Summerlight... and Then Comes the Night (2022) Movie Script

It's good to wake up early here,
have a coffee and greet the world
on a silent morning.
No need to think,
just take a deep breath
and listen to the seagulls cackling,
under a blanket of grey clouds.
Life here is pretty good,
although we don't always feel great.
For what should we do
with these endless days
running through us?
There are a few dozen houses here.
But what probably makes us unique is
that we neither have a church
nor a graveyard,
which creates the illusion
that no one ever dies here.
Apart from that,
there's nothing remarkable
to say about us.
We won't have time
to tell you everything,
to go from one house to another.
But we'll tell you about
the things that matter.
Everyday occurrences,
coincidences and chance,
and the fiery lust
that melts night
into day.
About life itself,
that sometimes seems
like an aimless ramble,
ending in mid-sentence.
And of course we'll tell you about
the dark night that hovers above,
drawing its power from deep space.
My love.
You're talking gibberish.
It's the middle of the night.
I remember...
what I was dreaming.
The words...
What was it?
Tu... igitur.
If you must dream,
please do it silently.
You keep waking me up.
Tu igitur.
The knitting factory was built
by the government.
Such buildings rise
slowly and hesitantly.
Completely doomed, everyone thought.
But under the firm hand
of our young CEO,
he managed to create
something unheard of:
He was our anchor,
our champion
and there was harmony
in the world.
Then she might have...
A couscous dish
with lots of different things.
Maybe use leftovers?
Brilliant at that.
Makes tomato soup from scratch.
Fried tomatoes
and onions and...
- Yes, I have done that.
- Of course you have.
- There is plenty of wine.
- Yes, please have some more.
I'm good.
So, you are not well?
Having trouble sleeping?
Aren't you just stressed like anyone
in your position?
Where is the gauge, darling?
- Sorry?
- Where is the gauge?
Haven't you overstretched the wool?
You should recharge the batteries.
Get some sun.
What sun?
Roll up your sleeve.
Let's check your blood pressure
and have a listen.
Then urur will take
a few blood samples.
This is a misunderstanding.
I'm not here for a check-up.
I just need some help.
- Help?
- Yes
You studied Latin
to become a Doctor, right?
You have not seen...
Not seen have you...
You have not seen...
Seen what?
Hi sweetheart.
Home already?
Everything okay?
All good.
Aren't you hungry dear?
I thought you came home for lunch.
Things are busy?
On overdrive.
I made fish cakes.
I can reheat some.
Thanks, dear.
I just dropped by to get a book.
A book?
Found it.
- Bye my love.
- See you tonight.
We didn't notice the change at first.
His firm gaze had disappeared,
replaced by something
we still can't comprehend.
It was like he had got
a new pair of eyes.
What are you doing out here
in the middle of the night?
We spend too much time sleeping
instead of waking with the stars.
Come inside my love
before you get cold.
Stay with me
and look at the sparkling sky.
If a star
is a distant dead sun,
which reality rules?
The star's or ours?
Is something wrong?
Is it dead?
Or does it still burn?
You can calculate the Earth's radius
by its distance to the Polar Star.
Did you know that?
Come inside my love, please.
You've been under too much pressure,
with a company
and a village to shoulder.
You can't fall sick, not now.
For two months?
That's a bit of a stretch.
And with whom do you imagine
speaking Latin?
I've already paid.
Then get a refund.
What am I supposed to tell people?
That I've gone to Reykjavik
to study Latin.
Who will believe me?
People will think you're in rehab
or that you have a young mistress.
Who cares what people think?
Why don't you and the kids come?
The course is only during the day.
No. No way!
You're not going to Reykjavik
to strut around,
leaving us behind.
Forget it.
Perhaps we should all have gone
to Reykjavik to learn Latin,
get a new pair of eyes.
But we didn't,
stuck in our magnetic field
of habit.
But here lives a boy
who pays little heed to habit.
He was so fair and frail
that we were afraid
he would dissolve
and vanish into thin air.
