Steve Jobs: One Last Thing (2011) Movie Script

Steve Jobs was
a genius of the modern age.
He gave us tools
to change our lives
and the way we communicate.
Here comes a device
that comes with no manual,
and everybody knows
how to use it... amazing.
They weren't just hits in
the sense that they sold well,
but they actually changed
the whole nature of technology
and caused everyone else
to follow them.
This intimate portrait
is a revealing insight
into Steve Jobs' life...
Andy Warhol gets
down on his hands and knees,
Steve showing him
how to use the mouse.
His career...
He shook up
a whole industry.
His character...
Steve loved
those creative ideas.
His faults...
Steve ultimately
betrayed everyone.
His artistry...
Just the smooth
lines of it.
And his achievements...
He is going to inspire
a whole new generation.
By the people
who knew him best.
I'd give a lot to have
Steve's taste.
If he needed You,
he was your best friend,
and he would seduce you.
When I was having a hard time,
he would be on the phone,
he'd drive up
from silicon valley,
take me out for dinner,
hang out and take walks with me.
He turned on me,
total street bully,
in my face, screa...
We were... and I went crazy.
I'd never been there.
I don't ever want
to be there again.
How much fun we had... ohh...
How much fun we had in those
days doing things together,
you know, but you lose it,
you can't ever go back,
and just to have those conversations
that make us both smile.
Through their eyes,
we reveal what made him
the man who always gave us...
Now there's
one more thing.
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
"One Last Thing"
Mikhel for
Steven Paul Jobs died
on October 5, 2011,
at the age of 56,
a life cut short
in its creative prime by cancer.
His death was
not a surprise,
and yet its impact
reverberated around the world.
The news had spread,
and the tributes were created
on the new iDevices that
his visionary genius had made.
His is a success story that
could only have happened
in the U.S.A.
I don't mean to say
that there aren't geniuses
and world-changing people
everywhere... there are...
But I think in Jobs' case,
the particular path
of his career,
this could only have
happened in America.
Steve Jobs'
world-class salesmanship found
a global audience in his famous
Apple product presentations.
He always had
"one more thing" to announce.
Everyone thinks, "wow.
That's... that's so much,"
and, "well, we got
one more thing,"
and then you put
your biggest thing at the end
because it'll tip it.
It's good, uh... it's
good showmanship really.
that "one more thing"
has now become "one last thing."
The news that Steve Jobs
had finally logged out
made headlines everywhere.
This man really had
changed the world.
When you grow up,
you tend to get told
that the world
is the way it is,
and your... your life is just to
live your life inside the world,
try not to bash
into the walls too much,
try to have
a nice family life,
have fun, save a little money.
In this exclusive,
never before seen interview,
Steve Jobs gave a rare glimpse
of his vision of the world.
That's a very limited life.
Life can be much broader
once you discover
one simple fact,
and that is everything
around you that you call life
was made up by people that
were no smarter than you,
and you can change it,
you can influence it,
you can build your own things
that other people can use.
Um, once you learn that,
you'll never be the same again.
In the Los altos suburb
of San Francisco, California,
just about everybody
was an engineer
or worked in electronics
a childhood spent here
in the future silicon valley
was the first key lucky break
in Steve Jobs' young life.
His closest childhood
friend was Bill Fernandez.
In about eighth grade,
halfway through,
this new guy came
into the school,
who was Steve Jobs,
and we were both introverted,
kind of socially inept,
and we gravitated
towards each other.
The two boys shared
the same hobby.
We started taking long walks
and talking
about the meaning of life
and what is this all about,
and after a while
we started doing...
In addition to walking
and talking...
Doing electronics
projects together.
Fernandez also knew
another electronics geek,
his neighbors' son
Steve Wozniak,
universally known as Woz.
So one day, Steve Jobs bicycled
over to hang out with me
and do electronics projects
in the garage,
and out in front was Wozniak
washing his car.
So I thought to myself,
"ok. This Steve is
"an electronics buddy,
he's an electronics buddy.
They'd probably like to
meet each other."
had no idea at the time
that the meeting
between his two friends
would change our world.
Jobs and Woz were soon to
start a business together.
Its name was Apple.
If Woz and Jobs
had never met,
there never would have been
an Apple computer.
There would have
been computers,
and there would have
been personal computers,
but we probably wouldn't have
the kind of
wonderful empowering
things that people
fall into if Woz
and Jobs hadn't met.
This neighborhood
we grew up in had
a lot of
lockheed engineers in it,
and I would go up
and down the street
to the various dads
on the street
and get mentored
in electronics,
and Steve Wozniak's father
was one of the people
who mentored me.
As Jobs and I were
walking over,
I noticed Woz out
washing his car,
and I said, "hey, Woz.
Um, come over and meet Steve."
So, "Steve, meet Steve."
And this is where
it happened,
basically right here.
