Summer Times (2024) Movie Script
I also write a lot.
I might end up working for
the local paper.
The culture section.
It's more of a dream that I have.
What are your thoughts on
your military service?
I haven't thought much about it.
I'd quite like my own room.
To avoid people's snoring.
Obviously you'll all
be sleeping together.
24 of you in a room.
I'm more of a sole operator
so it would be great
to get out of large exercises.
Military life
is all about the group.
But I wouldn't mind
under cover operations at all.
This is from the school nurse
and my Halmstad GP.
- "Per Hkan Gessle..."
- Gessle, with a hard G sound.
"Gessle suffers from social phobia,
as well as agora phobia."
- Fear of large spaces.
- "Difficult times following puberty.
Bullied. Struggles with crowds."
- He can confirm that...
- You struggle with crowds.
I think I get the picture.
I gained an extra year of life.
Dad didn't approve of
my exemption warrant.
But what did it matter?
I wasn't going to work
for the government anyway.
I just didn't fit into
social democrat Sweden.
Everybody had to be the same.
But I wasn't like anybody else.
So I learnt to ignore them.
Ignore them all.
I even resolved not to fall in love.
My imaginary world was just
so much more exciting than Halmstad.
Hang on, hang on.
- You're Jan, aren't you?
- No, I'm Per.
Are you off to Harplinge?
- Harplinge?
- We're rehearsing in half an hour.
This isn't my car, it's my mum's.
Tobbe has just brought back
the finest rock'n'roll baccy
from Amsterdam.
- Come on.
- As long as it won't take long.
- I told you he would.
- See you later.
This is funky, man.
Great songs.
Look, he's overtaking.
Look at him!
That's Mats "MP" Persson.
Our drummer.
He can play all instruments.
He was born with perfect pitch. And
he's damned fine at tuning engines.
- Why don't we catch him up?
- Floor it!
Floor it! Floor it!
You could get another
20 horsepower out of this.
Check if it's got
a twin blade carburettor.
It's not mine, it's my mum's.
Is that Don't waste my time
with Status Quo?
Yeah, it's a BBC Session
from 1973 actually.
- How did you get hold of that?
- Through an ad.
Man, that's groovy.
MP, what are you waiting for?
Are you coming?
What the hell happened?
Tobbe was amazing.
A right rock star.
I'd never heard
a real band up close.
All this sound.
Now I knew what to do with my life.
I was going to make
that imaginary world come true.
I was going to start a band.
The only question was - how?
Is he singing?
Time to take over the business?
Yeah, well...
Can't you sign yourself off sick?
No, I'm alright.
But thanks for helping.
How is school?
I was wondering
how you feel about it all?
What do you mean?
Here. Buy something tasty.
You're so bloody skinny.
- Hi there. Thanks.
- Hello.
- Great stuff.
- Have you got it all on vinyl?
- I do.
- Shit.
Please take the rubbish out
to help your dad.
- Oh, God!
- It's alright, Mum.
I didn't know we had visitors.
You were terrific.
- What?
- The band.
Intellectual brain fart.
But is it true that
you can play all instruments?
No, I can only play...
the guitar, piano, drums, a bit of
cello and the violin, the saxophone.
And the bass guitar,
but so can everyone.
I'm thinking of starting a band.
- Why three identical ones?
- Balloon Farm.
I bought the first one aged nine
and listened to it until it broke.
Then a second one
but the third one works.
- Do you want to...?
- Yeah.
- Is this the sound of your band?
- Well, the singing is really groovy.
Billy and I were mates at school
He worked at the supermarket
And I was on the dole
Autumn was coming
And I felt the need to
Get away from it all
What was that?
- My song.
- Did you write it?
I did.
And another five or six.
But some I wrote when I was 13.
Have you been in a band
or have you just written songs?
Maybe you'd like some advice on
your guitar playing skills?
I'd love that.
Here you are.
Have you got plans for this evening?
A party or something?
- MP is copying some records.
- Oh, that's nice.
It's lovely to have you here, MP.
Oh, excuse me a minute.
I've made a little surprise for you.
- Is that a radio transmitter?
- Yes, I built it myself.
I connected it to the stereo.
An alternative
to the rubbish on the radio.
And you tighten it clockwise.
Isn't it upside down?
How do you tell which way?
Not like that. You're as skilled
as when you're singing!
Why are we here?
Rotorp. Your grandad installed all
the plumbing there in the fifties.
And I've done most of it
over at Tylsand.
So the Gessle family is responsible
for half of Halmstad's blood flow.
You mean bowel movements.
I don't think I dreamt of
being a plumber.
But then I met your mum, you know.
I joined my dad. First on simpler
jobs, then more complex ones.
- It felt right.
- But I'm useless at this stuff.
I'm just saying...
You're leaving school soon.
You need to get out in the real
world, meet people and make money.
Don't we have money?
- You don't.
- It's not my thing.
- Isn't money everybody's thing?
- Yes, but not the nine to five.
I couldn't handle that.
I'm more like Mum.
She's not working. She's free.
She paints pottery with the ladies.
She's enjoying life.
So you're going to be a housewife?
You need to go for something
you're going to be good at.
But until then, they're looking for
a caretaker at the hospital.
To cover over the summer.
Give them a call,
or start packing up your stuff.
He's like a jukebox.
He's got loads of songs in his head
and a great suggestion for a name.
Are we talking about
the same person?
- The little neoliberal nerd?
- Stop it.
We ought to feel sorry for him.
- Do you like this?
- Yes.
Do you know what it is?
It's opium for the people.
- It is opium.
- It let's them escape.
It makes them easy to manipulate.
Indeed, yes-people.
Maybe it's time to decide
what to go for, MP.
You want to make sure
you're on the right side of history.
- What?
- Or play bubblegum music.
Maybe that's what you want.
Your dad thinks you're a caretaker?
He doesn't need to know
I've got a better idea.
- It doesn't sound very rock'n'roll.
- What?
- Health service troubadours.
- Come on.
Here. Let's do this. Room 37.
- 37...
- Why so sad? It's our first gig.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Room 37? No.
Room 37.
They're asleep, damnit.
Let's try out your new song.
What are you doing?
These are comatose patients,
they're not to be disturbed.
- We were supposed to play room 37.
- That must be in the next building.
How long have you been here?
They can't hear a thing.
That's sick.
Shall we find the other building?
Tobbe wants me to choose...
one band. So you're on your own.
Excuse me.
The patient suddenly sat up.
I alerted you immediately.
He's been in a coma for a year.
What's your name?
Hello, this is Per Gessle speaking
in the studio today.