Son, you're barely eating.
Here you go.
Take plenty of bacon.
You can't grow on chicken feed
with a splash of milk.
Not if you're going to be a man.
And you will go to school today.
All kids have to go to school.
Learn to stand their ground.
Be independent.
Not let anyone walk all over you.
Remember that.
Jonas didn't have any friends,
or any enemies.
The kids didn't dare to tease him.
There was something about him
they didn't understand.
And his father was of course
Hannes the Mighty.
He quit school
at the age of 15.
Open up son.
You have school today!
You can't hang around
in there all day.
I've got something for you.
Jonas r Hannesson!
I order you to open this door!
I don't know what to do my love.
I'm totally useless
with this kind of thing.
He looks so much like you,
sometimes I have a hard time
looking at him.
Let's see
what we find
at the center of the earth.
Well I...
I'm completely at a loss
with the boy.
He just stays in his room doodling.
Or he roams the hills.
- Poor boy...
- Yes...
I was hoping he'd grow out of it.
But it just gets worse.
Yes, please.
It's just teenage hormones.
- Another one?
- Yes, please.
A healthy dose
of tough discipline
will teach him,
like in the police force.
Maybe he just needs
to get out of the house
and meet people.
- Maybe get a job?
- A job?
Why not?
Who do you think will hire
a snot-nosed kid?
He should be in school
with kids his age.
But he isn't like the other kids.
He's sensitive like his late mother.
Sensitive, yes well...
That's one way of describing him.
back in the day,
boys became men
by taking to the sea.
Did you take to the sea?
Uh. No...
What about helping out in the Dairy?
let's have Sigfs
work him to the ground for a week.
After that he'll be relieved
to be back at school.
Yes, yes.
Maybe that is the answer.
Do you think that could work?
- Do you have connections there?
- Of course.
- Sigfs will handle it for us.
- Yes.
And so time passed.
It's important
you cover the whole wall.
If you need more paint,
it's in the storage room.
- Don't miss a millimeter.
- Okay.
Heaven's creatures
gently play your harp
so God's angels may hear it
where they lark.
On my path I found a wooden strand
and fixed my tassel to it
with a band.
From blocks of fir
I found beside the sea
I carved out birds
from nature's harmony.
Heaven's creatures
gently play your harp
so God's angels may hear it
where they lark.
You're an artist.
You first glimpse Smsstair
when you round the bend
at Kollaskridur.
There Kjartan and sds
ran a cattle farm
in complete harmony with God
and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Kjartan was an able farmer.
Fourth in a generation
of a proud farming breed.
- What?
- Coffee is ready.
Did it start?
Haven't tickled her today.
Come get some coffee while it's hot.
5 minutes my love.
Mmm wow!
Want to join Daddy for fence-work
in the West field?
No? Why not?
- Boring!
- Boring?
To be with Daddy and Perla...
Excuse me,
we do not sit on the table!
I'd promised
they could come to town with me.
Helga will watch them
while I sit the exam.
What exam?
Ah, that figures.
Need anything from the co-op?
- Do we have any chocolate biscuits?
- Nope.
Can you get the caramel pudding
you made the other day?
...a carton of cigarettes.
Just kidding.
We're having lamb cutlets tonight.
Would you rather have
coleslaw or potatoes?
- The crayons belong to both of us!
- Stop it girls.
Tricky question.
I'll leave it in your able hands.
But I want slaw... potatoes...
and butter.
The farm next to Smsstair
is Valfa,
where Kristn, Ptur
and their sheep live.
Why is Kristn always running?
I guess she's unhappy with herself.
New fence...
Yes, yes...
That's important... be precise.
Morning Kjartan.
Hi Kristn.
You're all the way out here?
I run...
past here...
every other day.
New training regime.
You have to move your ass.
No need to turn into an old hag.
Nice job!
Sweat soaked.
I can imagine.
It's a hard job.
It would certainly do me good to
exercise with you.
Clean the rust out of the pipes.
Stop it.
Get over here!
