Stunt Rock (1978) Movie Script

Here she comes, Grant.
This is Barbra
Paskin, reporting from Sydney.
It's the last fling today
for Australia's favourite
stunt man, Grant Page.
Fans here won't
forget Grant's scenes
in "The Man From Hong Kong",
and the stunts he made
famous in "Danger Freaks".
The stunts he's doing today
for the new Australian
stunt record he's setting up
begin with the
thrilling death slide.
Grant, would you tell
us about the next stunt
you're going to do?
Certainly Barbra, the next
stunt is a human catapult,
in which I'm attached
between two headlands,
200 feet high on
1000 feet of rope.
And the centre of
it is dragged back,
much like a bow and arrow,
and I'm the arrow,
attached in the centre
of the rope hanging on.
That gets released,
and the idea is
that the tension on
the rope will take me out
faster than gravity will
take me down to the bottom.
We worked a long time
on the theory on this one,
and 100% confident it'll work.
We're about to try the
practise for the first time.
It's never been done before.
If Grant
succeeds with this one,
he'll have something
to talk about
when he arrives in Hollywood.
He leaves us tomorrow
to perform stunts
in the new television
series, "Undercover Girl".
It sounds like fun.
Stand by
everybody, this is it.
Ready, Grant?
Here we go.
So tell me, Curtis,
how's the band doing?
Great, after five
years, we're starting
to make some money.
I just got this.
Not bad.
Can't wait to see
you guys perform.
Well, we're in the
recording studio right now.
Tomorrow we start
three nights at The Forum.
Hey, can we go
by the studio later?
Sure, it's not too
far from your hotel.
How can we be
related? I get dizzy looking up.
That's all
right. I'm tone deaf.
So am I.
Grant Page. Cousin,
stuntman, horrible actor,
but hell of a nice guy.
Curtis tells me you
guys do magic tricks.
Magic tricks?
Grant, we do magic.
Nice. Can I borrow that?
You ain't seen nothing yet.
We're even doing
some things like you do.
Needs a little tightening,
but now we've got
you to help us with that.
Slow down.
You're talking to a man that's
going to be knocked down
by a car tomorrow.
So? We'll work
on it tomorrow night.
That's a nice hood.
What hood?
So when this car
actually comes at you,
it's going to be 60, is that it?
If anything goes wrong,
everyone stand clear
apart from Grant.
Okay. All right, fellas, well-
- You want an article
shortened, just tell me.
It really irks me to
read something I wrote
off the rack and
barely recognise if.
How can I deliver my best prose
if I know you're going to
cut it up behind my back?
Well, you damn well better
promise. I mean it, all right?
Southlands... Asshole.
Another notch today,
when a recent
arrival from Australia
stepped in front of a
fast-moving vehicle.
Nothing unusual: LA boasts
20 serious accidents a day.
But the twist in today's story
is that stuntman Grant Page
stepped in front of this two-ton
hunk of metal on purpose.
is he all right?
Jeepers, is he really
hurt? Oh my goodness.
Grant told us later,
"I've done this 100
times in Australia,
but this time, it went wrong."
As you can see, the
impact completely
shattered the windshield.
Oh, he's
in shock. All right.
Yeah, listen, just leave him
there, we'll get an ambulance.
Grant Page.
It'll be all right.
Page seems to have suffered
only a mild concussion,
but doctors at Memorial
Hospital are refusing
to release him until
further tests are made.
I don't believe it.
Crazy guy.
New therapy programme?
Yes; As a matter of fact,
I usually finish
up a bit of driving.
I'm in a hell of a
hurry. Would you mind?
Be my guest.
- Thanks.
- I love your outfit.
I left my suit in a phone box.
Hey, take it easy.
Sorry, but I've got to be
in the studio in 15 minutes
or I'll lose my job.
Okay, okay, just mind my car.
It's nice.
Makes you want to see
the one I got back home.
Where the hell have you been?
I've been in hospital.
Well, you're
late, God damn it.
Get into wardrobe and hurry up.
I really appreciate this.
Look, if you want
to hang about the set
for a little bit to see what's
happening, you're welcome.
Look, a cup of coffee
or a green card, please.
Sure, look, I'm doing an
article for Tempo Magazine
on how people
relate to their work.
