know, these are
contacts I've built up
my entire career.
I hope you appreciate that.
- What are our chances?
- If we can get national press
and a couple of outlets, maybe
go viral, there's a chance.
It's a long shot, but
there's a chance.
- I didn't want to threaten
you. I'm not a killer.
I'm not about that life.
I'm just want their money
and then I'll leave.
- Does that mean you'll
take these handcuffs off?
- Yes, soon.
- Can I take a shower?
- [Rico] When this is all over.
- Can I at least
sleep on the couch
instead of sitting up
on the floor?
- It'll be over soon.
- You know what, man? You
can go to hell.
(tense music)
- Do you believe in that?
- What?
- Hell. Do you believe in hell?
- I don't know. I never
thought about it.
- What do you mean you
never thought about it?
- Okay, yeah, I believe in it.
- No, no, you said you
never thought about it.
- Yeah, man, I dunno.
I don't give much thought to
the Devil or his counterpart.
(somber music)
- It's funny, I used to
think I believed,
heaven and hell, and
the whole thing.
But then I got death
staring at me,
death right in front
of me, and I panicked.
What if there's nothing more?
(somber music)
So I did all this to...
To live on.
I guess I never really
believed in the first place.
- Don't think about it.
- I'm jealous of any
person that can believe
that there's something else,
that faith,
I want that.
I'm filled with envy.
The body of Christ.
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
Close your eyes.
- Come on, man. You don't
have to do this.
- I'm not gonna shoot
you. Close your eyes.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
One day you're here, and
then you're not.
Everyone you loved,
all your friends, you
never see them again.
Everything you ever loved
to do, all the fun shit,
favorite foods, eating pussy,
you never get to do
any of that ever again.
Death is not a choice.
That doesn't bother you?
- So it's like going to sleep?
- No, it's not like
sleep at all.
When you sleep, you wake up.
"Never" means you don't
wake up tomorrow,
you don't wake up a
week from now,
you don't wake up 5
million weeks from now.
- I told you, man, too
busy for that stuff.
My work is my life.
- Too busy? You're too busy?
That makes sense.
You're a successful
advertising guy,
you don't have time to
think about the small stuff.
You dumb motherfucker, do
you even know why I'm here?
Why you?
- Actually...
I don't.
- I don't watch many TV shows,
but there are a few I like.
A while back, I was
watching one of my shows
and I saw the best
commercial I've ever seen
in my whole life.
It had a beautiful woman
dancing on a beautiful beach.
The way they filmed the ocean,
and the waves, and the sand,
it was real beautiful.
And that commercial was
from my insurance.
The same one that fucked
me over and left me to die.
A really nice ad.
So I went online
and I looked up the mercenaries
that made this commercial,
and I found the
advertising company.
What agency are you with?
- Gen Four.
- Right, Gen Four.
That's the one.
So I went on Gen Four's website
and I found the
beach commercial.
And do you know what
else I found?
- Yeah, I do.
- Your name was listed at
the top. Creative Director.
Not an assistant.
Terrance "Terry" Tanner,
Creative Director,
with a picture of
your smiling mug.
So I got to thinking.
You made that commercial,
probably convinced
millions of people
to sign up for my shit plan,
and I bet you walked away with
some good money, blood money.
So now you can pay that
shit forward.
That's why I'm here.
(tense music)
(ice clinking in the glass)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(waves crashing)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(toilet flushing)
How'd you sleep?
- Fantastic.
- Time to see if your
people came through.
Psst. Let's go.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
- [Terry] I bet we got
write up in "The Post".
- Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
I can't believe it.
I can't.
(Rico choking)
I can't...
I can't...
(Rico wheezing and coughing)
(Rico continues coughing)
(tense music)
(Rico and Terry groaning)
(gunshot echoing)
(tense music)
(Rico and Terry groaning)
- Sit up.
Where's your phone?
- I didn't bring one.
They can trace it.
- Where's my phones?
Both of 'em?
- In the bedroom, on
the nightstand.
- Where's the key?
- Pocket.
- Over here.
- I'm a good person. I
know I'm a good person.
I never killed anyone.
I never raped anyone.
I care about... issues.
Yeah, I produced a commercial
for your insurance,
more than one.
They're one of our greatest
clients. And guess what?
They pay well.
But here's what you
don't understand,
what do you do for work?
- Roofing.
I used to.
- Roofing.
You get to choose where
you lay tiles?
- Not if I wanna pay the bills.
- Okay, same here. I'm
just a creative, an ad man.
The agency gets the
brief and we get to work.
That's how I put food
on my table.
That's how I pay for my
doctors. That's how I survive.
- It isn't right.
- It isn't?
I've worked very
hard in my life.
Maybe too hard.
So now, I have this. This
is what we're going to do.
(someone knocking at the door)
Be there in a second.
Make a noise and I'll kill you.
Come on.
(tense music)
Behind your back.
(tense music)
(Rico breathing heavily)
(tense music)
Good boy.
(someone knocking at the door)
One minute.
(tense music)
(Rico making muffled sounds)
Still too loud.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Rico making muffled sounds)
(tense music)
- Hey.
I'm Christine, the neighbor
from down the hall.
I just heard a loud
bang. Is everything okay?
- Yeah, that was...
I dropped something.
- Are you sure? It sounded
like a gunshot.
- A gunshot? No.
I was just doing work in
the bedroom. Redecorating.
Installing a new ceiling fan.
Thanks for checking.
- Yeah, I'm so glad to hear it.
I just wanted to make
sure nobody was hurt,
because my old building, there
was like a huge explosion.
Not in my unit, it was a
different unit.
But anyway, big fire.
I had to move out and that's
actually why I live here now.
- That sounds bad. I'm
sorry to hear that.
- Well, they don't even
know what caused it.
I think it might have
been the stove,
but I don't know about that
'cause it wasn't even
a gas stove.
- You never know, but
thanks for checking.
- It was a smoking building,
and there were a lot of
smokers in the building,
and trust fund kids,
they were just smoking
and doing drugs,
and some people actually
thought they set up a meth lab.
(Rico making muffled sounds)
- Yeah, meth is pretty bad.
Nothing like that here.
Thanks so much for checking.
- Good, good.
Because I am super paranoid
about explosions now,
and smoke detectors.
I just... I don't wanna
have to move again.
It's such a pain and-
- Honestly, I
completely understand.
I've gotta get back to the fan,
but thanks again for checking.
- Of course. Yes.
