Strangers in the Night (1944) Movie Script

C'mon boys, take him out.
Alright, men.
Looks like a bad back.
You are wasting your time, doctor.
- There's not much you can do for me.
- You can make it if you try.
I don't wanna make it like this.
Leave me alone, please.
Case for the Base Hospital.
I loved your snapshots
you look exactly as I imagined you
from your letters.
I only hope you'll think as much
of me when you see me.
These are wonderful letters,
You're lucky to have a girl
like Rosemary to go back to.
- Is she pretty?
- I have never seen her.
You haven't?
But she sounds as so
she's in love with you.
We have been writing to each other.
I saw her name in this book.
I hope this book will give someone
as much pleasure as it has given me.
Rosemary Blake,
Clifftop House, Monteflores, California
- Good evening, Ivy.
- Good evening, Hilda.
You may shut the door now, Ivy.
Now the portrait, Ivy.
Rosemary dear,
it's your birthday, darling.
And even if you can't be
with us just now
we have your picture
we have our thoughts of you.
She is the most beautiful creature
in the world, isn't she, Ivy?
Of course, she is.
Sometimes I can hardly believe that
she's my daughter.
You may turn on the lamps and
we'll drink a birthday toast.
Thank you, Hilda.
- Happy birthday, darling!
- Happy birthday, Rosemary.
She'll be so happy.
Johnny's coming home to her at last.
- Hilda...
- Yes?
I know you won't like me saying it
but if that young man comes here...
There's nothing to worry about
I won't interfere with them.
Actually I know how to mind my
own business.
And you just mind yours.
Of course, I will Hilda.
I always have, haven't I?
It couldn't be Johnny.
His telegram said tomorrow. He said
he couldn't get here until tomorrow.
I forgot to tell you.
Dr. Schuyler phoned and said he will
send a new doctor to introduce himself.
- What's his name?
- Ross, I think. Leslie Ross.
Have him come right in.
- Hilda, here is Dr. Ross.
- Dr. Ross, how nice of...
Good evening, Mrs. Blake.
I must apologize for not coming earlier,
but Dr. Schuyler and I'd been pretty
busy getting by settling my new practice.
- A woman doctor!
- I'm sorry.
If you're going to take all the men
into the service
I'm afraid we women all have to learn
to put up with each other.
- You seem awfully young. - Well, I do
the best I can to get over that.
Hilda, Dr. Ross has to catch the train
to San Francisco.
She came here just to do Dr. Schuyler
a favor.
You did take me by surprise,
Unfortunately that happens to me
rather often.
You see, people are not quite used to
women doctors.
It isn't that,
I was thinking of my daughter.
- It's her birthday today
- She's lovely.
- Do you really think so?
- Of course she is.
The portrait is good of course...
No painter could capture
the real Rosemary.
Would you like a glass of sherry,
No, thank you.
I must catch my train, you know.
But I'll be back in a couple of days
to take over Dr. Schuyler's practice.
- Who painted the portrait?
- A Polish refugee.
I never could pronounce his name.
Poor fella, died last year.
Well doctor, what did Dr. Schuyler
tell you about me?
Very little. However he did say that
since I'm to be
the only doctor in town
I'd better get acquainted with you,
as your apt to need me.
- Why should I need you?
- We are both in very good health.
- Really? I thought perhaps
your condition... - My dear.
I do not need a doctor now.
Nor do I expect to need one
in the future.
Thank you.
Mrs. Blake, I'm not trying to force
myself on you.
If you resent a women doctor as
much as you seem to,
I'll certainly be sure not to come here
again uninvited.
Ivy, show Dr. Ross to the door.
I can find my own way out
Thank you. Good night.
Good night.
Don't you think you were very rude
to her, Hilda?
Of course I was. I meant to be.
I don't like a jealous woman.
- Jealous? - I could see the way
she looked at Rosemary's picture.
She hated her for being prettier
than she is.
Tickets, please!
Good evening, Sergeant.
Glad to be back?
I certainly am.
Monteflores? Nice little town.
Do you live there?
- No. I'm on the way to visit someone.
- Well. Good luck.
- Good evening.
- Oh, good evening.
I'm sorry, I mean...
- Was there something about my book?
- Yes.
