Starship Invasions (1977) Movie Script

Hello Rudi
Rudi, what you are trying to tell me is
they took you into this flying saucer,
Shined a light on you and put you in
a room with a naked woman?
Then what happened?
We did what you are supposed to do when
you are in a room with a naked lady.
Are you telling me that you had sexual
intercourse with this woman?
I sure did.
It must have been some kind of a dream
- No, it wasn't a dream.
I swear.
You are going crazy!
Professor Duncan, if UFO's really exist,
why don't the beings that control them
Reveal themselves to us? - Well, I think
they have in a very limited way.
Perhaps they are wise enough to know
extensive contact could be harmful.
I mean civilisations are like individuals,
Who need belief in their own importance
or else they just shrivel up and die.
Precisely what do you mean?
What I mean is that nothing is more
Damaging to one's self esteem
Than discovering someone is more
advanced than you are.
Do you think we should continue with the
study of UFO's?
I think the most important scientific
We faced in the first third of the
twentieth century was relativity.
In the second third, nuclear physics.
I think the most important scientific
problem we are going to face
In the last third, is the explanation
of UFO's.
Hello - Are you the Professor Duncan
that I have seen on TV?
Yes. I am.
What exactly is on your mind?
Suppose I told you that I was taken
into a UFO.
Would you think I am crazy?
- Certainly not.
No, you are the fifth person today who
called to say they had seen a UFO.
Give me some details about what happened
- I was driving on my farm
If you have seen a UFO you're not alone.
I have interviewed airline pilots,
scientists, policemen
And military pilots who have all
seen UFO's.
Some have even photographed them.
You know, the way they have shunned me.
I began to think I had imagined the
whole thing, but it was just so real.
All this didn't become radioactive by
imagining things.
That's radioactive? - Don't worry it
won't hurt you.
I have seen six others.
Just like this? - Very similar.
They were all slightly radioactive and
the ground was dehydrated.
I am glad you told me all this, I
thought I was going crazy.
Don't worry you are not crazy.
Until now, only Sagnac and I have known
the true purpose of our mission.
Our planets sun is in a very dangerous
phase and may explode at any moment.
This monitors the condition of our
planets sun.
If the red dot expands rapidly,
Our sun will have become a supernova
and have exploded.
A massive migration has been planned and
will go into effect
When we find and capture a proper planet
on which to relocate.
The rest of our fleet will remain hiding
behind this planet's moon.
While we complete our work here.
This planet, called Earth by it's
present inhabitants.
Seems well suited to our purpose.
It is necessary at this time to acquire
another subject for study.
We need to examine a member of the
opposite sex.
We need a human female.
Mum are there rattlesnakes up there?
Can I buy a gun? - No Billy, just stay
in the car, you'll be alright.
Prepare to intercept the vehicle
containing the female.
Ready to intercept Captain.
What about the man and the child?
- We will use all three.
What's that?
Looks like a flying saucer.
Oh boy, a real flying saucer.
My God, we are the only car only this
whole road.
Intercept now.
What are you doing? Why are you
stopping this car?
What do you mean? I didn't do it.
I'm so scared.
We are not running, we are staying here.
It's safer here, lock the doors.
Lock the doors Billy.
Don't do that Billy, you will get them
mad at us.
You are feeling very tired, the only
sound you can hear is that of my voice.
You hear nothing but the sound of
my voice.
You will come with us. Now.
You will feel no pain. You feel
Nothing at all.
Have you removed the necessary fluids
from the female?
Yes, but she is resisting the trance
suggestions I have given here.
She is trying to speak.
Let her speak.
I don't want you doing that.
I know what you are going to do.
You are going to kill us all aren't you.
But why?
Why are you going to kill us?
- Enough silence her.
Why, why are you going to kill us?
What are we doing stopped here?
- I don't know you were driving.
I know but .... - I'm hungry.
Look at that.
This planet is so perfectly suited to
our race.
It is not an accident.
The examination of the man's sperm cells
proves that our religious doctrines
About the origins of our race are
completely false.
We are nothing but the descendants of
transplanted Earthlings,
If we are going to survive, we must
exterminate our own parent race.
