Star Runners (2009) Movie Script

Alpha leader this is Cruiser
one, five, zero. Sector six clear.
Uh, roger one, five, zero.
Move on to sector "seven oh-one."
Copy, alpha one.
Take us in.
Running at twenty percent.
Downright tranquil.
- I see it, Ty.
I could save gas
and just broadcast our location.
Right. You just watch your little
screen there and let me do what I do.
No way he saw us.
Willing to bet your
share on that?
I can lose him.
You had your chance.
Now watch and learn.
Unidentified vessel, you are
traveling through restricted space.
Power down immediately
and prepare to be boarded.
I don't think so.
- This is your only warning.
Guess we should have
just saved the gas.
Mr. Tycho Johns,
your name has come across my desk
with alarming frequency.
You have quite the record.
It's as though you've gone out
of your way...
to break every law possible
since your discharge.
Since when are runners
the military's problem?
It's a military problem When you're
running weapons to the underground.
We are?
Like I always say Chen,
it's always best not to know
what's in the crate.
Yes, well, I'm not here to debate
the philosophical Nuances
of whether aiding
and abetting the dissident faction
makes you a sympathizer.
I'm here to offer you
a second chance.
A second chance?
For what?
To have the slate wiped clean.
As a measure of good faith.
I've taken the liberty...
of paying off your debt
which was considerable.
I advise you
to take my offer seriously.
Failing to do
so could be prejudicial
to your ongoing well being
and autonomy.
This guy uses a lot of big words.
I've got some more big words
for you, Mr. Lei Chen.
Thirty to life
in a deep space penal mine,
the corner of the black so dark
it will make your ass
look like the surface of the sun.
- All right. All right.
We're listening.
I assume you're both familiar with
Rygel Four Space port on the outskirt.
Well, we've been there what,
once or twice?
Hidden on that station is a crate,
I need you to locate it
and deliver it to a set of coordinates.
Wait, you want us
to run cargo for you?
Our operative hid on the station
then vanished.
Assassinated, we assume, by...
this man.
Any questions?
Yeah. Not to sound ungrateful
what do you need us for?
- Because no one will question a pair
of degenerates like you
in a place like that.
What makes you think
we're not just going to sell...
what's inside
to the highest bidder?
Because you're not that stupid.
If I have to come after you,
if I...
- Got it.
You've got seventy-two hours.
Payload's gone.
All of it.
You're surprised?
So it's come down to this.
Doing the "U.P.'s" dirty work.
I don't see much choice.
He's got us dead to rights
on this one.
Last I checked a galaxy's
a pretty big place.
There's probably half a dozen
tracking beacons on this ship.
No, we do the job.
That's the easy part.
So what's the hard part?
You really think Bishop's
going to let us walk into
a secret military base
and let us just...
walk back out again.
There's something
he's not telling us.
So what do we do?
What else?
Plot a jump for Rygel Four,
go down the rabbit hole.
So where do we start?
Same place we always do.
Hey, stop.
Ty, my old friend, have a seat.
I love what you've done
with the place, Yuri.
So, you clearly need something.
A guy can't just stop
by to check in on a friend?
How's the virus?
Nearly out of my system,
but I'm touched.
We're looking for a crate.
It was left here
about three weeks ago.
That's all you've got?
- That's all I got.
Not much.
- I know. I know.
Can you help us or not?
As luck would have it,
your timing's impeccable.
I need another drink.
Let's have ourselves a look.
Oh, this really
is your lucky day, Johns.
A storage unit was loaded twenty-three
days ago and hasn't been unlocked since.
So what? I don't get it.
- So...
the "U.P.'s" are trying
to clean this place up,
all the protocols and "regs,
one of which, merchant visas, are
only good for fifteen days at a time.
So whoever loaded that locker
either never left with what was inside...
He never left.
- Gotcha.
Hey, sorry, pal.
Credit only.
Well, credits are easier to track.
If it's a thousand miles
or a thousand light years
you can't escape the system.
It's unit "four, two, six, oh, seven,
second level down.
One day, Yuri,
we'll figure a way to get out
of all this.
Sure thing, pal.
You let me know.
This is bad.
Let's crack her open.
Maybe it's a deadly virus
or some doomsday device.
No thanks.
- You're not the least bit curious?
