Spin (2007) Movie Script

D'you know what? I listen
to all my friends,
and I don't get
the one of you.
You're all neurotic,
bitching, worried, and insecure.
Mate, what the hell for?
We're 23 years old.
We don't have wives,
we don't have kids.
We don't own anything
that owns US.
For god's sake,
we barely have jobs.
And we are here.
This is the greatest
time of our lives.
You should do what I do.
Yeah, what's that?
Do what you want.
Do what you feel.
Trust the universe.
And when you do, trust me...
it will all work out.
Did you sleep all right?
Yeah, yeah. You?
You were kind of out of it.
Yeah, I guess so.
No, it's okay.
Last night was one of
the best nights of my life.
Me, too.
Can I use
your bathroom?
Last night was the worst
night of my life!
What happened?
Well, first...
first of all,
I slept with apple.
What's wrong with that?
Mick, I can't sleep with apple
because I'm in love
with Cassie, and apple
is Cassie's friend.
So... why did
you sleep with apple?
Dude, I don't know.
I don't know, okay?
Last night was so fucked up.
All right, calm down, calm down.
Start from the beginning
and tell me what happened.
Okay. Fuck.
Um... whew.
Okay, so, I'm at the club...
And I'm spinning.
Wait a second.
Actually, you know what?
I'm gonna go
further back than that.
To where?
To two nights before last.
What happened then?
Oh, man.
Do the dance
the way you move
is a mystery
do the dance
you're always there
for music and me
do the dance
the way you move
is a mystery
do the dance
Cassie. I have wanted her
from the moment I met her.
When routine bites hard
and ambitions are low
and resentment rides
but emotions won't grow
and we're changing
our ways
taking different roads
then love
love will tear US apart...
That was so pathetic.
It's okay.
Are you okay?
No, i... i'm...
that's very sweet of you to say,
but obviously
that was ridiculous.
Uh, thank you so much
for being so sweet.
Hey, do you mind, can I take
a picture of you real quick?
Are you kidding me?
You're not kidding me.
This is... okay.
God, kill me.
Are you done? Are we...
You happy?
Okay, that's what I live for.
I'm Cassie.
Hi. Ryan. Hi.
Good to meet you.
Yeah, you, too.
Uh... so, would you want
to have some lunch?
Yeah. Okay.
Do you have a napkin for him?
So, ever since then,
I've wanted to be
an actress.
Well, all right.
love will tear US apart
love will tear US apart
How can somebody
so... Hot
be so incredibly sweet?
I mean...
Are you, like,
a real person, or...
You are?
Me, too.
But only with you,
so don't tell anybody.
I would've
married her right there.
Too bad she wasn't so sure.
Here you go.
Okay, so...
Should I call you,
like, tomorrow night?
As friends, yeah?
Yeah, friends. Yeah.
We went through
everything together...
all her asshole boyfriends...
Paul is such an asshole!
All my part-time girlfriends...
This is Angelica.
This is Lila.
I want a splinter, too
if she gets arrested
I wanna arrest her
if she goes tripping
I go falling over
we walk
through the streets
like lottery winners
on acid
everything she say
I was thinking anyway
we walk
through the streets
like lottery winners
on acid
We spent almost
every day together...
all the good times,
bad times, sad times.
Moments I'll never forget.
I thought it would
be this way forever.
But who knew three nights ago
we'd go out, get drunk,
and the next thing I know...
Yeah, I know all this, mate.
Tell me you shagged her.
You won't tell me,
but you did, didn't you?
No! Shit.
Why not?
Dude, because we were,
like, fuckin' wasted,
and if we're gonna be together,
I want it to be 100% right.
You know? So I
walked her to her door.
So, tonight was, like,
one of
the greatest nights
of my entire life.
Okay, so I'll just
see you tomor... okay.
That's it?
Don't you see
what's going on here?
Cassie feels the same way
about me as I feel about her.
Well, that's lovely, mate.
No, but... see,
you don't know Cassie.
Now she's scared.
She's been avoiding me.
She won't take any of my calls.
But I knew that she would be
at the club last night.
Now, I don't care
what you dress like
or what you wear
but please make sure, baby
you've got some colors
in there
now, it's all very well
stepping out
in black and white
but you're no girlfriend
of mine
if you're doing that right
now, I don't care
what you dress like
or what you wear...
Oh, no. Fuck!
What? Where? What?
And the problem is?
She's, like, this psycho
groupie stalker.
And she comes to
every one of my shows.
Put that in the one
in the front.
And she makes these
passes at me, dude.
Delaney, they get
weirder and weirder.
And weirder? Yeah, I don't
detect a problem, Ryan.
Dude, we've talked about this.
It's not about that
anymore. I've changed.
What, like a sex change?
Hey, seriously.
No, that's great.
You're, like,
a nobel prize winner.
I'd have sex with you...
Listen, honestly,
it's a really important
night for me,
and I don't need a scene, okay?
So, I need you to keep
that girl away from me.
I'll do it
for 100 bucks.
I need the money, Ryan!
I am not
giving you money,
and you know why.
Dude, you're my friend.
Go do it.