Yeah, well, have a good
one and stay safe, okay?
- I'll try.
- [Christine] Okay.
(door shutting closed)
- That was a neighbor.
A very friendly girl.
She heard you screaming.
- Really?
- No. Just kidding.
I can see why you did
this. It's a bit of a rush.
Another man's life
in your hands.
No one should have
that much power.
I can't believe I took you
down like that.
I mean, wow. I could have died.
So what do you think
happens next?
You think I'm gonna torture you?
Should I rip off your
Should I gouge your eyes out?
What I'm about to do will
be very painful.
(tense music)
(Rico moaning and groaning)
(tense music)
(printer humming)
(Rico breathing heavily)
- Please, don't. Please.
I had to do this. My back
was against a fucking wall.
- I'm not gonna break all
your fingers and toes,
although I could.
You know how this works.
In front.
And don't be clever.
Here's the deal, and try
not to overreact.
I've decided to take a
percentage of the earnings
from our campaign.
- You're gonna steal my money?
- If you had anything
worth stealing,
you wouldn't be in this
situation, would you?
I will take 92% of
the funds raised
for my creative contributions,
including but not limited to
writing the copy, the bio,
the production costs
for our video.
You will receive 5%
for having the illness.
- Fuck you.
- And if you do
everything I ask,
I won't shoot the burglar
who invaded my home.
Personally, I think I'm
being generous.
I did all the work. I
used my contacts.
I'm still letting you
keep some of the money.
- I need that money to live.
Do you know what it's like to
be drowned by your own body?
- Listen, man, you
got me thinking.
You were right. Death
comes for us all.
You, me, my brother.
The sands of time are flowing.
I only have what, 30 years left?
Maybe 40.
You know what I could do
with $200,000?
I'm gonna take my first
vacation in over a decade.
I'm gonna take a year
off and travel the world.
Because that's the metric,
isn't it?
When it's all over,
we look back and see which
hotels we've been to.
I've hustled my entire life
away. I think I've earned it.
- People gave that money to me.
You're not only stealing
from me, you can't-
(ice clinking)
- I didn't ask you to come
here. I don't owe you anything.
I don't even know who you are.
You came to me.
This is a contract. It outlines
the distribution of revenue.
You'll sign this contract
and we'll have a deal.
- This isn't right.
I need tests, and trials,
and medicine.
I'll die if I sign this.
- If you don't sign it,
you'll certainly die.
(tense music)
If you take your 5%, at least
you'll have a fighting chance.
(tense music)
You can walk outta here
and send my regards to
your Mexican parents.
- No. No, no.
There's no way this
will hold up.
It can't be legal for you to
threaten me to sign a contract.
- That would be coercion.
But what's more believable,
that I stole a gun
and forced a total
stranger to sign a contract
in my living room,
or that someone who doesn't know
the first thing about
raising money
signed a deal that
wasn't in his favor?
Pretend I'm a judge.
What do I believe?
- That I made the deal.
- Correct.
- Then I'll tell the truth.
- The truth? You'll
tell the truth?
So the police lock you up
for your brilliant plan
and you die in jail.
There is no scenario where
you get to keep my share.
Sign it and I'll let you free.
- You get 92% and I get 5%?
- I get 92, you get 5.
- [Rico] Who gets the other 3%?
- The website charges a
processing fee.
- Even for medical donations?
- Even for medical.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
One more thing.
- [Rico] What's this?
- It's a script.
You and I are gonna
produce another video.
- Why? We raised the money.
It's yours.
You said you'd let me go.
- I don't take chances.
We are gonna make a record
where you explain the
specifics of our deal.
92% and 5%.
I will have you on camera,
agreeing to these terms.
Once the video is complete,
you won't be able to
litigate another penny.
Take your time.
- All right, I'll
make your video.
But I wanna know one thing.
- Haven't we talked enough?
- How do you live with yourself?
- What's the first
thing they tell you
about climbing a mountain?
Don't look down.
You'll never reach the
top if you look down.
The bottom will hold you back.
And if you try to raise
the rest of the money,
you should take that as
some free advice.
I won't charge for that one.
- I have to piss.
- Okay. You can do that.
- [Rico] You wanna come in?
- No.
But I appreciate the offer.
(door sliding shut)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
- Oh, yes.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Oh, God.
(tense music)
(Rico breathing heavily)
(Terry knocking on the door)
(somber music)
(toilet flushing)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(Terry knocking at the door)
- Showtime.
(Terry laughing lightly)
You ready?
- If I make this video,
that's it for me.
I've got six months.
I won't exist.
- You didn't exist
four days ago.
- I'm ready.
- The same as before.
Gonna speak directly to camera.
- [Rico] Let's get it over with.
- Just follow the script
exactly as I wrote it.
Don't improvise.
I need everything exact
in case you have a
dispute our agreement.
I'm recording.
- Can you see the handcuffs?
- [Terry] Hold on.
Go ahead.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
- [Terry] Stop.
- What?
- [Terry] We can see
you reading.
It's fine to have notes, but
you're not doing
a book report.
- What do you want me to do?
- [Terry] Look at the camera,
like before. Go again.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
I am making this video
to discuss our deal.
- [Terry] Absolutely not.
- What now?
- [Terry] Are you
listening to yourself?
You sound like an ISIS
hostage video.
I'm raising money for you.
Try not to act so disturbed.
- Should I go again?
- [Terry] Relax. Go ahead.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
I am making this video
to discuss our deal.
I agree to receive...
I agree to receive 5% and
Terry will receive 92%
of all funds raised.
You may be wondering
about this distribution.
Honestly, I don't need
that much money.
The chance to work with
an award-winning creative
was one I couldn't pass up.
Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurprising.
- [Terry] Stop. Unsurpassed.
"Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurpassed."
- Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurpassed.
I found Terry-
- [Terry] You have to
start all the way over.
It has to be in one take.
If it looks edited
even a tiny bit,
people will think I
changed the deal.
Start over.
Go ahead.
What don't you get? I
already have the contract.
That's the ball game.
Sit down!
(tense music)
I will shoot you. I'm not
kidding. I'm not joking.
This... Do you wanna die?
Do you wanna die? Is that
what you want?
- No, I want to live for
as long as I can.
- You should sit down then.
(tense music)
Hello? 911? Please help me.
A man broke into my home.
I managed to wrestle his gun,
but I shot him in the face.
Help me, please. He's
bleeding all over the place.
I think he's dead.