And neither are you.
Oh, damn it.
Over there.
Who is it?
Well, it ain't the federate,
So guess.
What do we do now?
Find another ride.
Are you kidding me?
Bishop just paid that off.
Well it ain't going anywhere as long
as you set the retinal scanners.
You did set the retinal scanners,
I'll check for transports.
There's nothing?
Transport leaving within the
hour to "Alseon" but it's sold out.
All right.
Change of plans.
We open the crate.
Now you're talking.
Yeah, well, let's just hope whatever's
inside is small enough to carry.
Oh, yeah,
definitely bad.
I can carry her.
Are you... all right?
I'm Ty.
You understand me?
Well, this is one
for the record books, huh Chen?
Chen? Little focus.
Oh, sorry.
I think... she's cold.
Can you walk?
All right.
Chen, get her some clothes.
Where are you going?
- Just get her some clothes.
Something inconspicuous.
Meet me at the terminal in ten minutes.
I told you it's sold out.
- Yeah. Well, let me take care of that.
I'm Chen.
Found what you're looking for?
I don't even know where to start.
Well, Zara here's on the clock
so how about towards the end?
There's a girl.
There's always a girl.
- No, no, the crate, a girl was inside.
What was she like?
I don't know, five-four, brown eyes,
great figure. She's perfect.
Oh, I see.
Yuri, I hate to ask...
- I'll add it to your tab.
Transport leaving within
the hour bound for "Alseon.
Three seats.
I'd hurry because it boards at ten.
You're the best, Yuri.
Tell me something I don't know.
You call that inconspicuous?
Not exactly a lot of time.
I had to trade my coat for it too.
Anything yet?
No. Not a peep.
She just stares.
Time to go.
We're on that flight.
We are?
- Yeah.
Okay, okay,
I'm not going to hurt you,
I'm here to help.
But... we need to leave.
I don't suppose
you know your name.
Mr. Lei Chen, welcome on board, sir.
- Thank you.
No chip.
Don't be ridiculous.
Of course she's got a chip.
Your scanner must be busted.
- Let me see your wrist, please.
Oh, Mr. Tycho Johns
and one United Planet diplomat.
Oh, well, see, there you go.
Sorry for the misunderstand.
You have a nice trip now.
Thank you.
Welcome aboard.
Hey, what exactly is the plan once
we reach Alseon?
I don't know, Chen.
It's been a long day.
Let's worry about it then.
I think our day
just got a little longer.
Oh, come on.
This just gets better and better.
Sit down!
Everyone, calm down!
Chen, you got to get me
some power!
I think the bastards splashed us
with an "E.M.P."
This rig ain't got shielding?
- Yeah. Give me a "sec."
Okay, you got all its power.
Punch it!
Ty, they're firing up another blaster,
we'll be dead in the water.
How long?
- One, two minutes tops.
There's no way we're going
to make that jump.
Come on, Ty. You can't jump
into uncharted space.
Look, I don't want to end up
inside of a black hole or...
inside a star or...
They say it's like eternity there.
You know what's eternity?
Thirty to life.
No choice.
There's no charted jumps
from here.
What do mean there's no charted
jumps from here? Where'd they go?
That's what I'm saying,
I don't know.
Lyekka, what do you got?
This region
of uncharted space here,
it's right on the edge
of known jump capabilities.
That's insane.
Even if you made it to the other side,
you'd have no idea
what you were jumping into.
That girl means everything.
We can't afford to lose her.
Tell me this isn't a hole.
It's a nebula.
Why are we falling?
We're still falling, Ty!
- I'm very aware of that, Chen!
boundary vector is too steep.
I know it's too steep
you daffy bastard!
Oh, crap!
Give me a hand!
Chen, Chen!
I got her.
- Got it?
All right, check her pulse.
I'm getting nothing.
I'm going to check on the others.
Welcome back.
Where are we?
So you do speak.
I doubt this place has a name.
Your name's Ty?
- That's right.
You got one?
I can't remember.
I feel my brain is frozen.
It was.
Why was that ship chasing us?
I was hoping you could tell me.
You mean it was after me?
I think so. Come on.
Let's give that cryo
a chance to wear off.
What happened?
Somebody took a shot at us.
I'm sure you can fill in the rest.