Go. Go!
All right, fine. Okay?
Now, it's all very well
stepping out
in black and white
You're wanted in the office.
Wait, what?
You're wanted in the office.
Do the dance
you're always there
for music and me
Listen, this can't
happen, Sarah,
because I've...
I've actually found somebody
that I want to spend
the rest of my life with.
That's great.
No, no, no, no.
Wow. This looks bad.
It's... but you know what?
It's... get up.
So, she walks out,
and where do you think she goes?
Guess what?
Do you see what you've done?
It only takes me five minutes
to talk Sarah down,
but by the time I get outside,
the first thing I hear is...
Killer move, man.
She is hot!
You're my god.
You dog.
Wait, is everybody
talking about me?
Of course. You just
got a Hummer in
Derek's office.
No, i...
I realize that if Cassie
hears this bullshit rumor
before I can explain,
I am fucked.
Never mind.
And just then...
Cassie walks in.
Do the d-a-n-c-e
do the dance, do the dance
stick to the b-e-a-t
do the dance, do the dance
you were such a p-y-t
do the dance, do the dance
just easy as a-b-c
do the dance, do the dance
under the spotlights,
neither black nor white
it doesn't matter
do the dance, do the dance
as strong as you might,
working day and night
whatever happens...
No, wait.
And they disappear.
To where?
Where do you think?
God, not the ladies' room.
Yeah, yeah, the ladies' room.
How long?
45 minutes.
I tried calling her cell phone,
like, a thousand times,
but, of course, it's turned off.
Oh, Jesus Christ!
Okay, look, man.
You're broke.
I know you're broke.
We're all broke.
Delaney, hey... what the fuck?
You were supposed to keep
that girl away from me!
I mean, i... i...
no, listen to me, Ryan, okay?
I'm confounded
by stress right now,
and I could really
use your help, okay?
All I'm asking you for
is a very simple...
Where am I gonna get $200?
50. $50.
You know what?
I just want you to go away.
Just go away.
I want you to get
away from me now.
I'm just trying to
keep it real, Ryan.
I thought you could
understand that.
Idiot. Idiot.
Aubrey. Aubrey.
where's Cassie?
Oh, she's right there.
Who the fuck is that guy?
Oh, that's Tony Russo.
Whoa, no, no, no.
Who the hell is Tony Russo?
I don't know.
He calls himself, like,
an actors' manager.
But I just think
he's one of those, like,
date-raping mafioso
freaks, you know?
He tells young, hot chicks
he's a manager,
so then he can, like,
take them out
then he gets them,
like, really fucked up,
so, you know, he can cop
a little late-teen ass.
Though I have seen him
with that chick
that used to be on
that TV show Texas high.
Or maybe that's his wife.
Oh, but you want to hear
the worst part?
Cassie left her jacket here.
Now I have to carry this
thing around with me all night.
Give me that.
Oh, man!
Sorry. Sorry.
Wow. So you think
that chick from Texas high
is really his wife?
Not the goddamn point, Mick.
Right. Sorry, mate.
Dude, I mean, I let a record
run out last night.
Do you think Derek's
gonna let that fly?
I probably lost my fucking job.
Yeah, not the best move, mate.
No, not a great move.
I was so out of my head.
All I could think about was her.
Okay, so you followed her?
Right, yeah.
So, I go outside,
and I see her getting into
this massive, fuck-off limo.
So, I jump into my car
and start to follow them,
but the entire way to the club,
I am thinking of Cassie
giving some, like, late-teen ass
to this fuckin' freak.
So, when I get to the club,
I'm out of my fucking gourd.
Dude, it's 20 bucks,
but you gotta...
fuck off.
So, I have to sneak
past one bouncer
and then another bouncer
to get to the v.I.P. Room
that I watched them go into.
A screen test?
Wait a second.
What do you want?
Cassie, you left
your jacket at the club.
Can I speak to you
for a moment outside, please?
What the hell
are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
What the hell are you
doing here?
I mean, I catch you
with this date-raping
mafioso scumbag?
Ryan, he's a manager, okay?
Come on, Cassie,
you're not that stupid.
And you caught me?
Who the hell are you
to catch me?
You are all over
that guy in there.
You're all over him.
What are you talking about?
Okay, you know what?
I thought we had something.
I thought we had something.
Don't we have something?
Ryan, you think because
we make out one night...
what, we're supposed
to get fucking married?
I mean, give me a break.
This isn't high school,
all right?
You're acting like a schoolboy.
This is the real world,
and you need to fucking grow up!
Oh. Ow.
Hey, Ryan!
Hi, Zeke.
You don't look so good.
I suck.
Okay, okay.
You need a drink.
Zeke buys me a drink,
and then he buys me
another drink.
And then he looks at me
and says...
So, how you feelin'?
Much better, thank you.
Nah, man, I mean,
how are you "feeling"?
Don't be mad.
But you seemed so bummed
when we talked earlier,
that I slipped a little
something in your drink.
It's this new top-secret drug
developed by this
huge drug company.
No one knows
exactly what it does,
but it's supposed
to be mind-blowing.
You fucking drugged me?