Prepare to alter the electromagnetic
forcefield for submergence.
Force field ready Captain
- Now.
The inter-Galactic League of Races has
a base at the bottom of this ocean.
If the League discovers our true
purpose here they will try to stop us.
If we are to survive
We cannot allow the League or anyone
else to interfere with our purpose.
Prepare to alter pressure field for
normal atmosphere.
Prepare to alter cabin pressure for
normal atmosphere.
All pressure and Forcefields ready for
entry Captain.
Decrease speed. Engage all Forcefields
and begin entry.
Disengage all Forcefields.
Activate stationary systems - Systems
activated Captain.
Remain in the Ship until you hear
from me.
All peace to you Galactic brother.
I am Durbal, a model 1240z android
at your service.
I am Captain Rameses from the planet
Alpha in Orion.
If you will kindly follow me Captain
I will take you to the Base Commander
for clearance.
I have never seen a Ship like yours
Captain Rameses.
Does it have a special purpose? - It is
designed for scientific study.
That must be very interesting work?
Yes, it certainly is.
The pulsing lights are the result of
shifting our magnetic Forcefield
From positive to negative.
Without this protection, the tremendous
pressure of the ocean would crush us.
Commander, this is Captain Rameses from
the planet Alpha, constellation Orion.
Captain Rameses, this is Gorf, our Base
All peace to you Galactic brother.
All peace to you.
Captain, what brings you to Earth?
- We are on a deep space expedition.
You are free to explore but you must not
contact any Earth people.
The Earth and its inhabitants are
protected by the Galactic Treaty.
I understand.
Peace be with you. If you need anything
an android will assist you.
I thank you Commander. Peace be
with you.
Would you like to visit our relaxation
room Captain Rameses? - Thank you.
If you want anything else just ask
an android.
Hello Captain.
My name is Gazeth.
Captain Rameses wanted to see the
Communications room
These screens monitor the Earthlings
video broadcasts
Their news and entertainment etc.
This man claims to have been inside a
flying saucer
Forced to make love to a woman.
- Creative aren't they?
Not to say I accept his whole story. I
examined him and he was radioactive.
And the ground where - I have seen
enough. Thank you.
Dozens of sightings, hundreds of
pictures, thousands of witnesses
Whose testimony would be accepted in
any court of law,
Hi, ready to leave soon? - Yes, but
Dr. Frankenstein isn't.
I'm in the middle of an experiment,
what do you want me to do?
Are you going to finish pretty
soon? - No.
Well, you can always leave it and come
back to it.
You will observe their Reconnaissance
Ship. Down there on the far left.
You see it? - Yes.
That is the Ship you should visit now,
you have your instructions.
I understand Captain.
That Ship, it shall be done.
Yes, that Ship leaves immediately
- Thank you.
Disengage stationary systems.
Prepare gravity fields for flight.
Prepare for atmosphere flight.
Ground surface density, alter pressure
systems accordingly.
Pressure stabilised. Light
fields engaged.
Programming for observation area
one RX five.
That shouldn't be too difficult. We will
be back at the base in no time.
Look. look it's UFO. It's s a real UFO
I saw it, up there
You sure? - You think I don't know what
a flying saucer looks like?
Well, looks like it has gone now.
Alright Diane, we believe you - Don't
treat me like a child.
Hi there, how you doing? You look good.
I have something for your files.
I don't think that qualifies as
scientific data.
You want my personal opinion?
This whole UFO thing could be very
damaging to your career.
Why don't you admit it?
You know that UFO's
Perform a basic psychological function
What's that? - The same that religion
used to fulfil.
The whole unknown out there; where we
come from, where we are going.
And you latched onto UFO's - Thats
simply untrue.
I didn't want them
I am a scientist, exploring the unknown
is my job.
You know, you are accusing me of exactly
what you are doing.
You have a basic psychological need not
to believe in UFO's.
Rather than face that we are not the
only planet with intelligent life.
We all have psychological needs
Particularly if it affects our self
esteem - That's right.
I work with computers,
So I deal with facts and not fantasy.
They have picked us up on radar again,
how's he going to explain a UFO.
