Soudain seuls (2023) Movie Script

How are you? Did you sleep well?
Enjoy, there's almost none left.
We will restock in Puerto Edn.
- Do you want me to stop?
- Mmh...
No, no, it's fine.
You didn't move?
Are we going or not?
"Algorithms for detecting
natural variability
or forcings in climate fluctuations."
I didn't find your island.
But look, there it is.
The little spot in the south of Chile.
Well, it's very far south, though.
It's a bit of a detour, but oh well.
It's beautiful, the line of icebergs.
It's worth it, right?
You'll never be able to stand on it
with your big feet.
Fine, whatever you want.
Don't tell me we can do what I want.
You asked me this question four times.
No problem, let's go.
But I have to be in Puerto
Edn at the end of the week.
- What?
- Do you hear?
I told you so.
- Come on!
- Yes, I heard.
Shit, on the other side!
I saw her!
Is this whale stupid?
There, isn't it? Isn't it?
She's going to come out again.
I'm sure she'll come out again.
Come on!
She ran away.
- Huh?
- She ran away.
She ran away.
Laura, come and see!
Look at.
Alright, are you ready?
No, it's nothing.
It's your ski instructor side,
it makes me laugh.
I checked the weather
forecast, it's going to be nice.
It's getting worse this afternoon,
let's make the most of it.
Ah, beauty!
Ah, the beauty of the island, what!
This must have been a whaling base.
It was not indicated on the map.
That must have been where
they loaded the whales.
These are winches.
It must have gone back that far.
Then they had to skin them here.
On one side, bones, on the other, flesh.
And how do you know all this?
Because I read books.
I knew whalers as a kid.
Friends of my father, old people.
And it was a dog's job.
Oh, I'm willing to believe you.
They had to earn a living.
They lit entire cities with whale oil.
It was a different time.
Are you sure about this?
Don't worry about it, come on.
We should have taken the other gloves.
Don't look down. Give me your hand.
We are at the end of the world.
There's nothing left behind.
You were right, it's beautiful.
It's worth it.
We may be the last to see this.
Don't you feel
like you're blocking the view?
- Come on, move!
- Yeah.
I want to see the icebergs, not you.
Oh yeah?
Stop what?
- I thought you checked the weather.
- But I did.
Yeah, it's coming our way.
We have to leave.
Go to the other side!
- But climb!
- I can't see anything!
Give me your hand! Give.
Come on!
We won't make it, Ben, come back!
We stay here
and wait for things to calm down.
We would have done better
to go to Puerto Edn directly.
We could have stayed in Brest, too.
Yes, you will see.
Why are you laughing? I already made a fire.
Take it easy.
That's it.
I think my cell phone is dead.
It doesn't matter.
We are too far from the boat,
we wouldn't have had a network.
Oh shit!
- Fuck!
- Did you cut yourself?
No, I put it in the sand.
You want this one?
No, no problem, I'll wipe it off.
You're right.
This is perhaps
the best moment of the trip.
- Laura?
- Mmh...
Wake up, my heart, wake up.
Wake up.
Look at.
Have you ever seen any?
This is a good omen.
The boat is no longer there.
I don't understand, I...
Well, maybe he just drifted.
Not with the anchor we put. It supports
a trawler, these things. You're talking...
It would have sunk?
A boat doesn't sink like that.
He didn't fly away!
I don't know where he is!
Is that okay with you?
What did you do?
Nothing, I turned off the engine.
We better save gas, just in case...
He can't be far away, we'll find him.
Fuck, that's not true!
All that was missing was penguins.
They are penguins.
No penguins in the southern hemisphere.
Hey, hey, please.
You see, if we go behind these rocks,
we will see further, further west.
I'm going alone,
are you waiting for me on the beach?
We can't go any further from there.
There are cliffs,
we can't climb them, impossible.
It's huge.
What do we do now?
We return to the buildings before dark.
Come on, come on.
I'm not talking to you about that.
How do we do it without a boat?
We have all our stuff in it.
You listen to me, I talk to you!
I don't know what we're going to do!
I don't know!
Is that okay with you?
- Is that your answer?