I better keep going.
Hanging out won't reap rewards.
It's a tight schedule.
Really tight!
I have to fix this fence up
to the mountain side.
And possibly further.
Then I might catch you later
in the week.
Yes, yes.
Just put it here...
Should I order 200 or 300 yarn tapes?
I'm not sure...
You think you can just erase me
from the equation?
Who buys books for millions?
Something inside you has to break,
the heartstrings perhaps,
when the person
you think you know best,
stands in front of you
as a complete stranger.
At least
I learnt an important lesson:
to never rely on anyone but myself.
Get in the car kids.
Good luck with everything, Hrefna.
You always have a place to stay
if you need it.
She got the jeep
and most of the money.
He kept the books,
a grandfather clock and Dav
who stayed to look out
for his father.
We all need help sometimes.
Backpains or digestive problems.
Then it's good to go
to the health clinic
and get yourself fixed.
Vaccinations for everything.
Except perhaps disappointment
and sorrow.
- Just take a seat, I will call you.
- Thank you.
Here you go.
- You well?
- All Good.
How are you ladies?
Good thanks.
- I think I'm winning...
- You're winning?
They've added an extra dose
of rheumatic pills.
It's disgusting to take this
bloody poison all the time.
You're right, but it helps.
Much better to have a little slug.
That can also help.
Shall we?
Why not.
So, are you seeing anyone?
Such a pretty and bright young woman.
I don't know.
It's pretty slim pickings
around here, Helga.
Knights in shining armor
don't appear out of nowhere...
- For some carnal workout?
- Helga!
Dear god!
Sometimes a deep,
uncomfortable feeling arises
that our day
hasn't been fully utilized,
that there was something
we forgot to do...
but we can't remember
what the hell it was.
Yet the passage of time
is felt,
in people
and knitting factories.
But it would be unfair
to blame the factory's tragic demise
on one man's dreams.
Then you might lose faith in us,
and the story would collapse.
The concrete villa was replaced
by a wooden house
with 4 zodiac signs
and a pitch-black side
facing the ocean
to symbolize the end of the universe.
All the colors of the rainbow?
I guess.
My boy.
Such is life.
clean this up.
Nothing would make
your father happier,
than if you would one day,
grace this uniform.
I know Dad.
Then I haven't lived in vain.
You know...
The echo of life is the pathway.
The footsteps of our forefathers
are the pathway.
And your father
has paved the way forward for you.
Use your time well
my sweet boy.
will not get you anywhere.
Good night, Dad.
Good night
my sweet prince.
Don't let the shadows swallow you.
My dear son,
If you have any respect for me,
you will grant me this final wish
and by NO MEANS open this door.
I tried my hardest
but I have surrendered
to the shadows.
The world's beauty has vanished.
Do not enter
because I hanged myself last night.
It is a horrid sight to see
a hanged man
and doubly so
when it's your own father.
And no bloody sentimentality,
it robs you of your dignity.
Go directly to Gumundur and Slrn.
There is another letter for them
in my uniform.
Be decisive in your actions.
Now I have joined your mother.
She was the most beautiful thing
I knew in this world.
Stay strong,
and be a bigger
and better man than I.
Your forever loving father,
Hannes Jonasson.
Fate takes an unexpected turn.
Hannes the Mighty
succumbs to darkness,
like a sun that turns
into a black rock.
there is room
for a little more justice
in this world.
Are the girls not up yet?
Not up?
- They're already in the car.
- Oh.
Are you coming with us to town?
- Me?
- Yes.
You're all spruced up.
- Yeah...
- Aftershave and all.
It's just the new shower gel.
Calm down.
What are you doing today?
I'm going to keep
working on the fence.
Swap out a few posts and add wire.
Nothing I can't handle.
Go home you fool.
You're off again.
Out of breath.
On such a beautiful day.
Got to make the most of it.
I see the fence is coming along.
No rest for the wicked.
It's not that hard...
- Refreshing really.
- Indeed.
Maybe you could help me
with one pole?
