Sucker Punch (2008) Movie Script
Toe to toe
for two full rounds,
neither giving an inch.
Oh look, a beautiful
- Well, how do I look?
- The business.
But you haven't
even clocked me.
You've only got one suit.
You always look good.
You're not lying.
I've got a good feeling
about tonight.
This new boy is gonna
be our ticket.
- Is this new guy good?
- He's les couilles du chien, mate.
- He's a what?
- The dog's bollocks.
We're gonna be players,
me old son.
Charlie, over here.
Come on, people.
I'll give you three to one.
Any takers?
So, ladies and gentlemen,
you know the rules.
The winner stays on
till the challengers have gone.
Anybody else want to take
on Mr. Maitland's boy?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, somebody
take him on.
I need a fighter,
not a "Big Issue" seller.
Money talks, right?
Apparently so.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we've got us a fight.
Come on.
Now I might be wrong,
but I'm betting you know
something they don't.
I have a monkey
on the pikey.
- I'll take those odds.
- Five beers for a quid.
Whatever you do, don't get
drawn into a brawl.
Old Hulky Hogan over there
is too big, man.
So keep your jabs in his face,
loads of elbows.
Knees, yeah?
Bob and weave, bob and weave.
Lateral movement, yeah?
Good man.
Is that what you told him?
- How is he?
- He'll be all right.
- You sure?
- Hopefully.
You ready?
You ready?
Do it.
Come on, son.
Three to one,
any takers?
Come on, you're not gonna get this
at Paddy Power, I can tell you.
Come on!
Come on.
- You owe me money.
- Where you from, son?
- Out of town.
- Me too.
- Listen, if you're one...
- My money.
Could be plenty more
where that came from.
Right, that's us
all square, Vic.
And a week early too.
And with my new find
the sky is the limit.
We're going places.
Well, he's certainly going.
Hey, wait!
What's the rush?
We made a great team back there.
- I'm not a team player.
- We cleaned house tonight.
And with my connections
I could take you to the top of this game.
Look, why don't you just let me
take you to dinner? We can just talk.
Hear me out.
If you don't like what I'm saying,
we go our separate ways.
The worst thing that can
happen is you get a free meal.
What do you reckon,
- Buchinsky.
- Buchinsky?
- What sort of name is that?
- What's yours?
Ray... Ray Davidson.
But most people
call me Harley.
- You know, as in Harley Davidson.
- The motorbikes.
- Vroom vroom.
- Yeah, I got it.
So what do you reckon,
- Okay.
- Yes!
So what are your plans?
Make some money.
Tie up a few loose ends.
The loose ends
are your business.
But I can arrange the matches,
handle the finances,
- provide medical cover.
- Medical cover?
Yeah, Weed here
used to be at med school.
He's the best cuts man
in the business.
I was the cleaner.
What I meant to say
was he worked at med school.
He was taking more medication
than the patients.
You a junkie?
Let's just say he's
chemically propelled.
Yeah, I'm chemically propelled.
I like that.
So what are you
saying, Butch?
I'll sleep on it.
- You got somewhere to stay?
- Not yet.
You can kip here.
Give 'em my name
and you'll be well looked
after, my son.
You'll be all right.
I need a room.
I was given this address.
- Who gave you that?
- Harley.
- Harley Davidson.
- Better come in then.
So you're a friend
of Harley's?
I told you already,
an acquaintance.
Either way, I want
the rent upfront,
Or we could come
to a more...
comfortable arrangement.
Good sleep
last night, Butch?
It was okay.
- Did ya?
- Yeah.
I'll bet you did.
And what do you want?
Full English?
- Water.
- Water?
- Hot.
- Hot water?
- That's it.
- Fine.
Hold up, what's the matter
with her?
She's got a face
like a slapped ass.
Yeah, you sorted out
your old bill?
- Cash.
- Cash?
- Cash.
- Cash?
They normally rump
the Arsenal off of her.
Have you thought any more
about my proposition?
60-40 split in my favor.
- What?
- And I manage my own finances.
50-50 equal partnership
or no deal.
I'm the one taking
all the risks here.
I'm providing the contacts,
capital outlay,
good will,
medical cover,
I'm the one that bleeds.
I bet your friend Maitland
knows a good deal when he sees one.
You fight dirty,
you know that, Butch?
And that's another thing. You call me
Butch one more time the deal's off.
What are we supposed
to call you then?
You drive
a hard bargain, Chaz.
Now what?
I arrange an appointment with Mr. Maitland
and start the ball rolling.
He always try to get
one over on that guy.
Yeah, but this time I'm holding
the trump card, mate.
- I'll pick you up at 8:00.
- Okay.
Oh, and Chaz,
try and smarten
yourself up a bit.
I've got a reputation
to maintain.
Come on, let's go.
Oi, you haven't paid
for your breakfast.
Put it on my boy's room.
- You're having a laugh.
- Look, don't worry.
He'll come around.
He likes you.
- Did he say that?
- Yes.
Come on, jump in.
Let's go.
Knock him out.
That's why I have him
as my second man.
Hey, I've seen this film.
It's the "Midnight Pajama
Party Murders," isn't it?
Part 7.
- Is this crackhead for real?
- You've got a lot of anger in you.
You should have a word
with my old therapist.
Maybe I should take out my aggression
on your scrawny little ass.
Hey, let's all just calm down
and talk business, eh?
You'd better be quick.
'Cause my boy here has got business
of his own to take care of.
Yeah, and when I'm finished,
maybe I'll do
your bitch for free.
Well, that's why
we're here...
to set it up
between you and Chaz.
You never cease
to amuse me, Harley.
Your boy beats
an average mug
and you want me to match him
up with a champion
- who's been unbeaten for three years?
- Yup.
Now listen to me,
you little shit.
No, better still,
follow me.
Let's see how
we do business.
Time to go to work.
Tonight's the night, Vic.
Nice title for a song, Stan.
Smug bastard.
Ready, prick?
Is that all you've got?
Come on, is that
all you've got?
Come on, get up,
you piece of shit.
Hey, wanker, get up.
Get up.
Come on, let me finish him.
Come on, let me
just finish him.
Come on, I'm gonna
do him now.
Let me finish him.
I said he's good,
isn't he?
- Yeah.
- But you can beat him, right?
Everybody loses.
Hey, where you going?
Come on, I'll give you a lift.
- No, I'd rather walk.
- It's the car, isn't it?
It's only a hire.
I'm waiting for a new Merc
to be delivered.
Got a new car, Harley?
Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.
So still want
to fight my boy?
Why not?
I haven't seen nothing
to worry us.
Well, if you want to make
an ass of yourself,
come and see me.
- When I finish with your boy...
- Him?
Yeah, you.
I'm coming for you.
- Me?
- Yeah, you.
Dream on, Hong Kong Phooey.
Too much sun on that bald head.
You're delusional.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
That's it, girls.
Same thing but harder.
Now bring it up.
All right, girls,
that's it.
She'll never sink,
will she?
I haven't seen that much fanny
since we went down to Peppermint Hippo.
What a night that was.
Listen, make it quick.
I'm busy.
What, another hard day
at the office, Vic?
Think that's funny?
- Well, your boy against...
- Hey.
I've got a name...
Didn't mean
to be disrespectful.
Anyway, your boy,
Big Jim,
Thursday night,
three grand each.
Winner takes all.
Big Jim?
That's a tall order.
Listen, you're in
the big league now.
- If you don't want...
- No no no, we'll take it.
It's just that, um,
I'm gonna have to
tap you up, Vic.
How much?
Three grand.
You've got some balls,
I'll give you that.
See Dennis on your way out.
- But if you lose...
- We won't.
If you lose, two weeks.
Hey, ladies, if you ever
get tired of rug munching,
why don't you look up
me and Slick Willy here?
I look forward
to seeing you work.
Come on, babe.
We're gonna be late.
About time.
Don't rush me,
Ray Davidson.
You don't take me
anywhere anymore
and I'm gonna make
the most of this.
- I'm sorry, babe.
- So?
So what?
- How do I look?
- Oh, yeah yeah.
Oh, lovely.
Can we go now, please?
I don't know why I bother.
You don't give a crap
how I look.
- Of course I do.
- Yeah.
And I suppose we're gonna be
a threesome again tonight too.
Look, I'm mixing business with
pleasure tonight and I need him there.
When's it gonna be
just pleasure?
- Looks like you've had that already.
- Shut up.
Look, I told you, when the business
makes enough money,
I promise you
it'll be all pleasure.
Now go on. Get your fat ass
in the car, eh?
Go on.