They will probably tell him he's crazy
- That's what they always say.
Let's take a closer look.
Here it comes again Sir.
I leave you alone with a scope for half
and hour and see what happens.
I can't believe it, something is wrong
with the scope.
No Sir, the scope is working perfectly.
Are you locked onto that?
Yes, Sir. I am.
I can't let it come in with
no identification.
Wait for the General to check it
out Sir? - There's not time for that.
Prepare to fire.
Prepare to fire!
Ready. Fire.
Fire, FIRE!!
What's that? - Malfunction in
the Forceshield.
That's never happened before.
Quick, check the computer.
What is it?
Sir, the electrode for the Forceshield
is missing.
No Forceshield. That means there is
nothing between us and that rocket!!
You got it Sir.
Get on the phone to General Lennox and
tell him what's happened.
Our Reconnaissance Ship is missing.
Investigate and return to base.
Captain, do you know anything about our
Ship that is missing?
That is no concern of yours
- What do you mean?
If you wish to survive, you will not
question me or interfere with us.
This is a warning. You will not
receive another.
Take your positions. Proceed with
the attack.
Seize the base.
It shall be done.
Take your positions.
All peace to you Galactic sisters.
All peace to you Galactic brothers.
Eliminate the technicians, I will
eliminate the others - Yes, Captain.
Hello there.
General Lennox - Sir.
What the hell was this and where did
it come from?
No one survived that crash. Return
to base.
Emergency. Rameses is attacking the
base, they are killing everyone.
His plan is clear, Rameses intends to
summon his fleet. Approach with caution.
Emergency. Base is under attack.
You were ordered not to interfere.
She sent an emergency message to their Ship.
You will intercept them -Yes, Captain.
Enemy Ship, heading towards us fast.
Climb as high as you can.
They are climbing, stay with them they
mustn't escape.
They mean to destroy us we will
have to fight.
Prepare for battle.
We have destroyed the Renegade.
Yes, but our computer has been damaged.
Can it be repaired?
Too many things have been ruined. We
need new parts.
Do what you can. It won't be long before
they locate us.
It will be difficult.
Then we must contact Earth people - They
are usually too scared to be of help.
How about the researcher we
were watching?
Yes, very well.
Control. Position Extermination unit in
orbit around the Earth.
And continue search for League of
Races Ships.
Connect the Extermination device and
begin transmission immediately.
Thank you.
This whole UFO thing is starting
to get to me.
I wouldn't worry about that, the
suicides are probably coincidence.
That's not what I mean.
It mean your obsession with them.
I won't become obsessed.
You are close to it.
It's even starting to effect Diane.
She thinks she is seeing flying
saucers now.
I guess if you marry an astronomer you
don't think he would become a UFO nut.
It's just that UFO's are such
bizarre things.
You are so attracted to them.
It seems you are not very happy with me
and Diane - That's not true at all.
The UFO's are a mystery at best.
Nothing to do with my feelings about you
- But that's not how you are acting.
I am interested in UFO's too,
But we need time to ourselves too.
Now Diane's gone, we have time
to ourselves.
Come here.
Have you located the researcher?
- Yes we will be there shortly.
Who's that?
There is somebody breaking in.
Allan, don't go.
Don't be afraid, you are inside a
Everything you suspect about
UFO's is true.
We have been visiting your planet for
thousands of years.
Our Earth base has been captured and
our Craft has been damaged in combat.
A Renegade group intends to exterminate
your race and repopulate the Earth.
We need a computer expert who can
work with us and obtain computer parts
And integrate them with our system so we
can save the Earth. Will you help?
If I do what you want
Will you take me back to my family?
Yes, we will.
Alright, I agree.
I know a computer expert.
Allan, you're back. What is it, you
forget something? - No.
Come on in, there's a great game on.
- No, come on out here.
Well okay.
Hello Malcolm.
Do not be alarmed, no harm will come
to you.
We are in need of your assistance.
An Unidentified Flying Object has been
seen on our screens over the past week.
We know that we monitor the Russians
and the Chinese so closely
And they monitor us so closely.
That this could not possibly have come
from planet Earth.