I have my friend MP here,
who would like to say,
"Dear Sweden,
did you know music saves lives?
Maybe you're one of those
who'd like your life saved?
Listen carefully, because we're a
Halmstad band called Gyllene Tider.
We're looking for musicians. Call if
you're interested on 03537385."
The idea was to aim for the stars.
But in our case MP's broadcast only
reached the closest neighbours,
Micke and Anders.
Sorry, we can't do Thursdays
or Saturdays.
Or Tuesdays.
- Why?
- Training and match days.
- And for half of June we're at camp.
- Us chosen ones.
Everybody knows the truth,
we may as well say it.
- Last one's an idiot.
- Let's go!
MP, you're the judge.
That's the song
and this is how we're playing it.
What the hell?
- I'm no bloody rocket scientist.
- Nobody thought you were.
You need to look closely at this,
or you won't know how to play.
You seem to like sailors.
Hello, folks.
- Gran?
- Fritzon, at your service.
What are you doing here?
Aren't you Gyllene Tider?
Yes, but I said
I was joining Gyllene Tider.
- But what about me?
- What?
- How old are you?
- 18.
- Gran...
- I'm 17.
- Gran...
- Okay, I'm 16,
- but my birthday is in a month.
- He's good. Let him have a go.
Let's give him a chance.
- Okay, let's see how he gets on.
- Thanks.
And is it okay
if Dad stays until I feel safe?
Only joking!
- We have a Farfisa synth.
- At your service.
We'll follow my schedule.
And the tempo...
- Can't we just play?
- Please?
And here comes the synth!
Check her out.
She's the hottest bird in Harplinge.
Go and talk to her.
Come on, you look great.
Hi, my friend Per thinks you should
stop talking to those Neanderthals,
since we're much hotter.
- Are you crazy?
- Life is for living!
Gyllene Tider was the only band in
town not to play prog rock or punk.
The others thought
our pop thing was silly,
but we knew we were good. We needed
to convince the record companies.
"We wonder about
your political stance."
Our political stance? What does that
have to do with anything?
Polar Music also turns us down.
"Kind regards, Bjrn and Benny."
Bjrn and Benny? Far out, man.
They turned us down, twit.
Not everyone gets turned down
by Bjrn and Benny.
- Seven times no?
- Micke?
Guys, this is Susan.
Susan, these are the boys,
Gyllene Tider.
Andersson, Hallin,
what are you doing?
It might help if music
was our focus.
And give up football?
We can't even get a gig in Halmstad.
When my dad came to Sweden
he didn't speak Swedish.
He still went to offer
to fill people's cars up.
The petrol station got fed up
with him and hired him.
That's what you have to do as well.
Do we look like we
want to work at a petrol station?
In with the mushrooms.
The band took all our time.
Rehearsals instead of partying.
And work all summer
to pay for the rehearsal space.
You get the picture.
So this is where you ended up,
- Green isn't my colour.
- I'm stationed here.
Nice that you women do the cooking.
Turn the radio on
when you huddle in the tent.
- Why?
- 'Cause you'll hear us play.
While you're on your meadow
we'll be on the radio.
Don't tell me it's some bloody band.
Don't pop stars
have to be attractive?
You prick!
Perfect. That's just what we needed.
- What?
- A bit of resistance, get it?
We'll look back at this, laughing,
when we're playing sold out venues.
Do you think so?
I don't think so, I know it.
That's the spirit, PG.
I got him in the head.
Come on, boys.
What the hell are you doing?
What the hell are you doing?
- You're disturbing the performance.
- We're Gyllene Tider.
- If you like what you hear, book us.
- Does it look like I like it?
Okay, okay.
Okay. Okay!
Somebody has cancelled
for next weekend. You can play then.
If you bugger off now!
It was time.
Like when Bowie became Ziggy.
Finally we would show everyone.
And especially Dad.
It's... We're playing today.
I've been thinking about
something important.
Can you help me with Dad?
What the...?
Are you Agnetha Fltskog?
What's up with you?
- You alright, PG?
- I'm fab.
- Sure?
- Oh yeah.
I asked Mum and Dad to come.
- Your folks are coming?
- I asked my mum to come.
Who wants their folks here?
I'm not even allowed
to be here without Dad.
If you need another member,
just shout.
I'm thinking that
this is getting serious.
- It's for real now.
- Of course it's for real.
- We're about to go on stage.
- Yes.
We'll have an audience.
- Is he joking?
- Is it stage fright?
Do we have
a front man with stage fright?
No, Dad. No.
You look scared shitless, guys.
What are we waiting for?
Sorry, Per, but I don't think
your dad is coming.
- Micke!
- Micke!
Are you playing, or what?
I said to...
I love this freak. Go on, play then!
MP, pump up the volume!
That's my boy!
You were amazing.
You were very different.
Do you think so?
This is music to me.
It gives me courage.
Have you taken my bird?
Only joking.
Go on, give us a hug.
- Babe, I've missed you.
- Are you friends?
I sang in the band before you.
She was on backing vocals sometimes.
Annie, meet Marie.
Marie, meet Annie.
- Why so sour, babe?
- I know you're together.
That explains your interest in
extra-terrestrial life forms.
One thing I had learnt
- when to flee.
It was better not to
play with fire and get burnt...
than to get hurt.
Hello! Hello, Per!
Elisabeth asked me
to let you know when you got back.
An ambulance came for Kurt.
Can we have a moment?
I'm getting a snack.
Mum loves our house.
She did the drawings for it
and chose every last detail.
I know.
What are you getting at?
You'll have to give up
that music business now.
Take responsibility.
Stop running away.
You'll need to be
around for Mum now.
Let's shake hands on that.
You need to promise me
you'll be there.
You'll be well soon, Dad.
You'll be well soon.
You don't need to stay here.
I'll call
if he takes a turn for the worse.
- Hello?
- Hello, could I speak to Per Gessle?
- Yeah...
- Am I speaking to Per Gessle?
Yes, sorry.
Are you calling from the hospital?
No, I'm calling from EMI, Stockholm.
The record company.
I'm just listening to your
band, Gyllene Tider's, recording.
It's unusually good.
The lyrics are really good,
not so bloody political.
- Have you got more songs like that?
- Loads of them. In my head.
Great. Would you like to
come to Stockholm to make a record?
So what can I say?
It was the best
and the worst day of my life.
Your credit rating is too low,
Mrs Gessle,
for us to grant you loans
of this calibre.
Credit rating?
It's how we measure
your ability to repay your debts.
Does that mean we'll have to sell?
Would it be possible
to put half of the loan in my name?
Well, are you
in receipt of a salary?
- No.
- And no personal capital?
