Something in the Woods (2022) Movie Script

(wine splashing)
(glasses clinking)
(wind blowing)
(birds chirping)
- Hill, goddammit, do you copy?
- [Hill] Yeah, I copy. Go ahead.
- Hey, there's a silver car
out here. Been here a few days.
I gave it a ticket, I don't
know, two or three days ago.
- [Hill] No?
- Hey, you know, give
me a read on 869663H.
- [Hill] Yeah, I'm
not finding anything.
- All right, you know what?
I'm gonna go look
for the driver.
- [Hill] 10-4, Sandman.
- Roger that.
(leaves rustling)
(gentle music)
You know you're not
supposed to be here.
(ominous music)
Are you okay?
(body thuds)
(Meyers retching)
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to
KWLF. I'm David Walker.
Following up on
our breaking news,
Senator Morrison's
suicide comes on
the heels of a scathing report
by New York Times
journalist Nora Thompson.
The report details
Morrison's involvement
with a drug trafficking ring
and the funneling of profits
through the Morrison family
charity, Hearts of Children.
Now all of the Morrison family
assets have been frozen.
And, so far, there
has been no comment
from Senator Morrison's
immediate family.
Please join us tomorrow
night at 8:00 p.m.
for an hour long report
on the rise and fall
of Senator Morrison.
We have uncovered more details
on Senator Morrison's
illegal activity
and a special
report and interview
with Nora Thompson herself,
the New York times journalist
who exposed Senator Morrison.
Coming up next, what is a
social media influencer?
Do they matter? And
how can you become one?
We'll be right back after these
messages from our sponsor.
You're watching KWLF.
I'm David Walker.
(wall thudding)
(tense music)
(upbeat music)
(gentle music)
(gun fires)
(bottle breaks)
(gun fires)
(bottle breaks)
(gun fires)
(bottle breaks)
(gun fires)
(bottle breaks)
(gun firing)
(bottles breaking)
(Nora chuckles)
- It's about time. Been trying
to get ahold of you all day.
- [Agent] I didn't
know. I'm sorry.
I had a family emergency. And
I did call earlier, though.
- Did you? I didn't notice.
Is your family, okay?
- [Agent] Yeah,
everything's fine.
- Good because I
wouldn't want to take up
too much of your time
if you're a preoccupied.
I need someone who
makes me their priority.
- [Agent] Hey, you
are my priority. 100%.
How are you?
- Fine. Just getting
ready for tomorrow.
Nothing I won't
be able to handle.
Between me and you,
Clay Auburn is an idiot.
I don't know who would
give him an anchor seat.
We used to go to
school together.
- [Agent] It's good that
you know him, though.
It'll lead to friendly
banter. Audiences love that.
Oh, that reminds me. Don't
bring up the senator's suicide.
- Well, duh, obviously.
I'm not an idiot.
- [Agent] If Clay does,
just send your condolences.
Move on as quickly as possible.
- I'm not gonna
give my condolences.
If you ask me, suicide was
too easy for that bastard.
And his family knew what he
was doing the entire time.
They don't deserve well
wishes or condolences.
- Nora.
- I'm a professional.
If it comes up, I'll play it up.
Hell, I'll even get teary-eyed
if the mood calls for it.
(mellow music)
(Nora sighs)
Everything we deserve, finally.
(Nora chuckles)
Hashtag rest day.
Hashtag journalist.
Hashtag New York Times.
(Nora chuckles)
(Nora sighs)
This is the life.
Hello, world!
Oh, my god.
We reached 1 million followers.
(Nora chuckles)
(Nora sighs)
Nora Thompson, you
are finally verified.
My god, it's hard
to get verified
than it is to bribe
a congressman.
You earned your a
fancy wine, girl.
(Nora chuckles)
(Nora chuckles)
Any news on the Pulitzer board?
- [Agent] You're definitely
one of the front runners.
- I don't want to be a
front runner. I want to win.
So make it happen.
- [Agent] Yes. Yeah,
I will, don't worry.
- Good. I also liked
your book idea.
I think we should
move forward with it.
- [Agent] Oh. Oh, perfect.
Perfect, I can get started
on that tomorrow.
(shower running)
- I don't need to
know the details.
Now, look, I have to go.
I want to finish
prepping for tomorrow
and I want to look
fresh for the cameras.
- [Agent] It sounds really good.
Hey, you know, I had some...
- Why, yes, Clay,
it is unfortunate.
Of course...
Of course my thoughts and
prayers go out to his family.