(tense music)
We'll try this again. Go ahead.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
I'm making this video to
discuss our deal.
I have agreed to receive 5%
and Terry will receive
92% of all funds raised.
You may be wondering
about this distribution,
but honestly, I don't
need that much money.
The chance to work
with an award...
The chance to work with
an award-winning creative
was an opportunity I
couldn't pass up.
Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurpassed.
I found Terry by looking up
my favorite commercial online.
I want to thank Terry for
creating this wonderful
and I wanna say how
blessed and fortunate I am
for all the earnings that
I will receive.
How was that?
- Good enough.
Are you tired? I'm tired.
It's real hard to sleep
sitting up like that.
I'm looking forward to
that vacation.
- What about our page
on the computer?
The money still goes to me.
- That's a very good point.
We set up automatic
withdrawals on our campaign.
We'll have to go to your bank
and make a wire transfer
to my account.
- When should we do that?
- You can do it online,
right now.
(tense music)
Hey, we're up to $260,000
now. 5% of that isn't too bad.
Go to your bank website.
(tense music)
These are my numbers.
Sign into your account,
go to wire transfers.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
- I won't do it.
- Enter your password.
- [Rico] No, I won't.
Not my own hands.
- Go ahead, type.
- This is a death sentence.
I need that money.
- You're getting some of it,
and it's more than you
had four days ago.
- It's not enough. I'm so sick.
- Transfer the funds
to my account
or you won't have to
wait for your sickness.
- I can't.
- [Terry] Do it now.
- I can't.
- Now.
I'll give you all my shit,
everything you need, but
I can't do it myself.
It's like committing
suicide. It is suicide.
Please don't make me do it.
- Okay, okay, get up.
(tense music)
Stand over there, away from me.
And keep your back turned.
(tense music)
- [Terry] What's your password?
Your password?
Your password?
(tense music)
What's your pass-
(Terry screaming and
thudding to the floor)
Come on, man.
It's all yours. The
money is yours.
You got your money. All of it.
Don't forget, I helped you
raise it. I helped you.
We did it together.
(tense music)
I did what you asked. You
can't kill me just like that.
Not like this. I
don't wanna die.
You got the money. You can't
shoot me, Rico, my friend.
- When I said suicide, did
you think of your brother?
Is that why you let me up?
Did I target my audience?
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't...
You don't want to do
this. I can start over.
(gunshot echoing)
(Terry gasping and coughing)
(gunshot echoing)
(handcuffs and
shackles clanging)
(Rico coughing violently)
(water gurgling)
(tense music)
(Rico wheezing)
(Rico coughing)
(water gurgling)
(water gushing)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(hoodie zipping closed)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(pages ripping)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(orchestral music)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(water gurgling)
(water gurgling continues)
(water gurgling continues)
(water gurgling)
(water gurgling continues)
(water gurgling continues)
(tense music)
- Can you see the gun?
(tense music)
Can you see the gun?
- [Terry] Go ahead.
(tense music)
- Hello, and thank you
for watching my video.
My name is Rico.
(speaking Spanish)
I was born in Mexico.
When I was a young boy,
my parents were murdered
by a violent drug cartel.
I crossed the border into
the United States all alone,
to stay with my aunt.
I've always thought of
myself as a survivor,
but now I'm really, really sick
and I'm asking for your help.
I can't breathe right.
It's a rare lung disease,
what I've got.
It's my lungs, like,
it's bubbling up.
(tense music)
I have fevers. I got one now.
And the doctors,
they don't know exactly what
I've got because they...
They think it's...
It's a lot.
There's a lot wrong with me.
I need more tests.
Treatment is expensive,
and the hospital visits too.
And I'm not working right
now, I can't afford rent.
That's why we...
I mean, that's why I
made this video.
So if you want to give to
charity, charity to me,
if you have any money to spare,
that's why I'm asking
you to give to my ad.
Please think about it.
Thank you.
God bless you.
(waves crashing)
(birds cawing)
(waves crashing)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Rico coughing and wheezing)
(Rico coughing)
(tense music)
(melodious music)
(melodious music continues)
You haven't been with me.
I've been asking for help,
but I got nothing for months.
You got all the time in
the world, but I don't.
Please, please, please help me.
I know you don't want
me to do this,
but I'm fucking desperate.
And I don't mean to
disrespect you,
but I need your help right now.
Just give me something,
Hold back these hands.
- Emily, play something '80s.
(upbeat '80s music)
(upbeat '80s music continues)
Like a never-ending story
trying to get it through my head
One more time, just
speak more clearly
To our success.
(car rumbling)
(tense music)
(car door shutting closed)
(car engine roaring)
(Rico knocking at the door)
- Hey.
You a neighbor?
- Terry?
- Yeah.
(tense music)
Hey, man.
- Step inside.
- This is a mistake. I
don't know you.
- Please.
- Take anything you want.
Anything inside is yours.
Just don't shoot me.
- [Rico] Stop.
- I don't know... Just don't...
Hey, man, I don't wanna die.
- Me neither.
(tense music)
- Just tell me what you want.
- Put your drink down.
- Okay.
I'm gonna move very
slowly. Don't shoot me.
- Sure. Do it.
- Whatever you want.
(tense music)
- [Rico] Where's your phone?
- In my pocket.
- Take it out and put
it on the table.
(tense music)
Put these on, behind your back.
(tense music)
(handcuffs zipping closed)
Turn around.
Turn back.
Have a seat.
(tense music)
- Are you gonna tell me
what you want?
- Don't try anything dumb.
(shackles clanging)
- You married?
- No.
- Girlfriend?
- [Terry] No.
- You queer?
- No.
- Are you expecting any
other visitors tonight?
- There's a single mother
I was seeing casually-
- I don't need to hear that.
- No, I'm not expecting
anyone tonight. No.
- Thank you.
I don't wanna shoot you.
- I appreciate that.
Do you at least mind taking
your shoes off in the house?
(tense music)
- You're gonna help me.
You're in marketing, right?
- Advertising.
- What's the difference?
- [Terry] What's the
difference to you?
- Are you in advertising or not?
- Yeah. Why do you know that?
- No, I ask the questions.
- Yeah, I work for an ad agency,
but I'm just an assistant.
- An assistant?
- A minor associate, a gofer.
I deliver a lot of coffee.
- That's fine. You're still
gonna help me, please.
(tense music)
I'm sick.
It's really bad
and I need a lot of money
for treatment.