I'd like to talk to you
about what you do.
Great. Just keep your eye
on the water tower up there.
Hey, I really
can do it myself, okay?
You're really not
supposed to be doing that.
It's for your own protection.
Your agent insisted.
You've gone too far
with this ridiculousness.
Do you have a problem?
I'm being chopped
to pieces, Peter.
Every time there's
any action going on,
this guy in drag does it for me.
There's no continuity
to the character.
Look, sweetheart, we're
building an image here.
Now the producers are
just going to have to realise
what a very valuable
little property you are.
How valuable can
I be if an audience
doesn't believe me, huh?
No, that spot,
the other was oval.
This is oval.
Come on, hurry
up. Get your ass up there.
We haven't got all day.
Quiet, everybody,
we're going for a take.
Right everybody, roll them.
Down, rolling.
- Rolling camera.
- Camera rolling.
Scene 37, take one, marker.
Great stuff, huh?
Why do they do it?
Stunt men? Gee, I don't
know. I never thought about it.
You know, this business
draws every crazy in the world.
Where's the blood?
Sent you up there a load of
blood. We don't see any of it.
Only one went off. What
do you want me to do?
Bleed? You want
me to slit my wrists?
These guys don't last long.
A lot of them get smashed,
cut, bruised, crushed.
They lose a leg.
They lose their nerve.
We'll do it
over. Rig him up again.
Get it right. I want
to see that blood fly.
How on earth are they going
to get that past the censor?
Oh, the foreign
markets love the blood.
And the more they do, of course,
the more I can
charge for my clients.
Oh, do you represent
the stunt man?
No, I mean, you know,
there's no money in that.
I represent Monique Van De Ven.
She's the star of the show.
pressure of that bed.
Well, is that enough for you?
Not the St Valentine's
Day Massacre, but it'll do.
Doesn't anybody
care if they get hurt?
No, not really.
Stunt men are breakables.
Print it.
Move the cameras.
Know why they're
using this guy?
Because he doesn't
know when to quit.
They're going to get a
lot of mileage out of him.
- Really?
- Oh yeah.
He's quite well known.
I first heard of him when
he did this movie called.
Mad Dog Morgan.
And in this particular film,
there was a dream sequence.
Grant had to fall backwards
70 feet off a cliff on fire
into a pool 12 feet deep.
It was a very dangerous stunt,
and somehow
something went wrong.
He got a couple of bad burns.
Anyway, most
people would have left.
Walked off the set,
"Goodbye, Charlie.
Forget it. I'm
never coming back."
This guy is back in
three days, in bandages,
and he's coming
onto the director with,
"Let me try it again."
You know? Oh, he's crazy.
Turned out fine.
They used it as one
of Morgan's nightmares.
The director reversed the film,
and had me coming
out of this burning pond.
Listen, I want to
drive the car tomorrow, okay?
I mean it.
I mean, all people
see for half of the show
is the back of my head, right?
So I want you to teach
me how to do things, okay?
It's not in my contract, lady.
Hey, this isn't funny
anymore. I'm serious, really.
Driving isn't so
difficult. It takes a feel.
I can't just tell
you standing here.
So show me.
All right.
They're good.
- Hey, that was great.
- Yeah.
Grant. You all right?
That car really wiped you out.
I'm fine, man. But
you ought to see the car.
Lois Wells, Monique Van De Ven.
Haven't I seen
you on the tube?
Yeah, possible.
Undercover Girl.
Meet Perry, Smokey, Paul,
Greg, Doug, Curtis, and Richie.
How are you?
Better known to
the FBI as Sorcery.
Oh wow.
Why do you wear a hood?
Why does anyone wear a hood?
Oh, how does it feel?
Grant, we've got
to get going to the concert.
Hey, can I come too?
Sure, we'll have a little
shack before the show.
And the next course is-
- Voila.
Well, what is it?
We're having duck.
There you go.
I think I turn
into a vegetarian.
Tell you what,
I'll take him back to the chef
and tell him it's
a little too rare.
Since the
days of Merlin, the magician,
the power of good has
challenged the forces of evil.
Prepare yourselves for
a night of cosmic combat,
a duel to the death to
decide the fate of mankind.