Remember, viewers,
suicide is not the answer,
and there is help available
to those who are struggling.
That's it.
That's the one.
Cheers to you, bitch.
(crickets chirping)
Happy to be here, Clay.
Thanks for having me.
Happy to be here, Clay.
Much better.
It is the only clay
after all. Chump.
(Nora sighs)
You deserve everything
coming to you.
(light switch clicks)
(Nora sighs)
(Nora yawning)
(Nora sighs)
(ominous music)
(Nora sighs)
(ground thuds)
(tense music)
(Nora sighs)
Just the stupid
neighbor's cat again.
(light switch clicks)
(Nora yawns)
(Nora sighs)
It's freezing.
(Nora sighs)
(Nora yawns)
(Nora sighs)
(water dripping)
(thunder crackles)
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(hand thuds)
(woman groans)
(kick thuds)
(woman groans)
(thunder crackles)
Get back!
Get out!
(bat thuds)
Get out! Get back!
Get out of my house!
(bat thuds)
(kick thuds)
(woman groans)
(Nora groaning)
(tense music)
(thunder crackles)
(eerie music)
(gentle music)
(woman sighs)
(light switch clicks)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(Nora coughing)
Let me outta here!
(elbow thudding)
Let me out, you psycho!
People will be looking for me!
(Nora grunts)
(Nora screams)
(Nora grunting)
- Did you really think
that was gonna work?
- Let me out!
(Nora groans)
(Nora panting)
- You know who I am?
- Carolyn Morrison.
Senator Morrison's
oldest daughter,
and least favorite
from what I hear.
- Good. Saves me a lot of time.
Favorite or not, that
kingdom was going to be mine
till you opened your
big fucking mouth.
Fuck! Ow!
(Carolyn sighs)
Do it again.
I have pliers.
(Nora gasps)
Now, stay quiet, or I'm
really gonna give you
something to scream about.
- No.
- Now open your mouth.
Open your mouth.
(Nora mumbling)
(siren chirps)
- Shit.
(Nora screaming)
(Nora whimpering)
Stay quiet, or I'll
really give you
something to scream about them.
I'll kill him and throw his
body back here with you.
(Nora mumbling)
- How you doing, ma'am?
Everything all right?
- Yeah. I just needed to
take a break from driving.
Nature calls.
- I see.
You do know I am
supposed to cite people
for stuff like that, right?
- Have a heart, Officer.
(Nora whimpers)
You got a light?
- I don't smoke.
Hey, you know, you look like
that senator's daughter,
the one who offed himself.
Wait a minute, it is you.
Caroline, Carolina,
Carolyn, Carol-
- Carolyn.
- Carolyn. That's right.
You're all over the TV.
- That's me-
- Oh, yeah.
- In the flesh.
- Aw, gee, I'm
sorry for your loss.
I've read the story.
All that money gone and,
well, guess that's
why you're not driving
one of those fancy
gas guzzlers, right?
- I guess so.
- Well, Miss Morrison, don't
stay out here too long,
and you have a good day.
My sincerest condolences
to your family.
- Thank you, Officer.
- Yeah.
- You too.
(shoulder thuds)
(suspenseful music)
- Hey, you got
something back there?
- No, I grabbed these
from the back earlier
and something must've fallen.
You want to check, Officer?
- Nah, it's fine.
Once again, Miss Morrison,
don't stay out here too long.
Have a good one.
(engine rumbles)
(Nora whimpering)
(kick thuds)
- Shut up.
Do you want him to die?
(birds chirping)
(Nora whimpering)
(Carolyn slurping)
(creature screeches)
(tires screeching)
What the fuck?
(Nora screaming)
(elbow thudding)
(birds chirping)
(Nora mumbling)
Get up.
All right, I'm going
to remove the rag.
If you scream, I will
cut your tongue out.
(Nora mumbling)
(Nora coughing)
- What do you want?
You want money?
I'll get you money. I'll
get you whatever you want.
- What did I say?
- I'm not screaming.
- We're gonna take
a walk that way.
- What?
I can't walk through
the woods like this.
- What, you afraid you're
gonna ruin your pedicure
now you're Insta famous?
Get up.
- Look, I'll do whatever you
want. Just don't hurt me.
- [Carolyn] Get up. Let's go.
- [Nora] Where are we going?
- [Carolyn] Down the trail.
- Why?
Ow, shit.
- Faster.
- I'm going as fast as I can.
- Maybe I should retie your
legs and make you crawl.
