Stormhouse (2011) Movie Script

Level nine.
You must be Mr. Groves.
Follow me closely.
We're quite a ways down, huh?
Well, what's in the other
eight levels above us?
Have you actually seen it...
the apparition?
I'm not authorized
to share that information.
But I obviously know about it.
That's why I'm here.
Best speak to Major Lester.
Okay. It's just to me
this is kind of a big deal.
But I thought I paid extra
for the penthouse.
Someone will come and
take you to see the major.
Wait, can I get my phone back
once it's been checked out?
It's been confiscated for
the duration of your stay.
For the whole 10 days?
But I need to make
daily reports
to Minister McGillis.
You'll be permitted to make
monitored phone calls
through the approved channels.
Oh, hi.
- I'm... do you want...?
- It's all right.
I'm Hayley Sands.
I'm Justin.
You're the...
- New advisor.
- Yeah yeah.
- Are you ready to go or...?
- Yeah. Right... you want to go now?
- Yeah, if you can.
- Okay, um...
You're so lucky
to be from Australia.
Yeah, I spent some time
in Melbourne, but...
a couple of weeks.
It was amazing.
Oh, I'm actually
from Melbourne.
- Are you really?
- Yeah yeah yeah.
God, I love New York,
but I always felt
that, like, Melbourne was the kind
of place I'd want to grow up.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I just felt like people like me
would get better accepted
out there.
Right, people like you.
Oh, don't worry.
It's the E.M.
Some of us still use earplugs.
- Are you cool or...?
- Yeah.
E.M... you mean
electromagnetic fields?
Yeah, but reverse E.M.
The whole building's soaked in it
as a safety measure.
Reverse E.M.?
That makes sense.
Ghosts manifest themselves
in our world through E.M. energy.
Yeah, my line manager Brandon
says we're all haunted beef.
Wow, I can't wait to meet him.
The most intense rev E.M.
is on this level,
in the enclosure wires.
The enclosure?
That's where the entity lives?
And where it stays.
Major Lester, this is...
I'm Hayley Sands.
We're a little busy,
Miss Sands.
Of course.
Well, I'm here to help
however I can.
I see you talk to ghosts...
with limited success.
I've had extensive firsthand experience
with paranormal events.
Frankly, Miss Sands,
I doubt you'll be able
to help us.
You see, you are
Whitehall's token gesture.
And you may as well be
an aromatherapist
or a reader of tea leaves.
Still, my hands are tied.
So I will grant you
limited access to this project.
But I don't have time to waste.
Simplicity is key.
You understand?
Any questions?
So many you wouldn't believe.
Well, then we'd best get
some of them out of the way.
Play it.
Is that the entity
moving around?
No, it's concentrated
reverse E.M.
It stops the entity
from getting out.
It's really happening.
The footage was taken
seven months ago,
shortly after the entity
was captured.
We've not seen
or heard it since.
So you don't know
what it is, male or female?
The gender is hardly relevant.
It's an asset.
Well, how do you know
it's still in there?
Uh, we get small signs
now and again...
peaks in E.M.,
temperature fluctuations.
And we put specimens
in there each week.
Yeah, mice.
What happens to them?
Um, they die.
Of course, I mean
it could be the E.M.
No. No, trust me.
It's in there.
Please let me see it tonight.
Gate one accessed.
Pull yourself together, man.
This is a place for science.
Clearing gate one.
The holding area's
temperature is 4.
The decrease is further
inside the enclosure itself.
It's consistent with
a phenomenon like this.
What if there is a power cut?
It's on a separate circuit
with an automatic backup generator.
don't go any further.
Did you hear that?
Has that happened before?
Why is there a hole
in the fence?
The entity cannot escape.
Sure, I get that...
the rev E.M.
But why have the hole?
Miss Sands.
we have an EM spike.
Nothing serious.
- Stay away from the enclosure.
- Shh.
What did it say?
I couldn't make out.
It's just a sound,
maybe a greeting.
What is that?
A cold spot.
It's so localized.
Hope your girlfriend
doesn't die.
Save it.
Miss Sands, I really don't recommend
touching the wire.
One of my men did so and is now
in the psychiatric ward.
I want to know
everything about you.
You could be from any
period in history.
What year did you cross over?
I think that's enough
for today, Miss Sands.
Miss Sands.
Hey, geek boy. Nah.