- I'm all alone out here.
- Well.
I'd rather not slow the pulse down.
No, no of course not.
No problem.
Well, one loop perhaps.
- I really appreciate it.
- Yes.
Watch out for the barbwire.
- Yes.
- Just hold it tight there.
You really...
work hard...
I try to.
- I think it's in.
- Yes.
Very good.
- Good to see you...
- Thanks for...
Thanks for helping me.
Be careful.
And that's how it started.
From a far it looked like
they were wrestling.
Being a farmer
can be hard work.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Is your dad home?
Yes. Dad!
- Yes.
- It's for you.
Come on in.
Hello Elsabet.
What can I do for you?
I heard you need a housekeeper
and some help with the paperwork.
Yes. Well.
I may have mentioned it at the co-op.
I need a job.
I can start right away.
I haven't decided if I need
full time assistance or...
I can come this evening
and cook for you.
I suppose that could...
It's settled then.
See you later.
I was wondering...
If you...
Do you have a minute?
Do you have any cookbooks
in this household?
Maybe in the boxes
from the old house.
I'll see if I can dig up some
That was lovely.
And what do you want
the advert to say?
- The advert?
- Yes.
Ah. Yes.
From next Wednesday evening...
monthly lectures will be held
at Community Hall...
on things that...
The lecture
will commence promptly at 8pm.
Free coffee and refreshments.
I believe this is the only way
he will ever become a man.
It will be an uphill battle
but such is life.
Behind the fragile facade
lies hidden strength.
Please fulfil this last wish of mine.
Your friend always,
Hannes Jonasson
He was dead drunk when he wrote this.
There's no way we can take
this nonsense seriously.
How can he expect us
to appoint
a complete weakling
as an officer of the law?
A boy who crumbles
if you glance too harshly at him.
He was our dear friend, Gumundur.
Don't forget.
I know,
but this is out of the question.
It goes against all rules
and regulations!
How do you think this will look?
Let's figure out a way for him
to have a try.
And if that doesn't work,
we'll advertise the position.
It's not going to kill anyone.
I wouldn't be too sure.
Let's have a look at you sweetheart.
You look smashing.
Yes, yes, yes.
Let's see.
This is going to look so nice on you.
Don't you worry.
Let me see.
Let's tighten the jacket a bit
at the back.
Tighten it a bit...
Yes, yes.
Like that.
Hem the trousers.
Well, son.
Here are the keys to the station
and the police car.
Did you put fresh batteries
in the walkie-talkie?
- Yes.
- Where is it?
In the hallway.
Keep it with you at all times.
Channel 3 is open
if something happens.
This is a 12 week training trial.
I'll supervise you the whole time.
Then you take an exam.
But if anything goes wrong,
one tiny detail,
this uniform goes
back to its original size.
Is that clear?
in vivente
flatus universe.
Everything exists
in the breath of the universe,
though its limits
are in essence limitless.
Man can never fathom
the depths of the universe,
neither in absolute
nor abstract terms.
The universe
is an indefinable abyss...
This is total gibberish...
The universe is an indefinable abyss
beyond time and space.
Orbis indefinitus.
We should have listened
more intently.
Although few of us still attend,
we are pleased with the lectures,
proud even,
of the air of intelligence
they bring.
"Cogito, ergo sum."
"I think, therefore I am."
To quote Ren Descartes...
But we stopped turning up
and now we feel guilty.
We just have so many other things
we need to do.
...that are collectively
called meteors.
As they enter the atmosphere,
they create
a magnificent natural spectacle.
The Leonid meteor shower.
This extremely rare occurrence,
which sometimes, once in a while,
can be seen here,
in the Arctic hemisphere,
shimmering and sparkling
in the night sky.
Wow, that looks good.
Hope you like it.
Thank you.
Yes, thanks.
Did you forget something?
What... Jesus Christ.
It'll be 9.500.
I see that Perla
is expecting puppies.
She's about to burst the poor thing.
And who is the culprit?
The culprit?