- Bitch.
(creature roars)
(mysterious music)
What was that?
- Stop stalling.
(creature roars)
- Did you hear that?
- What, you've never
been in the woods before?
(creature roaring)
Aw, fuck!
(dramatic music)
You can't hide.
(gun fires)
(gun fires)
- [Nora] Fuck!
(Nora grunts)
- Get up.
- So what, you're
just gonna shoot me
and leave me for the animals?
- Of course not.
- Look, I'm sorry
about your dad.
I didn't think-
- Oh, god!
I don't give a
shit about my dad.
Outside of this fur
coat that he gave me,
he can rot in the
deepest depths of hell.
- Well, then the money, I-
- Oh, shut the fuck up!
Jesus! Let's go!
- [Nora] Moving
as fast as I can.
- All right, stop. This is good.
- Look, you seem like a smart
woman. We can make a deal.
- You know, my father used to
take us hunting in the woods.
- Thought you didn't
care about your father.
- By my house.
At least that's what
we told my mother.
He used to make us
play these games.
You know, live up to the
Morrison family name.
This one time, he sent my
brothers out on a footrace.
He handed me a rifle and he
told me to pick one and shoot.
I picked my youngest brother.
He was an annoying little shit.
(Carolyn sighs)
So I aimed.
My father slapped it down.
He said, "You don't
put down an annoyance.
You put down the biggest threat
and you make damn sure
they know it was you."
Not only have you
embarrassed me,
not only have you taken the
inheritance that I earned,
but you are the biggest threat
to any future that I have.
And so I'm going
to eliminate you
and I'm gonna have fun doing it.
(gun clacks)
- Thought you didn't
care about your father?
- Old habits die hard.
- You really are
crazy, you know that?
- Turn around.
- You won't get away with this.
(Carolyn chuckles)
People will be looking for me.
- Now, we're gonna play
our own little game.
You have a one minute headstart.
You can go in any
direction you like.
And I'll count down from five.
- I'm not gonna get very far
in a minute.
- Four.
It's not my concern.
(gun clacks)
- Hold it right there!
Put the gun down, nice
and slow, Miss Morrison.
- You need to mind
your business, Officer.
I'm eliminating a threat.
- Shoot her! What
are you waiting for?!
- Calm down, ma'am. I
have this under control.
We'll get you outta here.
(Carolyn laughs)
- You shoot me, I shoot her.
I got a hostage.
- Now I'll give you
to the count of three
to lower your weapon.
Don't make me shoot you.
- Told you to mind
your business, Officer.
- Come on now! Think
of your family!
You come from a good
all-American family!
- Are you kidding me?!
- Ma'am, please!
I'm warning you, Miss
Morrison, put the gun down!
- [Carolyn] That's it.
(gun fires)
- No one needs to get hurt!
- Shoot her!
(gun fires)
- Told you to leave, Officer!
(gun firing)
(gun fires)
No! Fuck!
(gun firing)
(Meyers gasps)
(Meyers screaming)
(creature roaring)
C'est la vie!
- Wait! Don't leave me!
(creature snarls)
(gun firing)
(Carolyn screaming)
(creature snarling)
- If you're not sure which
streaming service to use,
please visit
to see our comparison
so you can make an informed
and educated decision.
Hold on.
We've just received
word that Nora Thompson,
the New York Times investigative
reporter, is missing.
She's missed several interviews
and no one seems to
be able to reach her
or know her whereabouts.
They're interviewing all
that are close to her
and also Senator
Morrison's family.
We will have more on this
as the story develops.
Next, how safe is your hybrid?
The consumer reports
with Becca Dane.
We'll be right back.
You're watching KWLF.
I'm David Walker.
(ominous music)
(window thudding)
- Hello?!
Hello?! Is anybody in there?!
(door thudding)
(Nora grunting)
(door squeaking)
Oh, my god, thank you.
(Nora panting)
(Nora grunts)
(Nora grunting)
(Nora panting)
Yes. Yes.
(Nora sighs)
No. No sleep.
What the hell is that?
Ew, it's disgusting.
(Nora panting)
(Nora whimpering)
(Nora panting)
(Nora whimpering)
At least it's something.
(Nora panting)
(Nora grunts)
(Nora panting)
(lighter clicking)
Come on.
Oh, yes.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Just breathe.
Oh, fuck.
(newspaper rustling)
(gentle music)
(knife clatters)
(crickets chirping)
(door thuds)
(Nora gasps)
Jesus. Fuck!
- Let me in.