Where's Owens?
The pilot! The captain!
- We're what's left.
Look, whoever took a swipe
at us is probably still coming.
We need to find cover fast.
Whoa, hang on.
We just crashed on some backwater
planet in the middle of nowhere.
You seem to be the only one
who knows What the hell is going on.
Maybe you want to clue us in?
- Look, lady,
I got no idea what they want
or why they hit us but they did.
That was reason enough
to haul ass out of there.
They're after me.
We don't know that.
- You said so yourself.
Who's after you?
I don't know.
- Dissidents from what we've seen.
So we have the three of you
thank for all this.
A lot of people are dead.
You don't think I know that.
1 up linked the distress beacon.
We're hitting on all bands.
Hey, hey, where are you going?
Hey! Stand down!
Drop it.
This is insane.
Oh, that's just great.
You know we're twenty light years
away from the closest human being
and that was the only thing
that's going to get us rescued.
That beacon was going to lead the
others right to us if it hasn't already.
We're going to have to work together
to get through this.
I am not your enemy.
I suggest we gather whatever's
salvageable From inside that cabin
and get a move on.
Hey, you didn't really destroy
that beacon, did you?
Are you kidding me?
I turned it off and shot the floor.
This is hopeless.
They could be long gone by now
if they were even here.
Wait a minute.
I've got something.
A distress beacon dead ahead.
Wait, lost it.
- They were here.
Must have crashed.
Obviously some dissension
amongst their ranks already.
How could you know that?
Because pilots that
make insane jumps into...
outer space don't just
broadcast and "S.0.S."
I just hope she's alive.
Lyekka, take us down.
Ty, no way that thing's human.
It's definitely the source
of the signature.
Further down the hole we go.
Whoever was here,
looks like they skipped town
a while ago.
Maybe they forgot
to turn off the oven.
Like I said, Chen...
just us and space critters.
A "U.P." base out here.
What for?
- Whoa!
Somebody get that out
of here hand!
Come on.
Let me hang
onto this for you, okay?
You all right?
All right, look,
we found this place so it's a fair
bet the others will too.
We need to get
the power back online
and get that defense perimeter up
and running.
This place looks like it's pretty big.
I suggest we split up.
You two, what are your names?
- Nikopol.
Al right, Bill and Nick,
you're together.
Is there a problem?
Yeah. He's got a gun.
You and your sidekick's got a gun.
Okay, use your girlfriend's gun.
All right, what about you two?
Lieutenant Commander Hudson.
That leaves the three of us.
Ty, this is Chen and well, you know.
Let's meet back at the entrance
in fifteen minutes.
Lieutenant commander?
The guy's going to be a problem.
Those two are a problem.
Looks like we have a surplus
at the moment.
I'm serious.
I think they kidnapped that girl.
That thought crossed my mind.
Yeah, well think about it.
They boarded that transport
carrying weapons,
caused the death of
more than twenty people,
now they intentionally stranded
the rest of us on some planet
at the ass end of the galaxy.
What's your plan?
You got any combat experience?
I warned you of this plan.
Calm down. You're overreacting.
- Overreacting?
You stole hard currency from Santen.
Now he's here.
You think that's a coincidence?
You heard the girl.
They're here after her. Not us.
You don't know that.
Listen, man, Santen doesn't even
know the money's gone.
And even if he did he got
no reason to be near us.
Only the fact I'm carrying it.
I need to piss.
What was that?
Nothing I'm sure.
Rats probably.
Where there are people
there are rats.
You going to watch?
I'm tell you man
there's opportunity here.
No telling what we might salvage
from this dump.
This is no time to lose your head.
You think you can get that
terminal up and running?
Can you get us some answers?
I am unfamiliar with this planet.
Was it just added?
Not exactly, no.
Any update on our errand boys?
It's not good, sir.
I suspect the item is out
of the package.
He has no allegiances
to anyone but himself.
Well they did dock at Rygel Four
but their ship never left.
It's only been twenty-four hours.
- There's more.
A commercial transport left
the space port six hours ago.
According to "ident" scans, the same
three civilians boarded that flight
and the next one two hours later.
I think someone tried to cover up
their tracks and got sloppy.
I told him not to open
the damned crate.
Johns had help from someone
on that station. Assemble a team.