Therefore it is our belief
That it is from outer space.
This vehicle is orbiting the Earth
At about a hundred miles and in a very
unusual irregular pattern.
The frightening part is wherever this
vehicle tracks across a populated area
There is a tremendous increase in people
committing suicide.
However they are not
Committing suicide.
They are being murdered
By somebody or some being or
some sort of device
From outer space.
Now I can't impress on you gentlemen
the importance of secrecy.
Any announcement of this to the public
Could panic
And could mean the end of life as
we know it.
On this planet.
Special patrol. Continue search in
Sector 284.
League of Races' Ship must not escape.
We are just above the data
control centre.
Prepare gravity tools for touchdown.
You are not going to believe this but a
UFO has just landed in front of me.
Does it want a cab? - No it doesn't
want a cab.
Alright then don't bother me.
Captain, we have located the
missing Ship.
They have landed in the middle of
a large city.
Excellent, you have your instructions.
Intercept and destroy.
Yes Sir.
Hurry it up.
Our pursuers cannot be far behind.
Well done Allan, you finally made
the front page.
Here they are.
They are taking off we better move fast.
We must not fail - I know.
Come from behind.
Sir, enemy approaching rapidly.
Gentlemen, ready yourselves, we are
about to encounter one of the Renegades.
Time for the Fifth reckoning.
It has not been determined whether the
two scientists kidnapped by a UFO
Were aboard the flying saucer which
collided with the data control centre.
Dave Rawls has eyewitness reports and
interviews with the scientists wives.
Before this did you believe in UFO's?
No mister, I am no nut
This whole thing was for real.
First. I heard noises then saw this
thing coming down
Then landing and creatures getting out,
grab someone and then take off.
Has your husband shown the same interest
in UFO's as the Professor?
No, Malcolm thought they were a joke.
Do you think your husband will
be returned?
That's what I am worried about.
He had a heart attack about 2 years ago.
You actually saw the flying saucer land?
- I saw it, I saw them get out
Then they came over and they got him
and put him right inside it.
The poor man. Well, this might not be a
very nice thing to say
But I think he brought this all
on himself.
He was always on the TV and the radio,
talking about these UFO' flying around.
I think they saw him on TV and they
just came down and got him.
Prior to this did you share your
husbands interest in UFO's?
Quite frankly, no.
I believed they existed but
They just didn't seem important to me
I never thought they would have any
effect on what was important to me.
Loved ones
Everyday life
The here and now.
Are you thinking of your family? - Yes.
You must try to let go of worrying
about your family
Let it go, it clutters your own mind.
I know you would like to be with them
now but their only hope of survival
Is the successful completion of our
Is there anything I can do to protect
them? - Yes, help us in any way you can.
Which Star are you from?
We come from the Star called
There's a map inside our Craft showing
trade routes and deep space missions.
Surely as an astronomer you must have
realised where we came from? - Yes.
It's still difficult to accept.
What's your culture like?
It's been our experience that a little
knowledge can be a dangerous thing
When imparted to an unstable culture
such as yours.
Therefore I cannot answer your
question directly.
But I can tell you that we built the
great pyramid in Egypt 10,000 years ago.
When you understand it, you will know
how we built it, how we control gravity
Then you will understand our culture
and morality.
Now our computer is repaired we can
rendezvous with our allies in deep space
But first we have to recharge.
The Ship is powered through reversible
Reversing electric and magnetic energy
allows us to overcome gravity.
I recommend that you take one of these.
It will keep you from feeling tired and
hungry for the long trip ahead.
There are not unlike your vitamin pills
although considerably more effective.
Malcolm, why don't you try one?
Your friend has a good appetite.
As members of the League of Races, our
purpose is to protect the Treaty.
We are guardians of civilisation,
progress and evolution.
Rameses is an agent of barbarism
and chaos.
We will soon be in a life and death
If we fail, we not only lose our
own lives
We negate our very purpose
for existence.
We must win.
Engage all Force fields - Force fields
They are reading full charge Sir.
Altering magnetic field to allow for
lunar gravity.
The enemy Ship has just passed the moon,
follow and destroy.