- What do you want me to say?
It was yesterday
that we had to climb into the annex.
I can't believe it.
- It's not possible!
- Sorry, sorry.
Sorry, Laura.
- Excuse me, my heart.
- Leave me!
Excuse me, excuse me.
Laura. Laura!
Hey, hey. My dear.
Look at me.
Look at me.
My love.
This isn't our first problem,
okay? We'll get through it.
- It's a big mess.
- A very, very big mess.
Tomorrow we'll go around the island
and I swear we'll find the boat.
Do you trust me?
We will do as planned,
we will go to Puerto Edn.
And we're going to laugh about all of this.
How are you?
I should never have bought this boat.
It's settled,
now we don't have it anymore.
We're in deep shit.
Nobody knows where we are.
We have nothing to eat and it's freezing.
Yes, Thomas can know where we are.
How so?
We put a beacon on the boat
when Dad was sick.
My brother knows where the boat is.
- Oh yeah?
- Yes.
We were supposed to call him
when we arrived on Thursday.
He'll be worried, we never miss a call.
They will start the search.
What will it take? A week, ten days max?
You just have to hold on, you know.
Look, there!
There, there are lots of them, there!
Look at.
Is it edible?
Ah, no. Cooked, then.
Not like that.
Tonight, vongole.
Ten days?
We will last ten days.
Let me see.
Go ahead, you first.
It's salty.
Go ahead, try it.
How are you.
It's not the worst thing
I've ever eaten in my life.
But slowly, all the same.
I push... Be careful.
Wait, wait.
We have to get out of here.
We could go through the mountain.
Well, it's...
It looks complicated like that.
You said "impossible".
Not if we get crampons.
- To go where?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
You saw the sign, it's a nature reserve.
There must be a scientific basis.
You see?
What do you know about it?
I don't know, but...
To observe the penguins.
A weather station, a kind of cabin.
Isn't that what we made for ourselves,
a cabin?
We have water,
we have enough to eat for ten days.
I thought your brother was coming.
It would be stupid if he arrived
and we weren't there.
I have a feeling, that's it.
You never have any?
We should already stop
making shitty decisions.
- Are you saying that about the trip?
- Among other things.
Wait, were you happy to leave too?
- No?
- Yeah.
I won't be able
to get through the mountain.
No problem. We'll get used to it.
Tomorrow will be five days.
Six days.
So they will arrive soon.
- Here.
- Put it there.
- Where?
- There, there.
What's up?
How are you?
I dropped the can.
Go! Go!
Come on, my heart.
I feel like a drag, I swear.
I feel like I'm doing everything wrong.
Stop, don't say that. It's not true.
What's up?
I had to hand in my dissertation today,
it was the last day.
They'll think I don't care.
But no.
You will explain it to them, they will understand.
If they don't understand, frankly...
It doesn't matter.
It was written like that, no big deal.
I won't go to Geneva and that's it.
What are you talking about, Geneva?
Do you remember when we were in Cape Town,
I had a very long phone call?
With the director of a lab.
In the end, they asked me to join them.
That's great, right?
It's a real job, it's... Right?
Plus, it really depends
on a great foundation.
But hey...
- It's in Geneva.
- I understand, yes.
What did you tell them?
Did you say yes to them?
No, I had to think.
And it's not certain that they'll take me.
They will look at other profiles
and take a young person.
You told them yes.
Without telling me about it.
I'm in a relationship, but alone.
Is that it?
- Does it make sense to talk about it now?
- Yes.
You're the one telling me this
, so it makes sense. So, keep going.
What do you have planned for me?
Should I resign?
I tell my brother to figure out his trucks?
What do I do? I move to Geneva?
- Do I follow you?
- But I'm not imposing anything on you.
We'll see each other on the weekend, that's it.
Yeah, so you
thought about it a lot, though.
It's been two and a half years
since I resumed my studies.
You don't know what this lab is.
Do I have to consult you on everything?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Don't talk to me like that.
When I talk to you about myself,
you bring it back to you.
Your insecurity first and me later?
Wait, hey!
My insecurity?
You're having anxiety attacks.