We're leaving.
And check on the status
of those two transports.
I'm willing to bet one
of them never left.
Keep an eye open for weapons.
Oh, my god.
Take this.
What the hell?
Oh, my god.
Oh, what in god's name is that?
I don't know.
But it's ugly.
Oh, we got to get off this planet.
No argument.
Find anything?
Yeah. We'll tell you about it later.
We've leaving.
I would strongly advise against that.
- Why? What is that?
That's your ass if you go outside.
Level ten duo magnetic storm
and radiation levels are rising fast.
In a few minutes they're going to
spike like nothing you've ever seen.
What the hell's he talking about?
- Solar flare, massive.
Like the one that wiped out
the Centauri three, massive.
You've got to be kidding.
A young star like that,
probably a regular thing.
That's why they built the defense grid.
It's an "E.M." shield.
You mean without it we die?
Yeah. Pretty horrifically.
- Is it on?
It's the first thing I got back online.
In a few minutes
the other system should be running.
What's got you two so spooked?
Uh, I think he's Bill.
You crazy, that's Nick.
Bilal, where's Nikopol?
- Dead.
It cut his head clear off.
- Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
What... what cut his head off?
- Giant bug, eight feet long.
It's got six arms, two antenna and
a pair of razor sharp pincers, right?
We saw a dead one.
You what?
Safe to say we know now what
happened to the people that were here.
They weren't alone.
Neither are we.
Oh, my god.
I'm out of here.
Bill, Bill, wait!
Hey! Hey, he can't leave.
He's going to fry.
- Bill!
Bill, stop! No!
- Bill!
- Bill! Stop!
- Look at the sky.
There's a solar flare
on the other side of that shield.
If you walk through it
you're not coming back.
You're right I'm not coming back.
I'm leaving with the others
while I still can.
Bill, wait!
- No, Bill!
You can't save him!
What did you do?
What the hell just happened?
Why aren't you dead?
I don't know.
Back inside.
Wait a minute, in case you forgot,
we have something of a bug
situation back there.
Staying out here
sure ain't the solution.
We need to get back in the base
and find some "comm." equipment.
Got an uplink yet?
I'm not getting enough juice
to get the relay. The antenna's fried.
This is interesting.
Video logs dated twenty years ago.
I'm attaching this data as a final
attempt to clear my conscience.
Everyone needs to know what
happened here on Centauri three.
But let this be a lesson,
our sins have testified against us
and we have known
our inequities...
He was standing right here.
Did that mean something to you?
I don't know.
- Don't know.
Well if the "comms" are down
we need a new plan now.
I'll check.
What is this place?
Would you look at that?
Think our girl's inside?
I hope so.
It's pumping out a lot of juice.
Radiation shield?
I don't know but it means
someone's home.
Over there. Landing pad.
Right on that.
Whoa. What the hell?
What does this mean?
- Let's see.
Now what?
Chen, how do we go up?
Service shaft, down that corridor.
Stay here and figure out
where that tunnel leads.
We're going towards that noise?
Hang on a minute!
You've been hounding our asses for the
better part of twenty light years, why?
You know damn well why.
Don't flatter yourself.
I'm here for her.
Yeah? Well, it's my job to make damn
sure you don't get anywhere near her.
What the hell are you doing?
I think you're all a bunch of criminals
and I'm going to commandeer that ship.
You're more than welcome
to come with us.
The hell she is.
Last I checked, I think the girl
can speak for herself.
I'm staying.
Suit yourself, little lady.
I wouldn't go up there!
- Oh, really?
Go! Go!
What the hell is going on out there?
- Take a guess.
Seal those two doors now!
So what, we're with them now?
We're all trying to get off this rock
alive. We'll sort the rest out later.
Does that work for you?
As long you know I'm leaving here
with the girl.
Kill you if I have to.
- Glad we have an understanding.
Chen, give me some good news.
All right,
the worst of the flare has passed.
Radiation levels are headed
back down two degrees.
That'd be great news
if you were planning a picnic.
How is that you...
It's useful when there's
a ship parked on the roof
and the only indoor access is
blocked by eight foot bugs.
That ship's not going
anywhere any time soon.
The outside of this place crawls.
Where's Hudson?
What else you got?
Get this, this tunnel leads
to a second installation.