- Are you qualified to degree level?
- No.
I'm in a band.
- You're in a band?
- A pop band.
I see.
That makes your credit rating zero.
If you want to help your mother,
I suggest you do something else.
Hey, do you realise
what we're doing?
We're leaving Halland.
We're heading for the world.
Viva Stockholmia!
Sit down. You're my responsibility.
You're making us look ridiculous.
- Has anyone been to Stockholm?
- No.
For your information
I won't take any drugs.
Unless we have to, of course.
There's no space back here.
Come on in.
Hop in. Don't worry.
Will you pay for this?
That's all the stuff I had to bring.
Anyway, welcome to EMI. My name is
Lasse and this is Kjell. Hi, guys.
- Are you on the National Team?
- That's right.
Have you scored many goals?
This way, guys.
The band "The National Team", you idiot.
This is it. Come in.
What? Sick.
- Say hi to Marie on the switchboard.
- Bloody hell.
Is that real gold?
- What the hell is that?
- Gyllene Tider.
They look like
the band that flopped.
- Sydkraft?
- They were from Halmstad.
They sold 300 records.
Where are these jokers from?
You've found another band
from that shithole?
Most of them are from Harplinge,
to be precise.
Kjell. I asked you to find
a new Magnum Bonum.
- Sure.
- Whatever your budget,
I've just reduced it by half.
What the hell?
This is...
our thank you.
What are you doing?
What are you doing here?
We're recording an album.
Oh, no you're not. Not until
you've recorded one of those.
Not even a song about Loffe's
fat arse will open these doors.
- Get out of here.
- Who's Loffe?
Get out.
We're in studio two.
It's a bit smaller,
but we should be alright.
We don't have as much time
as I thought, so let's get started.
One, two three, four.
Hey, hey. Stop there.
Sorry, but this is not
how we work in Stockholm.
We'll start from the beginning,
one at a time.
Who wants to go first?
No one?
- Hell, yeah.
- What would you like to start with?
My solo perhaps?
Your solo? Fine, off you go.
Bloody amateurs.
That's how we do it in Halmstad.
Sure, guys.
Halmstad - Stockholm: One - nil.
And here comes the synth!
Hello, hello. So shall we make that
song about Loffe's fat arse then?
I said, shall we make that
song about Loffe's fat arse then?
We need a single.
We can't release the record
without a single.
We won't be releasing this record.
Top three worst catastrophes
in the history of music.
Three, when Elton John
turned to disco.
Two, when Decca Records
turned down The Beatles.
One, Gyllene Tider here and now.
The others are out on the town.
- Let's show those Stockholm dudes.
- Sure.
What the hell is that?
Reggae beat.
Are you okay?
Does it look like there's
something wrong with me?
No, I was just thinking...
about your dad and stuff.
Come on.
No reggae, though.
- Hiya.
- We're full.
Excuse me.
- We know Lasse Lindbom.
- And I know Dolly Parton.
It's true, we know him.
That's Lasse over there. Lasse!
Lindbom, do you know
these country cousins?
I've never seen them before.
What the hell? He's joking.
- Hi there.
- Hello.
Did you get a multibuy discount?
Where are the birds then?
Thank you for watching TV2.
Many people think that...
The only girl
we'll be seeing tonight is her.
You realise
what kind of guy gets her.
- No one from Halmstad anyway.
- Hey, shut it.
- In 1978...
- I need your reggae beat.
I turn on TV2
Stressed out by the big city
I get home, feeling desperate
Been working my butt off
News with sport and weather
I'll see her soon
A look that makes me fall
God, I think I'm in love
The girls on TV2
The girls on TV2
Imagine turning on the girls on TV2
Did he just sing
"turn on the girls on TV2"?
- He did.
- That's pretty neat.
Well done.
Halmstad - Stockholm: Two - nil.
Have you sold yourselves
to the big boys now?
Where's your music gone, guys?
You look like some
bloody dance orchestra.
Making a record
is kind of fun though.
At what cost?
You mugs.
You're the best.
Show me your solo part.
It's not a solo record.
Go on, let's hear that solo.
Right, shall we get cracking?
- Haven't we started already?
- Listen to this.
Let us now introduce the latest
phenomenon among the pop stars.
A group of boys who we'll hear
lots more from in the future.
They've come out of nowhere
with an amazing breakthrough single.
They're Noice,
with En kvll i tunnelbanan.
Stockholm pricks.
What are you doing?
It's so hard
To find the words to tell someone
How you actually feel about someone
There's just a lot of talk
About school, pop and cinema
I look at you and you look at me
And I say, yes, I do want you
I wanna feel your body next to mine
As we become one
Hanging at the disco
I'm trying to keep up
I cycle to the city
'Cause the buses stopped running
It's so hard
To find the words to tell someone
How you actually feel about someone
- Cheers to MP!
- Cheers!
Here's PG.
Postage paid.
We can request our song.
- Terrific.
- If we want to become plumbers.
No, we're going to get
our single played.
Now it's time for
the single request of the week.
The song that won the vote
is no other than...
Gyllene Tider from Halmstad
and their Flickorna p TV2.
But since all postcards
were postmarked "Halmstad",
it's been disqualified.
But then again, it's actually
quite good fun, so here goes!
Shit, that's groovy.
I turn on TV2
Stressed out by the big city
TOP 10
The girls on TV2
The girls on TV2
You make the world go round
It's you!
Hurry up!
Shit man.
- Kjell speaking.
- This is Per. Gessle.
- Was it important?
- What's he saying?
Do you like Pink Floyd?
Of course,
they're top of the charts.
The thing is, they're
no longer topping the charts.
They've just lost their place
to a bunch of guys from Halland.
Go on, tell us!
Flickorna p TV2 is the best selling
single in Sweden right now.
You'll have to trust me. I know
the trends from London and New York.
And Harplinge!
Do you realise
we're living the rock star life?
Out on the roads,
like The Rolling fucking Stones.
Well, not exactly.
Sit down, Gran.
We'd only done six gigs
and those were in Halmstad.
Suddenly we were going to
tour Sweden for six months.
I'd rehearsed everything
in my imaginary world.
Written songs, stood on stage,
greeted the audience.
But only in my imagination.
Who's taken my underpants?
Before the doors opened
thousands of youngsters
queued for the best seats.
Strict controls were in place.
No glass bottles or alcohol allowed.
The singing
and the lyrics are good.
They're like ordinary people
and care about their fans.
- Go, Dad.
- Gran, please get off.
So what about
your love lives, cuties?
Who do you listen to
Buddy Holly with?
When you have a pop band,
at least one person
needs to be serious about it.