The king of the wizards
against the prince of darkness.
Ladies and gentlemen, Sorcery.
Hey, Paul, it
was a great show, man.
- Really terrific.
- Thanks a lot.
Why don't you stick
around for the second half?
Sure. Yeah.
Hey, you have a
cigarette for me?
As a matter of fact,
I do. Right over there.
Now, watch.
Where did it go?
Right over there.
you like a light?
Oh yeah.
There he goes.
She does like it.
I knew she'd eat this stuff.
Have some more.
Oh, good boy.
Come on. You're
a grotty eater.
Here, have a little water.
Watch out for your greens,
see how they're good for you.
I know what we'll do.
We're going to give
her the whole plate.
Look at you go.
Dance, dance, dance.
Grant. It's after midnight.
What happens? You
turn into a pumpkin?
I thought you wanted
to interview me.
Hey, Grant, let's dance, okay?
Hey, why don't we
stay up all night?
We have a seven
o'clock call in the morning.
Not me, I've got to go home
and add all this to my outline.
What is this article
you're doing, anyway?
Now he asks.
Hey, listen.
Lois wants to go home,
so let her go home, okay?
I'm doing an article about
how people in our society
can get so caught
up in their work
that it becomes
their whole life.
Sometimes it even kills them.
People like me?
You're the best
example I've found so far.
And that's bad?
I think it's sad.
Hang on for just a
minute. I'll be right back.
I don't know why journalists
ever bother themselves
to interview people.
You're going to write what
you want to anyway, right?
You should see some of
the things they write about me.
Sometimes I read it and
it sounds like so much fun,
I go and do it.
Listen, it's not just Grant.
It's all these guys.
They're real craftsmen,
and you could do
them a real injustice.
Monique, it's
not my intention-
- Lois, if you get a chance,
take a look through this.
It'll give you a
little background.
I've been collecting
pictures and clippings
about other people's work.
Someday I'm going to
put together a manual
about the techniques
of stunt work.
- It looks interesting.
- Yeah.
What drives
a man like Grant Page
to risk his life so casually
on a daily working basis?
Is it the same kind of devotion
to professional excellence
that sent men like
73-year-old Carl Walinda
plunging to his death?
Are we dealing with the
demands of the profession,
or a man's attempt to
prove something to himself?
Apparently, this whole
stunt business had its roots
in the circus.
The advent of silent movies,
and the zany '20s opened up
a whole new field
of opportunities
for the ambitious acrobat.
Grant Page is one
of many stuntmen
in the developing
Australian film industry.
What they lack in
expensive technology,
they seem to make
up for in sheer nerve.
Campbell is a veteran
of more than 50 fire stunts.
When he's not burning,
he runs a company that
makes swimming pools.
Quite understandable
under the circumstances.
Tom Slavin's Kempo
karate team once
did a TV show with Grant.
Their training methods
leave little to the imagination.
Peter Armstrong is
Australia's top stunt coordinator,
with 20 years' experience
in movies and live shows.
His specialty is jumping
from the top of one car
to another, blindfolded.
His only injury was
losing the tip of his thumb
in a head on crash.
Tying your wife to the
front of your car and
ramming her through a
burning barricade would be
grounds for divorce
in most families,
but for auto stunt specialists
Max and Dale Aspen,
it's all in a day's work.
You mothers,
can't you get moving?
We haven't got all
day to sit around here.
Come on, let's
get going on this.
Felt good when
you were doing it,
but it doesn't feel
good now, does it?
All right.
- Hello, Monique.
- Dance, dance, dance.
Are you here to watch the fun?
- I came to see Grant.
- He never lets up, does he?
Do you?
It's not strong enough.
It's unsafe.
I'll have to do all the work
up on this end up here.
Hell, it feels
pretty good to me.
You're not doing it.
Who are you today?
Professional killer. How's
that for an interview subject?
Had one of those last week.
Oh, stay around and
watch a bit of stunt work.
Cup of coffee afterwards?
This book of yours
is very impressive.
Thank you.
Okay, let's go.
Come on, there's nothing
moving around here but the sun.
Roll cameras.
What the
hell are you doing?
I'm sorry, they slipped.
If you can't hang onto that
script, shove it up your ass.
Okay, Ron.