What do you mean?
Just a figure of speech.
- Thanks love.
- Thanks.
Be careful.
I got some hung fish.
What mischief
have you been up to today?
- Me?
- Yes.
Nothing. I've just been
working in the garage and stuff.
What about the fence?
Still hammering away?
You'd think you're
servicing the whole countryside.
It was in pretty rotten state.
It'll be finished soon.
- When?
- Tomorrow.
I'll finish it tomorrow.
As the poet once said:
Love is the most powerful element.
It's the force that spins
the wheel of life
and prevents us
from falling into
a grey pit of despair.
My love, what's going on?
sds, what's happening?
sds, don't.
sds, please relax.
sds, let's just talk.
Let's talk, just relax.
sds, don't do it.
sds, no!
What? No!
What have you done?
My car!
What have you done?
A bullet travels fast,
even if it's fired from a sheep gun.
A fraction of a second passes
until it hits its target.
A fraction of a second
is like a snap of a finger.
But it can extend
and devour the remainder
of your days.
And the atonement
was to move to the village,
sell the farm,
the buildings,
the fields,
the heath,
every straw, each mound,
and all the childhood hiding places.
But how do you say goodbye
to a mountain?
How do you say goodbye to a ridge,
and the straws,
and the stones in the driveway?
And the Northern wind arrived,
in revenge for the tyranny of summer.
So we blew our noses,
put on wool socks
and dreamt of coffee
and warm pastries.
I'm not too rough, am I?
Didn't feel a thing.
You fell from the back of the truck?
You're lucky
you didn't break your neck.
Just bad luck.
Was it icy?
It was something.
You have to be careful
around those big machines.
- All done.
- All done, yes.
We'll remove the stitches next week.
Yes, same time next week?
Yes, well....
Sure. No problem.
I'll take the girls.
Their lunch is here.
I'll pick them up.
Come in.
- Morning.
- Hi.
- Sure.
- Girls!
We are leaving in 5 minutes.
I can't find my coat.
Look in the laundry, sweetie.
Have you stopped using milk?
much better like this.
Are you any good?
Yeah, I can play some.
- 2804, you said?
- Yes.
- Four left.
- Ok.
- And then we have 2843.
- Yes.
I found the filter...
- 87.
- Yes.
Could Kjartan and I
rehearse some music
in the stockroom after work?
- Yes.
- I don't mind.
But you know it is haunted,
don't you?
- Nonsense.
- No.
This garage is built on
the remains of an old farm.
The owner went away
for the fishing season.
When he returned home
his wife was having passionate sex
with a dark stranger.
He went berserk,
grabbed a knife,
slit their throats,
set the house on fire,
and burned everything to dust.
- Total bullshit.
- True story.
- True story?
- Yes.
Never heard this.
But good luck rehearsing boys.
Somewhere it says that dreams
not only change lives
but give birth to new ones.
The Astronomer's dreams
changed our village
but they didn't stop there,
because inside Elsabet
a dream was born
that grew and grew
and wouldn't go away,
unless she fulfilled it.
These businesses always end
in bankruptcy.
It's a natural law.
I wouldn't be doing this
if I didn't believe
in the project and myself.
I got the equipment from
a bankrupt estate.
You got the equipment there
because it's just
a self-imposed Gulag.
Sorry to say.
It's not always the case.
Blood, sweat and bankruptcy.
I think it can work.
What's this?
with a sheep sorrel salsa verde.
So good.
This kind of cultural venture
has been attempted before.
Sheep sorrel?
But it always ends with sealed doors.
Slrn, please pass me more salad.
What's in this?
Carrots with thyme vinaigrette
and spruce needles.
Spruce needles?
Who comes up with stuff like this!
One good review,
we're on the map for something other
than smallness and darkness.
Here is an orange-marinated piglet
with gin-soaked rhubarb and prunes.
- Yum!
- Should I dare?
Go for it.
It's like eating a cloud.
She has her eye
on the old knitting factory.
The Council...
will never give it up
unless you buy the whole thing.