Woz and Jobs became
inseparable friends,
but their first venture was not
a computer.
The pair developed
an electronics Kit
mimicking telephone
router codes
to make free calls
around the world.
You know, when you make
a long distance phone call
in the background you hear,
"do do do do do"?
Those are the telephone computers
actually signing each other,
sending information to each
other to set up your call.
And there used to be
a way to fool
the entire telephone system
into thinking
you were
a telephone computer.
You could, you know,
call from a pay phone,
go to white plains, new York,
take a satellite to Europe
take a cable to turkey,
um, come back to Los Angeles,
and you'd go around the world
3 or 4 times and call
the payphone next door,
shout in the phone,
and be about 30 seconds, it
would come out the other phone.
The pair quickly moved
on from phone-jacking for fun
to creating computers,
building the prototype
of the very first Apple.
It's a fond memory
for Steve Wozniak.
He was always thinking
about certain technology,
the early products that got
developed, the building parts,
what those might lead to
in our future,
and he was a always pushing
me as an engineer...
"Could you possibly
add this someday,
could you possibly add
that someday?"
Yes, yes, yes, I could,"
thinking, "no.
It's way, way off,"
but eventually we all did.
In those early days,
Woz and Jobs took their creation
to the home-brew computer club,
an early computer club,
an early computer users' group
in silicon valley,
where it quickly attracted
attention from their peers.
I met both Steves,
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
at a meeting
of the home-brew computer club
in Palo Alto.
Our first meeting
was really simple.
It was in the parking lot,
and I helped them
unload Woz's FIA and carried in what
I guess was the first Apple I
to show it off
to the assembled multitudes.
When that same first
Apple I was auctioned in 2010,
it attracted
even more attention.
It heralds
the home computing revolution.
This is the first computer
where you use a keyboard
and a screen
to enter and read data.
for 110,000.
From the hippie days
of 1970s California,
a handful of teenage geeks
emerged to change
how we work, play,
and communicate with each other.
Founders can be
divided into two camps.
There are hippies,
and there are nerds,
and Jobs was definitely
the hippie,
and Woz was the nerd.
And the hippie has
the grand vision,
and the nerd is able
to realize the vision.
The nerd knows everything
about women
but doesn't know any women.
You know,
Steve knew women.
So there's that distinction.
So they really
needed each other.
He knew how to beat it
out of Woz,
and he would do that,
and his contributions
at that time were saying,
"gosh. We could
sell these things."
I mean, which doesn't
sound like much,
but it's huge when you're
dealing with a guy in Woz
who never thought
about selling anything.
I wanted it to happen
so badly,
I gave this computer away.
I gave away the listings,
no copyright notices,
no nothing,
and then Steve Jobs came
and saw the interest,
and he said
"why don't we start
a company to make some money?"
And I said, "fine."
They did want
to start a business.
They raised money to
start a business.
They knew that they couldn't
do it on their own.
They sought out
older people to help,
and Steve Jobs in particular
was quite persuasive.
In Apple's earliest
days, the two Steves,
Jobs and Woz, took on an older
and more experienced partner.
Ronald Wayne now lives
and works near Las Vegas,
a fitting location for
a man who walked away
with nothing from
a $37 billion no-lose bet.
Wayne was invited to discuss
a business proposal
with Jobs and Woz.
That was the first time
I had met Steve Wozniak,
a fascinating guy
a fun guy to be with,
very... not only a fun guy
to be with,
the most gracious man
I've ever met in my life.
As far as Wozniak
was concerned,
the world was
a great big sand box
with a lot of toys
to play with.
But Ron's opinion
of Steve Jobs was not so hot.
I wouldn't put gracious
in his description.
He had the kind of manner,
the kind of approach to people
and environments that
were business directed, ok?
He was extremely serious.
Wayne acted as referee
in a minor difference of opinion
between the two equal partners.
Well, Steve Jobs was
so impressed
with my diplomacy
in that particular situation
that he immediately
came back and said,
"ok. What we're going
to do is form a company,"
with Woz and Jobs
getting 45% each,
and I would get 10%
as a tiebreaker
in the event
of any philosophical disputes
that might occur
in the future.
10% of Apple
today would be worth
but despite his share
in the company,
Ron was worried
that working with Jobs and Woz
might prove to be
too stressful.
At 40, I thought I was getting
a little old for that.
They were absolute whirlwinds.
It was like having
a tiger by the tail.
So Ron decided
to hand back his share
for nothing and walk
away with no regrets.
A lot of people
have the impression
that somehow or other I got
diddled out of something.
Well, I did not.
Nobody diddled me out of anything.
Wayne may not be bitter,
but he wasn't the only
early Apple employee
who made a life decision
most of us would regret.
The funny thing is that
Steve Jobs hired me,
and he said... he had hair just
down to his waist at the time,
and as I recall
he only ate fruit,
and he said,
"we don't have very much loot,
so we'd like to
pay you in stock."