I hope you won't misunderstand,
but can you tell me your name?
Surely. I'm Leslie Ross.
The book reminded me of someone,
for a moment I thought you might be...
Well, somebody I never saw
just heard about.
I must have a pretty strange expression
on my face.
I admit I would have jumped if you'd
said; Boo! on the middle of that stare.
I really got that habit of going about
frighting women and children.
Incidently, my name is
John Meadows.
But you don't need to pay attention
if you'd prefer to read while you eat.
Not at all, I've read it so many times
I practically know it by heart.
I have, too.
You know I guess it true almost
everybody likes the SHROPSHIRE LAD.
- I really don't see why
you should pay for my dinner. - I do.
It's one of my biggest moments
in my life.
You're the first girl I've been able
to buy anything for almost two years.
Was it as much fun as you thought
it would be?
- More, I've had a swell time.
- So have I.
You know there's something
I'd like to know about you.
Somehow I have the feeling that
you must do something important.
Pretty well too.
Well it's no use.
I might as well confess.
Brace yourself, Sergeant.
I'm a doctor.
- A doctor?
- Please do not say it that way,
I'm trying to cure myself
from feeling like a freak.
You see most people feel that female
doctors should be seen only in cages.
Well, I don't.
Only it's a little hard to think of anyone
as attractive as you're being a doctor.
I'm afraid it'll be years before I get
over the handicap of what I look like.
- That's a handicap that a lot of women
would give years for. - Thank you.
But I'd even thought of wearing
a false beard during office hours.
You see I'm taking over a practice in
a small town, called Monteflores.
- Monteflores?
- Yes. Have you heard of it?
That's where I am going.
I wonder if you happen to know...
Take it easy, folks!
Everything's under control.
As the table staff in the dining car,
tell them to bring hot water
and all the clean towels they've got.
Dining Car
- Adhesive tape.
- Right here, doctor.
Can you help her out?
All right now, just take it easy.
Take it easy.
There is an ambulance coming,
doctor. Why don't you
- leave this case to them?
- Please don't bother me.
The ambulance is here.
You can knock off now.
- What?
- You can rest now.
- You can take over now, doctor.
- Come on, Leslie.
- You get in. I'll get our luggage
to the driver. - Right.
Sure. It's easy to give a fello orders.
The chief said: "Take the doc and
his friend to the nearest hotel".
"Get them room, bed, tickets on the first
train tomorrow and a couple of drinks."
I said, "Okay, I can promise the drinks,
but the rooms?"
Don't he know there's a war
going on?
- Hey, Sarge.
- Yeah?
Ain't she kind of young
to be a doctor?
Here's the best doctor
on this side of the Solomons.
Oh, that's good to hear
even if it isn't true.
I'm not kidding.
I've seen doctors working in conditions
you wouldn't believe.
I wanna tell you that tonight
you were right in their class.
Praise like that Sergeant
is praise indeed.
Johnny, what's the matter?
I'll be all right.
Let's not change the subject.
I was trying to tell you
how swell I think you are.
You are kind Johnny,
but I'm very tired.
I've had what you might call
a hectic day.
Yeah, I guess a little 'sack duty'
wouldn't hurt anybody.
- 'Sack duty'? - It's a marine word
for hitting the hay.
- Good night, doctor.
- Good night.
These aren't office hours.
You don't have to call me, doctor.
Good night, Leslie.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Want to order, ma'am?
- Little later, thanks.
- Here's your 'Joe', sir.
- Thanks.
- Joe?
- That's a marine word for coffee.
- The Marines have word for everything,
haven't they? - Almost everything.
What's the marine word for,
'What's troubling you?'?
They don't have a word.
Look Johnny, we've got to know
each other because of the train accident.
Well, what I'm trying to say is,
you don't have to do any explaining.
But I want to explain.
See, I started to tell you on the train
when the smash-up came.
All right, Johnny.
That business about the book
wasn't a gag,
I picked it up at the Red Cross.
There was a girl's name on the fly leaf
I liked the book so I wrote to her.
She wrote to me and
theres something the
way we thought and the
way we saw things.
That's why you thought
I might be the girl?
When you saw my copy
of the Shropshire Lad?
Yeah of course. All I know about her is
she lives in Monteflores,
in a house on top of
a cliff with her mother.