It's a matter of principle.
It can't be making them money
as it is now?
Isn't it possible
to negotiate a deal?
It's a matter of applying
the right tactic.
Wouldn't that benefit everyone?
Perhaps we could get them
to play along.
You would think so.
That would be incredible.
What the hell,
I'm sure I can talk them into it.
- Isn't she a great cook?
- Cook?
A sorceress!
- That's what you are, a sorceress.
- Cheers!
What are we playing?
Something classic.
Classic, like Beethoven?
- Nah.
- What do you like to play?
Rock and roll.
What kind of rock and roll?
Uuh. Pelican?
- Pelican!
- Bubbi.
- Bubbi, I like Bubbi.
- Yes.
I like it.
The boys can play anything
as long as we hang in there.
Wow, the birth of a band.
When are they coming?
- Shit!
- What the hell?
Out! Out!
We can't rehearse up there,
it's swarming with ghosts!
You're not telling the guys
we can't rehearse here
because it's haunted!
What are we going to do?
Let's just release a statement
that we're the village idiots!
We constantly battle the darkness,
both externally and internally.
Yet the darkness offers us
the moon and the stars,
the light of our neighbor's house,
sex and a bottle of whiskey.
So let's not fault
the darkness too much.
You should join us
at one of our dances.
We really look forward to them.
They bring a spark
to our long winters
and the village smells of aftershave
and hairspray.
They really are a blessing.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
We're "The Good Sons"
and we'll keep you busy all night.
This song is actually really good.
It's good to see you smile.
You should smile more often.
Yes, I know.
I should smile more.
I'm going...
- I'm going to London.
- Oh, yes...
I overheard that somewhere.
Good for you.
- Yeah, you think?
- Absolutely, good to get away.
Yes, I just decided to go for it.
- You...
- What?
You look...
You look amazing tonight.
Thank you.
So do you.
- Oh no...
- Yes!
It'd be nice to catch up
when you're back.
Hear stories from London.
I could cook something nice...
or you know...
I'm inviting you to dinner Benedikt.
Oh. Right.
That sounds lovely...
What is wrong with you?
- I have to...
- I was wondering...
Hey, what's the rush?
Take me home.
The dance just started!
Isn't this a taxi?
Yes, but don't you want
to stay longer?
- No. No. No. Thank you.
- There are ladies at the dance.
So is it true?
The old grafter is going abroad?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Three beers and a coke please.
It's going great.
Thank you.
- See you backstage.
- Yes. See you in a bit.
- Everything alright?
- Yes.
You were wonderful.
See you later.
You good?
I'm good.
I thought you'd be in bed by now.
I thought I was the only person
awake in the world.
The dance was tonight.
Full house.
Was that tonight?
Everyone had a great time.
I'm absolutely exhausted.
I'm off to bed.
- Morning my love.
- Morning.
What are you doing?
What am I doing?
- I'm cooking.
- Cooking?
- Good, right?
- Sure.
- Coffee?
- Yes, please.
You've laid the table.
Remember your great-aunt, Bjrg?
No, you were just a baby
when she died.
A remarkable lady.
Married twice.
Had three children.
Her first husband died young.
Fell off a cliff
collecting puffin eggs.
The second husband crashed
a jeep into a river,
with her in the car.
Trapped in her seat,
she watched him drown.
I sometimes visited her
at the nursing home.
She was a wise old woman
and once I asked her
what is the meaning of life?
What did she say?
She pondered for while
and then said:
Life is an aimless ramble that...
That what?
Then she just died.
In mid-sentence.
It's one thing to explain
the wonders of the universe
and nuclear fusion.
But what good is it
if you're always stuck
in mid-sentence?
If you never speak from the heart,
how you really feel inside?
How do you say I love you in Latin?
How do you say it in Icelandic?
What do you think?
Hamburgers at the gas station?
Hello Elsabet.
How did it go?
Do we have a signed lease?
I'm sorry but it's not so simple.
The building is stuck in the system.