I held out for the cash.
When Steve Jobs
first launched Apple,
the computer industry meant
mainframes and minicomputers.
Huge devices sat
in air conditioned rooms,
and users worked
on terminals.
It wasn't
a personal experience.
The Apple II was
the first computer
that looked like
a consumer electronic device.
It was actually designed,
and they thought
about the user experience
and that it was intended
really to be used
by a single person
in some interactive way
that was enjoyable
to the user, different.
Steve always
thought much more broadly
than just technology.
He was certainly
a techno-visionary,
but the key to his greatness is
to see how broad he thought.
He was obsessed with design,
with elegant design,
and he was obsessed
with the overall experience
of technology and the idea
of creativity generally.
So somehow he was able
to bring these things together
and create technology that
made peoples' eyes light up.
And I wait 8 hours
in a line,
and I'm hungry,
I am everything you imagine,
but I'm happy.
I wait for my iPad
and really, really,
really happy now.
Jobs drew on a diverse
range of influences to feed
his creativity, including
a class he dropped into
at college in Portland, Oregon,
in the early seventies.
Reed college has one
of the best calligraphy courses
in the U.S.
His teacher had a major impact
on his aesthetic
and the clean lines
of his products.
We had many very bright
students here,
d we had bright thinkers
and people that wanted
to change things
and improve the world.
But Palladino
witnessed first hand
the impact Jobs
had on his peers.
The other
students brought him to me
like they were bringing me
someone very special.
They really had
a high regard for him.
I guess they could see
the dynamics
already forming
in his thinking.
Jobs completed
the course in 1974
but returned to palladino
just two years later.
He was enthusing
about a machine he
had created in his garage
and seeking advice on a font.
He was interested in telling
me what he was doing
and how he was using
what he had learned in class,
but he wanted some help
with Greek letters
because he wanted
a Greek font,
and he couldn't find
satisfactory models to go from.
Before Steve started working
on computer typefaces,
they were in very bad condition,
and any improvement
would be a step forward.
The resulting fonts
appeared not just on Macs
but ultimately PCs, too,
dramatically improving
the user experience
but not for Robert.
I never touch computers.
I write everything by hand.
Getting letters in the mail
is getting to be very rare.
Dropping out of college,
Jobs went on the hippie trail,
traveling to India
and studying Buddhism,
this also had an impact
on his work at Apple.
I first met Steve in 1975.
He had recently returned
from India.
He's way ahead of his time.
He wasn't
the typical teenager.
He asked questions that t re
a lot more serious
than the normal 20-year-old.
He was looking to understand
the true nature of things,
and I think he came
to the zen center
Toto continue his search.
Steve was very much taken
with Zen, Zen Buddhism.
Zen represents
the relationship between things,
things of the world.
In zen, it's expressed
in the art.
You see it in flower
arranging, Ikebana,
you see it calligraphy,
you see it in in artworks.
Steve was very much taken
with that
and especially calligraphy.
He noticed the way the lines and
the spaces had a relationship.
I think his genius was being
able to take the principles
of zen and incorporate it
into the products
that came out of Apple.
Jobs freely acknowledged how
these outside influences
had affected him.
He was always trying
to look for external references
and external influences,
and he'd talk about, you know, his
Mercedes was beautifully designed
because those German guys were
thinking beautiful thoughts, I guess.
He loved aphorisms.
You know, Picasso said,
"good artists copy,
great artists steal,"
and he loved to say that.
He was the guy
who came with
"something would be
insanely great."
What does that mean?
Much of what Apple did was built
on the efforts of others.
A 1979 deal gave him access
to Xerox technology,
one thing blew him away,
a prototype mouse.
He gave his own team orders
to make one, only better.
"You got to build it
for less than 15 bucks,
"it's got to last two years,
"I want it to work
on the desktop,
"a normal formica desktop,
and I also want to be able
to use it on my jeans."
As I left the meeting
headed out to my car,
I was thinking,
"does this really make sense?
Is Steve crazy
or is there something here?"
If Steve
wanted something,
his team just had to innovate,
so for dean n at meant a trip
to the drug store.
As I entered Walgreens,
I had in my mind
most importantly was,
"where do I find
these spheres,
these balls to be a part
of the mouse?"
And I had thought
about the underarm deodorant
as the right solution.
And I emerged with some
roll-on deodorant
and a butter dish.
And as you can see here,
there are of course
different sized balls,
depending upon how
it is applied.
Not only that,
but then, once I had the balls,
I said, that's a quick
way to have a structure
to put around the ball so that I
can start interacting with it?"
I remember going to
the house wares area,
and I found a butter dish
which was about this big,
and that became
the beginning part
for the mouse, as I felt it.
So I used the butter dish,
the roll-on ball
and was able to create
a prototype.
It's hard to believe
that in a design so small
as something that fits
in your hand
there could be much
controversy around it,
but it turns out there
was one major controversy,
which was how
many buttons should there be?