There's really
very little risk at all.
If there was, I
wouldn't be doing it.
Then why don't
they let me do it?
It does require some
experience and training.
You notice they don't
have me out there
doing great long stretches
of motivated dialogue.
A man of action.
There's more to
this than I thought.
I wonder if you'd let me
keep this a little while longer?
Of course.
It's all been pioneer
work up until now.
We're only just
developing the art.
Have you seen
Gone In 60 Seconds?
Look, there's no way
I'm going to have her
fire a flare gun. She
can get a very valuable-
- I want her to fire
the flare herself.
But she happens to be a
very valuable property. Okay?
- Look guy, I'm the dog.
- You're the tail. I wag you.
She's firing the flair.
- Okay. Okay.
- She firing the flair.
It's crazy to take
so many risks.
You realise how much
precision and planning
goes into each segment?
The timing has to be perfect.
Hey, they're ready
for you, sweetheart.
How are you doing?
They'll want me too.
Listen, I fixed it so you
can shoot the flare yourself.
Come watch.
It's going to be a lot of
good work in this one.
What do you do this time?
Al little stunt driving.
Car catches fire.
I burst into flames.
Come through the
windscreen a human fireball.
I've been observing you
for a couple of days now,
and I know you're going
to kill yourself sometime,
and I just don't want
to be here when you do.
So if you don't
mind, I'm going home.
Grant, I think she likes you.
Okay, you
got this right now?
Yeah, I know. Yeah.
Okay. All right,
we're going for a take.
Let's get it right.
- Roll sound.
- Okay.
- Roll camera.
- Okay.
Scene 24, take one marker.
All right. Action.
Not bad.
You know, Grant,
you're the only guy
in this whole show
who's not always
trying to take me out.
Hey. What do you call this?
Well, it's not exactly
lounge seats at the Ritz.
You're very
professional, aren't you?
Well, I'm not looking
to advance my career
by dating the star of a
series, if that's what you mean.
No, I was going to
put it in another way.
More like the teacher
not dating the students.
All right, then. You're on.
I like you too.
That's more than I can
say for Lois at the moment.
Don't let her get to you.
I mean, if she's your
type, she'll come around.
She's got to learn to
accept you for what you are.
and gentlemen, Sorcery.
Hi there.
- Nice view.
- Yeah.
Stay a while.
No thanks. The devil's
domain is down, not up.
I got an improvement
on your next act.
What about you leap onto
the stage from up here?
Yeah, sounds nice.
I'll have to think about that.
Hey Grant, what's the
most dangerous stunt
you've ever done?
I'll have to think about that.
Tempo Magazine,
September issue.
This is for the
centre spread section.
In 1975, Page attempted
to set a world record,
by combining two
stunts into one:
The Human Torch
and the Flying Fox.
At the entrance
to Sydney Harbour,
there is a cliff known
as North Head.
It was here in front of TV
and press representatives
from all over the world
that Grant planned
to be sprayed with gasoline,
set alight and slide
300 feet down a rope
to the rocks below.
A large safety team
spent four hours
carefully rigging the
equipment for a stunt
that everybody knew
would push Grant
to the outer limits of safety.
But the man himself
answered reporters' questions
with unruffled confidence.
I'm not
worried, Brian,
because we've spent too
much time on the research of it
to be anything
but totally confident
of what's going to happen.
Particularly after the
practise run we've just done.
There was a few
variations of gear
that we've never used before,
but now we've
completely duplicated it,
except for the actual fire.
Now, your only big worry
there is the fire burning
the actual main rope.
We've allowed ourselves
60 seconds of leeway.
The run should
only take about 10.
Maybe five or 10
seconds at the top,
which still gives us
about 40 seconds clear
for any problems
that might crop up.
Aren't you
just a little bit scared?
Now if [ was,
wouldn't be doing it.
Water gel, a scientifically
prepared fire retardant
was the only protection
Grant used against the flames.
Just before the stunt,
he put on woollen
underwear soaked in it,
and smeared the gel
all over his face and hair.
Here we go.
10, 9, 8,
7, 6,
5, 4,
3, 2,
What happened?
- I burned to a crisp.
- What do you think?
That can be
arranged, wise guy.
We are the wizards' council.