The excitement got to you, huh?
It was completely amazing.
This supernatural entity
was so close,
I just felt like I could
reach out and touch it.
But I won't.
Why aren't there
more people around?
This place feels like...
I was gonna say
"a ghost town."
You know there's gonna be
a big military operation in Iraq?
Yeah, I kind of guessed that.
This place has had
a skeleton crew for weeks.
Almost everyone
got reassigned out east.
Wow, since when was a ghost
a low priority?
Oh, this operation
is a total black sheep.
It's like we're
an embarrassment
to the military
and the government.
We don't exactly get
cutting-edge tech.
Then how did you capture this?
I mean, I've talked
to dead people
across the divide,
but how do you drag someone
from the afterlife to here?
Or purgatory.
Look, to be honest,
I don't know.
I hear rumors
flying about, but...
Like what?
Just of some secret machine
they have hidden in this place,
maybe in a panic room or...
Wow. Did you ever
ask the major?
Uh, Lester won't even
tell you what time it is.
Seriously, try not
to piss him off.
Too late.
Did you ever get into
the holding area?
Just the one night, by myself.
I hardly slept for weeks after.
Why is that?
It whispered to me
through the fence,
totally creeped me out.
What did it whisper?
Well, I thought it said,
So you're feeling better then?
Well enough to kick your ass.
I suck at this.
We'll see.
So why did they pick you?
The British government
heard about my work at
the New York Police Department.
What do you do?
One thing I'm good at... well,
besides table tennis obviously...
I help hunt serial killers
and create leads
for difficult cases.
What's wrong?
You're not laughing
or looking at me funny.
Why would I?
Most people think I'm a freak.
You're talking to a guy who voluntarily
signed up for this, so...
That's true.
What's your excuse?
I wanted to get as far away
from humans as possible.
Five months later... and it's good
to see a friendly face.
- Oh.
- How good is it now?
Miss Sands,
come with me.
So tell me exactly
what happened.
Well, the entity appeared to broach contact.
I'm gonna try and open up
an interactive line of
communication tomorrow.
Okay, well, I need you
to keep me informed.
Of course, Mr. McGillis.
I appreciate that.
I'm gonna just
quickly call my dad.
How are you finding it, love?
Oh, I like how you English guys
call people "love."
Oh yeah, it's awesome
here, thanks.
Well, I think I can
speak for all of us
when I say it's a pleasure
to finally have a lady here.
Well, nearly all of us.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means you're a nancy boy.
Cut it out!
Cut that shit out!
Back on duty, everyone.
May I please ask how you
captured him or her?
Please try to stay focused
on the task at hand.
Did you use a machine to pull the soul
from the afterlife?
I mean, if so,
it would be incredible.
It could change the way
we see everything.
I'm afraid such information
is on a strictly need-to-know basis.
But I kind of do need to know.
No, you merely want to.
Keep a close eye on her.
Yes sir.
Can you show me
you're in there?
No need to be afraid.
It's feeling a little
different than yesterday.
Major, can you hear me
over there?
# Frere Jacques #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Frere Jacques #
# Frere Jacques #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Sonnez les matines #
# Sonnez les matines #
# Din dan don #
# Din dan don. #
# Din dan don. #
Why did you do that?
Excuse me, Miss Sands?
Why did you sing?
Sing? I didn't.
Yeah, you really did.
# Sonnez les matines... #
That can't be me.
Sir, it's...
it's definitely you.
# Din dan don #
# Din dan don... #
It's using you to communicate.
It's not using me.
It can't be.
See if that video feed's
been tampered with.
Do it now.
So, I mean, like,
if you don't mind me asking,
how does someone just discover
that they can talk
to dead people?
Sorry, you don't have to
tell me. I'm just curious.
No, it's fine.
I was seven
and I tried to talk to my mom.
She died the week before.
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
My dad wasn't handling it
very well
and I felt really...
Sorry, I don't normally
talk about this.
No, it's okay.
You don't have to go on.
I felt...
I felt really alone.
And so I picked up
this invisible telephone
I didn't know I had
and I tried giving
my dead mom a call.
Only someone else picked up...
some, like, old Japanese guy.
And then I started
talking to other people.
And the rest...
well, the rest
is my life, so...
Yeah, cool.
Let me out.
# Frere Jacques #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Sonnez les matines... #
Major, please come in.