- But I'm taking care of myself.
- Oh yeah?
You can't tell me you're going to Geneva.
When you're going to bang the other sow,
are you going to consult me?
It suits you well, the couple all alone.
Every time you criticize someone,
you're going to talk about Chloe?
- Don't tell me her first name.
- That's her name.
I thought,
three weeks without talking about it.
She leaves me alone?
I assure you, I don't give a damn.
You sleep with whoever you want.
- Me too.
- Yes, you too.
That's it, yeah.
You don't think I'll look elsewhere.
No, no.
- No?
- No, that's not really your thing.
Well, think again.
That's it. You're not the
most sexual person I know.
Have you ever thought
that you're doing it wrong?
Before you, no one complained.
No one stayed either.
- Didn't you see a report?
- Who stayed with you?
The asshole who treated you badly
for eight years?
- Six.
- Six, eight, who cares.
An office colleague, that's the stuff of dreams.
You know about love. A great lover.
Remember, I picked you up,
you were on the ground, you were nothing.
Do you remember or not?
- Are you finished?
- No, I'm not finished.
I don't understand why
you didn't tell me about it.
I don't have the right to know?
You're heavy.
Am I the one who is heavy?
Wasn't it good on the boat either?
It was hell on the boat.
Why did I write my dissertation three times?
Didn't you see that I was avoiding you?
You got a problem. A fucking problem.
You know what it is?
There's nothing that makes you happy. Nothing!
And you drag everyone
down with you. Fuck!
You weigh 30 tons, my brother is right.
He is right.
- I don't give a damn about your brother.
- Great.
I don't give a damn about your whole family.
You complain that you don't have any friends,
but do you hear yourself? Yes!
I'm the only one who supports you.
We're making fun of you, you're annoying.
Is that it? Is that your argument?
- Nobody wants me, are you up for it?
- There you go.
- Yeah!
- There you go!
That's why we live together.
No, wait, I'll correct that.
You showed up at my house
with your fucking boxes.
What was I supposed to say?
"Go home"?
It would have been honest and fair.
For once.
I wanted to get away, you know.
When you invited me to a restaurant
to talk about travel, for me it was to...
I wanted to leave you.
You know what? Go ahead.
Go live in Geneva, go ahead.
Live your life.
I'll do mine, I'll do just fine without you...
I'll be fine without you.
It will be fine.
I'm not the chance of a lifetime anymore,
Does it bite?
I don't fish, I watch.
Haven't you counted? It's been ten days.
I know, yes.
Why aren't they here?
I don't know, Laura, I...
You said ten days.
I said it like that,
it's not a day away. There you go.
In fact,
you can't be trusted with anything.
- That's it, exactly.
- That's it, yeah.
What is this?
We have to hunt.
Otherwise we won't hold out.
Come on.
Ah, fuck.
There's one all alone, up there.
It looks like he's looking at me.
Come on.
Take a tour!
Don't think about it.
Can you imagine when the helicopter
will come down to the beach?
They'll be shocked to see us like this.
In any case, if we survive all this,
we will survive Geneva.
In the port of Amsterdam
There are sailors who sing
And who sing...
Here it is, Amsterdam!
What is this thing?
Yes, that's... that's...
- It's "Eyes of Tiger".
- It has nothing to do with it.
- Not bad!
- Is it "Billie Jean"?
- Bah, no.
- No?
But... wait.
I'm doing it again.
- I don't know...
- Joy Division!
- Ah, yes!
- Well...
This is your favorite song.
- But I didn't recognize him.
- Oh, shit.
Love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart
Apart, again
Not bad, right?
Nothing can separate us now.
You can open them.
What is this?
It's been a month.
Should I breathe?
Wait, wait.
Make a wish, first.
How many did I count?
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
One. One, two. One...
One, two, three, four, five...
Five... Five, six, seven.
One, two, three, four, five, six...
Six, seven.
It's been five weeks.
Alright, are you ready? Shall we go?
I'm coming.
What's up?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Don't say anything, I see you cried.
What's up?
Come on, we have to go
while it's not raining. Come on.
Where are the penguins?
Where are they?
It's not true!
