Strangers on a Train (1951) Movie Script

Excuse me.
I beg your pardon.
Aren't you Guy Haines?
I saw you blast Faraday right off
the court in South Orange last season.
- Made the semifinals, didn't you?
- Yeah.
Oh, I certainly admire people
who do things.
By the way, my name is Bruno.
Bruno Antony.
It's corny,
but my mother gave it to me...
- ... so I wear it to please her.
- How do you do?
I don't talk much.
You go ahead and read.
You know, it must be pretty exciting
to be so important.
- Tennis player isn't so important.
- But people who do things are.
I never do anything. I suppose you're
going to Southampton for the doubles.
You are a tennis fan.
I wish I could go watch you,
but I've gotta get back to Washington.
I'm from Arlington, you know.
- Cigarette?
- No, thanks. I don't smoke much.
Me, I smoke too much.
Oh, here.
Oh, thanks.
"From A to G."
I'll bet I can guess who "A" is.
- Yeah?
- Anne Morton.
Sometimes I turn the sports page
and I see the society section.
And the pictures.
She's very beautifuI.
Senator Morton's daughter, huh?
You're quite a reader, Mr. Antony.
Yes, I am. Ask me anything.
From today's sports news
to Li'I Abner, I got the answer.
Even about people I don't know.
Like who would like to marry whom...
- ... when his wife gets her divorce.
- Perhaps you read too much.
Oh, there I go again. Too friendly.
It always happens.
I meet somebody who I like and admire,
and I open my mouth too much.
I'm sorry.
That's all right, forget it.
I guess I'm a little jittery.
Oh, there's a new cure for that.
- Waiter.
- Yes, sir.
Scotch and plain water, please.
A pair. Doubles.
- The only kind of doubles I play.
- You'll have to drink both.
And I can do it.
When's the wedding?
- What?
- The wedding. You and Anne Morton.
It was in the papers.
It shouldn't have been. Unless they
legalized bigamy overnight.
Oh, I've got a wonderfuI theory
about that.
Someday I'll tell you about it.
But right now, I suppose divorce is,
well, the simplest operation.
It's wonderfuI having you
as company all the way to New York.
I'm not going direct.
I'm stopping off in Metcalf.
Metcalf? Who would want
to stop off at Metcalf?
Well, it's my hometown.
Oh, I get it. A little chat
with your wife about the divorce.
Close enough.
Thanks. I think I will.
Well, here's luck.
Drink up and we'll have lunch sent
to my compartment.
Thanks, but I'll go to the dining car.
Oh, waiter.
- Are there any seats in the diner?
- Not for about 20 minutes, sir.
You'll have to lunch with me.
Bring me some lamb chops, French fries
and chocolate ice cream.
- Yes, sir.
- Compartment B, car 121.
- And, waiter...
- Yes, sir?
Guy, what'll you have?
- Thanks just the same-
- Go on, go on, order.
Well, I'll just have
a hamburger and a cup of coffee.
Well...'s to the next Mrs. Haines.
Sure, I went to college.
Got kicked out of three of them.
Drinking and gambling.
Not like you, huh?
All right, so I'm a bum.
Who said you were?
My father.
He hates me.
With all his money, he thinks I ought
to catch the 8:05 bus every morning...
...punch a time clock and work my way
up selling paint or something.
What do you think of a man like that?
- Well, I think possibly-
- Yes, I hate him too.
I tell you, I get so sore
at him sometimes...
...I want to kill him.
- I don't think you know what you want.
- Well, I want to do something.
You know, I've got a theory that you
should do everything before you die.
Have you ever driven a car
blindfolded at 150 miles an hour?
Not lately.
I did.
I flew in a jet plane too.
Man, that's a thrill. Almost blew
the sawdust out of my head.
And I'm going to make a reservation
on the first rocket to the moon.
- What are you trying to prove?
- Well, I'm not like you.
You're lucky. You're smart.
Marrying the boss's daughter makes a
nice shortcut to a career, doesn't it?
Marrying the senator's daughter has
nothing to do with it.
Can't I look beyond a tennis net
without being out for something?
Take it easy. I'm your friend,
remember? I like you.
I'd do anything for you.
Sure, Bruno.
We'll be pulling in soon.
I've got to change trains.
What did you say her name was?
Your wife's?
- Miriam.
- Miriam, that's it.
Miriam Joyce Haines.
I suppose she played around a lot.
- Let's not talk about that.
- A woman like that can make trouble-
Skip it, Bruno.
It's painfuI for a man
to discover he's been a chump.
Want to hear one of my ideas
for a perfect murder?
The "light socket in the bathroom"...
...or the "carbon monoxide
in the garage"?
Neither one. I may be old-fashioned,
but murder is against the law.
My theory is that everybody is
a potentiaI murderer.
Didn't you ever feeI
like killing somebody?
One of those useless men
Miriam played around with?
You can't kill people because
you think they're useless.
What is a life or two, Guy?
Some people are better off dead.
Well, like your wife and my father,
for instance.
Oh, that reminds me
of a wonderfuI idea I had once.
I used to put myself to sleep
at night, figuring it out.
Now, let's say that you'd like
to get rid of your wife.
- That's a morbid thought.
- No, no, no. Just suppose.