Another one?
- Yeah.
Ten clicks and there's a rail car.
- Does it have a working "commsat"?
It better. I think there's a working ship.
- How can you be sure?
The shield went online back there
as soon as it did here.
It's common.
It's a safety protocol,
but a lot of juice is being drained
by something docked on the roof.
Okay, so we just make our way down,
take the tunnel.
With those things all over the place?
Screw that.
There was no sign of those
things when we landed.
When that flare
hit it was bug central.
That cannot be a coincidence.
- It came out during the storm.
- Wait,
termites have magnetite inside of their
brains. They're like homing pigeons.
So, they use the planet's magnetic
fields to navigate?
What's that have to do
with the solar flare?
Here was your basic star
on a nice sunny day.
Now here is your solar flare,
disrupts the field, blinds the bugs,
gives you cancer, altogether annoying.
Do you mind?
- Now this is our shield.
It's the same thing that's keeping
us alive right now.
And it's bringing those damn
things right down on top of us.
Well, technically up underneath us.
- Whatever.
What doesn't explain where they were
when we crashed. Before the flare.
Well, they must have sensed it coming
so went back down below.
The irony is without the flare
we'd all be dead already.
Wait, wait a minute.
Radiation levels are dropping,
but the magnetic fields take longer
for it to get back to normal.
Yeah. Why?
Because there's going to be window
when we can go back outside.
Because they want to be in here
inside the shield.
We can run the surface.
- No, I wouldn't try it.
Why not?
- It's a hell of a gamble, ten clicks.
What if there's another flare
before we get there?
You saw what happened to Nick.
- Bill. I Whatever.
He's right.
The tunnel's our only viable option.
If we work together maybe some
of us might make it out alive.
You heard the girl.
My name's Asia.
I checked the security feed
from two days ago.
Our boys paid a visit
to Moseley's cant in a.
Talked to some wire head
named Yuri Koralev. Twice.
The second time about ten minutes
before we believe they skipped out.
I think we should have
a talk with our Mr. Koralev.
Chen, I saw soldiers
in that playback,
now where there are soldiers,
there's a weapons locker.
Here, it's one level down.
You might have saved my life back
there, but I don't owe you anything.
I never said you did.
You point a gun at me again,
bugs will be the least of your problems.
If everyone was killed,
where are all the bodies?
Just keep walking, Chen.
Are you sure
you know which way it is?
Yeah, it's this way.
Keep your eyes open.
Are you ready?
Well, there's your body, Chen.
Told you one day
I'd hear you scream, Lyekka.
Screw you, Kai.
Hey, lighten up.
You're starting to get that vein thing
across your forehead.
What the...
Stop firing!
Stop firing!
We're going to need a lot of ammo.
There's not much here.
- Just take whatever there is.
Let me see that.
It's almost healed.
It'll make sense soon.
Give it time.
Mr. Koralev, thank you
for accepting my invitation.
If this is about the money,
Tycho Johns and Lei Chen.
You met them two days ago.
Shortly thereafter
they disappeared.
We know you illegally
procured tickets
for them and their female
traveling companion.
What I don't know,
what I need to know,
is which flight.
I'm afraid you got me confused
with someone else.
I hope Mr. Johns knows what
a good friend you are.
I tried to spare you this.
I hear it can be quite invasive.
Oh, right.
Yuri, I hate to ask...
- I'll add it to your tab.
Transport leaving within
the hour bound for Alseon.
Three seats.
I'd hurry, because it boards at ten.
You know, I'll never understand
why a man would put a chip in his brain.
You're the best, Yuri.
Makes my job easier sometimes.
Tell me something I don't know.
Try to stay clear of the booze
and the women Mr. Koralev.
Clean living and all that.
Yeah right.
Chen, I think
we're clearly missing a key...
component of the whole
rail car plan.
It's on the other side.
That's... that's bad.
Clearly somebody took that car to the
other station, Probably tried to escape.
And either they didn't make it
and the ship's still there
or they did and the ship ain't.
Well, I don't have any other
miraculous escape plans.
I know it's hard to believe
I woke up yesterday
and thought today
was going to be a good day.
Now what?
- Well, we got two choices,
Either we sit down
and wait to die
or go down a tunnel,
see what's holding up the rail car.