You know those
online fundraisers
where everyone chips in
for medical funds?
- Crowdfunding?
- Right.
You're gonna make me
the best crowdfunding
website ever seen.
- Why don't you get insurance?
- I have insurance,
and it's shit.
- So you want a
crowdfunding page?
That's what this is about?
Do it yourself.
- I want the best page.
- Look, man, how about this?
You leave now and I'll cut
you a check for $5,000.
That's a bit much, I'll
cut you a check for $2,000
and we'll pretend this
never happened.
- Can't make that work.
- How much do you need?
- $235,000.
- $235,000? Are you kidding me?
I can't raise that kind of
cash on some online gimmick.
It's impossible.
- Well, I need you to try
like your life depends on it.
- And if we can't raise
all the cash?
- Like your life depends on it.
- You're insane.
Take the 2,000 and
get outta here.
- I can't, it's not enough.
I'm sorry.
- So if I can't raise
$235,000, you're gonna kill me?
That's pretty unfair.
- Yeah, it's pretty
fucking unfair.
- Then it doesn't look
like I have a choice.
Can I at least finish my drink?
(tense music)
(Rico coughing and wheezing)
(Rico unzipping his hoodie)
(tense music)
- I didn't want to do
this. I swear to God.
- You could've asked.
- If I came to you on the
street and asked you for help,
would you listen?
- Honestly? Yeah, I would've.
- Liar.
- May I use my hands?
- Lean forward.
Put it in front.
Let's get started.
(tense music)
- My computer's in the
other room. Home office.
- We're using mine.
Everything on my laptop.
You're gonna write,
because that's what you do,
but my eyes and this gun
will watch everything.
- Okay, but I have to
use the bathroom first.
- That's fine. I'm
going with you.
- I don't know how
else to say this,
but you don't wanna be in there.
You didn't think this through,
did you?
- Nice try.
We're all human, trapped
in these disgusting bodies.
Get up.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
I'll wait here.
- It's a lot of pressure.
- Take your time.
- Which site do you wanna use?
GoFundMe, Kickstarter, OnlyFans?
- I want the best one.
- Okay.
I need your name.
- Rico.
- Last name?
- Allende.
- Is that with L's?
- Yes.
- [Terry] We need a
title for our fundraiser.
- How about, "Sick Man
Needs Your Help"?
- Do you want the money or not?
- What?
- "Sick Man Needs Your
Help"? That's awful.
- It's the truth.
- It's boring. I
don't do boring.
There are hundreds of
other people,
thousands of other
people begging for money,
especially for medical stuff.
We've gotta stand out.
- Then what do you want?
- We need something
something that'll instantly
pull the heartstrings.
Maybe something with a
sense of humor.
- Sense of humor?
- First of all, "Sick
Man" is too impersonal.
We're using your name.
- [Rico] "Rico is Sick
and Needs Your Help"?
- Getting closer.
Gimme three words about
your illness.
- Three words?
- Yeah. We don't have a
lot of space to work with,
it's just the title.
- Oh, it's a
complicated medical-
- Three words. You need
to think about your brand.
- Err...
Rare lung disease.
- Great.
How about this?
"Rico, comma, Rare Fatal
Lung Disease, comma,
Urgently Needs Your Help.
Donate Now."
- "Donate Now," that
sounds a bit pushy.
- That's your Call To Action,
your CTA,
and that's where most ads fail.
There's too much noise
in this world.
The average consumer needs a
little push, don't you think?
- All right. It's good.
- Of course it's good.
We need to write a
description. Hold on a sec.
This is compelling stuff.
I wrote about how your
lungs are destroyed,
how you can't afford treatment,
and how you're desperate
and terrified of dying.
- Thanks.
- What demographics are you?
- What do you mean?
- Are you ethnic? Where
were you born?
- I was born in Miami.
Oh. My dad is Cuban and
my mom was born in France.
I'm French-Cuban, I guess.
- Okay. Well, for the sake of
this campaign, you're Mexican.
- I'm not Mexican.
- Look, man, I love
diversity as much as anyone,
but this is about the numbers.
There are more Mexicans in this
country than French-Cubans.
- So, who cares?
- We've done the market
research on this stuff.
White people buy more
from whites,
Black people buy more
from Blacks.
Mexicans from Mexicans.
The only exception is
white liberals
who buy more from
interracial couples.
That's the data.
So who's gonna buy what
you're selling?
What are you? French, and
Cuban, and American, Miami.
You're a blob.
Demographically speaking,
you're nothing.
So now? You're a Mexican,
and an immigrant.
- Come on, hold on. Let's
write it for everyone.
That way, all sorts of
people will help us.
- If you write it for everyone,
you'll write it for no one.
We need to speak to your
target audience here.
Hone in on a market.
People are more likely to give
to their own causes
or communities.
- But don't I have to send this
to my family and my friends too?
- If your friends and family
were enough to raise the money,
you wouldn't be here, would you?
(tense music)
- So I'm a Mexican.
- [Terry] You want the
money or not?
(tense music)
- All right, put it down.
(tense music)
- [Terry] Are your
parents alive?
- What? Yes.
- Not anymore.
They were killed by
drug runners.
- I don't know about all this.
This is fucking bullshit.
- If you want your treatment,
it's not enough to be sick.
You have to be sympathetic.
- This is what you do
for a living?
- Yeah. Isn't that why
you hired me?
(tense music)
- You're a real cocksucker.
- I don't make the rules.
Whatever the market wants, you
need to become that person.
- Are we done?
- Not yet.
While I find a halfway
decent picture,
can you at least pour
me a glass of whiskey?
- Sure. Fine.
Here's what I'll do,
I'll go to the kitchen,
look around,
find a glass and a
bottle of whiskey.
And while I'm doing that,
well, you can sit here
and write a nice email
telling your friends to
call the cops.
It might take me a while,
so you can give them a full
description of what I look like,
and my full name too.
(tense music)
Do you think I'm a
fucking moron?
- I just wanted a drink.
- And I want you to know
that I'm paying attention.
You can have a drink
when we're done.
- You're the boss.
One last thing. You
need to pick a timeline.
- What do you mean?
- Three days, seven days,
a month.
When the fundraiser
expires, when this all ends.
That's how long we have
to raise the money.
(tense music)
You seriously didn't think
this through, did you?
(tense music)
- Put three days.
- You want me to raise
$235,000 in three days?
- [Rico] Yes. Three days.
- That gives us no time.