On top of a cliff?
Is her name Blake?
Yes, Rosemary Blake.
You know her?
No, but I've seen her picture.
She's lovely, Johnny.
Leslie, her letters saved my life.
I didn't have much to come back to.
It was only the thought of Rosemary
that finally gave me any reason to live.
That's one of those things
that happen only in war.
I know exactly how things can happen
in war. Or accidents.
Of course, you must see her.
You know something Johnny? I have given
hundreds of books to the Red Cross
and not once did I think to put in
my name and address.
I only wish I'd known
they're going to guys like you.
Ivy, come up here immediately!
Ivy, come here immediately!
What is it, Hilda?
How many times do I have
to tell you that flowers
in Rosemary's room have
to be changed every day!
- I'm sorry, Hilda.
- Go. Bring fresh flowers at once.
Wouldn't you be ashamed
now if Rosemary came home
unexpectidly and found
dead flowers in her room?
Someone's coming.
Hurry now!
You gotta be careful
with a car up here.
- And that's no kidding, Sergeant.
- It's certainly isn't.
- Keep the change.
- Thanks.
- Does Miss Rosemary Blake live here?
- Yes, but she isn't at home.
Well I telegraphed.
I'm John meadows
Of course. I am Ms. Miller,
Mrs. Blake's companion.
I'm afraid, Rosemary
may not be back today.
Can you tell me when she will come back?
You'd be better come in.
Mr. Meadows, come right in.
- Mrs. Blake?
- Yes, Mr. Meadows.
- Or would you rather I call you Sgt.?
- Yes. Mr. does sound rather strange.
- Alright, then I'll call Johnny. - I
don't see any reason why you shouldn't.
- Sit here and have some tea with me. -
Thank you.
Mrs. Blake, I don't know
if Rosemary told you, that we...
I think it might be easier for
both of us if I tell you at once...
that Rosemary keeps no secrets from me.
She's told me everything
about your correspondence
I can't tell you how much
it meant me out there Mrs. Blake.
And to Rosemary.
I do not want to seem like a prying mother
Would you tell me what it was about
Rosemary's letters
that made you think you were in love with
Well, that's not easy to say.
It's the way she thinks.
How she looks at things.
- I just can't seem to put into words.
- I think I can understand.
Miss Miller told me
that Rosemary isn't here.
I'm so sorry about that
but it just couldn't be helped.
She'll be back in a few days. She'll
I know how difficult it is going to be for
Not at all. I imagine a few days in
Monteflores will be very restful.
By the way, did Rosemary
sent you a picture of herself?
No, she didn't.
Well, I don't think that
was very nice of her.
She said, she didn't
have a good one.
I'm afraid she wasn't telling you
the entire truth.
She has a picture and
a very good one, too.
I'm going to show it to
you, after we had tea.
Yes, I'd like to see it very much.
Sit down, Johnny.
This is one time I don't mind
you eavesdropping at all
- I wasn't...
- You seem very nervous.
I've got one of my headaches.
I'm sorry. I wanted you
to do something for me.
Well, it's not too bad. What was it?
Johnny is going to see Rosemary's
picture for the first time.
Go to the living room, roll the shades!
Make the room as dark as you can.
- Right away?
- Yes, yes, yes.
- Hilda...
- Go ahead, Ivy.
- You can't go through with this.
- I won't have any interference.
I like that boy and Rosemary is going to
like him.
I won't let anything happen
to spoil his chances with her.
I want that completely understood.
- You wouldn't dare interfere. - I didn't
mean anything.
Go ahead, do as you were told.
Then leave us alone.
Go in, Johnny.
- Is she what you expected, Johnny?
- Yeah...
I've never imagined anything as lovely.
Except Rosemary.
Help, Ivy! Johnny!
Hello, Thompson! What's new?
Nothings ever new with people
they get the same
headaches year in and year out.
- Here, have some coffee.
- Thanks.
Tommy, why is that female doctor funny?
I'm a nurse, not a quiz show.
I only think it's only funny
when your not one yourself.
Yeah, like being sea sick.
- Tommy! - Better drink up and get on your
horse again!
- Who is it this time? - In every
town there is always one.
She thinks she is the Queen Mother
and Queen Father to boot.