Well, hello.
Yeah, hi.
Uh, Mandy, Chaz;
Chaz, Mandy.
Mandy's my, you know.
I'm Ray's fianc e.
So you must be the new
meal ticket then.
- Mandy.
- What?
Like it's not true?
If you don't want me to complain,
how about you get a real job
and make an honest living?
Can we talk about this later?
I've got business to sort out, all right?
All right, Chesty?
I didn't know you
were still fighting.
Of course I am.
You got that 50 you still owe me?
I'll tell you what, I'll see you
in the bar afterwards, yeah?
All right.
Absolute nutter.
All right, babes?
Oh, great.
You really do take me
to the best places, don't you?
I did tell you
it was business.
I'm gonna go find the bar
and get very very drunk.
Don't be like that.
All right, Big Jim?
Where is he?
- Hurry up with that, will ya?
- All right.
Who does he think he is?
Yeah, about time.
For a minute there
I thought you did a no-show on us.
And what's all this two fighters sharing
the same dressing room?
Forget it.
What time are we on?
- On where?
- Out there.
- We're headlining, ain't we?
- Headlining?
Did you honestly think
I'd put you on the card?
Why the hell would I want
to use one of your corpses
- on a meaty show like this?
- Why not?
With your track record
I'd be a laughingstock.
This is a private wager.
- So where we fighting then?
- Here.
- Here?
- Good.
That's settled then.
Come on, Chaz.
He's only a little runt.
Hey, where's he going?
Stop playing around
with these boys.
- There you go.
- You fuck.
Fuck. You stupid
little fucking cunt.
I think he's had it.
So I'll get to keep
the three grand then.
Oh dear.
Whatever he's paying you,
I could piss all over it.
Yeah, I'll bet you could.
Well, my door
is always open.
You ain't gonna go
with him, Chaz, are you?
You know it's gonna break
Harley's heart if you do.
Look, where I come from a handshake
is as good as a contract.
Oh my God, Chaz,
you were amazing.
I think you've really
found one this time, baby.
Didn't I tell you
he was the business?
- You so did.
- Let's go celebrate.
Hey, Chaz, you coming?
No, not tonight, mate.
I just want to have a bath.
A bath?
Look, a performance like that
deserves a night out on the town.
Loosen up the old
Gladys Knights.
Yeah, I'm sure.
But not tonight, mate.
Suit yourself.
But remember,
we're chasing that
pot of gold tomorrow.
I'll see you at breakfast.
- At breakfast?
- Fuel.
Weed, come on.
And as for you...
See ya.
Your friends seem happy.
You're not going?
- Not my style.
- Don't remember me, do you?
Maitland's office.
You were...
you were working.
I'm flattered.
So if you're not partying
tonight, what are you doing?
Just want to have
a hot bath.
In that case, why don't you
come back to my place?
I've got a really big bath
you can sink into.
I'll even scrub your back
if you're lucky.
Are you always
this forward?
When I see something I want,
I'm gonna get it.
You coming?
Do you still hurt?
A bit.
You really are the strong
silent type, aren't you?
Look, I am what I am.
Don't get defensive.
I like a bit
of mystery.
You're gonna fight Creel,
aren't you?
- That's what I do.
- And you know what I do.
- That's your business.
- Don't worry, tough guy.
Not looking for Mr. Right.
Just Mr. Right Now.
- These are good.
- Thank you.
- Are they yours?
- Yeah.
I took them
a long time ago.
They really are good.
We're not all
brainless bimbos.
- So why the...
- The films?
Sometimes it's not about
what you want to do.
It's about
what you have to do.
Oh, it's you, Chaz.
Come in, mate.
I didn't know
it was you.
Me head... pwah.
Had a good night last night.
You all right?
Excuse the mess.
We're just decorating.
Come on, mate.
Here, sit yourself down.
Make yourself comfortable.
So where is he?
- Who?
- Harley.
Oh, he's in bed. He hasn't got up yet.
He's in bed.
We had a good night
last night, mate.
It was good.
- Well?
- Well what?
Are you gonna get him?
Me head.
Is he coming?
Harley, it's Chaz.
All right?
- What time is it?
- Late.
We've got an appointment
with Maitland.
Oh Christ, I forgot.
And she ain't done your hair.
The state of it.
Mandy, I need
me hair doing.
Get out of bed, woman.
I've got business to attend to.
I'm pregnant, remember?
Yeah, how could I forget?
Yeah, protein.
Good for you.
I want to talk
about my ideas.
You said I could direct
the next one, remember?
- Ideas?
- Yeah.
We're making fuck movies.
Sounds good, Vic.
You just keep that
tight little ass in shape
and that pussy shaved,
all right?
So we on then?
You're like a dog that's
come back for the bone.
Nah, we've come
to give the dog a bone.
So 20 grand
and you're on.
How much? You know
I ain't got that sort of money.
Big time means big money.
Now it's time to play
or go away,
barrow boy.
We'll be there.
The monkey controlling
the organ-grinder now, eh?
We're partners.
Nah, in fact,
we're friends.
And like he says,
we'll be there.
I look forward to it.
But now
if you'll excuse us,
Melanie's got work to do.
We'll see who's
in the big time.
Big bad station Raw Heat F.M.
Big bad station Raw Heat F.M.
What were you thinking
of back there?
We ain't got
that kind of dough.
You made a killing
on that last fight.
Between us we must have
at least seven grand.
Just get me another
fight anywhere.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know
what you're saying.
But it ain't that simple.
Firstly, you haven't got any overheads
eating into your earnings, have you?
And secondly, not only
did you do a number
on Big Jim, but you've done
his brother as well.
No one gonna bet
against you in this town.
How much money you got left?
Three grand?
You ain't gonna waste
them sausages, are you?
- They're brain food.
- Fish.
- What?
- Fish is brain food.
I don't like fish.
Just get me
a fight anywhere.
I'll get on the blower right now
and sort it out, yeah?
I've left it in the motor.
See you later,
Mr. Buchinsky.
Excuse me, sir.
You haven't paid yet.
Here is the bill.
Look at that, Harley.
A flock of cows.
- Oh God.
- Herd.
- Heard what?
- Peasant.
- What a dump.
- Oh, come on, babe.
I told you,
this is business, yeah?
Look, why don't you take
Weed, have a look around
and get yourself something nice, eh?
Come on, Chaz.
Don't think this makes up for you
not buying me flowers.
How's business,
you old tinker?
Can't complain.
Loads of funerals recently.
- I'm pleased for you.
- This your boy?
Don't look much.
Let me have him.
Careful, sonny.
Looks are deceiving.
Yeah, we'll see.
We'll see.
Yeah, we will.
- Danno.
- What?
What have I told you about
eating before a fight?
What are you talking about?
I'm at lunch, ain't I?
Look at him.
It ain't gonna take a minute.
Yeah, let's just
get it on, eh?
- Come on, Danno.
- I can't believe it.
I've been done up.
What's going on? No one's ever took
my brother out that fast.
It's a tough game, mate.
You never know
when you're gonna go from eating chicken
to being stuffed like one.
- You trying to be funny?
- No.
I'm just trying to say there's no
guarantees in the fight game.
You're right there.
I ain't paying you nothing.
Come down here, you big city
scammer bringing a ringer
to take decent money off
decent hard-working folk.
Now listen here, I told you my man
was good. What's the problem?
The problem is...
the problem is he's a ringer
as plain as the hole
in his ass.
- Now listen here.
- Not now, Harley.
- Time you were out of here.
- I trusted you.
- Get out.
- Just go.
- Mugs.
- Mugs.
Come on, honey.
We're leaving.
Give me a second.
I haven't paid yet.
- Oh, here.
- Oh God, what happened this time?
Old twinkletoes there
let some two-bit
double-crossing tinker
shaft us without
lifting a finger.
- What's that?
- It's a plant.
Not that.
- That's a chimenea.
- Come again?
It's a barbecue.
Put your bit of coal in there,
bit a food on it, light it and that's it.
We live in
a first floor flat, mate.
- Open the windows.
- Just get in the car!
- Just calm down.
- I ain't talking to you.
Let's get some food and have a little drive
in the countryside.
Where's the motor?
It's been towed away.
- Oh, great.
- Why didn't you stop 'em?
- Who?
- What do you mean who?
Look, let's just get
something to eat
and we can collect the car
in the morning.
What with?
Shirt buttons?
You let those tinkers
shaft us, remember?
- Go on now. Go on there.
- Go on, son.
Who the fuck is that?
I think we got
company, boys.
What the fuck
is going on?
Where you going?