We need to get shared on social,
maybe get picked up
by a few blogs.
With some momentum-
- How long do you want?
- We'll set it up for a
month at least.
You can come back and
check on it in a few weeks.
- Don't think so, Terry.
Put three days.
- I told you it can't be done.
- I'm not leaving here
until we raise the money.
- Three days it is.
We're going live.
(somber music)
(tense music)
(water gurgling)
(microwave door shutting)
- [Rico] Use this.
- It's not as bad as it
looks. Do you want one?
- I don't have much
of an appetite.
- So, what is this rare
lung disease you have?
- It's a lot. It's not
only my lungs.
- We've got time.
- I have some sort of
heart failure.
It causes my lungs to
fill with fluids.
It's kind of a pulmonary thing.
Edema. Pulmonary edema.
But there are other
or fucking something,
the doctors don't even
know what's going on.
- Can they figure it
out for 235,000 bones?
- God willing.
If they don't, if they can't,
then I've got six months,
maybe four.
- That's rough.
- And you know my parents,
the ones you killed in Mexico?
- Yeah, I remember.
- I promised them that
I would live long enough
so they can meet their
so we need to raise the money.
- I hope we do.
- I grew up in a big family.
Three brothers, two
little sisters,
and a shitload of cousins.
I've always wanted
that for myself.
- My brother was the
last family I had,
but he committed suicide
a few years ago.
(somber music)
I probably should have had kids.
I think I could have
had a family.
- You still want to?
- No.
(somber music)
It feels too late now.
(somber music)
Where does it all go?
- The time?
- The money.
- Oh.
I need more tests, but the
insurance won't cover it.
Hospital visits, ICU bills. I
can't even afford the copays.
I'm supposed to take
daily medication,
but I could only afford to
take it every three days.
It feels like I'm drowning.
- Well, Rico, I wish
you good luck.
- Thanks.
- Thanks for the whiskey.
(water gushing)
(handcuffs zipping closed)
- [Rico] Please lay down
on your stomach.
Feet up, hands behind your back.
- Seriously?
- [Rico] I have to.
These are crossed up.
You won't be going anywhere
unless you wanna fall
on the ground.
- I have one request.
- What's that?
- [Terry] Can you put
on a podcast?
I like to listen to TED
talks before I go to sleep.
- I don't know what that is.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(Terry moaning)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(water gushing)
(waves crashing)
(water gurgling)
(Terry moaning)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Terry thudding to the ground)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
- I heard something go
bump in the night.
What's this?
- My work phone.
- I'm sorry, but you
can't sleep on the couch.
Hands behind your back.
- [Terry] I have a
question for you.
- [Rico] Hands behind your back.
(tense music)
(handcuffs zipping closed)
(Terry moaning)
(tense music)
What's your question?
- If this works, if you
get your money,
you're gonna let me go,
but I know everything about you.
How do you know I won't
go straight to the police?
- What do you think I should do?
Kill you so you don't snitch?
(tense music)
- That's kind of what I
was worried about.
- Nah, I'm not gonna
cut you down.
I've seen enough of that
growing up around street gangs.
Miami Shores? Got out of
there as soon as I could.
When this is over,
your life will go back
exactly how it was before.
(tense music)
Why won't you turn me in?
Why would you bother?
(tense music)
- You have a lot of
faith in people.
- Then tell me, are you
gonna call the cops?
If I leave you alive, are
you gonna call the cops?
- No, I won't.
- You won't what?
- I won't call the cops.
- Then I trust you're a
man of your word.
(Rico groaning)
(Rico coughing)
(Rico gasping for air)
(Rico coughing)
Wake up, please. Time
to check the ad.
- Check it yourself.
It's on your computer.
- Don't you wanna see your work?
In front.
(handcuffs zipping)
Come on.
Let's check it.
- You see this?
- No, no, no, no, no,
no. That's not right.
That's not right.
This is bullshit.
- I'm sorry, man.
- No, it's bullshit.
- We tried.
- Did we try?
- Yeah.
- Did we try?
(tense music)
- I wrote great copy.
It's not easy getting a bunch
of strangers to donate money.
- I've seen a million articles
about this kind of thing.
It works.
- $235,000 is a lot of money
to raise on a little
internet campaign.
- It works. They get their money
- In three days?
It's not enough time. I
tried to tell you.
- You tried to tell me?
You tried to tell me?
No, I tried to tell you.
I don't know how I can
make this any more clear,
your fate is my fate.
If I don't get to live,
you don't get to live.
Now raise the rest of the
fucking money.
- I can't. We gave it
a good shot.
Look, I'll throw in $5,000
and you can walk outta here,
no police, no-
- Get up.
- [Terry] I'm done.
Just take the money and leave.
- Get the fuck up.
- [Terry] Come on, man.
There's nothing else I can do.
- Don't lie to me.
(tense music)
(Terry groaning in pain)
Think. What else can you do?
- Nothing. Nothing.
What does killing me do? I
don't have that kind of money.
- This is all I got. Now think!
- I can't do anything, man.
I promise.
(tense music)
- Are you calling my bluff?
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't wanna do this.
- Are you calling my bluff,
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't wanna do this.
- Are you?
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't... You don't...
(Terry crying in terror)
(Rico screaming in frustration)
- Why?
Fuck you!
Fuck your face!
(Rico coughing)
And fuck this worthless
fucking piece of shit
of a fucking worthless
fucking body!
(Rico breathing heavily)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
I'm gonna die. God help me.
- You've been staring at
those numbers for two hours.
- People say they
have no regrets.
Do you think they
mean that shit?
What do they think, that they
were dealt a perfect hand?
They can't imagine
anything better.
Everyone should have regrets.
Even you wanted a family.
- I didn't quite say that.
- You didn't?
- That was just a thought.
- Because of your brother
who killed himself.
- I don't like to think
about what he did.
Maybe I wanted more of a
family because of that.
Is that a regret? I don't know.
I'm happy with what I do. I am.
- Well, I regret every
minute I ever wasted.
Every petty distraction.
- You need to think of another
way to raise the money.
- New plan. We're gonna
sell all your shit on eBay.
- That's not what I meant.
- We're gonna sell your couch,
your fridge, your
stupid paintings.
Get ready to write ads
for all your shit.
- You could steal
everything in this place
and you wouldn't raise $235,000.
- Are you good at your job?
- Hey, we raised some money.
Over $5,000.
- Wrong answer. Are you
good at your job?
- Yeah, I am.