This one my dear doctor, is called Mrs.
Morton Blake.
Mrs. Blake?
She certainly must be sick to call me.
Well! Here we go again.
See you later Tommy.
Good luck.
Oh doctor, my daughter's fiancee.
His back, I don't know...
- Leslie...
- Leslie?
You know him?
- We met.
- We were on the same train.
Don't worry, I think I'll be
all right in a few minutes.
No, you stay right here until we can
arrange to have you moved upstairs.
- Thank you very much, doctor.
- I'll stop in again tomorrow.
Don't put yourself to any trouble.
Unless you think it's necessary.
I assure you, I wouldn't come back
unless I thought it was necessary.
- Of course. Goodbye, doctor.
- Goodbye.
Dr. Ross.
- Yes?
- I want to talk to you.
- Why? Of course.
- When can I see you?
- Whenever you like.
- Then I'll come to the office tomorrow.
Please, don't say anything
about it to Mrs. Blake.
Of course not, if
you don't want me to.
Thank you, doctor.
- What are you doing out there?
- Nothing. I just came out for a moment.
- You're lying. You talked to that woman.
- No, I didn't Hilda.
I didn't even see her.
Hey, we caught us a real character out
there. From that Blake menagerie.
Name of Ivy Miller,
got time for her?
Have I, bring her in even
if you have to drag her.
Okay, you're the doctor
as the saying goes.
Would you come in, please, Miss Miller?
Won't you come in?
- Dr. Ross... - Now there's no
reason to be nervous, Miss Miller.
- I know, but...
- Please sit down.
Just as I told you, I'm having
terrible trouble getting to sleep.
If there's anything you
can give me that will...
I'm afraid it'll be little difficult
for me to prescribe anything.
- I know so little about you. - There's
nothing seriously wrong with me.
It's just that I'm... nervous, that's all.
There's always a reason
for nervousness.
People have problems, conflicts. Sometimes
they're troubled by those about them.
There is nothing like that, doctor.
Mrs. Blake
and I've been good
friends for years.
I must say that yesterday
you gave me the impression
you wanted to tell me
something important.
I didn't mean to...
I'm sorry. I must have been mistaken.
I'll give you something to help you sleep.
- I, Dr. Ross...
- Yes?
I just hope it's strong. I really can't
I think you will find it strong enough.
You have to take this to
Britton's Drug Store.
They are the only druggist in
town who can fill it.
Dr. Ross, you're right, I haven't told you
why I really came here.
I thought not. Now why don't you
sit down and tell me quietly.
It's about Rosemary and Mrs. Blake.
Pardon me.
Oh, Mrs. Blake...
No, no, no, no.
No, she isn't.
If she comes in, I'll be glad
to give her your message.
Yes, I understand.
You have to excuse me now, Mrs. Blake.
I'm really very busy.
What the heck did you do to her?
She went out of here like a bat out of...
whatever bats go out of.
- What's it all about?
- I don't know yet.
Give me the Britton's Drug Store Tommy.
I want to talk to Mr. Britton.
Good morning.
Dear, I'm so clumsy. I do hope I didn't
disturb you.
Not at all. As matter of fact, I was
rather hoping you'll be around.
Thank you. Is it alright for you to be out
of bed?
I'm feeling much better. Dr. Ross told
me over the phone, I might get up today.
She is an awfully nice girl,
isn't she, Mr. Meadows?
I'm not Mr. Meadows, Miss Ivy.
Johnny isn't a terrible
hard word to say, is it?
I'll try.
It certainly would look funny if
anyone came in right now, wouldn't it?
Yeah, more or less if we were a high
class crap game using flowers for dice.
Miss Ivy, I wonder if you could tell me
something. It's very important to me.
I will if I can.
When is Rosemary coming home?
Didn't Mrs. Blake tell you?
I'll be frank with you Miss Ivy,
The reason I've asked you because
Mrs. Blake doesn't seem to want to say.
She may have her reasons, of course...
but she keeps telling me to wait
and that Rosemary will be here.
- But she won't tell me when.
- I don't know anything.
You'll have to find out from Mrs. Blake.
Well, there is something I'm
sure you could tell me however.
- Who painted Rosemary's portrait?
- I do not know.
Oh, you see. I studied painting in San
Francisco, before I joined up.