Let's say you had a good reason.
- No, let's not-
- No, no. Let's say.
You'd be afraid to kill her.
You know why. You'd get caught.
And what would trip you up?
The motive.
Now, here's my idea.
I haven't got time to listen.
Listen. It's so simple too.
Two fellows meet accidentally,
like you and me.
No connection.
Never saw each other before.
Each one has somebody that he'd like
to get rid of.
...they swap murders.
Swap murders?
Each does the other's murder.
Then there's nothing to connect them.
Each one has murdered a stranger.
Like you do my murder, I do yours.
We're coming into my station.
For example: your wife, my father.
- What?
- We talk the same language, don't we?
Sure, we talk the same language.
Thanks for lunch.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
The lamb chops were a little overdone.
Nice meeting you.
Now, you think my theory's okay, Guy?
I mean, you like it?
Sure, Bruno, sure.
They're all okay.
- Hiya, Bill.
- Guy Haines! Good to see you, boy.
You'd better win at Southampton.
I got two bucks on you.
- Park these in a lucky spot, will you?
- Sure thing.
One-fifty, two, three, four, five.
There you are.
- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
- Hello, Guy.
- You're looking well, Miriam.
So are you.
Got a nice tan playing tennis
with all your rich friends.
When do we meet your lawyer?
What's your hurry?
My hurry?
That's funny, coming from you.
You're the one in a hurry, aren't you?
When you wouldn't give
me the divorce...
...I sort of hoped it was
because you were jealous.
I got over being jealous
a long time ago, Miriam.
Let's talk in here.
Well, this is cozier. Sort of like
old times, isn't it?
Oh, skip it, Miriam.
It's pretty late to start flirting
with a discarded husband.
Especially when you're going
to have another man's baby.
You know, I think you're
handsomer than ever.
Let's get this over with.
You bring the money?
Lawyers are expensive.
Here it is.
If I'd known what all that tennis
nonsense of yours would lead to...
...I wouldn't have run out on you.
What are you trying to say, Miriam?
I'm not getting a divorce.
You little double-crosser!
I didn't want this divorce, you did.
You've been harping
about it all year!
It's a woman's privilege
to change her mind.
Now I can buy me
some pretty new clothes.
I wouldn't want you to be ashamed
of me in Washington...
...when we go to all
those swanky parties.
- What do you mean by that?
- Don't look so mad.
You smile when your picture's
taken for the newspaper.
Especially with Anne Morton
on your arm.
Let's not talk about her.
It's serious between you two, huh?
You can throw all your dreams
about her into the ashcan.
- I'm coming to Washington.
- What for?
- To have my baby and be with you.
- Why me? It's not my baby.
Yes, but people don't know that.
Do they?
Make a pretty story: "The Senator's
Daughter Involved With A Married Man. "
- Especially when he's to be a father.
- You conniving liar!
Keep your voice down.
- What happened? He run out on you?
- No man runs out on me. Not even you.
You've been trying to get rid
of me long enough.
I don't want to see or hear you again.
I could be pathetic as the deserted
mother in court. Think it over.
- Who would believe you?
- I'm warning you.
That's what should happen to people
like you. I'd like to find-
Break it up, folks. This isn't
the place for a family quarreI.
I'm sorry.
I'm leaving.
You heard what I said, Guy Haines.
You can't throw me away! I'm coming
to Washington to have my baby!
- Tell that to the Senate!
- Please.
Anne, darling, I-
Yes, I'm in Metcalf.
No, everything didn't go smoothly.
She doesn't want the divorce.
Not now.
It's unbelievable.
Yes, I know how you must feeI.
But you sound so savage, Guy.
Sure, I sound savage. I feeI savage.
I'd like to break her neck.
I said I'd like to break her fouI,
useless little neck.
What's that?
I said I could strangle her!
I do wish you'd keep your hands quiet.
You're so restless lately.
I like them to look just right.
Did I file them too short?
Oh, no, Ma.
They're just fine. Thanks.
- What's the matter?
- I'm all right. Don't worry about me.
But you look so pale, dear.
Are you out of vitamins?
I took a bottle yesterday, Ma.
A whole fifth.
Oh, but you have that look, dear.
I always can tell.
Now, you haven't been doing
anything foolish?
I do hope you've forgotten all
about that silly little plan of yours.
- Which one?
- About blowing up the White House.
Oh, Ma, I was only fooling.
Besides, what would the president say?
You're a naughty boy, Bruno.
You could always make me laugh.
Get shaved before
your father gets home.
I'm sick and tired of bowing
and scraping to the king.
Now, now.
Now, let's not lose controI.
Come see my painting.
Bruno, I do wish
you'd take up painting.
Such a soothing pastime.
Oh, Mother, you're wonderfuI!
That's the old boy, all right.
That's Father!
Is it?
I was trying to paint Saint Francis.
Excuse me, sir. They're ready
with your call to Southampton.
- I want to talk to you and your mother.
- Sorry, Father. Long distance.
- Must you take that tone with him?
- Hello.
What? Now, who did you say this is?
Bruno, Guy. Bruno Antony.
Don't you remember? On the train.
Are you getting your divorce?
He needs to go someplace for
treatment before it's too late!
Oh, so she double-crossed you.