The original Xerox PARC
had 3 buttons,
and there was a great debate about
how many buttons were right,
and Steve always had
the notion of simplicity.
The magic of Apple products
is simple.
There was one button,
and it's magic.
From the early days,
one man influenced Steve Jobs
more than any other,
his friend and rival Bill Gates.
Apple's history interweaves
with Microsoft's.
Their CEOs gave
a unique interview
to journalist
Walter Mossberg.
It was
to my knowledge the only time
they ever got onstage
together to submit themselves
to an extended interview
with journalists.
Their interview gave
Walt unparalleled insights
into the dynamics
of their relationship.
But then there was
a floating...
From the start,
Gates was overshadowed
by the more polished,
confident Jobs.
I made... I...
Let me tell the story.
So Woz...
I'm not
fake Steve Jobs.
If you saw them together, Steve
always dominated the conversation.
In part that's because I think Bill
was always fascinated by Steve.
He was a real observer, and he would
just look at this guy and say,
"what the heck
is going on here?"
We've kept our marriage
secret for over a decade now.
He admired Steve for his ability
to interface with people,
connect with them,
you know, affect them.
They were partners,
you know, for a long time.
The very first Apple II computers
had Microsoft software in them.
But while
the banter was good-natured,
the rivalry between the two
was deep-rooted.
I personally can
attest to having heard
each of them say very nasty
things about the other
off the record in private
over the years.
I think the antipathy partly
grew out of two things.
On Jobs' side,
he believed that Microsoft
had stolen
the basic ideas in the Mac.
From the point of view
of Gates, I think,
he found Jobs difficult
to deal with.
Steve is so know
for his restraint.
I think Gates felt
that Jobs got more credit
than he might have deserved
as being the great technologist.
Neither person is
hugely likable.
Certainly Steve Jobs is
an acquired taste,
and so is Bill Gates
for that matter.
Um, they both have
their moments.
Bill Gates is a a better friend
than Steve Jobs,
but Steve Jobs is more
fun than Bill Gates.
Jobs had
glamour and dynamism.
By the mid 1980s,
he was one of the richest
self-made men in America.
He was just 29.
People are going to bring
them home over the weekend
to work on something
Sunday morning.
They're not going to be able to
get their kids away from them,
and maybe someday
they'll even buy a second one
to leave at home.
Which made him
a natural subject for "playboy."
Interviewing Jobs was
a unique experience
for writer David Sheff.
The phone rung one day,
and it was not
a PR person who called,
but it was Jobs himself,
and it really was
an indication of the way
that he did business
and really continued
to do business.
Apple was very different.
The second you walked in the door,
you felt like you were
in a completely new environment.
The conference rooms
instead of, you know,
of number 103c were called
Da Vinci and Michelangelo
and Picasso,
and indeed it was Picasso
that I was escorted to
to see Jobs for the first time.
As the two got
Toto know each other,
Sheff realized he had
a front row seat
on what was then an unimaginable
technological future.
Steve started
drawing on a place mat.
We went back and forth,
and basically by the end
of that constructed what looks
exactly like an iPad.
Steve said this machine,
this small device
as big as a book,
would allow us to keep
in touch with one another,
it will replace the telephone
and would replace bookstores.
He saw it as a reader
on this very small device
and read it with editing
capacity, note-taking capacity.
I mean, he really envisioned
the iPad almost 30 years ago.
Jobs and sheff quickly
became close friends.
Through the late sixties
and seventies
in very similar ways, gong through
some of the counter culture,
you know being, influenced by
some of the eastern mysticism,
buddhism, the LSD culture,
Timothy leary.
Turn on, tune in, rock out.
He was always so excited
about everything,
and we went to movies together,
and we went
to the opera together,
and he could talk
about everything,
and he was this incredibly
giving, loyal friend.
When I was having a hard time,
we'd be on the phone,
he'd drive up
from silicon valley,
take me out to dinner,
hang out,
and take walks with me,
and, um, that's pretty rare.
In 1984, they visited
the home of Yoko Ono
for the ninth birthday party
of Sean,
her son with John Lennon.
Jobs took along a birthday
gift that fascinated
not only Sean but the whole
star-studded guest list.
Steve opened it up,
pulled out what was
one of those first Macintoshes
off the assembly line,
set it up on the floor.
Sean was down on the floor
with him, Steve turned it on,
put macpaint in there.
It took him about two seconds to
show Sean how to deal with it,
and Sean pretty soon
was drawing pictures.
Later Steve told me it was one
of the first times
he'd watched a child
with a Mac.
Eventually I sort of became aware
that there were some people who'd
come in to the room,
and I looked over my shoulder,
and there was Andy warhol.
So there was this great moment
that I'll never forget.
Andy warhol gets down
on his hands and knees
with Sean on one side
and Steve on the other side.