The application
must pass a legal assessment.
And how long will that take?
It can take...
6 to 12 months,
but with no guarantee of approval.
So the only way is to
buy the house outright.
Then you won't have to
deal with rules and regulations.
- Buy the house?
- Yes.
How on Earth could I afford that?
I spent all my money
on this equipment.
Maybe you can find a smaller place.
Start slowly,
open up a coffee house first.
I'll just have to try to
return some of this shit.
I am really sorry.
I did everything I could,
but it just didn't work out.
Not this time.
It's not your fault.
And then the spring came
without a warning.
It melted the snow
and stirred our spirits.
And helped Benedikt write
tender postcards
filled with...
you know with what.
Don't you?
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Welcome.
- Thanks.
- Welcome back.
- Thanks.
And thanks for all the postcards.
So nice to get such lovely cards
from abroad.
I wanted to thank you in person.
You're very welcome.
I really enjoyed writing
those postcards.
- Really.
- 4 postcards, right?
Actually, there were 7.
Even better.
There is something
I have to ask you...
Were you drunk when you wrote them?
Well, yes...
I might have been...
a little tipsy.
So, you wouldn't have
written them sober?
I absolutely would have
written them sober.
Are you sure?
Yes I...
I've never been so sure
about anything my whole life.
I'll come back tomorrow.
- You don't want to come in now?
- No, let's give it one more night.
One more night!
That's totally unnecessary!
I can't wait a whole day!
Of course you can wait.
Tomorrow I'll come back
with my suitcase and toothbrush.
And we'll have tall children,
And what can we say?
Sometimes tomorrow is so far away
it never arrives.
And heaven spread out
her starry blanket
and took urur into her arms.
We've made a down-payment
on the cottage
and can't get a refund.
This was our life-long dream.
Both of ours.
A cottage in the countryside.
Dreams change.
But they shouldn't change
into nightmares.
You can't make a capital decision
that affects both of us
by yourself.
You cannot.
It's not responsible.
It's not about you or me.
It's about being responsible!
It's about all of us!
We need to breathe life
into this village.
There's been way
too much death here lately!
You won't change that
by being irresponsible!
If you continue
two things will happen:
we'll lose a restaurant
and we'll lose a cottage.
Will you change it back
to a knitting factory when it fails?
Sometimes you have
to take the plunge.
This is my money,
my inheritance.
And I have decided to buy that house.
So the Magistrate's wife
wants to play business?
Is that it?
The Magistrate's wife?
I'm sick and tired of playing
the Magistrate's wife.
Sensible, reliable, square.
Sick and tired!
Slrn sweetheart, hold on.
Sit down and calm yourself.
You sit down and face this!
This was big news of course.
We never had a restaurant before,
only the gas station
serving hamburgers
and over-boiled hot dogs.
But Elsabet
was determined to bring us
the Mediterranean.
This is so nice!
Ladies and gentlemen.
Don't worry,
this is not another lecture
on the things that matter.
Old tales tell us that man
could not face
the countenance of God.
It would overwhelm him.
Yet, it vibrates within us.
The desire for the gaze of God.
We look for answers
on the origin and the essence of man.
It is a worthy quest.
But it cannot lead us astray
from our real purpose,
which is to live
each breath
and tremble within it.
Because life exists
in the moment.
It exists here and now.
We are made of the same elements
as the universe.
We are vast and limitless.
But it doesn't make us divine
or better Magistrates,
taxi drivers
or cooks.
Well, probably it does make us
better cooks.
Tu. Igitur.
Nihil. Vidis.
I vanished
into a dreamscape
where I
looked for answers
to the fundamental questions of life.
I plunged so deep
that I lost sight
of the most important,
directly in front of me,
on my own doorstep.
Come join us.
Welcome Benedikt.
Hello my friend.
- Would you like some red wine?
- No, thank you.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
We are all notes in the
everlasting symphony of the universe.
We are the harmony.
- Cheers.
- Cheers!
And it's good
to stay up late here.