Kill me. Just kill me now.
- Come on.
So I'll take another stab at this,
you got a name?
Don't think I won't kill you just
because you know my name.
Tell me that's not
what I think it is.
It's not too late to give
the surface a try.
Tunnel's a bad call.
Back it up!
Let's move!
Come on, you son of a bitch!
Come on.
My legs. My legs!
I can't feel my legs!
I'm not going to make it.
What are you doing?
- What do you think?
I'm going to overload
the plasma pistol.
Oh, come on.
You got about thirty seconds.
- You got to get out of here.
Go! My legs are done!
Look at me.
Go! Come on, go!
Move it, Ty! Go!
Okay. Okay.
- Go! Go! Get out of here!
Everybody back!
This place is coming down!
Your instincts were right.
They never made it to Alseon.
Run the sensor sweep for any ram
jet fusion gels in the area.
Already did.
A pair of faint jump signatures.
Nav comm simulation to extrapolate
the mostly points of exit...
But that's the thing.
There are none.
At least not within the known
safety perimeters.
Reckless bastard.
He jumped into uncharted space.
It's not uncharted.
It's just not only chart
you've ever seen.
- We may need back up where we're going.
Call up any "U.P.M.C." in the area.
You think he hijacked the ship?
As I said before it doesn't add up.
The second signature.
I'm giving Mr. Johns
the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe he has the whole situation
under control.
Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Outside the shield!
Stark, get down!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
I don't get it.
Why'd they stop?
It's like Chen said,
they're attracted
to the defense shield.
In there it's a bright shiny day.
But the storm's over,
radiation's gone, right?
Flare might be over but...
as long as we can see those lights,
the magnetic field
is still misaligned.
If the shield's up
at the other installation,
it'll be crawling too.
Well, look at the bright side,
at least they'll be off our asses
until we get there.
We try and stay close
to the rocks and walls.
Sure. Rocks.
Every cruiser in the sector's here.
Jump drive spooled and ready.
Whenever you're ready,
Lieutenant Hicks.
Sir, you are sure
about these coordinates, right?
You found the jump signatures.
You doubting your own findings,
Very well, all ships to jump.
You sure we're headed
in the right direction?
Yeah. I see it.
What about bugs?
Are there bugs?
All that matters is there's a ship.
I don't get it, how does
a single species evolve on a planet?
Maybe they didn't.
Scientists in the station logs
quoted the bible.
Said they brought this
on themselves.
Maybe these bugs
are from one of the colonies,
hitched a ride and mutated
when the flares hit.
Or maybe he was just out
of his mind.
People say all kinds of weird things
when they're about to die.
Did he say anything else?
Nothing really.
Something about Centauri Three.
Centauri Three?
Are you sure?
- Yeah. Why?
Just keep moving.
They're waiting for us.
Let's go.
Brace for impact!
We jumped right into a solar flare!
We lost cruisers and main power.
We're not built to handle
a termination shock like that, sir.
You better take your anti radiation...
Have you run a sensor sweep
on the nebula?
I've got a lot of fried systems here.
I'm going to need time.
- Yes, well make it a priority.
All right, look,
now we could just...
we could just blast our way
through but I have a feeling...
we're going to need
hat "ammo" we have left
was our boarding pass
for the next station.
So... any ideas?
- It'll work.
Maybe, but it's crazy.
Overload the plasma
pistol like Chen did.
Blast creates an "E.M." pulse.
whatever bugs it doesn't kill.
So you want us to start blowing
up our weapons?
- For what? To buy us a few seconds?
You've seen how much "ammo
it takes to kill one of those things.
A few seconds is all we need.
We've got three pistols between us,
as far as I'm concerned
that's three grenades
to help us get inside that base.
Since it's your idea.
They know enough not to mess
with us when we've got the high ground.
I don't like it.
Means they can learn.
They won't be grounded forever.
You don't want to be outside
when they start flying again.
Let's pick it up.
Give me your pistol.
Our last two cruiser pilots took
heavy doses of radiation.
I'm not sure if they're going to...
- The item, Lieutenant.
We picked up
a general distress beacon,
a planet not far from here.
Sent twelve hours ago.
Sir, how did you know
they'd be here?
I mean right here.
Because I don't believe
in coincidences, Lieutenant.