No, no, you don't understand.
It's free!
I'm giving out samples tonight
to get people psyched
to hook up.
Dude, dig this.
I just scored big-time, man.
I gave two hits
to this huge dealer
named Tony Russo.
My god!
What is this?
All right, I'm a veterinarian.
Somebody dropped you off here
on the steps of our clinic.
You were O.D.Ing,
we thought
we'd lost you.
I gotta get out of here.
Hey, hey! Come back here!
You're alive!
Hey, you! Stop!
Get me out of here!
Get me out!
Go, Aubrey! Go, go, go!
Oh, my god!
They said you were dead!
Jesus Christ, Ryan!
What the shit happened?!
I don't know. Zeke said
that you were o.D.Ing,
then he dropped you off
at this clinic
on the steps.
No, no. Fuck Zeke!
He's the one who put me there
in the first place.
That motherfucker.
I can't believe this.
Where are my clothes?!
You didn't show up at the clinic
wearing any clothes!
He gave me your shit.
This is all I got.
It's okay, it's okay.
Oh, this is great.
My fuckin' wallet's gone.
My money's gone.
What the fuck is this?
"Ryan, I want you.
I've always wanted you.
I want to feel your..."
...Skin next to mine.
I want you inside me.
Meet me at 625 main street...
"Apartment 408."
I'll be waiting.
This... this is Cassie's
Cassie wrote this.
Is this for me?
Uh, yeah.
Aubrey, you're not
fucking with me?
No, no, I saw her write that.
At the club, in the bathroom.
Oh, my god.
Can you... Aubrey, can you
drop me at my house?
Yeah, of course.
Thank you, thank you.
So, I rush home, get dressed,
get into a cab,
and I am in front of this door
in, like, five minutes.
The drug.
The drug.
Now I wake up here.
What the fuck
am I gonna do, Mick?
Dude, she's making breakfast.
She wants to spend
the day with me.
I can't spend
the day here, Mick.
I can't spend the day here
because I need to get
my fucking life back.
All right, calm down.
Here's what you do.
You tell her that yesterday
you found a stray dog
in the park,
and you brought it home,
but it's sick,
so you have to go home right now
and nurse it back to health.
What?! That will never work!
It works like a charm.
No. No, it works
for you, man.
It works for you.
They all work for you.
Trust me, mate.
Chicks love it.
They eat it up.
Is everything okay in there?
Yeah, no, I'm fine.
Just give me one more second.
I'm sorry.
Dude, I gotta go.
Thank you.
Nice work.
How do you like your coffee?
You know, actually, um...
I'm sorry, apple.
I can't hang out.
My roommate just called.
You see, I found
this stray dog in
the park yesterday,
and apparently it got sick,
so I gotta go home right now
and nurse it back to health.
You fucking liar!
Whoa, now!
Level with me.
Did you really pick up
a naked Ryan
at the veterinary hospital?
My god, last night
was such a joke.
What happened?
Okay, so, of course
Cassie misses her shift
'cause it takes her, like,
two hours to get ready.
So, finally around 1 A.M.,
we make it to the club.
I called my girl
on the phone
I called my girl in Rome
I want to kiss
the microphone
We were causing major whiplash,
but before we even have
a second to enjoy it,
Ryan's waving at US
like he's about to
come in his pants
just seeing her.
Oh, my god.
Is he okay?
And the weird thing is,
when I point him out to her,
she gets this
scared look on her face...
the same look I saw
at her place earlier.
I don't think
I want to go tonight.
Are you on crack?
So, before I even have
a second to contemplate this...
Oh, thank god.
I have to tell you something.
Right now.
She's in love with Ryan.
Not really.
But, of course, we have to have
a huge discussion about it.
I know you guys are friends
and everything,
and I don't want it
to be weird between US,
but you're the one who says
that he really needs somebody
who can be there for him,
and I can do that.
But he barely seems
to know I even exist.
Well, he's looking
at US right now,
so why don't we go
to the bathroom?
Come on.
So, we head to the bathroom.
Damn it!
So, what's the problem?
Okay, look...
Me, you and Ryan have
been hanging out together
for, what, like,
the last two years, right?
And all in that time,
I don't think Ryan has
ever looked at me as...
as a girl.
And I mean, okay, I get it.
He's this cool d.J.,
and I'm a law-school
He's part of this
ultra-cool scene,
and I'm only here on weekends.
Yeah, but you're hot
and you have great tits.
And why do you
always undersell yourself?
It makes you seem
so much smaller than you are.
Cassie's being, like,
weirdly passive-aggressive.
And what's the problem, anyhow?
I mean, you want it, right?
Well, yeah, that's what
I've been saying.
So fucking go get him!
And I'm starting to wonder...
could Cassie maybe like Ryan?
Show him you want him.
Or you know what would be hot?
Write him a note.
Write him, like,
a really sexy note.
Yeah. Write him, like,
this fucking hot,
cheesy note. Like...
"I've always wanted you.
I want to see your body.
"I want your skin next to me.
"I want to feel your skin on me.
I want you inside me."
Hold on, that's good.
"I want you to feel me.