Let me in.
- And why would I do that,
you evil bitch?
- I think it's on my tail.
Please, open the door.
- [Nora] I don't care. You
led it here, it can have you.
- [Carolyn] I'm injured.
- You tried to kill me.
(Carolyn groans)
- I'll give you dirt.
The scoop of your career.
I'll get you dirt on
every politician I know.
I grew up with the bastards.
I know all their secrets.
Please, just open the door.
- And how do I know you
want to try and jump me?
(Carolyn groans)
(knife tapping)
- It's empty.
I have nothing left.
I have nothing left.
Let me in.
- Fuck. Screw it.
(Carolyn whimpers)
(lock clicks)
(door rumbles)
Come on.
Quickly, quickly
(door rumbles)
(door closes)
(lock clicks)
Easy. Easy.
(Carolyn sighs)
Did you get it? I
mean, did you kill it?
- I think I wounded it earlier.
This is empty.
It's useless.
- You don't have
any more bullets?
- I have more guns in the
car, but I lost the keys.
(Carolyn groans)
(bag zips)
(keys jingling)
You have them?
Whoa, what's that?
- Look-
- What are you doing?
- The way I see it, I'm
the one in charge now.
I got the keys and the knife
and I'm not afraid to
use it, you got it?
- [Carolyn] I got it.
- I hold the backpack
and the weapon.
- [Carolyn] Okay.
You're in charge.
- That's right.
I'm in charge now.
(Carolyn groans)
All right, let's
move you over there.
Come on.
(gentle music)
Easy does it.
(crickets chirping)
Oh, this is worse
than I thought.
We need to get
you to a hospital.
- Ow.
Ow! That hurts.
- Hold still!
(Carolyn groaning)
All right, relax, relax, relax.
(Carolyn whimpers)
That looks better.
All right, I'm not a doctor.
What kinda animal could do this?
(Carolyn sighs)
Um, shouldn't you use that
to clean your wounds, maybe?
- Shut up and take a drink.
- Okay.
(Carolyn sighs)
(Nora sniffs)
(Carolyn sighs)
Ew, no.
That is disgustingly strong.
No thank you. Disgusting.
You know, we wouldn't be
here if it weren't for you?
- You know, we wouldn't be here
if you didn't go blackmailing
hookers for intel?
I mean, it was pretty smart,
but it was painfully obvious
to those of us on the inside.
- Oh, why didn't you stop me
if you knew I was onto your dad?
- We're all sinners, honey.
Oh, god, what I wouldn't do
for a cigarette right now.
- Smoking kills. My
body as a temple.
- Oh, spare me.
I knew what girls like
you did in college.
(Nora chuckles)
- Girls like me?
And what is that?
- Oh, you know, kind with
a stick so far up their ass
when they finally
blow off steam.
It's epic.
(Carolyn chuckles)
- Yeah, that might've
been me. Whatever.
Let's go.
Are you coming?
(Carolyn groans)
- [Carolyn] Just one...
(Nora sighs)
- Shit, what is that thing?
- I don't know.
Never seen anything like it.
I didn't get a close look.
- What about the deputy?
(Carolyn sighs)
- I think he's dead.
I don't think he survived.
- Have you seen anything like
that in these woods before?
- I told you, I used to hunt
by the woods near my house.
These were a suggestion
from a friend.
- A friend.
Some friend.
(Carolyn sighs)
(Carolyn sighs)
Are you okay?
- Mm? I'm fine.
- Carolyn. Carolyn.
- What? What?
- Think you might
have hypothermia.
- I'm fine.
- No, you lost a lot of blood.
Here, hold on one second.
It smells like shit,
but it'll keep you warm.
Lean up.
(Carolyn groans)
Is that okay?
- [Carolyn] It's fine.
- You don't smell that?
- [Carolyn] Smell what?
- Forget it.
I think you might be in shock.
- Oh, no.
I'm in survival mode.
We need to get out of here.
- How? That thing is out
there waiting for us.
- We stay here,
we're sitting ducks.
(Carolyn groans)
It's gonna come find us.
- I think we should
wait it out here.
- And wait for it to get us?
- How do I know that
you won't jump me
once we get out there?
Leave me for dead?
- You have the keys.
And I, (chuckles) I don't have
the strength to fight you.
(Carolyn sniffs)
Is there food?
- No. The cabinets were empty.
What are you doing?
(Carolyn sniffs)
- Nothing. Nothing.
- You were just...
Forget it.