Are you going to see her again?
Now, just let's have lunch first-
I'm going to have that boy taken care
of. If necessary, under restraint!
- Good night, Mom.
- Now, don't stay out late.
- There's the bus!
- Hold on, driver!
- Hey!
- Hey, driver!
- Hurry!
- Hey, wait a minute!
I'll get it, Tom.
- Go ahead.
- Okay.
Watch your step.
Easy does it, Tommy.
- Hey, I'm hungry.
- Oh, hungry already!
Hot dogs! Get them while they're hot!
Red-hot! Right over here!
Yes, sir, get your popcorn here.
Fresh popcorn! Only five cents a bag!
Come and get it!
Here you are!
Three cones, Arthur.
What flavors you got?
- Vanilla.
- Vanilla? Swell.
- I should've had a hot dog before this.
- A hot dog?
Satisfy my craving a little better.
Craving for what?
I never saw a girI eat so much.
- Where do you put it all?
- This is good.
Want some money?
Are we going to the TunneI of Love?
- Come on!
- Great. Come on.
- What do you call that thing?
- I don't know.
Stick them up.
Come closer, come closer!
Step right up and win a baby doll.
Let's go see who's the stronger.
Who else wants to take a chance
to win a Kewpie doll?
Here we go. Watch it.
Come on.
- How about you, sir?
Thank you.
Here we go!
the Kewpie doll that time.
Will you try it again, sir?
Here we go. Watch it now.
a nice Kewpie doll for the lady?
Try your luck, mister?
Come closer, come closer!
Step right up and win a baby doll!
Hot dogs! Here you are, folks!
Red-hots! Right over here!
Here we go.
You just won a Kewpie doll.
Why, he's broken the thing.
Come on, Miriam.
Step right up
and get your ticket cashed!
Let's go on the merry-go-round!
Let's sing. Come on.
Casey would waltz
With the strawberry blond
And the band played on
He'd glide cross the floor
With the girl he adored
And the band played on
His brain was so loaded
It nearly exploded
The poor girl would shake with alarm
He'd marry the girl
With the strawberry curl
And the band played on
Let's go for a boat ride.
How about some popcorn?
I could go for some.
Not now!
No fun necking
with a mouthfuI of popcorn.
- Come on.
- Okay.
Take a ride. Take a slide.
Take a trip with lots of zip.
This way, ladies and gentlemen.
- How about this one?
- I'm gonna drive.
You're gonna drive?
Don't rock the boat!
- Here we go.
- Anchors aweigh.
You sure you know how
to steer this tub?
- Make him stop! Make him stop!
- I'm trying to steer the boat.
Hey, what's that? What are you doing?
Come on, come on, Miriam.
- Come on.
- Stop it!
Hang on.
Oh, wait a minute.
Easy does it, now.
Let's not break a leg.
We got use for you later.
Hey, Miriam!
Is your name Miriam?
Why, yes. How did you-?
Hey, Miriam!
Miriam, where are you?
- Miriam, come on. Stop fooling.
- Think you can give us the slip, huh?
- Hey, come on! Stop hiding.
- Miriam, where are you?
Lost your girI, George?
Hey, here she is.
Look, she's fainted.
Come on, Miriam, get up.
What's the matter?
- She's dead!
- Dead?
Help, somebody, help!
Somebody send for a doctor!
Help, somebody, help!
Help! Bring help!
Somebody bring a doctor! Help!
Get a cop. I don't know
what's going on.
- a man who had a goat
He loved that goat
Indeed he did
He loved that goat
Just like a kid
What's your opinion?
You'll never make the Metropolitan.
Name's Collins.
On sabbaticaI, Delaware Tech.
Glad to meet you.
I just made a speech in New York
on integration.
In differentiaI calculus,
a function is given...
...and the differentiaI is obtained.
You understand?
Yes, I understand.
You do?
There was a man
Who had a goat...
Over here, Guy.
- Hello, Guy.
- What are you doing here?
At this time of night?
You don't seem very pleased to see me.
- I've brought you a little present.
- What do you mean?
What's this all about?
Recognize them?
It was very quick.
She wasn't hurt in any way.
It was all over in no time.
I knew you'd be surprised.
There's nothing for us to worry about.
Nobody saw me.
Only Miriam.
And I was very carefuI, Guy.
Even when I dropped your lighter,
I went back to pick it up.
Are you trying to tell-?
Why, you maniac!
But you wanted it. We planned it
on the train together, remember?
- Where are you going?
- Where do you think?
- I'm calling the police, of course.
- But you can't.
We'd both be arrested for murder.
- We'd both be arrested for murder?
- You're just as much in it as I am.
We planned it together. Crisscross.
- I do your murder-
- You think you can get away with it?
Oh, come, now. Why should I go
to Metcalf to kill a totaI stranger?
Unless it was part of the plan,
and you were in on it.
You're the one who benefits, Guy.
You're a free man now.
I didn't even know the girI.
I had nothing to do with this.
The police will believe me.
Guy, if you go to the police now...'ll just be turning yourself
in as an accessory.
You see, you have the motive.
- What is it?
- My telephone.
Someone has some news for you, Guy.
It's the police.
You've got me acting
like I'm a criminaI.
Why, you crazy fooI!