I want your skin
against mine." Yeah!
"I've always wanted you.
I just... i just..."
fuck, fuck, fuck.
"I want to feel
your skin, you know?
"I want to feel
your skin against me.
I want to feel you
inside me."
Do you know what I mean?
And don't even sign your name.
Just leave your new address...
And then see what happens.
Cassie, are you
fucking kidding me?
I mean, you said
he's this cool d.J.,
so, you know,
if you want him, go get him!
Yeah, but I said
he's a cool d.J.,
I mean, he's also a great guy.
I mean, that's why I like him,
because I know him well enough
to know that's not
what he wants, Cassie.
You think Ryan's any different?
I mean, in this town,
in this scene that
you're going out in,
everyone's sweet and interesting
and nice and compassionate...
Until they fuck you.
And then you wake up,
and they have some
lame excuse like, uh...
Like they have some stray dog
that they have to go home
and take care of.
And then they're gone...
Before they can even
have coffee with you.
And that's it.
Ryan's not like that.
Ryan would never pull some
stupid stray dog trick.
Cassie, what the fuck
is wrong with you?
You asked me for my advice,
and here it is.
Do you want the note?
No, I don't,
because I don't need
your games... Or whatever.
I'm sorry.
Suit yourself.
All right, you guys, please...
Let's just go out
and have some fun.
Let's blow.
So, we head out
of the bathroom...
So that conversation
took 45 minutes?
Fuck off, Mick.
All right, love.
Okay, so, we head
out of the bathroom.
Apple peels off 'cause she's
totally pissed at Cassie.
And Cassie and me
are way, way high
and in need of
liquid refreshment.
But just when we barely
reach the bar...
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Okay, normally
I would never do this,
so I apologize in advance,
but you're an actress, right?
And who's asking?
Tony Russo.
Premier talent.
I'm a manager.
Oh, my god.
I've seen you here, yeah?
With that girl, um...
the one who's on Texas high.
Yes, she's a client of mine.
Want to take a walk?
Talk a little bit?
Are you kidding?
Hi, can I get a patrn and...
are you fucking
kidding me? Cassie!
When I finally find her
heading back to the lounge,
she, like, waves me off.
So, I'm trudging
back to the bar...
And guess who I see?
Ha ha! Okay, look.
Give Delaney money,
Delaney goes away.
Yeah, yeah.
I had to give him 50 bucks
just to get off my case.
Uhh, who do I have to blow
to get a cocktail around here?
And before I can make it
two steps...
Please... where's Cassie?
I know this part.
Right. So, Ryan goes off
'cause he's pissed,
and at this point,
my mouth is like
a fucking desert.
And I'm finally about to
remedy the situation, when...
Sorry. Sorry.
And after all that,
I'm almost to the bar,
when I see... okay, you're
not gonna believe this.
Come here!
Listen to me!
Where's my fucking husband?
I know he's cheating on me!
Hey, whoa.
Hey, hey!
Hey, isn't that the chick
that used to be on Texas high?
Oh, whatever.
And I have to wait until
they pry this psycho
actress off the guy
so I can finally get my drink.
And when I get to the bar
and finally quench the raging
dust storm in my mouth,
I realize I have no more money.
And when I tell
the new bartender
that I gave my last dime
to that moocher,
dig this... he knows Delaney.
And not only that, he tells me
some totally fucked-up shit.
Delaney is pulling
the George orwell.
What's the George orwell?
That's what I said.
And he tells me
that George orwell's
this English guy
who wrote this
really famous book
about, like, talking pigs
and chickens and ducks...
animal farm.
Exactly. Now,
what people don't know
about George orwell
is that he wasn't
even George orwell.
He was some lord or something
from this ultra-rich family
who decided he wanted to,
like, make it on his own
as a writer, so...
He changed his name,
gave up all his money,
and moved to Paris and became
this starving homeless guy
and wrote this other
really famous book.
Down and out
in Paris and London.
Delaney is doing
the exact same thing.
He tells US
he's a struggling artist
when he's not even
named Delaney!
His dad's, like,
some multi-gazillionaire
who, like, runs this
massive software company.
Fucking cunt.
No shit! And I'm about
to go bitch-slap a bitch
and get my 50 bucks back,
when I see this guy.
I'm Jack.
away from the light
becoming adult
turning into myself
I wanted
to bite, not destroy
to feel her underneath
turning into the light
I wanted to bite,
not destroy
to feel her underneath
turning into the light
Ryan! Ryan was o.D.Ing,
and I dropped him off
at a clinic!
I think he's dying!
I didn't know
what to do! Fuck!
I just bolted!
Holy fuck! Holy fuck,
this is so fucked up!
Zeke, where's
the fucking clinic?!
I don't know.
It was, like...
Like, 27th and Adams
or something.
27th and Adams.
Near the highway!
Near the highway!
Go, go, go, go, go! Uhh!
Where is it? Where is it?
Where is it?!
Hi, I'm looking for a patient.
We list by
owner's name.
By a what?!
We list by owner's name.
Oh, my god.
Yeah, I didn't have
a second to laugh
because, um...
When I get there,
they tell me that he's dying.