I know that technique.
- Are you sure you don't know the
name of the artist? - No, I don't.
Mrs. Blake could tell you, Mr... Johnny.
Okay, I'll ask her.
Johnny, what are you doing out of bed?
- Mrs. Blake, I wondered if you could tell
me...? - You don't have to tell me.
Because I know, you went down to see
Rosemary's portrait, didn't you?
Who painted Rosemary's
portrait Mrs. Blake?
I think I know the
man who did it.
Do you?
Well, I can't recall his name
but I'm sure I know him.
I have a surprise for you. Come.
Come in, Johnny. Come.
This is Rosemary's room.
Her own room.
It really is beautiful, isn't it?
She has wonderful taste, Johnny.
Mrs. Blake, where is Rosemary?
- I have been here two days now and
I still don't know. - Johnny...
I promise you, you'll see her. And soon.
Come, I'll show more of the real Rosemary.
She has beautiful taste in everything.
Can you smell the perfume? The rarest I
could get for her.
This perfume makes me feel
almost as if she were here.
Right with us in this room. Can you
feel her presence here, Johnny?
Mrs. Blake I don't like being here.
I feel if we were spying or something.
If you'll excuse me, I'd like to leave.
Would you tell Mrs. Blake I'm
going into town to see Dr. Ross?
- Oh, is anything wrong, Johnny?
- No, I'm fine.
- Well if you wait we'll drive you into
town. - No thanks, a hike will do me good.
- Ivy, where did Johnny go? - He went into
town to see the doctor.
- Doctor? Why Is he ill?
- I don't think so.
What does she want with him?
Ivy, get the car.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Goodbye.
- We're doing better.
- No flatters.
The only reason were doing
any bit is the poor fellow
happened to get his hand
caught in a mowing machine.
I'm tired, Tommy. How about
getting me some Joe?
Getting you some what?
Joe is marine slang for coffee.
My, how you get around?
I ought to call the Blake house.
Looks like the Blake house
is coming to see you.
- Who?
- A Randy Dandy.
A what?
Nurses' slang for a marine.
Hello, Johnny. How do you feel?
Fine. There's something I
want to talk to you about.
I think I'd better have
a look just the same.
Well, all right. But I can tell you right
now, first rate.
I'm practically a cured man.
That's for the doctor to say.
And when she's through
saying you think she may
be called upon for some
non-professional advise?
If it will please the patient, but now the
- Leslie...
- Face down, please.
- Does that hurt? - Just a little
sensitive. But that's not what bothers me.
What does?
That's where non-professional
advice comes in.
You can get up now, Johnny.
Leslie, is something going
on at the Blake house?
Well, I just can't understand it.
- You're out of uniform, Sergeant.
- Sorry.
Now, you can tell the
doctor your troubles.
I don't wanna talk to a
doctor, I wanna talk to you.
It's about Rosemary.
- She isn't back, is she?
- No, that's what bothers me.
Now let's examine this calmly Johnny.
After all you yourself are on a highly
emotional state.
The feeling you have there being something
wrong might be just your imagination.
Now when Rosemary comes
home tomorrow or the next
day you will find that
everything is perfect.
Perfectly natural.
But there must be some reason Mrs. Blake
keeps putting me off.
There must be something
the matter with Rosemary.
Something that her mother's
afraid to tell me.
Chances are, she is visiting
friends or way at college.
No, I don't think so. There
is something... I've got it!
- You've got what, Johnny?
- The portrait.
Leslie, I thought I recognized that
I know somebody who could tell me about
Good morning. Is Dr. Ross in?
Yes, but she has a patient
in her office now.
- If you'd have a chair.
- Thank you.
I'm positive it was Paul Arnheim.
You see we went to school together.
When you mentioned college a while ago it
gave me his name, Paul Arnheim.
Since he painted the girl, he knows her.
I'm going to San Francisco
to have a talk with him.
What's the matter Leslie? Cold?
No. Somebody just walked over my grave.
Leslie. Listen to me.
You know I'm so keen about finding
I have to find her to tell her
I'm not in love with her.
Because I'm in love
with someone else.
Yes, Hilda, what is it?
Tomorrow morning, get me the address
of the Medical Association.
What you are going to do, Hilda?