I member that warhol
would pick up the mouse,
and instead of gliding it
along the floor,
the tiled floor
in Sean's bedroom,
he would sort of pick it up
and was trying to figure out
how to make it work,
and Steve very patiently
would sort of lower
his hand down and say,
"no. You kind of push it along."
So Andy sort of
fooled around with it,
and he was
completely mesmerized.
I mean, when he zoned in
on something,
the rest
of the world disappeared,
and that was what it was like
watching warhol
in front of a macintosh
for the first time.
And then he got this big smile
on his face, and he looked up.
He said, "I drew a circle."
And it was great.
Life had been good
for Steve Jobs.
He was worth a million dollars
when he was 21.
He was worth $10 million
when he was 22.
He was worth $100 million
when he was 23 years old.
So he knew nothing but success,
and when you're 23 years old,
you're worth $100 million,
you are pretty damn
full of yourself,
and that's what Steve became,
and so he had huge ambition.
But in 1985
at the age of 30,
his charmed run of luck was
about to come to an abrupt halt.
Seeking someone to help run his
rapidly expanding business,
he hired in Pepsi executive
John Sculley.
President John Sculley
admits Apple will be
just another personal computer
company unless macintosh
becomes an industry milestone
in the n nt 100 days.
There was kind of
a love affair at the beginning.
I mean, Steve
really trusted him
and really saw
a kindred spirit,
someone who would help him
build Apple.
His love was Apple.
He envisioned being
with Apple for his life.
He said, "but that doesn't
mean there won't be periods
"when I will leave
and I will do other things
and my life will
weave in and out of Apple."
Once again,
Jobs' foresight was spot on.
Two years after Sculley
arrived at Apple,
the love affair turned sour
as company profits faltered.
Steve was never
fired from Apple,
but he was ostracized
and demoted
and put in an office
in an empty building,
and after that he...
He resigned in 1985
and then immediately sold his
more than 6 million shares...
He was the largest single
shareholder of Apple at the time,
and sold his stock
at a bad price
and didn't get as much money
as he should have
or could have had he done it
smartly, but he was angry.
He felt so betrayed,
so angry, so disillusioned
that Sculley was, in his mind,
at least part of
if not the ringleader in what
he viewed as a coup
to remove him,
and Steve was pissed off,
and he was really pissed off
about Sculley
because he brought Sculley
in and trusted him
and then felt betrayed by him.
So he sold his stock
and he went off,
took his tens of millions
of dollars
but not hundreds
of millions of dollars
and started a new life.
But there were still
people willing to back him
with hard cash.
One of them was self-made
texan billionaire
and former presidential
candidate Ross Perot.
He saw how wounded Jobs
had been by Apple.
I think at first it was
a tremendous disappointment,
which I can
certainly understand.
Secondly, he picked himself up,
dusted himself off,
and started all over again
with very little hesitation,
and I really admired that.
You know, otherwise you could
sit around in a dark room
and sulk about it,
but that's not Steve.
Steve started
a company called NeX to do a computer that was
gonna be what he thought
Apple should have been.
Uh, to aim it at the education
market because they...
Apple had had conspicuous
success in education.
There were some people
he could steal from Apple
to market to that segment,
and he thought
starting small made sense.
But even starting
small needs big money.
I invested $20 millions in NeXT.
He contacted me, asked me
to be a principal investor
and to serve
on the board with him,
and I agreed to do it just
because of my support for him,
and there was no question
in my mind that if he...
If he wanted to do it,
it would get done.
He's great with attracting
and motivating
the best of the best people.
He's great at encouraging
men to be creative
and come up with new ideas
and not just be little robots,
which many big companies just
want you to be a little robot
and do what you're told to do,
and the last thing they want to
hear from you is a creative idea.
Steve loved those
creative ideas,
and that was a magic part
of the success of NeXT.
A new Steve Jobs was
rising out of the ashes
of the boardroom battle
at Apple,
and this time he was ruthless.
He invested $5 million capital
in a corporation called Pixar,
and he took 70% of the company,
and the employees took 30%.
Steve kept investing because
we would run out of money
and he did not want to be
embarrassed by failure
after having been
booted out of Apple,
so he would put more money in
and take more equity away
from the employees.
So over the course
of about 4 or 5 years,
he owned it all.
Alvy quickly
felt he was losing control
to the new master.
I would look at my employees
looking at Steve,
and I realized they're in love.
They're just looking up
at him with big Doe eyes
just soaking in
everything he's saying
as if it was true,
and it wasn't.
So you can see that
it was very disruptive.
Our management style was
to be two hours away from him,
try not to have him come
into the building.
Standing up to Jobs
could be a painful experience,
as Alvy found out in one
memorable boardroom meeting.
He turned on me,
total street bully,
in my face, scream...
We wer... and I went crazy.
I'd never been there.
I don't ever want
to be there again.