There's not much of
sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.
Why? We all have girlfriends.
- Do you?
- Well, except for PG.
Here they are, our new stars!
A big cheer for a successful tour
and a fantastic new album.
A big cheer for Gran,
who's turning 18!
Come on MP, it's a double date.
You'll understand when you see her.
Can't you bring Anders along,
he's the hottest pop star in Sweden.
That's why.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I'm sa. Cassandra is in
the living room, not sure why.
- Sorry, I'm cooking.
- Here.
- You've got flour here.
- God!
Oh, I don't know...
I'm just going to get a drink.
I'll be back in a moment for you.
You need to help me.
Would you entertain her for a bit
to let me catch my breath?
I'm afraid of her.
You owe me.
Are you the artist?
- Sorry?
- Of all the...
I suppose so.
How do you know Cassandra?
We worked together
in Paris as models.
It's a sick job.
It's more bizarre
than being a pop star, I imagine.
- Are you a pop star?
- I'm in a band.
- Oh.
- Is it a band I might know?
- Gyllene Tider.
- Gyllene... What?
- Gyllene Tider.
- I've been abroad.
Cassandra is a bit odd.
In a good way.
- But still odd.
- I just meant that...
She's far out, but such a laugh.
I need her,
because I'm the opposite.
Boring as hell, hate parties.
Would rather stay at home and cook.
Peace and quiet...
Can I help you?
No, I'm fine in my own chaos.
Go see Cassandra.
300 ml red wine for the sauce.
The shallots have been chopped.
You're done with step two
and can begin step three.
That's the last bit.
I get it.
Here, have this.
It suits you better than me.
Is something on fire?
The popcorn!
I've just got to do something.
Go without me.
I really miss you.
I wish you were here.
Oh, okay.
But you have
a boyfriend here as well.
No, I blew it.
I love you, Mum.
Alphabetical order.
How does he find the time?
The guy has no life.
The brightest shining star
in the pop sky speaking.
Per Gessle is my name, Halmstad,
Sweden, Earth in the Wintergate.
- Hi, Loffe here.
- It's Loffe.
I've listened to your new songs.
Shit they're good!
We do need a single of course,
but Kjell and I
have agreed on something.
We think you should put
half of the songs on hold.
- What?
- We think you're greater than this.
How about making a solo album?
Stop dreaming of Per now,
he's not that hot.
- He is really hot.
- No.
Anders is three times as hot.
Here he is.
Bowie of the Swedish west coast.
Have you just painted your nails,
or what?
I just had an interview.
Why do they only
want to talk to you?
I don't know.
They're asking about the songs.
So they're not that interested in
the accompaniment?
- The accompaniment?
- You only talk about the songs.
They're so fucking brilliant.
We were lucky to run into you,
the pop genius.
Guys, stop squabbling,
we're about to play.
You didn't want Per
to write his own songs.
That's not quite what I said.
I've never stopped you from
writing songs. Write all you like.
- But I know how to do it now.
- Have your solo career then.
- Now you're so perfect.
- Maybe I will.
Sorry for writing all of our hits
that get you in with all the girls.
You prat!
Guys, it's time to start.
There's a lot of
excitement out there.
What the hell happened?
Around 30 people were trampled down.
Many people were hurt,
some of them seriously.
Shit, man.
Three people died.
Three young people
trampled to death in Blekinge.
Thousands crammed
to gain entry to pop concert.
The hopelessness and aggression
that the violence has given rise to
affects not least of all
the youngsters.
The pop idols' attempt
to get close to their audience
had tragic consequences.
- Where's Per?
- Who's that?
He's a mate.
Why have you brought a mate?
We can't cancel the tour.
It's way too expensive.
You're going on stage at 18:00 hours
tomorrow, as scheduled.
And that's that.
We can't stand there
playing cheery pop tunes,
as if nothing's happened.
That's not fair on our fans.
- Or those who...
- Look!
Your signatures.
That's why we have contracts.
Are you writing down
everything I say?
Stefan Sjstrm, Expressen.
Of course you should postpone.
Should we pick up
in the summer instead?
What are we to do?
- You can't just lie here.
- Dad was right.
I only know how to run away.
Here. She was one of those
who were injured.
Read it.
Lena was one of those
who had been trampled down.
She could have died.
But she wrote that
our songs saved her.
Long before the tragedy.
We'd made her start her own band.
Her favourite artists weren't
David Bowie or Marc Bolan.
We were.
Hi, how are you?
No, it really wasn't.
This is my band, Impuls.
I wish you were here,
and that you'd got to see it all.
All our successes.
Managing the impossible.
I saved the house.
Mum gets to stay.
I didn't just manage to get a band,
but friends as well.
But just now it feels like
I'm about to lose it all.
What would you like to say
about what's happened?
I mean... of course it's all so...
It's hard to process.
People came to hear us...
- and died.
- Can you carry on as a band?
I think that depends on
what the others want.
Alright guys, you're on.
Hi there.
I just wanted to say hello.
I heard you've found
a new rehearsal venue in Halmstad.
Yep. We'll save you
from our commercial rubbish.
About time.
I'll be going.
How did it go?
- That's nice.
- Thanks.
Tobbe and I was wondering
if you would recommend us to EMI.
Is there more to it?
You can help me if you like.
What is it about?
It's about finding love.
That's nice.
Early Sunday morning,
Only the cockerel was up
He sat atop his spire
Wondering if all was well
The streets of Halmstad
Lay empty below
I had nothing left in me
I need to find her if she exists,
Lives and breathes
Wow, where did you hide that voice?
I got on a plane
And landed on Kennedy's ground
Changed my watch, took a taxi
Asked the driver
If he knew her whereabouts
He dropped me off and said,
"Take a walk"
A pair of red lips
On 42nd Street said,
Come with me,
I'm the one you want
But I want that girl
From a Cole Porter song
Just know that girl in a...
But who is she?
I think it's more of
an idea for a song.
Are you sure?
Maybe the problem
isn't finding love.
What do you mean?
Maybe the problem is daring to love.
If you listen to that
and try to feel it,
you might already have found her.
That sounds like some song lyrics.
There's more than song ideas, buddy.
The streets lie empty and grey
There is no doubt in my mind
I need to find that girl
He sang about in that film
I want that girl
I just...
I just wanted to check if...
I was wondering if you...
would like to stay in
and be bored with me.
I've made a...
I want that girl
From a Cole Porter song
Just know that girl
From a Cole Porter song
What's the matter?
They're no one hit wonder.
This song will haunt us
every summer for decades.
Kjell got in touch, by the way.
Loffe has listened to our new demo.
- Guess what he said.