How the fuck are we gonna do this?
You will have to leave the fire
burning all the time.
We should rather leave.
There's no more gas in the lighter,
we'll take gasoline from the annex.
Could we leave?
The annex is not completely deflated.
With a sail, would it be ok?
There is still some gasoline left.
We'll probably spend the winter here.
- But that's not possible.
- That's how it is.
I'm telling you, it's not possible.
You don't understand?
I think I'm pregnant.
I'm three and a half weeks late.
We don't eat anything, it's a disorder of...
I've been pregnant before, I know.
Do you want to have a child with me?
Well then...
Well then that's great.
- Oh yeah?
- Well yes!
Finally, what?
We're going to have a baby, a child,
but it's...
There are some big questions.
What are we going to call it?
I don't know.
I want to scream, to call everyone.
We don't even have champagne!
- That sucks.
- Oh yeah, that sucks.
My heart.
When I tell Alice, she's going to cry.
She said it before we left.
You're coming back with a baby.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey...
It's going to be okay, I'll take care of you.
I will take care of you.
Everything will be fine.
I will never abandon you, my love. Never.
We just have to hold on a little longer.
Just a little bit more.
You said we'd spend the winter here.
Come here.
I'm going to walk a little.
There's a boat!
Here, there!
They don't see us.
We need to make a fire!
- Oh, look!
- Give me some gasoline!
- What are you doing here?
- Hey!
No, we have to make a fire!
- I'll catch him!
- But you can't!
- Fuck!
- Stop!
- Well, come back, damn it!
- Ho!
But don't leave me here!
- I have!
- No.
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Ho!
Ho! Ho!
Come on!
No! No!
Come on!
My angel!
You scared me.
I thought I lost you.
I'm here. Everything's fine.
Hey, it's okay, I'm here.
Come on, come on.
No! No!
I have no choice.
Don't look.
You mustn't move.
Blow! Go!
Come on, it's almost over.
Almost done!
It's over.
It's over. It's good.
Shh, it's over.
Why did you run away?
You knew I was coming back.
You knew it.
No, I didn't know that.
I tried...
I'm sorry.
I wanted to save you.
- You, then the baby.
- Stop!
I had...
I was so cold, you know.
I was cold.
tore off his leg on rocks.
I didn't know where I was.
I was in so much pain.
I saw death coming.
I really saw her.
So, I thought of you.
And I thought about the baby.
I prayed.
I had never prayed in my life.
I wanted you to be next to me.
Forgive me.
Forgive me.
I didn't see you coming back.
I was worried, it's dark.
It's dark all the time now.
The fire went out.
It's my fault, I fell asleep. Sorry.
You have to make an effort.
I can't do everything for both of us.
For the three of us.
I'm sorry, I told you.
I don't care if you're sorry.
I don't want to die here.
It's all for nothing, everything we've done.
Well, we have to get out of here.
Passing through the mountain?
It was your idea.
How will you do it?
Are you going to carry me?
Laura, look at me.
Laura. Look at me!
Why are you running away like that?
What are you doing at night, in secret?
Are these crampons?
Why are you hiding them?
I don't hide them.
I was going to tell you about it.
What's the point of surviving alone?
Have you asked yourself the question?
You understand that if I wait,
I won't be able to cross anymore.
No, please, no.
Don't tell me when you're leaving.
Oh, no!
Oh, no.
Towards "on".
I do this?
Oh, it works!
Hello, can anyone hear me?
Is anyone there?
Do you hear me?
You are welcome...
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
I am here.
Look at me.
Look at me.
My angel!
My angel...
Come on, honey, don't give up.
Come on!
One, two...
Oh, put... Ah!
We have arrived.
We are here.
We are here.
We have arrived.
We have arrived.
Come on!
One, two...
I lost the baby.
And did it hurt you?
No, it's fine.
I couldn't go back there.
I was too scared.
I know.
I can't live without you.
I couldn't die without you.
There you go. Like this.
I tried the radio.
There's no signal.
I don't think anyone can hear us.
They will eventually find us.
And we're in no hurry.
We'll come home when we feel like it.
You are my home.