Do you read me?
# Sonnez les matines... #
Major, please respond.
# Din dan don... #
# Din dan don... #
Everything's okay
again now, sir,
but you really need
to see this footage.
# Din dan don... #
# Din dan don. #
Hi. I'm Hayley.
I'm here to talk to you.
Couldn't you do
with some conversation?
It must get
pretty dull in there.
Yeah, it's getting
pretty dull in here too.
Okay, let's try...
# Frere Jacques #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Frere Jacques,
Frere Jacques... #
# Sonnez les matines #
# Sonnez les matines... #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Dormez-vous? #
Major Lester, please respond.
# Din dan don #
# Din dan don... #
# Sonnez les matines #
# Sonnez les matines... #
# Din dan don #
# Din dan #
# Don! #
# Din dan don.#
Are you controlling him?
Are you trying to talk?
Let me out.
Who are you?
What's your name?
Let me out.
Let me out!
No. Wait.
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Sir, what are you doing?
You're out of line,
you know that?
Why have you stopped recording?
And who the hell
is that in there?
Shut the fuck up
and do your job.
What are you doing?
Stop it.
Try to relax.
Stand by for my command.
No, you can't do this.
You really think I caught
this thing for a chat?
Well, why did you catch it?
You're about to see.
God save me.
I could feel it in my head.
That thing's unholy.
Stay here, okay?
What are you gonna do?
Sir, I really don't think
this is a good idea.
Really? And why should I
care what you think?
You'll do as you're told
or be relieved of your duties.
- Do you understand?
- Yes sir.
Lieutenant, Lance Corporal,
throw the prisoner
into the enclosure.
- No.
- Matthews, get your shit together
- and secure that woman.
- No! This is barbaric.
Lance Corporal Rogers,
assistance now.
Before you go all liberal
on us, Mr. Rourke,
you may want to know
who this is.
This man's name
is Salim Hassan.
He's a convicted terrorist.
Until recently
he was a member of a cell
linked to multiple terror attacks
across Europe
including targets
such as hospitals,
schools and airports.
Whatever happens here today,
no one should afford this man
any kind of sympathy.
He lost any rights he had
when he tried to kill innocent people...
women and children, families.
That thing in there may be the most
powerful weapon we possess.
And Mr. Hassan is gonna
help me to prove it.
It's touching him.
This is really dangerous.
What are you doing?
Lights back on, please.
Lieutenant Groves.
Lieutenant Groves.
All levels have
returned to normal.
I think it's over.
Justin, I need your help.
I'd say we all need help.
I can't do this anymore.
What happened in there
was insane.
Of course it was.
That's why I need you to help me.
They said I can't call
McGillis tonight...
technical issues.
Reverse EM barrier activated.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine, sir.
Well, if Hassan won't talk now,
he never will.
Well, he's down
at the med center
having what's left of
his eye patched up.
When they're done,
I'll have words... harsh words.
Well, if he still won't give up the other
members of that cell,
then we'll dunk him
back in tomorrow.
We need to build on this.
His name is Salim Hassan.
Major Lester said that
he was a known terrorist.
They just threw him in
with the entity.
It was horrible.
- Let me go over there.
- This is all very worrying.
Too late.
It's done.
Listen, do you want me
to get you out of there?
I can do it tonight.
I need to stay.
Okay, I've got to go, Mr. McGillis.
Bye now.
That was the last call.
I want all lines
of communication
with Whitehall
temporarily severed.
They've been looking for a reason
to shut this place down.
Did you know that, Lieutenant?
No, I didn't, sir, no.
Yeah, that's why
the girl's here.
But this is our project,
our asset,
and we must do everything
to protect it.
Here's my security clearance.
Well, actually it's Brandon's.
He ranks higher, so I swapped them.
It should get you to the detention cells.
- Thank you.
- Are you sure you want to do this?
I have to find out what
he saw in the enclosure.
Just don't forget
who this guy is.
Five minutes.
I'll be outside.
I'm here to talk.
Can you understand me?
It was wrong,
what they did to you.
Do you...
do you understand
what I'm saying?
What is it?
The entity is talking to you?
Not talking.
A song.
# Din dan... #
# Don. #
It wants to play.
Always play.
I know it will set me free.
It is Allah's will.
- Jesus.
- Get up.
- What is going on?
- Get up.
What is going on?