Will the sorcerer
survive the sword?
Have a
look out your window.
Who is this?
Just have a look
out your window.
You're crazy.
I just came by to
invite you to a party.
No, what are
you talking about?
I won't leave
until you say yes.
Oh my God, hang on.
What can I do?
Say yes, so I can
get down from here.
All right, wise guy, you win.
It's a little early
for a party, isn't it?
All right, what
about breakfast first?
You do circus stunts, too?
Heights I just do for
my own amusement.
I would never
do anything like that
if I thought there was
the slightest chance
I was going to fall.
Look, it's funny; Everyone
has a different attitude
about heights.
If you're standing here,
standing on, say, there-
- Uhuh.
There's no way
you're going to fall over.
But if you knew that there
was no building on that side
and no building on that
side, you would stand-
- I wouldn't even attempt it.
You'd fall over, for sure.
But that's the same thing.
Also, it's confidence
in yourself.
You develop your own confidence.
It's, well, say, you know
how strong your hands are.
This sort of thing.
Oh God. Not again, Grant,
please. I went through this...
Dear God.
See? All right.
It's easy.
But I'll tell you what,
it's still hard work.
Yeah, right.
But it's just the fact that
you know what you can
and can't do.
There's no irrational fear.
Everyone has irrational fear,
but it's an unbased
fear because they-
- With me, it's a based fear.
When I was seven years
old, I climbed a Willow free.
I was a real tomboy.
I met three branches
on the way down.
You're lucky you
hit the branches.
I think everyone sort of has
their experiences in trees.
I was one of those
real little show offs.
I was always up
the top of the tree.
Always up there,
always screaming out,
"Look at me, look at me."
That's the ego thing.
I think probably any stunt
man that's working today,
if he kids himself that
he hasn't got an ego,
he's in danger,
because I think every
stunt man working
has got the expertise
as a young child,
by being a show off,
because that's what gives
him the drive to get there,
to do all of these things
that teach him what to do.
But the first thing
he's got to learn,
if he's going to
make his living at it
is that it was his ego
that got him there,
and it's his ego
that's going to kill him.
I had a couple of bad
experiences hang gliding,
when I pushed my
luck just a little too far.
When you fly for
movies, inevitably,
you have to take a few risks.
The first time I hit a tree,
which wasn't too bad,
but when I crash
landed in the river,
I was very nearly drowned.
The kite went
straight to the bottom
and I got tangled in the
harnesses and couldn't get out.
My friends had just
about given up hope.
I was underwater for nearly
two minutes before I came up.
Didn't put me off
hang gliding, though.
It's too much fun.
If you can imagine
standing on the edge
of a 2000 foot cliff,
just facing out off the cliff,
and all you can see in
front of you is two wires
running up that way,
and a bar like that.
You've got a hold of the bar
and you just run
straight forward.
And that bar is
all your control.
And you just go out,
and you feel a lift,
and lifts you with it.
And then as you
furn, it's just like a bird,
because you're lying flat.
You're flying with your
body in a flying position,
and your body does the movement.
You go like that and you fly.
It's fantastic.
Hey, can I bring
you back down to earth
for a minute?
Are you going to take me
to this party, or aren't you?
Who are
you supposed to be?
The Phantom of the Opera?
Why don't you take
that stupid hood off?
You want to do
some magic for me? He's my agent.
You don't mind if I borrow
your handkerchief, do you?
Now then, what
I want you to do
is watch the
handkerchief very closely,
because if you
don't watch it closely,
you're going to
miss the whole thing.
And we have a bird.
Isn't he cute? Hi there.
Monique, this is
a very unusual bird,
and I'll show you why.
Because we take
him and lay him over,
right on his back, like so.
A few passes.
He becomes
hypnotised, just like that.
Unless, of course,
we snap our fingers.
Because then, he's
wide awake again.
Would you like to hold the dove?
Here you go. Wear
it in your next movie.
Thanks, I will.
Peter, the others,
there by the music.
Why don't you go over
there and talk to them?
Maybe they need an agent.
Oh, I'm sure they do.
The only thing is that I
don't represent magicians.
Too bad.
I got an act for you.
What? You're talking to me?
Yes. I'm Chris Shalan.