- We need a single!
I also write a lot.
I might end up working for
the local paper.
The culture section.
It's more of a dream that I have.
What are your thoughts on
your military service?
I haven't thought much about it.
I'd quite like my own room.
To avoid people's snoring.
Obviously you'll all
be sleeping together.
24 of you in a room.
I'm more of a sole operator
so it would be great
to get out of large exercises.
Military life
is all about the group.
But I wouldn't mind
under cover operations at all.
This is from the school nurse
and my Halmstad GP.
- "Per Hkan Gessle..."
- Gessle, with a hard G sound.
"Gessle suffers from social phobia,
as well as agora phobia."
- Fear of large spaces.
- "Difficult times following puberty.
Bullied. Struggles with crowds."
- He can confirm that...
- You struggle with crowds.
I think I get the picture.
I gained an extra year of life.
Dad didn't approve of
my exemption warrant.
But what did it matter?
I wasn't going to work
for the government anyway.
I just didn't fit into
social democrat Sweden.
Everybody had to be the same.
But I wasn't like anybody else.
So I learnt to ignore them.
Ignore them all.
I even resolved not to fall in love.
My imaginary world was just
so much more exciting than Halmstad.
Hang on, hang on.
- You're Jan, aren't you?
- No, I'm Per.
Are you off to Harplinge?
- Harplinge?
- We're rehearsing in half an hour.
This isn't my car, it's my mum's.
Tobbe has just brought back
the finest rock'n'roll baccy
from Amsterdam.
- Come on.
- As long as it won't take long.
- I told you he would.
- See you later.
This is funky, man.
Great songs.
Look, he's overtaking.
Look at him!
That's Mats "MP" Persson.
Our drummer.
He can play all instruments.
He was born with perfect pitch. And
he's damned fine at tuning engines.
- Why don't we catch him up?
- Floor it!
Floor it! Floor it!
You could get another
20 horsepower out of this.
Check if it's got
a twin blade carburettor.
It's not mine, it's my mum's.
Is that Don't waste my time
with Status Quo?
Yeah, it's a BBC Session
from 1973 actually.
- How did you get hold of that?
- Through an ad.
Man, that's groovy.
MP, what are you waiting for?
Are you coming?
What the hell happened?
Tobbe was amazing.
A right rock star.
I'd never heard
a real band up close.
All this sound.
Now I knew what to do with my life.
I was going to make
that imaginary world come true.
I was going to start a band.
The only question was - how?
Is he singing?
Time to take over the business?
Yeah, well...
Can't you sign yourself off sick?
No, I'm alright.
But thanks for helping.
How is school?
I was wondering
how you feel about it all?
What do you mean?
Here. Buy something tasty.
You're so bloody skinny.
- Hi there. Thanks.
- Hello.
- Great stuff.
- Have you got it all on vinyl?
- I do.
- Shit.
Please take the rubbish out
to help your dad.
- Oh, God!
- It's alright, Mum.
I didn't know we had visitors.
You were terrific.
- What?
- The band.
Intellectual brain fart.
But is it true that
you can play all instruments?
No, I can only play...
the guitar, piano, drums, a bit of
cello and the violin, the saxophone.
And the bass guitar,
but so can everyone.
I'm thinking of starting a band.
- Why three identical ones?
- Balloon Farm.
I bought the first one aged nine
and listened to it until it broke.
Then a second one
but the third one works.
- Do you want to...?
- Yeah.
- Is this the sound of your band?
- Well, the singing is really groovy.
Billy and I were mates at school
He worked at the supermarket
And I was on the dole
Autumn was coming
And I felt the need to
Get away from it all
What was that?
- My song.
- Did you write it?
I did.
And another five or six.
But some I wrote when I was 13.
Have you been in a band
or have you just written songs?
Maybe you'd like some advice on
your guitar playing skills?
I'd love that.
Here you are.
Have you got plans for this evening?
A party or something?
- MP is copying some records.
- Oh, that's nice.
It's lovely to have you here, MP.
Oh, excuse me a minute.
I've made a little surprise for you.
- Is that a radio transmitter?
- Yes, I built it myself.
I connected it to the stereo.
An alternative
to the rubbish on the radio.
And you tighten it clockwise.
Isn't it upside down?
How do you tell which way?
Not like that. You're as skilled
as when you're singing!
Why are we here?
Rotorp. Your grandad installed all
the plumbing there in the fifties.
And I've done most of it
over at Tylsand.
So the Gessle family is responsible
for half of Halmstad's blood flow.
You mean bowel movements.
I don't think I dreamt of
being a plumber.
But then I met your mum, you know.
I joined my dad. First on simpler
jobs, then more complex ones.
- It felt right.
- But I'm useless at this stuff.
I'm just saying...
You're leaving school soon.
You need to get out in the real
world, meet people and make money.
Don't we have money?
- You don't.
- It's not my thing.
- Isn't money everybody's thing?
- Yes, but not the nine to five.
I couldn't handle that.
I'm more like Mum.
She's not working. She's free.
She paints pottery with the ladies.
She's enjoying life.
So you're going to be a housewife?
You need to go for something
you're going to be good at.
But until then, they're looking for
a caretaker at the hospital.
To cover over the summer.
Give them a call,
or start packing up your stuff.
He's like a jukebox.
He's got loads of songs in his head
and a great suggestion for a name.
Are we talking about
the same person?
- The little neoliberal nerd?
- Stop it.
We ought to feel sorry for him.
- Do you like this?
- Yes.
Do you know what it is?
It's opium for the people.
- It is opium.
- It let's them escape.
It makes them easy to manipulate.
Indeed, yes-people.
Maybe it's time to decide
what to go for, MP.
You want to make sure
you're on the right side of history.
- What?
- Or play bubblegum music.
Maybe that's what you want.
Your dad thinks you're a caretaker?
He doesn't need to know
I've got a better idea.
- It doesn't sound very rock'n'roll.
- What?
- Health service troubadours.
- Come on.
Here. Let's do this. Room 37.
- 37...
- Why so sad? It's our first gig.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Room 37? No.
Room 37.
They're asleep, damnit.
Let's try out your new song.
What are you doing?
These are comatose patients,
they're not to be disturbed.
- We were supposed to play room 37.
- That must be in the next building.
How long have you been here?
They can't hear a thing.
That's sick.
Shall we find the other building?
Tobbe wants me to choose...
one band. So you're on your own.
Excuse me.
The patient suddenly sat up.
I alerted you immediately.
He's been in a coma for a year.
What's your name?
Hello, this is Per Gessle speaking
in the studio today.
I have my friend MP here,
who would like to say,
"Dear Sweden,
did you know music saves lives?