Didn't think
I'd see you again, you ringer.
- You owe me money.
- You want your money?
Easy, lad, easy.
- Easy. Easy!
- I want my money.
Okay. Okay, I'll give
you money.
I'll give you the money.
Okay, money.
Okay, fuck.
Oh, typical, isn't it?
Reminds me of the old days.
So you ain't got
your car back then?
No, I can't afford it,
can I?
Can't believe you let them
shaggies mug us off like that.
- I've got it.
- What?
Don't worry, I've got it.
- So we're made up then.
- Still 10 grand down.
10 grand?
Is that all?
You leave that to me.
All right.
Hey, wait up.
I told you to fuck off!
What was that noise?
Oh, nothing.
I just run over a squirrel.
- A squirrel?
- Yeah, a squirrel.
It's all right.
It's gone now.
- Baby.
- Yeah, baby?
How long you gonna be, baby?
I'm lonely upstairs.
Look, baby,
just take the car
and go do some shopping.
Oh, hi, Harley.
All right, Char?
Still on the circuit?
Look, get to stepping.
What are you
doing here, Harley?
I was just
passing through.
Just wondering,
- I couldn't get a sub, could I?
- A sub?
- Yeah.
- How much.
10 grand?
No chance.
I'm still reeling
from that last fighter
you laid on me. That turkey.
- Yeah, but he had flu.
- He had flu.
Nearly lost my damn house.
- Five grand?
- What about five knuckles, Harley?
Now, from one jerk
to another,
take your skinny ass
and that piece of junk
and get the hell
off my property.
- What about a grand?
- Get to stepping.
- What's up?
- Everything cool, man.
But keep an eye on him.
Make sure him
don't steal nothing,
the little blood clot.
Mr. Harriman in?
Harley, sweetheart.
Long time no see.
Mr. Harriman.
So you've finally decided
to go back to the barrows,
just like your old man,
eh, son?
Those days are long gone.
It's the other side of your
business I'm here for today.
Yeah, News told me
you have another hitter.
He's good too.
He'll take Creel.
I'm staking everything
I've got on him.
And I assume
that's not enough.
Otherwise you wouldn't
be here, right?
I'm 10 down.
But it's a sure-fire thing.
Harley, how many times has
Maitland cleaned you out?
And how many times has
Mr. Harriman here bailed you out?
Mr. Harriman
likes you, Harley.
Liked your old man too.
But three strikes and you're out.
- You with me?
- Loud and clear.
There's 9,900 there.
The deal was for 10.
100 arrangement fee
and 100 a day until return.
That's the deal.
I'll see you around,
Mr. Harriman.
- Harley.
- Hmm?
Apple's on the house,
Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome
to Cage Rage
one of the leading patrons
of the fighting arts,
Mr. Victor Maitland.
You're really serious
about this, aren't you?
That's the understatement
of the year, mate.
Has history not taught
you nothing?
Only that you can't
keep a good man down.
You're gonna put the cheese
on my cracker, Vic.
I'll get it sorted.
One of your mugs?
So it's on then?
You and Creel?
Why do you do it?
I could ask you
the same question.
- Money's good.
- There's your answer.
Yeah, but what I do
doesn't hurt anybody.
Look, I don't hurt anybody
who isn't gonna hurt me.
It doesn't have
to be this way.
Victor's a very
generous man.
This one goes his way,
money won't be a problem for you.
And he won't
get in our way.
So he wants me
to throw this fight?
And uses a whore as bait?
I'm not a whore.
The whore is honest
about what she does.
Sorry love,
not tonight.
Hey hey hey hey.
We're the main attraction,
monkey boy,
and you won't find a classier
bit of skirt in there tonight.
- Sorry, Mr. Davidson.
- Not to me, to her.
- Sorry, love.
- Whatever.
- Watch your ass.
- Yeah.
What are you trying
to pull, Vic?
We're here for a fight,
not a game of charades.
A champagne night
for a champagne fight.
Yeah well, you'd better
get your fill now
'cause you ain't gonna have nothing
to celebrate later, mate.
Don't talk yourself into something
you can't get yourself out of.
That'll be the day.
Take Mr. Davidson and his entourage
to their designated suite.
- This way, sir.
- Ray.
- What?
- I'll be seeing you.
I doubt it. The only thing
you're gonna be seeing
is the inside
of your eyelids.
Honey, go and keep Maitland company
while we get Chaz ready, yeah?
- Oh, baby, no.
- Please?
- Okay.
- Oh, there. You all right?
I'll see you later.
Go on.
Slow down, Harley.
You're making me head
spinning, mate.
I can't help it.
I've been waiting for this
moment all my life.
Why so desperate
to stick it to Maitland?
It's what that toerag
Maitland did to his dad,
who was a lovely
lovely man.
Daddy was a barrow boy.
Worked the markets.
Hard living,
hard drinking,
hard gambling man.
Then one drunken night
he bet his barrow
and his business.
He didn't know
what he was doing.
But Maitland
still held him to it.
Some people say it was the booze
that did it to the old man.
But it was Maitland.
And he's gonna pay.
- How's that?
- Good.
We're ready.
Let's do this.
This is your moment
in the sun.
Enjoy it while you can.
You've been in
too many cages.
You got bird flu.
And he's got mad cow.
- Mad fucking cow?
- Hey hey.
Get him, Chaz.
Get him.
Go on, have him.
Yeah, that's right.
Go on.
Go on.
Oh, his legs.
Oh, it's broke.
It's broke.
Get up.
Creel, come on, get up.
Get up!
Get up, Creel!
- Come on, Creel!
- Come on!
We won.
We won.
Finish him.
Uh, yeah.
Well, looks like I don't
owe you any money, Vic.
You owe me.
I'm good for it.
Well done.
Best man won.
Have a good night.
Well, I'm feeling
lucky tonight.
Who's for a game
of cards then?
Oh yes.
- Poker?
- Cool.
Fancy a coffee?
No thanks.
I understand.
Green tea maybe.
Where'd you get to, baby?
Leave me alone, love.
What's going on, Ray?
Get out.
Please tell me you
haven't done this again.
Get out!
Right, there's
your problem.
No oil in the motor. Well done.
Remarkable. End of problem.
- Bingo.
- Well, fucking break something.
- Harley.
- Del.
Come here.
- You all right?
- Yeah, not bad, mate.
- What can I do for you?
- I've got to get rid of this, mate.
- What do you want for it?
- A long'un.
- A fucking long'un? Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Are you all right?
- I could be better.
Tell you what I'll do,
I'll give you a McGarrett
for the coat, how's that?
I bought it off you for a ton.
Yes, but that was
10 years ago.
Come on, mate.
I'm desperate.
Rodders, take a look
at that piece of shit.
- Come on. Come with me.
- Mind that.
- Pop the hood.
- What?
Pop the hood.
I ain't got no hood.
I've only got a collar.
Listen, I really
appreciate it.
Okay then.
I'll call you straight back.
And thanks again.
Right, you'll never
guess who that was.
- Who?
- The fucking Ayatollah.
- No.
- My life.
- Only because it's me...
- Yeah?
...what he's gonna do
is send the boys around,
pick the car up.
They're gonna take it away,
chop it in half,
set it alight.
You claim on the insurance,
we have a carve up.
- How's that sound?
- Cream.
I ain't got any insurance.
Get out.
- All right, Harley?
- Trim, what are you doing here?
Someone wants
a word with you.
- Who?
- Come on.
Get in.
What about me pizza?
Don't worry about that.
It won't go to waste.
Oh, we're having a knock.
Oh, dearie me.
Thank God for that.
I thought I was bang
in trouble there.
Hey, nice bit of gear this.
Hey, ain't that supposed
to go forwards?
You're absolutely
priceless, Harley.
So what do you reckon?
A pony a hole?
Fore... skin.
Looks like I'm on the green.
You know what's gonna
happen next, don't you?
No, but what should happen,
I should be stood on your chest
teeing a ball up from that
big fat mouth of yours.
This ain't one of them plastic
gangster movies, Harley.
This is the real deal.
And if you embarrass me
for one second
in front of Mr. O'Keefe
over there
I'm gonna put this one wood
right over your nut.
Right right.
I'm all ears. I'm all ears.
- Mr. Harriman might like you...
- Ooh!
...but I'll gut you like
a fish and forget about you
before you're
finished leaking.
Get Mr. Harriman his money
or else you'll end up buried over here
like one of Lord Brockett's Ferraris.
All right, all right.
All right.
I ain't got time for this.
Get him his money.
How am I supposed
to get back?
- What's going on, Ray?