I don't know.
I was sitting there,
and I was...
In this chair,
and I was praying, and...
And they told me that he's dead.
I don't know. To hear those
words again, I just,
you know, fuck.
And I get his stuff,
and I walk out,
and I'm thinking...
I don't know.
Was it Cassie?
Was it an accident?
Was there something
I could've done?
And even if there was,
would it have really
made a difference?
And why the fuck are we here?
And does anything
even fucking matter?
And, I don't know... i just
really needed help, and...
No one was
picking up their phone.
So I did the worst
possible thing I could do.
I called my dealer.
Darling, no.
I know.
You have something?
So, I'm about to go be
a total fucking loser
and go back to that shit
that almost killed me,
but right at that very moment...
You're alive!
Hey, you! Stop!
Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
Oh, my god! They said
you were dead!
Jesus Christ, Ryan!
Okay, I'm freaking out,
he's freaking out...
Aubrey, go, go, go!
And I am not shitting you...
the man is butt-naked.
Where are my clothes?!
So, I throw him Cassie's
jacket, and for some reason
he's rifling through
the pockets...
When he finds the note.
"Ryan, I want you.
I've always wanted you..."
And after everything
the man's been through...
I just didn't have
the heart to tell him.
Cassie wrote this.
Is this for me?
Aubrey, you're not
fucking with me?
No, no, I saw her
write it.
Um... at the club,
in the bathroom.
So, he thinks he's gonna go
meet Cassie in 20 minutes.
Can you drop me off at my house?
Thank you.
This is so exciting!
At this point, I'm totally cured
of any need to do drugs.
And I drop him off,
I'm driving home,
and after everything
I've been through,
just to add insult
to fucking injury...
What the fuck?!
It must've jumped in
at the clinic.
And I take him back,
and they say they don't
have any record of him.
So, now everywhere I go,
I have to bring this.
Oh, my god.
Back up a second.
What did happen
between Cassie
and Tony Russo?
I don't know. I've been
trying to call her all day.
She's not answering her phone.
I fuckin' hate this thing.
Wake up.
Wake up. Wake up.
Wake up! Wake up!
Wake up! Wake up!
Wake up!
Get a fucking grip.
You were right, okay?
Ryan is such a goddamn jerk.
He pulled that stupid
stray dog trick
and walked out on me
after I slept with him!
He is such an asshole!
Apple, I really can't
talk about this right now.
Like we don't spend hours
talking about all
your stupid shit!
It's not like
this is life and death.
Okay. That's right.
I forgot.
Because life or death situations
happen to you
all the fucking time!
Actually, there's
a dead guy upstairs.
Cassie, that's not funny.
No shit!
Oh, my god.
Cassie, how the hell
did this happen?
I was at the club.
I walk in, I see you,
we go to the bathroom,
when we come out, you peel off,
and Aubrey and I
hit the bar, when...
excuse me, but you're
an actress, right?
So, I go to the lounge with him
and he's telling me
all about his clients.
Yeah, he shot that in Vancouver.
They only did 13,
but he had a good time.
He's got a big movie deal now.
Oh. Shit.
You know what?
I'm sorry. I'm supposed
to meet these casting people
at this new club.
Tell you what. Here.
Take my card.
Give me a call next week,
and we'll get together and...
Or we could...
Talk in the car.
Want to tag along
and meet these people?
Don't tell me.
I know.
But he seemed really nice,
and I was in this
really, really weird mood,
so, you know, I go.
And we're in this big
fuck-off limo,
and I kept glancing
out the window
to see if he was taking
me anywhere weird,
and, you know,
it was all good.
He was really sweet.
And he seemed really
interested in my career.
You know, so,
we get to the club.
After you.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Sorry I'm late.
This is Cassie knight...
hopefully my next big client.
This is Bobby herrera
and his casting
associates James...
And that's Tommy
down there on the end.
nice to meet you.
Please, sit.
So, after all that
going back and forth,
they're testing corrigan.
We roll tape on Monday.
Jesus, that's unbelievable.
Bobby does all
the casting at Paramount.
And I'm looking at this guy...
like, he does all
the casting for Paramount?
But I'm listening, and their
conversation is so legit
that I'm figuring
the guy's for real.
So, I decide to step up.
You know, I had something
like that happen to me once.
Um, I was screen-testing
for this film...
Wait a second.
What do you want?
And I'm just so sick of Ryan
always thinking he knows what's
good for me before I even do
that I chew him out in the hall,
and I tell him to...
Fucking grow up!
So, I head back inside,
and as soon as I do,
I realize I was wrong,
and I just really want
to go meet up with Ryan.
So, I just tell Tony...
Hey, Tony.
Listen, I'm gonna go.
But it was so good to meet you.
And I have your card, so...
we just ordered.
Are you sure
you don't want to stay
for another drink?
And, I don't know!
I just figured
he's this big manager,
and, you know, maybe I should
stay for one more drink.
He was so drunk, man!
They had to paint
eyeballs on his eyelids
for the last shot!
And the next thing
I know, I wake up here.
Do you have any idea
who this man is?