- [Rico] No, you're dog shit.
- We've got a strong call
to action, a great copy,
a defined target audience,
the content is-
- Then why didn't this work?
- People are donating.
That means we're converting
people who click on the page.
We just need more eyeballs.
- This is advertising?
Anyone could do this.
- [Terry] Try it yourself.
You'd be lucky to raise $100.
- A fucking robot could
do what you do.
- I'm great at what I do.
- I could have snatched
some homeless crack head
off the street and
raised $5,000.
You're useless.
- Okay. Enough.
I have another idea for
the crowdfunding.
- You have another idea?
- [Terry] Yeah.
- And you thought of
this right now?
- Yeah.
- [Rico] Not when I was
pointing a gun to your head?
- Well, I was stressed
out at the moment,
and you said you didn't
wanna shoot me.
I was hoping you'd be a
man of your word.
- So, let me guess. We
need a big commercial?
- Here's the deal.
I have a lot of contacts
in PR. Publicists too.
I know some people in the
big newsrooms,
the Washington Post, CNBC,
all of them.
The biggest newsrooms
in the country.
If we can get a few
national articles
published about your campaign,
we might be in the money.
- I need a publicist.
- But first, we need a
video of you.
- Of me?
- Yeah. You are the product.
People are gonna want to hear
your story straight from you.
- No, Terry. No, I'm not
making a video.
Call your friends.
- Can I show you
something on the computer?
- Sure.
(shackles clanging)
- Look at this page.
- [Rico] Hit play.
- Hi, my name is Mia. I've
been to the hospital a lot.
The doctor said I have leukemia.
My mom has been very
strong and hopeful
that I'll make a full recovery.
The bad news is I need
help with money.
My granddad says we
should use the internet,
so here we are.
- Do you want the money or
should they give it to her?
- I want it.
- Then we need a video.
(somber music)
(shackles clanking)
(somber music continues)
The camera stuff's
in the closet.
Can you at least undo my feet
so I can set everything up?
- Fine.
(shackles clanging)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
- What's this? An award
for advertising you did?
- Something like that. Everyone
in the company got one.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
I should set up here.
We're almost set.
Do you know what you're
going to say?
- Yeah, I wrote it down.
I'm gonna speak a little
Spanish to target our audience.
- Target our audience.
I'm impressed.
- Speak their language
so they can relate to me.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Give the market what
it wants. Get personal.
- You should give me a
job when this is all over.
- Camera's on, hot shot.
We're recording.
(Rico mumbling indistinctly)
- Okay.
Can you see the gun?
Can you see the gun?
- [Terry] Go ahead.
- Hello, and thank you
for watching my video.
My name is Rico.
(speaking Spanish)
I was born in Mexico.
When I was a young boy,
my parents were murdered
by a violent drug cartel.
I crossed the border into
the United States all alone.
(melodious music)
(melodious music continues)
(melodious music continues)
(melodious music continues)
(melodious music continues)
...if you have any
money to spare,
that's why I'm asking
you to give to my ad.
Please think about it.
Thank you. God bless you.
- That was great. Got
it in one take.
- You sure?
- Really great. One Take Rico,
that's what they'd call you.
We'll upload this to
your crowdfunding page
and I'll email all my contacts.
No funny business. You can
watch over my shoulder.
- Yes. Good.
(microwave humming)
(microwave door banging shut)
Everything is sent?
- They have a link to your
story. They'll see your video.
If my contacts are interested,
we may get an article
online soon,
or in print, as early as
tomorrow morning.
- What are our chances?
- You know, these are
contacts I've built up
my entire career.
I hope you appreciate that.
- What are our chances?
- If we can get national press
and a couple of outlets, maybe
go viral, there's a chance.
It's a long shot, but
there's a chance.
- I didn't want to threaten
you. I'm not a killer.
I'm not about that life.
I'm just want their money
and then I'll leave.
- Does that mean you'll
take these handcuffs off?
- Yes, soon.
- Can I take a shower?
- [Rico] When this is all over.
- Can I at least
sleep on the couch
instead of sitting up
on the floor?
- It'll be over soon.
- You know what, man? You
can go to hell.
(tense music)
- Do you believe in that?
- What?
- Hell. Do you believe in hell?
- I don't know. I never
thought about it.
- What do you mean you
never thought about it?
- Okay, yeah, I believe in it.
- No, no, you said you
never thought about it.
- Yeah, man, I dunno.
I don't give much thought to
the Devil or his counterpart.
(somber music)
- It's funny, I used to
think I believed,
heaven and hell, and
the whole thing.
But then I got death
staring at me,
death right in front
of me, and I panicked.
What if there's nothing more?
(somber music)
So I did all this to...
To live on.
I guess I never really
believed in the first place.
- Don't think about it.
- I'm jealous of any
person that can believe
that there's something else,
that faith,
I want that.
I'm filled with envy.
The body of Christ.
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
Close your eyes.
- Come on, man. You don't
have to do this.
- I'm not gonna shoot
you. Close your eyes.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
One day you're here, and
then you're not.
Everyone you loved,
all your friends, you
never see them again.
Everything you ever loved
to do, all the fun shit,
favorite foods, eating pussy,
you never get to do
any of that ever again.
Death is not a choice.
That doesn't bother you?
- So it's like going to sleep?
- No, it's not like
sleep at all.
When you sleep, you wake up.
"Never" means you don't
wake up tomorrow,
you don't wake up a
week from now,
you don't wake up 5
million weeks from now.
- I told you, man, too
busy for that stuff.
My work is my life.
- Too busy? You're too busy?
That makes sense.
You're a successful
advertising guy,
you don't have time to
think about the small stuff.
You dumb motherfucker, do
you even know why I'm here?
Why you?
- Actually...
I don't.
- I don't watch many TV shows,
but there are a few I like.
A while back, I was
watching one of my shows
and I saw the best
commercial I've ever seen
in my whole life.
It had a beautiful woman
dancing on a beautiful beach.
The way they filmed the ocean,
and the waves, and the sand,
it was real beautiful.
And that commercial was
from my insurance.
The same one that fucked
me over and left me to die.
A really nice ad.
So I went online
and I looked up the mercenaries
that made this commercial,
and I found the
advertising company.
What agency are you with?
- Gen Four.
- Right, Gen Four.
That's the one.
So I went on Gen Four's website
and I found the
beach commercial.
And do you know what
else I found?
- Yeah, I do.
- Your name was listed at
the top. Creative Director.