Maybe you're one of those
who'd like your life saved?
Listen carefully, because we're a
Halmstad band called Gyllene Tider.
We're looking for musicians. Call if
you're interested on 03537385."
The idea was to aim for the stars.
But in our case MP's broadcast only
reached the closest neighbours,
Micke and Anders.
Sorry, we can't do Thursdays
or Saturdays.
Or Tuesdays.
- Why?
- Training and match days.
- And for half of June we're at camp.
- Us chosen ones.
Everybody knows the truth,
we may as well say it.
- Last one's an idiot.
- Let's go!
MP, you're the judge.
That's the song
and this is how we're playing it.
What the hell?
- I'm no bloody rocket scientist.
- Nobody thought you were.
You need to look closely at this,
or you won't know how to play.
You seem to like sailors.
Hello, folks.
- Gran?
- Fritzon, at your service.
What are you doing here?
Aren't you Gyllene Tider?
Yes, but I said
I was joining Gyllene Tider.
- But what about me?
- What?
- How old are you?
- 18.
- Gran...
- I'm 17.
- Gran...
- Okay, I'm 16,
- but my birthday is in a month.
- He's good. Let him have a go.
Let's give him a chance.
- Okay, let's see how he gets on.
- Thanks.
And is it okay
if Dad stays until I feel safe?
Only joking!
- We have a Farfisa synth.
- At your service.
We'll follow my schedule.
And the tempo...
- Can't we just play?
- Please?
And here comes the synth!
Check her out.
She's the hottest bird in Harplinge.
Go and talk to her.
Come on, you look great.
Hi, my friend Per thinks you should
stop talking to those Neanderthals,
since we're much hotter.
- Are you crazy?
- Life is for living!
Gyllene Tider was the only band in
town not to play prog rock or punk.
The others thought
our pop thing was silly,
but we knew we were good. We needed
to convince the record companies.
"We wonder about
your political stance."
Our political stance? What does that
have to do with anything?
Polar Music also turns us down.
"Kind regards, Bjrn and Benny."
Bjrn and Benny? Far out, man.
They turned us down, twit.
Not everyone gets turned down
by Bjrn and Benny.
- Seven times no?
- Micke?
Guys, this is Susan.
Susan, these are the boys,
Gyllene Tider.
Andersson, Hallin,
what are you doing?
It might help if music
was our focus.
And give up football?
We can't even get a gig in Halmstad.
When my dad came to Sweden
he didn't speak Swedish.
He still went to offer
to fill people's cars up.
The petrol station got fed up
with him and hired him.
That's what you have to do as well.
Do we look like we
want to work at a petrol station?
In with the mushrooms.
The band took all our time.
Rehearsals instead of partying.
And work all summer
to pay for the rehearsal space.
You get the picture.
So this is where you ended up,
- Green isn't my colour.
- I'm stationed here.
Nice that you women do the cooking.
Turn the radio on
when you huddle in the tent.
- Why?
- 'Cause you'll hear us play.
While you're on your meadow
we'll be on the radio.
Don't tell me it's some bloody band.
Don't pop stars
have to be attractive?
You prick!
Perfect. That's just what we needed.
- What?
- A bit of resistance, get it?
We'll look back at this, laughing,
when we're playing sold out venues.
Do you think so?
I don't think so, I know it.
That's the spirit, PG.
I got him in the head.
Come on, boys.
What the hell are you doing?
What the hell are you doing?
- You're disturbing the performance.
- We're Gyllene Tider.
- If you like what you hear, book us.
- Does it look like I like it?
Okay, okay.
Okay. Okay!
Somebody has cancelled
for next weekend. You can play then.
If you bugger off now!
It was time.
Like when Bowie became Ziggy.
Finally we would show everyone.
And especially Dad.
It's... We're playing today.
I've been thinking about
something important.
Can you help me with Dad?
What the...?
Are you Agnetha Fltskog?
What's up with you?
- You alright, PG?
- I'm fab.
- Sure?
- Oh yeah.
I asked Mum and Dad to come.
- Your folks are coming?
- I asked my mum to come.
Who wants their folks here?
I'm not even allowed
to be here without Dad.
If you need another member,
just shout.
I'm thinking that
this is getting serious.
- It's for real now.
- Of course it's for real.
- We're about to go on stage.
- Yes.
We'll have an audience.
- Is he joking?
- Is it stage fright?
Do we have
a front man with stage fright?
No, Dad. No.
You look scared shitless, guys.
What are we waiting for?
Sorry, Per, but I don't think
your dad is coming.
- Micke!
- Micke!
Are you playing, or what?
I said to...
I love this freak. Go on, play then!
MP, pump up the volume!
That's my boy!
You were amazing.
You were very different.
Do you think so?
This is music to me.
It gives me courage.
Have you taken my bird?
Only joking.
Go on, give us a hug.
- Babe, I've missed you.
- Are you friends?
I sang in the band before you.
She was on backing vocals sometimes.
Annie, meet Marie.
Marie, meet Annie.
- Why so sour, babe?
- I know you're together.
That explains your interest in
extra-terrestrial life forms.
One thing I had learnt
- when to flee.
It was better not to
play with fire and get burnt...
than to get hurt.
Hello! Hello, Per!
Elisabeth asked me
to let you know when you got back.
An ambulance came for Kurt.
Can we have a moment?
I'm getting a snack.
Mum loves our house.
She did the drawings for it
and chose every last detail.
I know.
What are you getting at?
You'll have to give up
that music business now.
Take responsibility.
Stop running away.
You'll need to be
around for Mum now.
Let's shake hands on that.
You need to promise me
you'll be there.
You'll be well soon, Dad.
You'll be well soon.
You don't need to stay here.
I'll call
if he takes a turn for the worse.
- Hello?
- Hello, could I speak to Per Gessle?
- Yeah...
- Am I speaking to Per Gessle?
Yes, sorry.
Are you calling from the hospital?
No, I'm calling from EMI, Stockholm.
The record company.
I'm just listening to your
band, Gyllene Tider's, recording.
It's unusually good.
The lyrics are really good,
not so bloody political.
- Have you got more songs like that?
- Loads of them. In my head.
Great. Would you like to
come to Stockholm to make a record?
So what can I say?
It was the best
and the worst day of my life.
Your credit rating is too low,
Mrs Gessle,
for us to grant you loans
of this calibre.
Credit rating?
It's how we measure
your ability to repay your debts.
Does that mean we'll have to sell?
Would it be possible
to put half of the loan in my name?
Well, are you
in receipt of a salary?
- No.
- And no personal capital?