- What do you mean, what's going on?
I told you I went for a meeting
and a round of golf.
- What?
- You'd better call Chaz.
I don't need him.
I've got other ways
of making money.
All right, Vic?
Yeah, it's Harley.
Look, mate,
I've reconsidered, yeah.
Look, you can have
me boy's contract
as long
as the price is right.
What does our man Buchinsky
say about that?
Don't worry about him.
Just make sure me money's there.
- It will be.
- Cheers. Bye.
Oh dear.
I still don't know why you agreed
to this meeting, Harley.
You know
I don't trust him.
Guys, glad you
could make it.
I'm just checking out one of Melanie's
Oscar-winning performances.
- Boy, that girl can...
- What do you want, Vic?
I like to mix business
with pleasure.
And one of my pleasures
in business
is having the hardest
hitter in town.
That was then
and this is now.
And I want to rectify that situation.
I want to make you
my hitter, Mr. Buchinsky.
Name your price.
I've retired.
I was thinking of something
in the region of 100,000.
Come on, let's go.
See you later, Harley.
Maybe you were a bit
hasty in there.
I've told you, I'm not doing business
with that man.
Oh, that's easy
for you to say.
Your life's a lot
simpler than mine.
Life's as simple
as you want to make it.
Look, I don't need no fortune
cookie philosophy, right?
I need money.
I owe Harriman
and I can't pay.
Do you know what happens to people
who don't pay Harriman?
You earned out
of this just like me.
Well, some of us ain't
monks just like you.
We're real people
with faults
and weaknesses.
Oh, you're a grown man,
Come on, Chaz.
It's a good deal.
Look, let's think this
through for a minute, yeah?
What harm can it do?
You were in on it,
weren't you?
- What?
- You knew!
So what?
What difference it make
who you fight for?
It certainly don't make no
difference to that poor sap
whose brains
you're beating out.
That's just the way it is
for the likes of you.
You're a damn fool,
That's right, Mr. Perfect.
I don't need you!
I don't need anybody.
You're just gonna
have to trust me.
We hardly know you.
Yeah, but you know
what I can do.
And the boss knows Maitland
is trying to muscle in on him.
This could solve
all our problems.
But it's still
a big risk.
Yeah, but an even
bigger reward.
Are we on?
Okay, let's get
the ball rolling.
You sure Maitland's
gonna take the bait?
Trust me, by the time
that meeting's over
the boss will have convinced Vic
he thought of it all himself.
Do we have a deal?
- Oi!
- Maitland wants to see you.
- Can I finish me game?
- No.
- I've got 50 quid on this.
- Now.
All right, Harley?
Tell Biggie Smalls
to sit his fat ass down
or be dying all over again.
Is he having a bubble?
- Unfortunately no.
- Oh.
Are we going home?
We are,
but you ain't.
Join me.
I don't do rings, man.
Oi, look...
oh fuck.
- Seen Mr. Buchinsky lately?
- No.
We ain't talking.
Well, you'd better kiss and make up
because if he's not fighting for me,
he's fighting against me.
He's already
beaten your man.
Not Creel.
An associate of mine.
A well-oiled fighting machine
from up north.
Look, he's retired,
all right?
Nothing I can say is gonna make him
change his mind.
Well, you'd better find
a way, motor mouth.
Because as from today,
I own your debt.
I own you.
Mr. Harriman
wouldn't do that.
- He...
- He likes you?
- Yeah.
- Listen to yourself.
You're pathetic.
You now owe me
a lot of money.
And believe me
when I tell you,
I'm not as patient
as old man Harriman.
What do you want?
I want you to find
our man Buchinsky.
And you'd better
make him fight.
'Cause if you don't,
you're going to be Creel's Christmas
and birthday present all in one.
Hook on the end.
Nice speed. I like it.
And again.
Good good good.
- Good trip?
- Northern fucking Rail. What do you think?
I wired you enough
for first-class airfare.
Old habits die hard, mate.
Who's the mark?
A hitter named Buchinsky.
You've heard of him?
- Doesn't ring any bells.
- He's good.
So what am I,
chopped liver?
What the fuck
are you looking at?
Did I tell you to stop?
Do you want me to put
him in there with you?
Carry on.
- Yes?
- Chaz.
What do you want?
Maitland's offered us
the big one, mate.
Look, I've already told you
I've retired.
You're having a laugh.
He ain't gonna go for that.
Will you for once
in your life
just shut up for a minute
and listen to me.
Get Mandy, get Weed
and get out of town.
Look, I can't promise you
anything, all right?
Promise me, Harley.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
So do I.
Thought you didn't drink.
You assumed.
Do you want one?
- Sure.
- Okay.
- Yes, mate?
- Same again, please.
Maitland's hired a hitter.
He wants another
shot at you.
I thought as much.
Must have hurt his pride
as much as his pocket.
Are you gonna fight?
I've retired.
I don't think
he's gonna see it that way.
He can get
really vicious.
- Listen, about the other day.
- Darts?
- Excuse me?
- Do you want to play some darts?
You're a strange man.
You know that?
- Weed!
- Ray.
It's really serious
this time, isn't it?
No, of course it ain't.
It's just that it'd be nice
to get away for a little while.
And God knows
I need a break.
And what have I told you
about these?
Weed, what are you doing?
- Where'd you get that from?
- One of Maitland's.
You're supposed to be
getting ready, mate.
Oh, all right.
We have some unfinished
business, Mr. Buchinsky.
Mr. Coburn here would very much
like to test your mettle.
And I would very much
like to see that.
Well, unless it's darts
you're talking about,
I'm afraid you're
very much out of luck.
Oh, a sense of humor.
We learn something new
about you every time we meet.
Nice bag.
Kind of suits you.
Oh, aye.
Now look,
we both know this
is inevitable, eh?
We'll even kick off
right here.
Right now.
Your go.
You should think
of your friends.
You will fight my man.
If you don't
whatever happens to them
is on your conscience
'cause I don't have one.
Come on.
Going somewhere, Ray?
What happened?
Maitland sent me to tell you
this ain't nothing to what
he's gonna do to Harley and Mandy
if you don't turn up.
Let me get you cleaned up.
I really think he's gonna hurt 'em, Chaz,
if you don't turn up.
- You all right?
- My ribs.
Sorry, mate.
- So you're back.
- Loose ends.
Sorry to break up
your little reunion,
but we have business
to attend to.
It must be such a big rush
to bet everything
you've ever worked for
on one moment in time.
Takes more guts
than you'll ever have.
You show me some respect.
I'll match any bet any man
in this town could ever make.
Then let's make it
for your business.
We're talking figures a drifter like you
could only ever dream of.
- I've got a backer.
- Backer?
Now wait a second.
All right, Vic?
We know about
your plans to sideline us.
We thought this would be the gentlemanly
way of sorting out things.
Our cash, your business.
Winner takes all.
- Well?
- Okay.
- Let's do it.
- Not him.
This is bullshit.
Hey look, I don't know
what's going on here,
but I came here
to get it on.
Fight or no fight,
I want me money.
We can go down
whatever road you want.
We ain't got time
for all this.
Just give him
his money.
See you around, big fella.
You're gonna live
to regret this.
But you're not.
You think you're hard?
You're not hard.
I'm hard.
Everybody loses.
Watch him, Chaz.
Get up, Chaz.
Stay down, Chaz.
Stay down.
It's over.
Look, you can do what you want to me,
but it's finished, all right?
Sorry, mate.
No. No.
You ain't hard.
Hello, boss.
Yeah, it's over.
No, it's definitely over.
I'd have paid to see that.
Mind you, we almost did.
I'll see you soon.
Take care.
Look at me, big man.
Vic, look at me.
I'll be around first thing in the morning
to sort out the business, yeah?
Give me a nod, Vic.
See you in the morning.
You're leaving,
ain't you?
Loose ends.
It's finished.
But we made a good team.
You've got
a good team, Harley.
You take care of 'em.
Go on, piss off.
It's bringing back
old memories.
Happier days here.
Trying to get me laughing.
Everything all right,
Mr. Harriman?
All right?
We're all squared, right?
That's one way
of putting it.
No disrespect, Mr. Harriman,
but you've lost me.
It's unbelievable.
He hasn't told you?
Who hasn't
told me what?
Your friend Buchinsky
is a dark horse.
When he came to us
with a proposition,
he made it quite clear that if he lost,
we were to cancel your debt.
But if he won,
which we know he has,
you get everything.
His money,
Maitland's business...
the lot.
You're a rich man,
Mr. Davidson.
- No.