(Nora sighs)
We should at least try and
dress some of those wounds.
They look disgusting.
At least it'll help you
stop bleeding.
- Jerky?
(bag rustling)
(Carolyn sniffs)
- What are you doing?
- Mm. I haven't eaten
since this morning.
(bag rustling)
(creature roars)
(Carolyn snoring)
(creature roars)
- What was that?
- What?
Oh, it must be back.
- [Meyers] Hello?
Is anyone in there?
I need help. Please!
- Oh, my god, it's the deputy.
He must've gotten away.
We have to help him.
- No, I'm not going out there.
- I thought you don't leave
any people or hunters behind.
- That's the Marines.
(Carolyn groans)
If you want to help
him, you go right ahead.
- Fuck.
Okay, I'm gonna go out there
and help him. You wait here.
(mysterious music)
(lock clicks)
- [Meyers] Help!
Is anyone there?!
- Hello?
- [Meyers] Hello?
Please, help me.
- Deputy?
- [Meyers] Come here, please!
- [Nora] Deputy?
- [Meyers] Please, help me!
Is anyone there?!
- Deputy?!
- [Meyers] Over here!
- Where are you?!
- [Meyers] Please, help me!
- [Nora] I'm coming!
- [Meyers] Please!
- [Nora] Deputy!
(creek trickling)
(water splashing)
(ominous music)
(creek trickling)
(ominous music)
(tense music)
(mysterious music)
(ominous music)
(creature snarling)
(creature snarling)
(suspenseful music)
(creature snarling)
(creature snarling)
- [Meyers] Help!
- Deputy!
- Please!
- [Nora] Where are you?!
- [Meyers] Over here!
- Deputy!
- [Meyers] Please!
Help me!
- Where are you?!
(dramatic music)
(Nora screaming)
(creature roars)
(creature snarling)
(Nora panting)
(creature snarling)
(door thudding)
- Carolyn, open the door!
It is coming! Let me in!
Please, let me in! He's coming!
Carolyn, what are you
doing?! Let me in!
(door thudding)
What are you doing?!
Come on!
(creature snarling)
(door thudding)
Carolyn, open the door!
Let me in!
(door thudding)
What are you doing?!
It's coming!
Carolyn, open the door!
(creature roars)
(creature snarling)
What are you doing?!
(Nora screams)
(shotgun firing)
(shotgun clacking)
(creature screeches)
Where the hell did
that come from?
- I found it in
the closet earlier.
You said you had my gun.
- [Nora] Shit.
(Carolyn sighs)
(Nora sighs)
- How does it feel to be hunted?
- Excuse me?
- That article you wrote,
that's how my family and I felt.
- Look, I'm sorry.
- Oh, god.
(Carolyn groans)
Come on. Come with me.
(Carolyn groans)
Take a look at that.
(ominous music)
Okay, so what's the plan?
- Why are you asking me?
- I figured you had more
experience with stuff like this?
- We run for the road and
drive off as fast as we can.
- Swell. And you sure
you're up to the challenge?
- I'm fine. It's
just a flesh wound.
(creature snarls)
(creature roars)
Fuck. It's back.
(Carolyn sighs)
- So how do you wanna do this?
- We've gotta move.
Here, take it. You're
gonna need this.
I found it in the
closet with the shotgun.
- [Nora] Okay.
- [Carolyn] It's a gun.
That's the trigger.
Put your finger on
it and you pull.
- Great. Thanks.
- We sprint for the car. If
you see the creature, shoot.
- [Nora] What are you doing?
- I look like shit.
(Carolyn groans)
- [Nora] It's a good thing
it's not a beauty contest.
- Oh, my gosh, I know.
I don't see it.
There's no eyes.
Let's do this. Stay close.
- Don't run off without me.
(crickets chirping)
(Carolyn coughing)
Are you sure you're okay?
- I'm fine.
(tense music)
- How much...
(dramatic music)
(Nora screams)
- Shh, shh! You'll
lead it right to us.
- Don't ever touch me again.
- Oh, fuck.
You'll give our position away.
- I fell onto a dead mangled
body, what do you expect?
- [Carolyn] Calm down.
- You calm down.
- [Carolyn] Oh, shut up.
- It can mimic people.
- Yeah, looks like it.
- What are you doing?
- Trying to find
something useful.
You gonna stand there and
watch or are you gonna help?
- I'm not touching him.
(Carolyn groans)
(Carolyn sighs)
- Snowflake.
- Sorry we didn't all
grow up with a psycho dad.