Where are we going?
- Get off! Help me!
- Get back in your room.
No. No.
Miss Sands, if you work
against the British military's
best interest, then you must expect
to be treated like a terrorist.
No, you can't do this.
The E.M. rising
steadily, sir.
Temperature down 5%.
I'd say it was excited.
- What are you doing?
- Stand down, Mr. Rourke.
- You can't do this.
- The E.M. peaking.
- Do it.
- No!
Please, no.
the power supply in the main
holding area is down again.
What about the enclosure?
Emergency power holding.
Switch the lights over to
the secondary power supply.
- I'm working on it.
- Work faster.
Here goes.
Hayley, the fence is down.
Code red.
Get on the floor.
Get down. Get down.
Stay down.
- Where is it?
- Let me out!
Did it get out?
Mr. Faber.
Let me out.
I can't do this.
The enclosure power
coming back online.
Let me out.
It could now be anywhere
inside that room.
Increase reverse E.M.
on the room's perimeter.
Divert any power you can spare.
I want that entire space
What about the girl?
Lieutenant, Private, escort Mr. Rourke
to one of the detention cells.
No one goes anywhere.
I wasn't expecting
your visit, sir.
I neglected to inform
Miss Sands
during our bugged conversation.
You're relieved, Major.
Hand over your weapon.
Get this man to the medical
center. Move.
Why is Miss Sands in there?
Get her out now.
I'm afraid we can't
do that, sir.
Why not?
Miss Sands,
it's Duncan McGillis.
Are you all right?
Please, please let me
out of here.
I'm told there's a chance
that the holding area is contaminated.
We're doing everything we can.
We'll have you out of there
as soon as possible.
The entity is out of the enclosure.
It might attack.
At least let me
into the tunnel.
I'm sorry, but the entity
may be sealed inside.
Remain vigilant, Miss Sands,
and bear with me.
Is there any way of knowing
if the entity has escaped
into the holding area?
It could still be
in the enclosure,
but unless it makes itself visible to us,
we have no way of telling.
I mean I could set up a series
of pulses of rev E.M.
around the holding area,
including the tunnel.
What would that do?
It would act as a kind
of cattle prod.
We would see a reaction from the entity
if it came into contact with it.
That's not a good idea.
Provoke the entity and it may
become more dangerous.
What other options do we have?
We wait and observe.
But there's no telling
how long that will take.
I'm not putting that girl
through any more of this.
How long will it take to implement
your pulse option?
It will take a couple of hours.
But once it's all set up, it will only take
a few minutes to scan the area.
Will Miss Sands be harmed?
No sir. But as
the major pointed out,
we have no way of predicting
how the entity will react.
What were you doing throwing
that terrorist into the cage?
Are we America now?
With the greatest of respect, sir,
America gets results.
We are too soft and heading
for a 9/11 of our own.
If your family were at risk,
tell me you wouldn't
agree with my actions.
You're facing
a court martial, Major.
You've contravened
countless human rights,
not to mention
put this base at risk.
You will lock Stormhouse down
until you are certain
this thing is contained.
No one comes.
No one goes.
Am I understood?
Yes sir.
Then you will escort me
to the panic room.
Who do you think approves the plans
and the budget for this place?
Bring Miss Sands to me there
and we'll wait for
the rescue team to arrive.
I'll need to organize the team
and inform Whitehall of the situation.
- Get me an outside line.
- Of course, sir.
Is anyone out there?
Mr. McGillis.
Jesus, shut up.
Hey, Lieutenant.
You're still on duty?
What's going on?
It's getting warmer in here.
The temperature is going up
inside the holding area.
That's weird.
That's not right.
The temperature
is going down in here.
Hey, Lieutenant,
will you do me a favor?
Can you...
can you radio the major
or McGillis,
tell them we've got
a problem in here?
Hey, are you gonna radio...?
The entity is out
of the enclosure.
Oh God.
Lieutenant Groves, with me.
You getting any signal
through comms?
No sir, no reading.
Fuck. Right,
you two, stay with me.
Keep your fucking eyes open.
You're not here anymore.
What's going on out there?
Please remain in your room.
What's all the shouting about?
What's going on?
Stay in your room.
Who's there?
Private Matthews,
are you still there?
Look, just stay in your room.
What happened to you?
The pain meds they gave me...
they're wearing off.