You're not going to hurt Dr. Ross?
You mustn't plan anything to harm her.
What you're planning to
do is wicked and evil?
There is only one wicked thing I know Ivy.
I will not permit anyone to come between
Rosemary and Johnny.
I don't care who it is. Dr. Ross...
- Or you. - Hilda, think
what you're saying.
Answer the phone.
Mrs. Blake's residence.
- Very well, I'll tell her.
- Who is it?
It's Mr. Meadows. He
won't be back tonight.
He is going to San Francisco.
Give me that phone.
Hello. Johnny? Johnny?
Johnny? Hello?
Whatever she's done, or whatever she does,
she is really not responsible. Please
remember that, Dr. Ross.
Hilda Blake is a very sick woman.
Ivy Miller
Good morning, Hilda.
It's a lovely morning, isn't it?
Yes, it is. Good morning.
Yes, this is Mrs. Blake's residence.
Hello, Dr. Ross.
Yes, this is Miss Miller speaking.
I just called to see how you are feeling?
Good. You'll just keep on
taking the prescription.
No, there's nothing else
I can think of at the moment.
Are you sure there's nothing else?
Nothing else?
- Who is it, Ivy?
- It's Dr. Ross.
She wants to know how I'm feeling.
That's all.
Thanks for calling, Doctor. Goodbye.
Oh, very thoughtful of her.
You must have a great deal
of confidence in Dr. Ross.
I do have.
Take that away.
- You think she will help you?
- Oh, yes.
- In what way?
- In many ways, Hilda.
Light the fire Ivy.
I don't think the doctor will
help you very much, Ivy.
Why not?
You seem very sure of yourself tonight.
Something new, it becomes you.
I'm your friend, Hilda.
And yet you defend that Leslie woman.
What's so wrong, Hilda?
Have you forgotten that Johnny
is engaged to Rosemary?
Hilda. When will you stop saying that?
- And the letters. What about them? - The
letters. Why won't you face the fact?
The fact is that I have a daughter.
- Hilda, sooner or later...
- Sooner or later. What?
Everybody will know.
Nothing can prevent it.
Not even you, huh, Ivy?
Ivy, darling. You know?
I don't think you're really, very bright.
It's all right, Ivy.
There's nothing to worry about.
We'll talk about this tomorrow, shall we?
I'd like to try to get some sleep tonight.
Good night, Ivy.
Sleep well.
- Who? Who is it?
- It's Hilda.
You sounded so restless.
I thought this milk will be good for you.
You were never so
thoughtful before, Hilda.
I've never realized before that I
had such a good friend in you.
If you's only listened to me, Hilda.
I'm your good friend.
Here Ivy, it'll be good for you.
No, I don't want it.
Don't be foolish.
Ivy, you silly child,
it's only milk. Look.
Why should I want to harm you?
Oh, forgive me, Hilda. Forgive me.
Try to forgive me.
Please, try to forget. Please, do.
Here, drink it.
It'll be good for you.
I am forgiven.
You are my friend.
That will put you to sleep.
Good night, Hilda.
They will find out anyway, Hilda.
They will find out... anyway.
Dr. Ross!
You seem surprised this
evening, Mrs. Blake.
Didn't Sergeant Meadows
tell you that I was coming?
He isn't here, but...
Please, come in anyway.
He left a message with my nurse.
He asked me to meet him here.
He is in San Francisco.
I guess he expects to be back shortly.
Come in, please.
Why do you insist on staring at me?
I'm sorry Mrs. Blake but
I was not aware of it.
Have you never seen
anybody like me before?
Perhaps you'd prefer that I wait
for the Sergeant in my car.
Excuse me, I've been so
upset these last days.
Johnny's coming to the house and Rosemary
my daughter not here when he arrives.
Children don't appreciate half the
things that parents do for them.
But Rosemary will be here soon and
everything will be over with.
Except my loneliness.
Mrs. Blake, I hope you don't
mind me asking you a question.
Of course, not.
Being a doctor I'll accept your
answer as matter of confidence.
What do you want to know?
Is your daughter by any chance an adopted
There's her portrait. Don't you see the
It's difficult to say.
What do you mean?
From physiological point
of view, it occurred to me
that you might not be
able to bare a child.