This man is Tony
"triggerman" Russo, Cassie!
Who's Tony "triggerman" Russo?
Don't you ever read
the newspapers?
He's been on the cover
of all of them
for at least a year now!
Who the fuck is he?!
Oh, my god. Oh, my god.
What do we do?
What do we do?
Calm down, okay, Cassie?
Listen to me. I'm a fucking
almost lawyer, ok?
I can tell you that if
you're caught with the body
of Tony "triggerman"
Russo in your bed,
your life is over.
You will be a suspect
for murder.
It'll be all over
the newspapers and TV.
You will never be an actress.
This is some serious
fucking shit!
And not to mention...
Russo's guys are gonna be
looking for you right now.
If you call 911,
I'm leaving.
Otherwise, we have to get
that body out of here.
Oh, god.
Okay, I'll take his legs
and you take his arms.
I don't want to take his arms.
Oh, my god.
Okay, let's just leave him here
and we'll go get something else.
We should go back
to your place and get him.
The Van should be ready
for pickup by now.
I just want to say to you...
before the cops come
or some gangsters kill me
or something...
you really are the best friend
in the entire world.
Cassie, no.
You are.
Last night in the bathroom...
I'm so sorry.
I was such a fucking bitch.
And I don't know why
Ryan walked out on you
after you were with him.
I wasn't...
"With him" with him.
You guys didn't sleep together?
Why, what happened?
Last night, after you guys left,
I went to the lounge.
I'll have a... vodka soda.
No, it's okay.
You go ahead.
No, please.
You know what?
I'll get this one.
I'm not in the mood to talk.
And just as I'm trying
to extricate myself...
I should probably get home.
Hey, did you hear what happened?
Ryan got a Hummer
in Derek's office
from that rich chick Sarah.
And then he just
left with her...
In the middle of his set.
The next thing I know,
we're in Derek's office.
Okay, wait, wait, wait.
You know what?
I can't do this.
I mean...
I could.
I want someone else.
And I'm putting my
feelings for that person
onto you.
And I hate that.
Oh, god, i'm...
really drunk. Yeah.
So, thanks for
the drinks, but I just...
I'm just gonna go.
Now. Yeah.
So, of course, when I get home,
the power's out.
So, I'm freaked out,
and I'm heading
into the kitchen,
when all of a sudden,
this gust of wind
comes through it
and blows the door shut.
And my eye catches the window.
I see the city
and all these other people
just... There.
And I think... what is
the point of knowing yourself
if you're all alone?
And then, almost as if
it was a sign from god...
So, I drag him to the bed.
Oh, shit.
Sit up.
Okay. Okay.
And in that moment,
everything was perfect.
Till we woke up.
So, you don't have to apologize.
Everything that you said
was true.
Ryan really is
how you think he is, apple.
I don't know why Ryan acted
like he did this morning,
but if he showed up
at your house, he meant to.
And he means what he does,
and he does what he says.
He's just like you.
He deserves someone like you.
You know what they say...
your friends will help you move,
but your best friends
will help you move a body.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god.
Someone came in here.
Or he wasn't dead.
He was dead.
Are you sure?
Oh, god. Oh, god.
Cassie, calm down.
Calm down.
Oh, god. They're gonna
fucking kill me.
Please don't hurt US.
Please don't hurt US.
Shut up!
Listen to me.
I don't even know what
happened last night.
But I have a feeling
it was as bad for you
as it was for me.
So, I think both of US
should just forget
that it ever happened.
Now, I'm looking for
a nightclub promoter.
I think you know him.
A guy by the name of Mick.
Open up
'cause here I come
here I am
with a gift for everyone
but I am
and I'm sure
you're not aware
but I am
closed your mind,
but you don't care
it's a shame
I am the last
of the natural ones
here I am
let yourself go
and have some fun
Thank you, darling.
The usual, please.
Okay, okay, look...
I know you don't like to be
bothered at your repast, ok,
but this is serious.
I am desperate...
and I mean desperate, Mick,
for $1,000.
You must be joking.
No, I'm not.
I'm not fucking joking.
Would I come down here
if it was a fucking joke?
Do I look like I'm smiling?
Am I happy?
I'm serious.
Fucking terrified serious.
Ok, last night was the worst
night of my life to date.
Enlighten me.
All right. Ahem. Okay.
That's good.
Okay, so...
You know how, like,
three months ago I did
that really big art show?
Well, it cost a fucking
fortune to work with steel,
and, of course,
I didn't have any money.
So, a friend of mine
introduces me to this
big-shot drug guy
who does a little...
a little loan-sharking
on the side.
This guy named Tony Russo.
Yeah. Okay?
So, three months go by,
I'm still flat broke,
and I've barely
paid him anything back.
So, last week, at my job,
two fucking guys come in
and tell me
if I don't have at least
a grand for Tony
by Saturday night,
they're gonna break
my fuckin' legs.
And I like my legs.
I use them when I walk.
I don't want them broken.
But to make things worse...
actually, it's not
that big of a deal,
now that I think about it,
because my friend Billy
owes me a grand. Right?
So, I tell him and Tony
to meet me at the club
last night.