Not an assistant.
Terrance "Terry" Tanner,
Creative Director,
with a picture of
your smiling mug.
So I got to thinking.
You made that commercial,
probably convinced
millions of people
to sign up for my shit plan,
and I bet you walked away with
some good money, blood money.
So now you can pay that
shit forward.
That's why I'm here.
(tense music)
(ice clinking in the glass)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(waves crashing)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(toilet flushing)
How'd you sleep?
- Fantastic.
- Time to see if your
people came through.
Psst. Let's go.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
- [Terry] I bet we got
write up in "The Post".
- Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
I can't believe it.
I can't.
(Rico choking)
I can't...
I can't...
(Rico wheezing and coughing)
(Rico continues coughing)
(tense music)
(Rico and Terry groaning)
(gunshot echoing)
(tense music)
(Rico and Terry groaning)
- Sit up.
Where's your phone?
- I didn't bring one.
They can trace it.
- Where's my phones?
Both of 'em?
- In the bedroom, on
the nightstand.
- Where's the key?
- Pocket.
- Over here.
- I'm a good person. I
know I'm a good person.
I never killed anyone.
I never raped anyone.
I care about... issues.
Yeah, I produced a commercial
for your insurance,
more than one.
They're one of our greatest
clients. And guess what?
They pay well.
But here's what you
don't understand,
what do you do for work?
- Roofing.
I used to.
- Roofing.
You get to choose where
you lay tiles?
- Not if I wanna pay the bills.
- Okay, same here. I'm
just a creative, an ad man.
The agency gets the
brief and we get to work.
That's how I put food
on my table.
That's how I pay for my
doctors. That's how I survive.
- It isn't right.
- It isn't?
I've worked very
hard in my life.
Maybe too hard.
So now, I have this. This
is what we're going to do.
(someone knocking at the door)
Be there in a second.
Make a noise and I'll kill you.
Come on.
(tense music)
Behind your back.
(tense music)
(Rico breathing heavily)
(tense music)
Good boy.
(someone knocking at the door)
One minute.
(tense music)
(Rico making muffled sounds)
Still too loud.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Rico making muffled sounds)
(tense music)
- Hey.
I'm Christine, the neighbor
from down the hall.
I just heard a loud
bang. Is everything okay?
- Yeah, that was...
I dropped something.
- Are you sure? It sounded
like a gunshot.
- A gunshot? No.
I was just doing work in
the bedroom. Redecorating.
Installing a new ceiling fan.
Thanks for checking.
- Yeah, I'm so glad to hear it.
I just wanted to make
sure nobody was hurt,
because my old building, there
was like a huge explosion.
Not in my unit, it was a
different unit.
But anyway, big fire.
I had to move out and that's
actually why I live here now.
- That sounds bad. I'm
sorry to hear that.
- Well, they don't even
know what caused it.
I think it might have
been the stove,
but I don't know about that
'cause it wasn't even
a gas stove.
- You never know, but
thanks for checking.
- It was a smoking building,
and there were a lot of
smokers in the building,
and trust fund kids,
they were just smoking
and doing drugs,
and some people actually
thought they set up a meth lab.
(Rico making muffled sounds)
- Yeah, meth is pretty bad.
Nothing like that here.
Thanks so much for checking.
- Good, good.
Because I am super paranoid
about explosions now,
and smoke detectors.
I just... I don't wanna
have to move again.
It's such a pain and-
- Honestly, I
completely understand.
I've gotta get back to the fan,
but thanks again for checking.
- Of course. Yes.
Yeah, well, have a good
one and stay safe, okay?
- I'll try.
- [Christine] Okay.
(door shutting closed)
- That was a neighbor.
A very friendly girl.
She heard you screaming.
- Really?
- No. Just kidding.
I can see why you did
this. It's a bit of a rush.
Another man's life
in your hands.
No one should have
that much power.
I can't believe I took you
down like that.
I mean, wow. I could have died.
So what do you think
happens next?
You think I'm gonna torture you?
Should I rip off your
Should I gouge your eyes out?
What I'm about to do will
be very painful.
(tense music)
(Rico moaning and groaning)
(tense music)
(printer humming)
(Rico breathing heavily)
- Please, don't. Please.
I had to do this. My back
was against a fucking wall.
- I'm not gonna break all
your fingers and toes,
although I could.
You know how this works.
In front.
And don't be clever.
Here's the deal, and try
not to overreact.
I've decided to take a
percentage of the earnings
from our campaign.
- You're gonna steal my money?
- If you had anything
worth stealing,
you wouldn't be in this
situation, would you?
I will take 92% of
the funds raised
for my creative contributions,
including but not limited to
writing the copy, the bio,
the production costs
for our video.
You will receive 5%
for having the illness.
- Fuck you.
- And if you do
everything I ask,
I won't shoot the burglar
who invaded my home.
Personally, I think I'm
being generous.
I did all the work. I
used my contacts.
I'm still letting you
keep some of the money.
- I need that money to live.
Do you know what it's like to
be drowned by your own body?
- Listen, man, you
got me thinking.
You were right. Death
comes for us all.
You, me, my brother.
The sands of time are flowing.
I only have what, 30 years left?
Maybe 40.
You know what I could do
with $200,000?
I'm gonna take my first
vacation in over a decade.
I'm gonna take a year
off and travel the world.
Because that's the metric,
isn't it?
When it's all over,
we look back and see which
hotels we've been to.
I've hustled my entire life
away. I think I've earned it.
- People gave that money to me.
You're not only stealing
from me, you can't-
(ice clinking)
- I didn't ask you to come
here. I don't owe you anything.
I don't even know who you are.
You came to me.
This is a contract. It outlines
the distribution of revenue.
You'll sign this contract
and we'll have a deal.
- This isn't right.
I need tests, and trials,
and medicine.
I'll die if I sign this.
- If you don't sign it,
you'll certainly die.
(tense music)
If you take your 5%, at least
you'll have a fighting chance.
(tense music)
You can walk outta here
and send my regards to
your Mexican parents.
- No. No, no.
There's no way this
will hold up.
It can't be legal for you to
threaten me to sign a contract.
- That would be coercion.
But what's more believable,
that I stole a gun
and forced a total
stranger to sign a contract
in my living room,
or that someone who doesn't know
the first thing about
raising money
signed a deal that
wasn't in his favor?
Pretend I'm a judge.
What do I believe?
- That I made the deal.
- Correct.
- Then I'll tell the truth.