Don't you call me that.
Oh, you must be tired, Guy.
I know I am.
I've had a strenuous evening.
But now, about my father. I've got
the plan of the house already made.
And I have an old Luger pistoI I got
in a pawnshop in San Francisco-
Wait! We have to talk.
We have to arrange things.
Go, before I give you
what you gave Miriam.
You're not yourself, Guy.
You're tired.
When you think things over,
you'll see I'm right. Tomorrow, we-
I never saw you before!
I never want to see you again!
But we have-
Yes? Yes, Anne.
I'm sorry, darling. I just got in.
Of course I'm all right.
But you sound upset.
Is anything wrong?
All right. I'll come over right away.
Anne, darling, you're trembling.
I wonder if you know how much
I love you.
Brazen woman, I'm the one to say that.
I wanted you to know before...
Father wants to see you.
Good evening, sir.
Hello, Babs.
- Something dreadfuI's happened.
- Sit down, Barbara.
There seems to be no way of
diplomatically breaking tragic news.
I'm sorry, Guy,
to be the one to tell you.
It concerns your wife.
She's been murdered.
The police have been trying
to find you.
You're to call headquarters
in Metcalf.
Miriam murdered?
She was strangled.
It happened on an island,
in an amusement park.
It was sort of a lover's lane,
I believe.
Evidently, a sordid atmosphere.
She went there with the boys that
found her, so they're not suspects.
But you will be.
We can't overlook that murder
is at our doorstep...
...but don't drag it in here.
Let's not fooI ourselves.
Police will say Guy wanted her dead
so he could marry Anne.
This sort of crime,
they go after the husband.
Guy had every motive.
Well, she's right.
Whichever way you look at it,
I'm in a spot.
I'm sure you've got nothing
to worry about.
If he hasn't an alibi for 9:30,
he has plenty to worry about.
- You can tell them where you were.
- Sherry.
Thank you.
Can't you, Guy?
from New York to Washington.
There you are.
Did you see or speak to anyone?
You need a witness.
Yes, I did speak to someone.
Someone you know?
His name was...
Collins! He's a professor.
Delaware Tech.
Then everything's all right.
Not quite.
He'll still have to answer questions.
Routine. Pure routine.
There'll be many reporters here
in the morning.
Daddy doesn't mind a little scandaI.
He's a senator.
It can't be helped, darling.
It's not your fault.
No one can say you had anything
to do with it.
Someone might say it. I'd do anything
to keep you all out of this mess.
Be guided by my experience.
Never lose sleep over accusations.
Unless they can be proved, of course.
DreadfuI business. DreadfuI.
Poor, unfortunate girI.
She was a tramp.
She was a human being.
Everyone has a right to life
and the pursuit of happiness.
From what I hear,
she pursued it in all directions.
Father, it's getting terribly late.
Guy looks so tired.
Of course, of course.
Back to bed, Barbara.
Nothing stands in your way.
Now you can be married right away.
You're free!
You don't always have
to say what you think.
Father, I am not a politician.
Remember to call Captain Turley.
Yes, sir. Good night.
It'd be wonderfuI to have a man
love you so much he'd kill for you.
I kept saying over and over
I was being silly.
But there was one horrible moment
tonight when the news came through.
I kept remembering what you shouted
on the phone from Metcalf.
That I could-
Don't even say it.
Forget you ever said it.
Even more terrifying
than the murder itself was...
...the horrible thought that
if you had done it...
...we would have been separated.
Perhaps forever.
I couldn't stand that.
I couldn't bear it.
Captain Turley is expecting me.
Guy Haines.
Just a moment, Mr. Haines.
Come in, please.
Good of you to be so prompt,
Mr. Haines.
- This is Lt. Campbell.
- Hello.
- Won't you sit down?
- Thank you, sir.
I know you're busy, so we won't detain
you any longer than necessary.
You've already been good enough to
tell us where you were last evening.
We've found the man you spoke with
on the train.
- I saw him outside.
- Please come in, professor.
Professor Collins.
This is Mr. Haines.
You met on the train last night.
I'm sorry, but I really don't
remember meeting this gentleman.
Unfortunately, I remember very little
of our trip from New York.
You see, we had a little celebration.
But, we were sitting
opposite each other... the observation car.
You sang a song about a goat.
A goat?
And calculus.
You were going over a speech.
I was?
I'm very sorry, Mr. Haines.
I certainly must
have been celebrating.
Captain, is it so important whether
Professor Collins remembers me?
I've been able to name a man who was
on the train with me.
You've found him.
Isn't that proof of where I was
at 9:30 last night?
Thank you.
Hello, dear. Senator. Babs.
- Darling. Have you had dinner?
- On the train.
You've been in Metcalf all this time?
We expected you hours ago.
I didn't. They sometimes leave
a suspect in the can all night.
Sit down, Guy. Sit down.
Barbara, some coffee.
You had no trouble with the police...
...once they verified your alibi?
When an alibi is full of bourbon,
it can't stand up.
You mean the professor was boiled?
He didn't remember me.
But you knew he was on the train.
Isn't that proof you were on it too?
Apparently, not at the right time.
They suggested I could have caught
the train at Baltimore.
After Miriam was murdered.
They had it all worked out
in their timetable.