Well, doctor,
I'm certainly glad I'm not your patient.
I could be wrong, Mrs. Blake.
Not quite, Leslie.
Mrs. Blake, Rosemary will never be back.
Johnny, how can you say that?
- Because there is no Rosemary.
- Johnny!
She paid Paul Arnheim 1000 dollars to
paint portray of an imaginary girl.
I saw him this afternoon in San Francisco.
Mrs. Blake, I had to
find your daughter to
tell her that the whole
thing was a mistake.
Why did you do it, Mrs. Blake?
You were right, doctor.
I couldn't have a child.
Have you ever known what
it is to be lonely?
To want a child and not to be able to have
Have you ever been so dreadfully unhappy
that you permit
nothing to come between you and what you
Even it was only fiction.
Yes, I created a daughter.
Out of nothing, nothing from
a great passion to have one.
To work, scheming, pain.
It took lies one more
gigantic than the other
I kept moving from
town to town just as
often as I saw someone
suspected the truth.
And then your letter came, Johnny.
It was the first time, Rosemary had a
Can you blame me for
encouraging you, Johnny?
For one thing, a few days of the joy of
knowing what it was like to be a mother.
To be loved?
And then when you...
came to tell me that it was her mind you
You gave me the happiest
day I've ever known.
Because it was my mind you were talking
You were loving me, Johnny.
Can you forget and forgive an old lady?
An old lady's foolish dreams?
I think we can understand, Mrs. Blake.
Well doctor, I suppose you are the lucky
- The real one.
- Yes, and we gonna be married.
Then let's celebrate.
I have some imported wine.
- Let me help you. - Oh no, thank you.
I'll do it myself.
To your happiness.
- Thank you, Mrs. Blake.
- My thanks too.
Shall we drink?
Wait a minute, where is Miss Ivy?
She is in bed. She hasn't been
feeling very well lately.
Oh, let's call her anyway. After all I'm
not getting married every day on the week?
- I'll ask her to come down.
- Oh, I wouldn't disturb her.
Very fortunate doctor, I realized now how
much Rosemary will lose.
Mrs. Blake. You must give Rosemary up.
Yes, of course. Of course...
Leslie! Leslie! Come up here.
- When did they say the ambulance will get
here? - About an hour.
Wasn't there anything
you could do for her?
No, Johnny. It was too late when I got to
Since you diagnosed the
cause of Ivy's death,
as an overdose of Veronal,
I hold you responsible.
- Now wait a minute.
- Johnny.
You've not only come between
Rosemary and Johnny
but you've killed the one
friend I had, in the world.
Mrs. Blake,
Miss Ivy either committed suicide or...
Or what?
Or she was murdered.
I do not understand you.
It's very simple.
You see, there was no Veronal
in the mixture I prescribed for Ms. Ivy.
There was nothing stronger
than a few grains of phenobarbital.
The whole bottle
would not have killed a fly.
But the label said...
Miss Ivy needed psychiatric treatment more
than medication.
I gave the one disguised as the other.
I see.
There is nothing left for me to do but...
to tell you that Ivy killed herself.
I was trying to keep it from becoming
generally known.
How do you know?
I know... She left me a letter.
Please, wait. I'll bring it to you.
Where is the letter, Mrs. Blake?
I've decided that there's no reason
why you should see it.
And please now, will you be good enough to
leave my house.
Come on, let's go.
Good night.
Rosemary, darling.
When those wicked people
are out of the way,
no one will know.
Just wait. Wait.
- You want me to drive?
- Yes, darling
- You got the keys?
- Why no they're in the car.
- That's funny. I don't remember locking
it. - I'll get in from the other side.
That was a narrow escape,
I weighed 5 pounds more
I'd be crow bait by now.
A fella goes through Guadalcanal...
- Johnny, look!
- A booby trap.
She tried to kill us, Johnny.
Nothing stands in our way now.
Police department?
This is Mrs. Blake.
Mrs. Morton Blake's speaking.
33 Cliff ton Road.
There has just been an accident.
Two people have fallen off the cliff.
Dr. Ross and a friend of hers. They have
just left my house.
We'll just wait with you,
Mrs. Blake until they come.
Rosemary, darling.
Now you've got to help me.
Help me!
Help me...