- Are you qualified to degree level?
- No.
I'm in a band.
- You're in a band?
- A pop band.
I see.
That makes your credit rating zero.
If you want to help your mother,
I suggest you do something else.
Hey, do you realise
what we're doing?
We're leaving Halland.
We're heading for the world.
Viva Stockholmia!
Sit down. You're my responsibility.
You're making us look ridiculous.
- Has anyone been to Stockholm?
- No.
For your information
I won't take any drugs.
Unless we have to, of course.
There's no space back here.
Come on in.
Hop in. Don't worry.
Will you pay for this?
That's all the stuff I had to bring.
Anyway, welcome to EMI. My name is
Lasse and this is Kjell. Hi, guys.
- Are you on the National Team?
- That's right.
Have you scored many goals?
This way, guys.
The band "The National Team", you idiot.
This is it. Come in.
What? Sick.
- Say hi to Marie on the switchboard.
- Bloody hell.
Is that real gold?
- What the hell is that?
- Gyllene Tider.
They look like
the band that flopped.
- Sydkraft?
- They were from Halmstad.
They sold 300 records.
Where are these jokers from?
You've found another band
from that shithole?
Most of them are from Harplinge,
to be precise.
Kjell. I asked you to find
a new Magnum Bonum.
- Sure.
- Whatever your budget,
I've just reduced it by half.
What the hell?
This is...
our thank you.
What are you doing?
What are you doing here?
We're recording an album.
Oh, no you're not. Not until
you've recorded one of those.
Not even a song about Loffe's
fat arse will open these doors.
- Get out of here.
- Who's Loffe?
Get out.
We're in studio two.
It's a bit smaller,
but we should be alright.
We don't have as much time
as I thought, so let's get started.
One, two three, four.
Hey, hey. Stop there.
Sorry, but this is not
how we work in Stockholm.
We'll start from the beginning,
one at a time.
Who wants to go first?
No one?
- Hell, yeah.
- What would you like to start with?
My solo perhaps?
Your solo? Fine, off you go.
Bloody amateurs.
That's how we do it in Halmstad.
Sure, guys.
Halmstad - Stockholm: One - nil.
And here comes the synth!
Hello, hello. So shall we make that
song about Loffe's fat arse then?
I said, shall we make that
song about Loffe's fat arse then?
We need a single.
We can't release the record
without a single.
We won't be releasing this record.
Top three worst catastrophes
in the history of music.
Three, when Elton John
turned to disco.
Two, when Decca Records
turned down The Beatles.
One, Gyllene Tider here and now.
The others are out on the town.
- Let's show those Stockholm dudes.
- Sure.
What the hell is that?
Reggae beat.
Are you okay?
Does it look like there's
something wrong with me?
No, I was just thinking...
about your dad and stuff.
Come on.
No reggae, though.
- Hiya.
- We're full.
Excuse me.
- We know Lasse Lindbom.
- And I know Dolly Parton.
It's true, we know him.
That's Lasse over there. Lasse!
Lindbom, do you know
these country cousins?
I've never seen them before.
What the hell? He's joking.
- Hi there.
- Hello.
Did you get a multibuy discount?
Where are the birds then?
Thank you for watching TV2.
Many people think that...
The only girl
we'll be seeing tonight is her.
You realise
what kind of guy gets her.
- No one from Halmstad anyway.
- Hey, shut it.
- In 1978...
- I need your reggae beat.
I turn on TV2
Stressed out by the big city
I get home, feeling desperate
Been working my butt off
News with sport and weather
I'll see her soon
A look that makes me fall
God, I think I'm in love
The girls on TV2
The girls on TV2
Imagine turning on the girls on TV2
Did he just sing
"turn on the girls on TV2"?
- He did.
- That's pretty neat.
Well done.
Halmstad - Stockholm: Two - nil.
Have you sold yourselves
to the big boys now?
Where's your music gone, guys?
You look like some
bloody dance orchestra.
Making a record
is kind of fun though.
At what cost?
You mugs.
You're the best.
Show me your solo part.
It's not a solo record.
Go on, let's hear that solo.
Right, shall we get cracking?
- Haven't we started already?
- Listen to this.
Let us now introduce the latest
phenomenon among the pop stars.
A group of boys who we'll hear
lots more from in the future.
They've come out of nowhere
with an amazing breakthrough single.
They're Noice,
with En kvll i tunnelbanan.
Stockholm pricks.
What are you doing?
It's so hard
To find the words to tell someone
How you actually feel about someone
There's just a lot of talk
About school, pop and cinema
I look at you and you look at me
And I say, yes, I do want you
I wanna feel your body next to mine
As we become one
Hanging at the disco
I'm trying to keep up
I cycle to the city
'Cause the buses stopped running
It's so hard
To find the words to tell someone
How you actually feel about someone
- Cheers to MP!
- Cheers!
Here's PG.
Postage paid.
We can request our song.
- Terrific.
- If we want to become plumbers.
No, we're going to get
our single played.
Now it's time for
the single request of the week.
The song that won the vote
is no other than...
Gyllene Tider from Halmstad
and their Flickorna p TV2.
But since all postcards
were postmarked "Halmstad",
it's been disqualified.
But then again, it's actually
quite good fun, so here goes!
Shit, that's groovy.
I turn on TV2
Stressed out by the big city
TOP 10
The girls on TV2
The girls on TV2
You make the world go round
It's you!
Hurry up!
Shit man.
- Kjell speaking.
- This is Per. Gessle.
- Was it important?
- What's he saying?
Do you like Pink Floyd?
Of course,
they're top of the charts.
The thing is, they're
no longer topping the charts.
They've just lost their place
to a bunch of guys from Halland.
Go on, tell us!
Flickorna p TV2 is the best selling
single in Sweden right now.
You'll have to trust me. I know
the trends from London and New York.
And Harplinge!
Do you realise
we're living the rock star life?
Out on the roads,
like The Rolling fucking Stones.
Well, not exactly.
Sit down, Gran.
We'd only done six gigs
and those were in Halmstad.
Suddenly we were going to
tour Sweden for six months.
I'd rehearsed everything
in my imaginary world.
Written songs, stood on stage,
greeted the audience.
But only in my imagination.
Who's taken my underpants?
Before the doors opened
thousands of youngsters
queued for the best seats.
Strict controls were in place.
No glass bottles or alcohol allowed.
The singing
and the lyrics are good.
They're like ordinary people
and care about their fans.
- Go, Dad.
- Gran, please get off.
So what about
your love lives, cuties?
Who do you listen to
Buddy Holly with?
When you have a pop band,
at least one person
needs to be serious about it.
There's not much of
sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.