Well, that's ridiculous.
They're acting as if you were guilty.
Everything will be all right.
The police were just being thorough.
Weren't they, Daddy?
I certainly hope so.
What's your next move?
Whatever it is,
the police will know about it.
Oh, they gave me a present.
Take a look.
My guardian angeI.
You're being tailed.
That's Leslie Hennessy.
He works 16 hours a day.
Somebody else takes over
for the next eight.
Actually, he's a very nice fellow.
I'll have him called off.
Obstructing the wheels
of justice, Daddy?
I'm afraid where I go, Hennessy goes.
Even to the Senate.
- Is he likely to picket my office?
- Very likely.
I would suggest, for your own
peace of mind, of course...
...that you work at the house.
It'll be less embarrassing for you.
But what about practicing? Perhaps
I'd better forget about Forest Hills.
My dear boy...
...wouldn't it look rather awkward if
you suddenly canceled all your plans?
Right. You mustn't do anything
that looks suspicious.
- You must act as if nothing happened.
- Escorted by Mr. Hennessy.
A call for you, Mr. Haines.
They say it's urgent.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Hello, Guy.
It must have been some mistake.
It wasn't for me.
I suppose I was lucky
being seeded fifth.
I've never seen a Forest Hills
tournament. I look forward to it.
You mean we'll be going
together, Hennessy?
Don't worry.
By that time, this will be
all cleared up.
- Ever think of turning professionaI?
- I don't have to do that.
After tennis, I'm going into politics.
- I hope.
- Politics?
It's good I don't report that
to the chief.
If he knew that, he'd put 10 men
on you. He says-
Let's take this cab.
It's getting late.
- Pentagon building, please.
- Oh, not there. I always get lost.
We better be getting back.
We've actually been alone for an hour.
Seems almost indecent.
You like?
I like.
I was feeling like a goldfish.
Excuse me.
Will you stop pestering me?
You're spoiling everything
by making me come out into the open.
I've tried calling you.
Did you get my note?
Why haven't you called? My father
is leaving for Florida next week.
Listen, you- There's a detective
outside. He'll see us together.
Isn't that Anne Morton?
Slight improvement
over Miriam, huh, Guy?
Stay away from me, I'm telling you.
Who is it, Guy?
I never saw him before.
Just some tennis fan.
Here's a speciaI delivery.
It's marked "personaI."
- Thank you.
- You getting any practice today?
Yes, if I can get a court at the club.
- Barbara, who are you waving at?
- Mr. Hennessy.
It's a shame Daddy won't let us
have him in.
You met him yet, Louise?
He's awfully cute.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hello, Guy.
- Hello.
Okay, you ready, Guy?
Hi, darling.
This is Mr. Antony, a friend
of Monsieur and Madame Darville.
Guy Haines.
I've been a fan for a long time,
Mr. Haines.
I follow everything you do.
Mr. Antony has been telling us
some charming stories. Very funny.
I talked to your shadow. Did you know
Mr. Hennessy cracked that ax murder?
The one with the body cut up
and hidden in the butcher shop?
He was locked in the icebox
with a leg for six hours.
He pulls those things out of his hat.
Who's the interesting Frenchman
with the Darvilles?
His name's Antony.
He's not French.
How are you?
DelightfuI to see you, Barbara.
How sweet you look.
I hope you won't forget
our party on Thursday, madame.
- We're planning on it.
- But of course.
This is my sister.
Barbara, this is Mr. Antony.
How do you do?
Is your name Miriam?
- Hi, Hennessy.
- Hi.
I won't keep you out late.
With Forest Hills tomorrow,
I've got to sleep.
That's too bad.
Hammond will be on duty
in a couple of hours.
I'd like to see him earn his salary.
Doesn't that bloodhound ever relax?
He sticks so close, he's beginning
to grow on me.
Like a fungus.
He thinks you're
a very suspicious character.
But then he doesn't trust anybody.
Not even himself.
Come on, Hennessy.
- Don't forget your sleeping bag.
- Yeah.
If I wait too long on a sidewalk,
my feet get cold.
- If I sit too long on those steps my-
- Don't worry.
Since you told Barbara about the
icebox, you're her favorite charity.
- She'll send a butler to defrost you.
- Cute kid.
Good evening, Miss Morton.
This is Mr. Antony, Father.
- Mr. Antony.
- How do you do, sir?
I'd like to talk
with you sometime, sir...
...and tell you about my idea
for harnessing a life force.
It'll make atomic power
look like the horse and buggy.
I'm already developing my faculty
for seeing millions of miles.
And, senator...
...can you imagine being able
to smell a flower on the planet Mars?
I'd like to have lunch
with you soon, sir.
And tell you more about it.
- I'll see you later.
- Goodbye.
I don't remember inviting him.
Who is he?
A friend of the Darvilles.
UnusuaI personality.
- Excuse me, aren't you Judge Dolan?
- That's right.
How do you do, sir?
My name is Bruno Antony.
What's he doing here?
I don't know.
After you've sentenced
a man to the chair...
...isn't it difficult to go out
and eat your dinner after that?
When a murderer's caught, he's tried.
When convicted, he's sentenced.
When he's sentenced to death,
he must be executed.
- Quite impersonaI, isn't it?