I am afraid that this time the computer
is beyond repair.
You know the masses of these planets by
memory? - Yes, I think I can remember.
Then we must make a direct patch into
your mind for navigation.
And into your friends mind
for computation.
You must allow your mind to let go of all
its' petty concerns.
Your mind will move at a tremendous
As the navigator absorbs the necessary
information contained in your brain.
Malcolm, you will make the required
Until now you have never used more than
one percent of your mental capabilities.
You will experience at tremendous surge
of power as mass energy is released.
Do not be alarmed, there is nothing
to fear.
How can they pass these planets at
that speed? Increase velocity.
The most important scientific moment
We are going to face in the last third
of the century is
The explanation for UFO's.
Why don't the beings that control them
reveal themselves?
Perhaps they have, in a limited way
Perhaps they are wise enough
With extensive knowledge
Civilisations are like individuals
Diane, we are going to the supermarket
- I don't want to go.
We are going to the supermarket,
do as you're old.
I don't want to mother, I don't have to
do what you say.
I love you very much
We are both upset
We are going to help each other, ok?
Okay mother.
The weather forecast is overcast with a
chance for showers.
Temperature is 57 degrees.
Now a special bulletin. Marshall law is
still in effect in this area
The suicide epidemic is increasing and
world leaders are meeting in Washington.
Stay tuned to the station for
special bulletins.
It is going to be okay.
Now, let's get some groceries.
Hey, what do you think you are doing?
Someone's got to clean up that mess.
I am sorry.
Please go upstairs and put your coat
away - Okay.
Dorothy, you there?
Go upstairs with Diane, I don't want
her alone any more - Sure Kate.
Two Renegade Ships in pursuit,
full velocity.
Is he going to be alright?
- Yes, trust me.
Inform Captain Rameses there is a whole
squadron of enemy Ships out here.
Return to fleet, I will join you.
Rear-guard, report to base immediately.
We shall destroy this League, once
and for all.
You will remain here.
I will instruct you from Command Ship.
We shall destroy these aliens with their
own technology.
All Ships take battle formation.
Rameses is heading towards us with
his entire fleet.
I doubt his mission is one of peace.
We must wait no longer, let us begin.
All Ships, enemy approaching, all
Ships take battle positions.
Second squadron, drop to the
fifth sector.
Loose formation, do not become
easy targets.
They are calculating superior
probabilities by using our base computer
Second squadron is ready now, first
squadron will assume open formation.
How do you feel about the mass burials
that are going on now?
I think it's really awful.
I think it is completely wrong,
it's immoral.
They are just digging big holes and
dropping people in like dead dogs.
What about the diseases the bodies
could spread in the city?
People are going around killing
If we keep doing that there will not
be anyone left to get diseased anyway.
I have seen people who are okay one
minute, then do away with themselves.
I was walking along with my niece
She ran straight into a speeding car
with an insane look on her face.
Mummy, mummy,
Oh mummy
I don't think it'd be wise to tell the
researcher about his wife yet.
We promised Duncan we would return him
to his family - We will if we survive.
Receiving weak signal from base.
Wait, I think it is Durbal.
I think that I will be able to replace
My emergency power pack.
Durbal, you must try and get to the
Communications room.
Yes, I will try to get there.
Where are you now Durbal? You must
eliminate the enemy in that room.
Durbal where are you?
Answer me Durbal.
Enemy has been eliminated
- Very good Durbal.
Base control, where are you? I am not
receiving you.
Well done Durbal, excellent.
This is your Captain, what has happened?
Reply immediately.
What has happened?
Very good Durbal. Keep programming
the enemy Ships for collision.
The tide of battle has turned in our favour
Rameses fleet has been destroyed by his
own cleverness, thanks to Durbal.
All Rameses can do now is surrender.
Captain Rameses, do you read me?
Your fleet is destroyed, your purpose
has been defeated. I ask you surrender.
We hold no interest in any more killing.
Captain Rameses, please respond to me.
Rameses, there is no way you can escape,
you must surrender now.
I ask you again, please respond Captain.
Our work is not yet completed.
Proceed to Earth.
Transcribed by melquiades.