- Even after our cut.
You're having me on.
for two full rounds,
neither giving an inch.
Oh look, a beautiful
- Well, how do I look?
- The business.
But you haven't
even clocked me.
You've only got one suit.
You always look good.
You're not lying.
I've got a good feeling
about tonight.
This new boy is gonna
be our ticket.
- Is this new guy good?
- He's les couilles du chien, mate.
- He's a what?
- The dog's bollocks.
We're gonna be players,
me old son.
Charlie, over here.
Come on, people.
I'll give you three to one.
Any takers?
So, ladies and gentlemen,
you know the rules.
The winner stays on
till the challengers have gone.
Anybody else want to take
on Mr. Maitland's boy?
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, somebody
take him on.
I need a fighter,
not a "Big Issue" seller.
Money talks, right?
Apparently so.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we've got us a fight.
Come on.
Now I might be wrong,
but I'm betting you know
something they don't.
I have a monkey
on the pikey.
- I'll take those odds.
- Five beers for a quid.
Whatever you do, don't get
drawn into a brawl.
Old Hulky Hogan over there
is too big, man.
So keep your jabs in his face,
loads of elbows.
Knees, yeah?
Bob and weave, bob and weave.
Lateral movement, yeah?
Good man.
Is that what you told him?
- How is he?
- He'll be all right.
- You sure?
- Hopefully.
You ready?
You ready?
Do it.
Come on, son.
Three to one,
any takers?
Come on, you're not gonna get this
at Paddy Power, I can tell you.
Come on!
Come on.
- You owe me money.
- Where you from, son?
- Out of town.
- Me too.
- Listen, if you're one...
- My money.
Could be plenty more
where that came from.
Right, that's us
all square, Vic.
And a week early too.
And with my new find
the sky is the limit.
We're going places.
Well, he's certainly going.
Hey, wait!
What's the rush?
We made a great team back there.
- I'm not a team player.
- We cleaned house tonight.
And with my connections
I could take you to the top of this game.
Look, why don't you just let me
take you to dinner? We can just talk.
Hear me out.
If you don't like what I'm saying,
we go our separate ways.
The worst thing that can
happen is you get a free meal.
What do you reckon,
- Buchinsky.
- Buchinsky?
- What sort of name is that?
- What's yours?
Ray... Ray Davidson.
But most people
call me Harley.
- You know, as in Harley Davidson.
- The motorbikes.
- Vroom vroom.
- Yeah, I got it.
So what do you reckon,
- Okay.
- Yes!
So what are your plans?
Make some money.
Tie up a few loose ends.
The loose ends
are your business.
But I can arrange the matches,
handle the finances,
- provide medical cover.
- Medical cover?
Yeah, Weed here
used to be at med school.
He's the best cuts man
in the business.
I was the cleaner.
What I meant to say
was he worked at med school.
He was taking more medication
than the patients.
You a junkie?
Let's just say he's
chemically propelled.
Yeah, I'm chemically propelled.
I like that.
So what are you
saying, Butch?
I'll sleep on it.
- You got somewhere to stay?
- Not yet.
You can kip here.
Give 'em my name
and you'll be well looked
after, my son.
You'll be all right.
I need a room.
I was given this address.
- Who gave you that?
- Harley.
- Harley Davidson.
- Better come in then.
So you're a friend
of Harley's?
I told you already,
an acquaintance.
Either way, I want
the rent upfront,
Or we could come
to a more...
comfortable arrangement.
Good sleep
last night, Butch?
It was okay.
- Did ya?
- Yeah.
I'll bet you did.
And what do you want?
Full English?
- Water.
- Water?
- Hot.
- Hot water?
- That's it.
- Fine.
Hold up, what's the matter
with her?
She's got a face
like a slapped ass.
Yeah, you sorted out
your old bill?
- Cash.
- Cash?
- Cash.
- Cash?
They normally rump
the Arsenal off of her.
Have you thought any more
about my proposition?
60-40 split in my favor.
- What?
- And I manage my own finances.
50-50 equal partnership
or no deal.
I'm the one taking
all the risks here.
I'm providing the contacts,
capital outlay,
good will,
medical cover,
I'm the one that bleeds.
I bet your friend Maitland
knows a good deal when he sees one.
You fight dirty,
you know that, Butch?
And that's another thing. You call me
Butch one more time the deal's off.
What are we supposed
to call you then?
You drive
a hard bargain, Chaz.
Now what?
I arrange an appointment with Mr. Maitland
and start the ball rolling.
He always try to get
one over on that guy.
Yeah, but this time I'm holding
the trump card, mate.
- I'll pick you up at 8:00.
- Okay.
Oh, and Chaz,
try and smarten
yourself up a bit.
I've got a reputation
to maintain.
Come on, let's go.
Oi, you haven't paid
for your breakfast.
Put it on my boy's room.
- You're having a laugh.
- Look, don't worry.
He'll come around.
He likes you.
- Did he say that?
- Yes.
Come on, jump in.
Let's go.
Knock him out.
That's why I have him
as my second man.
Hey, I've seen this film.
It's the "Midnight Pajama
Party Murders," isn't it?
Part 7.
- Is this crackhead for real?
- You've got a lot of anger in you.
You should have a word
with my old therapist.
Maybe I should take out my aggression
on your scrawny little ass.
Hey, let's all just calm down
and talk business, eh?
You'd better be quick.
'Cause my boy here has got business
of his own to take care of.
Yeah, and when I'm finished,
maybe I'll do
your bitch for free.
Well, that's why
we're here...
to set it up
between you and Chaz.
You never cease
to amuse me, Harley.
Your boy beats
an average mug
and you want me to match him
up with a champion
- who's been unbeaten for three years?
- Yup.
Now listen to me,
you little shit.
No, better still,
follow me.
Let's see how
we do business.
Time to go to work.
Tonight's the night, Vic.
Nice title for a song, Stan.
Smug bastard.
Ready, prick?
Is that all you've got?
Come on, is that
all you've got?
Come on, get up,
you piece of shit.
Hey, wanker, get up.
Get up.
Come on, let me finish him.
Come on, let me
just finish him.
Come on, I'm gonna
do him now.
Let me finish him.
I said he's good,
isn't he?
- Yeah.
- But you can beat him, right?
Everybody loses.
Hey, where you going?
Come on, I'll give you a lift.
- No, I'd rather walk.
- It's the car, isn't it?
It's only a hire.
I'm waiting for a new Merc
to be delivered.
Got a new car, Harley?
Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.
So still want
to fight my boy?
Why not?
I haven't seen nothing
to worry us.
Well, if you want to make
an ass of yourself,
come and see me.
- When I finish with your boy...
- Him?
Yeah, you.
I'm coming for you.
- Me?
- Yeah, you.
Dream on, Hong Kong Phooey.
Too much sun on that bald head.
You're delusional.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
That's it, girls.
Same thing but harder.
Now bring it up.
All right, girls,
that's it.
She'll never sink,
will she?
I haven't seen that much fanny
since we went down to Peppermint Hippo.
What a night that was.
Listen, make it quick.
I'm busy.
What, another hard day
at the office, Vic?
Think that's funny?
- Well, your boy against...
- Hey.
I've got a name...
Didn't mean
to be disrespectful.
Anyway, your boy,
Big Jim,
Thursday night,
three grand each.
Winner takes all.
Big Jim?
That's a tall order.
Listen, you're in
the big league now.
- If you don't want...
- No no no, we'll take it.
It's just that, um,
I'm gonna have to
tap you up, Vic.
How much?
Three grand.
You've got some balls,
I'll give you that.
See Dennis on your way out.
- But if you lose...
- We won't.
If you lose, two weeks.
Hey, ladies, if you ever
get tired of rug munching,
why don't you look up
me and Slick Willy here?
I look forward
to seeing you work.
Come on, babe.
We're gonna be late.
About time.
Don't rush me,
Ray Davidson.
You don't take me
anywhere anymore
and I'm gonna make
the most of this.
- I'm sorry, babe.
- So?
So what?
- How do I look?
- Oh, yeah yeah.
Oh, lovely.
Can we go now, please?
I don't know why I bother.
You don't give a crap
how I look.
- Of course I do.
- Yeah.
And I suppose we're gonna be
a threesome again tonight too.
Look, I'm mixing business with
pleasure tonight and I need him there.
When's it gonna be
just pleasure?
- Looks like you've had that already.
- Shut up.
Look, I told you, when the business
makes enough money,
I promise you
it'll be all pleasure.
Now go on. Get your fat ass
in the car, eh?
Go on.
Well, hello.