That's the reason
I got away from him.
We were screaming
at each other in full bull rage
with our faces
about that far apart,
and during that...
So he was insulting
my southwestern accent.
It was just
street bully stuff.
I ill don't know
what happened.
Something broke.
And during this face-off...
Literally a face-off...
I marched past him
and wrote on the whiteboard.
Now it was
unspoken rule...
Which I hate,
unspoken rules...
That only he could sit
in front of the whiteboard
and only he could use it.
Nobody had ever tested it,
but at this point,
I tested it.
I marched past him
and I wrote on the whiteboard,
and he said,
"y-y-you can't do that.
And I said,
"what? Write on a whiteboard?"
And he stormed out
of the room,
and then I was in shock
for the next week or moths.
I just didn't know
what had happened.
Everyone in Steve Jobs' life
went through 3 phases...
They were either being
seduced, ignored, or scourged,
and it all depended upon
whether he needed you or not.
If he needed you,
he was your best friend,
and he would seduce you,
and then you would work
like a dog,
and if you weren't working hard
enough, he would scourge you,
and ultimately he would
throw you away.
On the personal level,
it was not fun,
it was not the way I want to be
treated by another human being.
Steve ultimately
betrayed everyone.
And some said
the new Steve Jobs wasn't afraid
of claiming
l the credit, too.
Disney took "toy story"
and another one
of their movies to new York
for the critics to see,
and the critics just...
They didn't even look at the other movie.
They just went nuts
when they saw "toy story,"
and they came back
and basically told Steve
that it was going to be
a huge success,
and that's when he... that's
the point his ability to see
something spectacular
is about to happen.
He just moved just in and
exploited that right to the hilt,
and I must say he did
a great job.
He became
a billionaire from it.
So Steve's genius is to move
when he has a good idea.
I don't think they're
necessarily his ideas,
but, boy, does he know
how to move
and market them like crazy.
He the world's
genius marketeer,
including of his own self-image.
But the best
was yet to come for Jobs.
Apple was in trouble.
They wanted him back.
They were begging
him to come back
because they knew
he could fix it,
and he did come back,
and he fixed it,
and the rest is history.
One man who witnessed
Jobs' return to Apple
was friend Walt Mossberg.
He came back to Apple,
and the company was almost dead.
Literally. It was 90 days
from going bankrupt.
He said to the people
at this very demoralized,
almost out of business company,
"we're not looking backward.
"I don't really care
that we once had
"the first successful
personal computer.
"I really don't care that we
were famous and successful.
"We're not anymore, and this
is where we're starting from,
and this is where
we're moving."
And so when you see the second
coming of Steve Jobs and Apple,
Apple went from being
a wide-open and wacky company
to be a very
disciplined company
that understood
its financials
at a level that
few companies do.
That's because Steve thought
of every dollar
as being his every dollar.
They have resolved these
differences in a very, very...
It was an investment
from Bill Gates
that ultimately helped
to save Apple,
but when Gates made
a a live appearance with Jobs
to explain the deal,
it didn't go down well
with the loyal
Apple audience.
Bill Gates was actually onstage
rescuing Apple, rescuing Apple.
He did two things.
He gave them $150 million
for which he got
nonvoting stock
that expired
after a certain
number of years,
and he promised to
keep producing Microsoft office,
the macintosh version,
for, I think, 5 years,
and so he was onstage
rescuing Apple,
and yet the acolytes
who were filling the room
had learned to hate him.
They treated him as,
you know the, devil,
the antichrist,
and they booed him.
But Jobs with his eye
ever on the bottom line,
had a different view.
There were too many
people at Apple
and in the Apple ecosystem
playing the game of
"for Apple to win,
Microsoft has to lose,"
and it was clear that you
didn't have to play that game
because Apple wasn't
going to beat Microsoft.
Apple didn't have
to beat Microsoft.
Apple had to remember
who Apple was.
It was just crazy what
was happening that time,
and Apple as very weak,
and so I called Bill up
and we tried
to patch things up.
I think he learned to be
a better businessman.
I think he learned
a little more humility.
Steve really changed
in a number of ways,
and he changed primarily
because of failure.
Failure affected him,
and he learned from.
Jobs created a brand-new
product at Apple, the iMac.
I think there was
a decision to look different.
Remember, their motto immediately after
his return was "think different,"
and he didn't say that
because he didn't believe it.
He really did want
to think different,
and they would have to
appear different
to show that they
were thinking different.
The pair joked about
the relationship
between "Mac Man" Jobs
and "PC Man" Bill Gates.
PC guy is great
but not a big heart.
His mother
loves him.
His mother
loves him.
PC guy is what makes it
all work actually.
All right.
It's worth
thinking about.
The truth about Bill Gates
is a brilliant man
who you could... and I did talk to
for long periods about the future.
He could think
quite intelligently
about the future,
but the way Microsoft worked
as a business was far more
incremental than Apple.