Well, let's get you some more
and get you properly strapped up.
No, you need to go
and get help.
Screw that.
Let's go.
I thought you were
in custody, sir.
The entity has escaped.
I remain
your commanding officer.
Yes sir.
I want you to proceed
to the mess room
and establish a secure base.
Understood, sir.
We split up,
move on to the mess.
You both take the right.
I'll take the left.
Lance Corporal Rogers, status.
Lance Corporal Rogers, respond.
Have you secured the area?
# Frere Jacques #
# Dormez-vous? #
# Sonnez les matines #
# Din dan... #
# Frere Jacques,
Frere Jacques #
# Dormez-vous?
Dormez-vous? #
# Sonnez les matines,
sonnez les matines #
# Din dan don,
din dan... #
Incorrect code.
Access granted.
Reverse EM barrier activated.
Wait. Wait.
Yeah? Okay.
Use this.
Just stay with me, okay?
We'll get you the painkillers
to keep you going.
Just... argh!
Salim, it's me.
It's okay.
Where are you going?
We're going to the medical center.
He's badly injured.
Where are you going?
Even if you did find the lift,
you wouldn't be able to leave.
In emergency situations
you can only activate the lift
with an authorized thumbprint.
You can do this?
No, officer rank only.
Then we must find
one of these men.
Allow me.
How the hell are we
supposed to secure this?
Shut up and focus.
Everyone's gone
bloody quiet on comms.
It's been here.
All clear in here, Dan.
How about you?
For fuck's sake, Dan.
This ain't the time for games.
Oh God, no.
Oh my God, no.
Does this man have
authorization to the exit?
We have no time.
Does he have authorization?
You'd need his thumbprint.
Stay here.
What are you doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
Give it to me.
You show me the way.
I will activate the lift.
The lift is nearby.
If we can get up top,
I should be okay.
We need to know
we can trust you.
Scan in progress.
Print verified.
Level nine is no longer
a valid lift access point.
The nearest access point
is level six.
- Level six?
- Yeah, it's three floors above us.
Somebody wants to make
sure no one can reach the lift carriage.
- We can use the emergency ladder.
- Where is it?
No, we're not going anywhere
without the medication.
He's not gonna be able
to climb the ladder without it.
- He'll have to.
- You'll never make it to it alive by yourself.
I know exactly where it is.
We go to the med center first.
Don't worry.
I'm a first-aider.
I feel better already.
Have you found anything useful?
What did it feel like
when you were in
the enclosure with it?
It was horrible,
like a nightmare.
I could feel it
all over my skin,
like its breath all over me.
It wanted to hurt me...
I mean really hurt me.
It was so powerful.
And I set it free.
How's that?
Numb as fuck, but I can move.
Good. We go.
I can feel it.
Justin, Justin, are you okay?
What is it?
- It has him.
- No.
- Come on.
- No. Justin, can you hear me?
- Leave him.
- No.
Yes, Justin hear you.
Is that you talking?
Leave him alone.
Justin want to fuck you
in your dirty little cunt.
Get away from him. Come.
Let him go.
Justin go.
Hayley, help me, please.
Hang on, please.
Hang on. Come on, let's go.
All gone.
No. No. Justin.
- Come on.
- Let go.
No. Let go. No.
Get off me.
No, get off, no.
We could have saved him.
That thing killed him inside.
You know this.
I said enough.
This was a mistake.
I have a map now.
It would be mercy
for me to kill you,
but it can have you.
It is my friend.
It understands me.
Scan in progress.
Oh no.
Print verified.
Lift activated.
Go fetch, my friend.
Scan in progress.
Print verified.
Lift activated.
Oh my God.
All right.
Ground level.
Playtime's over, right?
I said it's over.
It's fucking over!
No, wait, no!
That's my ball!
Give back the ball.
Come back!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Why am I in here?
The entity is gone.
It wasn't yours to give away.
I just couldn't
take it anymore.
I forgive you.
You're going to help me
to replace it.
You want me to help you
operate the machine?
I can do that...
if you let me go.
That's the plan, right...
bring the spirit back
with the machine
and put it in here?
You're standing
in my machine.
This is how my machine works.
No. Please, no.
No. You mean...?
You see, you always thought
you needed to know, Miss Sands.
And now you finally do.
My operation must continue.
Don't do this.
And my country
must be protected.
No. No, please.