Yeah, hi.
Uh, Mandy, Chaz;
Chaz, Mandy.
Mandy's my, you know.
I'm Ray's fianc e.
So you must be the new
meal ticket then.
- Mandy.
- What?
Like it's not true?
If you don't want me to complain,
how about you get a real job
and make an honest living?
Can we talk about this later?
I've got business to sort out, all right?
All right, Chesty?
I didn't know you
were still fighting.
Of course I am.
You got that 50 you still owe me?
I'll tell you what, I'll see you
in the bar afterwards, yeah?
All right.
Absolute nutter.
All right, babes?
Oh, great.
You really do take me
to the best places, don't you?
I did tell you
it was business.
I'm gonna go find the bar
and get very very drunk.
Don't be like that.
All right, Big Jim?
Where is he?
- Hurry up with that, will ya?
- All right.
Who does he think he is?
Yeah, about time.
For a minute there
I thought you did a no-show on us.
And what's all this two fighters sharing
the same dressing room?
Forget it.
What time are we on?
- On where?
- Out there.
- We're headlining, ain't we?
- Headlining?
Did you honestly think
I'd put you on the card?
Why the hell would I want
to use one of your corpses
- on a meaty show like this?
- Why not?
With your track record
I'd be a laughingstock.
This is a private wager.
- So where we fighting then?
- Here.
- Here?
- Good.
That's settled then.
Come on, Chaz.
He's only a little runt.
Hey, where's he going?
Stop playing around
with these boys.
- There you go.
- You fuck.
Fuck. You stupid
little fucking cunt.
I think he's had it.
So I'll get to keep
the three grand then.
Oh dear.
Whatever he's paying you,
I could piss all over it.
Yeah, I'll bet you could.
Well, my door
is always open.
You ain't gonna go
with him, Chaz, are you?
You know it's gonna break
Harley's heart if you do.
Look, where I come from a handshake
is as good as a contract.
Oh my God, Chaz,
you were amazing.
I think you've really
found one this time, baby.
Didn't I tell you
he was the business?
- You so did.
- Let's go celebrate.
Hey, Chaz, you coming?
No, not tonight, mate.
I just want to have a bath.
A bath?
Look, a performance like that
deserves a night out on the town.
Loosen up the old
Gladys Knights.
Yeah, I'm sure.
But not tonight, mate.
Suit yourself.
But remember,
we're chasing that
pot of gold tomorrow.
I'll see you at breakfast.
- At breakfast?
- Fuel.
Weed, come on.
And as for you...
See ya.
Your friends seem happy.
You're not going?
- Not my style.
- Don't remember me, do you?
Maitland's office.
You were...
you were working.
I'm flattered.
So if you're not partying
tonight, what are you doing?
Just want to have
a hot bath.
In that case, why don't you
come back to my place?
I've got a really big bath
you can sink into.
I'll even scrub your back
if you're lucky.
Are you always
this forward?
When I see something I want,
I'm gonna get it.
You coming?
Do you still hurt?
A bit.
You really are the strong
silent type, aren't you?
Look, I am what I am.
Don't get defensive.
I like a bit
of mystery.
You're gonna fight Creel,
aren't you?
- That's what I do.
- And you know what I do.
- That's your business.
- Don't worry, tough guy.
Not looking for Mr. Right.
Just Mr. Right Now.
- These are good.
- Thank you.
- Are they yours?
- Yeah.
I took them
a long time ago.
They really are good.
We're not all
brainless bimbos.
- So why the...
- The films?
Sometimes it's not about
what you want to do.
It's about
what you have to do.
Oh, it's you, Chaz.
Come in, mate.
I didn't know
it was you.
Me head... pwah.
Had a good night last night.
You all right?
Excuse the mess.
We're just decorating.
Come on, mate.
Here, sit yourself down.
Make yourself comfortable.
So where is he?
- Who?
- Harley.
Oh, he's in bed. He hasn't got up yet.
He's in bed.
We had a good night
last night, mate.
It was good.
- Well?
- Well what?
Are you gonna get him?
Me head.
Is he coming?
Harley, it's Chaz.
All right?
- What time is it?
- Late.
We've got an appointment
with Maitland.
Oh Christ, I forgot.
And she ain't done your hair.
The state of it.
Mandy, I need
me hair doing.
Get out of bed, woman.
I've got business to attend to.
I'm pregnant, remember?
Yeah, how could I forget?
Yeah, protein.
Good for you.
I want to talk
about my ideas.
You said I could direct
the next one, remember?
- Ideas?
- Yeah.
We're making fuck movies.
Sounds good, Vic.
You just keep that
tight little ass in shape
and that pussy shaved,
all right?
So we on then?
You're like a dog that's
come back for the bone.
Nah, we've come
to give the dog a bone.
So 20 grand
and you're on.
How much? You know
I ain't got that sort of money.
Big time means big money.
Now it's time to play
or go away,
barrow boy.
We'll be there.
The monkey controlling
the organ-grinder now, eh?
We're partners.
Nah, in fact,
we're friends.
And like he says,
we'll be there.
I look forward to it.
But now
if you'll excuse us,
Melanie's got work to do.
We'll see who's
in the big time.
Big bad station Raw Heat F.M.
Big bad station Raw Heat F.M.
What were you thinking
of back there?
We ain't got
that kind of dough.
You made a killing
on that last fight.
Between us we must have
at least seven grand.
Just get me another
fight anywhere.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know
what you're saying.
But it ain't that simple.
Firstly, you haven't got any overheads
eating into your earnings, have you?
And secondly, not only
did you do a number
on Big Jim, but you've done
his brother as well.
No one gonna bet
against you in this town.
How much money you got left?
Three grand?
You ain't gonna waste
them sausages, are you?
- They're brain food.
- Fish.
- What?
- Fish is brain food.
I don't like fish.
Just get me
a fight anywhere.
I'll get on the blower right now
and sort it out, yeah?
I've left it in the motor.
See you later,
Mr. Buchinsky.
Excuse me, sir.
You haven't paid yet.
Here is the bill.
Look at that, Harley.
A flock of cows.
- Oh God.
- Herd.
- Heard what?
- Peasant.
- What a dump.
- Oh, come on, babe.
I told you,
this is business, yeah?
Look, why don't you take
Weed, have a look around
and get yourself something nice, eh?
Come on, Chaz.
Don't think this makes up for you
not buying me flowers.
How's business,
you old tinker?
Can't complain.
Loads of funerals recently.
- I'm pleased for you.
- This your boy?
Don't look much.
Let me have him.
Careful, sonny.
Looks are deceiving.
Yeah, we'll see.
We'll see.
Yeah, we will.
- Danno.
- What?
What have I told you about
eating before a fight?
What are you talking about?
I'm at lunch, ain't I?
Look at him.
It ain't gonna take a minute.
Yeah, let's just
get it on, eh?
- Come on, Danno.
- I can't believe it.
I've been done up.
What's going on? No one's ever took
my brother out that fast.
It's a tough game, mate.
You never know
when you're gonna go from eating chicken
to being stuffed like one.
- You trying to be funny?
- No.
I'm just trying to say there's no
guarantees in the fight game.
You're right there.
I ain't paying you nothing.
Come down here, you big city
scammer bringing a ringer
to take decent money off
decent hard-working folk.
Now listen here, I told you my man
was good. What's the problem?
The problem is...
the problem is he's a ringer
as plain as the hole
in his ass.
- Now listen here.
- Not now, Harley.
- Time you were out of here.
- I trusted you.
- Get out.
- Just go.
- Mugs.
- Mugs.
Come on, honey.
We're leaving.
Give me a second.
I haven't paid yet.
- Oh, here.
- Oh God, what happened this time?
Old twinkletoes there
let some two-bit
double-crossing tinker
shaft us without
lifting a finger.
- What's that?
- It's a plant.
Not that.
- That's a chimenea.
- Come again?
It's a barbecue.
Put your bit of coal in there,
bit a food on it, light it and that's it.
We live in
a first floor flat, mate.
- Open the windows.
- Just get in the car!
- Just calm down.
- I ain't talking to you.
Let's get some food and have a little drive
in the countryside.
Where's the motor?
It's been towed away.
- Oh, great.
- Why didn't you stop 'em?
- Who?
- What do you mean who?
Look, let's just get
something to eat
and we can collect the car
in the morning.
What with?
Shirt buttons?
You let those tinkers
shaft us, remember?
- Go on now. Go on there.
- Go on, son.
Who the fuck is that?
I think we got
company, boys.
What the fuck
is going on?
Where you going?
Didn't think
I'd see you again, you ringer.