All the while, they were
working on some big leap,
and Microsoft tended
to do the incremental stuff
almost all the time.
What's Steve's done
is quite phenomenal.
His ability to
always come around
and figure out where
that next bet should be
has been phenomenal.
Apple literally
was failing
when Steve went back
and re-infused
the innovation
and risk-taking
that have been
So the industry has benefited
immensely from his work.
We've both been lucky
to be part of it,
but I'd say he's contributed
as much as anyone.
I think he built the
first software company
before anybody
really in our industry
knew what
a software company was
except for these guys
and that was huge.
Bill Gates is a brilliant man.
He did a lot
for the world in technology.
And he is now doing a lot
for the world in philanthropy,
and I think highly
of Bill Gates,
but...Of the two of them,
the one that took
the bigger risks
and changed the game more often,
it was Steve...
It was Steve Jobs.
I'd give a lot to have
Steve Jobs' taste.
He has natural...
It's not a joke
at all.
I think in terms
of intuitive taste
both for people
and products,
the way he does things
is just different,
and I think
it's magical.
Despite their rivalry,
in this joint appearance
after Jobs had been
diagnosed with cancer,
they displayed
a healthy respect
and even affection
for one another.
I think of most things
in life as either
a Bob Dylan
or Beatles song,
but there's that one line
in that one Beatles song,
"you and I have memories
longer than the road
that stretches out ahead,"
and that's clearly
true here.
That's sweet
I think we should
end it there.
It was one of the highlights
of my journalistic career
to be there.
Thank you very much
Thank you
so much.
In fact,
we were quite taken aback
by the standing ovation
and seeing some of the people
from where we were sitting
onstage actually shedding tears.
It sounds strange, but it was
actually an emotional thing.
So I can move this with just
a touch anywhere I want.
Steve Jobs, now at the peak
of his creative genius,
was leading Apple to the peak
of its creative success.
The key to the success
of the company
was in moving
beyond the computer,
was in seeing how
the microprocessor
was getting so cheap
that it could be applied
to other consumer
electronic devices.
new products poured
in a seemingly endless stream
from Apple's
development laboratories,
pouring a stream of cash
into Apple's coffers.
250 million or a billion or
however many iPods are out there
are what built
the Apple of today, not the Mac.
the age of 50,
barely a quarter
of a century after making
his first million greenbacks,
Jobs was worth $2.3 billion.
Now he picked up the pace
of Apple's evolution.
They were yesterday's news.
He was conquering
the world of music.
Great new products.
Jobs was hurting
his competitors.
iTunes pretty well killed off
the music store,
and virgin mega-stores,
you know, have slowly
been disappearing
around the world.
Half a million songs
are downloaded
on iTunes every day,
in many cases
changing artists' lives.
Hip-hop group
the black eyed peas were asked
to star
in an iTunes commercial.
They later became the most
downloaded band on iTunes,
but at the time,
they didn't understand
this new cultural phenomenon.
They said, "hey. They want to
use a black eyed peas song
for an iTunes commercial,"
and I said what's iTunes?"
And they said,
"they're not paying much,
but they're going to
give you guys iPods."
"What's an iPod?"
This is the new iPod Nano.
But Jobs' influence
on the music industry
went far beyond
simple star making.
Way before iTunes,
Steve Jobs has been
a part of music because
every major studio
has a Mac computer in it.
I mean, the Mac computer is
an artist's computer.
are still important,
but people like Steve Jobs
are uber, uberimportant.
They bought CDs,
and they want to buy downloads.
People don't want
to rent their music
Life in Apple's orchard
had never been more fruitful.
Then Steve Jobs
learned he had cancer.
A standing ovation
for Apple ceo Steve Jobs
as he greeted the public
for the first time
in more than a year.
He carried on working,
but the years that followed
were a roller coaster
of hope and despair.
Most poignantly he
was asked
what the next few years
might hold.
The future is long.
Ha ha ha!
The last few years have reminded
me that life is fragile
um, you know...
Finally he
withdrew from public life.
Only his closest friends saw
how he was coping
with the threat
of an early death.
Steve Jobs loved
to take walks.
He did a lot of his thinking
and his talking
with his close friends
like Larry Ellison
and a number of other people
that he was friendly with
in silicon valley,
and he would go
on these long walks sometimes
around Palo Alto,
where he lived,
and sometimes in other places.
It just was his preferred
method of thinking
and daydreaming ideas
with people.
One day I was out
in silicon valley.
He found out about it,
and he conveyed to me
that he would like me
to come over to his house,
and this was just after
his liver transplant,
which as we all know is
a very serious kind of thing
that takes
a lot of recovery,
and he wanted me to come over
and just talk
about industry gossip
in a way or events
that had gone on
since he'd been
kind of out of action.
He was very frail.