Of course, when I get there,
Billy's nowhere to be seen,
but that's no big deal,
I'm understandably
a little tense.
But it's okay, 'cause I've
got this great backup plan
where I'm just gonna
borrow money from
everyone that I know.
Ha ha!
And I'm working it, too.
I'm totally working it.
But the thing is,
since my backup plan
is turning into
my full-frontal plan,
everywhere I turn,
all I'm getting is...
No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no.
Some dude told me to blow him,
which was
incredibly excessive.
I didn't want to do it.
No. nein.
Fucking no here,
no there, everywhere.
No, no!
Your... your...
you've got, like,
small balls probably. No.
I mean, everywhere
I look, it's...
No. I'm sorry.
Get off your knees.
I can't even get over on Ryan,
who fucks me off
not once... But twice!
Where am I
gonna get $200?
I hustle the entire night.
All I manage to pull is a 50.
And I'm walking out,
totally pissed off,
when who do I see
walking into the club?
It's Tony fucking Russo, right?
He's talking to Cassie,
probably asking where I am.
She probably told him. Bitch.
Anyway, so I fuckin' bolt.
I'm booking a retreat
for the back door.
Who do I run into?
Oh, thank god.
Hey, sorry I'm late.
No, it's okay.
It's okay.
It's good.
It's great.
I just... i need
my $1,000 like now.
I don't have it.
Look, I got US something
so much better.
Check this out.
This is a new top-secret drug
developed by some
huge drug company.
Nobody knows what it does,
but it's supposed to be
So, you took... you took my money
and you spent it...
spent it on drugs?
Yeah, but we're gonna make
so much more than $1,000.
We're gonna give out
a few samples, get people
psyched to hook up.
Look at me! I am not
selling fucking drugs!
Chill out.
All right? It's fine.
Just give me a minute.
Zeke! Come here.
What's up?
Go wait for me at the bar.
I got a job for you.
Taken care of.
Taken care of?
Yeah, Zeke will do
the legwork, you and I
will sit back...
son of a bitch!
Doesn't have it!
That's right.
Doesn't fuckin' have it.
So, I end up crashing
at this 6th street squat
'cause I'm too fuckin'
afraid to go home.
Finally, when I get up
the courage,
I'm driving like a lion
back to my apartment
to sell some cds,
when who do I bump into?
We're not here for you, man.
Fuck no, man.
I finally tagged
Billy on his cell phone
to see if he's made US
any money.
He says no, 'cause
apparently that "drug"
that was supposed to
make US all the money
isn't even a drug.
It's some fuckin' chemical
designed by the U.S. army
so that soldiers
look like they're dead,
so they don't get taken
in wars, like, p.O.W.S.
Whatever, right?
So, this has been
my whole fuckin' night,
and at the end of it,
I'm still flat fuckin' broke,
and I need $1,000 now!
You know what?
I don't get you.
What's not to get?
I'm fucked!
The cat's out of the bag, mate.
We all know
you're pulling
the George orwell.
Come on.
Your father owns a massive
software company.
Okay... don't even try and argue.
I know it's true.
And I'm watching you
sweat and moan
over 10 grand,
which I know
you could pay off
in a single bloody second.
So, what could possibly
be stopping you?
I cannot do it that way.
Why not? You have
one life, mate.
That's the point, Mick.
Okay. Look, like,
I want to feel everything.
But you can't have
everything without nothing.
I mean, you can't have
nothing without everything.
It's like siddhartha,
you know what I mean?
And that's what was
so great about orwell,
because he fuckin' suffered!
I mean, he had it all,
and he threw it all away
and did it on his own...
Jesus effing Christ.
You know what?
I listen to all my friends,
and I don't get the one of you.
You're all neurotic, bitching,
worried and insecure.
Mate, what the hell for?
We are 23 years old.
We don't have wives,
we don't have kids,
we don't own anything
that owns US.
For god's sake,
we barely have jobs.
And we are here.
This is the greatest
time of our lives.
You should do what I do.
Yeah, what's that?
Do what you want.
Do what you feel.
Trust the universe.
And when you do... trust me...
it will all work out.
Oh. Right.
Well, I'm sure your night
was just fuckin' fabulous.
Actually it was.
Of course.
So, I'm at the club.
Everything's tip-top
and I'm about to settle
into my first Martini,
when I see this very
attractive woman... Sarah.
She seems upset, so I walk over
and introduce myself.
Hey. My name's Mick.
Hi. Sarah.
She's very sweet
and terribly embarrassed
because she's been trapped
in this unhealthy
obsession with Ryan
and wants to talk it over.
I've been to, like,
every single one of
his shows...
So I listen to her...
I always wait by his car
because I know what
kind of car he drives.
Buy her a round or two...
You're so sweet
when you talk to me.
Cheer her up...
And the next thing I know...
Everybody makes mistakes
But I feel all right
when I come undone
Come on. Are you
fucking kidding me?
No. Afterwards,
she's tired,
so I get her number
and agree to call her
later in the week.
So, I drop her off,
but I'm not ready
for the night to end.
So, I head
back to the club
for one more drink.