- You owe me money.
- You want your money?
Easy, lad, easy.
- Easy. Easy!
- I want my money.
Okay. Okay, I'll give
you money.
I'll give you the money.
Okay, money.
Okay, fuck.
Oh, typical, isn't it?
Reminds me of the old days.
So you ain't got
your car back then?
No, I can't afford it,
can I?
Can't believe you let them
shaggies mug us off like that.
- I've got it.
- What?
Don't worry, I've got it.
- So we're made up then.
- Still 10 grand down.
10 grand?
Is that all?
You leave that to me.
All right.
Hey, wait up.
I told you to fuck off!
What was that noise?
Oh, nothing.
I just run over a squirrel.
- A squirrel?
- Yeah, a squirrel.
It's all right.
It's gone now.
- Baby.
- Yeah, baby?
How long you gonna be, baby?
I'm lonely upstairs.
Look, baby,
just take the car
and go do some shopping.
Oh, hi, Harley.
All right, Char?
Still on the circuit?
Look, get to stepping.
What are you
doing here, Harley?
I was just
passing through.
Just wondering,
- I couldn't get a sub, could I?
- A sub?
- Yeah.
- How much.
10 grand?
No chance.
I'm still reeling
from that last fighter
you laid on me. That turkey.
- Yeah, but he had flu.
- He had flu.
Nearly lost my damn house.
- Five grand?
- What about five knuckles, Harley?
Now, from one jerk
to another,
take your skinny ass
and that piece of junk
and get the hell
off my property.
- What about a grand?
- Get to stepping.
- What's up?
- Everything cool, man.
But keep an eye on him.
Make sure him
don't steal nothing,
the little blood clot.
Mr. Harriman in?
Harley, sweetheart.
Long time no see.
Mr. Harriman.
So you've finally decided
to go back to the barrows,
just like your old man,
eh, son?
Those days are long gone.
It's the other side of your
business I'm here for today.
Yeah, News told me
you have another hitter.
He's good too.
He'll take Creel.
I'm staking everything
I've got on him.
And I assume
that's not enough.
Otherwise you wouldn't
be here, right?
I'm 10 down.
But it's a sure-fire thing.
Harley, how many times has
Maitland cleaned you out?
And how many times has
Mr. Harriman here bailed you out?
Mr. Harriman
likes you, Harley.
Liked your old man too.
But three strikes and you're out.
- You with me?
- Loud and clear.
There's 9,900 there.
The deal was for 10.
100 arrangement fee
and 100 a day until return.
That's the deal.
I'll see you around,
Mr. Harriman.
- Harley.
- Hmm?
Apple's on the house,
Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome
to Cage Rage
one of the leading patrons
of the fighting arts,
Mr. Victor Maitland.
You're really serious
about this, aren't you?
That's the understatement
of the year, mate.
Has history not taught
you nothing?
Only that you can't
keep a good man down.
You're gonna put the cheese
on my cracker, Vic.
I'll get it sorted.
One of your mugs?
So it's on then?
You and Creel?
Why do you do it?
I could ask you
the same question.
- Money's good.
- There's your answer.
Yeah, but what I do
doesn't hurt anybody.
Look, I don't hurt anybody
who isn't gonna hurt me.
It doesn't have
to be this way.
Victor's a very
generous man.
This one goes his way,
money won't be a problem for you.
And he won't
get in our way.
So he wants me
to throw this fight?
And uses a whore as bait?
I'm not a whore.
The whore is honest
about what she does.
Sorry love,
not tonight.
Hey hey hey hey.
We're the main attraction,
monkey boy,
and you won't find a classier
bit of skirt in there tonight.
- Sorry, Mr. Davidson.
- Not to me, to her.
- Sorry, love.
- Whatever.
- Watch your ass.
- Yeah.
What are you trying
to pull, Vic?
We're here for a fight,
not a game of charades.
A champagne night
for a champagne fight.
Yeah well, you'd better
get your fill now
'cause you ain't gonna have nothing
to celebrate later, mate.
Don't talk yourself into something
you can't get yourself out of.
That'll be the day.
Take Mr. Davidson and his entourage
to their designated suite.
- This way, sir.
- Ray.
- What?
- I'll be seeing you.
I doubt it. The only thing
you're gonna be seeing
is the inside
of your eyelids.
Honey, go and keep Maitland company
while we get Chaz ready, yeah?
- Oh, baby, no.
- Please?
- Okay.
- Oh, there. You all right?
I'll see you later.
Go on.
Slow down, Harley.
You're making me head
spinning, mate.
I can't help it.
I've been waiting for this
moment all my life.
Why so desperate
to stick it to Maitland?
It's what that toerag
Maitland did to his dad,
who was a lovely
lovely man.
Daddy was a barrow boy.
Worked the markets.
Hard living,
hard drinking,
hard gambling man.
Then one drunken night
he bet his barrow
and his business.
He didn't know
what he was doing.
But Maitland
still held him to it.
Some people say it was the booze
that did it to the old man.
But it was Maitland.
And he's gonna pay.
- How's that?
- Good.
We're ready.
Let's do this.
This is your moment
in the sun.
Enjoy it while you can.
You've been in
too many cages.
You got bird flu.
And he's got mad cow.
- Mad fucking cow?
- Hey hey.
Get him, Chaz.
Get him.
Go on, have him.
Yeah, that's right.
Go on.
Go on.
Oh, his legs.
Oh, it's broke.
It's broke.
Get up.
Creel, come on, get up.
Get up!
Get up, Creel!
- Come on, Creel!
- Come on!
We won.
We won.
Finish him.
Uh, yeah.
Well, looks like I don't
owe you any money, Vic.
You owe me.
I'm good for it.
Well done.
Best man won.
Have a good night.
Well, I'm feeling
lucky tonight.
Who's for a game
of cards then?
Oh yes.
- Poker?
- Cool.
Fancy a coffee?
No thanks.
I understand.
Green tea maybe.
Where'd you get to, baby?
Leave me alone, love.
What's going on, Ray?
Get out.
Please tell me you
haven't done this again.
Get out!
Right, there's
your problem.
No oil in the motor. Well done.
Remarkable. End of problem.
- Bingo.
- Well, fucking break something.
- Harley.
- Del.
Come here.
- You all right?
- Yeah, not bad, mate.
- What can I do for you?
- I've got to get rid of this, mate.
- What do you want for it?
- A long'un.
- A fucking long'un? Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Are you all right?
- I could be better.
Tell you what I'll do,
I'll give you a McGarrett
for the coat, how's that?
I bought it off you for a ton.
Yes, but that was
10 years ago.
Come on, mate.
I'm desperate.
Rodders, take a look
at that piece of shit.
- Come on. Come with me.
- Mind that.
- Pop the hood.
- What?
Pop the hood.
I ain't got no hood.
I've only got a collar.
Listen, I really
appreciate it.
Okay then.
I'll call you straight back.
And thanks again.
Right, you'll never
guess who that was.
- Who?
- The fucking Ayatollah.
- No.
- My life.
- Only because it's me...
- Yeah?
...what he's gonna do
is send the boys around,
pick the car up.
They're gonna take it away,
chop it in half,
set it alight.
You claim on the insurance,
we have a carve up.
- How's that sound?
- Cream.
I ain't got any insurance.
Get out.
- All right, Harley?
- Trim, what are you doing here?
Someone wants
a word with you.
- Who?
- Come on.
Get in.
What about me pizza?
Don't worry about that.
It won't go to waste.
Oh, we're having a knock.
Oh, dearie me.
Thank God for that.
I thought I was bang
in trouble there.
Hey, nice bit of gear this.
Hey, ain't that supposed
to go forwards?
You're absolutely
priceless, Harley.
So what do you reckon?
A pony a hole?
Fore... skin.
Looks like I'm on the green.
You know what's gonna
happen next, don't you?
No, but what should happen,
I should be stood on your chest
teeing a ball up from that
big fat mouth of yours.
This ain't one of them plastic
gangster movies, Harley.
This is the real deal.
And if you embarrass me
for one second
in front of Mr. O'Keefe
over there
I'm gonna put this one wood
right over your nut.
Right right.
I'm all ears. I'm all ears.
- Mr. Harriman might like you...
- Ooh!
...but I'll gut you like
a fish and forget about you
before you're
finished leaking.
Get Mr. Harriman his money
or else you'll end up buried over here
like one of Lord Brockett's Ferraris.
All right, all right.
All right.
I ain't got time for this.
Get him his money.
How am I supposed
to get back?
- What's going on, Ray?