- So it is.
Besides, it doesn't happen every day.
So few murderers are caught.
Mr. Antony, you seem very interested
in the subject of murder.
No more than anyone else.
- No more than you, for instance.
- Me?
I'm not interested in murder.
Oh, come now.
Everyone is interested in that.
Everyone has somebody that
they want out of the way.
Surely, madam,
hasn't there been a time...
...that you didn't want to dispose
of someone?
Your husband, for instance?
Oh, good heavens, no!
Are you sure?
You mean there wasn't a tiny moment
when you were made very angry?
What did you say?
There you are, you see?
There you are.
You're going to do a murder.
How are you going to do it?
That's the fascinating part.
How will you-?
I didn't get your name.
Mrs. Cunningham.
Mrs. Cunningham.
How are you going to do it?
Well, I suppose I'll have to
get a gun from somewhere.
Oh, no, Mrs. Cunningham.
Bang, bang, bang, all over the place?
Blood everywhere?
- How about a little poison?
- Yes.
- That's better. That's better, Mrs. -
- Anderson.
That's better, Mrs. Anderson.
But you see, Mrs. Cunningham is
in a dreadfuI hurry.
Poison takes from 10 to 12 weeks...
...if poor Mr. Cunningham is to die
from "naturaI causes. "
You know, I read of a case once.
I think it would be a wonderfuI idea.
I can take him in the car and
when we get to a very lonely spot...
...hit him on the head with a hammer,
pour gasoline over him and the car...
...and set the whole thing ablaze.
And walk all the way home?
- No?
- Oh, no. No, no.
I have the best way.
And the best tools.
Simple, silent and quick. The silent
part being the most important.
Let me show you what I mean.
May I borrow your neck for a moment?
Well, if it's not for long.
When I nod my head, you try to cry
out, and I'll bet you can't do it.
All right, now.
Just wait for the nod of my head.
Mr. Antony. Mr. Antony! Help!
Somebody, come quick! Help!
Somebody, come.
Quick, bring some water!
- Let's get him out of here.
- Bring him into the study.
Will you help me
take her upstairs, please?
- What happened?
- He seems to have fainted.
- What about her?
- She was frightened.
They were playing a game of some sort.
I thought he was weird
when he arrived. Who is he?
I hardly know him, sir.
Get him out of here
as soon as you decently can.
It's a nice item for the gossips.
First thing you know,
they'll be talking about orgies.
- I better get back.
- Yes, sir.
What happened?
I was on a merry-go-round somewhere.
It made me dizzy.
You mad, crazy maniac!
You ought to be locked up.
Will you get out of here
and let me alone?
But, Guy...
...I like you.
You shouldn't have done that, Guy.
Come on, pull yourself together.
Here, let me.
Is your car here?
Driver's outside.
All right, come on.
What's the matter?
Did you see it happen?
He looked at me.
His hands were on her throat...
...and he was strangling me.
How do you mean?
He was looking at her first...
...then looked over at me.
He went into sort of a trance.
Oh, it was horrible!
He thought he was murdering me.
But why me, Anne? Why me?
What did I have to do with it?
Do you know where Guy is?
He went out with that man.
Excuse me.
You didn't meet him for the first time
the other day, did you?
- When you introduced us at the club?
- Yes.
- Did you see how he stared at Barbara?
- No, I didn't particularly.
He stared at her
the same way tonight.
While his hands were around
Mrs. Cunningham's throat.
What did Miriam look like?
Why ask me?
You've seen her picture.
Go on. I want you to tell me.
- She was dark, not too tall, pretty.
- What else?
What else is there?
She wore glasses, didn't she, Guy?
She looked something like Barbara,
didn't she?
How did you get him to do it?
I get him to do it?
He killed Miriam, didn't he?
Tell me, didn't he?
He's a maniac. I met him
on the train going to Metcalf.
He had a crazy scheme about exchanging
murders. I do his, he'd do mine.
What do you mean "your" murder, Guy?
He read about me. He knew
about Miriam, about you.
He suggested if he got rid of Miriam
for me, I should kill his father.
You must've known
he was talking nonsense.
But he wasn't.
I didn't give it another thought.
And now, a lunatic wants me
to kill his father.
It's too fantastic!
Yes, isn't it?
You mean, you've known about Miriam
all this time?
Since the first night.
He gave me her glasses.
Why didn't you call the police?
And have them say what you did:
"Mr. Haines, how did you get him
to do it?"
And Bruno would say
we planned it together.
What are we going to do?
I don't know, Anne. I don't know!
We'd better go inside.
Hennessy is watching us.
This is why I didn't want you
to know anything about it.
I wanted to protect all of you.
Barbara, your father.
Now that you know,
you're acting guilty too.
If we could only talk to father, to-
It's not good.
I mustn't drag anyone else into this.
Come on, let's go.
Hello, Hammond.
You look worried.
Keep on your toes.
Something funny's going on.
Yes, yes, it's Guy.
I've decided to do what you want.
I'll make that little visit
to your father.
How about tonight?
Yes, I want to get
this thing over with.
Does anyone know you've come home?
You'd better slip out again.
And stay out till after daylight.
Mr. Antony.
Mr. Antony.