Now, I'm sitting
at the bar,
nursing a scotch...
That fuck!
I'm gonna do exactly to him
what he does to me.
Aren't you that bird
who used to be
on Texas high?
Walk home, come down
retreat to sleep
wake up, go out again,
walk home, come down
retreat to sleep
hook up again
this time next week
walk home, come down
retreat to sleep...
Do you mind if I take
some phone of this?
I want to show it to my husband.
It's your world, love.
I'm just passing through it.
Knock yourself out.
Wake up, go out again,
walk home, come down
It was... and i'm
not exaggerating...
a truly mind-blowing experience.
We went to hers
for six more hours.
Then I drove to the spa,
sauna'd, showered,
and came straight here.
Actually, you probably
know who it is.
It's that girl
from that TV show.
Um... Texas high.
Do you have any idea
who her husband is?
Ryan told me this morning.
It's a bit of bad luck, that.
"A bit of bad luck!"
Yeah, yeah.
Big bad luck, okay?
You fucking slept
with Tony Russo's wife.
I didn't know it
at the time, mate.
I've been sitting here,
telling you this story
for an hour,
and you're fucking his wife?
Are you fucking kidding me?
God damn you.
You know what?
I can't be seen with you.
Trust the universe.
Fuck you, fuck the universe!
I'm out!
The truth is the truth, mate.
We all just play our
small part in it.
Well, I'll play my part.
I'll be in Mexico,
you'll be fucking dead.
Open your eyes.
You're next.
Is this you...
With my wife on this thing?
All right, mate.
I had no idea
she was your wife.
As far as I knew,
she was a bird
playing some game
with some anonymous husband.
And I never would've touched her
if I'd known
her husband was you.
But there she was...
In a bar, drunk and alone,
ready to shag
without exchanging
a single word,
and utterly,
stunningly beautiful.
Now, I believe that any man
who can hold a gun on me
the way you are
probably understands
exactly what I'm saying,
and has maybe
even done the exact
same thing himself.
But if you haven't,
or if you don't,
or if you don't want
to admit that you have,
or you do, or you're
just a sadistic fuck
who puts no value
on human life,
then shoot me.
'Cause the fact is,
I can't stop you.
But I hope that first
you'll consider
whether or not
it's worth the risk,
especially since
you and I both know
that I have fuck all to do
with what's going on
between you and
your wife.
Are you finished?
I scare you?
I scared you, didn't I?
You want to know what's going on
between me and my wife?
I've been looking
for an excuse to
divorce that bitch
for three years.
And this is exactly what I need.
So, I owe you...
Big time.
You ever need a favor...
and I mean anything...
you get a hold of me.
It's yours.
Actually, there is one thing.
You see my friend?
He owes you ten grand.
I was hoping you might
cancel the debt.
I like that.
See? It all works out.
I've been looking for you.
Can we talk?
You want to go on the roof?
I'll grab my coat.
Is Tony Russo gonna
make you famous?
You were right.
He's a scumbag.
I'm sorry.
So, whatever happened
with you and apple?
Cassie, that was not
supposed to happen that way.
It's all right.
Apple is amazing.
She is.
That's so obvious.
I mean...
Cassie. Cassie.
She's not you.
I'm not... Me.
Not the me that's
in your head, Ryan.
That's not true, Cassie.
Yes, it is.
It's true.
I don't know how to say it.
I'm not done failing yet.
I like my failures.
They make me who I am.
Friends, yeah.
I should go.
God, that was strange
to see you again
introduced by
a friend of a friend
smiled and said "yes
I think we've met before"
in that instant,
it started to pour
captured a taxi
despite all the rain
we drove in silence
across pont champlain
and all of the time
you thought I was sad
I was trying
to remember your name
Live through this
and you won't look back
live through this
and you won't look back
live through this
and you won't look back
Oh, my god.
You really do have a stray dog.
I'm so sorry.
You're the best guy
in the entire world.
Heh. Nothing.
You know what? Um...
I should probably get
these contracts to Derek,
so I'll see you...
I'm right here.
All right, gather round,
Before we open our doors again,
I'd like to make
one thing very clear.
Last night was
a fuckin' disaster.
You people are
disorganized, pathetic,
and I don't even want to
think about what happened
in my office.
Because of you
and your promotions,
we've made this
the hottest spot in town
for the next five minutes.
Or until I sell it.
Or until the cops find
a reason to shut US down.
Whichever comes first.
So, people...
please try and remember
not to take this time
for granted.
Because you are here.
And trust me
when I tell you this...
that you will never be
this young,
this cool,
this careless,
or this carefree
ever again.
And if you thought
last night was hot,
fuck that. You're gonna
make tonight even hotter.
'Cause this is life, people.
And here we go again.
I was a prisoner
in a factory
I could keep nothing
for myself
miss inconvenience
won't remember me at all
and they're all relying
on the wealth
I put the questions
to a mirror
you had an answer
for them all
oh, don't let it go,
don't let it go
let it go
enemies like this
let it go, don't let it go,
let it go
enemies like this
keep on turning around
enemies like this
oh, no-oh
keep on turning around
enemies like this