- What do you mean, what's going on?
I told you I went for a meeting
and a round of golf.
- What?
- You'd better call Chaz.
I don't need him.
I've got other ways
of making money.
All right, Vic?
Yeah, it's Harley.
Look, mate,
I've reconsidered, yeah.
Look, you can have
me boy's contract
as long
as the price is right.
What does our man Buchinsky
say about that?
Don't worry about him.
Just make sure me money's there.
- It will be.
- Cheers. Bye.
Oh dear.
I still don't know why you agreed
to this meeting, Harley.
You know
I don't trust him.
Guys, glad you
could make it.
I'm just checking out one of Melanie's
Oscar-winning performances.
- Boy, that girl can...
- What do you want, Vic?
I like to mix business
with pleasure.
And one of my pleasures
in business
is having the hardest
hitter in town.
That was then
and this is now.
And I want to rectify that situation.
I want to make you
my hitter, Mr. Buchinsky.
Name your price.
I've retired.
I was thinking of something
in the region of 100,000.
Come on, let's go.
See you later, Harley.
Maybe you were a bit
hasty in there.
I've told you, I'm not doing business
with that man.
Oh, that's easy
for you to say.
Your life's a lot
simpler than mine.
Life's as simple
as you want to make it.
Look, I don't need no fortune
cookie philosophy, right?
I need money.
I owe Harriman
and I can't pay.
Do you know what happens to people
who don't pay Harriman?
You earned out
of this just like me.
Well, some of us ain't
monks just like you.
We're real people
with faults
and weaknesses.
Oh, you're a grown man,
Come on, Chaz.
It's a good deal.
Look, let's think this
through for a minute, yeah?
What harm can it do?
You were in on it,
weren't you?
- What?
- You knew!
So what?
What difference it make
who you fight for?
It certainly don't make no
difference to that poor sap
whose brains
you're beating out.
That's just the way it is
for the likes of you.
You're a damn fool,
That's right, Mr. Perfect.
I don't need you!
I don't need anybody.
You're just gonna
have to trust me.
We hardly know you.
Yeah, but you know
what I can do.
And the boss knows Maitland
is trying to muscle in on him.
This could solve
all our problems.
But it's still
a big risk.
Yeah, but an even
bigger reward.
Are we on?
Okay, let's get
the ball rolling.
You sure Maitland's
gonna take the bait?
Trust me, by the time
that meeting's over
the boss will have convinced Vic
he thought of it all himself.
Do we have a deal?
- Oi!
- Maitland wants to see you.
- Can I finish me game?
- No.
- I've got 50 quid on this.
- Now.
All right, Harley?
Tell Biggie Smalls
to sit his fat ass down
or be dying all over again.
Is he having a bubble?
- Unfortunately no.
- Oh.
Are we going home?
We are,
but you ain't.
Join me.
I don't do rings, man.
Oi, look...
oh fuck.
- Seen Mr. Buchinsky lately?
- No.
We ain't talking.
Well, you'd better kiss and make up
because if he's not fighting for me,
he's fighting against me.
He's already
beaten your man.
Not Creel.
An associate of mine.
A well-oiled fighting machine
from up north.
Look, he's retired,
all right?
Nothing I can say is gonna make him
change his mind.
Well, you'd better find
a way, motor mouth.
Because as from today,
I own your debt.
I own you.
Mr. Harriman
wouldn't do that.
- He...
- He likes you?
- Yeah.
- Listen to yourself.
You're pathetic.
You now owe me
a lot of money.
And believe me
when I tell you,
I'm not as patient
as old man Harriman.
What do you want?
I want you to find
our man Buchinsky.
And you'd better
make him fight.
'Cause if you don't,
you're going to be Creel's Christmas
and birthday present all in one.
Hook on the end.
Nice speed. I like it.
And again.
Good good good.
- Good trip?
- Northern fucking Rail. What do you think?
I wired you enough
for first-class airfare.
Old habits die hard, mate.
Who's the mark?
A hitter named Buchinsky.
You've heard of him?
- Doesn't ring any bells.
- He's good.
So what am I,
chopped liver?
What the fuck
are you looking at?
Did I tell you to stop?
Do you want me to put
him in there with you?
Carry on.
- Yes?
- Chaz.
What do you want?
Maitland's offered us
the big one, mate.
Look, I've already told you
I've retired.
You're having a laugh.
He ain't gonna go for that.
Will you for once
in your life
just shut up for a minute
and listen to me.
Get Mandy, get Weed
and get out of town.
Look, I can't promise you
anything, all right?
Promise me, Harley.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
So do I.
Thought you didn't drink.
You assumed.
Do you want one?
- Sure.
- Okay.
- Yes, mate?
- Same again, please.
Maitland's hired a hitter.
He wants another
shot at you.
I thought as much.
Must have hurt his pride
as much as his pocket.
Are you gonna fight?
I've retired.
I don't think
he's gonna see it that way.
He can get
really vicious.
- Listen, about the other day.
- Darts?
- Excuse me?
- Do you want to play some darts?
You're a strange man.
You know that?
- Weed!
- Ray.
It's really serious
this time, isn't it?
No, of course it ain't.
It's just that it'd be nice
to get away for a little while.
And God knows
I need a break.
And what have I told you
about these?
Weed, what are you doing?
- Where'd you get that from?
- One of Maitland's.
You're supposed to be
getting ready, mate.
Oh, all right.
We have some unfinished
business, Mr. Buchinsky.
Mr. Coburn here would very much
like to test your mettle.
And I would very much
like to see that.
Well, unless it's darts
you're talking about,
I'm afraid you're
very much out of luck.
Oh, a sense of humor.
We learn something new
about you every time we meet.
Nice bag.
Kind of suits you.
Oh, aye.
Now look,
we both know this
is inevitable, eh?
We'll even kick off
right here.
Right now.
Your go.
You should think
of your friends.
You will fight my man.
If you don't
whatever happens to them
is on your conscience
'cause I don't have one.
Come on.
Going somewhere, Ray?
What happened?
Maitland sent me to tell you
this ain't nothing to what
he's gonna do to Harley and Mandy
if you don't turn up.
Let me get you cleaned up.
I really think he's gonna hurt 'em, Chaz,
if you don't turn up.
- You all right?
- My ribs.
Sorry, mate.
- So you're back.
- Loose ends.
Sorry to break up
your little reunion,
but we have business
to attend to.
It must be such a big rush
to bet everything
you've ever worked for
on one moment in time.
Takes more guts
than you'll ever have.
You show me some respect.
I'll match any bet any man
in this town could ever make.
Then let's make it
for your business.
We're talking figures a drifter like you
could only ever dream of.
- I've got a backer.
- Backer?
Now wait a second.
All right, Vic?
We know about
your plans to sideline us.
We thought this would be the gentlemanly
way of sorting out things.
Our cash, your business.
Winner takes all.
- Well?
- Okay.
- Let's do it.
- Not him.
This is bullshit.
Hey look, I don't know
what's going on here,
but I came here
to get it on.
Fight or no fight,
I want me money.
We can go down
whatever road you want.
We ain't got time
for all this.
Just give him
his money.
See you around, big fella.
You're gonna live
to regret this.
But you're not.
You think you're hard?
You're not hard.
I'm hard.
Everybody loses.
Watch him, Chaz.
Get up, Chaz.
Stay down, Chaz.
Stay down.
It's over.
Look, you can do what you want to me,
but it's finished, all right?
Sorry, mate.
No. No.
You ain't hard.
Hello, boss.
Yeah, it's over.
No, it's definitely over.
I'd have paid to see that.
Mind you, we almost did.
I'll see you soon.
Take care.
Look at me, big man.
Vic, look at me.
I'll be around first thing in the morning
to sort out the business, yeah?
Give me a nod, Vic.
See you in the morning.
You're leaving,
ain't you?
Loose ends.
It's finished.
But we made a good team.
You've got
a good team, Harley.
You take care of 'em.
Go on, piss off.
It's bringing back
old memories.
Happier days here.
Trying to get me laughing.
Everything all right,
Mr. Harriman?
All right?
We're all squared, right?
That's one way
of putting it.
No disrespect, Mr. Harriman,
but you've lost me.
It's unbelievable.
He hasn't told you?
Who hasn't
told me what?
Your friend Buchinsky
is a dark horse.
When he came to us
with a proposition,
he made it quite clear that if he lost,
we were to cancel your debt.
But if he won,
which we know he has,
you get everything.
His money,
Maitland's business...
the lot.
You're a rich man,
Mr. Davidson.
- No.
- Even after our cut.
You're having me on.