Don't be alarmed. I must talk
to you about your son, Bruno.
Yes, Mr. Haines?
My father isn't home tonight,
Mr. Haines.
I was about to tell you that
on the phone.
But you made such a sudden decision.
I wondered why.
You sent me the key to your house.
I decided to use it... make a little sociaI call
on your father.
I thought he'd be interested to know
he has a lunatic son.
I assume that you have no intention
of going ahead with our arrangement?
None whatsoever. I never had.
I see.
Well, then, you'll have
no further use for my key.
Nor this.
Look, Bruno.
You're terribly sick.
I don't know much about these things,
but why don't you get some treatment?
Not only for your sake...
...but you can't go on causing
destruction to everyone you meet.
I don't like to be double-crossed.
I have a murder on my conscience,
but it's not my murder.
It's yours.
Since you profit by it, I think you
should be the one to pay for it.
Well, I guess it's no use, Bruno.
We seem to have nothing further
to discuss.
Don't worry.
I'm not going to shoot you.
It might disturb Mother.
I'm a very clever fellow.
I'll think of something better
than that. Much better.
He came back at 3:25. I didn't even
know he was gone...
...untiI his phone rang
for half an hour.
Nobody sleeps that sound, so the
janitor let me in. No Haines.
Wonder where he went?
- Probably hear of another dead dame.
- Shut up!
How about I contact Metcalf?
There's cause for more questioning.
Questioning? Let's take him in.
My dear Mr. Hammond... many times must I tell you
that we have nothing conclusive?
There's no evidence he was ever at
the crime scene. Can't you get that?
Just stay put till I get back here.
Miss Morton, really.
I know Bruno's been in some very
awkward scrapes...
...but nothing so ridiculous
as a murder.
Mrs. Antony, you have to make him
do something about this.
Don't you see that just one word
from him...
...would get Guy out of this dreadfuI
But, Miss Morton...
...I'm sure that this whole thing
is just some practicaI joke.
You know, Bruno, he sometimes goes
a little too far.
I really shouldn't be saying
this to an outsider...
...but sometimes he's terribly
...and gets into all kinds
of escapades.
Don't you understand, Mrs. Antony?
Your son is responsible
for a woman's death.
Did Bruno tell you this?
Well, of course not, Mrs. Antony.
Well, there you are.
Well, now, Miss Morton, it's very nice
of you to call...
...and if you'll excuse me, I must
get back to my painting.
Do you care for painting, Miss Morton?
I find it very soothing.
Come see us again sometime.
Oh, Miss Morton.
I'm afraid that Mother wasn't
very much help, was she?
She hasn't been well
for a long time.
She's a little, how should I say?
Poor Mother.
You know, I'm very upset with Guy.
He shouldn't have sent you
on an errand like this.
Guy doesn't know I'm here,
Mr. Antony.
He's led you up the garden path,
I'm afraid.
He must be very desperate,
to try to involve me.
I've been protecting him ever since
that conversation on the train...
...when he told me
how much he hated his wife.
He tried to get me to go back
to the island one night after dark... pick up his lighter
so the police wouldn't find it?
He dropped it there, you know, when-
Well, that night.
All the police are waiting for... one piece of evidence
to convict Guy.
It's had me so worried.
But of course, I couldn't do it.
It would be too risky.
And besides, it would make me
an accessory.
Oh, Miss Morton. I understand
how you feeI.
Now, I'm sorry, but I have
an urgent appointment.
I really must go now.
He said if the police found
your lighter...
...that's all they'd need to prove
you were at the scene.
That lie about the lighter means
he'll put it on that island.
I wanted to help, but I'm afraid
all I did is make things worse.
Going there after you did
only made him more furious.
No, darling. He said last night
he'd think of something.
He certainly has.
Guy, you've got to get to Metcalf
before he does.
You haven't time to play.
You'd better tell them.
If they announce I won't play,
Hennessy will be suspicious.
He'll keep me from
getting near Metcalf.
- Well, then, I'll go.
- No, Anne.
Stay here and help me give
Hennessy the slip after the match.
But, darling, that'll be too late.
Didn't Bruno say I wanted him to go
there one night after dark?
- Yes.
- That's what's in his mind now.
He won't expose himself
in broad daylight.
If I can finish in three
sets, I'll still-
You're on in a few minutes, Guy.
- Miss Morton.
- Okay, Tim. I'll be right there.
This is what I think we'd better do.
If Turley said to, let's pick him up.
Let him have his game first.
First time I ever waited
for a murder suspect... play tennis before
I pulled him in.
If headquarters hears
about this, they'II-
- Good luck, Guy.
- Thanks.
You got it straight.
Make sure Barbara has everything ready
as soon as the third set starts.
Ladies and gentlemen,
your attention, please.
This men's singles match will be...
...between Mr. Guy Haines
and Mr. Fred Reynolds.
On the other hand, Guy Haines is
a quiet, methodicaI player...
...almost lackadaisicaI.
As a rule, he plays slowly between
points, well within himself.
Linesmen ready?
Game, Mr. Haines. He leads,
one game to love, first set.
Union Station.
Guy Haines is hitting harder,
hurrying up the play...
...taking chances
I've never seen him take.
This is a complete reversaI of his
usuaI watch-and-wait strategy.