Plot a course.
Down. Down. Down.
I could kill for a drop of water.
Catch your breath,
it's only going to get harder.
You don't seem like such a bad guy.
How did you become a terrorist?
I'm under orders to bring this girl in.
Two days ago I had every
intention of doing that,
now everything's all fogged up,
so I want to know what you know.
And you want to do this right now?
Look, there's going to come a time
when I have to trust you or kill you.
So tell me why she's so important.
You probably noticed
she's a little different.
She is that.
Asia, do you remember anything
about Centauri Three?
Anything at all?
from that colony was killed.
Over a million people.
Not everybody.
The scientists at this station
said something about that place, about
how they committed
some kind of atrocity.
Centauri three
was a colony of upstarts.
Rebels, dissidents.
A real thorn in the United
Planet's side.
In reality it was just ordinary people
who didn't want chips in their wrist.
Planet's entire population
was wiped out.
And the "U.P." came up
with a nice story about a solar flare.
Oh, come on.
The government can be
a big pain in the ass
But they don't go around
wiping out entire planets.
You people on the other hand
are dangerous.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, we're dangerous all right.
We're dangerous
because we don't confirm,
because we don't fall in line
and just thank them for the privilege
of being "U.P." citizens
just because we're born.
We're not terrorists, Ty,
we're going to open people's
eyes to the truth.
So you're saying you people
didn't kill the carrier if that crate.
Oh, is that what they told you.
Well, you got it
all backwards friend.
Because she is the sole survivor
of an entire planet.
Your uncle found you
in a quarantine zone.
He and I worked together to make sure
that your true identity stayed a secret.
For twenty years it worked.
Just recently the "U.P." finally
found out who you really are...
and more importantly
what you're capable of.
We needed to get you out
of the core fast.
Since you and don't have
an "ident" chip...
we actually planned
to smuggle you out.
They caught up to your
uncle in Rygel Four.
I will not tell them where she is.
He gave his life.
Protecting yours.
I can't even remember.
You will.
When you're ready.
Guys, listen.
Where did they all go?
Oh, my god.
The flare.
We'll be dead in minutes.
It's a trap!
You cannot be serious!
Clear out!
Get off that mountain!
How do I get out of here?
Come on!
What do you think you're doing?
We got to help him!
The grenades!
Just give me the grenades!
Just give me the grenades!
No! Get back!
It's going to blow!
I am really getting tired
of this place!
We got to run!
Hey, come on!
It's just like the other one!
This way!
We're actually going to make it
to that ship.
I can't believe it.
We can't leave yet.
Not until we've learned the truth.
It's our only chance.
You've got to be kidding.
They've reached the front door.
Looks like some kind
of massive particle accelerator.
Objective, development
and implementation...
of a thermo nuclear weapon
that can mimic the radioactive nature
of a mass coronal ejection
or solar flare.
Target Centauri Three.
Alpha Centauri,
system status successful.
Commissioned by "W.Y. Bishop."
One, zero, one, three, two...
It's not possible.
I don't know how she survived the blast,
but the radiation is just as deadly.
Just in case.
The radiation's having an effect
on the weapons.
Leave her.
Colonel, the plan was kill them all.
She's as good as dead let's go.
But Colonel.
Lieutenant, she will not live.
Yes, sir.
Hey, could use a little help here!
Oh, my god.
I told you.
I told you she was different.
We found you on that planet
and thought it was a miracle.
No one should have been able
to survive that kind of radiation.
the coordinates.
It's on the outskirts.
Take her there.
Take her to my people.
Get the truth out there.
Promise me, Ty.
Promise me.
You got my word.
They wiped out a whole planet
and this guy Bishop
ordered the whole thing.
You got to help me find him.
I'm still not sure
what happened here a minute ago.
But I'd rather not push our luck.
All right,
let's download that file
and get off this rock.
You've had a long day for someone
who woke up needing to defrost.
Took it out of me back there.
Come on, put your feet up.
Promise this flight will go a
lot smoother than the last one.
You see, Hicks...
believe in leaving
nothing to chance.
You had a contingency plan.
Johns was the contingency plan.
You never withdrew the asset.
Our operative hid it on the station.
I will not tell you where she is.
Hey fly boy, change of plans.