We talked about his health,
and he talked about how
he felt he was recovering,
and in the middle of this,
he said, "let's go for a walk,"
and I said, "really? Really?
You're sure you want
to go for a walk?"
We're about halfway
to the neighborhood park,
and he stops, you kn..
He wasn't gasping for air
or anything,
but he was not
well-looking man,
and I said, "Steve, why don't
we go back to the house?"
And he smiled or chuckled,
and he said,
"no. We're not going
back to the house.
"I just need a minute and then
we're gonna go on to the park
"because that's my goal.
"I set a goal every day,
and my goal now
is to get to this park."
I said, "you're sure?"
And he said, "yeah."
So we walked to the park,
and, you know, he was fine.
We talked by the way
the whole way.
We were dog
what he does on walks,
which is we were talking
about different things,
and we got to the park,
and we sat on a bench,
and we talked about...
In the park,
if I remember correctly,
we actually talked
more about life and health
and... you know,
I had had a heart attack
some years before,
and he was lecturing me
about that,
and I was sort of
lecturing him, as well,
about work/life balance
and all these things,
and then we got up
and walked back
and talked some more.
And the last thing
he said to me was
"you know, Walt,
you and I have been
"through lots of adventures
over the last 15 years,
and we're going to have some
more adventures to come."
We never did.
On October 5, 2011,
Steve Jobs died.
The next day, his closest
friend and colleague
Steve Wozniak paid
his own tribute.
I'm going to miss
the chance to go to him
and just sit down and share
just person to person.
How much fun we had... ohh...
How much fun we had
in those days
doing things together.
You lose it,
you can't ever go back
and just have those
that make us both smile.
As the world mourned,
the most fitting tribute
came from one
of Steve Jobs' young fans.
19-year-old Hong Kong-based
design student
Jonathan Mak Long
created an image
on his Mac that went viral
around the world.
There was no real
research behind it.
I just messed around
on my computer,
and it just happened.
It made sense to incorporate
his silhouette,
his profile into the logo.
It's gotten around
200,000 responses on my blog.
Some people have said to me
that the logo actually
made them cry,
and I thought it was
a really strong
reaction to have,
but it made sense
because Steve Jobs
had such a great impact
on our world.
He wasn't just this person who
made all these great gadgets.
He actually changed
the that way we communicate.
When you grow up,
you tend to get told
that the world is the way it is
and your life
is just to live
your life inside the world,
try not to bash into
the walls too much,
try to have a nice
family life, have fun,
save a little money.
How amazing is it that we live
in an era where his legacy
will transform people's lives
and experiences of technology
for the foreseeable future?
This single individual
gave us the original Apple,
the macintosh, and Pixar
and the iPod
and the iPhone, iPad.
That is astonishing.
Steve Jobs created the most
respected brand in the world
and shook up
a whole industry,
and he did it with a lot
of panache and style,
and, you know, great respect
for him for it.
Life can be much broader
once you discover
one simple fact,
and that is everything
around you that you call life
was made up by people that
were no smarter than you.
The facts are
the story of his life,
the story of his successes,
the story of his achievements,
the stories
of the great things he did
for other people
continue to go on because
that's good
for our country,
it's good for the nation,
it's good for the world,
and it's also good
for the people.
Of course, that's
what it's all about.
I think the world
will miss Steve Jobs.
He took stuff
to a new place,
and I do identify with that.
It's exciting when you do that,
so I do find
the excitement of that,
and he also made things
that were beautiful,
great to touch, great to hold,
good to look at,
and different colors.
The minute you understand
that you can poke life
and actually something will...
You know, if you push in,
something will pop out
the other side,
you can you can change it,
you can mold it,
um, that's the most
important thing.
There's one thing
on which everyone agrees...
Steve Jobs left a legacy
that has changed the world.
He had the ability
to think up new ways
of doing things,
not just improve what we have,
do a better version
of something,
but do it in a totally
different way
that the world would
swing towards.
And so we fall in love
with Steve because he gave us
these toys that were not only
fun but really useful. Wow!
It's upended industry
after industry,
it's forced everyone
else to follow in his path,
and it has touched
billions of people.
He will be regarded
as the person who unlocked
the creativity
of a whole generation.
He's changed the way we look
at computers, phones,
how we share, interact.
He's going to inspire
a whole new generation.
A 5-year-old 20 years from now
is going to create and design
and invent and define a world
totally different
than the way we see it now,
and it's going to be
because of Steve Jobs.
Even then he had
this ability to bridge
a very intellectual world
of high technology
with something
that everyone could relate to.
Here's a guy who revolutionized
the computer industry,
the music industry,
the motion picture industry,
the telephone industry...
There's 4...
And maybe more,
I don't know,
but certainly those 4,
and if you compare him
with Edison,
well, there was
the electric power industry,
the motion picture industry,
and the music industry.
Edison only had 3.
That's impact.
To find out more
about Steve Jobs
and watch the program again
online, go to
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