Oh, may I have a light, please?
Game, Haines. He leads, one game
to love, third set.
Guy Haines has caught
the first two sets very easily.
And if he keeps going, it'll be a
straight-set win for him, sure.
Look, if he wins this next set,
you'd better have everything ready.
Give the driver this 10 dollars.
I wish I understood what
this is all about.
I'll tell you that later.
Please hurry.
Game, Mr. Reynolds.
Advantage, Mr. Reynolds.
Game, Mr. Reynolds.
He leads.
I may have spoken too soon
when I said...
...that this match looked
to be about over.
Reynolds is knocking on the door.
Game, Mr. Reynolds.
Mr. Reynolds wins the third set.
Mr. Haines leading, two sets to one.
The set score is now 2-1.
Guy Haines leading...
...and we're 10-all
in the fourth set.
This match, from a quick victory for
Haines, has turned into a dogfight.
Down there. My cigarette case.
It's very valuable.
- Down here?
- Yes, get that grate up right away.
What's the trouble?
Can't we do something?
I dropped my cigarette case.
It mightn't be any good.
Probably gone down the storm drain.
Maybe it lodged on the edge.
Don't they have a trap down there,
like under a sink?
Don't just stand here, do something!
I guess we could phone
the city engineer.
Worst he could do is tell me
to take a running jump-
- Relax, mister.
- I don't want to relax.
Game, Mr. Haines.
Guy Haines is mighty grim
and determined.
He needs but one more game
for the entire match.
Just one point between Haines
and the match!
Advantage, Mr. Haines.
Advantage, Mr. Haines.
You must think a lot of that,
whatever it is.
Game, set and match, Mr. Haines.
Taxi's waiting at the entrance.
Isn't it wonderfuI? He won.
It calls for a celebration.
- I'm sorry. Let me.
- It's quite all right.
Anne says you must have
dinner with us tonight.
I may be out of town.
But you'll be with Guy,
won't you?
I'm sorry. I wish I could.
You waiting for me? Penn Station.
Come on.
We need your help.
We're chasing a man.
Really? How exciting!
Where'd that man buy a ticket for?
- Metcalf.
- Let's get him.
Let him go. This may lead
to something big.
We'll phone Metcalf and let
them take over at that end.
What time does it get dark
around here?
What's the hurry?
- What time does it get dark, I said.
- Oh, soon enough.
- Excuse me.
- It's quite all right.
- When do we get into Baltimore?
- In about 30 minutes.
Late again, huh?
Nice business he's doing over there
since the murder.
People want to see the scene
of the crime.
Come on, come on. Come closer.
Here we are.
It's not a very nice way
to make money.
Well, heck.
Boatkeepers gotta eat too.
Business fell off something terrible
for a while.
The smoochers wouldn't
go near the place.
I'm afraid I don't know
what a smoocher is.
Okay. So I ain't educated.
Amusement park. Quick.
He's gone to the amusement park.
Car 61, reporting Guy Haines'
arrivaI at railroad station.
Suspect bound for amusement park.
There he is now.
Pick up Johnny and follow him.
We'll go around the other way.
Keep your eyes open.
If you see him, let us know.
Any more boats?
It'll be a few minutes' wait.
Hey, Bruno!
Haines, hold it!
Haines, hold it!
Bruno! Give me that lighter!
- Now, stay back, please!
- Coming through.
- He's on there, sir.
- He's the one who killed her.
We know that.
- Get someone to stop this thing.
- I can handle it.
Be carefuI! Stop!
- Do you want to do it?
- I guess he can make it all right.
That's mine.
My little boy!
My little boy!
- Are you all right, Haines?
- I think so.
He says this isn't the man we want.
It's the other one.
- The one he was fighting with.
- What do you mean?
Not Haines?
- But you pointed him out.
- No, I didn't, sir.
I've never seen this man before.
I meant the other one.
What's this all about, Haines?
He has my lighter.
He wanted to plant it on the island,
to pin the whole thing on me.
Let me talk to him. Let me show you.
Where is he?
Over here.
Take it easy, paI.
We can't move it.
It's too heavy.
- He's in a bad way.
- Can't you get it off him?
They've done everything
they can till the crane comes.
Hello, Guy.
Who's this?
This is Mr. Turley,
the chief of police.
They got you at last, huh, Guy?
Bruno, can you talk a little?
Can you tell the chief
you have my lighter?
I haven't got it.
It's on the island where you left it.
Bruno, don't keep it up.
Not at a time like this.
- You know that-
- I'm sorry, Guy.
I want to help you, but I don't know
what I can do.
Captain Turley, can't I go
through his pockets?
Of course not.
Besides, he says he hasn't got it.
I think he's going.
He's finished.
Is this it?
Well, you were right.
Better keep this for the time being.
We'll clear this up in the morning.
How about staying overnight?
I imagine there's a lot you want
to tell me. 9:00 all right?
Okay, Captain Turley. Thanks.
- Where's a telephone?
- Up near the entrance.
Who was he, bud?
Bruno Antony. Very clever fellow.
Yes, operator, yes.
Yes, darling, yes. Well, of course
I'll be there.
Guy will be back tomorrow.
He wants me to bring him some-
He says he looks silly
in his tennis clothes.