For $1,000,000, I'll allow
myself to be buried alive
under 25 feet of
rock and cement.
Check these chains.
Tight, aren't they?
Yeah, they're tight.
Well then, watch this.
Is this suicide or what?
I don't think so.
Who is he?
He says he's
Houdini's reincarnation.
Well, let's hope so.
He'd better be.
- The cement business.
- Are you serious?
How does it feel
when you're playing?
Oh, it's incredible.
You know, some people say,
"The show you guys
put on is just incredible,.
And I tell them, "You
ought to see the show
that we're seeing from
where we're standing.
You actually get a feeling of
almost lifting off the ground.
You're not conscious
of things around you.
You could actually
seriously hurt yourself
- and not even feel it.
- Really?
Well, I've had my
hair catch on fire.
audience just looked up
with a stark
expression on their face.
I turned, Smokey wasn't there.
And as I turned around
to see where he was,
he was putting Rick's hair out.
They didn't miss a note.
They didn't miss a note.
And I'm playing.
It was falling
down over his face.
And then after
the song was over,
the people were applauding,
and I was thinking,
"Oh my God."
The music, mind you,
the music never stopped,
because that's one thing
that this group is like.
The show must go on.
The show must go on.
It's kind of like
picking up an audience
and shaking them violently
for an hour and a half,
and then throwing them down.
And when it's all
over, they're going,
"Oh, my-."
They don't know what
they've seen, yeah.
Remember last night,
what you said to me
about diving on the stage?
Could you do that?
You mean down
from the rafters?
Hey, sounds
like the Flying Fox.
You better be very careful
how you pronounce that now.
Oh really?
Yes, it could be done.
Is it hard to rig?
No. No, I've done
it 100 times before.
- Yeah. It's beautiful.
- Really, I like it.
I'll tell you what. I've got
the rig in the hotel room.
Hey, listen.
I'd love to do something
like that on the show.
Your agent
would never allow it.
Listen, he works for
me. I don't work for him.
That's not the
way he tells it.
Oh, I think I better fix that.
Look, I'm a businessman.
Now I'm going to get
10% of that $1,000,000,
whether you come
up from the cement
or you do not come up
from the cement, you get me?
I think you and I
should have a little talk, okay?
Yeah, fantastic. You want
to excuse us just a second?
Thank you.
Not now, later,
because Grant is
going to show us
how his Flying Fox
stunt works, okay?
Look, don't you see enough
stunts on the set every day?
You know, I think
you're taking this thing
much too seriously.
Look, you got to learn
how to relax a little bit.
Play the game. Now just
let me handle your career.
You know, I can do
you a lot more good
than these stunt people can.
- Really, huh?
- Oh yeah.
My contacts, I
can't find them.
I lost my contacts. I can't see.
Bye, Peter.
Okay, cousin,
the rope is now
attached to the building.
The body rope around
you has a breaking strain
of over two tonnes.
The carabiner has a breaking
strain of 4,000 pounds.
The rope clips in
through the top like this,
and forms one loop
around the back.
That's done up, and now you
are attached to the building.
You're set.
Hey, Grant,
that sounds really easy.
I'm not afraid to do that.
Fear is a funny
thing, Monique.
If ever you lose respect for
the danger of what we're doing,
you can finish up very dead.
Okay, cousin. See at the bottom.
See you down there.
Hey Curtis?
You want to do me
a real nice favour?
Monique, you
can talk me into it.
Let's go.
I'd say
about when he gets to
that white ledge there,
Tony, we should start the
heavy braking at that stage.
Hello. What are you
doing down here?
That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
Who the hell is on the rope?
Monique's up there.
Monique, are you sure
you know what you're doing?
I'm really okay. Don't worry.
Okay, I'm okay.
I love it.
But you're a very naughty girl.
I'm not. Hey, not bad
for a first time, right?
Too bloody good, but
now we've got to get back
and teach you
the theory, I think.
Ladies and
gentlemen, Mr Grant Page.
Grant, we'd like to dedicate
this next song to you.
How can I be so blind?
This is something
unique you guys are doing.
I think it's going to catch on.
It already has. It's
called rock and roll.
Not this combination.
There's music, there's
magic and stunts.
I'm going to write an
article. Let's call it stunt rock.