Why? We all have girlfriends.
- Do you?
- Well, except for PG.
Here they are, our new stars!
A big cheer for a successful tour
and a fantastic new album.
A big cheer for Gran,
who's turning 18!
Come on MP, it's a double date.
You'll understand when you see her.
Can't you bring Anders along,
he's the hottest pop star in Sweden.
That's why.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I'm sa. Cassandra is in
the living room, not sure why.
- Sorry, I'm cooking.
- Here.
- You've got flour here.
- God!
Oh, I don't know...
I'm just going to get a drink.
I'll be back in a moment for you.
You need to help me.
Would you entertain her for a bit
to let me catch my breath?
I'm afraid of her.
You owe me.
Are you the artist?
- Sorry?
- Of all the...
I suppose so.
How do you know Cassandra?
We worked together
in Paris as models.
It's a sick job.
It's more bizarre
than being a pop star, I imagine.
- Are you a pop star?
- I'm in a band.
- Oh.
- Is it a band I might know?
- Gyllene Tider.
- Gyllene... What?
- Gyllene Tider.
- I've been abroad.
Cassandra is a bit odd.
In a good way.
- But still odd.
- I just meant that...
She's far out, but such a laugh.
I need her,
because I'm the opposite.
Boring as hell, hate parties.
Would rather stay at home and cook.
Peace and quiet...
Can I help you?
No, I'm fine in my own chaos.
Go see Cassandra.
300 ml red wine for the sauce.
The shallots have been chopped.
You're done with step two
and can begin step three.
That's the last bit.
I get it.
Here, have this.
It suits you better than me.
Is something on fire?
The popcorn!
I've just got to do something.
Go without me.
I really miss you.
I wish you were here.
Oh, okay.
But you have
a boyfriend here as well.
No, I blew it.
I love you, Mum.
Alphabetical order.
How does he find the time?
The guy has no life.
The brightest shining star
in the pop sky speaking.
Per Gessle is my name, Halmstad,
Sweden, Earth in the Wintergate.
- Hi, Loffe here.
- It's Loffe.
I've listened to your new songs.
Shit they're good!
We do need a single of course,
but Kjell and I
have agreed on something.
We think you should put
half of the songs on hold.
- What?
- We think you're greater than this.
How about making a solo album?
Stop dreaming of Per now,
he's not that hot.
- He is really hot.
- No.
Anders is three times as hot.
Here he is.
Bowie of the Swedish west coast.
Have you just painted your nails,
or what?
I just had an interview.
Why do they only
want to talk to you?
I don't know.
They're asking about the songs.
So they're not that interested in
the accompaniment?
- The accompaniment?
- You only talk about the songs.
They're so fucking brilliant.
We were lucky to run into you,
the pop genius.
Guys, stop squabbling,
we're about to play.
You didn't want Per
to write his own songs.
That's not quite what I said.
I've never stopped you from
writing songs. Write all you like.
- But I know how to do it now.
- Have your solo career then.
- Now you're so perfect.
- Maybe I will.
Sorry for writing all of our hits
that get you in with all the girls.
You prat!
Guys, it's time to start.
There's a lot of
excitement out there.
What the hell happened?
Around 30 people were trampled down.
Many people were hurt,
some of them seriously.
Shit, man.
Three people died.
Three young people
trampled to death in Blekinge.
Thousands crammed
to gain entry to pop concert.
The hopelessness and aggression
that the violence has given rise to
affects not least of all
the youngsters.
The pop idols' attempt
to get close to their audience
had tragic consequences.
- Where's Per?
- Who's that?
He's a mate.
Why have you brought a mate?
We can't cancel the tour.
It's way too expensive.
You're going on stage at 18:00 hours
tomorrow, as scheduled.
And that's that.
We can't stand there
playing cheery pop tunes,
as if nothing's happened.
That's not fair on our fans.
- Or those who...
- Look!
Your signatures.
That's why we have contracts.
Are you writing down
everything I say?
Stefan Sjstrm, Expressen.
Of course you should postpone.
Should we pick up
in the summer instead?
What are we to do?
- You can't just lie here.
- Dad was right.
I only know how to run away.
Here. She was one of those
who were injured.
Read it.
Lena was one of those
who had been trampled down.
She could have died.
But she wrote that
our songs saved her.
Long before the tragedy.
We'd made her start her own band.
Her favourite artists weren't
David Bowie or Marc Bolan.
We were.
Hi, how are you?
No, it really wasn't.
This is my band, Impuls.
I wish you were here,
and that you'd got to see it all.
All our successes.
Managing the impossible.
I saved the house.
Mum gets to stay.
I didn't just manage to get a band,
but friends as well.
But just now it feels like
I'm about to lose it all.
What would you like to say
about what's happened?
I mean... of course it's all so...
It's hard to process.
People came to hear us...
- and died.
- Can you carry on as a band?
I think that depends on
what the others want.
Alright guys, you're on.
Hi there.
I just wanted to say hello.
I heard you've found
a new rehearsal venue in Halmstad.
Yep. We'll save you
from our commercial rubbish.
About time.
I'll be going.
How did it go?
- That's nice.
- Thanks.
Tobbe and I was wondering
if you would recommend us to EMI.
Is there more to it?
You can help me if you like.
What is it about?
It's about finding love.
That's nice.
Early Sunday morning,
Only the cockerel was up
He sat atop his spire
Wondering if all was well
The streets of Halmstad
Lay empty below
I had nothing left in me
I need to find her if she exists,
Lives and breathes
Wow, where did you hide that voice?
I got on a plane
And landed on Kennedy's ground
Changed my watch, took a taxi
Asked the driver
If he knew her whereabouts
He dropped me off and said,
"Take a walk"
A pair of red lips
On 42nd Street said,
Come with me,
I'm the one you want
But I want that girl
From a Cole Porter song
Just know that girl in a...
But who is she?
I think it's more of
an idea for a song.
Are you sure?
Maybe the problem
isn't finding love.
What do you mean?
Maybe the problem is daring to love.
If you listen to that
and try to feel it,
you might already have found her.
That sounds like some song lyrics.
There's more than song ideas, buddy.
The streets lie empty and grey
There is no doubt in my mind
I need to find that girl
He sang about in that film
I want that girl
I just...
I just wanted to check if...
I was wondering if you...
would like to stay in
and be bored with me.
I've made a...
I want that girl
From a Cole Porter song
Just know that girl
From a Cole Porter song
What's the matter?
They're no one hit wonder.
This song will haunt us
every summer for decades.
Kjell got in touch, by the way.
Loffe has listened to our new demo.
- Guess what he said.
- We need a single!