- The truth? You'll
tell the truth?
So the police lock you up
for your brilliant plan
and you die in jail.
There is no scenario where
you get to keep my share.
Sign it and I'll let you free.
- You get 92% and I get 5%?
- I get 92, you get 5.
- [Rico] Who gets the other 3%?
- The website charges a
processing fee.
- Even for medical donations?
- Even for medical.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
One more thing.
- [Rico] What's this?
- It's a script.
You and I are gonna
produce another video.
- Why? We raised the money.
It's yours.
You said you'd let me go.
- I don't take chances.
We are gonna make a record
where you explain the
specifics of our deal.
92% and 5%.
I will have you on camera,
agreeing to these terms.
Once the video is complete,
you won't be able to
litigate another penny.
Take your time.
- All right, I'll
make your video.
But I wanna know one thing.
- Haven't we talked enough?
- How do you live with yourself?
- What's the first
thing they tell you
about climbing a mountain?
Don't look down.
You'll never reach the
top if you look down.
The bottom will hold you back.
And if you try to raise
the rest of the money,
you should take that as
some free advice.
I won't charge for that one.
- I have to piss.
- Okay. You can do that.
- [Rico] You wanna come in?
- No.
But I appreciate the offer.
(door sliding shut)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
- Oh, yes.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Oh, God.
(tense music)
(Rico breathing heavily)
(Terry knocking on the door)
(somber music)
(toilet flushing)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(water gushing)
(somber music continues)
(Terry knocking at the door)
- Showtime.
(Terry laughing lightly)
You ready?
- If I make this video,
that's it for me.
I've got six months.
I won't exist.
- You didn't exist
four days ago.
- I'm ready.
- The same as before.
Gonna speak directly to camera.
- [Rico] Let's get it over with.
- Just follow the script
exactly as I wrote it.
Don't improvise.
I need everything exact
in case you have a
dispute our agreement.
I'm recording.
- Can you see the handcuffs?
- [Terry] Hold on.
Go ahead.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
- [Terry] Stop.
- What?
- [Terry] We can see
you reading.
It's fine to have notes, but
you're not doing
a book report.
- What do you want me to do?
- [Terry] Look at the camera,
like before. Go again.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
I am making this video
to discuss our deal.
- [Terry] Absolutely not.
- What now?
- [Terry] Are you
listening to yourself?
You sound like an ISIS
hostage video.
I'm raising money for you.
Try not to act so disturbed.
- Should I go again?
- [Terry] Relax. Go ahead.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
I am making this video
to discuss our deal.
I agree to receive...
I agree to receive 5% and
Terry will receive 92%
of all funds raised.
You may be wondering
about this distribution.
Honestly, I don't need
that much money.
The chance to work with
an award-winning creative
was one I couldn't pass up.
Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurprising.
- [Terry] Stop. Unsurpassed.
"Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurpassed."
- Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurpassed.
I found Terry-
- [Terry] You have to
start all the way over.
It has to be in one take.
If it looks edited
even a tiny bit,
people will think I
changed the deal.
Start over.
Go ahead.
What don't you get? I
already have the contract.
That's the ball game.
Sit down!
(tense music)
I will shoot you. I'm not
kidding. I'm not joking.
This... Do you wanna die?
Do you wanna die? Is that
what you want?
- No, I want to live for
as long as I can.
- You should sit down then.
(tense music)
Hello? 911? Please help me.
A man broke into my home.
I managed to wrestle his gun,
but I shot him in the face.
Help me, please. He's
bleeding all over the place.
I think he's dead.
(tense music)
We'll try this again. Go ahead.
- Hello, my name is
Rico Allende.
I need to raise money,
so I approached Terry
Tanner to help me.
I'm making this video to
discuss our deal.
I have agreed to receive 5%
and Terry will receive
92% of all funds raised.
You may be wondering
about this distribution,
but honestly, I don't
need that much money.
The chance to work
with an award...
The chance to work with
an award-winning creative
was an opportunity I
couldn't pass up.
Terry's genius in
advertising is unsurpassed.
I found Terry by looking up
my favorite commercial online.
I want to thank Terry for
creating this wonderful
and I wanna say how
blessed and fortunate I am
for all the earnings that
I will receive.
How was that?
- Good enough.
Are you tired? I'm tired.
It's real hard to sleep
sitting up like that.
I'm looking forward to
that vacation.
- What about our page
on the computer?
The money still goes to me.
- That's a very good point.
We set up automatic
withdrawals on our campaign.
We'll have to go to your bank
and make a wire transfer
to my account.
- When should we do that?
- You can do it online,
right now.
(tense music)
Hey, we're up to $260,000
now. 5% of that isn't too bad.
Go to your bank website.
(tense music)
These are my numbers.
Sign into your account,
go to wire transfers.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
- I won't do it.
- Enter your password.
- [Rico] No, I won't.
Not my own hands.
- Go ahead, type.
- This is a death sentence.
I need that money.
- You're getting some of it,
and it's more than you
had four days ago.
- It's not enough. I'm so sick.
- Transfer the funds
to my account
or you won't have to
wait for your sickness.
- I can't.
- [Terry] Do it now.
- I can't.
- Now.
I'll give you all my shit,
everything you need, but
I can't do it myself.
It's like committing
suicide. It is suicide.
Please don't make me do it.
- Okay, okay, get up.
(tense music)
Stand over there, away from me.
And keep your back turned.
(tense music)
- [Terry] What's your password?
Your password?
Your password?
(tense music)
What's your pass-
(Terry screaming and
thudding to the floor)
Come on, man.
It's all yours. The
money is yours.
You got your money. All of it.
Don't forget, I helped you
raise it. I helped you.
We did it together.
(tense music)
I did what you asked. You
can't kill me just like that.
Not like this. I
don't wanna die.
You got the money. You can't
shoot me, Rico, my friend.
- When I said suicide, did
you think of your brother?
Is that why you let me up?
Did I target my audience?
- You don't wanna do this.
You don't...
You don't want to do
this. I can start over.
(gunshot echoing)
(Terry gasping and coughing)
(gunshot echoing)
(handcuffs and
shackles clanging)
(Rico coughing violently)
(water gurgling)
(tense music)
(Rico wheezing)
(Rico coughing)
(water gurgling)
(water gushing)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(hoodie zipping closed)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(pages ripping)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(orchestral music)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(orchestral music continues)
(water gurgling)
(water gurgling continues)
(water gurgling continues)