Jenessa, what's your status?
I just broke "ammo" from a planet
I'd just as soon never see again.
Do you have the girl?
- She's out cold.
Bring her aboard.
Find the money wired
into your account.
What about Johns?
How much does he know?
- Centauri Three, Project Icarus.
He saw the girl in action.
Then I think he knows
a bit too much.
The asset is about
to dock with us.
She has the item.
But she's come into
some sensitive information.
Understood, sir.
You should have been out for day.
I don't think the rules apply
to me anymore.
What are you going to do?
Nothing much surprises me
But if you'd said to me
all those years ago
that little girl would be standing
in front of you right now
I would have deemed it unlikely.
I'd say it was inevitable.
Ever since that day
I was destined to come back here
where it all began.
You may not have raised me but you
were the one that made me what I am.
The irony of the situation
does not escape me.
Why did you murder
all those people?
It was a dangerous time
for humanity.
Venturing out into the stars,
colonizing new worlds,
order had to be maintained.
Those people threatened
the stability of the colonies.
How far does a human being have
to go before you leave them be?
Human being?
Interesting choice of words
when they would have changed
the very meaning.
There's a reason Centauri Three
is deemed off limits.
It's not because of the solar flares,
It orbits a very unique star.
People living there were beginning
to change.
Developing abilities, telepathic,
psychokinetic skills,
need only look as far as yourself
to know that it's true.
It was the next step
in human evolution.
A very dangerous step
we were not prepared to take.
What I did I did
for the greater good.
Those people died
so that billions could prosper.
I think one more has got to die.
This is fitting.
I could kill you just by thinking it.
I wanted you to know
how that felt.
There's an old earth saying,
May you live in interesting times.
I'm going to show the galaxy
what you don't want them to see.
I think times are going
to get pretty interesting.
prepare to fire on that ship.
As soon as it moves off,
blow it out of the sky.
What about the asset, sir?
Hicks, just do it.
Ty, Ty, wake up!
She stunned you.
I can't believe one of Bishop's stooges
was hiding right under my nose.
Wait a minute, where is she?
I borrowed this, okay?
I wanted Bishop to know.
Bishop, where?
We're docked in a ship.
- What?
Well I'm glad you saw fit
to wake me up.
I don't know how to fly this ship.
So what? You told him we're going
to blow the top on this thing,
expose him as a genocidal maniac?
And he's just going to...
what, let us go?
If he knows what's good for him.
All right, all right.
We're about to find out.
Two cruisers just locked onto us.
let me make this perfectly simple,
incapacitate the girl, bring her in
and a clean slate is still yours.
My offer is still good
but it's about to expire with my patience.
- No. Bishop,
I think this thing's a little bigger
than you and me.
I'm going to have to say no thanks.
I thought you were smarter
than that.
Well, I guess you were wrong.
If you have a plan in mind,
by all means I'll consider it.
You guys are going to have
to do better than that!
Oh, crap.
The cruiser's missiles
have been deployed.
They couldn't get through.
Well, we have missiles, don't we?
Yes, sir. But I don't think...
- Well, fire them. Fire them all!
Oh, you got to be kidding me.
You'll be sorry you missed this.
I'm about to show you some flying.
Hey listen,
I hope this isn't too prejudicial
to your well being.
What happened?
What happened is it's over.
It was him or us.
Well, this is just the beginning,
isn't it?
Yeah. I hope so.
So where to?
Santen's people.
I've got to make a stop first.
What stop?
A friend. He'll know
what to do with that drive.
Little strange.
You'll like him.
If you have a plan in mind,
by all means I'll consider it.
You guys are going to have
to do better than that!
Oh, crap.
The cruiser's missiles
have been deployed.
They couldn't get through.
Well, we have missiles, don't we?
Yes, sir. But I don't think...
- Well, fire them. Fire them all!
Oh, you got to be kidding me.
You'll be sorry you missed this.
I'm about to show you some flying.
Hey listen,
I hope this isn't too prejudicial
to your well being.
What happened?
What happened is it's over.
It was him or us.
Well, this is just the beginning,
isn't it?
Yeah. I hope so.
So where to?
Santen's people.
I've got to make a stop first.
What stop?
A friend. He'll know
what to do with that drive.
Little strange.
You'll like him.