- There's no gun. Fuck.
- He probably lost
it in the attack.
Look for his keys. He
probably has more in the car.
- [Carolyn] Good idea.
Ah. Bingo.
(Carolyn groans)
- Are you sure you're okay?
- [Carolyn] Yeah.
- Just asking.
(ominous music)
(woman screaming)
(creature roaring)
- Run!
- Wait!
Fuck! That bitch!
Which way?
- [Carolyn] Shh.
- I think it's gone.
- Yeah, I think you're right.
Think the coast is clear.
(Nora screams)
(shotgun firing)
(creature roars)
(birds chirping)
(Carolyn panting)
- [Nora] What? What's wrong?
Is it your cut?
- No.
I'm starving.
- All right, well, we'll get you
a steak when we get outta here.
Let's just get outta here, okay?
- Give me the knife.
- Why?
- Just give me the damn knife.
- Look, if you try something,
I will scream as loud as I can
and bring that monster
right to us, okay?
- [Carolyn] Okay. Just give it.
- If I die, you die.
- Okay, okay.
- Got it?
- [Carolyn] Give me the knife.
You see something, run.
- Just hurry up.
(Carolyn groans)
(knife rasping)
(blood squishing)
(tense music)
(knife rasping)
Carolyn, what are you doing?
Stop it! Carolyn!
Stop it! What are you doing?!
Please, stop.
- It's not enough.
- You're sick! Stop it!
- It's not enough.
- What?
Stay back.
- It's not enough!
- Stop!
(gun fires)
(Carolyn screams)
Get off of me!
(teeth chomps)
(Nora screaming)
(kick thuds)
Die, you fucking bitch!
(knife thudding)
(Nora panting)
Rot in hell, you fucking bitch.
(Nora spits)
(creature snarling)
(bones crunching)
(stream trickling)
(gentle music)
(Nora grunting)
(tense music)
(creature snarling)
(dramatic music)
(creature roars)
(hand thuds)
(Nora screams)
(creature snarling)
(creature screeches)
(hand thuds)
(creature snarling)
(creature screeches)
(creature snarling)
- Stop fighting, Nora.
(gentle music)
(creature snarling)
(creature screeching)
(creature snarls)
(creature roars)
(creature snarling)
Stop fighting, Nora.
Become one of us.
(Nora coughing)
(Nora grunting)
(Nora cries)
- [Hill] Hey, home base,
doesn't look like
anybody's back here.
(Nora grunting)
Whoa, man. Oh, hey!
Oh, my god, oh, my god.
- Help me.
- God.
- Please, please, help me.
- [Hill] All right. All right.
Yeah. No, no, no.
- Please-
- What happened to you?
- We have to go! We
have to go now, okay?!
Do you hear me?!
- Can you stand up for me?
Come here, come here.
(Nora screams)
Okay, okay.
No. Come on.
Come here.
I'm gonna put you
right here, okay?
- We have to leave.
- [Hill] All right.
Yes, we're leaving.
We're leaving.
- We have to leave.
- We're gonna get you back
to the station, all right?
Know what? We're gonna
get you to a medic.
We're going. We're going.
Listen, we're gonna
get you to the station.
We're gonna get
you to the station.
We're gonna see a medic, okay?
- It's coming!
Please, let's go.
- What's coming, ma'am?
- It's coming!
- Okay, yes, yes, we're going.
We're going. We're going.
(Nora crying)
Go in. Go in.
(Nora groaning)
All right.
(creature roaring)
Stay here.
(creature snarls)
(creature snarling)
(mellow music)
Ma'am, I just checked it out.
It's just to deer or
something, all right?
Everything's gonna be okay.
What's wrong, ma'am?
What's out there, ma'am?
(tense music)
- I'm hungry.
(dramatic music)
(Hill screams)
(blood spatters)
(Nora screeches)
(mysterious music)
(tense music)
(mysterious music)
(tense music)
(Nora screeches)
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back. Breaking news.
As we reported a few days ago,
Nora Thompson, the
journalist who uncovered
Senator Morrison's charity
scandal, has gone missing.
There's still no sign of
the New York Times reporter.
She disappeared over a week ago
when she was expected
to make an appearance
on several news outlets,
including our very own.
Police believe foul
play is involved.
Once again, the Morrison
family has denied
any involvement with
her disappearance.
Coming up, weather
with Windy Breeze.
(tense music)
(creature snarling)
(creature snarls)
(creature screeches)
(mellow music)
(ominous music)
(woman screams)